Agronomy and Crop Physiology of Fibre Hemp. a Literature Review HMG Van

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Agronomy and Crop Physiology of Fibre Hemp. a Literature Review HMG Van •/./• ' Agronomyan dcro pphysiolog yo f fibrehemp .A literatur erevie w nde rWer f CABORepor t14 2 March199 1 Centerfo rAgrobiologica lResearc h (CABO-DLO) P.O.Bo x 14,670 0A AWageningen ,Th eNetherland s AGRONOMYan dCRO PPHYSIOLOG Yo fFIBR EHEMP ,A LITERATUR EREVIE W nde rWerf ,Februar y1991 . Contents. 1Objective s ofthi sliteratur e review 2 2Th ehem pplan t 2. 1 Originan d importance 3 2.2 Varieties 4 2. 3 Sexexpressio n 4 2. 4 Anatomy ofth este m 4 2.5 Lengthan ddiamete ro fth e stem 6 3Cultura l practiceso fth ehem pcro p 3. 1 Soilrequirement san dfertilizatio n 7 3. 2 Sowingdat ean ddept h 8 3.3 Sowing rate,plan tdensit yan dro wwidt h 8 3.4 Weeds 9 3.5 Diseasesan dpest s 10 3.6 Harvest timing 10 3.7 Yield componentsan dyiel dleve l 11 4 Discussionan dconclusion s 12 L Objectiveso fthi sliteratur ereview . Withinth eframewor ko fth eNationa l HempResearc hProgramme ,researc h isconducte d toinvestigat e thepotentia l ofhem pa sa sourc eo ffibr e forth epape r industry inth eNetherlands .Thi sprogramm e startedo n January 1,199 0an dshoul d reacha conclusio no nth eeconomi c feasabilityo fhem pfo rfibr eb yth een do f1992 .Majo r subjectso f research inth eprogra mare : -Breeding -Soil-bornedisease s -Cropphysiolog yan dagronom y -Harvesting andconservatio n -Pulpan dpape rtechnolog y -Economyan dlogistic s Researcho ncro pphysiolog y isbein gcarrie d outwithi na researc h projecta tCABO ,researc ho nagronom ywithi na join tLUW-PAG Vproject . Theobjectiv e ofth eresearc hproject sconcernin g cropphysiolog yan d agronomy offibr ehem pi st oanswe r thequestion : Howmuc han dwha tkin d offibr eca nhem pyiel d inth eNetherlands ? Thisliteratur e reviewwil l focuso nth eliteratur e resultsmos t relevantwit hrespec t totha tquestion .Th eobjective so fth eliteratur e revieware : 1.Th e identificationo fresearc hobjective s incro pphysiolog yan d agronomy offibr ehemp ,resultin g ina coheren tprogra mo f experiments serving theobjectives . 2.Relevan t sectionso fthi sliteratur e reviewwil lb euse d ina n article presenting theresult so fth eexperiment s conducted byMeije r andMatthijsse n in198 8an d1989 . 3.Th eliteratur e reviewma yb eusefu l toresearcher s involved inothe r partso fth ehem presearc hprogramme . Whileconductin g theliteratur e researchan dwritin g thereview , literature oncro pphysiolog y ofhem pturne dou tt ob erare . Consequently thisrevie wmainl ycover s theagronom y ofhem pproduction . 2 THEHEM PPLAN T 2.1Origi nan dimportanc e ofhem p Theorigi no fhem plie s incentra lAsi ao rChina ;i twa sgrow ni nChin a asearl ya s280 0B C (Derapsey,1975).I nth epas them pwa sa nimportan t fibrecrop ,it simportanc egraduall ydecline d inth ecours eo fth e20t h century (Table 1).Th edeclin ewa smos tpronounce d incountrie shavin ga marketeconomy . Table 1.Hem pare ai n1,00 0 ha,191 0- 1988 .Dat aFA OYearbooks . Country Yearo rperio d 1910a 1925b 1948-52 1969-71 1979-81 1988 Africa 1 0 0 0 AmericaN 1 0 0 0 AmericaS 4 4 4 4 Asia 287 171 Bangladesh 7 3 1 China 123 53F India 190F 156 132 90F Japan 4 1 0 0 KoreaN 10F 7 8 15F KoreaS 10 5 1 IF Pakistan 16 10 10 8F Syria 4 1 0 0 Turkey 12 8 9 4F Europe 275 86 59 63 Austria 23 0 0 0 0 Bulgaria 3 4 21 10 5 1 Czechoslovakia 12 5 2 1 0 France 14 5 5 0 3 IF GermanyE . 