Adam’s Mirror: The Frontier in the Imperial Imagination

Manan Ahmed

To the centre of any empire, the frontier is a site of Prologue anxiety, of potential harm, of barbarians who could be n az-Zubayr’s Kitāb al-Hadāyā wa al-Tuhaf (Book of Gifts and Precious Items), a catalogue, created in the 11th century, of marching towards the gate. The imperial imaginations of Itributes collected by Muslim kings over the centuries, is a re- the medieval Arab dynasties, the colonial British, and port about a fragment of a mirror, which was received as tribute now the United States have been dominated by this by the Umayyad caliph Mu‘āwiya b Abi Sufiyān (d 680) from the anxiety. We have to plant our historiographical feet in king of al-Qiqān near al-Sind.1 Since 660 CE (Common Era), the Arab armies were engaged in extending tributaries in the Thughr the frontier space of present-day , al-Hind w’al Sind (frontier of al-Hind and al-Sind), slowly making and north to see the concerns which emerge from their way east of Khurusān, Kirmān, Sāstān, and Makrān (present within a regional imagination, in a regionally specific cities such as in Afghanistan, Lahore, the regions of conversation and in regional stories. Situating ourselves Waziristan, Baluchistan, and the port city of in Pakistan). It was Adam, az-Zubayr reports, who received this mirror from in the frontier reveals varied perspectives that are god, upon his descent from heaven, so that “he could see ­whatever invisible to the imperial eye. To pay attention to the he wished on earth”, no matter in conditions good or bad. localised production of history and memory is to Mu‘āwiya used the mirror to examine for himself the conditions at decontextualise the only context that appears relevant the frontier of his dominion, to know and check on his appointed governors and commanders in the distant battlegrounds of al- – the imperial one. This shift in perspective reveals that Hind w’al Sind. This mirror, now a fragment of ­governance, re- the oft-designated “frontier” has a centrality all of its own. mained in Mu‘āwiya’s personal possession until the ‘Abbasid times (mid-8th century onwards), after which it was ­reportedly lost. A metaphorical reading of the 11th century re-imagination of the Umayyad frontier policy needs to retain both the mystery and the danger of that frontier. It ought to capture the anxiety that the frontier continuously produces in the seat of putative power – what is going on so far away?2 It is an anxiety that paradoxically internalises a peculiar fascination with the frontier even as it pushes away more robust understandings – it simultaneously keeps the frontier a known object and an unknowable terrain. The fragment of the mirror acts as an apt metaphor for this tension – a mirror that reflects not the viewer but the distant other, and not just any other but a specific other that denotes potential danger. The frontier itself is a site of anxiety, of potential harm, of barbarians who could be marching towards the gate.3 It is this anxiety, this particular reading of the frontier that tends to dominate the imperial imagination – it clouds over the historical contingencies, the particularities or the specifici- ties, and those instated there; in its place is a caricature of the ex- otic, the unknown. This anxiety of the empire embeds itself in the frontier itself, waiting to be recalled, remembered and reproduced. On 29 January 2009, at the Senate confirmation hearing forUS Secretary of State nominee Hillary R Clinton, Senator John Kerry, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, made the following remarks: Manan Ahmed ([email protected]) is at the Freie Universität- We are struggling to fight with and for people with a different culture, a Berlin, Germany. different language, different custom, different history, different ,

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if any. And all of those similarities exist. We don’t live there. We don’t high camera on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the ambu- live in the community, in a hamlet, in a small town, pocket, whatever latory viewpoint of British academic, author and politician Rory you want to call it. And so we’re not there often at night. They are. And Stewart. the night often rules with insurgencies. The complications are pro- found in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. And I went to both – and to Viewed through the drone’s camera, the frontier is both utterly India – immediately after Mumbai and was really struck by the ex- knowable and maddeningly unknown. This capacity to crowd traordinary distance we have to travel in both places, Senator. … It out all other narratives about the space it demarcates as “fron- left – it kept leaping out at me in ways that, over a number of years tier” belongs only to the empire, and so it is to imperial history here, I really, frankly had not given enough consideration to. But re- that we must first turn. Not to explain imperial histories but to cently read a wonderful book when I commend to you by Rory Stew- art, you know, The Places in Between and another book, The Forever showcase, in the archives of an empire far removed from our War and a whole host of them that really give you the flavour of this if present, the very same gestures of framing the frontier as can be you really want it – I mean, Gertrude Bell, the Desert Queen is a fasci- seen in the British or the US cases. In what follows, I want to in- nating study of sort of the region and of tribalism. And that’s really terrupt time as it flows in Clinton’s formulation. I want to bring 4 what I want to point to. into the conversation the Umayyad empire and its relationship to Clinton’s answering remarks echoed Kerry’s reading as well as the frontier. I do so to highlight that particular ways of knowing his particular teleology, and unknowing the frontier are constitutive of imperial experi-

