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Anting(Ñmtg ARO 35

Anting(Ñmtg ARO 35




CE-LAY- LA CIUDAD Próximamente se reunirá I da son únicamente las que han he- QUE SOBRE A Nueva York, Abril 15. Félix De Matamoros y en Nuevo Laredo y se prepara caminos públicos en América. cho los japonesas en Tortugas, Díaz ha declarado que una aas vi Distas salieron para para defenderse la guarni- según informa el Comandante entre él y Huerta es abso- Monterrey. ción carrancista. " El Alcalde Kelly hace un resu- De la Prensa Asociada. del crucero "New Orleans . lutamente imposible. men de la situación financiera Nueva York. Abril 18. El Díaz, que ha estado exencio- De t Prensa Asociada. De la Prensa Asociada. del municipio, que según el es- tongreao panamericano de ca- De la Prensa Asociada. nando constantemente entre esta Brownsville, Tax., Abril 18 Laredo, Texas, Abril 18 El Cal., Abril 18. El co- ciudad, Nueva Orleans y San" An tado presentado, resulta bri- minos se reunirá en Oakland, Washington, Ayer se recibieron en El Paso La tropas villistaa abandonaron general Dávila, sucesor del extin- la semana comienza mandante Noble del cruce- tonio en su trabajo de hacerse llante. durante que Irwin telegramas privados del General hoy todaa las posiciones que ocu to general Maclovio Herrera co- 1 3 Setiembre, hoy propaganda presidencial, ha de el da según se ro "New Orleans" comunicó Villa anunciando que la batalla ejecu- Marina, que clarado míe Huerta es un "bandi paban a lo largo de la parte baja mo jefe de la guarnición de Nue- El sábado en la tarde se reunió anunció hoy por el comité al departamento de para definir la posesión de Ola- con- había do y un ladrón." de la Hnea divisoria, pues hoy vo Laredo, ordenó hoy a sus tro- por primera vez el nuevo Cuerpo tivo de dicho congreso. El practicado las investigacio- ya, comentaría de nuevo hoy, y uni- la presencia los "Huerta ha sido prácticamente Reynosa Municipal, en corta sesión, ocu- greso estará bajo los auspicios nes relativas a de el mismo partieron de para pas que tomaran posiciones en las seguiría hasta que ejército del expulsado de España," dijo hoy pándose de aprobar las fianzas dos de la Asociación American barcos japoneses en la había de Norte sea destrozado Monterrey, los últimos siete trenes trincheras en previsión de un o se rindan su de del de la Ciudad, C. A Roadbuilder y por la Amefican las Tortugas, Baja California, y conspiración. vi- Tesorero los carrancistas. que militares. Los trenes llevaban a por parte de las fuerzas Kinney, y del Recaudador de LHighway. Se espera que concu que no encontró otra cosa que "A donde quiera estuvo El Oral. Villa ha reprochado le En España todos sa bordo las fuerzas villistaa que han llistas que según se informa, Contribuciones, W. P. B. McSain rran delegados de todas partes de salvamento emprendidas silbaron. los Estados y Canadá para al crucero " Asama' enérgicamente a Obregón el ha ben que Huerta saqueó la Teso estado sitiando la plaza de Mata sobre la mencionada po El alcalde nuevamente electo, de Unidos rescatar y también de los países súdame que se encuentra encallado. berse rehusado a que salgan de rería. Solamente en un Banco de moros y que fueron llamadas blación Dicese que la columna Thomas Lea, no ha hecho toda- a-- ricanos. Celaya los no combatientes y Madrid depositó veinticinco mi probablemente con el objetó de villista se encontraba ayer a 60 vía ningunos nombramientos en cusa al jefe de escu- De la Asociada. carranetsta Uones de francos. Yo me aliaré auxiliar al general Villa en I millas deNuevo Laredo. los diversos la Prensa e. Tamos de adminis- darse tras las mujeres y los personalmente con cualquier campaña del El cadáver del general Herre- tración. PERSON AJES DETENIDOS Washington, Abril 18. El in centro de México. forme del comandante del "New hombre que trabaje honradamen Con la retirada de las tropas ra, quien fué muerto ayer por sus El cambio de gobierno munici- por suponérseles espías alemanes Orleans" fué enviado por telegra- - Los funcionarios del gobierno te por el bienestar de México, pe vilhstas, el general Emiliano P mismos hombres durante una es- pal se llevó en la mañana ex- a cabo en Italia fia inalámbrica al de la convención en. El Paso ro no tengo nada que hacer con Nafarrete, jefe de las tropas en caramuza que por error sostuvie- del sábado, sin una sola dis- contralmirante nota De la Prensa Asociada Howard, y es como sigue: plican la retirada de las fuerzas Huerta. rrancistas acantonadas en el no ron sus avanzadas y el grueso de cordante, ante numerosos espec- Ma- Roma, Abril 18. Como resul "El 'Azama' se encuentra aún del Gral. Villa de frente a Coincidiendo con la llegada de reste de la frontera ha dispuesto su columna, según los informes tadores que llenaban la Casa Con- Vera-cru- z, tado de la estrecha vigilancia que encallado en la bahía de San Bar- tamoros por las necesidades de Huerta a Nueva York, se han que sus tropa ocupen nuevamente será trasladado a sistorial y después de haberse da- campaña ejerce la policía sobre los extran tolomé. Los buques que están la en los alrededores de en el Hotel McAlpin va los poblaciones fronterizas que donde se piensa darle se- do a conocer oficialmente el re- se- jeros, el reverendo Walter Low presentes son sólo un vapor de Celaya. El Gral. Rodríguez, rias personas que integran una fueron abandonadas por los ca- pultura. sultado del escrutinio1 de la elec- gún en- rie, rector de la iglesia americana reparaciones y dos carboneros. dicen, recibió órdenes de comida enviada a esta ciudad por rrancistas cuando empezó el ción verificada el mes pasado, se- la en Roma, fue detenido por sqspe No hay más de tra- viar al Gral. Villa mayor parte Carranza. La comisión está com avance de las tropas villistas. AVIADORES INGLESES gún anunció oportunamente un indicios que chas de ser espía alemán. El sa bajos de salvamento." ' de su existencia de parque, que puesta por el Coronel Breceda, alcance del TIMES. se le había enviado previamente cerdote americano fué puesto en El secretario Daniels había so- secretario de Carranza, y por VISTAZO A LA SITUACION bombardean Isa posiciones de los Antes de harcerse el para el a Matamoros. Es anuncio libertad después de descubrirse licitado del contralmirante Ho- asalto Espinóla, Alfonso Breceda turcos al otro lado del de la votación, el Alcalde Kelly sa este parque el que se usará hoy y Antonio Tamariz. Europea, según la prensa In- el error, dándosele las debidas ward un informe especial, en vis- de Canal Suez. : mañana la Ro de se puso de pie, y dijo ' tisfacciorles ta de los despachos de la prensa, en la en batalla. glaterra. dríguez, con sus fuerzas, perma- - De la Prensa Asociada. "Antes de que se haga la de- - Albert Van Bureo, director de diciendo que un escuadrón de bu- UN HIJO DE HUERTA De la Prensa Asociada. ol p;i Cairo, Abril 18. (Boletin.) claración del resultado de la elec- la Academia Americana estable ques extranjeros se había reuni- nececa en Nordeste de Mexico Londres, Abril 18. Los ingle- Matamoros volverá Hoy se expidió aquí la siguien- ción, deseo decir unas cuantas cida en Roma, recientemente fué do en la bahia de Tortugas, que y el sitio de asociado yde algunos jóvenes me- ses en sus esfuerzos para destruir emprenderse como te comunicación oficial palabras: Me sería imposible pro- víctima de un error semejante se había establecido un extenso a tan pronto xicanos, arrastró la estatua de al bote torpedero turco, que ata- en- "El 15 del actual, tres aeropla- nunciar ahora un discurso, pero según se supo hoy campamento por los japoneses, se rdpongan las municiones Washington por las calles de la có al transporte "Manitou" ayer viadas. nos hicieron un vuelo desde el antes que todo, deseo dar las gra- La señorita Edith Deacon, de en la plaa, y que se había mina- capital. Ninguno de ellos ha en Chios, perdieron el submarino "E-15- Canal El Sirr, 85 mi- cias a los municipes de esta ciu- Boston y Newport, e hija de la do Ayer se recibieron del Este va sido nunca amigo del pueblo que al hacer un peligroso hasta unas la bahía. llas al Sur El Arish, lanzando dad por la ayuda y cooperación señora Florence Baldwin y her rios furgones con parque y du- en bus- reconocimiento en el campo sem- de. Ef'Asama" había encallado en donde ahora bombas que fueron efectivas. Se' que me han prestado por años en- mana dela princesa Antonia A aguas mexicanas desde Diciem rante el día fueron enviados en can refugio. brado de minas de los Dardane-lo- s, teros. Después deseo expresar mi Radziwill, quien anteriormente un tren especial para el Sur. Se encalló en Punta Keppez, vieron entre ISO a 200 tiendas de bre y el informe indica que la Hemos recibido para su publi- campaña, la agradecimiento a los jefes de de- llevaba el nombre de Dorotea dice que una gran cantidad de siendo hecha prisionera sa tripu y distancia recorrida presencia de otros buques apa cación lo siguiente : fué mayor de 170 millas. partamentos y finalmnte a todos Deacon, recientemente fué dele rentemente oara ayudarlo a sa IKtiuniciones viene en camino de "El Huerta sigue lación. Según un informe turco, por espía por "No se vieron más de los demás, ruedas y engranaje de nida sospechas de ser lir a flote se habla realizado sólo Nueva York por exprés y lo haciendo esfuerzos para hacerse siete de los hombres de su tripu- tropas cuan-- 1 este lado de El Sirr, aunque la maquinaria de la ciudad. A 4habiendo ocurrido el suceso con el propósito de establecer ti ato en breve la cuestión del pasar como amigo del pueblo ta- - lación se han perdido. te líos se debe lo hecho ; no a mi. do se dirigía en viaje de recreo na base permanente de operacio parque cesará de ser un impedi méTicano, seguramente porque ha En Egipto loa aviadores ingle sabe que existen una o dos avan- : para el con zadas. "Conciudadanos deseo haceros a Girgenti. nes. mento ejército de la olvidado las injurias que sus pe- ses han lanzado bombas sobre el vención. la "En la misma fecha un cruce- una súplica antes de partir. iNKCKSllA iRTaojoat La embajada japonesa expidió riódicos y sus partidarios lanza- campamento turco cerca a s all. Calls No. t ro bombardeó un campa- a la nueva administración : Presume Ser Tries una declaración manifestando ron en contra de los Estados frontera, mientras los cañones de francés Establecido desde ieoi - (Adven isemeai CONTRA EL AUMENTO cercano El Arish, ha cada uno de vosotros, hombres, que las operaciones eran solo de AI efecto conviene recor- un crucero francés se dirigieron a mento a biendo dirigido el fuego un hi mujeres y niños debe apoyarla. salvamento y negando que hu dar que los ayudantes del gene- un zeppetin, y dispararon metra seYvi-cio- s De las tarifas ferrocarrileras, ha- No El nuevo Ayuntamiento hará los tros que prestáis vuestros biera alguna intención de estable ral Huerta pasearon lla contra los turcos cerca a El droplano. se vieron grandes bló 1 antiguo generte del de- una yegua mayores esfuerzos, y así se lo de- a esta ciudad, que continuéis naval, más ha- Arish, en donde ha establecido su grupos de tropas, aunque algunos cer alguna base y tar de transportes da flaca por las calles de México seo." desempeñando vuestras labores partamento cuartel el ejército turco que trata cañones del enemigo rompieron de el Oral. Cantú, gobernador de la de Comercio. ciendo una alusión infame a una En el Sr. como antes, hasta que se os noti Cámara de invadir, a Egipto. Estas ope el fuego tanto contra el crucero el momento en que la Baja California, telegrafió a las De la Prensa Asociada. de la familia del Prest Kelly se fué llamado por fique que está aceptada vuestra Villa que Sersona raciones indudablemente han st como contra el aeroplano, pero retiraba, autoridades de diciendo Chicago, Abril 18. Basando y que Jorge Huer el nuevo Alcalde, quien le exten- renuncia. y las ha do hechas para hostilizar a los ninguno recibió daño. operaciones japoneses se su declaración en estadísticas for- ta, hijo del dictador, tue quien dió la mano; y, al estrecharlas "Nada más tengo que agregar: bían sal turcos, puesto que éstos no han "El día de ayer, un crucero limitado únicamente al muladas en 22 pruebas distintas, arrastro por las calles de la mis ambos, se oyó un prolongado mi corazón está Como mostrado ninguna intención de a- - francés, ayudado nuevamente por rebosante. vamento del "Asama." el antiguo geente del departa ma capital, la estatua de Wash en el salón." en otra ocasión dije, es un gran Ayer el tacar a los ingleses desde que un avión, bombardeó el campa- contralmirante Howard mento de transportes de la Cá- ington. En esa obra odiosa a El nuevo funcionario, después de honor al de tan fueron rechazados últimamente mento enemigo al Sur de Ghaz-ze- h estar frente envío ordenes inalámbricas al mara de Comercio de esta ciudad compañaron a Jorge Huerta, En de haber el juramento maravillosa ciudad como la de El cerca del Canal de Suez. algunas 40 millas al Suroes- prestado "New Orleans," que iba a salir trató hoy de probar que no deben rique Fernandez Castello, sobri de ley, tomó la palabra y mani- Paso, población asentada sobre de San Diego, Cal., para Maza En los Cárpatos ha continuado te de Jerusalem .causando bas- ser aumentadas las cuotas de car no del general Porfirio Díaz, Ma festó : los llanos, que ha crecido de una el la lucha ; pero ninguna batalla ha tantes desperfectos." tlán, Méx., viernes, para que ga sobre granos del Oeste. rio Bulnes, Gustavo Sainz de Ce "No haré hoy un discurso, ni aldehuela de adobe a una la podido compararse con los en- magni se detuviera en bahía de Tor Sus principales argumentos he ciha, A, Gutiérrez Berrenechea, siquiera una plática. Por supues- fica metrópoli, a una de las más las visitas de cuentros que tuvieron lugar a la LA MISMA SITUACION tugas .cambiando chos ante el comisionado del co Miguel González, A. Cazeaux y to que ésta es ocasión agradable admirables ciudades de todo el cortesía e informando lo que pa llegada de la primavera. Los aus- mcrcio entre Estado, iiue esta otros varios aristócratas, que bus para mi : dejaría yo de ser hu- mundo, y sé que vosotros os sen- alli. tríacos oficialmente informan que dicen de Austria que prevalece en saba oyendo la petición de 41 sistemas caron protección en Veracruz mano si no lo sintiese asi. Pero, tís orgullosos de ella ; que . sois han rechazado los ataques rusos los Cárpatos. ferrocarrileros, para que se les la caída de la dictadura huertista a la vez siento tristeza de que se parte integrante de ella como lo LAS PERDIDAS HABIDAS al Suroeste del Paso.de Lupkow, De la Prensa Asociada. permita atynentar sus cuotas de y que, al abandonar el puerto la retiren predecesores, que soy yo. Y quiero que sepáis que infligiendo grandes pérdidas a Viena, Abril Hoy se die- nuestros carga sobre ciertos artículos de fuerzas americanas, han venido a J8. tantos bienes han hecho a la ciu- siempre haré mis mayores esfuer- en el transporte "Manitou" se de Estados Unidos a sus adversarios, pera en donde ron a la publicidad los siguientes consumo, son : que un ahorro radicarse dad, y que tenían puesto el co zos en pro del adelanto de éste, bieron a que zozobro un bote y - quiera prevalece una calma rela- informes oficiales igual al aumento propuesto, de y a Vivir bajo- el amparo de la razón en su trabajo. nuestro hogar. se rompieron los cables de otro tiva. '"La situación no ha cambiado. un centavo sobre cada 100 libras, bandera de las barras y de las "La nuestra va a ser una ad En la sesión de la tarde, se dió cuando se le iba echando al Los franceses están nuevamen- En las boscosas serranías cerca- podría efectuarse, si se practica- estrellas, que ultrajaron en su ministración en la que habrá po- lectura a la siguiente comunica agua. el te activos en los Vosgos, habien- nas a Enagypolany, y ra un método más económico pa- alentados por uurrador ra charla y mucho trabajo. Esa ción del Alcalde De la Prensa Asociada. fais, do capturado la importante altu- Montes Cárpatos, los saliente: ra manejar los granos, de parte es mi esperanza y deseo, y con- "Señores" Edite Cuanto tomé Londres, Abril 18. Una decla . ra de Metzeral. También in de los moscovitas fueron de las empresas ferroviarias; ma ls fio, como manifesté hace unos posesión de mi puesto, el 20 de ración oficial, expedida por el Al gleses atacaron a los germanos en rechazados aunque no del todo, nifestando también que los gra SIN PREVIA ADVERTENCIA días ,que no sufriremos daños Agosto de I'M", existía una deu- mirantazgo inglés esta misma no las cercanías de pres, en donde habiéndoseles 1,485 nos pagar! en la actualidad mayor capturado por cumplir con nuestros debe- da municipal de más de $2U I.imio, che, da el resumen le los últimos al enviarse el último informe la hombres de tropa y siete oficiales. parte de la que les corresponde rue hundido el vapor res. Queremos estar disponibles y un adeudo escolar mayor de informes de las pérdidas lucha continúa. "En los demás puntos de la li acerca en todos los cobro, de transporte 'Lile pontos" El capitán re para desempeñar nuestras obliga $18(MMH, y no se habían tomado de vidas registradas a bordo del saltó herido. Otra vez se anuncia que los es nea únicamente se registraron ' de carga i iones, y así lo haremos. providencias para cubrir esas transporte "Manitou, que fué a-- fuerzos alemanes para traer a duelos de artillería "Se ha dicho en esta junta al- Los problemas que tacado por un bote torpedero tur LA GUERRA EN FRANCIA De la Prensa Asociada. Austria y a Italia a un acuerdo, En el teatro sur de la guerra go de las personas que están ac se enfrentaban entonces al nuevo co en el Mar Egeo. El informe Londres. Abril IS. La tripu han fracasado. Según las últi no hubo acontecimientos de im tualmente sirviendo a la ciudad gobierno, eran el pago de talcs a asegura que ti hombres se aho Aviadores baleas y lación del vapor griego "Elle- - mas noticias, los austríacos, que portancia, hl fuego de la artille- - Comprendo, naturalmente, todo deudos y colocar a la ciudad bajo garon, en vez de 100, como pri- casan en los aire, mientras en itoe". torpedeado ayer por un cruzaron por territorio italiano, ria serbia emplazada en la región esto; todo plan humano puede una sana base financiera, y esa mero se había informado, y que tierra sa disputan las trincheras submarino a cinco millas al Oeste han disparado sobre las tropas i de Belgrado, fué contestado con cambur ; toda regla puede cam- tarea se ha llevado a buen térmi 27 más se han extraviado. El y del faro de North Hinder, ha lla tabanas, las que contestaron el a todo éxito. biar; solamente las leyes inmuta- no, porque hoy hacemos entrega transporte mismo no resultó ave- gado a Flushing, según telegrama taque y penetraron hasta el terri bles de Dios no cambian y aun- a nuestros sucesores de numera- riado. J Paria, Abril 16. La secretaría recibido por la Agencia Reuter. torio austríaco: Si se confirma el NUESTRO NUMERO que lamentaré que algunas perso- rio y obligaciones en efectivo, de Las pérdida de vidas se debie de Guerra hizo públicos hoy en El capitán, que fué herido gra- informe. OI AYER nas, con toda probabilidad y por $M.M33.37, divididos como si- ron a que un bote se volcó en el la ñocha loa siguientes informas vemente y llevado a un hospital, informe, el incidente probable l'n accidente imprevisto acae- exigencias de la política, busquen gue: $818,000 en bonos de ciudad, agua y a que al bajarse otro se relacionados con el desarrollo de manifestó que su barco habla sido mente se aumentara a los ojos de cido a última hora, cuando ya loa nuevos empleos, quiero decirlo comprados por ésta de sus fon- rompió el pescante del mismo los acontecimientos bélicos: atacado sin mediar advertencia. Italia. redactores de la edición española publicamente: aguantad como los dos amortazables ; $080,483.87, en bote. "En loa Vosa os. un ataque da Sin embargo, la tripulación pudo El hundimiento del barco grie nos habíamos retirado, dejando hombres y continuad desempe- dinero efectivo. De las recauda- alejarse go "Elliapontoa," por completo el número, re- XVI ANIVERSARIO los alemanes preparado median- con seguridad en bolee, un subma obligó al ñando vuestros empleos a esta ciones de 1814, hemos ahorrado un vigoroso y lle- hasta el faro. nno, frente a las costas holande gente de la imprenta a llenar la La prestigiada Sociedad Me te bombardeo remando ciudad hasta que recibáis aviso $o5,iiz; lo. que entregamos para efecto por batallón con- Se rumora en North Hinder at; probablemente alguna plana que se inutilizó con el ma- xicana "La Constructora," de es vado a un trarrá en contrario, lo que os suplicaré egresos del año corriente. No e-- posiciones ubicadas que ayer, algunos ale- fricción entre los gobiernos de terial que tema a mano y que era ta ciudad, con un variado progra tra nueetrae aviadores portunamente xistcu libramientos pendientes el nor o sets, de Or bey, Alancia manes intentaron bomba Grecia y Alemania. El de la edición inglesa. Los que ma celebrara el XVI aniversa arrojar "Aprecio hondamente ti senti- contra la ciudad o las escuelas, y y a 14 kilómetros de Colmar, fu obre doe barcos pescadores pegMos" fué destruido mientras conocen el in- mismo de los rio de su fundación el próximo i- miento 4c afecto y estima en que todas las obligaciones están bajo rechazado por nueetrae tropas. e hicieron fuego contra realizaba un viaje de Ymuídeu, de las dimensiones del 88 de Abril, en el salon nfle, personalmente me tienen mis base de numerario, existiendo rn jueve, Los alemanes dejaron infinidad ello, paro sin alecto. Holanda, a Montevideo Times, y la premura con que se de Fraternal, " de y espero no hacer nada la Tesorería acolar como $to,uo0 "La esquina de muerto frente a nuestras trin forman, se explicarán tamilmente Oregon y Dverland, en el que se nunca que desmerezca esas prue- en efectivo. chera, habiéndole captuiado co PRONOSTICO DEL TIEMPO PRINCIPE DE el accidente ; para los dcgaát, soto desarrollará el programa VIAJE bas. Aprecio también la lealtad "Faifa no a mis compañeros por literario mo 40 Da la Prensa Asociada tenemos que rogarles nos excu musical, terminando con un prisioneros. de los que trabajaron en pro de esta esplendida II qilr es 'Un aeroplano belga echó líe la Prensa Asociada Brindis!, Italia. Abril 18 El sen, teniendo en cueula que L ile dedicado a U- - familias de nuestras opositores políticos, y el result i sabia y tierra a un avión alemán cerca da Washington Abril 8 Ari- principe Jorge, hermano del rey la planta de operarios e - loa socios. no darla yo la extremidad del de- honrada ilr los a- Roulers. En la misma región, zona, deep; ado lunes y marte. Constantino, de Grecia, desem- cana y nay cosas que nadie pue- do menique por un hombre que untos p evear r. a Ssrrsa una da nuestra flotilla bombar- Oeste da Taaaa y Nuevo Mé- barcó ayer co este puerto y poco de evitar. Por iu Jrmiefam as - no fuera leal para con sua ami Iteras asi sel sesssauo se MsMs- avia- - xico, y despue emprendió el toda s aamcio f mmmm. deó un campamento da deapejado ma caluroso al vuic rum las medidas para peeve! - urina aaktrt 1 go Ahora oa suplico, a voso- AKaldi uertue B- - (Aev.i lunas, man as das ajado. bo a Pan. Us. DOS EL PASO MORNING TIMES

