D. C. Jarvis | 115 pages | 01 Jul 1991 | Random House USA Inc | 9780449208809 | English | New York, United States Folk Medicine | Definition of Folk Medicine by Merriam-Webster

Magic and witchcraft played an important role here. In these societies, where witchcraft and religious beliefs were of great importance, disease and health were explained by external factors penetrating and harming the body. Consequently, in traditional societies opinions on disease and health were Folk Medicine as a part of folk culture. For this reason, practices related to this issue are the realm of anthropology, ethnology and sociology, while technical analysis falls under the disciplines of medicine and pharmacology. Folk medicine is different rather then to modern medicine. Traditional medicine lives among the people as a part of their culture. In traditional societies, any information about a disease is shared by others. This information is passed through the generations. People learn popular medicine in the same way and they learn other cultural components. Popular medicine perfectly harmonizes with cultural components. In most cases, the patient either recovers or dies. If he gets well, it is believed that the method of treatment used was a valid one, and this method becomes permanent. However, the death of the patient does not mean that the method of treatment method was unsuitable, only that the patient was beyond its Folk Medicine. The main difference between modern medicine and traditional medicine is the causes of disease. While modern medicine tries to explain the causes Folk Medicine disease by germ theory, traditional medicine, which also accepts the existence of germs, explains disease by magical and supernatural events. The traditional medicine still present today is the sum of diagnosis and treatment which people have recourse to in underdeveloped or developing countries where modern medical facilities Folk Medicine not exist or because of Folk Medicine religious beliefs. The main reason for traditional medicine's acceptability can be Folk Medicine by the fact that beliefs change very slowly. In Turkey, especially in conservative communities, we still can see examples of traditional medicine, although fewer than formerly. People who have methods of treatment of their own are known as ''old women'' in Turkey, and are in fact Folk Medicine physicians. Their medicines known as old woman's medicine sometimes have a positive efffect on disease and sometimes don't. These experienced people learn treatment methods from their parents, and try to cure diseases by using their own drugs based Folk Medicine animal, vegetable and mineral Folk Medicine. Most of them apply treatment in their own homes, while others treat patients in laces which can be considered ''folk hospitals. These medicinal plants and herbs are commonly used in Turkey. Some of these are Folk Medicine popular Folk Medicine people and are often used in homes, while others can only be recognized and Folk Medicine by folk physicians. There has been considerable research into these medicianal plants and drugs, and large numbers of publications about them issued by faculties of pharmacology. Forms and lengths of treatment in folk and modern medicine are sometimes quite similar. For example asprin used as a painkiller appeared as a development of quinine and cocaine, which had been used by folk medicine for a long time. In the same way, research has proved that some herbs used in folk medicine were really effective in curing disease. In general, we can say that modern and folk medicine interact with each other. While focusing on the causes of disease, modern medicine benefits from folk medicine in order to improve the range of treatments available. Also, folk medicine uses every opportunity to benefit from developments in modern medicine. Within this framework, in some cases folk medicine has given way to pharmacological drugs. However, some people do not trust modern medicine in cases like the evil eye or when someone is under the influence of an evil spirit. Both folk and modern medicine are used in some diseases, like asthma or to deal with heart problems. Cancer and other diseases which requires Folk Medicine surgeon are totally left to modern medicine. As a result, in conservative regions, the attitudes of residents towards disease are shaped by cultural factors. Contacts with big cities, and the availability of transport also enhance the tendency towards modern medicine. This tendency is most commonly seen in the young. Whether educated or not, rich or poor, some people still use folk medicine for specific diseases, and visits to shrines and folk methods of dealing with fractures or dislocations can still be observed. If ice is not available, the wound is washed with cold water or mud is smeared on it. High Temperatures a A towel is moistened with vinegar and pressed onto the brow, neck, hands, feet and the whole body. Asthma A pigeon egg Folk Medicine consumed Folk Medicine morning for 40 days as the first meal of the day. Aches a The leaf of a black cabbage is heated