Sitting here today, when I think about my trips to Afghanistan, my ence, and tracing these pathways of knowledge illustrates the flying over that terrain, my awareness of the history going back to Al- unknown terrain to which frontiers are routinely confined. Next, exander the Great and, certainly, the imperial British military and I want to plant our historiographical feet in the frontier space it- Rudyard Kipling’s memorable poems about Afghanistan, the Soviet self to see the concerns which emerge from within a regional im- Union, which put in more troops than we’re thinking about putting in agination, in a regionally specific conversation and in regional – I mean, it calls for a large doze of humility about what it is we are trying to accomplish.5 stories. Situating ourselves in the frontier reveals new topogra- phies, varied perspectives, networks and routes that are invisible Starkly present in Senator Kerry’s language is the frontier, to the imperial eye. though he will never use that word. The space he describes is at the edge, chaotic, destructive, dark, unknowable. Here, the role The First Frontier of Adam’s mirror is played by the literary reporter, dispatched The Arab expansion towards the frontier of al-Hind w’al-Sind – from the empire out to the frontier, the Rudyard Kipling, the Rory roughly peninsular southern Asia, using the as a Stewart, the T E Lawrence, the Gertrude Bell; those who can natural boundary between al-Sind (the regions to the north and walk, mingle, pass through that frontier to either reproduce it in west) and al-Hind (the regions to the east) – began largely as a a image of the capital or reproduce an image of it for the capital. result of the re-entrenchment of the last of the Sasanid nobility in Here again is the mystery and danger of the frontier, invoked the eastern hinterlands of Khurusān and Kirmān in the mid-seventh ­either in romantic tones or in catastrophic ones. century. By 700 CE, the regions of Sīstan and Makrān – with im- In the teleology of empires that Clinton presents – from Alexan- portant garrison sites such as Kandahar – were constantly switch- der, to the British, to the Soviet and finally, to theUS – is another ing alliances, revolting, and both attracting and exporting rebel- manifestation of the anxiety produced by the frontier, the forget- lious elements, ideologies and assassins against the Umayyad ting of known pasts, the eliding of known geographies, the delib- court in Damascus and the major cities of and Kufa. Efforts erately maintained distance from the frontier. The genealogy re- to “control” this region eventually led to the successful campaign flects not only the specific links between empires and that par- of 712 CE that established Umayyad garrisons in the ports on the ticular frontier but also the pasts that the empire chooses to ac- Indus River and opened a secure naval route from Aden to Sindh. knowledge, reflect on and know. Afghanistan, Pakistan – espe- The victory, like all previous victories in the region, was short- cially the regions of Waziristan, Baluchistan and lower Sindh – lived and throughout the eighth century, numerous expeditions act as the internal frontiers of the US empire. In the language of were dispatched to the frontier, as the Gurjara-Partiharas in the empire, this frontier space is posited as both empty (figuratively north-west and the Rashtrakutas in the Deccan maintained a speaking) and chaotic (analytically speaking). It becomes a site tumultuous coexistence with the Arab-Muslim principality. of continuous contestation and battle and always remains, by The anxiety of harm that exists on the military frontier is aptly definition, far removed from the ordered capital. It is in a state of captured in historical and exegetical tradition. In the section permanent displacement, filled only by transitive populations. It on the frontier of al-Hind wa’l Sind in the Kitāb Futāh al-Buldān is liminal, in the sense that it is at the margins, between zones, at (The Book of Conquest of Lands) by al-Balādhurī (d 892), there the edge, unable to produce subjectivities of its own. Its inhabit- are repeated invocations of the many failures and setbacks suf- ants cannot be visualised historically, politically, or socially. It is fered by the Arab armies in the region of Zabulistān, Sistān and this liminal nature, this existence outside law’s writ that, on the Makrān. At the outset, al-Balādhurā reproduces a caution given one hand, allows the drones to fly over the region, dispensing to the third caliph ‘Uthman (d 655), who hoped to restrict the “frontier justice” (to evoke the American West), without the ex- movement of rebellious forces to and from the region, and re- plicit need of trial, juries or judges, and on the other hand, allows ceived this report from a scout to the region: “‘O Commander of the empire only a peculiarly circumscribed knowledge of it. The the Believers, I examined it and know it well.’ The caliph said, Adam’s mirror of the Umayyad is now recreated as the 5,500 metre ‘Describe it’. He said, ‘The water supply is sparse; the dates are

