It should be dog friendly.

Recommend we look at the Venus Beach cafe at Bigbury and Blackpool Sands.

You should look at the cafe in at the western end of the promenade near the pier. Starting as a temporary building it has developed into something more permanent with some hard fixed seating based on the kiosk principle with serving hatches. They sell seafood snacks in small plastic dishes with white wine or beer. There are ample bins for disposal of dishes. They do not use glass in case of breakages in a seaside environment.

I think it a very good idea to introduce a cafe and perhaps other mobile outlets at the space at Orcombe Point. A cafe selling good quality hot drinks (Yorkshire tea, real coffee, hot chocolate), cold drinks, sandwiches/paninis, home-made cakes and ice cream, alongside lavatory/washing facilities. Another outlet alongside could perhaps sell good quality hot snacks. Not too much to ask!

It would be nice to see a cafe/restaurant on similar lines to The Longboat at Budleigh But in the short term we do need to have some refreshment outlet for the summer.

Very good to read the piece in relation to the desire to see Café facilities at Orcombe Point.

It's not clear from the article if the council are building and then letting or whether you are expecting an owner to come forward with capital monies?

Opening up debate with the public is always welcome however they aren't spending their own money and I suspect the wish list will be quite lengthy! There may be a mismatch between the wants of the public and the potential for an individual to get a return on their investment if the expectations are too great to meet?

I'm very positive about our town and the visitor experience so if I can help I would be more than willing to do so.

If you are passing anytime please feel free to pop by for a chat

Thank you for allowing me and others the opportunity to submit our thoughts and ideas for the regeneration of Orcombe Point, and specifically, the Cafe idea.

Although I understand there are no specifics so far, I believe it would be of great benefit to the local community, its residents and of course tourists, to have a small eateries of some sorts nearby. Such a beautiful area of natural beauty is deserving of an outlet such as a small cafe that would pull even more people into the area and more importantly, keep them there longer.

so I know from personal experience how much a service like this is appreciated by the community, particularly when it employs local people and supports local producers.

Whatever decision you and your colleagues arrive at , I wish you to know that you have my full support and if I can help in any way I would gladly help.

I am interested in proposing my ideas for the café at Orcombe Point.

I would be interested in occupying the space

I am sure there has been lots of interest in the site, but really think our presence could add something special to an area that we absolutely love.

The idea would be:

 Provide high quality sea food delivered direct to the beach.  We would of course also offer children friendly food to suit the family market.  Branded representatives taking orders with hand held devices on the beach.  Run a proof of concept from temporary premisses this summer.  The idea is to provide a Mediterranean style experience on Beach.  We believe that the food will bring people to the location - we are sourcing the best ingredients and have a fantastic chef.

I very much appreciate the interest you are taking with your time in dealing with this subject.

I can assure you a great many of our Exmouth Residents which we connect with are in favor of the reopening of a cafe at Orcombe.

We would ask you to look at every available aspect in what consideration you could give to the best placement, it's cost and size.

The existing Toilet Block i would think is worth contemplating as a viable renovation project because it has a nice facade and has been well built.

It may take another floor so to give it the benefit of a Balcony above as it has such a waste of it's lovely views.

At the moment it is closed for 6 months each year and cost money, the down side is it has hardly any frontage, but i do feel it should be looked at.

We do have Tourists and Holiday visitor's from Sandy Bay walking to and from Exmouth which on a busy weekend can be counted in Thousands.

You are aware that in 2013 our town hall admitted the fact that those walkers might think they had taken a trip back in time,thanks to all the maps which 'like the one at Orcombe Point' which pointed out things that had been demolished and closed, as well as our public toilets, and Refreshments at Orcombe.

This End has an area which would take a reasonable size cabin with toilets with outside seating and possibly a canopy that would keep costs reasonable.

I am a admirer of the material's used to build the new Ice Cream Kiosk which i have been told cost just over half of what the Uni-sex toilet cost.

This needs no maintenance is very strong and weather proof, looks good and can be any shape and size, and easy and quick to build.

It is a mistake to assume people can afford Restaurant prices, i personally can not afford to have a meal in the new Rock Fish Cafe next to Mamhead.