and placed on the affected area. This operation is repeated Folk Medicine. This operation continues a few times a day. The affected areas covered with this cream. This operation goes on for three or four days. Sore Feet Unrefined salt is Folk Medicine in hot water, and the feet are washed in this solution for ten minutes. Sprains An is mashed with either salt or olives and placed on the sprained area. Headaches a A potato is cut into slices and coffee sprinkled on them. These slices are placed on the forehead. Folk Medicine a Linen seeds are mashed with and eaten. Tonsilitis The throat is Folk Medicine with a piece of cotton with pepper and grain alcohol. Kidney Stones a Medlar leaves are boiled and drunk as tea. This continues until the stone is ejected. Nosebleeds The shell of an egg is burned till it becomes ash. The victims breaths in this ash when his or her nose starts to bleed. Haemorrhoids a Garlic is rubbed on every morning. Dolman Okra is cooked in milk and placed on the finger. Flu Mint and dried linden Folk Medicine are boiled with and drunk as tea. Sty Garlic is rubbed on the sty. Diarrhea a Diarrhea will end if a glass of soda pop Folk Medicine an asprin inside is drunk. Cancer In summer fresh and in winter dry stinging nettles are boiled and drunk as tea every morning before breakfast. Parotitis The patient eats red halvah a sweet prepared with oil, various cereals and syrup and fat is rubbed on the ears. Swollen stomach A mixture of vinegar and bran is heated, and the stomach covered with the mixture. Calcification The patient uses fish Folk Medicine for calcified areas. Earache A little leek water is poured into Folk Medicine ear. Dog Bites The bite is covered with a bread poultice. Stomachache a The patient drinks milk with . Eczema a Eggplant is cooked in hot ashes and mixed with powdered henna. The ointment Folk Medicine placed on the affected area and covered with a clean towel. Shortness of Breath a Stingling nettle tea is drunk every day. A small hole is opened in the radish and a cup put under it. The patient eats the honey that flows out after waiting for a night. Coughs a The patient drinks a spoonful of honey mixed with a spoonful of lemon juice Folk Medicine morning for a few days. Heat Folk Medicine Dry Folk Medicine tail is heated and the ashes rubbed onto the affected parts of Folk Medicine body. Rheumatism a The patient eats a mixture of mashed chestnuts and sugar. Once the temparature of the water has gone down to an appropriate level, the patient climbs inside the cauldron and waits for an hour. This application is repeated for a few days. The patient climbs inside the cauldron and remains in it for an hour. He repeats this procedure for a few days. Hair For healthy hair and to avoid baldness, vine stems are chopped in the spring time. The liquid that drips from these stems is collected in a bottle and the hair washed with it. Jaundice The patient's Folk Medicine or chest is scratched with a razor blade. Backache a A strong massage is applied using a cup. This is covered with a perforated newspaper and a towel, and the patient spends the night like this. The operation is frequently repeated. Malaria A small herb with pink flowers known as "malaria weed" is boiled and drunk as tea. Cuts and Boils a The Folk Medicine or boil is covered with poaceae, if this is not not available, cabbage leaves or tomatoes may also be used. Bites by Poisonous Animals The head of a match is Folk Medicine and this is rubbed on the affected part. Folk Medicine |

Folk medicine represents part of the folk culture, when we first think about the rural culture with characteristic of the rural population in the pre- industrial period. The difference between official and folk medicine is manifested in Folk Medicine education, knowledge and social status of those practicing folk medicine as well as their patients. The most common ways of treating were the treatment by use of herbs, magic and treatments based on religious beliefs. In addition to many herbalists, quacks and religious officials who treated the patients with records, there were also spells, i. Each village had at least one person who practiced this type of treatment. The Folk Medicine extensive health service of the Franciscans since their arrival in Bosnia in was the decadent era of Turkish rule, mostly from the 17 th century until the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Most of the ljekarusa are hand-printed booklets, for some it Folk Medicine known the time and place of creation, and less often the author of the text. Ljekarusa is a very important source of information about our medical past. Some of them were processed and recorded, Folk Medicine a significant part of these manuscripts remained unknown to the general public. They included recipes for various diseases Folk Medicine the names they were called by the people. Professional terms were not used, Folk Medicine were the illnesses and the recipes ordered in Folk Medicine order or systematic manner. We learn from them that our people were once treated in the absence of doctors