VOLUME·1 1 NUMBERII FEBRUARI1973 15 CENTS AFRIKANREVOLUTIONARY ASSASSINATED!!! concrete PanAfrikanism linking The news of the assassination of Afrikans in the West with Afrikans on Brother Amilcar Cabral should come the continent, so Brother Cabral, as a shattering shock to all Afrikan when he began to move past the people and all people who are seriously involved in the Liberation of theories of PanAfrikanism into the Afrikan people as well as the concrete establishment of Liberation of all oppressed people all PanAfrikanist ties, was also mur­ over the world. Brother Cabral, dered . Secretary-General of (PAIGC) We accuse the American govern­ Afrikan Party for the Independence of ment with active , decisive support of -Bissau and Cape Verde this blow against Afrikan Liberation. Islands, was a leader in the struggle It's no secret that Hitler-Nixon and of World Afrikan Liberation, a true his fascist advisors not only support PanAfrikanist whose intellectual Portuguese colonialism in the United understanding of revolution was Nations, but with the tax money of matched only by his actual com­ American citizens, and in a country mittment as leader of an Afrikan Amilcar Cabral with at least 30 million Afrikans living revolutionary party engaged in ar­ colonialism to murder him. Brother that the National Assembly of Guinea­ within it, it's shocking that white med struggle . Cabral's thrust at linking up the Bissa u had been formed in December, racists should continue to act as if President Toure has already ac­ struggle between Afrikans on the that Secretary-Gene ral Cabral had there were no Afrikans living in cused the forces of Portuguese continent and Afrikans of the Western announced plans of Guinea-Bissa u to America. The has colonialism and world imperialism Hemisphere was the revolutionary declare themselves an independent bought and paid for the death of with this murder . We would also like move that signed his death warrant. nation and that all these plans sup- Amilcar Cabral in its support of to add that it's clear that because The PAIGC focuseq through its ported actively by Afrikans living in Portuguese colonialism and its urging Brother Cabral had visited the United Secretary-General Amilcar Cabral America obviously imperiled the life of NATO to continue to struggle for States of America to bring his case to had been uf the tips of the lips of all of wiiite rncbm on a part of Afrilrnn white minority rule of Afrika . the United Nations, as well as the serious Afrikans in the United States soil. Let them understand, the Por­ Black People of America, it's obvious as the leaders of the strugg le against For the same reasons that tuguese, Americans, and all the that this movement accelerated the world imperialism. The fact that was assass ina ted, forces of racism and oppression, that decision by the forces of European Guinea-Bissau was 2/3's liberated, because he began to create a rea listic (Continued on page 7) "ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE" and •• • YOUNGREVOLUTIONARIES DISPLAY REVOLUTIONAR Y ART AT••• VAILSBURGHIGHEXP LODES!! CFUNYOUTH DAY by Baba Ngola On Januari 15, 1973 at Heka lu Mwalimu (Temp le of the Teacher), 13 Malco lm X Boulevard (formerly Belmont Avenue) 400 Black people came together to observe the kuzaliwa (birthday) of the late Dr. Martin Luther King. This was an act of kujichagulia (self-determination) IJy Black people in NewArk to select their own holiday and their own hero. Also this day was selected to have the first an nu al CFUN Youth Day program. Youth Day was designed by IMAMU BARAKA, chairm an of the Vailsburg High School black students demonstr ating in front of the Newark Committee for Unified NewArk , to let Board of Education building protesting for the permanent tra nsfer of James Mosselle. the Wapendu zi Chang a (Young Revolutionaries) show and tell what by Simba Risasi role they play in the struggle for the Mosselle's dismissa l touched off a The Zulu s are se en r ehea rsin g Relationships betwee n Black and controversial dispute and was op­ national liberation of Black people. white students at Vailsburg High mom ents before performin g on CF UN posed by the white students , which led The program start ed with Naibu Youth Day. School have exploded into chaos. into nearly all of them boycotting Mchochezi giving the opening The chaos first began when Black their classes , and demonstrating remarks on the Youth Day . Then racist s who stand in the way of students learned that three 15-year­ around the school. came the mighty , mighty ZULU Black developm ent and progr ess . old black girls were assaulted by Mosselle , object of the Black dancer s, a tru e manifestation of the Following brother Adhimu Chang a, three whites, and Jam es Mosselle, the students wrath, and has been the Afrikan Per sonality . Traditionall y a The Board of Education , writ ten by teac her in charge of Vailsburg 's cause of four student walkouts in four dancer performed before going to war the master poet hims elf, IMAMU discipline problems, knew of the year s. He is also a close associate of to I.mild up the spirits of the warriors BARAKA, was present ed. incident, but failed to report it when it dubious Tony Imperiale, Councilman and lo show the discipline needed . We The play tells of how backwa rd the happen ed. Immediatel y the Black Michael Bottone , and John Cervase, also had the pleasure to hear and see Board of Education is and how it will student s became angry and his attorney , all who try to deal death the youngest Board of Education be the young who will determ ine what demanded that Mosselle be removed blows to the Black community. It is member, Adhimu Changa. Adhimu the new education , what the new from the school. The demand for (Continued on page 2.) spoke on the recall of three (Continued on page 6) FEBRUARI, 1973 PAGE 2 BLACK NEW ARK Afterseveral post-ponements RAP BROWN by RobertN .T aylor TRIAL BEGINS IN NEWARK " We should understand that After several postpone ments, the Brot her Essex carried out our tria l of activist H. Rap strugg le to the next quantitative level Brown has finally begun following the of science, and that his actions selection of the jury. illustrates