Yes we need a variety of different Restaurants, but we have around 20 in the whole of Exmouth and any new outlets you intend for Queens Drive will not survive on our Inclement and Seasonal Seafront.

But i am sure that a cafe that caters for walkers as the Harbour View always concentrates on, it will succeed if the overheads are reasonable.

We may not agree on some things Mark but i do know you have the best for Exmouth in your heart, and i was always pleased to see you with the tidy group.

I do not think the Ocean Blue will ever cover it's costs in it's present form, if it was turned into a gambling casino and in it would be fine, It has been a mistake as a Bowling Ally, although a Hotel may help by being next door, but any retail with out apartments above which "i hope our council will never allow" will never be the answer for a successful Queens Drive, If you ever want to visit the Quay which i live we can have a coffee and i will show you how empty it is in winter.

I was a great advocate of the Master-Plans which i think were inspirational, in improving the dire old Camperdown Council area, the Estuary side and Victoria Way, the rear of the Station and leading into the Parade and the Magnolia Centre and why these priority objectives were all of a sudden changed to the Exmouth Splash Children's Play area's.

This was the biggest disappointment

I think it was you who was asking for ideas for a new cafe for Orcombe Point? I never saw the original cafe but I suggest that part of its appeal was its lofty position. My suggestion is to make the new cafe two stories high giving an elevated view of the land and seascape from the upper (cafe) floor. The lower storey might be used as an environmental centre or a hire point for kayaks etc. A nice touch would be to create an entry point at first floor level from the zigzag path via a gantry.

Following the article published recently, regarding a cafe/mobile concession at Orcombe Point, we would like to offer the following suggestion.

We would like to propose that, over the upcoming Easter period 14-17 April, , to gauge public opinion of whether a mobile or permanent solution is preferable to both locals and holiday makers alike. Other relevant questions could be also be asked.

We recently had a brief chat with Councillor Steve Gazzard, who suggested we contact yourselves regarding this idea.

Our background is

We would be grateful if you could let us know your thoughts.

Hi just putting my bit in , I'm thinking as it's a popular cycling/running/walking area and to keep in the healthy plus traditional food of a cafe plus being on top of sea, fresh grilled hot fish fillet rolls and the normal egg,,sausage, bacon ect.and if you happened to need someone to cook and run this I am more than willing as

.anyway love the idea that you are considering a new cafe I like to sit down there on rough day when were not out and a cupa and roll would be iceing on the cake.thank you

I am delighted to hear that consideration is being given to a new cafe at Orcombe Point. As you know I take a keen interest in future developments in Exmouth and have involved myself in a number of groups where opinions and ideas on the subject are aired. I would like to stress, however, that the views I offer in the notes below represent only my own, individual thoughts on the proposal. I see little benefit in considering temporary options for the site. We have been without a cafe there for some time now and I think neither locals nor tourists expect to see something there imminently. I think it would be far better to ensure that the long-term solution is given proper consideration. I think any new cafe at Orcombe point should - - preferably be on site of old cafe, if feasible - be of modest proportions using natural, local materials in keeping with the sensitivity of its location - fit in with its natural backdrop. - have serious thought given to the positioning and screening of necessary large refuse and recycling containers - be economically and ecologically sustainable Can conditions be put in place to limit possible noise and light pollution? Care must be taken not to take more trade away the from the several excellent, established restaurants which we already have in the town itself. The idea of having another ‘up-market’ fish restaurant at Orcombe Point dismays me. We have Rockfish and The River Exe Cafe both of which specialise in seafood and both of which are not affordable for many local people or tourists. No doubt, sadly, the prime site of The Harbour View Cafe is also destined to become such an establishment in the future. If that is the case, at Orcombe point we will need a proper English seaside cafe to replace something that will be a sad loss. It needs to be affordable, offering simple English cooked cafe type food and drink. It needs to reflect the character of what Exmouth IS and what has made it a wonderful home and a characterful resort to visit until recently. A cafe at Orcombe point should welcome all, including - *Dogs (with owners) *Walking boots, possibly muddy (with owners) *Two-wheel enthusiasts (lycra or leather acceptable) *Sandy shoes, paws and buggy-wheels It should be informal, relaxed and comfortable in all weather and seasons, open daily, all year round from early in the morning. It should provide – *disabled access and accessible toilets *indoor and outdoor seating areas. Regarding the long-term options, you are quoted as saying that “It is the private sector that will deliver it.” Does putting it out to tender mean that companies from out of the area, national companies who have no local connection could end up building and running it? In that case, it is hard to believe that the community are likely to be allowed any effective input into what then happens. There must be many local, independent, cafe and small restaurant businesses who have been just waiting for such an opportunity to arise and would just jump at it. Lets support and encourage these local businesses and give them a chance. My personal view is that it needs to be run by * local independent traders * those committed to trading all year round, seven days a week * those who have a track record of catering for Exmouth’s local population and have an understanding of our particular type of tourist trade and the needs, tastes and spending- limitations of the local community, day and weekend visitors and seasonal tourists. I hope you will find my comments useful, convey them to others and bear them in mind when decisions are being made.