and pharmacists. Most commonly mentioned are various herbs, animal parts, mineral substances, and some of these recipes can be even applied today. All medicines continue to be transcribed by the people and valued as good old medical receipts. Folk Medicine review article presents a book ljekaruse that was archived in several famous monasteries in Bosnia and Herzegovina. When a folk doctor comes to the end of its life, and Folk Medicine a personit sees to have a sense for healing, it starts transferring his knowledge Folk Medicine transmitting his experiences 1 - Those carefully selected people were usually from the narrower or wider Folk Medicine of the Folk Medicine 11 - Beside the spells, people often addressed the priests and the Muslim to pilgrims in order to provide them with the prayers and the records. Among the Muslims, these were mostly records from the Koran, and to Catholics and Orthodox from the Bible or the pictures and powers of saints. In the case of a spells in Folk Medicine treatment of certain diseases, there were exactly certain procedures how to treat. There are no scientific evidence of their efficacy in many ways of treatment except for suggestive action on an individual 1. Folk Medicine, records manuscripts are hand- written collections of folk medicine with recipes of medicines prepared according to the folk experience, with descriptions of their preparation and instructions on the treatment of various diseases and conditions in humans Folk Medicine in animals Figure 1. These are the books of knowledge that Catholic priests had, and to which went people to seek cure, because they were running away from the official doctor. These priests as treatment, did not only pray to God, but also treat patients with healing herbs 13 - 5. Along with the allegations of the preparation and use of medicines made from medicinal herbs, animal organs, parts of human body and body fluids, metals, minerals, precious Folk Medicine and resins, ljekaruse also contain descriptions of many magical, religious and primitive beliefs and rituals and often are present traces of ancient Greek, Roman, or Arabic medicine from the period since 9 to 15 century 31 - Original manuscripts date back to the 18 th century, but largely are not preserved. Prescriptions of old ljekarusa were preserved, which during the time 16 th to 19 th century were supplemented with new recipes and regulations 6 - The translators and drafters of these collections of folk recipes mostly monks and village priests often used the same, unknown sources, so different medicines have Folk Medicine recipes and procedures for Folk Medicine of the medicine. Manuscripts are often mixed in alphabets, languages, and dialects. Andrija Nikic, MD. Even since the 13 th century, Franciscans have been engaged in healthcare 117 Stephani Christichevich de Fojnica, noviter per Scriptus Libellus. The work of the Franciscans in the field of health is permitted with the approval of the Congregation for the Promotion of Faith 8917 Part of the friars besides theology also studied medicine, so medical knowledge from Padua and Salerno arrives in Bosnia. The Franciscans at that time bred and collected grasses and prepared medicines. The Ottoman authorities banned Franciscans from treating the sick outside the monastery without a kadi judge official order 17 The punishments were severe, and there was a ban on action, which greatly reduced the Franciscan medical activity to the detriment of the patient. Thus, ljekarusa become valuable documents in which is preserved the local history and the development of medical activity in this area, from magic to scientific medicine 1. In studying and processing the ljekarusa, a multidisciplinary, critical approach is needed Folk Medicine It should be considered from a biomedical, historical-medical and wider ethnological and cultural point of view, but not strictly rationally, but with the understanding of everything that marked the time and environment in Folk Medicine they originated. Ljekarusa is a source not only of the tradition of folk medicine, but also of precious materials for the study of languages, customs, various folk traditions and the entire life of the people 1. In medical professions, ljekarusa are a valuable contribution to knowing the national names of diseases, medicinal plants and other medicines used in the treatment, as well as the study of drug-making technology 118 Particularly interesting are those plants that are today neglected or unknown to official medicine, which possess medicinal properties and which can thus become the subject of research and lead to new, valuable insights 1410 Some of the owners were literate, so they wrote valuable information about themselves and their neighbors. In this ljekarusa there are Folk Medicine records, spells, bullets, instructions for treating the disease 317 In this ljekarusa of a total of treatment tips, the majority is on eye diseases 14 recipesthen difficulties Folk Medicine to urination 8infertility 5wounds 5illnesses of the head 4Folk Medicine 4bones 4mouths 3thighs 3heartburns 3 … Although not all of this is systemically arranged, there is a clear tendency to sort the recipes by type of disease: at the beginning are eye diseases, followed by disease Folk Medicine the ear, mouth, teeth, head …. Various types of medicinal herbs and various animal species Folk Medicine parts of their bodies, as well as Folk Medicine and red wine, brandy, pepper, sugar, liver, oil, resin, are most often recommended for the preparation of medicinal products. From plants, it is recommended to use: cherry, liver, luna, vinegar, and grecias stomach, scorpio, Folk Medicinebut also orientalisams melt, saffron, raspberries, biscuits, cherries, turkeys, song, drama. According to the foreign words of the transcribers and the language of Folk Medicine writers of that time, Folk Medicine would have been concluded that the creator could replicate it with the Dalmatian predominant man from the end where Dalmatia and Bosnia were touched and that in the text from which he was Folk Medicine he Folk Medicine introduced the elements of his native homeland language 6 Therefore, this ljekarusa should not only be viewed as a primary source of our Folk Medicine medicine but also as a precious material for the proliferation of our language, customs, beliefs, and varied popular traditions. In one word, Folk Medicine ethnographic document which is of Folk Medicine value to us 3. There Folk Medicine not much information about his education and resume. He spent most of his life in a monastery in Zaostrog, writing fifteenth books, religious and secular, in Croatian, Latin and Italian 10 He published many under pseudonyms. He was in many of his thoughts one or two centuries ahead of his time, and he was one of the scientists and visionaries from the Croatian Catholic Church. His ljekarusa is the first medical book in the Croatian language. At Folk Medicine time, poor people in the regions of Croatia under the Venetian rule had little chance for quality medical care. He did not even have the most basic means, feared the doctors, but trusted in God. Although the people Folk Medicine fleeing from the doctors, they resorted to some sort of treatment. It was particularly emphasized by Catholic priests who did not only pray to God in the treatment, but were also Folk Medicine treatment with healing herbs. Proceedings of such knowledge are ljekarusa. The author and the year of its creation are unknown. Since photocopies of the original are used for making the Folk Medicine, there is little to say about the look of the manuscript itself. The pages are made of 17x According to our knowledge, the writings are sprinkled with golden powder. The text is written in two types of manuscripts and it is concluded that two authors participated in the writing, which is not rare for ljekarusa. Most of the prescriptions in the ljekarusa are related to human medicine, and small number of recipes belongs to Folk Medicine veterinary field. Recipes are often repeated or several prescribe a different medicine for the same illness. In addition to the Folk Medicine, health and health care tips, primarily are related to nutrition, maintenance of hygiene and physical activity, have contributed to faster healing and recovery of the patient. It is interesting to note that some recipes or parts of the recipes and the list of plants from this ljekarusa are also found in the ljekarusa of Fra Mijo Michaela Nikolic Figure 4a native of Kresevo, the domestic doctor fromwhich represents one of the most valuable and complete ljekarusa in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1614 That manuscript is not original work as is already visible in the introductory part, citing the works that were used Folk Medicine its writing such as ljekarusa and various medical records written by the most prominent people of that time, a few physicians and Franciscans. Some of the recipes are the result of their own experiences gained by long-term treating of patients, and have been specifically referred to in the manuscript. The same list of plants used for the preparation of medicines was written according to the famous book Commentari in ibros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis de medicina materia. It Folk Medicine evident that some of the illnesses are listed under popular names but with the wrong Latin in the Plehane ljekarusa and in the Domestic Doctor of Fr. Ivan Jukic from and and in the mentioned Nikolic it was translated Folk Medicine a Scorbutum, for example. It is difficult to determine which one served as a source. But this Folk Medicine one of the proofs that one ljekarusa served as a source for others and that parts of a ljekarusa were rewritten in several others 1. The Friars exchanged Folk Medicine among themselves, then Folk Medicine and supplemented them. The title of each chapter is the name of the disease, followed by one or more recipes or instructions for their treatment. There are 26 different human illnesses, and for their treatment 56 recipes. From domestic animal diseases, only three and the same number of recipes are listed. One recipe represents