Reports on the Administration of the Local ~oards in the Bombay Presidency including :sind ior the year 1932--33. . . GOVERNMENT OF BOl\IBAY.


· ' · Resolution No. P. 52. \..__ Bombay Castle, 4th April 1934.

Read reportS. from the Commissioner in Sind, the Commissioners, Northern Division, -Central Division and Southern Division, on the adminiRtration of Local Boards in their -respective charges during the year 1932--33. · REsoLUTION.-Number of Local Boarils.--The number of Local Boards remained the same. · · _ - 2. ·Area and p:>pulation.-The increase or decrease in the figlires of population of Local Boards in Sind as compared with those of the preceding year is due to rectification of errors by reference to the census report of 1931. 3: Oonstitutwn.-The constitution of the Local Boards remained unchanged. 4. Electwns.-In the Central and Northern Divisions no triennial elections were held during the year under report. The general electionS of all the Boards in Sind and in the Southern Division were held during this year with the results shown in Appendix A.* Interest in the elections varied from district to district and from taluka to ~luka. In some places elections were very keenly contested, while in others they excited little public interest. · In Sind the number of con­ stituencies which were uncontested was large in proportion to the total number _of seats. Of 156 constituencies in .eight District· Boards in only 49 were there contests. -' 5. Meetings.-The Taluka Local Boatds of Shahdadpur, Sinjhoro and Moro in Sind, Igatpuri and Man in the Central Division, Dahanu and Murbad in the Northern Division and Dharwar, Karajgi, Shiggaon and Gadag in Southern Division, failed to comply with the provisions of section 35 (1) of the Bombay Local Boards Act, 1923, as they did not hold the requisite nUll\ber of quarterly general' meetings. Government note that, while the average percentage of attendance at the meetings of District and Taluka Local Boards decreased, the number of meetings adjourned for want of quorum ana for other reasons was less than in the previous year. . 6. - Income.-The aggregate income of the Boards (excluding opening balance ~and debt) decreased from Rs. 1,90,14,609 toRs. 1,83,96,135. The principal varia.­ ·. tions under the main sources of revenue are explained below :- ·h . • \ · (a) Local Rates.-.The receipts . ~?I"eased from Rs.. 50,10,469 . to · Rs. 50,46,499. - Only m the Central D1VIB10n was there any mcrease, whwh was due to the recovery of local fund cess which had been suspenl:led in the previous years. 'In the other Divisions the decrease was due partly to the receipts of previous year having included collection of arrears and partly to other causes. (b) EducatU>n.-The receipts decreased from Rs. 99,78,797 toRs. 92,99,843. _The decrease occurred in the Central, Northern and Southern Divisions, and . was generally due to the reduced Government grants, and in the Southern Division to the non-payment of their quotas by some non-Local Authority Municipalities. In Sind the apparent increase was due to the fact that the . receipts of the District Local Board, Thar Parkar, in the preceding year were accounted for in the return of the year under report. If these receipts are discounted the total receipts of the District Local Boards in Sind in the year under report would show a decrease. • Printed as an accompaniment to this Resolution. llO-I Genl H 9-1 ,, ·- ... / (c) Medical.-The receipts increased from Rs. 2,46,670 to Rs. 2,91,349 due mainly to the levy of fees according to the revised dispensary rules. (d) Civil Wm·ks.-The rec~ipts decreased from Rs. 21,99,731 to Rs. 21,01 ,963. The decrease occurred in the Northern and Southern Divisions, due partly to reduction of Government grants for communications and to smaller receipts from other sources. In Sind the small increase of about Rs. 4,000 is due to increase in receipts from toll-tax and other contributions. In the Central Division the increase of about Rs. 5,000 was mainly due to larger receipts from tolls. 7. Ercpenditure.-The aggregate expenditure of the local boards chargeable to current income decreased from Rs. 1,89,79,572 toRs. 1,75,63,670. The principal variations under the main heads are explained below :- (a) Administratwn.-The expenditure increased from Rs. 7,41,629 to Rs. 7,45,983. The increase occurred in the Central Division only and was mainly due to the inclusion by District Local Board, Sholapur, under this head of the educational figures which were not shown in the previous year's statement. 'l'he decrease in Sind and in the Northern and Southern Divisions was due to measures of economy adopted by the District Local Boards, such as the emergency cut in the salaries of the establishment and curtailment of expenditure on contingencies and travelling allowance. (b) Educatwn.-The expenditure decreased from Rs. 1,17,79,441 to Rs. 1 ,08,33,171. The decrease which occurred in Sind and in all Divisions, was due to general retrenchment to meet the drop in income and was effected mainly by a cut in salaries and where necessary by the closing of schools. (c) Medical.-The expenditure decreased from Rs. 12,47,414 to Rs. 12,30,224. The decrease occurred mainly in Sind, due to the emergency cut in the pay of vaccinators and compounders, to reductions in grants to dispensaries and contributions to medical institutions and to retrenchment in establishment and contingent expenditure of dispensaries. In the Southern Division, in the Bijapur District there was an increase due to the payment of the previous year's charges of medicine and to the entertainment of a special medical officer and supply of large quantities of anti-plague vaccine and disinfectants. In Kanara an increase was due to the larger purchase of medical stores and increased contingencies. -' (d) Civil lVorks.-The total expenditure decreased from Rs._ 43,11,012 toRs. 39,63,078. The decrease occurred in the Central, Northern and Southern Divisions, and was mainly due to restriction in expenditure on works, owing to reduced Government grants and financial stringency. In Sind an increase was due to greater expenditure on buildings and communications. 8. CWsing balances.-The aggregate balances of all the Boards amounted to Ra. 57,06,372 as against Rs. 53,63,368 in the previous year. The closing balances of the District Local Board, , and 4 Taluka Local Boards in Sind were less than the prescribed minimum balance. On the other hand the closing balances of most of the District Local Boards were much in excess of the prescribed minima. The large balances are attributed to various causes, including inclusion of the balances of Taluka Local Boards in the balances of District Local Boards, late recovery of local fund cess, non-completion of the budgett.ed works, inclusion of balances of special funds, or funds earmarked for special purposes, and reluctance of boards to finance works from their own funds. 9. Primary Educatwn :- Sind.-On account of financial stringency little could be done for the expansion of primary education. In pursuit of retrenchment a number of schools had to be closed, including in Karachi two English classes, in Hyderabad five night schools, in Sukkur several primary schools, in Larkana six schools and one agricultural bias class, and in the Upper Sind Frontier three primary schools. On the other hand in the Thar Parkar district 12 primary schools had English -classes added to them and in Sukkur the English classes at were converted into an Anglo-Vernacular school. In the Upper Sind Frontier a set of English classes was attached to a primary school. 2 3 Central Divisirm.-.The number of primary schools maintainod by the District Local Boards decreasoo as shown in the margin in all Ahmed nagar • • (46) districts, except in West K.handesh and Bombay Suburban East Khand.. h . .. (21i) Naaik •• • . ( 18) Districts where there was no change-. The closing down Poona. •. • • ( 10) Satara •. • • • (2) of the schools was due partly t.o the reduction in the Sholapur (5) Government grant and partly to the poor attendance on account of the prevailing economic distress . ., . In connection with wastage in primary education the Collector of Sholapnr observes- .. " In nearly every village school the great majority of the children are in the infant and first two classes. This means that a large proportion of the pupils never reach the fourth vernacular standard, the lowest point at which a mastery of the three " R's " can be said to begin. The money spent on teaching such pupils is entirely wasted and the school functions merely as a cr~che for these young children·while their mothers are at work." ~ . The Ahmednagar Board paid special attention to agricultural bias classes and the provision of boarding houses attached to 10 central schools to house boys of the poorer backward and depressed classes. Also, it is remarkable that panchayats re-opened 5 out of 11 English classes closed last year in 1st grade · vernacular schools. .: Northe;rn Division.-In the Kaira district the number of schools decreased from 382 to 328 on account of lack of pupils. In the Panch Mahala, which has a ·large backward class population, there are many villages without schools, and it is . suggC!!ted that, as the Board has a balance of Rs. 2,58,4 76, as against the prescribed minimum of Rs. 5,000, a special effort should now be made to provide education for forest tribes and others in backward areas. The six school buildings which were under construction in the Surat District under the Sir Purushottamdas Tha.kurdas Building Scheme have been completed. The number of night schools fell from 17 to 9, as the enthusiasm shown by the people in the past appears to be decreasing. The District Local Board, Thana, . reduced its contribution to the School Board by ·allotting only 50 per cent. as . against 66i per cent.. of the local fund cess. · · Southe;rn Division.-All the Boards complain that lack oi funds prevented the due expansion of primary education and that retrenchment was the main duty of the year. . The Kolaba Board, however, increased its schools from 380 to 389 spending Rs. 10,000 on opening new schools, while, though the Ratnagiri Board ~bolished 40 schools; of which the working was said to be unsatisfactory, it opened 60 new ones. In Belgaum the number of schools fell from 741 to 733. Special sch~o~ were opene~ by the. Board for the . children of the Depressed clas~es .in additiOn to these bemg admitted to the ordmary schools. The Dharwar DlBtnct • Local Board on the contrary abolished separate schools for Depressed cla8ses and ordered admission of their children to general schools. This latter course appears to Governmen~ preferable. 10. Medical and Public HeaUh :- · Sind.-The grant paid by theDistrict LocalBoard, Karachi, to the Lady Du.fferin Hospital, Karachi, was reduced from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 1,500, and the grant of Rs. 1,800 paid to C. E. Z. Mission Dais Improvement was discontinued, and the appointment of a midwife at Tatta was abolished as the Tatta Municipality refused to pay a share of the cost. The District Local Board, Hyderabad, paid subsidies of Rs. 600 to a" Hakim" (practitioner of indigenous medicine) at Tando. Kaisar and Rs. 300 to another at villsge Gutka. 52,000 tablets of quinine were distributed free amongst villagers and 10,000 quinine and cinchona tablets were sold at half price through the agency of school masters by the District Local Board, Larkana. · Anti-mosquito experiments with Paris green were continued by that Board in five villages in Kambar talu.ka. 70 small villages, which do not contain any village local authority, were cleansed in rotation by the special scavenging staff maintained by that Board for the purpo~e. The Board also open&d a maternity home a$ Miro Khan and gave a schola~h1p of Rs. 40 per mensem to a woman for receiving training in midwifery and nursmg. A few sporadic cases of cholera occurred in the Larkana District, but the dis688e was stopped by timely mea.sureJ. 5,331 persoiUI were inoculated and 399 person& 4 were given anti-cholera Bilivaccine. The District Local Board also carried out health propaganda by leaflets and photographs showing the advantages of vaccination and other sanitary measures. · . The'District LocalBoard, Nawabshah, reduced by 25 per cent. the usual grants-in-aid of Rs. 900 and Rs. 1,500 paid by it to the municipalities of Shahdadpur and Tando Adam, respectively, for the maintenance of the dispensaries situated within the jurisdiction. of those municipalities. This reduction is regrettable as the attendance from the Local Board area has been increasing. To combat malaria the District Local Board, Upper Sind Frontier, supplied medicines of the value of Rs. 96 to the special medical officer appointed by Govern­ ment, sanctioned a special grant of Rs. 275 for dispensaries at Thul, Kandhkot and Kashmore for purchase of additional medicines and distributed free 1,07,502 quinine tablets. It evinced much interest in the Baby Week and the Health Exhibition held at Kandhkot and increased the annual contribution to the Red Cross Society from Rs. 400 to Rs. 700 for the purpose of opening a maternity home at Thul. The number of Local Board dispensaries in Sind remained the same as· in the previous year, but the state of many leaves much to be desired. In rural areas in Sind vaccination is carried on. on a voluntary basis and is under the direct supervision and control of the Public Health Department, except in the where the control was transferred to Local Board in 1909. The applicatio.n of the District Local Board, Larkana, for taking over vaccination is pending the fulfilment of the condition that its Health Officer should obtain· the necessary qualifications before his appointment can be approved by Govern- ment under section 119 (2) of the Local Boards Act. . "" f Central Division.-During the year under report there were epidemics of P'fague, cholera and small-pox in the Satara and Sholapur districts and cholera in East Khandesh. The District Local Boards concerned appointed extra staff and took measures to combat these epidemics. There was no change in the number of dispensaries maintained by the District Local Boards in this Division, except in the Nasik District where the Harsul dispensary in the Peint taluka was closed on account of poor attendance. The District local Boards of Sholapur and Satara undertook the destruction of cactus by the agency of the cochineal insect. This process, though slow, appears to be cheap and effective and.it is suggested that ~ther Boards might well take similar measures to eradicate the cactus which much contributes to the insanitary surroundings of EO many villages. . 1 Northern Division.-Plague appeared at son:.e places in the Kaira and Surat Districts and the District local. Boards took n:.easures to combat it, including the appointment by the DiEtrict local Board, Kaira, of a Medical Officer and five Inspectors on special duty. There were caEes of chclera in the Thana District and the Board took action at a cost of Rs. 2,275 to check it. Two temporary medical officers were appointed on anti-malarial duty for a period of three n:.onths to give relief to the people in the malarious jungle patti villages in the Thana

District. ·~ Southern Division.-During the year plague apreared in the districts of Belgaum, Bijapur and Ratna11iri, cholera in Dharwar, Belgaum, Kanara, Kolaba IUld Bijapur districts and small-pox in Kanara, Kolaba and Ratnagiri. Measures were taken by the Board.i to combat the spread of theEe epidemics. In the Belgaum District a special n:.edical officer was appointed in addition to the normal Sanitary and Health staff, and 65,479 inoculations were made against plague, about 6 · 5 per cent. of the population of the Listrict being thus fafegriarded. The plague expenditure incurred by the Board was Rs. 13,228. In the Bijapur District &pecial anti-plague inoculators were engaged and Rs. li,COO were· spent. The Dharwar Board ako engaged one E>J:ecial inoculator and 1mdertook rat-baiting and disinfection of affected areas and launched organised Ffopaganda tQ coml:;at the spread of the diEeaEe, which was rarticularly Eevere in Dharwar and Hubli talukas. The total nUID.ber of inoculations done was 65,570. The local officers re12ort that, though the Boards generally n:ade a real eflort to deal with these epidemics, the rr.easures they undertook were not sufficiently well organiEed or sustained. Epidemics of any magnitude cannot be dealt with satisfactorily by 5 3 a District Local Board unless there is a fully qualified Health Officer who can devote his whole-time and attention ro the organising and supervision of epidemic work. Out of the six Boards in the Southern Division only the Dharwo.r .Board has·a whole-time Health Officer. . 11. Veterinary Dispensaries :- Sind,.-·The number of Veterinary dispensaries remained the same as in the preceding year. · The annual Horse Show was held at Jacol:abad, as usual, and was well attended' and at the same time were held Cattle and Agricultural exhibitions. The entire cost of the Show was borne by the District Local Board, Upper Sind Frontier. · As suggested iD paragraph 12 of Government &solution, Revenue Depart­ ment, No. 6567/24, dated the 13th October 1932, all the District Local Boards have issued instructions to their establishment to co-operate with the subordinate revenue establishment in reporting outbreaks of contagious diseaRes amongst cattle. Central Division.-The number of veterinary dispensaries remained tho same in all district:'!, except Ahmednagar. The Ahmednagar District Local Board cloHed do\VII all the eight taluka dispensaries from 1st August 1932, on the plea of financial stringency, as Government had stopped all grants except for the disl?ensarv at Nagar. Four of these dispensaries have, however, been re-opened tbJS year on the receipt of a Government grant of Rs. 1,000. · N orthwrn Division.-The number of veterinary dispensaries remained the same as in the preceding year, and they have worked satisfactorily. , 12. Civil Works.-The following table shows the Government grants paid to the boards and the amounts spent by them from the Government grants and their· own funds on local public works :- .

Amount opent from the . · Amount of Govern- year'a Government grants Amounts 11pent Division. mont grante. and unspent Government from local fund. grante of previouo ye&l'll,

--- -~-----~~----· --· ~- Rs. Rs. Rs. '. Sind .. -. 1,68,000 1,87,3114 2,14,419 Central Division .. .. 2,82,000 3,16,443 2,03,008 Northern Division .. .. 1,63,000 1,68,083 3,16,853 Southam Division .. .. ' 1,67,320 . 1,96,913 4,06,294 I · Sirul.-The condition of roads and bridges in charge of Local Boards continues to be unsatisfactory. . The main requirement is a regular programme for systematic repairs to roads and bridges spread over the next few years. It is hoped that the J.ocal Boards will pay serious attention to this matter. A new office building was constructed by the District Local Board, Knrachi. The District Local Board, I.arkana, constructed a building costing over Rs. .5,000 for the Maternity Home at Mehar named" Margarete Gibson Maternity Home". On account of finanCJial stringency, the District Local ·Board, Karachi, abolished the appointment of the Board Engineer. Except the District Local Boards, Karachi, Hyderabad and Upper Sind Frontier, the other District Local Boards have qualified Engineers in their service. V"Centra.l Division.-The amount spent on public works by the DiRtrict Local Boards hom thetr own funds ao compared \\oith that provided by Government shows improvement in this Division. Considerable activity was evinced by the Sholapur District Local Board in the construction of new roads and buildings and the District Local Board, N asik, completed the important original work of the Ka~ari Ghat Road. ....,. · · The provincial works, which have been transferred to the District Local Boards. of Ahmednaga.r and Poona, were continued under their management during th.e year under'report. · · · · Northern Dit-ision.-A special grant of Rs. 2,000 was given to the Superin­ tending Engii.eer, Northern Circle, for reconstruction of a bridge on Ahmedabad-' Dholka Road. The District Local Board, Thana, took up the construction work of the Raita bridge and an amount of R~. 5,000 was spent Qn it during the lallt months of the ye;r under report and the work is still in progrel!f4. · · ·· · Ho-D Gen1 H 9-2 6

. Govemment regret to note that it is ireported that the Jocal board roads in i!he S.w~t District were not maintained even with minimum efficiency. . , · · Southern Division.-It is reported that most of the loc!!Jl boards did ·good work. in the Belgaum District the expenditure on. roads was the same as in the last year. In the Dharwar District, with a view to .irnprm.ing co~try .tracks, spm.e of the Taluka Local Board roads have been taken over by the DJStrlct Local Board for ·maintenance. In the Bijapur District comm1mications were s~tisfactorily maintained by the District Local ;Board. In the Kanara District the work of_ special repairs to .b:r:idge!! and. culverts received special attention .of the District J,.o.cal Bo.ard. . . · . · 13. Village Watll'l' Supply.-The folloV~-ing table _l!hows the Government grlll).ts 1to the District Local J3oards and the amotUits spent by them from QQv4rn­ ~~n,t gra~;~.ts anQ. their own funds for the improvement of village water supply :-

Amount spent from Govern· Amount of Govern. ment grants and unspent Division. Amount spent ment gr"nts. . Government grants of fron:' local fund. ; previous years. . . .. J:l,s. Rs. I .' " .Rs. Sind .. .. 19,091 ' 12,323 1a,027 Central Division .. .. 24,622 ,23,136 39,074 Northern Division .. .. 18,000 15,990 1,40,293 89,uljhem. Divisioll . •. .. 23,350 21,491 48,729 . . - . .. . '· Sinit.-The District LocalBoard, L.arkana, constructed two ne.v.wells, besides siAI\Wg thxee tube welli!. ' Northern Division.-The grants allotted by Government were spent 'by District Local Boards in constructing new wells and in carrying out repairs to the exi<>ting means of water supply in the Yiramgam Taluka.• The District Local Board, Ahmedabad, adopted with success a system of shallow boring. Scarcity of potable water i'3 the usual complaint in the Bhal tract, and special grants have . been allotted from time to time for improvement of water supply in this precarious area. The District Local Board, Kaira, completed two new wells and 1Uidertook the constrllctioft..of_three other~·during the year. Boring was done in nine wells of which eight proved successful. Scarcity of water continued to be felt in the Bahara tract in the Broach District. In the coastal villages of Surat potable water is often inaccessible and it is reported that drinking water has in many cases to be fetched several mile<:!. Government consider that the District Local Board, Surat, should pay particular attention to the hardship thus caused to the inhabi­ tants, and, if possible, devise measure'.! for the improvement of the water supply in this area. 14. WOTks Committee, Standing Committees, Budget Committees, etc.:­ Sinit.-All the Local Boards have Standing Committees as required by section 36 (1) of the Bombay Local Boards Act, but it is reported that in some cases :these Committees did little or no useful work. The District Local Board, Karachi, appointed a Retrenchment Committee to reorganise the finances of the Board. · . · . . Central Division.,--Standing Committees were appointed by all the District Local Boards and Taluka Local Boards, except the Taluka Local Board, Peint, in the N asik District. · NOTthem DivisiOO.-The Standing Committe~s appointed !by the District Local Boards are reported to have done useful work. All the Boards in the Districts except Ahmedabad and Kaira, had also appointed Works Committees to inspect the Works in progress. For .dealing with special p:roblems, the District Local :Boards of Broach and Thana appointed special committees, e.g., Public Health Committees, Village Panchayat Committee, the Raita Bridge Committee, etc. . . Smahern Division.-Works Committees were appointed by 5 Taluka ·Local Boards in the Kanan~ District. .In other boards the functions of these committees are -~charged Pl .Standing Committees. Special Committees (Budget Committee, Finance Committee .and Rules Committee, etc.) , were appointed by all Boards as and when the. necessity for them arose. .7 4

].!), Yillage fanclwyats and Village Sanitary CommiUees :- Sind.-There are no village panchayats in Sind. The number of Sanitary Committees in Larkana District increased from 52 to 53 whereas iD the Thar Parkar District it decreased from 28 to 26 ; the total number of Sanitary Committees in the whole Division decreased from 218 to 217. It is reported that the amendments in the :Sombay Village Sanitation Act enacted b;v the :Sombay Act UV of 1931 have not yet brought about any increase m the n,uml!er of Sanitary Committees or aroused the interest of villagers in the working of the existing Sanitary Committees . .Central Di'!Yision.-The total number of village panchayats in the Divi~ior1 increased by 3, i.e., from 126 to 129: Increases occurred in Ahmednagar (2), West Khandesh {2), Nasik {I} and Sholapur {1). There were decreases in East Khan­ d,esh (I) and Satara (2). The number of panchayats in the Poona District remained unchanged, viz., 17. There are no P¥-chayats in the Bombay Suburban 1 District. · No ~provement is .noticeable in the working of these bodies, except in East Khandesh where on the whole the 33 panchayats are re;ported to be .working ·satisfactorily. Tlte Colleqtor of Poona reports that the pos1tion of most of the Panchayats in his District .is "scandalous". The percentage of arrears of dues in one case is 100, in three cases .it is ()Ver 90, and in five cases it ranges from 52 to 81 and Government much regret to note that some of the worst offenders are the larger and more progressive towns of the district. The number of Sanitary Committees increased by 2, i.e., from 24 to 26, as 3 new Sanitary Committees were established in the Satara District and one was abolished in the Poona District. It is reported that out of the six committees only two have done anything to justify their existence owing to reluctance of the villagers to rai!le flqlds. Northern Division.-The number of village sanitary committees in t1us Division remained the same, i.e., 43 during the year, while the number of village panchayats decreased from -08 to 57. No noteworthy improvements are reported in their general administration. The Village Panchayat at Amod was cancelled with efiect from 1st March 1933 on the termination of its term owing to a material irregularity at the election of the Panchayat. The Village Panchayat at Palghar constructed a market at a cost of Rs. 5,306 and augmented its annual income by Rs. 900. The Thana District Local Board paid grants-in-aid to the Panchayats in the . District to the extent of 1/5th of the income derived by these bodies from house-tax. Southern Di'!Yision.-The number of village panchayats fell from 72 to 68. The '\VO:J:king of the panchayats in the Belgaum and Dharwar districts has been reported to be generally unsatisfactory. In the Belgaum District 10 panchayats have practically done no work. The panchayats in Bijapur and Kolaba are reported to be working well. The new village Panchayats Act and the rules thereunder have not yet been brought into effect, and it is not possible to judge what effect the improved village PanQhayats will have on rural self-Government. 16. Audit of Accounts :- Sind.-The following were among the more important irregularities detected .in audit during the year under report:- (I) The District Local Board, Karachi, allowed a sub-overseer, who, it was alleged, had misappropriated several amounts to resign before the enquiry with regard to the alleged misappropJ"iations was concluded. (2) The District Local Board, Karachi, made payment~. from local funds of two amounts of Rs. 180 and Rs. 545 to certain contractors for earth work done in Bathoro taluka. The papers on record showed that the works were unauthorized and represented repairs to the !lame roads twice-once by depart­ mental labour and the second time through the contractors. It appears that the District Local Board Engineer visited the site but found no trace of work done. In spite of this and the fact that the estimates said to have been prepared Wilre alleged to be missing, the payments were sanctioned. (3) A clerk in the office of the Taluka Local Board, Samaro, who had been committed to the Court of Sessions for the embezzlement of Rs. 928-3-2 as reported in the Annual Report of the preceding year, was _sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for six months. 8 Central !Jivisitm.-A decided improvement is noticeable in the prompt. disposal of audit notes by Local Boards and· warnings that action would be taken under section 10 (5) of the Audit Act had a salutary effect in certain . cases. There was however considerablemismanagementin the Taluka Local Board•: Sheogaon, owing to lack of proper supervision on the ·part of the executive· Almost all the rules and orders were disregarded, serious irregularities were committed by the clerical staff and several works were undertaken before the estimates thereof had been scrutinised and approved by the District Local Board. The Collector has asked the President, District Local Board, to arrange for a post· audit of all the bills .relati~~ to_ the ..works. thus unau~~orize4).y_~;ecuted and for a ·mote ~equent m'spectiOn of the Ta1uka Local Board office. . ·. · Northe·rn Division.-The accounts of the Local ·Boards for the year 1931-32 were audited by the Local Audit Department. The common irregularities revealed by audit were (I) negligence in recording measurements of works, (2) want of completion certificates, (3) irregular payments of travelling allowance, (4) absence of, and deviations from, sanctioned estimates and budget provision of works under execution, (5) slackness of supervision, (6) buying of materia.ls in excess of requirements, (7) use of local board materials by contractors .vithout rent and (8) late remittances of cattle pound receipts. , . . ' ' ·' Southern Dit!i8itm.-The accounts of all the Boards for the year 1931-32 were audited by the Local Audit Department during the year under report. No serious irregularities were noticed and in a number of. cases the accounting has been certified to be satisfactorv• . 17. General Remark8 :- Sind.-On the whole the administration of District Local Boards is reported to have been satisfactory, though that of Taluka Local Boards fell below the standard desired. In some cases party faction and communal bias hindered efficient work, and in most cases reluctance to raise the Local Fund Cess has severely restricted the activities of Local Boards.· The District Local Board, Thar Parkar, is the only Board in Sind which levies Local Fund Cess at the maximum rate.. Though in some cases the Lloyd Barrage Scheme has increased the Boards' income from the Local Fund Cess, Government consider that local boards in Sind would be wise to tap all the available sources of revenue in order to enable them to expand their activities, especially in village sanitation, medical relief, roads and primary education. · The District Local Board, Karachi. part.ly owing to the drop in revenue result­ ing from the general depression and partly to the constitution of the District Local Board, Dadu, had to reorganise its finances on the advice of its Retrenchment Committee, and made ·a substantial decrease in expenditure by retrenching establishment and grants to public institutions and by exercising greater care in. expenditure of budget allotments. · · The District Local Boards of Hyderabad, Sukkur and Nawabshah expended more than their income during the year and the Commissioner in Sind should point out to these bodies the necessity of balancing their budgets. Heavy arrears of dues from Indus Fisheries remain to be collected and serious attention must be paid to this matter. ' In the year under report a ·member of a District Local Board, who was also Chairman of the District School Board, was pr9secuted and sentenced under sections 120-B, 409, 411, 193 and 109 of the Indian Penal Code with regard to a sum of Rs. 2,937 belonging to School Board funds, and he is also being prosecuted for another case of alleged misappropriation of similar monies. An enquiry is also being held against a President of a Taluka Local Board on allegations of fraud. It mav be noted that untouchabilitv does not exist in Sind to the same extent as in the Presidency, and all mt1safirkhanas, wells, ·schools, dispensaries, etc., in charge of Local Boards continued as usual to be open to the depressed classes. Government record their appreciation of the fact that during this year the Local Boards in Sind held themselves aloof from politics and confined their activities to the sphere assigned to them by law. 5 vtm~aZ Division.-The administrati:n of the District Local Boards was on the whole satisfactorv and the relations of Government officers with Local Boards are reported to have"been excellent throughout the year. All Boards had to make ~ efiorts to tide over the economic depression by stringent economy and these efiorts deserve commendation. In spite of the financial situation the District Local ·Board, Satara; made important efiorta towards rural reconstruction, not only by a village uplift .scheme but by giving training to village dais, by encouraging :minor industries and by other methods. ·The orders issued in Government Resolution, General Department, No. 6676, dated the 4th February 1933, regarding the erection of notice boardsneardharam­ shalas and dispensaries which are the property of Boards declaring them to be open to all castes were not received by the Boards until March 1933 and too late for any effective action to be taken in the year under report. Government, however, are · glad to state that several District Local Boards have either erected or passed resolutions for erecting such notice boards on various buildings, well!!, etc. The East Khandesh, Nasik and Sholapur District Local Boards gave substantial grants 'to hostels for depressed class students. The District Local Board, Nasik, conducts a Boarding House at Peint for the benefit of students of the forest tribes, and the District Local Board, Ahmednagar, maintains a Boarding House for Kolis at Ak:ola. · · · ' · . During the year under report His Excellency the Governor of Bombay paid a visit to every district in the Central Division and all the District Local Boards, except Poona, presented him with add;esses. Nurthe:rn Division.-On the whole, the work of the Local Boards was satisfac­ tory and their financial condition continued to be sound during the year. The· members and the President of the District Local Board, Sura.t, showed their sense of public duty by sacrificing their travelling allowance for attending to the District Local Board work. Their example was largely followed by some of the Presidents and members of the Taluka Local Boards in that District. The year was marked by a complete absence of disturbance from the civil disobedience movement and all the District Local Boards in the Division remained aloof from politics. · It is reported that endeavours are being made for giving equal facilities·toa11 classes alike in the use of schools, wells, tanks, etc. · In the Ahmedabad District, some Taluka Local Boards passed resolutions to place notice boards stating that the dharamshalas were for the use of all castes including the depressed classes. The District Local Board, .Ahmedabad, also arranged to put up similar notice boards in 10 dharamshalas and 9 dispensaries in its charge. In the Kaira District 15 notice boards were put up near dharamshalas and dispensaries. The Board took up the construction of 6 new wells and repaired 4 others for the use of the depressed classes. The District Local Boards of Ahmedabad and Surat presented addresses to His Excellency the Governor of Bombay on the occasion of his visits to those places in December 1932. Southe:rn Division.-The administration of all Boards was fairly efficient, and they continued to maintain friendly relations with the officers of Government. Though the measures undertaken by the District Local Boards to deal with the various epidemics which spread during the year under report fell short of the standard requirements, Government agree that the progress shown in this respect is by no means inconsiderable, but would emphasize that serious consideration must be paid to the health and sanitation of rural areas, especially those where plague and cholera are of frequent occurrence. On the whole Primary Education was satisfactorily maintained by the Local Authorities. Government, however, regret that the condition of the Belgaum District School Board is reported to be generally unsatisfactory, and that there is some ground to believe that the administration of schools under the new system does not inspire confidence nor give general satisfaction, and that the public would welcome introduction of some central inspection, supervision and control over the work of the Board. All Boards in the Southern Division have opened their public buildings to depressed classes. and in Bijapur and Dharwar special classes for the depressed classes, which empha.'lised. the segregation of these castes, are being abolished, and the depressed class students are being admitted to the general schools. · . ilo-m Genl H 9-3 10 General Review.-Government are glad to note that. the· report& -o£ the Commissioners show that there has been some improvement in the standard of administration of the District Local Boards during the year, and Government recognise that this improvement was made under .the handicap of the general financial depression and of the inevitable reduction in grants . hom Government. Government would, however, emphasise that for the future.. the District Local Boards will have to depend more on their own resources than on the grants from Government and · especially would draw · the attention of the Boards to the necessity of improving their own revenues. Many Boards as yet do not levy more than one anna in the rupee Local Fund Cess instead of the maximum of two annas. Further, the Boards are now empowered to levy a tax on those persons who follow trades and professions. This tax is parti­ cularly brought to the notice of District I.ocal Boards, because it may be expected to fall, not on the agriculturist.'> who have been particularly hard hit by the tremen­ dous drop in prices of agricultural produce, but on those trading and other classes, who, it may be argued, do not contribute to local taxation in an: adequate propor­ tion in return for the benefits which they receive, especially in education, from the revenue of local bodies. Government would especially commend the· prompt action of the District Local Board, Nasik, in imposing this trade and profession: tax. Certain other Boards have also expressed their desire to impose such taxation. · Government would particularly draw attention to the action of various Boards in declaring their public buildings open to.all classes, including depressed classes, and in affording admission to the children of these castes to the· Local . Board Schools. Government, however, recognise that in rural areas conservative ideas are still very· strong, and they express the hope that all Local Boards and School Boards will continue unabated their efforts to · educate the public towards the abolition of untouchability, and that in no case 'Will these efforts end with ·passing of pious resolutions and the exhibition of a few notice boards. Governni.ent regret to note that it is reported that the working of village Panchayats is generally unsatisfactory. Government, however, appreciate the fact that the old Village Panchayats Act nnder which Panchayats are now func­ tioning needed improvement and that :with the introduction of the new Act of 1933 and the issue of the necessary rules under that Act, Village Panchayats will be given powers and responsibilities which should encourage villagers to take an interest in their working and which, it may be lioped, will lead to a very considerable improvement in genuine local self-Government. It is clear too that the Village mprovement scheme which has now been extended to all districts in the residency is likely to give encouragement to the effective functioning of village anchayats, and their progress will be watched in future by Government with great nterest. · · 19. Government note with satisfaction the testimony given by th~ Commissioners and the Collectors to the excellent work done by many Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Officers of the District Local Boards. 20. Copies of the Resolution should be submitted to the Secretazy of State and the Government of India and should be forwarded to all the Commissioners, Collectors, Director of Public Instruction and other <>fficers and Departments concerned. By order of the Government of Bombay (Transferred Departments),

J. B. FERNANDES, ·Under Secretary to Government, G. R. No. :P. 52, G. D., dated the 4th Aprill934. 11 6


The Commissioner in Sind, The Accountant General, Bombav, The Commissioner, Northern Division, The Director of Information, · The Commissioner, Central Division, The Examiner, Local Fund Account3, The Commissioner, Southern Division, The Private Secretary to his Excellency . All Collectors including . the Deputy the Governor, Commissioner, Upper Sind Frontier, The Secretary, Bombay Legislative Council, The Surgeon General with the Govern­ The Revenue Department, ment of Bombay, The Public Works Department, The Director of Public Health for the The Finance Department, Government of Bombay,. The Home Department, The Director of Public Instruction, The Educational Department, The Director of Industries, ' The High Commissioner for Indio. (by letter).

No. · of 1934.

Copy. forwarded for information and guidance .to 12

Accompaniment to Government Resolution, General Department, No. P. 52, · dated the 4th April 1934. -

APPENDIX A. . ' Statemllflt Blwwi"{J ths rsBtllts of ths g6'111l'fal elections for Local, Boards hsW, in ths Promncs of SiM and Southern DitMi

The The · !number of number of Number voters voters. Name of the Local Conetituenoy, of . Date pf election. eligible who l!oa.rd. to nooord a.otuaJly Remarks, eeate. votes at exercised thoee the right of eleotione. franchise,

I .2 3 4 ll 6 7

SIND. Mmlim. Diltriot Local Board, Belo .. .. 1 7th February I8I I36 Kara.ohl. I933. Sujawal .. I Do. .. 258 .. · Unoonteeted. Mirpur Bathero .. I Do. .. 326 .. Do• Baro .. .. I Do. .. 398 .. Do• Chuhar Jamali .. 1 Do. .. I60 .. Do • Mtmgsi .. .. I Do. .. I39 72 Moghulbin .. I Do. .. I66 ll6 Munarki .. 1 Do. .. 2I6 I46 Karachi City .. 1 Do. .. I07 78 MaJ.ir •• .. I Do. .. I3I .. Uncontested. Gad&p .. .. 1 Do. .. 241 183 . KetiBunder .. I Do. .. I24 98 Garho .. I Do. .. 96 .. Uncontested. Ghorabari .. 1 Do. . . 94 .. Do• Khirsar .. 1 Do. .. 170 I02 . Mirpur Sekro .. 1 Do,· .. ' . 2I3 I72 Sonda . .. 1 Do. _. .. 98 85 Jtmgahahi .. 1 Do. .. 153 I28 Tatta .. 1 Do. .. I90 I76 Jherruck .. 1 Do. ... 173 40.


Kara.ohi .·. ~ 7th February .. 350 236 I933. Sujawa.J .. 1 Do. .. 429 .. Uncontested• Kara.ohi City .. 1 Do. .. 272 162 M...Zim. -. - Taluksll Local Board, Ranta .. .. 1 6th Febroary · 82 .. Unconteeted. Sujawa.J. 1933. Walishab .. l Do. .. 82 .. Do • Changani .. 1 Do. .. 90 .. Do• Muradpur .. 1 Do. .. 79 .. Do• Belo .. .. 1 Do. .. 79 .. Do• Suja.wa.J .. ·1 Do. .. 87 •• Do . Gulbahir .. 1 Do. .. 83 .. Do . Jar .. .. I Do. .. 63 .. Do • Budho Ta.lpur .. I Do. .. 70 .. Do • Vassusbab .. I Do. .. 146 .. Do• General.