I was surprised to read in this weeks Journal that you were seeking the views of all residents and visitors that use the east end of the seafront regarding the plans for a cafe in this location. I am assuming that this includes the over 60s, even though we thought you were not interested in their views, though this is the biggest demographic in Exmouth, and of course the age group that actually pay the Council Tax that allows EDDC to operate at all. However, I should like to take this opportunity to say that this part of the seafront has sorely missed the mobile cafe that used to be here but was removed, and we are sure that some sort of replacement would be very well received.

Whilst we have your attention, we should also like to make a plea that all of the public conveniences that are still available on the seafront should remain open all year round, including the one on the Maer. Small children using the excellent playpark there do not understand that the toilets are closed all through the winter, and neither do we.

We should like to thank you for the opportunity of offering our views on these matters.

I saw an article in the Exmouth journal today about a café at orcombe point Exmouth and to send ideas to you,i think it would be a good idea to have a traditional permanent café built at orcombe point and for it to be run by who at the moment has harbour view café, harbour view café is a lovely café and everyone is welcome there including dog walkers it has a nice welcoming atmosphere to it unlike some of the seafront eateries and she and her staff would be perfect to run this café, we need a nice family orientated café in Exmouth that has reasonable prices for everyone not some modern café run by yuppies who charge a fortune for a little cup of coffee

As this year has sensibly been suggested to be a trial year I would suggest allowing a small number of different traders pitches along that area. This would minimise risk and cost to the council and allow people to vote with their feet as to what type of outlet is popular and viable for the traders. This small scale approach would also allow new, possibly young and inventive traders the possibility to get a start without having to commit to an expensive lease.

Should a pertinent cafe get the go ahead my wish list would include:

Dog friendly in at least part

Covered outdoor seating as well as indoor seating, not just sun umbrellas

Simple quick food beyond breakfast: pizza, panini, crepe, etc

breakfast style food including bacon butties


Quality coffee as well as cheaper filter coffee refills

At some point good toilets, beach showers and changing facilities would be nice.

My long term dream would be to take the entire road away from the sea front so you could walk by the sea and not by a road with permanent independent cafes jutting into a broad walkway as a great many Brits now enjoy when they holiday in Europe but fail to find on their return where seafront is synonymous with car park and main road.

At least getting rid of the ghastly swannery is a start but please do not replace it with mega corporate food and retail outlets. There are many enterprising people in this country who need somewhere to get started.

