Interdisciplinary Journal of the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric
Interdisciplinary Journal of the William J. Perry Volume 14 2013 Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies ISSN: 1533-2535 Special Issue: The Drug Policy Debate FOREIGN POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES THE DRUG POLICY DEBATE Michael Kryzanek, China, United States, and Latin A Selection of Brief Essays Representing America: Challenges and Opportunities the Diversity of Opinion, Contributors: Marilyn Quagliotti, Timothy Lynch, Hilton McDavid and Noel M. Cowell, A Peter Hakim (with Kimberly Covington), Perspective on Cutting Edge Research for Crime and Craig Deare, AMB Adam Blackwell, and Security Policies and Programs in the Caribbean General (ret.) Barry McCaffrey Tyrone James, The Growth of the Private Security Industry in Barbados: A Case Study BOOK REVIEWS Phil Kelly, A Geopolitical Interpretation of Security Joseph Barron: Review of Max Boot, Concerns within United States–Latin American Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Relations Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present Emily Bushman: Review of Mark FOCUS ON BRAZIL Schuller, Killing With Kindness: Haiti, Myles Frechette and Frank Samolis, A Tentative International Aid, and NGOs Embrace: Brazil’s Foreign and Trade Relations with Philip Cofone: Review of Gastón Fornés the United States and Alan Butt Philip, The China–Latin Salvador Raza, Brazil’s Border Security Systems America Axis: Emerging Markets and the Initiative: A Transformative Endeavor in Force Future of Globalisation Design Cole Gibson: Review of Rory Carroll, Shênia K. de Lima, Estratégia Nacional de Defesa Comandante:
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