^^^^^ Us R/Ns Night Thc Dug, Thou Can'tt Nat Then Be Jaue to Uny Man."
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;' ' /. my : /> . ffffé^jggfjjmgmfià_;¡ÜBjWBSjBC? ffTM^^Ü." J. "2j|Í"^...J_L.ll^Jün.-1.1''?^"J Jit- >?«?»»-m»yii- i-ijrii r mmmi r J "tf'T-^ '»'?"?-' -ir-rr r ijilgr-, i- j-j II IJ .im ..j'UJi_ 1 L* '1 ."****g****B?i?"y " ' " ' ' 'f*'" """i»»'.-»*1""1*.>*I!!^W*!*****^^,*''* " Tn (nitic own self bc (ruc, and it mu ^ ^^^^^ us r/ns night thc dug, thou can'tt nat then be JaUe to uny man." M ROBT A, THOMPSON & CO. P1CKKNS COURT HOUSE, S, C, SEPTEMBER 21,1867. VOL, ll,.NO. 52. m.".. ni WM*.»^^IIM>.»W>IIII L^WIUIIHIUH-, - ? -^, ?"M>MM^_ tmmmmmtmimmmHmtmmmmmm*. SATUB|AY,.»i^iwiniM?»?.??? MIMHIW ???- city alone a PoMotu-aUo promises majority oí whoso iovo of liborty and Republicau th, ai of 75,000 votes. vania puuci« pirro mstj^.s poU'-cal slaves nuder <.ke nttaiudcf ov ex pott Judo \o.vt. Tho samo oxisls tn Clio Lotter Pouuuyl ami Indians pies i.> tho stvougc.it of their nala o ? lea.! O'.'a CR. majority of thc Southern fror.\ Hon. B- J?. Porry. seemed feeling )p;*W)lpîeJ ,?\:-bfggO. ill r-o.'iîi- hja substituted t.s eteotois will oxiyt Staten, P conlidontof giving lt would bo «Vi'.unii>g authority in nib . j SoymouvandBlair stränge, Indeed. W tho Noirboru o.:i a renegades who '-.vs ufog thsm o*.ly t>« iu placo oí' (lio moo. ot' or.»' own raoo tl us I h Tho GiiEEMVibLE, Sh C., July 27, 1803. h.aidsouio majority. Tito Statua oi' did not vive hi the o." tlr.'.r Jacobins íu Congi-.WJ havo got n, ^' Mnvy- people up i,iPjCj:y ?ool% O.Víi". >.c!.' u r.£¿."? i."-.eutea!.- nllaiued and a boat of ot up Chaguan of inud, New California »od di nod hurl suoh ÍOtíM$jf lollly uisfiauctwod, policy negro lido, by th a olcclivo ^.^WuiL./?,. Thonui», Executive Jev.ioy, Kentucky, strong Slate cnuiiu:'s und «h/.-aM r'.so bo tu-.t wlr'sL ut wcvo m giving » &c. They told, tney ignora negroes», who idle* franchise to*all tho Committee, Oregon rio Öortain beyond all Ira »ton from <. id '?' supported negroes, nnd ifp contingency.- perjured oflioo pawor. T ney ooo >&¿r> tho 'O b.vi wc., î ) op- fievj pUh tin puXUo aud .:ou»biued the white*. disf.-.rnohífmig Dear Sir ; I that it Tho delegate'; f*om w'U drive timm with scorn and »"rom a&ytiilh.'""-iofrv^v- «no-oy, Teuuessoo thefcï modoï1) wbow ^î.v rc^t tf^pjy will Mississippi, Alabama, contempt p ..<,.-.: ni».$.>?.*.-.s A:i^y.''"'' ho '.'!'?«... i>> wl'Vfl ra !? cf i!*c> VV . one Jnrd of th.» Yitft bo iu my *:o with Ooovgia and Louisiana wore confident of ... v- Congress f ud a mark on thom fir-'){v) vK>rtvv.ln .^niï'âeiîoi» with.. power ¿¡Yrtióiputó you placo willoh taey W'/^;OÍ^FÍ í,»n>?byi it or ('AYO; .1 ;>y :.I¡o ri¿.u , through Ihn mangeaient of b'reatlu. -h's thu vole uncí thc of ryîng those States. There cnn be no doubt w'tl never bo effaced. will br nd them negroes, ufo thirds of du«<i-nucbi;*od people Columbia io you,- brillant They ríuúioc;.'wy f^iiC^oÜo!., Tho rc-»!... Bureaus a.ul oinrisaviosof co m pirate, a i-u oth- white". Tho nml o;>:mv3;:\.; of Virginia' pud if vc .".'lowed ..' ito». to tho Cor- ¡tn rc *"c- îxogro coustiutîoiis, aro ornuv* ic Texas, ioii, Iraitoit ;e. :.' . o. r.itiPoulton mooting (o-ittor- they tV--;,'' ;fi ut , ... yr ; and lo (ho mod with vo. >. Arl:afs:.f ?r ; i'tnloaj convicto opp^o-isiou, pallin, io this and To .a. .-. uiOs.töö riv ... accomplish V row J Irnow ibid t wM! «vp» y , tv I ,<'.- t.V ' policy. nveuifcgi bo V\. ,!!;. l'op.tbîl p.*. io!plc t?0 j '-.';cv '.)o . I,..- Ot tho natío:; h * .!... .. £j.ft-v u;,!! iDÍtU-a»y power Cc. That this ca:' havo a >'.Ori "i , ho cloe loil.S rc. co .(Ith .. '! ( ic iV.ee fdid co ut ' policy, peaceful omi ft., 'timi, ÍVom Ibo piop.il iliou yoe h: vc thad., fairly ry. ..Vi.- '.i; :í.ÍUC i-? .?(,'.. i ; j IV/ -'.j oed . tupi. :.» order to lU.dvCiñíí mid Theo was Ti1:; I Ù'I, permanent wc do uot Un uk that '-and tho uro honestly. gloat confidence pla.form of '.he LHunceu'.io pravy, i c huvb. ii. aisiu tn aoqulettccueo, distinguished gonttotnen wbó lo ps. sip aV Cero,i.) c pro-porous and supro'.uc. Tho Hi'ary l-'-dev there in a sane man iu oxpressed, too, on tito part of North Carolina. adopted in New i.i a o em¬ £\i|uíh undo;- single tho UailcJ I?< address you. J. fool assured it WÍI1 bo outhit- Vori:, glorie».'- io, happy, bó coloiCiI propio tnv r p-ve'pate iu who-c prc.;:go this warping Congress Si;-¡os who believes With tho A id wo w'dl uot do pü'f of South Carolina tho line the Ameiio.ni lu»* ... :.o.: vastly pre¬ \ jiiasiie, ivom tho v/oll-kuown Domoctnlio foci- bodying piinoip'csof that pro^Vi'ty a.ul happlac'.R. On lliooiher ircfugo, since tho couth, ni nation of ma of thc and Florida. Thoro is too, iu Maine rs h aded down la us from our dominating jority white tace, through¬ ngs and principles of tho people of Columbia. hopo, Government, baud, ii ino. wli'lc raro aro and flioir sohcums hy tho frey people ol' thc North; out tho lhere is ^ und 1'linois, end several other Nor' it-wo torn Uovolnt'oiUivy (atliors. li declares Immedi¬ opp¡.:s¿cd in tho elccduus South, but ono possible means \ in thc selection of Horatio Seymour and kepi, iu Pflíwiy» t'q.v- opprc**ioo r.iid »:ovc. »y of tho l.vit, ye..!, and whom of its conti imanco,-and that Slates. Indeed, it did seem, from al] >;.!.. ate restoration o-' di tho Stales lo their havo as is, by miVtlary ;Frank P. Blair, .by !.hc Democratic Convon- rights w'il barato bo sktrod by ibo colored v.:.c.- 'hey solcoiod their o luduhto to shield force. wo iio.!rd and could leam in tho Now York In ibo under tho Cou .titution. A n¬ ¡6 'tion in \ow \Tork, tis their standard-bearers UniOn, lt «s .-. ...i(n*ii< i?.t=o-í nod naturale t!uu ;h>un.sclves from the roault of thoir own wick- Tf enforced Couvont that tho sud no'y foi ill ¡J »t sud i.e mppoie od-.'e.. j by military power-what must I ¡in this great conic ;L between ci\il ¡-nd COUsli- ion, fcy.aniiy, oppression politic) oficíeos, .».ty o'.to frv'ill olotb.'1 i'iid feet? md a.id ovimO) Ivis av;uoau«od his uocop- bc the ivîïcot between the misrulo of tho radical had rogulalioil of »bo elect:vc franchise in the giveemploy- tattoo of thc races I Clearly a itatioinl libor¿y, on the ono side, and military pitty thorough';, moat to cfbo:who rae h;r« oppressors und noiniuation und his wi'h'ugnoss bonilily, which.must disgusted tho thinking lind reflecting in. .vc.-, Slates by their citizens. of she to laainfaiu c mr-rd os increase, exactly iupro- j. -/dospotism, on thc other, they have shown JVyuaeul dc rt roy iá their io over tito S,000,- portion to its continúam e. everywhere ¡til over tho debt os and ia all o;hcr ca¬ 000 of wisdom and Mr. republic. pubiic stipulated, -uv >. while at tho fi~ed to tho ?çre:»t good judgment.. Foy,- ii' is I e 8{ oV.c-r of Mr. ns a pro¬ pcoplo South, What must bo thc effect of this ? there ono in the American ses iu lawful of thc United Slates. - Seymor. cuvth hostility I -mour is a gonllcman of the highest nod pu¬ fcoliug money found *;tfi?Hiunn n( t and with hi« bayonet. Ho osolnims : "Lot History is not dumb this heart . ¿rc. oxperif"*" upon It a stronger than that of all others, it ts a iqual axation of ovciy of high us have "Pea©0 in subject. rest character, profouud slates'ft*,ti, and ri species propouy. adiuiirfui^ivo ¡ lent. Cru r«v o? o f.".;*biU0 poaoc.". roigas Warsaw," speaks, and has with but ouo lovo of constitutional libci'ty «nd Republican Ono for tho Government sud tho w.ts the spoken voice h .?oonsistont, devoted Domoorat throughout his currency to fleuci.-S .'!:. ", Cia r di.:'l auuouacomcut wh'.oh heralded tho tells y.Hf that tho inferior raco principles. They love the Fedora! Uuion in ibr t!io bond holder aud the Ihfs^tt^içtc.* doom of tito " perishes. *wholo lifo. is now In tho of his people, laborer. iu''v'i*Yáu»'o. ino Iheidf.'ov. a Ubcrliea oía L.IÜO'J. Tho em¬ It is tho instinct of this Hq primo thc North, K;»«st and be ¡Auso sin¬ in tío ls mote is truth which has manly with as r»n West, they Mooiiomy tho administration of the Gov- ht s pire poa ¡o,'' 'íxclt imod wnc.i tho iutollcct, great oxpciioneo with it is Oö-tS^yriO boort /nu.-c.-Od by over- Boiwpuvta, Instigated yellow races lo endeavor* »sdminis'ra live twice wi til cerely believe, Washington, that orumciit, reduction of tiio army aud u IVccdoiU and i's dûfoiidcvs mular tho in ofliocr, having filled, tho of nod standing who!..]'ig tbisCb nier his eo-niuind.