I think a café / eatery at Orcombe Point is great idea and I’ve always felt a permeant establishment here has been missed, and a missed opportunity. As a local resident and keen beach user I think what I would like to see is possible an oxy- moron, but is somewhere nice, but somewhere where a mortgage isn’t required to purchase four coffees. Unfortunately I think the Harbour View Café and DJ’s Diner both had the wrong image for this location and would like to see something more akin to the recently re-built ice cream kiosk opposite the fun park. An establishment similar to Café Ode at Ness or Gara Rock would be superb for this area, with lots of outside seating. Has anyone thought to approach the RNLI to see if it something they would be interested in trialing. A sea front café where the proceeds go back to looking after the people who use the sea front seems apt. I think it is important that the vendors in this location are local and are sourcing local produce and making the most of this fantastic location. Inspiration should definitely be sourced from La Cantina Street Kitchen and The River Exe Café to name a few. It should also be open until later in the evening as it would encourage more beach users, it should be run for the convenience of the customers, residents and visitors to Exmouth, not the vendors. Better street lighting along this stretch should also be looked into along with lighting that illuminates the beach for evening walkers. Currently the lighting is incredibly poor. This would also assist in eliminating some of the anti-social behavior and particularly litter dropping currently causing problems in the area. Unfortunately whatever is decided is bound to not suit everyone but that just goes to show that this area is used by diverse socio-economic groups of all ages. Whilst on the subject I know that many people are against the use of motorhomes at the seafront. I personally do not see too much of an issue with this but can also see a missed opportunity here. It may be worth considering introducing a limited number of motorhome spaces (wider than normal) with solar electric hook ups and a fresh and waste water point. I have no doubt that most motorhome users would be happy to pay for such facilities in this great location and therefore additional revenue would be raised. Once these limited spaces are full then motorhomes should be encouraged to use the large car park behind Forte café, which for some reason is locked overnight. What a shame. This too could have larger spaces for motorhomes and the toilet blocks could incorporate a shower block for campers. I appreciate that some of these ideas may seem ambitious but with other proposed developments on the sea front being looked at, why not be ambitious? Whilst we are on that subject, largely I think the sea front development is a good idea but please, please, please don’t divert Queens Drive. One of the fantastic things about Exmouth is that you can drive the length of the sea front. If the road is diverted around the development we will lose this lovely feature of the town.

Regarding the orcombe point planning and the current regeneration of exmouth it would be great if the current owners of Harbour View could run a cafe at the zig zag. It would be especially welcome if it was dog friendly as a lot of local dog owner use the beach regularly and particularly orcombe point end in the summer.

Harbour View Cafe is has been an absolute gem. The staff are always friendly and welcoming and it's great to be able to take dogs in. It is always popular and I'm sure if they had the opportunity to run the cafe at the zig zag they would be supported. Please give them the chance .

I am writing in response to the advert in the paper about a potential cafe at Orcombe point. I think this is a brilliant idea, and we have been saying how that part of the beach lacks a cafe/shop especially in the summer & Autumn months.

From May to the end of September I would have it be open 7 days a week from 8am - 6pm. The cafe by the RNLI has huge queues every time it opens. Yet it never opens early enough and hardly during the week in the off season, such a shame. Also to stay open till 6-7pm in the summer months as people are out walking, running, swimming etc till gone 8pm.. So if it were open till 6:30pm even in the summer holidays, I think it would benefit.

I would sell cold and hot drinks, a small menu of freshly made to order sandwiches, chips, crisps, fruit, and ice creams.. Keep it simple, fresh local food and beach hut style.... it doesn't need to be a big cafe... A few tables & chairs outside if you have the room.

In the winter months, I would suggest may be only opening for a few hours in the morning from say 9-12pm for the dog walkers and then Friday, Saturday and Sunday open 10-4pm... Just some thoughts... you have huge footfall there and it really needs a cafe.

I have just seen the article in the Journal asking for comments.

As a regular walker down to the Point, my wife and I would like to see something in place as soon as possible. This would obviously mean a mobile cafe for this year. For the longer term I think the zigzag site would be preferable, but as the article states, planning permission would be needed, so perhaps target that for 2018.

I am an Exmouth resident and for Orcombe Point I favour a mobile facility similar to the one at Bantham, South (see image below), serving nice coffee, cakes and snacks. No greasy fast food or noisy generators please!

The Cafe Subject.

Please make it a Jurassic opportunity knocks.

Plus chance here to get Edith Pratt on the map.

1. A Jurassic name for the Cafe.

2. An A3 wall display internally showing history of cafe back to 1920's with available photographs. These refreshments originally provided by a tenant of the Pratt Family who, at one stage, paid the Pratts £10 a season to have the facility on Pratt land.

