Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 3-5-1953 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1953). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2675. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2675 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH TIMBS AND STATESBORO NmyS_ THURSDAY, FEB 26, 1963 f BACK\\"AftI' L� I TEN YEARS AGO • • . life with From Bulloch Times. March 4. 1943 � begins � Bulloch �ounty goat raiaers are WHERE NEEDED urged to care for the 1943 crop of STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE First in 'kids, as the price outlook Is very baby's Steps fuvorable" Fred E Gerrald manager of the Eotabllabed 1811 ! , Balkleb Tlmee, CouoUdatad J_, l'f, 1I1'f Statesboro PIckle Co, announces that 8ta",.boro N...... EotabU.bed 111011 • Personal. 1 STATESBORO, GA., 'I:HURSDAY, MARCH 5,1953 VOL 63-NO. Z- Purely the required cucumber has EltabU.bed 11117-Golllolldatad n-mber 1_ .. • acreage 8tUuboro Ea,le, t, ••Between US been l:l::�::: ';.� ';." reached, and no fUlthel acreage �����=::=�=:�������:=�������======�����:=���������������������������====�====�====�==========��==� !!IfEETING' can Grover Brannen, ot Macon, spent Be SURE you go �� be accepted = BY RUTH bEAVER I the Fashion Show � New the week end with his famIly here To Red Cross Campaign ! Studebaker Now I E Cone are Junior- Woman'''- nll?t��;:I�rg�����tt�nua���ou�:s I��:! LOCAL TALENT TO I GEORGIA COUNTIES MI and Mrs Charles The Statesboro 1--"I.IIii;�� STATESBORO FANS ,ts reorgaruantton has been at Tomorrow Placed On Exhibition If you happen out North Matn way plan To Begin i sometime at St Pete,sburg, Club pI esents 1963 models-s-nejv M E spending ou cei want to take a look at tamed, Alderman IS captain and ) tmnly chairman for Acclulmed at press prevues the new clothes These latest fash James Bland ti'rst FranCIS Allen, fund ENTER (\� Fla cars, the SIdney Lanter yard To see so heutenant I STAGE DISPLAY CONTESTS TO HAVE BASEBALL most dlatinctiva ells eve: be WIlham SmIth was built by nn Mrs Brimm, of Sasser, sPl'nt Ions nnd stream line" Cat S WIll dIfferent flowers blooming this named presr the 1963 Bulloch Red ClOSS Henry mnny ca�algn State Chamber of Commerce Ev all of them so dent of the Bulloch "First To Be Shown American automobils company Stude Season's Firs! Game Will week end with her mother, MIS shown III the lovely show room of time of year an'll pretty, County Chapter Lady" the of the Bureau announces that the campaign get shows the skilled handiwork o! Oltv FarIll at the regular At Teachers wl'1 Mo vement Which baker s 1963 pussengei models al e erett Motor Co on Thursday, March Georgia College Spensers Be Played on Local Field Peal I Brody, meeting Roscoe Anderson runder Mareh 6th to ralsa Waynesboro, announce the birth of a 13 and the house and the many beau Frtday: B G Of Entertainers way .8,000 ,"ow Sam Anderson Jr of Val m For entertamment ami Y roup , Will Promote being displayed locally by MIS Dean 6 at 8 p around the front are cer was elected and R P Agriculture With SlIndersvllle 20 22 Mrs MIllican tiful flowers vlce-preaidsnj, ior April Few daughter February the Bulloch County Chupte Franklm Co, Studebaker "ea)el the week end with her there will be a "A the see The MIkell secretury·treasu-r..... am 't dosta, spent fun skit, tainly worth ndlng by "He was 0. po IItlclan-and so Th I rt h was MISS CaroI Boh I 0 f \MI y tree counties have entered Baseball IS thc olt .show on formerly yn er, DorIs E chairman m the of Those who have seen the curs at grea Mrs Fred Scott Words" by Margalet Ann De Leroy Tyson yard Is certainly pretty Cason, of the Lincoln and Me U Allen, aunouncmg begtnnlng mother, played Grandpa, th.e I Statesboro now and find some county farm isaued 1953 agt icultural contest of cial prevues dccla) e the new mo els eat th and the II110ts will holds a a dance too, always you ratlOnmg board, the fund I hal d ;r.e Statesboro Belt who posttton and by we beat a gn, ' RIggs, kle JImmy Bland, •••• statement can't Irene HIbbard Wlth ralsmg campa there As you gO out touching I attoning pro �am" set for week ernar thmg blooming counttes sponsored by the GeorgI L ,,)11 the pnce tha tuture 'nu Ihe In toe show when the