Ranta .. .. 1 6th February 81 .. Uncontested• I933. [J '~ Sujawa.l .. 1 Do. .. 91 .. Do• Muslim. Ta.luka Local Board, Mirpur Bathoro .. I 6th February 153 .. Uncontested.. Mirpur Bathoro. I933. Daro .. .. 1 Do. .. I42 .. Do . L&ikpur .. .. I Do. .. I2I .. Do • Atalshab .. I Do. .. I23 .. Do • Bano .. .. I Do. .. I04 .. Do• Jhok .. .. I Do. .. I95 .. Do• Sahjki .. .. 1 Do. .. I30 .. Do • Amra .. .. I Do. .. 166 .. Do• Kamaro .. I Do. .. I62 ' .. Do • Araro .. .. I Do. ,; ... ll7 .. Do. e.-a~.

Mirpur Bathoro .. I 8th Febroary 89 .. Unoonteeted, I933. L&ikpur .. I Do. .. 96 .. Do • 13 7 APPENDIX A-oontd. ------The Tho number of number of Number votorw vote.. Name of the LooaJ eligible who Coootituonoy. of Date of elootion, R~maru. Board. -tAl. to record actually votoo a.t ~"eroiaecl thoae tb.~ right of eleoti0110. fro.nohiae, l 2 3 4 G 8 7 '

StND--«mid. Muollm. Taloka Local Board, Chub.., Jamali .. 1 8th February 68 .. Uncooteated. Shahba.ndar. 1933. Ladi~ •• .. 1 Do. .. 61 .. Do. i Ohach .. 1 Do. .. 43 .. Do. Karimdinoohah 1 33 I. .. Do. .. .. Do• G11Jlgaui .. 1 Do. .. 71 .. Do . Maruijani .. 1 Do. .. 30 .. Do• Jam Jatoi .. 1 Do. .. 31 .. Do• Hajia .. .. 1 Do. .. 38 .. Do • Pir Sulemanobah .. 1 Do. .. 60 .. Do • Daulatpur .. 1 Do. .. 62 .. Do • Hutni .. .. 1 Do. .. 84 .. Do • Generol. Shahba.ndar .. 1 8th February 143 .. Uncontootod. 1933. • ' : MUBiim.

Taloka LocaJ B~ard, Moghulbin .. 1 8th FobruarJ 43 .. Uncontooted. Jati, . I 1933. ' Mullan •• .. 1 Do. .. 57 .. Do. I Gujro .. 1 Do. .. 41 .. Do. ' Khinra •• .. i Do. .. 34 .. Do, ' Shahakapur . .. 1 Do. .. 88 .. Do. •' Sir Uandho .. 1 Do. .. Ill .. Do. Tango .. .. 1 Do. .. 84 .. Do. I' Duho .. .. 1 Do. .. 79 .. Do. Khiroar ' .. 1 Do. .. 81 .. Do. .. Bahadipur .. 1 Do. .. liS .. Do. Sokbpur .. 1 Do. .. 38 .. Do. Generol.

I ' Jatl .. .. 1 6th February 116 .. Unoontootod. • 1938 •

I ! Mtulim. Taluka LocaJ Board, Malir .. .. . 3 8th Fobru&I'J 240 .. Uncontootod • Karachl. ' 1933. i La.ndhi •• .. 3. Do. .. 165 .. Do. Gada~ .. 2 Do. .. 214 .. Do. Pir 0 .. 3 I Do. .. 298 .. Do. . ! .' fJenerol • Karachi .. .. 1 6tb Fehruai'J 60 .. Unconl


The The I number of number of voters voters Number . eligible who Nalb.& of the Local Constituency•. of Date of election, Remarks. Board. to record a.ctu&lly aeate. votes at exercised those the right of elections. franchise. I i 2 3 4 6 6 7 . ----..,.--';---~---T·---..!..__:______.;... __....;..._~ _.!....______

Snm-<:onld. •' MU8lim. . . Ta.luk& Local Board, Gulel ... 3 6th Februllty 1M Uncontested. Ghoraba.ri (includ· 1933.' ing Keti Bunder). Koni •• 3 Do. One seat filled in by appoint ment under section 18 (3) of the .Act. Doulatpur l! Do. 80 ... Both the seats filled in by appointment under section 18 (3) of the Act. Keti Bunder 3 Do. .167 'Pn,pontested.

... Gena-al •

Ghorahari 1 6th February 134 ···'!'. Uncontested. 1933 •.. I

Taluk& 1Local Board, Tatta .•,, 3. 6th . Febru&r~ 1!1'7 , .. ·.139 Ta.tta. . 1933. . :· •··· I 1 Sonde. "l 3 Do. ....-. 416 - ' ~.; Uncontested. . ' 1 Do. •• 195 J. ••• Do. ll Do. .. 30'8 Do. Jherruck=~ , .. 2 Do. .' .•. 737

Tatta 1 6th · February 206 136 1933. .

,;, . MU8lim. . . '' .. District Loclll Board, Hyder&had · 1' ' 6th February 356 Uncontested. Hyder& bad. 1933. Husri I Do.· 469 Do•. Tando Aliinkban •• .. Marl •• . 1 6th February 501 Uncontested. . . 1933. Hale. .. .. 1 Do. 400 Do• tJderoia.l 1 , Do•. 283 212 Matia.ri • ' 1 Do. 291 Uncontested • . Tando Allahyar '. 1 Do. 498 Do. Ohambur 1 Do. 343 ,. ·Do. Tando Md. Khan •. 1 Do•.. 236 .. ,Do • Khorwah 1 , .. Do. 390 20ll Tando Ghula.m...... Hyder .. 1 6th • ':F;brual'l 360 216 1933. . Ta.lbar 1 Do. •• 701 Uncontested. Ba.gerji .. 1 Do. .. 604 Do . Mil'&&pur 1 Do. .. 442 Do. Tando Bago 1 Do. .. 308 Do. · Dahahro t Do. .. 310 '. Do. : Pangrio. 1 Do. .. 267 Do. Matli •• 1 Do.· .. 320' Do. Tando Ghulama.lf •• 1 Do.. .. 275 Do.

General. Hyder& had 1 6tb Febru&l') 611 Unoonteoted• .. 1933. 1 Do. 404 . .. Do• ~ :: 1 .Do. 3o4 163 Badin •• 1 Do. 538 331 Tando Bago 1 Do. 229 1 Unoontested •. 15 8 APPENDIX A-«mtil. ------,------:-----:----·-·- ______,_ . ·-. The The I number of number of jNumber j voters voten Name of the Local Cooatituency. 1 of Date of elect'on1 I eligible who Remarka. Board. • to record aotually j aeato. 1 VOU. &t ~Xe('('ised. \ those the rif{ht o 1 elections. frant'hiae. I 1 2 3 4 6 7

Snm-ooftld. Muolim.

Taluka Local BoBo. 486 Do. G...... ,, Hydorabad. 1 6th February 410 Unoonteotoo. 1933 • Hueri 1 . Do. 276 154 Ghotana 1 Do. 280 Unoonteotod, Mmlim. Taluka Local Bbard, Shahmir Rahu 1 6th February 218 Unconteeted. Hala. 1933. ZerPir .. 1 Do. 160 Do. Saidabad 1 Do. 160 Do. · Karam Nizamaui •• 1 Do. 239 Do. · BalaNew · 1 Do. 2:W. Do. Kha.ndu 1 Do. 180 Do. Uderolal 1 Do. 203 Do. Matiari .. 1 Do. 224 Do. Baukhan Pathan , • 1 Do. 100 Do. Allahdino Sand 1 Do. 217 Do. Go-at. HalaNew 1 6th February 326 Unoonteotod. 1933. Mati&ri ". .. 1 Do. 243 Do • Mtu~lim.

Taluka Local Board, MBBhaikh Hothi 1 6th February 113 Unoonteetcd. Tando Allahyar. 1933. Daauri 1 Do. 269 Do. Halepotalli 1 Do. • .. 9() Do. Naaarpur 1 Do. 167 Do. Tando Allahyar 1 Do. 379 Do. Pak Saughar 1 Do. 284 Do. Misaan •• 1 Do. 82 Do. Chamlntt· 1 Do. 194 Do. Khokhar 1 Do. 147 Do. ShaikhMuao 1 Do. 219. Do• Go-at. Tando Allahyar 1 6th FebruarJi 270 Unoonteatod, 1933. Cham bur 1 Do. 2158 Do. M""lim. "Taluka Local Board, Ta.ndo Md. Khan •• 1 6th February 81 Unoonteatod, Guni. 1933. Kati&r •• 1 Do. 84 Do. ' Alipur •• 1 Do. 76 43 Bolri .. 1 Do. 10() 99 Khorewah 1 Do. 136 Unoonteotod. Tarai 1 Do. 316 66 Kario Ga.nwher 1 Do. 169 Uaoonteated. Pir Kadir Bux 1 Do. 321 Do. Pir KamaJ•hab 1 Do. 169 Do. Tando Ghulam Hyder .. 1 6th February 232 149 1933. Go-al. Tando Mel. Khan •• 1 8th February 181 Unoonteoted. 1933. I Do. 315 Do. I lKhorewah •• 16


The The number of number of voters votem Name of the Local Number eligible who Board. Constituencj. of Date of election. to record actuaJ!y Remarks. seats. votes at exercised those the right of elections. franchise. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . ' SlliD-OOnld, .MU8Iim. Ts.luk& Local Board, Talhs.r .. .. 1 6th February 424 192 Badin. 1933. Kainipur .. 1 Do. . . 410 .. Uncontested. Abri .. .. I Do. .. 331 .. Do, Janki .. I Do. .. 355 .. Do. Mirzapur .. I Do. .. 310 .. Do. Bagerji .. I Do. .. I94 .. Do. Sirani .. I Do. .. 225 .. Do. Pateji .. ' .. 1 Do. .. 317 .. Do. Thath .. I Do. .. 307 .. Do. Nindo Shahir .. I Do. .. 434 .. Do. a-aZ. . ' Talhar .. .. I 6tb. February 307 4 ·I933. Mirzapur .. 1 Do. .. 263 '· .. Uncontested.

. .!fUB!im, Taluk& Local Board, Bajo Kh&n&ni .. I 6th February • 161 .. Uncontested. Tando Bago. I933. Dei .. .. 1 Do. ... I28 68 D&dah .. I Do,- .. .I40 ,;.. Uncontested. Kha.irpur .. I Do. .. ' 430 .. Do. Pangrio .. I Do. .. 203 ' .. Do. Uduri •• I Do. IOl Do•...... -··· TandoBago ' .. 1 Do. .. 148 •• Do. Kak .. .. 1 Do. ... 140 .... Do. Khalifo Kassim .. 1 Do. .. 271 I .. . Do. Jamali •• I .. I Do. .. 154 .. Do. . ' - G...... Z. . ' Tando Bago .. l 6th February 162 106 1933. Pangrio .. 1 Do. .. 144 .. Unconteeted.

MU.Iim.· . Taluka Local Board, Tando Sa.mdad .. 1 6th February 238 .. Uncontested. Dero Mohbat. 1933. Pharkar& .. ,l Do. .. 131 .. Do. KsJru .. .. 1 Da. .. I53' .. Do. • DQ. lll&tli .. ' .. 1 Do. .. 202 .. Khucli ' .. 1 Do. .. 182 . . Do. HajiSanwan .. 1· Do. .. 206 .. . Do. Tando Ghulam Ali .. 1 Do. .. I72 .. Do. Shaikh Bhirkio .. 1 Do. .. 182 .. Do. Pir Bachalahah .. 1 I Do. .. 125 .. Do. Bndho Kambrani .. 1 Do. .. 181 .. Do. a-Ill. I llll&tli •• .. 1 6th February I 50 86 1933. Tando Gulamali .. 1 Do. .. 160 87

Muolim. Diotriot Local Board, Naushahro .. 1 13th February 306 .244 Nawabohah. 1933. Tharuahah .. 1 Do. .. 242 178 P&dldan .. 1 Do. .. 243 ' 179 Moro .. ' .. 1 Do. .. 510 387 Donlatpur .. 1 Do. .. 396 .229 Hal&ni •• .. 1 Do. .. 417 29I Kancliaro .. 1 Do. .. 422 323 Bhagodero .. I Do. .. 366 248 Kar.i Ahmed .. 1 Do. .. 232 •• Uncontested. Sakr&nd .. 1 Do. .. 360 302 9 17


------·- ...• ··---- -·------Tbe Tbe number of number of Number wtere votere Name of the Local. eligible who 1 Constituency. of Date of election. Remarks. Board oeato. to record actu~y votes at elnll'Cised thooe ri~ right of electiono, franchise. 8 1 I 2 6 7 ------+-----~--:-----.;------! ______SIND-<:Ontd.

Mwlim-contd. District Looal l!oard, Khadro 1 13th Februa"l 458 222 Nawo.bsha.h-oonld. 1933. Jho1 •• 1 Do. 8811 Uuoouteotod, Bandhi •• 1 Do. 838 280 Garbo Pir 1 Do. 835 Unoonteoted. Suhelo 1 Do. 832 Do. Shahdad pur 1 Do. 821 Do. Ta.ndo Adam 1 Do. 228 187 Sha.hpur 1 Do. 408 800 Gemral.

Sakmoro 1 13th February 580 Unconteoted. 1933. Nauoha.hro 1 Do. 508 869 Ka.ndiaro 1 Do. 644 Uuoontootod. Sinjhoro 1 Do. 455 Nawahoha.h 1 Do. 269 Uncontootod. Sha.hdadpur 1 Do. Do. Mwlim. '"

Talulca I.oca.l Board, Nauohahro 1 13th· February 408 287 Naushahro. 1933. Padida.n 1 Do. 483 278 Bhiria. •• 1 Do. 522 Unconteotod, Phul .. 1 Do. .. 439 Do. Abra.n •• 1 Do. 865 226 Dalipcto Do. 284 UnconiNtod. Darbello Do. 226 Do. Tbaruoba.h ~ I Do. 280 Do. Molhan •• 1 Do. 233 200 General. Nauohabro 1 13th Februa.ry 227 !50 1933. Tharuoba.h 1 Do. Uncouteotod. 588 Padida.n 1 Do. .. 301 I 208

Mwlim. 'l'aluka Local Board, Moro 1 13th Febru&I'J 467 240 II!oro. 1933. Donlatpur 1 Do. 110 Unoontoolld Gao hero 1 Do. 202 Do. Sann. •• 1 Do. 1fi6 Do. Thul •• 1 Do. 232 Do. Manabi •• 1 Do. 277 159 Deparja. 1 Do. 251 195 Kuba. •• 1 Do. 155 Unconleltfld. Lelia. .. 1 Do. 366 208 Kha.irodero .. 1 Do. 226 92

Moro 1 13th Februa.ry M8 Uncontested. 1933. Doulatpur I Do. 2" Do.

Mwlim. Taluka Loca.l l!oard, Ka.ndiaro 1 13th Febru&I'J 423 Unoonteot«... Kaudiaro. 1033. Lakha •• 1 Do. 340 Do. Hala.ni •• 1 Do. 429 Do. Khan Wa.ban 1 Do. 4118 Do. Mahr&bpur 1 Do. 287 Do. Hamayoon 1 Do. 289 Do. Mabhatdero 1 Do. 230 Do. Dabbro 1 Do. .,I 3Q2 Do. Bb8f!Udero 1 Do. .. I 414 Do.

MO-ll Genl H 9-5 18

APPENDIX A-,eonlil.

. ' The The number of number of voten YOterawho Name of the Local Constituency. Numbs :O..te.of eligible to Board. ofseate. election. record aotuaJly Remarks. votes at exercised thosa the right of elections. franchise. I 1 2 3 4 6 6 7

- --~---- ·-- I

SlND-<:OIIIfl. Gt'lleTal. 'l"aluka Local Board, Ka.ndia.:ro .. 1 13th February' 480 .. Uncontested. Kandia~. 1933. Halo.ni .. 1 Do •. .. 489 .. Do • Bh&gudso .. 1 Do. .. 351 ' . ., Do.

.M'U81im. .. Taluka Locr.l Board, Jamal Kirio .. 1 13th . February 214. .. Uncontested. Sakrand. . 1933. Khadh&r .. 1 ·Do. 142 .. Do • KumbLima. .. l Do. .. 208 .. Do.· Sakr&nd ,. 1 Do. .. 155 .... Do. M&hrabpur .. 1 Do. .. ?8 .. Do • Ch&t&nsh&h .. 1 Do. .. 129 .. Do • L&kh&t •.. l Do. '• 100' Do. Jhunjhan .. 1 Do. .. 96 ".--. Do • KaziAhmodl .. l Do. .. 114 .. Do • KaziAhmodll .. I Do. .. 141 .. Do. ~:· o. ....al. I KaziAhmed .. I. ' 13th February 122 Uncontested. 1933. •• Sakrand .. 1 Do. .. 108 .. ... Do: . .M1!8Iim, e ~~ 'l1 aluka Local Board, Kbadro ' .. 1 13th February 195 .. Unconteated. Sinjhow. . 1933 •. Rawti&lli .. 1 Do. .. 166 .. Do. Sinjhoro .. 1 Do. .. 1?? .. Do. Tenmunho .. 1 Do. .. 164 .. Do. Jhol .. 1 Do. .. 182 .•"' Do. Nauabad .. 1 Do. .. 163 .. . Do. Dalore .. 1 Do. .. 198 .. Do. . Dothro .. 1 Do. .. 163 .. Do. o.-aJ. Khadro .. 1 13th'. February 141· Unconteated. 1933. ·-· ' Sinjhoro .. 1 Do. .. 160 ' .. Do. Jhol .. 1 Do. .. 188. ,.. Do •. Dr.lore .. 1 Do. •• 150 .. Do. . .Musli•. Tnluka Local Board Bandhi .. 1 13th Febrnsry 168 .. tJneontested. Nawabshah. ' 1933. Garbo Pir .. 1 Do. .. ' 111 .. Do. Suhelo· .. 1 Do. .. 189 105 Sapari .. 1 Do. .. 136 .. Uncontested. Akro .. 1 Do. .. 169 .. Do. Lagh&ri .. 1 Do. .. 223 I .. Do. Ghaoeaar .. 1 Do. .. 216 .. Do. Bhaoano ... 1 Do. .. 249 .. Do • Fakir-ji-Khuhi .. 1 Do, .. 118 .. Do •. . I' 08110ral. I I lla.ndhi .. 1 13th February 105 .. Uncontested. 1933. I Suhelo .. 1 Do. .. ?4 ' .. Do. Chaneaar ... 1 Do. .. 124 I .. Do. i ---...-...... I ' 10 19

APPEis"DIX A~11ld.

Tho T numhorof I he voters number of Number Dan. of eligible to voters who Name of the Loe&l Constituency. Board. of seata election. record ""twilly Uemarkt~. votes t exorcieed TthO.: ,tho right of electiona.llranch180. ' 1 2 s 4 6 6 7 ------' SIN~. I Mtulim. j Taluka Local Board, Gupchani .. 1 13th Febi'Uory 291 .. Uncontested• Shahdadpur. 1933. Shahpur .. 1 Do. .. 2:!4 .. Do • Barbun .. 1 Do. .. 272 .. Do • Sarhari .. 1 Do. .. 332 .. Do • Magsudo Rind .. 1 Do. .. :!37 .. Do • Shahdad pur .. 1 Do. .. = .. Do • Tando Adam A• 1 Do. .. 228 .. Do. Manik Thabim .. 1 Do. .. 247 .. Do • Maldaai .. t Do. .. - .. Do • . General • Shahdadpur .. l 13th Februiii'Y 318 .. Uncontested. 1933. TandoAdam .. 1 Do. .. 278 .. Do. Shahpur .. 1 Do. .. 218 .. Do.


District Local Board, D&du .. 3 2ht Feb~ 1112 .. Uncontested. Dadu. 1933. Johi .. 2 Do. .. 450 m Mohar .. .. 3 Do. .. 1183 .. Uncontested. Kakar .. 2 Do. .. 848 .. Do • Sehwan .. 1 Do. ... 2fMI .. Do. Kotri . including 4 Do. .. 181 .. Do. • Kohistan) •

General. D&du .. 1 2Jot Fehrnary 547 348 1933. Me bar .. 1 Do. .. ?74 .. Unconm•tud. Sehwan .. 1 Do. .. 281 .. Do.

Muim. Taluka Local Board, D&du .. 1 18th Februal') 2415 lUI Dadu. 1933. Duabo .. 1 Do. .. 159 .. Uncon!ieeted. Makhdum Sahib .. 1 Do. .. 848 ... Do. • Purano-doro .. 1 Do. .. 328 .. Do. Pir'l'nrho .. 1 Do• .. "211 .. Do. Paka Sit& .. 1 Do. .. 1,. .. Do. ' Juberji .. 1 Do. .. 260 .. Do. Bap .. 1 Do. .. 127 .. IJo. Badani .. 1 Do. .. 2:H .. IJo. - Kurpur .. 1 Do. .. 261 .. Vo. Q....,.Z. D&dn .. 2 18th Februal') 0« .. tl'llOOillleltcd. 1933. • Aluilim. ~-aJuka Looal Board, Johi .. .. I 18th Febru..., 1~ .. UDOODtelted. Johi. 1933. Chana .. 1 Do. .. 1118 .. Do. Shah Basaan 1 Do. 60 .. Do. .. .. IJo. • 'l'ando Rahimkban •• 1 Do. .. 126 .. Chhini .. 1 Do. .. 83 .. lJo. Shevo Jamali .. I Do. .. 201 .. Do. Haji Khan .. I lJo. .. IM .. IJo. Pat Gnlmuhammad •• 1 lJo. .. 98 .. IJo. - 'Tharri Jado ...... Shahid 1 !Rtb ···F·~ 160 .. Uncon""'ted. .. 1933. Bahawalpor .. I Do. .. 182 .. Do. 20

APPENDIX .A-«Jntil.. · -·------The The number of number of ' voters voterswhn Date of eligible Name of the Local. Constituency. Number actually :Remark&. Board. of seats. election.. to record exercised votes at tberight ' thoee of ' elections. fran chloe, I . 2 s. 4 6 6 .7

Snm-contd. General .. '. Taluka. Local Board, Johi .. 2 18th February 298 .. Both the seat·s: Johi--ll01lt4. 1933. were filled m ·. by appointment .. under section 1s . (3) of tbe Act•

.. .. ' .. Mulim• . ' . . '. 'l'aluka Local Board, Sehwan ' .. 1 18tb February ' 71 58 &-hnn. . 1933. Ta.lti .. 1 Do. .. 30 . .. Uncontested. Arazi . .. . 1 Do • .. 41 .. Do. Chana •• 1 Do. .. 116 ·66 Bhntra .. 1 Do. 82 54 \ •• .• Bubak .. I' Do. .. 79 .. .Uncontested. Aktar .. 1 Do. .. 86 I .. Do. Bhan .. 1 Do. .. 73 .. • Do. Jhanga.r .. I Do. • .. 83 .. ' Do. Bagai .. 1 Do. .. 72 .. Do.

a...... aZ. .

Sehwan 2 18th February 393 · One eeat filled m· • .. .. ,_ 1933, by appointment under section 18 . (3) of tbe Act. - ' MU8!im. 'l'aluka Local Board, Khairpur Jagir .. 1 18th · February 266 .. Un®ntested. Kak&r. 1933. Kande Chukhio .. 1 Do •. .. 215 ...... Do. Sukhpnr .. 1 Do. .. ' 202 .. Do. Miro K&lhoro .. 1 Do. .., 263 .. Do. B&huja .. 1 Do. . 259. .. Do. Khanpur. .. 1 Do. .·I 212 ... Do.• Klirkit Rayati .. 1 ' ·Do. .. 107' .... Do• Gachal .. 1 Do. . . 137 .. Do. Gozo .. 1 Do ... .. 223 .. . . Do. . Mado .. 1 . Do. .. IJ3 .. -- Do. ,. ., .. . ' - Ge...ral.

K&k&r .. 2 18tb 661 ..... Unoontested. 1933.. Februaryj

Mwlim. . I Taluka Local Board, Kotbi Khokhar .. I 18th February 326 .. Uncontested. Mebar. 1933. . Radhan .. 1 Do • .. • 476 ,. Do. Betta .. 1 Do. .. 216 .. Do. GahiMaheaar ... 1 Do. .. 260, .. Do. Khondi .. 1 Do. .. 266 .. Do. Pipri .. 1 Do. .. 239 .. Do • Gungo .. 1 Do. .. 261 .. Do. Mangwani .. I Do. .. ISS ...., Do. Garkan .. I Do. .. 166 -·-· Do. M_,bad .. I Do. . .. I74 .. Do.

a...... aZ. Mehar .. l! 18th February 1197 .. Uncontested. 1933. --· I 11 21 APPENDIX A-cmatd. - - Tho number of The voten number of voter& who Name of the Local Constituency •. Number Date of eligible to Board. of-ta. election. record actually Remarka. voteaat exercised thoae tho right o electiou. lranohioo,

1 2 3 II 6 7 __ ,. ------' . SINn-conl

. General. Kotri .. l 18th February .. Uncontested. 1933. Tarband .. 1 Do. .. ""8 .. Do. Manjhand .. 1 Do. .. 22 .. Do. Lakha .. 1 Do. .. 37 .. Do. Laki .. 1 Do. .. 28 .. Do. MU8lim • • District Local ·Board, Garhi Khairo .. 1 24th February 235 .. Uncontested. Upper Sind Frontier. 1933. Mironpur .. 1 Do. .. 216 .. Tho 1eat ... • filled in b1 appoin t m e n t ' undor ~action I ~ . (3) of the Act . Dodo pur .. 1 Do. .. 108 .. Unconteoted. Jacoba bad .. 2 Do. .. 257 .. Do. Bhaledinoabad .. 2 Do. .. 111 .. Do. Thul .. 1 Do. .. 428 .. Do. Mubarakpur .. 1 Do. .. 267 .. Do. Bahadurpur .. 1 Do. .. 96 .. Do. Tajo Khoso .. 1 Do. .. 261 .. Do. Kandbkot- .. 1 Do. .. 105 .. Do. Ghouspur .. 1 Do. .. 3

MO·U Genl H 9-6 22 APPENDIX A-contil.

The number of The number of ' voters Numl>er Date of eligible to voters who Name of the Local Constituency. actually Remarks. Board, " ofaeata. election. record exercised votes at those t-be right of elections. franchise. . . . I 2 3 4 II 6 7

SINn-.:onld. General. ' . Taluka Local Bo&rd, Jacobabad .. 1 24th February 215 169 Jaeobab&d (includ- 1933. ing Garhi :khairo Taluka)-contd. MU81im.

Taluka Local Jloard, Thul .. 1 24th February 190 .. . Uncontested. Thul. 1933. Hawbha.i .. 1 Do. .. 90. .. Do. M;ari .. 1 Do. .. 264 .. Do. KotJ:'gu .. • 1 Do. .. 30 . . Do. llabedurpur .. 1' Do. .. 42 .. Do. .Miral Kao .. .1 Do. .. 11 .. Do• . lla!ocbabad .. 1 Do. .. 46 Do. Mubamkpur .. 1. Do. .. 140 .. Do. Mirpur .. 1 Do. .. 140 .. Do. Muradpur .. 1 Do. .. HI ... Do. Touj .. 1 Do. .. 109 ... Do.

General. I • Thul ' .. 1 24th February 308 .. Ubcontested. 1933. ., Mwlim. Taluka Local lloard,. . Toj .. 1 24th February 45 33 Kashlllor. 1933. llakhobapur .. l Do, .. 61 .. Uncontested. . Sodhi .. 1 Do. .. 84 .. Do. Gulanpur .. 1 Do. .. 84 46 . Gehalpur .. 1 Do. .. 80 66 lladani .. 1 Do. .. 177 .. Un~ontested. Gublo .. 1 Do. .. 60 .. Do. Zcrgarh · .. 1 Do. ; . 87 .. Do. Kunbri .. 1 Do. .. 60 35 Jakhmni .. 1 Do. .. 36 .. Uncontested. Elai .. 1 Do. .. 62 24 . G1J1181'al, Kashlllor .. 1 24th February 171 .. 122 ' 1933. Mt18lim. . Taluka Loc&) :board, Kandbkot. .. 2 24th February 130 .. Uncontested. Kandbllot, 1933. Gouspur .. 3 Do. .. 354 ... Do. Tangw&ni .. 3 Do. .. 619 .. Do. . Malguza.r .. 3 Do. .. . 382 .. Do • . G1J1181'al• Kandhkot .. 1 24th February 212 .. Uncontested. 1933. . M1Milim. • District LocrJ :Board, Larkana .. 2 2nd February 903 .. Uncontested. L&rkana. 1933. Mirokhan .. 2 Do. .. 820 .. Do. Ratodero .. 2 Do. .. 748 .. Do. Kambar. .. 3 Do. .. 1,382 .. Do. Warah .. .. 2 Do. .. 678 .. Do. Labdarya .. 8 Do. .. 1,836 .. Do • ' Bhahdadkot .. 1 Do•. .. 571 207 01J1181'al. Larkana .. 2 2nd February ,1,281 .. Uncontested. 1933. Kambar .. 1 Do. .. 1,491 .. Do • 23 12 APPENDIX A-ooflti..

------~---- I The i The nu:::.of 1 number of Name of the Local Number Date of eligible to votera who . Constituency. Board. ofoeate. election . .. record aotu~ Rtomarka. I exercised v:=:t the right of elections. I francbiae. 1 2 3 G I 8 7 - ' ---. __ ', Smn-conld. . M,..lim. Taluka Local Board, Larkana .. 1 lat February 28G .. Unoonteated, Larkaoa. 1933; Dodai .. 1 Do. .. 160 .. Do. M&hrwada. .. 1 Do. .. 233 137 Alill .. .. 1 Do. .. 290 .. Uncontested. Rashid W&~~an .. 1 Do. .. 167 .. Do. Biro Chandio .. 1 Do. .. 269 .. Do. Sulton Abro .. 1 Do. .. 231 .. Do. Vikya Sangbi .. 1 Do. .. 276 .. Do. Jakrio MabeB&r .. 1 Do. .. 136 .. Do. Ka.nga .. .. 1 Do. .. 249 .. lJo.

Gerural. Larkaoa .. 2 1st February 7M Uoconteoted. 1933. .. Mwlim. Taluka Local Board, Kambar 1 1st February 416 .. Unconteoted. Kambar. 1933. Kh&irpnr Juso .. 1 Do. .. 402 .. Do. Jian Abro .. 1 Do. .. 336 .. Do. Peroz Bhati .. 1 Do. .. 268 .. lJo. Meoa .. -. 1 Do. .. 838 .. lJo. Ghagharo .. . 1 Do. .. 250 .. lJo. f'2&thar ... .. 1 Do. .. 276 .. Do. KaJar •• 1 Do. .. 270 .. Do. Ghaibidero .. 1 Do. .. 241 .. Do. Doate.li •• .. 1 Do. .. 813 . 99 Gmef'lll. Kambar .. l! !at February 854 .. Uocooteated. 1933. Mwlim. • Taluka Local Board, Gacbal •• .. 1 lot February 12ll .. Uocooteated. Ratodero. 1933. Wariodino Machi .. 1 Do. .. 120 .. Do. Bhando .. 1 Do. .. IM .. Do. • Ratodero .. 1 Do. .. 159 .. Do. Banguldero .. 1 Do. .. 143 .. Do. Dodokhao Bhutto .. I Do. .. 166 .. Do. Pirbakhab Bhutto •• 1 Do. .. 152 .. Do. Rajodero .. 1 Do. .. 118 .. lJo. Nauodero .. I Do. .. 233 .. Do. Moria Fakir .. 1 Do. .. 116 .. lJo. General. Ratodero .. l! lot February 661 .. Unoooteoted. 1933. Muolim. Taluka Local Board, Shahali Tunio .. 1 lot February . 190 151 Mirokhan. 1933. j Miarikhan Chandio •• ' 1 Do. .. 268 .. Unoontemd. Laohkarkilan Chandio 1 Do. .. 224 .. Do. Dbingano Mabeaar • • · 1 Do. .. 168 .. Do. Sujawal .. 1 Do. .. )56 .. Do. Ma.stoi •• .. 1 Do. .. 152 126 Buthi .. 1 Do. .. 184 .. Unconteoted. Bahram Hetbio .. 1 Do. .. 82 .. lJo. KurAiiKhan .. 1 Do. .. 143 .. lJo. Bahram Mathia .. 1 Do. .. 180 .. lJo. I GtN!Ial, Mirokhan .. :t lot February 295 230 1933. 24 APPENDIX A-'-CO'fiJJl.

The The number of number of voters voters who Number Date of eligible to Name of the Local Constituency. actually Remarlts. Board. • ofaeata •. election. record exercised votes at the right of • those elections. franchise. 5 6 ·7 1 2 3 4 ' .

Snrn-cO..Id. Mwlim• . T aluka. Local Board, Abad .. .. I 1st February 415 .. Uncontested. Labdarya. 1933. Kot Chandiko .. 1 Do. .. 216 192 Dokri .. 1 Do. .. 312 .. Uncontested. Bo.krani •• .. I Do. .. 363 .. Do. Bhangi Kalhoro .. 1 Do. .. 193 156 Gerelo .. .. 1 Do. .. 240 .. Uncontested. Tatri .. .. 1 Do. .. 338 .. Do. Tigir ": ., .. 1 Do. .. 242 .. Do. Budeh .. .. 1 Do. .. 396 .. Do. Sihar .. .. 1. Do. .. 215 .. Do. General. ' Labdarya .. 2 1st February 783, .. Uncontested. 1933. Mwlim. Taluka. Local Board, Warah .. 1 1st February 251 .. Uncontested, Warah. I933. Lakha .. .. I Do. .. 269 .. Do. A bad .. I Do. .. 206 .. Do. Lalu Ra.nwak .. 1 Do. .. '327 .. Do. Wagan •• •• 1 Do. .. 269 .. Do. Chaudaro .. 1 Do. .. • 197 .. Do. Do.- Na.sirabad .. l . Do. .. 239 .. - AdiJagir . . I Do. .. 233 .. Do. Geji Khuhawar .. 1 . Do. .. 200 .· .. Do. Hamal •• .. 1 Do. .. 95 .. Do. . G...... iil. Warah ... .. 2 1st February 634 .. Uncontested. . I933 • . Mwlim• ' aluka. Local Board, Shahd&dkot .. I 1st February! 74 59 Shahdadkot. 1933. Sir Chandia .. 1 . Do. .. 68 .. Uncontested. Bagodero r: .. 1 Do. .. 63 .. Do. Dhing .. .. 1 Do.- .. 144 •.• ·no .. Kutria ,. 1 Do. .. 46 .. Do. Laghari .. 1 Do. .. 29 .. Do. Siyal .. .. 1 Do. .. 73 .. Do. Jamali •• .. 1 Do. .. 76 .. Do. Juneja .. 1 Do. .. 63' .. Do. Markhand 1 Do. 73 Do. ' ......

General. Shahdadkot .. 2 1st February 144 42 1933. Mwlim, ' District Local Board, Mirwah .. 1 24th February 332 .. Uncontested. Thar Parkar. 1933. Khirah .. 1 Do. .. 339 293 Jameaabad .. 1 Do. .. 821 2.51 Digri .. 1 Do. .. 1,062 .. Unoontes~ed. Sanghar .. 1 Do. .. 231 .. Do. Khipro .. 1 Do. .. 203 .. Do. Phullabdyun .. 1 Do. .. 262 .. Do. Umarkot .. 1 Do. .. 417 .. Do. Samara .. 1 Do. .. 511 .. Do. Chacbro .. 1 Do. .. ' 50 .. Do. Dipio .. .. 1 Do. .. 19 .. Do. N&l(ar P&l'kar .. 1 Do. .. 20 .. Do. Mithi .. .. 1 Do. .. 57 .. Do. • . !!5 13 APPENDIX A~ontd.

' Tho •. number of The voters number of Name of the Local Number Dat.. of eligible voten who Constituency. actually R~marka. :Board. oloe&ta. election. to reoonl. exeroiaed votes#t t.booe tho ri!(ht of ' aloe tiona • franchise. . I 2 3 4 6 . 6 7

Snrn-comd. ' ~ I . District Local lloard, Mirw&h .. 1 24th February 163 .. Uncontosu.d. TharPar~. 1939. Khirah ·•• .. 1" Do. .. 134 .. i Do. Jamesabad .. I Do. .. 266 .. Do. Digri .. .. l Do. .. 402 .. Do. So.nghar Khipro .. I Do. .. 166 .. Do. Umarkot · .. I Do. .. 164 34 Samara .. 1 . Do. .. 146 ... Uncont.. atsd • Chacbro ' .. 1 Do. . . 31 .. Do. Diplo .. .. 1 Do. .. 0 I .. Do • N&~

llfwlim. T&luka I:.ocoJ. . Board, Dongan .. .1 24th February 100 .. UncontesU.d •. Jamosabad. 1933. . . I.nndo ... 1 Do. .. 147 .. Do. ' Jameeabdd_ .. 1 Do. .. 208 .. . Do. . Kachelo . .. 1 Do. .. 161 .. Do. ' Satryun .. 1 Do. .. 195 .. Do. Jua.riaar .. 1 Do. .. 167 .. Do. .Ash abo .. J . Do. .. 153 .. Do.