Economic & Political Weekly EPW march 26, 2011 vol xlvI no 13 61 REFLECTIONS ON EMPIRE inferior; and the robbers are bold. A small army would be lost ‘ajāib al-Hind (marvels of India) texts, which emerge in the late there, and a large army would starve.’”6 That caution shadows ninth century, act as a well-noted locus of historical, geographical the narration of the various Muslim campaigns to the region – al- and exotic information on this frontier. In this genre, which also Balādhurī repeatedly refers to the breaking of frontier treaties, contains a large number of mercantile and naval accounts, lies an the decimation of established garrison cities, the assassination of exotic landscape that is filled with gold-carrying ants, giant eagles governors or their removal due to corruption. In his narrative, and other terrible creatures – some in Kashmir, some in , this eastern frontier of the Umayyad empire remains volatile and some in . An examination of the wondrous tales in the unsettled, continuously draining the coffers. The list of armies ‘ajāib al-Hind genre reveals that it borrowed heavily from Greek and commanders given by al-Balādhurī’ illustrates the continual accounts, often reproducing tales from the second or third centu- pressure the frontier exerted on the Umayyad. In 663-64, ries BCE (Before the Common Era), with slight modifications, in ‘Abdallāh b Sawwār al-‘Abdi leads two expeditions to Kikān, per- Arabo-Islamic guises.10 That these fantastic elements mingled, ishing in the second. In 665, Sinān ibn Salamah reaches Makrān within the same text, with dynamically produced nautical re- and establishes a fort. Sinān’s conquest, however, is short-lived, ports on distances, wind currents, and port conditions reflect the as the fort goes in and out of Arab control until 672 when al- carefully calibrated knowing/unknowing that situated itself in Mundhir ibn al-Jarūd al-‘Abdiis is able to recapture it. The local the empire’s frontier. political and social powers, such as the Zunbīls of Zamīn-dawar It is to the persistence of this literary and political imagination and Zābulistān, and the Kābulshāhs of Kabul, were sometimes of the thughr (frontier) that we can credit the appearance of persuaded to pay tribute but, according to al-Balādhurī, due to Adam’s mirror in the 11th century text. And it is a similar literary the lack of a standing Arab army, they often changed their minds and political imagination, which rests uncomfortably in the im- and remained ferocious opponents. perial heart that shapes our present-day understandings of that The Zābulistān campaigns left a deeper historical mark – the same frontier. For more than 250 years, the frontier of al-Hind Umayyad sent the governor ‘Ubaidallah b Abi Bakra to Zābulistān w’al-Sind remained static in the imperial vision, onto which could at the head of the Jaish al-Tawawis (Army of Destruction) to sub- be projected the fantastic, the bizarre, and the incomprehensible. due the region in 698. They were caught, captured and largely During that same period, the trade re-emerged as a decimated, putting an end to Umayyad expeditions to the region dominant link; and a vast intellectual and ideological transfer of for the next decade.7 It provoked a number of poetical and mythical communities occurred, generating site-specific knowledge. That accounts of the doomed army. One of these is preserved in the this frontier, though within the confines of the empire, retained early 10th century geographical treatise Kitāb al-Masālik wa’l- the allure of the exotic and