VOLUME·1 1 NUMBERII FEBRUARI1973 15 CENTS AFRIKANREVOLUTIONARY ASSASSINATED!!! concrete PanAfrikanism linking The news of the assassination of Afrikans in the West with Afrikans on Brother Amilcar Cabral should come the continent, so Brother Cabral, as a shattering shock to all Afrikan when he began to move past the people and all people who are seriously involved in the Liberation of theories of PanAfrikanism into the Afrikan people as well as the concrete establishment of Liberation of all oppressed people all PanAfrikanist ties, was also mur­ over the world. Brother Cabral, dered . Secretary-General of (PAIGC) We accuse the American govern­ Afrikan Party for the Independence of ment with active , decisive support of Guinea -Bissau and Cape Verde this blow against Afrikan Liberation. Islands, was a leader in the struggle It's no secret that Hitler-Nixon and of World Afrikan Liberation, a true his fascist advisors not only support PanAfrikanist whose intellectual Portuguese colonialism in the United understanding of revolution was Nations, but with the tax money of matched only by his actual com­ American citizens, and in a country mittment as leader of an Afrikan Amilcar Cabral with at least 30 million Afrikans living revolutionary party engaged in ar­ colonialism to murder him. Brother that the National Assembly of Guinea­ within it, it's shocking that white med struggle . Cabral's thrust at linking up the Bissa u had been formed in December, racists should continue to act as if President Toure has already ac­ struggle between Afrikans on the that Secretary-Gene ral Cabral had there were no Afrikans living in cused the forces of Portuguese continent and Afrikans of the Western announced plans of Guinea-Bissa u to America. The United States has colonialism and world imperialism Hemisphere was the revolutionary declare themselves an independent bought and paid for the death of with this murder . We would also like move that signed his death warrant. nation and that all these plans sup- Amilcar Cabral in its support of to add that it's clear that because The PAIGC focuseq through its ported actively by Afrikans living in Portuguese colonialism and its urging Brother Cabral had visited the United Secretary-General Amilcar Cabral America obviously imperiled the life of NATO to continue to struggle for States of America to bring his case to had been uf the tips of the lips of all of wiiite rncbm on a part of Afrilrnn white minority rule of Afrika . the United Nations, as well as the serious Afrikans in the United States soil. Let them understand, the Por­ Black People of America, it's obvious as the leaders of the strugg le against For the same reasons that tuguese, Americans, and all the that this movement accelerated the world imperialism. The fact that Malcolm X was assass ina ted, forces of racism and oppression, that decision by the forces of European Guinea-Bissau was 2/3's liberated, because he began to create a rea listic (Continued on page 7) "ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE" and •• • YOUNGREVOLUTIONARIES DISPLAY REVOLUTIONAR Y ART AT••• VAILSBURGHIGHEXP LODES!! CFUNYOUTH DAY by Baba Ngola On Januari 15, 1973 at Heka lu Mwalimu (Temp le of the Teacher), 13 Malco lm X Boulevard (formerly Belmont Avenue) 400 Black people came together to observe the kuzaliwa (birthday) of the late Dr. Martin Luther King. This was an act of kujichagulia (self-determination) IJy Black people in NewArk to select their own holiday and their own hero. Also this day was selected to have the first an nu al CFUN Youth Day program. Youth Day was designed by IMAMU BARAKA, chairm an of the Vailsburg High School black students demonstr ating in front of the Newark Committee for Unified NewArk , to let Board of Education building protesting for the permanent tra nsfer of James Mosselle. the Wapendu zi Chang a (Young Revolutionaries) show and tell what by Simba Risasi role they play in the struggle for the Mosselle's dismissa l touched off a The Zulu s are se en r ehea rsin g Relationships betwee n Black and controversial dispute and was op­ national liberation of Black people. white students at Vailsburg High mom ents before performin g on CF UN posed by the white students , which led The program start ed with Naibu Youth Day. School have exploded into chaos. into nearly all of them boycotting Mchochezi giving the opening The chaos first began when Black their classes , and demonstrating remarks on the Youth Day . Then racist s who stand in the way of students learned that three 15-year­ around the school. came the mighty , mighty ZULU Black developm ent and progr ess . old black girls were assaulted by Mosselle , object