NEWSLETTER Santo Tirso / Trofa July / August 2019
NEWSLETTER Santo Tirso / Trofa July / August 2019 The English teachers at the Institute; Vera, Matt, Alex, Paula, Ana, Michelle and Manny want to wish all the students a GREAT, AMAZING, FANTASTIC summer. We hope you enjoy the sun, the warm weather and RELAX, RELAX, RELAX Before you know it, it will be September again, and school again. HAVE FUN!!! Here are some FUN summer We are not going to say goodbye, we’re activities: going to say: Ride a bike See you later, alligator. Have a picnic In a while, crocodile. Visit the library Out the door, dinosaur. Go to a museum Chop chop, lollipop. Go to the beach See you soon, baboon. Bake cookies Take care, polar bear. Dance, dance, dance Give a hug, ladybug. Wash the car In an hour, sunflower. Play with sprinklers Maybe two, kangaroo. Have a water balloon fight Better swish, jellyfish. Take lots of photos Chow chow, brown cow. Watch a movie Better shake, rattlesnake. Eat ice-cream Bye bye, butterfly. Climb a tree Gotta go, buffalo. Help a neighbour Let’s jam, Sam. Visit a waterpark Blow a kiss, goldfish. Sing Be sweet, parakeet. Have a barbecue Read a book Go to a park and play games Do you know who these ‘famous’ babies are? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (1. Adele; 2. Angelina Jolie; 3. George Clooney; 4. Lada Gaga; 5. Justin Timberlake; 6. Channing Tatum; 7. Gigi Hadid; 8. Jennifer Lopez; 9. Tom Cruise; 10. Sam Smith) Did you know that these famous people’s real names are: Bruno Mars – Peter Gene Hernandez Katy Perry – Katheryn Hudson Jamie Foxx – Eric Marlon Bishop Jay Z – Shawn Corey Carter Prince Harry – Henry Charles Albert David Iggy Azalea – Amethyst Amelia Kelly Calvin Harris – Adam Richard Wiles Pink – Alecia Beth Moore John Legend – John Roger Stephens Snoop Dog – Calvin Cirdozar Broadus Ludacris – Christopher Brian Bridges Vin Diesel – Mark Sinclair Vincent These are the top 10 highest paid stars.
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