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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

3-5-1953 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1953). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2675.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH TIMBS AND STATESBORO NmyS_ THURSDAY, FEB 26, 1963 f BACK\\"AftI' L� I TEN YEARS AGO • • . life with From Bulloch Times. March 4. 1943 � begins � Bulloch �ounty goat raiaers are WHERE NEEDED urged to care for the 1943 crop of STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE First in 'kids, as the price outlook Is very baby's Steps fuvorable" Fred E Gerrald manager of the Eotabllabed 1811 ! , Balkleb Tlmee, CouoUdatad J_, l'f, 1I1'f Statesboro PIckle Co, announces that 8ta",.boro N...... EotabU.bed 111011 • Personal. 1 STATESBORO, GA., 'I:HURSDAY, MARCH 5,1953 VOL 63-NO. Z- Purely the required cucumber has EltabU.bed 11117-Golllolldatad n-mber 1_ .. • acreage 8tUuboro Ea,le, t, ••Between US been l:l::�::: ';.� ';." reached, and no fUlthel acreage �����=::=�=:�������:=�������======�����:=���������������������������====�====�====�======��==� !!IfEETING' can Grover Brannen, ot Macon, spent Be SURE you go �� be accepted = BY RUTH I the Fashion Show � New the week end with his famIly here To Red Cross Campaign ! Studebaker Now I E Cone are Junior- Woman'''- nll?t��;:I�rg�����tt�nua���ou�:s I��:! LOCAL TALENT TO I GEORGIA COUNTIES MI and Mrs Charles The Statesboro 1--"I.IIii;�� STATESBORO FANS ,ts reorgaruantton has been at Tomorrow Placed On Exhibition If you happen out North Matn way plan To Begin i sometime at St Pete,sburg, Club pI esents 1963 models-s-nejv M E spending ou cei want to take a look at tamed, Alderman IS captain and ) tmnly chairman for Acclulmed at press prevues the new clothes These latest fash James Bland ti'rst FranCIS Allen, fund ENTER (\� Fla cars, the SIdney Lanter yard To see so heutenant I STAGE DISPLAY CONTESTS TO HAVE BASEBALL most dlatinctiva ells eve: be WIlham SmIth was built by nn Mrs Brimm, of Sasser, sPl'nt Ions nnd stream line" Cat S WIll dIfferent flowers blooming this named presr the 1963 Bulloch Red ClOSS Henry mnny ca�algn State Chamber of Commerce Ev all of them so dent of the Bulloch "First To Be Shown American automobils company Stude Season's Firs! Game Will week end with her mother, MIS shown III the lovely show room of time of year an'll pretty, County Chapter Lady" the of the Bureau announces that the campaign get shows the skilled handiwork o! Oltv FarIll at the regular At Teachers wl'1 Mo vement Which baker s 1963 pussengei models al e erett Motor Co on Thursday, March Georgia College Spensers Be Played on Local Field Peal I Brody, meeting Roscoe Anderson runder Mareh 6th to ralsa Waynesboro, announce the birth of a 13 and the house and the many beau Frtday: B G Of Entertainers way .8,000 ,"ow Sam Anderson Jr of Val m For entertamment ami Y roup , Will Promote being displayed locally by MIS Dean 6 at 8 p around the front are cer was elected and R P Agriculture With SlIndersvllle 20 22 Mrs MIllican tiful flowers vlce-preaidsnj, ior April Few daughter February the Bulloch County Chupte Franklm Co, Studebaker "ea)el the week end with her there will be a "A the see The MIkell secretury·treasu-r..... am 't dosta, spent fun skit, tainly worth ndlng by "He was 0. po IItlclan-and so Th I rt h was MISS CaroI Boh I 0 f \MI y tree counties have entered Baseball IS thc olt .show on formerly yn er, DorIs E chairman m the of Those who have seen the curs at grea Mrs Fred Scott Words" by Margalet Ann De Leroy Tyson yard Is certainly pretty Cason, of the Lincoln and Me U Allen, aunouncmg begtnnlng mother, played Grandpa, th.e I Statesboro now and find some county farm isaued 1953 agt icultural contest of cial prevues dccla) e the new mo els eat th and the II110ts will holds a a dance too, always you ratlOnmg board, the fund I hal d ;r.e Statesboro Belt who posttton and by we beat a gn, ' RIggs, kle JImmy Bland, •••• statement can't Irene HIbbard Wlth ralsmg campa there As you gO out touching I attoning pro �am" set for week ernar thmg blooming counttes sponsored by the GeorgI L ,,)11 the pnce tha tuture 'nu Ihe In toe show when the seaaen at Warner Robbin, spent the Phoebe and a by B d Mrs Kenneth of ticket hke there IS the folloWlng co workers to opella Kelly song Lieut and Smith, North Main you can get a gltmpse of cess- 'about 76 types of machinery, that, somethmg ,alslst tomoblle and as Mrs music Emma most of WIth to be named S'tate Chamber of accord lIte!'e .. end he;e with RIggs Morrl' WIth by Kelly Mtnml announce the birth of a son, the grounds bemg prepared for the thelIl heavy equipment, ale wrong WIth LIncoln and Grandpa!' :111111, others Bater Commerce, �slgn. engllleellnlf Aprt 20th, WIth Sand rsville, n.w aB did the of Valdosta WIll be awarded to the 14th. new grammar school that Is to be eon rationed, and to buy these Items a G C Coleman white Stl.tesboro\busl. to A C markedly company's ear Mrs Curtis Melton, Door prtaes K,enneth. Marshall, February Lucy Chase Wayne, granddaughter , mg Swint, chalrman of the entry III th.e Georgla Stute Lengue structed off the Lake VIew road Cath· fanner rnust have a certificate" ler postwar models Mr with her refreshments WIll neo. �hite � Frankhn, , week end parents, holders and was MISs Fran • a of Mrs Paul Carrol, spent the lucky Mrs SmIth formerly •• • ot president and spoUed darlmg section, Charnber'o agrlculturnl dlviaion are at work erme and Shuford Wall are jUst be· I of the local "'Berts that Committees gettlni'd Flake Your mas reeldentlal MISS dealership. Mr and Mrs Lonnie he served to everybody ces of MarIetta TWENTY aoeiety, IS to Statesboro Beetlon, Turner, gmmng their new home acros. from YEARS AGO Washington ou� get to IIIcreased • I DesIgned gtve Imlle the puhllcI s tn ,or a te rn fi c surprIse leady for the 1963 season, ground. Cowart and Mrs K D ceremonIes be Leodel Cole • • • • Ida Teachers Mrs B W ter of Wlll the Loy Waters home, and they have 1'0.. Ru�h TI...... � J, 1.33 her man eleeted pl'88ldent In the Loag Rogers, Geol'lfia Sa tus to the 'While Ithe new cars reflect to lome are MIamI for Herald Mr and Mrs W E Teets, of for a small sunken that already axpandmg agrl being put In shape, Manager Reel> WIldes left Tuesday fpr man, edItor of the Bulloch plans garden SocIal ..."nts forthcomIng StatP.sbol'O Little Thea- College, S H Slt...... aII, Statc�boro a Thirty YOUDriters extent the relatlves dealer will vannah, announce the bIrth of a son, WIll adJOIn their home They have cultural de'f'elopment In the Influence of European styl Thl asher of the PIlots Is l\ week B VlSlt With Each local automobIle kom the B"ptl.t SUDbeams emjoyed tre productlDa of "First Lady" This .chool I Geol'lfia, busy 1II1Iq on their land which didn't at St spring they contest team work lng, the, retain In every respect tho the and Mrs Holland spent show theIr 1963 model car as a back· Terry Alan, February 17th, picnic III An addItIonal Is needOd'more en�ourall"'S county up 1953 squad, and a pre.season Mr Roger dIscover until they thad already pur sparklmg, sophIsticated .omed,. of ,l,OOO I stamina and "0 I Mrs Teets was the � a�fov�rs'l for corn!ort, m TIfton wIth new "breath Joseph's HospItal HII��eeda,. greater flte loadablllty tlckot nas be­ 8 few days thl5 week ground for the takmg chased their lot The Hugh Tumers lfaaltlnll'to. life ellPlodiea tlte myth titan heretofore from Bulloch county acblcveme'l.t durh.g clLmpalgn already been ta:�:--"t he": etharacteriatlc tonner MISS of on Vista ho�:"Fnda,.o�:n�� .calendar 1963' ot Studebaker cara Mrs J J Baker famlons Our own home town Enuly WIlliams, are jliettlng their lot ready that notn The national demand for year gun State.boro Is In a minor 'ealllll, Iter mother, , spring a tn honor of ibe pnsidentlal candldateB are heavy And what a life It IS, With �tb surprise part,. �'oocI Theee are not Statesboro and to begin their house happy PerntaJlent metal markers cars expe.lmental cars and minor base en. of Atlanta, WlII model for I Circle, hope - road d� bell U a MISS LoUIse Hagtn, ladles and gentlemen 'I IIllrthday at MI.. Audry Lanier ...ted by political partlea Two worn tar use o. the IlllIIta!')' personnel and commlfmty , the • • •• \soon Several more days and to bo built Borne tIme In the future, the week end wIth her SIsters, the stores Mrs R L. Cone entertalDed the Sew use of blood for Into noting aohlevement WIll terpll.e whose purpo.e IS wholeaoml foltowmg In kltten·soft feathers to cuddle Iltde feet ah, bitter and enemIes ' fractlomnt , outstanding I spent Mr an MMDrs osco urde n an Thomas Alellanders will be gentle, political L_ d mevlng but cal'll which are I n roduc 10 r II IDg Club Wednesday afternoon at her "'" p I aced at h p t II g It .recreation for the entIre MIsses Ruth and Hagin E'alr Store-Mrs F C Parker Jr, new m VIsta ClreIe TheII' uSe avaIlable to gama for treatment Of prlllclpal ghway up community. D.,ll nounce the of a home every femmme wile globulin bIrth daughter, Nancy theIr, home on South Mam street ,polio now, and which can be MIS" Jo a attracttve and a one sole and heel to proaches to the SWtnt purcha.sed' at tb C B of JacksonvIlle, Attaway �L place IS very story patented piece gIVe m makes It that the cItizens WInning county, According McAllister, prdlf.. Brodks Newsome, at the BuIloch Three new finanCIal actlvl get theIr husbands the right ROSI necessary - Mrs 2v.n, fangled to Henry's Mrs CUrtIS Lane, Anne, February and IS so hIdden beautiful saId counties down earth prIce.," saLd Mr Frsnk week end wIth hIS parents, half, by tion of Bulloch meet and The have until January, dent o( the Stetesboro Club. the pro­ Hpent last TIllman MISS Durden wa. tIes developed In Statesboro durIng for the nomination 'PIten L cy's county lte Rov Hltt, Miss Shirley County HospItal Mrs trees that you have to really look for Jacks protectIOn. quo� the Jumptng of 1954, to and rec Complementing styling changes lIIotel9 of baseballe are Mr and Mrs Charlie Newsome 101188 Ann Preston after. the week Group young men apo preSIdentIal boom The carry Its share o! the natlona) blll'den compIle subnut theIr In Statesboro Carolyn Blackburn, before her marnage MISS Elizabeth the place to find It -Sunday booe'angs! will be the a. peared and proceeded to rake In cash ords avallablltty of mechantcal our own men who Bre Mr and Mrs W S Hanner had Miss WIllet Woodcock 'thnoon et auu--"Ience at the".,..S subtl and Mr Allen states further that citIzens, work. of Mr • and Mrs hUIre' Nursery cdlors ptnk, e, somellmes not·too"subtle IIfty. Fuller RIInnlcutt Waters, daugbter f'om worthless ehecke rangtrig 'rom power steering for the Commander last weekend her sl.ter, Belk's-Mrs Orchestra concert at the Col two funds raised reo l!lach parttclpattng county has set tng d.ul) to keep baseball hare theu gu....t phQny to then plans laId and remarks made lead percent of all Is going Donaldson & SmIth-Ed G M M Waters or $5 $10, disappeared, bunch senes, the flr.t time thIS Olliff, lege thrilled as the or white Its own on the baSIS of state·wlde type oC pow Statesboro WIll receIVe Fred of Cochran • • • blue, IIItO a senes talned In the local for local goal I plenty of good Mrs Brmson, C Coleman Joe Robert TIllman, Fred - of GYPsIes eamped near town visited of hllanous mcldents, chapter tlStS gave theIr program QuotIng er hllR been adapted for pass John Godbee and chll Mr and Mrs L homes from whIch were nb aid long .ange gonls established the steering publiCIty frem a member of the Mr and Mrs Hodges, Bill Olhff Henry Ethendge, from Buslnesl" In the Sun famille. make for an evemng of unsur by being "Nobody'. enger car ule Power for 60c a sent and raked In cash frem 60 cents State Chamber of steerIng the State Thl. IS aood were m Sar· Wlll 76c announce the bIrth • Commerce One of GeorgIa • dren. Johnny and Lynn, AdmISSIon be adults, of Savannah, of day Mormn1 News, they had thIS to passed entertainment based on be I League to IndIVIdual arrived popu I ar Champ I on WIll be ofl'ered lat.r ,eunlon chIldren and under 12 Telfair on "Several musIC lovers are gOIng ,9 dIstInguished othe state gonls IS an tncrease from that cannot be dIS Sunday for a famIly at the HospItal say