FIPS PUB 31 FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSiNG STANDARDS PUBLICATION 1974 JUNE ,.,,---~--~~-. --------'-~---,~. --"-,,:;"::,-''::"--' -,., ---" , -~~~~-----"" .-~~-''_., -" --- .. ~ .\I I I I ' t 1 I" <:; ! \ I II I '0 e;1t 1\ ~J Guidelines FOR AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING PHYSICAL SECURITY AND RISK MANAGErViEN-r r--~~I 1 I I I CATEGORY: ADP OPERATIONS i _:1 SUBCATEGORY: COMPUTER SECURITY I 1 ! I i '~-"-,,--., .... ~ .,~--.. _.. ,. -""---.~ ----.--_."" __ ._. __ ,,." .. __ ... ~.~_. ---~-~--.---'-~-- ------.--.. ~--..---_---.-.-.-- ,-.--,---,,-.--.... - .. ~--.-.-._."--"'-.-._.-- --" -_.-... --_. i ~ '0 ) ".' , , . , L _. __ . __. __ ._ "'__________ ....•... _ .". _, _______., ____ , ____ .. ______ ",,~ __.,, __ ,.,. ' ___,. ___.. _, __" ____ .___ ~ _______,,. _____ " ... " ___ ,,,,,.,_,,_,,.,, ___.,." ______ ,. ___ .____________ ,,.,., .• " ,~ " • 1 FOl'ewm.'d The Federal Information Processing Standards Publication Series of the National Bureau of Standards is the official pUblication relating to standards adopted and promul gated under the provisions of Public Law 89-306 (Brooks Bill) and under Part 6 of Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations. These legislative and executive mandates have given the Secretary of Commerce important responsibilities for improvin'g the utilization and man agement of computers and automatic data processing systems in the Federal Government. To carry out the Secretary's responsibilities, the NBS, through its Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, provides leadership, technical guidance, and coordination of government efforts in the development of guidelines and standards in these areas. The subject areas of personal privacy, data confidentiality and computer security are of the greatest national interest. The Secretary of Commerce has identified the efforts required to provide solutions to technical problems encountered in these areas as personal objectives in the Department's overall program.
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