UNITED NATIONS Disk. ECONOMIC GEmtilL X:/CN.4,:1984./9 AN D 1 February 1984 SCKIAL COu%\4C~L Original: ENY?rLISH COMMISSIONON HUMAN RIGIiTS Fortieth session Item 4 of the provisional agenda QUESTION OF THE VIOUTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE OCCUPIED AR&B !EXRITOR~S, INCLWLNG l?AI;ESTXHfZ Note verbale dated 25 January 1984 from the !EZ‘%&ent Uission of the Heshemite Kin&om of Jordan to the Assistant-Secretary-General., Centre for Human Rights It would be appreciated if the documents attached were circulated as a document of the fortieth session of the Commission on Human Rights, E/‘X 4/1984/9 Annex LETTERDATED 23 JWARY 3.984 FROM9x3 PI!iauJmm 03smm OF THE J?AIESTlXE lYLBEXATI0~ ORGRNIZKPIONADDRESS~ TO TBE ASSISTANT SECRETAHY-GENERALOF TBE CENTRE3'033 HUN.07 RIGHTS During the past 10 months, the Palestinian inhabitants of the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip have endured violations of their fundamental human rights, in all fields of their daily life, Indeed, the Israeli occupation authorities have continued their inhuman practices against the population of the Occupied Territories, in an escalation of Violence and terror. They have been backed up by the civilian Israeli settlers, who have been perpetuating, with impunity, coward crimes
[email protected] the Palestinian inhabitants of the occupied West Bank and Gasa Strip, Enclosed, please find a Memorandum on Israeli Practices Affecting the Human R;sghts of the Population of the Palestinian Occupied Territories from April 1983 to January 1984, I, hereby, wish to request you to include this docwnent as an official document of the fortieth session of the Cownission on Human Rights, which will start its work on 6 February 1984, in Geneva, (Signed): Nabil RAMLAWI Permanent Observer for the Klestine Liberation Opnisation to the United Nations Office at Geneva E,bN?,i&?04/9 Appendix page 1 Attachment '.