Balestrand Bind I – Gards- Og Ættesoge

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Balestrand Bind I – Gards- Og Ættesoge BALESTRAND BIND I – GARDS- OG ÆTTESOGE 948.34/B3 D2b v.1 is the Family History Library Dewey Decimal Number This is an index of farm names. All the main farm names are printed in bold letters. Any property that has split off from a farm, rented, leased or bought will be listed u/ the farm it was split from. The letters Ææ, Øø and Åå are filed after Zz as they appear in the Norwegian alphabet. B EIKEN 160 Bakkane u/ Bøyum 301 Eikestad u/ Linde 494 Bakken u/ Ytre Ness 427 EIKI 160 Balaviki u/ Bale 69 Eiriksdalsvatnet u/ Lønne 408 BALE 55 Engjevik u/ Engum 528 Bellevue u/ Engum 531 ENGJUM 523 Bellevue u/ Indre Nesse 454 ENGUM 521 BERGE 348 ESE-INDRE 70 Bergtun u/ Målsnes 544 ESE-YTRE 73 Bersteigen u/ Kvamme 514 F Birkelund u/ Linde 493 FARNES 122 Bispegodset u/ Bale 55 FARNES, INDRE 130 Bjerketun u/ Linde 493 FARNES-YTRE 126 Bjørkehaugen u/ Dale 138 Feste u/ Indre Nesse 439 Bjørkelund u/ Engum 530 FETEN 201 Bjørkelund u/ Kvist 415 Fjordglytt u/ Lønne 408 Bjørkeset u/ Linde 494 Fjordheim u/ Nokken 461 BJÅSTAD 355 FJÆRESTAD 41 Blekheim u/ Indre Nesse 452 FLESJE 4 BOLSTAD 390 Fredvik u/ Hanavik 552 Bratland u/ Skåsheim 37 Fremrebøen u/ Lønne 405 BREKKE (I LÅNEFJORD) 384 Furehaugen u/ Lønne 407,410 Brennset u/ Indre Nesse 438 Futegården u/ Fjærestad 43 Bruahaugen u/ Kvamme 515 G BRUHJELL 22 Galdane u/ Lundsvivi 114 Bøen u/ Lønne 405 Gjelseng u/ Indre Nesse 451 Bøen u/ Mæland 199 GJERDE 92 Bøen, Nedre u/ Sværen 145 Gjerde u/ Indre Nesse 443,444 BØYUM 279 Grønebakken u/ Grøneng 90 D GRØNENG 87 DALE 131 Grønlund u/ Torsnes 157 Daleviki u/ Dale 137 H Dalheim u/ Indre Nesse 451 Hagen u/ Bruhjell 25 Dalsbu u/ Indre Nesse 456 Hagen u/ Lunde 120 Danekleivi u/ Kvamme 502 Hagetun u/ Indre Nesse 452 DISTAD 246 Hallgjenge u/ Kvamme 516 Dragota u/ Kvist 415 HAMARSNES 232 E HAMRUM 256 Eikelund u/ Målsnes 541 HANAVIK 547 Page 1 of 4 BALESTRAND BIND I – GARDS- OG ÆTTESOGE 948.34/B3 D2b v.1 is the Family History Library Dewey Decimal Number HANEVIK 547 Klørviki u/ Ytre-Farnes 129 Hanken u/ Lunde 121 KNURREN 235 Hatlehaugen u/ Torsnes 159 KOLKINGSNES 379 HATLESTAD 251 KOLLANGSNES 379 Hatlevik u/ Kvamme 514 Kongsnes u/ Kvist 415 Haugabu u/ Indre Nesse 455 Krekjen u/ Kvamme 513 Haugane u/ Øvre-Mundal 277 Kringla u/ Våtevik 336 Hauge u/ Bale 65 Kråkenest u/ Nedre-Mundal 272 Haugen u/ Dale 137 Kråketeigen u/ Ytre Ness 427 Haugen u/ Feten 207 KVALHEIM 81 Haugen u/ Kvamme 512 KVAMME 498 Haugen u/ Tjugum 110 KVAMSØY 517 Havnehola u/ Indre Nesse 451 Kveldro u/ Indre Nesse 454 Heimro u/ Indre Nesse 455 Kvena u/ Torsnes 156 Heimstad u/ Indre Nesse 453 KVIST 411 Hellevik u/ Lønne 407,408, Kvisthagen u/ Kvist 414,415, 410 416 Hestviki u/ Hanavik 552 Kyrkjegardshaugen u/ Indre Nesse 456 Hetviki u/ Ytre Ness 424 L Hjelseng u/ Tjugum 108 LANGETEIG 173 