St. Timothy Parish Norwood, Walpole, Westwood August 23, 2009 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary
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Sunday, August 23 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, August 24 Feast of Saint Bartholomew Please pray for our Brides and Grooms Apostle Thursday, August 27 Julie Sullivan and Adam Castagno Memorial of Saint Monica Julie O’Brien and David Leveille Friday, August 28 Memorial of Saint Augustine Bishop, doctor of the Church Saturday, August 29 Memorial of the Martyrdom of John the Baptist Sunday, August 30 Saturday, August 22 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 John Frawley 15th Anniversary Lillian Driscoll 14th Anniversary Sunday, August 23 8:00 Ovin Andrade 4th Anniversary WEEKLY CALENDAR 9:30 Gerry Noble 10th Anniversary Tuesday, August 25, 7pm, Caregiver Support Group 11:00 Joseph King & Catherine King Groden Wednesday, August 26, 9:45am, Exercise Program Birthday Memorials Thursday, August 27, 9:45am, Exercise Program Tuesday, August 25 Thursday, August 27, 7pm, Employment Watch 9:00 Annie O’Neill Anniversary Thursday,August 27, 7:45pm, New Jerusalem Prayer Wednesday, August 26 Group 9:00 Mary Joyce Month’s Mind Thursday, August 27 9:00 Delia, Coleman, and Patrick O’Toole Anniversary Saturday, August 29 9:00 Michael Palilunas Memorial Liturgical Minister Schedule 4:30 Gregory Zochowski 40th Anniversary August 29/30 Sunday, August 30 4:30 Lector: Paul Quigley, Patricia Lyons 8:00 Silverio & Rose Rodrigues 4:30 Server: Matthew MacKenzie, Chris DeMeo Anniversary 8:00 Lector: George Antonetti, Jeannette Chambers 9:30 Betty Mazolla 8:00 Server: Erin and Shannon Kahaly, 11:00 Helen Coakley 2nd Anniversary Greg Campion 9:30 Lector: Tom Guiod, Jim Murray 9:30 Server: Carlie and Sarah Grycz, Mike Petro 11:00 Lector: Florence Martin, Dan Burton Financial Report for August 16, 2009 11:00 Server: Kelly and Ryan Fogarty, Envelopes collected 237 Jesse Kreinsen Amount in envelopes $5,790.37 Percentage of collection in envelopes 75% Eucharistic Team #3 Loose donations $1,970.00 Total parish offertory $7,760.37 ST. TIMOTHY PARISH NORWOOD, WALPOLE, WESTWOOD AUGUST 23, 2009 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Youth Formation Ministry Pine Street Inn On Monday, September 28, we will be serving supper at the Pine Street Inn. Please call Jayne at 508-668-4977, if REGISTRATION for 2009/ 2010 you can help prepare part of this meal or help serve. The deadline to register for next year’s YFM Program has come and gone. Please return your completed Thank you to all those who have made generous registration form if you have not done so already. Also, donations in the past. $500 is sent to the Pine Street Inn kindly remind your neighbors and friends that we are still each month. Please help to support this ministry. awaiting YFM registration forms. It helps us in Donations to pay for these meals may be sent to: determining how many teachers, classrooms and books Campagna, 86 Countryside Ln., Norwood, MA 02062. we will need for the upcoming year. Only registered Please make checks payable to: St. Timothy Christian families will receive further information in late Service Fund. August with class information and starting dates. YOUTH GROUP Our Tuesday evening youth group continues to meet each Catholic Home Mission Appeal week at 7pm in St. Andrew’s Hall on the second floor of Of the 29 counties in the geographically sprawling St. Catherine’s Convent. All high school students are Diocese of Salt Lake City, only 16 have a resident welcome to join us. Doors open at 6pm. This meeting has pastor. These mission dioceses need funding for been a great success with 20 to 25 students attending ministerial training, seminaries, and religious weekly. We are always looking for new high school education in order to nurture the faith and administer members. basic pastoral care in the rural areas of the state. Service Project - ISAIAH 54 Please give generously in this weekend’s Catholic After many months of waiting for the Isaiah 54 House in Home Missions Appeal. Dedham to open, it is finally happening, with the students of the YFM Program being called upon to assist in some painting, minor repair, and landscaping. On Monday, Annual Lawn Party to Benefit Seminarians Blessed John XXIII National Seminary is hosting its 28th August 24, and Thursday, August 27, I will be looking rd for several students who can assist with this project as a Annual Lawn Party on Wednesday, September 23 at community service project. Contact Frank in the youth 6pm, on the grounds of the seminary. This premiere office at 781-769-2522 for more information. You don’t fundraising event is hosted by His Eminence, Sean want to miss out on this service project! I think I see a Cardinal O’Malley, OFM Cap. The evening will include pizza lunch in your future. a reception and dinner with music. Located on Route 30 in Weston, the seminary prepares second career candidates, men over the age of 30, for priesthood. The PARISH NURSE NEWS proceeds from the Lawn Party help to keep tuition cost The Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group will be affordable. For ticket information, please call the Blessed meeting on Tuesday, August 25th from 7:00pm - 8:30pm John XXIII Development Office at 781-899-5500, or in Ruocco Rooms 5 and 6. The group is open to those visit their website You can caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's Disease or a make a difference and encourage the vocations of these related dementia. By sharing caregiving experiences, men through your support of the Lawn Party. participants gain a sense of empowerment and often feel less burdened by their caregiving responsibilities. In Jingle Bell Festival addition, through education and mutual support, The city of Medford is going to once again sponsor the caregivers learn strategies to handle aspects of the disease “Medford’s Rising Star” benefit show, which will be held which are controllable and let go of those which are not. this year at the Aidekman Arts Center at Tufts For more information, please call the Parish Nurse University, on Sunday, October 25th at 3pm. The Office. proceeds of the performance will go to the Community Family Alzheimer’s Day Care Center in Medford. Employment Watch They are looking to put together a community chorus The next meeting of the Employment Watch (folks of all ages) to perform a couple selections in the Ministry will be Thursday, August 27, 2009 in Ruocco 3 show. If you would like to participate, or would like to from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Anyone who is in an active job obtain more information, please contact me as soon as search, knows of someone who is, or who would just like possible, either by email, [email protected] or to help, please attend. phone: 617-335-8155. ST. TIMOTHY PARISH NORWOOD, WALPOLE, WESTWOOD AUGUST 23, 2009 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education Grades K-6 Please consider sharing your love and faith with our parish’s young people. We are especially in need of Grade 4 catechists (2 Sunday classes). Please call Judy Miley or send an email, if interested.
