OnMichałthe defectiveness Kokowskiof the argument for (ed.), the finality of the THEdiscovery NICOLAUSof the remains of Nicolaus COPERNICUSCopernicus. Part 1: Results and GRAVEinterpretation MYSTERY.of historical, archaeological, A anthropological DIALOGUEand anthroposcopic OF EXPERTSresearch POLISH ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Michał KOKOWSKI Department of History of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology, Ludwik and Aleksander Birken- majer Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences; Copernicus Center for Inter- disciplinary Studies, Poland; www.cyfronet.pl/~n1kokows/home.html;
[email protected] On the defectiveness of the argument for the finality of the discovery of the remains of Nicolaus Copernicus. Part 1: Results and interpretation of historical, archaeological, anthropological and anthroposcopic research1 Abstract The article presents a comprehensive critique of the argument in favour of the fi nd- ing of the remains of Nicolaus Copernicus formulated before the genetic research. The arguments based on the knowledge of historical sources are analysed here, as well as the results of archaeological, anthropological and anthroposcopic research, the comparison of the skull 13/05 and the facial reconstruction with the portraits of Copernicus, and also the iconography of Copernicus and the methodology of interdisciplinary research. The critique leads to the following assertion: Based on the results provided by the team of Jerzy Gąssowski before the genetic research, it was not possible to have grounds to assert that the grave of Nicolaus Copernicus had been discovered with a probability of 97% or higher. Therefore, this research should be continued, in order to increase the strength of the argumentation and obtain new evidence. Keywords: Nicolaus Copernicus, Copernican studies, iconography of Copernicus, facial reconstruction, comparison of the skull 13/05 and facial reconstruction with Co- pernicus’s portraits, argument of authority, methodology of interdisciplinary research.