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George Mason University Debate Institute June 28-July 19, 2015 George Mason University, Jackie Poapst, Department of Communication/Debate Team, MSN 3D6, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Thank you for spending part of your summer with us at George Mason University. This packet is meant to better prepare you for your time at the George Mason University Patriot Debate Institute. Please review the packet and if you have additional questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].
Jackie Poapst and Peter Susko Directors George Mason University Patriot Debate Institute
All campers: Please join our Facebook group (George Mason University Debate Team) for information and be sure to accept your invitation to our Google listserv group. George Mason University Debate Institute June 28-July 19, 2015 George Mason University, Jackie Poapst, Department of Communication – Debate Team, MSN 3D6, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Important Institute Information
Before you come to camp: o Please read over the enclosed packet; it contains important information. o Please sign & date the code of conduct form – turn this form in at check-in (if you’re a resident, there are 2 forms). o Please sign & date the GMU Risk & Release Liability Form – turn this form in at check-in. o Please sign, date & fill out insurance information on the Emergency Medical Information Form – turn this form in at check-in. o Any outstanding fees should be paid in full no later than check-in. If you are unsure of your outstanding fee amounts please email Jackie Poapst or Peter Susko at [email protected]; [email protected] o If you are residing in the dorms – remember to bring a check upon check-in for $75.00 that is a held deposit – that check will be held while you are at camp. If you return a working key & cards at the end of the camp, you will receive your deposit back. o If you plan to use a GMU laptop please bring a $100 check.
Arrival Information: o Campers Residing in the dorms – Check-in is on Sunday, June 29 th from 3:00-7:00 pm in Piedmont Hall, located on the main part of campus, just a few buildings down from Starbucks off of Patriot Circle, on Chesapeake River Way. There will be a mandatory resident life meeting for student’s residing in the dorms at 9:00 pm. You will find us in the Piedmont Multipurpose Room, a large conference room on the first floor for both check-in and the dorm meeting which can be seen from the sidewalk.
o Campers Commuting – Check-in is on Monday, June 30 th between 8:30-9:00 am in Robinson A, Room 351 (GMU Debate Office). With an opening meeting for all students at 9:00 am.
o You will see “GMU Debate” signs to direct you, located strategically along the circle on campus.
o If you are an out of state student – we do offer a shuttle from Dulles airport. Pickup from Dulles is done once on Sunday, July 29, all students will be picked up at 4:30 pm (all flights must be in before that). We will also do one drop off, each Sunday of camp departure, departing the dorms at 10:00 am (all flights should be after noon). The cost for the shuttle is $10, each way. If you need to use our shuttle service, contact Jackie or Peter at [email protected]; [email protected]
o To access a campus map, please visit:
Daily Attendance Notes: o Both commuters & residents should be in Robinson A, Room 351(unless instructed by lab leaders to meet in a different working room – we will review the classroom meeting space every evening) by 8:45 am Monday-Saturday (July 4th there is no class) and 11:45 pm on Sundays. We’ll get started immediately.
o Daily Student Check-in – A roll call will be done each day (8:45 am Monday-Saturday, 11:45 pm Sundays) Students should inform their lab leaders before departing each evening. Instruction ends at 6:00 pm for commuters Monday-Friday and 5:00 pm for commuters on Saturday-Sunday. Residents of the dorms will have evening sessions, unless a group social event has been planned.
o Social Gatherings: July 4 – we will observe the holiday and will not be holding classes. However, each year we have a camp picnic and social through-out the day. We will also have other social gatherings, to be determined as the schedule unfolds and we see how instruction is going. Any commuter who would like to join residents for social gatherings are welcome to do so, they should speak with Peter Susko, who will direct all dorm activities, to make those arrangements ahead of time.
o Commuter drop-off & pick-up procedures – One way to reach Robinson is to drive onto Rivanna River Way (off of Patriot Circle); there is a small 30 minute parking lot on the right. Out of that parking lot turn left & walk up the hill toward the Johnson Center/Robinson A. You are also welcome to use the Mason Pond Circle (adjacent to the Performing Art Center & Robinson). These are the daily drop-off & pick-up locations.
o If for any reason a camper cannot make a class or will be late, they should call your lab leader, contact numbers will be in your check-in packet. Please make every effort to call if you’re going to be late. If students haven’t checked in by 9:15 am; the staff will make phone calls to parents to check on arrival.
