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RAPID EPIDEMIOLOGICAL MAPPING OF ONCHOCERCIASIS (RBMO) IN GUERA AND SALAMAT PREFECTURBS, RBPUBLIC OF CHAD* B. E. B. Nwoke I+; Jo, oye2; N, Kirningar3;GZ,Matchoke 3; SA, Albissaty 3; N, Yotta 3 & NC Kodbaye 3 I Consultant, National Onchocerciasis control Programme, Nigeria School of Biological sciences, hno State University, p M B 2000 owerri Nigeria. 2 Ministry of Health , Project Adviser, Sight Saver lnternational, Bp 47g4yaounde, Cameroon a J Division Des Maladies Transrnissibles, B P 440 N' Djarnena, Republic Du Tchad. * This study received financial support frorn WHO African Programme for Onchceciasis control (APOC), Ouagadougou Burkina Faso (ou\lcp\cTD\504\Ap\gs\040\00) in collabration with Organization Pour La Prevention De La Cecite (OpC) paris and Division Des Maladies Transrnissibles, Republic of chad. u$horq + WHO Temporaray Adviser on REMO and author to IifFIO Correspondence should be whom addressed 2 SUMMARY ln recognition of the obvious gaps in our understanding of the actual distribution and intensity of human Onchcerciasis in Republic of Chad, especially in the Southeastern Prefectures of Guera and Salamat, and the urgent need to determine where Community Directed Treatment with Ivermectin (CDTI) should be implemented as wellas ensure adequate coverage, WHO/APOC sponsored Rapid EpidemiologicalMapping of Onchocerciasis (REMO) using village onchocercalnodule rate as indi- cator in Guera and Salamat (February 17 - March 28, 1998) Of the 158 villages selected for this exercise, 87 (55.06%) of them were examined while the remainingTl (44.94oh) wereeither inacces- sible (22.15o/o) or non-existing (22.78%). The present result showed that human onchcerciasis is only sporadic in Guera and Salamat Prefectures as only 6 persons from 4 (4 60%) villages (out of the 87 villages examined ) had nodules of onchocercal origin.
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