Traditional Program Levels  Daisies  Brownies  Juniors  Cadettes  Seniors

More Program Opportunities  Juliettes  POGO  Studio 2B  Campus Girl Scouts  Catholic Committee of Scouting for the Diocese of Arlington

Upcoming Program Level Changes Traditional Program Levels

Daisy Program Level – The First Step in a Lifetime Adventure Daisy Girl Scouts meet in groups of five to 10 with two or more adult leaders in a nurturing, inclusive environment. They go on trips, learn about nature and science, and explore the arts and their communities. Daisy Girl Scouts can also earn Learning Petals and receive participation patches.

 More information on Daisies...

Brownie Program Level – Going Places, Making New Friends Brownie Girl Scouts work together in groups, earn Brownie Girl Scout Try-Its, and explore their community. Friendship, fun, and age-appropriate activities begin at the Brownie Girl Scout meeting and move our to the community and wider world.

 More information on Brownies...

Junior Program Level – Explorations, Fun, and Best Friends Forever Junior Girl Scouts earn badges and discover what girl power is all about through new activities and by learning to take charge of their plans. They gain self-confidence as they explore the world in partnership with their troop/group leaders.

 More information on Juniors...

Cadette and Senior Program Levels – Ready to Become, Belong, Believe, and Build Girls ages 11-17 participate in Girl Scouting in many ways. Under the guidance of a trained adult advisor, girls mix and match activities and resources to suit their needs while giving back to their communities. They connect with each other and build self- esteem and confidence in their skills as they work on a range of projects and gain life experiences.

 More information on Girl Scouts 11-17... More Program Opportunities

Juliettes There are many ways to be a Girl Scout. Juliettes are individually registered Girl Scouts. As a Juliette, you are not affiliated with a troop or group so you do not meet with a group on a regular basis. You can, however, still benefit from the excellent resources and program activity opportunities that both our national organization and our local Council have to offer. Together a girl and her parent or mentor, you get to choose the activities in which you want to participate

You may choose to do as many of the following as you like:  Attend Council sponsored events/collaborative events and special Girl Scout Family Day activities in the community*  Attend local Day Camps, Council Resident Camp, Service Unit Encampments  Participate in select local Service Unit events and activities  Participate in the Council Cookie Sale Activity to earn awards  Work in the appropriate age level handbooks/badge books/GSUSA activity books  Wear the appropriate age level uniform (the "Juliettes" patch can be worn on a sash/vest in place of troop numbers)  Perform community service

* Please note: Supervision for a Juliette at events is the responsibility of your parent or mentor. Girls must provide their own adult chaperone (females "only" in some instances) at the chaperone's expense. Chaperones who are not currently registered members of Girl Scouts are not covered by Girl Scout insurance and are encouraged to register.

Prince William Older Girl Organization (POGO) POGO is a group of older girls and leaders who:  Share information and solve problems  Organize "big group" events  Provide training for Gold and Silver Awards and challenging skills  Award excellence by recognizing graduating seniors and Gold and Silver Award recipients  Help identify needs of the community that older girls can get involved with for service projects  Work on adult/girl partnership

Below is a small sample of POGO activities:  Program Aide Training  New York City Day Trip  Vermont Ski Trip  IP Workshops  Walk-Abouts/Encampments  Glacier National Park Trip

More information on POGO…

Studio 2B Campus Girl Scouts Catholic Committee of Scouting for the Diocese of Arlington Upcoming Program Level Changes We are undergoing changes to a new leadership development model to better enrich the girls and their leadership skills. Program level changes in GSCNC will begin with the 2009 Early Bird Registration.

 More information on upcoming Girl Scout program changes...