Natural Resources Conservation Service s20
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CODE 375
DEFINITION Remove manure from open lot surfaces at least once a year (manure cleanout). Additionally, Reducing or preventing the emissions of particulate conduct more frequent manure harvesting matter arising from animal activity on open lot according to the schedule identified in the manure surfaces at animal feeding operations. harvesting section of the site conservation plan. When manure harvesting, leave a layer of 1-2 PURPOSE inches of well compacted manure above the mineral To improve air quality by addressing the soil in the open lot surface. air quality resource concern for particulate Specific Criteria for Water Application matter (PM), including inhalable coarse PM (identified as PM10) and fine PM (identified as Water application systems for the control of PM2.5), by mitigating direct emissions of particulate matter shall meet the applicable design particulate matter caused by animal activity. criteria in NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Irrigation System, Sprinkler (442). To improve animal health by reducing impacts caused by inhalation of emitted The criteria for the design of components not particulate matter. specifically addressed in NRCS practice standards shall be consistent with sound engineering principles. CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES For irregularly-shaped pen areas that are This practice applies to any open lot surface (open impractical to treat with a sprinkler system and lot area, holding pen, corral, working alley or other where potential dust sources may occur, apply fugitive source of particulate emissions) that may water with tanker trucks or trailers equipped with be subject to animal activity at animal feeding hoses or nozzles designed to apply water at rates operations (AFOs). It is particularly important for and amounts similar to an equivalent sprinkler AFOs in drier climates located close to major system. roadways and/or populated areas. The water supply of the animal feeding operation CRITERIA shall be adequate and available to meet other operating needs during sprinkler system operation. General Criteria If temporary water storage is required to meet the Prior to installation of this practice, incorporate a flow rate required for proper sprinkler operation, dust prevention and control strategy for mitigating such storage shall meet the applicable design dust emissions from animal activity on open lot criteria in NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, surfaces into the site conservation plan. Irrigation Reservoir (436). Specific Criteria for Manure Harvesting Water Quality. The quality of water applied When manure harvesting is a planned activity for through the dust control sprinkler system shall be mitigating dust emissions from animal activity on suitable for animal consumption. open lot surfaces, incorporate a manure harvesting Design Application Rate. Maximum sprinkler section into the site conservation plan. application rates and amounts shall not result in
NRCS, NHCP Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically, and updated if needed. To obtain the current version of this standard, contact your Natural Resources Conservation Service State Office, or visit the Field Office Technical Guide. September 2010 472 - 2 excessive runoff or ponding on open lot surfaces. To improve the efficiency of dust mitigation efforts, conduct manure harvesting and/or water Pipelines. Water application system main lines and application with consideration of forecasted or laterals shall meet the applicable design criteria in anticipated weather conditions. For example, it either NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, may be beneficial to conduct water applications Irrigation Pipeline (430) or NRCS Conservation prior to a forecasted wind event to minimize the Practice Standard, Pipeline (516). potential for entrainment of particulate matter by Pump and Power Unit. Where required, pump the wind. and power units shall be adequate to efficiently The installation of a water meter to measure water operate the water application system at design usage is recommended for proper management. capacities and pressures. Pumping plants shall meet the applicable design criteria in NRCS For animal facilities where it is practical to grow Conservation Practice Standard, Pumping Plant vegetative cover, consider the use of NRCS (533). Conservation Practice Standard, Critical Area Planting (342) or NRCS Conservation Practice Electrical Components. All electrical Standard, Heavy Use Area Protection (561) to components, including wiring, boxes, and establish vegetation or protect the surface from connectors, shall meet the requirements of the damage from animals and reduce fugitive dust National Electric Code. generated from animal use of the area. CONSIDERATIONS NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Mulching (484), may also be used with or without the Some sites may require an approach that utilizes a establishment of vegetative cover to reduce fugitive combination of measures for dust control. For dust generated from animal activity. example, manure harvesting can reduce water application demand as there is less organic material Consider the use of barriers placed at right (OM) on the open lot surface. Less OM would angles to prevailing wind currents at intervals require less water to increase the moisture content of about 15 times the barrier height. of the surface material. Windbreaks, shelterbelts, solid fences, snow Pull-type manure harvesting equipment, such as a fences, burlap fences, crate walls, bales of box scraper, will allow for a more even, smooth hay, tire bales, and similar material can be surface than push-type manure equipment, such as used to control air currents and blown soil. For a front-end loader. A more even, smooth surface is detailed Windbreak/Shelterbelt criteria, see preferable to allow for proper moisture NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, management in the open lot surface. Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment (380).
Pen surface shaping and smoothing of animal For areas that are not subject to animal holding areas may be applied to prevent water activity, additional practices, such as applying ponding and chronic wet areas. Water ponding and mulch [NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, chronic wet areas can increase emissions of other Mulching (484)], establishing vegetation air pollutants, such as ammonia, volatile organic [NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, compounds (VOCs), odorous sulfur compounds, methane, and nitrous oxide. Critical Area Planting (342),or NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Heavy Use Avoid excessive sprinkler overlap to minimize Area Protection (561)], use of environmentally runoff and wet areas and to reduce odor and fly acceptable dust suppressants [NRCS problems. In order to minimize the potential for Conservation Practice Standard, Dust Control odor emissions while also reducing dust emissions, on Unpaved Roads and Surfaces (373)], and maintain moisture content in the open lot surface the use of wind barriers [NRCS Conservation between 25-40%. Practice Standard, Windbreak/Shelterbelt In areas where the water supply is limited, water Establishment, 380)] may be applied to provide applications can be more efficient if applied in late additional fugitive dust control. afternoon, which is just prior to the normal time for significant animal activity and weather conditions PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS that would typically contribute to dust impacts. Plans and specifications for applying this practice
NRCS, NHCP September 2010 375 - 3 shall be prepared for each area and recorded using Modifications to activities and use of measures are approved practice specifications, job sheets, or allowed temporarily to accommodate emergency- other acceptable documentation with narrative level contingencies such as wildfire, hurricane, statements that describe the site specific details of drought, or flood as long as resource conditions are the installation. maintained.
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REFERENCES The following activities and weather information Auvermann, Brent, David Parker, and John shall be recorded: daily precipitation, manure Sweeten, 2000. Manure Harvesting Frequency – removal quantities and dates for manure harvesting, The Key to Feedyard Dust Control in a Summer water dates and times for dust control sprinklers. Drought, Extension Service Publication E52. Texas Annual self-inspection of dust control activities AgriLife Extension Service. shall be conducted and findings shall be added to Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship the dust prevention and control plan. Curriculum Lesson 42: Controlling Dust and Odor Changes shall be made to the dust prevention and from Open Lot Livestock Facilities. control strategy for mitigating dust emissions from Mukhtar, Saqib and Brent Auvermann. 2009. animal activity on open lot surfaces in the site Improving the Air Quality of Animal Feeding conservation plan as necessary. Operations with Proper Facility and Manure An operation and maintenance plan must provide Management, Extension Service Publication E585. specific instructions for operating and maintaining Texas AgriLife Extension Service. the dust control water application system to ensure Rahman, Shafiqur, Saqib Mukhtar, and Ron that it functions properly. It should also provide Wiederholt. 2008. Managing Odor Nuisance and information regarding periodic inspections and Dust from Cattle Feedlots, Extension Service prompt repair or replacement of damaged Publication NM1391. North Dakota State components. University Extension Service.
NRCS, NHCP September 2010