Boston Respect Life Youth Rally & Walk Join in at Cathedral High for the Archdiocese of Boston Respect Life Youth Rally with speaker/musician Bob Rice. The Rally is followed by Mass at the Cathedral, a pizza social, and then we will join the MCFL bringing a Witness to Life to the streets of Boston! The date is October 4, 2009.
Attention UMass Students/Parents As you begin to prepare for your return to school this fall, we want to make sure that you know that the Newman Catholic Center at UMass-Amherst is available to you and that our staff is eager to help in any way we can. Newman offers a home-away-from home environment where students can pray, study, relax and meet other students. The Center offers extensive spiritual, service and social programs. We also have the best cafeteria in Amherst! The Center is located right on campus. Drop in to meet the staff! If you are interested in being a lector, catechist, or member of the choir or Newman Student Association, we’d love to hear from you! Visit our website to register and to learn more about our programs.
Day of Healing On September 20th from 10am to 5pm, a program will be held entitled “Reducing Stress and Finding Peace and Health” at the Espousal Retreat Center in Waltham, MA. Stress is so common in human life. We will look at and practice the effective ways of dealing with stress from proven methods of Christian spirituality and Christian psychology. The day will include teaching, inner healing prayer, Mass, reflection time, and small groups. For more information, call 781-209-3120, or email: [email protected] or
Catechetical Certificate The 2009/2010 schedule to receive the catechetical certificate includes 8 Saturdays: Oct.10, Nov. 14, Dec. 5, Jan. 9, Feb. 6, Mar. 13, Apr. 10, May 8, from 9am to 3pm. There are also three catechetical skills workshops of your choice held on evenings and Saturdays. The program is at 149 Washington St., Brighton and the cost is $150 (attendance only) or $250 (certificate). The cost includes all classes and workshops, books, and work with a catechetical mentor. Register at ST. TIMOTHY PARISH NORWOOD, WALPOLE, WESTWOOD AUGUST 23, 2009 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Dear friends— Summer has finally arrived—it seems. Although it was late in coming, these last few days have been rather toasty for all of us. Even though it is hot, I’m conscious of the fact that we are now more than halfway through the month of August. Many college students have already left for school and some grammar and high schools will be starting classes before the end of the month. Soon we will see many familiar faces returning to church—folks who are lucky enough to have a “get- away” spot. It is great to welcome those people back— we do miss them when they are away. I know that these are the weeks when people begin to put their schedules together for the fall and winter months. Sometimes the amount of activities and tasks that need to be attended to can be almost overwhelming. I want to put in a plug for our parish needs. In a couple of weeks—Sept. 12 & 13-- we will be having our annual parish ministry recruitment weekend. That is the weekend when we ask you to consider whether or not you can give some of your time and talent to help our parish run more efficiently. Each year a number of people who have served our parish in different capacities have to withdraw their service due to different factors. Some people move away, others have changes in job schedules, young people who served Mass or sang in the choir go off to schools away from here and can no longer be involved. We need people who are willing to take a more active role in parish life. There are needs for altar servers and choir members— young and old. We can use Religious Education teachers and people willing to help others prepare to receive the Sacraments of the church. We have opportunities to help further social justice and grow in faith. At this time of the year, we ask people who might be considering joining the Catholic Church to think about being part of our RCIA (Rite of Christian Intitiation for Adults) program. Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers are always welcome. Before you get overly committed to other programs and activities, I would ask you to prayerfully consider how you can help to keep our parish alive and growing by means of your participation. Again, on the weekend of Sept. 12 and 13, our needs will be explained more fully and you will be invited to sign up. Please keep in mind that Sept. 27 will be the date of our annual parish picnic. It will begin at noon that day and is a wonderful opportunity to renew old friendships and to make new friends. Fr. Culloty TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 23, 2009 AUGUST 23, 2009 END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN
CHURCH NAME: St. Timothy Parish
CHURCH CITY: Norwood, Walpole, Westwood
FILENAME: 03-0842.39b
PHONE NUMBER: 1-781-769-2522
FAX NUMBER: 1-781-769-9362
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