3. So; here is a link to the Pratt family, they left 126 acres to the N.T. An excuse to get a second A3 display, about them and Edith Pratt O.B.E. 4. Then, perhaps, externally in the circular area somewhere, there's space for the Blue Plaque which could be offered to Mike Tracey. It is 100 years since Edith received her O.B.E. from King George V. August 24th 1917.

Cllrs Lynne Elson, Pat Graham and Jeff Trail will have first hand knowledge of the Centenary Celebrations in London.

St Pauls Cathedral commemoration and Palace Garden Party. An appropriate Church in Exmouth could take the lead from London particularly as our first OBE was in the original awards introduced by George V.

Some suggestions from a Exmouthian.

Position near bottom of the zig zag steps backing onto cliff. Away from the storms a bit.

Seated area inside please

Seating outside/part cover

Long opening hours

Brick built.Exmouth is a brick town

Glass fronted with taking advantage of the views in all directions over the sea.

Place to park bikes and motor bikes.

2 floors at least.

Sea side theme would work.


Outside viewing area

Easy access- lift

Separate express servery for ice creams etc. Room for a long queue away from cafe entrance.

There is a small chain of beach cafes in the South Hams trading under the name "Venus" which seem to be very successful in a similar location. They all have good reviews on Trip Advisor and from visitors. Perhaps they would be interested in an Exmouth location, following on from Rockfish who also have branches in South Devon and now here.

After reading an article in the Journal just now about a proposed cafe for Orcombe Point, I thought I must say how much we have missed having the mobile cafe there.

Whether a permanent one is built, or another mobile one comes, I really don't mind.

Orcombe Point is such a lovely area to walk, sit and relax, or play games, that not having anywhere to have a drink, snack or ice cream, is a great loss. I'm sure many more people must miss it to, and would welcome some form of cafe there.

If only Harbour View Cafe could be moved there!!

Hopefully, before the summer, we will be able to have our refreshments once again.

I am writing to say that obviously a permanent cafe at Orcombe Point will be very desirable, but in the meantime, a suggestion is a range of food vans as seen at Bantham beach.

These vans sold high quality food rather than basic refreshments.

I am a regular walker along the sea front and always had an idea a cafe was very much needed in this area , but never knew who to approach I would be more than happy to work with the council , with a view to running a cafe at orcombe point whether a modern static one or investing in building a permanent development that will be open all year round . i hope that we can get something together

If it is intended to have a cafe at Orcombe Point in the future, I would like the site to be offered in the first instance to the - the current owner of the Harbour View Cafe on Exmouth Seafront.

Myself, along with countless other people are greatly saddened by the impending closure of the Harbour View, Exmouth. A wonderful traditional seaside cafe that has been family run for 40 years.

It has been much more than just a cafe, it has been a place the elderly can enjoy just a small cup of tea for as many hours as they choose and a second home for some. Also, there are not many eating establishments that allow dogs inside.

The Harbour View have enjoyed the loyalty of customers over this period. Will people be loyal to the Queens Leisure Area when it built - I doubt it very much.

Regarding the Café site at Orcombe Point, my idea will seem rather whimsical, but I often compare the location to a site in Juan Les Pins, where there is a similar situation with a café/bar facing west into the evening sun. A very special café could be created just under the red rocks of Orcombe, built on stilts with terraces around it so that the westerly view could be harnessed. Instead of the usual basic coffee shop. why not upgrade to a smart Cocktail Bar serving drinks and light snacks and really put Exmouth on the map?!

I am writing in response to the request in the Exmouth Journal to send thoughts and ideas relating to a new food outlet opening at Orcombe Point. I am finding it difficult to disentangle this from the planned closure of Harbour View Cafe in August. The facility which Harbour View offers seafront users is all day opening from early in the morning, serving good value, reasonably priced refreshment and a welcome to families and animals. When this is gone, Queens Drive will have no such facility on offer for a number of years to come and people who like what Harbour View offers will be unlikely to be enticed into the barn- like Ocean building, in my opinion. Consequently, I would suggest that what is needed at Orcombe Point is a facility to match that which is being withdrawn – namely a cafe which welcomes children and dogs, serving good value food with long opening hours. The issue of toilet facilities could easily be sorted if the existing toilets near to Orcombe Point were actually open. Rockfish is a high end, expensive restaurant at the Marina end of the seafront with a limited clientele. It would be missing the whole family/animal friendly market to replicate this at the Orcombe Point site. I would hope to see a low rise building sensitive to, and in keeping with, its fabulous surroundings and using sustainable materials.

