Nassau BOCES Bid Information Contact Information Ship to Information Bid Owner Lisa Schwartz Buyer / Deputy Address PO Box 9195 Address AS INDICATED ON PURCHASE Purchasing Agent 71 Clinton Road ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF Email
[email protected] Garden City, NY 11530-9195 THIS BID. Phone (516) 396-2231 Contact Lisa Schwartz Buyer / Deputy Fax Purchasing Agent NY Department Contact Bid Number 17/18-052 Science Supplies Building Department Title 17/18-052 Science Supplies Floor/Room Building Bid Type ITB Telephone Floor/Room Issue Date 09/19/2017 Fax Telephone Close Date 10/11/2017 02:00:00 PM (ET) Email
[email protected] Fax Email Supplier Information Supplier Notes Company Name Contact Name Address Telephone Fax Email By submitting your response, you certify that you are authorized to represent and bind your company. Signature Date / / Bid Notes This bid contain a document attachment that has important information for potential bidders. Please review the attached document carefully before responding to this bid opportunity. You may respond to this bid electronically by clicking the 'Respond' button. Click the 'Help' button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to access the Suppliers Users Guide for more information on responding to bids electronically. Bid Activities Bid Messages Bid Attachments The following attachments are associated with this opportunity and will need to be retrieved separately # Filename Description Header 17-18-052 Science Supplies.pdf 17/18-052 Science Supplies Bid Attachments Requested 17/18-052 Science Supplies - Page 1 of 305 The following attachments are requested with this opportunity Bid Attributes Please review the following and respond where necessary # Name Note Response 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read ____________________ (Required) and agree to adhere to the Terms and Conditions of the bid as described in the General Terms & Conditions document that is part of this bid.