[email protected] February 27-28, 2009, Varna, Bulgaria Addar 1-3 Dear colleagues, astrologers, scholars, students and lovers of the Sky. Today, the 27th of February, 2009, being the first day of the new month Adar, the Moon was high into the sky, brilliant and beautiful like a Venetian gondola, appearing almost at the same time with Venus. Ishtar was high above the Moon and only six days away of her elongation. With the previous month Shabat having 30 days, the Moon has perfected its cycle. Also, Jupiter appeared six days ago and Saturn is making his Acronychal Rise after four days. Under such brilliant auspices I am exalted to announce the descent into our world of: 1 PORPHYRIUS MAGUS coming in the new version of PLACIDUS- THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON for HELLENISTIC, ARAB and MEDIEVAL ASTROLOGY 2 PORPHYRIUS MAGUS enables us to see through his eyes the true essence of the people by the Magic of the True Ancient Astrology. The chart below is that of Adolf Hitler as seen by the Porphyrius Magus module of PLACIDUS 6.00 3 Here we can see immediately on the chart and with symbols the astral trinity of every person- a very important and meanigful doctrine within Hellenistic and Arab Astrology: The God’s Light- the Hyleg (Epikratetor) The Guardian Angel- the Alcocoden (Oikodespotes) and The Ego- the Almuten (Kurios). We can set these to be computed by 6 Hellenistic, 3 Arab and 1 Medieval authors. We choose the authors with a click of the mouse over a roll-down list: HYLEG-ALCOCODEN List ALMUTEN List Dorotheus Dorotheus Rhetorius-Valens Ptolemy Valens Ptolemy Day Ptolemy Ptolemy Night Porphyry Porphyry Paulus Alexandrinus Omar Tiberiades Omar Tiberiades Alchabitius Alchabitius Abenragel Abenragel Regiomontanus Regiomontanus 4 With a mouse-click, we choose an author and PORPHYRIUS MAGUS immediately computes and refreshes the chart on the screen according to the new choice of doctrine.