G...-l. ' Dengan .. 1 24th February 41 .. Unoontesu.d. 1933. Jameoabad .. . 1 Do. .. 68 .. Do• Satrnn .. 1 Do. .. 77 .. Do. Juarisar .. 1 Do. .. 71 .. Do. Ash abo . .. 1- Do. ... 46 .. Do. . - llfwlim. - T&luka Local :Board Sanghar .. i. 24th February 30 .. Unoontesu.d. Sanghar. . 1933 • . Toori .. 1 Do. .. 64 .. Do. Jakbrao 1 Do. 87 Do. . ' .. .. ' .. ' Dadan-ja.-Kanda .. 1 Do. .. 65 .. Do. - Setbar Pir .. 1 Do. .. 28 .. Do. Dilyar 1 Do. 38 Do. Wagbynn 1 Do. 51 Do. Tando 1tfitbakban 1 Do. 40 Do. B&kar 1 Do. 68 Do. G.....-al. S&nghar 1 24th · February 50 Unoonteau.d. 1933. Tando lfithaJrba.n 1 Do•• 8 Do. Dilyar 1 Do. 37 Do.

Mo-m Genl H 9-7 26' . . APPENDIX A--tXYnlil. '. , ··---- ' - ' The I ·The -l . number of number of " voters "W;Oters - Number Date of . Name of the Local Constituency. of · eligible to who . Remarks. election., . . . .. Board. seats. record aotually .. • .votes at exercised those the right of .I . · elections. franchise • - - 1 2 3 I 4 - 5 • 6 7 - . ! . - ' > l , . . ' - Sn-oontd. .· .Mtu1lim. - •. Taluka Local' Board, Dinor .. 1 24th February 167 .. l/noontested. ' Umarkot. 1933. ' ·' , - •. Sufi: .. 1 Do. ' .. 205 .. Do. Umarkot . .. 1 Do•. .._ 111 Do• - . Khejrari .. I Do• ..... 159 .. Do:, Nabisar .. 1 Do. . .. l!33 .. ·Do; .. .· ·aeroeral. - ' ' - ' Dinor .... 1 24th ~e bl'1J&rll 79 .. . Uncontested, • ..' 1933. .. ·, .Tebhri .. 1 Do, .. . 44 . Do•. Haaoisar " .. 1 Do •. .. 50 ' .. Do. '. Sufi .. . 1. Do .. .. 72 .. Do. . ' . ' . Naplor .. ·I Do. .. 74 ... - 'Do. Nabisar Do. Do. ' .. l .. 72. .. ; ·• Umarkot ... I. ·Do. .. 72 Do. . "' '·. - ' ·I• , '· - .. ' Mtu~lim. .. - . ' -- ' Board, Khipro - I 24th . February 145 ' ... .. ' Uncontested. Taluka Local .. •' . Khipro. ' 1933: ' . ' - . Dobto ' I ·Do. .. 89 .. ' . Do. .. .. - Sindbri .. .. 1 Do~. .. 84 ' ..... Do. ' Tigusar ' 1 ' ··Do• .. 112 .. Do. .. - ' - r Dber Mitho Fakir · .. 1 Do. - .. ~. 114 .. ·Do. ' • Atnah .. 1 Do.- .. •, 97' Do. . ' . ' Bonjho ''1 ~' Do. .. 91 .. Do.· .. - ; ~· . Dilyar .. . 1 Do ..:· .. '86.· .. . ; . Do• Khahi - - .. 1 :Qo. .. 110 Do. ' •• . ' ' • - ' r . - Geroeral• ~- ' . ' ,. . - · _ Unco;.tested•. Khipro. ' .. •1 24th February 80. ' .. ~ ' 1933. ' ' - ' OOyar. Do;· ·Do. .. - 1 .. 30 .. .. Do.- , 41 Do~ Sindbri .. 1 ' ..- .. - ', . ' .- I - - Mtu1Um. · - - ' ' . - . Taluka Local Board, Darelo .. .1 24th · February 64 .. Uncontested, · Samara. • 1933.- ' Samara . .. 2 Do, .. 198 .. Do. 1 J Satryun ,. '1 Do. .. 114 .. Do. ' ,• Do. . 93 ' . Do. ' Kapurara . .. 1 ...... ' • Hirai .. 1 Do. .. 99 .. Do. - Sbadipali .. 1 Do. .. 85 ' ·' Do. ' - Geroeral. '· ' Samara .. 1 24th February. 89 .. Uncontested. · 1933. ' Hirai .. 2 Do. .. 66 ' Do. Sbadipali .. 1 Do. .. ,. 38 .. Do• Pithoro .. 1 Do. .. 18 .. Do• . ' Mtu1lim., t Taluka Local' Board, Chaohro .. 1 24th' Februa.r, 105 .. · Uncontested. Chaobro. 1933. Chelhar .. I Do.· .. 80 .. Do• ' TarAbmed .. 1 Do. . .. 431 .. . Do• Gadro : .. 2 Do. .. 421 . .. Do. Gtmeral. ' '·. . 1 - Chaohro .. 2 24th Febrnaey 526 .. Unoontested. . 1933. Chelbar .. 2 Do. .. 390 .. ·no. TarAbmed .. - 2, Do. .. 242 .. Do. ' Gadro .. 1 Do. .. 196 .. Do. ' ' 27 14 APPENDIX A-oontd.

. ' Tho Tho I ' number of number of ' I votero voten •Number Name nf the Looal Date of eligible to who - Conatituenoy. of election . record actually &marb. . Board. aeats. - votes at exercised ' those the right of . eleotioos. fraoohioo . 1 2 3 t ' li 6 7 I ...• ------SIND--oontd. lll'UIIIim. . ·Taluka Local Board, Diplo .. 1 24th February 47 .. Unoontootod. Diplo. 1933. Verbar ... 1 Do. .. IG .. Do • . Satlo .. 1 Do. .. 21 .. Do • Balhari .. II Do. .. 22 .. Do • Kaloi .. 1 Do. .. 6 .. Do. Khetlari .. 1 Do. .. " .. Do • ' Gentral. Diplo .. . 1 24th February 20 " Unoontootecl. .. 1933. -· Verhar ,, , .. 2 Do. .. 46 .. Do. Balhari' .. 2 Do. .. 10 .. Do.

' ·' . Muslim. ' -'Taluka Local Board, Nagar Parkar . .. 1 24th February 125 .. Unoonteatod. Nagar Parkar. 1933. Mamobaro .. ·1 Do. .. 1" .. Do • Satidero .. 1 Do. .. 175 .. Do • Miari.Shab · 1 Do. .. 212 .. Do • ... .' Gemrol. . Nagar Park&r ll 24th · February Unoontoatod, .. 1933•.. an .. Kaabo .. .. ll Do. .. 280 .. Do. Pilu .. .. 1 Do. .. 82 .. Do. Pithapur , · .. 1 Do. .. 162 .. . ' Do. . Mamoharo .. 1 . Do. .. 1~3 .. Do. ,. Saticlero· .. 1 Do. .. 200 ... Do. ' . . . -I M'UIIIim. ' I ' "Taluka Looal- lloard, Mithi .. .. J 24th February 129 .. Unoonteatod. Mithi. 1933. Iolamkot .. 1 Do. _ .. 92 .. Do. Singario .. 1 Do. .. 97 .. Do. ' ' Kumbhario .. 1 Do. • .. 103 . .. Do. Khario Ghulam Shah. 1 Do. . .. 99 .. Do. Manjithi .. 1 Do. .. 88 .. Do.

Gt:Mtol. r Mithi .. .. 1 24th February 145 .. Unoontootod, 1933. Pabuhar .. 1 Do.· .. liB .. Do. Mithrio Bhati .. 1 Do. .. 81 .. Do. Iolamkot .. 1 Do. .. I 125 .. Do. Khario Ghulam Shah. 1 ·Do. , . .. 116 .. Do. Do. ,. Majithi .. 1 Do. .. 88 .. lll'UIIlim. · Taluk& Lo·cal Board, Bolo .. .. 1 24th Februacy 255 .. U noon tooted. Digri. ' 1933. . Puran .. .. 1 Do. .. 154 .. Do • ' Kolai .. .. 1 Do. .. 314 .. Do. Baoran .. 1 Do. .. 3116 .. Do. Jl&nclwari .. ' 1 Do. .. 161 .. Do. Gunero .. 1 Do. .. 63 .. Do. Jhuclo .. .. 1 Do. .. 200 .. Do. GtJJ&tii'IJl. Bolo .. .. 1 24th February 60 .. Unoontooted. 1933. Puran .. .. 1 Do. .. 86 .. Do. Kaloi .. l Do. .. 203 .. Do. .. 81 Do. I Gnnero .. .. l Do...... Jhudo ... .. 1 I Do. .. 48 .. Do. 28·


The I The I ;number of nUmber of Number voters voters ' Name of the Local Date of. eligible to Constituency. of who Remarks. ·- BD&l'd. seats. election. record actually ' votes at exercised - those the right ofl eleotions . fran:hise. f ' • l 2 3 4 5 7 . I . . Sm:p-contd. Mttslim. ' District Local Board, RohriGroup . .. 1 17th February 217 .. Uncontested. Snkkur. 1933. ' I Khandbar Group .. l Do. .. 357 .. Do; PanoAkil .. 1 Do.· .. 478 .. Do. . Sultanpur .. l Do. 233 .. Do. Ghotki •• .. 1 Do. .. . 329 .. . Do• Umardaho · .. l Do. .. 269 .. Do. Snkkur Group .. 1 Do. .. 29I .. Do. Vazirabad Group .. 1 Do. .. 212 .. Do. Chak Group .. I Do . .. 280 .. Do. Shikarpur .. I Do. .. 289 .. Do. • Khanpur ... .l Do. .. 260 220 ' Kot Sultan .. 1 Do. . . _241 . .. Uncontested. Chiman Sukhpur .. 1 Do. .. 254 22 Garhi Yaoin • .. 1 Do. .. 435 .. Uncontested . Alikhan Group .. I Do. .. 414 .. Do. Mirpur Mathelo .. 1 Do. .. 236 .. . Do• Shahpur .. 1 Do. .. Ill .. Do. ' Ubauro .. 1 Do. .. ' 2WI .. Do. KamuShahid ,.. 1 Do. .. 185 ... ·Do. ' ' . Gemral.- ' ' - Taluka. .. l 17th February 359 .. Uncontested. 1933. • Sukkur Taluka .. ) Do. .. 79I 544 .. ' Shikarpur Group .. 1 Do. .. 961 .. Uncontested. ' Ubauro Group .. . 1. . Do• .. 996 .. ·Do. Ghotki Group .. 1 Do.· .. 537. .. Do. Muslim: ; Taluka Local Board, Rohri .•• .. 1 17th. February 2'29 .. Uncontested. Robri. '1933. . Khadahri .. 1 Do. .. 180 60 Tarai .. . .. 1 Do. .. 225 .. Uncontested. ,Januji .. ool· 1 Do. .. .265. .. Do. Aror .. .. l Do. ... 165 67 Kandbar .. 1 Do. ... 446 . 96 Bhiro Panhwar .. 1 Do. .. 126 .. Uncontested.. Pir-jo-Goth _. .. 1 Do. .. 435 152 ' General.· Rohri .. .. 1 17th February 214 .. Uncontested. ' . 1933• Kandb"" .. 1 Do. .. 394 .. ·Do. Pir-jo-Goth .. 1 ·Do•. .. 120 ... ' Do. Khadahri .. I- Do. .. 160 Do. . MtJ.Blim • - Taluks. Local Boardi Pano Akil .. 3 17th Feliruary 1,139 505 _ Pano Akil. 1933. • . Bhelar .. .. . 4 Do. .. 1,132 .. Uncontested; Chichro .. I 2 Do. .. 621 337 I Gmeral. ' Chichro .. 2 17th' February 343 210 1933. Pano Akil .. 1 Do. .. 265 .. Uncontellted. I MU81im • . ' Taluks. Local Board, Ghotki •• .. 2 17th Februs.ry 801 .. Uncontested. Gbctki. 1933. Adalpur .. 4 Do. .. 9~2 .. Do. Js.hs.npur .. 3 Do. ... 813 400 General. .

Ghotki •• .. ' 1 17th February 322 .. Uncontested.~ 1933. Adalpur .. 1 Do. .. 147 .. Do. Jehs.npur , 1 Do. .. 160 .. Do. ' . ' 15 29

APPENDIX .A-oontd.

Tho Tho ~umber of number of voters voters Name of the Looal Constituenoy. Number Dateo( eligible to who Remarks. Board. of election. record aotuallJ aeata. votea at exeroia those the r!,tht of elections.. fran iae. ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sn.-n-contd. Mtislim. Taluka Local Board, Sukkur .. 1 17th February 306 .. Unoontest.d • Sukkur. 1933. Vazirabad .. 1 Do. .. 310 .. Do • Miani .. .. 1 Do. .. 342 .. Do • Chak .. .. 1 Do. .. 369 .. Do • Gos&rji .. l Do•• .. 352 .. Do • Masirabad .. l Do. .. 370 .. Do • Rustam .. 1 Do. .. 351 .. Do • BhirKhan .. 1 Do. .. 299 .. Do • ' ·Gemral. Sukkur .. l 17th February 450 .. Uncontested, 1933. Vazirabad .. 1 Do. .. 416 .. Do • Miani .. .. 1 Do. .. 397 .. Do • Chak .. .. 1 Do. .. 433 .. Do • .M!Ulim. Taluka Local Board, Shikarpur .. 3 17th February 618 412 Shikarpur. 1933. Khanpur .. 2 Do. .. 301 .. Unoontested. KotSulten .. ·a Do. .. M4 210 Chiman Sukhpur .. 2 Do. .. 378 .. Uncontested, General. . Shikarpur (Taluka) •• l 17th Febntal')l 314 .. Uncontt-atfd. . . 1933 • Shikarpur Group .. l Do. .. 510 68 .Mu•Um.

Ta1uka Local Board, GarhiYa.sin .. 1 17th · February 301 .. Uncontcate•l.. Ga.rhi Ya.sin. 1933. • Nim .. .. 1 Do. .. 257 .. Do. Gaheja .. .. 1 Do. .. 254 I .. Do. Alikhan .. 1 Do. .. 260 .. Do. Abid Markhia.ni .. 1 Do. .. 249 I .. Do. Abdulrahim Dra.han. 1 Do. .. 230 I .. Do. Wallaceabad .. 1 Do. . .. 242 ' .. Do. Chato Mangi . .. 1 Do. .. 265 I .. Do. Amrote .. 1 Do. .. 252 ! .. Do. \ General. ! I I Garhi Yasin .. 1 17th February 354 .. · Uncontested, 1933. ' 306 ' 118 Nim .. .. 1 Do. .. I' Gahejo. .. 1 Do. .. 321 .. Uncontested. .. I I Jiu.lim. I I Uncontc1tcd. Taluka Looal Board, Mirpur Mathe1o .. 1 17th February 183 .. Mirpur Mathelo. 1933. Kotlo .. .. 1 Do. .. 503 i .. Do. YarLund .. l Do. .. 333 .. Do. Shah pur .. l Do. .. 194 I .. Do. Kho.npur .. 1 Do. .. 85 .. Do. Bhiri .. .. 1 I Do. .. 544 .. Do. Jarwar .. 1 I Do. .. 211 I .. Do. .. I Do. Garhi Chakar .. l Do. .. 291 ! .. Hayat Pita.fi. .. l Do. .. 271 I .. Do. i I General. ' Mirpur Mathelo .. l 17th February 280 .. Unoonteoted. 1933. 1 Do. 141 .. Do. Jarwar ...... Do. Khan pur .. 1 Do. .. 206 .. ' xo-m Genl H 9-8 30

.1\.PPENDIX A---contd.

The The number of number of Number. 'Voters voters ~- N&~~~e of the Local . . Date of eligible to Constituency. of . who Remarks. Board. seats. election. record actually votes at exercised those the right of i - elections. franchise. 1 ll 3 4 6 6 7 • I Snn>-contd. I Mwlim. "l'aluka Local Board, 'Ubauro .. 1 17th' February 211} - .. Uncontested. Ubauro. 1933. Ranwti •• .. 1 Do. .. 227 .. ·Do. Tig .. . . 1 Do. .. 236 Do. Khambhra .. 1 Do. .. 307 ' Do. KamuShahid .. . l Do. .. 242 . . Do. Reti . . .. 2 Do. .. a75 ·· .. Do. Raj an pur .. 1 Do. -,;. ·• 296 .. Do. I Khairpur .. 1 Do. .. 203. Do. . -~-·.. General. I Ubauro .. 1 17th February. 361 .. Uncontested. 1933. Khambhra •.. 1 Do,. .. . 147 '.. Do. Khairpur .. 1 Do; .• . ·• 294. .... , Do.

So'OTBJIBN DIVISION. District Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. 3oth March 1933. 21,924 . 30,4.63 2 seats were ~lgaum. unCOI) tested. Do. .. Mahomedan . .. .. Do. .. 1,187 946 'Ta.Juka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. ;oo. . . 2,341 2,127 s se&ts were Belgaum. uncontested. Do. . . Mahomedan ...... Uncontested. 'T~luka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. 30th March 1933. .. 3,517 3,787 8 seats were Ghikodi. uncontested. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do...... Uncontested. Taluka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 4,283 6,627 6 sea.ts were Gokak. . uncontested • Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 378 . 223 'Ta.Juka LocaJ Board, Nan-Mahomedan · .. .. .Do. 2,481 2,827 8 seats were Khanapur. uncontested. Do. Mahomedan ~ 372 ...... Do. "'I· 228 Taluka LocaJ Board, Non-Mahomedan • .. Do. .. :i 427 • 3,034 8 fle&ts were . , - ' Parasgad. - uncontested. . . Do. .. Mahomedan • .. .. 'I - Do • ...... Uncontested. ·Taluka LocaJ Board1 Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 1,826. 1,816 10 seats were Sa.mpgaon. uncontested. Do. .. Ma.homedan .. . . Do...... Uncontested. District Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. 11th November 6,033. ·4,634 4 wards were Bijapur. 1932. uncontested. Do. .. Mahomeda.n .. .. Do. .. 746 515 'Ta!uk& Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do.· .. 2,084 1,277 4 ,.ards Were Bijapur. uncontested. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. I Do...... Uncontested. -:J'aluka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 3,087 1,566 2 warda were lndi. uncontested. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do; ...... Unconteated. 'Taluka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. Do. .. 2,338 1,771 4 wards were Sindgi. uncontested. Do. ... Ma.bomedan .. .. Do...... Unconteated. -:J'aluka Looal Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 3,761 I 2,600 3 wards were Hungund. uncontested. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do, .. 328 228 •ra.Juk& LooaJ Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 656 668 5 warda were Badami. W.oontested. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 189 130 -:J'a.Juka Local Board1 Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 6,664. 4,258 1 ward was Bagallrot. uncontested. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 340 241 .District Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. 22nd November 29,759 38,916 Dharwar. . I 1932. Do. • • Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 2,336 1,337 1 seat W&ll unoontested. 'Taluka Local Board) Non-Mahomedan .. . .. Do. .. 4,477 2,616 Kalghatgi. I Do. . ·I Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 246 171 'Ta.luka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 7,594 3,056 6 seats were Gadag. uncontested. Do. • . , Mahomedan ...... Uncontested•

' 31 16 APPENDIX A-oontd.

------·------_._ ------·------' The ' The numbor of number of -- voters NumJ voten Name of the Loeal Date of eligible to who ('i;,netituenoy. Remarl~s. election~ record actually Board. ae&tiiJ.of I totea at exeroiBNI those the ri~ht of I elections. franohiee. I 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 7 ' I SouTBEBN DIVISION I -contd. I I . I 'raluka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. ' .. 22nd Novemhe1 11,210 3,502 Hangal. I 1932 . Do. .. Mahomedan •• 1 .. Do. .. 873 647 'raluka Loce.l 13oard, Non-Mahomedan . •I .. Do. .. 6,432 1,620 8 IIC&ta were Ka.rajgi. unconteet~d. , Do. .. Mahomedan .. I .. Do. .. lil8 408 'raluka Local Board, Non-Mabomedan • • I .. Do, .. 6,806 0,252 Ra.nebennur. Do. .. Mahomedan .. Do. .. 310 247 'raluka Looal Board, Non-Mahomedan ::I .. Do. .. 6,296 0,721 2 eeate were Bankapur. unoonteated. Do. .. Mahomedan ...... Unconteeted • 'raluka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. 22nd Novemhe 10,242 11,088 8 &eats w Na.valgund. 19"J2. unconteat.ed. ·Do. .. Mahomeda.n •• .. Do...... Unoont..oted • 'ralnka Local Beard, Non-Maho.medan .. .. 22nd Novemhe 7,360 4,049 2 seat. were Ron. 1932. unoonteetE>d.. Do. .. Ma.homeda.n ...... Unoont..oted • 'J'aluka Loeal Board, Non-Ma.homed&n .. .. 22nd Novemhe 6,986 3,079 Kod. 1932. ·Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 701 1112 'raluk& Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. ... Do. .. 6,1118 2,210 3 eeate were • Dha.rwar. unoonteetOO.. .Do. .. Mahomeda.n ...... Unoont..oted • 'raluk;. .Loca.! Eoa.rd. Non-Mahomedan .. .. 22nd Novemhe 7,168 7,702 aeata were Hubli. 1932. ' unoonteated. Do. .. Mahomeda.n ...... Unoonteoted • District Loca.! Board, Non-Mahomed&ll .. .. 29~ March }033. 9,084 3,6:17 7 lA&tii were Ka.na.ra.. uncontested. Do. .. Mahomeda.n ...... Unoonteoted • 'Taluk& Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. 29th March 1933. 4,266 1,006 6 eeaia were Ka.rwa.r. uncontested. Do. .. MahGmedan ...... UnconteRted. Taluk& Local Board. Non-Mahomedan .. .. 29th March 1033. 3,1180 1,023 0 aeats were .Ankola. unconteett>d . Do. . . Mahomedan .. .. Do...... Unoonteoted. 'raluk& Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. . . 3,740 1,832 8 seat• wore Kumta. IIDOOntelted. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do...... Unconteoted. 'raluk& Local 13oard, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 4,477 607 8 Be&tl were Hona.var. unconteBtcd. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do...... Uncontested. 524: 10 were • ·Taluk& Local :Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 3,335 seat• Sirsi. unconteeted. Do. .. Ma.homedan .. .. Do. .. 116 60 6U2 10 1eata 'ralnka Local Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. 2,731 were Haliyal. unconteeted. Do. .. Mahomedan .. .. Do...... Unconteoted. 89 10 IW&tl were 'Taluk& Local Board, Non-Mahomedan . . .. Do. .. 772 . unoonteated . Sup a. Do. . . Mabomedan ...... Unoonteoted. Boa.rd, Non-Mahomodan .. 28th Ma.roh 1933. 14,907 11,809 8 aeata were District Local .. unconteated. Kola.ba.. Do. .. Mahomed&n .. .. Do...... Unoonteoted. Local Board, Non-Mahomed&n .. .. Do. .. 9,421 3,008 8 oeata were 'J'aluka unconteeted • .Ali bag. Do. Mahomedan ...... Unoontelted. .. 3,971 'ralnka Local Board, Non-Mahomeda.n .. .. 28th March 1933. 7,461 Pen. Do. .. Mahomeda.n .. ... Do. .. 166 110 Boa.rd, Non-Mahomed&n .. .. Do. .. 11,988 1,610 10 oeatto wore 'ra.!nka Looal unoooteooted. Roha. Do. .. Mahomedan ...... Unoontelted. Board, Non-Mahomed&n .. 14th March 1033. 12,327 11,1190 II eeate were Diatriot Looal .. unoonlollted. Ratnagiri. Mahomed&n .. Do. .. 206 liS 1 ....t W&l Do. .. .. unoontalted. Board, Non-Mahomedan .. .. Do. .. ·2,032 1,628 4 were Talnka Local unoonteeted.""""" SangDleshwar. Unoooteoted. Do. Mahomed&n .. .. Do...... Do. .. 716 ~ 10 were Talnka Local Bo&rd,l Non-Mahomed&n . .. unconttwted.""""" Rajapur. Unconteoted. Do. •. Mahomedan .. .. Do • ...... Board, Non-Mabomed&n . .. Do. .. 2,331 1,608 II 11eat1 were Ta1uka Local . unoonteffted. M&1van. UncontMted. Do. .. Mahomedan .. ' ...... Non-M&homed&n 14th March 1933. 1,018 1,108 8 lie& ttl were Taluk& Local Board. .. .. unr..ontefiWd. Vengurla. 1 L1 nconte~W. Do. .. Mahomedan ...... 1 17

STATEME~T No. 1 (a). 8tate711611t showing the Constitution of Distri<:l Local Boards during tlae year 1932-33.

Namea of Di1trlo1l Loaal Boardl

1 . g ,.I I i NORTHERN DIVISION 1 Dllltriot Looal Board, Ahmadabad ••• 8,8114 816,88'1 1 8 T 80 .0 8 J 3 Ill • ...... 1.& 8111,101 1 , 1111 Ill Ill 10 • -111·111 il Do. Kmo 18 0 8 Do. Pauoh Mr.hals . 1,606 108,11116 1 1 8 u 18 ., ' Ill 1111 0 811111 • Do. Broaah 1,m 8'16,6T6 1 1 11 - 96 114 1 88 8 1 6 Do, Sura11 1.661 li08,6t8 3 8 8 liT 88 811 0 6 Do. 'l'hua · 8,4i8 T68,881 1 8 8

CENTRAL DIVISION T Dlah:iot Loco! Boord, Ajlmodoasar ... 6,698 9JB,Qll 1 I 0 110 811 II 80 8 • lll-0 8 Do. East Kb6.n· 4,5i9 1,QOI!,Oit ... 1 8 T 80 10 :1 : 1111 6 1 .... ·· deBb.

- 1111 ll8 II Bli·O u Do. WeB' Kbin• 8,48'1 8'1T,7110 1 ..·. 8 18 1 0 delh. • 1166,f!lll 1 8 1111 811 II ao 1 81 n I 01•11) 10 Do. N6olk • . 1181,118l 1 .. I 8 811 8 80 1 81 1t • '18•8 11 Do. .Poona •.. D,IM .. 1.()67,«5 1 1 8 91 88 1 88 811 0 8'1·0 19 Do. SS.tara ... 4,'181 670,1llll 1 8 8 IY 811 8 Ill 1 81 8 88·1 18 Do. Bhol&par ••• 4,661 ··~ 06,881 1 8 111 111 18 It If Do. BombayBubar- 168 •• bOD Dloirlot. --1---~-- _ ---1--1--1--~---1--·1--·1---~--·1--1--- Total ... 8'1,916 6,1116,1188 , 1 16 30 11110 II 81>0 1----1--~~-~~·r-~---~---~~-1----·1---1---~-~-~-- SOUTHERN DIVISION 987,6{6 1 ' 0 10 IY e . 16 District Looal Board, Bela:aum ... 4,6U•O .. ... f88,4t6 1 I 8 18 118 88 0 68-1 16 Do.· Bijapur •.• 6,'106'() ... 4,606.0 8815,6111 1 ... I 80 80 ..... IT Do. DhArw6.r • .. ' BOB,ttl 1 0 18 98 88 0 0 flt•8t 18 Do. KIIDora ... 8,!1811·51 688,184. 1 17 Ill !11 11 8 , .... 19 Do. Koliba 1,181•8 • 8,991·9 1,if7,618 1 ... ••• ... 0 88 Ill Ill 8 71•00 110 Do. Botni&iri • --~---!-1-'--l-~ Toto! ... ,_114_,986_._~~~ -8- ~ • ~ uu·l-100-f-'-l--w-l--·-··+-1110_ _:.~_... _ _,_l'6·74 1 • 1 SIND 861.CS06 1 ' ... •.... Ill 1 81 liNt !11 Dlah:iot Loool Board, B:araob! ... 11,10'1 A • • • • • 081,1108 1 ...... 8 811 8 Ill 8 80 0 81•>16 ll8 Do. Byderabad ... U1T" 489,001 1 1 11 8 1 118'18 Do. Sulr.kur _ ·-· 6.1!08 • • • • • • 8 811 Ill ..., IY Do. Larluma •·• &.06'1 eauoul 1 -· ... • • • • 8 6 8 Ill n 8 BG Do. Nowabaho.h ... 1.888 18'1,87811 ·· - • • . Thor Pukor... 16,081 4111,()01 1 ...... • • IY 111 • • _ - 1111 Do. I • • liT Do. Upper BIDd 8,866 916,111111· 1 •• ... 1 I 18 1101 1 1111 ... • - Proallor. 1 ·1--l--1--~-1-- _ -·~--1---1---1-- Totol ... 19,11116 8,190,'11161-;- !Ill U 188 iWI I 119 I lN 1 Ill G • o 118'111 . 1---1-j-1---1- -1-'-'- - 1-- GlWO> TOT.t.L .,.., 1B811-SI ... lilt.~ 1f.UU.IB8. Ill 1 ... 6!1 IN 6811 71161 6!1 ~ 31 778 188 8 88 'll>ll8 1- · ~- --- -1--r--1- a....., TOtiL roa 11181-111 - 17,400.Jlllj Ill 1 - 6!1118& llllll '1111 • Ill t8 u n• 11111 ... -, • ftlolt

• • InelodH 1 appomted: 11:11der ..ntoa lit (8), t Not a..U.ble .. the noord.l ot 'be Didrlat Looal IIDM'4 trom wbleb UJ .. psrdoa:Jara GAD be anJ.labll nn deArOJ'ed bJ' Are Bk B 616--1 2 STATEMENT No. I {b).

Statement showing the Constitution of Taluka Local Bom·ds during the year 1932-33.


1 '.taluka Local Boa.rd, North Daskroi. 199 95,526 1 ... ..• 1 4 15 00 1 19 ... 20 9 2 17·67 9 Do. South lla.akroi. 916 66,284 1 ..• •.• 1 4 15 20 1 19 •.• 20 6 66·0 9 l>o. PrAntij ••. 286 68,677 1 ... •.• 1 4 15 20 1 19 ... 20 'l 64·99 4 Do. ModAs& ... 161 26,477 1 ... •.• 1 3 12 16 1 16 •.. 16 7 1 6 Do. SAne.nd ... 298 39,788 1 ... ..• 4 12 16 16 ... 16 10 2 ~:~ 6 Do. Dholka ... 690 82,348 1 ... ..• 1 4 16 00 1 19 ... 20 6 68o(){) 7 Do. VirMng&.m ... 676 115,684 1 ... ..• 2 4 18 24 2 22 ... 24 6 68·88 Jj 8 Do. Dha.ndhuka ... 1,083 87,458 1 ... ..• 1 4 16 20 1 19 •.. 20 6 '14•00 9 Do. Gogho •.. 224 S3,09G 1 •.. ..• 1 9 ll.l 16 1 16 ... 16 6 ... '15·00 1---1--;__·1--1------Total •.. --8,824 ___615,83'1 ,_.9 ______9 84 199 172 9 158 172 ----58 1 i l 10 Taluka Local BoJ'rd, l\lebmedabad ... l1 1'71 59,356 1 ... ..• 1 g 9 19 1 11 ... 1~ 6 11 Do. Mt\tar ... 216 511,956 1 ... •.• 1 2 9 1.2 1 11 ... 1 '"' 9 f 12 Po. Thit.sra ···I 256 80,001 1 ...... 1 2 9 12 1 11 •.. 12 '1 -; J18 . Do. Ka.pa.dvauj ... 279 '19,668 ... 1 ..• 1 2 9 12 1 11 •.. 12 '1 Do. Nadllld ... 224 115,199 1 ... •.• 1 S 12 16 1 16 ... 16 4 1<1 la16 Do. Anand ... 244 127,681 1 ..• ... 1 S 12 16 1 15 ... 16 'l 16 Do. Borsad ... ___::.006::... _1:.:08::.·::.2::.49:.l __::.1 _ ••_. ___··_· __1___ 8 __12___ 1_6 __1___ 1_5 ___ •._. ___16____ 6___ ._ ••__ ••. _ 1 Total ... --1------1,696 629,108 6 1 ' 17 72 96 7 89 96 76·80

607 141,219 1 ... •.• 1 8 12 16 1 15 I 16 5 77•60 !~ { ~: Taluka L;:~• Board. ::a 6HS 684185,0001 •••••• 181916 115 ••. 16' 19 Do. Killol 416 12'1,187 1 ...... 1 s 12 16 1 16 ... 16 4 ... •.. 70·81 ···1---1--;__·1------Toto.l ... 1,606 ------408,406 8 8 9 86 48 8 1 18 71·66

Ta.luka ~oBl Boru·d, Amod 176 37,899 I 1 1 7 9 1 8 9 6 68·52 ~ I !iU Do. Anklesbwa.r .. . 998 67,364 1 1 9 9 19 1 11 12 6 62·50 "'{0 0092 l>o. Broach .. . 803 '16,571 1 1 9 9 19 1 11 12 8 76·04 • 93 Do. Jambnsar 887 69,055 1 81·94 Ill 94 1 1 9 12 11 12 6 Do. Wllgra 808 88,186 1 1 •1 8 10 1 9 10 7 68·67 1---1---1--1------Total ... 1,461 216,676 5 6 8 42 6 60 65 71-fil 1--1--1·------

TlUuka. Local Board. Chor&si 114 60.622 ••• 1 1 8 19 16 1 15 16 13 1 4 69·0 Do. OlpR.d 812 60,HS1 1 2 19 16 2 14 16 6 77·0 Do. D&rdoll 222 18.680 1 • 19 16 2 14 16 9 9 68•0 Do. Mandvi 280 67,662 1 •2 •9 19 16 2 14 16 4 '17·0 Do. ,lalR.Ivore 184 84,759 1 12 16 2 14 16 8 76•0 Do. C bik llli 167 74.1'18 1 9• •2 12 16 2 14 16 7 66•0 Do. Bulst\r 201' 89,888 1 1 8 19 16 1 16 16 6 69·0 Do. P&rdi 168 11,228 1 9 2 12 16 9 14 16 5 66·0 1---1------1-.'--1--1------TotoJ ... 1,651 658,648 ' 1 ... 1<18 96 128 14 114 198 ----~------

SS TA.luka Local Board, North Sa.lsette. 97 96.855 l 1 1 7 9 1 8 9 6 '15·66 84 Do. Di\bt't.nu .. . 399 98,'109 1 1 4 17 90 1 21 22 6 60·00 86 Do. Umberga.on .. . 248 86,988 1 1 • 16 Ill 1. 20 20 6 60·00 86 Do. Pa.lgba.r 406 107,093 1 1 6 19 26 1 24 26 10 g 66·&1 37 Do. Vli.da. (Mok: 667 69,281 1 • !I 14 18· • 16 18 5 71•10 ha.da.). 88 Do. ShU.ht\pur ... 610, 'i'9,495 66•46 S9 1 1 j 16 !iU 1 00 ... 21 7 1 1 ••• Do. MurbQd 351! I 69,004 1 67·86 40 Do. K!UyQn 2'15 '12,010 1 80·00 Do. Bhiwaodi 266 67,316 1 I 7'1·20 42 )Jo, ::: I ~ ! HI ~i ! u ::: }i i l ::: :::1 " Baueio. 209 8>,916 1 ::: 1 I t 16 !Jl l 19 ... !ilO 6 ... •.. 76o(){)

! '------Total ... 8,41!3 769,961 10 - ... - --... -111 1 82 149 166 u m 1 184 611 1 s 68·99

Dlvlt!ionol Total ••. 18,666!-8.-26-S,-180-I-40- ---; -:-1-;l;;-;;; -;;~-;; -;-;;--;;- 6 -;1-;; 18 3

STATEMENT No. I (b)-.-ontinued.

