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Los Angeles Valley College Service Outcomes Assessment Report
Service Area: Library Semester/Year: 2012-2013
Division (Academic Affairs, Admin Services, President’s Office, Student Services):
Submitted by: Georgianna Sampler Service Area Supervisor: Georgianna Sampler
Service Outcome Assessed To organize and facilitate access to the information contained in our collections Description of Assessment a. ILS statistics; 3M gate count; reference questions tally; Method faculty requests for orientations; impressionistic feedback a. Describe the assessment tool (e.g., at the reference desk; acquisitions and cataloging survey, document analysis, service statistics; our latest library survey tracking, etc.) b. A comparison of numbers was made for the months of b. Describe how the data was analyzed (rubric elements, etc.). Attach rubric September 2011 and September 2012. In addition we if applicable. considered the relative percentages in answer to our *** Please keep all data for at least 3 survey questions as well as commentary from our years. December 2011 survey. Description of Sampling a. An in-house and online survey was conducted in December Methodology 2012. Respondents were self –selected and totaled 227. a. If a survey was conducted, who was Represented were: 81% Students, 18% Faculty/Staff and the survey sent to and what was the 1% Other. response rate? b. Periodical circulation and reference questions are b. If document analysis, how were the tabulated manually in real time hourly daily, weekly, Revised 9/21/12 documents or files selected? monthly and annually. c. If service tracking, what services and c. Circulation, ILL, item reports etc. are automatically for what period of time? tabulated by our integrated library system continuously throughout the year. Assessment Results a. Describe the relevant findings a. 84% 0f in-house respondents to our survey found that according to the criteria set by the our print and electronic resources met their assessment tool. (e.g., report results informational needs while only 64% of online according to rubric evaluation respondents found them to be adequate. 91% of in- criteria) house respondents found our reference help useful while 75% of online users concurred. About 84% of both b. To what degree was the service outcome achieved? groups were able to locate needed information. Our gate count for the first week in September 2011 was 5,472. The count doubled for the first week in the new Library and totaled 10,492. Circulation was also up from 5,982 items circulated in the first week of September, 2011 to 8,515 circulated in the first week of September, 2012. Using just our Gale statistics for electronic resources, our total for searches was up from September 2011 where the total was 59,249 to 107,106 for the same month in 2012. b. Our services would seem to be in higher demand. Our higher circulation numbers would indicate that we are disseminating information to our users at a higher rate than before to meet this demand. As we had no acquisitions budget for 2012-13, we are only able to process gifts and our print collection suffers.
Collaborative Review a. NA a. Describe the norming process and Revised 9/21/12 how inter-rater reliability was b. The numbers speak for themselves as far as gate count achieved (if applicable). and circulation results are concerned. All four Librarians b. Describe which personnel were reviewed the survey results and submitted their involved in the data analysis/assessment process. What conclusions to the Chair as to what actions could be is the total number of personnel in taken, outside the confines of budget, that might this area? improve our service.
How Results were Used for Service Improvement a. Describe how the results are going a. Our statistics indicate that there is increased demand for to be used for the improvement of our services and that additional staffing is needed to the service or institutional satisfy this demand. We need to replace both librarians effectiveness based on the data assessed. and student workers and restore our lost hours. We b. Describe how results will be shared realize that students want more hours and resources but with others in the service area. those are dependent upon budget. Other complaints about facilities were obviated by the move to the new Library. The reference librarians are going to do more follow up to make sure students actually find what they are looking for. We have added a Discovery Service that enables students to search all of our holdings on a particular topic in a single search thus simplifying and amplifying the research process. We realize we must do more outreach to students and faculty to increase awareness of our services. We are going to shift staff from the periodicals department to alleviate long lines at the circulation desk. b. Others in the service area are made aware of these
Revised 9/21/12 results by sharing the survey and asking for reaction in staff meetings. Comparison to last Assessment Cycle Results (if this is the first time the service was assessed, NA leave this section blank) a. Please state the improvement plan that was included in the report from your last assessment cycle. b. What changes were implemented from the last cycle’s improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made that were not included in the improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made to the assessment process? c. How are the results from this cycle similar to or different from the results from the last cycle?
Insert Rubric or Assessment Tools below:
Revised 9/21/12