Office of the Board of Director’s P.O. Box 626 Benton City, WA 99320 Phone: 509-588-4396

Board of Directors Meeting January 26, 2015

The Benton Irrigation District’s (BID), Board of Directors (BOD) Monday meeting was held at the District office on Highland Road in Benton City, WA beginning at 8:00AM.

In Attendance: Chairman Robert Buoy, Director Dirk Martin, Director Tyler Wilson, Operations Manager Ed Mitchell, Office Manager Ivy Johnson. Wyatt Rolfe (Schroeder Law Offices). Water user James Hallock

1. January 13, 2015 Board meeting minutes, Director Martin made a motion to accept the minutes, Director Wilson 2nd.

2. Operation/Maintenance Voucher’s – Vouchers 04-06 $7,689.75

Director Martin made a motion to accept and pay vouchers 04-06, Director Wilson 2nd, all in favor.

3. SF270-59 BID-Canal Aband $37,191.68 BID-PS Expenses $16,515.96 Anderson Perry $358.75 SUBTOTAL $54,066.39 Fowler (CREDIT) ($5,789.88)

TOTAL SF 270-59 $48,276.51

Director Martin made a motion to accept and sign SF 270 #59, Director Wilson 2nd, all in favor.

3. Administrative Report  Presented the 4th QRT BOR Financial report; Director Martin made a motion to sign the report, Director Wilson 2nd, all in favor  The Office Manager stated that the 2015 assessments were sent out on the 20th and have had 12 returned  The Office Manager presented the 2015 spring newsletter for review; Director Martin made a motion to approve and send out the newsletter, Director Wilson 2nd, , all in favor

4. Maintenance Report  The Operations Manager stated that James Hallock (present) came to the meeting to discuss possibly getting some help from the District removing an old pipe on his property on Windy Ln. Mr. Hallock stated that the Health Dept. is requiring him to remove the Districts old pipe on his property in order for him to put his drain field in. He also requested help capping another pipe on his property. The District stated that they would have to review his request  The Operations Manager stated that the storm-water permit is closed out on the BPA storage site  They have been servicing the equipment that will go out for sealed bids  They have been closing drains  They are getting ready to clean out the intake structure down at the river pump station

5. Executive Session-Wyatt Rolfe R.C.W. 42.30.110 (iii) In Executive Session at 8:32AM for ½ hour until 9:05AM Out of Executive Session at 9:15AM to extend the Executive Session until 9:45AM. Out of Executive Session at 9:45AM to extend the Executive Session until 10:15AM Out of Executive Session at 10:15AM. No action taken.

Director Martin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Director Wilson 2nd Meeting adjourned at 10:17AM.

Robert Buoy-Chairman ______

Dirk Matin-Director ______

Tyler Wilson-Director ______

Ivy Johnson-Office Man. ______