I would like to see what there was in previous years, a simple self contained truck like you see at fairs and carnivals. When I walked the beach or cliffs from Sandy Bay I would stop for a drink, ice cream, sandwich, chips or miscellanous snacks. It was a nice break before walking on to Exmouth. I don’t see the need for a sit down cafe in a permanent building. Not only will this take much longer to implement but not everybody wants to spend time sitting inside a building.

I am a regular walker along the sea front and always had an idea a cafe was very much needed in this area , but never knew who to approach I would be more than happy to work with the council , with a view to running a cafe at orcombe point whether a modern static one or investing in building a permanent development that will be open all year round . i hope that we can get something together

As a regular dog walker for many years - up and down the zig zag path - I remember a little café tucked into the wall just before the descent to the road. This café served light refreshments, no chips, burgers etc. It was popular. However, in later years a mobile van arrived at the point of entry to the beach which was noisy with its generator continuously in operation, its smell of discarded frying litter and chairs randomly arranged. The peace and quiet of this very successful traffic free zone completely destroyed.

IF there is to be a café, which I don't think is necessary, let it be similar to the original café at the foot of the zig zag path.

As this year has sensibly been suggested to be a trial year I would suggest allowing a small number of different traders pitches along that area. This would minimise risk and cost to the council and allow people to vote with their feet as to what type of outlet is popular and viable for the traders. This small scale approach would also allow new, possibly young and inventive traders the possibility to get a start without having to commit to an expensive lease.

Should a pertinent cafe get the go ahead my wish list would include:

Dog friendly in at least part

Covered outdoor seating as well as indoor seating, not just sun umbrellas

Simple quick food beyond breakfast: pizza, panini, crepe, etc breakfast style food including bacon butties


Quality coffee as well as cheaper filter coffee refills

At some point good toilets, beach showers and changing facilities would be nice.

My long term dream would be to take the entire road away from the sea front so you could walk by the sea and not by a road with permanent independent cafes jutting into a broad walkway as a great many Brits now enjoy when they holiday in Europe but fail to find on their return where seafront is synonymous with car park and main road.

At least getting rid of the ghastly swannery is a start but please do not replace it with mega corporate food and retail outlets. There are many enterprising people in this country who need somewhere to get started.

Just a few ideas for a new cafe at Orcombe point...

I thought maybe have it in the shape of a dinosaur to reflect the start of of the , while my wife thought about having it look like a cave with fossils embedded in the walls. I know these ideas would cost more than a typical structure, but it would be a real talking point and would do justice to this important part of our coastline.

I understand you are looking for views on a proposed cafe at Orcombe Point.

I would have no objection to a cafe which would be in keeping with the tranquil and peaceful nature of Exmouth beach and which would:-

Stand on the site of the old cafe by the steps to the zigzag path Serve ice cream, warm and cold drinks, sandwiches, cakes etc Close by 18.00. Not have facilities for frying, either deep or shallow due to the smells Be provided with refuse bins to be emptied daily to deal with the additional rubbish generated

Orcombe Point is enjoyed and visited by many who enjoy the scenery and who come to walk along the beach and the coastal path. It is reasonable to provide facilities for visitors and locals to help them enjoy their visit. What must not happen is for this area to become a money making development opportunity which is not in keeping with the simple pleasures enjoyed at this end of Exmouth Beach. People come to walk, exercise themselves and their dogs and enjoy the scenery not to partake of fast food from a chain. This must never be allowed to happen. A cafe yes anything bigger certainly not.

We are writing to put forward our idea and proposal for a cafe concession at the Orcombe Point site.

We believe our idea would make great use of the site, attracting additional visitors to the area due to its quirky nature and would make the ideal location for us.

We would like to propose a mobile cafe sited on the pedestrianised area after the roundabout, close to the original cafe site. This mobile cafe would be in the form of a Double Decker bus converted into a cafe. The top deck would be seating with tables and chairs/bench seating (Around 28 seats) which would allow customers to enjoy the spectacular views of the Jurassic coast, come rain or shine.

