GEIRANGER-TROLLSTIGEN Photo: Jarle Wæhler / Statens Vegvesen

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GEIRANGER-TROLLSTIGEN Photo: Jarle Wæhler / Statens Vegvesen GEIRANGER-TROLLSTIGEN Photo: Jarle Wæhler / Statens vegvesen / Statens Jarle Wæhler Photo: n exceptional driving experience along a route steeped in tradition, through spectacular scen- E39 64 70 Aery of deep fjords and lush valleys – wild, won- Molde 62 derful and vibrant. 64 E136 Åndalsnes Ålesund The route between Geiranger and Trollstigen is filled Sogge bru E39 Sykkylven with dramatic highlights, and in places the road itself 63 60 Stranda is enough to get your adrenaline pumping. The historic Sylte Ørsta Trollstigen road, with its 11 hairpin bends, was opened in Volda 63 E136 1936, and in 2005 the Geirangerfjord was included on Geiranger 60 Hellesylt UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The Trollstigen plateau Langevatnet 15 15 appears in new and contemporary design, with a con- Stryn 60 sistent architectural profile for all buildings, trails and E39 Lom viewing platforms. National Tourist Route Geiranger-Trollstigen runs from Of all the spectacular motoring routes in the world, we Langevatn on the Strynefjell plateau to Sogge bridge in dare to claim that Geiranger-Trollstigen is in the elite Romsdalen valley, and includes a ferry across the Nordals- fjord from Eidsdal to Linge. The route has a total length of division. 106 kilometres (County Road 63). The Trollstigen road and the stretch from Geiranger to Langvatn are closed during the winter season. © Norwegian Public Roads Administration, May 2013 Havøysund Varanger Senja Andøya Lofoten 18 NATIONAL TOURIST ROUTES. Each of these selected routes represents a unique motoring Helgelandskysten experience, and each offers its own distinctive combination of road, scenery and history. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration seeks to enhance your journey by providing spectacular viewing platforms, service Atlanterhavsvegen facilities, car parks, picnic areas, Geiranger-Trollstigen Gamle Stryne- Rondane walking trails and art installations fjellsvegen Sognefjellet Gaular- Valdresflye fjellet along these routes. Aurlandsfjellet 1 Hardanger Hardangervidda Ryfylke Jæren 1 LINGE FERRY QUAY. Linge is the port for the ferry connection to Eidsdal on County Road 63. Service facilities and a waiting room are available. Architect: Knut Hjeltnes AS. 2 ØRNESVINGEN. This viewing platform, which is located at the uppermost hairpin bend of the Ørnevegen road, offers a 2 breathtaking view. From here, you can see towards Geiranger, over the Geirangerfjord with its precipitous hillsides, the cascading waterfall the Seven Sisters and the mountain hamlet of Knivsflå. Architect: 3 RW arkitekter - Sixten Rahlff. Artist: May Eikås Bjerk. Landscape architect: Smedsvig landskapsarkitekter AS. 3 FLYDALSJUVET GORGE.Viewing platform and rest area with service facilities. The Flydalsjuvet viewing platform is designed with an upper and a lower level connected by a walkway. From this platform you can enjoy the majestic view over Geiranger or capture the scene in a striking photo. Architect: 3 3 RW arkitekter – Sixten Rahlff. Landscape architect: Smedsvig landskapsarkitekter AS. 4 GUDBRANDSJUVET GORGE. The viewing platform curves along the contours of the terrain and leads to the Gud- brandsjuvet Café, located at the very edge of the swirling Valldøla river. The café and viewing platform make an appealing contrast to the high-altitude scenery, and provide a vivid and close-up ex- perience of the gorge and the river. Architect: Jensen & Skodvin 4 Arkitektkontor AS. 0541-12 [email protected] 0541-12 5 TROLLSTIGEN. On the Trollstigen plateau you can experience this overwhelming and majestic landscape at close range. The architectural design is adapted to the landscape, with materials that can withstand the force of the elements. The view- ing platforms hover above the Trollstigen road, which meanders along precipitous mountainsides and winds its way upwards on the near-vertical slopes. Architect: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter AS. Landscape architect: Multiconsult. 5 Photos: Norwegian Public Roads Administration Statens vegvesen Address: Postal address: Phone: Internet: Turistvegseksjonen Industrigata 17 PO Box 1010 +47 815 22 000 N-2605 Lillehammer N-2605 Lillehammer
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