hind the scenes Washlnrton advertls,"g bOIl,ht. 2�c .c�ll�ren daughte1 thIS afternoon to lbear and anno.unced hl� plans to take over In tite year to named to Statesboro fJ 1 thIrty cents to cents In the To over tltls how. returned _ 7th She has been eIght put baseball year, Mrs D B Dorsey has _ February ThIS play, an success NEW VEGL"'flATION fifty FASHIONS the Houston, Symphony Statesboro assets of recently closed Bank of outstandmg here pereentage of the farmers' tncome ever, IS to be the of cltl- last week - was on all Macon - Carol Mrs formerly checks In a few gomg job after spending 5 Ethendge has an excellent concert series this Statesboro. gaVI! Worthless Broadway sensons ago, Is MA�(:H dollar zens MIs J W - •• • MISS Blanche of Mrs WIll payment for board bIll Shenfl' Joe from the lalSlng and seiling A good man call help by buylq wIth her sl.ter, Hodges Futch, daughter year, and ol)e of the hlghhghts I I>etng presented III the GeorgIa GROWS"OOp,tl':l,D[""' UI.JlII\ IS for GEORGIA returned LOCAL GIRLS CONVENE ON be Robert Casadeaus .oncert on March TIllman looklllg all three of 0fitIves ock and I WOMEN u senson a box seat ad. Ma Roy Blackburn has J A .Futch, of Statesboro Teach ers College audItorium Wednes pou tIy ticket, taktng In these groups of finanCIers J COURT HOUSE 17th "-Many of the old people Gives The present mcome of far vel space on the and from a VIIIt with her SIster, ,Mrs SQUARE • • • • dIY, Mal ch 11 at 8 30 m Admls Serlcea Le:;ipedeza GeorgIa tiStng fence, pur. town know Alice and Gordon Donald p The court house square WIIS the MYSTERY CLUB Promise For mels from the of Is HAVE BUSY an advertisement In the 011'1- m Savnnnah THIRTY YEARS slon IS As Ther rUlsmg MONTH ' B Burns, at hel home who live III Claxton and who AGO 60 cents, and advance tickets Crop "oultlY State. Mrs liolland was hostess to' son, · I meetmg place for thIrty flVe Roger Control Of SOIl Erosion' apploxlm Itely $127000000 A new cIa I program Pvt Bobby SmIth, Camp Gordon, have many fnends here The past From Bulloch TImes. March 1 1923 I can be bought frolll any membe, of u and "Amerlcantsm" 'Is Theme II and two cIu b mothers wh0 membe•rs 0 the Mystery CI b came state the week end wIth hI. boro girls summer the George Donaldsons H S Pall Ish has commenced the the Statesbolo 1heatre' goal would seck to Incleas Carl Franklin tamlly Serleea provides perfect cover foo 011/ on their Bcore In Mrs Sruee Olhff fS, March 18th In Tilton Mrs Bob Horne etyles and colors. were Judged bridge IS of �et�rn%gL;::. s:.��nn!n �:�hSat- "FIrst county WIth the combination of the and the Third directors and an eleven.mlln exeou. had a. guesta Fnday and home II one the county prou1 Lady" ta the first productIon rt.1te and for erod�d I club won double deck of ail'�II urday aftamooll a In a .teeper Ilopel of and festive note From the a cards, InVIted In and who.. pIC March party rllllng hlghelt ,oals and hIghest record of District meeting will take place In tlve committee Interested fanl wit. and small daughter, Frances, orlgmahty Neighbors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the Statesboro LIttle Theater This off Mrs E 'L Studeba�r,car by' l\bs Frank �and where the top BOIl Is washed mnety· five dlll'erent a simIlar prize went to til... allpear ace Pat Robbin. (Mrs dnve,n. declared Geor· Reynold. March 27th, Mr. C with box aeata and Lyons approximately GlImes had a serIOUS a.oldent wl\t!n organlzatlon s founded In Fubru· , ,\,Ith advertl,lng �pace, a:. Ann Bowen (Mrs Bus ... It fits Into the grasing program ::01' ,neh,lev.ment Bulloch took Barnes for visitors' hIgh Bulbs Charlie, Mary award E WhlLtley III the chair :lealon anv "tylel of bonneta, county I the 'Went and gill. 1965 county for tickets .hould contact I a! Mr and Mrs 0 L Crumbley Jr, Velma Rose steering gear wrong ary, 1962; by a group of Statailboro "'"'eechee SOIl agrlclIl :ter), (Mrs Arnold), the VIO.RivAr Conser.vation I WIth first floatIng prize went to Mrs Roy Tyson the car crashed a tree In turaI a Mrs r- Bowen wiII ••lde at the the week end WIth the lead ' Portal WInning Anderaon against CItlzens dedIcated to the C1I!hI pr the men, R W Beaver, of Atlanta, spent I .� (Mrs Pinky), prelll'rvation Dlstnct In that It IS a yem,nL followln, recelVea the Mrs GrImes were deep.rooted StIlson second We were For cut Mrs BIlly Brown -Don't party besides I The award WIll be erected at Fourth District conventIon on Marek 8tothard Iter parente, Mr and Mrs Frank pia.. and Irma Lee (Mrs aharles) and perpetuation of the of .Igna HO,ke BJ:jInson, Deal, Alfred an� col· Misses Sara Mobley, LOUIse Richard prlnclpies plant and will stand the dry with entertainment from the notepaper Guests for four tableM �orget that _uty revile at the the entrance 11th In the FIfth District I M L cB Smith provided Cannlch tbe legitlmafl! stage at the penodsl county's major highway Covington, Dormlln, Poy Sr, Lovett, -Will see you 80n, Lois Ragsdale, Macle community that We so frequently have In this were entertamed Mrs Holland lege FrIday night each meets on March 13th In West End In Mr. of dlfl'erent chapter ael and Comeha Collins All the In· level the The ter addItion, member of a coun C B McAlIIlter, C Jtobblna, W. Moore, Valdosta, spent AROUND TOWS UltImately Little .. district durin� summer and fall ¥ • the In, WIth alslsted Mrs Pearl Brady lrLAST are I IannI comm,ttee taIn I AtlantaI. with Mrs RAMannI W week WIth her thirty eIght members present by Jured ImproVIng lit t0 haVe a m bu ty. p ng at nl: ng Strlckkland, L D McElvoen, Rot.. several the - opes part the lidmg days durmg _ _ • months It can oe or cut for grazed tlle the StatesbOIO ranked HeC- of a 1963 goall WIll receIve a framed cl welldmg gavel, the SIxth DistrIct ert Donaldson, Frank Hookl Herman and Chapter - Mrs Gunter, - ./ muniCIpal audItorIum In States· daughter, JImmy FORTY YEARs AGO. RHYTHM CLUB DANCE hey date 18 March I ond m number of ON THE SCRE.NI tatlon at a state wide award dinner to 26th When Mrs J E Bray - boro to be used Slm MI Gunter represen�tives Hostesses Club dance - 'or thsse and fOI I for rhythm FMAASRHCIOHNI;S From BuUoeh Time., March 6, 1913 Tllal plantmgs of Sellcen lespedeza '------went as oUr held In Beek preSIdes In JeffersonVIlle Mrs All and Mrs Gordon Mrs Reppard DeLoacb Iia communtty proJects Marcn, 1954 Mays "nd uoed the George WashIngton motIf Deaths tlU! week Josh with Coastal Beljrnuda grass WIth I'be Mrs W H Chandler and dUri)1jr The counties WhIt Earl Foster conducts the Seventh daughters, Reble, Sarah and Mae, of adVISor, whIch James partlclpatmg tOI their annual sprmg dance, FINESSEE CLUB The .... EllIS, Metter, Parnsh, Laston, Pensacola BahIa grass are bemg I Hall Patton as club mothers Ste DIstrict se8Slon to be held In FaIr Wlth Mrs Gor Mrs and Thomas Blitch dlstnct field, Lumpkm G,lmer, Towns, I FAcrs APPLYING VISIted Club en· WadkinS, IOn two MIllen, Sunday a affall; of 1:hursday Fines... was tned • The com bInat 0f theSe • • • • *as deltghtful Tlte Bridge m ont on arc chll'lCten &om M L. a time em h EIb Bar M h 1 h and St SImone don Sr Tinley, for long EMPIRE COUNCIL pens, ert, MadIson, Jackson, 2t, I Mays _ - at the FOlest COUll.' tcrtamed even· be the most FASHIONS evenmg Hel�te delightfully Thursday groups appear. to pronl I Is ployed by Blitch Parnsh CO, IS plan New the locatIon fOr the DIS Dr and Mrs M S Pittman, of row, Gwlnnett, Cherokee, Cobb, EIghth _ Club DecoratIons of white Mn Wendell Ohver Jr at the _ MARCH I; try red, mg by throbbing pagu to leave Statesboro to enter Ising I I TO FIRST DISTDICf1\ nlng ton, Rockdale, ColumbIa, Cow. trlct mceting Malch 12th, WIth Mrs Costa several here • • • Troup, RIca, spent days • and blue were used m the balh oom, :Rer new home on East Inman street, busmess elsewhere TO VISIT PACIFIC CeCIl Kennedy, cO of the of the world-famed eta, Ernest L �oQcrts Qlrectlng the pro· .. the week hele yes­ HALF·HIGH CLUB UndIVIded half rnterest of J J Spalding Crawford, Emanuel, Congressman Preston Glv tatlBtlcs the U S, III - - some ttme I complied by end \\ lth relatlves here Nalclssl and daffodIls were used York where he sent buy· sel ved WIth coffee Kelly s Ochestra ed For hIgh SCOle MIS Dock Bran M G M 'S grealtsl boree contlllgent WIll leave Savan· commented that he DISTRICf GROUP Mrs Lllmdr Halley" III call the meet Department of Commerce on the loom on 1I1g merchandIse, MI and Mrs Donald McDougald the Itvlllg decoratIons, and I nah vIa for the card dance and thIrty nen won a hand klenex box, 1'tcbnlcolor Hanks at 7 30 a m ews I played pall)ted production bought goods m New York Tuesday Nancy Rotary SINe ects Ing to order at the Tenth Dlstnct FIrst CongressIonal Dlstnct, whlcb son and MISS Sal a Hall the table was an at and Walt, dtnlllg exquIsIte wen; a cream low went to the couples attended Hostesses and sugar for SInct 'VadlS'" and found them m hIS stock when he �unday, July 12th arrIving at sessIOn 'O!Io taking place In Includes Chllth.m and seventeen oth- VISIted Wlbh Pvt MIke Mc langement of camelhas Lemon 1 Board Of Officers Sunday 1 Mesdames Jdhn Mooney, J E Bowen Mrs BIlly TIllman, and for cut Mrs returned Sunday Jamboree sIte In Southern CalifornIa IN ANNUAL SESSION ' March 24th er countIes, were releal- S chIffon WIth I MItchell of the Bnar Patch surrounding DOllgald at Ft Jacksoll C pIe whpped C won u card Jones, at 2 45 PaCIfic tIme on 16th On topQ.ed KermIt Carr, R J Kennedy, J E W Ballles plastIC July Dr W E Floyd WIll head the Ph Mrs B M washlllgtoni ed FIrst Dlstnct Con- filed Bulloeh armaCists WIll Assemble Hays of yesterday by Russell Cleam and cheltles and ntlxed nuts dIstrict SUIt agamst Jr, CovIngton, DI and Mrs Fleldmg spent Bran r were the WIll tour Attaway, Alton table co... OtHers playmg way out the Scouts Salt Statesboro Club. starting IS I Hmes, Grady county for ,16,000 damages alleged Rotary At For A the Amencantsm del,artment chall gressman Pnnce Preston last week end III Wmdet WIth hIS were sel With Coca Colas bemg I Country Club ved, W D Bl yun Mrs J G Mrs Bob Blanch to have been sustamed when he fell Lake CIty and take a sw'm m the the re nen, Brannen, George Altman, I July 1, Horace McDougald, man, and WIll moderate forums at According to latest avaIlable fI,- box I mothel MI s RIchard B Russell SI , late" An I passed "'1"Gssor'l"" Hunter Arundel, Mrs Mel Boatman Mrs Harold through the Burnsed bndge last De g t S a It Lak e AIso a Sl de trIp to announced to the Program Monday Evemng Robertson. Hugh ette, ttnng preSIdent, these meetnlgs subjects such ures th:re were 350062 pelsonl In R I over coveting who "as hel fOl hIgh score went to MI'S W I eembel, JonP.s IS 60 years of age " observtng bllthday J P Mrs Mrs thlene summIt of PIke's Peak WIll be r· been Claude Wendel Dr has Accor t0 m W a II Howard, Burke, ,Hagms, Jerry Howard, groun,. Monday "'loyd d Ing C (lOP pIes as Get Out the 'Government the dlstllct 171,840 m lies and 178,. ar Lovett for half MIS Rob PreSIdentIal tnauguratton party left Vote," '" E Teets, o! Savannah wlil hIgh Joe mad e Bob West, Don Hackett an� Eugene Kennedy, Mrs Jack RImes on the board of dIrectors dunng the of the "weak- I Reddmg, for Washmgton Monday, among them Ident, Savannah, phalmaclsts StudIes," "Managem'mt.Labor Rela I 212 membels of the so called rIVe to Mrs Teets ann el t TIllman tecelved pal ty matche. Fllday Jom Mrs Emerson Brannen and Mrs Lin Mor After eleven days nt the Jambo,ee Others WIth Dr FIrst DIstrIct maceutlcal Asoo Talmadge Ramsey being J M and JJ Thompson past yea' servtng Phal tlOns' und 'Women m Pu hi IC Af e" sex' was little son Tell Y In a week S VlSlt With a house plant as ftoatmg prize • • • • wood th" tlOOp WIll tl avel by Southel1l Pa be SmIth as sec· clatlOn wIves at 'I SmIth Floyd WIll WIlliam and theIr WIll meet faIrs" These population figures at.., b,oken hel parents, Mr and Mrs Claren� "on by Mrs LeWIS Hook and fo, 101Y WEEK·END VISITORS • • • • !