SF. SOLICIT- M r.ttsrto de Chl El . 10.00 Vi J. P. Duncan. Washington Park. Paso. 25.573 800 tra Gral. Obregón. comandan- rtlreeumeale riel dueño. DE H SEGUNDO PROBLEMA, LOS VENCEDORES P. P. Hammett. El Pane. Texas 25.572 4.20 6.20 FUENTE ALEMANA te da las fuerzas ea Colaya. No terreno sastsl rnn n nirtflrse W. H. Anderson. El Paso. Texas 25.560 .75 2.75 sa dan ningunos detalles de la más f asi "Tiiaes." reciente batalla, an Is cual Villa no pudo capturar a Celaya que Sellos de Goma ALEMANIA DARA Bohemia, donde según se dice, De la Prensa Asociada I Wmenot SI teWfsno 14.1 y vstnos sse está en poder de las fuerzas de Saltos de lodss cansa, SE ALCANZO EL DESPUES DE las ban saqueado Berlin. Abril 18. -- El cuartel tirina por It rasa. . RESULTADO FINAL SATISFACCION muchedumbres Artlrulo de deposi- general del alemán, Carranza, y que Ins autoridades trtbajn. de Impremí REVISAR tos almacenes en que se ejército dió Rea TODOS LOS CUADROS. ta rran castas pretenden haber sido CU. a Holanda después de hacer una tan los víveres para el ejército. a la publicidad los informes si- IITIRNATIONAL RIRRFR STAMP una victoria magna para el Gral. eslíe Han rrtneiMO M. El P- Texss. investigación sobre el hun- guientes: 8IN PREVIA ADVERTENCIA "En el teatro oeste, los ingleses, Obregón. ATENCION! Lo quinientos pesos dimiento del "Kstwyk." Necesitamos trente muy icttvoi psrs fueron ganados por Roy M. Walter que después de ocasionar varias ex- Anions. Huero Mesles. Teni jr Me ico. De la Prensa Asociada y pequeños rsnrnos esta N. 1 fué hundido el vapor griego "E-- 1 plosiones valiéndose de minas. ORGANIZAN EL PARTIDO pin la rents de tole ire en dudad, calle Florence No. 103. Rerlín, Abril 18. Entre los de Lis crucet. v M. es pon tos" El capitán resultó penetraron anoche a nuestras REALTY COMPANY. sueltos rjne da hoy a la publicidad HEW STATE herido. posiciones situadas en las colinas Liberal en Grecia los amigos de m Mlli Bids. I- - 8. Serrino. Superinten- la Agencia de Noticias de Ultra- dente ds Agentes. De la Prensa Asociada. que, se encuentran al este de Veniselos EL PASO MORNING TIMES tiene el placer, esta mañana, de mar, aparecen los siguientes : Ü rondos. Tom Londres, Abril 18. La tripula- Ypres; pero inmediatamente des De la Prensa Asociada. i de publicar los nombres de los vencedores del Segundo Problema, "Está toda via la in- llolgite, ill Cslle S. cimpbell. pendiente "Elespon-tos,- " pués fueron y mas abajo se da la ción del vapor griego rechazados por me Londres, Abril 18. Los anti- lista completa de los cincuenta triunfadores del vestigación oficial relativa al acto contra-ataqu- I. JOSEPH c mpri tods elite ds detper torpedeado ayer por un sub- dio de un habién guos miembros del gabinete y más interesante y fascinador pasatiempo que ningún periódico de torpedear el vapor holandés dlrios ds coll re. bronce, une. tierra antes marino a cinco millas al Oeste dose quedado únicamente en tres griego del que M. Eleutherio hule: sdemii. cotislet, cerda y Hue tot por Ubi iniciado en todo el Suroeste. C. Avenidi "Katwyk," cerca del faro de lle- furgones enteros. Jusrei. Loin.. del faro de North Hinder, ha de laa alturas que lograron ocu era el primer ministro, se 4JU&. Para los vencedores ha sido lo mismo que tomar un dulce un North Hinder en el Mar del Nor- Julrei TeMr. gado a según telegra- par. Continúa el combate. organizaron hoy para dirigir los bebé. No hubo niguna dificultad te, 14 demos- Flushing, psrs para resolver rl segundo problema. el del actual. Si se Reu-te- necesitamos agentes setlvos is ma recibido por la Agencia r. "En Champagne, los franceses asuntos del partido liberal o de Sólo se hizo necesario cuidado y paciencia, acompañados de uns poca trare que el citado vapor fué vents ds lotei o rtnrnoi cn Us Crasas, volaron una trinchera cercana a Venizelos, en vista de las próxi- If. M en Mexico a reptemos dinero Me- de capacidad, para trazar los circulillos a fin de que comprendieren hundirlo por un bote alemán, Ale- gtrtntlsi o El capitán, que fué herido gra- una posición que capturamos an mas elecciones del parlamento li- xicano. inMII presentirte ta mayoría de los números del cuadro. Ha sido como un juego de mania estará dispuesta a pagar, buenas referenclst. New stst Reilty com vemente y llevado a un hospital, tes de ayer; pero no obtuvieron beral helénico, según, afirma un psny. S Mlldg ajedrez en el que jamás se debía hacer ningún movimiento, antes desdel uego, ríanos y perjuicios y Mllti de manifestó que su barco había si- ninguna ventaja. despacho de Atenas, recibido hoy estar perfectamente seguro de que aportaba el más grande provecho dar una satisfacción, de acuerdo INSTiTt TO "LVDIA PAttERSON." do atacado sin mediar adverten- "Entre el Meuse y el Moselle por la Agencia Retiter. Cslla S. Florence No. SO), El I'iso, Tex. para el que lo hacía. con las dispcmic'iones del Derecho Licuéis diarla e internado pari vsroast. cia. Sin embargo, la tripulación únicamente ha habido encuentros Maestros competentes. Ediricio nigienico. Hubo necesariamente muy pocos empates, pues fueron innu- Internacional. No se teme que i. lates nocturnit do 1N0LES y MUSICA. pudo alejarse con seguridad en de artillería. FUE Laurence Reynolds, Tel. Mto. merables las combinaciones de los números que se hicieron y en haya tensión entre Holanda y INDULTADO director. botes, remando hasta el faro. "En los Voseos, nuestras tro SÉ por eonversiclOn cada paso dado para desarrollar la cadena y en cada círculo dibu- ENSERA INULES f Se rumora en North Hinder pas tomaron posesión de una po método clásico. 701 N. El Piao. jado, había siempre una probabilidad para alcanzar el "Noticias del Cairo anuncian Por al Presidente da la República resultado que ayer algunos aviadores ale- sición avanzada que ocupaban mu final. que se lia verificado un motín un sentenciado en San Die- ORO Y PLATA M manes intentaron arrojar bom los franceses en una estribación Calif. Los primeros premios fueron ganados por los que verificaron los entre las tropas australianas, por go, A. N. LOMHUtDl CO. bas sobre dos barcos pescadores de colinas ubicadas al suroeste de 107. PISO. pages más altos de su suscripción y aquí que hayan la queja de que ellas, al igual de Cslle S. EI Psso Secundo de podido obtener ingleses, e hicieron fuego contra Stoasweier. el límite de los dividendos de los premios. los cipayos de la India, son en- Especial para El Times. COLEGIO PALMOSE, ellos, pero sin efecto. "Al suroeste de MetzeroL núes 16. El Pita, Text. Cilte N. Oregon IIS. Ahora que el problema lí- Washington, Abril El está ya clausurado y los premios han sido viadas siempre al frente de la tras avanzadas tuvieron qde re Cursos de Inglés. Eapiflol y Comercio. ganados, no habrá duda de que los que quedaron fuera de la lista nea rU- batalla, mientras que las presidente ha concedido indulto a Cusdro docente completo y competente. LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE LA tirarse a loe puntos de apoyo ante Samuel Leffingwell. convicto en Clstes diurnas y nocturnas. Internado bien bien grande de unos 400 a 500 y que lograron obtener la solución tropas inglesa se quedan atrás. 313U. GUERRA la presencia de fuerzas numéricas Cal., atendido L. Wilson, Directors. Teléf. del primer Problema dé loa Círculos, podrán comprender el resulta- "Un )íran número de hindúes San Diego, por conspirar superiores. para introducir trabajadores chi- NL VENDA, compre ni cunble usted do material de su cómputo en el Segundo Problema. ha desertado e ídose con los tur- de segunda mino ni rifles, basta En lo futuro, será el resultado de "En el teatro este, la situación ti. Por supuesto que se deja que cos." nos y que había sido sentenciado quo atipa mis precio. Teléfono ill. entender todos los que compitieron la actual contienda europea. permanece inalterable". Mullí-- Súv s. El Psso. necesariamente no deberían ganar un premio cada uno, puesto que el 23 de Marzo a seis meses de cárcel. Leffingwell había estado EL PASO IRON a METAL CO. Cilla SIS sqjio eran cincuenta los premios; por lo que los triunfadores deben ALEMAN A DARA SATIFAC-CIO- Antonio, I90&. Compramos robre, fierro, De la Prensa Asociada. NINGUNA ACCION NAVAL gobierno posi- bronce, huesos jr bule. etc. teléfono oso. ser felicitados, aunque los que tomaron parte y no ganaron ningún al servicio del y es Copenhague, Abril 19. El COLECTO premio, igualmiente deben ser congratulados por su ble que sea usado cómo testigo EL PALMORI trabajo, deseán- corresponsal del ' National Tiden se ha registrado en el Mar del Ms preparado mejores taquígrafos. doles mejor acierto en otra ocasión. en futuros juicios similares. a Holanda después de hacer una de" en Budapest, transcribe una Norte durante el mes último. PIDA UD. nuestro presupuesto psrs amue Después de trabajar u ven- incesantemente por cerca de una Semana, investigación sobre e hundi- entrevista que celebró con el De la Prensa Asociada. blsr esas; diremos el Importe y noche y día, los cuatrocientos o más cuadros remitidos, y que empa- LA POBLACION DE NUEVO demos Is necesario si contsdo o s miento del "Katwyk". Andrassy, ex-je- del Londres, Abril 18. El primer Fouts, N. taron el Problema de los Círculos, conde Julius lia stsniou st. con todo cuidado fueron examina- gabinete húngaro, quien acaba de del Almirantazgo, Winston MEXICO. dos y comparados, y nuevamente examinados y Lrd DlAMAN TES y otras piedras comparados, para De la Prensa Asociada. regresar a Budapest después de bpencer Churchill, expidió la si que no quedara ninguna duda sobre preciosas yo compro, pifando el mái alto la exactitud del resultado final Berlin, Abril 18. Entre los celebrar una serie de conferencias guíente negativa respecto a los Según las estadísticas forma- ursclo. en cuanto a los que resultaron vencedores, en este pasa- Alt. LOMBARD! CO. interesante sueltos que da hoy a la publici- en Berlfn. Se atribuye al conde mas recientes rumores: das por el Sr. Adolph P. Hill en Cslle 8. EJ Psso No. 107. segundo Piso. tiempo. El total más grande obtenido por uno de los consursantes dad la Agencia de Noticias de Andrassy el haber dicho que el "No se ha registrado ninguna las oficinas de la Secretaria de ML'EBLES para prados y algu fué de 26.22, con una mayoría de 59 el corredores; puntos sobre que obtuvo Ultramar, aparecen los siguientes: tema de laa conferencias verso acción nava) en el Mar del Norte Estado de la capital, de Nuevo nos buenos vslores en etls semana. el segundo lugar. Chis. Foutz, IIS N. SUolon Ui. "Está pendiente todavía la sobre la paz y las condiciones de durante el mes que acaba de pa México, en las últimas elecciones 1 odos los que ganaron los primeros cinco premios obtuvieron investigación oficial relativa al ésts. sar, no ha habido ninguna acción habidas en dicha entidad los vo- totales que de la cifra 26,000, varíin dentro de y son los siguientes: acto de torpedear el vapor holan- "Desgraciadamente", dice el de ninguna clase en los Dardanc tos de los Hispano-American- ROY M. WALKER. N. Florence No. I 103. El Paso. Texas. t'EOHO c MONTE, inductor ds espino i dés "Katwyk", cerca del faro de corresponsal que le dijo el conde los, a excepción de bombardeos sumaron 26,563, y los de los y de ingles Teléfono 5061 W. GRASS, W. No. J. Boulevard 616. El Paso, Texas. North Hinder en el Mar del Norte, Andrassy, "el pueblo de Berlin no locales y reconocimientos hechos Americanos 20,150, dando por SEÑORITA SUE CORA PEA R. BODY. Louisville. Ky. el 4 del actual. Si se demos- parece entender que ninguno solo por buques. tanto una mayoría de 6,413 para FLEISCHER Y CO. G. L. MYERS, El Paso. Texas. trare que el citado vapor fué hun- resultado positivo puede esperarse "Desde el 18 de Marzo única los primeros. JLós condados de SECUNDINO F. HEVIA. Avenida Myrtle 5 I 2. El Paso, Texas. dido por un bote alemán, Alema- en la presente guerra. El único mente dos hombres han sido lie Curry y Roosevelt no tuvieron AGENTES ACTIVOS. No obstante las explícitas instrucciones que dieron las reglas Hispano-americano- Psrs Is venís da "EL PASO se en nia estará dispuesta a pagar, dea-d- e resultado que podrá tenerse sera ridos en los Dardanelos y no se votantes en morninu publicadas para que se observaran el Segundo Problema, ITMEJ" solicitamos agentes en los Ealados en muy luego, daños y perjuicios y dar cero. Unicamente un ataque por han registrado bajas en los bu el condado de Eddy solo hubo de TEXAS. NUEVO MEXICO y ARIZONA y pocos cuadros fueron desechados por haber violado tales reglas. en generil en todis Ui probliciones ds IS uns satisfacción, de acuerdo con sorpresa, como sucedió en Bélgi ques ae guerra iranceses ni in tres votantes de ese origen y en REPUBLICA MEXICANA. BUENAS COM- La siguiente TABLA muestra a los vencedores, ISIONES. juntamente con las disposiciones del Derecho In- ca, puede tener éxito bajo las mo- gleses." el Charles otros tantos. el cómputo obtenido en el Segundo Problema, la Escribióos boy mismo. Dirección: P. O. suma que pagaron ternacional. No se teme que haya dernas condiciones de la guerra. Box 6SI. El Piso. Texis. U. 8. A. por la suscripción y el premio que obtuvieron. Por la falta de tiempo tensión entre Holanda y Ale- El único buen resultado que espe- VAPOR GRIEGO HUNDIDO FORMIDABLE INCENDIO mo es posible por ahora publicar el cuadro de la cadena que pertenece mania. ro yo de la presente contienda, es De la Prensa Asociada. del primer premio; pero deberá aparecer en la edición de mañana o "Noticias del Cairo anuncian a saber, la imposibilidad de la En el mar del Norte El práctico pasado. Portland, ., Abril 18.- - que se ha verificado un motín en- guerra misma en el futuro." holandés que lo la dirigía y bomberos quedaron do Solución Pago Premio tre las tropas australianas, por la tripulación fueron salvados. Quiicc M. minados por el humo, el Roy Walker. El Paso. Texas 26.206 $8.00 $500.00 queja de que ellas, al igual de los SE SALVO EL BUZO De la Prensa Asociada. en in W. Paso, cendio que destruyó el edificio de J. Grass. El Texas 26.147 8.00 275.00 cipayos de la India, son enviados La Haya, Abril 18. El Depar Miss Sue Peabody. Louisville. Kentucky seis pisos de la compañía de pa 26.132 8.00 170.00 siempre al frente de la linea de que estuvo cuatro horas sin po- tamento Naval anuncii que ha G. Myers, El Paso. Texas peí Blacke-McFal- l, esta noche, en L 26.013 8.00 105.00 batalla, mientras que las tropas der subir a la superficie. El sido informado que el vapor grie- F. El 26(001 las calles Cuarta y Ankeny. Secundino Hevia. Paso, Texas 8.00 60.00 inglesas se quedan atrás. compañero que lo salvó fué go "Ellispontos," que salió de Las LOS MEJORES PUROS da perdidas se en $300,000. Los siguientes DIEZ premios de DIEZ dólares, en efectivo, al "Un gran número de hinduúes aclamado. Ymuiden, Holanda, el sábado úl estiman hay En un momento parecía Orizaba y San Andres Tuxtla cual que agregar tres veces la suma pagada de suscripción con la ha desertado e ídose con los tur- De la Prensa Asociada. timo, con dirección a Montevi- dado ganó; como que las flamas se iban a solución que cos." Honolulú, T. H., Abril 18 deo, Uruguay, ha sido torpedea- ex LA VIOLETA a los eduicios contiguos Solución Pago Premio Aunque débil por la fatiga y por do en el Mar del Norte. Su tri- tender LA SIN RIVAL F. M El y la milicia naval de Oregon se Murchison. Paso. Texas 25.986 $8.00 $34.00 LEVANTARON EL SITIO la tensión nerviosa, William F. pulación compuesta de 21 hom- LA RICA Foley. El llamó para que ayudara a la ex HOJA Josephine Paso, Texas 25.974 6.00 34.00 Loughman, el buzo dedicado al bres con su piloto holandés fue- Para pedidos al por M. del incendio. mayor a F. Kilmer. Jr.. El Paso. Texas 25.972 8.00 34.00 de Matamoros y todas las fuerzas trabajo de levantar el submari- ron rescatados por' él "North tinción precios de Fábrica, diríjanse El a: H. A. Magruder, Paso. Texas 25.964 8.00 34.00 villistas salieron para F-- no y que se vió obligado a Hinder," que los trajo a Holanda. Gustavo Mayer y Cía. J. M. O' Hará. El Paso. Texas 25.963 8.00 34.00 Monterrey. permanecer horas bajo el cuatro El Paso. Tea. 41 1 Mills Bldg. Oscar F. Miller. El Paso. Texas 25.962 8.00 34.00 Di l.i lrcna Asociada agua, ayer, a una profundidad de QUEDO DISUELTO Paul Stem. El Paso. Texas 25.954 8.00 34.00 Brownsville, Texas. Abril 18. 220 pies, está en via de alivio A. H. Fisher. El Paso. Texas 25.943 8.00 34.00 Las tropas villistas abandonaron hoy Frank Crilly, el compañero La Cruz Roja Belga, por orden Teatro Estrella Kathryn B. Draper. El Paso. Texas 25.943 8.00 34.00 hoy todas las operaciones que del buzo que desenredó a Lough- del Gobernador Militar que HOY LUNES 19 E. Arroyo. El Paso. Texas 25,941 8.00 34.00 a lo largo de la parte ba- man de la maraña de cuerdas ata- tiene Alemania en Bélgica. La zarzuela en un acto: Se podrá varen esta lista que el Sr. Fisher y la Srta. Draper alcan- ja de la linea divisoria, pues hoy das al submarino hundido ha sido De la Prensa Asociada. Juarez Commission la total, lo "Cómo está la Sociedad". zaron misma suma cual es una coincidencia singular, puesto misino partieron de Reynosa pa- arlamado como un héroe. Brpelas, Abril 18 El Gral. que la cadena en sus cuadros era completamente diferente. ra Monterrey, los últimos siete Después de que Loughman fué Von Bissing, gobernador militar Company Los siguientes QUINCE premios de CINCO dólares, en efectivo, lle- El martes función corrida trenes militares. Los trenes sacado a la superficie se desmayó de Bélgica, ordenó la disolución U ) a los que hay que agregar dos veces la suma pagada por la suscrip- vaban a bordo las fuerzas villis- y se le colocó en un tanque de de la sociedad de la Cruz Roia s por un sólo la ganó: precio. Cilla Oeste asa Satas Is SSL Tele!. US. ción con solución que tas que han estado sitiando la asistido por médicos. belga, debido a que la comisión Agentet ds Solución Pago Premio plaza dr Matamoros y qur fueron Loughman informó hoy que administradora se negó a cumplir ribricinies Agentes de compras y vcniss ds toda clase de J. E. White, El Paso. Texas 25.931 $8.00 $21.00 11. muidas probablemente con el tres cuerdas estaban bien asegu- un plan sistemático para aliviar rilculoi pars México, comtilone.. R El Paso. Texas W. Glass. 25.929 8,00 21.00 objeto de auxiliar al general Villa radas al submarino, siendo sufi- las deserradas de Béltrica. El generu. Pldi nuestras condiciones y G. R. Montes, El Paso, Texas Hatzfcldt-Trachenber- píselos. Compramos y 25.924 8.00 21.00 en la campaña del centro de Mé- cientes para subir al casco hasta conde g fué vendamos Miss Lee Hillyer. El Paso. Texas 25.907 8.00 21.00 moneda mexicana. Solicltsmos a xico. la superficie de las aguas. nombrado interinamente Dará AVISOS DE OCASION soasa tía. C. S. Hill. Ysleta. Texas 25.901 8.00 21.00 Con la retirada de las tropas Al efectuar el rescate de que se hiciera cargo de la admi- C. Chas. Carr. Safford. Arizona 25.862 8.00 21.00 illistas, el general Emiliano P. Loughman, Crilly ha salvado una nistración del trabajo de la Cruz CUOTIXACJONES de moneda Mexlcim. T. T. Swift. Safford. Arizona 25.845 8.00 21.00 Nafarrete, jefe de las tropas nueva vida humana. , Koja. psrs hoy. Compramos Reimos, 7i sc; B. linas a uta. Agullss, 7 l Sc; BUletei Bsneo y L French. El Paso. Texas 25.890 8.00 21.00 acantonadas en el no- Nacional W. A. Perkins. El Paso. Texas ".. 8.00 21.00 SS SOLICITA Ka el Estado de C.BUMieSjM, Londres, 11c; BlUStei Banco ds Estsdos. .25.807 reste de la frontera ha dispuesto SATISFACCION DEL REY HACEN BUENOS Pssqa El Texas 25.80) 2 00 dirteusnsnta asi dueño, pinnlulis Su 1t; fuer Ka. 7c Tostones, k). Max Ravel. Paso. 8.00 que sus tropas ocupen nuevamen- CONTRATOS men que contenga oro o plata. Dirección: Plan sin acunar. 7c Veré D. Scott, El Paso. Texas 25,800 8.00 21.00 te las poblaciones fronterizas que Dios al Veniselos que mm, "Times. W H. Ednngion. El Paso. Texas 25.763 8.00 21.00 fueron abandonadas por los ca no sa reconciliará coa al ray las fábricas americanas oara la Alfonso Galindo. El Paso. Texas 25,745 8.00 2100 rrancistas cuando empezó el Jorge Gringo, mientras no le construcción da material John Williamson. El Paso. Texas 25.733 2.20 9.40 de las tropas villistas. dé us de guerra. J. L. Foster. El Paso. Texas 25.706 8.00 2100 De la Prensa Asociada. UNITED SUGAR Los siguiente VEINTE premios de DOS dólares cada uno, en LA FALTA DE VIVERES De la Prensa Asociada. Richmond, Abril 1?. La Ame- COMPANIES efectivo, a lo que hay que agregar la suma pagada con la solución 1 París, Abril 8. El correspon- rican Locomotive Company n csMsa, es aitaaO-a- a atore "Aguila" y Ktaaloa-" Para pedidos ctlrljaaa que gano: Haca crecer la inquietad en el im- sal del "Petit Journal" en Atenas unció hoy haber firmado un a la otMssa a Tésala SS lihKT NATIONAL, HANK Bl'LUMNG. Solución Pago Premio perio autstriaco, y que aumen- comunica qua M Veniselos, contrato para la fabricación de Paso, Texas 00 Mrs. H. V. Watson. El 25.691 $8 00 $10 ten los partidarios de la pas. ministro de Gracia, le di- 2 500,000 metrallas y granadas de A. W Hams. Hurley MM..'. 25.680 $8 00 $10.00 jo que permanecería dos semanas alta fuerza explosiva. Otro con- J D Hernandez. El Paso. Texas 25.675 6.00 10.00 De la Prensa Asociada. en la isla de Samoa, y que des- trato, según se afirma, se refiere Wm. Gravea. El Paso. Texaa 25.673 8.00 10.00 Varona. Abril 18. Los via- pués se embarcará rumbo a Ame- s un pedido por varios millones I W Tkurber. San Luis Potosí. Mex 25.673 7.00 9.00 jaros que llegan del interior de rica. M. Veníanlos declara que de cajas de cartuchos. De parte I I Teatro i Feawick. Clifton. A.izons 25.672 8 00 10 00 Crawford A utria traen informes de que au- no regrosara a Grecia aun en el de quién vinieron dichos pedidos, (Frente le Plaza le Sen Ja tests) l uis G Martinez. EJ Paso. Texas 25,667 8.00 10.00 la inquietud menta ocasionada caso de qua su partido tnunfe en no se ha revelada Msiiajáss, Je vas, Sábado, y ' JM J El Texas 8.00 10.00 r L White. Paso. 25.663 por la insuficiencia del pan que las elecciones, como lo croe in- alaslJOss. sa. M. El Paso. Texas . 25.661 8.00 10.00 Mrs. A. Walthall. le es permitido obtener s cada in- dudable. UN NUEVO ATAQUE A Las rea i do la gsodse rniiiMsnus a les 8 JO Joseph F. Peal. 20th Uí Fort Bitas. Texas 25.657 4.20 6.20 dividuo, pues aunque la cantidad ex ministro, continúa dicien- ' A B. Graves, El Paso. Texas 25.653 8 00 10 00 se ha aumentado, aun no satisface do el corresponsal, dijo que con- De la Prensa Asociada. 75 2 75 Western Burlesque Achssh Spwfcmsn, Rockport. Texas 25.606 las exigencia de todas y cada una sideraba injuria la ne- Wheel come una Casa si te ear casos da aso dsssssUsa, laelsraa Mis H W. Sehioedri 1.1 Paau. lesa 25.605 8 00 10 00 I nraas sarsasauiá de las personas interesadas. Se gativa que ray da Gracia había Washington. Abril 16. asssdsa acstsa sajraJaaaSaa; I Mulberry El Paso. Texas 25.601 6.00 10 00 agrega que las demostraciones hecho da declaraciones cías que llegan al 10 cierta i 4Xnkt lasUANu. a Muiitoxie na amarae, Hugo Botan. h I. Camp Cotton. Cuy 25.593 8.00 00 contra la guana aumenta en ña- producidas por al y qqa no as de Estada, de I rímate. aAcwro K 25.562 75 2 75 S Jsh. El Pssu. rr... ñaro y en viales ta aspar i al anea tallara hasta que sa le de una qua al Gsni Villa aa p rogara para asede tea tasase Si es W J Wolff. El Paso lesas 25.377 0 00 10.00 te aa Viene y ilajsaee higeree da sauaf acetaos fcJL PASO MORNING TIMES TRES nunca embarcaciones mere "Suprema Universal" que sidente en México: falso. Ls co lativos a la situación política y ra do algunos tiros diariamente tales Corte EL, F AfilO MORNINQ TIMES o ejon- - lonia americana no podía tener militar." en puntos cercanos a la entrada cen advertencias previas tendrá por objeto arreglar las daflo; y sideración." EDICION BN BtfAKOU simpatías por Huerta, que había VA Barón von Wangenheim ad- de los estrechos, sin diferencias internacionales evitan- cuando se les dispara por las ba- publica todos te días del ate por M Faso Morulas Tilt Ca. dejado impune un crimen de lesa mitió que Is entrega de armas y do las guerras. Con tal fin ce- humanidad, y además tema vivi- municiones las potencias de la terías turcas, que nuevamente POR FALTA DE HONRADEZ una convención lea socie- da Corro a 1 s lebrarán ha herbó aolMro para mi rasrlstro an la Oficina ftm. enca- dominan las aguas cerca cíe la eosno articulo da eeunda oíase. do el atentado salvaje que tríplice, está ocupando la aten- dades pacifistas, los estableci- bezó su propio hijo, de arrastrar ción del gobierno otomano, v entrada, los acorazados se reti- Administrativa han sido aprehen- mientos educativos, las cámaras OFICINA: , por las calles la de Wash- ran. El lunes y martes últimos didos otros doa empleados y las sociedades cívi- Edificio dal Tintas. 1 Calta Bur OjNrsjon estatua dijo: de comercio BU. MORWXHO varios de los aliados re Tota 1 eoiraarponoencla deber aar dlrlslda a PABO ington. "Sin embargo, no tengo co- barcos franceses. cas. La comisión de "la corte TIM KS. BL. PASO. TEXAS. cañonaros. entre ellos Huerta, en actitud de come mentarios oficiales que hacer a cibieron De, la Prensa Asociada. universal" hito públicos hoy en el "Reina Isabel." el cusí intentó V. cele RBPRESBNTAMTBS DB ANUNCIOS EXTRANJEROS: diante cursi, dice que la historia esto: son los gobiernos que su- Paris, Abril 18. Un despacho noche los proyectos pera Nueva York: 8. C Backwlth. Acanala Espacial. EdlHolo do Tm. Tribuna. de él lo que el General otra vez el fuego indirecto sobre Vrar el congreso que se compan W BopaakU. Edificio dal Tarear BUM dirá lee fren por la acción americana, a de Marsella a "Le Temps," dice Louis: 8. a Book with. Asértela los Liarciane-los- . Nacional. dijo de Jackson : "que se mantu quienes concierne al asunto, y no un punto interior de que dos agregados al depósito drá de cien ciudadanos de loa msf Acantas viajeros: Jack Murtela. W. M. Byra. J H. Por lo demás, todo está go- Luther Barnard. vo como una roca siendo el blan- a sus agentes. Mi opinión par- militar y dos contratistas, uno es- promientes, incluyendo los CUrka in- quieto. la mayor psrte de P. B. Gallaeher, M. Pomar. Bd co de la ignominia jr, de los ticular es: que estoy decepciona- tacionado en Paris y el otro en bernadores de Cobradores antoiicadoa an la ciudad: los rusos a Latch y J. A. O Palacio. sultos." . do hasta lo último. En mi ma- Las operaciones-d- Marsella, fueron aprehendidos los Estados. ' PRECIOS DB SUSCRIPCION: Se equivoca : la Historia dirá nera de privada, los Esta- lo largo del Mar Negro, no han hoy por haber estafado a la se- (Pnr riela ntarlo sentir nivn de él que traicionó a los que le logrado éxito. En un bombardeo cretaría Diariamente y los domíneos, un aflo JI'íí dos Unidos están perjudicándose de la Guerra, y se dice Diariamente jr loa domíneos, mini habían colmado de favores; que mucho en su buena reputación contra un punto de la costa de que son inminentes otros arres- DIAMANTES Diariamente y loa domingos. I mesas ?! violó la ley el cansancio; Anatolia, la semana pasada, que ansa Dlarlamontai v Iaé rlnmlntna I maa I ." hasta ante el mundo entero. tos. Pasamos los altos oréelo Numero da loa domlniroa. solamente, un aSo I1.SS que su administración fué una "Tengo ta creencia de que los no fué de consecuencias, los mos par sumantes tambldn ora r ÍPor nniulrni renartidorea. 1 constante orgia y que el asesina covitas emplearon un buque cuyo MOVIMIENTO plata, sa aealquler forma. Diariamente v loa dominaos. 1 mas I americanos volverán al testamen PACIFISTA Gallo Ban Antonio y el despilfarro, la anarquía y tipo es desconocido, pero se cree .JH Teléfono S050. to to político de Washington de JEWEI.RV CO. el peculado, fueron' las leyes de que haya sido un auxiliar que En Cleveland se discutirán las GENEVA X PASO MOB MINO TIMES. Marzo de 1796, que les advierte Published every day la the year by EL. PASO TIMES COMPANY. su gobierno. contra ligas extranjeras, porque estaba utilizando municiones bases para el establecimiento Entered In the Poet office at El Paso. Texas, as second-claa- e mall matter. La sangre derramada en Méxi- norteamericanas. de una Corte Universal PUBLICATION OFFICES: deben comprender que. solamen- sjne el The Tlmaa Building. 1 South Oregon Street. co, desde 18 de Febrero de te la más estricta neutralidad en evite las guerras. aitomuy nSJ SBNTAV Morning lias Address all communications to The Times. Bl Paso. Texas. 1913 tiene que pesar sobre la ca- MAYOR. al- el espíritu y en la letra, pueden VETOS AL POR El raso Auto ful neos para beza de Huerta y el agua de to- dejar a aquel país fuera del do- De la Prensa Asociada. De la Prensa Asociada. quilar W traodei autos de camina f lexis, tods la noche y toda et dos los Océanos juntos no pue- necesi- Denver. Abril 18. El goberna- Nueva York, Abril I 7. Du durante NOTAS EDITORIALES minio de situaciones que día La eetseldn est sltosds treats den lavar las manchas que sus el de una dor del Estado impuso hoy su rante loa dias 12. 13 y 14 de al Hotel 'Paso MM floru.' --CsUe W. tarían mantenimiento Sai r manos ostentan. Pero hay que 26 de ley pre- Mayo se discutirán en. Cleveland, san Antonio No. lia Teléfonos flota mas grande v un ejercito veto a proyectos lex HUERTA ANTE LA HIS- falta de titulo legal, lo que tenía hacer algo más práctico que se- mas fuerte. Proporcionar armas sentados durante las últimas ho- los medios de establecer una na- TORIA. era precisamente la fuerza y ñalarlo ante la opinión pública ; y municiones a las potencias de ras de clausura de la asamblea Victoriano Huerta anda bus- die se habría atrevido a hacer na hay que buscar su castigo por los la Entente, solamente dará por reciente; y de dicho número, 22 da ante- cando ansioso la jofaina famosa sino hubiera sabido de tribunales, y para ello, hay que resultado la prolongación de la fueron iniciativas sobre votación - EL PASO EXCHANGE SYSTEM mano que contaba con la impu- convencer a los gobiernos de los in- donde Pitatos se lavara las ma- guerra actual y más efusión de créditos. COMISIONISTAS nidad. Ninguno de los ejecuto países donde busque refugio que necesaria de sangre. El resulta- La medida relativa al Art. 35 nos para ver si en ella puede lim- Compra y venta de monedas mexicanas. La más antigua en la res materiales del hecho, Carde la civilización y la exigen ; pre- justicia do final no será influenciado por de utilidades públicas la que Gudad. 201 Calle Sur El Paso. Bajos del Hotel Fisher. piarse la sangre del Presidente ñas y Pimienta, ni los que en él que Huerta sea entregado a los la actitud de los Estados Unidos, viene que los soldados ancianos más Teláfono 1371 EL PASO. TEX. Apartado Postal 029 Madero que adherida a sus ma- tomaron participación o tribunales revolucionarios de Mé- la que retardará pero no podrá tengan la preferencia en puestos nos lo eshibe por donde va con menos directa, se habrían mez xico para que se le juzgue y se le evitar una victoria final para Ale de servicio civil, y el proyecto pa clado en él a no ser porque las tirrible anatema. Es inútil la castigue, viendo en ello no un de- mania, Austria-Hungrí- a y Tur ra pensionar a los exploradores tarea, ni toda el agua del Atlán- ordenes emanaban de personas seo de venganza, ni de represalia quía. que vinieron a Colorado antes de que sabían tenían la confianza de tico unida a la del Golfo de Mé- política, sino de justicia, de jus- 1861, recibieron también el veto. CHIHUAHUA Huerta y eran de sus EXCHANGE xico podrán quitarle de encima interpretes ticia universal, que no debe am- La desaprobación de dichas 22 COMERCIANTES deseos. Pero suponiendo que el LL OBOLO DLL PAPA COMISIONISTAS lá mancha roja que sobre su con- parar crímenes como los cometi- iniciativas de ley, causó una re PngsmfM los mejores precios sobre billetes de banco conKtltucionalta-ISe- . el viejo crimen se hubiera cometido sin dos en Febrero de 1913. ducción en el presupuesto de Edificio del City NaUonal Bank No, IOS. Teléfono Itaaa ciencia se echó encima En favor da los belgas va acom lloneer. dictador la noche del 22 de Fe- su acuerdo, porqué no lo cas $123,000, y con las reducciones brero de 1913. Hay crímenes tigó? La función de un gobierno TURQUIA NO FUE INSTRU- pañando da una sentida carta anteriores que ha hecho el Ejecu es precisamente esa, dar garan cuya expiación jamás cesa, que MENTO Jel Cardenal Secretario de tivo, se forma un total de $400,-- jamás se lavan, los de Huerta tías y evitar que se cometan Estado. 000, aproximativamente. llegan son de esa clase T Huerta podrá atentados; y cuando estos Para vidrios de todas clases, véase a L. W. a traducirse en hechos, castigar De Alemania, dice el Embajador Hoffecker viajar de uno a otro continente, De la Prensa Asociada. NO CONSIDERA calle Mills Nos. 4 3 y 4 5 . El Paso. Texas. a los culpables, y si no lo hacen, del Kaiser en Constantinopla. TENDRAN Vastar a manos llenas el dinero Roma, Abril 8. Hoy se hizo CION extraído del Tesoro de México, las legislaciones de todos los paí De la Prensa Asociada. pública la carta escrita por el Tengo el surtido más grande en el Suroeste. recorrer el mundo entero y do ses civilizados, la de Mexico en Constantinopla, Abril 18, vía cardenal Gaaparri, secretario de Fabricante de espejos, vidrios biselados y de fantasía. tre ellos, los A las tripulaciones de barcos quiera que vaya, como al primer consideran La Haya y Londres. "Usted en- Estado del Vaticano, al cardenal Cortinas de acero de "Kinnssr " res. Ni un solo momento pensó tiende que yo soy el mercantes, porque Inglaterra homicida bíblico, la voz eterna de meramente Mercier. primado de Bélgica, con recompensa a los capitanes que e, Huerta en tal cosa. Claro, como representante de mi gobirno y, la justicia lo perseguirá diciéndo-l- la que le incluyo 25,000 francos los que el principal culpable era él por lo tanto, no estoy en posición atacan a submarinos. "Caín, que has hecho de tu en calidad de didiva personal del De la Prensa Asociada. ha eludido la con de contestar muchas interroga- bel- hermano?" Pero Huerta papa Benedicto XV para los Londres, Abril 18. Al referir- interrogato- ciones que usted me haga," dijo la La car- Ante el tremendo testación a otra pregunta tanto o gas víctimas de guerra. se al nombramiento del capitán ATENCION AGENTES DE RETRATOS ATENCIOM rio la americana, Huer- el Barón Hans von Wagenheim, ta del cardenafGasparri dice asi: de prensa más importante que la que se re del vapor británico "Thordis" co- SAMAN MUCHO SlNlas embajador alemán en Turquía, aveatajas SaratM y Mere ta ha dicho que no podía hablar "El papa, profundamente con mo teniente de la naval aaa mis 4 emú Bar fiere a la muerte del Presidente con- reserva US ladea dal SSB Si lea BssSaSSl " taeratl. porque se lo vedaba el secreto durante una entrevista que movido por las desgracias de la asa arsSSSI 4 mum - Madero. con- y de la recompensa otorgadale de et tseniM va loarte- rea nimia profesional. "Los jurisconsultos La pregunta era cedió al corresponsal de la Pren- noble y generosa Bélgica que le aumentar al wlurarai da ardasa y eaeablerer ana una medalla por atacar a un sub reputaelee ua ha benho a anata da Liada- - Aft creta: "Se dice que traicionó Ud sa Asociada ayer. Las preguntas vínculos Calata Inonlmo tarto Bajar tienen secretos lo mismo que los es tan querida por los marino alemán, la declaración raa la aa galenos," dijo en Nueva York. la confianza qué le había deposi hechas al embajador, se referían que la unen a la iglesia y a la se t s a roa v Macos expedida esta noche dice: Slaeapre aeeaee tdStrlde i ntreetre ralla aalaklarMa dt el Madero? y a a afirmaciones hechas por la Sede, lb canee ra mm ana y mm "Yo soy un soldado; pero porqué tado Presidente Santa deseando contribuir "Esto indica claramente que el esto Huerta se endereza, los ojos prensa favorables a la Triple En- un soldado no ha de tener secr- al alivio de las penalidades de gobierno británico aprueba las a SL niara ni una Sencillamente le contesta- le brillan extraordinariamente, y tente, de que Alemania indujo a ese amado pueblo, envía esa cier- da tratar i aeeaauar le major pástala para ta dlaere etos?" recompensas a sus embarcaciones al a yeardea tlaaipn are da Manida y llevándose los puños al pecho, Turquía a entrar en la guerra. au medio ellaltaoa BiiMtra aere remos nosotros porque no fué en ta de caridad en de su mercantes que atacan a buques OATALOSO IN Itr SOL. soldado, ni en razón de contesta: No; lo juro que no "Me complazco en ver a un augusta pobreza. El papa eleva i aa ardan de peaee bahía par al rolaran alidad de de guerra, contra las leyes inter- fas. eat and 4a ta Maree continuar i de- sov respon servicio neutral de la reputación súplicas las funciones militares que Le ninguna manera incesante el Creador para nacionales. Ahora menos que comi- sable de su muerte." És decir, del de usted, que su- Dios sempeñaba, como supo la demuestre obtener de Misericordioso la UNDER ART COMPANY s sión del crimen. Ni al abogado, cuando se le pregunta sobre la ficiente interés, en favor de la desaparición de ese horripilante mm t. o. a. ni al médico, ni al sacerdote los traición del cuartelazo, contesta verdad, que envié a un represen- azote denominado "guerra", im- excusa el secreto profesional que él no es responsable de la tante aqui," continuó el Barón. plorándole de manera especial PLATILLOS MKXICANOS ruando el hecho no se Ies ha con- muerte. Y para asegurarlo invo- "Vea usted a su alrededor y dí- que terminen los horrores de au LKUfTIMOS game qué elemento de Solo se sirven en el fiado en el ejercicio de su ca al Dios de la justicia y jura verdad amado pueblo". Central Bar and Cafe : contienen tales profefesión. Los secretos de en su nombre juramento falso, afirmaciones. La carta termina con alabanzas Its m.. Stanton ESPECIALISTAS refe-yirs- Kntrada p .ra Calis un soldado solo pueden c como son falsas todas su aseve- Una respuesta a ollas debería para toda las comisiones que se familia nal ill Aulorlxsdua por la Junta da anidad nal es- raciones que en nada pueden fa- provenir más debidamente, del el Islario da Teiss. doctores reslstrsdos a acciones de guerra, han organizado con propósito para turar enfermedades del cerebro; lo que es vorecer u conducta. gobierno turco. Sin embargo, de auxiliar a Bélgica. tuiilantoaad o inretcloias ds la to es, a inherente o he- siisto; sfotaiuleato dekiliusd del title a su profesión. El crimen come Huerta trata de falsear los nada deseo decir que parezca ma nervioso: Inaoiiinio; un naismlenlo In- chos que la 1c ten- controversia. Al fin la ABANDONA- falible para la impotencia; reslaurarlon tido en la persona del Presidente para Historia brillará PARECE QUE DR. GEO. BRUNNER coinplets y perms ule slu ssilraulanim Madero ni fué un hecho de ar- ga piedad; pero no es posible verdad. Bien podemos permane RON Medico Cirujano dinuaot. Cursiuus bajo garantía, sin a da tiempo y alo operación dolorota. mas, ni tiene relación alguna con ayudarlo con nuestro silencio, cer en el camino de la veracidad, Consultorio 8. Stanton 406. Tal. Ii estrecMi, en muy pocos diss; aa curan impo- porque no piedad porque es innecesario descender la for- 70S. Habitación Mesa leSS. pronto la (onorrea, fltinla, catarro y en los deberes que al soldado Huerta tuvo Los Aliados intentona de muy corto iiemito enrennedadet da la la ordenanza militar que es la para nadie. Fué insensible ante al arroyo de falsedades, rumores zar los Dardanelos, según TaL SSeS. vejisa. sstdmsro. blgsdo, pial, rifiones. m ne Urocele, vsrlcírsls y otrss eofermedelet ley que rige su profesión. el dolor de una joven esposa y e intrigas. informan de Turquía. tilintea dl nombre y la mu par. Solicíta- rió legítimo El embajador agregó: nos especialmente aquellos llamados "cstot Huerta pretendia ser en esos se del dolor de una "Deseo De la Prensa Asociada. curables. " qua no han uJido ser ruradot momentos Jefe no de un batallón, madre y de unos niños. Juró que recuerde usted que lo estoy Constantinopla, Abril 18. No or oiriK doctoras ni de un grupo de soldados, sino ante las imágenes sagradas y re- recibiendo de una manera partí hay aquí la mas ligera intención 709 fíjense en el numero del cuarto.- Hay otro Doclort". en el MUmo namaro GMincio de Nombre Semejante. Busa os Cuarto Numero S. de la Nación entera, y mientras cordando a la que 1c diera el ser, cular y no con carácter oficial ; y de que los aliados intenten reno- Es al de nuestro telefono. 81 Consultas Se K panol des- que cualquiera que necesita algo de Botica coa aralU. habla más alarde haga de la legalidad para traicionar momentos cosa diga yo, var su ofensiva contra los Dar urgencia comuniqúese con noso- ; deberá es- de su título de Presidente, su pués sus juramentos y hoy, con entenderse que tiene danelos. Desde el 18 del pasado, tros, 7 es le llevara a domicilio DOCTORES ALEMANES el cri- la audacia del inconsciente, viene ese y violentamente. es mayor, en trictamente carácter no no se han verificado operaciones llora, da I a. m. a t. Domíneos ds S s. m. a 11 a. men. Y no puede alegar como a este pais y dice que se supo otro. Usted ha estado aqui por serias de ninguna naturaleza. Farmacia Rio Grande numero I. Calis Ates No. 101 Frente a "t El Paeo. , circunstancia atenuante que no captar la confianza y el apoyo tiempo suficientemente largo pa Durante la semana última, tos 4IS H. STANTON. Kafundo Piso. Tes Menj poder efectivo, porque a moral de la colonia americana re- - ra saber que existen secretos re-- buques de los aliados han dispa Purita Y Comparsa Alguno Había de Pagar El Pato Por Sterrett Porque nemos pensado que ose han Sus el oponernos solo Ft decir US4. no Mnfuns. Nada mas que como ha sido ase cam- darla romo resollado que dejado lods ls - arpa i en ve de dsrl el besu bio tan repentino Por se encendiera mas el che careando el que :nia lila tía decirme que va PUSH en ls difereae ar hueñi noche te habría que el Cola ase de Punta, mor de Purtta por ess jo Que quiret eVecir can iSrncllIsmantr ba- Sin lo mltmn da Me ese turan -- l enaunaüo Papa, que ya sali- rolo 1st harnea a embarro slrap4tlco veo y decldtSjot cambiar aa de ae arabo todo,' y yo besaos rolo lodo uí na le habla thi.it ee un que Autillo! resulta ásala 41 bieca. majadero olio' part CtrtlaraploT de tacin Punís cuntpromlso ls puerta? mos de TI iMfJa fcfeAtáTÍT AM- "HaS , r $AM MCsajljeS HdTW raD afeas.. T Sai yJrut ill tAl Stl JTmíaJ silv lAlSTivso C fit? Horrtv c rfouve Am V HA' f njBVC Paco KS J CXSf M TMtfífí HOtOals- - rteUlD Will Kitttss Hit (30O0sllirHT Hr' Th-c- All OS I ÍSAfXVt ) L aaaaíi eiiMP u 1 rtOrty ALL CVtdJ eninw. í V Qta A svDOfeaJ s 10 4 BuMtD nin yx J r tbof. stMPa ' - - - V " I f 7 HlM Ó'Alt tAiOTHtrC lut HiM' ' V I I eCJ I ft OTfeeVllOaJ 0v II I I MCMtO To Five. IvtC inrrrsiM.1 y rOUV ixrvr. n (JCTlef J ' .jaasasvVI rt yaaaav HiM i i am at J í SM l"ítBV.