the fear, reflected the balance of Mamālik (Book of Roads and Kingdoms) by Ibn Khurdādhbih knowing and unknowing that constituted the empire’s others. (d 913), where he reproduces a popular lament about the many Any recuperative act against the empire, any historiographical graves of fallen Arab soldiers in Kandahar.8 corrective to the imperial narratives, must begin by examining This engagement – military and political – also stimulated a this imagination, but it cannot stop there. It has to situate itself production of knowledge about this frontier in all the genres that on the frontier, locating itself outside Adam’s mirror. usually constitute imperial knowledge, the historical, the admin- istrative, the geographical, and the wondrous. As mentioned ear- The View from the Frontier lier, the first reported embassy from Baghdad to the al-Hind and In 1868, in an essay titled “Democratic Vistas”, poet-philosopher al-Sind departed in 800, and became the basis of numerous geo- Walt Whitman made a prediction about the American frontier. graphical and historical accounts. A number of key Arab geogra- In a few years the dominion-heart of America will be far inland, to- phers visited Arab Sind in the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries. How- ward the West. Our future national capital may not be where the ever, there is a general deficiency in “official” Muslim accounts present one is. It is possible, nay likely, that in less than 50 years, it will when it comes to this frontier. The universal histories, such as of migrate a thousand or two miles, will be re-founded, and every thing belonging to it made on a different plan, original, far more superb.11 those al-Tabariī (d 923) and al-Ya’qūbī (d 897), provide little cov- erage of al-Hind w’al-Sind. This scarcity in the historical and geo- This magnetic pull of the frontier on the centre, which is pow- graphical texts is read, in secondary literature, as indicating the ered by the demand for new talent, for new energy, for new lack of political and religious significance of Sindh to the Arab “stock”, is rarely remarked upon in the literature on centre-­ polity. Khalid Blankinship, for example, notes that there is an periphery models. In Whitman is a subtext worth explicitly not- “overwhelming geographical bias” towards the metropolitan cit- ing – the frontier is not empty. The inhabitants of this frontier, ies of Iraq, with the consequence that “the importance of events the space towards which the empire must advance, are the neces- is only measured by their nearness to and impact on the capital sary fodder to propel the movement. It is quite possible to read, in city”.9 But that seems to be a limited understanding of both the this sense, the movement of Islamicate capitals towards the fron- frontier and the centre – or at least a decidedly atomic one, with tier of al-Hind wa’l Sind – from Damascus to Baghdad to Samarra concretised stable notions of “centre” and “frontier”. to Ghazna and Ghur and the influx of Persian, of Turkic, of Indian As is apparent from the various geographical and historical populations, found at the “frontier”, who settle the characteristics accounts, Arab Sind, especially during the time of Arab political of the empire “with all the old retain’d, but more expanded, and military presence, played a powerful role in the genre of lit- grafted on newer, hardier, purely native stock.”12 The logical erature known as ‘ajāib wa ghar’āib (wonders and miracles). The extension of such a reading would be to place ourselves on the