that we as a people should H. Rap Brown, along with three have a common ideology to aid the other men, is currently facing at­ Pan-Afrikan movement, " said tem pted murder and robbery charges Brother Carmichael . . . which was stemm ing from an alleged hold up very simply PAYBACK to Europeans attempt of a New York City bar in who think they can rome the earth October, 1971. killing at will and nothing in return Brown's arrest in 1971 after his happen lo them! ! This incident disa ppearance in 1969 just before an stems from "cause n' effect" eg: as inciting to riot charge in Maryland, repression grows, exploiting the lives marked the end of an 18 month, of Black people by the racism of nation-wide search, and an answer to European genocide, the result is the question that had been on the lips Stokely Carmichael at Wcequahic defiance and counter-effects agai nst of many of his friends and supporters: lligh "Where is Rap Brown?" By Simba Risasi Phone 923-1851 Free Estimates Thus, not long after he became Rap being escorted by detectives, SNCC's chief spokesman, Brown was look who they got to do the job ! Brother StokelY Carmichael, the D&D charged with inciting to riot in now is preparation of his own defense black activist who coined the phrase Cambr idge, Md. "Black Power" in this country during EXTERMINATINGSERVICE on the New York charges. GET RID OF THOSE It was his failure to appear at the the sixties, spoke to a packed trial on that charge, that resulted in Brown was granted the right to act audience in the auditorium of THAT BOTHER YOU, SUCH AS as his own co-counsel. One of his ROACHES - RATS - MICE - ETC. the 18 month FBI search. The search NewArk's Weequahic High School on was futile, but so thorough that many attorneys, William Kuns tier, the evening of January 14th. 109 WEEQUAHIC AVENUE NEWARK, N.J. people had begun to believe he was class ifies the former SNCC firebrand Introduced by Irr{amu Baraka, H. DEANE, Prop. either dead or out of the countr y. as one of the most intelligent and chairman of the Committee For · The rest is history. bri lliantly profound clients he has this inhuman beast ; and violence Unified NewArk, and profound What will happen to H. Rap Brown ever had . political practictioner, Brother tends lo be the neutr alizing factor. now is difficult to determine . The struggle now is in the courts, Carmichael outlined a scientific This means we should be aware of the In the face of present charges and and H. Rap Brown apparently intends analysis of the Afrikan liberation naponal & international repression others hanging over his head , it is to make that his new battleground. struggle, and constantly emphasized which is rapidly spreading throughout doubtful, his brother Ed concedes, if "I do what I must out of love for the need for instituting a massive the world seeking to destroy Afrikan Rap will ever again become active in my people ," Brown is often quoted as independent Afrikan party to control people. Our only alternative is the the movement. His principal act ivity say ing, "My will is to fight. " the politics of the Black communities creation of black institutions. Think in this country, and eventually to about it! It is real , and in time will be Main Office Bran ch Office VAILSBURGHIGH EXPLODES 674 -3310 243 -6971 regain control of Afrika, our our only means of survival as a people. (Continued from page 1) motherland. THE PROTECTORS On this point, Brother Carmichael Stokely contended that with the support of these demented said, "No matter where Black people "c apitalism and racism is an crackers that Mosselle is the obvious AGENCY, INC. live in the world, Afrika is our home ." American monster which plagues the puppet who jumps whenever his cord The former head of the Student is pulled . And it was through this No Fault Auto Insurance Specialist strugg le for world Afrikan liberation. Income Tax Consultants ' Nonviolent Coordinating Committee The destruction of American channel that a list of demands (SNCC), Black Panther Peace & capitalis m and imperialism is our requesting the abolishment of the Freedom Party organizer in Swahili C_lu~at Vailsburg High and 233 ParkAve. 301 So.Orange Ave . 580 ~lintonAve . historic mission. And that this is what EastOrange, N.J. Newark, N.J. NewArk , N.J. Mississippi, and now a citizen of the we _must do. As a revolutionary, our the restnct10n of Adhimu Changa Republic of Guinea, West Afrika; mam concern is creating and from ent~ring Vailsburg High. Brother Carmichael stated that building, but in order to do that the restriction of Adhimu Changa TOMOF THE Mom Blacks in the United States must not something must be destroyed." from entering Vailsburg High. become naive in thinking or believing It is with regret that Mayor Gibson that Afrika is not our homeland. The Brother Carmic hael has recently has attacked Brother Adhimu Changa committment to liberating Afrika returned to the United States. Prior to and labeled him as the cause of must become the objective of his return he lived in Conakry, Guinea Mosselle's insensitivity toward his Black/ Afrikan people each day of our where he studied the Afrikan socialist own people , yet did not see cause to ideology of the late Osaygefo Kwame sa~ anything about lmperiale, who is TEL. 926-5220 Nkrumah, past president of Ghana. usrng t(1e Vailsburg situation as a WASHINGTON'S - Presently he is working vigorously to campaign for his election as formulate the All-Afrikan People Assem~lyman later on this year; or CLEANERS & DYERS Party, a Pan Afrikan ist movement the wlute people in Vailsburg who Specializingin Suedes,Leathers whi_ch is . a criteria for restoring have been seen armed with shotguns, and Expert Alterations Afnka to its traditional greatness. German Shepherd Dogs, and baseball ONE DAY SERVICE OPEN 8 :00A.M . to6 :00 P.M. bats around the school. We Appreciate Your Patronage But, . without a doubt , Adhimu 959 BERGEN ST. "REMEMBER" Changa is correct in every way; and NEWARK, N.J. 07112 AFRIKAN-AMERICAN any~ne who moves against Adhimu, is moving against the Black com­ existence under the omnipresent mun'.ty, bec_ause it is what he repre­ HISTORY WEEK . J~1~es Mosselle , nigger-oriole colonial rule. sents, and m t_he final