Palliative Care Home Care Services, Montreal Region CLSC Postal Code # of MD's # of Nurses Allied Health Professionals Hospice/H
Palliative Care Home Care Services, Montreal region CLSC Postal Code # of MD's # of nurses allied health professionals Hospice/Hospital Prognosis for palliative profile Contact # Lac St Louis H9K – H9T – H9W – H9X 3 2 OT, PT, SW, PAB West Island Palliative Care flexible 514 697-4110 X 3877 H8Y – H8Z – H9A – H9B – Pierrefonds H9C – H9E –H9G –H9H –H9K 2 2 OT, SW, PAB, nutritionist West Island Palliative Care < 1 year Dorval - Lachine H8S-H8T 1 2 OT, SW, PAB Hopital Lachine flexible 514 – 639-0063 X 14254 H4Y-H9P-H9S - H8N-H8P- flexible for RN's, but some MD's only accept < 3 Lasalle Ouest de l'ile H8R 3 2 OT, PT, SW, PAB, nutritionist Champlain, Lachine, WI PCU months 514 - 364 - 2572 X 25100 Mount Sinai, St Raphael, Glen, Jewish René-Cassin H3X- H4V- H4W 4 (Mount Sinai program) 2 PT, OT, SW, psychologist, General < 6 months 514-484-7878 X 61330 OT, PT, SW, psychologist, Mount Sinai, Glen, St Raphael, Jewish NDG/Benny Farm Cavendish H4A-H4B-H4V-H4X 5 (4 from Mount Sinai) 2 spiritual care General flexible 514) 484-7878 ext 61242 Cote-des-neiges H2V-H3P-H3R-H3S-H3T-H3V-H3W-H4P3 1 PT, OT, SW, psychologist St Raphael, Mount Sinai < 6 months 514-731-1386 X 8035 Parc Extension H3N 3 1 PT, OT, SW, psychologist St Raphael, Mount Sinai < 6 months De la Montagne Metro H3A-H3G-H3H-H3Y-H3Z 3 1 PT, OT, SW, psychologist St Raphael, Mount Sinai < 6 months (514)-934-0505 X 7290 Pointe St. Charles H3K Verdun H3E-H4E-H4G-H4H 10 3 SW, OT CHSLD Champlain < 6 months (514) 766-0546 X 53503 Sud-Ouest Verdun St Henri H3C-H3J-H4C-H4Z-H5A 10 1 OT, PT, SW CHSLD Champlain flexible 514 933-7541 X 58445 St-Louis du Parc H2T-H2W Des Faubourgs H2K-H2L-H2X-H2Z-H3R-H5B 2 2 OT, PT, SW, nutritionist Notre Dame, Marie Clarac flexible 514-527-9565 X 3624 Jeanne-Mance Plateau Mont Royal H2H-H2J 2 1 SW, OT, PT, spiritual care CHUM, Hopital Notre Dame < 6 months 514-521-1320 X 6521 Bordeaux-Cartierville H3M-H4J-H4K 3 2 SW CHSLD des Batisseurs flexible (514) 331-2572 X 4169 Bordeaux-Cartierville-St Laurent St.
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