62 march 26, 2011 vol xlvI no 13 EPW Economic & Political Weekly REFLECTIONS ON EMPIRE frontier and examine the ways in which the empire is reflected appointed four governors – one in Brahmanabad, one in , one in and refracted in histories and policies. To pay attention to the Iskandari, and one in the great city of Multan. He himself remained in the localised production of history and memory is not just a passive capital and kept a close relationship with his frontier governors, sup- plying them with troops and arms. He gave them strict orders to guard scholarly act of locating “agency” in archives. It is to arrest the the borders of their domains so that no outsider could break through.13 narratives that the empire generates about itself. It is to decon- textualise the only context that appears relevant – the imperial The text goes on to describe the rule of a brahmin king Chach, one. This shift in perspective is not merely a corrective, but a who conquers this kingdom and proceeds to visit the borders of critical one, as it reveals that the oft-designated “frontier” has a his new polity. centrality all of its own. At Kashmir, he planted two trees – one oak and one beech and he By the time of al-Mu’tasiṃ (813-33), the ‘Abbāsids had sent a waited for them to grow and their branches to entangle with each long list of governors to the region of al-Hind w’al Sind. The other. This, he declared, was the border between the Raja of Kashmir period between the death of al-Mu’tasiṃ and the assassination of and us. No one will go across without permission. At he plant- al-Mutawakil (833-61) is one of a fairly stable court in Baghdad. A ed a bushel of date trees and inscribed on the trunk an insignia of his large influx of hadīth scholars, grammarians, and theologians court – marking the limit of his rule. By Sistan, he had erected a bell tower with five trumpets which would sound at dawn and at dusk.14 made their way to the port cities in Gujarat and Sindh, and up towards Lahore. Similarly, the traffic from al-Hind across the This already-realised picture of kingship is markedly different, Arabian Gulf to the cities of Baghdad and Cairo flourished. Pottery of course, from the claims of a Chakravartin, a Sultan-e Kamil or and coins gathered from Sāmarrā, Fustāt, Daybul and Mansūra a Badhshah-e Alam or other designations reserved for kings, con- show that a cross-regional trade flourished during this period. querors and rulers, whose domain was always the world in its One sign of the stability of this trade was the numerous regional entirety. Its careful delineation of terrain is also largely invisible power centres that flourished in the 9th and 10th centuries – the to scholarship because it does not fit the centre-periphery or the Mahāniya in Gujarat, the Habāri in Sindh, and the Saffārids and frontier model. the Sāmānids from Ghazna to Multan. The Ghaznawids (962- Keeping in mind that this Persian text was produced on the 1186) are perhaps most well known for extending their empire frontier, we can add a string of such localised texts, which are not across most of al-Hind wa’l Sind, threading together all the cities concerned with the imperial capitals but with their own region. from Ghazna to Lahore to the lower Indus valley. The establish- The Tarikh-i Tabakāt-i Mubarākshahī, written in early 16th cen- ment of the Delhi Sultanate, out of the fragments of the Ghurid tury, which is our only primary source for the Sammā, and the empire, once again created a new political space in the broader Tarikh-i Tahirī, written in the mid-16th century, were both pro- region encompassing the frontier. The 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th duced in the town of Thatta. In both, the , the do- centuries saw the establishment of polities with political and ings of Humayun and Akbar, are mere backgrounds against social bases in Sindh, Baluchistan and southern Afghanistan – which regional concerns are paramount – the tales of ascensions the Sumrā and the Sammā (based in Makrān), the Arghān and victories, the descriptions of forts, cities and ports (especially (based in Kandahār), and the Tarkhān. Surrounding them were of Thatta, Multan, Lahore, and Kandahar), the recounting of folk the gunpowder empires – the Uzbek (1500-1785), the Mughal romances and biographical notes on notable poets and Sufis. Un- (1526-1858) and the Safavid (1501-1722), who often insisted that like the materials completed in the capital, these texts are not fo- this was a frontier – a meeting of borderlines, conflict zones, and cused on exotica or anxiety, but on the lived lives of the commu- uncontrollable chaos. Hence the adventures of Babar in 1520, nities that surround them. In the 17th century, Tarikh-i Ma’sumi Akbar in 1592, Nadir Shah in 1739, Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1753, and Beglarnama; in the 18th century, Tuhfāt ul-Kirām; and in the and, perhaps most relevantly, the East India Company in 1843. 19th century, Lubb-e Tarikh-i Sind were some of the key texts The above string of political dynasties and concerns each left ­produced in the frontier of al-Sind. their traces in history – built environments, circulated objects, The most critical intervention these frontier texts provide is cultural memories. All of which provide a radically different con- information on local customs, local culture and biographies of ception of space, boundaries and belonging than the view from notables. It seems a banal point to make that the imperial gaze to the capitals of Baghdad, Delhi, Agra or London. Consider the the frontier always aimed to generalise from the particular, to early 13th century Persian text, written in Thatta, Sindh, and deduce patterns, to predict behaviour. The power of these partic- popularly known as Chachnama. Describing for its courtly audi- ular texts lies in shifting the descriptive focus away from the di- ence, a portrait of seventh century al-Sind, it presents a strictly agnostic or the programmatic to the lived and the social. It is a bounded vision of the polity that existed before ’s arrival. perception of space utterly lacking in Adam’s mirror.