Downstairs is where the kitchen and serving area would be located, along with a serving hatch to the side, enabling a take away service for customers and for outside seated customers where we would hope to locate more tables and chairs. This outside seating area could also extend up onto the old footprint of the original cafe for customers to use and enjoy the views.

To help enable you to see our vision we have attached some images courtesy of google to give you an idea of what we would hope to achieve in terms of the look of the bus.

Opening hours – Open to suggestions but would aim to be open for the majority of daylight hours, 7 days a week for the summer season and limited hours in the winter months depending on footfall.

Food and drink offering – From discussions we have had with friends and family who all live locally and use the beach weekly, they have all said they would like a simple and fresh offering giving them options to take food with them onto the beach or eat at the site. We propose to offer freshly made sandwiches and baguettes, freshly made salad bowls, light hot snacks including jacket potatoes with fillings, pastries, hot and cold drinks and ice creams – we also aim to offer seaside themed food with the likes of a selection of locally caught cockles and crab sticks.

Overall we would aim to keep the offering simple and fresh, allowing customers to eat on site or take back to their beach location to enjoy. We are also open to suggestions on food provision if there is a difference from our suggestions, to the requested offerings that may have been sent in to yourself from the public.

Toilet facilities – If there is potential for the council to make use of the under stairs area of the old site for WC’s this could work or offer mobile WC’s near to the bus. Alternatively, we can advise customers to make use of the public toilets located further up the road.

Utilities – Ideally we would require an electrical mains hook up at the site for power (Otherwise run from a generator) Water mains connection required or a connection point nearby to enable us to fill fresh water tanks daily. Wastage – outside storage bin would need to be stored nearby. We would also provide small bins for customers to use, located around the outside seating area.

Bus mobility – We would ideally like to keep the bus at the site overnight to save time and costs daily, we would obviously move it when its predicted bad weather or high tides.

Customers considered – Jurassic coast visitors, walkers, dog walkers, beach goers and general visiting public – All of which we would be able to offer a service to.

In terms of the outside look and colour of the bus, we are open to keeping it simple in possibly red, or a theme using the Jurassic coast and could potentially tie it in with the dinosaur theme currently in use within the town and seafront making it a destination. The bus could be wrapped in this theme to tie it in.

We truly believe this offering will appeal to all walks of life and we would provide an exceptional standard of service to our customers. We are both from Exmouth and have lived here all our lives and would love to be able to offer and run this service for the people of Exmouth and visitors.

I am completely against the closure of the harbour view cafe as it is exactly what exmouth should be about. Everyone is welcome including children and dogs for lunch or a snack after a walk on the beach without taking out a mortgage. I think the route the council is taking is the wrong one and soon exmouth residents will leave and there will just be million pound establishments to stay empty just like the development on the old swimming pool site. This town would become a place that i would never visit.

However, if they really have to close then it would be great to relocate them to Orcombe point which may calm the uproar currently happening from Exmouth Residents.

Re your request for ideas for Orcombe Point: I would think that an eating place of some kind would be a good idea. The zig zag path is fine for fit people but the less able cannot use that to access the cliff top and obelisk. If a lift of some kind could be included to enable people easier access I am sure it would be an attractive addition. Toilets would be a good idea too.

It is with great excitement and anticipation to see what will happen with the refreshments option at Orcombe Point.

and still enjoy a walk along the beachfront and as with so many others a tad disappointed that there is nothing at the end. Hearing that the council are keen and interested in putting something back there is great news. For me its twofold - one as a local interested in what happens to the town and one who has a local business that falls in the catering industry.

Firstly, and I am sure you are the same, believe there is an amazing opportunity here, not just having a café but making a statement with a building that will not only provide people refreshments but attract them there too. The location is very unique so I think that the café should also be unique.

Just another café wont do.

When you look at the success of places like Café Ode in Shaldon, who have receive fantastic reviews. In particular a review in the Guardian which includes the key points that I think the café at Orcombe should aspire to - "the cafe serves affordable family food with a sustainable heart, from organic farm ice cream to a good portion of locally sourced fish and chips for £8.50. True to Bouget's passion, the building is constructed from locally quarried stone and powered by renewable energy sources, while the benches are made from reclaimed materials and the menu boards were salvaged from a skip."