�III�,S';' HWI�l�: clfic to whIch tIme t:nn Seattle, at they F SImmons as 7 �O m on T�m�'g��:n!:, retary and Lannle P Thursday Mal ch 6th down as follows 21 yeals of ap WIlliams Mrs Gus Sornel lecened ealbous IVIr and Mrs WIllis Cobb, of Rocky main at Or three duys Wlll CUB SCOUT PACK 32 HAVE take a boat tnp to Bllttsh Col at arms Mr SmIth has at Forest MASQUERS TO PRESENT 1 Alllng:o� t:o. sargeant HeIghts Countty Club and ovel 201662, 65 yealS and over were N and Mr and MI s MI and Mrs Don Thompson spent Others attendlllg MIS G C Mount, C, Hey um b la Ie "I tIlen n WINTER BLUE AND GOLD BANQUET FIFTY YEARS AGO TI gloup II letul as treaSUlel' for Dtnner WIll sel at 7 m PRODUCTION se,ved secretary and be ved 30 p 6 1 pel cent of total ulvan populn- \\ eek m Coleman MIS Ed MIS Ber ward TarbOlo N C who e the end Atlanta, where they Olltff, Foxhall, Cub Scout Pack 32 WIll meet at t0 Sea ttl e and t0 Ye II oWS tone Par SlIn Masquers of GeOlglU Teachels From Stat....boro News, Mar 6. 1903 go kiThthe club for four years MI to membets, aftel wh ch the busllle.. labor fOlce 14 I vacation tlOn, 108,060 yean weI e theIr MISS nBld MorriS, Mrs Zack Mrs wele enroute home from a March WIll Jomed by daughter, Smith, 7 30 o'clock Tuesday mght, 3, and ChIcago for stop overs on the as sel College present theIr wlllter pro 'Our salesmen, WIlliam SImmons mons succeeds James E Hays program WIll be conducted Dr J P of age and older, 1�0 249, households, who attends the CUI tiS Mrs Robert Lamer to MlamJ and Cuba, were VISitors here ductlol Donelle Thompson, Lane, for Ita pack meetmg Scout· Homer P,\I are h kI d "ay back to Savanna,h at 'The fmagtnary fnvalld,' a ,egular and ker, bot s, arrlvmg geant at arms LaRocco School of Phal macy UIII 91,846 Un" el of M,s J B WIllIams and Mrs fOI two the week Mr and WIll tlllee act slty Georgta BIlly days durlllg 43rd bIrthday and the Februqry but treat you light gIve 11 65 p m on 3rd n comedy by MolIere, III the mg's they Monday, August New dlrectols named !Ol next year verslty of Geolf:l'Iu, WIll conduct In the Held of agllculture the dIS. Waite" G,oover Blown of 81unswlck MIS Cobb were With their son and 111 and Mrs haVe "The WIll be The local IS college nudltollum at 8 16 m Frl theme, FamIly," wrapped Jambolee Troop lapldly ale Dr Hunter Robel tson Rev J fl,escllptlOn CUIIIC 01 L"Rocca IS P tllCt has farml � leflortedly 20.709 ned from New • • • • Mr and Mrs Walker HIll, _, b?o!ao'ukter."&U' SCt�;'s IJ"etUI Smyrna, Fin, daughter up m one bIg happy package, ''l1he th�mlllaalltprolxalscaV:e fill WI th S couts andElXfl otels flom Hoi day Eugene Robelts JI a Wadley FASHIONS R F OllIff, Babe WIlson and tng Flederlck WIlson and DI Rogel plofessol of dlspenslIIg ph[lImacy at conslsttng of land and bUlldtngs v�l. WIth Mrs Foxhall were bOlO, whel e they spent several days and Mr and guests Blue and Gold Banquet' Th11e stleets tIll WIth leselvatlOns haVIng serve reselrcl1 and .. I Olliff JI have another yeal to tcneIling cXpCJ Icnce v tlue of fm m pi oducts sold IS $42, Groover and othel lelattves E C Ollvel has PUI chased the thuslasm as the made place· been I ec-elved \, Itiun the last week IS BIRTHDAY·PARTY FLORIOA boys on the boald MI McDougald be and "ell quahhed to handle such a 662000 Fatms WIth tlactols num. MIS Johnston aad viS·l'rORS next dool to hIS place of 111 aud Sammy I cakes and dec bUlldfllg J U I IUS Dfak SCDutmastel of 16 WAS THiS YOU? Barbara Fay Aldrtch celebrated Mr and Pen calds. bIrthday hats, CJ Troop comes vice w.hen Dr Floyd ciulle \\ Ith Mrs Eulte Proctor of I bUSIness on East MalO st ect and Will pr-esldent ber 5,806 and farms c1ectnclty have returned to You vel daughter Enunye oratIons fOI the tables and room and Frank Scoutmaster of have y daJ k blown eves hel seventh bIrthday SatUlday aftel slcola Fla who had been connect It With the buIldmg he now Holt, Troop assumes hiS duties of presHient Other features of the bUSIness pro tot,,1 698 cent of the total num· vIsItIng ,(I I 1111 Wed nes pel theu home m Huntlllgdon W Va fam I ban d 'Y It YOUI love I y noon WIth a All members of the Cub Scout 6 , Ilave been se I ected as Jam o,ee delightful party gIven at WIth thell daughtel and famIly In occupIes Dr Floyd Illd hIS officets, along g'lm \\111 be the electIOn of OIl'ICO" sevel al days 1101 e WIth STA,.11t1i after spendmg the RecreatIOn Centel her are mVlted to come and enJoy the lP.adels, WIth. a thud adult leader yet othel by parents Cuba, wele guests fOl a few days this Ily WIth some I:'\,elve 01 fifteen fOI the conllng yeal and bnef ad �����tlyy��:nhu';;'°aund \�:I�ma be�n the field of manufacturlllg there Oliver and othel lelatlves ELIZABETH JOAN A�1!!�dho�:I�sochu�I�� :t f�:� :���:, Mrs E C M, •• WIth of ROBERT Ito�:P�:�t to be selected III to\\n and MI1I Joe E AldrIch 1ho Btan fellowshIp thIS busy group membels of the club WI" attend the F E WIlliams plo)ed 339 based on the latest week of hiS sistel, MI:s Ramp was about 36 of age by plesldent are flCtorles, alld ago years ' MI and Mrs Wendel BUlke and thell leaders days The comnuttee If the descrIbed WI" �all at enJojIng the occasIOn \\lth Butbarcl Cub. Bltal Jambolee ulgcs D,strict ConventIOn III Savannah at the State Boald lady nen and l\h Blunnen Sunday Mr and son of P C Rlcha,dson of the of oI Pharmacy I census taken, and 13,242 ploductlon were 111 .... th e TImes 0f1' ICe s h IVIII and Hal, Lyons a II e be gIven Bons, Hugh \Vele of fhst S couts and Illtelested 011 .. membel:3 the glude MIS PloctOI and MIS Blannen TAYLOR·TAYLOR· FONTAINE Patch dlStllCt Explolels the Genelal OglethOlpe Hotel Statesbolo ,md Stlcy Jones Sr pIes 4 workers Annual In lac mothel spent I h\o tIckets to the pICture, Valley waJ''''s paid WIth Mrs BUlke's HT was In town Sunday a few othel file lids MIs S W BOATWRIG -DeLOACH Newton R ,Lee JI1 the Jumbotee file then of Ident of the day III Savannah as of Mr GEORGE EMLYN 1TI1kmg tliP AplIl 1214 1."he many phases the GeOigla Pn["maceutlcal of the shomng alld torles IS $25304000 tlnd the value guest" to hIS Inends t lilt Eagles todllY Mrs C P Autry, who has ,ecently Mr and MIS Fled of week� It "as n'ews at the Oouncli be Lee and daughtel Bonnelle Isslsted Boatwllght, JeSerVallOns offIce Will be outlIned to the nc\\ Fl,d lJ nt the Theater manufuctUIed IS and MI sLogan Proctol mBllIed a tlillSI Rotary Assoclp.llon Atlanta, Geolgla added to goods $84,- III the anell he h,ld been nearly year t thatlr aftel returned home bemg 1\1, and mix . ., .. Claxton announce the mal t of the end week tn order to After recelYln� Itel tlck�t. II the Mrs Aldllch It1 selvlng luge and he to of the officels tn all the clubs III thIS area TIe FIrst D,strICt Ladles AuxlllalY, 6 ' ·WILLIAMS to a Vllglllla lady expects tIme SANDERS \\111 call at the Statesboro fOI some E Indy HospItal ed dllnks sandWIches cake Ice VISITED AT HOLl.YWOOD theII Velela to Dorman III PIOteet a for them P Lfons and daughtel the sum mel Geolgla place at the Savannah Geolge whIch s of the wIves of the "Ield" of retail spend I meetmg composed 110,"1 she WIll be a 2��00��e buslnoss, Brown and daughtel MI IS ; Shop gIven Mrs BIlly cleam and moves were en lnd MIS Aulbelt Blannen MIS::. DeLoach son of 1'111 and MIS Rus " McElveen tax collector -- b raham Games P R Donaldson, preSident of A phalmlclsts, \\111 also hold a meet lovely olehu! with compliments of stores numbel 4,407 letall sales to- Druns\\lck last I ��--- t a dozen spent Jane and l:fore of Blanoen M,ss TClaga sell DeLoach of Denma.k The cere d against 'pal MaTion Pate, Joyed and part) favois \\icte gl\en Fay ��""'Y....-=J1 FOR SALE-TllIee bedroom dwell Baldwm and former reSIdent on thIS the plopll.tor BIll Holloway tal ·whol�saI8 • College mg eventng $198,732000 annually, MIS licenses fo, Ie I Mr and f,om 14 .... � es ,:;;�uo:dnlsevenue e n eserl e nst waCil week WIth her parents, have leturned Hollj wood Fla was performed on Febluary .,.""....�! .stiue tnl!' located at No 334 East Mam 0 Th I dy d b d I week mony flfns have I of Statesbo-o, IS district governor f Asslstmg Mr With the estabhshments number 4S2 and the ., hquols, Waldrop Brown and son FfRST-Feblualy 1962 w al e tailing SplrltuouS can be flnunced Call R M M,s Chades Blvant who e "led 0 Johnston Mr h tlley Vlslteu (Ot sevelol T.he \/U5 attired In a white ,,"', '" stIeet, I J days blld-e _... lIIl.lHIEY _._ .. •• .PD�IOI.UI hands of the sheilII' tbl. are" and WIll be In will be I vIce total Febl uary 10 1953-FIRST ibeen placed III Benson At CHAS E CONE REALTY Rotllry for meetmg IvP.y Cloud. orchId and wholesale sales annually ,264,- week end and "Ith for her ttcknts, and ex BI II for the R,vels,de MllltalY Cadets Aul SUit w th navy acces;solles and a I camel up FrRST-Malch 11 .1953 for collectIon CO, INC (26febltp) cha�ge of the Savannah meettng I presIdent, Savannah pressed full appreciation 676,000 them home I bel t Brannen JI and Bob Brannen .ac�ompamed (1geb3tc) IJI"'l.1 whIte. orchId CQrsage


-. . LONNIE SHUMAN study tile coverage otl'ered by the THURSDAY, KARCH 6,1963 BULLoCB'� � STATESBORo NBWS BROOKLET NEWs Lonnie Shuman, born in Bulloch IF'arm B'ureau 'federal crop insurance program on county in February, 1892, died Jnn- I' tobacco before time Is out to Bign 30th at his' home at Olewiston, '. . Mrs. Felix Parris1 is visiting j-ela­ uary up March 31 Pt'ecnu growers wh 0 Fla. Funeral services were held at' LEEFIELD NEWS tlves in Atlanta thjs week, A'Ct·lVI,·t·les do not plan to plant their 1953 al- the First Baptist Ohurch in last RICE Miss Lockhart lotment were asked Mr. to RICELAND Myrtle spent by Kelly Fla., on February 2nd. (By BYRON DYER) Mr, and' Mrs. James Edenfield and end with friends in Savu nnnh. MI'. Shuman is surivived three them back the PMA AL'DRED to BROS. week tum b): county children, of Swainsboro, were visitors Mrs. Stncklnnd , ' W. E. McElveen, of Denver, Colo., daugihters, Harvey offlce.for distribution to growers who GOUldS'I'of QUALITY MEATS GROr.LlUES here Sundny. '" M,'s, Adam Brannen, both Sweet potato growers should fol- AND vllteI· d 'I,,1'. and M rs. F Hiesugu wou Id I tern,h H e seatat d th t pant The G.·A', met at the church last '"n. Goulds, and Mrs. L. N. Soott, Miami; low the eight necessary steps to pre, I last week. the allotment would still be FRESH VEGETABLES Watch . ".ndtwo and given l\ A, J, tobacco , sons, Woodrow vent losses from disease W. C. Car- Wednesduy afternoon with I Ha�dman,I ' I vour Paul Barnwell, of Savannah, spent Shuman, both of Gould: two SIsters, " , back to the right farm in 1954. I , BEST! as lender. tens!ensron COOKS ex I 'ter, keung I'ISt I Knight Mrs. Tampa, FIn,,' specia a few days tihis week with his par- Johnson, rna: W. H. Smith Jr. reported that fol- vis­ Mj�nie Forv stated to Weet Side Farm Bureau 1 Miss Sue Knight, of Augusta, . a.nd N-ellie Harman, of HALF GALLON t hCI lowing a hearing in Washington and To Save Time And Effort FESTIVAL and one brothel', Bobbie Mr. Carter outlined Money, ',ted h I' mother, Mrs. A, J, Knight, - Pierce, Fla, Tuesday night. enMsr. aned· "1J' TS. J DC Cnrnes h ave re in Albany on the 1953 peanut market- All Flavors Half Gal. I _ Sealtest , Shuman, Savannah. .1 these steps as using disease free during the week end. turned from Monroe, N. C., where All of these attended the funeral the fats and oil divis­ and ing program, Rice Use Riceland Jack Lalli l' Jumes of e e and Tucker, d tret'ea t d b fOTe b ddiing ; use Quick-And-Easy 'get up grow visited relatives. His father, s� indicated there they services, aged HOI'�ce j s�e; ion representatives II the Abraham spent I who makes his home disease-free beds and no stable rna- Baldwin, 'I'ifton, Mrs, J. B. Joiner, who has been ill Shuman, 93, would not be any deductions made on wIth; For T , Whitt week end at homes here, hi, daughter rn Fort Pierce, was nure ; only on land that has not .... Fluffy, Ice Crealn 99c their Bulloch is on this In the County Hospital, Mr. Shuman�ot .plant the support price peanuts , In 1912 Little of Brunswick, able to attend. been in sweet potatoes for three or Larry Byrd, use ••• able to be again. of "rfect Ric, Timet was married to Miss Lizzie Ellis, \ 'Year. DELMONTE home, , Every, No. Cans is awhile with her . more I grt\lll\· vou I years; Use land for beds and 2% spending wh�n, Mrs, E, Nesmith, of 'J. J. Wynn on the district DOW Bulloch,. Your grocer haa a won­ , I. H, and. �: • • • for P lanting where run-off water report.ed parents, Mr. und Mrs. Bensley, �r, Pa. visited M,. and county� , held Philadelphia, I Farm Bureau meetmg Tuesday derful rice which Is quick and and CHARLIE I. WYNN from old potato will not dram Mr, and Mrs ,Milton A. Findley MrS. J, D, Laniel' last week, in Swainsboro and stated that some easy to cook! It's the famous I' la�, week I Charlie J. 6S, died early Sun- do not fertlhze with stable children, of' Shiloh; spent the , E, Allen Wynn, on, RICELAND Mr.