Nameo of Tolhka LoOIOIBoarcla

1 B

CENTRAL DIVISION I I I I Tt.luka Loool Board. Akola ••• 680 76.91@ 1 ••• ••• 1 81 111 18 1 18 ••• 18 a •.. 1 IV 1 Sf 4'1 E:: ~:~::gaon ::: ~ 1::~ ••• ::: ~ ~ I 1: i~ i i; ::: ~= : ::: '" ~ a 48 Do. Nagar "" 637 8llrr7 ~ ::: ••• 1 I 14 18 1 If I 18 4 ... ::: IIJ oc 49 Do. Nevt\.sa ••. 681 84,291 1 ••• ••• 1 8 Ill 16 1 15 ! '''t Ia 8 ...... !H ~ 60 Do. PO.rner fS!J 811,083 1 ••• •.• 1 8 li 16 1 16 i' ..,, 18 f ... ••;_ HM a 61 Do. R&hurl ::: 498 00,836 1 ... ..• 1 8 111 16 1 lG I 11 8 1 • "' ~ 69 Do, Sangamner 696 86,949 1 ••• •.• 1 8 .19 16 1 151 "'t 11 0 ... ••. f~J : 68 Do, Sbevgaon ::: 8451 I89,69S 1 .... ••• 1 8 H 18 1 1? ••• 18 8 ... 1 ... 69 . . N Do. Shrigond• ••• 6§Kt 67,lh 1 ... ••• J 8 H 16 1 15 1 16 15 ••• 1 ••• U8 • Total ••• l--6-.6!18--1--9·1·8-.00-l·l-10- -:::- ••• 10 80 "N6166 ro 1oefa" 168 68 1 I 10 7<-R 1---·1---·1------~8.-nka. Local Boud, RA.ve~ 477·!!6 7s.OM 1 •••••• 111 9 111 1 u1' ... 111 8 •.• i ... n Do. YAvai 949 76.6741 •••••• 1!1 91!1 111 ... Ill 6 ••• ,,,67 Do. Bbua6.v&l 686·8 11!8,698 1 ••. ••• 11 8 1& 110 a 1s 1 ... 110 • ... , ••• n . .., 68 Do. Jalgaon BI<'f 1101 ,034 1 ••• ... 1 8 19 10 1 16 . ••• 16 a ..• ...... ,6 1J ~ Do. Amalner !m·21185,SS7J ...... 18191& 116 ... 18 a ... 1111 ~ 169 967"19 81.8114 1 ... 1 8 111 18 1 18 ... 18 9 ...1 ... !8·118 "' 80 Do. Erandol 1 Do. Chopda. 867'8671.048 ...1 ... 19 919 111 ... 19 6 ...... Do. Parola 906·9 82,'144 1 ••• ••• 1 B 0 ltl 1 11 •.. lil f ...... H88 ••'~~ l3~68 Do. OboliBIIOOD ... 610'9 100.1'94 1 ...... 1 8 11 18 1 16 ... 16 ' 1 1 89·09 ·~ 64 Do. P&obora. ... 606•8 141,'178 ... 1 ... I 9 16 iO II 18 ... iO 8 ...... OO·til 66 Do. , J&mner ... 611'1 111.0681 ... 1819161 1a ... 16. .. 1-----1-- ~ 1- Tolol ...1---·1---·1------,- 4,6119•04 1,(]();1,044 9 8 18 89 1116 168 -.---18 1M 168 --;--6Y II 1 6H T,Iuka Loool Board, Dhull& ... 760 116,l!68 1 ...... 1 B 14 18 1 17 ... 18 8 .. ... f4 : 6'1 · Do. Sindkbedl. ... 1104i 94,091 1 ... ••• 1 a Iii 18 1 lei •.• 1a f ••• ... 11 ..., 68 Do. Bblrpur ... 6660l60 6'1,469 1 ... on 1 9 8 li 1 U ' 19 C ... ••• 68 A 69 Do. Bokrl ... 1198 89.100 1 •• ... 1 8 9 19 1 11 ... Ill 6 ...... 7r ... 70 Do. • NandurbAr ••• 698 81.686 ••• 1 ... 1 B ta 16 1 16 ... 16 ll ... 1 68 ""166101 71 Do. Talod& ... 1,177 94,006 ... 1 ... 1 I U 19 1 11 ... 19 II ... ,.. '1f -; 79 Do. Bhabida ... 478 78,648 1 ... •• 9 8 18 16 11 14 ... 16 4 ...... 79 VB ~ Do. Naw•P;:tal ::I-G-,4!1/..:4:..~::.:..11-m.:.66..::s;..:60~1·-:=-i ... 8 ... ~ 1: ~ ~: ~ ~ ... ~~ ~ : ..~ : 1---+---1·-1--1------·1--·1-- " Tt.luka Loco! Board, N'aik ... 470 80,69'1 1 ...... 1 17 110 1 19 ... 110 Y 1 76 Do. Sinnar ... 1517 69,4011 1 •.• ... 1 18 16 , 1 16 ••• 16 c '16 Do. lgatpnrl ••• 398 69,166 1 ...... 1 19 16 1 16 ... 16 8 '1'1 Df', Dindori ••• 689 '14,101 1 ...... 1 18 16 1 16 ... 18 6 '18 1!6. · Ch&ndor ... 860 ll6,9'19 J •.• ... 1 18 18 1 16 ... 16 4 ... , '' Do. Nlvb!.d ... 411 vo,678 1 ...... 1 18 16 1 13 ... 16 c ... eo Do. Yeola. ,.. 40i 49,8.')8 1 ...... 1 18 16 1 15 ••• 18 6 81 Do. Mt\.Jegaon .•• m 109,468 1 ...... 1 17 I - 510 1 19 ... go f 82 Do. NA.ndga.on ••• !!194 61,490 1 ...... 1 18 16 1 Ui ... 18 8 "i 8S Do. Bll.gltl.o. ... 600 8>,647 1 ••• ... 1 18 16 1 lG ... 18 f 84 Do. Kolvau ... 49' 68,939 1 ...... 1 18 18 1 16 ... 18 4 86 Do. Peln$ ... 4811 68,191 1 ... ••• 1 18 16 1 18 ... 16 4 ·1---a-1 To•ol ... l--&-.&lll-·l--868,-,96-l-19-l·-.-..-l-:::- 19 1M 1!N 1100 111 IBB '-:::- 1100 11 1_611_·-16 1---·1---·1------86 T&l11ka Local BoaN, HaveU ... 898 1&0,100 1 ... ~·· 1 8 lSI 18 1 lei ... 18 8 ...... fl! e 8'1 Do. Mil.wal ... 886 47.89f. 1 ...... 1 9 8 H 1 U ... lil 10 I il tBofJI 88 De. Khed ... trt6 166,00. 1 ••• ... 1 8 li 16 1 lei ... 18 5 ••• ... U•DJ 89 Do. Juonar ... 1591 1.17,61il 1 ... ••• 1 8 til 18 1 16 16 f ...... fto.ll 90 Do. Bhlmthadl ... 1.086 106,..., 1 ...... 1 8 111 16 1 18 1 16 8 1 ... 1!8·..., 91 Do. Purandha.r ... 4'10 74,960 1 ...... 1 !il 8 11 1 11 ... 11 8 ...... lt1·tl6 91i!i Do. Iod&pur ... 667 '18,417 1 .., ... 1 Sl 8 til 1 U ,,. 1i d ... ••• B~·~ BB no. suur ... _--=601=-.r--'.::4·:.."'-=-i·-1:...... ::::... 1 a o 19 1 u ... 19 8 ...... ,. 1 ToW ... 1 &.849 861,991 8 ... ~· 8 -110-!·-84--1·-w- --,.8 104 ~ 111 M 8 M "jjjj:Q ------:-·-:-----~-- T6.lokll Looal Board, KA.rt\d 878 1119,6401 ...... 181418 1 lY ... 18 8 ...... R0 969' ~ WMwa 586 166.4'1'11 ...... 11 1' 18 1 u_ l8 • ...... :: 96 Do B&t.lrl\ 8S6 98,1681-.-..... 181918116 ... 16 ' ...... Do. Wal 1189 78,11641 ..... 181817 118 ... 17 e ...... " I! : Do. JB.vU 4!11 66.7<7 1 ...... 1 8 19 16 1 16 ... 18 • ...... "' ::1 99 Do. Kbd.nlpur &011 ss.66J.1 ...... 181•16 118 •• 16 e ...... t& ... 100 Do. Koregaon 846 87.WII 1 -· ... 1 I 18 17 1 16 ... 17 4 ... llB Gl 101 Do. MA.n 61111 61.4941 ...... 1811111 118 ... 16 81160 100 Do. P&•lm 4;88 191,986 1 ...... 1 8 H 16 1 ta ... 16 t ...... 78 108 Do. Khai&V 601 gg,t)g.f,J ...... 181918 111 •.• 16 4 ...... 'IB 104 Do. T&sgaon 1108 811.86'1 1 ...... 1 8 14 18 1 1V ... Ill • .. • ... 116 1 ToW ... 4.786 1,1167,"& 11 ·- ... u 88 I 1.0 184 u m -:::- 184 61 1 I m 1----:------~'-,-1----:-1 lO& Tilnka. Loaal Board, Shol&pur 848 186,486 1 -· ... 1 4 18 110 1 19 : ... 110 8 I 1 IJi .. 106 Do. Bt..nf 691 116,846 1 ...... 1 8 14 18 1 lf ... 18 I - ... M·t ~ 107 Do. MMba 61D 10C.K681 ...... 18 1J 16 114 .•• 18 ' ••• 1 ... fl :! 108 Do. Karmila ... nt 93.0fo6J ...... J8H16 116 ••• 10 6 ... M-t .8 109 Do. Pandharpur ... f"18 68.999 I ...... J 8 li 16 1 16 16 5 ...... 78·T& .. 110 Do. SA.ngola 6"14 85,146 1 ·- ... 1 8 li 16 1 16: ~ ::: 16 • ...... ;~·· fllU Do. JU.Wru 8'14 ro.946 1 ... ·- 1 8 19 16 1 18 1 ... 18 _!...... :::.. _ ..... ~~ -/ ToW ... 4.41!1 I 6r&.l!l6 ' ... ·- ' • • 118 ' Ill I - 118 1111 • 1 11'1'1 Dlrialoall ToW for 1- ... , ar.- r=::; ,-=--: -=- ~1; -=:= -;. -=~ -: ;;;~ -=--;--=- 4

STATEMENT No. I (b)-continued.

Na.mea of Ta.luka Loca.l Boa.rda


112 T&luka. Local Boa.rd, Belga.um 644 109,Sii8 1 s IS 16 16 16 6 1 ns Do. Chikodi 492 197,866 1 s 18 16 16 16 6 :s9 114 Do. Bukeri S4S 124,175 1 s 13 16 16 16 6 ce 115 Do. Athni 779 131.818 1 s 14 17 17 17 5 • • :!! Jil16 Do. Goki\.k 672 133,605 1 s IS 16 16 16 5 Do. Pa.ra.sgad 640 101,593 1 s 1S 16 16 16 10 1 ~ 1117liB Do. Sa.mpgaon 408 lJ4,533 1 s IS 16 1 15 16 5 Lll9 Do. KbO.n8.pur 6SS 74,698 1 s IS 16 16 16 8 -----1----1--1--·- ---~------I Total ... 4,611 987,646 8 ...... 24 106 129 1 128 129 601 4 • 56·60

TAl aka Loca.l Board, lndi 898 101.101 1 ... 11 2 14 17 1 16 - 17 ---: 1 64·70 97,816 1 t---: Do. Sindgi 810 ... 1 2 14. 17 1 ]li ... 17 4 ... 1 82·00 Do. Bij&pur 006 98.598 1 ... 1 2 14 17 1 16 ... 17 6 ...... 69•40 Do. BB.gewlldl 764 I 104,170 1 ... 1 2 14 17 1 16 ... 17 6 1 62·00 Do. MuddebihU ... 569 81,62-3 1 ... 1 2 14 17 ] 16 ... 17 6 ...... 1 68·00 Do. BA.galkot 668 106,916 1 ... 1 2 14 17 1 16 ... 17 G ... 60•00 Do. Bt'Ld8.mi 615 96,772 1 ... 1 2 13 16 1 16 ... 16 6 .. . BO•CO Do. Hungund 521 91,227 1 ... 121316 115 ... 16 5 ... 70'00

8 - ... --8 --: - ...--:- --••-,--.- --sJ Tota.l ... 6,706 777,12S ---=- ~ ~---:---::------68-4 T8.1uka. Loca.l Boa.rd, Dhtirw8r ... 492 80,407 1 1 • 14 17 1 16 17 64'70 Do. Hubli ... 3ll 68,365 1 1 8 15 19 1 18 19 5• 1 65·0 Do. Na.veJgund ... 567 78,388 1 1 s IS 17 1 16 17 6S·O Do. Gadag .. . 699 98,241 1 1 2 14 17 1 16 17 •3 84·81 Do. Ba.nkllpur ... S44 81.377 I 1 . s 16 19 1 18 19 3 61·40 Do. RA.nebennur .. . 405 85,315 1 1 2 18 16 1 16 16 6 59·87 Do. HAngal ... 299 71,232 1 1 2 14 17 1 16 17 6 63•62 Do. Ka.rajgi ... 442 93,580 1 1 2 14 17 1 16 17 9 28·10 Do. Kalgbatgi ... 275 42.289 1 I 2 1S 16 1 16 16 6 '15·0 Do. Kod ... 400 93,270 1 1 • 14 17 1 16 17 6 48·23 Do. Ron .. . 432 28.048 1 1 • 1S 16 1 16 16 • 86·0 885,512 11 ----~ ~-: ~-:--:; ----:---..-~--1- -- Toto.l ... 4,606 63·51 :--~---- 1- ----:--

TAluko. Local Boa.rd, Karwa.r 975·95 1;0,035 1 ...... 1 2 13 16 1 15 ... 16 41 ...... 71·87 Do. Ankola 3Md4 38,154 68·'76 Do. Knmta. 224·10 49,723 78•00 Do. Hontlva.r 425·90 SR,3S4 76·4'1 Do. Siddt\pur 331·90 33,479 66·25 Do. Bini 511•10 32.854 i ii~ jjj i i fi !i ! iii iI ~:: :::s 68•75 Do, Ye1l&pnr il il 759·'19 27,H35 1 ...... 1 2 1S 16 1 15 .. 16 5 I ...... 57·60 Do. Ha.liyiU. 427·40 23,789 1 ...... 1 2 13 16 1 15 16 "I ...... 62·50 Do. Supa. 629·00 14,222 1 1 2 13 16 1 15 16 6 .. . 59•37 1---1----1------Toto.l '") 8,989·58 358,475 9 9 IS 118 1451 9 136 145 44 ! ... 8 I -- !- ~---- -·--

r HB TA.luka Local Board, AlibAg 193·0 86,259 I I 2 IS 16 1 15 16 ,1 .. . 76·0 • I 110 Do. Pen 234•7 68.690 1 1 2 IS 16 1 15 16 4 I ...... 1 73·0 "' 100 Do. }Ja.nvel 272·6 98,107 1 1 g IS 16 1 15 16 6 I ... 69·0 ~-l 161 Do. Karja.t a!'iS·O 82,684 I I 2 13 16 1 15 16 1 67·0 0 I '16}! Do. Boba 261·3 53,931 I 1 2 IS 16 1 16 16 78·0 l:tl ·,1fiS Do. M&.ngaon 353-0 91,817 1 1 g 18 16 1 15 16 ; I ::: 1 77·0 l,l64 Do. Mabad 459·0 114,646 I 1 • IS 16 1 16 16 'I .. . 62•0 I -----7 -:-~-:---7---:---=- -:-~ --...---s- I 7 7l·'Z Total ... 2,131 ·6 586.154 1 ~-- --- 7 - -~----1 - 1 Tt\luka. J..ocaJ Board, DA.poll ... ! 499·8 169,306 1 ..• ... 1 2 14 17 1 16 ... 1 17 4 ...... 66·0 Do. Kbed ... 1 391·9 ll0,229 1 73·0 Do. Cbiplun .. . 6HS·S 202.tn8 1 59·0 Do. Sanga.mesbwnr. 5f~t:~·9 lfi3,31J 1 66·0 Do. Ratnli.girl .. . ·U0·6 142.898 1 65·0 Do. Baja\pur .. . 619-8 170,447 1 61-G Do, Deogad .. . fi!\5·9 159,400 1 56·0- 1 Do. 1\h\lwan 1 235·1 104,324 1 61·0' Do. Vengurla. ~ ~ II H I L ~ I ~ ~, 711'0 ...... 1 2 18 16 1 15 _"·-1-1~ 4 •.• ... :::\--6-1·-6·1--4o_._7oo-ll-1

Totill ... s.991·9 ~ 9 9 18 119 146 9 187 146 88 1 1 Divisional Total for lOS~ ...: 24,986·00 4,842,428 ;i-:- -:-!:-;;,-;;-;;; - .. -;;1-:- 854 1---;-1--;--; 64-61 ---~~------~--~------~----~~------~----~~~ 19 STATEMENT No. I (b)-conciu.ded.

I 1 ! ] I

SIND I 16, TIIJ.uka Local Board, Gbor6.biri ••• 1169 ... ,~·0 16(; Do. Jatl •.• 1,476 1::::1 ~ :: :: ~ : ~= Jt: l ~ ::: l: : 1 ... , 166 Do. Kart\ahi •.• 1,67"1 8'1,91 1 ••• ••• l 8 151 16 1 16 ~.. 16 ' lhl-1 - 1671 Do. Kotrt ••• s .... 49.~ 1 ,,. ••• 5I 5I 19 18 II 1• ••• 18 ' 17·11 Do. Manih.nd .... 16.01141 ...... 1a 19161 16 ... 16' 17·8 l: Do. Mirpur B;: 11111 •ll,tNU1 ...... 1a 1916 116 ... 1a a 1 ...1 w-o . i thoro. Iii 170 Do. Mirpur SA.kro • 1.188 ~-~ 1 ...... 1 8 18 16 1 11 ... 16 ' 171 Do. Sbl\h Bunde.r..• 1,11B8 99890 1 ••• ••• 1 8 :w 18 1 16 ... 16 ' 1 179 Do. Suilt.wal .. . 969 87:9461 ...... 1a 1016 116 ... 16' 178 Do. Ta.tta .. . 1,1106 -~,',1,:.,M::I·-·1:.. __._ .. _ __ ·:..··-I--=-1 a 19 1& 1 16 ... 1& ' ... - 1 1 ~ -1-- ---1--i~-1---1---1---1-- Total ... 11,107 11&.!,606 10 ...... 11 !II . 1110 160 11 H8 ... 160 ti a 1 011·r 1---~----1- ---·--1---1------17, TIUuka Looal BoarcJ, Bydera.bad ... 11,94 1 ...... 1 a 16 1 16 ... 1a ' ...... 'lll-31 116 Do. Ba.la ... 99,600 1 ...... 1 8 16 1 16 ... 16 6 1 ... .f8·75 1 176 Do. TandoAllabyar 6},\J'JO 1 on ooo 1 8 1a 1 1a ... 16 a ...... 67·60 I! -ir 1'17 Do. B&diD •.. 81l,i!o01 ...... 18 16 1 16 ••• 16 C ... ,,, 67·tll -3l178 Do. Dero Mohobat. ..,..... 1 ...... 18 18 1 lli ••• 16 • ...... &·til .e: 170 Do. Guni ..• U7,919 1 ... uo 1 8 16 1 1li ••• 16 ,...... 1114·08 ~ 180 Do. Ta.ndo Ba10 .. . 67,9\:Ri 1 ••• ...... 1 8 18 1 16 ••• 16 6 1 •.• 61·~ -l--l--~- -~- TotrJ ... 1----1----1------...... _.6ii.L,i0d f ... ••• ' 91 Ill ' 106 ,, W 81 I __... 0~·61 181 Tatuka Local BoarcJ, IJakkur ... 9VO 68,1160 1 1 81116116 •• ta 6 llO·OO 189 Do. SblkAr:pur -••• 1107 'l8,419 1 1 81916116- 16 ... ,. .OS Do. Garhi Yt\ain ••• ~-~~ 1 1 81016116 ... 16 I 1lHJO ll r1:! Do. Bohr! · ... l,6t9 ~-~:::; 1 1 8 Ill 16 1 16 ... 16 8 I 61·'il 898 16 67'tl0 ::1~166 Do. Pa.no AkU ••• ''·~'7 1 -~ 1 81916116 •• 6 Do. Ghotki ·au ti,OlS 1 ... 1 811116116 ... 16 6 ... 6'1·07 "'= l186181 Do. Mi.rpur 1,60! 48,666 1 ...... 1 Blll16 116 •• 16 1 611•70 thelo. 188 :no. Ubauro u 'f 1 68•110 To,al ... 6.608 .:: .....,~-1--:::-~-::-:-1-.:..: ~ : 1: : 1: ... 6 1---f---1------1---" 189 T6.1uka Local Board. L4rkt\na. .. . ·~2 6UID1 ...... 1 a 1916 116 ... 11 ' ...... a·48 190 Do. La.bd&ria. ... - 76,667 1 ... _. 1 8 1i 16 1 16 ,,. 18 li ,., ... M·W • 191 Do. Ka.mba.r ••• ~ V9,0211 1 ...... 1 8 Ill 16 1 16 •• 16 6 ...... ••·oo 1111! Do. BA.todero ••• b2,49ti 1 ...... 1 • ]jJ 16 1 16 ... lJI 6 ... ••• tK·OQ .; 198 Do. Mirokban ••• -~.. 41,1114 1 ...... 11 8 19 16 1 1li ••• 16 " ... ..• 61'110 Do. Mehat • ••• .., os,oo1 1 woo ... a lY 1e 1 lli ... 16 e 1 ... oo·oo ~ Do. Wua.b 418 64-,'i't.iS 1 ... ••• 1 8 H 16 1 16 ... 18 a 1 ... tlH& .. ::196 Do.. Kaka.r ~ 48,4dl 1 ,,, ,,. 1 8 U 16 1 IIi ,,. liS C ... ,., biNlO 191 Do. Dlt.du ... 60,11Mi!lt ...... 181116 116,., 16 e •••••• '7Y·uo 198 Do. Johi 766 199 Do. Sehw'-n· ::: '~-1._111_9_· _, __:!_:~_ ..-td ::: :: ~ : ~ t: ~ l: :: ~ ~ ~ ::: :: :.:: ,. n f-:-aa - Toto! ... 1----1---·1-• 6,06'1 686,769 11 ------•• ... 1911 ua n 116 ... 1va 68 ' ... "''"" Tiluko Loca.l Boa.rd,lllll'llurkhola ... 416 87,858 1 ...... 1 0 12 1S 1 16 ... la 7 I ... "'10 Do. Jameaabacl ... 606 80,7<6 1 ••• ... 1 B 1i 16 1 16 ... 16 a g 61·"' Do. Digr! ... 8,!160 4ll,o.>8 1 ...... 1 a 10 16 1 16 ... u 6 1 "'1 •o·w Do. Slt.nghar ... 1!18 ss,m 1 ...... 1 s Ill 16 1 16 ... 16 6 ...... 70· Do. Uma.rko' .•• 1,4.69 89,6~ 1 ••• .... 1 a .lSI 16 1 16 ,.. 16 8 6 ... JH!·Hl Do. Ba.maro ••• 4.88 48,'i''TiJ 1 ••• ••• 1 a li 16 1 16 ••• 16 f 1 ... 6b·IIO Do. Khipro ... st.261 61•• CM0 1 ... -.... 1 a li 18 1 16 ... 111 41 ...... M·MI Do. Obl\.ohro ... Sl,'l9'1 61 914 1 .... ••• 1 a 1i 16 1 1& ... 16 D 5I ... IJH·'J& Do. lllilhl ... 1,6&1 <6,109 1 ...... 1 8 19 1a 1 16 ... 1a ' 1 •• 117"00 Do. Diplo ••• 1,603 96,2411 1 ... ••• 1 8 Iii 18 1 16 ... 10 • ...... 156116 Do. Nagar Pirkor... _1_,s_18__ __.._._7..S_ 1 ...... 1 a Ill 16 1 16 ... U ~---2, _:::_ 11"1-110 1 1 1 TotrJ ... u.661 ~.091 n ... 11 88 1811 178 11 186 ... na •! 16 1 "·118 -~ Tilluko Loco! Board, Bbobdaclpur ... 661 80.901 ------1 ...... 1 8 111 18 1 16 ... U 8 1 ... U ·fl7 Do. Sinjhoro ••• i76 ..a.~ 1 ...... 1 8 :U liS 1 16 ••• 1.8 8 ...... &v·l'fl Do. Na.wabahi-h ... 967 49.~'1 1 ...... 1 a IB 16 1 16 ... 18 • ...... 68·18 Do, 8akr011d ... 11011 811.416 1 ...... 1 8 19 18 1 16 ... 11 4 ...... 6!1·:111 Do. Moro -· f83 69,668 1 ••• ••• 1 B 19 16 1 16 ... 16 I ...... C'i'·U!I Do. Na.uab6.hro ... 4951 86,0&1 1 ••• ••• 1 a H 16 1 16 ... 16 •j 1 ... ~·7& Do. Kluullaro ... _,!"_ _!).814 1 ...... 1 ,_!. Ill 16 1 16 ... 1a 4 _:::_ ~ ~ Totr.l ... 8,888 .a7,1118 --r---J---t------7 ...... I V 11 N 110 f 1llll •• 1H !161 8 ... 110·811 Tilluka Loco! Boord. Jacobabo4 ... .a. 1 ...... 1 8 18111 1 16 ... 11 a 1 ... !111·11 Do. Tbol ... 497 151,n[;~661 1 ... ••• 1 I 12 16 1 I 16 ... 15 I I ...... &H·7& Do. Eaodhkot ... 1549 84, 1 ... -· I 8 19 IS 1 16 ,_ I 111 4 ••• •• 6ll'li Do. Kashmor ... 6d '1·~ 1 ••• ... 1 8 11 ttl 1 I 16 ... 1& 7 I •.. 4&·68 Do. ShAhdtldkcn ... 1 _.,.a_',e-l-::lllc:.C.'t-::l·-1=-i_:::_~ _1 ~ _10_ r.i 2c:116 _:::_ ~ a ...... 06·011 Total ... li,6B6 1116,991 6 - ... t 161 eo 110 ~ t6 •• 80 1'1 ' 84·68 ------~------Toto! for 111114 1911!1-IB ... 08,4011 1,1110,181 1111 _ ... eo 7a fOB 11M 80 j 1114 - IIU IIIII IG g M-17 ---1---1--1--1---- -~---1-- ·- 1114.117-(IE 17.846.0SO: 1--m• 6 i681-- 9,'186 B.6U 1114 !-8,1110 e I a,o~~J1_..._1-- 1.171 'II .a 66·&11 ... UII,061-411 lt,3611,1111IW 6 11M ll,7111 B.6U Ill i1,118 8 1,6111. 1M<' 18 67 6711ll 1 BkB 616-i STATEMENT

Statement showing the Income of the District Local Boarils in the

I L-LAND BBVBNUB VL-LOOAL I Serial Olo•iniJ No. Names of Diatriofl Local Boards balance of Stone, - la.at J'&U Revenue BonI Misaet. Saud Local land of Tol&l Looalll&to WaHr ra.t.a due~ andquarQ' Revenue la.o.eooa aa.nala reoeiJ»ts 1lsheriea

1 II 8 B lia &b lio 6 8 ; I I ' ' I I NOBTBIIlBN DIVISION Bo. Bo. B·a. Bs. Bo. Bs. Bo. Ba. Ba. 1 Ahmedabad ...... a. fB.l '19• ...:·· 8,078 ...... 8,0'18 1,81,06V ...... II K&lra ...... 1,'11,186 ······ 8,0'18 ...... 8,0'18 1,67,&9 ...... 8 6,0'16 Pauoh Mi.ha.la ...... 9,19,0S8t ...... 6,0'15 .... ~. ······· ... 4!1,1198 ...... 4 Broach ...... 48,ll85f .. ... 1,11015 ······ ... 1,!!06 U14,916 ...... a Sura.t ...... 1,88,48B ······ 17,845 ...... 5 1C 17.88{ 1,96,68'1 ...... 6 Tbaua ...... 11,08.708, ······ 18,1106 ...... IU9 ... 14,466 1,9S,SSO ...... Tolal ... Ili,04,80'1 ...... 41,189 ...... 61;i 1C -",700 9,67,6M ...... - :--- OlllNTBAL DIVISTON .. S,'JOO 9,98,299 AhmedDecar ...... 66,11116 ...... 8,700 ...... ' ···•·· ·~·.··-· .. 8 East Kbin4eah ...... B.S..69'1' ..,on 11,'183 ...... ,,;,' 11,788 8,96,618 8 West Kh6.ndesh ...... 1,48,44.9 ...... 6,9110 ...... ······ ... 6,890. lii,B7,li4...... 10 NAolk 6!1,1D6 ...... 8,U9 .... ~ 8,419. . '90,9'16 ...... ~·· . ... ······ 11 Poona ...... 1,04,941 ...... 111,456 .....• ... .,.. ' ... lll,i&~ S,07,4ll6 ...... lB Bat.t6.ra ...... 6,111.91i ...... 1.068 ...... , ... 1,068 . 4,20,876 ......

18 Sholl\DUI' 8,'19,700 9,9911 ~ 8,299 9,00,026 ...... ~·· ...... • ...... u Bomb&J" Suburbu Distlri.ot 1,419 60,845 ... 811,6&4 ...... 1,419· ~ ...... • . Total ... 16,U,06S ...... "61,559 ...... ··•·· 61,559 19,11,690 ...... SOUTBIIlBN DIVISION . l~ Delgaum ...... 11,24,981 ...... 1,625 ...... 1,6115 9,61,229 9,839 16 Btjapur ...... 6,96,749 ...... 99 ...... 99 11,81,087 ...... 1' DhllrwAr ...... 1,40,379 ...... 681 ...... 881 51,00,425 ...... 18 Kina.ra...... 89,661 ...... 10& 1,900 I...... ,, . ... 1,C04 m.sa• ...... 18 Ko16.ba ...... 1,4!1,441 ...... 9,080 ...... 9,080 1,19,819 ...... !10 BatnAglrl ...... 78,100 ...... 89 ...... ''"'!." .. . 89 67,8311 ...... - . - Tol&l ... 111,68.il68 ...... 10,940 1,981 ...... 151,9ill 9,88,i168 8.899

SIND DIVISION Karl.ohl ...... 8,851,8'11 ...... 6,690 ...... 89,804 ... 89,994 78.1110 ...... Hydera.b&d ...... 91,!174 ...... 5,1!88 ...... 811,11111 ... 88,9'19 86,689 ...... Bukkur ...... l,SS,'!IIJl ...... 19,1)86 ...... ll,

Tolal ... 18,6t,W8 ...... i6,907' _, .... 1,61,84.0 ... l,88,U'1 9,68,869 115 I GBAND TO!l'&L I'OB 1Dft.88 .. , 61,Vl,45U ...... 189,681 1,981 1,61,894 - u 9,9'1,4'10 47,66,814 8,86'1' GJWm TMJ.L I'OB 1981-81 ... 11,64,108 1.111111 1,64,S'l5 !1,6411 1,811,669 1D 8,4.0,999 .,.,98,488 1185

• La.at yea.r's ba.la.noe ls fnoreased by Bs. 4,'199 being transfer tlo' ba.leoe from investment. tLaat yeuo's oloatng balance vis., Bs. 9,90,881 is reduced by Ba.1,84' being the Ta.J.uka. Looal Board's t Laat year's balance ia reduced bY 911 on account or adjuamJ.en6B of accounts. f lnoreaae of Ba. 26,8i!B in last year' I ba.la.nce. , Bs. &llil added iD laat rears balance as per Aaoountant General's intimation. 'I 20 No. II.

Bomba;y Presi,dency during the year ending Blst March 1988.

XIL-bmiiUift ---,-----:~~-----.----.-----,..----..u---,1--l----.-----,-----,-~----- oontrlbu- ' tionlrom :1 I Govern• ~.1 ; I i ment ln Wheel Inigalion Looal Fund o 1 t Por Bdu .. Por Por lieu of one 'l'ax ceH ~~ on :; ... C Tolol oatlooU Medlt:~al Oaher Tolol anna oeaa I.... Mr rate~ :! I ,..,. purpoaH puruo... PUI'POIII ·~.::~~~· 9A I Db 9o ! I ~ ! 10 u 11 18


Bo. Bs. Bs. Bo. Bo. Bo. Do. Bo. Do. Bo. Da. Bo. 9,8llll S,OIK 1,8T,f88 IH1 1191' U 1,1106 789 8,149 t,n,m m ... ~., 6110 1,1111S t6 18,196 1168 1506 851 l,i18 l,UB l.E18,8h UB 188 8,11'11 8,86, 18,885 8.10.659 6111 a,aa 0.01111 10,0'18 9,788 s,os,~ ___._···-··---r--"-"·_-_ ___a,_~~~~~~_ ___a._llllll_ ------~----_,·----~---- 1 1 1 1 96,680 6,819 lO,OB,nB 8,181 &,&68 11,189 ------l----l---~l-----l------1----,------l------l-----l------;---~

$1,4.09 111,081 111,11111' f.l,Tia 7,508 1,6 uo

a,OIIi a.~ a.~ 8,498 8,105 8,415 8,mo 1,810 10,1ll6 888 a,ua 6,698

1,990 ' ... 601 11,800 18,101 9,618 19,6IH 6.1165 10 991 8,818 6,185 111,080 1f6 11111 1,088 • ·---~-·_•o_s_ ___.. _ ..._. __ __m_._"_9_1 ____~_, _____...___ :l---8,-t16-::---··_· ______w_.~ __ ~~--l-----~-·u_8 __ ___8,_111111 __ ~----•a_.::--~---~-·•_BB __ 1 1 1 1 1 9,159 ...... 1 ...... uo ... 1,78,880 ...... - 886 9,686 ...... ' 1. ... 1,48,6111' ...... 640 ~

15,651' OOIOU 000000 000000 000 00~ ... 1.16,0851 .. 0001 i44. 11,080 8,831 7,4'11 ...... •.• - •••... •.• ...... 84,868 sns 8158 188 a.aro 8,69'1 •...•• ...... • 1,11,010 815 ...... 1,891 l,Oid 1,10,11!11' 1,610 Ill' 11.1101 8,860

---·1----l---l----l------·-----l----l-----l-----+· --1----1----1 so,61o ...... 1.08,096 I 1111 ... 10,00.889 ll.aas 1,m uca u,aoa --1----1---1·---1·---,---:--· 1 ' 9,1165 i ea,ora ...... I 1&,61111 18,686 I 8,1188 148 89,788 ...... 1,1181 1,1111 II !1,190 fS.(

~ I ...... 1,60.0111' ...... ,698 1,'189 I ...... 1.81,486 91 10 l,fOI

n,ftil 148 ...... -...... ~~- ... 9,7MV6 18,lll1 1111 Sl,llllf 6W~I ____1._ti_,89'1_-l---148_i-·c:-~..:'6i8..:.;_-J---I-8_ __._1._08:-,0116=-I 8,689 --"'--ii---:50::-,IB,:::--C::-IIII:-I---Cii..:.:..,llllll....:....-/,-....:....8,_881_1---llll-:-.aBO-:-·!--I-:,6-',_'w_1 1.f8,88S ms !19.11611 ,,698 1 l.WJIIIB I svo ... 110,10,489 IB.8oU 8,84j8 vv,!IIOII I,U,... f

.&:duoati.onlllSharea and. Be. 1 added as per TreaauQ' Otllcer"1leher. 8 STATEMENT

~ XVII.-POLIOB ....~- ~ 8 e:rlal llomoa ol Dlltrln Looal Baarda .. Beaelpll Public j No. under oonve:v- l Orlmlnol I Oa.ttle anaetund Deposita ' TaW " !fi'&IJDBoBI and other i... Aol ltema &! ~ g I 16 IS 17 17<1 'I 18 L Ba. Bs. NOBTBEBN lJmBION Ba. Ba. Ba. 1 Ahmodoboct ...... - ...... 8,i'l8 ...... ······· 8,678 B Kolra ...... 8,168 .1 004000 U70 - .. . 8 P&~~oh Mab.Ua ...... 10,481 4 ····~· 10,~ -~ B!oooh X .. ... 9,899 9 ....•. 2,908 ' • - .• . 6 Burot - ...... 19,296 "16 ...... 151,819" 8 ; Tha.na ...... 10,297 700 ...... u,oos ~----·-·-- --·--~ -- .· . Total ...... 511,821 8116 . ooono 6li,M7 -- .. - - ,. .

CENTRAL DmBION . ' 7 A.hmodnlll!ar ... y• ...... 14,188 ·····•· ...... 14,188 8 Eoal Khd.n4osh 40,!U8 . - ...... 88,'151) 1,4911 ...... 9 Wea' XhBndeah ...... 86,,78 70 ...... 86,648 10 NAalk ...... 116,078 971 ,115,84.'1 . I ··~··· u Paona ...... 20,1140 1,869 ....- .. !1!!,!!0!1 ., . 19 861ir~ ...... 9,8fi6. .a OOh"O 9,204 ··~ .. 18 Bhalllpur ...... li,09S . 799 ...... 19,826 ' -· Bamb117 Buburbou Dlslrlca ... . 9,898 847 . 9,680 t• ...... ' ......