4 2 0 0 GermanyW 2 0 0 0 Germany 0 3 6 2 0 0 Hungary 63 14 23 12 7 7F Italy 79 112 58 1 0 0 Poland , 43 14 16 3 3 Romania 6 36 64 26 35 50F Spain 9 7 6 0 0 0 Yugoslavia 15 70 17 4 1 USSR 653 858 558 202 140 100F a:Marquart ,1919 .b :Heuser ,1927 .F :FA Oestimate . 2.2Varietie so fhem p Mosthem pgrowin gcountrie sgre won eo rmor evarietie swhic hi ngenera l wereselection s from indigenousvarieties .I nEurop e thetw omai ntype s ofhem puse d tob eRussia nhem pan d Italianhem p (Heuser,1927) . Russianhem preache d Europeb ya Norther nroute ,throug hRussia .Italia n hempreache d Europe throughTurke yan dth eMediterranea nregion .Russia n hempha sa goo dearl yvigou r (rapidgrowt h inspring) , isearl ymaturin g andshor t (1.5t o1. 8 m).Th eplan t isstrongl ybranche d andha sa hig h seedyield . Italianhem pha sa poo rgrowt h inspring ,i ti slat ean d tall (3.5m) .Italia nhem pdoe sno tbranc hmuch ,fibr eyiel dan dqualit y arehigh ,see dyiel d ispoo r (Marquart,1919 ;Heuser , 1927). Havellandischer hemp,a nearl yGerma nvariety ,i sbase do nRussia n Material.Kuhnows ehemp ,a lat eGerma nvariety ,i sbase do nItalia nhem p (Heuser, 1927). The so-called Fleischmanno rKompol them pfro mHungar y isbase d onItalia nmateria l (Hoffmann,1957) . Currentlygoo dqualit y seedo f severalmonoeciou s Frenchan ddioeciou s Hungarian (deMeije re tal. , 1990)varietie sca nb eobtaine d commercially.Whe ngrow ni nth eNetherland s theFrenc hvarietie sflowe r inth efirs thal fo fAugust ,th eHungaria nvarietie sflowe r inth e secondhal fo fAugust .Bot hFrenc han dHungaria nvarietie sar e susceptible to Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Whether varietiesar eavailabl e frombreedin gand/o r seedproductio nprogramme s inothe rcountrie s isno tknown . 2.3 Sexexpressio no fhem p Hempi sa dioeciou splant ,monoeciou s individualshoweve rd ooccur . Monoeciousvarietie shav ebee nobtaine d throughbreeding . Themorpholog yo fth einflorescenc e ofhem pma yb eeithe rfeminin : leafy,stocky ,n obranches ,o rmasculin :fe wleaves ,strongl ybranched . Eacho fthes etw otype sma ypresen tonl yfemal eflowers ,onl ymal e flowerso rflower so fbot hsexe si ndifferen tproportions .Hoffman n (1957)present sdenomination s foreac ho fth esi xcombinations .Plant s bearing bothmal ean dfemal e flowersar egrade d intoon eo ffiv eclasse s depending onth eproportio no fmal eflowers . Maleplant sdi eshortl yafte ranthesis .Femal e plantsliv e 2t o4 week s longer thanmal eplants ,unti l thesee d isripe .I na dioeciou s cropth e numbero ffemal eplant s is1 0t o5 0% highe rtha nth enumbe ro fmal e plants (Hoffmann,1957) . 