• and Mrs. C. pn," new;_ sixteen from Bulloch county' were perfect-cooking Peache's 29c Mrs. , , , a , MI'. and . at the home of /' end with her Mi·s, day daughter, vine \�. 'manure;, • 'seed grown from ·NeE which no wash· I)nrents, of VISIted Rev, and �ave stated requires daughtil', Atlanta, . a illness. A present. Iie' the group Le�ter Taylor. , af'ter . long , F, , on ... no no no Tucker. . ,eu mgs I y and'exercise utmost FOAMING 2 Cans ." t lng, draining, (with Harrison wee.k hved 011 rinsing, coupon) L, this he had . date actIvItIes Mrs. E, .natIve ot Bulloch 'county , was brought up to m h dli at re-steami!lg! 1'111'. and Mrs. Robert Quattlebaum Mr. and Mrs, John Theus McCor- near Portal all his life, and wa Itt' Farm Bureau in several ,a care. an, '�g ha�est a�d .'n of the phases, Satur­ . and of 'j , • Pembroke, until was forced to rettre to eliminate or bruis- In baby, spent sta last week: 1urmer he stormg cuttmg 'CHkl Few Mlnutel' me,I k f A ugu , spent IIy on th e now be'mg of m health. I especia with Mr. nnd .0 " r8centl� because ing, s�rV1ces Use night her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCol' RICELAND RIcE and end wltlr . . Those from Bulloch ' Survivors are his widow' two offered. gOlllg AJAX 19c I I diteatlons more with no effort-in just a f�w. Mrs, Leon Perkins. mlck. ; Mrs. Twin' R. P. Miss Henrietta I daughters, Lester Taylor: ar� com,:"ercml we�e Mikell, at the sweet,n be 111 Bul- minutes-you'll have white, The LeeHeld W.M.S. m�t of and Mrs. Russell Steele, De·' Dan Mrs. SAVE VALUABLE Billy Robertson, Camp Lejeune, City, potatoes.wJ!1 plan� I Hall, J, H. Futch, Futch, rice COUPONS (for the laundry) .2 Cans fluffy, perfectly·cooked church to, observe the fiance, Ohio; three sons, Robert Jooh, county this year In several Monduy prayer N. C., spent a few days last week th,an W. P. Deal, Mr. and Mrs. John Crom- time! J. a d ,very for home missions. Mt's;. Statesboro; A. Wynn, Newnan,Wynnn, years II plants are available, A. S. , program r ...W Robert- When use hiIS rnoth Mrs J I . 1 rs, l'OO� you of with e, I Iey, W . S "t"11'lams, M Ot' G plenty BRIOHT LEAP TOBAC. ,Carl Wynn, S. C.; four, I No Extra Colt' n interest­ Charlest0p" Hunnicutt is putting in a grading and I� thrifty Harry Lee arranged very CO . I I SPECIAL, the Ion Jr. Mrs. Frank DIckerson, Mrs. . ver, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse AkinS; Mr all-purpose tobacco fertilizer, sisters, . _ w' machine and to You extra for 19c program. axing plans plant pay nothing jng on Miss Hazel Deal, of Atlanta, and ID. H. Hendrix, Statesboro; Mrs. Jpl'l and Mrs. Wynn, Mrs. L. F.' Martin, Octagon ,Soap your crops you arc making one of the most Mrs. some forty acres. J. 1. the qul'ck' and' easy, -perreet­ The Leefiald Baptist church will Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Wells and son, ian Woods, RpckY Ford,. Wynn, Bobby and Mrs. profitable investments you can make. Euy.hao. a.nd Rusiling Lynwood• of RICilliAND MUSSELMAN'S Jar Ohllrlle two N. 'J. Cox and Barney cooking quality 2·Lb. observe day at the visited Mr, and Mrs.' Champers, Corneha; Clal'ke, sons, A. J. home-coming dlins. free,flowing BRIOHT LEAP TOBACCO of Savannah, I McElveen. RICE. It costa leas than two , brothers, T. Osbar Wynn, Statesboro, church next Murch 8th. E,,· Dotson Mallard . . ' , Charles R HaJJ SPECIAL works C _ Sunday, down to the root Deal last wcek . 4:enta a system of the J. R. I Portal. . '. and Clarence J. Wynn; serving! ...... 's Th. Quic. And Dinner will be others also md,cllted good Easy erybody is invited. .plants, supplying the mineral·rich foods tbat Mrs, John C. Proctor, a membel' of I Funeral services were conducted at a�d hllve. LOCAL WRITER MAKES AN Get ..EE Cook aook f plant Slzcd th,s .Ig sel'Ved in the community house. make your plnnts school H! attend. m. Monday at Upper Mill Creek acreage year. 29c "set up ,and 8row"l the Stilson faculty, ,4 p. To Cook Rictlancl ike IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTIUN A new, big book, • War Apple, Mrs. L H, Miss Primitive church conducted Mr. Carter recom"mended the use 28-page recipe Jelly lind Beasley, In the GEA in Atlanta. Shld·J.!I'II\\'II, Durrence, dwarf GRADES GIVE PROGRAM. Do!,aldson, hardy reo, Tiley , J. Ackerman, T. E. AkmJl, Walter liley, do well in nny soil. nil)' c1imute. anywhere At two recent chapel programs the Homer Dekle, I Olliff, Daniels, Gary in tht U. S. Thi� ill the lime of venl 10 Ichool enjoyed a program presented, Jeff DeLoach. Hanis Cribb., B. C. plant ano I hn"'", � ..ycral Iholl!�anJ fine I Wilkes and So. n('o\\ vou 'by the fifth grade under th direc· DeLoach, Bernie Reedy 3·YT.-old plllllt! ready rip:hl can twa!!h ... . Anderson. gel 10 l·fL pl8111!o rlil'f'l'l. from 0 Fronees L an th e tlon f M' ec, d me, Senn Ole name I�S I A prominent citizen of Evans coun- VUIII Bnd addrrfl.! Rnd I'll !lcllIl VIIIII 10 8W8\' COO. fourth grade by Mrs. John Spence., tv Mr. DeLoach had lived' with a pl3nl� ri�llI ,otS'. IllS! '1'0111 12 a fe ... f:cnl! PU\ poj:lman ph"" ,The fi:fth play was a Valentine "ear Register unlll recent· gl'ade ,d'�'ughter pnstAge On C8!h I)rrien !lend m,. S2 0111. when he mav'ed to live with his theme. The fourth grade's was a 1y lOe £01 packin" lind !lhipT>in�, 1 know play Jet, IIThief 'Of Time." Burney you'll loyp VOUI red 117.8 lea, fOI 'hev'r� SO)�'urvhfors nre two sons, Dr. D. O. thf" pr,.ltie�1 nnwprimz ... hrub in the U. S, Fordham, was "Procrastination." DeLoach, Savannah, and H, L, De- HOWI:VCI, If IInvIllina haplIl-'m lro ..oun OJ if nol and , Loach, Register; two daughters, Mrs. you're pmud hap",� wh,.n IlIc)' BIRTHDAY J. A. Dekle, Register, and Mrs. W. bloom, 11'1 mt' know 'end rn l and Coca·' Pleo •• ,.nd m. A.olecII ,OU, Golden lod: 1,," Gift), cr�o�, by �rs. Hubert Waters. Then follow. II (p'u. 'I Oolas. Each guest receIved balloons, 'Tis ed group singing, "My Conuntry NAME � _ 1.1I1d miniature baskets of I Ii horns candy. of Thee" witi1J, Mrs. Delmas Rushing • • • • . ADDRESS _ at the Delmas Rush· ,Ultl- VISITORS ARE FETED �, piano. M:s. 'I I'Jr. read mmutes and cal1ed CITY STATE; ··_ Mr. and Mrs. Il. S. Lee entertained mg th� l' I the rol1. We the pledge to the a largl> group of basketbal1 boy� of gave Mrs. Ainderson, Mrs. Young Harris Col1ege with dinner flag. Jasper (5mar2t) Mrs. Jim Thursday in honor or her son, Tal. George Strickland, ,H. Su,el . Strickland and Rushmg FOR SALE-Corner lot on Bulloch FOR SALE-4',2 acres of land on madge, who is a member of the team. Mr�. T?elmas D. Coun· "lid Walnut streets; price $2,500. Route 80, we8t side of Lester home. Luke Rush. Sr, attended the d,strict H. The Young H�rris coach, a1\6 Can R, M. Benson at CHAR E. CONE Call R. M. Benson at CHAS. E. cil at February 6th, and gave ion, and J. H. Griffith, of the Brook· Jesup REALTY CO., INC. (26febltp) aONE REALTy CO., INa. 26feb1) an Mrs. G. D. I let school were also invited guests.' interesting report. .·H Club gave' are· who was a member of Bowen, advisor: Talmadr: the; Mrs, the team in tihe Brooklet ,port. WhItehead Presenting ball High School, dlscusse� th:lt makes a man shorter flaine faster landscaping at more than pride travel, firing, higher .. a member of the Young Harris' pro�am e�eeche,e, also the county fair, the FlOrida triP IT'swant a lot of horsepower beneath the horsepower and compression. team which recently won'the cham. Hines and OUr radio program. We voted to car owns. Dry hood of the he to plon.hip in the tournament at Geor.' , And these spirited engines they coupl�d the a New'1953 our H. D. agent Studebaker give outgoing gift. tria Tenchers College. For the real in record the new T",iin.Turbine Drive* Mrs. Whitehead'. demonstration point reaching Dynaflow ratios that adds flash. to utter LEE WATERS on and attrIWtive and compression goes fast, quiet getaway HENRY l' .was tasty sanll· horsepowers ,Cleaners Henry Lee Waters, 22·month·old'· wiches. Hostesses Mrs. Leon Ander· beyond miles per hour. II steps liP per· smoothnes�. &e me u;d tie son of Mr. and' Mrs. Wack Wa· son and Mrs. Gordon Anderson served KeUl-rl� Jack U/ fo.r.mallce allt(economy,itl tlormal driving. Just to give you an example of what all Service' is Motto � ten, died in the Bulloch County Hos· pimiento cheese sandwiches, assorted Our , this means: The 1953 Buick SPECIAL with a Fu· did pltal'Tuesday after long illness. crackers nnd coffee, We were glad to That's what Buick engineers when CALLED FOR catl WORK AND DELIVERED II" almolt It'l were held new Dynaflow beat the mighty 1952 imprellively long and widel neTa] services Thursday ,have two members, Mrs. Sam\ they upped the power and compression of unbelievablY,lowl afternoon at the Primitive Baptist Nevils and Mrs. Roscie Groover. W. ROADMASTER 0." reach 30 PROMPTLY - getaway-cat! It hal I each 1953 Buick SPECIAL, SUPER and the Ileek-lined Imartnell of a cOltly foreign car \ church. Elder Henrr Waters, of organized n sewing club. the law with a com· ROADMASTER - to the in mph (wile" allows) PHONE 375 Statesboro, pastor of the church, of· MRS, HUBERT WATERS, highest figures and bined and smoot/mess no It'l to earth in • speed jerk·free .. right pricei de· Buick's . flelated. Besides his parents, the Club RepOlter. fifty-year history. 27 West Vine Street. .. Statesboro, Ga ,down. I other car can equal. A brand' new of ceased' is ourvived by one brother, In the SUPER and ROADMASTER, they put Iype maternal BULLOCH COUNTY YOUTH The new, Power Jack Raleigh; his gra'nd. there's far more to new completely 8ensationally Steering a new kind of V8 passenger­ Of course, these M'r, and Mrs, HAS ARRIVED IN KOREA Engine-first different 1953 Studebaker A Studebaker exclusive-available In parents, Rale:ll'li. - unquestion­ Buicks for 1953 some seven dozen new Mr. car V8 with 8.5 to 1 compression, and a is the most forward of Commandor· v-s at moderato extra COlt and his paternal grsndparents, With the 2nd Infantry Division in ably daring step Clark'i features alone. The True Memorial * our times in . end Mrs. Lloyd Roberts. PaJlbear· Korea -Pvt Darwin P Akins whose long list of other major engineering automobile design, new of ers W�l'e J. M, Gilbert Wil- not come IS Huge expan.e. Aycock, wife, Louise� Jives on Route {, Pem­ advances. But why in and see for yourself 'AN UNWRI'ITEN BUT ELO­ Here, flrsl by far in an American car, i8 •• all around Iiams, Ronnie Griffith, Jerome Jones arrived in Korea the continental charm of lafety gla 'b�oke, G�., recently For the SPECIAL, they redesigned the that these are the greatest Buicks-and the QUENT STORY OF AI.L THAT EuroJle's most was All and and Jerry Beasley. Intermont now as �odI!!IJ-CnQmpions Commander and is serving 8 light weapons - di8tinguished cars-an famed Fireball 8 it values-in impre8sively long V.Ss-hove rear the Brooklet F-263 Engine gave greatest fifty great years. IS BEST IN LIFE. one· piece window. a. in cemetery. infantryman with the 2nd Infantry new Studebaker that is so low most very WIll a. windshields ..,""'====-="....,.....,..,..---;·="'--.."..1 Division, The 2nd Division captured Our worl< to relleet tl. can see over its . helps people top! * FOR SALE-,-I,qoO acres of woodland, , "Heartbreak Ridge" in Octobel' , 1951 , which to erect AdabeJle sectlon, CalI R. M. Ben· 8piri� prompts you Come in and find out about the ('l • new 1953 ' It'. I.... tban five feet I ing Studebaker-dramatic in low cenler of son ------WHEN BETIER AUTOMOBILES ARE blgb gravily mc. (26febltp) is the of Mrs. L, H. of BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM- and devotion • • • CO., Akins, Our upoIrieoce verve and in It the car is at 1953 Studebaker Starliner bard-lop convertible I lIair-breath.taking beauty giyes rood.ti"ht slability STRAYED-From my farm one mile Rt, I, Brooklet, Ga. your aervice. in8ide as well as outside. Find out bow on sharp turn. 01 Will 01 curv•• from Leefield about January 1st, one -- .. --- -- Truly a new lIigbt Into thO! future I to earth in price it i8. like sow marked cash for or �own really 'Plack gginea crop· WANTED-Will pay two Se BRUNSON' THAYER MONUMENT 'half.crop if! ,one ear, under-bit in the three bedroom brick Or 8Gbestos HO�E 'COMPANY, other; will pay for information lead- shingles -house with :furnace, in or A Local Industry Slae. 1822 to I, H. near Statesboro, P. O. Or S�M J. Ing 1'ecovery. BEASLEY, BOX 608 58-62 East St., stCitesboro, 10HN �. iHAYER, FRANKLIN' COMPANY Stilson, Ga. (26�ebItp) phone 78, Millen, Ga. (13feb2tp) Mai-:- Ga,; l'r0fliAwr 46 West Malo Street PHONE 4811 llta� � Phone 442-L·t1'1 South Main St., Statesboro, Ga. 