Total..... ' 1,69,679 . 4,8S6 • ..... 1.. 68,916 ' ... . . • -- .• . SO'OTBEBN Dm&ION ' '

16 Belsa.um ... 8,988 fOil . 9,985...... ·~· ...... 16 Bij""ur ...... 8,747 ._...... •.• 8,747 lT lJMrwllr ...... ll,189 76 ...... 11,1169 18 Ki.nor" ...... 8,BSK ...... B,BU 19 Kolllbo ...... 8,840 699 ······ 8,969 90 Bolull&lrl ·- ...... 9,919- 107 ...... 8,019 - - -. ....__..;._ Total ...... 88,589 1,4.08 -...... 89,797 BlND DlVlBION B1 Kor4ohl ...... -· ... 9,1851 ...... 9,109 !Ill B:vderaba4 ...... 19... , ...... 19,4.4.7 B9 Bukkur ...... 11.11'18 76 U,95l . ' ······ u Lirkd.na ...... 16,!187 .26 ······ 16,899 96 Nawabahah ...... - ... B1,988 ...... !11,988 118 Thor omd Pirku ...... 29,896 9,1168 ······ 116,690 11 Upper Sind Frontier ...... f,Q'IO ...... f,9'10

Toto! ...... 1,0'1,8i0 8,466 l,U,ll76 ······ . - G:a&ND Toru. :.oB 198B-8S ...... 1168,6011 10.0116 ...... 868,1184 Gti!ID TOTAL :toB 1081-al ... 966,1117 I 8,8BB ...... 966,089 ' 9 21

---·---- . ------,,,-, XXl-EDUo.t.'ftOlf U-MIIDlou. " - ... -- Sohooll'eea ---- I - - I Income from Fees Boapttlal Kedial.Dee oontributd.on l"eeo contrlbatlon , oold I . eW.. in reapaa~ .... Sa.le-DJOOeetlB eM., tn reepee;~ , ,.' ~ !. 'rolal Dlapanaur by Ol.U I QQlDlDI ot Speoia.l ofPnmM'J' BeoeipU Buraeone !iaS oflD'¥ .. \meA\1 and SecondarY SchoolL l Soboole I Ia 01 l '~ 18 Ill Ill-Ill 81 81 B8 i Bib Bllb I I I .. ------· ------Bs., ' Bo, Bo. Ill. Ill. Ill. ' Ill. llo. Ill. ,. .. -. ' 600000 !,tN,tM l '" !I,S.,tN 511 .....• T ...... I 1.' ~ ...... ·r 9,8"1,916 B.B'I.ii8 ...... '""""n ',; 9'16 '1· 1,115,4116 1,115,!81 BrA ...... J -:·: ~; ·t !i!.'",MO !l,t&,n& . ' 1.11!18 1tlll ...... I ...... u ...... l',L;' :~~: r; 4,99,119 ••38.69S. D,«'r 'I !I,HII ...... jl ~ d I' 1,97,99f' f us 9,9t\488 681. ······ ....•• 11114 ...... ' ....J "'- - .. - --- • 18,89,181 -- - lB,S),Ml f,OIIl U,BIIO .• ...... 11114 ...... • ... l . .. ' ~ I .. r . -- - •.. . I ' • ! ' I I ' 1,145 4,l!D,4811 ,,.,,w !1,6f6 ...... ·.·1' I 1,61,6'l8 6,'191. ·r 7,4tl,IIBI - 8811 ...... ""'""' t;~ •• -· 11,78Y ;~ 8,0&,11'8_;: 8,111,11111 - 1m) ...... ,; ...... ,, ...... ' "' l,US •f·•i f,S9.84l A,BB,IIU' m ....• ...... l •11·.·r ' ' &.88.&16 6,88,616 1,1101! 8,96T 1,,...... ~ ...... ·~ ...... f.;:. ll\ .; 6,'1!1,108 8,78,461 ~ 1,8&1 I IIBr ...... ~...... ,-.r~t.¥...... !l,lli,lllO SJ,95J,801) ·8811 ...... ~ ·i (. J k 69.000' 69,0110 l,itl ...... f,&ll ...... _.,, ······ I .• ~· - - 116,80,91' 86,00,081 ~ ~ 1,861' B,IIM t,1118 ...... lii,UJ ··1 ,.,,:· ······ ' --' -'· -....u...... I _, - .. - - I -~ S,I!N 1.511.0'16 t,6!1,7011 fOl ...... l,t!l& ~- 4,76,4.06 •1.!7,881 :~ l,f!D ...... ,i ' --- ...... - ,, n - 8,490 6,61,101 6,11t,6111 !In ...... ·-:; -·- ' 71 !1,7c,IID7 !l,tf,IIIIIJ II,IIU ...... 9,66,11811 !1,116,111111 ' 1JIIIl ...... ' '•' f,IIB,OIO 4,88,861 1'·. til ...... ' 10.84S ; ...... j •,

-· 18,1168 ! -- !16,48,11116 16,851,788 - f,ll118 ...... - ...... I - . I. .. - - . - -· l -- --

.., : l,Dlf 1,18,6'll 1~0.685 ...... 6,!WII 1,1D,OGQ l,IIA,IIIID 11 6 ...... ' !1,17,1111 U11,788 1,661 ...... ~ . ) 8,811 ...... • '•' 81,480 !1,110,811 B,!I!UDl liN till ...... I " • ' 1,66,1'18 l,t!l,itt l.l68 +' 1'1,11N: i ...... ~· ...... I • ··-· . to,m 1,67,116( l,IIB.'IM 1,!11S ...... ' • -l ' • ' 800 I' 118,11811 118,11811 Alii ...... -. ' . ' . I , .---- ' I 1!1,116,4'18 8,011'1' ...... I,Of,OS1 11 ,II!I,4QII ., • • -··· I I ·ts= I - 1.58,5111 91,48,B!lll DII,IID,IICII !15,111111 8,IIN ••• ...... ! - • I 98,18,'11! t,IIIIO I.IG . I,IIN ...... r I -- ~ • Bl< H 616-8 10 · S'l'.A.TEMEN1'

XX..-MBDIOA.L-GOnCtl. - I Oontributlona Mlallellao.. o"" Na.m!"' ot Dlalrlct Lqoal Boards rial ,. ' Tolt,l 0• '·: ' ,, futloaa aud Finn Roceipla i ' I "' 1 .. g H 36 86 . 97 86 1111 .4(1 l -· t I ! I ! I NORTHERN DIVISION Ba I Ra. Ra. I ' RL Bo. Ba. Ba. ' 1 Abmo4a~ ...... 9,8811 51.1!01 fi,889 ·r .... ,,, Ill gg 5,tilll 2 Kalra ...... 4,{60 741 5,ll01 : ...... 1,1ff 1.174 6,8'16 8 Panch Mof>Mo 8,!11111 10,449 li.VH ...... 110 ...... !!0 14,0i8 ~ • Broaob ...... 7,810 " ~9,94:6 1!1'.9511 i .-..... liS 116 97,688 6 Bunt I ...... 11,678 885 U,8118 ...... 168 . . 168 14,614 s• Tb- t ...... 7.7110 1,0114 8.8'14 r .-..... 9.618 9,81S 19,467

~~ - : ·• Total ... 86,801 I:J6,UIS 71,846 ·i ...... 4.110 41:,UO · 80,«Q - . I l biiiNTBAL DIVIBION l '' i I Abme4Dagar ...... 8,888 488 . ~.006 ,...... 18 18 ll.Bll9 t '8 lllul Khilld.. b ...... 6,510 4'18 §,988 ! ...... 111'1 18'1 6,961 • w ..IKMildoab ...... 4,418 5,160 .••666 a,f.QS 88 8,676 18,619 i' 10 NU!k ...... 8,819 1,8Ul WI' I ...... • • 8,8911 11 Poona ...... 4,060 89!1 .••1151 I ...... 1M 24 10,184

u Jlillt.ra ...... 6,&89 . ~.185 J,7111 noooo 1 : ' ·1 . B.09S 18 Sbolinr ...... 6,1Hli ~.en jQ.,866 I •••••• _. l,SU. 1,811 lf,ld u Bomba¥ Sl'burb&a Dlelrlcl ... ' ... Ulll . IIIia 8,W '. ....•.. 11'18 9ll6 lQ,106 ; ' ' ~ .. i ' I - ! ToW ... 46,099 16.o!li 61,0/iS 8,499 s.OM 6.497 89,1'17 !


1.6 Belga.nm , ...... 8,668 649 .,106 ', ou... ~1 47 4,941 16 BlJapur 9,814. !!Ill 10,109 i l :i 11,860 ...... I ••~••• I , ·' lT Dhirwl\r , ...... 6,040 1,065 , ..~(NS ....- ... " ...... 'i ...... 8,046 18 Kl\uara ' ...... 6.808 1,9il9 • ' T.J!!O . ······ ~ 60 10,098 10 Kollb& ...... 8,6'10 910 . •• 480 ....•. 19 18 8,894 110 Bamf.tllri ...... 8,m 1,699 10,8110 ...... 86 86 11,160, ~ -- •. Tolol ... 38,160 6,856 44,009 n•••• '168 1156 611,sot

~ '

SIND DIVISION ; 21 Karaohl ...... 'l,MS 1519 1,860 ...... 116 00 8,6119 9'il Byderabad ...... 11.9811 89ll 11.0!18 ~ ..... 98 98 8,067 98 sukkur ...... 1,US 6,641 7.U64 ...... 9,698 ··~··· IN UrlWI• ... - 5,1186 ...... 19.767 !16,009 ...... ······ ······ !16.041 !16 Nawahabah ...... 7,f7f 819 7,'198 ...... lfO lfO D,lill 1111 Thar and fM'ka.r ...... 11,124 164 11 <..8 ...... 1 1 111.645 11'1 Upper 81Dd P'rootler ...... f.Bii6 l.CIOO 5.1166 ...... 18 18 8,1116 I ------I ToIIIII ... 1111.11111 liD.UUS 68,86i ...... 808 90S 7f:i,SB8 : ! GRAND TMAL ,.,B 19851-98 ... 1.119,566 811,918 !l,fMBII 8,!198 7,1118 ll,Ort I ' - Gtu.ND Tm.u. :.OB 1BB14 ... 1,11.809 111,111111 II,IIII.QII6 l,UB B.l80 f,llllll 1110 I I 3 11 22 No. :P:-conti~&ued. ------~------

l'llbUo llzblbltioD 0114 lroln

Botanteal and Beaelp'l on o•herPubllo Vetarlnarr SlaJliOD aoooon' of Garden Booei~IB looa Bsperlm•aMI 0\her Beoelpla Bone OaHle Cul~YaUon Jroln ..... Bsblbi.UoDI...... Takl .. 0 ttl --r- " Ba. Ba. Ba. Bo. Bl. Ba. Ba. Ra.


• !lfi ··•··· 9811 !1116



8110 160 ...... , 118 !H 668 ...... 11 ...... 1811 ...... 889 ...... 8811 ...... 8111 11-11 '

/ 1M 9,1186 160 / ...... 841 8111

1,0!10 ······ 1!10 ...... ····~- ······ '"'"' l,iU 118 Ill ol88 81 _,. ~····· ;,. ...•.

!1,1108 Ill .. ------


,. &,16!1 701 fDI 81111 8,611'1 1,1111'1 6U 1,060 lfl us w· ... 818 1,'1«8 f1 11,111111 11,111111 Ill I • __ ...... o!i .... 1G,IIIB 10,(81 !1,819 f,7t8 , !1,11911 15,'1110 ----;;----,---::::::- 10,0111 IO,a8 I !1,1!10 Mfll I 9,6!11 U,t60 Gf ______! --L------l ---·--- 12 1 • • STATEMENT ..

I '•' > 1 ur.;.:..,.80IIIlft'II'I0 .um OTBBD JIIlfOB ' ~~ UIL-B•- DaP.t.B~ mAID o• r--. 8UPBBANNU•'IJOK 8D'1'10NJIBY=-..,., ' ' . ' ·• ~ 00KPA&o ' IIONATB l'IWI""'G - ALLow.urOB • liaiB of old lllarlal llomoo of Dlalrlel Looal Boarda ,,,.' I No. Contribu· ' •• ., ·~·~ store• Otber .. ... 11 '. ! " ,,, and .. IUseeU.... dons Oontirib~·~ ToW;.;.~· , " ,, . AeGDI from Oon*rtbutto~iOr ,.( .. moleriala ..• ' ',... ' .'.. ' ' .. ,tloD,a .. J Press ,, . ' > Govemment Pensions or Beeeipls Gr•miUea

liS M l ·'I '' 48 • 48 10 61 6ll ·~to " ·-- '·" I Bo. lfOBTBIIIBH DIVIBIOH Bo. Bo. Bo. Ba. Bo. Bo. ., ·}I . ' , •• 1 ... ~l 8,'1'16 5,1'16 •"' ...... ~ 1 Ahmadobocl...... ll'l I1U ' ...... !HI. l.llll!l 51,014. 68 ll Kalro ...... N1 ' ...... "'"'.' ······ g 1,411'1 II,Bil8 ...... • Panah Hahals ...... 16 m ...... Broooh ...... 419 I1U 8,860 t,OIII. I ...... 16 ' ~ 6 Barat ...... ' ... 711 !HI IJ8ll 9,081 ...... 6 Tbana ...... g l.CNI no 1,a· ... ~ .. )o,./\' ······ lli6

~ 868 Total ... 1,110 II,WI U,69'1 lf,f(ll oooo.w .. ,._ - ..... - .. --- -· .. I . ' OBHTBAL DlVIBlOH Ahmodoocor . :u !HI...... 1,80& ...... 16 ...... ' ' &8 I EuiKhUideoh ...... -······ !HI .1.716 ~ ...... i)u~ .. I ... g W•tKb.n4elb ' ...... no . INI. 1,"8 II,Ul .. 1 -·-·· "" .· ······ 10 Hulk .. IIU ' IIOil 76'1 •...... t:.·lf ...... 188 ...... -·- .. ' n Poona ...... 761. ... !Ill 1,1C8...... tt ...... ouooo IIU. 18 .liM ' 1,666 ...... !n;l ...... ' ... ·- ·····• II lhoi&Dur i 81 888 .4.781 1,8111 . . P.· H . 48 ...... ,...... u Bombor BuburbM> Dlatrlol ...... ' ...... ~!I-' ...... -·-· . . ·-- .. .. ' Total ... 1115 II,IJQ- 8,186 -.11,191 I ...... -- - - ...... +~ llfi8 .. I,,; .. ~- .. ,. . .. '· . ------.. ---·· . : : '

SOOTBmBH DIVISION , 16 Bllaaum 10 IN1 780 II,OU ... ' ······ '"'·'" . ··r-·· 116· 18 .. ·- ·- llllot~ur ...... 4lf 1.800 ,., ..~ ... Ill .. ~·'" ······ If Db...... , ... ; IKJ. . 1.190 l,lld ...... :"~'.I ...... lB Kanan ...... 8 l,Ul ... lllO 1,11911 ...... 81 ""' . 19 Kol•ba ...... lB 1,1116 .. 66 1,1l89 ...... ~ ~ .J. ... g 110 BohiOCirl ...... 6 'In 160 IHY ...... ··-· ...... 8 .

Total ... 48 4.057· . 8,685 10,'118 ...... l'fJ;,I,- ...... ' 191 . --


81 ·l[~hl 196 1,111 .. J..HII 0,8415 •. _ ~ ...... ····· ...... ,, ' ...... ~ .. 81 BJo .. IN ...... If l.GIIII ,,080 6.llfi8 ...... n 1m 1111 Ho-blboh ' 1,018 . 1,8811 .. "'' ...... • ...... 1~-- ' ...... ··-- 816 118 TbuODdPorllot 481 8.011& t\' ...... 1.1811 ...... i'.l l liB6 'II Uppor IIIDd l'toD.Sor ...... 1,'11111 1100 li.BII ...... I • " ...... "''

;, ~ " Total· 768 41,010 ... 10.11111 li.U5 ...... '\ ~--: ·-H - ...... IN9 • GtWID Toooor. liOIIl 1SIIa.all 11.01& lUll 111,11111 ,! ... , 8S.Ifl ...... ·l·~·. .. I ...... l.f&f I ' "'

GIWO> Tooor. - 11181... 11,1100 a.M1 u~~oa I~ 1' ! ...... '' •I '! 1,8116 -·I - ~···· 23 r 18 f No. II-contimud. :u:v.-HDom.LARaOn -.-- Bale of ContrlbuUou Naaul Ben, of Amoun' of ·esobeated.) BentofNuol Otht'f Wl>h· OonVl· Po• Pbalnt boildinga (eeobeated) onder•••• Dlth'lot Jl4lll. Oubre- 4rawall butione from refunded ':rotial Looal OWD81'8 of aotoad and lauds butldlaga Prom Other Prtaon1 oeUeeoua oonrJ.ea from bJ GOVel'll· (Sale of and.landa Oonariba· Aol Board Beoolpll depotlta oar• and ment Government ti.OD.I IOoDdo lorrl.. seourltr . lnMr•••oa booda) lnvuUD.en• 6ll M - &T 118 11114 1111 80 11011 Sib IIOo 1104 aoo Bo. Bo. lltl. Bs. Bo. ;R.I. Bo. Bo. Bl. a .. Bo. a .. Bl. ······ &,4011 8,699 8,680 ...... I -· 1,01& 8111 I,IO,ISJ...... IB,INI .•...• Ill 106 8,990 ... llllf . • ...... 88 8f 6.881 ...... 1,8411" a& ······ ...... 11,0411 I 17 11,8011 11110 nU"" 6.610 ...... 11111 ...... 1,&811 ...... I Mllli ...... 1,000 1.&06 81f ...... &.fBII ...... 11!6 9,7&0 ...... 1,189 8,11110 U,INB ...... I- . - .....• 8,5t9 6,1101 81,806 ...... ·- 1,814 lll.lllll 8,11&,1111 ...... 1111,&6& - - -

...... 1,IWO 1.886 4,'1811 ...... 1,C5J ...... ······ 1'18 1188 &,l'lll ...... • 18,8011 &&0 ...... 88,8811 ...... 1 &.11118 ...... &11 ·.w ...... 110 1118 6,&11& f.761 w 11,1110 .•... IIIII) ...... •····· ... -· ...... ····•· ...... S0.&88 ...... f,llllf l.ll,&Bf ...... e.ou ...... 8118 ...... &B 7,11&& ...... 1&8 ...... B,IIY . . ······ 8,11)0 _... noooo ...... f,18& ......

...... 1,1i811 1,79&· 811,881 ...... 7,m 118.080 !IB,o&S ...... 41,1'18 -~ . . . Ill) 8,7GO ...... 8 ...... 8,&118 ... 1" ...... 11,111111 ...... ' 811 6,8'11 ...... - 1,1110 aae 81111 ...... ·-··· ...... 10.481 ...... 81111 81 ...... ,...... 81 6,0611 ...... ll8lo 1n ...... " ...... 81 8,710 ...... 11.81111 ... ·- ...... " 8,11111 11,018 ...... • ...... -· .. . " .. -·- ...... -- Bl 8&,11&15 lf,fll lUll 1.111111 , _. .•..... m -··· ... - ...... 11,&1111

81 8,1111'l B.Ull5 1110 11.11'0 ...... ·-··· ...... - -··· ...... Ill _ ...... -· ·- 1.11111' - ... -- ...... 8,91)1) 4811 ...... _ 8 11f ... 11111 - ...... _ . . - ...... 88f r,llll 18,115 ...... ll,&fl ... ·- ...... -··· ···- au 1,010 1181 ... .. u ...... -· ...- -·- ...... 1186 &,'190 ...... llO 818 ...... _ ...... --- ...... • 8,111'0 ...... - • lllD - ...... -... ···- ...... ,... 1,811 ...... - ··-· . - I - - ·-·- 8,18f 8.11ll1 1Jif,BI&- - - ~ 41,1~' ..., ..., -- -- f&.OIO 11,1161 lii.TII 1.111 .... -ll,lll.l 18,8111 f,lfl 1,111 INO 61.1111 .... - -l ... Bk B lilt-' • .14 STATEMENT --.- XXX. UV.-Hiaom.L.lliBO'O'I XX.VI.-B.I.ILW.&'I'B huuGATlON' ...... w MINOB WORKS £MD ------NAVIGA'rlON ru.J Bent; of NUDtl of Dlltrlot LoauJ. Boa.rdl Dlsftiotl Loaa.l ...... Gross Deduce- Net Boud l.a.d1 Tolal W01·ktng Receipts Tolls on Sale BeceipU Ezpensel Loca.fCa-nal ]'lrooeeda of receipts Ferries and t.Dveaamenta. Boads

6ll 68 64 66' 66 1 !I 1»1 61 . . ' JIORTBBRN DIVISION Ill. Bo. 'Ba, Ro. Rs, Bo. Ra. 68,636 1 Ahme4obe4 ...... 8,63.86'1 ...... !I K&lra f.4411 ...... ·~ ...... ······ '. ' ...... 1,51110 8 Panob K&hU1 ...... ~.•sa ...... -···· Broaa.b .. ... ·...... lO,JIKJ. ······...... noOOo 6,4SO • 8,186 0 Sara• ...... ' 18,5h ...... ······ ...... !17,9G6 ...... 1,98,691 e The• -...... ·····• ...... Tolol 4:,18,946 ...... ~.8'1.958 ~· ...... ······ I .

OBNTBAL DlVlB!ON ' Abmodn.,u ...... 7,11116 ...... ······ 81,1!10 8 But Ebe4eob ...... •····· 118,988 ...... 66,970 9 Weat Khudeah ...... 8.26!1 •····· ...... 9.889" 10 N..U. 17,0811 ...... ,...... 21,811 ·- ...... ······ .. .. 11 Poon• ...... 7'1,859 ...... ,. 11,'180 18 SaRr• - ...... 8,8'11 ...... 115,168 11 Bbol•pur ...... l!I,IKT ...... ······ ...... !!9,08'1 u BombQ Suburbt.D Dlalrlot ...... ' 8,87, ...... l'l,Oi6 . -----. Tolo.l ...... 1.08,8150 ...... 9,01,800 . - ,~-

BOUTBBBN DlVIBlOM Beltaum 16 ...... ' 9,'1'19 ...... ~...... 58,006 BUapar If ...... 7,1189 ...... t9!793 -· -· .. .. 17 lib...... 10,98f ...... 53,006 - -· .. "·""' 18 K...... ,. ... 6.60f ...... -··· ...... ' S'/,618 19 Kollobe ...... 11!,111f ...... ~r 18,890 110 Bom•llrl ...... 1!,867 ...... j],i99

Tolol ...... IIS,Bi.Y ...... : 2,46,'160

BIND DlVIBlON I Kuoehl 11 ...... - ...... 17,164 ...... ,;, ...... !1'1,080 Br4onbo4 ...... 1,61f ...... _ • - - ...... 9,1!98 Bllkkur ... 7,8VI5 .. -· ...... BUBO H Lulwl• ...... !18,64f - "' ...... 511.... !ill N•wablb•b ... _ - - "' 7,111& ...... 9,£66 !ill ·TbNIIII4Parkor ······ ...... 1,11!0 1'1 Uppor &lad hoM!u ...... I!.&Tf ...... /fJIJ - Tolol ...... G8,918 ...... 1.99,5'17 - OJWCD Toou. I'Oa 1-,...... f£,890 ...... -.... f,IS6,690

OJWIJ> Too.lL lPOB 11111·· l,fO,llll8 I 8,<11,810 ...... <0 - ...... 8,68,5!10 I

• 24 15 ,,• No. n-continited. ------~ ------· -·- - XXXL-OnrJL WoBU -- - Ju. Cbar1e ol OlvU Ofllcera - Sale of build· Rani of ' Sale- Oontribu- iu.sa a.nd o•ber' Sale of aflorea Borol Miaoella-. tJODI buildings and property and Sflaa:lnl »roceelb from Other I l.uda ~o,her Bungalow (rui-houaa) neouae4 Governmeo.• [other th.u. maHrl.t. of treea, oontrtbu· 'l'o\U ' lha.n asul Nazul , fee a •••• .,..... w. Befulld.a forOhU \iooa I {eaob.ea.Sed}] (81oheaied)] Woru 11'1 68 I 811 ttl n ft I I '6 ·- " " L~--- Ba. ~- Bo. Bo. Bo. a •. a .. Bo. llo. I Bo. Ill. 17,110 . I 89'1 106 1,11\lD 9 ······ 1.61111 ll,li!N &,683 l.~.Gal U1 .,....• , 88 ....u 68 I ...... 1,lllll 110,!1611 I 18,818 ,,,IIIII '9 ...... lOll 18.1100 i II..U 11:1.!<11 I 1iil 860 ee 188 7!1 1,088 8<,!1, i Mllf •D.BIIII ······ I 1,49& u 108 ].065 1,SIK s,ns 81,1181 18,1lll) ...... I ao,1n 811 ...... SOB ...... 1111'1 ...... tUM I llll,9111 i,08,6ll8 ······ I_ . --- 19,1Q 1,081 Sl,9'lli 1,668 1,088 '1,741 1,81,868 ,,,.,068 670] ,..• . ----I I I • ······ ···-··· 10 507 ...... l.IID.aot il),488 11.a•.•ao 560 S05 . 7111 911- ...... 1,0811 I'll 11,m 11.000 liO,f111 687 ...... g ······ ...... 10,070 11.6110 ...... 1111.1111 811 ...... 1611 1148 ...... IIIII 51>f 18,810 l,Ofll 81.<11 l,'lSt T.500· 1011 116 ' 1,,86 &.filii 88,811'1 115 GII,IBO _...... !11 !1'1 ...... 6,1103 1.1108 Yt,64D 810 1.01!,07'1 1,514 B.S.D 13 -til 8 IIOil 1118 18.918 a,m '11.6111 1,7'17 ...... BiiO ...... 1,1911 110,8118 1,878 63,1411 - - 1,068 16,65i 1,109 1,0511 18 10.117 1!.11811 ••••• Bl,fO U0,1!l8


1,117 & 151 ...... fB 11811 810 tlit,81.5 11M 1,06,411 I 1116 ...... 28 111 ...... 700 16,11110 MD fU,&68 1Sil on,., 1'4 ...... 10,118 11,ll88 8'1,100 8,111111 I,DII,ll16 668 ...... il8 ·•···· 11 tl88 ...... 48,000 8118 11!.681 U8 .... 101 ...... -8,118 '4,1101 91,918 81,6111 --toil 68 61111 ...... 1.H8 1&,11110 1,111111 fO,II&.I II.Bl7 6t l,OfO !18 68 11.188 1.7011 11.88.8611 11',11111 &,911,7111 -

8,!88 ,,...... 1S5 ...... '68 18,91111 GO ~~~~- liM ...... Ill 1,&150"' ...... 1,006 l.liOII 18,lilil ...... llll,M fl! ...... 1!8 ll88 ·-"· 11.1811 U8 116,8H ...... fB,illt II, IIIII Ill 611 ...... l,ililli •••1111 ••• t.OOO 1.01.&118 0 .... 119 fl! 118 fM 811 tll,fN !lll.flll

Tolo.l lnoome Berial Village Nam• or Dt1lrlot Looal Bor.rdl lnoharge esoludioa Deposita o.. h Iuvesfl. Pro'I'!- llo. ot Pabllo opeol.na dent water To\a! Works Total Loan• o.nd ... mentiD BUPIJIJ" balance Advanoea• ooveriea Bauk Fund Oflloen ......

1 I '18 19 . 80 81 8lG 81& 8le 814 8!1 - ' " I NOBTBIIBN DIVlBION Bo. Bo, Bo, Bo, Ba. Bo. Ba. Ba.· Ba. Ba. 1 1,Qi,l583 8,&1,1118 8'1,101 ...... 67,1011 Ahmeclabo4 - ...... • ... I Kolra ...... ·- {{,661 6,trii,BB ... lii,Of4 ...... 16,{61 8,0.,1415 {,1117 91,1108 16,{011 ··~ l,U,6U 8· Pooh Mahat. ... - ... .• •., ...... ' Broooh ...... tv,Mil 11,61,168 ... lii,U,i96 ...... ······ 9,95,996 & lurat ...... &6,177 '1.'11.«»6 ... 111,061 ...... ······ IU,061 8 Tho.no - ...... 1.08,8&8 7,11),111' ... 1,81,116 ...... 11,81,116 ToW ...... 4,'19,CWI8 40.()i,80ll {,1117 .8,81,6&7 ... 16,{011 '-9117 6.85,6'10 -- -···

OBNTRAL DIVISION . ' AbmodDIWIU' ...... ll.llll,W 10,119,087 ... 1,'11,(511 ... 4,il.,72'1 ... - ...... 6,118,179 8 BodKbqdeoh ...... 11.'16 81,8111l 18,611,!1'/1 ... 1,81,6{5 .. . 6{,3811 ... ' ,4,069 11,89,996 Bll,11m 6,80,'BQ 9 WeatRbaaduh..• ...... lt,BIS ...... ' .... _' BUlB 10 Noolk ...... 61,{17 7,06,11911 ... 19,76'1 ...... "4,'11'1 i4.,4.7'4 11 Poon• ...... 112,680 10,07,101 ... 1,4.9,'1'59 ...... 16,186 ...... 11,76,1l4t II Saara ...... l,fiJ,f111 '111,{8,8119 ... 4'l,Si8 ...... ·····• {7,896 18 Sboll.pat ...... '19,1!811 6,110,6118 ... 1,81,441 ...... 1,91,(49 I u Bam bar Buburban Dlatrlot ... ·- &B,UB 11.06.90'1 ...... 1,14,449 ...... 1,1C,4t9

Toni ... 15&6 1,10,68{ 88,80,28'1' ... 8,98,09t ... 4,78,109 1,40,697 8,'166 15,i1,81li . I - '


u &eleao.m ...... 1,06,410 8,6{,986 ... 1&,716 ...... ll,191 ...... 68,11U 18 BU•vur ...... '19,61111 8,8!1,118 ... 87,198 ...... 6'1,996 If Dharwu 1,06,1'75 88,11{{ ...... 10,16,096 ... " ...... 88,1U 18 Bauara ...... 8'1,681 4£,eJ.D ... 1'1,966 .. - ...... 1'1,1166 II Kolaba ...... 81,819 8.08,911 ... IU,'I09 ...... 76,0{8 110 Doluotlll .... . f0,861 f,051,QN 118,686 ...... I ~.::~ ...... 118,686

ToW ... ll,iii,TIIII {8,1!11,0119 ... 1,68,95J8 811,580 ...... , I ...... 8,16,858 ,. . BIND DlV181011

91 Kora.obl ...... 111.6811 4.06,18T J&.~ ...... 76,008 B:rderoba4 ...... 116,'198 8,18,880 !16,619 " - ...... 7.006 ...... aa:61a Ill I uttar ...... 'IB.iN 4,811,8&8 ... {,Ill& .... 8,{89 - - ...... 10,'161; Llorku.a ...... 1,01,&68 8,tt,68t 1111.617 .. ·- ...... 88,617 116 Nnablhoh ...... {9,&611 1.1111.01!11 11911 16,1195 ·- ...... l&.'T56 18 Tharud~ku: ...... 111.00{ {,68,11)1 1198 1,09,6{8 - ...... l,oi,lltB ~- 811141'ror1Uor ...... 118.&60 ll,lll,BIY " ... '·C;IS ...... ,,616 ...... 11,101 - Tolol ... 8,811,at II,,{,Uf 816 ,,11,6118 ...... 18,081 ~.807 ·- I ••·•·.· •. Ga.wo~&~.Woal- ... 11118 11.01,11111 1,118,111!,1. l,ltl!i . 111,111,6611 .. ••91.6111 1 11,!16,681 8,fll6 19,88,T46

o... o ~... - 1111.. ... ll,llll,m 1,110,U,Q fS.~!I) ... 1.1181 ao.ou 118.116,{10 I ·~·-- 110.&1111 ... •lnolu.dt!lll 81. 6,1Bl 011. aoooant of GoYerDmat Gnnt tor ooa. 17 25 No. TI-concluded.

II lDoldence ot Total reeeipta 'l'otall'eoelpta lnaidenoe or Income (e:r.clud· exaludtng azaiton per lncludlog head of 1 1n1 balaneeo) Remark• opening ba.lanae openlns balance population per bead of 1l · JlOpW.U.oa. I 88 I 88 ------I -----~------Bs. Bs. I B8. a.)). Bl. a. p. I 10,19,060 18,9'1,11!111 0 410 1 8 8 .,' 6,65,684 8,9'1,8811 0 4, & 1 0 0 I 4,15,889 i 6,84,917 I' 0 1 I> 0 111 0 I 7.86,46f 8,119,'19D ' 01010 II 0 I ' : I I 7,111),M6 ' 9,88,!1117 0 611 1 8 0 I 10,U,380 I 11,15,«aa I 0 4 8 1 0 6 I I - I 46,88,l!'lll 68,93,0'19 0 4U 1 9 9 I I I ' ----,. I : I I I 16,8i,218 i 16,97,441 .I 0 5 II 1 ll 1 16,051,966 18,87,568 I ! 0 8 6 1 I 9 6,96,1051 I 8,48,751. 0 6 9 011 7 7,81,166 j 7,86,191 0 1U 018 ll lll,88,0t8 18,8'1,11811 0 4 0 1 I a· I . lli,UB,716 19,16,0!1'1 0 8 8 1 II 8 ! 11.48.140 lll,lf,IIOO I 0 8 9 011 6 8.!11,8411 8,64,008 on 0 II II 0 I ' Bt,01,009 l,OO,t6,966 I 0 I II 1 - I I - I • . I 'l I

9,01,899 U,!il6,sm 0 • 8 014 0 9,00,119 15,86,866 0 '10 1 1 I 10,98,888 151,88,717 I 0 8 ' 1 II t,'l9,585 1,19,946 I 0 9U 'II I' 1 ' 5,'19,969 7,9!1,718 0 8 ' 018 D 7',516,740 • 7.1111,849 0 I B 0 D 0

~.84,962 51iMB,910 0 8 8 014 8

. I I 4,79,1f0 7,19,tNJ. 0 I B i 110 8.00.4f11 •.a,f'li8 0 I 8 0 D f I ,,48,11' 11,78,1186 i 0 I 7 01411 9,1B.t61 1A,U8,401 i 0 fll 1 I I f,lf,EG'f I!,BD,IlO 0 • •1a 8 : 8.78,847 8,81,1118 I 0 '8 8 1 o a : I 0 11,99,4118 ..U.Il08 I 0 ' ' I 8 I 116.84.'161 !111,49.01! I 0 an 011 g. -- I 11,18,611,880 ·I 11,811.81,801 ' 0 I ' 8

i 11,1 '.111,011 ' 11,611,60,181 0 c 8 • i ' ~ t BMed OD 'he Aoal oeuu et:ura for liiL Ilk H 615-6 18 ·sTATEMENT • Statement showing the Expenditure of the District Local Board! . 8.-LA.ND 8.-LOOAL I t.-BIIII!'UNDB AND DBAWBAOKB BIIIVENUIII BATES I I I . 1---·- ·-~----- I I Olollnl ba.lance 1'l'oW receipts I tilrial 1 Aasessmenfl on No. Nama ol Dlnriot Loord Boardl of last 1ear du~.!rthe I Expenses on Disu-iofl LooaJ oolleoti.on Local raM IOtherBevenue Board llUld& refunds Total of cess, La.w . i retuads and and Juatiioe miscellaneous j I I 8 9 ' 1 g 8 I a 6 ' I . ----.' - ---- .. . . -·------. - I Ba. Ba. a .. Bo. Ba. Ba. Ba. NOBTBIIIBH DmBIOH · 'I I 1 Ah modobad ... 9,'18.1!81 10,19,0110 ...... I ...... •••'198 ······ 1 I 8,'r8,l'JO• I ! 1,'191 ...... g K alre ...... l,fll.l86* 6,65.684 l,f91 ...... I •..... 8 p u.oh llahil1 .•...... 9,18,08P 4,16.889 ...... I ...... ······ f,88,4N 4'18 •vs ...... • Broooh ...... a.•• ...... I I 8 ar•t ...... 1,118,48110 '1,09,651 ······ _9,848 S,atS I ...... ·····• a T hlna ...... •.. !1,08,'1'011• lO,U.SBO ...... S8S S8S ·•···· . ' ...... I Total ... 11,0.,80'1 .6.88,!1'111 ·1,'191 8,8!9 6.600 ...... ······ I

OIIINTBAL DmSION (78 ' l Ah mt4naaar ... -· ... lla,fil 16.8!1,1116 ...... "8 ...... g Ill aoiKhilldllh ...... i,N.GIIf 18,01,866 9,6113 1.1118 10,881 . ······ ...... 8 west KhlD4tlh ...... 1,'8,4G 8,95,809 ••iiBB ...... ' 4,i188 •..•.. -•oodo 4 NUllt: ...... IU,WII 7,81.1116 1,791' ...... 1,'191 .....• ..... a Poona ...... 1,0.,941 . 11,88,0..9 6,1S'l ·17,809 98,466 ...... • -··· ..

t B 6,!11,9151 18,98.'l1li 10,605 10,606 _ ...... ·•···· ' '"'"' ...... 1 BholApur ...... 8,1!1,'160 8,49,140 118,808 ...... i9,808 ,...... _ ...... 8 B omba7 Suburban Dllk'let ...... B!I,GH 118 ·as ......

18,4f,068 Total ... SC,Ol,d fiG,VBB 18.48V 76,996 ...... uoooo

--1 . ------·-

SOUTBIIIBH DIVIBIOH 1 Betaaum ...... !I,N,981 8,01,89Q 18S 48 i8!l ······ ...... 11 B ij6pur ... 8,86,748 11.00,118 !1,111111 11.50!1 ...... ··•··· I ...... ······ ~ Dhlnrlr ...... 1,.0,1119 lo,ll8,898 1114 !1611 '18 l ...... 4 K iaara ...... 911,681 4,'l9.586 ...... I 86 ..... ······ I a K ol6ba ...... us.... IS.79,i69 1,0'14. .•.... 1.0'14 f ······...... a B IIDlllrl ...... 'IBJOO 7,9&.749 SB,484 68'1 !10,0111 I ......

Tolal ... .ut,IJ8,9158 48,8t,8651 11'1,808 SB,(()II I 898 86" ······ I

I SIND DIVISION 1 IK art.obi ...... I.B!I,m f,to,l'IO ••0611 •••'10 8,15i6 ...... • onbad I i B>d ...... lll.S'I. II,G0,'19 ...... '18 ...... I 8 ukkur ... "" ... 1,88,i111 ..d,llj 1,481 1M 8,816 ...... lr.lD• . 11,111,8111 ' Iu...... a.aa.on 11011 .69,119 118,686 I 1 ...... I 8 N awablht.h ... 1.16,Sl8 i ...... 4,14,., 811 ...... 811 ...... tITbor~o~~dP&rtor ...... 1.69,8111 6,96,607 lSI 6S1 808 ...... , u pper Sto4 Prou\ler ... 1,1D,411ll ... !I,S!I,.SO llN ...... llN ...... Tolal ... 18,84.01111 I 1111,60,,114 1 7,1169 '14,11114 88,6911 76 ...... I -; GRAND T~A.L 1'08 1WI:II-8B , . --·I ... M.n,4lll 1.18,69,88Q IIB.VGI ' - 119 ...... I I ' I -~~~::_1 i 0~ Ton.L 1'08 188141 I ... 11,64,1011 i,lf,Ol.(JIIII I I,IIB,&OI IN I I !1,8!1,451; '1911 I I - I I I I • For UPtaoa"-ao triM eolama 8 of Sta&em I 26 19

No. lli• .in the Botnbay Presidency during the year ending Blst Marek 198!J.