household advice. The first thirteen diseases are numbered in a row, then numbering is lost. After the ten of the illness follows a comprehensive chapter, a list of Folk Medicine herbs titled Short dictionary. Plants are listed in alphabetical order according to folk names with the Latin name given. Folk Medicine some plants, there is no Latin name, but a punctuation mark of the questionnaire is written next to them, which implies that the author did not know Folk Medicine Latin name of the plant. The ljekarusa from Plehane was written somewhat in Folk Medicine young language. The warrant is a stokavian. Even though the most prevalent ichthic expressions, also used are ijechtic. Words are sometimes written etymologically. Sometimes the two consonants are written. In the use of the voice h there are large deviations, sometimes appears, and sometimes it is omitted. Usually it is marked by the length of the previous vowel. The rhyming is Folk Medicine often written like er etc. The basis for the preparation Folk Medicine medicinal preparations was primarily the available means from the household or the immediate surroundings, which makes it easier to apply among Folk Medicine people to whom these recipes are intended 6. From foodstuffs, there are milk, wine, brandy, rum, honey, vinegar, flour, rye, salt. These are mainly adjuvants, they serve as solvents, for restoring flavor, etc. The important place belongs to water, wine and brandy apples, basins, buncheswhich are in some recipes the main medicinal component, or universal medicines used in the Folk Medicine stage of treatment of most internal and external illnesses. Plants and herbal medicines Folk Medicine certainly the main ingredients for making remedies in the prescribed instructions of this ljekarusa. Traditions of Folk Medicine in America | JAMA | JAMA Network

Traditional medicine also known as indigenous or folk medicine comprises medical aspects of traditional knowledge that developed over generations within Folk Medicine societies before the era of modern medicine. The World Health Organization WHO defines traditional medicine as "the sum total of the knowledge, skills, Folk Medicine practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences Folk Medicine to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness". When adopted outside its traditional culture, traditional medicine is often considered a form of alternative medicine. Scientific disciplines which study traditional medicine include herbalismethnomedicineethnobotanyand medical anthropology. The WHO notes, however, Folk Medicine "inappropriate use of traditional medicines or practices can have negative or dangerous effects" and that " further Folk Medicine is needed to ascertain the efficacy and safety" of such practices and medicinal plants used by traditional medicine systems. In the written record, the study of herbs dates back 5, years to the ancient Sumerianswho described Folk Medicine medicinal uses for plants. In Ancient Egyptian medicinethe Ebers papyrus from c. Many herbs and minerals used in Ayurveda were described by ancient Indian herbalists such as Charaka and Sushruta during the 1st millennium BC. Early recognised Greek compilers of existing and current herbal knowledge include Pythagoras and his Folk MedicineHippocratesAristotleTheophrastusDioscorides and Galen. Some fossils have been used in traditional medicine since antiquity. Arabic indigenous medicine developed from the conflict Folk Medicine the magic-based medicine of the Bedouins and the Arabic translations of the Hellenic Folk Medicine Ayurvedic medical traditions. The most famous Persian medical treatise was Avicenna's The Canon of Medicinewhich was an early pharmacopoeia and introduced clinical trials. The Unani system of traditional medicine is also based on the Canon. Translations of the early Roman-Greek compilations were made into German by Hieronymus Bock whose herbal, published inwas called Kreuter Buch. Women's folk knowledge existed in undocumented parallel with these texts. Both Hernandez and Ximenez fitted Aztec ethnomedicinal information into the European concepts of disease such as "warm", "cold", and "moist", but it is not clear that the Aztecs used these categories. It was translated into German in and Italian editions were published for the next century. In 17th Folk Medicine 18th-century America, traditional folk healers, frequently women, used herbal remedies, cupping and leeching. The prevalence of folk medicine in certain areas of the world varies Folk Medicine to cultural norms. Indigenous medicine is generally transmitted orally through a community, family and individuals until "collected". Within a given culture, elements of indigenous medicine knowledge may be diffusely known by Folk Medicine, or may be gathered and applied by those in a specific role of healer such as a shaman or midwife. Traditional medicine may sometimes be considered Folk Medicine distinct from folk medicine, Folk Medicine the considered to include formalized aspects of folk medicine. Under this definition folk medicine are longstanding remedies passed on and practiced by lay people. Folk medicine consists of the healing practices and ideas of body physiology and health preservation known to some in a culture, transmitted informally as general knowledge, and practiced or applied by anyone in the culture having prior experience. Many countries have practices described as folk medicine which may coexist with formalized, science-based, and institutionalized systems of medical practice represented by conventional medicine. Generally, bush medicine used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia is made from plant materials, such as bark, leaves and Folk Medicine, although animal products may be used as well. American Native and Alaska Native medicine are traditional forms of healing that have been around for thousands of years. A home remedy sometimes also referred to as a granny cure is a treatment to cure a disease or ailment that employs certain spices, herbsvegetables, or other common items. Home remedies may or may not have medicinal properties that treat or cure the disease or ailment in question, as they are typically passed along by laypersons which has been facilitated in recent years by the Internet. Many are merely used as a result of tradition or habit or because they are Folk Medicine in inducing the placebo effect. One of the more popular examples of a home remedy is the use of to treat respiratory infections such as a cold or mild flu. Other examples of home remedies include duct tape to help with setting broken bones; and duct tape or superglue Folk Medicine treat plantar warts ; and Kogel mogel to treat sore throat. In earlier times, mothers were entrusted with all but serious remedies. Historic cookbooks are frequently full of remedies for dyspepsiafevers, and female complaints. In Chinese folk medicine, medicinal congees long-cooked rice soups with herbsfoods, and soups are part of treatment practices. Although countries have regulations on folk Folk Medicine, there are risks associated with the use of them Folk Medicine. It is often assumed that because supposed medicines are natural that they are safe, but numerous precautions are associated with using herbal remedies. Endangered animals, such as the slow lorisare sometimes killed Folk Medicine make traditional medicines. Shark fins have also been used in traditional medicine, and although their effectiveness has not been proven, it is hurting shark populations and their ecosystem. The illegal ivory trade can partially be Folk Medicine back to buyers of traditional Chinese medicine. Demand for ivory is a huge factor in the poaching of endangered species such as rhinos and elephants. North America. South America. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Medicine based on traditional beliefs. General information. Alternative medicine Alternative veterinary medicine Quackery Health fraud History of alternative medicine Rise of modern medicine Pseudoscience Antiscience Skepticism Skeptical movement National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Terminology of alternative medicine. Fringe medicine and science. Conspiracy theories list. Alternative Folk Medicine systems Mind—body intervention Biologically-based therapy Manipulative methods Energy therapy. Folk Medicine medicine. Adrenal fatigue Aerotoxic syndrome Candida hypersensitivity Chronic Lyme disease Electromagnetic hypersensitivity Heavy legs Leaky gut syndrome Multiple chemical sensitivity Wilson's temperature syndrome. Further information: Medicine in ancient Greece and Medicine in ancient Rome. Main Folk Medicine Bush medicine. This section needs Folk Medicine. You can help by adding to it. April World Health Organization. Retrieved The World Health Organization. December Retrieved 28 December National Informatics Centre. Healing with plants in the American and Mexican Folk Medicine. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. The Illustrated herbal. London: Frances Lincoln. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences. Plural medical Folk Medicine in the Horn of Africa: the legacy of "Sheikh" Hippocrates. London: Kegan Paul International. Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science. Heart Views. Health Information and Libraries Journal. Traditional medicine in Asia Folk Medicine. Retrieved 24 April In Prance G; Nesbitt M eds. The Cultural history of plants. Medicine Changes: late 19th to early 20th century. Nature's Medicine: Plants Folk Medicine Heal. Washington, D. Fulcher, Robert M. Sociology of Health and Illness. Malaysian Journal of Science, 24 1. Jaipur : Aavishkar Publishers. The Lancet. Afro-Caribbean folk medicine. Retrieved 7 May Aboriginal Art Online. Retrieved 26 June Scientific American. February—March Beecher's Housekeeper and Healthkeeper Retrieved on Archives of Dermatological Research. Biological Conservation. Bush medicine. Category:Traditional medicine. Gynaecology Gynecologic oncology Maternal—fetal medicine Obstetrics Reproductive endocrinology and infertility Urogynecology. International Indigenous and minority rights.