Narrators of reports and historians write that the city of Aror, which Take Tūhfat ul-Kirām (Gifts of the Generous) by Mir ‘ Sher was the capital of al-Hind and al-Sind, was a great city by the river Qāni (1727-1788), a history attuned to the spiritual and mystical Sehwan (which we call Mehran), filled with varied palaces, colourful leaders of Sindh – narrating folk epics and oral histories of vari- pastures, canals, fountains, gardens, and flower gardens. And in this ous towns, centres and graveyards. Qāni authored more than 42 lively city was a Hindu Raja by the name of Rai Sehras b Sehasi who had works, including numerous compendiums of poetry (he excelled immeasurable treasures and riches. His justice was known around the world and his philanthropy was legendary. To the East, his ­kingdom in the mathnāvi and qasidā); a dictionary of Persian poets in extended to Kashmir; in the west to Makran, in the south to Daybul and Sindh, Muq’allāt-e Shur’ā (1760); a history from the ‘Abbasids to the sea shore, and to the north to the Qiqans. To each frontier, he had the Kalhōra, Tar’īkh-i ‘Abbasi (1761); and a truly unique cultural

Economic & Political Weekly EPW march 26, 2011 vol xlvI no 13 63 REFLECTIONS ON EMPIRE , incorporating everything from fashion to culi- the teleological distance (the more than 2,100 years that separate nary skills and means of relaxation, Nisāb ul-Bulghā (1783). Alexander from imperial Britain in that “terrain”), to give valence Tuhfāt ul-Kirām (1761) comprises three volumes. The first deals to contexts more valid to this particular imperial adventure. with the history of the prophets down to the early Caliphs. The second is divided into seven sections – each containing histories At the Edges of the US Empire of cities and towns in Sindh, Baluchistan, and Afghanistan, The debate about the “empire-ness” of the post-1989 US acquired along with their spiritual and ruling elite. The third volume is momentum during the 2001-03 period, when its military and dedicated to the history of the region, ending with the Kalhorā political retaliation to the 11 September 2001 attacks created a ­dynasty. Tuhfāt ul-Kirām concerns itself primarily with cultural starkly new geopolitical world. Taking the late 19th century British and spiritual aspects, intertwining romances, culinary prac- Empire as the yardstick for all imperial measurements, historian tices, Sufi hagiographies and discussions of the magical proper- Niall Ferguson declared in October 2001 that the US had to be- ties of everyday objects. In all, Qāni uses the history of the re- come a colonial imperial power or risk losing the world to chaos.15 gion, of institutions, of households, to illustrate the “pre-emi- This judgment did not catch on per se, as despite admini­strators nence” of certain practices and to promote a regional viewpoint, such as Zalmay Khalilzad, Jay Garner and L Paul Bremer, the US which he laments is absent in the works on history composed at decided to restrict the colonial angle of its imperial processes. the courts. Hence, the petulant declaration by then Secretary of Defence These histories, these tombs, these political philosophies, po- Donald Rumsfeld in April 2003, “We don’t seek empires … We’re litical theologies, manuals of governance, and genealogies of rule not imperialistic. We never have been.”16 Taken at face value, are the missing links in Clinton’s historical narrative (“my flying such protestations are taken as evidence that the US is an “anti- over that terrain, my awareness of the history going back to colonial” empire, one that has never been interested in possess- ­ and, certainly, the imperial British mili- ing colonies (hence, never developed an administrative or serv- tary”). My attempt to fill in the gap is not an attempt at biblio- ice core of colonial bureaucracies).17 But, it does not take away graphic or encyclopedic completeness. It is an attempt to reduce the imperial vision on a global scale that has bound successive US


On Remembering Lohia – Yogendra Yadav

Lohia’s Socialism: An Underdog’s Perspective – Sachchidanand Sinha

Understanding Capitalism through Lohia – Sunil

Understanding Lohia’s Political Sociology: Intersectionality of Caste, Class, Gender and Language – Anand Kumar