2.4Anatom y ofth este m The stemo fmatur ehem pma yb edivide d ina vegetativ e anda reproductive section.I nth elowe rvegetativ e partleave sar eopposite , inth euppe rreproductiv e partleave sar ealternate .I nfibr ehem p vegetative internodesar e 3t o4 time slonge r thanreproductiv e internodes (Verzar-Petri etal. , 1981). The stemtissue soutsid e thevascula rcambiu m (henceforward called "bark"i nthi sreview )consis to fth eepidermis ,th ecorte xan dth e phloem. Inth ephloe mar esiev etube san dphloe m fibreso rbas tfibres . Thetissue s insideth evascula rcambiu m ("wood"i nthi sreview )ar eth e pithan dth exylem .Th exyle mconsist so fvesse lmembers ,ra yan d paratracheal parenchyma cellsan dlibrifor mfibres . -5 Hemppresent sbot hprimar yan d secondarybas tfibres .Secondar ybas t fibresar e shorter thanprimar ybas tfibre s (2versu s 20mm )an dar e morelignifie d (Hoffmann, 1957). According toHeuse r (1927)th elengt ho fwoo d fibresi salmos tconstan t at0. 5 mm,th elengt ho fprimar ybas tfibre svarie sfro m1 0t o10 0mm , onaverag e 35t o4 5mm .Bas tfibre sar e1 8t o2 5Jiwide ,bu ti nth e lowerpar to fth este mmuc hwider .Th ediamete ro fth elume ni sabou t 1/3 oftha to fth efibre .Kund u (1942)measure d thelengt ho fprimar y and secondary fibresfro mnea rth ebas eo fa plan twit hnearl ymatur e fruits.Fo rprimar yfibre saverag elengt han dwidt hwer e12. 7m man d 34.2/i .; fo rsecondar y fibresaverag elengt han dwidt hwer e 2.18m man d 16.56/*.Th elengt ho fth eprimar yfibre s increasedwit hth elengt ho f theinternod e (Kundu,1942) . According toBrederaan n(1940 )th elengt ho fprimar ybas tfibre si s largest inth emiddl eo fth estem ,decreasin g toto pan dbasis . Likewise,Bredeman n (1940)state stha tbas tfibr econtent s ishighes ti n themiddl e ofth estem .Bot hHeuse r (1927)an dArnou xe tal . (1969) found thebas tfibr econtent s toincreas efro mth ebasi st oth eto po f theplant .Arnou xe tal . (1969)conclud e thattha ta ste msectio n situatedbetwee n3 0an d4 0% o fth etota lheigh to fth este m (goingfro m baset otop )wil lfor ma goo d sampleo fth este ma si tha sth eaverag e content ofbark ,woo dan dbas tfibre . After 17year so fbreeding ,Bredeman n (1952)increase d theconten to f bastfibr ei nth este mo fa hem ppopulatio nfro m 12t o2 9% . Concomitantly thefractio no fbar ki nth edr ymatte ro fth este m increased from2 9t o4 8% (woo ddecreasin g from 71t o5 2% )an dfibr e content inth edr ymatte ro fth ebar kha dincrease d from4 5t o7 2% . Hoffmann (1957)state stha tbreedin g forhig hbas tfibr etend st ofavou r secondarybas tfibr eove rprimar ybas tfibre ,unles ssecondar ybas t fibre ismonitore ddurin gbreedin g topreven tthis . Bredemanne tal . (1961)foun dbas tfibr econtent si nth edr ymattr ro f theste mt odecreas ewit ha nincreas e inth edr yweigh to fth estem . Withinth ebas tfibr efraction ,th eproportio no fsecondar ybas tfibr e increasedwit ha nincreas e inth edr yweigh to fth estem . Horkay (1982)assesse d thehig hbas tfibr evarietie so fth eHungaria n Kompoltbreedin gprogramme .Sh efoun dlarge rratio so fsecondar yfibr e cellst oprimar yfibr ecell swit hincrease d bastfibr econtents .
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