Noteworthy Announcing and Asian Christianity, Liverpool Hope University, will hold The Association of Polish Missiologists, Stowarzyszenie its third annual world Christianity conference June 11–13, Misjologów Polskich (SMP), was formed in 2007 and now 2010, on the topic “Christian Unity in Mission and Service.” serves thirty-three missiologists from the major universities Brief proposals for papers and panels are being solicited until and seminaries of Poland, including members from Katowice, December 18. Center director Daniel Jeyaraj is professor of Warsaw, Kraków, Lublin, Poznań, Opole, and Olsztyn. With history of missions and an IBMR contributing editor. For more leadership from president Jan Górski (Katowice) and vice information, contact conference coordinator Ursula Leahy, president Wojciech Kluj, O.M.I. (Warsaw), SMP promotes
[email protected]. interdisciplinary collaboration in the study of missiology An international conference on the theme “Politics, Pov- and is the local affiliate of the International Association for erty, and Prayer: Global African Spiritualities and Social Mission Studies and the International Association of Catholic Transformation” will convene July 22–25, 2010, at the Nairobi Missiologists. Each year the association publishes Studia mis- Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, Kenya. The conference jologiczne, an academic journal that focuses on mission history will “provide a platform in which researchers on African and and theology, portions of which are now being published in African-derived religions