'MARCH 1963 TltURSDA MARCH BULLOCH TIMBS AND STATESBORO NEW!! THURSDAY, 5, Y, 5, 1958 J'IVJil FOUR' . IN: MEMORIAM 'A Proclamation Says "Flying Saucer" MAKE OUR STORE YOUR In loving memory of our Bon and IlXil:DXlCtClt=_�n:axac81=� GEORGIA THEATRE Huuocn TIMES Is "Hoover Soup Bowl" I brother, PROMPT AND DEPENDABLE JACK B. AND WHtTE, , -Office �(Q)(Cll&lL, .." lt��C�AIL, who passed aW3Y 11 years ago, . . NEWS all but soup bowls, Alfred Dorman �:����'di�s�t����:�J���lg MRS. ARTHUR Pbone 140..J. NOW PLAYING STATE.'-l»ORO -1fE Feb. 27, 1942. clothing, shelter and medical and TURNE.R, EdItor., James F. o� how often B BIG DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWI wired Gov-ernor Byrnes, dearest, We stand Headquarters I h rs Editor-Owner. I 'Jack, Ambulance Service nursi d' the D. B. TUR"lER, over I: 'I-wa."£'D'� South Carolina, last week after the your grave ,,��:;n�i�:�r U��t�s, a�d, Yin o�he J8:Jt8:8lC8:8:aIDIU:."'lttC:��a� "VALLEY OF THE EAGLES" a silent JUST _ PER YEAR And whisper prayer; RECEIVED .•• rehabilitation to _:_=--,_:....::....::..:..::..::..::..:..::.:..==:...:=:::==-= �UBSC:RIPTION $2..0� oPPOnTUNITl' legislature now in sessien at Colum­ :lE1. CO", SER'V1(2E garet Laura Margaret· Godc .Mrs. Jack Mrs. GSCW\ case M�G�I:�...service JO�IAH the store in must trained In first Turner, Tillman, to be the and'in'aU" wh�esllie--'grocery Anlericans be W�nn, "\VAY OF A than used (6mar�tp·) .... . In, GAUCH9" ZE1'TE·ROWER. � Milledgeville. m nurse bee, Shirley Velma "Yes-a early thirtIes WIth his nght arm Supplies aid, home nursing, and as McCullough, Charlie Robbins, Mrs. Bernard S'cott he'll n , " say I�\' - u O!fi<;e Prj!,ling 0t near t'''w'' . 1 . probability FOR SA LE S'rx-acre I I,oj , la- Mr. and M rs, John H. Pound and . (Technicolor) to was Rand aides the knowledge and Rose, Virginia Toole, Pat Robbin.,. Mrs. E. over a p 01-1-' OONE a slong., "QuestIoned as what Remlhgton Equipment thTough Henry Evans, 'Mrs. B. Rush­ morel" Actually, however, Call R. M: Benson, CHAS. E. Red Cross to Gene Rory Oalhoun . cilities of the American Jessie of North Tierney, customer , and Machines Anderson, Helen and Eddie daughter,: Mary, Augusta'" American ,. wrong with the arm, the .. Thompson, Ing J;. Mr.s. Rushing, of many years the REALTy CO., INC. (ltp) needs for civil de- riod meet the nation's • he breakfast that T . Beverly Neville, 'Jean Rushing, Betsy • • • were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. and 12-13 rel.tivcly' the - Furnished I said broke It eating Thursday Friday;,Marcb have spent tOR RENT four-room, OPPOSITE OFFICE :tense, 'and; . people <;lTY . Jaclde Rimes Boh "Pound. 210 South St., morning. Asked what he was eating , need Nea», a'¥i BRIDGE GUILD MEETS oI their disposable apartment, Whereas, People everywh�e Mllr,aret . "The Bad and The Beautiful" same percentage ¥.ain -. EASY PARKING ' his I' in Willia'ms. A recent w L. is our dis- S. (marItc) that was so hard that, it broke Tax lhe assi.tsnce of other people' ,delig.,Uul club party as Mrs. W. Jones spending In 1034 Income �ome Lalla Incom for ment. MRS.:...J. _KENAN. I Turner, Kirk Douglas and near Your.Sta'e of and this assistsnee Is • • •• lot FOR SA the that he time stress, Mrs. Howard at 'her time In Jacksonville, Fl a, , with her income person was $6Oi LE-Beau.tiful arm, customer replied . given b�' Ralph Gloria Grahame pel' .' Red E. . the Cross; Posable ¥ Cnll R. M. Benson, CHAS. Phone 327 made possible through TO HOLD wen t "or lege feII out f a tree. M I. DEMONSTRATJON ihome On Olliff street, with membera daughter, Mrs. Ralph Henderson, and or 6.6 cent, persrmmon and $34, per CONE' REALTY CO., INC. rtp)COl-I .0 Therefore, I, W. A. Bowen, mayor The Associational Women of the in- norman IS a Democrat. 'Of the Bridge Guild as Nar­ Mr. Henderson. In 1951 our disposable o! the city of Ststesboro, by virtue guests. meat, FORsALE-GoodFm:d tractor :o';ith 0geech ee community held their ftrst EXCEPTIONA� i vested in me do here- cissi .nd decorated her was on '15 of the authority jonquils room", Dr. John Dr. Waldo $1.436--and Bell 'Due Floyd come per person new harrows; will ensy Mooney, Mar·chB15th. month March as meeting Tuesday night, Feb. 10th, at BUSINESS WOMEN the of !or meat. Ga. VOLUNTEER ,by and a s.lad plate was served. For .and Dr. Albert Deal were the or 5.5 per cent went term•. BOX 86, Register, (2tp) proclaim among $79.26, I re­ ARTHRITIS? Red Cross month, and noW urge all Ogeechee school. Mrs. Rex Hart, pres- WORKERS TO .MEET on late score meat and in- lot on Grenade The law requir-es collection of penalties and interest 1111gb Mrs. Jack' Smullyan, of Ststesboro doctors tihe med­ OPPORTUNITY In other words, prices FOR SALE-Large citizens to answer the call, and sup· .attending volun- ident, presided over the business se8- in an almost 5ireet. Call R. M. Benson, There will be a meeting of I have been blessed In Atlanta, won a jewelry casei for sec­ in Atlanta last week. Lending independent automobile comes have increased wonderfully without reservation the 1963 Red fcal meeting port sion. The voted on OONE REALTY INC. Cross turns. State Revenue to per­ group demonstra- manufacturer h •• franchise available E. (ltp':) teer women workers in the Red Prompt filin« helps your Department ,being restored to active life after be­ Cross Fund with generous contribu- ond high � was received by Mrs. ldehtical proportion. tion. In area . SO., the next· six immediate for the Rrst - Each yOUT FOR John CHAS.! M.rch at the in in tions made their local chap- m'eetings. a ftower ar- two- through This matter of prosperity is a SAL!, Deer� .Crawl�r 'Sunday afternoon, 8, ing crippled nearly every point Talmadge Ramsey; time since World . and and saves money. r to tu��� t�o;:�e h:;: �':�"';;:�:b:'�� War n, olrering . Tractor Il'l first-class condl�ll>n; , form its duties economically efficiently, you and 1 �or asked bring flowers no fixed con- WIlli.MethodIst at 0 cloc. my body and with mUBcular soreness .. for low went to Bernard Bided affair. There IS Church, anger l'4rs. after her sister, Mrs. E. S. three distinQt lines covering 92 per $700; u bargain. Phone �82. (It) 3,:30 te';;'; fu�ber.:drg!;thar�::.l�m�:� m.e:; ts":·smers to the March meeting. visiting ts� Southeastern Area from head to foot.' I had Rheuma­ and for cut Mrs. Lannie cent of all price markets. dition which mellns equal prosperity ,humani- McDougald, and Mr. in Sa­ FOR SALE-Duplex apartment �he �eprP.sents­ ��at �hem!�r� o,Othis great :'rs.c;names Anderson was elected sec- ,BI'oderick, Broderick, For write n?w toid Arthritis and' other forms won information, interest. The elevator which I tlve, Howard Anderson, WIll he pres­ Of tsrian is carried out by Simmons summer gloves. Oth­ to ever¥ 'renting for $90 per month.; price org.nizatlon and vannuh. P. O. BOX 1268, deformed half volunteers whose retary reporter. Mrs. William L. AUTOMOTIVE, the same ZE'l'TEROWER. as will Seam.n Williams, blood Rheumatism, hands and my a million and a ers playing were Mrs. Walter Aldred, carries everybody up Ihelghti $7,001/. JOSIAH ent, Ifr. and Mrs. R. E. who Atlants 1, Georgia. time and skills make it possible for Moore, home-making teachers at lab- Sheppard, as well Sa- and Francis ankles were set. Mrs. Hoke Jllrs. J. C. Hines AII confidential. same time, may stsy FOR SALE�Desirable home on program chairman, Brunson, replies strictly at the AIl�n, Tax Returns this symbol of mnn's humanity to oratory School, with her student were enroute to their home In Kinston, a Avenue. M. Benson,1tl fund chairman. Intangible Limited space prohihits telling you and Mrs. CI.ude Howard. sO f.r as anybody Call�. Red Cross campaign a to who down, giving vannl'h I man to remain as guide all Misses N. C. a vacation in were REAL�Y INC. ers, Ann Broome and - .• - • ,frum Florida, cost of CHAS. E. CONE 00., tbe more more here but if you will write me Ange- IN MEMORIAM lift. When wages gO up, the It is hoped th.t many of turn. to it 1n the time o! need. Must also be filed March 15 with the State Revenue Department line u guests last weekend of Mr.•nd Mrs. lot on by at once Brantley, gave demonstration In sad but of our FOR SALE-Foul'-acre a hundred tr.ined workers in I will reply and tell you how W.A.BOWEN,Mayor. _W.S.C.S. CIRCLES MEET loving memory living goes up in exact proportion- than . Brannen. . Rower Aulbert n.h Hill'hwllY· Call R. M. BenBon, '. I received this relief. on arrangement. The W.S'.C.S. will meet Monday af- husband and father. do the sItuatIon 0f town and county wllI be present. wonderfUl it, must CHAS. E. CONE REALTY CO.,�van-IINc. • • • • \ Mrs. Jimmy Ellis and children, JAMES H. OLLIFF, s<>--;-and 100 MAKE YOUR NOW! ANNOUNCEMENT. ternoon at 4 o'cI ock in circles ss iol- remams. A dollar has MRS. PAUL CARROLL, RETUR�S relativity aCres on road, 'FORMER have returned to who dep.rted irom this Iiie two FOR SALE--Ten paved Mrs. Leila I will be STATESBORO lows: Armine Dimon with Mrs. Cleve and Nancy, but even cents Am. Red Cross. S.'Wier, After Wednesday, Feb. 11, Wayne cents in its make-up, one-hllif mile of limits; price County Chapter Arbor Drive years "go, Feb.··20, 1951. city 2805 Hills new location on East Vine St., GIRL their home in Savannah .fter spend­ - in Rubie with Mrs. R. J. A It I my H�N.ORED Parrish; Lee Gone from U8 his flexible in value. dollar (l00 JOSIAH ZETTEROWER. loving face, are $2,000. of the postoffiee. Of cordIal Il'ltuest to many friends awhile with J. D. Allen and Mr. immediately S'adie Maude Moore with ing His pleasant cheerful w.ys; what it will buy. on U.S'. has been at my Vivian Phil­ Holland; cents) is worth only FOR SALE-=-Lot 77;'232feet 'ESTRAY-There PEA AND BEAN HULLJNG-I am With me wwill be Miss is the announcement made Bo.tman. fl'Om recently Mrs. W Dreta .nd Mrs. Mel A henrt that won so many friends, in thbt 301 Stiles price place about 4 and Dentsl .nd Mrs. Har­ J. Cone; Sharpe with When commodities rise cost, opposite motel; 'miles. Sta.tes- Revenue .gain prepared to 'hull peas lips, Assistant, Mrs. In , State of Mariet- L. Mrs. Fronk Wil­ by-gone happy days. smce Mrs. E. JOSIAH ZETTEROWER.(lt bora near HAR­ Dental George Mulling, '.Mrs. R. L. Cone Walker Barnes, . in Ports� Hlghw�y Dept. �eans on short notice. L. L. riet :that Jr.; Dorothy • the dollar has dropped $7,000. Roughton, Hyw.enist. his smile is forever mean" th t red-brondle whIte-faced, tll, formerly of has been Mrs. Holland and Mrs. Though gone - Christmas, Statesboro, Uian\s, SAL'EE N' rt I 2 bed RIS, ne.r Friendship cburch, Rt. S, J. CURTIS LANE, Dentist, with Mrs. Jack Edward's. Roger And hands which We cannot the cost of GEORGIA ' touch, value. When wages rise, butt-headed steer; owner can recover ATLANTA, Ga. named Woman of the of Mari- ouse on exce en con I Ion Ga. (26feb4tp) Phone �48. StsteBboro, Year • • • • Waldo Floyd were in Ludowici Tues­ never sweet memorieo . rOeoa�" Statesboro, We lose . ed.t: . I'Ice t't shall FOhR \ . . Tlses-and another raise In upon paymen 0f expenses. J F . etts the hvmg school; price $5,500. JOSIAH ZET- by Marietts Junior Woman's DINNER day for " distlict meeting of South­ Of one we loved so much. In Rt. 4, St.tesboro. (6fb1) GUESTS inevitably produces a HEASLEY, missed wages co�t. ·TEROWER. (6marltpnit Olub of which Mrs. Mulling is serv­ Mrs. 'E. Grant Tillman Sr., Mis" e.stern Garden Clubs. Sadly by of Any 3 WIFE AND CHILDREN. the price livink. FOR SALE-Brick veneer home, ing as president. This signal honor and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Groover ha-'e condltl.