- ; ·-- 19.-INTEBEST 19.-A.DHINISTRATION ------i Interest on Loa.ua Genar&l Batabllahmeofll of Loo.t Funda i ID.-loAW

-- -·--- - ~------AND ------: JUST10!1 I Oftloe i Po,...enl or I I i -ooon.T& · On Oon- i Bab.bltah- ~ Tl'avelllna Tr&n\Unll OF l.oAW Tot&! Oftloo Oil account Other Clngenaiu , menta for t Oe~Voi es• ~lowanao a~~o...... acooUDt of of Ilema llalobllah· gnotuding , Otlloea of : bllllhmen' for lor Tot&! I last :rear ourrent menb liafdonerv · A.coauolll, I eakbUab- Looallloanl I year looall:r · Oonln'ol and ~ monl members , purohued) A.udU: 1 . 10 u I IS IS It 16 18 16(G) I If 18 10 110 Bo. BB. Bo. Ba. Ba. Bo. Be. I Be. Be. Bo. I a.. n.. I !li,O'IV C,Olf 180 11,006 I ~-···· •..... I ...... I 111.1118 ·-··· ······ ······ , I I, fat I fat lll,l!H 8,019 ...... IIIII 1.'1118 lf,!MK • ······ I ······ i ...... 11,068 11,9!1!1 ...... , ...... l8f 1,11110 111,8111 --·· I I • ·-··· ...... I ··•··· ...... 17,9&9 7,75B ...... 1,ru S.SIIi 110,810 -··· ...... I 11188 1,'1811 17,061 8,944 818 ...... 811 188 IJ.,CUl ...... I ...... !lil.68& 4,7116 .....• ...... 1,1011 B,IU • 81,788 ; -··· I ' - ' ' --•..... fat 1.?811 9.509· 1,08,050 118,7«9 618 9,8i0 IS. ill& I 1,48,800 --- ~=--I --- - I , ! I ! I . ' 118,000 9,ft« ...... 1S8 '-881 i 87.101 •oo•n ······ ...... , ...... ! ...... 118,68& 7,9611 ...... 811'7 S.tif 88,888 ··-·· I : l561 '561 1V,911 1,888 ...... 1 ...... 11111 D,188 /U,Bif ...... • ...... I ...... 16,'11111 11,818 ...... I ...... 1SS 6,11118 I !U,78il ...... 1,,'166 8,988 ...... 118 6,818 IIM«6 ...... I, ... _., .... _ I ...... 111,6111 c,m ...... I ...... I ,,81f IO,OU i ' : 68 • 68 89,m f,11118 ...... 9,844 8,000 I 88,8118 ...... ' - ...... I !1110 1110 .'1,089 11,11>6 ...... Ill 1168 lO,BIN --- - - I 004 004 l,N,&iO - 88,59'1 ...... C.IIIN .a,81111 t,a,uo -=~I I, ---,-- ' - -- I , I I ' ...... _, 18,9«4 8.B«f ...... 11118 6,801 18,111111 ...... , ...... I&,!Ma 8,41111 ; ...... lllll 1,1185 SJ,81f .... - .. .. ' ...... ·····•· UOoOO ...... B.lllltl ...... lllll U61 .I 81,11115 ...... I ...... _ 18,000 11,8110 ...... 8,1110 : lf,lllhl ·' -18,!1011 a,ft& ""lllll 1.00 SII.«BBI ...... ··- ...... I ... a,oso· 18,481 ...... 8.~ 87.tm ! " - ' l.OS,OIMJ- S0,4ro 16,4611 1,111111 !16.1186 1,88.61« ...... : ...... I I - -I ! , I ' 11,169 f,lfO ', 1011 0,161 88,1118 ...... I ...... 1 880 ! ... _.... 818 818 liS,WS 8.!11111 _ ' ...... ,., 4.BIIII 12.01111 1 ...... I ; ...... ~ lll,888 8,0151 ...... ,.. 1,111111 111.111'1 10 ...... ' I ,' 118,888 8.01111 lfd ' 1181 16,11111 I -····· ...... ' ...... ······ : lilt 5« 17,11/U Uill I 818 i,lll8 118,1181 850 ...... I I ...... 18,80 1.176 ...... I 1.1111 1,81111 118,1ltl!l ...... I ! ...... I ...... 18,91U 1,761 ...... 1,\lOi 1!01 18.1118 ...... I I __ , ' I ! IJ11 1,111'1 1,89.«46 111,1l1!0 1'18 ...... UN 18,1148 1,80.1Bl 880 ...... I .I ' I ·- m 8,8«4 «.818 8.011.11111 1,10,801 17.114 ' 11.111111 117,191 SilO I I I I ..~ ··- ..... Jg,4Q1 lilT 0,1)611 I 11.80« 4.Y41 _ ,1,07,f541 i ···- 111.6111 ~~~- 7oWI!IO I I I I I -I-- 20

BTATEMEN'l~ • il.-PORTS !10.-POLIOE AND 111-EDUOATION PILOTAGE ------:---1---1-·------. Maintenance ana Manas~mentl t Serial Names of Dfstrtot -:-·---i No, LoooiBoudl Subsidlea i 1 Bemuaera-; Betunda to Steam Expenditure JD:xpenditore' ot Oat,le Boat ~ oonnec. in aonneo- Batabh.'-h • OaWetion W I Oootln­ pound Other Tolal Companies tion with tion wiih Total ment Pound seuoies Oollso­ Oharsea Speoial and PrimarY Secondary Bohoola Keepen Hona Sohoola. '

1 1 g u lll(a) l IIi 118 !H 26 116 !1'1' 28 i ~----~-----.~,--~L---+---T~--~~--~,--t--n.-.-r--Bo-.-T~---n.-.~~--- 1 NOBTBEBN MVIBION Bo. Bs. Bo. Bs. Bs. Bs. Bs. l IAhmo4abad ...... • ...... i ... """ 100 I 9,17,901 9,'18,001 ·. 1 lto1ra ...... !1,017 . 1,m i '·"' ...... I ·4,!18,911 4,l!B,Dll 8 IPanch Mohila ...... 11,600 """ '111 119 ...... ·, !1,'111'1 ...... !1,911'1 1,76,4811 1,'111,460 4 m ...... m ...... l.SN 9,10,948 9,11,8811 , I Brosoh '" ... 8.oee 1 ...... 9 0111 l ...... 8,117 ...... 1 8,748 I · 6,05,675 6.1U!II. 88 ,. a...... : ...... ·I ,.. :.. 1...... 11,780 9.780 ...... : ...... ·1. 9,96,627 8,96,697 Tb&na ••• ••• 1---1----1·---j--1----i---1---i -·--1-'----1 Total ... B.l60 I !1,0'16 6,607 17,!187 ...... ~~9-ol67_\_·_!1_1._112,_~~«__ ~~~_.oo_.1_11_, I i : i OIIINTBAL DlVIStON ! I i I ,,!IIIII llO 4 1166 1 ! Ahme4Daaar ••. •·· ...... I • ...... ! 9,599 I 6,118,8110 IIOl !I llllaa' Eht.adeoh ... - 8 Weo,Khalldooh ...... 7,6110 7,64!1 1160 ::~~·, ~;: :::::: ·,! :::.: . ::::: ' Noolk 4.79.718 ,,!HIS 8,198 I I Poon• ... 6,18,1il17 8,!101 ...... 8 SaW• ... ··· •• :::::: ::: :::::: I ~.: :::: 9,86,060 ...... 9,169 ' /Sholipur ... "' II,IM ·: .... 1 i ...... 8,66,9!111 8,56,9118 11811 1'111 81 8011 8 I BombarRuburhallDiolrlo''" -~ ,...... • 99,678 . 99,679 ' ' Total ""1--88-,1!89--14!---!181--l--l-l-,lliii-+--~·-886-·I--59-,IM--~--"-"_" __I---Sf-.ff-5-l·-4-8-,91,-,_1146_., __••_·1!11-.'l-llO

: SOUTHERN DNI&ION I 1 Belaaum ...... I 8 6,47,695 5,59,608 I BijApur 1,90& ,,,... I 1!11 4.86,411 1,1118 8,5!11 a Dh&rwu 1,99!1 6,i6,'l89 6,117,9'11 •.t. •• , 4 Kt.aom 111111 71 2,96,65!111 11,96,598 8 KOU.ba u 1,1!M I 8,10,816 8,10,816 Baln6tlr1 I ...... !IIIII 4DII 1,5111 • 4,78,(){(), 4,98,'184.' ToW ...I--U-,0011-·I-- ...- ..-. -~---li-·I--1-,BliO-·I--,-,198--I--16-,-<88-I-- .•- ...-. -I- 95,80 517,19,& 1---i---·----1·----1---1----1-·--1---1--·---

BIND DIVtsiON f,lll)ll 1 1 Kanohl ... ' 15,699 l,f0,406 1,86,105 I llrdvabad !!l,lll'l 1,19,l.S UO,!!'I'5 U,tto I Bukllur :::::: I ~ • !10,598 9,14,801 9,95,898 ' Urkt.Da ... 51,438 11,811.880 S,C0,788 I N•wablbah ... ::: I :::::: I 1.: : ....:~ ....- ,. ~s: 9!1,960 1,98,029 1 1,80,989 e Thor and PArkw ... 1 19,9118 l,M,76C 1,84,69!1 ' · Upper Blncll'rontter :: :~::: I e: .... r:' ---=:_j 1:: !10,489 1,114,617 ],46.066

ToW ... IN,a -=l\--II,Bil0--I--1-.B6C-~!-,-~~,m-+-.-....-.-l--~-.~~~~-.-17-s ~,101 14,49,!1'16 I GlU.l\""D To1'.a.L J'Oat-.aa -·~• p ~ a• ~ '·- - ~--~~,--,-8,961J--I--~,-05-,ot-.-u-s+J-,t~~-.sa-.J.-n-l I I Oa.um Tor&L ~a 1881--11 ... l.liii.IIOI ...... I &.<08 tli,OIII U,Tilll 11.11!1,140. - ...... 1,17,79,441 ' 27 21

~o. III-continue£!. ------;------i<·-YEDIOAL -----;---:---:----;------,-----:-----..,------tj\. __s•_•_l_la_u_. ,...._""_d_v_aoa~n-:-, __ •_"_""-.-i II I General j .a. ••,. 1 I Bplliemto .... Hoapitala vedlo v .. ', 1 Medical -1 II !rfen ...l Medical aDd Dl• Dlapea.- ...~.-- -- tiOboola - aee .., I RORP"•I O\be1' and Esabliah Ohar•u Cholen. men• ~ venuriea\ aary Est:b~ah- S~f!!:'· ~~ To'-1 ,. cJ'~e• aeoaa 'Med.ioiDOI I ... Obargea tneut aod ; Oha.rgea 1 Obar••• ! I Cbar&ee I I ; I 1•1(a) 411 1 49(a) 48 i U ~- f6 l 41 41S(a) I 4f(a) 611 ---'---'----'----:--··------:,---'-----c,------" Bo. 1 Bo.J Ra. i Ra. BL 81. Ra. Ra. Bl. a .. Do. Bo. Ra. 16,010 t,ll85 1 lS,OSi ...... 18,0!9 18,118 ••• t I 9,086 !I,IJB 11,461 -· i 11,900 I U18 •••••• 8,118 ... ; -91,608 4,610 8,846 8,806

... l 88,9I' . 11,538 .....• 11,888 ..... t

Y8,12S ::: ; 1._::t:-~--:-·-:-.-l----·~-~--l--:-·-:-1--::-·.:-::-l--:·-.·~-·:-l--:-::·:-::- ___-----~- --:-:-:::-:--1--:::-~-: -1-::::~- ---t--:::- ,,~---+---1------1---·1------1---1 '' •

1.1101 .. , 18,640 18,6f.O ,..... I I :· 'I . ::::: 11,1kl8 ...... 11,1109 11),'181 I ..: , s.oo1 li,8!D a,11cs I 16,866 7,88C ., ... ' 9,986 8,180 8,180 19,9tf 8,676 16,806 11,811'1 18.464 1:::1:: ... lf,'nl! 18,619 81,<01 1 ... 6.988 ... I 1U73 10.176 f ... 16.766 1 ... 1 669 llll fOil ...... ------;---l-----~,~·~--11-----l------l------l------l------l------ll------l-----:----l·-·---- l ... 1,111.18'1' 78,1166 !I,IIU l,fi'l ------~------l---l------l-----~-----l-----~------l------l---1------1------l-----1 I I ... 8,918 18,9i6 18,SII8

-J'' 18,U.& ,. 14,050 14,(140 8,679 6,46'1 • 19,tn 60,1101 ...... 8,667 8,667 14,695 I 9,1181 ...... 9.f88 6,'188 1f,14f 17,117 t 19,849 j ... 81.1166 u,760 1111.111a ...... 1 ----~~~-----:r---l------~----~---4-----1·-----~------l----l------l-----l

1,7<8 98,8'74 8,'188 !1111 9,1JN 1.11'16 '10,981 8,686 lflllfl 190 !Ill 6,'11111 8,7841 11.6'11 1,1111 1!1,118'1 - 90,1106 8,41'1 18.9011 96,878 ... m ... I 18,461 i 8.901 6,669 U,lieO 861 ·.·.-. , 111,701 ... • 18,848 6,158 18,8110 ...... 1 1 8 1 1 --~--~-+'""---_;,~----1--~-8__ :-:~~-~~~~~----- _--;·~~~~~~=~~:~-~-:--~-1 ~,__ ~-_.::._· -~--~--~-· _1- .... ~ 1:~~=·=:=:,,_~~::~:::-._· ~~:~~~--_:-:_:~-~ l,Ql,llll 1 ... 4,11;.!168 -· i !1,69,891 66.&<6 8,8B.O!JIJ 1 Ult ...... II,II!IT ,. 1.11111 1 1,151t I ...... ·-·- - __91,_4611_...:1_'191_-'-l-4_.oe_,1!611 ___ "'_·m_l __s.oe.ue ! 71,&!111 i~---~,.-,-.Bff-~-----;:784- --·-;- --:;I ~ ,~-_-_-._~-~~-,~~~~~~1.11~011~::~~-----'

BkH 516-6 22 STATEMENT ------· ----- 114-li!EDlCAt--illniU4 ~BOIENTIFIO AND OTBEB

------~--~------Publlo Ezhibitiona Serial Nom IN~ of Dlabiot Looa1 Boards I ber · Oontrlbu· tor EQJerl- I Plocoor lionatlo Other giatra- and other ·conliribu· Refund& ToW menta.l ••• ol Govern- tion of oulUvalion Horse- Cattle- 1 Ohaq:ea manl tiona ~-tha .a.d Fairs Fairs • , dea.tha

I I!O(Q) Ill li!l 68 64 86 ~. ;-. 48(0) 49 110 ------I ------·- ·----- • ' NOBTBBBN DIVISION Bo. a •. Ba. Ba. Bs. Ba. Ba. Bs. Ba. Abmeclabo4 11.880 fOO 118.941 ...... II Kalra 8,'181 11.290 ••••!"' 80.&16 ...... a Panob M'abfJI II.IXlr ...... 111,1594 4 Broaob 61!11 10,615 118,096 8 Bur at l.D49 t.m 8,916 65.!188 6 Tbba 11.11'15 6011 1,000 66,164

11,6'1 ,S!S5 Tolol --U.1U --1.9S9 811,611

OI!INTBAL DIVISION • .1 AbmedD- 818. 18,f80 118'1 48,869 : ...... I Dufl Kblnd:e1h <145 6,400 17,496 ...... 6'1,!!06 '"····· ~ Woa' B:b4o4ub 4115 4.BIIC 4,,. 15t 88,6'11 ...... _4 Nulk 459 510,991) B,&al• ...... 110,0811 .....'\. 16 .s Poona . C,OBSI 400 •.au 111.6ll8 • SA. \ira 5,11011 ...... 110.5101 ' Sbolipur · 1.8911 1,198 10,0511 1,760 Sll,i.IO 11,191 .a Bombay Suburban DIJhlat 4.18& 5100 511,848 ......

Tolol lB,IIlll !0,9110 44,1168 ...... 1,90& 8,69,1109 .······ 9,1106 \

SOUTRI!IRN DIVISION 1· BeJ1aum 18,91111 1.068 4.111111 47.919 I BU~pur U.'184 10,489 11,500 &4,66'1 116

8 Dbirrir 8.1104 8,460 4.451 81,191 ~ 4 Kihra lliB 8'10 2,ns ....." 81.11611 ··- I Kollba '••• 849 1.1109 5,181 81,601 8 nalno~elrl 184 ...... 8,8Bi 4f.191 ......

Toto! 119.999 IR,f66 95.00'1 ._. .... 9,'10.80..1 . '115

I BlNDDm&ION 1 Kaflohl' 8.1568 49,187 ...... • . B1hrabad 8,488 18,968 40,880 I Bakllu 1.11'111 111,8'10 84,109 4 Llrkiao !lll,liiiT Dl llll.llllf ..... : s Hant.h&b 6,400 1,4(0 99,0911 '!hu u.c1 Parkar 9B6 4.048 .f7,lii90 • ~·· Oppor Bind Prcmllor ' t,B!IO 4.100 1111,444 1.716 105 '- Tolal -·, 41,191 45.U9 6,SII,88f I.m 105

Gruel Total tor 1-.. ·... ev.681 1 1,1kl,494 1,54,DJH 1,904 lll.sl,llllt --- 1,'118 II.IH& Gruel Tolal lor 11111l.a!l ..,. 1. I!O.llll4 l,88.Bnl I -·· I 19,41,414 Ill •••• J.' 23 28 fNo .. m-,-continrud. ,. ~------t~n~on DEPARTMENTS t '·•_.and Fain ' .. i i Bull and Botanlaa.l · I IConulbu-1 I Otber Agrtoul-1 IVekrinary Stallion and Other Provtnolal ,Miaeeu .. t.ton• to ,0\ber Con~ To\o.l Penalona Ora\utt;t.,.a I E:zbtbl· tiural Ob&reea Ohargea l'ubllo . Sla.UaUoa neooa. Govern· : 'rlbuUona Tot.! Gardena j ' men• I tiona or lmproveoo t I' Fair a menta I I I . , . I I I i 68 156(G) 67 118 68 60 ! 81 I 81(G) 81 I 88 J 116 611 116 I . ·- I I ·------_ ___:_ -- - i I • I Bo. Bs. Bo. Ba. Bo. Bo. Bo. Bo. Ro. Ba. Bo. IlL I llo. ....•...... 6:069 ...... I ...... 1,188 I ...... e,ilt Jllt ·•···· I ······ ······ I I ...... 6,006 ...... 1100 8,6()6 l,O'li ...... I ······ I I I ...... •..... 1,961 ...... 1191 • 1,1188 8'18 ...... ······ I ····•· ' ...... I 8,8118 ...... I 8.860 f,ii .. S 1.11!11 ...... I ...... 6,161 ...... 8,1D1 81 ······ i ...... ••o•n 4,667 ...... i ...... ••o.&f 1,1'88 41>0 ------...... 516,'11!9 ...... 1,158 111.717 8,100 4GO ...... """ I, ____ --- - I I I .. I I I 11M ...... 856 . 4,690 860 ...... 8.!148 168 ...... V& ...... 76 11,050 ...... 11.1116 1111 I 00 c I 8,8'11 8,181 1101 ...... " ' ...... 5160 ...... -...... 16 .. 4,666 ...... 1100 8.1181 18 ...... &1 ...... 51 4,288 •••u• ...... 160 <.41111 'li 84 ...... V,GOII ...... f,DOIJ 41li ...... 547 ...... 9,'18B 8,999 .... _ ...... II,IU.B 11,8811 '1M llil ...... I ...... • ...... - --- -1,051J ...... 8,1190 48,!168 860 5160 ...... B. liM 6'.1113 1.6f8 I 1100 ------I I' I .....• ...... 0.018 ...... oooon ...... 8.018 199 I ...... ' --· ' I ...... 85 8,M'1 .. ~ ...... 8,66S 11114 ...... 1109 ...... SO!! 7,0811 ...... 1.100 a.... 860 ...... Ii ...... --- 11.608 ...... 8.1100 V8 I 110 ...... 8,871 ...... 8.&71 ...... I I ' 110 ...... 110 11,6'/V ...... 2•• 11T 1111 I I j-=-1 Bml ...... • • 116'1 81,548 ...... ,~ 1.100 I 114.000 l,rBT ' 110 I -~ -· I , --1--' . - ' : I . I 17 ...... 17 8.800 ..... en ...... 10.0...... '198 I I 488 6,611!1 ' 8,771 I IIi ' ...... 488 61f ...... ' ...... B,gg& ' ...... 1,4811 ...... ' ...... !MilO 7,411 ...... 6,!1118 ...... 11111 ...... 8,780 I 0.174 ...... ' Jill I ._ ...... _ 8,882 8.M'f I ...... 8.888 17 ...... I ...... I 749 ...... 749 4,1108 ···- 791' ...... 6,7tl ...... I ...... 60 ...... 1,851 8,91!1 1.026 ...... 8.1107 4P __ I ...... I i ...... I I ' ; -I - l -----;' 1,111115 ...... 8,016 _r:_,nal 8,15111 8,168 ...... I ...... IJ.ff40 ,...... I fl,3f7 ·-·----' --·--- B.806 ...... 6,1168 1.411.1144 11.488 l,flll ...... 1.168 18.10!1 I J,78.lDJ e.••• i e.IIJ7 I --- 1,884 ,ll0,119!1 I 1,111.804 8,6<8 4,104 ...... 1,41111 1 4,760 11,1118 '"' ... -··· ill.lllll I 24 STATEMENT • ~.------!IU~BUPEBANNUATION ALLOWANOEB AND 80.-STATIONEBY AND PRINTING PENBlONS-oon!d. ·' Olher ..rlal Oonhibtl· I Nom- Ne.mH ot Dlaftlot L~al Boar41 tiona Station!""! ber Oont.rlbu· lnoludlDil purobaaed BtattoneQ" aiODI f;o Other Eleoldon LithO· PaJ'IDen•• 'Total from ond Charges, grapby ·Tota.l Govern• 1o Baniae Central Btadooerr PriDUDS mODI Bands a.nd Biorea Provident

i'llDdl 0 1 g 6f 1!8 69 70 n f9 'Ill fil(t<) 1' ' . I NO BTRII:BN IliVISION Bo. Ba. Ba. Bo. Ba. Ba. Ra. Ra. Rl. I I Ahmedabad ...... 1,05& J,l9D ...... l ...... I ... ····~· ~····· 8 Kalra ...... 1.717 ' 8,11811 .....• , ...... ·- ... -·- ~····· B PanohMU ...... 1118 ...... ······ ······ ~···- ······ 4 Broach ...... 1,6118 JIH 8,676 "'U." ...... 6 Sural 1,118 !1,!186 B,t88 ...... , ...... -· ' ...... ······ ...... -· 1,108 4,!191 • Tba...... ~·· ...... - -· -· ~····· ,, .. Tolol ... !1,816 ,,959 16,9515 .....u ...... ,......


I ;' I - ' om NTBAL DIVISION •· I ... _ ' &r ...... 11!8 ...... ••n•o 616 ..... 516 1 IAbmedn ...... - ...... 8,898 8,516 I JJiaiiiKb'ndelh ...... -·- ...... on on ...... a Weal Kbnd&lh -· ·- ... 1,080 !1,161 8,t!W ...... ,.. 51.'T46 ...... 9,'146 ' NatUr...... 1,810 ...... 1,8111 ...... 646 ·-··· ...... 646 I Pooa• ... -· -· ...... 166 ...... 6'1& ...... By& • 8&111.1'6 li,IDl !1,666 8,869 1'10u0 ...... ·~···· ...... -· 10,8'11 ' f BhotApar ...... 9.700 ...... 1,11911 ...... 1,826 8 Bomb.,.&uburban Dlnrtot ... 1,188 l,«lll ' 11,786 ...... ' Tol&1 ... &,751 !1).{!8 518,6011 ...... ······ 6,108

0 . SIND DIVIB10N 0 1 Karlobl ...... m 8,01!0 4,C81 ...... ······ .. """" ··~...... , .... I B>doraba4 1611 1,888 1,5te • ....u ...... 1,79'f ...... 1,797 I Bukkur - ,.. !1,8811 ...... 4.110'1 ...... I ...... - ...... t Lirk•n• 175 !1811 ...... -·- ...... I ...... ,_, .. I Nawababah ...... 114 !1,869 5,940 ...... I ...... Pirk&r ...... 51110 S.7 811'1 ... •I Thar and ...... ~ ...... 1 ! Oopu atn d Froaller ...... !1,1111 8,0118 J6B I -· ...... 1811 ...... _ 44B

Tol&l li,DB!I 18,0411 110,4111 J6B ... !1,010 ...... 11,179 ------Orand Toa.l fol' 1-.sa ... 18,454 88,i81 11'1,188 ...... J6S I,teo - ·---· ·--· 11,928 G-raD.d ToW fOI' 19Sl41 ... 11S,f65 00,0118 8l,IJ6!1 Jt.870 -·- -...... JS,B!O ' ·-· .. I 25 29 No. m-continued.