Emergencies & Incidents: o For emergencies: call Dorm Director, Peter Susko at 814.464.4156 or call Institute Director, Jackie Poapst at 267.393.1604 o Incident Reports – if at any time a student needs personal attention for incidents such as first aid needs, illness, injury, or concern for safety, they should contact the nearest staff member. We are equipped for first aid needs during the camp. If an illness or injury is more serious, our staff is prepared to call emergency personnel & parents/guardians to inform them of the emergency. We are minutes from the INOVA emergency department on Chain Bridge Road, & the GMU police are right on campus. Parents/guardians will be contacted for all illnesses that may require doctor attention or emergency personnel. We require all staff to fill out incident reports. Please feel free to speak with our Dorm Director at any time if you have concerns about your child.
Getting materials to your student while at camp: o In the event student’s need packages delivered – please have them delivered to: GMU, Students name, care of Jackie Poapst, Dept. of Communication – Debate Team, MSN 3D6, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030 – please understand the university has HUGE lag time for mail arrival thus you should account for several extra days for packages to arrive. o Should you need to get money to your student – it’s best to put money into their own debit/checking accounts. If you must wire money, there is a Western Union right across campus that students can walk to in order to receive funds; it is located in the Giant, on Braddock Road, in University Mall. If you cannot reach your student: o Our Dorm Director is Peter Susko - once camp begins please call him for any concerns you have about your child at 814.464.4156. Peter is assisted by other staff members but he is a parent contact point.
Final Departure Information: o Commuter Departure – . 1 week campers are finished on Sunday, July 5 at 5:00 pm. . 2 week campers are finished on Sunday, July 12 at 5:00 pm. . 3 week campers are finished on Saturday, July 18 at 5:00 pm . Please remember students should be picked up from the same location as they were dropped off.
o Resident Departure – . 1 week campers should check-out of the dorms on Sunday, July 5 between 10:00 am and noon. . 2 week campers should check-out of the dorms on Sunday, July 12 between 10:00 am and noon. . 3 week campers should check-out of the dorms on Sunday, July 19 between 10:00 am and noon. . Campers should check-out with the dorm staff & be picked up directly from their dorms.
Institute Schedule Monday-Friday: 8:45 – 9:00 am – Check-in Each Day 9:15 – 12:30 pm – Instruction Time 12:30-1:30 pm – Lunch 1:30 – 6:00 pm – Instruction Time 6:00 pm – Commuter Departure Time 6:00 -7:00 pm – Dinner 7:00-9:00 pm – Skills Sessions for Residents/Research Time 9:00-10:30 pm – Resident Free Time/Staff available for one-on-one work 10:30 pm – Resident Room Check 10:30 pm – 12:00 am – Resident Free Time 12:00 am – Final Resident Room Check
Institute Schedule Saturday: 8:45 – 9:00 am – Check-in Each Day 9:15 – 12:30 pm – Instruction Time 12:30-1:30 pm – Lunch 1:30 – 5:00 pm – Instruction Time 5:00 pm – Commuter Departure Time 5:00 -6:00 pm – Dinner 6:00-8:00 pm – Skills Sessions for Residents/Research Time 8:00-10:30 pm – Resident Free Time/Staff available for one-on-one work 10:30 pm – Resident Room Check 10:30 pm – 12:00 am – Resident Free Time 12:00 am – Final Resident Room Check
Institute Schedule Sunday: Morning free time for residents & commuters 11:45 am – 12:00 pm – Student Check-in 12:00 - 5:00 pm – Instruction Time 5:00 pm – Commuter Departure Time 5:00 -6:00 pm – Dinner 6:00-8:00 pm – Skills Sessions for Residents/Research Time 8:00-10:30 pm – Resident Free Time/Staff available for one-on-one work 10:30 pm – Resident Room Check 10:30 pm – 12:00 am – Resident Free Time 12:00 am – Final Resident Room Check
*Please understand our camp is different in that we tailor each day’s agenda to campers needs & thus the schedule could change slightly as the institute progresses.
GMU Debate Institute Website: - please check our website during the camp, as we’ll be posting updates on our progress, evidence files, lectures, and other notes about our work. We will also post updates to our Facebook page and send blasts to our Google listserv. George Mason University Debate Institute June 28-July 19, 2015 GMU, Jackie Poapst, Department of Communication – Debate Team, MSN 3D6, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
What to Bring to Camp
For Instruction Laptops – full evidence sets will be distributed electronically to all participants – with that in mind it will be ideal for participants to bring their own laptops for evidence use (laptops are not allowed during lecture periods) USB drives for evidence jumping. o In the event that students do not have laptops but are on a paperless debate team, GMU does have laptops available for use. We do ask for a $100 for computer rental for the duration of your use of our equipment. Notebook with lots of paper for note taking (laptops are not permitted for note taking during lectures) Pens – 2 different color pens is encouraged for proper debate round note taking Flow paper – legal size paper is best for taking notes during debate rounds USB drives – a minimum of 5 gigabytes are best for full evidence set storage One Timer for time keeping purposes during debates.