�n,hoe • Shirley Tillm.n, Vaughn Dyer 01 near C.II R. M. whicih carries evellY' phase bedroo,"s, town. to a FOR to goe. former Statesbor� girl who Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodges were db,­ returned from a visit to places of in- TRUCKS HI'RE; equipped REALTY . results in a stsnd-still; Benson, CHAS. E. CONE. or ohort higher simply before her marriage was Miss Esther and large loado, ner guests of Mr. terest in Florid. , while handle. INC. (ltp) Saturday evening or and is snti.ftl\d when things CO., . Or long dlstsnce lI)ovlng, night day. nobody Lee Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Brunson their home a few Orlando as the FOR SAI;..E-Three-room apllrtment and Mrs. Bill at spent days Ill, Call 551 daysmal.1phone, 672-J night phone. remain still. Mrs. E. L. B.rnes. McLeod. . L. FRANK MOCK. . on street. Call . on- near school College (121feMtp) I IenlaY. a be SOlted out With womell it's love at first lor loss. They gotts $11,000, only cooking. .� NEW • • • • neighborhood; pTice can. , JO!!IAH ZE,T- IBnd put in the sh $1,500 down ·payment. "p�CI."I. ATTEND TOBACCO MEET Ike said at Abilene he TEROWER. 4marltp For these are the that cook to glorious per- Gentleman grits .aly.peur Aulbert Brannen left Saturday for but ...anted Jess Govt. in our diet, Rcres, 51 cultivated, 5 minutes save 20 minutes FORSALE-88 fection in just 3 to you cap I Raleigh, N. C.; to attend Tobacco As- Uncle new bud- 11 acres planted in permanent pas­ .. here comes Barry's of and you slow-cooked 'Bociates and the Belt Ware-' :, 3.1, 800 yards plant bed, standing stirring ghle Bright with more and more Govt. in it. ture, get house, housemmen's Association. Mr. Bran· it 18 beuring pecan trees, gooq. flavor every time; There is more clinero than eV'er in lights, running water; this is a buy Jlen is a member of the board of gov- wa- ' more dams to more ZETTEROWER. 10lj impound for JOSIAH of Belt , $8,600. Get Quaker Quick Grits ..... quick. ernors Georgia for'the Bright ter for more irrigated lund Ij.nd bigger set FOR SALE-One iron bed; one ASlociation. tnere is ,din'ero on .... ooe crops. And. heap, Blue Ribbon springs, one safe, · .. . . to anotlber in, the same ·I:"idg�t·, "ice one dishes, linolet,lm page box, .tub tv.:o .. IN These V_JSITED FLORI.:QA OUI' at reasonable enCO\lrage smaHer crops on pres­ rugs; all price. Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. George BYtd spent this IIrticles can be seen .t Mrs. ent farms in other sections of week end in Ala., GJ·oover's. MRS. EVA 8,TAPLE- Montgomery, and more or less addled land. broad TON. (5mar3tp) ,. wit.h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Uncle Ike don't need help', then I If thl'ee-room Jeffries, and were accompanied home clean. off­ .FOR RENT-Unfurnished am ownself ana for addled my .. their little who apartment consisting of two large Silk Wtung shapes up beautifully sprlng. by daughter, Mart,y, the-beam. hot water Tooms Dnd private bath; has a collar spent last week in Montgomery with that Uncle children. IThe tucked bodice, wing It is not hard to deduct telectric heater futnishea; no her grandp.rents MISS MATTIE to the full siehl' chin. Tell him via 47. to is · . Ike is up to his Pbone Apply and joined contrasting • . . LIVELY anri GEORGE LIVELY, 114 carried pigeon or what­ a saddle stitched calf,belt. TRAPNELL IN HOSPITAL- postcard', S.vannah Avenue. (5marI • by want Sambo t!l l!ver is handy that you Sizes to Lamar Trapnell is in the University MILLION HEART St. Loui,. 7. 1), ,. the TWO HUNDRED -and . to be himself again-just umpire for the best in Regular CrUs- Car�e. :Hospital, Augusta, where he will un­ OF GEORG)A quality red wigglers out of your his hand me for a lenee operation. He will be game-lNt ready fol' shjpping. Contact. dergo Cock-eyed notions for loose change poeket. prices and your regular shIP!llents. there ten days. If uS so dally. •.. it's or Aunt o! Big Govt. have been with long Shipping capacity, 500,000 Quaker in need of breeding stock come in a THANKS that they are now chronic, deep-seat­ Jemima. Both wonder­ CARD OF 10TTliD UNDU AUTHOlln 0' THE COCA·COlA COM'ANY " truck and purchase by the bed 101' $3 ed-will tske stout medicine to save ful. And both I wish to thank my many 1riends foot m)1 ranch. One p.�. packaged per squal'e f-o-b, for consideration snown me d'ur­ COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY being stock every STATESBORO the patien_"uch patient �u thickly populated bed is ample and flavor of these to stay fresh« Iooger. Huri­ ,The spotless whiteness pure inging my recent illness. The cards, sure as we are several beds 0: the same size. and yours truly for Row«rs, visita and each act of kind­ dreds of beds fOI' your selection; is the result of Quaker's exclusive electro- to a coupla grasshoppers. -grits . knee-high A I N, E Y'S BAIT ness were deeply appreciated. itors welcome. R static Your with the low down, •. c1&ning process. MRS. LESTER EDENFIELD. RANCH, phone 3401, Eatonton, ViS-,G JO SERRA. (2ilfeb3tp) THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1963 BULLOCH TIMES AND NEWS . STATBs�ORO �... BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NBWa THURSDAY, MARCH 5,195S , �NNEWS· T/Je Churches I!f DENMARK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohne, of Sa-. flulloch County Mrs. :Harry Owens] of Pembroke, vannah, spent the week end with. hell spent the day with' Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Aaron McElveen. C. Mr. and Mrs. Newman and Statesboro Baptist. Simmons Thursday. Emory •• • • T.1· children have moved to Orlando, Fla., MODERN GEO. LOVELL JR., p...tor. CIRCLE home. R.EV. where they will make their D�NMARK1 he DenmarkSE��NG Circle met SUNDAY SElRVICES. Sewing Mrs. E. J. Reid has returned from 10:00 a. m., school. Feb. 28th, at the home of Sunday Wednesd'ay, I Atlanta, where she visited Major and Baking 'Equipment 11:15 a. m., Morning worship. Mrs. E. W. WIth Mrs. R. I DeLoach, Mrs. J. R. Union. D'I Burkhalter and family. 6:30 p. m., Training • as S·1I .. 1110nS and M rs, Jack Ansley Staff Proctor re- Make .claUSSen'S 7:30 p. m., WOl'shjp hour. . I Sgt. Emory has Helps After the ses- 8 :30 p. m., Social hour. ,c?-hostesses, busln�ss cently been promoted to that rank. sron the afternoon was spent In Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Prayer meet- He is stationed at Brentonwood, Eng- Refresh- Ing. ing prize-winning games. land. AMERICA'S menta were served consisting of rib- FINEST 8READ! Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reid has return- Statesboro Methodist Churc:h !bon ice cream, cake, coffee and PlaY-I Valen-I ed from Atlanta, where she visited J. F. Pastor tine The home was decorated WILSON, candy. I Major and Mrs. J .R Burkhalter and with and daffodUs. 10:15, Sunday School; W. E. Helm- narcissus lamily. superintendent. members were Iy, general present. Avant Edenfield, of the University 11:80. Morning worship; sermon by " of A the weex the pastor. LAWRENCE W. M. U. Georgia, t)1€ ns, spent wors sermon Eighteen'lon his Mr. and Mrs 7:30.• _ Evening hip; by The Lawrence W. M. U. met ,.nd parents, ". . w.�th . - ��;��;�;::1.�w:>W.�il-v��:i:&·.�tt�,..�·�!;UWlt&i�*[lif�iU'�kdi'(;,""",£..j,'_'::ki...J$li';Li",illl�. tile pastor. Wednesday afternoon of last week at Perry Edenfield. The St.udebukcr Co mmnndee V-U -t-dooe sedn u tlfusf rutcs the low, lines 8 :SO. Wesley Foundation Fellow- sweeping churuclcristic of the home of Mrs. Clirol Floyd. After spending a seven-days leave the new mm.lels. nrc the uCICUIIIlCSS" of complln),'s 1953 Quickly nppnrt'lit the the usc of .hlp. 8t)'ling, ¥�ur. with his parents, Mr Mrs. W. P. ·basic hnrizoulullinc8 to uclneve IIC'" corrrou ra, uIH.1 t he CUIICU\'C dcsisn rnolif alop8 the side8. Over­ Rollind Starling, vloe-president, pre- .and of this rnode! is is Twelve culor choit.'Ce nrc available. IIIrs'l Pvt. M. L. MIller Jr. has re­ ulllcngih 19891i6", height (,0%". \ The Miller, Primitive Baptl�t Church 'sided and' read the Scripture. I recited the Lord'. Prayer. turned to Fort, Jackson, S. C. ELDER V. F. AGAN. Pastor. group I Ladies in the Mrs. W. L. Howell has returned to taking part program • 10:16 a. m.-,Bible Study. I Select Vour • were Mrs. Roland Starling, Mr•. L. Minneapolis, Mlinn., after spending 11:80 a. Projects m.-Morning worship. B. Mrs. J. O. Mr•. sometime with her Mrs. 6:30 p. m.-P: B: Y. F. Bunkley. Coursey, i daughter, Mrs. A. ' Announcing, E. Rushing has returned af­ 7:30 P. m.-Evening worship. Mary Floyd, Mrs. J. H. Futeh, Yr•. Harold McElveen, and' family. ! In a few mere will arri'fe tel' a week's visit in 10:30 a. m. before each days spring officIally an'l.l Savannah. SaturdllY H. L. Hood r-, Mrs. Carol Floyd,l Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Cone, of At­ New Mrs. Anderson the week ,"cond Sunday. . Ownership Only spent ·Mrs. S. W" ',5�llTling, 1\lr8. Bertha, ·Iant&·, an·d.lIIT. ud·MfR. C:E: Joy and' that's the sigluil lor 8piirig tleArling. It's a180' a goOil' end with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ander- Mitchell and Mrs. William Starling. I week end Calvary Baptist· church son. of Augusta, spent the time to Home Town off and .son, The' get your Champion Program Nine chi·ldren were present. with their brother"J. W. Cone. C. G. GROOVER, Pastor; Miss Nesmith the was dismissed with a chain to a start. Wylene spent meeting I .Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutchinson fiying end with Miss Ju'ne in 10:15. Sunday school. served de- New Location .week Foss :of prayer. The hostess and and 11:30. Morning worship, i children, Carol and Ricky, Statesboro. �iciou. refreshments during the so- This is the time of year when most lolks are fuJI 8:15. B. T. U. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lee spent Sun­ of the Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lewis, 'of Clax­ service. cial hour. 7.80. Evangelistic I day with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wood. .1 enthusiasm lor living and are willing to do that with Mr. Mrs, 8.00 Mid-week ton, spent Sunday' and p. m., Wednesday. in STAYS H. D. CLUB. Augusta. little bit of extra work lor the Olen Anderson. fRESHER LONGER.'iK p�yer servtce, OGEECHEE community. Be pre­ COMMERCIAL The Home Demonstration Elder C. E: Sanders will be guest Mr .. Ogeechee .. and Mrs. J. C. Rin ·• of Swains­ to take of this seasonal burst of Elmer Baptist Church Club met Thursday, February 19, at minister at Fellowship Primitive Bap­ pared advantage boro, were guests Sunday of Mr. and PRESS PAUL Pastor, the home of Mrs. Willie Hodges with tist church and Shelton Mi­ the of Mrs. R J. Riner. REV. STRICKLER, Saturday energy. Complete survey your community'. Mrs. of the School. co-hostess Mrs. Jim Everett. kell, Brooklet, will fill pulpit HARRY HAVEN Emory Melton. of Statesboro. lij :ao •. m. Sunday needs as 800n a8 Select spenL there at poseible, your Champion 11 :80 a. m. worship. Carol Clarke, the president, presided S'unday morning and evening Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Morning and 6:30 m, Union. 11 a. m. 7:30. . p: 'I'raining at the Everyone present and Home Town and the various Mrs. Ca rie Mel ton. meeting. projects assign jobs, 7 to 8 • MILTON BECKERMAN Sunday evening worship, enjoyed Mrs. Whitehead's demonstra­ •• • I Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williams an'; o'clock. XiIen you'll find plenty of willing hands to help IN STAIfE 'roURNAMENT cal'l1j tion on sandwich filling. I son Ricky with Mr. and A're Now Co-Owners Of Sunday 5. A. and nis bBII- with the spe�'t E1JREKA CHUReH We were delighted to have Mrs. Coach Driggers out those projecta along spring c1�ninlo I Mrs. J. K. Wllhams. Luther McKinnon and Miss Sudie ketball team will leave next week THE COMMERCIAL PRESS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hal'll and There will services at Eureka children. � Macon will in March Hodges �s -viaitors. We had a good for where they play 'of Savannah, spent the week end with The Man Methodist Church Sunday. I, And Have Moved behind the After I state "C" division. Figures st 11'30 o'clock. District Supt. Clary number of members present. I tournament class M,'. and Mrs. Josh Mal·tin. will the The de- Membero of the team are Find­ be guest speaker. public the meeting the hostesses served , Billy Mr. and Mrs. James Ellington and and all members are cordially ilnvited GEORGIA POWER To licoius refreshments consisting of ley, Donald Strickland, Russell Cribbs, The NEW LOCATION At duaghter visited Pi-iday night with to attend. I coffee and pecan pie topped with ice Jame. BUtch, Heyward Monis, Don­ Mr. and M,·s. H. C. Burnsed. The Church Of God cream. T)le door .prize, a "baby aid Wnson, Lamar Sanders, Rayburn West Main Statesboro Mrs. Mittie Barnes, of Statesboro, St., ten", was won by Mrs. James O. An- Muny, Donald Bell, Roland Bell, Her- spent last week witih. her daughter, Institute Street derson. Next To Walter Aldred Co. Mrs. C. P. Davis. REV. BILLY HAMON, P••tor kit-I �::::ert�N�ew::m:a�n�an:d�Ed==d:ie�S:h:a:w�. -� ___ REPORTER 10 a. m. l\'f 1'. and M 1'5. Frario Lewis and Sunday school, Morning worship, 11 a. m. children Sunday with Mr. and UNION W. M. S. spent Evangelistic meeting, 7 :30 p. m. " s. met Mrs. Carie Melton. Wednesday p",yer meeting, 7:30 The Union W. M. S. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. D2n�'1l_ll'k and February 23, at the Union Baptist night Y.P.E., 7:30 p. m. sons spent"the week end with Mr. and P·S'::i.urday church. Mrs. Sam. Neville. program had of the Mrs. Paul Helmuth. Temple Hill Baptist Church. 'ch�jrman, charge program, Used To Think Mr. and Mrs. Tecil Nesmith und "Winning the Morman to the Right (Services First and Third Sundays') children spent Sunday with Mr. and Wny." She gave a very interesting WOW! Pastor Had To to a 'Rev. Bob Bescnncon, Go Big and talk on the Mor­ Mrs. Clate Denmark. B.·!!). school. 'enlightening say 10:30 Sunday Out-of-Town We need to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laniel' and 11 :30 a. m. Morning worship. mans and their beliefs. ·6:30 m. Training Union. the million and one-half Printer 'SOIl Billy spent Friday nig h t with Mr. p. pray 10r 7 :30 p. m. Evening worship. and feel that ride' and Mrs. Cecil Nesmith in Savannah. Morman people who need Jesus when you We CanDo It for our missionaries DS they strive Emory Melton and Miss Annette Macedonia Baptist Church Brown, of Statesboro, visited Friday to Christianize these people who are RElV. MELVIN M·OODY JR., Pa.tor. was night with Mr. and Mrs. Carie M-;'Iton. in darkness. The program And We Will Bend Over 10:15 a. m. with a of Mrs. Avery Bragg. of Savannah. Sunday School, ibrought to.n close chain 11:30. a. m. 41 "Worth More" features Morning Wor.hip, prayers by all' the members present. You'll say those spent Wednesday night with Mrs. J. m. I Worship; 7:30 p. • Evening the course Backwards T. Martin and Mr. and l\> Donald Ladies attending study are on "The West ]5 at the First Martin. THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Big," really something! . church in Statesboro welt> - Mrs. TecH Mrs. Nathan Baptist To Please You Phone 709 Nesmith. invites you to attend services each Mrs. Colon Akins, Mrs. G. E. Strick­ Foss and Misses Wylene Nesmith and Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the old more Mrs. Delmas Rushing, Mrs. You'll see Ford's worth when you June Foss were visitors in Savannah school house in Brooklet. Preaching -land, why the Rev. Elmer L. Green, pastor Clinton Mrs. Sam Monday. hy Rushing, N�ville of God ... more when sell itl of First ASlistor. MRS, J. P. HUGHES. Reporter. The N'aJ Stofltlart/, of tlu A""rif!G" RHtl you. Eut it ... Benjamin and Miss Billy Rose San­ Re.... fifliL sXlt)�f. DECEMBER 1952 scrve it .•• often. with 31. School everylSllliday del'S spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. 10 :30-Sunday FOR RENT.-Uni�rnished three-room And always buy Lloyd Collins in Statesboro. . 6:30 p. m.-TrainLng _UEion .every of two large LIFE IN apllrtment, consisting - INSURANCE CHlNITO RICE the Mr. and Mrs. and .FORCE $927,584,863 Sunday. rooms and private bath; hot water Eugene Joyce Church services on 2nd and extra Regular electric iheater furnished; frollt and fancy long grain . children, of Poole I', nnd Mrs. GOI-don Gain over 1951 services 11:30; of $105,620,052 4th . Sundays: morning Tea� private entrances i no children rice that's so easy to Lewis 7:30. pnd daughter spent Sunday evenin" services . Phone 47. MISS MATTIE cook. m�.,t.... Apply Light! Fluffy! wtih Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lewis. ASSETS .P.rayer meeting TIruI'!ld'IlY LIVELY and GEORGE LIVELY, 114 $ 79,869,639 with Tender! Here', rice' weekly at church, 7:30, pastor's . Mr. and Mrs. O. El. Nesmith, Viv- Savannah avenue. (26f�bltp) that', right for every Increase of $13, 111 ,684 in one leadership. ian and' Terrence Nesmith. Miss Edith year lue-for soups, main I and Bab Rushing were SUllday din- FOR BIDS dishes, desserts. • PAro POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFiCiARIES $ ADVERTISEMENT ner guests of ·Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rush­ 9,708,067 ESTATE from contractors REA" and family in Savannah. Sealed proposals ing Largest amount paid in one year the will be received by Regents of Mrs C. P. Davis had as guests University S'ysetm of Georgia, owner, Mr. and Mrs. Sun-I day L.A. Burnham and LIABILITIES $ 67,771,991 Z. S. at the office of President He,!!­ LOANS Gale; Mrs. Johnnie Iler and daughter, reserves are included derson, Teach.ers College, and Mrs. J. Policy funds Georgia. Mr. D. Sharpe, Jerry and Statesboro GeorgIa, until 12:00 !,oon Lowest Interest Larry and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Davis. Eastern 'Stilndard Time, Fnday, SURPLUS FUNDS AND CAPITAL $ 12,097,648 fol' additions Prompt Approvals son . \ March 13, 1953, �o .ad­ ministration and classroom bUlldmg, Mis! Vivien Nesmith A LOAN TO FIT returned via Georgia Tea�hers College,

- and Statesborod, . __ Dolta AirLines At the time. place no.te .:..l������������.____ Saturday afternoQn Georgia. YOUR NEED FOR I land the will pubhcly above _ a proposals be. Ford. tip-top FOR SALE M John Deere trom two-months in it ••• S'ALE-1?40 shajJe; Model stay Miami. There be no a" " ... Value Check JAMES and read. - DIXON, Ga. opened ,:,,'H G.I ., ...". HeglsteJ', tractor, Pl'acticnlly Slee MRS. Fla., and will now reSume hel' Juties F.H.A. .Whlt••Id.won tlret opeloftol ne�". of time of. the blddll1g pe­ ' (2tifebltp) extension .,. V _.•q"'...... _ .... I VIRGIL DEAL. Rt. 4. Statesbol'o. V in Savannah with docu­ '1 t d D I the S·outhern Bell riod All plnns and bidding Conventional .." D; at the office Co. During hel' stay in ments can be. obtained �f GeorgIa President Z. S. Henderson, - Flol'ida she visited M,'. nnd M I'S. Joe Farm Commercial ELECTRIC AND T.eachers College, Statesboro, ?eor ACETYLENE WELDING Alderman, of Chuckaluskee, and Mr. WIll be t A contract, awarded! - gia. if. - and Mrs. \V. D. and baSIS. bIds See or Call FIELD GATES Hendrix fftmily, on a lump sum A;ll m.ust to WIth tof Sebring, Fla., ali former l'esidents ,be firm and are �ot subject TRAILERS AND TRAILER HITCHES drawal for a penod of fo�rteen of Nevils. of (1��b A. S. DODD J R. days following the opel1lpg FoRT5 STEEL TRUCK owner the :�:���:i953 BODIES proposals. The reser.ves 518 or 476' and bIds. announcing Change of Address �ight to !'eject an� a!1 ,;nd /' CLOTHES LINE POLES and InlO1mallty. 23 North Main Street � to waive technicahty s. W. LEWIS, INC. I Elfective Feb. 1st, my office address J. H. DEWBERRY,. CQIIle Building .. " will be 206 Donehoo Stteet 24 of GREEN'S FIX-IT SHOP (facing District Office: Seibald Street For University System GeG!'g!a, (ljan-8mllr) 38 North Main Street .. Phone 41 west entrance Bulloch County Hos­ A tlnntn, Georgl�. NEVILS. GEORGIA pita!.) (19feb4tc) HUNTER ROBERTSON, Next to (8jan2mp) Dentist. City Hall, Statesboro, Ga. '.

BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NE'!S THURSDAY, MAR<::H 5,1953 ��"lC"X8:axtllC�8:8:Dt I BACK\\"AftI' LOOK I Jocial : Clubs: M:: E��T:.'.::' ,7°':::':' ,!"j'"' TEN YEARS AGO Personal From Bulloch March 1943 PLAY BALL! Times, II, Forty aged cars included in last ; r I week's total ��� scrap drive; poundage STATESBORO EA GLE last week was near the 200,000 pound NE'YS-STATESBORO mark JIl Bulloeh MILLER-LYNN , Deaths Mrs Mark 0 LIvely, age Personal. 51, died at her home JIl Atl mta Mon Eltabllahcd 1892 Purely I All Bulloeh Tlmee, CoD..Udated �&IIUUJ 17. 1t�" th�lI e:;'�g:!::ntJ �f �I���,r �:�,�uh��� extended 11101 GA. THURSDAY Calling day after an Illness -Madl Statelboro Newl, Eitablilhed ! STATESBORO. MARCH 12, 1953 VOL 63-NO.8 Ouida to •• 9 Dean L� nil, of S rvannnh, son Between son age died Monday Establilhod 11l17-(',onanitdJoted 0«...... 1Il10 USee Pudgett, 72, Stateaboro Eaele, J'im "nt�on the week MIs spent of 1\11 ind MIS L A Lynn, of Col after noon at the home of his d iugh BY RUTH JjEA end \\ ith i\h \\ atson III G Ili'1n VER tel, Mrs W J Bryant, at Stilson, hns] he \\ eddlng d ue has not been J I · u Joiner md 1\11 and Mrs Osc set I Baseball Fans! ,\III be tn 1 If missed af�:,e�d�0�1J���::scott WONlEN I SOME REAL duughter Jan :1.Ie spending u few dny::, " . . . you the I coital at Teach GEORGIA SOCIAL UI scrl ers en Buteau ers of 5 College gl\ the out b by two b DOTSON-HAGIN Farm Ul1S week III Atlanta The Statesboro Pilots will 1953 open the ����I�edc:�a�:�I�v���: �he ISte��;�l�n , standing yOUIl[!' students out thei e on 1\11 md 1'118 Hinton Booth have New s has been received by his put tura IS quite often 65 degrees below Ll ATLANTA , SECURITY Tuesday IlIght, you missed MEPI'IN · POINTS Mr and M,s John H of certulnty Baseball Season in Statesboro on 20th zeta butwlth\\UlInclothesandgood }\. returned Irom n two weeks' stay at ents, igrrn one of the the April . hIghlights of year Sure the fare "Canadian Conference 'tihe ma of their eats, boys A Information tona Beach Fin rrrage son, S/Sgt I; ) ou couldn't find gl eater talent 01 U MI and Mrs Datis Burch fine, ' State.\VI�e Day Hendrix, with Sandersville. ale most nttracttve Scott i �henY'!nlle.l girls says To Be By The Iven F·Ina I Ad· d·Icatlon Wnlte r to MISS Da wna Dot more Dignified G The n IS Hagan, program grven than 10llchlng Operation And AIC Ch "he mpbell spending brllfiautty of Brooklet, announce the birth of u IU I th It Guests --- son Febr urn 14 �h B by Johnny Denitto and Gene Rob­ Presence of Outside With 1\11 on y SISgt and son Datis Burch Jr ' Legal 01 The La.. his f'ui-lough his parents, , Feb 21st, at the 110�ISde���a.t��)t���\g���1,0��n������ I Aspects el ts From time to time the On 01 atout December we were Hagan Will their home at Egliu during thut [J county WIde canrnng demon the 67th Con 1st, and MIs Eugene Campbell Jl1ake the Bulloch County Hospit Inl attendmg Conserve Th,. IS spllnl! people of the town WIll be ",II be held tails over the Delegates Insurance Leader Your one of , serres of a,1;lcles on Air sti ation ups I given [J check fOI npproximately Crop WIll Base, near Pensacola Flu, where an G F ederation 01 $SPO ld Phi l Moms Tech student, given oppol:j;umty to hear the stu­ office next vention a f eorgiu I IlISUrllnce under POWCI Frtdny, MI nnd Mrs WIlson Georgia und a list of new l\nd Residue On The Land \\ Sgt Hagan IS now stu tioned dents in the music Henry hear MIS Oscar Makes Announcement SUbSCI!,lltIOIlS, tOIie OCIIl spend the week end ith Ills parents, department and Banks "hen a demonatration WIll be given Women's Clubs WIll "sgC nnld sSlIIVlvorsecurrty Act These ar- announce the birth of a which had been III eonnec when the recitals are cer- son, Henry a well home at old, gtven Dnn't burn corn tlcles were 1\11 lind MIS Thad Morris grven you by MISS Clinard, known A Ahlgreen address the assembly W E Helmy, Statesboro distINct Ilnd cotton stalks prepurcd by your social RADFORO-ROYAL tuinly don't want to miss them -OUI WIlson tion With the Falin Bureau I' Jr, February 23rd at the Bul­ Your economtst Needed session on member ole worth \ deul to the 1111'S Jack Smullyan of Atlanta, ••• • the \Vednesduy evening fat Life Insurance Com Th(!y greut MI s Oza Monloe of ChI Ihlgh school students arc from I manager RlIdford, busy loch County HospItal Mrs Banks was Support sillp In the list "ele so!netlnng :��u�:i n�:��In;:rm���:����m l:� severnl last week With now on I Ist She IS the disbinguished of announces that hla wnd They not onl) add felbllzel ofhce spent days nnnounce until when TWENTY YEARS AGO April puny Georgia, by therp, 01" - VISIting cago, III, the nUlll1uge of Junel they gt-adu MISS I Itke 100 new bal wlIUng, formerly Geneva Hodges YOU CAN HELP BY subscllptlOns, the I but III her MIS Bill &11111ll0nS ate The past week found a at of the General Federation In mutenul, help contI ela. telcphonJIIg 61589 Sister, hel Patnclll to group From Dulloch TImes, March 9. 