Hola u/ Stølen 346 Liatun u/ Indre Nesse 456 HORPEDAL 338 Liberg u/ Kvamme 513 Hovdabu u/ Kvamme 513 LIDAL 364 Hovden u/ Ytre Ness 427 LINDE 485 Huldreknausen u/ Stokkabø 556 Lindehagen u/ Linde 495 Humlegarden u/ Ytre Ness 424 Livden u/ Engum 525 I LUNDE 114 INDRE FARNES 130 LUNDSVIVI 111,112 INDRE NESSE 429 LØNNE 397,398 INDRE TENNEFOSS 470 LÅNE 397 INDRE-ESE 70 LÅNEFJORD (BREKKE) 384 Ingeborgklubben u/ Indre Nesse 433 M Ingeborgklubben u/ Indre Nesse 452,453 MENES 216 J Merket u/ Linde 494 JORDAL 240 Midtungarden u/ Indre Nesse 446,454 K Mittun u/ Bale 59 KALLESTAD 534 MUNDAL 259 Kallestad u/ Målsnes 543,544 MUNDAL, ØVRE 265 Kalvagarden u/ Ytre Ness 427 MUNDAL-NEDRE 260 Karistova u/ Indre Nesse 455 Mundalsskreda u/ Nedre-Mundal 272 Kleivi u/ Indre Nesse 433 Mundalsskreda u/ Øvre-Mundal 274 Klomroa u/ Stokkabø 556 Mundalssva u/ Øvre-Mundal 276 Kloren u/ Ytre-Farnes 130 MÆL 167 Page 2 of 4 BALESTRAND BIND I – GARDS- OG ÆTTESOGE 948.34/B3 D2b v.1 is the Family History Library Dewey Decimal Number MÆLAND 193 SAGEN 473 MÅLSNES 534 SAGI 473 N Sagi u/ Kvamme 502,513 Naustviki u/ Ytre Ness 423,425 Saglund u/ Kvamme 512 Naustvoll u/ Engum 525 SANDE 38 NAUTEKREDA 223 Sandviki u/ Lønne 409 Nedre Bøen u/ Sværen 145 Setane u/ Indre Nesse 436 NEDRE-MUNDAL 260 SJØTUN 51 Nepeholmen u/ Kvamsøy 521 Sjøvoll u/ Engum 529 Nes u/ Engum 530 SKARESTAD 313 Neset u/ Kvamme 516 Skaret u/ Kvamme 514 Nesse u/ Indre Nesse 439 Skarpevodln u/ Ytre Ness 427 NESSE, INDRE 429 Skarpevollen u/ Ytre Ness 424 Nesseli u/ Indre Nesse 435 SKEIE 305 Nessestrand u/ Indre Nesse 434,435 Skindalsbakken u/ Indre Nesse 453 NOKKEN 459 SKITNEVIKI 360 Nygard u/ Indre Nesse 445 Skogly u/ Målsnes 541 Nygjerdet u/ Torsnes 157 Skogly u/ Nokken 461 Nystad u/ Engum 528 SKRENES 85 R Skrubben u/ Nokken 461 RAMSNES 374 SKÅSHEIM 28 RAUBOTEN 237 Slettebakken u/ Ytre Ness 427 RAUBOTI 237 Slori u/ Kollangsnes 383 Reguleringsretten u/ Lønne 408 Smidjebakken u/ Sværen 147 Reninganes u/ Lønne 406 Smidjebakken, Øvre u/ Sværen 146 RENNEDALEN 187 Solberg u/ Linde 494 Renninganeset u/ Lønne 409 Solhaugen u/ Målsnes 544 Reset u/ Indre Nesse 454 Solheim u/ Engum 529,530 Reset u/ Ytre-Ese 80 Solheim u/ Indre Nesse 448 ROMMØREN 375 Solli u/ Indre Nesse 456 ROMØYRI 375 Solsmyri u/ Bale 62 Ruggjerde u/ Kvamme 509 Solstad u/ Indre Nesse 453,456 Runningen u/ Torsnes 159 Solstad u/ Sæle 483 Rødset-Neset u/ Rødsæter 322 Solsæt u/ Indre Nesse 449 RØDSÆTER 320 Soltun u/ Indre Nesse 453 Røysi u/ Indre Nesse 452 Solvang u/ Linde 493 Røysi u/ Torsnes 159 STOKKABØ 553 S Sumarro u/ Målsnes 544 Stokkabøhaugen u/ Stokkabø 557 SUPPHELLEN 324 Storaker u/ Indre Nesse 449 Svalåteigen u/ Målsnes 543 Strandbu u/ Engum 530 Sværabakken u/ Sværen 144 Strandtun u/ Engum 531 SVÆREN 138 STØLEN 344 Svåi u/ Torsnes 156 Page 3 of 4 BALESTRAND BIND I – GARDS- OG ÆTTESOGE 948.34/B3 D2b v.1 is the Family History Library Dewey Decimal Number SÆLE 