Tabulata from Norway, Sweden and from ... -.: Palaeontologia Polonica

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Tabulata from Norway, Sweden and from ... -.: Palaeontologia Polonica ERRATA Line Page Instead of Should be I I from top I I I 44 3 INB-1873 RM-1 9873 46 36 INB-1964 INB-1924 48 22 RM-45294-5 PMO-45294-5 I 51 7 RM- 3545 PMO-3545 54 12 RM -52097-52100, PMO-52097-52100, 54651 54651 I 55 8 No. 52709 PMO-52709 66 2 Subfamily Subfamily PALAEOFAVO- FAVOSITlNAE SITlNAE SOKOLOV, 1950 SOKOLOV, 1950 I Palaeont ologla Polonica, No . / 8, / 967 ACADEMIE POLONAISE DES SCIENCES INSTITUT DE PALEOZOOLOGIE PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA-No. is, 1967 TABULATA FROM NORWAY, SWEDEN AND FROM THE ERRATIC BOULDERS OF POLAND (TABULATA Z NO RWEGII, SZWECJI IZ GLAZ6W NARZUTOWYCH POLSKI) BY ANNA STASINSKA (WITH 14 TEXT-FIGURES, 6 TABLES AND 38 PLATES) WAR SZAWA 1967 PANSTWOWE WYDAWNTCTWO NAUKOWE REDAKTOR - R EDACT EUR ROMAN KOZLOWSKI Czlonek rzeczywis ty Polskiej Aka demii Nauk Membre de l'Academie Polon aise des Sciences Red aktor techniczny - Reda cteur technique Weronika Sipowicz Adres Red akcji - Ad resse de la Redaction Instit ut de Paleo zoologie de I'Acadernie Polonai se des Sciences Warszawa 22, AI. Zwirki i Wi gur y N r 93 Co pyrig ht by Panst wowe Wydawnictwo Na uko we 1967 Printed in Poland Panstwowe Wydawn ict wo Na ukowe - W arsza wa Naklad 700+ 90 egz. Ark. wyd . t 8,5. Arkuszy druk. 7'/,, +44 wkladki. Papier druk, sa t. kl . III 61x 86 90 g. Oddano do sklada nia 14. XII. 1966 r. Podpisan o do dru ku 30. X. 1967 r. D ru k ukonczon o w listop adzie 1967 r. Drukarn ia Un iwersytetu Jagiellonski ego w Kr ak owie Zam .986/66 '50 professor Roman I<.ozloloski­ lil y 111Splrl11l] leacl1er CONTENTS Pale Introduction.. 9 Acknowledgements 10 GENERAL PART Corallum growth and structure .. .. .... .... .. ..... .. .. 13 Structure of walls and septa ..... .. .. .. .. ... ..... 23 Distribution of Tabulata in the Upper Ordovician and Silurian of the Scan din avian-Baltic region and in the erratic boulders of Poland . 27 I. Norway . .... 28 1. Ringerike Area . 29 2. Oslo-Asker Area 29 3. Holmestrand and Skien Area 30 Facies . .. .. 31 II. Island of Gotland 32 Ill. Erratic boulders of Poland 33 Development of Tabulata during Ordovician and Silurian in the Scandinavian-Baltic Region 34 Systematic position of Tabulata . .. .. .... .. 37 SYSTEMATIC PART Class Anthozoa . .. 40 Subclass Tabulata . 40 Order Sarcinulida SOKOLOV, 1962 40 Family Syringophyllidae POCTA, 1902 40 Genus Sarcinula LAMARcK, 1816 . 40 Sarcinula luhai SOKOLOV, 1951 40 Sarcinula organum (LINNAEUS, 1745) 41 Sarcinula rakverense SOKOLOV, 1951 41 Order Halysitida SOKOLOV, 1962 . .... 41 Family Cateniporidae HAMADA, 1957 41 Subfamily Cateniporinae HAMADA , 1957 41 Genus Catenipora LAMARCK, 181ti 41 Catenipora arctiformis n. sp, 42 Catenipora crassa n. sp, 43 Catenipora carlsoensis n. sp . 44 Catenipora escharoides LAMARCK, 1816 . 44 Catenipora heintzi n. sp. .. 45 Catenipora hedei n. sp. .. 46 Catenipora exilis EICHWALD, 1829 47 Catenipora jarviki n. sp. 47 1* 6 Page Catenipora minuta n. sp. .. .. .. 48 Catenipora maxima (FISCHER-BENZON, 1871) 48 Catenipora obliqua FISCHER-BENZON, 1871. 