Context, Discourse and Vision of Lohia’s Socialism – Rajaram Tolpadi

Many Lohias Appropriations of Lohia in Karnataka – Chandan Gowda

Lohia as a Doctoral Student in Berlin – Joachim Oesterheld

What Is Living and What Is Dead in Rammanohar Lohia? – Yogendra Yadav

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64 march 26, 2011 vol xlvI no 13 EPW Economic & Political Weekly REFLECTIONS ON EMPIRE regimes and the public since the very beginning. Here, as a crude treaty and finally abrogated when the Company annexed Sindh example, is an ode, written by Francis Hopkinson, printed on in 1843, in the aftermath of the disastrous first Anglo-Afghan War of pamphlets and distributed at the Independence Day parade on 1841. The annexation, as has been convincingly argued by John Y 4 July 1788, in Philadelphia: “O for a muse of fire! to mount the Yong, was driven in large parts by the Company’s desire to further skies/And to a listening world proclaim/Behold! behold! an em- control the production and transportation of opium from Bengal’s pire rise!”18 The ode was titled “Columbia’s Triumph”, using the plantations to China. As Yong describes the global network of now almost forgotten title for a US that extended its triumph be- opium, the US military and mercantile interests were intimately yond the seas. linked as procurers and transporters in the Indian Ocean.21

‘Tis done! ‘tis done! my sons, she cries, What is striking is that neither the regional histories nor the In war are valiant and in council wise. US’ own imperial past are visible in present narratives, and neither Wisdom and valour shall my rights defend, is brought to bear in the postcolonial scholarly engagement And o’er my vast domain those rights extend. with Pax Americana. The overwhelmingly prevalent comparative Science shall flourish, genius stretch her wing, project to the US empire remains the British example in west In native strains Columbian muses sing: Wealth crown the arts, and Justice cleanse her scales, Asia and south Asia. The critiques levelled against US strategies Commerce her pon’drous anchor weigh in Afghanistan or Pakistan are rarely themselves cognisant of … Wide spread her sails. historical pasts of the region, and rarely entangle themselves in 19 And in far distant seas her flag display. locally produced narratives. The effort to generalise from parti­ This vision of a global imperial reach was clearly articulated cularities gives us reams of scholarship on “tribes” or “Islamism”, early. The world beyond was always visible, always attainable – which recycle, at best, British colonial strategies of control and Jedidiah Morse’s The American Universal Geography (1797) had domination. Adam’s mirror, as a metaphor, reflects one trope of by its fifth edition a long chapter on “Sindetic Hindoostan”, cover- an epistemological engagement with the frontier – that of direct, ing the cities of “Lahore, Cashmere, Cabul, Ghisni, or Gasna, unfiltered reportage, the ultimate informant who holds no bias, Candahar, Moultan, and Tatta”. This awareness of a global geo­ and where there is no need to sift the personality from the knowl- graphy and the availability of global capital are most clearly visi- edge. In starker terms, the frontier remains a fixed, stagnant ble in the 1856 Guano Islands Act. Goaded by that same spirit, the space from the point of view of the empire – whether the 1821 treaty between the East India Company and the of Umayyad Adam’s mirror or the US drone’s view-finder. Adam’s Sindh expressely forbid “other Europeans and Americans the right mirror shows its limitation not in itself – in the object – but in its to settle in Sind”.20 This 1821 treaty was subsumed by the 1830 raison d’être – the gazer’s intent.