479 Utsyn u/ Indre Nesse 453 Sætebakken u/ Grøneng 90 V T Valhall u/ Indre Nesse 456 TEIGEN 235 Vellene u/ Sæle 482 Teigen u/ Kollangsnes 383 Vetleviki u/ Ytre Ness 426 TENNEFOSS, INDRE 470 VIKI 360 TENNEFOSS, YTRE 462 Værelvi u/ Ytre-Farnes 129 TENNINGEN 227 VÅRSTØLEN 309 TENNINGÅSEN 225 VÅTEVIK 330 Tirillvoll u/ Engum 531 Y TJUGUM 98 YTRE NESSE 417 Torfinnvedledna u/ Ytre Ness 427 YTRE TENNEFOSS 462 TORSNES 148 YTRE-ESE 73 Tråna u/ Bolstad 396 YTRE-FARNES 126 TUE 11 Ø Tuftane u/ Bolstad 396 ØVRE MUNDAL 265 Tuftane u/ Bøyum 291 Øvre Smidjebakken u/ Sværen 146 TUFTEDAL 15 ØYGARDEN 320 Tussebu u/ Stokkabø 556 Øygarden u/ Ytre-Ese 79 TUSVIK 476 Øygards-Neset u/ Rødsæter 322 Tyskarbua u/ Indre Nesse 455 Øyjordi u/ Bøyum 302 U Øyri u/ Bruhjell 27 ULVESTAD 208 Øyri u/ Dale 137 Urdi u/ Mæland 200 Øyri u/ Jordal 245 Utsikten u/ Nokken 461 Page 4 of 4 .
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    2020/2021 Welcome to the Sognefjord – all year! The Sognefjord – Fjord Norways longest and most spectacular fjord with the Flåm railway, Jostedalen glacier, Jotunheimen national park, UNESCO Urnes stave church, local food, Aurlandsdalen valley, UNESCO fjord cruise, kayaking, glacier center, RIB-tours, hiking trails and other activities and accommodations with a fjord view. Deer farm, bathing facilities, fjord kayaking, family glacier hiking, museums, centers, playland and much more for the kids. The UNESCO Nærøyfjord was in 2004 titled by the National Geographic as “the worlds best unspoiled destination”. The Jotunheimen National park has fantastic hiking areas and Vettifossen - the most beautiful waterfall in Norway. There are marked hiking trails in Aurlandsdalen Valley and many other places around the Sognefjord. Glacier hiking at the Jostedalen glacier – the largest glacier on main land Europe – is an unique experience. There is Luster © VERI Media also three National tourist routes in the area – Sognefjellet, Aurlandsfjellet (“the Snowroad”) and Gaularfjellet, with attractions such as the viewpoints Stegastein and “Utsikten”. Summertime offers classic fjord experiences. In the autumn the air is clear and the fjord is Contents Contact us dressed in beautiful autumn colors – the best time of the year for hiking and cycling. The Autumn and Winter 6 autumns shifts to the “Winter Fjord” with magical fjord light, alpine ski touring, snow shoe Sognefjord 8 walks, ski resorts, cross country skiing, fjord kayaking, RIB-safari, fjord cruises, the Flåm railway Visit Sognefjord AS «Hiking buses»/Getting to and guided tours to the magical blue ice caves under the glacier. The spring breakes in with Fosshaugane Campus and around the Sognefjord 11 flowering and snow powdered mountain tops – maybe the best time of year to visit the Trolladalen 30, NO-6856 Sogndal National Tourist Routes 12 Sognefjord.
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