analysis the d1sc1plmary directo,· One of the highlights of Brother tr at Vailsburg FEBRUARI 11-17 Black community will prove who is igh School is the white-minded Carmichael's speech came when he correct. Pamoja Tutashinda ! ! stooge who has been. the object of requested the audience to stand in a 11 moment of meditation in remem­ rve~~l walkouts by black students & HABARI GANl"I ~c~ hes for the past -I years. and £01· brance of Brother Mark Essex , who h1s ms T · · . · was shot down and killed in New This_ year on May 26, 1973, Afrikan Liberation D d ens1 tv1ty' lllJustice , harshness protesting European oppression of Afrikan d . ay Demonstrations an ha_te for black people while Orlea_ns J~nuar~ 7th after allegedly possessing an u · Id" ' shooting six white persons to death held in each state. Be There!!! Asante. s an Third World People will be in k" . . ny,e mg compassion issmg white folk's heh· d . and injuri,ng 17 others .. hereby label hi . . m s. we l • ·.' Tom of ·THE · m, with distinction as ~' ' . · M.ON1'H!!! , ·.. . PAGE 3 FEBRUARI, 1973 BLACK NEW ARK RICHARDSON-SCHRIMMAGERLIE!! Negro Joe Schrimmager 's attempt and scheming to undermine our to undermine the precious unity precious unity in the Black com­ whic h the Black community in munity comes from direct NewArk has developed and nurtured collaboration with the enemies of our exposes him as an infamous· traitor people. Who else would have even of the Black race . Schrimmager raised a question about our united sought to disillusion and disrupt Black opposition to racism and all other development in NewArk by deceit and types of oppression and injustice chicanery . Schrimmager also is except someone inspired by Anthony George Richard _SO[!'Ssick flunky, and Imperiale and Steve Adubato? ?? Geotge Richardson is reported The puppets of white supremacy collaborating with the white racist cannot stay in the Black community. politicians in the Nor.th Ward. . . Black people are not for sale! Every legitimate commumty Frederick Douglass said , "Find out group Joe Schrimmager claimed to just what people will submit to, and speak for has exposed him as a bold you have found out the exact amount face liar . This immoral liar did of injustice and wrong which will be Despite the fact that $1 million worth of construction ha~ already been used in without knowledge of reputable Black imposed upon them ." We will resist the developme nt of Kawaida Towers, there still l!ersists racists attempts to stop Organizations such as the N.A.A.C.P., white supremacy with a united front it from going up. Urban League , Central Ward for Kawaida Towers and any Democratic Committee, the Service movement to defend or develop the Employee's International Union Local Black community. These traitors are KAWAIDATOWERS LEGAL BATTLE 305, NewArk Student Federation, sick destroyers. They must be ousted Friends of Clinton Hill Area Re- from our midst. They are too corrupt The Inside Story from the Courtroom made of peace loving italians who to claim leadership in the Black Superior Judge Donald G. only wanted to give coffee and donuts communit y. The Temple of Kawaida Collester joined the white conspiracy to pedestrians. Kimmelman and "COU NTER- REVOLUTIONARIES attacked Richardson for ignoring the against Kawaida Towers when he Fronzoni frequently wink at each MUST BE suffering of our people. Richardson other in court as they tell lies and fake denied the appeal to over turn Judge SUPPRESSED WHENEVER sent Schrimmager with lies in Kimmelman 's racist decision against ignorance of what is happening . response . But condemning the Black and Puerto Rican progress. Meanwhile, the Black community FOUND - MISTAKES MUST Temple of Kawaida because it ex­ Seeing that Essex County was not the knows that these picketers are off­ pose you is like breaking a mirror place to get a fair trial , the legal duty policemen, who even tangled BE CORRECTED WHENEVER which reminds you of your ugliness; with the tactical squad of the city of experts appealed the reactionary DISCOVERED!" and yet in all this melodrama, you do decision of Kimmelman which said NewArk. This conflict was video not eliminate the thing which makes taped by the police and when Kim­ that Imperiale and the local klan - Mao Tse Tun_q you ugly. How can anyone be against terrorists had full constitutional melman viewed the film in court, he housing and live in NewArk? rights to deny Black people their said he could see no violence. Later in Richardson will always be ugly human right to develop and expand court he ~aid he, wquld have to look because he collaborates with white our economic and social stat us in this into the dictionary and see what country . These series of racist court violence meant before he could make KAWAIDATOWERS decisions once again wakes up the a ny judgments against Anthony Black community to the fact that Imperiale . Nixon's "benign neglect" is an in­ What Kimmelman is saying is that WILLBE BUILT !!! vitation to the re-emergence of he will play his part in the plot to vigilantism in the white racist destroy the strongest movement of Development Corporatio n, the Black Black people for economic power in Association of Student Engineers at NewArk's history . He will claim not to NewArk College of Engineering, the see any violence until their is Black Student Union of Essex County bloodshed in the streets. When there College, the Harambee Organization BUY& READ is bloodshed in the streets, then he at Rutgers University, the National will aga in impose a halt on con­ Council of Negro Women, the struction at Kawaida Towers. In the Ministerial Alliance of Essex County, meantime the racist unions claim the Organization of Black Citizens, BLACKNEWARK they are afraid to cross the picket NewArk Housing Council, the lines because Imperiales ' henchmen Leaguers, South Ward Republican have threaten their families . And the Organization, Central Ward Black laborers' union will not go back Republican Organization, Muham­ BOX1181 until the other unions are on the mad Speaks, Hospital Workers Union, GEORGE RICHARDSON construction site. C.O.R.E ., the New Jersey Afro­ But let us look at this decision to Amer .ican, and other Black 929-9537 tlWARK,NJ.07101 