&h-MlSOELLANEOUS 18.-I'AMINB RE~ -----.---:----.,..--~------,,.--- --· -- ·-· I Rewards I Other for the I Donations local l)eatruotlon Otbel' Pottv lllaoellan• Mleeel· Contrlbu· for aerv:ioe Dharma- of nos.. Eatal)lillh~ ouaand la.neoua A.ddrcuts tiona kJ Othfli- Con- Ohll,ttab1e etharitia.ble for •ala.a WUd mentand unforeseen r To.._l Refunds Govern· Uibutlona RoUot' JJorpoaea general Animals, Ohargoa Obargea 1 mont beneftt and I I i 76 .. '18 I 80 81 _....!.__"15(_..,_\- .. ~~-r:· ------1 Ro. Ba. Ba. ! Ra. Be. Bo, a •. Ra. 111. n,. Ra. I 609 ..•... I 9,9111 10,80JI U,Mf 11'1 600 1,8118 170 8 1811 408 '1 99 Mil 786 c,ua ...... 8,454 l 1.1110 6,f.&6 ...... 4,810 ( 9,51, ! U1,008 ..... I i

~~~~1.~~~~:~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~--~----~--~~-~~-~--~-----779~~------~'·'~~~~:---J_~_'~--~:~~--~.. ~.. ~~~:~~~~ ...~ ...~~~-II~~~~99~--·mw-_-_-~------,--,-·-~~~:~~~~~------.._.-_-_-l I I o,986 I 1w ...... I llOO lllO MOl I ...... 8,11811 ...... I ...... U75 18,1118 6.019 130 1,6 M ...... : ...... 8,119 10,188 60 I ,,0111 ...... I ...... I ...... 1,000 0,079 ..a , 1.'105 4,859 ...... 188 &.fOil I l,!Hl ...... I ...... 0,985 Jl,l'TS ····~ 9,9U 1 !198 JOJI ...... I ...... 111.110 t•.m 5

7.410 ' I ... :0081 10.: I ·::Q87 ~:::: ...... 800 ~-= ~----llf-.:-~- 1---::=-- ---1---1--'-----'1--:,.--1:-----1---1--!:--~--1

·····• ...... -;,. I : ~ i :: I :: ·: I ~ I 1,: I :: ...... 8B :::::: I :::::: :. ::

------~-----1------1------1 -:.. 1'----8-.0011-8-i---:~: -~-::-:::-:~------:-1-----..-::--;----1-4.::---~---~-:::-:--' I I ! 1- I :.--f-·-

1 ; ! 8,11811 8110 !,1011 I 8801 600 ' m ...... BOO llf8 I 1,4.84: f 146 100 •' ' II.W '~ I I 100 8,00JI I 1181 I U10 li7i I 11.6118 1.000 1,000 11.000 100 OM ---l----1---~i-______1 __ ...._ .. 1_ 65_1 __... _...111111 _:_::_:::_: __1 __ ~:_:::_! ____ ;____ , ____.._ .. _ 1 1 ---l----1----l~-----ooo-l __~~.w_! __'u_~~~;! ___'IIO_: __...._ .. _! ___w.9S6 _ _.1_ --J9.80'1___ j__ ll._ooo __ 8,0011 I .i UN I'I,GIIl ! 81,191 I 496 1110 I 70.101 I 1.46.86'1 1 11,0.0 ----1----1------~------·------·-----'·------·- 1,61,818

.. -'------74~---~~~~ --- ~·-: -~---41.101-- 751 ! d,UI r BkB511>-7 26 STATEMENT

d.·· MINOR WOBKB 45.-0IVIL RAILWAYS AND NAVl· I I GATION ~ • I BulldiDgs I hrfal InWrel!lfl on Loant Tolal Nuw· Nameaof Dls&:rlot LooaJ Boardl borrowed for BeJlway Purposes Objeota of E:s:pendiW.re ber Looal \Repaymen\ o.t . - oa.ns a.nd Mia.- Canal ! oellaneont Hail.. Charsea Origin Ill I Bepa.irs i w~ upenditure) ·Education Medical Other Works I I I !l6 ' 97 1 a 91 ,gg 98 94 95 ' i I I I Bs. Ba. 1 NOBTBEBN D1VI BION Ba. Ba. Bs. Ba. Ba. I 9,774 13.0'13 1 Ahmedabacl ...... 14.860 111!1 1,8'16 ······ 1,09'1 6.006 I K&lra ...... •• 1146 668 9,091 ······ 1,886 9,708 8 Panoh Kab.U...... 1.989 1.588 ],617 6,985 4 Broaob ...... 18,661 '118 7,0119 16,818 0 Bura.t ...... •...... !1.491 8,6ll 9.499 !1.609 ······ U,164 11,206 5,8M 8 ~hAn• ...... !1.8CI8 - •····· ······ Total ...... • ...... 88.644 8,448 1!9,88'1 85,'1'19 86,206 I -----

CENTRAL DIVlBION I Abme4o­ ... . 1.918 JO,fH-1 18,863 s.sm ...... ·~"' g Blut Kbind81b ...... • ...... •····· Sl,9!i9 7,6'18 4,888 5,589 617 1,664 547 10,281 8 Weat Kbi\Ddeab ...... ~o•on 8,547 I Nolalk ...... • ...... 8.601 7,119 4.4€8 6,945 a Poona ...... •...... S,tS9 976 S.O&& 8 BU~ra ...... 6,806 UIN 9,6'14 8,498 9,288 t Sholt.pur- ... ·- ...... 98,164 SB'1 6,091 99,10ff 6,404 8 BombQ Bnburbe. Dtlbi ...... 499 967 ...... 1,466 "' - Total ... u•••• ...... 4f,41.0 11,088 48,'197 60,691 44,5!111 -

SOUTHERN DIVlBION 1 Beta•um ...... 8,999 1,691 6,456 6.6!!0 4,765 II BIJApur ...... a.uao 1,491 8.930 1,498 6,0118 8 DhArwU ... -· ...... 8,64, 928 10,950 9,696 8,626 ' Kl\ual'A . ... ······ ...... ······ 8,017 1.794 2.688 9,1SIB 0 ll:ol6ba - ...... ······ ...... 7f7 1,998 ...... 9,6'10 8 BoiDoalrl ...... 889 1.461 9.538 B,Ol8 9,805 ······ - Total ... ······ ...... I 18,719 8,189 95,885 111,709 !1'1,0'11 I I BINDDIVIBION I I Karla hi ...... ; ······ 1,1!03 !!l,t59 49.591 4,1!14 ...... ; G.'l96 liDS i,IIS9 ' lbd... - 6.694 8,086 8 Bukku ...... oonoo ...... 'I 1,099 1.6'17 1!,950 1,8515 6,881 4 LUklao ...... ! !1.11815 G,S&i 111,906 ... ·- ...... !11,716 6,446 0 Nowabohllll ...... I iB,!!Ui 11811 1,281 ...... 2!1.!158 !1.119!1 ·- I 8 Thu and Pl\rllar ...... ' ...... 1,919 11,588 i i ...... 9,90'1 8,t50 Upper Bind J'I'OIIIIor ...... 1,'108 ' ······ '198 ······ !1.196

Tollll ... Si,964 18.068 96,8'1!1 -···· c -- 1,18,746 !18,666 Grand ToW for 19SNB ...... UU50 41,779 - I- 1.118.8'11 !1.91,9!11 1.36.11'11 tor 196l.a!l ... _ - I -··· Ul.llilll 40.64f !1.96,8611 I 3.01,8111 l,lll,6911 27 30

No. I1I--conti11ued.


------· ---- - ~- -- I i Water Supply aud I ' 1 st.. lnl Oommuntoationa Dr.maae Work• i Jllltabllfth- ' WaierWorka mao' and. i nun~~:a· ~Cbowdlu I o•her ! Oon\in· lo-..•nd I Tool• 1 Btar'd" ---- -(l:::tlr• Toll Tu. Workaot aeoeioa ------·- - Improve· •pporLa.lD• j tUn•• , Orlgin..t. ••d hnn11roal mea• i 1UII~ Plllll' Orlgina.J. i Workl) I EatabUab­ Orig!ool Repairs Original Beualn Rap loire Publio Works WorkR Work.• I ' Workl IIDfln'• and I I Ob.r'U.Oii : 98 99 100 101 lOll 108 10ll(a) lOll( b) 10ol 100 1011 10'1 I I I ' -- --- ~ I --~- - - Ro. Bs. Ro. Bo. Ba .. Bo. Bo. Ro. i Ill. Ro. Ro. Ro. \ 16,16'1 f9,'14.6 BU86 1.. 44.8 ...... i&.l'il 1 •INS V,lllll 1!6,969 81,854 19.81!0 16,66{ ...... •... 18,at1 8118 @Of I ...... 1(,188 11.168 6.988. I,SIM ······ ...... !!85 f.BII& .... 1.!1111 19,6i7 4.9,01& 7,6611 ID,'IS'l ...... 1194 1\,TOil 1,11 0 1,f!Y \ 41,0ll9 89,866 91!8 &,889 ······ ...... ······ ...... 17,9111 ' .. Q.BiQ 6'1,966 9S,U3 !18.11!1 10.6'1, ······ ...... ······ ...... I ...... 81,<11'1 9,8tB '1116 - ' - 1,6'1,650 . 8.1'1,986 9!1.03'1 641,.,.6 ...... 619 1,0'1,961 l 8,1U 8 16,0.1\l ! I ' .25,4511 1,81,881 6.181 4!17 ...... l ...... 46,'18l 1, 008 6<,0!111 79,86'1 4,<8!1 4,!140 ...... ······ UI!O 86,0118 &.7 M I 8,040 6,'149 20,714 ,,31111 8,0011 ...... ······ ...... 11,1" 11M !10,681 48,686 6,48!1 8,769 ...... 19,100 .. g 8•• 111 7,185 95,'l6'1' 4,696 11,766 ...... 1,110o1 81,888 80 1.1!67 !16.488 U6,86B 9,711'1 ii,OIIl ...... 811,886 11, 6'16 1,9.10 112,8<8 66,938 8,654 1,895 •····· ...... ······ 11911 96,6<1 9,6116 888 8,900 l1,603 8,8611 8,686 ...... •••1!0 Mil - -· ~ ······ 1,76,!194 6,96,159 46,787 88,7911 -:::-1 ...... B,ill'l ti,Bt,P 18,81 0 10,8'711 ' I - I i

I I 91,457 88,437 15,!1'1!1 ..411'1 ······ ... .-.. ······ ...... 8<.!170 11, tM ...78 1,11!111 9,!18!1 .1,&88 I 6!1.860 ...... ······ ...... !167 il.l011 1,81 811 8.105 l,Ool,700 ll,ll!l ..061 •...... 7116 fl.9<6 a. 001 •.m i I !16,998 !18,5!16 !1,816 5!16 18,161 6ll ...... t ...... I ...... 7 a ; a,m 77,976 66,604 8,811 4,!168 ...... ···-· I ...... ······ I ...... 111.ll&1 16 J,Uil ... 18,816 87,M7 11,88'1 l,riGB ······ ······ I ...... 60 u.•M !10 4,178 ------.I --i .. ..13,113 8,'19.~ 68,6110 1i.680 ...... 1.119 t.U.or.B I 17.11'1 ~ il.618 ~ I I - - - i--i-- ! ' ! I 8.88!1 iO,!UII 8,68!1 I ..6'18 ...... ' ...... 1 113ma ... i.iOT ······ I ······ 6,1l61l 6<,!16'1 5,109 1,866 ...... ; ...... ·-··· ...... lll, .... I 8 1.000 Df' 71,'186 ...... 16'1 ...... I 18.M ...... I 866 115!,!195 1,4i8 4.176 ...... 7.16< 9§1,1&9 i l8 II,JW i I ..!I'll !1&,5'1f 1,800 6118 ...... I ...... ! 18,DHII ...... ······ I ili,IIIB !I9,1M!6 6tO I 8.<911 ...... I ...... ' u ...... 1.881 .. U.6S'I ii6,11S6 ...... 881 ...... I ...... 14 I 1'1,4-al Ill ..~ I I ' ' I ---: 7U38 8,9'1',440 I ' 1,'19,(8(1 114 7 10,8711 19,865 lf,IJIH I ...... 7,11'18 ' i I --=-1~ ~ ' ' I 8,81,8110 18,48.9'71 1.00 8'10 • 1.80- _...... 12.WII I MB.IWJ ., ...... i ...... I I I i ' 1,'19,(8) lf.!IO,DIB !1,60,681 I 1.1!1,51111 ill ... _, 8,11'10 f.II,HII ! 41. .. 110.064 I Ir-:.:- ·--- ~ I I·-·-·------' • 28 STATEME;NT·

-· ·-·------~--·----.------46.-CIVIL. WORKS-PUBLIC WORKS-oonltl.

~ I o.. h I Con· Otbor Total . .9 Beoove- hi~n· I Es:ptmditure .Provident .P ries Btook A:rborl- Mfaoel- Coo.. · tiona to 'lotal chargeable Fund (Provl~ aaoounl cuUure Ja.neoua trlbu­ to current ! ohar,ea Cbar&el Govern• ttona lil dent I men* Income ; _ Fund) a 1 I 10f(a) 108 109 uo Ul Ull 118 116 U6(a) --1--- ...... - ·---L---+-----'----!---J.__ \ __ ~--+---+-. --!--

NOBTBBRN DIVISION Bo. Bo. Bo, llo. llo. Ba. 1111. Ba. 1 4bme4abll4 817 9110 a,eoa lM,Ofli' 6,99,181 I K...... 1911 187 8,850 l,9i,4.9d 6,16,068 I ... 8 Panch JlahiUI ... 1 ...... "·616 !1,76,489 ~ Broaoh 4,890 I !1,1190 146 1,8!18 1,15,4" 6.sv.sv• 6 Bur•• ... I s,086 ... 6,467 ut,D'Ia uus1 6 TbiiDo

...ToW :::~~~-:_:-:~~:·--::-8!10-~~·1--~- .. «S-1-~-sv-:_:~_8+-~-·:_:_:_:+_.. ·~-.f--::_: -·1--:_::_1 I . ClliNTBAL DIVISION I' 1 Abmeda.. u 68 8.56,386 • B••' Kb.adelh :::1 1,41!0 ... _ I !1,10,531 19,86,887 8 Wut Kbillde1h 1,'18'1 1,406 6,5!8.18!! ~ NAalll: .. . 160 6,88,816 I Poona .. . 9,01i,IKR 118.186 · a Biltlra .. . 1,01l6 100 8,37.110\1 18.'10,C)gjj f Bbol•pUI' 1,48f 1,089 t,6D-,46t 8.'11!,587 .... 1188 8&,ts5l 1,96,988

Toial ... 7,08'1 1,11(5 688 1!1,'19,818 . 66,08,964 96,186 6,06,884: 1----~---~-----1----~---l-----l·~---1------1-----l~--·- BOU'fBBRN DffiSION 1 Betgaum 1,907 4,8811 150 1,06.477 9,18,'191 il BUI\pur 119 1,0'1,946 8,89,145 I Dbir'Wllr ... •ID 1,91,656 9,88,185 t Kloara 748 811,181

6 Kolibo 161 ~.768 9,08,0411 I Ratal\Qlrl I!B,Billl 6,98,668 ...... "

Total ••. l--;;- 6,817 109 45,961 . 41,66,181 !----r---l-----r---r---r----·1------l~·~-l-----1-·--~ i BIND DIVISION l Kor•obl 8,611111 IUOO ,,48,fi88 ..•... 9 Byderabad 8.1108 ' 8,40,956. 8 Bukltnr 8.618 !1'1,11011 ,,51,878' • Urklaa 1.111111 1100 8,018 8.706 ll.!lO,S'IT f,ll6,11!5 8 Nawababab ...! .B.DOIIJ 166 811,8119 t.O&,'IIlli .... 8 Thu an4 P!Ukar .... 6.000 • ···,1 1,08,891 I 8.91.999 Upper Bind Frou,ler ' 188 48,4!10 11.6!1,089 ... •.. ~---'------l-----r-----~-----~------1------l-----l~~~r ToW ~.··-_86_,..,__ __'.·.1H8-II--8-,706-I-B.-68.86f 30,1111.807 ...... I ...... -l ... 1 Grana Total for 19SIIo88 ···! ... I T6,811T 6,11811 sv.m 98,68,078 1,'16,68,870 115,188 r:.~~F-·... Orona Tolol for 19SI.fi ••• ~---,!...... --·-+---,:----1-----:-----l-----·---i ... I - u.roo 1•.o" n.m 48,U.G11 11.8B,fl.llll llll.&u I '13.'185 _ . 1 29 31

No. ill-concluded. , I • DEBT I BALANOIII , . Total dilburaa• Bem,arU mOD to Bepain Bepav· Depolt.U Aeh.al mentl &Dd Total DepoaiH Tol&l .. Advances Ba.lau.oe Ohawdlo of loans

116(&) _llli(o) 116 I 111 118 118 lliO w lQi ' Rs. Ro. Bs. Bo. Ro. Ba. Bo. Bo...... 4,H,UO 4,611,1(() 1Q,74,981 4l,IJIIO 1,80,11'18 B,BI,I!IlB ...... IN, !Ill& IN ,Ill& 6,911,11118 l,OO,ilill 18,880 l,SII,at8 ...... 89,1180 89,960 S,f8,«8 1,88,1" 10,118C 1,118,4'18 ...... 9,18,61!0 1,18,660 7,66,936 -l,U,IH 1.111,111!0 '18,'1H ...... l&,Sd I 16,848 8,09,910 1M" t,u,a l,'ll,an 16.1118 1.67,1(8 I 1,81,1160 8,8&,808 IO,BWI 1.69,106 !11,99,'180 ... I ' ' - ... 16,1118 9,67,410 110.49,668 ... 46,0,986 8,08,988 8,41,880 li,Sl,l98 - -

... u .... 1,85!,9.69 6.18,i08 14,'14,59f 11(),688 1,98,808 l,ll!l,hl ... ·····• 1,611,0" I 8,111, till! 16,Clii,IIBI lit,lllill 1,",8114 1,1111,808 ... 6,004 911.866 116,810 8,6'1,09 5,4il8 t,njll'r6 1,78.899 ...... 16,!1119 I 16,001 '1,04,811 4,088 86,1186 00,9'1'4 ... -...... 8,49,657 I 8,75,7'fl lSI,81,590 ...... 1,08,898 l,OS.1188 ... ······ 41.0QI 49,0QI u.u:.069 19,968 4.BII.ool 11,01,818 ...... l,89,lll 1,81,111 8,58,698 -U,BIJ8 8,1111,100 8,66,!1li ... •····· 1,11,980 1.11.980 8,Clll,ll68 19,618 1111,4D 46,040

... 6,004 1Q.I0,086 17,06,659 ,88,16,8118 1,11,066 115,09,5188 li,BO,IId - I ... ······ 1111,'1'/l I 1111,'1'/l 9,U,56SI 80,890 ·1.111,888 1,811.9118 ... 6116 .. 70,141 I 10,801 ,,99,961 8,88,'1i8 ..80.178 7,98,8(11 ...... 811.11!16 81,11!16 10,9l,W 85, .. 51 1.81.168 1.17,G08 ... •..... 118,1141 118,1141 4,11,818 14,891 81,091 46,481 ...... 111,\!16 m,til 8,05,061 81,6!11 116,01111 1.18.1161 ...... 80,91111 80,111Jll f,99,0&8 19,868 110,146 1111,801

... 8116 11,88,811'1 9,1it,8611 46,11),1146 11,18,188 8,84,418 14,1111,861 -

...... lit,IBl 84,'181 11,18,814 &"1,81& 1.4l.llll8 1.88,861 ...... li.8116 I 11.8116 8,68,840 81,n9 111,101 81.818 ...... 4lit 46t 4.111,111111 81,011 84,9ft 1.111,()011 ... lli,BBO 'lii,M,900 1.81.'110 10,76.015 g,n,mu 118,9118 l.&o.4111'

... IiilO 6.1194 a,m 4,11,418 ii!',CliiS 80.048 1,18,181 0 ...... 1,11,01111 1,11.9118 6,68,6811 14,4411 11,81.8111' 11,78,111 ... 811 llO,atl ~.818 ll,llll.ll!li 61.818 8'1,1181 1.1111,188

... 18,419 &.44,51158 6,6'1,8'10 116.&'1,4W l5,8ll.006 '1,811,666 1i,81,8'IO

... IM- 98,116,4111 811,8l,tlll 9,11,1H,ftll 16.111.1111 41,6J.UO 81,(18,lrll ... I i,IO,ld 111.415,847 !11,11,111!1 1!-14.81,164 18,18,1140 40,18.131 II8,U.IIII8 BkH616-8 30 STATEMENT No. IV. Statement Bhowing t"M IncofM and Ezpemli.ture of t"M Taluka LQcal Boardl in tlu Bombay Presidency dluring the year ending Blst March 1988. . [Sanctioned by G B •• G. D., No 846, doted 30-1-18] lliOOIDI Ex:foBHD12:''D'U . . Amounfl !rota! B:.:pendi- Olos!DS 0 reoelved XXXI- ;aeoelpa l!r-v-OI- ture Total ballr.noe Name of Ta.ttik• Openlnr from the I-Laud xvn- from Ina;~ vilWorka lnotudbis :§ Olril other es:olu -Pabllo under Er.pendi- LooalBoard balaDoa Distrlot Bevenue Pollee Worka opening other lure invea$o Iii "' Looal sources balance Works hea.da men'II -· _!_ 1 -Bo...t I 8 8 e 6 r 8 I 9 10 11 1D 18 14 ]J; ' ' I l . BL Ba. BL Ba l Ba, Ba'l! lla. Ba. ;Ra. Bs, NORTHERN DIVISION BL I 1 Norih Daelaol 1.18,469 14,906 ll,i60· 1,00S 19,791 98,188 1,1U,168 } IISf69 1,00,698 1,94,4.67 1,64,181' ... •+ll,CS6 *Diifer en o e 8 South Dukrol ... U,!IIO 18,80i 161' 610 146 1,169 16,6b9 6,748 1,8'7, 8.M!! 18,850 between sale 8 Dbandhuka. ... 16,698 :U,481 88. l,Vll8 1,!18'1 1.9911 1'1,686 ·D,m 4,4510 14,S1D lB,Sil proceeds of ] Dbolka ... 81,746 18,006 10! 1,849 1.71U 6,8tf 116,69. 16,601 8,096 18.696 89,681 inveatmen1i 8 Gosha ... 7,866 11,169 .,. I' 804 78 M 2.618 Ul!O 1,016 6,186 6,839 and the '8 Modaao ... 1,950 8,818 96. d8ll t.m l,BIU IJ,561 8,<06 !1,260 6,6'75 8,698 a.mounta in- 7 Pl'11lllll '1,86'1 8,878 ,'10 l ~w 49 1.1!011 8,689 ,,lfiO 1.008 5,158 10,096 veated• j ... • +12'1 ... 8 Sanan4 ... 11,7110 7.786 ... i 867 188 9118 9,487 6,566 6,868 19,,119 18,828 •+6,000 8 vtramsam ... 88,4011 18,1568 ... 1,681 9,61l& 80,850 '19,14.8 ~ U,S'IO 411.861 61,991 (5,416. ·+10.900 } I f-;;-;:;:-; 118,(8) Total ... 9,... 688 8,G78 8.&781 tS,l'l,SSS 86,617 1,'10,1Cll i,56,7M }9,18,1781 tB,Ol,180 I !1'1,8'111-= 10,900 • 16,168 S,l'l,SSS 1D - Mehmeda.bltd ... &.078 8,617 160 1,098 696 688 6,8'11 6,755 1,578 • 8,889 9,618 11 M•lar ... 8,118 8,896 86 . !l,165 1,041 1,!1'17 9,004 6,991 !1,615 0,604 ·a,41B 1!1 Tbaara ... 6,1B6 4,110\l SJ,S'19 ' 1.260 1,698 1,605 10,8'11 7,696 4,64., lll.940 4,817 18 Kapr.dvaDJ ... i,ot5 8,810 110 1,1158 ),976 414 6,468 &,97f 1,467 6,741 8,779 14 Nodlad 10,840 USB 837 888 19,186 7,188 lj 18 ... 184 4,189 ll,888 4,955 16,845 Boraad ... ••• 99 8,0011 896 8511 111,269 6,971 ~640 7,611 7,161 18 A.nan~ ... 8.080 •.. 910 9011 9.769 ,,9tl9 16,<611 11,496 6,696 1'7,050 6,888 I u•• OMI 44,1568 40,488 Tolal ... 8,0'18 8,!1'10 : 11,9&8 8,!168 78,094 66,000 ll!!,!lll9 '18~4~ .. 59,190 17 Doha4 - ... 7,80&\~ 9,967 1,1'16 1.644 - 809 7,786 - 4,446 -1,694. 8,G70 9,169 18 Ai{ Godhro ... 19,1108 1,.,9 110 9,m 1148 !1,080 8,109 &.610 1,6911 'l,Ot9 18,11115 -44 2~ 19 E.alol ... 19,656 B.7DS 88 l,,M 9,818 844 8,!!09 V,S46 866 7,7U H,l.lii Tolal ... 69,826 8,881 51,610 6,lf'l 4,809 !1,888 94,053 l'f,301 9,689 !10,880 96,648

110 Amod ... 1,&118 8,7d 8M 186 l,IIS6 -1,816 8,9SS 6,648 1,981 - 7,00& 8!1'1 Ill Ankleavar 1.047 6,798 ... 119!1 016 1,094 !1,168 U,058 7,888 9,'149 .. 11.69& 476 Ill! Broaoh ... 1,110B 8,ms 8U llSl 9,1811 1.168 lli,IIGll. 8,386 4,6!1) 18,906 7(() !18 lj J'ambuaar ... 1104 '-911'1 108 9117 9,119 6,686 16,74.7 8,898 10,1!!!9 16,867 94 IU Wagra ... a,w •• 184 liD 849 1,·5116 1,8116 7.594 6,0811 1,660 7,593 8,926 Total ... 8,987 81,186- 1,!106 9,000 9',966 11,666 64,'1'19 96,679 !itil,OUl 6'1,6Bt 6,4.69

26 Olpa4 ... ll,816 1,000 1.881 - !1,086 7,71U .19,898 17,118 - 1,166 - 18,9'18 6,9Sl 88 1 116 Ohoraal ! ... 1&,08'1' 1!!!9 9,618 1,0851 8,119'1 6,]88 ll6,11!11l 80,618 l,SU 81,92'1 9,109 !If B...toll 7,448 I ... 800 l.B99 1,11S9 8,081 9,596 16,698 14,871 2,614 17,386 6.7DS !18 J'tJ.tJpore ... 8,000 100 881 1,46'1 817 4.9116 7,'160 9,649 1,89'1 10,94.6 1,818 911 Ohlkbll l I ... 9.747 1DO 1111'1 ll6ll 1,618 4,4.68 - 7,698 4,109 1,477 6,6'19 4,801' so Bullar ... 4.V41 100 1,891 ! 9,891 484 4,087 8,963 6,686 8.11'16 9,ll61 8,738 81 Pardi ... 4,788 75 1,!1'1'1 1,989 4,086 10,888 6,167 1,86!1 8,119 7,612 1111 Mon4ri ... 8,il88 1,0'75 ll ":I l.B!I'I 1,18& 9.044 6,908 4,848 1,4.'18 6,896 9,815 ; Tolal N,m ' ... C,8'19 17,86111 li,Sl9 18,456 18,191. 96,151'1 88,861 U,678 1,08,619 49,606 88 Nor'h Balaalle 8Dii 8,880' ...... I 11'10 8.D61' 8,(()'1 ll,S!i 6,0811 8,968 - 9,267 51,'1611 54 Dahan. a. 8,061 ... l68 mil 756 4,1187 8,047 8,8'16 8,898 1,&'16 7,9'14 8,1168 88 Umberlaoa 4,485 ...... 1.088 1168 &,aut 6,8M 1f,581 10,048 4,870 14,919 4,108 88 [ l'alabar ... 1,198 6,000 1.811 11,1118 10,!164 18,841 Bt,Ul 16,1!110 9,64!11 IU,86Sl ,,7 llf Vada ... 1.619 ... 88 l,f.if 9,018 6,006 ~~ 1.&" 8,49t 1,404 4,1108 1,,06 88 Sbahaov 9.411 1.000 r.l ... 78 1,888 11.844 I 8,866 8,651 8,9U 1,963 V,BIIII 8,]18 Ill Ka.rbad 4.0011 ...... 88 587 78 B,lllll 4,(1'16 !1,880 . 1104 8,486 4,64'1 60 Ealno ... 1,.86 1,188 ... 11.188 4.118'1 9,175 16,788 !O,UO 6,686 18,648 1,690 41 Bbl"""dl ... 18.9811 1,88f ... 1,451 7,1160 1•,if.S 16,1168 · S,tNS 19,S98 8,!1'1'1 l! Baualn ... IIDB 8,000 1,888'"" 871 '" !1,988 8,718 U,OJS 9,788 4,949 1t,678 1,156 Tolal ... 10,188 lf,W U,OOll ..... 8f,194 liii.61N 1.89.488 85,fll 88,749 1,84,488 81.761.

DrTriiOMI.L ~At. ••• 4,S7,tn 1.8T,mili 411,180 48,5911 1.0'1,600 B.llli,BOO 11,81,881 8.84,049 4,68,M61 I t g,nJI91 ,a.~.sss tAa\ual Balance "' t.rS,f64 T d lunatm.eu\ ... 1.""-u• I h1a lnalu ea Ba. 16,168 abowutn ooluma 10 aaloinst Ahmedabad Diatriat. 8,1S,llll 31 32 STATEMENT No. IV-contimud. · Btattm1ent rlwwiflg the Income and Ezpenditure oj the Taluka Local Board$ in tl1e Bornbafl Pruidmcrf · during the year ending 8lst March. 1988-contd. · [Sanctioned by G. B., G. D., No. 8,6, dated SQ..l-18.] -----~------..------INOOIIB ----~au--~~------1 Amount - Total received XLV­ lb.pencll.'I BeceioU lnoome CtvU I Name of Taluka Opening from the 1-La.nd XVII­ XXXI­ h-om enlud· \are I "l"oi•l Rem•rU balance Dietorlot Reveu.ue Clvll Worka­ under :\Bxpondl· CloRina Looal Board Polioe Work• o•her IDI Publlo Local IOU rOM OP&DiDI o\her '"" ~o•1 Board ba.lanoo \Vorkl bQdo ---1----i'---1------~ 1 8 • 6 - 8 ' 8 D 10 11 11!1a ul 11 CENTRAL DIVISION. h & I h ~ h h ~ h h I ~ ~ A.kol& ~ ~ 91 ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi B.arja.'ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~. ~IM ~ • 8 Kopa.rgaon 1,6g9 8,JOG 676 5l.499 '1t !1,01j tt,60'il t,6~ 4,496 D,U6 ~ .:J ~ Naga.r -61 8,679 688 1,179 60 114 6,64'1' 8.~ 1,160 ' 4,Uit 1,168 i :r ' NewA•• 9,618 S,Slj 993 1,469 !120 B.~ 8,600 1.4HCI 6,006 i,Tt)f Pa.rner U t,'IO'l 4SS 418 •••4'1'9 &9S 6,680 8,7Mt i.IN6 ! 8,110 664 ~I : Bil.hurl '191 8,981 66S l,i86 94t 8,957 U,lhl9 1,6'1'1' UI,M'Y . U,l68 004 ...a 8' S.:mgamner ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~· ~ 1- Sbevgaon '1,1411 9,81U 51~ 5ll0 608 &,411 4,al6 8,7H9 . ll,U96 Hl\9 9 9,1f81 ""l 10 Shrigonda. ••. 7,968 9.690 106 1.6tl0 986 II.J87 e,tr:N 6,6lo &,O'J& 1 b1,638 a,wg Tolal ...l---:~~~~$=-1--~~~.1~1~8·1---:sc:.,~oo:-:---:1 7•.71BB::-:---,:-~~~=-I---:1&~.~~·fl~~~.97oo:-l·--:$:-,7um=-j;--.7.,~.919==-'i·--:e=o.71M::-I,--7~:-.~~I ----1--1 Ama.lner ~~~~~~~~I ~~~8~ ~ Bbua6.wal ... 6,417 9,681 1,064. 6,854 83M 9,436 19,205! 9.HOO 11,8911 I 111,'11'111 C,SB'l Oba.lisgaon 7,946 1,'140 1,078 4,810 I.O'Ii 1,739 10.999 8,807 i.610; 10,01'1 '1.4'18 .:1 !• Ohopda. ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~I Erandol ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ j g Ja.lgaon 1,411 1,916 881 8,8461 8S 8,638 9,814 •• ~ 6,6Htl ' 9.tl.IO ),8:}6 JAmner 1,956 1.988 Uf 4.,11'11 5181 691 '1',810 4.6~ 11 •• 700, , f,.,.29 !.·~i0t I Pil.obora. V,'l69 8,448 'l'SB &.560 970 1.660 11.661 8.'ll7• 9 68 10,011 v" 10 Pa.rola 8,680 918 405 !il,'18t 1 48 J,f78 6,6~8 6,148 8,6M ' 8,Hl5 8li8 ~IA to: Bil.ver 8.088 1,689 859 9,88\! I 1,059 C,iBH 9,76fl 6,645 8,160 I li,'I'M 141 I l 11 Yawa.l ::: 2,i'19 1.876 968 1,9'19 1851 1,881 ~.689 8,7(11 i1,691 I 6,8Wtl J,6UI Toto! ... ~--..-."'119:::-l--i._-503-·l--ll--.f-BS-I--40-.0-1--81-.,.8~,81:::=0·I-.,.84:-:-:,7 7Bl:-l· 1,18.0'15 67,818 61,740 ~-1.-19-.MII·-I--8,-,01111-I --1---1--·1--l---:, 1 Dhnlia 1,668 8,08< 1,818 6,814 ... 885 10,SAI 4.008 &.098 : D.;t'lll 9,811 81\kri 9,'194 960 200 6,11:!4 194 931 'l,SH9 9,00() 6,115 I 0,01& l,l~i8 •8 Nandurbt\:r ~ ~ m ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,. ~ Navapur 1.566 414 5166 6111 !U. i09 1,681 l,lUS 678 l,'l!olfl l,HIO 5 Taloda. '8 Sh&hada ~~:m ~::=: ~.~ .i:~~ I ~ :s~ ~~:~~ ~:::g ::=: . :::: ~~:~ Bindkheda ... 1,196 8,'16& 856 9,886 16 611 '1,978 1,8115 8,400 I o,ua a,s:ts .8' Shirpur ""1-~·~·'-'-9·l-..,..,;!1.-:oss::-1!--- ...-1--:':c'"::-:-6 ---·-:· c::-i---600..=.. --'~·60'1.,:..;1--.,.•:-·""",--l--'~·'...: 891 111 6,'18'1 10,878 i.tdl 6,H'IIJ 8,741 1,6661 ""1-:-:::-~l-7:::::-l---::-:=:-1·-:::-:=:- --i-:-c----+-:-::-:::+-:::-:::-'--:-::-:-::-·-:-:::~=+-:::-= Tolal ... 8,914 45,898 9,874 n."4l 6,49811.08,14911.89.888 <8....,: ll,lT,IliB: 1,68.1101 !~--llll-,000-l

Karid ... 4,088 6,819 L?,! 1.~ I 8'1•! I m u·rs ·~ uu • <.mil ?.~m W&lwa ... 6,067 6,S86 1uu OJ<>O • 1,().18 8,864 1{)4!1 . 6,H(N 11,11'.!0 BAt&n ... 9.206 5,187 61 958 4 t 768 6.918 8.941\ 1 l.U.S ! &,Bf.O 8,700 WM 1,'liJ6 a,t'Tt s 1.3Jf ,, • ., 461 c,WT a. 1m lN8 4.&n !a.II1fJ ~f J{l.vU 51.1~ 1.849 19 418 995 I 606 8.01:4'1 2.1ua us 1, a,uau SI,>Oi6 i KhtUu\pur ~ -• " m 1~' ~ ~ ~, •• M 1 Xoregaon s,841 ,,600 611 1,896 til9'1 m I '1,032 'T.HIO t,ow. IU3I uu~ 1· M!.D 9'18 1,~ f9 604 ... goo 9,4MD VlW 6AA : tl.aoo J.O'li ] i P&tu. 10 Xba.U.Y ... ~-~ ::~ ~~ ~ / ~ I' ~a: ~:~ ::m :: ! ::~~ ··~.: l 11 TA.esr.on ... 1,11HG !ii:.9M tl19 6'16 a an I 4;1~ a.- 8t6 ~ •.d t.n ----·-1--1 --- l--...:=i!--:~:-:--::-:=:---::-=:~1--.::-:::::- Tolal ... 96-"'16 IIMSi 1,088 I 9.886 9'11 I f.BI!S I' 68.110 19,6111 I li.lf.lll • DI.B'IQ 88,1)6'1 1 BbolApur ...l---1!119-l--.-.93-&·l---11115-~ 838 1~1~---,.,-~--~.-,.,.-l--;:-!.•-,-_.-1!1-1 "·""' V.'B li f I Blu-ai ... 1.491 i..lfl1 2041 936 • 1526 1 4.1''1711 i,MQ 1,2'JO I B. 71ifJ 8,W71t Ro 8 M&d.ba ... '114 9..188 13'1 69'1 11 '11 8.00'1 !ii,4U6 flU' , B.BU 4flt 1 . j-~t~~ i !a4?pur :~ iS :~:: lEi m :i 1 =t ~E IT~ L;1 i:l: ::= ' Hi.Wru ... 1,()64 1.681 197 670 10 l i815 i i.6'14 tl,'181 tUI I 8M8 l&Y 1----1---~-- ·~-·~--~----r------r---- I Total ... g.ooo 18.1Bl 1,116 4,600 i&6 ! ...... ,. 1 ili,UW. 18.6!U j 6,414 1 ~.mil 10,148 __l ___ Dr __... _._v,._·_-:_~_"'_o:!:_loLL--1~.eo:~c:-_~=,.~~-:1_.=•~--,.,~=-.lt-~-:86:_.rn_•_,!'"'_~._ .. _.rno_,__"_· .. _.:.i _1_.l!6_._~~~~e-"-l_•_·'_•_·.. _• __ ~~., .....-Fi-,:-.611= .... :::-_::~~it'-1.~~~=1!0~-~-- ·-- ___ 32

STAT.l£MENT No. IV-contimud. Statement ahowing the Incomt~ and E:r;penditurl of the Taluka Local Boards in the Southern Di~Jisiora · dwring the year ending Blst March 1988-contd. [ilaDcllollo4 b7 G. B., G. D., No. 848. 4alod 110-1-18.]


Amo1111t I Tol&l XLV- Ex pen· Bemarka received XXXI- Beoelpta Jnoome Civil di&ure Tola.l N.me of T&lab Openbu& from the I-Land XVII- from eaolucl- Oloslllg • ~ CivU other Works- under Expen- ballwoe 'll Loar.l Board baluae Dbbiot Revenue Polloe Workl Ina Publio other dltiure Looa.l IOU1'081 openW.. Worki head• j Board brJr.nol --i - 1 • 8 ' D D ' 8 it 10 11 1B 18 lf l& ' SOUTHERN DIVISION Bo. BL Bo. Bo. Ba, BL Ba• Bo. Ba. Ba. ... I I • ·1 Bol1aum ... 8,9'f6 8,1'll0 ! 840 716 &f $,918 8.111111 U89 !1,11!!'1' !.'109 f,666 9 Chi odl ... 8.868 f,'l60 i 8<8 9f ftB 89! 6,98'1 6,720 669 ,,8'19 9'ff 8 Bukeri ... l,'llW 8,7110 1 ... 611 169 li80 6,660 8.789 698 4,415 l,ll49 Athol ... 818 8.7110 9f 816 8 Ill ,,US 8,1'16 187 8,96!1 1,488 •6 Gokt\k ... 1,8U 8,7110 1 1Bi 688 1&& .m a.ots 4,i418 !Bf 4,962 1,989 I Pu.. gaa ... 1,600 8,'160' 8 818 ... BIB ••1111'1 8,866 069 4,891 1,989 tj 7 8&m1Jiii..OD ... 1,8911 348 1 880 4,474 8,'166 916 ••700 1,69'1 8 Kbb&pur ... 706 8,6008,71101 "'"m 696 868 60f 6,896 8,889 Bf7 6,'186 1,806

~ Tolal· ... 1U161 Bo.DOO I 1,896 8,886 1,'11JJ 6.468 48,088 88,'((6 7.BBf I 41,610 - 16,14.0 1 lndl ... 8,1160 R.OS8 19 696 6 866 8,451 1.156 8,(J'I6 6,118!1 9,'l'ID 8 Sin dill ... 8,Df0 .{1,107 ... 8118 819 8.81f 688" 1,1169 ..... 8,169 8 BlJapar ... '6f 1,1M9 116 6'11 98• 996 !l,BBf 1,'168 9,6411 800 Ba,a:ow6dl ... 11,6&1 1,62&1 ll 1.01!8 ll8 124 4,194 9,M9 ~~ 8,f88 9,867 •8 Muddeblbal ... 1,189 1,618 ... 8!18 ... 4.,1'111 8,911 1.481 •.s.o I 5,771 9,929 ij 8 Ba.ga.lkotl ...... 9,174 10 11,668 18 167 6,90'1 1,706 9,6'1'1 1,924 i Badami ... 8,008 1,597 8 1,MO ... . 4,097 '1,16'1 9,696 4:,i&l9791 8,896 9,2.'19 8' Bunaund ... D,l'" 1,886 !Ill 7116 ... 9,9t5 6,689 1,1ll8 8,668' 6,481 6,51o9 Tolal ... llf,llllO 16,867 DJI 8,767 76 14,186 88,917 14,776 19,910 Bf,686 -!18,910 1 Dhanru ... 1,11811 6,11115 116 '188 1,1168 045 7.571 6,IJIO 1,8fl 8.1fl !1,6911 8 BubU ... 1,6f9 ••'101. 67 f86 61 &f9 8,90'1 8,t89 1,746 6,t'l'9 0,071 I Nava.taund ... 1,7<6 6,868 18 169 1'19 ;81 8,>198 4,U4 1,696 6,460 9,638 Godaa ... f,48& 7,119'1 1111 BOll 18 ... 7,679 1,'166 b80 8.698 19,500 '8 Banka.par ... 8811 f,t!69 8 695 18 11 6,617 ••DOll 1,168 6,165 1,061 I Ranebennur ... 1,666 1,76!1 110 !1116 888 l,Oli 4,499 8.041 9,801 4,8t9 1,1106 d Ba.nsal ... 8,868 11,747 ll f16 11 •o 8,!1Ui 9,099 lllll II,SH6 4,2SS 8' Karajgt ... ll,'108 8,868 8 890 8f9 178 4,690 9,'19'1 878 8.176 4,128 sl 9 Ka.loh•ltll ... .., 1,1106 1 f69 11 .9 1.796 1,1'18 . 1.07 1,800 • 869 10 Kod ... 1,7il ll.!l!O v 870 9,698 1,618 979 1,79'1 9,569 l u Boll ... SI,Mt 8,1N8 8 ll68 • "66 18• f.l!Bf 8,698 9'18 4,669 1,169 ,,,98 Tolal ... 116,019 - ff,681 lllfl ll,flB i,SI'lQ 68,9t9 81,160 19,1U8 d,i69 86,099 1 Karwar ... 876 9'19 ... 1116 f.Oftl 69f 8,!187 5.067 786 6,868 1,1168 9 An kola ... 1,698 '196 1 110 1,9'10 fB< 8,818 l,lill9 1,896 6,1194 647 8 Kuma. 6711 ,,, 8 1.0!1 &.119 ' 8,1l6f 9,906 4,9i9 11,1126 . 6,4.67 4,080 ... fl 8,9!0 876 Bonavar ... 8B ,,194. ~.~86 10.809 8,865 1,607 9,879 9'1~ •I Sidda.pur ... SI,7U5 1,911 6 1!011 9,1128 1,4~ B.!l68 6,209 1,177 7.98B 1,687 8 Slral ... 1,011f 11,!186 6V !liB 1,616 87c 6,446 6,848 746 1,0119 ff8 lj Yellapur ... 8.186 ...... 1,()86 8,204 1,001 6,5!91 8,'189 1,112i! 8,705 770 8' Ballyal ... 1,4.61 8'19 ... 778 979 666 9,889 1,80f f91 8,1!96 1,061 8 suu• ... 1,801 1,(147 - 176 1.600 1,()86 8,166 !1,006 9•8 8,008 8.049 - 11,878 8,69f - Tol&l ... -lii.BIW 10f 97.111!7 U,t78 65,017 40,601 -l8,4'li -&B.DtB 111,999 1 All bot ... 1,106 8,791 1,!188 1501 106 1,017 8,619 8,&f8 1.4o.J 9,916 1,0!8 9 Pon ... 9,7f8 4,89& 1.0611 ll8f 661 6,887 8.198 1,001 7,199 li,4S6 8 6 .... 8,866 Sl,lit .. Pan"el ... !186 861 10,980 8,069 1,809 9,8811 7,096 K•rJat 8.6117 ,,5'19 8 6411 Bllf 697 6,117 4,789 8.010 6,'1911 I ... "" 8.090 ' Roha ... ns l,JI81 9 11118 189 71 9,0110 1,911 696 9,607 961 Jj I Ma.Dir.on 1.&96 t,JS9 !If I Sf 668 191 6,061 8,9Sll •. uo li.5S6 llabad :::~~' 8,018 87 1911 118 800 8,681 ,,,00 '"1167 6,96'1 9,8'11 ' ... 51),861iJ II.VfO Tol&l 80.!87 - 4,607 1,616 - 8,699 48,1911 87,626 - 8,1166 66,7911 - 18,996 1 VonRnrla ... 11911 1,0!10 ... 14C 8 1,16J 1.888 1,846 m 9,U8 8 Malwu 6,1168 186 1,!115 •.. ... 6,016 <,896 8.600 7,6416 8.128 8 Deoaad 'llll l,!rl6 ···loo 8,8611 6,11911 4,9'16 6 Rajapur ... """ ... .. S6f 6,889 7611 ... 1 ..... t,l6f ... 69 1.8611 6881 6,1167 861 a Ra.,n..rtrl 8,t'99 7.818 846 ... 1'10 ... !128 81 ·-l.Gfi 8896 <.9511 666 15,t17 6f8 8 "'" Bana:amelh"u ... lilY &.!!"" ... 840 1.116 8.106 8,849 7,866 1,919 Ohlpluo 9,789 f,069 878 9,111 979 ...... 8,14.8 8,071 7.788 1,04t 8,789 !1,0!11 11 '8 Khed ... 690 8,668 D8B fl 1,108 &.906 ... <.llBf 1,823 6,98'1 l v Dapoll 1,981) i.'llO 8Bf VII! ... fll 1.906 II,BU e,il, 1,(111 7,1116 1118 Tola.l ... --::13,!ll'4 97,066 8.018 ... 1,888 91,1107 6&,646 CD.661i lO,ffll 80.001 8.91i

