Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 9, Number 2, January 12, 1982

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Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 9, Number 2, January 12, 1982 Schmidt's economic warning to Reagan The Jesuit architects of Basque terrorism Why has the U.S. made genocide respectable? LaRouche presents four steps to halt the 1982 depression EIR Executive Intelligence Review Special Reports The special reports listed below, prepared by the EIR staff, are now available. 1. Prospects for Instability in the Arabian Gulf 5. The Significance of the Shakeup at Pemex A comprehensive review of the danger of instabil­ EIR correctly forecast the political troubles of ity in Saudi Arabia in the coming period. Includes former Pemex director Jorge Diaz Serrano, and analysis of the Saudi military forces, and the in­ this report provides the full story of the recent fluence of left-wing forces, and pro-Khomeini net­ shakeup at Pemex.lncludes profile of new Pemex works in the country. $250. director Julio Rodolfo Moctezuma Cid, implica­ tions of the Pemex shakeup for the upcoming 2. Energy and Economy: Mexico in the Year 2000 presidential race, and consequences for Mexico's A development program for Mexico compiled energy policy. $200. jointly by Mexican and American scientists.Con­ cludes Mexico can grow at12 percent annually for 6. What is the Trilateral Commission? the next decade, creating a $100 billion capital­ The most complete analysis of the background, goods export market for the United States. De­ origins, and goals of this much-talked-about tailed analysis of key economic sectors; ideal for organization. Demonstrates the role of the com­ planning and marketing purposes. $250. mission in the Carter administration's Global 2000 report on mass population reduction; in the 3. Who Controls Environmentalism P-2 scandal that collapsed the Italian government A history and detailed grid of the environmental­ this year; and in the Federal Reserve's high ist movement in the United States. Analyzes interest-rate policy. Includes complete member­ sources of funding, political command structure, ship list. $100. and future plans. $50. 7. Near-Term Prospects for Gold Price Increase 4. Prospects for Instability in Nigeria A political guide to the reasons for the recent A full analysis of Nigeria's economic develop­ decline in the price of gold, and likely price move: ment program from a political standpoint. In­ ments in the future. Includes analysis of control cludes review of federal-state regulations, analy­ over international private gold stocks, ongoing ef­ sis of major regional power blocs, and the en­ forts to corner the market, and review of scenar· vironment for foreign investors. $250 ios now in circulation for remonetizing gold.$500. ---------------------------------------------------, ! EIR ! , EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW I , I , I would like to receive these EIR.Special Reports: Name 1 , Title I t Order Number(s) Company I 0 Bill me for $ 0 Enclosed is $ : Address I , PIease c h arge to my 0 VISA 0 Master C harge I I Card No. City State Zip I I , S'Ignature Exp. Date__ Telephone ( I . ��a rea�c�oo�e �---------------------- I I I I Make checks payable to: �X.:�:I:��n::e:e::e:.���::::�t�s:::::::�:=:::.:�1���:8�: ______ 1 L ______ Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editors: Nora Hamerman. Robyn Quijano Managing Editor: Susan Johnson Art Director: Martha Zoller Contributing Editors: Uwe Parpart. Christopher White. Nancy Spannaus From the ManagingEditor Special Services: Peter Ennis INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Agriculture: Susan B. Cohen Asia: Daniel Sneider Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg Economics,: David Goldman European Economics: Laurent Murawiec Energy: William Engdahl Europe: Vivian Freyre Zoakos Latin America: Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus Middle East: Robert Dreyfoss Military Strategy: Steven Bardwell Science and Technology: Marsha Freeman Soviet Sector: Rachel Douglas United States: Graham Lowry INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bogota: Carlos Cota Meza Bonn: George Gregory. Rainer Apel Chicago: Paul Greenberg Copenhagen: Vincent Robson Houston: Harley Schlanger. Nicholas F. Benton Los Angeles: Theodore Andromidas Mexico City: Josefina Menendez Milan: Stefania Sacchi. Marco Fanini Monterrey: M. Luisa de Castro New Delhi: Paul Zykofsky Paris: Katherine Kanter. ineteen eighty-two is the year that will witness Sophie Tanapura N whether the u.s. Rome: Leonardo Servadio economy reaches a financial and physical "point of no return," or Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy whether an informed and aroused citizenry will take responsibility for United Nations: Nancy Coker Washington D.C.: Richard Cohen. reversing depression conditions. Laura Chasen. Susan Kokinda In this issue, we present three statements by EIR founder Lyndon Wiesbaden: Philip Golub, Mary Lalew!e, Thierry Lalevee. Barbara Spahn H. LaRouche to that end: an outline of the policy measures required; an urgent reminder that Americans are at this moment allowing mass Executive Intelligence Review (ISSN 0273-6314) murder to proceed globally, having left strategic decisions to a is published weekly (50 issues) except [or the second week o[Julyandjirstweek ofJanuary by pathetic but genocide-minded 'gaggle of would-be patricians; and, in New Solidaritv InternationalPress Service 304 W.5l1thSireet. New York. N. Y. 100/9. the final part of his series of articles on systems analysis, a specification In Europe: Executive I ntelligence Review, of the scien tific basis of adequate economic theory. Nachrichten Agentur GmbH, Postfach 2308, 0.6200 Wiesbaden Tel: 30-70-35 Credit, as Mr. LaRouche has often commented, is simply a means Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich, Michael Liebig to an end, a subordinate artifact for the purpose of mediating techno­ In Mexico: EIR, Francisco Diaz Covarrubias 54 A-3 logical and educational progress. To allow the Federal Reserve to Colonia San Rafael, Mexico OF.Tel: 592-0424. Japan subscription sales: determine what may and may not be produced, instead of making O.T.O. Research Corporation Takeuchi Bldg. credit volume and flows a function of the needs of increasing produc­ 1-34-12 Takatanobaba Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160 tivity, is an insane dictatorship from which we must rid ourselves in Tel: (03) 208-7821 1982 with all due joy and urgency. Copyright © 1981 New Solidarity International Press Service All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Second-class postage paid at New York, New York and at additional mailing offices. Subscription by mail for the U.S.: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225, I year-$396, Single issue-$ IO Academic library rate: $245 per year ITillContents Departments Economics 11 Science & Technology 4 Four steps to get out of NASA vs. Stockman: the the new depression XV-IS potential. By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. 12 Interview 6 Paul Volcker unveils his Jean-Claude Martini, a warfare agenda for leading Paris gold trader. 1982 16 Energy Insider 8 Mitterrand's economic A plan to dismantle energy. policies: galloping toward a disaster 35 Interview Akbar Ehemad, former 10 Currency Rates chief of Iran's nuclear power program. 14 Foreign Exchange Rollercoaster for the dollar. 42 Middle East Report Menachem Begin's 15 Banking calculations. Paul Volcker to the rescue. 43 Dateline Mexico 17 W orid Trade An end-of-the-year economic package. 18 Business Briefs Many of you are continuing to for which Lyndon LaRouche and this receive telephone solicitation from an publication stand, and have thrown in unsavory group operating out of De­ their lot with the evil forces of Dope, troit which were formerly distributors Inc. and the Global 2000 genocide of EIR. These people are seeking sub­ lobby. scriptions to a newsletter called Pro­ The Detroit group operates under ducers & Investors, and in some cases the name of Inform America, Inc. If they are soliciting business invest­ you are contacted by this group and ments of a questionable nature. you are asked to subscribe to Produc­ In many cases these people are ers & Investors, Parity Newsletter, representing themselves as EIR, or American Labor Beacon, or to invest are telling you that they have pur­ money in businesses such as Renais­ chased EIR's subscription list. This is sance Printing or Computype, please a lie. These people have no affiliation advise us immediately. And do not whatsoever with EIR or with EIR's allow any charges for EIR to be made founder Lyndon LaRouche. They payable to Inform America or any have in fact abandoned the principles Detroit-based entity. Volume 9 Number 2 January 12, 1982 Special Report International National 28 Economic dangers 46 Why genocide is now worst, Schmidt respectable in the U.S. warns Reagan Selections fr om Mr. An analysis of the U .S.- LaRouche's Dec. 31 speech West German summit in to the ICLC conference. Washington, the extraordinary press climate 52 AAAS meeting backs surrounding it, and the Global 2000 premises potential Reagan The American Association administration shifts in for the Advancement of EIR the aftermath. ing the New ork conference of the Interna­ Science conference in tional Caucus of Labor Committees on Dec. 31, Washington, D.C. 1981. PhilipUJanowsky/NSJPS Documentation: Excerpts from U.S. press 54 Pratt decision aimed to commentary, from a throw Senate vote Schmidt interview, and from the official communique. Last month's federal court 20 Systems analysis is ruling against Sen. Harrison white-collar genocide 32 Drug overlords tied to Williams's due-process motions in the Abscam case. Part Three of LaRouche's the Dozier case? dissection of econometric The Mafia,Red Brigades, fraud turns to the geometric 55 Sheridan's operations and NATO angles. and philosphical principles against Teamsters underlying an economic The third and finalpart approach that corresponds 34 The fight for nuclear of EIR 's dossier. to the scientificlaws of the technology imports universe. Future EIR A report on an international 58 Princeton and tht! contributions on this subject conference in Mexico. will include Economics Chris Schmid case Editor David Goldman's 38 ETA: a case study in Former Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, in a history of "statistical" the Jesuit control economics from William Supreme Court case which of terrorism Petty to the Whaiton has drawn wide attention, School.

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