protect white "constitutional rights" organizations that were maliciously of free speech and right to picket. and unscruptiously used by this negro Could a Black group stop the business degenerate , tolryto destroy Black unity KnightsTtlHision 12ISSIIS (llY sumat Prudential or Engelhard??? Would . and Solidarity in NewArk and give SALES & SERVICE we be allowed to terrorize people who If Repairs or Adjustments are needed comfort and aid to his TOMOR~J:night today for Finer Reception came to do business at Prudential or slavemaster-Tony Imperiale and community. The courts , Imperiale the Chamber of Commerce?? If you Company (who was awarded "Racist 266 Lyons Ave. and the American Nazi Party are all 8.POOL At Clinton Pl. put your hand on a white boy, would of the Year" title by a group of in cahoots to obstruct the progress of ( Formerly of Skyview) Newark, N. J. the judge tell you he has to look in the whites). This kind of fantastic lying the Black mind expanding . dictionary to see what violence Judge Kimmelman performed his means. Could any Black lawyer bring and Puerto Rican self-determination , American system, will move Black part in this racist play. so badly that a judge a urine-stained court brief while white policem.en have even people to raise their political he sat in court and clmmed before a like Cervase did and halt the workings spearheaded the intimidation of the sophistication and use "the ballot or Black audience that he does not know of a $6.5 million business tran­ Kawaida Towers picket line. the bullet" to gain self-determination, what intimidation and terrorism is saction-?? This system is corrupt and But who do these racists think their self-respect and self-defense. Black when it is used by whites against unworkable in the deepest sense. The fooling? We know that the courts are political power first , then economic Blacks. Henry Franzoni, Imperiale's people who advocate law and order controlled by the politicians in this development and social progress . But infamous lawyer, stood in court and are now advocating a liberal in­ county, and the courts are not above first we need Black Power to offset claimed that no one had been terpretation of the law when it is politics. Nothing will stop the march white power. Get it together for 1973. harassed as they attempted to work appliced to them . Black policemen of Black people for their place in the development and social progress . But on the Kawaida Towers ~ite. He are afraid to lose their jobs if they sun. The contradictions that Kawaida first we need Black Power to offset claimed that . th't!il>",pjt ket . line .wa~ attend community meetings for Black Towers exposes in the corrupt white power . Get it together for 1973. FEBRUARI, 1973 PAGE 4 BLACK NEW ARK AREESSENTIAL FOR AFRIKAN LIBERATION ALL-AFRIKAN GAMES AFRIKANWOMEN


LAGOS, NIGERIA (AANS)-There Mamo Walde, the 44-year-old was only one record-breaking per­ Ethiopian marathon runner who had formance at the Second All-Afrikan taken the Olympic gold in Mexico City Games completed here last month. in 1968. But in the eyes of many participants , Jipcho also won the 5,000 meter the a tmosph ere set for future run, beating out Ethiopia 's Mirus cooperation-a much needed catalyst Yifter, the tiny palace guard who in in ttie realization of Pan-Afrikanism 1971thrilled a packed house at Duke ~ . ,-:::,7. It'' and unity among Black people-was University's Wallace Wade stadium An Angolan woman, ready for the revo u 10n. the most important aspect. with his stellar performance in the . . f A golan people are involved in democratic The 12 day affair ended Jan. 18 and Pan Africa-USA track meet. The Orgamzat1on o n f th f t f had involved some 1500athletes from The main problem faced by f t organized processes or e irs 1me. The 36 nations of the continent. Afrikan athletes at this point, many Women (OMA)dwahs. irs f Deolinda population is cal led upon to perform under the lea ers 1P O · b f th · bil' · Nigeria and Egypt-both of whom participants agreed, is the lack of · · OMA is a mass funct10ns ecause o eir a 1ties Rodn~ues . 111 1962 f. the Popular rather than because of their sex . have emphasized athletics in national national priorities in sports and the orgamzat10n o development-dominated the games. funds with which to develop top-flight Movement for the Liberation of TEL 643-0080 Egypt won 23 gold medals , while coaching staffs and training facilities . Angola (MPLA) . The Orga~ization Nigeria gathered 18 and Kenya , 9. In spite of this, the Afrkian places special emphasis . on In all, 25 of the participating states athletes-relative newcomers to the agriculture and pr~duct10n , won at least a single medal. world sports arena - are fast making education , and mother /child care. EBONY FLORIST Predictable top flight per­ their mark. The women of MPLA are part of the formances came from Afrika 's Continental Afrikan athletes won Latest in Flora I Expression militia as well. Olympic heroes highlighted by five gold medals at Munich in 1968and OMA is organized on the village, Kenya 's Ben Jipcho, whose time of last year in Munich, 17 medals went to regional and national levels bringing 8: 20.69in the 3,000meter steeplechase athletes from the Afrikan continent. 3 - 5 Sussex Ave. together women from various boke the standing world 's record. With time , proper training and economic , social, and cultural back Uganda 's John Akii-Bua, the increased national interest , Afrika 's NEW ARK , N.J. David Bruce Olympic 400 meter hurdle cham pion, athletes could soon mak e their mark grounds from all over Angola. The women of Angola has been had no real competition, nor did on the world in no uncertain terms . dominated both by traditional Afrikan society and by Portuguese colonialism. Their ema ncip at ion is FLASHII THESTRUGGLE INNAMIBIA part and parcel of the overa ll strugg le By CIIEO HEKIMA and will be secured within the total "Wo rd is out that Leaders of the context of MPLA 's cont inuing Newa rk Tenants Cou ncil have sold This is the second in a series of The South West Afrikan Peo­ out to whitey " ... articles appearing in Black New Ark ples Organization (SWAPO) was strugg le for national liberation. on the struggles between