I I I eeaaaJrasBBBaSl aya. opav feaiMt.Mal CUATRO EL PASO MORNING TIMES

secretos para encender la emo- UN SUENO Lo del grano. PAGINA be- Y CUENTO DE LADRONES ción, callo cuando esto dijo y Pues no es lo del grano ACUARELAS RETRATOS bió nuevamente. (Traducción de Ouillcrmo Va Qué afán de meterte en donde Era un hombre viejo, muy vie- Serantellov Como el asesino, Pues aquel hombre, señor, lencia.) no te llaman! Hace dos meses La escasa vida artística de Dodge McKnight en la exhibi- jo; sus ojo rayado He sangre, por aquel entonces lejano era no era el padre de la moca. Era Estaba muerta, sin calor. La me aparecieron unos dolores en W ashington acaba, de animarse ción de Baltimore. parecían adormecidos en la muy compadre del arriero, co- un aldeano de Valverde. que herida el codo. con dos pequeñas exposiciones Uná mujer es quien domina y cuencas profundas, de terroso co- miénzase a sospechar del buen la te- era visible apenas en el flanco No le usted, doctor. triunfa en la exposición de retra- traía recua del arriefo por crea pictóricas: una, de acuarelas, en lor. Tenia los dedos de las ma- Jacobo y a temer la venganza de ner éste precisión de quedarse en Estrecha fuga para tanta vida! Cuando eso de los dolores ya le tos del Museo Nacional' Cecilia la ; re- nos obscuros y nudosos, y la bo- los hijos, ya mozos, de aquellos Aprolongo. Aún estaba con vida. había salido el grano. Galería Corcoran otra, de Beaux. Presenta una figura d ca sonreía constantemente, con señores. Por eso. siempre que el La moca, al verle, no pensó ca- El lienzo funeral no era más Te repito que estás equivo tratos al óleo, en el Nuevo Mu- funcionario joven : cara enérgica, cierta extraña sonrisa que daba arriero salía de la aldea, su hija si en su padre, ni en la tristura cado. Hace dos meses. seo Nacional. de perfil, cuyos planos se definen miedo. Yo siempre creí descu- mayor, a la hora del regreso, es de aquel pobre cuerpo acribillado que el cadáver. Jamás humana Acuérdate, Rodríguez... El El arte de ta acuarela, dócil a con vigor de modelado escultó- brir una historia de sombra en condíase detrás de las matas, allá a puñaladas. Un terror sobrena- cosa 17 de febrero, el mismo día que los caprichos del colorista, es na- rico. I el secreto belado de aquellos ojo, en la hondonada de Sampayo, el tural le hacía castañetear los verá el ojo más blaneo que aquel te recortaron el chaquet tural que atraiga a los pintores Junto a esta obra maestra, tos donde habia, por veces. Un res- rincón más propicio para fecho- dientes. Cómo el extraño habia blanco. Doctor, el chaquet me lo re de los Estados Unidos, cuya pre- mas interesantes trabajos son los plandor de fuego, y otras veces rías de muerte. podido llegar hasta allí? Casi cortaron en diciembre. ocupación fundamental es el co- de George Bellows (ingenioso un resplandor verdoso como el Pasó algún tiempo, y nada ; pe- desmayada, se acercó al moribun- Ardía Primavera impetuosa Pero sf en diciembre fué lor. Son seductores las posibili- juego de color y de expresión hu- limo que se ve en lo hondo de ro una noche, poco antes de ama- do. los cristales, do cínifes inermes cuando te quitaron la botella. dades de reducir o extender las morística) y de Howard Gardner las charcas. Aquel hombre mu- necer, ovó algo pie la llenó de - Por dónde vino?. .iDiga!. . golpeaban con ala rumorosa... Corriente. Tenga usted la combinaciones cromáticas, a vo- Cushing: figura estilizada de rió. Entonces quise saber la his- terror. Como ella, ocultos en la 'Por dónde había de venir? bondad de seguir. luntad, sin caer en efectos po- mujer sobre fondo de tápiz japo ríos f toria presentida ; y una noche, en espesura, hombres aguarda- Y(elU. con angustia mayor, lle- Huyó de ella el calor. Yo dije Como decía a usted, hace dos bres. Los acuarelistas norte- nés, con hábil empleo del recur- la casa grande de Varas, cierta ban el paso de su padre, que ven- na el alma de un sobresalto es- Duermes ? meses. . . americanos son legión. Los pin- so de los espacio ha comparado vieja cuentera que sabía bien las dría al poco tiempo con su recua pantoso, se acercó más. Con un salvaje sonreír violento Cuatro, doctor. Tiene una tores famosos generalmente al de las pausas en música. crónicas del país, hízome gracia por el camino de Aprolongo. La Si no puede andarse ese ca- más cerca repetile: Duermes? cabeza más dura! abandonan la acuarela, o vuelven El resto de la exposición, aun- de una narración escalofriante y moza quedóse espantada. Pensó mino hasta aquí. Ya no hay Duermes? No callarán, no. . . ella si que a ella de tarde en tarde. Pero que es obra de pintores conoci- al pero ! el sombría. salirle íneuentro. com puente. . Le he desecho yo la tiene dura, doctor. talento joven la adapta como dos (a veces respetables como Estibamos en la cocina. Rá- prendió que el, sabiendo de la misma, esta mañana! Duermes? Y al recordar que Hueno: dos meses, diez.... medio de iniciación ; comparada Chase), no sugiere sino amanera- asechanza, seguiría más el fagas implacables arremolinaban con prisa El hombre con voz débil, con- aquel acento quince. . . veinte, es lo mismo con óleo, ta acuarela halla más miento: de cada artista hay tra- aún, ; la lumbre. Al comerízar su his- porque valeroso lo era pen- tó que se había adormecido sobre no era el mío, me crispo de La cuestión fué que le salió a fácil "calida" en el mercado y bajos que no son sino productos só toria, la voz de la, anciana fué co- hinojarse a los pies de aque- una de las caballerías. Por el pavura. usted ese grano y que sintió us más fácil acceso en las exposi- automáticos de métodos de es- mo la del viento: austera. Sonó llos dos hombres y ofrecer su vi- puente de San Fiz venía dur- Escuché. Ni un murmullo, ni un ted dolores, no es eso? ciones; se le perdonan defectos, tilo, más o mones personales en da a cambio. Temió inú quedamente, con algo de sibilli-n-o, darla miendo aún. Más por allí había acento. Sí, señor. o bien audacias, que en el. cuadro su origen, pero mecánicos ya en de perverso quizá. tilmente. pasado; estaba seguro. Poco des- Visto. Póngase usted ahí una resultarían patentes. gran parte. Y en esta angustia, tiene de pron pués, dos hombres le salieron al Cautivo de la roja arquitectura, cataplasma de de linaza. Existen, además, especialistas ae -- Sepa el que me oye, cómo el harina sanmos am, deseosos ae to una idea, y sale arrastrándose, de hijo más hermoso del leñador de camino. se dilataba en el bochorno un No me hacen nada las cata- este arte menor y fácilmente arte más vivo, hacia los salones sin ser vista ni oída, y Uega al comenzó perecedero: Montesefio era, por aquel enton- La gente entonces a fuerte plasmas de tíñala, doctor. pintores que acaso antiguos, donde, entre retratos puente de San Fiz. . Ese puente, Fiz, olor a sepultura. si tu pues- renuncian a la gloria del siglo - ces, el hombre más temido en to- correr hacia San dejando so destapada Pero nunca te has resonante, XVIII inglés Gainsbo- que hoy es de piedra, era enton- y dicen con el viejo verso ol- do este archiprestazgo de Varás. la con el moribundo, a la hija del to cataplasmas de linaza... del roughs, Reynolds, Lawrences, ces hecho de tablas, mal sosteni- El vidado Túvosele, al comienzo de sus mo- arriero, que parecía loquear. hálito visible de la muerte No te acuerdes que me las Musset: Mi vaso no es Romneys entre estilos amane- das por dos troncos de no grande la me sofocando ce- mandó el grande, pero bebo en cedades, por fachendoso y de va- También habia ido anciana na estaba en la don Aquilino, médico mi vaso. rados también, aunque clásicos espesor, a las que un largo razal ; y, llegando, vieron rrada de la "Quinta?" Tanto estas acuarelas de la ya merced a la distancia, sobre- ; las hazañas suyas, que rradora to lor pero servia de pasamanos. Galería andando los tiem- dos, sobre el abismo, de una tan habitación. A la mujer inerte Don Aquilino a quien se las Corcoran como las gue sale, vencedor, un admirable Ho- no se creerán vi, semanas pos, acaecieron en los presidios da a la otra, uno de los dos tron mandó fué a tu cuñada. atrás, en la exposi- garth. Hogarth no tiene fama l.a vieja calló para el sostenían el dije. Duermes? Y tí, . tí, ción del Peabody como dibu- a donde fué condenado por matar atizar cos que puente. Loa Duermes? le a hombre... y a por sustituto de retratista, sino como fuego que cocia las castañas- - Nada, pusiste Baltimore, revelan a un hombre. aldeanos viejos sabían bien que nada.. cierto que solo te dos; incalculable jante humorístico, censor de las Olores de madera y de resina ar las bestias fian mucho en la se El lienzo funeral no era mas una el miércoles de ceniza, y la promesa artística; abunda la vi- costumbres londinenses. Pero Calló la vieja un instante, de- diendo difundiéronse un instan- guridad de sus cascos! blanco. otra te la puso la portera el día sión interesante de la naturaleza este "retrato de Mrs. Price," cotg jándose oir el barboteo del agua te por el aire. En aquel huelgo Yo, al oir esto, sentí un esca Sobre la tierra de los hombres, del banquete del "chino" Zayas. (puesto que la mayoría de estos su precisión de dibujo, su suave en la olla de barro. Las hazañas dado a la historia vi el pasaje lofrío. Y mientras la lumbre en nada Pero si la portera se murió trabajos son paisajes y marinas) ; brillo como de esmalte, su deli- de que luego habló, eran inquie- donde se levanta el puente ; y yo, el hogar se retorcía con ondula verá el ojo, más blanco que aquel mucho antes del banquete. abunda la habilidad del dibujo, cada armonía de azul y oro, su amedrentadoras, como tantes y que he pasado por él con temor, ciones violentas, la vieja, casi blanco A mi tu no me dejas mal de- el sentido de! color. Como hay "humanidad" de expresión, hace visión nV - hIiII. A no contár in recordando descripción la Doc- pocas el verdad? la de alegre, tuvo una sonrisa enigmá- GABRIEL'D'ANNUNZIO. lante de personas extrañas. pretensiones, hay poca ten- pensar en amable realismo de melas persona de tanta abuela, no sé cómo nadie k cru tica. tor mañana traigo al marido de dencia académica; libremente se los retratos holandeses de da yo las hubiera incluido entre esas zaba entonces. Va el río allá en Sabe cómo concluye el A UN la portera para que vea usted co afrontan impresionismos y cona mas. que urde el pueblo con el fin de AGITADOR. lo hondo, hilando el tino de sus cuento? mo tengo razón . . . tos oe futurismo. Y la En otra sala, próxima, el espí entreteuer las veladas largas. mujer, espumas en ruecas de piedra, y Yo la miré. Vaya. . . hasta el jueves, que que en este país busca los prime- ritu severo y profundo de Manet ' No se sabe de donde e con- los bordes de aquel tajo ciclópeo Sabe cómo concluye? Pues En vano mueve la opinión, y vendremos otra vez por aquí. ros puestos donde quiera, anun- se muestra en dos cuadros de to- fuerzas para rom- denado sacaba de la montaña, son de granito el herido murió aquella mañana. en vano f Cuando ustedes gusten. cia, en estas exposiciones donde no oscuro, apacible a los ojos: de lá per los hierros y escaparse que tienen aristas cortantes. Una Pero, antes de morir, declaro ser tu palabra de fuego centellea. Mira que decir que me he predomina la juventud, cómo se "El reposo' y "Rouvier en el pa- : la que prisión pero es verdad caída allí es de salvación impo- el otro de los dosr hombres que, Pari que llegue a germinar la puesto cataplasmas de linaza! dispone a extenderen lo futuro pel de Hamlet." El público lay! logró huir varias veces. Una de sible. en cierto día, lejano, habían dado idea Y bien que te las has pues- ei campo de triunfos abierto por apenas los mira: junto a ellos ellas no volvió a la cárcel. La anciana bebió un trago de muerte a los señores de Seran que arrojaste en el surco, aún es to! Cecilia Beaux y Mary Cassatt. "detona" (como dicen, los fran- señor muy en el pais que un vino calentado en el rescolo, y tellos. temprano. Bueno, vete a paseo. . . No le falta ninguna de las cauli- - ceses) una bailarina de Zuboaga, poderoso el señor de Freás, a luego de limpiarse la boca con el Cuando la anciana puso fin a dades sólidas; y ni siquiera se uno de los peores trabajos del bien el que me quien conoce delantal de lana burda, dijo que a su narración, parecía animarse la Fundiendo el tiempo en un cri- lAh, doctor! A qué hora entretiene en alardes de fuerza, maestro español . . . escucha había menester de la moza ocurriosele deshacer el lumbre, y en sus llamas yo veía sol humano traigo mañana al marido de la como los de JamCs Verrier y PEDRO ENRIQUEZ URENA. la fuerza y de la valentía frágil puente. Su padre llegaría, labios ansiosos de hablar y ojos razas y tribus, las naciones crea. portera ? del presidiario. Este hombre, y cruzar el río, ha- in- - no pudiendo conocedores de un secreto Hay, por ventura, alguna que ....! Sin embargo, puesto en el trance de te- bía de buscar, por fuerza, los pa prosieuió este quellos dos hombres trabajando violahle. no sea GEREDA. último si te mer a la justicia, hizose bando- sajes de que son bas- agradan los Intra res tan calmosamente, con las balas Terdoya, PEDRO DE TOR. lenta labor de su invisible mano? calurosos, te lero, y con otro como él, andaba tante lejanos. Iría entonces a su diré gusto. Sabes y granadas silbando y estallando LA MARMAJA DE UN SOL escribir? de siempre fugitivo por los montea, aldea por otro camino, y libre ya. LA a su alrededor, y el estampido HONRADEZ LA HIZO Por más que ceda a la presión DADO FRANCES. cañones la y la vida en todo Varás era por aquella noche, de la asechanza, RICA. Sí, mi general. los haciendo temblar del hecho, Trabajo ardoroso, verdad, bajo sus pero, aunque aquel tiempo bien azarosa. Las para el otro amanecer de Dios, Ultimamente murió un hom Ven, pues, conmigo. tierra pies; no sacrifica , un pueblo dócil Pierre? Pero tenemos ya fasti caían soldados por todos lados, fechorías que se cometieron, ben- tiempo quedaba de pensar. No bre en Bruselas y dejó casi toda mente, Y juntos se marcharon, andan i diados a los austríacos. Son co- permanecían tan serenos dito Dios! Raro era el día en se le pasó por el pensamiento que su fortuna a una joven que no su e, su tradición y su derecho. do el general con pasos mesura- al- mo los peces que soliamos pescar y tranquilos como siempre. que no se encontraba cadáver el viejo pudiese venir descuidado lo conocía. dos por entre la humareda y las y gún veredas o v Y en nuestro pueblo; por más que Repentinamente una bala de hombre sobre las caer a lo hondo. unen su idea El era un excéntrico y salió Y cual rio caudal, cuya co- - metrallas que estallaban, obser- "vuelen" de aquí para allá, no po- am- Obre la hierba de los prados! el medio de salvación único, y tal como Diógenes en busca de un tríente vando sutilmente a su compañero cañón llegó zumbando entre su- drán escaparse una vez que ten- bos cerca, que casi los echó Y he aquí como una noche como lo pensó lo hizo. hombre honrado. cambiando avanza por su de vez en cuando, para ver si tan anti damos la red a su alrededor. por con la fuerza de su vio- cede algo que da todavía miedo Todos los dias tomaba un ca guo lecho, el paso. Pero el sol- tierra Fué que en la casa Asi hablaba un lencia y se enterró a unos cuan- de recordar. Llegando a esto, la anciana. rro, se sentaba cerca del conduc- siempre es el mismo y siempre granadero fran dado como si tal cosa!, seguía a- - dego- pies, con polvo de Serantellos aparecieron muy largamente, comenzó a con- tor, y se ofrecía a alcanzar el pa- diferente. cés a su camarada, mientras las delante por el peligroso lugar tan tos cubriéndolos señora. llados el señor y la Los tar cómo la moza se retira a su saje del transeúnte y devolver el granadas del enemigo estallaban mámente como si fuera de para de la cabeza a los pies. hijos, que eran entonces muy aldea ya casi tranquila. F.l hu vuelto, pero a este, él siempre II. frente a la batería de aquellos, y da. Bonaparte dirigió una mirada nuevos aún, lloraban, "pobri-ños!- " apenas se delineaban a lo lejos es- racán de la noche parace hablarle agregaba un franco más. Enton Cuando la nieve que el invier-ni- o De repente, una de las grana súbita a su nuevo secretario, las las de los artille- en la cocina. Partía con voces llenas de misterio. A ces estudiaba al pasajero; éste frío tiznadas caras das enemigas estalló con un rui perando que entonces, cuando corazón el Y ros austríacos de- alas del verlos. lo lejos, las estrellas van dejando contaba el vuelto, notaba la mo en las abruptas cumbres aglo- alrededor de los do ensordecedor, a unos menos, este hombre inmóvil señor; al- cuantos todo por robar, qué de brillar, y poco a poco una an neda de más y lo guardaba en mera, muros de la sitiada Mantua. pies sobre sus cabezas, arrojando mostrara alguna señal de temor. mas! Como no se sabia de los gustia horrible se le enrosca, co- el bolsillo. Ninguno pensaba en licuada por la tibia primavera, Es cierto, contestó el otro sus fragmentos en todas direccio Pero su mirada fué en vano. causantes, porque eran numero- mo una serpiente, al corazón . devolverlo al conductor, a quien baja de peña en peña al valle pero entre tanto también ellos nes. La mirada Lejos de parecer atemorizado, país penetrante de sas en el las cuadrillas de Anda ya asustada de una parte a aparentemente robaban. umbrío. nos tendrán en gran excitación. Bonaparte se fijo desde luego en el joven héroe saltó hasta el ca- bandidos, muchos hombres fue- la otra, y va a caer de rodillas Pero un día que habia hecho el revuelto turbión que afluye al Supongo que eso sera lo que trae la faz de su camarada, el que pa- ñón más próximo y, levantando ron presos ; mas no resultando aquí con la cara a la luz que nace, y lo mismo con una muchacha, al rio a "La Salamandra": sabes recía estar inconsciente de su ca- el despacho (la tinta del cual e.s nada que les denunciase, bien reza, "Sálvalo, Virgen Santa de contar ella el vuelto, le uctor, márgenes rompe, y la corriente que a estas les gustan los luga- si milagrosa escapatoria. habia casi secado por el polvo pronto lióles suelta la justicia. . . Moniesende! Por las siete es usted me ha dado un fiera. res más calientes. Tú eres más alto que yo, di desparramado) gritó, riéndose, padas que te traspasaron el co franco de más. dilatando el estrago por doquiera Y quién es "La Salaman jo el tienes hacia las baterías austríacas: Esto, sin embargo, debió servir general, y peligro de razón, sálvalo; por la lagrimas Diógenes se encanto, la siguió, lanzase al mar con indomable dra", quieren ustedes decirme?, ser muerto el primero. "Gracias, mis buenos compañe- de enseñanza, porque las parro- hijo que vertiste al pie de tu en averiguó quien era e hizo testa brío. dijo una voz áspera detrás. En tal caso, mi general, con ros; me habéis ahorrado alguna quia de Varas pudieron, vivir, ! la cruz Sálvalo, irgcn mu. mento en favor de ella, pero nun- Al sonido de aquella voz am- testó el joven espero marmaja !" (luíante algún tiempo, una vida gigante, que aunque no sea inocente, y prome ca le avisó que su franco devuel- El soberbio raudal devasta el bos volvieron la cabeza. me De sosegada. Más tarde, el hijo del artilleros perdonaréis por la presunción veras que mereces el ti to ir descalza con estos pies que to le iba a proporcionar, "medio llano, Ante ello ae encontraba un hom- de ser muerto ante mi jefe supe- tulo, murmuró el general entre leñador de MontcscAo, que ya pa siempre llevé calzados, hasta tu millón de arrebata los rústicos hogares, recía " pcso1 brecillo cubierto con una casaca rior. dientes cuál es tu apellido, a olvidado de Mil malas artes ermita, el día de tu fiesta I. descuaja el bosque y la ciudad compró gris bastante raids, bota federíca. Bonaparte sonrió tristemente. demás de "La Salamandra?" y hecho hombre de bien, Comienza a sentir in- Ingeniosa : cierta Rectificación. inunda noven aún, pero ya con algunas Unos cuantos minuto después El soldado Junot, del Sépti- - coa doblas del señor de Freas quietud. so- Su padre ha tenido La duquesa de Montmorency, arrugas en su morena taz italia- llegaron a una batería que, estan- njo de Infantería, contestó el ' todo el mundo lo sabe, una re Sale, lle- - brado tiempo de llegar que murió en l&6tf, siendo supe- hasta que Dio con inflexible na, encuadrada en largos cabo-li- do mi cercana de todas las for granadera cua de muía y se metió a arrie el ca- na de zozobras, y recorre riora en el convento de la visita mano. En aquella época el mundo tificaciones del enemigo, era, co- La aldea olvido mm crímenes, El sargento Junot. querrá ro mino de Tordoya, hasta los pa- ción de Santa María, tenia unas le reduce a sus cauces seculares, le coskocia solamente "como un mo el general habia prometido, y el muchacho iba viviendo feliz decir, dijole Bonaparte, palmeán- rales. Sube a una loma y mira mano muy bellas y no consentía y las pampinas que asoló, fa- joven inteligente apellidado Bo- un "muy caliente" en aque- Cantando tonada al neo de otras lugar dole el nombro. Hombrea como el camino ondula solitario, y va que nadie las tocase sin guante. cunda. naparte," porque nadie podía pre- llos momentos, por razón que tú tierras, veiasete salir en alguno de no continúan de soldados mu- a 'perderse sobre la cumbre de listando en un baile, el prin- GASPA R NUfiEZ DE A RCE. ver todavía cuán pronto haría caía sobre ella una lluvia de ba amaneceres, y llegar por la ma cho tiempo en mi ejército, te lo otra loma desvanecida, azul. cipe de Conde y el marqué de temblar a toda Europa al sólo las metrallas, y el suelo del día y reí estaba prometo! Cuenta a tus companc nana otro jaranero, uclve a u casa, encontrándola Cortes quisieron, en broma, EN LA CLINICA. de ajapolcón. sciiTBtado si- nombre de cadáveres en todas ros lo que te he dicho, y si s dor. Aún mozo cabal, en los tan silencios como U dejó. Una y ella lo consintió, di - Quién es el que ustedes direcciones, aunque los pocos so gue como has empezado, no me tio donde hila y se (anta, Ja- ..nstedad sobrehumana la fuerza ciendo en alta voz "que no se lo nombran "Salamandra?", repitió. brevivientes peleaban con el mis maravillaría 'a 1 cubo el amero 110 era. ni con mu ' de verte algún dia luego a ir por el otro camino, volvería a consentir a nadie. Ves como era asi mujer? Yo aqy, mi general, coatestó mo denuedo de siempre. J (lio, deslindado de la moza la cabeza de tu propio ejército aunque sabe que esto r inútil. Súpolo Luí XIII, y dijo a la Pero no Como tu quena un dnJgado joven granadero, ade- -- Ahora.-dijo Bonaparte, Y y sen el "Petit Caporal" dijo la I Casó por íin hijo; hija Y entonce, llegando a U umbría que él 1 tiro duquesa cuando quisiera abrir. lantándose al hacer saludo mi- tándose deliberadamente sobre la verdad porque, ocho alto de I ma i... u de Sampayo. ve muelle gente, oye también lo har.a Muy buenos dias. litar. cureña de un cañón volcado pue, mando el "Ciudadano Bu I El tiempo parecí haber borra vocea Alguna caballería triat Señor dijo, -- no lo permi- Vengo a que ma diga usted Ah!, dijo el general, pasean- siéntate y escribe un despacho ñaparte" había llegado el do ya ana malas obra, citando dr can ma en a ser lisamente loa vallada tiré lo que tengo, doctor do su mirada por laa larga pier que te voy a oseta. Emperador Napoleón., pronto un hombre muere en la re oloroso, l o uno de SU hombre está Y como notase que el rey es- Qwé es ello? nas y el flaco y huesudo cuerno I soldado obedeció pronta- y, primero acto, fué et de imponer Parada da Améis al. antea 4a tendido obre un charco de at taba mortificado por la respue-ta- , d. Ma Verá usted. Hace de mi interlocutor, mejor te mente, y come ajó a escribir bs la Cruz de la Legión do-- Honor a I mom cuenta me él. en aimnajs gre que mancha de la yerba - rojo ..nad... inmediatamente ur va a hacer d. maria yo "R Camello." palabras de u jefe cr si rápi- un simpático general que era K de otro aoi mente, habia idu blanca por la escarcha de la Un uno Más, hombre, más. Una risotada general de k sol damente como este las pronun- de asi grand( quien diera luuarrte, nacía muchí- - dará que procuraré no darle este Paro .... abe U que voy a dado aaintié a la salida de mi ciaba. a lo sefiore de a bedor a de grande trabajo. jefe. Era bastante curioso ver a a-- Our Country by Our President, Is a Series of Articles Which Will Appear This Week in the Times r METAL MARKETS. WEATHER FORECAST.

w Vark Mm inr 1 N'w ork electrolytic nipper rTlrfH FAIR MONDA T AND Tt'FsDAY. New Tart Mad MlaBa WMT TtXM AND NEW MEXICO: FAIR HI AND Patín urmrut WARMS UnftDAY; TVESDAT FAIR. Mmwurr 35TH YEAR EL PASO, rEXAg. MONDAY. APRIL .913. 0wENGLISH SECTION 1 0 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS 1. ! the rnrM.ii and there Im Senator George Peahody Wettaore, senator been no loss or Injury to French or Brit y F Llpplll. Frank E. Sturgis. ueorge SUBMARINE RUNS luí LITTLE CHILDREN CAPTAIN OF NEW LEiVTZ TELLS OF Ser arwi Hanrv P Davison : The burial waa In Swaa Point cemetery. SIFJiE ABANDONED L MMm no spJLB or AraTRIlN iTTACMR ". April IE Til following official BSIIIBB"! 111 B IB B BBS BRfl B He Me Aereóte te Breee rommiinleatlnn wea issued today I Verona. Aurll (via Paris) --Travelers "Tin- KILLED BY BOMB MllllAr Hr flK II ASHORE; BRITISH situation is unchanged In the Car ORLEANS UNABLE mint from the Interior of Austria bring reports RODRIGUEZ TAKES pmaian S In wmsIM ITIUUULIIL111 I IIUITIL Ihe mountains near nr rrom tne in- - negypoianr lesrte Telepasclt. increasing unrest resulting and Russian allowance which. mpmamm vH iouaiy repulsed seven nmclaaty of Uta breed Meara and ,4ft aoaa ware captured. an hough it has been increased, still is con- CREW FALLS INTO on the other rrnau there were only NINE LIVES MMrr AND MANY Mt'RT A TO DISCOVER SPEARS ENTMtiSBASTTSCAlXY OF LITTLE sidered Inadeqtiatr. Demonstrations against ttlktry engagements RRJH'LT OF FRENCH AVIATOR'S JAP COLONY NBA! CMICA4I0 FOR ORPHIN tbe war are said to be Increasing In num- TROOPS SOUTH TO "in the southern sphere of war there ATTACK ON BADEN were no TOWN. CHILDREN OT DECEASED RKMRSE. ber and vrolence, esperlslly in Vienna snd areata of importance. The Servian mobs are re- miirrv nrr .rom me region or Belgrade at points m Bohemia, where was auenaamily answered " ported to have sacked store bouses In which HANDS OF TURKS Bt the AseaeSsted frtee In the course of an address of two hours army. Hague NAVAL ON were slocks of provisions for the ASSIST Freiburg. Beden, April 17. via The BASE dursttoo at the Chamber of Ouuuuei c last VILLA IN and London. April IS, tsM a. av Six chil evening John J. Lents, governor general HALF MILLION MEN dren, a woman and two asen ara dead of Mooaehearl, paid glowing tribute to tne alms, WOMAN STABBED BY ON DARDANELLES as the result of ihe attack made od Frei- TURTLE BAY stalled aspirations and principles burg on Thursday by a French aviator the Moose; drew s of "note CENTRAL MEXICO heart, near Chicago, is the greatest educt LOST BY RUSSIANS Eight others, mostly children, are bow ib ttnnal institution or Its kind In tbe world the hospital, severely injured sad six mora and aald that ts rar aa he kits or could PAROLED PRISONER were slightly hurt. tell there wat no batter or more progrea The raid waa executed In broad daylight, tree city m the world In which the Moose WARRING NATIONS DIVIDE arter a series or night attacks, which ware COMMANDER OF AMERICAN might locate their greet million dollar lu CARRA NCIST AS Piso. FWrSMTTt L SACRIFICE Or UFE IN EIGHT repulsed by anti-ai- rren cannon. The berrular sanitarium than El HONORS ING FOR high among The meeting last evening was largely at W NEAR EAST, THE CARPATHIAN. mortality the children waa due CRUISER REPORTS TWO MARIA HELGADO, PERHAPS FAT ALL V PASSER. so or tended Mr rltliens of El Paso, Ihe local POSITIONS NEAR MATA- the fart that one the bomba fell amid BVtH'NDED. RAYS MAN WAR DRUNK a group Moose AM s rrttmber or ladles graced the WHERE OTTOMAN SOL of children at the street corner COLLIERS WHEN HE ATTACKED HER. which Is a favorite playground of the AND REPAIR occasion with their presence. MOROS AND PEACE IS RE- youngsters In the workmen's quarter. Dictator 0. L. Bo wen or the El Paso lodge DIERS ARE SHELLED BY erlln. Aotil IE The war eorresnondenia of ue. oeanquaners nave SHIP WORKING TO RE- Moose presided and Introduced former Conrado Alvares, under indictment in iw STORED IN NORTHEAST- nuivHn taxen Mayor C. r.. Kelly advantage or the pause In the battle In the ing the past rive months has osen visited at a gentleman Thirty fourth district court for burglary, knew and who El Paso, no ENGLISH AND Carpathians to summarize the results of repeatedly by hostile aeroplanes, were LEASE STRANDED loved snd mat late Saturday night and plac- DA-VIL- AIRMEN WAR- man wat arretted ERN MEXICO; GEN. A ine nusaian rirons to break through the awakened at tl o'clock at night by the was better prepared to tell a stranger ed ULObe oounty Jail nn a rharge or asaauit mountain barrier which have progressed as er a gates some FRENCH CRUISER; FIGHT- signal of three cannon shots, giving i visitor within the city's lo murder by Constable Domingo Mrmtoya. oiuiiiiioiis gigantic name smce ma tea SHIP, BUT NOTHING TO IN- thing or the splendid resources, advantages SUCCEEDS MACLO-VI- O ot wsrktng or the approach or an aeroplane The charge or assault to kill will be mang- The All the people look re ruge In cellars, as and attractions or EI Paso. ad to Sgurder in the event Maria Delgado, ING CONTINUES IN CAR- - Russians, who have led massed Mayer troops first again-- 1 one and then another prescribed by the authorities, except a few DICATE VIOLATION OF Eelly Talks. whom he Is alleged to have attacked, diet HERRERA AT NUEVO pen of the line, succeeded In advancing of the mst daring who, from nasties or Mayor Kelly then made a brief but vlg rrom thr wounds tnrrtctrd with a PATHIANS. their own line slightly Into the depression shrapnel high r, saw tras orout and pleasing talk. Inviting Mr. Lents was or bursting In MEXICAN NEUTRALITY. bow ia knife. Last night there LAREDO. south Kukla pass, where they hold a aeroplane approaching from the west. to tbe city as the distinguished represents tbe or recovery area or the slope doubt expressed al chances considerable southern of few shots sufficed to drive off the flyer. live or the Loyal Order or Ihe Moose, ana or to woman. ine mountains, rney atso impelled tne Aus- telling him something of Paso, trians to straighten out the big northern Tne residents ware just returning u El Its paved l ittle Is known or the alahbiug affray. the A bulge be- their when hair streets, mooern waterworks, public park Late Saturday evening Mootoy a received a Bit teoría ted Preee hi their line east of this point, beds a hour later a fusil Bg the Associated Frees London. Aurll 18 The British, a an tween Lupkow and Uisok passes, where 11 lade was reopened against an ap fine school system; reminding him also or message rrom East El Paso stating a off aviator that April IS villa net to their aturen In destroying a Turkish iieu pusuca lorwaro wen into uencia to proarning rrom another direction. He and Washington, April IE Commander Noble the fact that Kl Paso was the best lighted Mexican had cut a soman badly. He jump- torpedo boat hirh attacked the transport ward Prxemrsl In the February operations a comrade, who was sighted an hour Mter, Irwin of the rruleer New Orleans reported city in the slate, and that It enloved in ed .into his car and rushed to the place, troops evacuated virtually ill their posi- mamiuu uii i.mos yesirroay. lost ine hud The rest of Ihe Austro German line hai were orr to Ata navy lowest insurance key rate and the lowest which, not the driven before Ibey bad a chance department today that he had where be round Alvares snd tbe wounded tions In Mexican' territory along the lower marine t is. while camina out bent under furious Russian attacks to bomba. Investigated tax rate of any Texas city. woman. woman was to the nos difficult reconnaissance in the Dardanelles nes even advanced materially eastward drop tbe Japanese naval activity In 'The taken border or Ihe the These repulses gave people Telle el Moese heart. piral, where sir was placed medical rnlied lites with de mine risjo, ran aground on Kappex point, ?tUteok pass. the of Frei Turtle bay, Lower California, and found ho under parture today of the list or seven troop the crew being made According Eugene Lennhorr. In the burg a raise sense of an Mr. Lents followed. Sad held the alien attention, and Alrarei was taken to the prisoners. correspondent security. When Indications other than salvage work on tne Hon trims from Reynosa ror Monterey. The m iiw turnan repon, seven or ine crew i.arpamians tor tne zeuung Am Miitag. es- aerial machine the of his auditors for two hours. In whlci county Jail. The complaint was sworn to reappeared, gardens, stranded cruiser. he told or trains carried the force which been are m'sslng timates that the Russian losses In killed roofs and windows were aper- - what wit going on at Moose before Judge James M. Denver. bis wounded, attempt rilled with Tbe was by besieging Matamoros and re In Egypt Brlilab airman have been dropj sick and prisoners in the tators who ignored the commander's report sent heart, the model educational Institution ror Hed Been Drlnklon wblrb wat force a way through the passes Is at Instructions to take tne called, presumably to aid Oeneral Villa In ping Doom on ine lUTXian encampment renige In cellars. They saw ror wireless to Rear Admiral Howard, com care and Iralning of ihe orphan chti The only explanation or the stabbing near ido do roer, wntte a 6ast half a million. In this connection little their dren or the campaign In central Mexico. frenen cruiser Mere Lenhorr says. pains, however. The machine was con manding the Paciric fleet, who telegraphed deceased Moose. He said the in which has so rar rasen had was given by tne nre or which was directed bv a Zepoe stitution now was With the Villa way. "The strength of Russia's proud Car stantly hidden in the clouds, vio It to Secretary Daniels, aa follows; hid children and it the woman when the officer arrived. "He relreat well under Un. ha been throwing sbeMs on the Turks but three recently voted to lt more. K. p. near hi Anslt. where Ine army ror the lent explosions snowed lhat the "Tbe A sama aim around in San Bartofonie admit tí Tho wrjuld nni have done It," she said, "ir he Oeneril Narirarte. commanding tho 1 lava aviator this Moose were rest growing were pros mat Carranxa division on slon or Egypt has Its he adau artera These time had succeeded In dropping bombs in bay. Only other vessels present, one repair ind hadn't been drinking." Officers state Ihe northeast frontier. were to leaders cast everything Into the balance pernus. having already I.Ü7B lodges, wlin tbe Mexican was still a the began reocrupylng the towns operations undertaken presumsbly the Industrial suburb. ship and two No of little "under border harass the Turks, as the Turks have not Its losses are prodigious. Bodies lie In colliers. Indications many new ones being organised. weather" when he wat arretted. evacuated belore the villa advance - heaps before the allied lines." One bomb burst In rront or the Catliollc oiher than salving work." i shown any Intention of attacking the Brll- upon He asid thai at Mooasbaart tbe children .Alvares has a history which makes his month ago. tsn since tne rants. rterr l.ennhoff says he believes the after church Heart or Jesus, mortally Inju a secretary Daniels nan railed Ad were inir last repulse alona in; miral Howard ror a In view taught tbe Moose ideals and priori case Interesting from dtrrersm In the Carpathians there has been riant erferts of tills struggle, like the winter passing workman. A second bomb travers sperlal report. pres. several battle Mn the Champagne will be oi press atspatrnes teiiing or ine assem- Titey were exhorted lo shun envy views. Hs was in the county Jail 11(1 Inn, bul no battle to be compared with district, ed the roof or a house, tearing off s under M t Ml Ml! PREPARING TO those which the arrival or spring brought hlghely Important The Russian troops, be bling or a squadron or foreign warships In snd hatred to their fellow men. They were lndtrtmeul when bis brother wis shot and states, ara greatly he. ex woman's right arm. and a third fell among nay. or a targe camp snea nv taught lo be and RESIST vlil Is i i ATTACK. to a close. The Austrian orrtclall exhausted and group ranie estani useful Industrious. They killed to s saloon in the lower end or Ihe they have repulsed Russian al presses the opinion that their orrrnslve or children playing In rront of the Japanese ashore and of minos laid In were ires tea nrmiy yet Kindly, and irrey city toros past. men By thr Associated Prres that power ear monthi Herause lie n.e southeast or Lupkow pasa. inrilcllng proDaoiy is seriously crippiea. the freight station. All or the little aoaa tne Dor ware given every possible advantage. was the only remaining support of Laredo. Texas. April ii. numeral Daytla. The correspondent or the Loksl Anileger u The Asama has been aground In tbe bit neavy losses on uieir adversaries, nut else were thrown the ground and when the Mooseheart was growing and would soon aged mother he was released rrom cus- succeeding the late iteneral Maclovki where comparative calm prevalía. describes the Carpathian operations as the and hided Mexican haven since December, and own greatest In history. He aays that fully two dust smoke cleared three of the chil the reports Indicated that tbe presence of and control s.ooo aerea, i little citv tody by Ihe Thirty four in district court to Herrera as commander of Nuevo Laredo, The French have again been active in the million men al nave been engaged dren were seen to be dead and badly other ships aiding in her afloat waa and a great farm within Itseir. and located sttend to the and the of bis ordered Ihe larrania e.eriaon mo, n vosgeg, u an near together getting funeral wants car ring important netgnt am mmm ... mangled by large fragments of the bomb. peiog mane tne excuse ror miles rrom tne Chicago poslofflce. u Irencbes today In anticipation of an The British, loo, have VWMi'i' if- 'isMit, uiihmii' the establlsn mother. He wss told lo return the court mark Mctteral attacked lias taken a heavy toll the Russian Two died on way ment of a permanent base or operations. Favors I by N'llla rorrea the Qerurans In loa neighborhood or Ypre front others the to the hos Unman Suffrage In brew days at noon. reported advancing on the nootiity. largo numbers or young guara pital and or ine several others who were Tbe Japanese embassy Issued a statement Digressing somewhat the sneaker Oat aa Parale. border Hty. The Villa command was said wnere rigpnr.g still in progress when otTtcers having reeantiy Been sssigm ue'Tarmg ibb operations were apieiy ror the last report was discussed wounded, ape has etaee atad. The other Jraaaad himself to a number of the issues Promptly as the clock ginirk IS he en ta nave beea about sixty miles i uf ftlAÍ RaaTaH stated that the oeriuan efforts e' Kid .children escaped with lighter talarlas. A aj. ne rime out in river of tared Ihe court room. He reported mat Nuevo Laredo yeslerdiy. neat f Freight MiiahsaaB at the railway station aad base. ai. iitfTraaye, meat ad loafers, both mate bis- Irreiher hgrj been buried and That ne The tsmty or oeneni Tartarí, who wis bis norses were Instantly tallad and two ernor or bower california, ttie remate, and said thai t woman had done sonte Utile work for his poor killed by bis own men yesterday worn men were seriously hurt, one or them so vtiis satfanpitHM nare last the more right in loaf than a mm. mower, out requested a titilo morn time one body or carransa troops mistook wore 1 aalvuig bsdly that be died. trvltles tinted to the Asama r o loafing woman," he declared, In which lo prepare for Ills enm- - another ror the enemy, according lo command a division on this frohi Yesterday Admiral Howard aaat order bv f "muid mothers' in reports, Austrians, who were pas stag Fmneh siso attacked the raft- - ever oe ine mother of a Marconi, an Edison, rort perore ne was locked up. Accordingly official atalrnient, will be sent lo Vera After a few spring daws, winter wealber avistara t Irrless to the New Orleans, which had a Thomas over Italian territory, actually Tired upon over The way station at Haltlngen, and damaged Jerrerson." He said lhat ihe Moose he was released sgiln with orders lo re crux for burial. has set to the Carpathians. tart sao Diego, cal.. Friday ror Maullan. stood ror the Italian troops, who repulsed them and say that the Russians seem to have severs! freight cars. They got away safely Mexico, directing commander Noble Irwin ihe broadest and most catholic port In two. days. When he returned on V In return penetrated into Austrian territory It Is they lo stop at bay. excange democracy, and also stood for or mis occasion set dale ror sinking or Greek Ellis- suspended tneir oirsnxsive movemenia. but reported that were brought Turtle Ihe usual equality his reKirilnn VILLA PREPARING TO RENEW The the steamer down by gun fire on their return trip. visits of courtesy anil renort unon what opportunity, that was the birtarient or was made, and he was released pemnnv pontos by a submarine orr the Dutch coast OB ATTACK ON ORREUON AT Bubonic Plague la Cuba. One Is kllled-an- was going there. erery child born Into the world. on me own CELAYA. is likely to bring about some rrtction Be- aviator asid lo have been inai rrcngtitisnr. tween the Greek and German governments. Bw the seooHiteeT Presa another captured. Early siturdiy morning Alvares and trie By the Aeeactated Preee TIM Ettlaponloa was destroyed while on a Havana. April 18 Three cases of bubonic Hall far AbMkaa Railroad woman whom he stabbed Washington. April to the By Ihr snd several other voyage from Ymulden. Holland, to Monte- - plague bave been discovered In Vldado, the ANNIVERSARY 8V GREAT FIRE Aeeot'iutcd Preee Menem, were before Judge James stale department today from Irsnusln said In or Havana. The MAYOR Seattle, Wash.. AprU m The e n. ral Villa was to vledo. ballast. most rashlonaMe suburb ROBERTS for the government first rails ueavrr or tne justice court, where trie prepirtng renew Ms every railroad In Algska were whole delegation attack upon General Obregon. sanitary authorities are exerting Saa Francisco Balda Service el Thanksf ly shipped tonight on tbe steamer had lieen summoned aa commanit ARTILLERY Ot ELS AND BAYONET Infec- Mariposa ing ' carranxa rorreg CALM DAY. effort to isolate the new center of ing for Reaaallllatloo ol City. which sailed ror Cook Inlet. witnesses in an assault rise. The case Ihr al Celaya. No ATTACK INCIDENTS OF The shipment were given By the Associated Jara tion, which appears to be confined to a By the AeendatrH Press consisted of two carloads or steel to be was uf little importance and resulted in details ol the recent belli'', Paris. Aurll 18 (Via London). The follow mall group of bouses. nan Kranclsno. April 18. Thanksgivlnx used In building working terminals al Ship small rina for the derrndaiit. The wit in which Vllta failed to like Celayt and OFF FOR PRISON creek, which will Ing ofriclal statement was Issued tonight services In acknowledgment or Pran- - he the base ror this sea nesses lefp the court before noon. which the carranxa authoritlea claim re San t operations. The Mariposa by the French war ornee: rlsoo's the or fpn also earned suited III a great victory for libregun. day was relatively calm, being rehabilitation after fire nine targe shipments or lumber roñaren, tin,. "The j ears ago were held on the grounds or the amiipmeni Thr carranxa agency here tonight an marked mainly by artillery actions and lo- and supplies for the en nounced the engagements. the valley or DRIVE OFF Panama Pacific exposition today In tbe glneerlng commission. receipt of Ihe rollón iua cahls cal Infantry In TURKS DIVER gram rrom Vera Crug: the Alsne, at Ihe Bols de St. Mord, the ene- presence of a torre crowd. Prayer services Lieutenant Frederick Hears of the Alaska CRILLY IS my attacked our tronches at tne close of were also held in the various churches. engineering commission Hid forly rlve sur- Villa reported to btve fled through Irs veyors, were among ihe l passengers pualo the afternoon, but was promptly stopped by The public services, however, ware auu- - on yesterday with remnant of hla v wniie a marge arces. He making our artillery bayonet denomlnational. A feature was the singing Is vain srforts to bis army but aiiempting no BRITISH WARSHIPS ot antnems or praise and thanksgiving by By FUNERAL OF ALDRICM. ataml. the Associated Press SENATOR HAILED AS HERO Americans arriving rrom Tamplro report the Germans were compelled noma or too. speakers emphasised the Indianapolis, April IE With smiling I'erthes. lad., no Vllliaia rorrea are in evacuate an cicevatlon which they bad been fact that the victory of Promlarnt Mea Maura al Bier el Rhode lhat the vlrlntty. tbe pursuits of tounienancet, Mayor Donn M. Rnheris, with M. occupying close to our lines. By the ex peace had been Island statesman MMierai i. i revino reports thai live mines, followed by an attack, strikingly demonstrated la the fifteen other prisoners convicted In the By thr Aeeoctntr4 Preee Vlllistos have or plosion of we this city, which nine years ago today retired from in frost captured sixty metres or tne enexnyi CONSTANTINOPLE ACCOUNT Of FK.HTING was Terra Haute election conspiracy eta and Providence, h. I , April Id -- Leaders in Ebano." trenches. IN UAROANELLKH TEL.LV Or I in twines, and now, witff the exposition political and flnaii. lal irrslrs of the nailon ncM LEO i Mili till TRAPPED RY TAN- - tea teaend to tbe federal ienitroUary al .i i ii . --ja rEKT "In the Woevre there) was only cannon OTTOMAN SUCCESS. Is the ndatess of the world Leavenworth, started on the trln in orison were present today al the funeral of Nelson BELOW Sl'RFACE adlng. w. lorien, ror neiny genrrattnn l ulled Or SKA. NEAR UONOLIiLU. FIGHTING TO HI si VII. AT this afternoon rrom t "in Lorraine taw Germana delivered In tin Creek Priace Bees la Paris Aa tbe time for the departure was not Stslet senator Hhnde Island. CELAYA THIS MORNING. environs of tne forest of Parroy several Bw the 4ssaMsleel Press Bv A ase reatad IN ees a TDe service were conducted bv the made public, only small crowd wis at the Rev. James By the A footsted Preee Private telegrams from Villa re minor attacks, with weak efTcctiveoeee, i.onstanunopie April is. ine louowuig Brindis!. Italy. April IS. Prince George station as tne prisoners boarded tbe special JJIghl De Wolf Perry, Kplsropil Ornrral particularly near Burea, Moursrourt. Em urklab official Uteaxaat regarding recent or Honolulu. T. H., April IS. Though weak ceived in Kl Paso yesterday announced that was brother king Conslanttne of Greece car attached to s Pennsylvania passenger honorary' beniieuil and SI. Martin, but were easily operations at the OardaaeUea aireo out unaeo nere yesterday sod saartlr arter IrsiB. Anions the pall bearers were! rrom eihaustlno and nervous slrtin, Wll righting for Hie possession r calata will here today: tart, furmer tJiuted Stales renulsed. ward left for Paris. While the men were being placed In line Ham F. Loughmsn. a engaged In the be resumed this morning and that the battle In Alsace the Germans thrice attacked "us ine anerxtoon oi spni is, ine r.nyinu me yero diver s posl- - in jan preparatory to msrenmg to or will lie waged until either the northern without success our lronches on Little baitlesblp Majesttc Iwiadiai rtail land tbe railway station the eighty two mea work raising tbe submarine i i, who repea. am esxros aaay. vne who trmy Is ipni out ur tbe com- Reich Ackerkopf. We on our part made itoo aaar uaoe were given su sememe, ror ineir pari in was forced lo remain for four hours under ctrranclstas fresh progresa In the region of as' hRBPfan- - fire was returned and the Majestic waa pelled lo surrender. lug day uie conspiracy anouteo gooanyea. water yesterday al a depth of MO feet, waa nietbkopf. forced to withdraw. The follow ROOSEVELT LIBEL The apisonara ware not shaikle.i but SUBMARINE SINKS iieral Villa bitterly "One of our aeroplanes, after a brilliant the Majestic attacked our advanced oat well on the way to recovery today. Frank arraigns obresoa The guard walked betide each prisoner scrom- lor his refusal lo allow the pursuit, brought down a German aeroplane, terles. bttl wss struck three times. pealed him into the car and occupied crllly, a fellow diver who extricated Lough- which fell the enemy's In Rel- - warship retired and was replaced b the lbs lo leave clays and charges tbe within lines seas BBBBOQ aim. msn from entanglements with Unci attached Carranrlsla siuin between Laagemarrk and Pasernea or win i,at,irifni nwiimiv. -- biui ---- romraarular with seeking lo shield himself daeto." tinned Use bombardment without result lo the sunken submarine, ig being hailed behind Ihe women and children on lbs algbts between the llth and I lib SUIT BEGINS TODAY DAY'8 SUMMARY OF GREEK STEAMER sa s hero. . r BOPLA.NE AM CRUISERS SHELL or April, enemy torpaoo aaais ineo to pone. After Loughmsn waa to In El Ptan. nrflcJals of ine convention ney EUROPEAN WAR. brought tbe ' HklMI Fuel HON IN KtiVPT. trate the Dardanelles t were surface he collapsed and wat placed In a ivernmenl explalu the withdrawal of the II pulsed. German aviators dropped recompression at- Villa r.ocrs I By the Aeeeviated Preee lank with doctors la from Mttamorns at due m the wn en atraca ana mm mmm coal The til utIlea la Ihe rpatMaaa, tendance. Cairo, April IS (via London) The folio uvwnsi which necesallles of the campaign aiouim i.eiay. WILLIAM RAMNEO ROMANOS tskVSSS FOR regard!Be there ha. beea a MADLY HOI MDED Loughman reported today that linea Ing I CAPTAIN .LUMPLAINf three deneral Hodriguei. It wa. said, waa re official communication was Issued Mala headquarters reported thai yester RElNtl CALLED "SMMSS" dearth al aaws af late, reviewed ) were well seru-a- d to the F ne was aaraagvx BY to a summary by toe nuirni HUI tár.HMANh TORPEDOED t. sufficient quired to send to Villa day: day an eassntg hydroplane brief Issued WITMtM-'- W thought, to beginning the. work tienerti Ihe greater sea. ef embracing ser- It VESSEL ARNING. warrant r on tne ttth three aeroplanes made by Turkish fire and fell Into the Rastata war flee the By the A Misted Preee of lomng Ihe hulk into aballow water. portion Ihe ammunition supply gathered flight from ihe canal to soase r. olio nyurumeuv nuwira " ried from early la March up to toa la effecting the rescue or Lougtiiiitn. in anticipation or the attack un Matamoros. B at, vas It ara sunk by our fire. An Dog mita south ot El Arlsh. aad far (As Aeeeoteleé Brete crllly look down a new III linn. This he This to believed to be the lish armored cruiser which tugged assay As sat forth to tola resten, toa By Ihe As, raalaned to tne free end or louguman ammunition which our Syr, use. N. Y . April IE- - The trial i be In ilsmsaafl tnaohiae was sarasa dv LOOdon, April --The rrew of tbe Oreek that la ki used the battle which la i' were The rlltitoca flown was The wltb tas hydroplane the gull which William Sarasa Instituted It Rodrígaos, ui see. bells cruiser steamer EUlapontes. torpedoed begin ibis morning. ttflR mora than 1 Relie. withdraw." against Theodore Hoosevelt. claiming yesterday above to hoist away. his men. is lo remain in Utt- - by a rive miles northeastern On the seme date a rreara rralear bam for allegad libel, ami begin submsrla west of tbe o and the alee of Malaraiiroa will be in ihe supreme Rorto Hiuder lightship, has bardad camp near El Arlah. a sesplsns ferea Raed up bslweea Lupkew and irritad al aa m as Use ammunition supply Is ha No large Toalght, with Cotoaal Roosevelt on ala Flushing, according lo diapslch lo Raa It fire. amber af way vsaaa paaaet eurrerea replenished. Is announced. are saga, though enemy guns D. A. R. CONGRESS bars from New York. eHlea taste to h Mar a Telegram rumpaay. RECTOR AMERICAN stordsy several carloads of ammunition re bath oa the cruiser and the TMM effteere aad mea. II I. The captain, who wss bsdly wounded and so bath aides said they al the Tantéale aiMea received rrom the aaat daring ihe day were tabea la a hospital .aid bit learner was dlspaP bad to uto VIH baadquarttra S ib I7tb a French again mere rearly i. oa 5 cruiser, as torpedoed without warning Tbe crew got special nam snd a still upily Is sisted by a settntaae, the Politic. aaaoubtsdly will eater tas nr.. bombarded TO CONVENE TODAY or AnsSreüer AS said to be on routs here rrom New York ky a oaejv wall ta the south of flhsssah whaa Saa asiacuoa the jury basta Lists letlm to in. urtiatop ARRESTED SPY ag 11 express so that wiibin few days Uto forty íntica or iilitmta aa special aaaela sanad asa Restohl wtaab lie abaal tneaty-fiv- e to reported rrom North Hiuder that t southwest Jerusalem Use ammunition question should reaaa to ba inasw torabto ilasniae waa done." tami the Inform! lull which men baioag aaMee la aartotyaat af I teak Herman avlelora yesterday tried to drop itepuMicaa. Democratic Progressive Sea. Ras to ase I lea days tasen bnsnba on two hrtilsh trawlers, snd fired ertous on with lbs conventionalist army. la toe Rasntoa OR BtinoMI SEC or outer parties tblteüee af toados, lOSM Bui eaaOH. WSBBEW FROM ALL tota ttaen-tto- a The to baaed upaa a Ms aaataat as advaaee to las ACTtvrrv or Italian roues Greek Cemtog to Aasartsa. MANITOI E HSLI.SBBTM TO WARM- tail ststemaat been GERMAN MAY APOLOAWXE AMD IN IN! OfsVENMNCE OB PROMIVENIreslltb Parmer hjiskf Colonel Raoeevelt earmg campalga taa Aussrieas have I S' I IB lT WILSON I abt attaafce la areet etoeaatE They PA V FOR SINKING of BUTWYK UNI AfU CfTZENB My the Aoeoceele rVeas - official aimmasi at BSMSBtar of Harvey o. Hiatmaa for have, a easting I their rapert, My the A misstated Oram Parts. April ts Tbe At hens carrisptBO Issued laal iiLeht. spublicaa ssaatoslMo ag am tratr at Raw Raaelaa Berlin, April IgAatoug the item men en I of me Petit Journal says that M, reas iba aubsiicrof a turllier tejiri r.,n psoas wputoad'l jjssks ear oy My the S Use Tors, uui puoiireiiou water tne u asístales! Press former premier uf (Irene, toki Mm rasos aha low af abt ird the trans RRarhj taRM astatossrs. Newt agency ware the following Maaitou which waa ate by mm is With the to that atttemaat Colonel RooeeveJi re ute. April IS (Via Paris) --As s result thai he would remain on lb Island of Sa- at .dri mi i a I. "Aa ofrirlai inveetlgallou of ihe boat orciuuutery Buaii ol might. rerred to Mr Barnes as cootroHbig. with totoada, or the cp.se Uta ne., for a rormighi. which would kiab taranto la MM s i ii la toa ing of lb kaiwyk uear watch of police on foreign altor at aotoaotas from practically SSalis Vs.ata. lunch ileamer the M gathered bora Charlas F Murphy af TaRaoaay Halt tbe Latratoa Atoar, and to RriMeh North Humar lighlssnp lu to Hunt, ma an MS Rv Walter Lnwrta. re. lor of the toase fur lasarles. Vmisnioe aald laal ,ireJ as every ensaña rg sad uf leu fir.i repnrVMl and iseooa of the lor lbs Paeav larful. liivtatato governiaaat which mi snu i atea anta attartca ta i AprU U. still is peaolng If u i. .bowa ba neuld aul reiura lo Oreece even If Ms t ethers ata miasms Tba Mas taint ty aaagress af lbs Daughters Üial uto waa party ui the comma fourth aaaaal Vnrae. veaael gaab by Herman boel. suspicion . normen py waa were succeatful elm sear was ao use i the eeveli once u. pay i.rios He aa life waa of Ubi Ilea Revoluliaa awaited ttac the eaatoetea af nana titraimy win aa ready at Uous. as csmsidared ii earMM to ba, , The me af daa ta the teaming Al all tana and SS ulBMsi according to Has ra latead, with aposugte. when ine uu.iakc 4 east boat ta the water sad anouser while Strata! aai of the asshsreas Bssaurrew. Tbe rurmrr premier eoaimuaa the eweng Pr. nasal Wilsons maaaaas af wiImbji M eMmr labia lowed d. to Iba breaking of a siiiiaieni aim tnalsasstl - smme between iloUand toriuau 'Vlbe'rT "ve.I'auren r said mat he eaanktored aa sa Mat asBsasaye the pVaataaat Mr. rfe- . and i. director tbe Amerl .tavil sad esouai af EMI ess to Sera aa "a baso A.l. I. e. maul I the recent asatol by Ms ktsuj of gestera!. Mrs CoajaMB Story, etSStTih. Um Iaa sr sitaBiy al the Italian camial wan the WlMsam will Ms sbswsr to tat nBpltlnt (totrjsjal et 'atoa'i!tam: tamag; list A sstoaJuas truon. tut besa mum oi a siuiuar uuaiaac recently, it waa Oreece of certain alaiemeuia wru.a M Vea feature Mat ipsatig ssaatSM Tas atBaTfssi avert esBJei usat by clatoo aaS tmm rasa B wmta ran asjhsrs Ml Rat caused by lb cucan Jaiat thai ihey. lihe the learned today lata toe bad atada ml in! n would win be to seaasua OOafe. but aatsrast Mr sptMawMfe, Aiwayi era si asBaat be did that Barnes wat la TmrhW i'iashsré Mies ksiiui iMseoa of Bo too tod nawoorl. uaressmcynd uaul h raceivad i MasMlR ssaaasa Rt Baa atoritta of ssTliiii Wsatoss-de- y atoad tu ata c ileal af RaEOM or aay the H L. dausator of Nrs Morenre fialdwiu - SF MMM. Ms says fuaahag Ms Rosa aesdrteu la the and alaler Of FrtacwM Auiotu Auxrl Hndsl , . that MOwlhfMejl. . a. BBBxaS will urmasTly aarnihy ' It ftp fag She mouve ..a ' I'.ll'iwsUtaJ IUII riBMIlBS InSiri rttai raaaUdatas ia say lag tbe Utaurs ha did say aad u ias;onrciityr tg '" MS toraasat., mi-- Ti'trituL beams ta waa "m aa ibiiibsif a a statoaa ts ad ma sasem ma at ml atoanxn. EMUd by Exaltad Best today fha eat remece, mu SSL sn eatsas af Raad. Bonsai sad ef- "V A... Salan Prese 'HS?2nmlf Ptiwaily b dtvleksd axes year mtu two lac ficient eo.erataaai M Bala stats aad ' M La'raanrtd tram Mat Matv reehals. R J absu it lisM a wits Ml lamto ORB aaaasartlag atol. fJBST far re out aay asaltea eapraaaad as BMpMed ts aad Aisttrto fcaee tod asas to an kdsht, Jr., ityeers oM, dtod today as the . sad n other S IIMbM lar Mrs ward asRssr the ptotauff ot asm ether wall i TatanhaTtiasrasay at labs as petaoa." 3ejlr'tSflie BsMiMaswPBa gKaaatf tjumffw orne