With business like Rockfish and M&S coming to Exmouth where you already have places like The Grapevine, Spoken, Chronicle, Odd Fellows, Les Saveurs and the fantastic River Exe Café - the new café needs to match these along with the new seafront development.

I hope that hasn't sounded like a rant!

So, secondly I would like the opportunity to introduce my business which is

Temporary units can also be oved when the weather isn't being so kind!

If there are any opportunities for temporary catering at Orcombe Point then I would be very interested. By trading there, I believe we could help build up the interest for a café in the future. There has been a surge in the popularity of street food in the South West over the last few years.

I am sure (and really hope) there are a lot of other people who have passionate views about the future of Orcombe Point.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and if you would like to chat about this subject or then please let me know.

I personally feel that although we should have a cafe facility at Orcombe Point, there is a danger that it would end up as over-development.

What many residents are trying to retain is the retro-feel of the whole seafront but as you are aware, that much-loved aspect is being done away with at the Town end. I can see that it is inevitable that the Harbour- View will be rebuilt, necessitating such an investment that there's little chance for it to be anything other than a fully late 20th C eating experience.

The other end of the Seafront on the other hand, is so far bereft of any perennial commercial exploitation and although by doing away with the pedestrian area at the end, there would be space for a grand coffee shop, the site remains one that would be enhanced by a low-key, traditional facility.

One could do no better than to reproduce Budleigh's Longboat Cafe! That establishment is much loved by residents and visitors alike and the recent battle to save it, seemingly won, proves my point.

I refer to the report in last week's Exmouth Journal and fully support the idea of a cafe at Orcombe Point. The queues at the Fortes cafe near the RNLI station are always long and there is nothing at the far end of the promenade. Initially I suggest a temporary one and then plan for a permanent cafe with some inside seating. In my view there are enough people around for a cafe to open in Winter even if just at weekends. For this year, I think there should be a quality mobile facility, such as the gastrobus at Bantham beach near Thurlestone, serving freshly made coffee and healthy snacks. I hope you will be able to have something in place for this summer.

I applied for Orcombe point a couple of years ago and would like to forward my interest to you please. I realise that a more permanent structure may be desired and mine being mobile could be an advantage short term. It seems from Orcombe point to other sites an could be welcomed on maybe special occasions Red Arrows ,Summer Holidays or events held that if controlled wouldn't effect trade on the whole for others. Any assistance you may offer would be very much appreciated .

I would like to say this that a café and toilet are needed at orcombe point,but not on the zig-zag path. Disabled people would use both and would not be able to climb up stairs and walk up the zig-zag path it needs to be on the level,and open all year and not for just six months,and needs to be bigger than the last one.

Please would you be so kind as to add my comments regarding the above with the others that you have received. * I fully support the lifting of Street Trading Regulations along Orcombe Point and hoped that this would have been done before the Easter break. You will recall we both raised this issue at the last Regeneration Board Meeting. * Would support a mobile unit at Orcombe Point selling teas, coffees, soft drinks, ice cream, sandwiches etc. I understand that EDDC has received an expression of from a local couple to trial during the Easter period. * I Also support a cafe on the area by the zig zag path, I am sure like me you can remember when we had one there. * In the long term I believe that both a mobile unit and fixed cafe would be sustainable and feel that there are plenty of local people who would jump at the chance of taking these concessions on. I hope that you find my comments of help.

First I have to confess to being a resident not an Exmouth resident but I hope you will continue reading. The Orcombe end of the beach is an extremely popular part of the beach for dog walkers, therefore I think the new cafe should be dog friendly but also open all year. It would also be a great mid or end ride/walk stopping point for the many local walkers and cyclists making use of the Exe estuary trail. It should certainly be glass fronted to make the most of the views and light. A bright modern cafe serving light snacks and good coffee would suit the location best and be a daytime destination for those out on the beach in all weathers. The Hideaway cafe at the end of the beach in Seaton is a great example of what can be done.