Illinois Counseling Association Governing Council Meeting Saturday, July 12, 2008

Meeting was called to order by President Scott Wickman at 9:20AM at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois. He then facilitated introduction of all governing council members.

Members in Attendance: Allyson Adams, Pamela Arnold, Renee Bauer, Debra Baymon, Marie Bracki, Rosemary Cairo, Jetta Dannenfeldt, Norman Dasenbrook,Alan Dassow, Jessica Dyrek, Jeffrey Edwards, Patricia Gore- Merriweather, Nanci Grandone, LaCleta Hall, Ronna Heinig, Katherine Howard, Stephany Joy- Newman, Gail Kallend, Carolyn Khan, Yonah Klem, Fern Kravets, Tiffany Marsh, Maria McCabe, Patricia McGinn, Bob Nejedlo, Christina K. Nolan, Debra Pender, Chantell Peterson, Maricruz Ramos, Sonia Sharma, Laurie Siegel, Ellie Sivill, Kim Snow, Daniel Stasi, Toni Tollerude, Lynn Turovetz, Robert Walsh, Vince Walsh-Rock, Jeannie Warren, Kris Sandra Wheatley, Scott Wickman, Catarina Williamson

MOTION #1: Motion to approve the proposed agenda was made by Dan Stasi and seconded by Jeff Edwards. Motion was carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Deb Pender Thanks to new accounting procedures instituted by the ICA executive director, Ronna Heinig, ICA received a clean audit report for fiscal 2006-2007. All taxes have been filed on time for that year as well. ICA bank accounts and CDs total $146, 610.47 at this time. Deb reported that the 2007 conference in Tinley Park lost $2,500 because of sleeping rooms that were not rented by conference attendees. The contract for the 2008 conference at the Tinley Park Convention Center was modified to lower the number of sleeping rooms we are obligated to cover. Deb also reported that ICA collected $2,000 more in membership dues in last fiscal year. Divisions and chapters were notified that IRS rules now require that a copy of their financial records be given to ICA unless the division or chapters has an independent audit. Treasurer’s report was filed for audit.

Consent Agenda: The agenda was approved by hand vote of members in attendance.

Unfinished Business: Changes to the By-laws and Policy and Procedures Manual were reviewed by the Council membership. All changes were approved except the wording of the section re: campaigning for office that was recommended at the April, 2007 Executive Committee meeting.

MOTION#2: Marie Bracke moved that ICA generally follow the ACA guidelines for campaigning with the addition of being able to use the ICA listserve for two (blast) messages similar in content to what is contained in the Contact. Motion was seconded by Pat Merriweather.

Vote for Motion #2: 20 members voted Aye. 5 members voted Nay. Motion carried.

New Business: A. All divisions were asked to revise their By-laws to reflect new ICA membership categories: 1. First year professional rate is equivalent to student rate. 2. Affiliate membership rate is equivalent to the full ICA dues plus division rate as set by each division. This membership category prohibits the member from voting or holding office. The member is entitled to receive a newsletter and can attend workshops and conferences at the member’s rate. B. 2008-2009 Budget: Treasurer Deb Pender presented the proposed 2008-2009 budget which was composed by the finance committee. Members questioned expenditures for items such as storage unit, credit card fees, and the workshop line item. It was recommended that a specific amount be allotted for the workshop expense and income line items.

MOTION #3: Kris Wheatley proposed the 2008-2009 ICA budget be accepted as amended to add $20,000 to the expense line and income line for workshops. Shantell Peterson seconded the motion. Motion was carried unanimously. Budget was approved for 2008-2009.

C. Mini conference downstate:

MOTION #4: Yonah Klem moved to form a task force to explore the possibility of a mini conference to be held in the far southern region of the state in addition to the annual ICA conference. Kris Wheatley seconded the motion. Motion was carried unanimously.

D. Ronna Heinig passed out CE certificates to governing council members who served for the last year. She also explained that ICA will offer 3 CEs for the transition meeting to be held this afternoon.

Executive Committee Reports: Scott Wickman encouraged governing council members to join all ICA divisions as a show of support from the governing council.

MOTION #5: Pat McGinn moved that anyone who joins all the ICA divisions receive a discount of $15 from ICA Professional Dues and $7.50 for any other category that is entitled to ½ of ICA dues. Jeff Edwards seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION #6: La Cleta Hall moved to accept Deb Pender as treasurer, Janet Katchke-Hansen as parliamentarian, and Lynn Turovetz as secretary for 2008-2009 governing council year. Motion was seconded by Kim Snow. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION #7: Stephanie Joy Neuman moved that “ICA establish a new award named the “Robert J. Nejedlo Award” to recognize an ICA leader who has modeled effective leadership, sustained leadership activities in a counseling organization for ten years or more, and has mentored, supported, and encouraged emerging leaders over time.” (See attached description of award) The motion was seconded by La Cleta Hall. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held on Red Cross Training being sponsored by ICA. Lynn Turovetz clarified that $500 was raised by a raffle at the 2006 conference in Springfield to pay for a presenter to provide Red Cross Training for counselors. Pam Arnold explained recent changes in Red Cross coverage. Stephanie Joy Neuman suggested holding a training downstate. Chris Nolan proposed ISCA cosponsor this training. More to follow at next governing council meeting. Conference Reports: 2008- Pat McGinn and Jeff Edwards have worked with a very organized conference committee. 104 presentations have been submitted for 57 open slots and committee members will make decisions on which presentations to accept for the conference. There will be a D.J. at the dance on Friday evening after the banquet. Attendees are encouraged to wear something ethnic for the dance. Friday’s luncheon will emphasize divisions with tables for division members to sit together.

2009- It has been determined that Peoria is too expensive a site for the next conference. The committee will check out options in Springfield again. The theme will be “Resilient Growing and Working Together: Living the Dream in the Land of Lincoln.”

Workshops- Deb Pender reported on the first joint project to help the National Adult Association of Development and Aging with their fall conference.

Division, Chapter, and Region Reports are available online.

CICO Report: Dan Stasi is getting questions about the new FOID card law and the new Type 73 Certificate. There are now links on the IMHCA and ISCA websites to address these questions. Pat McGinn explained to new members what CICO is about. Illinois has been held up as an example for other states because of the relationships with legislatures and the cohesiveness of divisions with the Illinois Counseling Association Branch of ACA. The Lewis and Clark Chapter reported they have a new webpage. Governor’s State University also has a new website. Kim Snow reported the school will sponsor a bus for 24 students to go to the ACA conference in North Carolina in 2009. Ronna Heinig agreed to put links on the ICA websites to other divisions and chapters. The ICA store can be reached through the ICA webpage. There is a wide variety of products and ICA gets a portion of the cost of the products. The store is based on the NIUCA site.

Governing Council members met by divisions, chapters, and regional reps and selected representatives to the executive committee. Katherine Howard will attend for regional representatives. Kim Snow will be the chapter representative. Carolyn Khan will be the division representative.

Scott Wickman turned over the gavel to new president Pat McGinn who moved to adjourn the meeting. Next governing council meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov 13 at the ICA conference.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn Turovetz, Secretary