a ki

... A sÁo L PASO MORNING TIMES MomUr. April 19. 1915.

Rertm do not eera m unnitand that no ll!nf fiar chanca to de.lmy roí rotttW ton bo iiiin an Uaa tratitt p Which mlghl appear RUSSIAN DIVISION war Tna only reault poaatMa la no raaott ilfy cima I wo naya tn MINERS RUSH TO only a anrprlaa attack Uaa one m ton tenanted renm bar aa anrh tt nr which was ilclatm Htv Rcurtiim. can ba eorreaaf al iinrlet mocletti ma Uunrheat twn tnrpaatoee. the aarond of rnnditiona r warfare I aipae4 only una wkkMta, at cording to Vat roan aiTyüiii)gdTgyWgUlt men AFSPfllLSflFWAR ard oatranta from tna war, namely that damaged tba reaael thev ware obliged NEW STRIKE V tt will make war lapoaatbU M wat rutara." inaha off haaiily, tba troca), amp's 'tgnalal bSjJBL fnr hate brought twn rruiaari baaruWrj buying PATlMaAS than any o ni rati AN raMiarr down on mean. Thev headed r..r ine gulf nr nun --myrwa. and pie i..rpenn boat nanpecad ua tnriHt n r pursuers nt f ta Aaaaaaiiia' raa and at nifhtftll allpped into tn iKAvrnm to ntttrv m Arrll It The follow Ina oifl iPMWiaaaaa m wvr ..tanc am.re if i i trtrn N5mH noow Petrotrad. ANO rp HmAITN rial tha prntra.a V regata the open aea early Haturrtay ru KTAJUlWf rommunlralHi coneerninf but waa discovered at. to o'clock off T COMMKNt or VI OBLO I me war wa laaueu irom aanerti laato int. quinara tonir Lena Kara Btirnu by tha twn Brill h rrnla "At tha baauwilni nf Mtrch in Oat DrM ara. Turning back in the direction of fhe Me torpedo waa by A pajeo tale That riptl rhtln or tha rarnathiina, wa bald only nlr. boil rontronled pradletad In Its II Time on r MtH tun d (ruieer. an.i a lei chaaa enauert In the unday April In aunounrement f or Maty the ration of the hukla uaaaet. where our nth. lit Pewr n linea formad an male All other paaaaa. of line, lion nf (.nine In tba rhaawwl betwif nt ina rich gelt dlteovary In tha low tool i KaMr me bill, at wtuHi rminirl i uplow and runner eaai mere m ma oanoi he i. land and mainlttid the crulaert Car id Pltl. I. abom to nnles or tna enemy gained on lha Turk, hlrh bertma i target north nf aiiver city, and along in roatvlo "In view of rata altuttlon, our armte fur wane thirty ahefl.. all of which fell Into the Mngoilim camp, the rath nf proepariors were a. lamed he further laak of delavop tfta aea ytndlni flight Impélese, lien com and i. ainra htt onV off. Arrorrtlng to the int. April in (Vi Parlt. n 10 i. m.) tnr, before tha aeaaon or bad ruada due to mandar of lha torpedo boil eventually ran fUlvar CM Pnttrpriee. a well known mm Ton y publlehes tod y anowa beaan. our PoalttoaM ua the ma iKiai aground ai u clock in int alter ing man ha mat returned rmm a trip to the Sand Mr.gero maltlna noon Id Ua cen IM Carpathian" which Iba ouUata on t sandy beach near Komi of thll new gold atrtke tnd reporta ln Interin" hoi ta Palmared by dominated biy of Iba being rorrwtpondenl with I'rofe.nor Paul mm ina Huntaritn piama. Kllunull. district at Ooveied WIU locations ' About the period Indlratcd. toe yraa Tba Turks iaert that the crulaert flrad more (nan WW naywit made Hhln MltukorT. loader of the ronttttutlnntllit Auatrltn forra ahich had been roncen on them while they were rrauihlini Hal ttrelcb r territory Democratic party in the husma Duna. tratad for the rurnoae or ralla lot Pri ashore. Imt Ibis statement la denied by the five miles two mllei wldt It dotiad Tha Bit'ilm program, according tn emval were in a rjoaltlon between l.unkow ureal roaal rutni. in wiKun iney aurren with the notlraa. rtoresaor MUukorr. llharty tn Black 'lank pata. It for rola actor dared. Iiefnra lindtng thay round time to Oreuranra af Ora ttaawaMa tb tnd wta nvernoarn am rha geo logical with tha in nt the id-m- tbtt our aranii attack planned Our inrnw metr uirpaooe. and formttion la in ande at iwi.ci,.ii strttu wti munition. A they were ad through tn. rr. the vlaltor. son pnrpliytli from It. evidently Implyinr that troopa bad to carry out t frontal attack tyi Ruada miliar verv rtifhrult condition" nf terrain alraata they, were Insulted try dreek rem purposed tn occupy Contntlnnple tn the To facilitate iheir attack, tbarefon-- an aua gaea, whose rage wta rhlefly vented ground in ibe Cripple creek dialrict of col event if the mecen of the III. A writ- lllary attack waa claridad upon on tba front againat the oerman orado. Whether iba oro are rrom vein, ten lerreernent In thin atnaa. Professor the direction or Hartflald. rar aa I up Tba correapondem aly the Kapu wta Hie chimney or "blowuuta naa noi yet oeen In at at determined, MllukofT already had been kow. Thla aacondtry attack waa opened ooiy itiraian snip inai na.i enineo ina aa not nongh development Outsells all. concluded liad wtrahlpa and that alia waa In a posi work haa been done to decide. However, Iwiwwn oraat Britain, rrartre and Rntita. ataren to and waa roinpietaiy orvaajpau. m upon War. I. ill and nnr tronoa had already Hon to inflict terrible dimite the il the ore li there In place, and I croaacul He not aura thin it i an whether ipnnml lieaun thrff principal attack In tha direction liad roup ships now being run Into the aide nf a small other 15 in' hiéod toa liltnd of Teoedot and rounded knob with I view in incning aiy liuhrns, whlrh n the conference wall if inert la oty. nf London In IMS It derided ahotlld eaat. near tha eour.r of tha Tha country It iMfhtly rolling, rovered cigarette s4hi i belong Uie power In possession of tha "Tba enatny oppoaad t moit doaparite with tria, fine range' country, inn I striiU. raalattnra to our ..Ifanilva. Tbey had almost the last pitre on earth in which everv man on My Amusements wquld H gold ore. M. MUukorr tk mmv hrouaht na avtilalile orotpeclor eipecl find aall international front from the direction of Rartfleld a far lio never, Pit HoUltnao, a cuwinin who ha inter. i rasurad in Constantinople would f rmiA nu inclín loa aven 'termaii a ranch hottte oltout t mile from the strike, avor of he protected by ItuMla. An international troopa and nnmhar of cavalryman flrht na frit. RAWroRIl THRATKB, happened lo notice some gold quant in M f m Tonight change of tn. t 3tolinf rnmaiaaton would tolva ra aaiaatton of no fmit Tha aotmy-- efrecuvra una inow it plica where the heavy run has waehed fh "Unman fn.nt etr.edrrt trm bittaliona. thrdrr. ind ltul. Welch Mat bit to small chtnnet nr gulch through the deep public debt International workera will offer one of Ibe bur i commerce tha "in Auairlan or Oertnan httttlten niirn ItlHto earth and etpoaed underlying rork forma tbroufh atralla would be troopa leaquea ever presentad. "SordlnSl," ind 8 gturtntted even Irara ltio man. Moraoter. our lint that. About tint lima cntriei hirer. during war. Tha Hi t. overcome irreal natural dlfnculllaa tt "tip the Vukon." with complete new prospector Happened to name along, tnd nact comprtatne armenia viild he every atap." oUo, will be lha bill Of fare Hnlllman memluiied thla diarovery and told mm tutnnofnoua under tha uerainty or n even delata, hv April h thtt la. atan The rirat part Is musical burlesque on the prokpectm to go over ind prospect the riuvaia nomo paraon were advocating (ran riala afire I ha i.nenlna Of OUr OffeP ibe hlg Weber it yield production tint hid Place niitfer want there at once tnd soon a- enabled ua ucb big run la New some two thtt Cllela. tha ancient dlvHInn of Aala Iv- iba brtvary oT our troopa i Turk Incited Hie rich ore In puce and sent aim to complete tha ataimed ann we nan years igo- "Whit Happened In .tordlaod." pe and specimens over to an aiityer in Minor. hnrdTinr on the Mediterranean and tak or It will Ocorge Bahn in ib Puicb com now netted the principal chain rha Cwpaiti offer ihe Mogollón cuno to determine the rlrb belonging to la Turklab Vlltyat nf between and Volo edy pin of the king, and Rube Welch In or ihe na on front or nei dlieovcry. Ttic rrttulla juitifird 20 Adana. ba added to Armenia, ttiiia gtvtng ta. or lio vareta, (about 7 mllca.) Ihe comedy role rr Klnte tha ta viriellea. tire highest hopes of ine niacAverrri ns Armenia an opening on -- Tha aubaroncntly haa oeen In led Muirotd. Iredtllc Harndnn and l.trry ome or Iba taray aa nigh as list ihe Modliarranran rtahtlna Judge are ran it with porta at 'Ataiandratta nr Merslna. tlie nnure of ciion in rtettll Intanded to all well rial, and the lady prln gold per ton. The news soon spread mid won. 'Ipilt, MU Tail Mlaa lltnadale, will U Wlluknrr i consolidate lite ucreanea wa tnd wllbln hrairs there waa long line of n the rirm belief Carpathian in tome minnlng gowns and wiU ba l i thai the preaant To mu up on the whole appeir vehicle from Mtgoiion, curion gnd othsir uar would ha tha and or bat ween March Id and April If, the seen il their best In thla produrllnn. polnu heMNJ for cactus Tnrkev and would front 'Tip Hie aeronrt fid result in the dattlMM. enemy have uffered enormoua loaaea and the Yukon,' pin, li t A recant letter received rrnrn a miner at RAILROAD I A NMON Rl'MORF.D. bermoni pf Attaint, r, reare, he ald. par have letl In mir handa In prlaonera ab.na burleanne on the big and famous dance hill Mogollón wlio. hla have lo- BREVITIES or s re with ptrlner. hap would havr at 7n,non men. inchidlng noui tun or Irtsb Kite in June. Alaska. It II cated e claims, and who sampled the i Advertí a aaivrn with ihe in. let plate Willi many Intro veril menial JAPANESE BACK sania Fe riela la Be Conlemplalinu New Interland inhabited by Iba Creek flcara. Ptirthar, wn have raptured thirty novelties and will vein and ore already mined tnd on two and doce Rty Mrürain "id rotarle of cabaret over Mexico. toa DOM) or am Minor una tnd tuu marhln rm. dtiinpa, sitie that the vein outcrop! Dr. Dart. Dentin, no ti Milla Butt. Une la Northern New rarlnv -- On April Í ib trUon Irá the Cirpitrr entertainers In many novel nliiina. Roth 300 in length on the knob or and i hols. Another great a feet until Santa Fe. It. M AprU IE Tbe rumor or Klamltlr lana ware ronrrntritrd In the direction or piodurllon will be given stage hill and It rrom lo ten feet wide, Al CapUvea to Write Hoaae. empire wta prnhthle under enemy, the eiKinmiiif setting, thn olio brlween Ibe II ill Eaeourioed important extension by tbe Htatt Fe rail- British rula, Hoatokl. The deaptte ind tell opening Honlinan tnd (sharer had ttken .4cs!orrl Free Cerrc.poadeawe ' gedng from Frypi tri India with tha utTerid, In tba courae or careftilly looked tftar. approximately 100 of ore. (me CHINESE REVOLT way In northern lew Mexico, with Ihe litter loaaei dellred change rrom ion grin Berlin. March St. of tbe putillng country tha of tha Callphata. day no leaa than alataan Ittacka In The actio of prlce will samples from which abo wed values of faff) wnicn tne possible building or line to Sunt Fe ci that of which on at tha Crawford, the first twelve inonieios who tieraiun antnorf Tha principia of nationality, M reit at'renirth fheaa attacka. til ton. Some or the beat orr which had Uaa In charge or prisoners or wir have bad down ihe west side of tbt sspgre dr Mullknrr reault, wara made rowa being Tt nenia. Ibe entire balance Br (IBM continuad, would ba strictly were abaoiutriv barren of sorted ran from to to ISO ounces to deal is the failure or many of thetl Críalo range It revived by the Incretse enforced tt airalnal the batihta wa nava ortupled to the downatilra K renta and tha balrony 'it and tn tj.inoi and from loo to t.tno ounce prisoners to notify tha and or tha war VI cania, with popular priced intUnev at tnalr relatival nf their mide In tbe capital stock or the Rocky cociremtnr Austria rant of Telapntrh. t stiver (gano to POO) per ton. Orab sample Whereabouts Al t consequence il is being TOKIO GOVERNMENT SAID TO BE Thin, ha .Id. Servia would have -- troopa. the niirhl of April 15 and conta on Wedneadtya. rrom pile or 50 tons taken .Mountain tnd Santa Fe, formerly the St. Bosnia our durlnr i naw - another ibont discovered constantly that men. particularly TINS BIN TAT BEN 'AGAINST tnd Henrgotina with tha Iialinstlsri ensat tftar a deapertle flirht. atortned tnd The Western Wheel la bringing tier- rrom another opening showed tn average toclla tunen, who are prlaonera of wtr or out Rocky Mountain ind Pacific, from ma or the tnvi ine Hill, l.urllie Oahrlrll and PBkftlDEVr YUAN. 3.808,000 tt.MM.ooo. county peo- south of tha Marenla river CmatU would captured t heltnl to aoutheial cut. Ktrl value or la gold wit silver par ion. Tne are in nospittis. nive lont oeen given up to Colfax he Independent, vlllaae op Podan, where wa took many other new gtrle added to the chorus for' tha banting will Mili opening rum per as oeao ple believe the extension of this line to with tha Dalmatian coast attacka Itat of tbt week. Thla company In tt tit north or tha prlar.nara. Thraa counter delivered hir ton. Tne ore i a teiurium nae inai u To tbe DoebertU L'te Park In Taps county Is to be made taranta rlvar and bohemia by enamv UtU halirht wart ra- - Bui iwo more v.. cas nere. wotn ine Cripple ba eays, WBlnuie dirriruliv the Bv tar dMoeltled treat Indapandam. ib tTünt irrrek and whan roasted, uiborltlei have printed quantities or post . t once, It Is reported alo whll old wheel rompthy will rollo. Pekín-- April (l.U a. m i Cpnildering tnd in Ctmirrnn Bouminitn blister out and becomes covered with yel cirda whlcb bear in big, black type the It ahopg Ware larrltory would ba tdrled to tloumanle. P"l?n1'tha otber aactnr alonr tna front low gold The ano snows cot the Japanese gave isslittnce, tbtt the rtUrotd there which ore amérame worn: aiy innress is (icrangeneniagei- tbe feet that line by the 'Hilda. V. Vllukoff aald. would ba an there has Man no chanrr. THA MCVIV' AT I.MKUAN rree gold besides the teiurium. TIM letter ramp, to Dr. Sun Yst Sen to his rebellion sgslnst Closed after the wis icqtitred one uoeoeni ireuiscnuiHi tfnson iioe Santa WIU reopened operated neted by Ftnaala to form part of Poland, or the innnv letlllmite tlirarlloni which pr.'dlrt lha' the discovery is probably benti. iiermany.)" Every prisoner Is en President Yuan fthl Xti ind that Dr. tin Ft be tnd which would I.e. ,,In. miii, num.. H RtPORT iAIN Of hive round tnalr wty to lha acroen prob ol toe rtrheit and moat aensattonti maoe to home so people sieidiiy. u.. without IMM dlacovery. counted write that bit retired to Tokio after tbe revolt wan put dltrii..mn at tha penca conrarenca. ably nona have more tenacloui qualities incr ihe Ooldrield. Mevidt, may now ma wnereaoouia. ba. TMOI'MNII YARDS OT TtKCME". thin "The nevll." ind probably non tra m Hew lo Reach i actus 1 11 down, the report it credited in rriclaJ Nervous Indigestion. rama, ha dartarrd. tha Poliah atiestion waa new rrom By tba aorta lad Prrae little remembered ta "The Devil." Adapted Toe arrne of the itrike it tnout A rtae Baalaloaaa. circles here tbtt Runt Hutie bandi Mrs. Baldwin, n. v., Bussla'. iniani.ninnal quaatlon. A i from by miles aouih Of Jack- j. r. stndy creak, projarl April A liaran by rerlmanl Irma Montar' play produced three weal tnd t llltlt We have one of rha prettiest homes in south Mmchurtt. led by Japanese, are now tn tne ronrarnina Poland aoon would praaanl-a- Ptiii. II by cast son. within the Une Grant suffered treat deal from ptlo ba of Franch Infantry ovar a networa oi ibmn.s luca and acted the grrataal Juak northern of one of tne beet locations In El Pito for marauding- on tbe Shin Tung penlntult In to the Duma which evei s mi in plclitrrs. Tow DevlP' paiaea county, flew Mettlcn. it easily retched itomich due to nervous Indlgettlon. She would rnmprliw trenrhea which raaulted sale tt low price. Owner needs money, the vicinity or Tstng Tiu with banners in- rallaiom IHrty, llharty of trontly fortlflad rrom the stage to Ihe aereen without loaa rrom Silver city by nimmoblle over the and will tall cheap. Call tnd see it for writes, "Chimberliln'i Tablets relieved mo anaarh and the iraln of thouatnd yaroa aa aeoaa if vitality, and the rive raela or thla road out to the Mogollón clnrp. A number scribed. "Vanguard of ibe Army Against taking or Ruatla. ha addnd. would t entire yourself. A. P. Catea tt Broa., ornea tot mu right sway, and by three four launa Rrutaa. near Mcanll lliiriua. ta great Mutual toa-- picture utironvn-tloui- l or men and eiperta prepertng to Oregon Yuan Kal." Ian arant aqual rlthta to tha lr ire ire Mona treet. bottlei of them t wti cured of the trouble Jew. attiwttd by in arawtmaai in an official and uncomprnmisltig In giving the go up then from Fl Piso to etimlne the The Chínete government lodged mother and not felt toy or the old symptoms Mkourh thla rton wa muck oppoaad II "The lía naw camp II Is thought that Plat bive statement laaiird Uidty by tna wir onire. bla due nevll'r derives tule and Cartui protest Tokio Htturdiy regarding ihe Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) nnaaiii hv tha mllltiry party. by rrom Its moat rotiaplcuoill rhtridter. who will toot become aa prominent on the map witn since." M. The rranrh tlttrk wat preparad reported movement of J apañase troopt Ua Mllukoff taid ha thnurht fttilraaia una or well qualiried lo near Ida name. He en t the Id cttopj of Ooldrield ind Cripple would aappera. who dot Into the rtrai ra the Uvea of gmun or people an creeg. Shan Tung, tnd alto. It underitood. al- Jain Iba antra aftar lnvlna raaatvad tha orenpanu t ar. li DEFENDíl NEW MEXICO SPANISH tha ama amount moaay irencba and innlnirttad list, hla old lnvt, niirrled to an older man. Mam Sltvar Val a nronrtrrt l'utcb leging that Japanese troops prevented of ta tn tnn man wbo a - ha had with band tranad'a. The thraa and the inul model, and before nt dn- Riylor Po(k ind isiorliiei of the Rflver Chinese troops rrom pursuing bands or ron'raatad In Oarmanv. Ruaala he utterly ruined the tenipn-i- l ar manee company, nave maue a ba rtarlarad. turvired were made prlaonar. Grla his nmiot atrir Morwealia atetarte Net ter Warriors brigands near Tslmo. In neutral territory Any bad offarad to Biiltrtrla thai aurprlaed, were unible to and the weak willed wife. This nlc or ptrh silver ore In a vein on Tfeeeure .leaontated Prttm Corrmuo susencr an Outside af pari of The Orrrnana a north of Tslng Tau. By Time pretal ni Miaadonla whlrh, accnrdlna to tha Ibe eye wttneaa, lure aa nrnsnnted hv uch strong rait will Hill, above the old Mnn mine al Camn Inn March St. Appllrttlons from Corretoonát Sarb RuMrarltn dari'lid their front," taya eale btggar sensation titan Ihe lug Htlvar City, tew Mexico. The Cbnitlult. government Fe, N. K., April IE U New traatv of IMt, waa aatlimad in- - rr t alare neir some oi ine ueitiai rent ntiions. pariicu-Inl- Chínete reports ere tttd to "mu Meilran to bar. ami the French advance nitro wta eialon. In III entirety tha plot la to con- - vein slid to ha from one foot to tnrea England Not Spanish good Spanish? One of tbe belt and alao the aarrllory orruplad by A and oerminy, to use the confirm the newsptper account or in ttllad in the rir.tt Una. vaneral tttirk you'll continually wonder thick, and some or Ihe ore la anceed- s misters or tbe language in tbe sute is tha Rulrariana In Oraak Mtradoola, tnti -- fret wetlan nelUi retort for ronvtlesrent agreement between Dr. e Ilka rollowed Iroinedlitaly. The flirhtinf wn whit will Happen ncit The Hevilv will inrly rich In silver running Into the tbnit Sun tnd going to ttke up the cudgel for toe Ifaaorla. Vortana an.i rmrhsa. in need of t conmino chinee befara agents ror Japanese hand to hind ami few ahola were fired. be altewn at the lirerlin tmlay, one day and or nonces silver iter ton. It II be returning to the front have been refused by support with Tha Rulrarlana, accordlnr lo M. MUukorr. only, to come early. Admission; Adult Heved bv well informed mining men thtt money, arms tnd men ror another revolu- J. E. Con. vice president or the Interna bad The (icrmtna actrcaly ware able to utilue ine aitociaiion ot sorwrgiiii aaked In idditlon for the dlatrlr.ti of - . - ... u...... v. ...( t.. rntioren tie. the rompiny hit struck tha mower lode of unly those incapacitated ror rtirtber ser- tion tlontl Express Company of Porto Rico, hi I'akup and knmannvn Tha Csmp Fleming, where, ill the rich illver vice will be received, so mere will be no written to Secretiry or Sitie Antonio Lu- arraoraant ba. pranpltitrly. by dis- Numerous executloni 10 several renter, twam Unitaria and RnumtDla, ba roltrt till AIHAMBRA. shoots worked In the etrly diys tbe dentar of physical clisiie between British cero asking htm to answer t speech recent- uld. wta me t rvqco ronaU-lut- Col. leming, had .including of Dr. Sun Diego, or parfaatart on tha haala or I'iihliir their idvtntaire. Tbe rniiovilng good puniré will coverer Jack l and others, and German righting men. Peklnt. of amisttrlei ly made by Jose de speaker the tha protocol in tba ibe bill to be seen at tbe lo- origin. The arena or lha rich strike are now taking place, the lew In not Porto Rlesn bouse or delegates, 10 Which he altmad in Patrnvrail utnrtar tnfamry raptured airona redoubt Albambri ibeir This winter htt oeen txcepuonilly rim Chlnt whlrh Roiinttnla of thn wooda. Thay ilian pulbtd is set en miles wast or Silver City The in ."lorwiy, arm ine nave peen being lufrtriently advanced to glie these severely criticised the Sptnlsh spoken In will ratum to Bulrarla renter athe gnd Milling company, or resorts Mexico, and tot tarrltory taken out to tbt nalii to broaden tha front rtp- - Heart of J.m Brice," t Vltarrapb Mobile Mining crowded with tourists who usually to to men ralr trials. LiUle beyond denunciation New Artiom Caltrornlt. Mr. artar tha aarond Ratkan war. while detective story, With strong heart tnlareat, ganiieii by A Denny ind .. P. Denny, of Mwitaerlend at thla time. Lucero, wno holds that Spanish as correct lraur tured. or Mo of alltted orrenden by detective is neces- aha had ramttnad nautral, the trlplr rntanla will be preaenied by Maurice Coalelio and l Moss Polet. Mtai.1. B. A. Douvllle. as Hut spoken by pexiple of Spanish de- The Third Tclmenl or the Pruaalan capable D. H- Howie, of Btyird. N. sary to bring sbout tn execution. any of the Is alraady had tuarantae.d tn Hulrana rial. bile, All., ind BUATOLL ano scent lo part world spoken tbtt KTUird offered stubborn n vinar ' Where bnmlly Dies" Is Blogriph pro- M I opermna aome prntnialng gold and Pt - LaztUve Purtiuvi Tbe of the Jtpanene plenlpoten-Birle- s the Spanish Americans or New thay would ra ronqurr Adrianotdc t reiutinre I Drug se. ttutude by educated and lo deceive tha French by aandlnr forward ducilon that rates high Hid Is full or dra- illver properties near Myard tallón, orant Syrup. For young and old. llora i, tt Stturdty'i conference of Japan's Mexico, will accede to the request of Mr. har rentier to the Una. matic county. New Mexico, bond tnd option cos and will write letter in answer to - troopa In the burnooaa, (woolen rloika), eplaodei. under demands lo Chlnt, bis led Chútese t K Italy i,. in- tha allien. M Mllukorf or I kalem rtpld-rir- e F. nt'llam, Central. orricttls the speech of the Porto speaker with- attd. of Mnroccm ririemrn taken from tha dead. "Tbt Ttle I Hit" t from of to believe I Rlctn aba would have. If the alltea ran r ibat I very laughable le on Clan! Over thtt Japan marking time until in the next few dtya. ware vlr This ruae waa brier tnd Unida Tlken the tnrloua. Trent, Triaatn and discovered tftar t in with Kalem s beit burletqwi. C. W. HUI. prominent oil opertlor at answer hi the house of eommona by Sir Polt tnd In al Machina runa which ware i many i Tea go auto Orey addition a abare in Aata Minor. mien hrouaht Paihe'a Weekly show, among oth Oklthonw City, and attocitet, have taken Leatwelt'i Lavender Line Edward of a series of questions put up mowed line iftar Una of tha advancing er Uilereatlng Item, iba remarkable Illu- over, leaaa and bond, tbt Oolden bag gig truck tra tiwtyt on tuna flay to him divulges Oreat under eervtoe. Pbon Britain's altitude. until the ground was strewn mination erren obtained si tbe Panama ei- Olani mine tt Pino Altos from Dr. Hiyden. tnd night i. Tbe plenlpotonuarlei Stturday igiin went roMER HlNCtRUV PPJCMKR CALLS with bodies. More or the by one of quick ritabei of nf oklihnms City, tnd tsiorlitea. Tbe new y thin third Ksiui.it ttt-a- over the H in eh Ping mines, Man- Children the Bray "Col. Hcoaa In new machinery In DB. SJAMPLE. t MUla Biog south Orr ( At OK solitlrra in Ibla regiment of the guard and cartoon, operators are putting dentin, FOR aUW nOKLKM. Liar and the .appelln " the ..ui mill ind doing conslderibki de- churia and etstern MingoU questions, bul FLETCHER'S were killed The I rmrji lotaia were 300 Btl fka .taaartafaat Toniorrnw we WIU hive the flral of tba velopment work In the iiilnr. The main Dr. Pastal. DecUtv. Bob Ban. Bidg. without reaching in y conclusion. Mr. I Copanhatan. April It (Via London.) killed. Including teverd orneara." roinplei novels, k) three reel, with Hultl liaM Is down ten reel and eitenitre other Htoki. the Japanese minister, intimated tbtt R A THa Rational Tldriida'a Hurta paat corre, Roland and Henry king The míe or the working TP Oolden cunt u one or tbe Baap Can aboat Away II,VI.MU ta Hour. ba might not receive further CASTO MAMTUI ii t I1AMAGKD BY novel "Tba Allot, Free instruction rapondcot aenda an Interview Count tin riral li Frica ut fame.'' famous old rune producers of Pino Aoclald 7errpatraa from Tokln tbe lime Of the next with m London. March at- It would coat the by meeting, Julius Andra.ay. rorrnrr n li hi II Hi I no BOAT. N. having ntort than one million dolliri Hunrarlan premier --rsATt ricixiiTr tmk buou." producilon to Hi credit, rooitlv In gold Brituh rovernmlnt over ttjnVl,000 an nour Tuesday win. ha. ttUl raturnad tn Hurta Paat rrom Bv Ike 4atar4afad Bijou todty only "The ror big mining aetfvtty tn of tha btttleihip Queen ElltabeUi were to (.r l Tbt iiresrnli The outlook erira ronrrranra in Berlin. Count "i,, i,,n April la (3 tn a. m -A r.hlot Heian." a powerful Kalem product ion tna organ sinunmn aiairin. .sieiico. fire all her guns at their lull rtptcity, A mandate signed by President Yuan Bbl Amdra.ay I airt dispatch to the Timet, dated Sunrtav. Ivea acts, atory I of a man J 1. v according to nivil eipert bare. quotad ta bavtaf tha or In three the who aavs McCullouih. president of the l ktl early to April, denounced Dr. Sun Ytt auhjert or He an aicniuit an attack ou the Rrltlali marrltga seriously II rallen In Mountain Mining company, who conferencra wta petit tlul Manllnii by his ',., hia Sea, wbo tbe first provisional presi COME transport Turklab torpedo aong s wti peace rondlttona love wlih tnd married t and dance iu,t returned from two weeks in tbtt field, f ull worm Roofing-- tt. Si St tad li or boat III die Aegean aei, btaed on torta of unman Rha II tbe "(Iran." now. At the par roll. Burton Lingo Co.. Ph. IB. dent Chin for plotting tnd sisntng a i the a ind ruinint never looked lo promising ntort mutely ," tna corraapondanl ttyt mrpedn boat' rraw, who tatart that tuiu by her epeiidlin in tnd divll miy care annual meeting of thts company tbe option revolution, end wanting ibe military tnd Count Alidraaay told linn, "Iba people tn the second torpedo wtiteh lhav flrad hit tha Ufe. The moat brilliant run ol Ibe Pic- ,, March in tin- Muarlcan Small- - Dr. Mayrtaid. opposite TlvolL Juirea. cj II governors to take vtaorout y Mention and muat canard consider- .nan tsth hive ture la Mire Holluirn's preseniitloh ol ihe lnr ,( Hefmlng cwnpany on Ibe Bennett measures Atonta or Dr. Bon. able ilainair airen. Alina nttsson piays in. iiitifr wont ficphrnon group of mines rtUfltd by Tau g tne The Inmed bolt wit t email tn Inn craft wit reportad, bad been sent to tbe 'EIVI the iiirertura. Yang and tbe named the "Pamir kapu." ind was manner! restrained olivine make her delightful Tba following officers were elected tor Tie district coast provinces or tnirur-rou- man. oi whoaa aaaraaa wa a many to create disturbances during China nego Children Orr (.rmana look upon. There tra alio well taken the ensuing year i. I. McCiillourt, presi- Proaaloetl Irish Huraeaa Bead. FOR FLETCHER'S f. ames ind fine gown in tin picture, tnd dent J. H stay. Tire prrildenl: C B. Olll, .laaaotalaat re Cerra aawaeae tauoai wilt jipan. Many or tba me lobars Accordlna to tba atory told to tha gov the entire lkie rrrdltatilr work. W. CampteMI. secretary. KublUl. April 8 rir John entaigne, the of the PEARSON china, rtlt . treiiurer, tad f. revolutionary party have publicly ernor of tha Pamir kapu allpiieat out Vlugripn s ial "Jinet or J. I. Mrf.ulloagh. I. H inosl prominent ureun In Ireland, Il deail of tba a month ego had lonaorrow t The directora tret denounced thn Itpaneae demand upon A Pardaneltea and Iba Choru.' In iwn paria; alao dtlniv Klhel Mtv. C. B. 0111. J. C While, or Fl PttO; al hli borne hart. He waa a former Paetl CASTOR anace bean lurking in covea along the Aa- - good aonieily, 'Munki-- dent Ihe Itoysl College pf of Chlnt. but Dr. Sua hat refrained from to MILL BLOCKS Iiui.ii in entllled o I jolHfra. Ivabody kan r Johnson. of flaraeon Bustntaa." Kellevlllo. kan; T. V. Bempi,, B tab mood, Ireland, tan uertoatl phyaicUvn lo the Lord mm kan. I teutenanl Hli aan Wis killed at tbe bn First Coma, First Served BRUAUWAV tKATIBK AT UIGMtM. The Mining and Mill lie of the Aline. Br. Beady, tit MUla Blot., phone tts. Tha Wlgwtui tndiy will orrer a Broadway tut ompaliy tito held ua apnuil meeiin Only a Limited Supply. alar lealure. direct rrom ihe vuagrapir in I crurpt oa April t ind t. electing IW Haw Uaa Piactlct limited to obaletriei V r Balar Meeey. II I Prlr. af Aeterlraa own New York Incitr-- tiled "The as offlcer 0 lolllrc president Jame ind cblldrao s otea tats M Mob ban bidg tooaafd Brea rorrea o w tea Of Rneenlee," ibd Is a three reel special, with uk,t. .lea nraalrtenl I' h HUI tra CbrtguanU. March II. Wtr haa raised i linn itorey. wnoee apiruuiu v.nra in Tbe ,,'rar i. i! MeOdMlw. taeraiary. The Ban Tha iweUeii bar u town, f kaeet good ihr axenange on ro reign moaay to at high Chriauan" I. renieinpered, aui lurry ne it menrientoa ooaBpaoy ..win tba gaaJoHty rate thai tba Aaoarteaa aoRar. nan all v SANTA FE FUEL CO. apant'- actor on. r... i in iha .lock of tba Organ Mountain worth IN kroner.. Baa ad v toead it 4.11. uilHirruw ur voiaisi . I'll 101 lat or a. ,, , m an Accord ton rteatutf. ft BuckJee Butt. not team likely to ftU balow ral tun wru mown il. t. win to. , i. Tbt English pound bat llkawts tabea rapeaard In addition to tna full Tueeday The KistiikU IjgBBir Mining Cn owner Dr. Anua aa upward course from tt.ta to It.si kron- Frud J. Weckerle. FW pntgrain. .am tba on er Bat Herman mirk, tbe contrary, 586-58- 7 northern porltno. of Ihe Leber Vletery la Antrim has filien from M lo tt of a kroner lot Phone claim lo A Boa Uld Hiyoel and Aaaetalefeal Praa Coi t inaaaae ports are unewhii kasutl rapped by the ñluacaáí iVTfif mperor,' Nydney. April s. The Bouih "la Ihe wilt ire tbiaptug r. guiarly to tbe Auilrthi. high price of American and EajjUib Patas y . Dorothy Phlllipi tud Pen Wlla.au. will k Austialtkn alartloo ibis month raaulted In ua to bill today, with ''The black Boi,' n i labor victory. Premier Peaks wis ta ÍSbVwVj; the firm episode of tbU greal tojateiN uYinTSurp wltSm i moalb. broughi Circle net. Don't overlook too a pioinm. at ii tad It ratjeiryeiy aaaw w-ta- a Tours, I I - I win lw i tuou ano lie own now loud b alao luH trrlvaX at the tanta roe ra Milled in favor of íuiint . i or fjEUCHTFUl TO NEW TOW .a ma the b. selected program Thei t p. m. matead li. FT Ita? finio tne entire output of Ibe greal Uai ollnrlr holl REQUIRES ATTENTION yaw eel Hi. Meiniihl claim oa tba north and Tta-- I Ltaaaralft (aaea ta heap a floor la flrat obsta and tba propsvr flnlah for ve ara, limouaiacs ano auto nag eouditloa. Tviuaurruw Clvo uuion itipporied by have alarteel to run rjoaaMB eaat eul ttiiatb. flaeura asyaaaary. haa Southern Pacific Steamships Jua ktug. wUI ba tenurad m "Tba Wbiuing t truca atvt la Wa carry a variety af finia for both Ver-lSs- night 1 abb blak." a Hold tVil aparlal .t Ptaaae Bear and old work. Uiuttat winataoan Rktaae Ua Your lyoaakskm NgW i uwa and Purg.Ur Syrup. ratal PKWOtVUANS to YUKK rott M. PwrtataU Lai atlve - ait-Ji- t N. ML The uldaukii Pur ouu tad obt Drug ttoret. ate -- ads Phot. htanton Sunact - Central Trains of Superior EuipaiaUlt loo! i Oe J Vaults, arm- aANMniBBN. OH tauaaat I iiawntm drive out materia and bulldi ra ua- TUTTLE PAINT 4 GLASS CO. A aua lam. true ionic aura t'vriiMOl', mt TO NIW OR LB ANI adit I i east children See i XrTttg. aim V i XmZSPZ r. eat rWkwt. rtcaaacicsan. B aa riBAMAN utucokm. aa bsal wtis"tcTAVrüib airi.el of a Mutatajlaa af to ni. WMr.aV-fore- u r aput oa U Tttjeaaioa cotton i oeusrrTsava rtr al Birteeat a Daaaaaya II anted coima raturaad fraat. t . l.nt lha latgwavl tesM esyitt takl Of re I nay attended usa uoinar wagraa rtn yatrt tu lha Mr. D Buckley MtwttaBta US isaBira paiMrtVS uf Ua B B rlub al bar boat on Waatiar. April ro a haaaaar CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE la mi. apoi oot dav aAeraaoa. arare by amok ta mat i.ts baiaa af Mr. T B kuykaatail. IU tat By eatrtaBiii ftra wmrb t auagk tlJjjM tbe Biaba Mc Paper caaav at arilint at la raaUa a BCBM St bar brodier Mr Jo Kerr. apartad tua j. .iioyad fall aacal area nany a aU alury bmadaag al roartb ana iraaaaciiou belwaea LEVY ru. Bt ttw. Mr. J. B. GROCERY CO. atrwali kMuglii asa wa atrttuahr"tbaraU 5ktr aaor tbaa BBBB.iiiaj ti tA if Be ' ZearÁpcii tvr a Uaaw It tuokaal a Uaa Ilea wastBJ laa abb IS ttatvy ratas EXTRA SPECIAL ratal rti eaat Bat asesy ilttaiae, ware re-- i Griffin flk Skultj Kammfm. wr uaal militia w ai ctUad aol St M osear wakkwial Test lit IB niBtiavg It iCli?tr rata ta atoat Mittrtyti y Baveral of Us oieruiawa war ftritan kite and oaa-- t V kbtaaa of rala Ml Beat Maieátsaa. ii 1 cun SbÍbj Bmm laaea la w ihra noara. All traffic as us oily wa JjRfljl nil 25c3 Stc a awetf nae ScmwIW 2Scl3 mm Com 25c uttavtal far tad S ftmmmmVJft Gunter Hotel Uasttaara Ban - ciisaptratreaty aa atasttra fcasa Sat fsatat Ük. aí kvas A Hoiml ikjih for Em wee laasjrBJa, uai aaaaf OvorW St by heal slay liuai ibtaii ke vttM ratal Monday. April 19. 191) EL PASO MORNING TIMES

on mute entertainment or visitan ladles earth. He could not he turned aside nor aj the convention r Porter, who will nisennragro what ienn of insptratic be assisted by re ,.. aaaigniaii aM CROSS STANDARD for all of a, whatever mar be onr task EL PASO ON NEW fállales! Pre a 1 faxta t Is of t htc ago awvarttsta mm inals and temptation' nenvwr. Colo. Arrtl John A. Who Is willing this dav to consécrale I. taaw fatly, already has aerwranee of a large 41. a rlly employe, la m a erIMcal or enthusiastic harpers Itlmseir unln the ord Who la willinr Ihb day to look up Into the fare of Oort and ti in a local hospital bar) as a remit at a in av In the of Jaaaa. I come to e OF HUMAN words "la, l.ull.-- i. Deferí x.rat retina. LIFE do thy will. O Lord." AUTOMOBILE ROUTE would mfii. ted. sceordtng to rt a see eta led rVr bnticr. by hla wife, who fired througk ta itChicago. April ta Despite the errorls of door of today, wrntctt nunne. who came to Chicago to their home through inventor a day In an effort to end Ihe strike and kick sleeplessness often result from disor Wrtgbt souKht to enter Mr. Wright M CM stomach Corren that and you can us . out wMeh has thrown more than Itt.nai ' ""5 XVKI a RKSULTK deed lit mm. t mi fFlO. Momm-i- s nn under arrest she refused in leava Bar Mr t sleep as well ever. Mrs. Mse Ingersnti, i wage earners out of employment, officials kvcnt in in rTkti at io SflSW HIGHWAY TO five months old child The ornear - Pulaski. N. Y., with Indlges MUM t M MUOR p"' or tne carpenters' i ontrartor ttrlMU. wat troubled rn TEN Rot TE baby to prtann. association non and headache. "I waa an at milled her lo take ihe refused to submit side of the dls ratlei Wright' it recovery their aha I not ehaacrs for ware said pata to arbitration. night." aayt. 'tbat rnajd iep. an slight " eaa Tableta Ware ao highly rec- g peral it lee fa Ike T,m. . tn Tha contrae lors said iron they had Oa the Preaeklaa""'"of the era..;Ser.. hamnertaln' Wright, the police said, tried ommended I got a of them and Pern. Texas. April IS About a Mrs. declared to arbitrate the qnettton of wage for tne natter r.aareft that belli doten her had drinking soon after I began taking them I was very road healer, from and hu.han.i hern and threat' Jaet Hi months and that the had flraadrallt Sarttow ened violence. ttrtla muck Improved. Taro bottles of them cur-a- met in l"ecos Saturday artenmnn with loral been declared without even submitting John E Abbott, Re. paslnr. Text. I Car ma." obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) busineaa men and club mem their final proposal to Ihe workmen. t.li. "For lb prearhlng of the croas li comtnerclal BILTMORE The slate board of arbitration win meet io inem that perish rnoiihne hut unio ber The purpose ol the meeting was to here tomorrow and bear both sida of We us which are saved it la the power of iuk piomnte the building or an anlomoblle mad dispute in an effort lo erren an agreement. However. Hie cross ha divided th opinions LEA IS Sill NT ON from Pecos to Midland via Rarslnw. Pynle. ""V " rannoi pe ignored i.ramtrslta and Edwards htoluera' ranch It was placed where the ways NEW YORK hi larra' I might of the nation- This la on tlte "West Tetas Air I.Uie," and and Cala. ana enennw not only arose upon a Ihe were Coughs and cold are Ihe mi. id visitors advocating their route as Vsnderb.lt tad Madison Ares., 43rd and 44th StS. bane of vnr-i- mu. dim casi iiaell down thlollgh against that recently logged via Hu.ni WIGWAM and canse mothers much mora worry the age." Tha of Vista, on any rrurlfiiion ihe Uzarene the wei aide of the liver. than other or tha minor diseases Those oerieetno woiio atra'r as a powerful mag NEW APPOINTMENTS They proposed lo aland half Hie rineuse Broadway Stair Feature largest and latest of American hotel who keep chamberlain's Cough Remedy at net deflects the hlp' compsss. as well a of Ihe construction or tin road for the nae band ready for laaiant tiae nave less oc- introduced Hie mo. vital element Inbi the of automobile only, pulling raltle guarda THB social the realm of BSBL Tbe cross the and business center of casion lo worry. w. eHurr-to- Is not "snhlert instead or gales through all retires and Mi, P. arm. to be handled. II Is a Ohio. says. "I always rety upon nam reality that handles building on an air line, shortening the dls Metropolis. Convenient to everything, and us. II Is a by twenly-elgh- standard which life is to be MAY Flfci. snHK M lance l miles over Ihe present hcrlahVi Cough Remedy when the children STATFH THAT HE IN valley i O.N mule considerably Arter me "TheEnemies" of have I r.HCS AND MAKK 111 M.I - Tt in the heart theatre and shopping districts. coughs or cold ohtafnahio every rnos ta.il I Sigue sin-- the Pecos business men agreed lo where. -(- Advertisement.) The cross is Ihe most unnatural trans COUNCIL MEETS TODAY. subscribe half Ihe money needed to build 1000 omttdg rooms. 950 private baths. anion that history has ever recorded. Hie mad, on condition nial the people of with ñas no analogías. It stands unique, peter Harstow put the road from their town to Rates from $2. SO per day. states the contradiction of Ihe cross when 'Wa III continue our adjourned t Pyote In good condition. Harstow cltlacn. he said lhal of Nazareth was man go PROBLEM WINNERS "Jesu. meeting of Saturday in my office Monday present at Ihe meeting agreed to to work Edith Fittingly "The hotel raeem approved of nod" and then state that "lln on this mailer at once, and the pmsrris Storey Irani (ruttil waa neiivereo oy irte determínale counsel morning." aid Mayor Tom Lea last night, are good ror their ircompllshlng live necea Ansarina, stop at ine n of liod be and lo mimon ion ta crucified We have been "only for the purpose or gelUng a firmer aery impmvements. New York at ta brat. "U (M Haapire taught that "death came hy m There Villi this work done, the West Trxaa Air I.lnatraied booklet uaava ra nn ninev eiDianatinn uní.-r.- i death grasp on our positions and for the purpose I inc will complete a iransconilnonial route Toar." ARE ANNOUNCED ihe wages or Harry T. Morey lealh is sin. yet lie who was of selling running tbe wheel or the city which for dlrectnes. convenience and good stales! died. If Jesus wis merely a sin million Hi year around cannot he sur JOHN MaB. BOWMAN less man. then we hae in the cross tbe under Its new government. We hive mum passed by any route, the Lincoln highway PrmMnt severest reflection upon the justice of Ood to do we will be. fnlbr seiled tn our not eicepied. The proposed work will be that wa have aver seen The oniv new A started at oner. Within a rew weeks this No Increase in Prices w tne go oeeper. chairs." AFTER SEVERAL DAVR CLOSE. HFI MM. pvrpiesuy is io in This statement was made by Mayor Lea route will be sign posted from Sweetwater VT RKCOND FUMLRM Tha croas I the central supernatural i raso. CHARTS or last evening when asked whal the new city RESULT IS nCTERMIN'KII transaction the ages. That Is necessarily true, because He who surr.red there wai government will do Monday. Saturday the supernatural. He was more than man. Ar- - new council and Ihe mayor spent the whole farm away. valley corning to His own was In session debating uew Till farm, a typical Ray M. Walker la Declarad w Inner statements He afternoon their rami, will be given to the man. woman Hod's son as well as David's son; He was littles and deriding nn the policies which ADCLUB t.rsnd Capital Award la Late na s a wen IS AFTER or child In the United States, who ni orti as Pat ld s heir; He they will follow through writes Puzzle Problem. went to Hla death al His own time by their administra the on El val- and tion. In in these Ihey best article Paao and Ibe no. wwii viene, ni carry oui a luvmciy addition questions leys or Ihc Hlo i.rande. their advantages pointed task, which ruvlnelv eventuated have to decide to what committee the and opportunities These articles must all This morning tne Times lakes pleasure His resurrection rrom the dead. . members of Ihe counrll shall he assigned. be In the hands or the Adcluh committee In skew. Yeur Dtrliaa. what changes shall be made In Ihe office A NEXT CONVENTION naming th winner In the late Circle not than go. when they will Tbe croas ha Ihe most msrvelous result of ihe elly, If any. wbo shall be appointed later June Puixle. and below is given the full Hat of or any event In human arfalrs. be read by a committee or ramous writers This Is to fill vacancies already open and niaiiv fifty In Ihe interesting and uuu result "Ana you -- hath He reconciled ALHANBR winners most at Ihe convention and the committee to In tbe body or His riesh through death." other pending matters. he appointed by the Adrlub. fascinating pastime that has ever been (Col. 11.1 That does not clear the mys- Is not probable. In view or the racts III IMIAU INVITATION TO INTKR The club will devise many other inaugurated by a newspaper in the south tery, bul It states Ihe Issue, ami shows you anil statements or member or the new ad NATIONAL inn. lni TO MEET novel advertising methods for the trip Just your duty and privilege or believing on Ihe ministration, that radlral change will be TDM. waat. Crucified and being reconciled HEART OF JIM BRICE" 'THE TALE OF A HAT" III HI.lIN a soon a the budget fund committee of lo liod. made in any or Ihe departments, and ac- THE II w as ilka taking candy rrom a baby for Weatmlaatcr Nat. Vltxtarrnph Dm ma Katnm t'ormtly be Chamber of Commerce arts on the The Ladles' Aid Society yrltl meet In the cording to the new mayor there will be Hie or the to Maay evel VdirrtMng recommendations of board directors winner. No trouble at all work Primary room Tuesday afternoon it I no appointments made or announced until at lalaitr relative to awarding the ai.nno the o'clock at Tuesday. "WHERE ENMITY DIES" "PATHE'S WEEKLY" Methods la Be Ikr CMeafa rlub for Ihe second problem. It only necessitated least trip to be used In advertising Tbe Essimlnster society will meet with Mayor l es. AH New Medina b Leral Ctaa. matter. The careful thought and patience, with little "Tuesday." said "I will prob lllnttntph Drama the Chamber of Commerce budget fund com i Mrs. Roberts on Rlverla street, Thursdsv ably make public my committee assign for figures in for good afternoon at 3 o'clock. mlttee Is expected lo do this within i capacity thrown ments. Al the same time there Is a bare Mra. Paul Heermans and Mrs. J. E. Ab- a booking of twelve complete t'roiiding surrti-len- l Is mini short time. measure, it waa like playing a cheat game leave banco that I will also announce appointee NOTICE The Alhambra haa aecured Interest bott this morning for Tovsh. where ex- rested by the business men r the city Leave on Special Train and never make a move until you were they represent tha Highland Park and Wo- to fill the vacancies now known or pending novela of throe reela each, fine of theae complete novela will be The EI Pasoans Missionary the every to lend financial support In Ibe will leave nn a special sure tbe largest could come men's societies II meeting However. win not promise to make sucn hibited here on Tueaday of each week. Tha novela embrace will- that returns vh uve vrcspyicnii undertaking the m Puo Adrltiti will make train. There be at least sixty rive announcements even on that date; it may pirns.- In life n drama ánd show who paya for the different tiling In a right at the Chicago conven- members or Ihe local club make the run rrom tbe move io be made. be much before wa are determined "THE CONSECRATION OF JFMI S " later ready." . Ufa. tion or the Associated Advertising Club or to the Windy City and tbey will be ac There were necessarily very raw uei. companied - Uta World to secare the I'm; meeting on their special by about thlrty- as tbe combination or rigores wera in- ertaea Preached la tbe First abHM Church This Week's Bargain. nve or the or The Novela are Presented by Ruth Roland and Henry King which will undoubtedly be attended by members clubs Phoenix. numerable and every step taken in toa Sunday Morning by Rubl. Brnre Smith. One of the ramoua J. at C. Fischer pianos at lead .00 delegates and visitor. Thin Demlng, Silver CIMr, Tucson. Albuquerque. Dr. Smith spoke on "Tbe Consecration or In a beautiful figured Mahbogany rase for progress or tbe chain, and every circle o I THE FIRST ONE WE WI1.I, N1IOW TOMORROW ran was disclosed yesterday by v P. RosweU. Las Cruces and other nearbv Jeaus," from Heb. in. "l.o. come to only flEO.00. 110.00 down and aft M) per made had a great deal or bearing on tne do Iby will, u The following i.irinck. one of the live wires or the local Ules and town. The special, an all steel Lord." month. pianos have been In rtnal thoughts are gleaned from the sermon. Fischer aold arrang-ini- r train or the Cuiden State limited type, result El organization, wbo la assisting in will Jesus has taught us. both by His life Paao the past 33 years and stand this OF plans for the Irlp to the Windy CffJ leave the Union station on the evening or The main prizes were won by those wno and by his words, the best that we dan DRY climate absolutely, hi PASO PIANO "THE PRICE FAME" In June. June 17, at o'clock, it will leave for paid the largest amount possible cm tnetr learn of consecration His lire Is our best CO., Oldest Piano House In Kl Paao. W. it IILMKMRKR This In not a swrlal, bul every one la (tiraplrtc, separate Port Worth, over the Texas derinltlon or Whal a beau- S. Ml. Should the El Paan club land this event and Parirle subscription, and they thereby secured .tne consecration. schuii. Prop. (08 Side of Texaa Adv. duslinx'l from the ollterx. It will be the largest con railroad, arriving there jbe following day. tiful, userul life! He declared thai He and tnternalional limit or lite dividend prtxes. did always those pleased vention ever held In ah tne rexas clubs have voted to meet things that the the Pass City and will Now that tbe game Is over and the prixe Father. "I seek not mine own will, but the prove the blgtreal advertising asset It baa at Port Worth and the ton or more dele- will be no will or the Kathrr who hath sent "I gates will be by winners decided, there dount me." THE aver bad. Delegates from all over Ibe banqueted the Fort Worth many of 'hose out of the large let of must work the works of Him that tent me COLONIAL TEA attend these club during their stay In that city. The while it is day. the when world annual meetings between four and rive hundred who se- for tüfht cometo 521-2- Toronto, Canada, last year the H Paso next day four special trains will leave no man can work." In these words of ROOM, 6 FIRST NA- rrom cured Ihe correct answer In the circle Jesus, we have Ibe power of was vary much hi the It Fort Wortb for Chicago. , controlling detention in puaale could not materially Increaae tne His life. Ihe divine mission Him light end although It was Invitations have to the "of TIONAL BANK BUILDING. At THE V0 the first time Stan extended net result of their count on the second that sent me " Second, the necessity. "I the local chip ever attended the local cmb by the commercial bridles or problem. Third, tha divine urgency, 'Whiie an Invitation was extended on St. Louis, sprlngricld. III., and Jollet lo those ral." for the night when no BUOU -- of course It Is understood that all rometh the rioor by r: E. Sherman. Inviting the atop over" and have a good time. These who competed could not win a prise, but man can work." Jesus taught his disciples Doily to hold it 1915 ratiiermg Invitations have all been accepted. There those who did win are lo be congratulated, tbat It was His meat and His drink lo do rlty. His eloquent was will be a number of very Important meet- the will of His lather. Conversion marks address received while those who failed have our best a In REIGN" ings beld crisis a man's lire. Consecration marks "THE SIREN'S with wild cheers. The local delégale by the local rlub within Ihc wishes for better success next time. Is rew another crisis. Tbe will paramount lu created a favorable Impression during their next weeks relative to furthering the After working ulght and day Tor nearly DOtn. to Toronto ainnng arrangements for the trip. r visit the members week the four hundred odd rharts sent THREE-AC- the convention and it is not Improbable IMsllnuiiKhea Sneakers In by the contestants who tied for tne Unique A POWERFUL T MODERN DRAMA that this city can secure the title meet- President Wilson, war conditions per- prlxe In ihe Circle Puxxle Uame have been ing ir Ibe Is git en proper mitting, will head Ihe notable array of IN THE CLUTCHES OF "Siren," m club the carefully checked and rerherked. so that The or teaches not The acting of Mtea Alice Holliater, aa the a It speaker ihe convention. Hon. accuracy consecration Jesus til deserves. it William there could be no question of tne oniv Hie surrender or our wills to the will THE EMPEROR No Advance in Kberataa In Talk. Jennings Hryan. Ibe secretary of late of the final result and the winners in tne or Ood, but It siso means the direction or treat. Price. The minister r ihc ririy largest John H. Pahey, president of ihe Chamber game. The largest total secured by my our intellectual powers, and or our supi t ine Dorothy Phillips and churches In Chicago have extended Invita or Commerce or the United States; Henry nutestant was tM.tot, majority or m rrectlons, to the service or our Lord Our With Hons through the Chlcairo Adrlub to Watlerson. George points over the second prize winner. All minds ire lo be trained to think for Ood. Ben Wilson firty llorad l.orlmer. editor' kingdom. of Ihe visiting delégales lo make speeches or Ihe Saturday Evening Post; Arthur or the five capital prlxea wera won by and for the work of His And Brisbane we are to glorify Ood in Ihese bodies of the first day of the convention or tins and Elbert Hubbard will solvers who ran their totals into the K.uuo ours. Jesus honored the human body hy BLACK BOX, NO. 5 limited number ft. K. Kherman. r M Paaa, among the others heard. division and those who are entitled la the His Incarnation, and hy tne lire which He was selected toapeak In one or the largest Inspirational Business Uplift. first five prlxea are as follows: lived in tbe human body, and by ihe suf- ."churches. The local rlub deem this qulln Three great speaker will lead orr Mon HOY M. WALKER, 1103 North Florence fering which He endured in the body, and NOTICE TO, THE PUBLIC an honor to El Paao. day afternoon. June an. with a great In atreet, El Paso, Trxaa. by His resurrection snd iscenslon to Ihe April I'alaue Advertising Schemes ipl rational uplift. line or these will W. J. ORASa, 6IS West Boulevard. El right hand of the Father. Hence Paul's Beginning Monday, 19, th acale of price at the speak eamesi exhortation: "I beseech you, nlque advertising methods are already from Ihe spiritual standpoint, one Paao Texas. brethren, by the merries or Ood. that yon V being outlined by the local club for ic from the educational standpoint, and MISS SL'E CORA PEABODY. Louisville, ky. present your bodies as a living sacrifice, Chicago convention. Leal year al Toronto third along the lines of building O. L. MEYERS, El Paao. Texas. holy and acceptable unto Ood." were Monday SECUNDINO HEVIA, SI Myrtle avenue. the consecration of all Crawford two Menean burros given away to conscience in business. nlghl Jeaus demands Theater Burlesque and Musical Comedy, will un- two arbool children w ruing the best there will be a wonderrul street pageant El Paao Texas. that we are and all thai we have, that we for be: may stand perfect and complete In all the essay on El Paao, her advantages and Maay miisriiicnls Tbe above five participant in the Puxiie IX1VV KR MATINEES Oame are to the will of 'od There are many blessings FIXKR roture Immltatlnn paper currency, eon rybody will take In Ibe Crldlron emitted major girts. a life rully surrendered to the in- whirh attend 75c flrat 10 row- - and (Saturday anil siiikIm). ilown- - laming a boost for the rlty was aim given Show produced at Ihe Auditorium theater Notwithstanding Ibe fan that explicit will or Ood. Tbe lire of consecration nrmg CRAWFORD for the away, as waa other material. by 150 Chiras advertising men. Tuesday structions were given as to the rules to be blessed fellnwshln with Jesus. An union boxea. Malrw. 3Ae. This year 300.000 railroad passes will be ami Wednesday night. There will be Deau- - observed in working Hie second problem secrated life la out or fellowship with the Me for lite balance of the honae on It Baaroni toe given away at Chicago by the local dele tlful lake trips also. a few of ihe harts were disqualified ord. s the source of weakness slut in i low ostium. gates. These passes will resemble the Mortal Events. these ground. stability of character A consecrated life The following la airona iiurooseful useful. Joyous, via BAIXX)NV UT.IFIAV Hamain Matinee, regular, railroad ticket with advertising Every attention will be given to the table abows the winners, fret, chafe THEATER together amount of points scored torlous life. Jesus did not and ihmnHtalra, SSe. data printed thereon flaunting the womter entertainment of Iba ladles. There will with the and complain about Hts life work on tha 60c for flrat t row and buxaa. ful advantages that El Paso and Ihe valleys be an automobile trip through Chicago's by them in the second problem. Ihe amount Sfte fur batanee of halcón. Raleonjr, ISO. of ihe Rio Grand have to ofrer to outside peerless parks and over the superb boule paid cat subscription, and tbe prises won: capital and lo home seekers nn the bark vards. There will be a luncheon al the Solution. Ami Paid. prtxe or Hie in kcts will be the words- ' "sunshine South shore Country club on .Monday ROY M. WALKER, El Paso, Texas .M ag.00 tMW.iti TONIGHT Rant." cm the Inside will be "I rom now luncheon and afternoon at the Art Institute W. J. iiHASS. El Paao, Texaa Ut7 .on tn.att M sunshine" from misery to prosperity," Tuesday, and a visit lo the ramous Slate MISS SUE PEABODY. Louisville Ky.... K.IM t.w IW.II "from rallure to success." and etc. treci retail stores In their a L. aUCTERS. CI Paao. Texas. UU a tu tlli.UU i OH Attay Para. various lea rooms Wednesday. MECIINDINii F. HFVIA, El Paao. Texas. a.uu 6U.lt ALL NEW soother scheme alrrady harte H. Porter, wife of Ihe presl Tbe next len prise of ten dollars caah, lo which will be added three nine, the launched lo interest outsider Ui Hie ad deni of Ibe Advertising Association of ainqunt paid on subscription with tha winning solution: vantage or El Pfao Is o give a valley Chicago, Is general chairman or Ibe com solution. Ami. Paid Prixa. F. M. Murrbtson. PJ Paao. Taxes.... tt,lM DEOO tat. is Western S4.au ii. Josephine Putay, El Paao, Texas .7t .'' F. M. GRECIANS' kthner. El Paao. Texaa tS.Prt JO ii '' H A. Mail Hi r. KT Pato. Texaa fá.tM toe it ' The Play That Startled New York and Europa J. M. " liara, u Paao. Taxa ti.tU kin UUU uaear F. Miller, i Pao, Taxaa xa.M xt J WW Wheel Paul stem. Kl Paao. Texas tvaM .00 A. H. Ptaber. Kl Paao, Texaa n t.uu la. IX kalhryn B. Draper. El Paao, Taxaa Sft.aU i.tw It. on I. Anuya. El l'au. fata K.MI It "I 11 will be seen lhal Mr Planer and an piaoer arrived Hie same total, whlcn Burlesque DEVIL co are THE I inot sinaular incidence In thai tucfr charla entirely differrni Tha next fifteen prlxea of rive dollars cash, lu which will In- added Iwict Ibe amount paid with tbe winning solution A Mutual Masterpicture in Five Parts solution Ami Pant Prtat. K. White. El Pato. Texaa a on rsllM It W. lila El Pa... Taxaa IM a an tl.au A Film That Will Cause More Comment Than U. R. Mantes. El Pasty. Trxaa ejM ana run " mi. Laa MUlycr. kl Pnaa, rexas ti.tm a.ta Man "The Hypocrite. -. Hill, i ateta. Texaa n.m so. tau ' bar lea C Carr. saffxtrd. Ant atja.1 .du Lav YUKON PRESENTED BY THE GREATEST STARS T. T. Bwlft. safford. Arts i si a.au II tai And WHO EVER APPEARED TOGETHER at Frenrh. KJ i as., i, Man sao ti m w. A Perkins, ki Paaa. Taxaa Ajtn sua mm Max Ravel, ki rata. Taxaa st.aau SiM im Sending Money Vare D. esooti El Paao. Texaa atjtsi i.ao tea THE CAST W M. till ma ion. ki Paau, Trxaa .... 7.,i lau, tim Edwin Connelly The Devil Alionan Hallado, Kl Paao. Texas ?a u urn si a by Western Union John WUUawaoa. Kl Paao. Taxaa i.Ttl ttk Beast aWriscaie The Wife J. L. Foster, Kl Pane, rasa ta.wa M m The aaxt twenty artaaa. two ollar la raah. plua tb an Mint paid wim Iba wia- - Sensation Arthur Maude The Artist Is next Quickest, Surest aing oluttou Tbear prlxea may be witria M dot Urt a u Rhea Mitchell The Modal auliiiion. Ami Paid Prua. Sensational and Safest to personally Mr M. V. Waiaaa. Kl Paw. Taxaa UMt as at tia.au J. Barney Sherry Tha Husband - M. M W Marrta. Hurley tbjm io.au - passing it from hand to J t. in M,.i. . Ki Paao. Texaa.. Ml iu.aw wiinam uratva. CI paau. laxae njtn Mt tea PRICES í W. Thttrbrr. aa t.uu Putuai. ktsttcat mjm ' Positively the Greatest Picture Ever J M. Paawtrk. curma. AjU tkjrt iius su I ii. Marlines. Kl Paao. Txa tt.a7 kat MUM) Shown in EI Paso J I White, kl Paaa. Trxaa. mj i ta ' 25c, 50c, 75c information A m v Full at any Mrs. allium Kl Paaa. Taxaa MH II a SHOWS START AS FOLLOWS: J t. Paai. TwrniMih lafl Furl mi.. Taxaa BXJt I ' NO HMHER Western Union Office. 4- B. Oravae, El Paao, Taxaa ttAat $.m msa) LÍO, 2:35. 4 00. 5.25. 6 50. 8:15. 9:40 Acttaati aparkmaa. Rorkpori. Taaas mux n Mra H M aVhraaMlar. kl Paeo. Taxaa tju aaa M. i l MuJMattry. Kl Paau TV ta t ao, tat mat Mat Wednesday EataRL, Y H. i COME buiua Math Htft atop laMtua i Hy Mt K lOJat THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. - B. Jam. Kl Paaa. lata Mt m tm 15c Adults 25c, Children 15c 1 and 25c Admission: w wolf Kl f... t.... nm ta tuJal t. P ituatraa Was Park. II raaga ttjw tat iBt p p H.aiaiiii Kl Paaa. Taxaa.r, a. .Ji7t Its nJ MY M aaatiriuai. ki Paw. laxa. .tu M a-- EL PASO MORNING TIMES Mon.W April 19. 191.

baa, who tnarMiahee; and tfkrd, a ata trammel rara nnabir to iham in SPLENDII OPPORTUNITY AMATEUR LEAGUE triar EL PASO MAY GET TO COMPLETE THE AVTSSsRiSLSS ton ksfatt FOR FRESH OYSTERS with writ pi arad hita Ef Itawa Aat aad Tasl Livery. Rerved tn lit trvtM gn tn aaapbrll aa utlaaarr arara Iba arla FOB HEW Thirty larga 7 paeeenget inuring ' ripai him tara oi it seat, taa YOUNG rart sad taxis that never gtoap. Op PHIL YOUNG'S CAPÉ STARTS SEASON la Mayara tear sai sat t efe. Bats NODSF. paatte DM RaarM Hotel And all kind a of Mertra RtaaMa. bat ar SANATORIUM NEW WATER SYSTEM m - cold Inn. ne aarfe. Raih of ufhaora'a Mta rr SwW TV IAASM SRC ST THE Bg.frf XJZm&ZJBT- Moretem Cincinnati Bear. EdavwtaR owl wt.takg rrags a bll lbr átamete 4MTT PITRJMS St TRZ PRt ari swtrrsir aerateS by faaapbHI war at fb ia ftZMT DI Y .NrrV htWW I HI. IN I I.I HUI( Of rin Tar wr tMN J I.KNT. or wngMuittt taren srr not y ar gtuaxavoiR i f OWMMI Ml I I V Ml. bhM ta bark af Brea-aa- BU.KVta TkTM HAT HE rgJCT ABOVE NEXT bTNObERT. riatwr. aalaat cm I rvqnratxmaaiy ta guinmnoil haalnraa-alitani- gh THE T MRU roa at kim- - bath af arktrk wr laapartaait far amccrn d .till in It tafanry prasanta one TO SERVE ALL EaJSUttHIB. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY eaee of n met tart la la riaat at la the pratnlghtff field of mploy LIVERY CO. Stria Lobby Aaayeln Hotel. Pbooe K Nihil Mnapp, aa rfcalat ownt AUTO fRa Plairr thlllli. l.ll of in avenía m Tkat Iba Inratlon of Ih propnad Mooa for th young mn or ihe.pretral. Actual on BrttBlw nl Inl la lb rrond affair wall a eaanatnirtie work th immarkad aliloaaubllat for hrr br reielaplg Tubrrrultr anatorluni will b drinlilv thr coming ganr rations It II system will pre PhoiYs 510-60- 9 trip, hour day. I Mar. Sartton Payn latn ilcfrew-- ih I'rtdman story" af El Paso's aratar or fa ettled at th anprrtnr rnnvrnllon of t marriv neraiaary to iMt that Moun ear ably he In id few cars 11.5 per hour. In a attna by wrre started tb neit day. arven-passeng- rlub Wlrrr r,nttl ordar of Moot to b bld gt Han manufactured M the United states han work of laylnr floor All cars at Seven passenger cars fs nr. per hour. during tail, while mor tb th concrete Battla out Ion hiu at opportune mo amrr or 7 to t. hit wr rattri ntgo. Oat., iuhjr it to fl. on report of than t.ann.uoo rara and bnildtnr Ih conrrete walla of fb "Baiety Always." Ogea Day aad Night. Eln to nartn.l for waa ar in uta M tb country at present $2.00 Rr krviir. mente, every op orrr lb ffld by Ihr rndnian ltm. wflll rnmmlttar thr purpn. lb 'Trragy kit" raarrvolr. northaaat of th city nd Ukinn arlvanlarr of by I time to give on an Idea tn array m IB aai.rtd John I eni. dlrartor gnrral a thr will lie The the nr in score, Ihr of ta a total of I) wrrr tredttad Hblton of of man rr to manor, tin earsvatlon for portunily Purity rliit thr great Mooa lntltntlon known aa quired tur repair A I o aupply tallón has town completed road Amateur tn Pama aatrartnon rtynton. twirlar who aprnl Id ana operate tats tratnrndoua number uf 'ommrrdai Halm ilrrtej a ytrrday sis tagging up the Mil to the new plant Fhrtw SsMhi , veryfoody'a ariTTKion at lb frldrnan tram, fannrd lolal of an in ihr guaal or tb (oral lodge Pleasure cars and aaataea trucks. A good Gsjss Ratrrlrat-a- I yrsiarrts) tlw ba Saws stag and grided. Thursday th Wanhlnrion pail in an int rmviv man. whlb four look ihr rount rainal May rlrrl II automobile mechanic i quit sor of em- rolinr. of Ih hltoO-Pt- Pa. first of tb con. rale material waa ukew Hunting Knhrsya, Coa rontele.l rani" by MM MOM of 1 M I. twirlln of fhuma. am aura that H I'aari. wblrh la one ployment eran in MM dullest Uro. All ta. Two-b- by Milan. over the road tn tba alt. In addition brllllam rlly by thr purity ntm id ! tram. bll warr madr th rineat in the country. that Is nr..vy ll M get the ttrhnlral l UM miri rfr Water malm bat bean ei tended to the alte Camp Kits snd Ammrsnitioav werrnih rrmwr cnahlr.i state, ro Jump into TaliMn and NM, whilr ujan of th fame of wborr rllmale a a health training, and thorough knoaleda of the a at aa ready to supply Ote water whlrh will b iho marl tiy a nno ptiint martin, aa previotie ton loam alammrd nut horn rua eeaort ta known far and wide III modern mn nanism, as wall as the knowl- nt retv needed first for ronatrucilon, and Ulrr to to thai nir tbcy had In n iMiipieyrii anil oportuna nvinr eareful ronaldr ration at the hand- - of th edge of "Irclrlrlty Mb aUrtlng. Ilahllng Shelton-Payn- ' fill the aupply station e Ulan ty in. I verytioUy ilufo who pat rofiimitirr," I am not aim igintioii yatanati In tb re blr ArmsCo. atld lnti. "Aa eatanual Thl second story to the water tytirm iip iiw 'f Ifor Iw.t ilefrnatvr rrne toat 'ill ins TFAM WORr. nn mhrr. howrvor. and my with Ihr pairing and handling of the modern car. dull' la MB ftstt above the hlgheal Ottr. all ras aaad OiiaMiid Sha ha been mi at Washtnrtnn park. OMK IN SIMM order re almoat olriy tn connection with it will interest th readers of this paper reservoir a It up t'i Ihr Inntn; The new wilt serveat all that territory mm tar falllal laalna ihr affair Tho rmr waa llh tnr mana, tin nt Of It la not know mat the most complete and unit noma MiMiheart In are now lata a pllrter' battle. lilt whn. aa a of a hit and win within my provine to any practical education In the antnmohlle whlrh residents building whir rult on run makr promlara and or Paul Heer af teem liaw running by th Mbltnn rlub. on way or ihr rlectrlcal line can be obtained at tba cannot be served because their height SrjBSS waa Th madr an othr. above the present rrom th prr Iter arl af Ihr arfiimral, Ihr arorod frlrtman rlub Tlir rnmmttlrr (in lrrting a atlonal tcbool of Englnerrlnt. 7110 rervolr. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY lb How-ry- loratlon Wt That part or El Paso known as AND ACCESSORIES broad hMiltrrrl lalrtrr aaly kela rrror. aaraln! foor br Sbrlioa. In beaded by f A. of Ran sventh atreei. Log Angele, where over MO nl main. a probably roat in harlra MrOahe. on me atete for lao hit. diirla Iter rnllre fart ahlrh inm Cat. Ita About iuornt wrr graduated last Thla sn.nevllle, the additions bordering rVtiii m tn D1o. rhalrman. nlen vrr game whllr hla nspoernl. Br Breaeea, ram. taarna tartrd rorlnt In acnool hla been yeara. north and of Mesa avenue, aad those who on run, eillr lorated aiifr.rnia. Colorado, New established fourteen wa tnnrarl for a lalal of l afeite, initial atañía, aacb tnakintr and Ariiona and enjoya an enviable reputation all are building their hornea above the rhy hila. Tb ani-in- ha flld tppllcatlon ovar liar of I arar, a tome i un. raair la Iba "rvrrtl well plared iiroor me the country. II is kept proper will ret their wglar from the on mnr in fb rond and acirrird for location of lb thornuahlv abrraal Goodrich Auto and Truck Tires fifth Inaln. aa allh hut stare madr Thr I of Ih constantly Improving conditions "kraiy kat" reaarvoir In two moro war anaiortum. committer. frn aurr In KLAgTOsTT, to go. iliri- the third, addd a automobile ronairuriion, one The excavation for the new reservoir hts Drag of M ger tea Mao Feb. I. ttU. tl. MS Saulb El rata St Tel. jni eiaa hll wa win rndr choir that will b ahanlnt. lv tnd offers of Rapid anrk on the paih enabled tno in tm fuiirth. thr leldman rlub impartial the moat attractive avenues to a been made in the ahape of a half circle Idle and tb aanatorlum will lucrativa l rrbnr) a Irani to tfw twrl-n- located ih Iba city who claims and isition open to the young men of today, dug from the side of the hill. of rnarmn up In fifth t him. turra la la rrldraan ball of la fourth, one tb big tank be Into Ih hill tlir oiirriniMtt.. iinr.frtlir uhnlr. ri- of lha attrtcttva reatoree of tn will built mm mi., or a a rrull of Ihrrr wall ronaldarad THE CLEVELAND SQUARE GARAGI i. Ihr imtniri Jumplii tram hoarirr. lha brat Thr rommlllra alao will act upon National School of Knglneertng Is spcltl placing the whole of the bat on excavated i plaerd bit, oar rua waa ararrd, wMl t foctns with stolen ruar. Kixner raprri MVlra. arrangement by which their atudrnta ara clearing, and the other hair will ba built r. RWEENE1 SIBUfT CLAJaei OAJLAGE AND REPAIR f HOI also strnr out f)yr nirti, by ll aiarr arrr addrd la lb oral in inrutrai E. artinst inre Lodge la l. amino rnablrd to obuht their room tnd In up rrom ihr outalde run of the base i tttaV. S3 :. Mirnnaii. ho bases un halls, mini in mu lb war. Oar bll waa board Nlarbt aad Day Phoa sate tun and inir ordrr la flourishing. We now eirhang for special work, wbll Viewed from one ld that part of the hit two barrer, wild In a of aao by thr Mtrltaa inn la th fifth brina number over i.ñiiu lhn the institution. the outside bottom up and wrrr held I uburdlnatc lodrra I,, .air, reservoir from tnniaiii ia Uurtnt ihr central. Innlat. bul ronlra. rih lb Bermnlng April 15 diagonally lo the Inside top will be visible ion llrjhtrnlna up aad prrvratlag a Lniutd Htttea, Canada and our Inaular and until further Wr a notice, the school Is offering- a aneriai re. The dimensions or the reservoir are large -- i 01 MrBillOflVN TKAM rorlnt rally. Playera at poraion. hara inrmbrrahln of lhratrad ovrr nan a anon i t, ducrd tuition rate on of aa enough to aupply the demanda or the rlty UN n -- I - both tram raa wild aa th Milan mill nil and rn.n account the nil ba. ' a million poaitions. Full particular- - u hi be furnlsh-r- lor some time. It will he 44 reet In díame foody' i. iii -. i. ft aad Rrana pllfrrtaff aaek for lb Irid and lha tubercular nan all players - by Ihem on ataa aaorraaUoa. whll Malo, fain aad torlum will be financed by levying- ai reqneat. tar from Inside rim to outside run. and is aaaraanwnt reet in height Inside. aro Burrrwully ni qollaled tal far of It on etch mrmlHtr. Ih oppoalng rlub. Arrompanvinr th anvrmnr .r It I expected that the work 00 con Dr. Che Hok Tho two tain whlrh Intumralad tn heart la Mr. Lenta and hla rnmda nr amnion will have been completed Inside K.I remarR-ial.l- nrorg Holgtn. national one month, and that the reservoir will havn lures Ithrtuiiatlsm. Blood ama in i r pimri In Paao war arriary of th ANOTHER Poison. Intrrnal and n wall played, member of th rontnd-int- i iiii'Tiran inxuranre Union, of Cnlumhua ARREST been filled and ready to supply the second tarnal U lar se. Special traini I'Mitint up faai. antppy aa into, and (.ilnlnn c. Ilollnnbark. naiinnal lory of the city before the end or the six frratmrnt for women. Itlblilotia that warn aataamely crrdltablr, roiwr or tno American lhurancr BMM weeks. Mod rata fee. Consulta- ronalderitiaT H' llmllrd prartlr in play- l.ent la prraldrnt of thl aawrlllon When the supply In th new reservoir I' rea. tion er have had, all bring mployd by M and with hla party, i. route to Ban IN MURDER CASE htlflottsl I loo small ror MM deintnd there 40 Ban Aninoto SI Paao liimini firm. A malí rrowd of rrtnriacn wber. on ADrtl ha win Is already a site rhoten on Ih opposite Id prraide at or rbona wio. fan wllned tho game, and reetd thr fraternal flav rrlrhr.tlnn ai tb mountain ror another story to tho ilirlr tnonov worth, a amall prlre of ad io- i ñama Pacific International oipoaltion city service or a like character. In reel nilion being ehargad. ' no win nrnver an addrea. there are numerous sites which may be Th f.rrn i.ii box eorr of the gamea tr A I'ormrr Coatraaaajiaa. iiiiyi ii.i.isoN. taken from such reservoirs. Mr. (iiani.tn ta rollowa: I.rnii repreaentad the Columhua WITH BEING AtXESftORV TO NAN. Al the main pumping atatlon, where the Ohio, prniTV. diatrirt in congreaa for four yeira, DER Or MANGEL. rlty has g wells from which all reaarvoir OPEN ALL NIGHT AB. II. II PO. A. K. " " tttt. we waa and l a Demo are supplied, construction work Is being Prescription flUad and delivered Parnei). th 1 I 0 t t V rri. and while in polittea made hit In pushed on the foundations ror the raro new i n Hearing at any nun- day or nlffht, n iivi. r. f t ii nurncr widely felt, not only In Ohio of ferry Brail WIN Se Held This engine, compressors snd pumps which fiorlng, r at3 0 0 1 - Morning aad Myatrry Mall Ordxra Klllod Promptly. t poimra. nut in national afrmr- He wta l Eipected have been ordered to enlarge the pumping Meaaon, b 0 0 0 t U thr unrrianilng foe of the "lttnd-pat- la Be Cleared. capacity. This main station la one mile A. E. RYAN A CO. I'Wvr, lb east of Fort But. 11 la exported that the I'ltillman, 11111..... "Allhouth I am no lonrer In noliitr new equipment will have been pilcad ind DruffffLata. ik r ii ii n wiuiam Allison, a negro, waa . f 0 ld .Mr. Lent yoatrrdty, In his yesterday by o dlruaiilng will be in trtlon June I. l. Darla, r. f t 0 I 0 i... n.ri t'l.iitirai riperietice. "i am llll arrested near th Borderland Ion tt Canu- When the test comes, you want to know that Prrnnnn, p 0 0 1 1 V good t Democrat, and f hive lived to tee tillo, and brouvht to El Pato, where he wts your car will measure up to the requirement. I'rmocrattc tdmlnlntratlon al WlB&tngtoa Total g pltced In lha county Jail charged with be- light, M t f ft I ri'iuzing and putting into effect many of HARRISON URGES Ford cars, with their strong, flexible i;VFRYBrI)V9. - ing an tccesaory to toe Assayer and Chemist principia ror wnicn I battled flfte. n murder of Harry frames, sturdy, powerful motors and simple AB. R. H. I'". A. K. no iwoniy year ago mangel GEO. W. Ml HON . and the wounding of Hardy deahm. moot all demanda. Irsxlty or country, on l.amrN-U- b I 0 t I 4 t speaking of a Ptto be atld: Repreaentntlve For Shipper la I ha RatTtrr, 1. r i o WblM aad Jerry Seott. another negro, at food road or bad, under all coaditlon. the Ford t "You reruinly hive a fin ctiv hara El I'aao Sim ilar illmorr, it, 4 S 0 1 Borderland Inn on April last. OWNERSHIP Seta there aad sat back an average ooat of t wai here a year igo and ipoke on Mooi- - t, He PUBLIC at 204 Nan -taa-- I I'aao, numen, (I 0 o a two canta mile and si.. Tnxa tb t aom. ano i many Improvementa dur was arrested In view of statements which a for operation maintenance. I' O. Boa 480. l.attronrr, r I 0 0 I U u Ing the lapae of a year." Buyer will abara In profit if we tell at retail 100,-0- 0 p 3 n n o n u have been made since tb killing and on i uiiit, new Ford oara between August, and Aug-ua- 1 1 he ground ha 114. riovlr. f 0 0 f IK h. that knows much more of B. DAILY WEATHER BULLETIN ! MA OR II St'K 11 Klnlr, r f 1 0 0 0 o u the killing than he told at tba time HI HUM. t Or CHIt II. AhS i o U orricer HI Runabout, $4 40; Touring Car, 1 Town Oar, unnlngtiam, ef 3 I 0 The follnwlna ahnwa ih. - rSSM TWELVE YEARS' LP 40; Ml: prrry H n n o u from tb sbartrr'a office visited the scone, KNOB. AB MUNICIPAL EEBXITIVE. Ooupelet, 7(0; European Plan lion that prrvailad al ih various writher f Sedan. 975. t o b. Detroit, with all uirougnoui trie I nilad s. on ta rae Trial. equipment. Total 4 matea at "Tp. m., teventy-nrt- Running Water I I H I I mrridlan The hearing of Scott on charge or mur By I'rrrv hattnd for Klhlr In rvenlt. Ihr Associated Press ON DISPLAY AND SALE AT dering- Harry Nangel will be held thla Chicago. April Carter Htrrl liuna and hila by inninga: mmi: Temp. ion, who Is to mske way for W. H. Tbdinp- - Purity - A o n o a morning before Judge J. Run c I Junes Detvar, of smi, his Republican sunvaior. within MM 0 0 0 I I PK the Justice court. It Is said that hli Jtw few days, today gave oul Ih conclusions Tri-Sta- HOTEL ALANO llvarybndy' Hunt 0 0 I on o g te PI hts now completely healed has reached on successful municipal Co. 1 STATKiM and that he will Motor Hit 0 I I 0 A!ND 10 STATE "Is be able to give hla trhtimony government from twelve years' experience hlta- - Dwyar, Ollmora ur WEATIIEII. J. W S. El St. t. SB:rl aa chief executive of tba terood largeat Klrkpatrlok, Prop. 314', Pato Hume run K. Davla. 3 simultaneous with the trial of Scott. Harry Mack. L. C. city in the United states. Stl-SS- S St. 1S7S WkM Ullmore, Hunter Mullen and "Red" Polly Tesa Phone win Da triad on charges of being In whtt be called bit flntl message to Housekeeping Suite sarrlflcr hltl.iwronr. Ill the people of Chicago. Mayor Harrison By ,s to the murder, and Harry White, string out Brrnnan. 3. by ruber. Hz mainly public ownership PHONE on By who was wounded In the affray, will dealt with 4245 halla Breontn, 3: risher. t rlrar H 1 70 71 M the segregation or vice. hit- - By .. on a charge of attempt to utilities aad Haltera Brrnnan, 1; ruber, 0. Amarlllci. nl. cldv. N i ,i ... murder. "The more I see or private ownership or Atlanta, n Mullen Ii al preaaat out of jail on ball, clear 0 74 M .00 but public utilities the more I am ronvmred Bola, 4 71 the other members of tba Hrrond gillie: rleir .NW 71 .. .00 Borderland Inn thai there Is but one safe and sane plan Hnalon. ilrar r ... force who were following tn- - PELOHAff. arrested the lor Ibe public to adopt, namely, to eel its AH 'Meato, clear ... SW l 7 M .. .00 eaitgation or the killing, ar m jail, unable Cincinnati, clear 4 70 71 .. .00 mind Willi determination upon public own rabb. a 4 ( I II I JW to furnish ball. CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE t Denver, pi. rlily. . . 4 5 W .. .fa) ershlp and not to deviate by a hair's I'm. lb 4 4 o I Detroit, Murder a Myetory. CHITCUKTl it I I IK. son cloudy ... DW II II H .. .00 breath rrom the most direct course by Milan, 4 3 I Duluth. rite of Nangel Aaaayi-ra-, tb t l clear w it n .. .oo murder and the uoumllng It may be attained," that mes Chrtnltta. Uatallurariata. r PASO. ti whlrh reads Hrann. r I n u u I.I. PL cldy. NW II 7 74 .. 4 or While and Beott at the Borderland Inn Stetson Knox neprcaentatlvoa for Or Shlppurt. INuneroy. 4 u u fJaVvatlaa, pi. clily... S R A . .00 Bff. r It I T u 7f on the arte moon or April I, was on of the does not segregate. Medical navrr. near W 4 7H 7 "Segregation tlO Ran Kranclaro It. Taiitm. c f 4 t g g ti j .. .00 areatrsl mysteries which tho local Jacksonville, clear t: .. M 74 .00 sheriffs auporvltlon does not protect. The breaking Spring Hats Kl Paao, Taaaa. Walkr. I f 3 u i .. of rice has ever been Hats Hats gov mi. nock, p. lily K 7 i .. ,oo called on to aolv. up of the segregated dlstrtcta has not Hit. 3b t 0 0 t g l.ua Anrrli a, clear l: ...... M When they Intattlreted the facta concern spread lite sortil rvll Into the residence l.rtghUin, p 3 1 t 0 II u Kaahvillc. clear .... M 7 M . . .00 Ing the rrlma on the eve of the murder. districts, as was feared would be tho re New 4 clear W .00 they could not inllrrt even bare incidents ulL" 11 4 New .NW 30 4 TotAla II 7 I 7 tork. clear n .. .00 hirh could have lead to the shootrna. and "ASK MIE1.TOS; lunaha. clear . W 4 767..Ml .. .00 FOR GLOBE PAYNE. . I hey coubl rind no CAN Just Walk By clear . K 4 M HI .00 trace of motive or rea- W. W DARDE.TS KENTUCKY HERBY and See Our Window AB. H H. PO. A. K. .. son MILLS PEERLESS HEN Hapln City, clear ... . Nt Tl 74 . . for the shooting. All Iba salteara and didstr. iKirirh, Is reponed lo have worked K Mria, c 4 n i 4 i u M Hoawall. nt. cldv M M aj . . .o inhabitants of th Inn would state waa a mile In 1.41 and a mile and in g 1 that Display. i" 0 0 a S - They Speak AND Cf St. Louts, . 7 CHICK FOOD" f clear oil .. .00 negro did the shooting " la .... on ibe Cumberland Park track it for Themselves OaaaTf, 4 I a o 0 g Salt Lake, cloudy. .. W Aft Made tlH- uai'd If M .. .00 alrr Sheriff am; Deputies Nashville. friau formula surera Lujan, San Antonio, fill Edwards Jim r. if r f rain SL It 70 0,7 fnih yir- b Ihr Harrlraa pt.ultry l ulgham. J. P. EUpairlrk. Stanley liood. Mipply Co Ltd Angvlea, one ain, lb 4 0 0 0 8W 11 34 31 .. .00 We Have Them in All Shapes a of th 4100013 santa 4 and John Wren vlaltrj the tn Climb oa Water Wagea and Materials poultry aupply Ihr Caro, at 3 o o 4 g I rloudy .W 44 4 .. M around Brllkabir liouart in Sraltlr. rlrar XW I 11 daylight. They than Bp thr Aaaocialad Prrsa ' Mi egg priMlttcrr and Chuma, p , I o D 0 g ti N .00 discovered that tb alrraitt Watkatattan. clear . w whole or the had London. April It (4:Jlt a. m Ten thou lent you rorgrl alo, 4 g I I crime transpired tt or lb Wlrhita. pi cldy . W 4 M 7 .00 sand Protestant church throughout Kng chayo!. .'I. f If;. near the inn. thai the wounded man. Nan g go yesMrday aa Pledg. I t t I Yunta, clear jtw to .. .oo gel, land observed "king's Straw Sailors MADE IN EL PASO bad beca tunning away from the Inn Sunday." The largest traveling huid was It $2.50 to $5.00 31 hen he was dropped where he died London, where mora than t.ooo per Total I 13 tl 10 4 Caadurl ITaala I oda. later. central Panamas (Genuine) Huns and that ipparenUy waa rrom son took the pledge to ibataln from Inloxl $4.00 to $7.50 tad bits by umingi: Sg the ..... ni i. d running l jvru or rents ror lha remainder or the war period Vldmana It una i ti n u o 7 instead pursuing NangeL With these Bankok (Extra Value) GLOBE MILLS Han urn ti.ro. April II Tlw ftnalí r .o on $5.00 Hits I n 0 3 I o is which lo work the ofrtrera dug up t II the national Leghorn simltiitt Payne Buna i i sgot a amatr.r wrestling tournament other bus or evidence, and Hardy While. $5.00 HIU I 4 conducted under the au pirra of the Ama Polly, Mark and Mullen ware I I I t -1- 3 arrested On Bali Buntals and Two baa inia Milan Talum. Histo. teur Athl. in- i n urn in ronnertlon with the the same day the negro Scott, who had bean Children Cry $12.50 $15.00 Three baa hilt Lujan, Chayo!, on. Panama I'anflr kiposlllon will be hrld blamed with Ih shooting, came la aad gave FOR FLETCHER'S Hum ran Lujan. bare tomorrow. winners of th. eight hlinaeir up. He bad "two bitltol bolea Or. Carl Smith Mlolen Milan, It I I I I HI BIXMJU, SKIN. 1,1V baaet Braaa, ialo, Law. rlaasr s ill br awarded ihr nil, ,.f through his shoulder rrom i be bark and a caro. jaw. which he I It. KIDNUY AND til l lional iliatuplons. Many naaterncr look broken offered lo iirlQnjina of Barrí Mor nn part the fa. Nangel U -l chum. Ciro. in tho seml ftnalt fiat tilglil rme of l that he had thol in air III HIM s Btrnrk out By Lrtgbton, 7: Huma, t the urprlee wis the elimination of the derense. IIT-ll- l i it H Room tses on baila By Letghlon. I. national iiampion. Jrnkina of Pitta The arrest of Allison yesterday waa mad hail burgh. Ill both ihr 11 nound and 111 imiib. rirat National Hank Ulda. mi ii. --Buffer. by J. V kilpatrlck. deputy . aaara. iviu ourur. ui npoaanr. OnMtird sheiiff. who bias halt aatod. I" ' hauiMon in the 1;. wntnd claaa uiih has bean mora tbao active in la proser u a fill In mil. more than aeven nilnutea, lion of the eta. and ullvrr Huarbry. uf Saattle, aainr.i tba Offlrer ta B Tried. ENTERPRISE SHOE LEATHER CO nun riuu uvrt in inr tu pound dl Before Judge James J Murphy, al M I o'clock iMs morning. Ih prajiiaiaary hear-ba- IM Rasa At MEatCAN rot lJJ lit al uf nam sroll oa I chart uf murder ma Juan Nesajaa In tb Milt t.- rail- National Bank Waa aa Bed to IR Ra as, BaSavad road varda erty this week, will be held. State Dh -- BWtABUMKMM AmU MM. Do t Maaaarh Trawhl "Hi is allegad to bav shot the Mealcaa Lying on bed in a room al (OB I I South while he was engaged in Ma duties aa EAT OAMTAXl, ti UKPLUS LI Paau treet. IB daad bod of Alberto special ornear M tba railroad yard, and AT AND PKOPTra WM.M4V4M Tba etowaM '..! a young Metlcan, who had been ba la at liberty oa BVU bail Tb Mraicaa great ray aad Interest Paid on Savings AccounU ia ihr ii) bill a abort lime, wta dlsrov linger! two days befare ba dtod rrom the aad Saa . Fraa. errd by iratdeni of the bouse yeeterday uunds llllll. trd C- ata 4 la Ib U ! - R. MORJOHIAP. at AQOFP1N, Yloa-P- r sfirrno..n ut o'clock, aad Iba mailer i. district court Is f JOUBPIJ th eaae Club House Cafe reporkMi to in police department for tn thai of Leaner Davis MS Money-!!!- C. N. atAatUrTT. OKORQI D. OaaglUar. B, astadb Si Pase SL JfleORT. rtiugtttoo Judge jam. i J. Murphy, i. against I Newmah fur the possaaatue of Save - 1 OILaCUamr. Aa ri.ii.tu. l.d an luuurai ., ri Uir inuains a rg tract of land east of tba rlty will $30.00 Scrip Book for $25.00. it daalb waa doubtlraa du to be iaka up this aaorning. Howsvar. u stomach trouble, although a verdict will habeas corpus pn aaading far lha .soaaaa Good on Linea la Tasaa nut ha r4Mrrd by uw coroner until ibis atoo of litis üsdaMy Lloyd Haibauau Scrip art i n.Kui by bis aaottaar. Mrs Virgtola Rata $60.00 Book for $50.00. Ooaay. ...i,,, to tac landlord mast, agaiasl lb grsstdiutHher of Ik bora Mrs Oood on Lina In Texas and Louastaaa. waa M whtrh ha body was found, had Alsna Miller,. wlU be beard aouwiunr dar aa sunrrtag iwaatly from Utt MM dag Th Mother allega, that her Buy taasn from Btuxlcirig By lMail la rrfuaa ta glr ib child tu oiiAKAjrnrjEs roamoRs JUST AS OfKJM A nietas IdSS auatt UaVM ftAVIMu AtXVCMT WITI VB AS IMfc it. lata movm uvkci) pcxtm. II oat tRACh MARAUB.NEÜT Caw U aw MM at tLV. ttavte. bxr. too next lias alrrady began praparauoas for lav It . probalil uuu Civil a W pay latwiwat, DS ill be pr aal aoatuiadatd twlca amy yaar We Sa SMMRIl R Mat plant Tb trailing tar Iran, fourib aud ani nrth Texas Slaglaaaa aaaWr Uta dafualtora' CUlwaty law of Uta StwU of laaaa. aad ad win ba aaMaaid M pouyaei patruaa dismal court thu asúrala Pacific ara a (Juaranty Fund lu.uk. a pv wd by aaaah law rrtan mclrntrai weauier during fall rat la th LMtad rttalra lUsarici court for Ha Oatr pato. Is aaUttton to tratnaj oouv.nl.nt. to awfa, garafitabl aad) estará district af Tat. Ska raa uf can , UkatrgU, lawaaMtY Rtw ver Uatt a ollar la a Hank ta Taaaa. I chargsM with esnbessliug fttiaW Stat IHHT sffrs. Chattanooga, WaUTC 1VUA OH OUR im aUH UTT. ' aVANKJJKi HI MAflV al BaXhWIhT WIU Nut RACK UN liusa lia asalto uf lb Callad Mato while Tana, Maryland aauraaa UUs airtng awiug so Ft 0TAJVI.R8 OA kHMHf.Y WMl VUUM laaVrttSIT. ba was sa tatsBtwJrt of Iba toral aoatunicr MANUrAOTURBI DAILY lb fat I Uaal his airing Is a Ml backward in Round EL PASO BANK A TRUST CO., El Ptvso, Texes. lata acaava Traaner data Mltoriia an $59.00 Trip P. ta tu ai busy .lia utt aj íaiag af MM Na (ark uara. READ THE TIMLS CLASSIFIED PAGES FOR RESULT 3

'a-'-- -a-- -4- 1. - .BmUmmMk ata ..M.. MofitJa. April 19, Q, EL PASO MORNfMG TIMES A WEEK FROM TOMORROW EL PASO WILL HAVE LEAGUE BALL



' THE YIMOU ar m www moepibinc 4AcauoN sjtrra wmn. mu un LatrT FIELDER. V S. ST i m Tss TSAM TAM.B TO at' ORE 4.FTEB NEW NkTOOHALB AMI TwM went ox r ron mm MAW AMD asm Y MR a CMOS). Ot TMOTB WINIMLY I " allimi ' 01. 00 a2 THAT ITT CLUB II with imtmrn-tuim- Á AlaWAVS PÍ.AVS UP ON FIBStT lOt B OAMES, ON Considerable mm BeMg MM a hi 1st CaMe Haves tasase far Bel re ft by Brass if THERE THESE ROUNDS J Braves rr ntf te Pear Mart, Bui Chief la oo Be rreea Bit TMmtwM hsaaparalsd tlaael Threw Deep (eater I Nad a Member ef Use Worry ea Thursday Mghl Baker Bears s aa Ore 1 I AND YteU Barn OUOHTA SEE 0 aaf loir aa Result. """ Cosultteni practice in preparation for in SMI lin .an I I M.i r CL0B STANTMMDM. aortE or the ytrJ V1 Hv ar 4sriroTfea1 Press ourg pin Miwn to be inaugurated ny Won. Lost. Pel. Philadelphia New York. Aorll he firsl week or smelter league rollers ncit Thursday night Boston i i .se.7 f rincinnstt do,the major league basebsll season has given li BOW balar held It IM Carina alleys or tlleveland 1 t euo ihlras ,.. little insight as tn the true capabilities or admirers of the popular Indoor summer Oetrolt I " New York . .in the clubs. pastime Pittsburgh la thli city. A schedule providing Sew York I t .Bu St. Louis ... It la apparent, however, that Msg Tit games to Be held weekly during mc Washington t Boston 9BJ oleario hite Sot are likely le he i cago . summer months is now belnt prepared by hi I I Brooklyn ... more dangerous contenders Oa tat Manlier Art Woods or the club, and bien Hi. Loaos S see Aaserlrae league rare lhaa they hats III embrace all or ttie leadlo enthusiasts Philadelphia I I Bp fke Aseeraaled rVfat been ror some year past. The aegulsl-tlo- inctnnall. April llmely of lb rliy. including both the duck ana mitins af Kddle Collins Baa at re By incinnatl won the first tsme of Ihe series atiben rollers. the iasarlases) Press ñ ed ihe team materially aad St. April mm, hcii with stt l.ouls here IikIsv. lo t. St. Loul there la addiUen la Ike smelter league. Loalt. It held SL l.ouls In seems lo be an opinion pre vol rrre today team- starteil with two runs Ihe first, but after leal Ibe Cactus rlreall will be rsMpeaid af lo scattered hits while bis that could not score, score. among Chicago fane Clare mates on that Bed tea teams, aad will be tbe bunched hits with bases bails. ' manager, ra Rowland. Ihe aew will gat iirealaet bowllni associative af Its Mad Cleveland winning rroat si. Louis. I. St Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 7 gawd x werfc aut ef his mea. The Mas sea-s- b kauri man's double and Chapman's error in Cincinnati 10 ever oruanliert la law elly. Last toiooto are kattlag eteelleally. m la evi- taaraa-meBl- the saved the local team rrom a Batteries Doak and Olenn. Schneider aae af tbe aieal aaeeesatal nlntb denced hy their thirty nine shutout. Score: H. H I Hale and .lark kits la la lac Watery ef Ike southwest fours name, la this depsrlsteat af was si aped during Cleveland i w a Two base blls Beck. Wilson and Ornh. lbs bat eaiba. toioooon Three-bas- play they ware onOdoae aaly hy Use was prac- si. Louts 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 s hit Schneider. aad which participated la by 11 t New YarV National, with forty Bile tically every bowler af aeta at Ihe Batteries-Mitch- and O'.lelll; Wclhnan. Double play llertog. MollwIOt, Oroh and A llertog. In Ihelr credit. alleys. llcmness and mew. TTte - Boston Brtvei. the ham to to Wad- Ksurr- Bases on balls By Doak. by Schneider world's Prises similar those awarded 1. plons. got orr in poor ers or tbe raan. a start and their tourney will be linns 7 S I 3 off of up Three-bas- Ursney. Hits off Schneider. in innings; chances rnmlnr tip rati were nm im, for competition in the high tame and hlisKauffman. In 3 Inning Home Dali none i proved hy the injury yesterday or Jobnnv total, and team fame events. run Jackson. Evers, on Bern Struck nut By Doak, 4; by Schneider, 3: the king pin of their infhld. But The present duck pin Individual fame Bates balls Off Wellman. 3: off Dale, Mailings' &. hv I. bad beginning or last season and record la bold by Harry Carr Of tel. and neas. . off Mitchell. Umpires Oolgley and Eaton. Hits Off Wellman, to in innings; off bis team's brilliant finish will not be for li tbe tartest made la Iba history of the gotten In alleys, cerr one Remnesaa. none In one inning. this connection. In Philadelphia win be member of Fumble Pavet Way to Moran or tbe teams rour Stnick out By Mitchell, 10; Wellman, J. Psl obtained encouragement from in tbe Cactus league, ihe winning clubs of which have already organised and Remncas, t. Victory for Chicago stride struck By Ihe Oram wltb Umpires Olneen and "Tallin. which he is serving bit mm tiste aa man are bow holding practice at the alleys, ager, namely, the Swirt. Cement, Boutnwettcrn By tar Aaeerln'cd Press and there has been no ground 01 rnr dlscntiraremjsaht i Court house, Chicago, April is. tierrjer s iitmoir ror Hooter Bresnahan. uildint and complete sets Ty Cobb's Great Throw paved the way lo a Ihe new manage" or new piss have alresdy been by Phelsn s grounder if the Chicago Cub A ordered I victory ror Chlcsgo srier ten innings Tho Boston Manager Woods in preparation fdr the Wins Game for Tigers tbe Red Sni. picked by many to sgatnsi Pittsburgh In ihe first tame of win tho American league most successful season ever held in lite series. Singles by Lcjeuoe. Oerber snd pennant, are cily, while tbe alleys have been treated to the Associated Prtt Warner gsve the vlstlnrs their only run. leading their league st present, so far s new coat of shellac. Detroit, April IS. Ty Cobb's throw rrom Score: R. H. E. bearing mil predictions as 10 the strength Aecerdlaa; to Manager Woods, a large deep center, which retired John Collins I'lttshnreh 0O 0 0 0 OI 0 0 0 7 Ihey would manifest. St the plate In the nmth Inning, gave De Chicago 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 7 3 a number af applicants for pmttleas as Cooper. McQtilllsii. Schang snd Use dtllareal teams rompealng tbe troit the opening game or th series wiin Bstierles WAinCR JOHNSON NT ART Chicago. S to ?. Detroit piled up a Cbson; Vaughn snd Bresnshsn. league bave already beea received. Tbe lead nils iroort. stcnuiie, vini, SEAStm IN RAM FORM. early, bnt Coveleskie lost control in tno nairn. crack rallara af Iba alleys will be di- IKiuble play strhang to tlerber. As evenly aasoag rnnnh inning. Reynolds, who replsced Cooper. off Vaughn, for the Wsshtngtnnt. the mainstay of vided lbs learns ef tbe Bases nn halls off their pitching circuit, la arder lo piare ail on as aear him, was no pule and miss took up tnn (Copyrlglii, 191. by ihe Wheeler Syndicate.) 3: nrr McOulllan. I. stafr. Walter Johnson, bat m ' n proved he Is In a basis as posalbir, sa far as playing pitching task in the seventh after Chicago Hits rr mullan. in Innings; off prime form eren if he Cooper. 3 In ;t 3 innings. did lose a inning ability Is eaaceraed, while the reernlls uea me acore, voung s sacririce riy scor- i nmth derision as a re ed Baker wltb tbe .strut K mn ny vsiignn, v; aj nicviinian, ne twiner on nis second appearance will be flvra tryan Li by the maaaaers wlmtlnt run In the 3. of eighth. R. by Cooper, ihe season, snd this means much to or Use clubs and placed arrordlagly. Score: h. e. Umplrea- - Clark 0 klem andEmslle. Crlfrith'S Last season two leagues were in run Chlcsgo 0 0 3 0 3 0 07 0 7 BIG LEAGUE PLAYERS HAVE NO SNAPS ambition. Bill Donovan tbe I new bead of running during the entire summer, com- Detroit SSOtOOO I g the New York Americans, it Batteries-soo- COAST semng petition be close m too lt. Johnson, snd - PACIFIC LEAGUE toon wort out of his men, who 1st circuits, wolrtant eO-C- seem even near the end- The Smelter league Schalk: Coveleskie, Huynolds, Hans, and oto oo rttler on the bases than last or Stanage. 8TA1NDINO OF THE CLUBS. year and likely to rini-- win be composed four teams, Won. Lost. Pet belter If they hits Brief, Young, cobb. dlsplsy the Improved nnwee nr which will comprise employes or that plani I ns Angeles IS 7 .51 Incline Three-bas- bits Weaver, which the training season gave only, while it is likely that ir all rollers f'elsch, Cobb. inside Facts a Revelation to All Fandom Sin francisco II 7 1 indications. sic unable to obtain positions on tbe cactos Stolen bases Young, i. Breton. J. Collins. Sslt Lake R S .Ml The flr.l weak af play produced H Bases on ague clubs, an independent circuit will balls Off scon. 4: woirrsn. a. Venice 7 a .4 some reals ef baseball unusual By CHRISTT MATHEWSON. 11 . aa !. organized. Covclesklo. 6; Heynolds. I. Portland early la One seaswa. Hlla-- orr Scott, ü "II U v.,n I he hall n iMttl have In week rniinle each a fan. as he Osklsnd I ID 40 rirat af these i in innlnas: Johnson. nrsllv i.litrr hours silernoon." declared was Ihe asr.hH name of Rube 3 in ?; wolrgang. I in t; I oorrd Ihroiinh the lurnstllr for the oiirnlHa ul the baseball treason at lbs Pale grouads last Wedneaday. He was an coveleskie, in I nc - YESTERDAY'S OAMES. af Ihe ROanta against Use Antkred Herd Administers i i. Reynolds. 3 in l Oaust, sad overheard his remark as I was going upstairs ta Ihe clubhouse lo dress fa i nal is general lanarra- in atea 41 la "soli" ta be a bla leaanrr. It MrfMjUt be a revrlallmi lo moat fallawprs At san Francisco-Morni- ng game: Sal Rronklyns at the Polo Orouads. A Defeat to Lawyer Team aad Collins and Lalelr aad WagBer aad even I, reel. Tbe season Bat btreiy started Is only reur or rive deys old saw, SB a lake t: Oakland 3. Afternoon game: Sal close second wat the nine Struck out By Scott, Johnson, 3: , t; Wolr I'll bel maay a Big leaguer nss Sane eooaga worrytag lar ala aaoBtaa already, it is not tne two aeura' warn wnicn couais. J; uakland 1. Inning pitched by Pennnek of Msniming gang. Coveleskie, I; Dallas. 2. fel assay tary use use Al Porllsnd- - ; Venice II. the out ssTe hits at opportune mo- see sotl position It are to he meaaarcd bv the assoBal el Hate rsaaireg. piayina aasrasn la eeierca Pnrllsnd AlhleUea against the Red Bat, with menta the Elk club Umpires O'Loughltn end Hlldebrsnd. rltUrn who taongbf be hsd a clnrh job. At Los Angeles- - Morning game: Los An baseball yesterdsy game the ane hit coming alter tuo ware decisively defeated Lawyer "Do you a I Make Ms senil would recognise him as one. reminded t; san Francisco 3l Afternoon tbe want something easy?" asked etaelly blame far It relés ft out la the ninth. nine, by the score or li to a. In an inter HAVRE DE rrtend who was ramlltar with ihe inherent meats about sleeelaa ears, far Ihe y me or the story or the time Eld McCoy Angeles tj San Francisco sting game at Washington park. Tbe GRACE ENTRIES. Indolence or the man. "I know how you alwaya build Ihe berths usi toe short went to Fucone under another name. Some i.... lU?a Frits gams, which marked tbe Initial appearacme ran make three doHars , jaf ami work for s tall aiaa, aad the bed rtitkea brirly met him m London snd slapped him TURF GOSSIP Of Teakees accomplished of the clubs on the field, was a well played Baltimore, mu.. Arjrll t,,r Mm,. only ten minutes altogether." fast loo abort far Ihe berth, aad the on the hack Ihe rare feat af stealing second, third affair, fh' superior hilling end teamwork day, April it sounds good to me." declared lite job porter calls you Iwo hours before yea " 'Ain't you kid McCoy? inqtilrod aad home la sneeesalen of the F.Ik club, outclassing r infST l: - ruriongs. get up. some ACCORDI1VO TO OOABT PAPERS THE their opponent hace- tour seeker. really have la These are curious preeirr. The Federal league season, 10 The speedy twirling or Shannon, or 300 SAND POCETE t ome to ar- " Wo.' answered Ihe Eld. story of a rare track and due an ritcher loa srotind the vaudeville theater ef the drawbarks. Baker should modem earlier start, was well aa the Antlered club, also to die 3M ni mi tin afternoon tbe perronnsnre. range C. to have Use drsw-at- f " Well, you look jusl like him.' said the under wsa the contributed for matinee wlU Mark Monte carlo for Tía Juana has been sent week ended. The Rronklyns. downraU of the Lawyer team, who,, al- ARDENT ...X. and you ran gu lo work." room each trip, aad he would ha older A Diego says a reinforced bv 301)0 oul San dispatch thai Magee though In fact of superior odds put up SHABAiS The eUliea Ihe same sa jack very much asare eaasfarOable la Ihe " 'That's funny.' answered McCoy. 'Lots and Bennv Kauff. star am. aOOt af aae ex- ooe track will be built and ready ror business s strong opposition. cArico Johnson He star's dressing room. However, I of people have mid me tbe same thing, fielders of the last year's Indianapolis .Kill'. reported Was lotd Is by July 4. when a meeting of IM days will Nlftv fielding by the Elk nine during tbe WELOA il stand la Ihe wtags until called for. pect Oa aae Baker bark la there and nme or anoiner.' " champions, have made almost a runaway Mil BKLLK OF THE KITCHEN la ordinary sleeping yal. (Copyright, lots, by the Wheeler Syndesis, be inaugurate, v E. Toblss. id Hallas entire tame, against a number of errors to Mr stayed there cheeked white en an riding ears of it so far. Nest behind is the Chi by the Lawyer players, enabled the leu OtiLDKN LIST io Charlie assume, mora lesa inc.) Is reported as tbe backer this time, and cago former .lliot) BAMBI aeuarer Informed the audience about llertog or team, whleh has been largely re- team to compile a substantial margin dur- tfa Ike star ol Ihe ael. tbllltv for Baker, since tol says. "We are absolutely going 00 FILLY DLL I'll I A lienor tttri organised, while ihe other clubs have ing the earlier Innings or ihe game, and n "Me la Ihe greatest pistol shot la him iwo jobs before Ihe great Philadelphia TEXAS LEAGUE within the nest tan days 10 build one of or SECOND RACE Hie ' either broken not rar from even In ware never In danger being derealed. Six furlongs. world. aa serted Ihe 'Joe' Hump mini naseiuan ever saw tne ugui ot tne Dig the rinest e in North Moth a alight prac- 3.M ARCENE got league. says was man tracks and defeats, or dropped teams showed lack of phrlrs ef the piece. "First lie will Herir he hard to line, far below tice, It being apparent that ir the Lawyers FREE TRADE II; denaeaatratr his skill by hilling Ihe age even Hum, and would be torn between BTANDINO OF THE CLUBS. America just across the close up to the vm mirk. im customs on hsd done more preliminary work, they 450 MISS MrOKiUI.E bullae e af These i argel. Then he baseball and farming. Won Losl Pel, the United Slates house, tbe The one circuit change of tbe season would have been capable of putting up a tsW SLUMBERER iff will prate his arrtr by abnollBg aa "Frank used to come right along with us 7 S ,7UU site chosen. inch brought tbe runner stronger opposition. Pclphrey, who pitched KlNt. IIAltOltl) sppls at flfleea m his clothes." declares Herma, San Antonio Indianapolis tut elf this man's brad farm "snd 0 1 "Positively, on Ihe Fourth July the champions tn Newark appears for the l awyer club wsa bit rreely during )l MARTIN CASCA t pace a." he ould pul In prelty nearly a fui dsy'a Bhrevepori of highly sat 5 meet will 11 will ror tftO lararinry tn Ihe magnates or I be tame. al3 SLEET II 1, The gent work before plsying hall, brrsuse he got Waco slsrt snd last the league, as uciy hired for tbe clneh Job 4 Ihe patronage The of the two teems are as 3615 NEPHTHYS M wss led out on the stage. He took one look up snout i o'clock In Hie morning snd Ualvestoo 0 days. Nothing but the best horses win be of lie sire j,.Mey city to follows: Lawyers Frullle, Berkcblr. Pel II VER MttO.N in around. Then be abruptly alked: pitched hay until game time. But that Houston a a tolerated. Other gatnet of chance will be far hts been gratifying The npsaMl phrey. Holladay. Starford. Norrop, Arnold, I8r I.IHHT OUT V "Who's gotu' lo shoot what off who's seemed to limber up the muscles of bis Fort Worth lusts lied later on, start the public can real Indeed, werr auspicious In all league rlttes Brown and Moore. Elks Arnold, Csrr, m SHREWSBURY got bead?" back and nrnis, for lie roiild cerlslnly sting Dallas 4 7 on and a far more prosperous season Ysntls, J. Har- the ven assured that everything will be Ihe than i. am. Alberts. Held. Alberts. THIRD RACK-F- ive furlongs. Night Hiere lie resigned rroui Hie easy bsll in those days Hr fielded 1 of Is per and Shannou. Batteries Lawyers clumsily, bul slopped most Beaumont aquare." thtt ton predicted by President oil for :mwi AI IIEBAHAN til Job. and he left tbe stage door open as he everything more his Pclphrey and Feuille. Elks Shannon and Soil) MONTRESSuR went out. Most way -- which cante near him wiih his fool or his The proposed track site Is but a few tnd tides. lot sinecures sre thai or At R. Alberts. MIO HANBERk 101 tbey have a concealed shoulders some part of his anatomy.'' Fen worth hours' ride from Los Angeles and might disagreeable "kirk" 1 RELIANCE a sollieWht'le about III. Ill Maybe Baker Is prrnssmg for a good bat- Fort worm prove a paying venture, but the pro- On ting gear bv the farm work. If Ibis 0 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Amateur Athletic Champion- UI0 KEWESBA mh is a a dolnr Shreveporl moters will have 10 bustle to be ready RAM SI.YK tot develops the muscles which sre required Batteries Fentress snd McMurray; TT C4MM WOOUkfl MOTH i by Independence Day. At Columbia S; ship to Im Held in May (J4I5I MAR1HHIE A ror nnting know mciiisw nas a lot or nliimbtis Louisville II lo, dru and Tslsnd Al Cleveland 1, FOURTH RACE Five and foe 110. All OH AND ON HIAMUMI young men he would like in send oul on levetand Indianapolis t. far a course training. THE KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION TRACK AT Al Kanss i'y sansas 91. pim jo. is possible ihe Ama- longs. Ty Cobb has led the or the coun- taima of - i.uy li that southwestern baiters AI 1. R. Al Milwaukee Mllwaukee - Jhig TAHEAN 1 seasons, af- l.etinglon opens Thursday with prospects Mtnneapo- teur Athletic championships will be held try ror several and lie cannot Tjsiias 1 111 0. In El Paso the middle May. o07 DINAH 1HJ M to rail down on Iba high standard he ror tbe meeting In many years. At about of ford MM.RAW GIVES Ml Waco best Physical Director lloleii Is in touch with OI.MO (5 lias set. As soon as be does tbe cry much t.i.ls this session tbe public will get their first school.- - colleges, MIO THE or sweeps OMKTMTNU TO WIMIBY ABOl T. SOUTHERN manv of tbe leading and MASULERADER ill la tbe dread all ball playera tbe Bsllertes Boon and Stephens. A line on many horses enterod In the ASSOCIATION ami up to date tbe A. a M. college and 3I0 HANBEllK 101 country: Mii.rsw hss ssld the cardinsis ware Rellly. thst Ogle, Msrkte and Derby and other rich evema 10 be Hoswell Military Institute have-- signaled 1117 BAI.kO on "Cobb Is goma back." the easiest leant in the Nai..ual league to At Memphis Memphis t, l.itlle Rock f. ihelr intention of sending teams. 3SIS BETWEEN US Ml Ty thererorc fares the lob of Oaading lb steal signs rrom last season He told Ht run at spring meetings on tracks In the Al New Orleans-Ne- w Orleans 0, Birming- In order lo swing this meet ro operation (3tlS) MIRBf KINO B league again or being met with the howl gins this when lis conferred with Mm Al Galveston Bine crass slate. ham 6. or the highest order will be necessary and XI8 NINETY SIMPLEX Ill or lire fans. He is looking ahead to a long, nan Antonio about the irado for ivrrill it Oalveslon At ile Allanta 0, sll the iocs! símeles are rcqur-iic- 10 can SINO SONO rial bard season, and don't let any one sell you gut Hugglns' dsndf UP Beaumont 0 I THE QUINCY STABLE WILL RACE IN AO WaslrvlHo NashvHle :t; hatianooge t. ihe Y. M. C. A. and pledge :i.i BOXKR BS doesn't worry II A man or In were Hie easiest last season, look ai their ill shout Batteries Dllger Mai una Kentucky. Steven Is I. Nsv IS has been signified an a dam. Wli CELto let tempei amen is hound to He la con oul ror us bring the hardest Ibis year, Bsrtool snd Trainer Lawler H'la. i.i p.. lining win- riiiers Annus! Y. M. C A. cirrus, to be known salt PROTECTOR 101 stantly riturtnt how to beat uie ball sud then." replied Hugglns lu Mrcraw'a slab. and carson. Trojan, last year's Futurity The Alamo ligera won their Initial game Ulngllng bro. Dippydrome. will lake Mlt LADY TEHKSA MM keep up his belting aseragr. This figuring Mae was lelllsa ua about II wbaa ner, for the ken nek y Derby. Jockey of Hi, leason yesterday aficrnoon ai Ihr place April at Y. M. C. A. FIFTH RACE Mile and 10 yards. what makes the Job hard, not the two we returned la Marlla front Ihe rip lo At Houslon Charle Biirllngame will ride the son of Foundry grounda by defeaung the Fear El Program will include calisthenics, wand Mlt BERMUDA IOC asnera a oay spent si it. aa nuggia has that club Houston Sir Wilfred Bohemia In the rlaMtr In Peso nine hy the score of to 3. The game msny fancy dances. (SsOM) TAMBELANE to asieaio t ami dumb bell drills, son vl aioru San Antonio event the race run over a heavy required IWo extra Innings m which to torch swinging, jiu Jitsu. iiimoung. (S970) STAH 'ill r Waller Jake pitched Ball Isal the is return a winner, a snappy rally by the on bar peráltela ana ooree. U7I JOE DIEBOLD ... Matan a kick would have satisfied Batlerhs- s- Edmonson and Dotld; or muddy track he will be right there al work lot ttaeet saea. bul br did ael do as wrll lold him we got asir Ihe algas given Tigers in the eleventh frame reluming A squad of clowns will keep things going S03 I.OUS by I hem last year." ly, Crum. Davenport and Btirrb. tbe finito. them vlctorg. many separate acta. (Slit) CHRISTOPHINE ea he had done 1b previous years Bat and will have A "Bui we dlda'l steal say." I sug- every night. 3nlt JOE FINN anile sew comer would be a atar ' "" " BBagg aj " Practice continues showing last sr. gested '' " t. MM YoHK LAD aae. we iwlrlMa Be I err usi mn Bad l "I knew didn't." aeswered at Mlt HAY tVLIUIIT ... "Mawever. II doesn't any FEDERAL LEAGUE PBOGRESSIN K alsaesl superhumaa. it was as air- da tut tight. The bsmI urnt up Ikal Waller harm la have bias Ikies se. It will eM WOODEN SHOES give him something te worry ah sat 01' THE CLUBS. MI7 LORD M kHMIALl. aad. bellete Mtxniv, balea hewl. I (hi a as aa asar every lime ha meats Ihe put Mil L'M HIKL slicker that wUl knots, far I Base heard 00 Myself. M (deals, far ha be Htartag we are Brooklyn m BMBO after Bla signals." SIX1II RACE Five fM calas bul you rea'l show It. J ahasea kaitaay As 01 city .in Wtl IHE rAHMtN fares rc a louaher leal thla aeaaaa, a matter of fact, Mrfiraw Is 4S7 ANftHEW far be has beca Ihe crater of e fight, BBLrMattjaMBBaFaaal afl aVaBa LbebbbiiI F' at. OttaBaaKBEWBal are kseklag fur klas ta dr- iS Newark l i HKVERi Y JAMES sad las HsliBBore 4 .444 'WSBUMY iller mp to the eiacclstteae af Mm is don.- by say i about by both use leigut- 1 m JOfSI salaries bantered several ÍbLV 3 gasTVHgassfl PillsaasTIti American aad Federal league mag American league clubs have iried It. nota H Burraki i I astea. bly lue Athletics, Red Sot snd Detroit, bul Si. Louis I without s deal of succeaa. Mack's Collins to the Bex arasl lífl "Eddie'' toas While s K H AVEN learn bad the reputation of being a great CI U advertised aa the higliest priced player in bun. li of sign graiibei two or Ibree years balitara ra. O; Newark. i 3kM DEVILTRY con- baseball aa far ss purchase price is ago. I believe shrewd Connie let lit, ' Asseelefwl Jreea LI NCBAKiE cerned Eserj bul this Newark, n. J.. April hi - Newark was da IMS BIIEAkEIS lew la- today by L Ml HK'TIMiRAPH ,e. reeled here Baltimore. II M tbiuk thai this feature has not already don t believe tbe Albleiira aver alula half aa t Moseley was bRMsss lo gel Ms "spH SEVENTH RACE Five furlonts tru.k Cotilas He tea tot u. make good art MM CHMlTIEsT many signals as they have beea ftvea ler" Korkins sod also received poor j or oa roasted and is in a loushi poaTiloo c red for HI'IH 1 IDE where Iti-- M A high handicapped both sagas. ha won't anything worry wiad MU MCHNAI-P- atooul Bight Tlw old boys like WagueC. The fJtaais will try lo set signals for Iba - II l ai iroie BMIP I ajuie ami niy ll are wuaderiug lsu much till aud ran or a steal wlasnever possible, 1 1 1 . jjíj. up by a alterno ra 10 I 00 lt II ROstJkLLE OttME Iralger we Tin b- able to breathe baa since iiasae plays eaa be broken 'asssWsgasMgasaaassa WkkmlSM&k Newark I If I SMt EARLY RIMER league air. The youngsters are wonder Sag t.ui M.l.iao doe a U..1 .ara lor Bla WkJ& yutna. sogga 01 OOI.DCN LAJtilt ami worry wheiia-- r Ibry will hold their men atiemptlng w pick up bailer y Hgai Batteries mi "1 to lake oul enough t Moseicy, Morsu sad bar idea API'LAIIPBB iota. Truly, the two hours a day do apt eta'l sflord ftiofi vkuoa repreeeal the nun of tbe labor of a ball laauratice to make it worth while," he UIFFH. playtr It i, atmui a much isf a cinch aa BATS SHONOBJ ay Begro a a reeaa tas jot nld temporarily tne i fke 4eeeotasá Ñt Whoa gola to aboot whan off arho'i Ml AN Tar LJJtAlMtB AL At a , K Lmv AprU Althougb tbey admired M7t l I k rm :::: coSgtea. ball. Chicago loat lo at Louts. INrtlthJsltit I to Nt.nll.BK- today larniurt ssrueB out mi irt h - sail giTBhMB MssTBt Awey (town at Mi bran Mrt.rei always aud granted Hie viallora muy . .o. gsra UkS fAJahaj NtMOhRI N BAMt-- Bl B1 hates to luni berk an ambitious yoiatgsltaT Bien Jft tt one a Mia. soars a. a. . I Bsoahi. caeca. Bead fortrt M) ATi aMhnb uNteMaa aasMJhW lu bo sluts'' aftas be has fought for idaee M ihe sun" during spring practice i a- 1 Martin caeca. Shrewsbury. Miss me man rao r - who baa Borrica ol lire aana? rhey go away so dejeeied 11 is ua of the for list preaaai. ai least is Jobo I laukikk hardeal fealuiea of hts buy thla at Marjogas A Oussry, nas r 'if tt "'fTYlM:' Wilaoo kewaaa oawei au sa auoui is wneinar spruit trta-- very bard and looked very tha Md saa Heruey 4. BaJBo. Tb Meatpierader. iIM. laaaua nop in riapt. wui be had IU auna of Ihe la. ibal Bad ioniser 0. Star Cift. WftostenWMx Jur IHeo.un siroag this year But I'll hat be has doat lata worryuir at Huu Me aaaawii """f Twe Weeka. S. CsVf Haven, he wily Jaatrs. Jaffsrsoa zjrirjiZi tiers CM far hi feel the lien of 4 jniform had Os r?"' TtSVa a ays wsil be," ITJucks ErlM DiffUleiii High Im rMrbily "Yeu're 'butari sud sin .... aaaarlslae' Jrees whatbar age derogad It is MrUrew arid bun as I aitarhad Ihe raa April it lonnisj cvais. 10 null in MM winirr but has J 10 alas Thais funny." rephad tbe yaulb. who Maio Rajetea Bravea, wtby wat tatVOMOe SMITH MADE A MfW TRACE Mi baa aprMyt- - ii.hiie.i gaaws at Bisaaa BtaM relay reward far Ihe heaf salla si Havre da orate traak has aaad he Mkaa use oasM at arstved si ala home sa rroy Baaay his Friday vfceei ha rail that disiaace kg a ussMsrm Iter bail ItasO he hatea a fewad he had lUiiaanil a JO 1 He IS by Out af Reach i asuelo, oaysuian thai Jtf-s. aaSbata Awfl eadte assy be a fusi kuBssr to iaaa leas He 1 a lane ' " severa arrasa af tbe aad it aad ihsritj l ue aaa, - lure aa rasara te ta Hilt laaraaa OsM. Whitk died last yeasf atad Malta afterward auo tea Mjuin-jnb- Me la Oa Bat SSahSa t OW Mearías. KlWallaw faj? staapt gaatS Btanmy Oldfteld in II Cmr Buqucsr Broa.. Locttl AjjgsntB Ái JL I EL PASO MORNING TIMES r. April 19. 19? y.


í Political Enemies Face to Face. coasts of the Gulf In Jaranea Cartler pant awakan-- d in the ehurchyavd. Into law temple, and I (Tirar tratad the St Lawrence, in tha name of hkt French cast themselves before the high form on the after o $&0 n $ iliiW do you do, Mr ?" " fa$ rn 8 Tft maater. aa far as the present alte of Montreal, and snd said: 'Jesus, have are mi Father And hv fran it win Da m m Tnr p Timm cmw . do you dr, Mr. Roosevelt - streaming tears, 'We are all orphans. h ta 1141 planted a rade fort upon the heights- of answered with wwK i mswm ggjj!!J wo i ra, ftm The death and funeral of Professor Thomslt P. Quebec. In l&2-- settlements of French Hugue- I and you, and are without a Father LayaMsbury. of Vsle university, in New Haven. Conn.. ODP PRESIDENT nots were effected in Florida, only to be destroyed "Then shrieked the I Mason meen still louder (he with aavagp 1 saneas, by Spaniards, who ralla of Ike temple parted asunder; and few dsys ago, brought Colonel Theodora Hoasw-ve- ruth the la qalverlng THE MOBKINU TIM H. l'So TI"" In turn St. Augustine, from the temple and the children Bank down, and the to faca ltft their satabllshed PWsBUpf ADVMmalMI aSrSKSItPTATIVMI snd Professor William Howard Ts.fl face w hi. h found II impossible permanently whole earth and the sun sank after it. snd fila whole w tha French Tana a c St lis spans Mm, ttimm iwikib for the first time since their political estrangement. to dislodge them. In the opening years of the sav universe sank with Its Immensity before as: and illp a u Saatta SpuiM Asma, Til I awiMtn above, on Natnre. stood . taast 1. C Mart.iih kMil Thlrrt SaOanal San "' The two of the United H'ales were enteenth ceatury French colonies were plantad on the summit of immeasurable TtaiiMp IIM W. M universe, checkered alt Barnard. A. UrKm. Jaa Mens. the St. Us wrencat at Montreal and Quebec, and in Christ and gazed down into the CkME amona the pall bearers for the dead man. and when Mia. I. k. IA with Its thousand suns, as Into the mine bored out mua MrHaa. J. a. O. ralaaM. Anadia, the rasión which was afterwards to be MM Ok fxiart ta Lawn they met at the funeral there wss a perfunctory night. In M-- h suns run like ay pmpxsm, m known Scotia. Rngllsh also of the eternal the r mmmmm as Nora settlements s clasp of the hand, with most salutation. snd the galaxies like silver reina. POSTIOS UTU OH TBS TIMES AS IUMMi the formal Before the English Came. were attorn pted. All signs combined to Indicate the l Swan li "And He saw grinding press of worlds, nan Pmssii It was no longer "Will" and "Theodore' as back Puhllahad hy a peel. arrangement with the coming In of a new age of organised enterprise, as the Paaatit m Pitas t Presi- the danoe of celestial wlMfl res snd the coral-bank- s taama St ParaM In days T. R. things when, with one accord, the natlona which coveted torch mum " the when was running Jnat dent through the McClurv Newspaper Syndicate. of besting and as he sew how world I a a P aan at Wia- a- lOMurrlght, Itrni. turn, hy the virgin continent should cease to hearts: in suit himself and when he decreed the pro- Hsrer NrttWi. after world shook off its glimmering soul upon the susst airnoN saTKs 'opyrlgni. lt, Met lure jndirste., "fly to India for gold. I., fessor should he his successor. ses of death, as a water bubble scatters swimming IB, Mill UMUl HKN the history "f Kngllsh And search all corners of the d world (Mil and an lii, 'aw raar a lights on the waves, then majestic a the highest of . The "man f straw" had the temerity to develop settlement in Amerlcm be or pleasant princely dellcatea," pan M Sandu. a mm a.M fruits and the finite. He raised Hla, eyes towards the nothing- . IK rilo", breathless, eager stir of twit ma Stswtar. Un amiba a mind of his own and refuse to do the absolute the and should compota. Instead, to build communities ness, void Immensity and said: Pul and apt aaath the Hlisabetban age Is over, and towards the Sada. bidding of his party boss. and and erect ata tes over sea. and so possess themselves 'Dead, dumb nothingness Cold, everlasting neces- Th Bandar tsmb. apt pta the sober, contentious seven- vast making. IS i arriar I of a treasure of their own sity. chance. ve what this Is "My policies" hsd to give place to some policies century has come, with Frantic Know that Dau 4 auu. as mii teenth When the new century opened. Prance and Eng- Ilea beneath you? When will ye crush the universe pause kalMaa-au- M ra BagMk dug up by the professor when was In notion d politics, schis- tat u he the Its perplex, its land alone stood reedy to compete for North Ameri- In pieces snd me? chance, uno went thou what thou bu i linn "Ik ml to radr l Mir aar naaterl ara own matic creeds, its scheming ri l to run his boat. Then came the catastrophe. ca. And, for all France wea ss keen to seek her doest, when with thy thou walkest tha MM aflVa IMt atTart " age hurricanes Otra mm offIr. In fui. in. ludln aassv aa4 aiaia The colonel resolved that If he could not continue valries in trade. An of dis Interest In the New World ss In the Old, the signal through the of stars and extlnguiahest ar nrdar. aranutaar rajpsarad Wflar. covery and bold adventure has proved, Mir as the boss of the professor he would take the presi- advantage, aa the event abundantly was to sun after sun. and that sparkling dew of heavenly PhaM MS. adíala br.n.fi aa. aUk flaa trun llru given place to un age of com lie with England In this new rivalry In the wil- lights goes out as thou pass est over it? How Is II TtU nparalar -- Qliii at bal roa I placed In Mautaaa hkh airlaanl de nils job from him. His hat was tha merce and organization. More derness. each so solitary In this wide grave of the all. I am --k ami uaai iliai alH at MUM Altar It a a and oa d years .f m...... and iw.iMtj. I ha fat km In dapartaata "III tnaaar dlfarl. ring, and when he was defeated by the professor than one hundred have It was this race of Englishman that alone with myself. Oh, Father, oh. Father, where Is MUI auatat Brandt and aaala- a- Manaaar for the party nomination, he nrganixed a third party elapsed since the dlacovery of mstched their wits against French official schemes thy infinite bosom that l might rest on It. , Ah. If MHa Manaaar taw. imiorui and an ii I . Spain has loat each soul Is Its own why CM. In America. Ardently, and yet soberly, too, with a father and creator cannot M4B .Saras taa) Mail Baaaa PPM Ada. and Papt. and stood at Armageddon. ' It Its destroyer, ir ina ra falto lo aaaa pnapptlr. aattfy at aaaa her great place In the politics of steady business sagacity as well as high, i mag be own too? M daurar taa He succeeded In bringing to the professor, with twf aj iha ahora ttlaphint defeat Kurope, and France and EnglansV are pressing for- (native hope, they obtained license of the crown and "Is this beside me still a Man? Unhappy one. Ant inania ai ranarUaa aaa lila aland, akaraatar ar rapviatloa hut he pulled down the entire Republican temple ward to take It. led way towards new ports snd new homes In Your little life Is the sign of nature, or only Its M m the aa tirata, firm ar carpraalMB ahMk rut appaar tba ralaauia upon himself when he did It. It has been a century of preparation, a century America. They did all with unstinted energy end echo; a convex mirror throws Its rays Into that dust af Iba Ttatat aart ba tla.ll naraotad upon lu bats llbl la tba cloud of dead af Iba manaprmanl WtMjdrow Wilson was called to the presidency of vast schemes but half accomplished, of daring but devotion, embarking their fortunes in the venture. men's ashes down on the earth; and not 1S83 went to thus you, d wavering phantasms arise. as a result of the split between the colonel find the steadfast enterprise, of sudden sallies of auda- In Sir Humphrey Gilbert himself out cious policy, not of plans or prudent Newfoundland, lost his life seeking a harbor Look down Into the abyss, over which crouds of The Japanese Ogre Again. professor. but cautious and are moving: up forecasts. The New World In the north still waited to the southward where to plant a colony. The next ashes mists full of worlds reek from A 1.1 la in llrnellghl again. the sea of death; KURNIA the Hlnce that time relations between these two po- to be used. year, 158 4, Raleigh sent out two ships to take the the future is a mounting mist, and lAyn Angele newspapers Angeles the present Is a falling on. K no west thou thy earth and Ixrs litical rivals hsve been very badly strained, They And yet much bad In fact been accomplished southern course to America and find a coaat suitable again? acrlbr-- and phariaroH have aatoundfd tha world wllh is the occupation of for settlement. They hit upon Roanoke Island. have loved each other just about as Old Nick said towards future successful North "Here Christ looked down, his eyes filled information a A merles. Home part real of Within the next three years, therefore, until the and the that Japan han celiad naval to love holy water. of the character the with tears, and He said: 'Ah. 1 was once there; I new stood sufficiently revealed. Karly In coming of the Armada called his attention Impera- un th waat natal of Mnno. and thai a flaat old days It haive "Hello, Will." continent was still happy then,: I still had My Infinite Father, In the would been. the century Balboa had crossed the tively off from the business. Raleigh made two dis- la'panr-a- r warahlpa rioutlng In Magdalena bay. Isthmus and and looked up cheerfully from the mountains into of arr and "Hello, Theodore," with a handclasp of mutual "Htarcd at the I'aclflt and all his men tinct efforts to establish a permanent colony on the any the Immeasurable Heavens and pressed my mangled Don one know what became of nichtnond warmth and a stroll off together wMh arms locked I... ..ked at each other with mild surmise island. But both attempts failed. The right temper breast form and said, even In purpose come yet. the bitterness of death Hohnon afttT he dellvfred hla seven pro- and beaming countenances. Hilent upun a peak of Darien." and hsd not Father, take thy Son from this bleeding hull, and Magellan way And so the century ended, with only a promise hibition leetiirea In Texaa'.' "How do you do, Mr. Taft ?" had found his to the south, round lift him to thy heart. Ah, ye too happy inhabitants about the coasts of South America. Into the new of what might some day be done. But, though the of the earth, ye still believe In Him. Perhaps even Theae ('Hllfornla developments seem to warrant you Mr. 7" "How do do, Roosevelt ocean: und before the middle of the century Spanish new continent still remained wild, strange and In- now your sun in going down, and ye kneel amid the auaplrlon that Honaon must be on the I'arlflc The answer ta both of these interrogatories Is vessels had beat their adventurous way along almost hospitable, the approaches to It at least were at blossoms and brightness and tears, and lift trustful roaat. that each Is trying to do the other. the entire Pacific length of both contlnenta By the length known. The Atlantic was cleared of Its ter- hands and cry with eyes to the opened every- too, But In the meantime, there Is no excuse for any time Drake net out on his famous first voyage round rifying mystery, and the dommon sun shone Heaven: 'Me Thou knowest Omnipotent, and all where upon It. Both the and the southern my wounds; and at death thou recetvest me person a;ettlnR the least bit excited over the selxura Arizona Is to have- a second called scsalon of the the world In 1077, the Spaniards had already estab- northern snd lished n trade routa across the Pacific to India and routes across It had become familiar to seafarers. closest them sll Unhappy creatures, at death they of a naval luise on the Mexican weat coaat by Japan. legislature immediately following special will not be Ah, sorrow-lade- n state the i lie Islands. The ocean ways were well known; the coast of closed. when the lays with galled back' - The Japanese, nation Is not fool enoug:h to thus aesslon called to pass the state appropriation bill. In 1S13. the year great discovery, North America was partly charted: Ita forests were himself into the earth to sleep- 'till of Bslboa's and a fairer morning, full of provoke hostilities with the greatest on Governor did not Intend to call this second again in 1R21. gallant Ponce de .eon led no longer deemed the frontier barriers of kingdoms; truth, full of virtue and nation the front the an joy, he awakens in a stormy chaos, in evwrlasttng expedition Into peninsula which he the romantic age of mere adventure was past; and the face of the earth. special aesslon until confronted by an irate com- the beautiful midnight and there comes no morning, and no named Florida, In search of a fabled spring whose the more commonplace and aober age which suc- If a Japanese naval base was seised on the west mittee of Maricopa county school land lease holdecs, eco- hand, and no Infinite Father. Mortal waters, of "sweet savour snd reflaire," It was aaid, ceeded was beginning to appreciate the unideal beside me, of Mexico It would at once u who called upon him with of recall pro- to put. if thou still llvest, pray to .Him. else hast roaat be made target the threat "as it were of divers manner of splcery," would nomic uses to which North America was be lost Him was use It only to thou forever. for the biggest guns in the American navy, and the ceedings unless he provided for consideration of leg- impart Immortal youth to those who drank of them. If Europe to It at all. remained "And as I fell down looked proper men proper means purpose. and Into the spark- American navy is one institution that alwuys geta islation relating to the publio lands of the atate. Hut the wilderness baffléd him, and he lost both his find and for the ling universe. I saw Ute upborne rings of the giant hope In what t goes after. Keh, ..i land owners will not precipitate petitions for and his life the enterprise. serpent of eternity, which nad colled Itself around In l.ri28 Panfilo de z sought to the all of the worlds i he Japanese warships and colliers off weat the governor's recall until he has had full opportun- take the and 'ings sank down and are the land by storm, In true Spanish fashion, landing a encircled the all doubly; and then It wound Itself coaat of Mexico seeking to raise, If possible, the ity to provide for the desired public land legislation. lone of 3(10 men at Apalache bay with horses and Innumerable ways around nature, and swept the Japaneae cruiser Aaama, which stuck on a Mexican trappings and atores, to march in u est of kingdoms worlds from their places, and crashing squeezed the Immensity mud bank last December. Former Htate Senator Senier of Dallas urges and treasures. After a marvelous and pitiful pit temple of together, Into the church of a grlmaga every burying ground and aff grew strait, dark, fearful Tita Jajxa Kerguson to impending spe- of almost 2,060 miles, full of perilous Tomorrow: The Virginia Company. are a thrifty' people They want to Governor submit at the átrange they 7 and an Immeasurably extended hammer was to and adventure, actually reached the strike save their wiirshlp, and if that Is not possible, they cial session of the state legislature a recommenda- .Spanish on the Pacific, eight years the last hour of time, and shiver the universe asun- settlements after 1 will off from la tion looking to empowering of the supreme court landing Apalache. der when awoke. take everything that veaael that the that gallant at "My wept H39 de Soto folly. CONNOR'S COLUMN aoul for Joy that I could still pray to movable. Other Jap warships are hovarlng near of the state to revise the code and practices of all in Hernando repeated the He God, the joy, and weeping, to Hi.- Bay Bapirltu and the und the faith on for possible protection agnlnst German fighting ma- the courts In Texas' and to repeal all the lawa now brought of Santo nine vessels, Him were my prayer." with near 800 men and more than 200 horses. Leav- A UNIVERSE WITHOUT GOD. chines. It is not governing practice In state. Henutor rJcnter says pyschologiats known what hour a German veaael the ing a small part of his force with the fleet, he set Some writers and hold that It is 8& power of might appear on the scene. that per cent of the declalons of the appellate out with a great force the of con- within the the active and conscious mind Southwest Presa. for interior the to In some phan- O Germans no reason any courts of the stats are filled with the subject of pro- With contempt of danger, meting out and volition control measure the The district attorney of Chicago says there are have to hear special tinent. bitter come tne Is scorn und to every tasms that with night when the soul 50 men in that city with incomes of from $50,040 love for the Japs. The memory of Tsiug-Ta- u I too cedure, while the' federal courts have only U per cruelty human foe. and facing by we term sleep. even pitiless Itself blanching surrounded the darkness that to 1 190.000 a year who are dodging the Income tax fresh In their minds. cent. nature without or turn- Some of these writers even go so' far as to claim that ing back, proud and stubborn to the last through power Jt Is such men as that that build up socialism ojwl In the meantime we should be it Is within the of the soul that so desires to (Aria.) calm and Ice the every tormenting trial of the desperate march, they grandly, nobly, mag- anarchy. Clifton Mining Journal. dream and and beautifully and many heuted craniums of those California newspaper men. The information that He ward Is to be the ocean forced their way onward to the great waters of the nificently, rathCr than meanly and abjectly or freak- There are men perfectly honest in other We may have to lick the tar out of Japan one terminus of the government-buil- t railway syatem in Mississippi. From 'the mouth of that river, In boata ishly, as Is often the case when the sentinel Will has respects, who consider it legitimate to beat their of own construction, some 300 of these days, but It will not be over the establlah-men- t Alaska has caused a rush of laborers to that point, their survivors reached suspended Its duty and the mind diffuses Itself and taxes. And without taxes no form of government is the Spanish posts on Gulf. Hut Its complexion chameleon of a on which la said to be almost as ptctureaquo as some of the without their changes as a does its color. possible. naval base the west coast of Mexico. leader. De Soto had sickened and died as they beat The great things these writers assert is to raise Onr moat promising outlook for trouble with Japan the big gold rushes made in that territory. Real es- up and down the wilderness which lay along the one's thoughts to a high and noble tone, and that ia ver the open door In China. tate speculators are also on the ground, and the great stream of the Mississippi, whose inland courses then, though dreama may come, they will share this Thst Kansas City negro may have caught a white man coop, world will soon be flooded with Information concern- he had diacovered, and they had burled his body prevailing tone or color of the soul and will be in his chicken aa the papers related; but Its sluggish waters. noble, or beautiful or majestic. Like a musical com- never mind Just about that same time Jack John- There is talk of a beet augar factory soon to be ing the glorious unities exist In Alaska. beneath ojjgort that Meanwhile a like expedition was wasting position they will be true to the key In which It Is son was counted out. Tucson (Arts) Star. located at Demlng. N. M and while la no its there strength in the wilds which stretched back from the played. Still," stealing chickens from a negro Is carrying direct confirmation of the report, It la well to view General Victoriano Huerta hits sworn that hs will Pacific. In 1540 Coronado, Spanish governor Among the great Imaginative writers of litera- war to Africa, of could splendidly the Darkest even though It Is like Demlng with suspicion. If Is a beet augar do nothing while In the I'ntted Ktutes to violate the New Galicia, had led an army 300 ture who dream and gorgeously and there of Spaniards and beautifully, waa beloved carrying coal to Newcastle. lyiuK country, Mm Indians from his Pacific province the Jean Paul Frederich mill around looae anywhere In the Houthwest neutrality laws of this but If an eye Is kept northward Itichter. Thta la ahown by his "Dream of a Universe In search of seven fabled cities of "Cibola." These that Demlng bunch can be depended upun tu get It. on Huerta It will be found that hla presence In this Without God," which In part follows: "Now sunk The per capita expense of governing New Mex- "cities" proved to be only humble pueblos as. country is no purpose such aloft a noble, high Form, with a look of un ico Is $3.00. It costs 11.76 fur other than to violate our those whose still so curiously from per capita to govern The ruins mark the river effaceable sorrow, down to the Altar and all the Atizona. This simply lesson of the destructive flood on the Utile neutrality laws. He ia here to foment additional rev- cliffs of Arizona New Mexico. Having put state is' overridden with and out Dead cried out 'Christ, Is there no jfrlod?' He Tucson (Aria) Citizon. Colorado river in the atate of Arliona, In which olutionary trouble in poor old Mexico, and we have parties to explore the courses of the Colorado ia and There none.' Christ continued: are a burden in all states of the Union, vight persons were drowned a few days ago, la that had enough of those kind of people in country. the Rto Grande, only to find the stately canons of 'I went through the worlda, I mounted Into this the and the tribe is constantly increasing eonstructrd for the Impounding of raging the one, at the west, and the spreading valley of the Suna, and flew with the Galaxies through the wastes through the other, ut the south, peoples Heaven: but no Qod. I multiplication of offices waters must be made unequivocally gopher proof. General I'orfirfo Diaz can never hope to return without notable and of there is descended as far that are more ornamental provinces he looked for. he himself pressed doggedly as Being casta Its shadow, and looked down Into the than useful. to Mexico and pick up the government right where Abyss - onward fur weary hundreds of milea, eastward and and cried: 'Father where art Thou?' But I visitor- to the booming Utile city of Nogales, he left It when he fled from the Madero revolution. northeastward, to the far Missouri, to find at last heard only the everlasting storm which no one The time is drawing near when the Phelps-Dodg- e Ails., are predicting that the town will become a Diss had bis day In l lie nothing but vnat departs, of popula- guides, and the gleaming Rainbow of Creation hung General has Mexico, mid without a trace Interests in the Burro mountains will be looking aecond Kl Paso. And is tion or any slightest promise of treasure. It was without a Sun that made a over the Abyas and for that just about tha highest lull, form of government will never ugain be ac- I a place to locate a smelter to take care of cop a hard lesson thoroughly learned, bitten in by suf- trickled down. And when looked up to the Im- their compliment that Nogalea will ever receive. ceptable to the Mexican people. Bye, per out. At present the Interests have no ferings w hlch like deadly acida. measurable world for the Divine it glared on smelter corroded me an empty, black, nearer than that at Douglas, Ariz. The Hy such meana was tha real nature of the with bottomless and natural lo the manner in which North Eternity lay upon Chaos, it and cation of this smelter Is at Demlng. Demlng N. M From Governor Hunt of The melting snows in the mountains of New n continent painfully discloaed, eating ruminating America each mari- It. Cry on, ye cry awdy Graphic. Ariaona hastened to Issue the paroles recommended Mexico will find themselves impounded this year time nation acting Itself. Spanish. English Disconsolate, the Shadow, for for and for He U not.' The acquisition of a would a by new state pardon board, ll seamen beat, again, up smelter be great the heglna to look the first lima in history. The great Elephant Butte French time and and down "The pale-gro- Shadows flitted away, coaata, Mewlug as white advantage to Demlng. and it ia a proposition that as ir the executive realises he has reached the end dam Is on the, job this year, and will be able tu store Ita harbors, trying inlets, tracing the vapor which frost has formed, with the warm breath coast linea, carrying away rumors of the Interior. dlaappeara: vbtd. Is certainly worth working for. But Tyrone of hla tether and ia going to aland hitched. a large amour t of wuter for the aummer'a uae. and all waa On then came, fear- The Spaniards explored and partially eettled the ful fur the heart, the dead children who had been will probably go to Douglas. THAT SON-IN-LA- W OF PA'S Now Pa Suspects Poor Ma, Too. By WELLINGTON

NMIX. CAM YX RBsVr IT? A.trr5 ma'S 11 j at. a ami i a 4f0nxYW(k rr Awful WD era mt RUT HO OOUWDMBTeNKC $3r BUapWr iOa- - IM LaVsi; MEET WMM I I'M APRNO; A MffHTY MUST HAVE Bañar jCUHr mm THM LIVELY LITTLE FBUPW UVfl Lime rLUERf) - ioWW ' US nuv im TRUUtfLE HB COULD IN o- sroex by him ! I wish HBH HE SAID YHE Vaa5NT 1 EWRV OrVIM vxttW UE bki' lot f M BR AN INANIMATE TOY.' OHOrOSH. CrOHC inca TMat SOMaTBOPf ELSE T- J I A REAL LhesT DCsS . ' BsTV JT5 TAJST IM His' &RAIN OR 90Mfe - Bvcak th' news to Met 1 I To! rifes j kjT I MB IrVaiMBe THAT BIJT - - sjuitiv ira irv Mat, thoógh! wi i V ru, eA a. J X isV