Afrikans formed by members of a SWANU MPLA has contro l of one-third of and Europeans over the Control of in an attempt to develop effective Angola. In these Afrikan soil. harmon y with exist ing tribal struc­ Liberation Movements in Namibia tures . SWAPO was formed April 1959. (South West Afrika): Criticized in it's ear lier years for The South West Afrikan National " making a career out of petitioning Union (SWANU) was formed in the the U .N.," the organization decided in early fifties. Organized along national the mid-sixties to employ the tactics lines, it's membership is strongly of guerilla warfare. On August 26, dissuaded from participating in tribal 1966, in a battle between SWAPO actvities. Their petitioning efforts in freedom fighters and South Afrikan the fifties achieving no success, soldiers deployed in Namibia, fifteen military activity began in the early Europeans were killed, two brothers 1960's. The nature of the terrain in died and eight others were wounded Namibia is open Savannaland, and it and taken prisoner. is therefore difficult to employ a Today, operating like SWANU, strategy given to liberating areas of from wit,hin the bord ers of the land as is done in Mozambique , since country, SWAPO me mb er s have it would be difficult to defend these carried out sabotage operat ions on areas against air attack, Sabotage is such important locati ons as the once again the chief tactic. Caprivi Strip, site of a South Afri kan Leader : President Gerson radar and trac king statio n. Leader : Kangueehi. President Sam Nujoma. Black New-Ark is a Black communit y newspap er. It Is ~ublished monthly and collec­ tively by Committee For Unified West Kinney Junior High School February23 , 24, and 25, 1973 t I Newark. Vol. II, No. II Februari 1973. Articles, events, and news of Speakers: Black or~anizations in the Black lmamu Amiri Baraka Jim Gibson Community are welcomed. Dempsey Travis Sylvestor Leaks Sam Jackson James Varner Theodore Britton Jr Ellsworth Morgan Mrs. Pat Hampto~ · Toby Henry Hugh Hill Maienzi Kuumba Councilman Mjumbe Max Bond

Nafonal Black Housing Agenda LLOYD WILLIAMS PROP. Nat iona 1 Black Housing· Caucus UIIR CWIIERS Admission: TAILORING and CLEANING 5 HOURSERVICE General: $2.50 WORKCALLED FORAND DELIVERED Professional: S7.50 Public Offi ce Holder: $10.00 Shown a re the sist;;:;-;.; d b; others 65 SO.ORANGE AVE marching in the funeral - MArket 2-2088 NEWARK N processio n of Amil.car ~a bral. 3 ' .J_ Kawaida Towers Effect of h 1· Neo-Tradi?,~~; gAfrleezeon Black community 1 • c_!____ • nkan Architecture FEBRUARI, 1973 BLACK NEW ARK PAGE 5 O.N.E. THENEW ORLEANS PAYBACK!! Organization of Negro Educators By Sultani Elimu presents a and build viable Black organizations Historv mandates that you reap Most of us are by now generally and cultur al institutions so that we as what yo~ sow, well why should BlackStudies aware of the incident in ear ly January a people will have life-after-death , so America be exempt from history ? in . Apparently a group that wh.t we believe will continue to So remember that , as you hear Conference of brothers saw it necessary to get a be told to our children. white folks try to convince you Mark little pay back for, probably , a host of .Mark Essex, we are sure, un­ Essex was crazv. He is no more featunng historical and contemporary reasons. derstood that America would kill him fact ical than the millions of our Dr. Leonard Jeffries The white folks are still wondering earl ier civil rights and human rights ( Black Studies Dept. Chairman for his actions - the same as Martin at City College of N.Y.) what happened with the other (s) Luther King knew, and Malcolm X fighters - Medger Evers, bombed brothers with Mark Essex on that knew, and Black people shot, lynched, Birmingham gir ls, Orangeburg hotel roof with the deadly shot. Well, burned, beaten and bit up by white Massacre, Southern University , February 17, 1973 whoever they are , wherever they are, America knew. They have all brought Jackson State , Malcolm X, Martin 8am-4 : 30pm the struggl e continues! The white Black people struggling for freedom Luther King and countless others. The at media and white folks in general are to a higher level. The action of Mark whole world is struggling agai nst the Clinton Pl. Jr . High School attempting .to pictur e Mark Essex as Essex and the others in that New European and th e European in NEW ARK, N.J. a sick, fanatic. We are sure he was! Orleans deal out, probably can be America. Patrice Lumumb a, Amilcar for information call 733-3770 Most Black people as they become looked at as suicide or premature . But Cabral, were two of many Afrikan more conscious of the oppression and it must be rem embered, many of us victims on the continent. Black people murder America has been dishing out have been killed - not on hotel roofs cannot he liberal about our freedom to us for about 4 centuries - they - but in the alleys, streets, hallways from white oppression and their become very sick, very- side of being of the Black community - killed off puppets. We are in a struggle for our slaves for Europeans and very by America 's drugs, alcohol and ~urvival. Mark Essex represents fanatical about freedom for Black disease and mental self-defeat. Many those who could not wait for most of people. The violence in America is a have died on the back roads of the us to get ready . If you study, Mark product of Amer ica 's violence not the South, in the rebellions of the 60's, in Essex, and other Black people who origination of the Mark Essex 's. the Freedom Rides and marche s and have died dea ling with the white boy Many of us know and understand that peacef ul demonstrations of action led in the street, you will find a bit of the Euro-American racism and op­ by men such as Rev. Martin Luther vourself - only thing is, they were pression can drive you to do what · King. Matter of fact, Martin Luther ~nxious to get it on, or the white boy Mark Essex did. Only thing is, our King was killed in a hotel too, only brought it on them personally before reason is strong enough to restrain us thing is he was on a balcony trying to they were ready to return the favor to try to stay out of the man 's bullseye get some fresh air .

