Australian Government Transition to IPv6: ‘Building Capacity for Future Innovation’

Slide 1: Title Slide

Australian Government Transition to IPv6: ‘Building Capacity for Future Innovation’

Prepared for: Australian IPv6 Summit Melbourne 18-20 October 2011

Brian Catto

A/g Director, Architecture and Emerging Technologies

Australian Government Information Management Office

Department of Finance & Deregulation [email protected]

John Hillier

Assistant Director, Architecture and Emerging Technologies

Australian Government Information Management Office Department of Finance & Deregulation Slide 2: Overview


• Who we are

• Our involvement with IPv6

The Government’s Transition to IPv6

• Approach

• Progress

• Future Steps Slide 3: AGIMO (Australian Government Information Management Office)

Who we are:

• Business Unit of the Department of Finance and Deregulation

What we do:

• Facilitate effective and efficient use of ICT by the Australian Government through:

• Policy

• Procurement

• Advice, tools and information

• E-government

• Gov 2.0 Slide 4: AGIMO’s involvement with IPv6

• Citizen access to government services is maintained.

• IPv6 transition strategy development and maintenance.

• Monitoring and reporting on progress.

• Knowledge sharing through Community of Expertise.

• Monitoring international trends. Slide 5: Agencies that are implementing the IPv6 Transition Strategy

• All 107 Financial Management and Accountability Act FMA Act agencies

• Includes Departments’ of Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade, Human Services, Finance and Deregulation, Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy.

• Smaller agencies such as Wheat Export Australia, Australian Organ and Tissue Authority. Slide 6: Government Transition to IPv6


• Transition Strategy (reviewed annually)

• Developed 2007

• Revised 2008

• Revised 2009

• Work plan for agencies (reviewed annually)

• Developed 2009

• Revised 2009/10

• Revised 2010/11 Slide 7: Government Transition to IPv6

Three Stages

• Stage 1: Preparation ( Jan 2008 - Dec 2009)

• Stage 2: Transition (Jan 2010 - Dec 2011)

• Stage 3: Implementation (Jan 2012 - Dec 2012) Slide 8: Government Transition to IPv6: Stage 1

Preparation: Jan 2008 – Dec 2009

• Review Procurement Policy.

• Stocktake of Equipment.

• Stocktake of Applications. Slide 9: Stage 1: Preparation

Review Procurement Policy

Chart, heading March 2009: 27% of agencies at 0%, 24% of agencies at 25%, 10% of agencies at 25 to 50%, 9% of agencies at 75%, 23% of agencies at 100%. Slide 10: Stage 1: Preparation

Review Procurement Policy July 2011

Chart, heading Stage 1 Preparation Review Procurement policy: zero agencies at 0, 25, 50 and 75%, 100 agencies at 100%. Slide 11: Stage 1: Preparation

Stocktake of Equipment

Chart, heading March 2009: 38% of agencies at 0%, 26% of agencies at 25 to 50%, 10% of agencies at 25 to 50%, 8% of agencies at 75%, 10% of agencies at 100%. Slide 12: Stage 1: Preparation

Stocktake of Equipment July 2011

Chart, heading Sep 2011: zero agencies at 0, 25, 50 and 75%, 100 agencies at 100%. Slide 13: Stage 1: Preparation

Stocktake of Applications

Chart, heading March 2009: 51% of agencies at 0%, 27% of agencies at 25%, 5% of agencies at 25 to 50%, 5% of agencies at 50 to 75%, 1% of agencies at 75%, 9% of agencies at 100%. Slide 14: Stage 1: Preparation

Stocktake of Applications

Chart, heading Sep 2011: zero agencies at 0, 25, 25-50, 50-75 and 75%, 100 agencies at 100%. Slide 15: Government Transition to IPv6: Stage 2

Transition: Jan 2010 – Dec 2011

• Upgrade of ICT Hardware to be IPv6 ready.

• Applying For and Reserving IPv6 Address Space.

• Upgrade of Operating Systems to be IPv6 ready.

• Upgrade of Applications to be IPv6 ready.