19�3 plesldent �ompuny made the gleatest gam oiling daughter DaVIson, unee "ele lene\\nls As US! G S C Wand another hUI I S from speedilY and the Frank \Vllh Tech Will group Vlsltmg \Vomen's Clubs and -assets msurance lust lon, Ille elvmg St,uct",. of I n out I aat we Ims, sturient, H MI and Mr. E 0f PI mce B Pleston, a well known of and hfe yeal artlcIe told yOll Pete Royal of Mettel, forme! Iy of Gilorge Marsh, the names were en Wesleyan thIS week end nnd making BUYING AN AD ON THE FENCE I pOSSIble, ney, the s&11 the week end With hiS youn"" attol ney has been e ected sec IndIana of ItS 61 The COlli , w spend parent, on Atlanta, announce the b,rth of a WI"tmg, year hIstory hut benefits bc on ac. Stotesboro, SatUlday, I'ebruary plans to attend school there m Sep son, lolled may paId the Tetary of the Statesboro Chamber of a o'clock at Wdtcl on t\ l\lr and Mrs Everett WIlliams 1ember The conclave opens h!e Insurance tn force w lS tDrops 9f falling bale 2l It GranvIlle Avenue Loot week three of our George Elliott, Feb 10th, m the Pied pany's count a til<- MethodISt .. I of gIrls BUYING AN Commerce to f:iucceed J E McCroan I 7 I Because of V lst amount of pClson who retlles from AD ON THE PROGRAM 1\I al c h the SOil MISS \Yesleyun sentor, were molted to Ipend the week end at the Henry Grady Hotel on IIlcreused $105,000000 In the year c"unge tht,l stluctUIC of the SOil Betty Smith, urc,h III The I mont HospItal Mrs Marsh I. the who I�tlred- ou-�ter four of u•• Ch ChIcago gloom 18 th 0 years se�v' labor ltlvolved III OUI GI1llstmas sea active work the of where I - Tomorrow. Tho SU1 lnce becomes A This artIcle will am" the week end With hel POI .. Um1'enllty GeorgIa they forlner JIIlss Ice 31st 'Today's Task and 1l0W totals 1lI0le than compucted spent @on o· •• r and "1"," H ""1 Juamta of EI I I R I f DanIels, oya ,a are te PURCHASING A SEASON $927,5�0, son b It was bl e the planlJlnlC enroll _iLis fall They TICKET Bulloch are been se pu JicatJOns, IllIpOS., sulface the payments that may be made to cnts Mr and MIS H01BCC Snuth berton county schools facmg Need" IS the theme, havmg \\ hlCh was a gam of nearly 13 compacted luyer plOvents - 000, Metter 1111 and Mr. make I al nil .. t Royul WIll e busy theIr criSIS m due to the tIme to p,epa,e Iectmg collegoa, gleatest theIr hlstOlY, E Maltm, gIve requlled ot ramf,,11 LIke the surVIVOIS of MISS Annie SuI a Brannen, of Ludo I have lected by MIS per cent II> one yea! Assets m the rnpld penetIatlon Insured persons who thell homo m Augusta and�many made defimte plans at PURCHASING A BOX SEAT to lack of funds, county bomd has thIs list of subscllpLlOns for credIt With state to be haslzed dUI wise a heavy lalll f""mg 011 a clelln have dICd WICI, spent the week end \\el • • • • thIS tIme-One of our pretty ol'deled all schools closed at the end preSIdent, emp same pellod lose more than $13,100, young HERE FOR FUNERAL and enrollment The Qddltlons were �o attends taxes udmml3tr.JtIon Hnely seedbed not W,dow'. are p,rents Mr and Mrs I A Blannen MRS. HAGIN HONORE)) gIrls Tenchers College of ncxt week £allure to pay mg hel 000 to totdl of $79,869,000 I plepared only 1, payments milde te ,--�------. OF MRS RACKLEY -ANDBY- � taken CUle of the cledlts weI" �s an reason for the emel HISt, causes 0108lOn \\ WhItten arrIved M I S Ed H WOOlh bef e hel planmng early JUIl� OUI merchants word carried can • Jovely palty FrIday altelnoon at hel style HERE Some playful trIcks�r seSSIon at the brealdast \n selected from Inalll"llCl plltlon lrecelve die - FOR FUNERAL momlng te In and then �t, the some 130000 4-R effort - Hogan, lInd familIes -WIll see AROUND TOWN Charles Blocker's scavanger 'truck put speCIal }953, addresses milde for last ..eek s on you someone te At- 'payments The benefit III the ••111. home Grady stleet Spllng How OF MRS. KELLY will call on you. ;l)av18on tea room, WIth "What Club All and Mrs of a.. from the lot looked for a sponsor WIthIn the coun, members In Georgia each year Perry Woods, ay city Monday mght, N I a els and a des- In the as her 11\4l11ng that fOr 1\'Idow over 66 decorated her rooms Commg from out of town for the removed the wheels at some point range Spring subject for these IJI GJeenvllle, S C, who were enroute to , ty project. I. of ex- lor tntl. national MINA FRANKLIN CIRCLE an 'lIhls much saId by way encampll\ent I 4. Unmarried under II sert was served For club hIgh score funeral of Mrs Almah Tues "ear the county JaIl and scattered I Mrs Arthur Moore will brmg chUdren were SKelly Prices are this Most of the club I Flonda for a vIsItors The Mma Franklin CIrcle of th� than projects event of our vacatIon, higher year and near plalJatlOn In the any Roger and 'won the award of a or Mrs Juhan ,e"",ved a SIlver part. far (Commented "Easter Bjternoon Raymond penon who die. fully cur- of - Hodges I day last week were GIlbert McLe- Message Thursday work on m Statesboro durmg the week PIInlltI ve B tISt c hurchiliw meet had been have .ponsora after. ella found confusIon ap they were last year. Blocker thus moving gar- Club under sub""rlberl have any because of their record rently lnaured may recelYe bracelet and for guest hIgh a set more, MISS that' at the AUanta Woman's menlbel.1 outstandnlg monthl, MIss Bacon week March at 7 30 Atlanta, Betty McLemore, bage since ) trlct award has been won that pa,. and the SylVIa spent tl)e Monday evelllng, 9th, �a� aa to their credit. delivery ' ..ere on of went to Mrs Don Hackett tbe. �92 the Hne arta department, WIth Mrs III Ieaderah durI theleven payment. If they dependent glasses Alpharetta, Mr and Mrs R E Mc trom there on the lp ng years end m Atlanta WIth her aunt, Mr. o'clock at the home of Mrs George expenses through of their paper. that low Mrs H P FORTY YEA� AGO_ Garner as chairman pel'llon. The payments oan be FOI Jones Jr lecelved Lemors and famIly, Albany, Mr anc! RaleIgh state and but few have been active In "H Club W L and attended the pel- Prather WIth "1"rs C eClI Adsn er on us contests conereas, they McDllda, .. made to the children of an a and cut From Bulloch Tim , March 13, 1913 JunIor Clubwomen's mght takes I I.nau.... traveling sewing kIt, fOI Mrs R A Kelly, Tifton, Mrs Upton of them had local work They have held about every formance of Soutn PaCIfic Saturday co hostess All members are Statesboro sponaors through but what I. ulgs ClIldv and Emmyc R�i&��fRSI offi�� at you" SOCIal securIty oCfice at feet �!��d�deetl��� �����::!J ��e�::oere �P�:����; Ml and MIS Flank P SIxty hIgh ment for WIth the cont...t. a Johnston and MIS of i-lomelville, AprIl 4, equIpment and personnel te put the tfue devclopment of sound, efli Savannah, Ga That office WIll be Vngll OUlden, J C Bute .. nd W D Anderson, of Catnphell and chlldlcll, MI and MI::l In the afternoon and talent contest co operatIve mto a "orklng organ clent and "8 to TWin Clt� spent last week end 111 ofl EmIt attended the SIng at UllIon progressIve program o' glad gIve) ou all the Information WAS THIS YOU? lzatloo An has been B and MI and M,s a that WlnnelS WIll office procured Atlanta ,lIld attended the eve Campbell far'l"y, Sunday They report good mght Commumty Slstance to the needy people of the you need If you VISIt there write 01' Satuday l?st at club In the new office be the on Fnday afternoon your Olliff bUlldml: MUllan MIS Dessle Camp tlme, and passed comphment compete at\ Tifton for d,strIct honors s tate call of South Paclhc Campbell, In 6 1589 ]lmg pe.fomance there party you were dressed a navy tween the cIty hail and the Nonls bell MIQs Month" MI and M" the gills over June 15, 16 and 17 CIBlk, and whIte ca Hotel on Selhald street Mr Moore Members of the board are County MI lind MIS Jlln Cheek who have WIllie McCroan, son of A F Mc suit", Ith white blouse I I Edmond and chIldren, Met DOLLAR brown eyes and WOlklng With MISS Beasley are was asked to warehouse space Mrs Marie Bar� Campbell conductor mellm You have procure cha.rmen, Vaughan, been spendtng some tune at the Am DAYS Cloan, was on the Coast Thomas county dIrector of Public tel �lJss Bel tha and Dell MISS that made 176 mIles III 151 nun haIr You have four daughters MISS Janice Deal, guls' vice presl to stOle the trucks, Ihardwale wire Mrs Sara J MISS b.:..s�ador Hotel m New YOI k c'lty HagJll, Lme to\\, Carter, Bibb, Welfare cali co Jacksonvtlle to Savannah If the descrIbed WIll at dent vIce nnd such Items for the operatIve Geol 11. IS C Ha utes, from lady " Carl Brack p,es, B !lflS B an to gJa Hugill Gilorge boys' Sarah Hall, Bulloch, Jane MI Palkel of SOCIal Ad. WIll allive hele at cally date WIll IS the DIVISlbll -almost I the 'I1Imes offIce she be gIven Mt Moore to be paid fOl �IJ Plossel In IIghtnlllg speed dent, Anme Ruth secretary, and MIS NoYl Full Hodges, Maneal gill Blast Butts, MISS Tuckel, HallY liThe Powell, mUllstl met With Jam hel son, Steve Sewell Darlington CIty counCIl preferred cllarges two tickets to the picture, Brooklet Telephone Exchange as pel atlon, thegroup .BIlly Tyson, treasurel, and MISS Lynn ThiS MISS Mal LOUise Max who \\ III holt Dempse Barnes on tne ground Band and The Beautiful," showlllg the agreement some months ago Franklm, y D,SCUSSIons and �or the student spend SPltng VISIT FROM PUERTO RICA agamst plans year'. he entered the home of J G and FrIday at the GeorgIa Murph), leporter The ildvlsors fOJ means that the co operatIve ""II be Mrs S at thell home hete that tomg>ht well, Glady, Mary Holland, program centeled chlefiy around the day.:) MUjol and MI s John Egbel t shook hands ",th hIm �heater at and Blitch and thIS yeal are Mr and Mrs Rufus G operating the exchanges Portal Mrs Etta C FUlman Jon;s I Lanier, Houston, Peach, problem of securIng and training ade­ Ronme By-Jd, Ulliverc;qty ul(f small Suzanne have whIle he was under smallpox quar- Alter receIvIng her tIcket.. If the. Blooklet wllIle bUlldmg the county dall�htel I Mr and Mrs Dan W Hu Mrs Mal L Moss of Sumtel At I the Statesboro Brannen, and y ' and the \\cek end With IllS MINKOVITZ fine of $100 Ildy WIll call at ,,,de quate competent staff, develop· student, spent DEPT., I to AlI FOlce Base antme, paId system gone Blockley STORE R _, III Statesbo'ro no WIll be a gan a'nd Mr and Mrs Dorns MI anti MIS Gus Oth Due to smallpox Floral Shop she gIVen The dllectOl s III on the planlllng county IIIg thlOughout the state, better servo palents, BYld MobIle, All aftel awhIle spending servlces were permitted 111 olchld WIth complIments of Cason J H chaIrman aSSOCIatIon for MI and MIS TchglOuoS lovely Tuesday were Metts, I Officers of the 1953 Ices to and avaIlable er "eck-end guests of I chIldren, makmg hele With Jones' MI 'not a chIme MUJOI patents, the town Ill'll; Sunday, the proprIetor, Sill Hnlloway were n H MISS Beasley stated there of the board, El Allen, vlco-chalr- ale Mrs STARTING AT 9 A. ••• President, to factulli and MIS Gllfi 11'11 M. THURSDAY, ONLY UnlillOO Are Given the was Carolyn Clarke, the cItIzens Information Byrd and MI and M,s H P 51 al A'I\ay Absolutel} F!fee! o! a church bell was heald upon The lady descrIbed last week Jones haVing TRANSLUCENT !few that the had man, W A Hodges, secretary and a few In plojects sponsors DeKalb county, vice-president, Mrs the of hum&1l wele Mrs W C \ytlhams, MIS JEWEL TONE "tIll soft aIr except strokes Mrs Albert Evans, who recCived J concernlllg problems Iiams lIved hele flam Puelto RICa whet'.! PLASTIC PIE SERVER. It's Big! 8 a14 x 2 3/4 Inches. Limit One to a treasure�, W 0 Gnner, V Rowe, Family. Come a the colored churches on the and not yet been worked out on yet but Annie Chatham Becre- Mrs Leon Patte I son Running! one of her orchIds and tlokete, phoned H J C C. Aaron and William Oliver. couQty, needs and public welfare as a No> Burns, Mr and they weI c stationed fOl the t\\ 0 I Aaron, past outskirts" h. I full would be wllek Mrs Loalse S C I appreCIatIon completed rhls Cromley tary-trealurer, source for meeting these needs. und son, of Greenwood, years ghaBtal.!t,

J .'