For campus living Room deposit - $75.00 o Please bring your deposit the first day of camp. We will hold your deposit during your stay. This amount covers the costs of a lost key or security card; upon return of both those items at check-out that room deposit will be returned.
o Linens: One set of twin extra long bed sheet o Pillow & pillow case o Blanket o Towel o Kleenex o Hand soap (residents have suites, which have a private bathroom for every 4 people) o Alarm clock o Shower shoes & shower caddy to carry bathroom supplies back & forth to the shared bathrooms o Umbrella o Comfortable clothes o One set of warmer clothes, sweater/light jacket - the University buildings are air conditioned & may get chilly. o Tennis Shoes/Walking shoes – like any campus there will be some walking between buildings. o Please note – NONE of the rooms are equip with televisions. Please do not bring things like gaming systems. Spending Money – the amount a student will use varies substantially. There are no other costs to students and meals are provided but often students like to order food, purchase snacks, or visit the bookstore on campus. There are ATM’s on campus if students need additional money. George Mason University Patriot Debate Classic Institute June 28-July 19, 2015 GMU, Jackie Poapst, Department of Communication – Debate Team, MSN 3D6, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Code of Conduct – All students
We encourage a positive environment at all times – please show respect for the teaching staff, dorm staff, students of our institute, all employees of the university & all guests of our workshop. Arrive at 8:45 am Monday-Saturday and 11:45 pm on Sunday. Please be ready for instruction. You should only be in the buildings & rooms secured for the debate institute. Guests are obligated to report to the staff any destruction they witness or with which they are involved. Damage may result in charges to the responsible individuals. Excessive damage may result in termination from the program. Guests are responsible to care for the buildings/rooms they use. No one should be in classroom buildings once formal instruction ends unless they are with a staff member, as cleared by the director. Tampering with fire equipment is a serious violation of the Commonwealth of Virginia law and University regulations Firecrackers, cherry bombs, smoke bombs and/or similar devices are strictly prohibited anywhere on University property. Guest may not remove furniture from any room. Gambling is not permitted on the campus. Weapons of any kind or instruments used in a dangerous fashion are not permitted on University property. Use of or being in the presence of illicit materials, such as alcohol, drugs or tobacco are grounds for immediate dismissal from the institute and may be reported to the appropriate authorities, including campus police. Roofs are unprotected areas and are not designed for use. No one is permitted to use the roofs for any reason. Due to endangerment of self and others and possible destruction of property, guest may not sit on, or place items on window sills, or project items from windows or tamper with window restrictions. Playing any type of sports in University buildings will not be permitted. There should not be any visitors to our program without permission from the Institute Director. George Mason University assumes no liability for loss of personal property. It is the job of individual students to keep track of their own belongings & make sure they are secured properly. Violations of the code of conduct could result in work details as enforced by staff or being asked to leave instruction or dismissal from the program.
We agree to the Code of Conduct:
______(Student Signature) ______(Date)
______(Parent Signature) ______(Date) George Mason University Patriot Debate Classic Institute June 28-July 19, 2015 GMU, Jackie Poapst, Department of Communication – Debate Team, MSN 3D6, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Code of Conduct – Resident Students
Students residing in the dorms must be in the dorm by 10:30 pm which will be verified by a 10:30 pm room check. After 10:30 pm students of the opposite gender/sex may only be together in the common room. Students must be in their own rooms at 12:00 pm, there is another room check at that time. Students are not permitted to leave the dormitory until 7:00 am. No visitors are permitted in the dorms after 10:30 pm. If for any reason, a student will not be staying in the dorm any night during the camp; parents must inform the Dorm Director of this in writing. There is no required lights out time, however if it becomes apparent that people aren’t getting adequate sleep we reserve the option to institute one. Because of health, sanitation, insurance and fire hazards, cooking is not permitted in the residence hall rooms. Microwaves, toaster ovens, and hot plates are not permitted in residence halls. Electrical appliances authorized for use in guest rooms must have the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. approval (U/L label) on the appliance and the cord must be in good working order. Residents are issued a set of keys, which permit them access to their assigned building and room. Keys are given for that particular individual’s personal use and are not transferable. Guests are responsible for their security & must lock their doors whenever they leave. Guest who lose keys should report it to the staff immediately and will be charged a room key deposit. Animals, except for service animals, are not permitted in residence halls. Students are responsible for the condition of their dorm rooms.
