Arch 150 Appreciation of 1 Fall 2018 • Prof. Alex Anderson

Test 3 Study Guide (test available Thurs 11/15 at 6:00 pm until Sat 11/17 at 6:00 pm) The test is open book. You may use any resource you like, as long as you work on your own. It is 30 questions, 40 minutes.

Lectures Covered: Americas 1 Greece 2 1 Rome 2

Readings in the text: Pages 35-61, 105-131, 259-274

Buildings (quite a few buildings in a few lectures!): Americas Rome 1: La Venta, Mexico Pont du Garde, Nîmes, France Teotihuacán, Mexico City of Pompeii Tikal, Guatemala Forum Chichen Itzá, Mexico Amphitheater Caral, Peru /Peristyle house Sechin, Peru of the Mysteries Nazca Lines, Peru Roman Forum Great Serpent Mound, Ohio Juilia Temple of Concordia Augusta Greece 1: Arch of Septimus Severus Royal Palace, Curia Lion’s Gate, House of the Vestals Treasury of , Mycenae Capitoline Temple, Rome Tyrins Temple of Portunus, Rome Sanctuary of , Maison Carrée, Nîmes, France Treasury of Athens Temple of Apollo Rome 2: Sanctuary of Zeus, Olympia Domus Aurea, Rome Temple of Hera Domus Augustana, Rome Temple of Zeus Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli Imperial Forums Greece 2: Caesar (Temple of Venus) Temples, Paestum, Italy Augustus (Temple of Mars) Temple of Hera 1 Trajan (Basilica Ulpia) Temple of Athena Tranjan’s Markets Temple of Hera 2 Pantheon Acropolis, Athens Circus Maximus Temple of Athena Nike Theater of Marcellus Propylaea Colosseum Baths of Diocletian Erecthion Agora, Athens Stoa of Attalos, Athens Theater of Dionysos, Athens

Terms (many terms this time!): Abacus Hypocaust Agora Impluvium Amphiprostyle In antis Amphitheater Insula Aqueduct Ionic Archaic Magazine Megaron Arris Metope Atrium Naos Barrio Natatio Basilica Opisthodome Caldarium Pediment Peripteral Cardo Peristyle Caryatid Pilaster Cavea Podium Cella Pronaos Classical Prostyle Corbelled Pseudoperipteral Corinthian Pteron Cornice Relief carving Decumanus Stoa Dentil Stylobate Tablero Domus Tablinium Doric Talud Dromos Tepidarium Echinus Tholos Entablature Treasury Entasis Triclinium Exedra Triglyph Fillet True arch Flute Tuscan Forum Vault Fortification Villa Volute Frigidarium

In addition to the information above we talked about: • the importance of the to the Minoans and Mycenaeans • the parts of the Doric and Ionic orders • some visual adjustments in Doric temples • movement through the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi • movement through the Acropolis in Athens • the founding ritual of Rome • the importance of infrastructure in the Roman world • comparisons between Greek and Roman temples • the relationship between temple and forum in Roman cities • the arrangement of spaces in Roman houses • the arrangement of spaces in Roman baths