Dh1od011a.l Tolol uo,m 1,81,886 8.116& lll,i14 IIUIII 81,1ft 11.88.816 for 185& 8.07,11111 6,978 8.79,11811 1,lll,!180 33 33 STATEMENT No. IV-conclulkd. Statement sliOttlimg the Income and Expenditure of the Taluka Local Boards in tlle Bolllba!f. Presiden"11 . during the year ending 81st March 1983-concld. '· [BOBOOioned bF G. B., Q. D., No.IMII. tlaiod 111-1-18.] ------IHGOIDII BXPDD1"1'1JU;

Amount I Tal I BeoetpUI income XLV-- Bspen- ' received XXXI- Civil dUure Tolal Name of Ta.J.uk• 0DeDiDI from tihe J-Lan4 XVII- from uolud- OloalDI • ~ Olvll other Worka- under 8XP81l• o'il"' LooalBoud balanae Dtatnot Beveuue l'olloe Worka ..... Publto olber dillun baluoe - IOUrG88 opeotD.JI 1 -g~ Workl BoordLoc&1 I balanoo hooda ... IQ i I -- "' 1 ll 8 6 8 ,.' 8 9 10 u Ill 18 14 u I ' I ' I ' SIND .. Ba. Ba. Bo. Ba. Ba. Ba. Ba. Bo. Ba. Bo. Ba. 1 Karachi ... !188 8,11011 !1,904 m IWl 8,519 11,160 ,_., 8,lli8 10,'180 tlB g MirpurSHro --- 1,1'19 ... 181 1,068 4,778 ' 6,979 •. oss 8,01111 &,106 11,1\'18 s Tatta. 1.11!6 &!If SIS ••Sf i,S.'Jf ..... lUlU ...... 4 Ghorabul ·-·... 566 'i:sa~~ 1 ... 1 8,7 ...... 9,618 8,084 6,... "'"014 :a 5,626 ... 0 5 Suja.wal ... t,f9f --- 9 1,1S. 7 f,f'15 9.2.. &,ll!il ...... • 6 Mirpu Bathoro 4,100 ... 6 9,1711 11!0 8,874 8.'lllll f,Olf ._..,."·"""II.B:!O 8,849 6,076- ll 7 Jatl ...""I 9,401 ... 8\19 ... 8,610 8,8119 B.'M'f 6,""' ... 8 Sbabbandar •• .j 6.66f ... 4 ... 80 6,008 6,16fo 8,6'10 i,\llli t,O.'HI B,HOft "" g Kofirt ... l.!IIW 1,969 1,497 11118 f,l!W 8,,_ .... 4.4.68 4,0'1& 8,64.3 1,6'1'9 10 M.s.njhand ... ' 8 ii;t&l 188 465 Sf S,6'l6 I ... 1,911f 6,lltll 7,lll<6 111!0 Tota.l ... 91,()8f 8,106 &.600 9,161 l,Olf fli,B691 &'l,INB I 88,8611 88,1'111 6V,O .. liO,YTO

1 Byderabad ... 988 ... 6.188 1.669 869 5,8451 18,01J9 8,870 9,0'19 tO, 'INn --8,04ll 9 B.:.la. • ... -- 4,6b6 ...... 8.1S9 !171 e.tsa ll,tlt9 ,_.,. 8,610 lO,I'IHU 3,666 8 Tando Allabar ... 1,853 ... ''" 1,166 . 93 i,.,.. f,l71l ll... ll 1,111 8,01'18 Q.U7!1 4 Guni ... St,SU ...... 1,618 9'1 9,774 ll,.f8D 10,9-.U. 1 ...., lSI,IRl l,tl!lll 5 !Iodin ... 1,851 ...... B. I~ 51' 10,188 12 .... 8,,.g 1,6<4 9,918 4,1'li '{ 6 Ta.ndo Bago ... 9,689 ...... 826 81 7,1l66 8,'168 8,678 1,1181 O,U64 l,ttl. l 7 Dero:Mobbat .... 898 ...... 66!1 ... 8,881 8,11118 Ull 689 8.11!0 61111 5,188 1,86f Toto! ... 14,6M ... ·' 11,191 f9,6H8 li,Oll 81.649 10,1611 - 48,4111~1 1 Sukkur ... 5,929 &.999 ... 1,67'1 8.676 815 18,861 U,!ll\0 4,1188 l&,FiOB - 4,1Rf ll Shikarpur ... 18,008 18,041 ... 1,876 10,800 197 96,010 110,'199 8,501& !M1,8Dl lO,tm 8 Garhi Yuin ... U,046 &,Oi11 1,441 7,686 4B 14.256 '1,MI 18.908 4,H8 4 Rohri ... 980 4,66'f s:286 9,289 1111 1Sf 10.460 B,Vlf 6,8~1 ""·""'9.""" II. >WI 5 Pano Akil l,lBi 21,719 ... 888 58 77 8,692 11,678 1,980 4,006 l,WIH 6 Ghotki . ... 680 9,6119 ... 916 790 937 f,MI~ 1,670 1.1!09 fo,t'TO 6118 i{ 7 MirDur l'cla.thelo ... 558 4,899 ... 1,609 1i 81& 6,j66 8,009 1,9111 5,1JM .... 8 Uba.uro ... 4,868 1,251 ... ],{06 1llf 959 8.111!1 11,009 f,600 ,_ ... 640 Total f8,'189 89,0'10 8,1186 11.1151 !IB,m 9,9'16 82,8581 64,711) 87,698 Di.f78 u.m ,. ...I • 1 Lark ana. .. 1,695 8,916 t,m I 8,45!1 718 19,8'Ti uoe f,ll{l6 11.990 - ll,ll'f5 . g Kambar ... 8,8BO .-.. 8,655 699 200 099 9,1H9 6,911 1,8\17 8,!o08 f,HIM • 8 Mtrokhan ... 1,'1'94 ... 8,605 926 996 89 4,796 8,160 ~.M8 6,6118 ... .. Ratodero ... 640 ... 8,1!89 1.8&5 185 1,845 6,68f !1,\N 4,'.a~ 716 "e Sehwa.n ... 588 .•. 861 1,961 1,978 14 ..~il9 51,869 9,171 4,638·-~ ..,. •..Jobi ... 447 9,19fi 1,218 88 606 4,068 778 8,tl6 4,1HO 811 r Labda.ria. ... 9,865 -... '6,fi66 1,936 1,591 V,f 015 4,019 6,1109 Q,.ltlll I,MO ~ ... '8 Rakar ... 1,~68 ... ' 6,1'19 1,25!1 l,lBf ""'1115 e,eu f,'JM l,'IH'j 6,6:1) 8,M'I 9 i}adu ... 9,196 11.854 1,398 ],401 16S 6,'159 8,lhl8 2,..., 6,t'l10 li,IIOR lD ebar .... 8,411 'i:ooo 10,662 Sl.198 636 11111 14,591 8,806 8,9.'10 11,7\11 8,'!78 • 8,1!80 'l,'ld 1,840 (()1 1811 10,U6 8,'J6f W,8811 11,600 11 Wara.h ...... '-"'' • 1,000 t . Tow lll,Sf9 69.111& 10,811!1 10,868 f,693 46,f01 88,808 8&,61U !18,018 ~ .. . 91,(118 ' • • 1 UmarkOt :::1 '1',844 8,!1!19 ... 8,968 'II 1108 1.72!1 - 8,4110 8,-:111 10,864 9 Khipro ... 7,2611 7,186 ... 4,961 57 101 li,8ifo7.78!11 1,641 8,698 6,16(1 l4,4U 8 Sa.ngba.r ... 18,149 8,618 88 B,i&f 67 1,698 8,485 8,100 B,f:.'il u.e.n U,IJill ~ 4 Sama.ro ... 7,6511 '1.558 ... 4,'168 01 !178 . U,615 8,00 fo,l(J9 IO,l!Oil O.ll'111 5 MirDorkha.a 9,978 '1,610 ... 9,«7 14• 6\19 10,71W ' tl,76l ft,JW6 ... g ...... l 6 Jameaa.bad ... 8,6$ 5,636 ... 1,'197 869 7.B04 ' 8,llllll ~.470 6,.CI1i'·""' ft,OJ1 Digrl ... 6,588 6,1!06 ... 51,674 8(11 86 8,200 SI.O~ 8,1HH l0,8JO ~ Cba.ahro 8,188 1,8'J8 0,000 ... '8 ' ...... !!20 ...... I O,fl2f ' 8,081 OS. 8.906 l,!U8 .. 9 Mithi ... 9,959 1,66f ... 89'1 ... 11.061 l,l4i l,OM 9,11011 10 Diplo ... IW5 950 ... 584 ""on 1! B.40i I OI110 1,7li ~:4061 78,8781 86,887

of vtnace 01•••autbortty U.e., whe,ber Union Aet under wblob: Oommtnoe. aou.Ututed. Vmase Paoobarat, -~ 1 ·g 8 ' I

·I .8 I Daolall. •.. Sultan' Committee. Village iJa.llftalilon ..l 6,9511 , 1 1 A.ab,lf!fiJ. Waul Do. Do. .. 1 UVf ...... l 1 6 ... 6 8 PlmoallfGOil Sk. •• Do. Do. .• 1 1 9,467 ••• ••• ••• 1 1 6 ..• 6 • Nardonlri · • Do. Do. .. 1 . 9,9Si ...... •.• 1 1 & .,, 6 B BoUba.u Do. Do. .. 1 1U08 ••• ••• I ~ .., 1 &, ••• 6 ' N•mpur Do. Do. . 1 1 9,969 •.. .•. l no 1 '6 ••• ~6 • Jaykb..,. Do. Do. .:, 1 !,1118 ...... 1_. ... '1 . 6 ... 6 8 Mulbu Do. Do. 1 1,91'1' ••• ••• 1 -· 1 5 ..\ '& Tabraba4 Do. ••• Do. 1 1,668 aoo ••• 1' 5I . 4 .•• 6 g' 1 10 1 1 :u11 ~a::. ~: :::: §g: ::1 ! l i:m ::: :: 1 ·-~ . ::: :: , . 1 .::: . : 18 1 u J.:t::.ae V:: :::1· ~: :: 1 l ,~ , X: ::: m···i I ::! · .::: : : 15 BbUko- Do. Do, .. . ~ 601 ... l ,,. .., 4 < 18 Guaultra4i Do. Do. •• 1 604. ••• r .. ., ... 4 •.•. 4 PeiJII Do. Do. .. l I 1,700 ... I 1. 1 6 . 6 " 1 1

1 Banilal7 Commlttee. I : _' _ : : ... : v.:=.::.~::~. i,_ •••• 1888. :.: : ~J, ~~ • SUP• .... Do.... Do. · ... 1 !1,964 ...... !1 1 6 ... 'r : . 1 · 1'olal ... g &.168 ... 1----g 9 11 ... -u Sato"' fllolirfoL - • - -- ... - 1 Shirai~ ... Saollal7 commlllaa •1. VWogo Ba.nllalloa ~ f,ll3f ...... • 'l. ... • 8 ... , 10 Aot,1889. ~ I 'Monl o flo. ... Do, .. 1 · · 9,8&9 ... '" 1 ... 1 I; .,, ~ I Kba\a,.. l>o. ••• 1 Do. .. 1 9,89& ••• o• 1 ••• 1 iJ ,,, SJ DoDI&rtdlll, Do, ,,J J)o. •• 1 1,876 ••• ~ .., ••• 1 -fl , 1$ ,,~ • B Yelovl Do. Do. .. ' · ~ B.IISS ... . '" "'i 1 g II ·• 7 II' ObloahDI Do. Do, • -:=-i-1 B.S&D - ••• ... B · li .... 7 1 ·~----·~=-;l ~~~~~>~~~~·f. lllm'lol. I I' ... . I Akola • Vllloge Paaoh.. •' ,,1 Village Ponoboyala l •,••1 '1 ... I ... • 1 • •.- ....• ~-~ ·- -- I . -· 8 ~:::~ ~ :::i ~: :.'1 ~ =::= -1 ::: ·.·.·., :: i ::: .. :. .,. ~ • B ~-=:b~ Do. •••I Do. ~ -::~ ~ -:: : ~ ••• : •: •• 6' Karl•' Do, Do. •j 1 0,106 1 ...... l ::: , 6 '1•, ~ Rh&rda Do. Do• -1 1 !'698 1 ••• ... 1 8 9 • •8 M'irajpoD Do. Do. ol l ,069 1 ••• I ...... 1 .•• 6 ": • 'i 8 na.btn Do. Do. •I 1 ,266 •1 ••••••••• 1 ... 6 ••• 10 KoparR(R"b l>o. no' Do. l . 7,128 1 .... ••• •.• 1 ::: 8 g 11 Mamd~'ur Do. Do, :1 1 ttS6 1 ••. ••. 1 4. 6 u 18 ~:U~ner ~: ~: :i l .J~ ···1 ::: . :: - ::: ~ ::: g . ~ u ~•r•oJI . Do. Do. •! 1 i' 1,7'18 ••• ••• ••• ·•• I 1. ::: 4 6 1B ewaaa ltd. Do. Do. • 1 8,5fl 1 ••• . ••• .... 1 •.. I B 'I 16 Kuk11Da Do. Do. .1 1 I1 1,849 ...... 1 ... & 6 19 11trt Do. Do. .: I 9,8U 1 .,. ••• ••• ' l B 7 18 Parner Do. Do, •. 1 ' 6,668 1 "''' •.• ••• .::: 8 9 19 Alkull Do. Do. " 1 ~- ••. "'61 1 -· ,.. 1 4 5 .., Supa Do Do ' 1 -900 · ~ •·· 1 •·· 91 Potbar4f Do Do .• 1 6,886 "'1 ::: ::: :: 1 ... I C 6 Rahart i\~. no: no: 1 1 7,818 1 ...... 1 l · : •!Ill I 1 s 7 .... f:~·.ra.Bk. gg: g:; · :: 1 8,~ ~ ::: ::: ::: i ::: 6 u Bhev.raoD. Do. Do. •. 1 I 4,468 1 .... ~ 1 ... I s' g WI Bhrl•oU». Do. Do. ·: ~ B,381 j 1 •• ::: ... 1 "' 8 9 .., Mandavaatl Do. Do. • , 1 1,697 1 _.... ••• 1 ••• ' 6 .. Ka.tbU Do. Do. ~ 1,11110 1 ... ::: ::: ~ ::: 4 6 o Total .. ' 98 101,861 liB ... -:::--••- .. ~ -18-..-. -'168 196

BombayAoUXof1901l.l 1 &,W\9 1 1 ••• Vlllag:e Pu.ehQa.ta ... I ---~---- I Do. Do. 1 8,0UG 1:::1::: :: ~ '" 6 f 8 Do. Do. gg: l t:l: ~-..... -· t::l; Is D Do. Do. 1 19.1011 1 ::: :: ::: 1 • ' Do• Do. II 8,990 1 ...... 1'" 8 !it • Do. Do. ., 1 9.... ~ - ...... l ... 6 ' •e Do. Do. '·I 1 !I,BSB J ... ·..... ', & .. Do. Do. 1 6,078 1 ... ,-· ... 1 11 6 1{1 Do. u Do. ~: ., t ~m t ... ::: ::: 1 :: 11 ~ II Do. Do. :; ·1 &,9'10' 1 ::: :~ - 1 """ 0 10 18 Do. Do. 1 l,lf8 1 ··• D 10 Do. Do. ., 1 B.tOI 11l :: :: ·-""' 1 ... 6 6 ...u Do. Do. 1 6,817 1 ...... ::· l ·:::·· -ll ~ -·------~- I 35 34 STATEMENT No. V-continued. • Statement shoWing ~~ constitution of village authorities for Loca' Self-Govwnmenc during the year 1932-83--ilontd.

------~------~~----~------,------. Partiautan abou• Chalrmaa NUIIlber ot Mamben OJaH of .W.&II'e auGbor"Uy (i.o.. !lam- , 1--"---,Jr---.,...-- 1-----,.--,------whetiher Union ber of k.-pnJatton No. Name of Dlstrlo' Oommihee. vUlaaal.r~eated BlaaMd Noml· Nom.l· •waco Paoo~>oo¥•'· aut;ho-- 11011• Bleated naMd DaMtt 1!1:1:. Nomt· Blaa'-4 Tot.a.l - elia.) . ritiaa ofDoial om.alal ~o_,t. omo.&al oatoio naNd

1 I a· 6 • I a 10 19 18 ' ' u 1 .. I EtUI KIIGntlull I Diekiol-aontd. I - • I 16 Bbadgaon ... Village Panaha:sratil ••• Bomba¥ Act· IX ot 1 1 ...... 1 .....,10 19510. '-~ j 1 1f Nandeel Do. Do. 1 a.m 1 ...... I ... ~ I ,18 Betawa.d Bk. Do. Do. 1 i.OM 19 Bbendurni Do. Do. 1 11.168 510 Pa.hur Do. Do. 1 6,696 !11 Jamner Do. . I •·• l>o. 1 8,468 !19 Paldhl •••, Do. Do. 1 !1,878 ·!IS Nerl Bk. llo. Do. 1 !1.408 I!!~~~~~~ I !!!I i :i IU Ba.ujanga.on Do. l ::: Do. 1 !1.91'1 1 ...... -- 1 ... ' 8 ' ' 16 Mebunbare Do. Do. 1 9,<1U 1 ...... 1 .•. 1 ., ' 116 Wagboll ••• Do. Do. 1 8,819 ·9V 1turha P. Ecllabad mj· Do. Do. 1 1.685 !l8 VaradSlm ... Do. Do. 1 i.IHS l ::: ::: ::: i I ::: 1! • 1f gg Talwel 4,,, Do. Do. 1 11,68< ·t ...... 1 ... lto: u 80 Nadga.Gil ••• . Do. Do. 1 1 -91 Jamthl •.• Do. Do. 1 1,1951u•• .99 KurhaP.Nuhlrl.bad Do. Do. 1 S,lStl -66 M.amurabad •.• 1, Jlo, Do. 1 9,916 i ~~~ ~~ ~~~ i ~~~~1~1~

-·1------l ! Tolal ... ..-· _,__:__ _ .._. We•t KMtade•b ~-I--UB,-1101--I--66----"-I-- ~ -!~;~ ' Diahiot. I 1 Bonllfr ... vmace Panahaya1ia- Bombay VUiaire Pan· 1 t,fl, 1 ...... 1 ... I I ' ahQ&til Act IX of 1990 I ·9 Hendrmi ,... 6 8 Kaaare 11• 4 Pimp&lner E:: E: ::: r ::m 1 :: ::: ::: i :::1 J. NizamPur Do. no. ... 1 1,1114 1 ••• ...... 1 ... a f ,, Narda.ne •.• 6 Donda.ioba-Warvaae ~: R~: ::: ll ~~: . l ::: ::: ::: l ::: I ~ 8= Thalner Do. Do. ... ,,67t 1 ...... 1 ... lU 8 Ban ala Do. Do. ••• ,· 8,f89 1 ...... 1 ... 8 10 Nawapur Do. Do•••• 1 6,888 1 ... ..r ... 1 ••. 10 u Praka1he Do_. Do.• ...11 t.lll 1 ...... 1 ... 1 7 ~ • j-1-·-·------1 , Total ••. 11 40,966 11 ·•• •·• ... U ••• I n ll8 ...... -1---11_ -:- Nt"~DIIIriDI. DiP9tH • •.. VilliiCo Panobayala ... Bombay Vtlla.tto Pan. 1 U86 1 ...... 1 ... I f NiJ>bad· no: oha7atBIJ!~IXoll~; 1 4,4!16 1 ••• ...... 1 ... I f La1atgaoa. no. Do.- ... 1 ,,... 1 ...... 11 ... 6 ', 'Gbotl Do. Do.... 1 9,985 1·-- ...... 8 { · Obandor Do. Do. ... 1 4,419 1 -... •• ... 1 ... 8 ; •a 'Sa'IIana Do. Do.... 1 6,ti!IJ 1 ...... l"' 8 f Ka.Jwan Do. Do. ... 1 8,17, 1 ...... - 6 . ' Malegaon Camp Do. Do. ... 1 t1,'14t 1 ... ••• ... 1 ••• ' D t· Dabhad! Do. Do. ... 1 8,178 1 ...... 1 ... 8 f 10 Gl.m.e.ra Do. Do.... 1 1.8

___.J__ __ ------_:______! __ ·------36 •

• STATEMENT Nq,. V-continU8d. State~IMII ahowilng the constitution of uillags authorittes /M LocaJSelf·GOtJet·nment. - • during the year 1982·88-contd.

Num- • ~~~olars- a~o-ut_o_h_oiml__ .,.__ ' __N_•...,m_b_er_oTf_M_em ___ .,.-__ ,' 01••• ofvWaga authority <'·•·· her I . • SertaJ Name of D11utot wheliber Union Aot; under wbioh of Populatlou1_,_. Noml· I No. Committee, OODitiliUHd village deoNd l41ecte4 EI"cted· uated No:tT Es:· Nomi- Bleat- Tota.l VWaa:e Panobant. autbo- DODaJ• O.tlloiaJ DOD• '!: ~- 1 pftloiO D&Wd ed eta.) ridee , oJDoi ' oftloJal O.~.~o~OUN I .

1 Ial 6jf 8 D 10j·U 18

Boil -aoot.4.

' Tania •.• VIDaa:a Panoba.JaUI ••• Bom b&'J' Villaa:e Pa.n- 1 B,lCl ~ .•. 1 5 abayat Aot 11. of l.9!iiO. tJ Korega,on ' '6' Do, ••• Do. . .• 1 4,900 .1 ... ~ 1 6 ' 8 Paees&Oll Do. ... Do. ••• 1 2,0'16 1 ., 6' 'I' Akalkbop Do. ... Do. ••. 1 9,06i -1 ~ i "• 6' 8 I:Jbllawadi Do. ... Do. .. . 1 9,400 .1 .. .. 1 .. 8 PWna Do. ... Do. .. . ·1 9,000 1 1 6 6 lO v ..BIIa4e Do, ... Do. .. . .1 9,466 1 ,_ ... t· 1 -~ 6 11 BnrU Do. ... Do. ... 1 1,'1'17 1 ·- 1 1'11 B.logaogaon Do. ... Do. •.. 1 9,0'10 ,1 1 ' •·6· 18 Kupwa.d Do.- ... Do. •.. 9,618 1 1 14 Atta.vdellcJ. ' Do. ... Do. . .. -~ 8,606 1 ... ' ' •.. . 1 •·6 ll5 Bua.nt Do. ... Do. ... .1 8.606 1 1 . ••'· 6 6 US Yelur Do. ... Do. •.• 1 9,886 1 1 .6 1'1 BavtaJ• Do. ... Do. ••• •• .. .looo ' I Total ...

SllolaP'W Dldf'lal, . . • 1 D&rllaDhalll ... VWaa:e Panobaya.H ••• Bombay VUJage PaD• ~ 11!1!1 1 1 5 g oha.J&i AoliiX of 1~. Kar4eba1U Do. Do. •.• .1 ' 700 1 ' 6 8 .... , ·~ KumbbMi Do, Do. •.. 1 : :8,140 1 '1 6 7 •c Doddl Do. ·'··' Do. , ... 1 677 : " 1 .~ .;... 1 5 ~a Mo.Iea:aoa Do. Do. •.. 1 '196 '1 8 ~ ~· ...... 5 Mo.dba Do. Do, ... 1 4,8l!4 . . 1 ' 9 Mohol Do. '' .... J 8 Do. ... 1 6,646 " 1 1 ... " 8 • 9 ' lturduwacU Do. Do. .. . . 1 7,019 ' 1' ... . :. • 10 11 .. u Ka1e11o.on Do. ' ·1 ·---. 10 Do.. .. ••• .1 8,479 1 ... l .. . 8 9 Akloj Do, Do. ••• ·1 - 6,!169 , .. 1 1 . 9 • •u Taadalwadi Do. 1,<411 •. ~ li Do. ••• ·1 ·i 1 1 ·6 Ma.lalraa Do. Do. .. •.. •l 4,6611 o1 1 ':6 7 "' 18 Karl Do. Do. •.. 1 ·' 1 .. , 1 5!. -·1---1--~--:...... -~-1---'-·J---J--' ~ .• 18 91 ToW,O.D.,for- -~---. ···~· 19811-88 ... 1011' ·~·~~ • 1!!8 ·-: ...... ' • 1!111 ... ;..S«O 969 .. --~------· -·-- _.__ '' ' " i ··- ... . ~ ... Wlace P&nOb&Jaia ••• Aot IX of 19510 . 81 ... 8il . 170 ...!102 .• " o.. Do. ... .lot IX of 19!10 • ...' ' g~ 116 ... BaniU.ryOommlHeel. .lot 1 of 1889 " ... ·.: 17 17 98 a Dbarwu ... VUlage Panobayata ... Aofi IX of 19510 ...J 211 'll,7'111 I . 08 ,- ... 28 . 1ji Do. •.. 8tmUU7 Oommltlteea. Ao' I 91 1889 j BIS,ll!O .. !16 1118 x ...... l • ... VUIBIIe Pomoh-ta ... Aot IX of 1900 ' Nil Do. ... Santtar., Oommlt6ea1. A.at I ol1889 ·· ::: 1 S.f09 I 1 .... .1 a Knll.ba ... VlllBIIe P&Dob..,alo ... Ao' IX of 1800 D .l.B.IIBC .a ..• D 40 Do. ... &uttar, Oommltfleea. Aati I of 1889 t I ,··u,stB 6 1 87 a BalnaQlrl ••. Sanlluy Oommttteea. Aot I of IS89 . . ... 1 f,BI 1 1' 6 7 •

VUiage PaDob.,._U ... Total SanUary OommUt.eea.

'• 1 Karaohl ... VUI.,a Baultary Bomb.., Aot I of 18811. OommlUee. 1'17 '!" !!00 BY4eraba8 ... Do. ... Do. •I Bukkur ••• Do. ... Do. lkO !!CO c L.rkana .. . Do. ... Do. '"a 106 llC I Na.wababab ... Do. ' ... Do. !11 1169 ...9 21M 6 'l'bar Parkar ... Do. ... Do. 10 18f 108 'OpperBtnd.l'roD.Uer. Do. ... Do. 18 ll!O 196 ' 9 'IV 8G 1-·--1---1·--__, Tolal for 1939-18 ··: ,81 .. 9 1,IDJI

Total f0<111111-lll - 118 1,lll!l 35 37 STA'I'EMENT No. V-continUild. Statement showing the constitution of flillags authorities for Local Self-Government during tlte year 1932-38 {G.O., G.D., No. 21, dated ~th January 1921)-contd. ------..,,----·--.------.,.,-C-Iau-:t-:ru~ •• u~:-, ----·---- ' I PardoulanaboutOh~:a-----;~oiMemben -- Nam· Seriall -Name of Diatrid 1 ritiY (\.e., whetbez" Aca t&.der wbioh berofp 1 1 ' . Vll1.... ~ Union Oommifitee, • OODBiiluled viUot(e opu atioa. N m1 I ' ' No• ' 0 r ~e Villa,a:e ~anobQati, I a.o1lbo- deoted EleoMd Rleoaed a.~ted Noml· Ex· Noml· I 0 i . etio.) rlfiiH 1 ~0:;.. o11loial non· I !~. olll.cio i Dal.ed &leaW. ToW o1b.oJall Ou.aOaa.. • 1 ., 9 8 a 6 ' 8 I 8 w u a a IO • ' I NORTHERN ! DIVI810N I I A7lmsclalla

1 :iD::~~a4 :::' s.m-::omml\~.:~1 ":2:?=~1 : : ~-=-;~~~: r:=~--:

8 • ' :;:: = ::: ~ ::: : : ::I = : : -' i -' ' ! : = ! • I • .. I 6 Do. ;.• ! . Do. 1 ... 1' sl a ' ' 6 Badhu Do. .. .i Do. 1 I 11 0 I • '1 Nuke.. Do. ..., Do. 1 1, 1 I a l,t()A I 11 • 8 Troj ~- Do. 1 1,866 • 0 . "'I •I 11 Tba.ara Taluka. r i I ! I 9 Thoara Do. ..., Do. 1 1' I 0 ' 10 Kolaor Do. n•'l Do. 1 S$11 ... i I I I I N8dia4 .Taluka I I' I 1 n Do. Do 1 g Chftlashi ·-~ '" Do. ... , Do. 1 ::,1 ::: :I ::: I • 1jl N,.._a.. Do. ... , Do. 1 9,M!I ... 11 .. . w Ill i Do. 1 ll ... ; tl; I 10 o14 Uttonanda Do. 8,'111111. I ...1· ~· Chana! Do. ... Do. 1 1!,888 ... I 'I' 6 I ... I I 0' '16 'AliDa Do. •••' I Do. 1 B,IMIB I ... I I. ... I If Do. .. j Do. 1 9 10 Va4t.al 51,'111111 ... tl ... 11 18 Dobhan Do. Do. 1 9.&111 I ... 9 11 I I Kapadvaaj T&luka ·--J I I ! • 0 19 AllfiroU Do. ... I Do. 1 8,1101 ...... I I I 1 ,,• ... I !10 Do. Do. 1 I 4,8 1 I 6 '. 91 Do. Do-· I I i ::: I a e ::: I ~: I I I Boned T&luka !' i Napa Do.. ... I, Do.. 1 1,1W8 I 11 I ' a..... Do. Do. 1 496 1 1i • 6 Do. 1 11 Allklav Do. ... , • • Do. 1 11 I Dawol Do. ... , : I :.: : ::: I ••• ••·_: ,. • .. ~ • I : M:abadba .... Villlllta Panoha.J'ai •. .1 Bombay .&a• IX of 1 7,148 ! 1 . ... 0' 7 I 19'Jil. 1--~~~·-~--~~~~~-~=:--~---1 PaMA MohGll Totel •·• 16 87,01fl ; 1 .,. 11 U Ill , 160 0 1 181! Dutriol --~ ..- _;...4---1--~1-,--- I Limdi ... Vill ...oii&Dllar>'Com_l Port II o! Village 1 1 1' mi,WMI. 8aalDUoa Ac' I of • lllllll. 7 9 Balol ..., Do. Do• 1 ... I j 1 : I 8 Ka!Url ... Do. Do. 1 G 6 ' Cbampaner Do. Do. 1 :l':::i=:. :j::· T & Kalo1 1 11 - ...... I II ... I I!

6 Jhalod --·j Do. ... Do. ... I 1,1111 __1_,_1 _-·---~-·---_;; ... I I I ... I • ' I ToW - --6·1--.-u---j I - I I r--:,--.4-i! ---'r-:-:

------The Paaohaya' wu •'-bliebed a8 par CommJniner.lf. D'l aotlfteatloa No. L. •· a datecl Mb JaaaafJ' ltiB aad bepo tG fonettoa with eft',ct; from tob AptoU 199!1. As all the memben l'efd,gned durloa &he coane or 'be year, tbe odaiDal ao•tAcaaaoa af abe CommlAioaer ....blt..b1aa tha PHODaJat hM b.eD caacelled ill .m. reu (1983-36). BkH515-lO 38

STATEMENT No. V-concluded.· St.atement slw'lf}ing the constitution of village authorities for Local Self-Govemmerd during the year 1982-88 (G.O., G.D., No. 21 dated 4th Janua1·y 1921)-conc!d: ..

r I Partioutan about Ohainnan I Numbu of 1'4tmibera otus of village au tho- i Nu.m- --. ------~,- I 1 1 BeriaJI Name of District l rlty (« .... whether .A.ot under wbioh vlllber,!~ :,Population .~.~~ Noml· N . 1, 1 • •• ' Union Oommitiee, _... afl' teci Ele """' I omx 1 No. , and VW..e ViUa.ge Paoobft)'&i, oonnitukd \ autllo-' eo n:n- Elected na.ted na.ted Ez.. · Nomi- Blaoe'di. ToteJ eto.). rittea / oflloial oftloiall non- o11lolal o;Qimo I na.ted . I , olllolal , . • 11 11 8 4 61" '8 9 10 ni.lll u,.u· --r-----~,-----~~------T-I •, B ...... h Dill'lfof \ ! I 1 Bol.., -;vmaea Paaobanlo ... l!omba7 Vlllaaa Pan· 1 1,9118 ' 1 ... I ... I .•. 5 · oba:va.H Aoi IX of ' l9iQ. 6 7 ~ Dav Do. ... Do. . .. 1 l,Ml \ 1 ... ! ... 1 8 Helot Do. ... Do. . .. l 6,8<0 1 1 8 9• Kaa1la Do. ... Do. , ... 1 980 .1 I'.,.. 1 • 6 a• 8a.mor Do. ... Do. . .. 1 50() I 1 1 • 5 8 Bolam& Do. .•• Do. ' ... 1 1,91)0 1 : t '7 8a.k&l'fl0te Do. ... Do. . .. 1 roo i 1 ,, 6 B Borebbatblo Bet ... Do. •.. Do. . .. 1 9,090 1 i ::: 1 6 '9 Barb ban Do. ... Do. .. . 1 Ullll 1 1 '-i 5 10 Bank hi Do. ... Do. .. . 1 lJ.U I 1 1 'I6 • , 7 u Bbadkodra Do. ... Do. .. . 1 9'1f 1 1 41 6 111 Waara Do. ... J:lo, ... 1 1,838 1 1 6 18 PaloJ Do. ... Do. . .. 1 8.198 1 .... i 1 7 10 Nlkora Do. ... Do. . .. l sa.~~ 1 .... 1 !i 5 10 Jbade•bw&r Do. ... Do. . .. 1 1,836 1 ... I ••• 1 8: 10 BbuluUitrUI Do. ... Do. . .. 1 1!,700 1 1 ,I6' 7" lf Varedia. Do. ... Do. . .. 1 oo• 1 ~: I 1 ... 5 18 DaheJ •• Saullarv Oommlllaa • l!ombu AoU oU889 • 1 1,6011 11 9 6 I' 7 --1-==-·-~ ~j-----:::+---1--:::'"I-- Totat ... 18 88,1115 lf -·...--- ... 1 19 6 86 110 1---1----•- 1 i 1-.....:...j-.....:..~j--:..

BIWQI.Dfol'lfol I 1 Olpod ... 8&DIIarv Oommllteea, VIllage Saallattoa 1 1!,11110 ...... 1, a 4 ... I 7 Aal I of 18811. I) l!&rdoll ... Do. ... Do. .. . 1 6066 I oo• '" "' i 1: "' 9 '" a Volod ... Do. ... Do. ... 1 i ; Eroo ... Do. ... Do. .. . 1 •a Khad·Bupa ... Do. ... Do. . .. 1 8 Ba.rlbuJroc ... Do. ... Do. . .. 1 He ~ ;;;1: :::.~ :~~~ :::t --; ;;;Qt ·: Jo~o~rora ... Do. ... Do. . .. 1 9,668: ...... 1 ... ! ... 11 •.. 1 11 '8 Pard ... Do. ... Do. .. . 1 Q Udwada ... Do, ... Do. ... 1 ::~"X , ::: ::: . ::: ~ I ~ : ::: I ; 10 Vapt ... Do. ... Do. . .. 1 11 MIUldvl ... Do. ... Do. . .. 1 :::: ::: ::: ... '1 '"11 ~ 8 ::: : Barta ••• lJo, ... Do. . .. 1 18 OblkbU·SamroU ... Villace Pauobayat ... V1Uage Paaohayat 1 i ... , 466 : '" Act IX of 1g§l(l, ... ~: ··t1,. ::: :::: :~ :::61 lf Dollam Do. Do. 1 9,764 ...... 1 ... 1 7 Tolol "':--1-4-1--4-7.866__ ._ _:.. __ 8 ~: 81 7 \-2 n PI-m

l ... Vill... e Panobayat ... The llomb&J' VWa.ge 1 4,661 1 ... ; 81 o Panoh..,aU Aot.~ 11 ...... ; ... l (l!ombQ Aol No. IX of lllW). ' I I i I ~ Obtnobul Do. Do. ~ 4,816 1 ... 1 10111 8 Gbolwad. Do. Do. 1, ...... Umberaaoa Do. Do. 6• N&ro~ol Do. Do. 8 BanJa.n Do. Do. MoroU Do. Do. '8 Ph ansa. Do. Do. l l\[ \\\ I jj~ ~~~ II' 'j 9 l:ha."alw.da ll Do. Do. il l II Sbtrgaon 1 s.ooo -' ...... :: tl ::: 8 1 9 10 Do. Do. 1 UBO 1 ...... 111 I 6' 7 u AohbiU'i •roup Do. Do. ~ 4'1& 1 ...... 1 ::: &i 9 1i Dobarl Do. Do. •• t I,BS16 1 ... •.. ... 1' .•. ' s· ' lS Baro.oda Do. Do. 1,960 1 ...... ·- 1:.,1 416 K. M ahlm Do. Do. ~ 8,060 1 ..• ... : ... li ... 81 9 16 Kelwa Do. Do. l 1,76() 1 ... ,., 1 ,., 1 .,., 6 ; f "18 Tarapur Do. Do. 0 1f l 8,091 1 ... ••• I ... 1 ... 6• 7 Pol1har Do. Do. 1 9,6'18 1 ...... I.... 1 ... tO! 11 18 Vado Do. Do. ' 1 8.696 1 ...... 1 ... 6 7 10 Xaot~bad• Do. Do. Sbahauur Do. Do. ~~.= 1 ...... ' ... I 6· ' .. ' 1 ... ••• I ••• 1 ... 10, 11 il Kaaara Do. Do. 1111 Kbardl Do. Da. \Ill Klnha'fali Do Do. 114 Murhad. Do. Do. 115 DbaaaJ. Do. Do. ,.; Dombinll Do. Do. ~:~!I j~ ~:~~~: 11:::: if I llf Badl"pnr i Do. liB Padgba Rg; Do. I~:~ f ::: :::1:::: i::::, :1; 119 Gotha Do. Do. 1 846 .... ::: ::: :, ; 80 Vlror Do. Do. 1 r·::: .• ., Mauor Do. Do. , ~:m 1 ...... -· · •, ... · 8 ' 9 sa Ma.~yant Do. Do. 1 1096 ' 1 ...... 1 •.. ' 6 1 7 as NaUPada Do. Do. :::1--:::'+--:::1:.,.....-:-----.; ::: ' ::~:~_J_:....::_I~: ~i To\ol ... 88 85,190 - ss --=- ... _.._. -i-,...::.1_.._. - 11118 261 Balli~ Oomml\o 48} -..., t ' 1 -- N. Do Tolal for 1118i-38. laao. 100 1189,1011 68 •• I j {VW..e Panoh.,.lo, 67 1 18 I 28 100 • 264 1 869 '1l!ll I · . I i I I • Abolt•bed trow !at hptember lil8i. t B•tabliahed from 1ft Pebl"UUJ' 1988. 36

Reports on the Administration of the J.oOI'al . Boards in the Bombay Presidency induding Sind, for the year 1934-311.


.GENERAL DEPARTMENT • Resolution No. P. 52.

Bombay Castle, 2Cth February 1936 . . . Read reports from the Commissioner in Sind, and the Commissioners, Northern, Central und Southern Divisions, on the administration of the local boards in their respective charges during the year 193(-,~...... · ./· 'RESQLUTIQN.-NwmJJer of Local Boards.-There was no change in the number of district local boards ; but on account of the abclition of the Amod Taluka in the Broach and Panch Mahals District and Pardi Taluka in the Surat District. the number of taluka local beards in the Northern Division was reduced from 42 to 40 . . · 2. Area and population..-There was no change in the total area and ;population of the local boards during the year under report. · 3. · · Constitution.-There were minor changes in the constitution of the taluka. local boards in the West Khandesh and Broach and Panch Mahala Districts and the District Local Board and taluka local boards in the Surat District. 4. Elections.-Generalelectionsfor all the local boards in the Central and Northern Divisions were held during the year. Their results are shown in Appendix A.* In the Northern IJivision lively interest was aroused by the elections for the local boards in the Ahmedabad and Surat Districts and for the district and taluka local boards in Broach. while in the Central Division similar interest was in evidence)n the elections for most of the district local boards. · 5. Meetings.-Except in the Northern :Civision, the number of meetings .. held by the several local boards as well as the percentage of attendance at those meetings were Jess than in the previous year. 6. ]ncome.-The aggregate income of the local boards (excluding opening balances and debt) increased from Rs. 1,88,34,962 to Rs. 1 ,93,78,936. The principal variations in the main sources of revenue are explained below :- (a) Local Rates.-The receipts increased from Rs. 51,33,925 to Rs. 52,33,920. The increase occurred in Sind and in the Southern and Central Divisions. In Sind the rise was mainly due to increased cultivation. In the Southern pivision it was due to larger receipts from octroi in the Ratna~iri District and improved collection of arrears generally. In the Central Diviswn it was due to the increase of the cess by 3 pies in Nasi.k and recovery of arrear~ elsewhere .. (b) Education.-The receipts increased from Rs. 98,90,566 · to Rs. 1 ,04,64,403. The increase occurred in all Divisions and was mainly due to the larger Govei:nment grants, the receipt of past arrears of contributioJIII from non-local authorities, and increased receipts from fees. (c) Medical.-The. receipts decreased from Rs. 3,04,506 to Rs. 3,01,954. A decrease occurred in Sind and fu the Northern and Southern Divisions but the difference is small and calls for no remarks. (d) Civil Works.-The receipts increased from Rs. 19,70.954 to Rs. 19,88,407 but as the individual amounts were small, they call for no remarks. • Printed aa an accompaniment to thia Resolution. 11r1o-n Genl H 371-1