FICCI LADIES ORGANISATION Women wing of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry 1 CONTENTS 05 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 07 FLO – THE NEw DIREcTION A special postal cover was released to commemorate the silver jubilee of Flo, 11 PLEDGE 10 November 2008, New Delhi. 15 FLO PRESIDENTS – Our Leaders Through the Years cHAPTERS 33 DELHI 41 cHENNAI 47 cOIMBATORE 51 KOLKATA 57 HYDERABAD 63 MUMBAI 69 JAIPUR 75 NORTHEAST 83 AHMEDABAD First published in India in 2014 by FIccI FLO 89 LUDHIANA copyright © FIccI FLO 95 BENGALURU FIccI, Federation House 1 Tansen Marg, New Delhi 110001 T: +91 11 2373 8760-70 103 OUR SOcIETY, OUR RESPONSIBILITY E:
[email protected] 108 International PARTNERS – FLO Spreads its wings w: 115 young flo – The Next Generation Editor: Nandita Bhardwaj 120 wOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT: A celebration Design: Suhani Arora Sen 126 EvENTS calendar 2013-2014 Printing: Archana | 130 FLO IN THE NEwS ISBN: 978-81-929290-0-2 132 AcKNOwLEDGEMENTS Disclaimer: This publication has been prepared by FIccI FLO based on the information provided by different sources. FIccI FLO does not endorse or warrant the accuracy, reliability or legality of the information published herein. FIccI FLO and its employees will not be held liable for errors or omissions or any action taken by the user of this publication based on the information provided herein. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilised in any form, or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the copyright-holder/publisher.