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ROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE COSTUMES FOR THE BALLETS RUSSES 1909-1933 • national gallery of australia © National Gallery of Austral ia, Ca nberra ACT 2600, 1998. Thi s publi cation accompanies the ex hibition From Russia with Love: All rights reserved. No pa rt of th is publication may be reproduced Costumes for the Ballets Russes 1909- 1933 orga nised by the or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or National Gallery of Australia and curated by Roger Leong mechanica l, including photocopy, record ing, or any information and Christine Dixon, National Ga llery of Australia. retr ieva l system, w ithout permiss ion in w riting from the publisher. Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Ed ited des igned and produced by the Pub li cations Department 6 Feb ruary- 5 Apri I 1999 of the National Gi:dl ery of Austra lia, Ca nberra. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Des igned by Kirsty Morriso n 15 May- 1 August 1999 Edited by Susa n Hall Co lour separations by Co lou rboxDigita l Printed by Lamb Printers LENDERS TO THE EXHIBITION CONTRIBUTORS The Australian Ballet, M elbourne Roger Leong is Ass istant Curator, Intern ational Decorative Arts, A.A. Bakhrushin State Centra l Theatre M useum, Moscow Nati onal Gallery of Australi a, Ca nberra. Comi te Andre Masson, Paris Natalia Metelitsa is Deputy D irector, Hea d of Research and Intern ational Relations at the St Pete rsburg State Museum Musee national d'art moderne- Centre de creation industr iell e, ofTheatre and Music, St Petersb urg.
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