We agree to the Code of Conduct:
______(Student Signature) ______(Date)
______(Parent Signature) ______(Date)
Risk Assessment and Release Form
I, , fully recognize that there are certain risks and responsibilities to which I may be exposed by participating in the following activity, the George Mason University Patriot Classic Debate Institute, during June 29-July 20, 2014. Although designed to enhance my general education, participation in this trip and program is entirely voluntary and is not required as part of any academic program or course. The following is a description and list of examples of specific, significant, non-obvious dangers and risks associated with this activity. The dangers and risks listed are not exclusive and I realize that other significant risks and dangers may be present in the activity:
Walking is required to go from one location to another, residents will live on campus in the residence halls, students will have the option to participate in social activities, such as basketball, dodge ball, etc… Resident students will also have the opportunity to participate in social activities. Students also have the option to walk to University Mall across from campus.
1 I understand that I am responsible for providing my own health insurance. 2 The following person should be contacted in case of emergency:
Name: ______
Relationship: ______
Address: ______
Telephone: ______
1 If I become injured or ill while participating in the program, I hereby authorize GMU Institute Staff Members to act on your behalf in obtaining medical treatment. I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for all expenses incurred for any medical care I receive during the program.
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have been informed about certain risks and responsibilities involved in this program and that I am knowingly and voluntarily assuming them. By signing this form I also agree, for myself, my heirs and assigns, to release and hold harmless George Mason University, its employees and agents, from any legal claim or liability for any bodily injury and personal property damage that is caused to me by the negligent act or omission of third parties, arising from my activities under this agreement.
Signed: ______Date: ______
If the participant is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must also sign:
Signed ______: Date: ______
RMO Form 02A Rev Apr 2007 George Mason University: Participant Assumption of Risk and Release from Liability
1. As a condition to voluntarily participate in the event identified below or use George Mason University (Mason) property, I agree for myself, my heirs, and assigns to release, hold harmless the Commonwealth of Virginia, Mason, their employees and agents from any personal injury or property loss caused by acts or omissions beyond the control of the University. I understand that Mason is neither a guarantor of my safety nor an insurer against loss, and that the University’s role is primarily to facilitate organization of the event. Photographs and other media coverage of my participation may be used by Mason without compensation or other permission. I also concur that any legal claims will be settled in accordance with the Code of Virginia.
2. I acknowledge and assume the risks involved in this event and will notify the Event Director (identified below) immediately of any safety or personal concerns. I understand that the purpose of the event is to enhance my general education, personal growth, or recreation. I certify that I am in good health and have no physical condition that would prevent my participation in this event. If I am incapacitated, and my contact persons (identified on attached document) cannot be readily located, I authorize the designated Mason Event Director to act in my behalf and I will be responsible for any medical or other expenses incurred on my behalf. I also agree to comply with the below Participant Conditions and not buy, sell or use any illegal drugs and to obey local laws. It is understood that my participation may be terminated if my behavior is deemed unsatisfactory.
3. Event, Dates, And Location: George Mason University Patriot Classic Debate Institute, June 29-July 20, 2014 held at George Mason University, Fairfax Campus
4. Risks and Hazards Associated with the Event. There are normal hazards associated in any form of travel and tourist activities, including but not limited to delays, accidents, accommodation mishaps, criminal activity, injuries, and illness. Further, cultural, linguistic, sanitary, political instability and legal differences vary when traveling outside the U.S. : Walking is required to go from one location to another, residents will live on campus in the residence halls, students will have the option to participate in social activities, such as basketball, dodge ball, etc… Resident students will also have the opportunity to participate in social activities as well as walk to University Mall.
5. Administrative Instructions and Participant Conditions.
a. GMU Patriot Classic Debate Institute Director, Kristie Cramer 330.903.1060 or other Institute staff members should be contacted for emergencies or institute questions. b. Please see included Code of Conduct for expected participant behavior. c. Please include Medical Insurance and Emergency. See Attached.
By signing this document, I certify that I have read it and voluntarily assume the risks involved and agree with the above participant conditions.
Signature of Participant Printed Name Date:
Signature (Parent or Guardian when appropriate) Printed Name Date GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM
Participant’s Name: Mason ID#:
Permanent Address: DOB: Sex:
Home Phone:
Person to Contact First Backup Contact (Relative or Friend)
Name: Name:
Relation to Participant: Relation to Participant:
Daytime Phone: Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone: Evening Phone:
What are you allergic to:
List current prescriptions/medications:
Is the above named participant is covered by health insurance? YES NO
If yes, provide the following information, which is required by George Mason University to expedite treatment and to facilitate the billing process.
Policy Holder’s (PH) Name: PH DOB:
Address: Relation to Participant:
Occupation: PH Employer:
PH Employer Address:
Insurance Company: Insurance Company Address:
Policy # Plan #: By signing this document, I understand and authorize Mason to furnish the above contact, medical, and policy information to the Emergency Medical provider in the event of an emergency.
Signature of Participant Printed Name Date
Signature (Parent or Guardian when appropriate) Printed Name Date
Please indicate here if you are a vegetarian or vegan. As well as any specific dietary requests you have: