Commentary Abbreviations of Works Frequently Cited
COMMENTARY ABBREVIATIONS OF WORKS FREQUENTLY CITED A Astronomia instaurata (Amsterdam, 1617), the 3rd ed. of the RB'Oolutions B The 2nd ed. of the Reoolutions (Basel, 1566) GV Valla, Giorgio, De expetendis et fugiendis rebus (Venice, 1501) Me Menzzer, C. L., Uber die Kreisbewegungen der Weltkorper (Leipzig, 1939; reprint of Thom 1879 ed.) MK Birkenmajer, L.A., Mikolaj Kopernik (Cracow, 1900). An abridged English version was published by Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1976, too late for use herein. Mu Nikolaus Kopernikus Gesamtausgabe, vol. II (Munich, 1949) N Copernicus, De reoolutionibus orbium coelestium (Nuremberg, 1543) NCCW Nicholas Copernicus Complete Works: vol. I (London/Warsaw, 1972) p Prowe, Leopold, Nicolaus Coppernicus (Berlin, 1883-1884; reprinted, Osnabriick: Zeller, 1967): PI: vol. I, part I PI1: vol. I, part II PII: vol. II P-R Peurbach, George and Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitome (Venice, 1496) PS Ptolemy, Syntaxis PS 1515 Ptolemy, Syntaxis; Latin translation issued in Venice, 10 January 1515 SC Birkenmajer, L. A., Stromata Copernicana (Cracow, 1924) T Copernicus, De r8fJolutionibus orbium caelestium (Thom, 1873) 3CT Rosen, Edward, Three Copernican Treatises, 3rd ed. (New York: Octagon, 1971) W Copernicus, De reoolutionibus orbium coelestium (Warsaw, 1854) Z Zinner, Emst, Entstehung und Ausbreitung der coppernicanischen Lehre (Erlangen, 1943) ZGAE Zeitschrift jar die Geschichte und Altertumskunds Ermlands 332 NOTBS ON PP. VII-XV NOTES ON TilE FRONT MATTER P. VII-xn. No Table of Contents appears in Copernicus' autograph. What appears in N was prepared by the editors of N not by Copernicus. P. XV. This title page was designed in Nuremberg by the persons responsible for the first edition of the RBf!olutions (cited hereafter as N).
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