of the Black dancer s, a tru e manifestation of the Following brother Adhimu Chang a, three whites, and Jam es Mosselle, the students wrath, and has been the Afrikan Per sonality . Traditionall y a The Board of Education , writ ten by teac her in charge of Vailsburg 's cause of four student walkouts in four dancer performed before going to war the master poet hims elf, IMAMU discipline problems, knew of the year s. He is also a close associate of to I.mild up the spirits of the warriors BARAKA, was present ed. incident, but failed to report it when it dubious Tony Imperiale, Councilman and lo show the discipline needed . We The play tells of how backwa rd the happen ed. Immediatel y the Black Michael Bottone , and John Cervase, also had the pleasure to hear and see Board of Education is and how it will student s became angry and his attorney , all who try to deal death the youngest Board of Education be the young who will determ ine what demanded that Mosselle be removed blows to the Black community. It is member, Adhimu Changa. Adhimu the new education , what the new from the school. The demand for (Continued on page 2.) spoke on the recall of three (Continued on page 6) FEBRUARI, 1973 PAGE 2 BLACK NEW ARK Afterseveral post-ponements STOKELY CARMICHAEL RAP BROWN by RobertN .T aylor TRIAL BEGINS IN NEWARK <New York /\ANS> " We should understand that After several postpone ments, the Brot her Essex carried out our tria l of Black Power activist H. Rap strugg le to the next quantitative level Brown has finally begun following the of science, and that his actions selection of the jury. illustrates that we as a people should H. Rap Brown, along with three have a common ideology to aid the other men, is currently facing at­ Pan-Afrikan movement, " said tem pted murder and robbery charges Brother Carmichael . which was stemm ing from an alleged hold up very simply PAYBACK to Europeans attempt of a New York City bar in who think they can rome the earth October, 1971. killing at will and nothing in return Brown's arrest in 1971 after his happen lo them! ! This incident disa ppearance in 1969 just before an stems from "cause n' effect" eg: as inciting to riot charge in Maryland, repression grows, exploiting the lives marked the end of an 18 month, of Black people by the racism of nation-wide search, and an answer to European genocide, the result is the question that had been on the lips Stokely Carmichael at Wcequahic defiance and counter-effects agai nst of many of his friends and supporters: lligh "Where is Rap Brown?" By Simba Risasi Phone 923-1851 Free Estimates Thus, not long after he became Rap being escorted by detectives, SNCC's chief spokesman, Brown was look who they got to do the job ! Brother StokelY Carmichael, the D&D charged with inciting to riot in now is preparation of his own defense black activist who coined the phrase Cambr idge, Md. "Black Power" in this country during EXTERMINATINGSERVICE on the New York charges. GET RID OF THOSE It was his failure to appear at the the sixties, spoke to a packed trial on that charge, that resulted in Brown was granted the right to act audience in the auditorium of THAT BOTHER YOU, SUCH AS as his own co-counsel. One of his ROACHES - RATS - MICE - ETC. the 18 month FBI search. The search NewArk's Weequahic High School on was futile, but so thorough that many attorneys, William Kuns tier, the evening of January 14th. 109 WEEQUAHIC AVENUE NEWARK, N.J. people had begun to believe he was class ifies the former SNCC firebrand Introduced by Irr{amu Baraka, H. DEANE, Prop. either dead or out of the countr y. as one of the most intelligent and chairman of the Committee For · The rest is history. bri lliantly profound clients he has this inhuman beast ; and violence Unified NewArk, and profound What will happen to H. Rap Brown ever had . political practictioner, Brother tends lo be the neutr alizing factor. now is difficult to determine . The struggle now is in the courts, Carmichael outlined a scientific This means we should be aware of the In the face of present charges and and H. Rap Brown apparently intends analysis of the Afrikan liberation naponal & international repression others hanging over his head , it is to make that his new battleground. struggle, and constantly emphasized which is rapidly spreading throughout doubtful, his brother Ed concedes, if "I do what I must out of love for the need for instituting a massive the world seeking to destroy Afrikan Rap will ever again become active in my people ," Brown is often quoted as independent Afrikan party to control people. Our only alternative is the the movement.
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