RAOUL CASADEI, Born on 15Th August 1937, Is the Inventor of LISCIO a Certain Kind of Italian Dance Style, LISCIO
RAOUL CASADEI, born on 15th August 1937, is the inventor of LISCIO a certain kind of Italian dance style, LISCIO (ballroom dance) is a word invented by him in the early 70’s, entered nowadays in the Italian Language and vocabulary. Named by the press as THE KING OF LISCIO, he is songwriter of many Italian hits that has become famous worldwide: Ciao Mare, Simpatia, La Mazurka di Periferia, Romagna e Sangiovese, La mia Gente, Romagna Capitale, etc. Known from OVER the 90% OF ITALIANS (Abacus poll), the name "Casadei" is mentioned in several songs by many young pop artists, just like Caparezza “Io vorrei che i Backstreet Boys fossero gay, che le teenager amassero Casadei.” Articolo 31, “Tutto fila liscio come con il Casadei.” Gabri Ponte “Siamo figli di Pitagora e di Casadei, di Macchiavelli e di Totò”, Paolo Belli “Lunga vita ai D.J. a Pino, a Casadei, a Jack & Elwood, ai dischi di Battisti...”, J-AX “Nelle balere metteremo i dj, l'orchestra Casadei suonerà i Green Day “ed i Ridillo che cantano “Da piccolo in macchina coi miei sentivo un misto fra la dance e Casadei”. THE LISCIO (Ballroom dance) is a kind of music become synonymous of cheerfulness, light heartedness and optimism and its music has been conspiratorial for many friendships, engagements and marriages, but often the theme of funerals for fans who often wanted as per their last will the LISCIO during their last journey. During the 70’s his songs were on the tops and Raoul Casadei attended the most important Italian music Festivals and events (Sanremo Festival -1974, Festivalbar 1974, Disco per l’estate -1975, Giro d’Italia -1976) but also the most important television programs of the last 50 years.
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