Minutes from SCI Joint Meeting

Meeting Date/Time  November 9, 2014, 2:00 – 4:00 PM

Meeting Location  Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver, CO

Attendees  Roy Schubert – Shell

 John Nyholt – BP

 Mark Carte – Stress Engineering

 Mark Geisenhoff – Flint Hills

 Josh Yoakam - Holly Frontier

 Brent Ray – Marathon

 Travis Harrington – Chevron

 John Reynolds – Intertek

 Clay White – P66

 Ray Konet – Valero

 David Wang – Shell

 Steve Crimaudo – API

 Tina Briskin – API

 Rick Nichols

Agenda  Approved

Minutes from the 2014 API Spring Meeting  Will be issued soon.

Old Business  581 Issues & Progress o See Activity Tracker below.

New Business  Task Group Chair Roles and Responsibilities

o TG chairs are invited and strongly encourage to attend the SCI Executive Meeting.

 587 Intent and Content

o See Activity Tracker below.

 QUTE/QUSE Program Direction

o The funding is not there to continue supporting the program. The program is barely breaking even now.

o CRE approved $90k and $60k for further development in 2014 and 2015, respectively. However, the funding should come from ICP, and ICP has not approved the funding. No work has been done yet.

o We are just getting into breaking even and should be able to show profit.

o Three possible options were discussed.

1. Do nothing – Not invest the $150k (default option)

2. Get commitment from owner/users to drive testing up to help the program be profitable

3. Use alternate source of funding (e.g., JIP) or “privatize” the program

o Will discuss the issue again at the SCI Joint Meeting to get consensus on path forward. Currently we are at option 1.

 API Summit

o Not discussed (multiple IS coordination meetings planned this week)

 Ballot Status

o Covered under Activity Tracker

Activity Tracker  510 – 10th edition due in 2019

 570 – 2nd ballot passed but has 7 negatives  571 – Needs to be SCCM/SCI co-chaired and co-balloted. 3rd edition due in 2016. Clay White will be the liaison to SCCM. Suggest Mike Urzendowski as the co-chair.

 572 – 3rd edition due in 2014. Will ask for two year extension. The entire document will be open for balloting.

 574 – Ballot passed with 5 negatives.

 575 – Published April 2014. Next edition due in 2019.

 576 – CRE approved for extension to 2016. 2nd edition ballot passed with 6 negatives. ng in July.

 577 – Published in December 2013. 3rd edition due in 2018.

 578 – 3rd edition due in 2015. Will have the first draft for balloting in 2015.

 580 – Ballot passed but has 6 negatives.

 581 – 2nd edition due in 2013. Need to be extended to 2015. 3rd ballot passed. Will have the 4th ballot for the complete document in 1Q/2015. There are potential contractors identified but no commitment from any of them to develop software in accordance with the 2nd edition of 581 within 6 months of the RP publication.

 583 – Published on May 15, 2014

 584 – Published on May 16, 2014

 585 – Published in April 2014

 586 – There is budget approved for a master editor but no RFP has been developed.

 587 – 1st edition balloted. Did not pass on response. The intent is to document what is considered “equivalent to API QUTE/QUSE”. Agree that we need at least a document. Two issues to be resolved: 1) Cannot use API IP (e.g., QUTE/QUSE program info) without API’s approval. 2) Whether the document should be published as an RP, a publication, or an API internal document.

 939C (Sulfidation) – 1st edition to be co-balloted by SCCM and SCI. Need to encourage SCI members to participate in the 939C TG.

 941 (HTHA) – Ballot is still open for SCI to comment. Will use the 653 model to determine whether to vote in the future.

 970 (Corrosion Control Document) – Is seeking a master editor.

ICP Report  Not discussed. SCI Budget  QUTE/QUSE budget issue needs to be brought up to CRE.

 $50k allocated to 581 for E2G methodology review will not be spent by YE. Will re-submit the SR3 request in 2015 for 3rd party validation of E2G’s Level 2 probability of failure calculator in 2016. Need to have the contract signed this year (which is highly unlikely) to avoid losing the money approved for this year.

Next Meeting  Seattle, WA, April 12, 2015