Education Survey of 17 Provinces of Afghanistan July - December 1994
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EDUCATION SURVEY OF 17 PROVINCES OF AFGHANISTAN JULY - DECEMBER 1994 . Prepared For: Swedrsh Committee for Afghanistan Education Technical Support Unit (SCA/ETSU) Prepafed BY: ., Agency Coordinating Body~tor Afghan Reliel' . Survey Unit .. (ACBAR/SU) ·. April 1996 Education Survey 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . .. 11 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ......................·. iii SURVEY RESULTS AT A GLANCE .................................... v 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................... Survey Objectives .................................... Survey Methodology . 2 2. EDUCATION DIRECTORATES .................................. 3 Staff and their Qualification ...............~. 3 Working Sites and Related Schools ......................... 4 Financial Situation and Funding Sources ...................... 4 GOs and NGOs Activity Fields at the EDs' Working Sites . 8 3. SCHOOLS . 10 Type and Level of Schools . 1 0 Funding Sources and Type of Support . 1 0 Schools Supported by SCA . 10 School Buildings . 1 5 Drinking Water Sources:.. 18 School Necessities :' .. ·... -: ...... : . 18 4. STUDENTS . 21 Number of Male Students ....................... ·......... 21 Number of Female Students .... ';.•:.- . ............ -:->.: . 24 5. TEACHERS .....................................•. : . 26 Education Fields and Qualification ......................... 26 Age and Teaching Experience . 26 6. OPINIONS OF LOCAL PEOPLE CONCERNING EDUCATION ............. 30 7. APPENDICES Appendix A Survey Questionnaire Appendix B Cumulative Information about Education Directorates Appendix C Main Necessities of the Education Directorates Appendix D Name and Location of All Surveyed Schools Appendix E Name and Location of Surveyed Schools Supported by SCA Appendix F Opinions of Local People About Education SCA!ETSU LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Education directorates' staff and their qualifications .............. 3 Table 2. Education directorates' locations and related schools ............. 5 Table 3. Education directorates' financial situation . 7 Table 4. Gas and NGOs working fields at the education directorates' working sites . 9 Table 5. Type, level and sex of students of the surveyed schools .......... 11 Table 6. Funding sources of the surveyed schools ....... 13 Table 7. Number of schools supported by SCA .......... 15 Table 8. Information about school buildings .. ' 16 Table 9. Schools drinking water sources .... 19 Table 10. Schools main necessities . 20 Table 11. Number of male students based on type of schools ............. 21 Table 12. Number of male students in grades 1-12 ..................... 22 Table 13. Number of female students based on type of schools ............ 24 . .. ' Table 14. Number of female students in grades 1-12 ................... 25 Table 15. Sex, education field and education level of teachers ............. 27 • ....!; ·~·~~ Table 16. Teachers' age and teaching experience ...................... 29 Table17. Opinions of local people and kind of help they can provide ........ 31 ... Education Survey 1994 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Total number of schools reported by the surveyed EDs ............ 6 Figure 2. Total number of schools surveyed .......................... 6 Figure 3. Level of the surveyed schools . 1 2 Figure 4. Funding sources of the surveyed schools . 12 Figure 5. Total number of NGOs supporting schools ................... 14 Figure 6. Total number of schools supported by SCA ................... 14 Figure 7. Total number of surveyed schools have/have no building . ...... 17 Figure 8. Total number of male and female students in th~ surveyed schools ............................................ 23 Figure 9. Total number of male and female teachers in the surveyed schools ............................................ 28 ,, SCA!ETSU ABBREVIATIONS ACBAR Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief ASU ACBAR Survey Unit Ave. Average B.A. Bachelor of Art B.Sc. Bachelor of Science EDs Education Directorates EC European Commission ETSU Education Technical Support Unit GOs Governmental Organizations NGOs Non Governmental Organizations M.A. Master of Art M.Sc. Master of Science ROs Regional Offices SCA Swedish Committee for Afghanistan SID A Swedish International Development, Agency Education Survey 7994 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This survey was carried out by the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan/Education Technical Support Unit (SCA/ETSU). The report was prepared by the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief, Survey Unit (ACBAR/SU) in contract with the SCA/ETSU. Thanks go to Bjorn Hagen, the former Executive Director of SCA, who obtained the funding for this survey from European Commission (EC) and for the successful initiation of programmes and for encouraging the education staff of SCA to undertake this survey. Roza Gul, Education Chief Technical Advisor, Eng. Arnir Mohammad Mansuri, Education Technical Advisor, and Barbara Peterson, Education Expert of SCA/ETSU who initially designed the survey. ETSU with help of the SCA's Regional Offices (R0s} selected and trained the enumerators and organized the field survey. The field survey was conducted by 17 SCA/ETSU enumerators. Their contribution is much appreciated. Abdul Hakim Murad, ACBAR Survey Unit Manager, refined the survey questionnaire and designed a new format for the data entry. Charles A. MacFadden, Executive Director of ACBAR, for his useful advice and Liz Spencer, PA to the Executi~e Director of ACBAR and Program Officer, edited the draft. Their efforts are highly appreciated. Dipl. lng. Mohammad Omar Anwarzay drafted the text, tables and figures of this report. Data analysis and processing were completed by the ACBAR Survey Unit: Engineer Hamidullah, Data Analyst, ~bdul Rahman, Assistant Data Analyst, Engineer Ziauddin, Khalil Rahman Haqjo, Abdul Jalal and Haji Mohammad Osman Zulal. Their hard work is acknowledged. Last but not least, SCA would like to thank all education directorates, school administrations and local governing authorities, who participated and cooperated in this survey, the results of which are CQnsol'idated in this report. ,, ~ ~ Swedish Committee For Afghanistan Central Management 24-D/E, Chinar Road, University Town, G.P.O. Box 689, Peshawar, Pakistan. Tel: + + 92521 840257/840341 /840218/43279!4'b465 Fax: + + 92521 840519 Telex: 52365 SCA PK ii SCAIETSU SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan/Education Technical Support Unit (SCA/ETSU) initiated and carried out the "Education Survey" in 17 provinces of eastern Afghanistan between July -December 1994. The main purpose of the survey was to provide general information on the status of education (see Appendix A). A survey questionnaire was designed and enumerators were selected and trained by the Regional Offices (ROs). Seventeen ( 17) enumerators implemented the survey. The surveyed units were; education directorates and school administrations who were visited individually. One questionnaire form was completed for each surveyed education directorate and/or school. The results of the survey are presented at province level and general information on individual survey units are included in the Appendices 8-F. The results of the survey are as follows: • Based on this survey, in 1 7 provinces, 149 districts were surveyed. There were a total of 54 directorates in the surveyed areas. In 1, 708 surveyed schools, a total of 18,428 teachers were reported; 16,162 male and 2.2~6 female. There were a total of 549,737 students; 488,723 male and 61,014 female; in the surveyed schools (refer to Survey Results at a Glance, presented after this summary). Education Directorates • The number of education directorates varied from province to province; in Kapisa, Kunar, Laghman, Nangarhar and Takhar Provinces there was one education directorate. Balkh, Logar, Paktika, Parwan and Samangan did not have any education directorate. In the remaining seven (7) provinces there was more than one education directorate. For example, in Badakhshan fourteen ( 14), in Ghazni ten ( 1 0) and Kunduz and Paktia~each ha"d ,seven (1) education directorates. • In 54 surveyed education directorates, 618 staff and 1 ,663 schools were reported. These schools were 1,495 mode.rn (home, primary, middle and lycee) and the remaining 168 were religious schools (Darul;.pifaz and Madrasa)."'·< . • Of the 54 surveyed education directorates, 7 worked in their whble provinces, 3 in almost all parts of their provinces, 18 in some parts of their provinces and 3 in cities only. • The financial situation of the surveyed education directorates varied a great deal; fifteen ( 15) of them claimed to be "poor", while•five (5) were satisfied with their financial situation. Funding sources were government seventeen ( 1 7), Tanzeem three (3), Community four (4) and thirty two (32) remained unknown. • In the areas of the surveyed education directorates, 24 Governmental Organizations (GOs) and 217 Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) were active. They were undertaking projects in the fields of education, agriculture, health, reconstruction, demining, etc. ..... iii Education Survey 7994 Schools • From 1, 708 surveyed schools, the number of schools, based on type were: modern 1 ,582, Religious 109 and unknown 17. They are in the following categories: home schools 58, primary schools 980, middle schools 317, lycee 246 and unknown 107. Out of these, 1 ,381 schools were for boys, 125 for girls and the 199 mixed. • Of all the schools surveyed, the government supported 89.1, NGOs 531, Tanzeem 102, private 4, and the community