• Upgrade of Internet Gateways to be IPv6 ready. Slide 16: Stage 2: Transition

Upgrade of ICT Hardware to be IPv6 Ready

Chart, heading March 2009: 85% of agencies at 0%, 3% of agencies at 25%, 4% of agencies at 25- 50%, 3% of agencies at 50-75%, 5% of agencies at 75%, 1% of agencies at 100%. Slide 17: Stage 2: Transition

Upgrade of ICT Hardware to be IPv6 Ready July 2011

Chart, heading Due Dec 2011: no agencies at 0, 6 agencies at less than 15-30%, 5 agencies at less than 30 to 45%, 7 agencies at less than 45 to 60%, 18 agencies at less than 60 to 75%, 19 agencies at less than 75 to 90%, and 20 agencies at less than 90 to 100%. Slide 18: Stage 2: Transition

Upgrade of Operating Systems to be IPv6 ready

Chart, heading March 2009: 85% of agencies at 0%, 3% of agencies at 25%, 3% of agencies at 25- 50%, 3% of agencies at 50-75%, 5% of agencies at 75%, 3% of agencies at 100%. Slide 19: Stage 2: Transition

Upgrade of Operating Systems to be IPv6 ready

July 2011

Chart, heading Due Dec 2011: two agencies at 0, two agencies at less than 15%, three agencies at less than 15-30%, six agencies at less than 30-45%, six agencies at less than 45-60%, 13 agencies at less than 60-75%, 15 agencies at less than 75-90% and 28 agencies at less than 90-100%. Slide 20: Stage 2: Transition

Upgrade of Applications to be IPv6 ready

Chart, heading March 2009: 90% of agencies at 0%, 4% of agencies at 25%, 4% of agencies at 25- 50%, 1% of agencies at 50-75%, 1% of agencies at 75%, 0 agencies at 100%. Slide 21: Stage 2: Transition

Upgrade of Applications to be IPv6 ready July 2011

Chart, heading Due Dec 2011: 0 agencies at 0%, 0 agencies at less than 15%, 13 agencies at less than 15-30%, 13 agencies at less than 30-45%, 15 agencies at less than 45-60%, eight agencies at less than 60-75%, 17 agencies at less than 75-90%, 17 agencies at less than 90-100%. Slide 22: Stage 2: Transition

Upgrade of ICT Gateways to be IPv6 ready

Chart, heading March 2009: 94% of agencies at 0%, 1% of agencies at 25%, 3% of agencies at 25- 50%, 0% of agencies at 50-75%, 3% of agencies at 75%, 0% of agencies at 100%. Slide 23: Upgrade of ICT Gateways to be IPv6 Ready

(Lead agencies) (Implementation Stage - due 30 June 2012)

Chart: zero agencies at 0%, one agency at less than 15%, one agency at 15-30%, one agency at 30- 45%, one agency at 60-75%, three agencies at 75-90%, zero agencies at 90-100% Slide 24: Upgrade of ICT Gateways to be IPv6 Ready

(Client agencies) (Implementation Stage - due 31 Dec. 2012)

Chart: seven agencies at 0%, seven agencies at less than 15%, eight agencies at 15-30%, 13 agencies at 30-45%, eight agencies at 45-60%, six agencies at 60-75%, nine agencies at 75-90%, 13 agencies at 90-100%. Slide 25: Upgrade of ICT Gateways to be IPv6 ready by 2012

Chart, heading Due Dec 2012: zero agencies at 0%, 10 agencies at less than 15%, eight agencies at 15-30%, 10 agencies at 30-45%, 10 agencies at 45-60%, 10 agencies at 60-75%, 30 agencies at 75- 90% and 12 agencies at 90-100%. Slide 26: Government Transition to IPv6: Stage 3

Implementation: (Jan 2012 – Dec 2012)

• Agencies to be IPv6 ready.

• Agency enablement of IPv6.

• Reporting complete. Slide 27: Agencies' systems to be IPv6 ready

(Implementation Stage - due 31 Dec. 2012)

Chart: 63 agencies at 0%, eight agencies at less than 25%, two agencies at 25-50%, three agencies at 50-75%, two agencies at more than 75% and two agencies at 100%. Slide 28: External IPv6 Network Enabled

(Implementation Stage - due 31 Dec. 2012)

Chart: 76 agencies "No", four agencies "Yes". Slide 29: Future Steps

• Complete annual review of work plan.

• Monitor agencies progress to ensure compliance with target dates.

• Maintain currency of information on major issues affecting transition strategy.

• Assist agencies with whole-of-government issues.

e.g. security requirements.

• Finalise implementation stage. Slide 30: QUESTIONS?