seaaen at Warner Robbin, spent the Phoebe and a by B d Mrs Kenneth of ticket hke there IS the folloWlng co workers to opella Kelly song Lieut and Smith, North Main you can get a gltmpse of cess- 'about 76 types of machinery, that, somethmg ,alslst tomoblle and as Mrs music Emma most of WIth to be named S'tate Chamber of accord lIte!'e .. end he;e with RIggs Morrl' WIth by Kelly Mtnml announce the birth of a son, the grounds bemg prepared for the thelIl heavy equipment, ale wrong WIth LIncoln and Grandpa!' :111111, others Bater Commerce, �slgn. engllleellnlf Aprt 20th, WIth Sand rsville, n.w aB did the of Valdosta WIll be awarded to the 14th. new grammar school that Is to be eon rationed, and to buy these Items a G C Coleman white Stl.tesboro\busl. to A C markedly company's ear Mrs Curtis Melton, Door prtaes K,enneth. Marshall, February Lucy Chase Wayne, granddaughter , mg Swint, chalrman of the entry III th.e Georgla Stute Lengue structed off the Lake VIew road Cath· fanner rnust have a certificate" ler postwar models Mr with her refreshments WIll neo. �hite � Frankhn, , week end parents, holders and was MISs Fran • a of Mrs Paul Carrol, spent the lucky Mrs SmIth formerly •• • ot president and spoUed darlmg section, Charnber'o agrlculturnl dlviaion are at work erme and Shuford Wall are jUst be· I of the local "'Berts that Committees gettlni'd Flake Your mas reeldentlal MISS dealership. Mr and Mrs Lonnie he served to everybody ces of MarIetta TWENTY aoeiety, IS to Statesboro Beetlon, Turner, gmmng their new home acros. from YEARS AGO Washington ou� get to IIIcreased • I DesIgned gtve Imlle the puhllcI s tn ,or a te rn fi c surprIse leady for the 1963 season, ground. Cowart and Mrs K D ceremonIes be Leodel Cole • • • • Ida Teachers Mrs B W ter of Wlll the Loy Waters home, and they have 1'0.. Ru�h TI......� J, 1.33 her man eleeted pl'88ldent In the Loag Rogers, Geol'lfia Sa tus to the 'While Ithe new cars reflect to lome are MIamI for Herald Mr and Mrs W E Teets, of for a small sunken that already axpandmg agrl being put In shape, Manager Reel> WIldes left Tuesday fpr man, edItor of the Bulloch plans garden SocIal ..."nts forthcomIng StatP.sbol'O Little Thea- College, S H Slt......aII, Statc�boro a Thirty YOUDriters extent the relatlves dealer will vannah, announce the bIrth of a son, WIll adJOIn their home They have cultural de'f'elopment In the Influence of European styl Thl asher of the PIlots Is l\ week B VlSlt With Each local automobIle kom the B"ptl.t SUDbeams emjoyed tre productlDa of "First Lady" This .chool I Geol'lfia, busy 1II1Iq on their land which didn't at St spring they contest team work lng, the, retain In every respect tho the and Mrs Holland spent show theIr 1963 model car as a back· Terry Alan, February 17th, picnic III An addItIonal Is needOd'more en�ourall"'S county up 1953 squad, and a pre.season Mr Roger dIscover until they thad already pur sparklmg, sophIsticated .omed,. of ,l,OOO I stamina and "0 I Mrs Teets was the � a�fov�rs'l for corn!ort, m TIfton wIth new "breath Joseph's HospItal HII��eeda,. greater flte loadablllty tlckot nas be­ 8 few days thl5 week ground for the takmg chased their lot The Hugh Tumers lfaaltlnll'to. life ellPlodiea tlte myth titan heretofore from Bulloch county acblcveme'l.t durh.g clLmpalgn already been ta:�:--"t he": etharacteriatlc tonner MISS of on Vista ho�:"Fnda,.o�:n�� .calendar 1963' ot Studebaker cara Mrs J J Baker famlons Our own home town Enuly WIlliams, are jliettlng their lot ready that notn The national demand for year gun State.boro Is In a minor 'ealllll, Iter mother, , spring a tn honor of ibe pnsidentlal candldateB are heavy And what a life It IS, With �tb surprise part,. �'oocI Theee are not Statesboro and to begin their house happy PerntaJlent metal markers cars expe.lmental cars and minor base en. of Atlanta, WlII model for I Circle, hope - road d� bell U a MISS LoUIse Hagtn, ladles and gentlemen 'I IIllrthday at MI.. Audry Lanier ...ted by political partlea Two worn tar use o. the IlllIIta!')' personnel and commlfmty , the • • •• \soon Several more days and to bo built Borne tIme In the future, the week end wIth her SIsters, the stores Mrs R L.
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