49 Catenipora oriens KLAAMANN, 1961 50 Catenipora malmoeyensis n. sp. 50 Catenipora norvegica n. sp. 51 Catenipora llandoverensis n. sp. 51 Catenipora regnelli n. sp. 52 Catenipora piirsaluensiformis n. sp. 52 Catenipora quadrata (FISCHER-BENZON, 1871) 53 Catenipora quadrataeformis n. sp. 54 Catenipora ringerikensis n. sp.. 54 Catenipora spiroddensis n. sp. 55 Catenipora spiroddensiformis n. sp. 55 Catenipora tractabilis (SOKOLOV, 1951) 56 Catenipora vespertina KLAAMANN, 1961 56 Family Halysitidae MILNE-EDWAROS & HAlME, 1850 . 57 Subfamily Halysitinae MILNE-EoWARDS & HAIME, 1850 57 Genus Halysites FISCHER VON WALDHEIM, 1813 .57 Halysites junior KLAAMANN, 1961 . 57 Halysites senior KLAAMANN, 1961 57 Genus Cystihalysites TCHERNYCHEV, 1941 58 Cystihalysites mirabilis TCHERNYCHEV, 1941 58 Cystihalysites blakewayensis SUTTON, 1964 59 Genus Solenihalysites n. gen. 59 Solenihalysites norvegicus n. sp. 59 Solenihalysites gotlandicus n. sp. 60 Order Favositida SOKOLOV, 1952 . 61 Suborder Favositina SOKOLOV, 1950 61 Family Angoporidae n. fam. .. 61 Genus Angopora lONES, 1936 61 Angopora hisingeri lONES, 1936 61 Angopora tenuicula (KLAAMANN, 1961) 62 Genus Kiaerites n. gen. ... 62 Kiaerites norvegicus n. sp.. 63 Family Theciidae MILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1850 63 Subfamily Theciinae MILNE-EoWARDS & HAIME, 1850 63 Genus Thecia MILNE-EoWAROS & HAIME, 1849 63 Thecia confluens (EICHWALD, 1854) 64 Thecia saaremica KLAAMANN, 1961 .. 64 Thecia swinderniana (GOLDFUSS, 1829) 64 Genus Laceripora EICHWALO, 1854 .. 65 Laceripora cribrosa EICHWALO, 1854 . 65 Family Favositidae DANA, 1846. .. 66 Subfamily Pa1aeofavositinae SOKOLOV, 1950 66 Genus Palaeofavosites TWENHOFEL, 1914 . 66 Palaeofavosites abstrusus KLAAMANN, 1961 66 Palaeofavosites aliquantulus KLAAMANN, 1962 66 Palaeofavosites alveolaris (GOLOFUSS, 1829) . 67 Palaeofavosites aff. alveolaris (GOLDFUSS, 1829) 67 Palaeofavosites balticus (RUKHIN, 1937) . .. 68 Palaeofavosites forbesiformis SOKOLOV, 1951. 68 Palaeofavosites haapsaluensis KLAAMANN, 1961 69 Palaeofavosites hystrix SOKOLOV, 1951 69 Palaeofavosites legibilis SOKOLOV, 1951 . 70 7 Pag e Palaeof avosites kalvensis n. sp.. .. .. 70 Palaeofavosites oelaensis KLAAMANN, 1939 71 Palaeofavosit es raikkuelaensis SOKOLOV, 1951 71 Palaeofavosites schmidti SOKOLOV, 1951 71 Palaeofavosites spiroddensis n. sp, 72 Palaeofavosites tersus KLAAMANN, 1961 . ". 72 Gen us Priscosolenia SOKOLOV, 1962 . 73 Priscosolenia ko zlowskii n. sp. 73 Priscosolenia rozkowskae n. sp. 74 Genus Sparsisolenia 'n. gen. 74 Sparsiso lenia kiaeri n. sp.. .. 75 Genus Mu ltisolenia FRlTz, 1937 75 Mu ltisolenia tortuosaeformis KLAAMANN, 1962 . 75 Multisolenia excelsa KLAAMANN, 1961 76 Genus Mesofavosites SOKOLOV, 1951 76 Mesofavosites imbellis KLAAMANN, 1961. 76 Mesofavosites silicificatus KLAAMANN, 1959 77 Mesofavosites validus KLAAMANN, 1964 77 Subfamily Favositinae DANA, 1846 78 Genus Favosites LAMARCK, 1816 . 78 Favosites adaverensis SOKOLOV, 1951 78 Favosites exilis SOKOLOV, 1952 78 Favosites favosiformis SOKOLOV, 1951 . 79 Favosites fa vosus GOLDFUSS, 1826 .. 79 Favosites gothlandicus LAMARCK, 1816 80 Favosites ingens KLAAMANN, 1962 .. 80 Favosites kogulaensis SOKOLOV, 1952 . 81 Favosites lichenarioides SOKOLOV, 1952 81 Favosites kjerulfi n. sp. 82 Favosites mirandus SOKOLOV, 1952 . 82 Favosites norvegicus n. sp. .. .. 82 Favosites opinabilis KLAAMANN, 1962 . 