Copernicus, Tycho Brache, and Kepler
^be ©pen Gourt A MONTHLY MAGAZINE S)c\>otc& to tbc Science of "Religfon, tbe IRellgton of Science, an& tbe Bitension ot tbe IReliQious parliament f&ea EcHtor: Dr. Paul Caids. E- C. Hboblu. Astoaaus.j,.^^^t,..S -j Atnttant Editor: T. J. McCoemack. j^^^^^ Cards. VOL. XIV. (no. 7) July, 1900. NO. 530 CONTENTS: Frontispiece. Copernicus. Copernicus, Tycho Brake, and Kepler. With Five Portraits, Diagrams of Astronomical Systems, and Facsimile Reproductions of Early Astro- nomical Instruments. Carus Sterne, of Berlin 385 The Notion of a Continuum. An Essay in the Theory of Science. Prof. Ernst Mach, of the University of Vienna 409 The So-called Mystery Plays. Illustrated. E. F. L. Gauss 415 The Old and the New Magic. With Numerous Illustrations of Magical Ap- paratus. (Concluded.) Editor 422 Kant and Spencer. A Criticism. Sir Robert Stout, Wellington, N. Z. 437 The Open Court and ^'Leaves of Grass.'" W. H. Trimble, New Zealand . 439 New Works on Political Economy, and Political Science 440 Book Eeviews and Notes 445 CHICAGO ®be ©pen Court IpubUsbing Companie LONDON : Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Ltd. Per copy, 10 cents (sixpence). Yearly, $1.00 (In the U. P. U., 5s. 6(L). Copyright, 1900, by Tbe Open Court PvbliahiaK Co. Entered at the Chic«Ko Post Oflk;e as Second>Clasa MatUr. ^be ©pen Court A MONTHLY MAGAZINE 2)cvote& to tbe Science of IReligion, tbe IReUaton of Science, arH> tbe Extension ot tbe IReligious parliament irt)ea EcHtfr: Dr. Ca«us. E. C. Hboblxk. Paul Af*otMi€M.>#,,<,««/^, j j^^^^^ Atnsiant Editor: T.
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