Notes 4 “Senate Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of 10 See S Maqbul Ahmad (1989), Arabic Classical Ac- State Nominee Hillary Clinton”, The American counts of India and China (Shimla: Indian Insti- 1 Ghāda al Hijjāwī al-Qaddūmī (1998): Book of Gifts Presidency Project, accessed on 14 November 2010, tute of Advanced Study). and Rarities (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press): 175. 11 Walt Whitman (1997), Poetry and Prose, Justin pid=85454. Kaplan (ed.) (London: Fitzroy Dearborn): 951. 2 Distance here, however, cannot be read literally. 5 Same as Note 4. Arab Sind was not at some great distance from 12 Same as Note 11. the governors in Bahrain or Oman, or from Da- 6 al-Balādhurī (1988): Futūh al-Buldān (Beirut: 13 N A Baloch (1983), Fathnamah-i Sind: Being the Maktaba al-Hil l): 416-17. mascus or Baghdad, for that matter. However, ā Original Record of the Arab Conquest of Sind, Arab Sind remained at a great remove in the im- 7 C E Bosworth (1973), “Ubaidullah b Abī Bakra and ­(Islamabad: Institute of Islamic History, Culture perial imagination. The first noted expedition, the ‘Army of Destruction’ in Zabulistan”, Der Islam, and Civilisation): 18. primarily for the sake of knowledge gathering 50: 268-83. 14 N A Baloch (1983): 39. occurred as late as 800 CE, when the Barmakid 8 The retelling of this episode was oft-cited by 15 Niall Ferguson (2001), “Welcome the New Imperi- minister Yahyā bin Khalid went on a scientific Orientalists who found echoes of it in the Anglo- alism: The US Must Make the Transition from tour. That report remains the sole imperial docu- Afghan wars of the mid-to-late 19th century: “In Informal to Formal Empire”, The Guardian, 31 Oc- mentation of its dominion in the peninsula until the time of al-Muqtadār (916), during the dig- tober, accessed on 26 November 2010. al-Beruni’s in the 11th century (by which time ging for the foundation of a tower in Kandahar, a 16 Max Boot (2003), “American Imperialism? No military and political power had shifted from subterranean cave was discovered, in which Need to Run Away from Label,” USA Today, were a thousand Arab heads, all attached to the Baghdad to Ghazna). 5 April, accessed on 26 November 2010. same chain, which had evidently remained in 3 A more explicit reworking of this anxiety local- 17 This is the first analytical point in Engseng Ho’s good preservation since the year 70/698, for a remarkable essay on the US empire. I owe much ised in the mirror comes to us from the 12th cen- paper with this date upon it was found attached tury French Roman d’Enéas, which contains a here to Ho’s critical thinking. See Engseng Ho by a silken thread to the ears of the 29 most im- (2004), “Empire through Diasporic Eyes: A View description of the tomb of Camille, where a portant skulls, with their proper names. This m­irror is mounted to the ceiling “in which they from the Other Boat” in Comparative Studies in would indicate that the Arabs at first met with no Society and History, 46 (2): 210-46. could see very well when someone was coming great success in their enterprise against this to attack them, whether by sea or by land. They town: nevertheless they became masters of it.” 18 The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle would never be conquered in war; whoever Of course, that note of eventual triumph at the (1788): Vol 58 (London: John Nichols), 1018. was seated at the foot of the tower could see end seemed prophetic for their enterprise, and 19 Same as Note 18. in the mirror their enemies coming toward the anecdote functioned less as a historical echo 20 It is unclear whether this is in response to traders them. Thus they could supply themselves and more as a showcase for the frisson caused by and merchants in the region or missionary acti­ well and prepare themselves for defence; they the invocation of savagery at the frontier. See vities. Churches based in the US had heavily in- would not be easy to surprise.” See Vincent A H D Seymour and J P Ferrier (1856), Caravan vested in sending missions to and Sindh Lankewish (1998), “Assault from Behind: Sod- Journey and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, during the period. See, for example, The First omy, Foreign Invasion, and Masculine Identity Turkistan and Beloochistan, (London: John Mur- Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of in the Roman d’Enéas” in Sylvia T­omasch and ray): 323. the Presbyterian Church, in the United States Seally Giles (ed.), Text and Territoriality: Geo- 9 Khalid Yahya Blankinship (1994): The End of the (New York, 1838). graphical I­magination in the European Middle Jihād State: The Reign of Hishām Ibn ‘Abd Al-Malik 21 See J Y Wong (1998), Deadly Dreams: Opium, Im- Ages (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania and the Collapse of the Umayyads (Albany: State perialism and the ‘Arrow’ War (1856-60) in China, Press): 208. University of New York Press): 259. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

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