83 Favosites pseudoforbesi pseudoforbesi SOKOLOV, 1952 83 Favosites pseudoforbesi ohesaarensis KLAAMANN, 1962 84 Favosites similis SOKOLOV, 1952 84 Favosites stoermeri n. sp. .. 84 Favosites subfavosus KLAAMANN, 1962 . 85 Favosites subgothlandicus SOKOLOV, 1952 85 Favosites vicinalis KLAAMANN, 1962 86 Family Syringolitidae WAAGEN & WENTZEL, 1886 86 Genus Syringolites HINDE, 1879 . .. 86 Syringolites kunthianus (LINDSTROM, 1836) 86 Suborder Thamnoporina SOKOLOV, 1950 . 87 Family Pachyporidae GERTH, 1921 . 87 Subfamily Parastriatoporinae TCHUI?INOVA, 1959 87 Gen us Parastriatopora SOKOLOV, 1949 . 87 Parastriatopora sokolovi SMIRNOVA, 1959 87 Subfamily Pachyporinae GERTH, 1921 88 Genus Pachypora LINDSTROM, 1873 .. 88 Pachypora lamellicornis LINDSTROM, 1873 88 Subfamily Thamnoporinae SOKOLOV, 1950 88 Genus Thamnopora STEI NI NGER, 1831 . 88 Thamnopora? undvaensis KLAAMANN, 1961 89 Suborder Alveolitina SOKOLOV, 1950 . 89 Family Alveoliti dae DUNCAN, 1872 89 8 Pale Genus Subalveolites SOKOLOV, 1955 . .. 89 Subalveolites callosus KLAAMANN, 1964 89 Subalveolites panderi SOKOLOV, 1955 . 90 Subalveolites sokolovi KLAAMANN, 1961 90 Genus Subalveolitella SOKOLOV, 1955 . 91 Subalveolitella majuscula KLAAMANN, 1962 91 Family Coenitidae SARDESON, 1896.. 91 Subfamily Coenitinae SARDESON, 1896 . 91 Genus Coenites EICHWALD, 1829 . 91 Coenites juniperinus EICHWALD, 1829. 92 Order Syringoporida SOKOLOV, 1962 . .. 92 Family Syringoporidae NICHOLSON, 1879 . 92 Genus Syringopora GOLDFUSS, 1826 .. 92 Syringopora blanda KLAAMANN, 1962 93 Syringopora blandaeformis n. sp. 93 Syringopora crassa n. sp. ... 94 Syringopora maxima n. sp. 94 Syringopora lindstroemiformis n. sp. 95 Syringopora polonica n. sp. 95 Syringopora multifaria KLAAMANN, 1962 96 Syringopora novella KLAAMANN, 1961 96 Syringopora norvegica n. sp, 96 Syringopora parva n. sp. .. 97 Syringopora parviformis n. sp.. 97 Syringopora schmidti TCHERNYCHEV, 1937 98 Syringopora schmidtiformis n. sp. 98 Family Multithecoporidae SOKOLOV, 1950. 99 Genus Multithecopora YOH, 1927 . 99 Multithecopora norvegica n. sp. 99 Order Auloporida SOKOLOV, 1962 100 Family Romingeriidae SOKOLOV, 1950 100 Genus Favosipora n. gen. 100 Favosipora clausa (LINDSTROM, 1865) . 100 Family Fletcheriidae ZITfEL, 1876 . 101 Genus Fletcheria MIL'NE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1851 101 Fletcheria tubifera MILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1851 101 References. 103 Alphabetical indices . 108 Index of authors . 108 Palaeontological index . 110 Plates I-XXXVIII and their legends. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to describe the results of a detailed morphological and taxonomical investigation of the Tabulata from Norway, Sweden (Island of Gotland) and from the erratic boulders of Poland. The stratigraphical correlation of Silurian in the above mentioned areas and in Estonia is given. These studies have also thrown some new light upon the development of Tabulata during Silurian in the Scandinavian-Baltic region. A hundred and seven species assigned to twenty-six genera are described in the present paper. Thirty-six of the species and four of the genera are new. Moreover, a new family has been established. The material from Norway was made accessible to the author by Paleontologisk Museum in Oslo.
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