Tanzania- The honorable Prescriptions Mwalimu Nyerere has created the Gifts Greeting Cards office of Prime Minister , in Tanzania Sick Room Supplies and has appointed Vice-President HARRISON Rashidi Kawawa to that position as the main executive officer of the PHARMACY government. Also, Tanzania in continuing to 622-0111 make socialist advances, based on the 641 High St. New Ark, N. J. concept on Ujamaa (co-operative economics), has at the forefront on its P"ONll Ml 2 .9388 concern9 " ujamaaisation " and education. There are now over· 3,000 ~ ujamaa villages in Tanzania con­ THE NEW SHRIMP BOAT taining some 1.3 million people or 10% Fl:.ATUPINO FRIED SHRIMP SOFT SHELL CRASS AND SEA FOOD PLATTlAS of the population, representing a PROMPT SERVICE

major achievement since the start of I. 6 F. SMITH 2SS W,\.RREN STREET the Ujamaa policy. r•o,.•ono•• Nf:WARI< . N J. In the area of education the create a "class less , tribeless and government has made the decision to incorruptible society" A feature of The body of Amilcar Cabral passes the crowd of the Afrikan masses, which . switch to locally set papers in the this program has been the holding of included representatives of over 80 sovereign states. secondary school examinations in­ seminars for civil servants . stead of continuing to rely on English REVOLUTIONARY We will continue to support the ones. Tanzania has said it must WE SPECIALIZE IN ORGANIZATIONAL DISCOUNTS ASSASSINATED PAIGC in the Afrikan Liberation educate for its own deeds and not struggle because it's our own struggle continue to be geared to an outside • Special Sale! Polyester Knits 1.89 yd. (Continued from page 1) and no Nazi's will turn it around. system whose approaches bear little (Feb. 1-15) the assassination of Brother Cabral is A LUTA CONTINUA ! ! ! to those of Tanzania. BBS • PolyesterDouble Knit. a grave error, that this will only Somalia- Because of increased • Acrylics • Cottons • Wollens CABRAL GIVEN FUNERAL • Nylons • Acetates • Blens heighten the struggle, intensify the relationships with Tanzania, Somalia FABRIC• Corduroys • Silks • Jersoy BEFITTING A WARRIOR has begun to take a more direct • Leatherette• Leather • Linings struggle and cause Afrikans all over • Patterns • Notions the world to throw off the cloak of CONAKRY, GUINEA (AANS) -As socialist line, one based as President CENTER European imperialism even more African guerrilla leader Amilcar Nyerere points out on, "Ujamaa." In "FOR THE WOMAN THAT HAS IT MADE" quickly and finally. Cabral was laid to rest in Guinea on expanding this concept the Supreme 119ST . GEORGE AVE. 1056 BERGEN ST. ROSELLE. N.J. NEW ARK, N.J. Revolutionary Council, the governing The Congress of Afrikan People on Feb. 1st. there was little doubt that 926-3230 this day has instructed its cadres all the struggle he had so courageously body of Somalia, is beginning to over the country to display a picture led would be continued. emphasize its program of educating :'The revolution, above all, of Amilcar Cabral with the following Cabral's funeral was attended by the people in Afrikan Scientific caption: representatives of some 80 sovereign Socialism. is an act of culture ... " .AMILCARCABRAL, AFRIKAN states and liberation movements The 1971-1973 Development Amilcar Cabral HERO throughout Africa and the world. The Program is concern with National found the PAIGC, would be the Secretary-General of (PAIGC) official activities lasted two days and guidance and political orientation provisional leader, pending final Afrikan Party for Independence of were presided over by Ahmed Sekou aimed at ending tribalism in order to action by the Supreme Council. Guinea Bissau & Cape Verde Toure, president of Guinea, who had Portuguese origin. Pereira had formerly directed Murdered by WHITE been Cabral 's close friend , confidant The PAIGC Executive Committee operations of the party headquarters COLONIALISM (Portuguese and revolutionary comrade. announced Friday (Fe b. 2) that in Conakry. Cabral's brother, Luis, Agents) Saturday, 10: 30 PM, Among those in attendance was Aristide Pereira, a long-time aide holds a similar position in Dakar, January 20th, in Conakry, the lmamu Amiri Baraka, the NewArk who along with Cabral had helped to . capital of Guinea in West Afrika. Black nationalist, who is chairman of We will avenge his death . A LUTA the Congress of African Peoples. CONTINUA! (The Struggle Con­ Delegations were also on hand from tinues)! independent African states, socialist LISTEN TO THE PEOPLEII Congress of Afrikan People countries and liberation movements QUESTION: What is your feelings about Ben Tarver of Dayton throughout the 'Fhird World. America's imperialist aid to Portugal in Street: "I think it is During the first of two days of assassinating Brother Amilcar Cabral? like white imperialist ceremonies, those in attendance held rule all over again. Linda Roberts of Now, whitey is trying a seven hour symposium during Elizabeth Avenue: "It which statements were made to run us out of our is bad. We should homeland, Afrikan. regarding Cabral's death. The demonstrate and show Cl) There's only so much z unanimous theme was condemnation Black people here