PHIL 339 Intro Phil of Science, UO Philosophy Dept, Winter 2018
1 PHIL 339 Intro Phil of Science, UO Philosophy Dept, Winter 2018 Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Benjamin Franklin,Watson & Crick, Rosalind Franklin, Galileo Galilei, Dr. Linus Pauling, William Crawford Eddy, James Watt Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Charles Darwin, James Clerk Maxwell, Archimedes, Lise Meitner, Sigmund Freud, Irène Joliot-Curie Gregor Johann Mendel,Chien-Shiung Wu,Barbara McClintock, Neil DeGrasse Tyson. All Contents ©2017 Photo Researchers, Inc., 307 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY , 10016 212-758-3420 800-833- 9033 Science Source® is a registered trademark of Photo Researchers, Inc. / 2 PHIL 339 Intro Phil of Science, UO Philosophy Dept, Winter 2018 Course Data PHIL 339 Intro Phil of Science >2 4.00 cr. Grading Options: Optional for all students Instructor: Prof. N. Zack, Office: 239 SCH Phone: (541) 346-1547 Office Hours: WTh -2-3 See CRN for CommentsPrereqs/Comments: Prereq: one philosophy course (waiver available) *Note: This is a 2-hr course twice a week and discussion is built in. There will breaks and variations in subject matter to keep it interesting. OVERVIEW/DESCRIPTION (See also APPENDICES A-D AFTER SYLLABUS) Philosophy of Science is unique to philosophy. It raises questions about facts, theories, reality, explanation, and truth not often addressed by scientists or other humanistic scholars. This course will provide the basics of Philosophy of Science with concrete examples as science now applies to contemporary subjects such as Climate Change, Feminism, and Race. Students will have an opportunity to choose their own branches of inquiry for end-of-term reports. Work will consist of reading, discussion, and 4 3-page papers.
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