in we can take, then we 0 of world imperialism and specifically America that we are ~ ) begin lo deal." the Portuguese government and not satified with Bro. :t. Cabral's death." >­ complicity on the part of the United Ms. Wanda Snyder ""z States and other NATO countries. teacher at Rosa Parks :, Corles Ortez of School: ~ The funeral itself took place in the a:: Roseville Avenue: "Although we are ~ national stadium, where 25,000 "Its' about time all making some "':, assembled under a blazing African oppressed nations get z progress, they are still 0 sun to her Pres. Toure bid farewell to together to stop to many of our people Cabral as "a torch which will America's im­ "0 being brainwashed to illuminate all liberation movements.'' peralism. I'm Puerto kill our Black leaders Earlier, the Guinean leader had Rican, and we are also for the white man's called for a "generalized offensive victims of being slaves money." against imperialism and due to America's oppression." MCK.W fASNiol4S Mack Dawkins of Good 11i HalHy StrHt,_, 124-1717Newark, H.J. 07102 colonialism," and urged supporters of Debra Mayes of win Avenue: "I Cabral's cause to evidence no tears, feel it Lennox Avenue (East is a waste of Nixon's but only further revolutionary acts. Orange): "I don't time & the people's SOULCITY RECORD SHOP NEW LEADER CHOSEN 127 WEST KINNEY ST. NEWARK. N. J think it is right. I'm for moneyto aid Portugal. Earlier in the week, Radio supporting any We should have more PHORE623-0404 Conakry had cleared up some false movement which GOSPEL. ROCK& ROLL· JAZZ anti-Portugal exposses how our AND BLUESRECORDS reports that a single person, Vitor demonstrations thru­ leaders are getting CARTRIDGESFOR CAR & HOME Monteiro, an economist, had already out the, world & all killed and nothing is PHONOGRAPHS· RADIOS· NEEDLES been chosen to succeed Cabral. That United _State:, aid to Portugal should stop report, they'said, was a ''tall story" ·or ever done about it". 1mmedUltel?,'-., ...... PAGE 8 BLACK NEW A~K FEBRUARI, 1973 RAISE!!! IMAMUBARAKA'S TRIP TO GUINEA On Monday, January 29, 1973, prisoned by PAIGC some months perialism that participated in the Imamu Amiri Baraka , Chairman , before the assassination, for coun­ October 22 aggression of Guinea. Congress of Afrikan People, arrived · terrevolutionary activities. The On Sunday evening Honorable at Conakry, Guinea to participate in Central Committee of PAIGC has President Ahmed Sekou Toure the ceremonies surrounding the suggested that these men be granted a meeting with Congress of funeral of Amilcar Cabral recently executed. It was Cabral saying Afrikan People Chairman Imamu assassinated Secretary-General of "something must be wrong with our Amiri Baraka in which several points PAIGC (Afrikan Party for the In­ struggle if we have to kill our own of interest to the World Afrikan dependence of Guinea-Bissau and brothers" , who intervened to set them Liberation Struggle were discussed. Cape Verde Islands) by the forces of free . These men , along with Kani, In general , President Toure em­ world imperialism . In Conakry there with NATO, U.S ., Portuguese phasized the unity of the Afrikan were representatives from all over backing, committed this atrocity to struggle all over the world, in par­ Afrika, of governments as well as the entire Afrikan World! ticular he stressed the need for liberation movements, and On the next day a symposium was Afrikans in United States being representatives from progressive held beginning at 9 A.M. and ending at particularly vigilant now that the U.S. nations and revolutionary movements 1 :00 a.m . the next morning, where having left Vietnam will probably be throughout the world. representatives from all the coming into Afrika because, as he said, Imamu Amiri Baraka Tuesday afternoon Cabral's body delegations spoke giving homage to " imperialism is like a fire , you can was .seen by all the delegates in the Cabral and support to the Liberation put it out one place but it starts VIEWINGTHE BODY operating room of the Polytechnic Struggle in Afrika . This symposium another" . President Toure also Suddenly out of the hall where we Institute. On the pathway , thousands was initiated by President Ahmed emphasized that support for Afrikan wer e sitting where we thought of revolutionary youth were lined up Sekou Toure, President of Guinea and Liberation Groups must be held as a Pr esident Toure was coming, a as Honor Guard as well as Guinean Secretary-Genera l of the Democratic priority for progressive nations and brother , in white, came in, said we officials. Cabra l's body in a coffin was Party of Guinea, who spoke on progressive organizations all over the must go to see Cabral 's body! shown with only the top of his body "Afrika and Imperialism" in a world. Met Gil Fernades in the courtyard displayed, but one could see a bullet dynamic .and forceful 2-1/2 hour As a result of this meeting , the coming out, we embraced . Tragedy hole in his head and one of his eyes speech that moved the assembly very Congress of Afrikan People will be was heavy on him. The group of us which was horribly swollen and openly ( Congre ss of Afrikan People very active in distributing took cars and buses to the Technical disfigured. It is a tragic irony that in will be making copies of this speech ' revolutionary ideology of President Institute where the body was laid, in both the case of October 22 aggression avai lable to Black Liberation Toure and moving to set up more what seemed like an operating room where Guineans who were Organizations throughout the U.S. concrete communications between or surgeon's office. acknow ledged traitors to their and West Indies) . revolutionary governments and the From the road , to the office, stood country did so under the urge and a long line of youth, beginning with dollars of Western countries, notably uniformed sisters and brothers, then the U.S. and West Germany, but also all kinds of dress . Lined on both sides, in the case of the assassination of occa sional signs " A Bas Im­ Amilcar Cabral the chief assassinator perialisme International" ( Down Inocenvo Kani was a former member With International Imperialsism), of PAIGC who was also given money "Cabral Ne'est Mort" (Cabral is Not and other alluring offers by the NATO Dead ), "Vive le Stratege Ahmed backed Portuguese to carry out the Sekou Toure" (Long live the assassination . In Kani's case, he had Generalship of Ahmed Sekou Toure). been removed from the front lines in A winding line of youth-ready to Guinea-Bissau by Amilcar Cabral for rip- in perfect silence-a loose at­ serious "blunders" at the front. He tention, a stiff at ease, disciplined then proceeded to hang around silence ... looking, actually checking Conakry where his dissaffection with everybody out-perhaps 1/4 mile or PAIGC was noted by the Port uguese 1/ 2 mile of youth lined up, on both imperia lism and exploited . The sides of the road , silent as the will Portug uese actua lly told Kani that in death forces into the heroic! From exchange for Cabral's death he would khakis, to every dress , young militia, he allowed to rule Guinea-Bissau .. . students , mostl y brothers , then the PORTUGUESE TOLD Kani that khakis again , off to one side a detail of they only needed to have the Cape young girls with submachine gun­ Verde Islands and that Cabral was in s- then sisters , the line turned into the way of such a settlement. The five sisters - in blue print - beautiful or six people who participated with Guinea women-in their Kani in the assassination and attempt blues- Guinea Ambassador to U.S. to kidnap key members of the Central ~m~mu Baraka, chairman of the Congress Afrikan People, who was officially Madame Cisse, Minister of Foreign Committee of PAIGC, were im: mv1ted to funeral services for Bro Cabral, here addresses symposium. · Affairs , then into the small wept in room-a coffin silver, silver scroll on youth-the signs spoke th<>-amidst The next day was given over to an strugg ling Afrikan peoples of the it very very small-only Cabral's our old hermit's deathquiet-"VIVE "Afrikan soire" where revolutionary Western Hemisphere. Congress of head was visible-his face swollen LE STRATEGE SEKOU TOURE" culture of Liberated Guinea was Afrikan People will also urge its hideously-one eye blackred bulging along widing faces still eyes shift to shown. This included a film on cadres to become particularly active out closed from its socket-a neatly measure each mourner-"A BAS , concert by Horoya in their involvement with local stitched up hole just to the left side of IMPERIALISME IN ­ Jazz Band. Afrikan Liberation Support Com­ his head. TERNATIONAL" "C ABRAL The next night also, National mittees and its movement to bring All the death in the world crashed NE'EST MORT". Djoliba Ballet Company and a film "A dynamic support by Black people in through me. The young girls watching, their Vint Revolutione" which traced the West to the Liberation struggle on You couldn't cry-it was too machine guns resting on their history and development of Guinea the continent. lragic -( They told the nigger who breasts-can the payback be less than from colony to progressive nation. The only revenge we can get for killed him they 'd give him Guinea. the than the toal annihilation of The Horoya Jazz Band backed a Amilcar Cabral's assassination will They only wanted Cape Verde.) tears crackers I thought-can it? Why? dramatic interpretation of Samory be by achieving the Liberation of would be a kind of laughter for lmamu Baraka, chairman of Toure, Toure 's grandfather who Afrikan people all over the world. me- quiet impotent gagging C.A.P. went to Guinea for the funeral fought the French , there were also Imamu Amiri Baraka gagging-then passing to stop to of Amilcar Cabral, assassinated Sec'y readings by Democratic Party of 8 februari 1973 shake Samora XMachel's hand Gen'I of PAIGC. This is an excerpt Guinea members of Sekou Toure's (FRELIMO) an d Luis Cabral from a long article on the meaning of poem "Traitors Go To Hell" which is CUSSIFiEDIDS? (Cabral's bother) trail back down the the assassination and the funeral a dynamic putdown of the coun­ NoProblem... middlr of the tough and solemn proceedings themselves. terrevolutionary Guinean tools of PlaceThem in SLACKNEW-ARK U,s .•.. NATO ~d Portuguese im- ContactSimba Kimbizi, 621-2300