Mn3$SP Monday, April 19. 1913. Et PASO MORNING White entertained it dinner st lb lan iiim JJiiiiimiimiimiiim. Q Their tueeta war Robert T. Nell of Weak IBI I atañan. S. c. and Mr. and Mn w. D. Wtat. lt CotaaaM and Mrs Marian had aa tbu 1 Phone I raattt for Itincnenn stindav at the Inn. Mra. m. m. ra Nr. and Mra n. c Seat tttattM valtoy ran far tanranea jitter Say. SOCIETY 3049ll Lieutenant W. W. Portion ente named al me dinner at the Valley inn last evening. Hit For the ConvenréncelnV gaasts were Miss Martha Thurmond. Mr. SM Mra. w. K. Remeey and Mr. and Mrs. IITTLS AMHU tana na floral piara carne marM aaa William Walt. LUtttttTtTJBj Mi My. A van piares nr the guests i ovar, were lain and fn Monrtrk entertain I ('asuitrtlh Mra. Mra n. ouvar. aira. tt tinner also last nttht tt lb Inn. Their KM MM Aprfl. ann IMMI ñama. enasto wee rrnen of tbe aprtn- t- Sernbert, Mra. San Lenr. Mtat Anna rnesti Mr. and Mrs. MeNult. Mr of Our Family Trade Mirtmt MM H Chone and Frank Allen. My! your wtmaeri . Mra. A. 0. Seatnan. Mrs. a. S. "rignt aha you dimpi and mu Meara. Mra. Lillian Corcoran. Mrs. Fran TWO at wwMBt. SUM m m Peeved at flurry 4 runt. lin o. Jobnaon. Mra. K. M.Hurd. Mra. Mat Pert CanearL drug im mm. smwratleti rroaa tinder n ei . are. n. n. iimau. sir. - v Following it tne pioirani for the uotntll We have MtttUfchwsJ a telsphonci a a tiomtmi mint! SJMUen. Mrs. w. a. to be riven thta anernoon ai l io o clock by the Firteenlb cavalry band ai Port Bliss placing in hands of Roce.. it the a (tad in ib gieanhvr t wild burn or tears; Resta Is the ehter musical director Fright in DM MNM At IMM. Hit Margaret Stub save a banco party March. "Home Coming" Meyer young lady has experi- PHONES dim Saturday sama os Tatarata Overture. "Vienna Festival" Suppe that had vast CnddUnt elate ; mtht at bar -- Bloom in toe dawtilng gtery or treat to boner Jot Mitchell or Kanaaa. Medley, re Olden Time" Beyer ORNDORFF HOTEL BLOCK Cut evidence tne Sersetkm. "The Old M ence in the telephone business. It is Com la Mm eanrtta tU uunung and jeera; riowera ara M about Tows" I.uder Moon and sat rot room Mlaa Dorothy Wytnene won tta Waltz. "I Set The Again" Istrada Ot toe youth of UM years! prtaa. Laaar a two course luncheon wat Song. "La Lit" Perry EL PASO, TEXAI her duty to call each household every Theta preaent ware Mieaea uene Mar eh. Home Latvlar" Meyer unto him April, my full been I bring rraniia sean, vivtan restar ny star Span Banner. morning and solicit shopping by tele- pautan you. It I ntnr Margaret Ctmugaim. vaman Cunning rd Paletos rita far wymma. Down t your reel. ham. DoroMnr Ida Hnnwr. Meaara phone. She will at all times have 731 Flout ma at dawn; at noon yon may jssr. Joe Mitchell, Nnaaell Wortbtngton. Albert Mr. Henry Edwin 0. Dau. a prominent mining Deep m (ha twingbt you'll tmiit en ma Tatum. John ruber. Marvin Hewitt, man or Dolores, Cook. tro atoan. Cbarner Mr. and Chthuahaa. Metlco. waa something new to suggest Disinfec- bar. J Ouanlat. In to Mra, W. T. Bueb. Mra Mltcbell or ksntae. anlted marriage Sunday afternoon Mlet Carolyn Freeman, or Philadelphia The tants, Deodorants, House Cleaning Tan feminine thing marriage was perrortned at I o'clock by Dtioo Marrttt, m Judge. Captara and Mra. 0. W. BJornatM enter Rev. Herman 0. Porter, pastor of the Flrat Helps, Vermin Exterminators, Utned at dinner HaliiMey even in at tne Methodist Episcopal church etc, ceuatry Clab t 1 1 Dane. country club precedmt the dance. No - - at etc matter how small your wants are, when she calls the home it will indicate that one. of Amona- the marry camarina- of daneara Their tuaau were Cáptala and Mra. ueo. SOCIETY PERSONALS tb Country club on Saturday night r: Bamhart. Mian Martha Thurmond, Lleuten-M- l C. our delivery boys is going your neighborhood, Meter, and Mtsdaanes D. Button, n. W. W. Gordon. in so there will be no necessity of hesitating in 732 W. McAXaa. WU1 Marr. W. L. Tooley. W. Mitt Irene Laurblln and Mlaa Helen E. H. H. . Seech, stratton lett yesterday for San Antonio. letting of the small Hace, S. Poller. Waller Alteraaoa Tee. -- her know wants for the home. Arnodl, Darla, W. Tez, to attend the of Flowers." It Warren. Water i. Mra. Lean M. Locan and Mra Tbomaa S. Rttle A. N. Brown, Mr. and Nathtni. Mist Laurblln win represent El Pato Utnlelt, Mr. Brldyes were the eharmlnt hoatetsea at an tt F. Alnaa. A. DUon. A. W. BJornated. W. H. "Duchess." and MM stratton will accom- hlldren. of these Informal afternoon tee tiren yesterday at pany tin, robbery by assault; ittthtntal Mr. Soar were F. Sample, Maj. and Mr. W. B. Sample, Maj. or her aa "maid of honor." were Utile bottle-re- babies, who. as J. F.vini. superintendent the home Mra. Brtdre m the Bio Grande forgery counts) i and Mra. t. L. Htnes. Lieutenant and Hra. everyone knows, requires much care. CONVICTS TAKEN (two and burglary of tbe Pecos division Wlllard Keen, apartment. Jose Maria Delgado, Ouada-lu- p A. W. OaUtan. Captain and Mra. "Jullion. t. Welit left yesterday a of Wa bare bad t.oto Americans and 01 vis- ttitult to rob; T. A. Oallaher. traveling rratgbt Mr. .John Morrison for visit Oardea. Captain and Mra. 0. c. Barn Bin. Lieutenant received the fuests several weeks fn Los An San itors. assault lo rob; Jesus Campos, and passenger agent, and other nrneitli. witn tne noeteteee. relet tnd theft or over ear); and Mra. R. C. Cotton. Mra. Anna Portar Pranrlsco. Comparad wltb New York's comptroller's Luí Calderón, illas Juan C. L. Setrrives is. making a tour or the A decorative plan or red wts effectively MJMu Fernandez, krtuee. Mra. Gertrude Ledbatter. Mra. report, which shows something over alias Jose Hernandez, burglary. west, hiving gone oh in Ciliromlt the ft ret used throuyhout Ihe bdutr. Quantities or children cared for by charity. I reel that With or 13 wingo, Carlton Murpby or cnicgo. Mrs. Adntpb Rorh. Chicago. UL. TO PENITENTIARY the exit the who were taken of the week. 11 experts to spend Mr. raa earsairana ana greenery were in evi of onr IMIS cared for it the nursery, "shows to about Mlaasa Marina Thurmond. Puddy. OUva Da formerly Miss Fannie Baron, or F.I the state prison and with the releasing two weeks on .he roast. dence hero and there. El Paso, up' remarkably well tnd that Ptso mty or Bemple, Mtrgtret Davla, Fata who is the guet of bar atar, S. L well be ot always peo- several who hava been held In the coun- A telegram has jusr been received rrom lt, Vlrflnla Tat wax poured In the dlnlnt room by Mr. proud lit liberal ty or Houston. Lydla Pence. Hannah Hill. Mary Swttt. or North Virginia street, wm leave ple. Jail II witnesses, the total number or A. C. Cooley. director or extension for .tew mim. Lewi a. unovrnm and Mra. T. P Everyone baa so lovely to roe during Inmates or ihe Hotel Peyton HUI. Halen stratton, Alice WulfT. Ettelie Olmperltnt Mra. for her home Friday afternoon or fbli been d' Edwtrdt Mexico, thti firm demonstrator for Eddy Wan- and Gertrude Ledbelter Ibis year In office I cannot man CHAINS A YD HtMKIIls PLAY ".III - i Berrien. Irene Lturhltn. Emily Kemp, Weak. that wis yesterday reduced M rrom the week oounty be expected begin-ntn- r The table waa moat arUstlc, the ranter be sutTtclenUy. Almost without excep- SOME Tt'MF. AS THEY ARE miy around tbe da Haca. Eleanor Eubank, Mary Key Ama. them preceding to ttl. in iddltlon. several of or May. lny banked with carnations and ferns sn tion, all raqueáis Tor help in any way ror MARCHES) AWAY. Colonel Joseph Oirrard, Colonel Hayes. ver Dr. D. L. Brown has rone to Lot folks bsve been granted, and theae wbo had been held lh Ihu county be controversy over th bridge candeltbraa bearlnt red etndiea and Anrelet these llltle on Artettt Ctptaln K. Came. Lieutenant Cook, tied of to spend s week with bit wir tod Utile vary often, many articles added to the Jail federal court chart have either lemss Urn Pecos is sUl) on. Tbe with bows rod tulle ornamented been river W. W. Oorden, Barnett. T. Harnea. tne table, lendlnt a featlve air. daughter. Louise asked for help. Two Murderer Included In Ike released or htve served their lime or coonty commissioners have turned the The business firms of this city hive been thirteen paid their rines and Cramer, Kroner, Jobnaon. Brannon. Meaara. About seventy-fiv- e tuesta called durlnt Transferred Frun County Jail ta rained tbelr rreedAm. bridge problem over lo the stale onrlneer. Harry A. Mist Virgin! Stewart, not only renerous. but have proven to The list of prisoners yesterday as Frank Boberu, Wlnyo. Carl Bean. tne afternoon. daughter of Mr. assl stance one Penal ItaUlnUea. wis When Assliltot Stite Lnglneer Johnson H. and eonitant wltb their that Americans, :n Tt; Jame Arria. Harry Owaley. W. F. Judd, Mrs. W. S. Stewart, and one of II would be an Intrate not to appreciate it Mezlrtnt, Chinese, ctme tn investigan- the sltiutlon the com- sti-la- 0, negroes. A. Faaa Kemp. Royer Brown. Jack Pryor, Bridge for Ml Sow. Paso's popular debutantes. Is belnr enter- wltb heart and soul. and There were five women missioners hid Mr. culling, or the Santa I never in tbe - ColdweU, Ted Davla. Brltton Davla. Ml Mary Gates Redmond at tained extensively in Oregon, where aba Alto, mtny concerní hive And taw a man to look jtll, two Americans and three Mezl- Fe engineering corps, come to consult With entertained wonde.-ttill- me ror Mtson Pollard. W. W. croaby. Bteriint brldre on Saturday afternoon at her horm- la vltlttng and baa been the nasi month. tided by sending to With auch wittrul eye, the two orrtc.er. They recommended ón Myrtle Miss these deal Utile cbtrres, cases or their t tbtl Slick heir. avenue lo honor Mitt Nellie Mty Stewart it tipected home the etrly Upon or lh bridge be moved three miles rurther up Bowen. ptrt or May. various roods. that Utile piece blue About Individuals are many who have Rheumatism. stream to better location. But a protest Luorheoa Mra. Herring. Violeta and ferns were the attractive Private We prisoners called the sky. t tar decorations ol the rooms. come forward Ilka soldiers to make Ufe Fully nine out or every ten rises or rollowed and the mailer Is still hung up. D. re- Mrs. Ben Lear, accompanied every fleeting, Mri. Oeorte Moore entertained Mlas Alice Mytea and Mlaa Ethel Craw bv Mlaa easier for the helpless and sometimes home- And fleecy cloud ( rheumatism ire simply musctiltr rhrumi-tls- The rommlttee appointed to raise It.OOO cently at luncheon at the Harvey house ford won the prizes. Valeria Carrard and Mlas Margaret John less children In our rare. to cold or damp, or help That drifted slowly by. due chronic lor grounds for the trmnry Is meeting wltb to honor Mr. H. T. Herring, wire of Ad- Mlas Bowen waa presented wltb a pretty are spendtnr the week-en- d at Fori Then, aalde from the material that which attacks tbe larger success, tut already has been me. there Is the joy of Oscar Wilde. "Ballad or Goal.' Joint, over ll.tuo bean jutant Oeneral Herrlnt or New Mexico, at fuest prlza rollowint the tame t Hancock, a beta Captain Lear Is stationed riven neddlnr knees, hips nd shoulders. Neither of these Tbe location Is yet to luncheon waa. served. forming new and delightful friendships, and be decided. Santa Fa. nave been and always vtrltles require any intern! treatment. All The choral club, under the Mlas Redmond was assisted by bet aunt. Mra. Mltcbell eon. the inspiration they Chains direction of the C. and Joe Mitchell of wlU be in my life, clanktnr from their necks, linking you neeid Is a free application or Chamber- Mrs. R. M. Feasenden. will meet carnations and rente decorated Mrs. K Moretead. Kansas, are In t ftw Those present were: May visitors In tne city for a few I do not claim to htve been t year in litem one to the other, ringing when they lain's Liniment wltb vigorous mttatre. Try for prtcUce. Misses Nellie only and dtyt noweo, Alice Mytea, ttnei Crawford. Eliza- day. public office and made rnenda It and see how quickly It gives rallar. Ob- beth Hawklna, aroused favorable comment, quite the con- moved. It men walked from the county tainable everywhere. (Advertisement. Marraret McOee. Phyllis no Long. Anne Maaaffln. Franeee Mary Mr. W. H. Land, trary, so there are tome who doubt Jtll or El Ptso county yesterday Earl. tnd Mr. of Fort very bottom or tne canal, under the Gorrín, Ida Hunter, Harriett Bottoroff. Sumner. N. M.. wish me at the who ware gnettt at the such are to be expected, une custody or Transfer Atrnt W. D. Russell, RAILROAD OFFICIALS DEPART. Hole! Paso but things DONT TAKE CALOMEL CASTORIA del Norte have relumed to never rinds how many kinds of a scoundrel or tne Huntsvllle (Tettt) Stat Satan Dtaaar. Bay Stat their home.. Mra Land was tor the penitentiary. General for Latitats and Chúdran In the private dminr room or the Hotel formerly Mlaa they are until they work In and Superintendent of Santa re Visits Marie Coleman, or El Pato, and coualn to public awhile. Other chains bealde Ibote linked about their Sheldon the Suona enjoyed another stt Carlsbad on an Inspection Trip. Instead or dangerous, salivating dinner. Each Saxon wore a button ler of nr. and Mra. D. c Sutton. Mrs. Land will Yet. after til. II but makes the dear necks dangled from the men. Thar were Calomel fe8UForOvr30Y violets. A waa served return to EI to visit friends dearer, tnd the sweetness of lire Sy riasee greet1! CorretponAcnt to liven your liver when bilious,' bead-ch- y dinner Pato Mrs. Sutton If we never hid a ling running chain's drapped about their .v April 17 T. H. durlnt which toaals were tlvaa by Roscoe tome tune next month. sll the sweeter, tnd Carltbad. at. setra. or constipated get a bat at Anderson. Monroe Harris and Carl Tiptop. heartache wa abould not know the value of waists and trailing- between ihem. Their general superintendent or tbe southern dis- Cascarete. They start the liver and bowels were laid Wm. Alberts, content. or Fe Covert for hnht gentr-outl- trict tbe Santa railway, has ten ror and straighten yon up better thin Multan. Ratone Mra. H. T. Hwtñtor Santa ra. N. I with to thank all wno have to link were larger and firmer, tnd they were Daily Anderson. Baylor Foster so Ultbfully. the north. He hat spent severtl dtyt In cilqmel, without griping or making you a nmmi sesww none. who Is the bouse guest of Mrs. Geo. n o courteously tnd locked atronger than the chains the iiisb. nam, my mainstay with the work. Could about the valley on Inspection. In the party with tick. Hoover, John Loreti. Qeorre Met, H. M. Moore at Fort Bliss, will be lolned bv her been necks. And they raar when one or all Morris. Eugene I see each one peraonally it would be Smith. Archie Vaurbn. husband. Adjutant General Herring of New but can- men moved with a tone, Clarence Vsuglin. Carl Tipton. to me a great pleasure, bm as yJ deeper, firmer but szexieo, tne litter ptrt or the weak. They not so f am taking tnla method of ezprett- - just at tb cbalaa from the necks rana rew -- Bridge for Mrs. Rath. wm return a days uttr to Santa Fe tng to tnetn mv moat amere graniu.. The array or convicta was mixed and Miss Sadye making the trip overland. well ss to publicly thnk the Times for curious, and the of which thev Lerkovttt entertained at bridge in the use of crimes were iaWeWt'tWsi ye.ncroay aiternoon at tne nome or her their untalllng generosity guilty and for which they were chained J. Miman, This Week' Bargain much valuante space m inair p.poi aunt. Mrs. on the Mesa, to honor to news- one to me other ror cov- Mrs. Adolph Roth, Chicago. One of the famous J. A C. pianos rully realize thai space Is cssb their little trip, of Pitcher done a grand ered field. Their sentences range I Miss Irma Jacobs won the prize for a beautiful figured Mahogany papers and consider they have I wide cate for building up Sunshine work from one year in the prison 0 - ntgnest score tad Miss Annie stolaroff cut oniy tiw.oo. tiu.oo down and so per work toward title lo for her prüw. in El Paso I trusi my very earnest rood years behind the gray wall, rbelr ages monin. riscner pianos nave been sold In welfare or these Mrs. Roth was presented with pretty wishes for tb continued were from 0 to 80 years. Most or them Watson'sGroceries truest prise. El Paso lb peal tt years and stand tbla ooiintleu Prienda, will be reallaad and that You DRY of all who en- have been tn the county Jail some months, Are Miss Harriett Sebwtrz. t coming bride, climate absolutely. EL PASO PIANO to them tnd Into the Uvea was also ao to I hem. Ufe'a choicest blesslnr will waning Ural Ihelr trials here, then await presented with a prize. oldest Piano House in El Paso. W. R dear or Later a luncheon was served. Schutz, Prop. SM be showered In abundance. inr the arrival the penitentiary transfer 8. Side or Texti St. Adv -- one lesson I can leave Famous Mrs. Zelman, Mra. S. Turk, Mr. Julia Kauf- Yet ere we ptn, spent. Are for Quality man and Mra. B. L. Swall during you: Murderers Among Number. assisted every day Satisfied?, the afternoon. For The most widely known or the number The Invitad 210-21- guests ware Mrs. Adolpli noble them, all day wts W. E. (Red) Mullen, was con- Telephone 5151 2 Roth; Mlsaea Harriett Louise Do thlnr. not dream who Texas St. Schwtrx. Sunshine Department victed on tbt second day or th preaent Blumemhal. Rebecca Goldstein. Sadye Na- for- If you aré dissatisfied than. Becky Parkin. Selma Zlegler. Louise And make life, death, and thai vatl month ror the murder or Mlurlce Rosen- As the days approach, the desire for Hooper. Celia Goodman, Irma Betty al lot ever berg on February i Mullen led tbe long, warm some Jacobs. aweet song Arnold, Botii Goodman. Freda Swall. EL PASO BRANCH OT THE INTERN AT10N one grand linked rhaln f Immunity. He on with your present bank Shea. Lefkovltz. Klnrtley- carries thing cool and refreshing increases. Sherbet is al- Jenny Lena Jacobs, AL CUNSMINB SOCIETY. hit shoulders a sentence or 35 years ror ihe Hilda Jacobs Annie Slolarafr, Batalle Levy, (Edited ing connections, or would Grace Mayer. Effle Zletler, Becky Merkln. by Mra. EdUh C. Lane. Preaident.) Sat Dr. Horton about rwr eyaa. He grind' murder of which lie waa convicted. In ad- ways a welcome dessert. Mrs. 9. Turk, Mrs. J. Kaufmfh, Mrs. B. L. (Not t charily, bol lenaea to nt ttu Rob Banner Bldg. Ad dition he mual serve time ror a suapended an interchange sentence of from iwo to five years, which consider division Bead Congrtat. was We just in receipt shipment of luscious a kindly greetings gad raa American banging over him at the tima ba com- are of a rA Press the on Bt Asaoctalrrf mitted his second oriente. change, thin would he Sltma Delta Sigma met last night ptag o New York, April Mullen Island brand Pineapple, suitable for Sherbets, sal- bank with Miss Birdie Krupp tt her home on "good cheer.") laThe left the jtU wltb tbe tame Road congress wUl be held al Oakland. Cel.. smile which characterized bla Putnam (Sunshine eommunl It was ads, etc. be glad to have an inter PoUowlng i short business meeting the during the week of September it. whole trial. Not since be wit pltred In boya and tirlt enjoyed an automobile drive. cation should be ad announced here today by the executive iba county Jell haa he given tbe authorities The crowd then returned to the home or d rested: 8 u n n n e committee of the congress. Tbt coa grass the to complain or No. 2 No. 2J2 view with you, and would aso t leatt ctusa his teUont. the younr hostess, where dainty refresh- ttnt tu f Sunday win be under the Joint auspices or the He haa bean a good ments were served. I MUCS.J prisoner. Bui be has Tins. . 15c Tins. . . . 25c American Roadbullders' association and the I lb same time been prisoner It consider any new busi- On Saturday a week the club will meet Delegates t whom with Mitt Helen Stewart at bar borne on BE STRONG. American Highway aaaorlation. ws Impossible to pity. He displayed loo Magoffin. Dancing will be the pleasure of expected from ell pert of the United bird surface in lha race of the Be strong U you on tr South i damarlnr ness in keeping with con the evenlnr. tr the rlrht aide states and Canada and alto from testimony at tb trial. He smiled when the i tm iKiuie to enuure. supposing your Dl-tt- Judge ground la full of and snows, the American countries. sentenced him with too much satis- banking. Ante Pleat Partía. nettles faction. servative Automobile picnic parties have been the vary worst kind of thorn too. people who And while ba will ba mltaed by uo nut you the prisoners, who social the week-en- d and al. ami orien win noi, understand enjoyed bis wild lalea feature of Neat your with Ufa Sunday. Among the many antagonists smile, tnd BEXKFICIAli TO of in Mexico and his day wart: keep on righting We mutt not expect to EXERCISE spirit or good Louise Bluraeoihal and Karl Btntnen-thal- . naturad bandying, he will Do Mlas wuuui unrrs unirás we can control uur WOMEN. little who motored out to Howard Coffin s selvas. We have to meet uncongenial pao missed by th men who have dally ranch, near cum pie every day; people wno are Ig to attend the prisoners. dene. May A day Las Cruce norant, and tn every way contemptible. HtrenjrUi Often May be Gained by Ju Be rarele. party spending lb al a we wart: Mr. Mra W. 0. Roe Jack nui. hall lower ourselves ta luir Activity on of Mullen will be eligible to parol at th and and piane 7 Part or Mnion Flynn, Win ton Roe. Phil Dtatg. end the first two yean on his aentenr a it tares braver man lo right theae ttte Sick. for rortvry. Than at A week-en- party at Elephant Butte, in thing than it doe to race the enemy for tbe end of rtva yeart - It will b tn Une ror cluded Mr. and Mra. Edmund Dtylon Lech- his country, for battles cease eouie tune The woman aufferlng from Uta 111 dismissal from the H. n. and to oilier on Ilk the prison on hi murder charge This will man. Mr and Mr. McDowvll and to k.i,ii. aaa often Idee ambition and Ruth DowaU. of bar make II possible under most rivorabta cir- Matan oear or Al Dripping Springs the party picnicking hi in aunra unkind tttv wlil not exert horaelf in the tan at. bar cumstances, and ir he It tt tU lime model lo endure with Indian in. composure, flabby, tn bis for the day. wart: Mr. and Nr. Joseph Kes,hypocrite s smile nd envy evil do mueclea become her circula atlitud towtrd th guards and other Hurzibal. Mary Preiser and Frank F ings, tata it do to meet the angry water a tion bad and nerv wrecked. Anoth prisoners, for him to obtttn hit liberty it Preuier. woman aufferlng from the aanv tbt tad of seven years. He It it present Another tolly party spent all dty Su- - ar tt year of age, and If he serves his full day Hueco Park. They wore naart tad aoul courage am great vic ilia will lny out for heraalf a ayatam tun will be 7 years old whan be again at Nttlonal He lin wig Mlaa Edna toria. bold In doln vour autv. of Ojuyt bla Mlaa Had Matblaa. Mathta. lor ward, dou'l slop to measure iba disuno of convaleacent axarclaea dp liberty. and Mra. A. Matblaa. Dr. and M:.. ran mutt climb to retch the height of breathing even before leaving her bad He stated often bfora leaving bar that Kohlberg. Mat w u he will attempt to Branch (.rait. Mr. Olt turca aa. U woman will but Or. Pierna aarn bis liberty through Schwartz. Leo J. Koblberf. tin tnd temptation art everywhere. Put the writ hard work aad correct action at tbe FROZEN DESSERTS Jolly party who picnicked at on your no itgai out, ana nt the Invalida' Hotel, Buffalo, N. T., Another yon asiam " when He add thai be has al tb least BRICKS (ervtnt I paople) Coz's reach yesterday, returned tn the die. lei everything b said of you aba can set free medical advice in two good trades; that he is tired of the laiuri mail uisi vu uieu ueieaivtl. Naaaelrode Pudding St 00 evening, aere: Mr. and Mra Lao Gale W bad ibis week tat Utu folks, auch also e book with roving lire he has batn living, and that be c. Z tv a Tuttt rruttl fs Mra k. wolf, Mlaa Sella lanar. Mita Utydertarten, I runabouts, tt bottle bt advloao.on Hygtan. How to care for will "turn t aew War th day th peniten- Strawberry Mouaae l.SS fcffie Zlegler. Miss Grace Mayer. Meaart-Jo- bita, t helpers and tt Americio Potltlont tne glck, sax problema, nt tiary doors open lo reeelv him. never Sylvan Manato Serf. wart and war uttttttt to Neapolitan 7. wolf. Waif. totuma tor tt tear li woman, etc., all for S dime or to eta rain break tbe tow or cauae sorrow or .o Laurence Callsber. Ell Krupp vwiore. In stamp to pay for mailing. Mara" The Ford a great utility because it aervet all sHiKBaaTn Another psctn party vaste. mat at Hueco Mesleaa NtHou. meal Sick woman thousand ot fltatn Uvea Loaf Term the people. The popular choice, becauae Orante and Pineapple. inks, inflated Mr. and Mra Frank aim have bean curad by tb una of Dr. Ismael Vaeques. charlad with murder and it ( aeons, Mia ' ICE REAM Mra. Victoria Whimter. Lola sttt. meat, Mtgboli Sotiung Work Piaron Favorita Prescription. It to a sentenced to to yra la ib atete awaiua-tlary- . givee batter service nt a lower coat. Popular vanilla. Strawberry, Clanottat, Ma tie, Mlaa Alloa matt, Mlaa vuat tun furltv tak.ry estes EValgito natry woman' tonic that ha a tnglaneat of earrtad lb ntxt hetviett senicnr asmar uro., again, bacauss it is imple and eaaily under- Maple-Nu- t and Banana. (ntnaana cuitar purpoan In curing tb dlaeaae of wom from tb meal Mil his isi sentence it. gas kin rnte uro . nuuari an only It tablur.he regularity, I stood by everybody. And with all the refina- "FOLLOW THK CROWP." eraoaat. anoiet tod bananas: it Multan a. nt year., when be will be heal inflammation and bantohaa pain. eligible to parol Wlgguta, ia Chicago, t. kd ronvleled mente, it still the time dependable Ford, and Forrest af ml. tatartamen M daUr, I Dairy, The dull, sunken ey with It dark tr an eatiuH on r old Amrl n EBte Ct. Mat a at merit at l anils for Inat (MhcúHcn last rvenms at dinner. tuesta ware ttlTk dtahr. dollar, cash, from nr aíralas whleh com of suffering to boy, will serve frota live lo years $60 lata than year betides the Mr Stanley tt and Mra 0 Johnaoe. MtrruTof amarillo, uloa Mill, set ajMaatad-a- o too la tn aauow. sunk laazatol sayniaa. whoaa partner was abet plan of aharing profits with the buynro. Mrs R. w. Hamilton and Ml to Mr aerate ftoar. lb earn taeal. W. M. en chek the shrunken farm whan by oirtcer when ba MVuipted to kill hi NeaaUtuo ciwuung. souo u uaevd. Buyer will share In profit If w retail I. art iru. mi I "Preaeiiptlon" la It la a and who waa convicted or tail al Tor lb ehUdraa, Mr. T ft Or ti rrtsr. burr naw oar August, and Aug- remedy its unt man lar y will earvs from to 10 years ford btwei lilt, rr M vsvn raes Juato Party to Baeae warta or tots, tanu oioct. tun artnd. tttnstrnsst five Th Taa WTUtaan aleohoi ai aauv mota ano or range b-- ust. 111. TBAT COUNTe ruar ware tjaitt atraa or w remainder Ib Isalarie. lw. ru t nitnter hrha iwo year, and etna. Touring Car, 1410: Kunabout. tltli Town Car. MM: sncuu-- ns m iioni Ktsiuat Hueca Tank yntirsay. Woman wno aunar anoui not wait Coup!!, ITI0; Sedan. b. vvUa Mr. ana Mra. JaUaa Kraaauv and tw Mrs, Ago Ornee, abo waa convictos to IITI. t Wtroit. aS ron till a breakdown catatan prostration last of conn Uta equipment. hildra. Mra Malea f laaar tan Jobs rutear yaw to d iu term af murder of tor 1L At If ar aottou corroci lb I waa ware in on cm. of tn iota m ana iiitta itovlvbir. tin mi live laded in ON DISPLAY AND SAL? AT J. ttgatV. wua Mra beawM and MMtr Saiigut analull'to rasen dnairritability and Ihe llat af arlaosari y.surn.y rwnovnl hilaran foratad another party ttkMn'íijíiiJmd wast no tima, but get (rúen ta SI Pita Jail. Mar rtae is uu appeal aiaggr oSMktnSh latttn, tu - wa given Uw llttto fetle and UMlr nervosa .. lo Ib of Me jeaty tarty ztMM- tat trr aert tei leviao all Dr. Favorite Praacriptton In tala eourt crizotnsl appeal, and Tri-Sta- li igtjr aj tilde cm aJJ ba ramgata atntWt at ot a far. to la Ptarsa's sue wm ata in tb ei Faao mini te Mlaa Margaret utvi. MtaaJMttn Ut'U. Mlaa tftlltjiC wnnte tarta aspires April liquid ar lab1st form tbt vary nay at rnt ju Motor Co. bjr is rnaw initnti tea. Lata- - and tomorrow stir la graotad ar dsn ltd t new trial by tb i njtp tSttlltlSS dantora w. laaatnt Tbnanktra bamas. PoaaJ atari, i van you will know that yon ara aa the either tribunal J. airaupatrtc. JPaas. C A. BEMfON ntsal OUvtr S Wat) tad waiiaea (Veejay rBajff!-- akM "fl - a. highway to health and happlnaan ny bar Crttttaato. nr. tnd trr w n laaali. Mra c. (tornan Wrlt for (r 111 pap book an dto Th Itkart win Mtjauoaed the . n.ml and Wtrren detail . Of women aiv or Ute as mínete fur lha MiMtjsJttli Di Piaros Plsaaaiit I'aiieU rgu- - grtoas. isgatnar with Uw of tea for which tiiBa!-- lat and Invigorate ewauavb. Uvar sad nay were mavtcMd. r tt toiiua. and Bjrtv Muss . bnarato. Adv Ibosu C art he ana. rrgi usurp Mar EL PASO MORNING TIMES Monday. April 19, 191.

Good Business and Morning Times Want Ads Are Truly . Inseparable

Advertising Rate Card. BumcM Opportawttia Ron! .frbjrto--Ot- jr rVaaaitf oatngilrv UMM 1.1 I HV W. A. WILLIAMS. aaee I lailas. Htll! TH irXAfl. Al II M trvllrin I rmt sil Ad Aiieii m mm IVA ratita err mv4 or nu. lhri ta a (HI HKST Want Mlea OiMaiiiMnR arel "i f Entrance 10 C MM awa aaj t lt1Hl Mfilluiii THF. IHil xn ii la lh papr ofTlee CSOMl Mdf. V in -- niiih IntiA that annpiird iix nl I aell eerrythlny I aqetlon or pfrrSM s uÜ, wtnla -, -- i i pan ñJfZSZ tTtSk iho (iwrpla- - llw nllinr tnprr office Panos Mil Retidme- AHA W mi in i ion half n KIN AM I Ivr nu; ir. ann rrarj emi PI d wvri aiarii'd arnipir ALEX grrea. aere, llinBMII aMBIklt a. MM niirtilnal fhja rijll a Wlird UT lh;ata. tin, tin per t w ai Yale's. MUM III Ml! 4 S. a w.ird Hiniilaia t.r r, ramia word Eipeneneed Aoclloiieer miles of I sere lllW y 107 alfalfa, Ml on a a asa Ba " fnr all woaik rawh with No tirai nai. nana bmat. in land not In "rr irlT. nitT DONT MlaSS level, km aland of MfSIfs la MBIIHf Mi sataa Ha what nain lo aill Honih ytni inr Krp 4 n CtlOtlEK. good: on large harte April la ltl. Tru. lrial Want Ad III !! tree: In Wll ladtfMM rs " ' ..""J mi aaaao Itaak nf vonr wann lo an American neighborhood - I. l balance to a mIb4wteuaw onto lo dla.UHi si.nm HKrpp ancii linar for it. That la term rh. lililí you ran lili a m worn a ao yea's Adjoining land Is aell nal do 41 Ing rrmrh higher pries. In JSTm TtiSSS - drra Warn Ad larpt., The lloutloo Poll, WAjNT For Sole veatlgst. mo mum limiaim, Tria THE ADS Ail rWpnnl a "fe" MURT FELL THIS WEEK- - Owner, out of duuM Mi mm hi mmx oppouti vrrtiM i town. ar aell mom relrtenre. I block NEWMAN INVESTMENT luaianrani. mar I', it. i n hlsb achratd, r..nno. coat M.M). Small raah Ural i'lalr offlrr ! pat men i. batanee ame aa reoL COMPANY Mini. AiivrTun?o. Thrairr. dandi Iialr inlrirnl I.Ofin e. a. on n runo. lonnr aliM.n. Irarraln lo tyjon Phone no. MB San Antonio St. . PlKme riso. Ttl Piral ilal. Bank. Ill I O Al STAI .ll aifiri n. ar n Kf, anil ri ANY in your own advertis- - section today are Cam Hal nu, Ikws. ilrI III III PARK llll . i if L r. room buiutalow for MTte; beat nk " urn ' Main "II i.rattfoMl i in lot a ajPVaMkl.f M Ill si. .hit Mdr Hon. new. all built In feattire; hard .rnTC" aa. M wood floora; parare: everytrtinp best; own- i iRot A.r ami ing, offering you you er niuat aril. Phone SM7. jaaalni i I lar satta Vais "iPALMUrr everything can think iravina. A evem home por ii.ortx U atinase!. Must sold hard t MlHl Ihr nllji nf vmll- vlall wllhnlll yon 4 buna-low- . be hy Tuesday. Furnace, Trlla rl MIOIII.AMD PAIIk Modern room sleeping aaytnir a wortl. Ailtlrr In tninm-na- full tunith front, lara-- wood rioor,. large rooms and r raaOlM " ilr high-price- mis. porch; tan cash and monthly payments. II "' and lovr. all al w an Amonio. of, from d real estate and ranches aereen ed leepln pfireh; esy term. Phone ixmb, ta 4M8. e. a. It, Addreaa w. MM. rare Times. N II I AftO HiT1MI Kim S.M.; nil I.KAth-- Th proprny or lb sot Sianton Street Vlnloii Hrlck and Til Co.. Inraird on lb Office phone 15110. He phone MM. A., T. S. r My III mlrFI norm Of autos, stoves cows. BRANCH DPIH to and t room HOME, close in. modem Will take TINES lots as rirat payment, balance 140 per OFFICES If This Is Your Birthday. month. Price 17,000. La Pas Mexican Restaurant, luhllahwl Kl P- - ' APRIL It. naoitili prunes TX Tlmaa a..l"aln hrssch afrits. .1 Iks fMrria Ilu- - Is the last day Of the sign of Ariel and we now enter Into the sign of Tarns, PHONE 4fM. rPT Sriri ,TTw - IN I ill uní t. ,,i,i r,,r Inrorinailon Ihai which is the head sign of ibe eartb trlpllc gs.noe. rsan will lid nir am tin- iolllon travrllnr Hy and governs the neck or ihroM of the house, clone In on Cillfornls St. Hnttrh II IM gmJmmm nr i n.v Special Notices Apartments Rent For- - Furnished Rooms For Rent man of Zodiac. Is s ka lltrtsl. inrn manager. Aidr For grand It rued nortur A insp; asno will It, and tbe rem will II llrinl.fff r una mn, nal, earthly sign and I the positive pole of nart LB ,.1 I wit HltManil rata i. iiouaion, ii taa. make it yours. E frm RENT To rentleman, newly furnished the earn. K. A. PON17, Ploraaies TYPKWIIITERtt All - Dru Hoira. UwU.atd and makr- from ltd up room, eloae In; worth 19s; price III. Phone The higher attributes of Ibe wind are se- tnt N. Stanion Street. Mnvil WE CAN HX IT SHOP "Ii RENT May 1. nicely furniahed 3 room i Hrpairm. rite and iupnllea. asm cretion and will power, both or which are Office phone IMS. Res. phone MB. an. at1.il.Ust aeotpltd U Typewriter Cu., too MM. Phone 1747. a pat inn nl at the Ramaey. call morning 6 very great. M7 M rile. between tl and lie evening between and (ENTI EM AN Pleasant from room In new r. n. Phone . People or and those FOR sale room brick bungilow. with home; cool in summer. 1430 Hawthorne this blrthdale st 1 full i many large steeping porcn, on Iota In Key. ock and nun Work s Specially. Place. which follow have difficulties within Alts Vista; rear, SMALL apartment, sleeping porch. Vji when beautiful lawn front and I' annul ov di and hepaired. bath, their own nature overcome, but wltri Hold llepalred. hot water, close In. for couple DKI.MAR ROOMS J17 N. (Sato wa once ronijiiered these people msy to shrubs and trees; also servant house Male Help Wanted Blryrlei and suitable rnr. rise and poultry yard In rear. Phone 3471. Inh 8AI.K Plrl-c- l ili'anloir etablth Tlrea at heducsd Prices. or in nun women, si 71 n. Hants Ke. ter. free balh. sor. II day; MM up week. heighis or power, success ana goon in ine iiH'nt iiainir yrxwi Phone 3M7. uualnoat. Pbunc HL I'HONk Ml. world. FOR SALE Ry owner. In Orchird Pirk. A good I'OoK for Imicl. .Ariinni, liorl order m i Mary NICELY nleeptng house on loti. plenty outhouses, Jane Mrrail. Ha N. Slanlmi Ml. furnished apartment, sod and sale agents do well' renclng. rHy water, terms. Phone ii...iih. Imurd .triil r.NUi, Machine driller, porch and bath adjoining, oulb expoa-i- i rlerks would raah or tt-- day. Lunch to stiiny me want Aas rarefuny during me 7011 or write p. o. Box 494, El Paso. ahin woik.,.., f Mexico. re. walking dlilancei no sick, law v Kl ...... ,,. ni. mili niiiiii ami Rooming Homes for Sole 8 New American Psao. coming monin ni WATCH Tmnmii-rs- work. New THE FOLKS CO BUY IN KEHN board. rllroll PLACE ON THE MESA Me. M.W ?. r. n MKHA AVKNHfc. I OH HEM PI RMSHEH. NICE housekeeping and rurnlahed rooms Real Estate and Fire Insurance FAI.f V MITCHELL. I ni- ami hiaiiiiriilly Aewly naiidaoinaly 3 room Crawford Theater block II SO per week and up. 4ITVi E. Ovgrland CaMte In vestment C. fnmlahetl roornlim furniahed, decorated flat. rials, First Bank Bldg. phone iron ' " niiiian. r(ininiiiiK nr VI nroma anil alrrp spuuesaiy ciean private ooouis tor lidie. north of poatomes. list No. I. Phone MS ANDERSON FILLER REALTY CO, Nari. jii:i very SAM EI.EOANTLY FLIINISIIED ROOMS over the 1 Haii Francisco ui. nit mi.ln- drmrahle In every way WAJL Proprietor. and t Buckler Bids;. on paved street, bath, an iMiiitrhi fin I) JM lea than arlual Booth Apartments Flneat In El Psso; new union bank, inrn San Antonio. bungalow, . sleeping porch, beating plant, full base- vaiiii', jiii uní na Ai l k LET US ni Hi YOU HfcXIKF summer riles; large sleeping porches; BILLA RD HENRT. PHONE MA. ,m.1! ta unii AMth 7 IcaTiiiK and comfort Hut we give fur chronic walking sso w. FOR a large, ulrely Dirntshed room and ment, concrete floor, on corner, ft. 'in-r- illy vilf of a oibera alliance, Boulevard. 14.500; lieauilfiilly liiinialii-- dlioe and oervuua allmenti of men and women, front. Price for quick isle small HOUSE, III rriiuii rnonilnir cash payment, balance like rcnL Phone 49s. EM PLOY KB CLEARING liirnae. elOM In mi bent realdenl aireel, l a coma talk watb ua; conaultatloti free, orad APARTMENT of 3 Urge furnished rooms. VKI uaPi and In at arm oacs porrnea, w uaing ELP.0A.NTLY fnrnlihed room, with sleeping larKaln. raah, btluiec niinillily HoM pliyni'ian trained nuraet rrnni alliance 400 DOWN 195 per month WO tciidance, call to 1; Sunday to I Phone I MO. porcn. ions Arizona, rnone aasav and and Interest. per W Mv t buys a house on N. Santa I.l.i-- i furnace man Metlcn. MfljM. In roow hi,,. 8UUTHEH! MEDICAL 1NSTITUTB F; family. Hi'inuiiH liouae. atid hair TWO large, cool, nicely furnished rooms, rents now for MS- - Price B4J100. 5x180 fi. gold. , maker, city, cook, from ruriii-tu- scrond rii.or Herald Id. El Paso. Teiai NICELY furnished front houiekeeplng library, will Wi. MU n porrn. wn siicnenciin. :.i..i w. See owner, 110 8. Oregon. " tti.it) PCf WCck o, ii.iiiiin piT monin. i .,n apartment, eping tui inoniana. III licat hliallli' . I. lrulialf.nl luí bargain in Montana St. lota; 11,100 for S Phone tax. II I iiilnisiinii cost Beit serelce in the elty two rooma, ktlcheinette and baüi; steam ji Mili Biim. I'll m II i Mill unit lieaiill. in block adjoining Alta Vista school; pav- fully rm rum El I'aeo A'n. (.redil Men., 307 City national neai. 7ii aianiou. oeorgeue Apia. rowin; ne fniween Hank bids ing paid; terms; no agents. Phone 34 w barfbet .hi. mti mt iiiuiiih; i,ii will wlnir WANTED Mrn in am liJ lratl. DOUGLAS C. CROWELL. NEW on 3 U) ihe aind. ran Al Ti iMolllI.E lop rccolored and made rrame house lots. Il.snn, with roatRraly tvit irde "f M R, . 5 - wliil'' TOWltLfV. walcrproor, Kl.M). rum is Auto Palatine Real Jitaie, Iniuram-e- sos Milla Bldg. privilege of leasing adjoining loll. brentrc ' mi in fi'v vbi- LARGE from rooms, light and clean modern Phone 5149 B. V m win.ry .nr. Apply liy Willi Bailey Land Co., Co., 410 Mill Ml., Imperial oarage. or write 473. cire Tlmei. arnim OWMI n KM Mia Are. rooms, s ' sl ml Motor Mirlwr ft. Vrnrlli. Ii I'lione ra. in, ' i.iillf. WALL paper cleaned, it per room and up. SEVEN lots In Government Hfll, 11,400. lii.l aaAl ua-- 4 SHAVE toe; halrctfi aoc. Iiooma no and up a a i Dt'l l.ll.l liimuia.1 Palnllng. hanging; TRACY APARTMENTS ftirnlihed rooms water right; eaiy terms. Phono vial. ...an avi'l I'olll anil paper first cla. bed S. Oregon St. HOHACK B. StEVKNB. Imnil. Will llllillllti lile lOCJIIIon. lire linn e.n W. Scott. 414 Mesa Are. Willi private bath. Phone ami. lie. til 1149 or write B. 4738. rare Times. lie ainiiinl; mut (rive 1" Hoonm N. Red Estate and Inaurance. pay and all raieapentwa. Bund traeka: beaulv, lerin.. Kio rood wajra II Ibiiiuii. All llifc.i ffivd n - FOR SALE By owner, from t to 90 lots. whenever uiill. A. .. i7l, ble pro!; leriua h ii ii leota t the (rest Health re 'turned i"u i ir.ioiu- - item only n. rn. -- .nun s p. R. price city water, easy terms. Phone 7011 or Tlrneh. clone .. an ii. Arlions, on a. rare ale lea.aonabie. Dr. J P. Rlre. write P. O. Box 494, City. H HooB.a rieyani, nilvaie bafS l.fijn Ñ. HELLBERO BLAIR. Phone 1440. JAMES CAFE It IhHillia- - llellrlitrill; tauloli 1,1011 i.ii.d in aoips, toilet rbemtcali, accetaorlei, rvear phone AM. A plaee in m il eookln i iiooiua library nel 1175 itm. liaper towel. Jusrei Com. Co. FURNISHED rooms; new also FRANK A. SPENCE, aood tat. In (Ni IIimiiiii house, i. l atreel. Bualneai rUal.; rent awl J.soo .'bone U4t 4. 408 Milla Phon IMS. FOB union H .Hi - WAN'I w indre cualiuner fnr ydg. SALE tH lots, corner Hague and i'" lloiiinti l'roril lam year I4.UU0 SpeclaJ J'ure Mesa, owner. Phone Jin Horno i harina- no day Ice Cream. Phone 6771 w. by 75. Special PAriment, private bsth, sleeping -- UNIQUE CAFE IB nootn abioiiabe aparimenla. . 4i0d Real Estate City Property "pen all ; meal ticket ii beat in Uiiiinm I'r.ifii 7tiii uonlh ir,,inm mral III town. U.. nmuum ni. ' WK HAVE MAM HTIIKHH II THESE SUITE hourieirceping rooms, cloae In, 501 twiVT SI IT. Mesa I'none 4W3I. in Ii IM IS mull r bone Ii nl.. Willi HOtiSEHoLD ai.od moved; fertlltrer de- Real Estate Farms sl'ti , livered: in un lie me .,:i;,7. and brea I. IiuMit anil Herman men poiaiors illdem aim m,,. i liable Dealer. "ni 90r. Jllne Cafe. II S. lireron. Ill Main I. Hliiek vnrih of poatorflce. IIIHIMI. IIOI'SK FOR SALE SNAP I WANTED Lace curtatna to wash. Ph. MTS. Housekeeping Rooms For Rent SNAP!! TWO LOTS ON TKXHfc ST. irlran. Iliune h.VAPIi! Y Mary 103 n 1780 two. Ill Jane Bread stanion si. RENT- - for the riili'u-- . Ii.'l Mulle Avie ...l.., I FOR Two furnished houiekeeplng la.MO bi saeriri, .' i ai itab. new. Phone :teMI. rooms; iigm, gas ana nam; io m per Many people must close ii.m nd tin made 3tf4f) be Meal town. June Ho. I, A ' iiionth. Pin. in- or call 1413 Texas. on . P R K H., Agenls. la Account of their II.-- vialn si. Illnek North of Posiofflce. MAMcURÍMí. 3i.a Myrllc Ave. but the land value FOR HEN T- - To couple wlllioul dtllldren. Í makes the or a light housekeeping rooms. MS FRONT room, adjoining bath. Phone . TWO LOTS ON ALOMAGORDO ST. price house Will trade : lou in Muriiinusiiie IP ikIh, SB furnished MBS. seem high. This one Is an ex- Personals n. norence. ivw-w- . Sooth front; terraced; a rirm payineut on lo or I.' room ih.'iiuiik NICE, clean furnished room. 711 N. Kansas. Liberal terms. ceptional ofrer. About s Wanted bOAIM Slalo jirtce, ele. and on monthly Female Hetp " terni, Addreaa - l FOH KENT Two nicely walk K. Iivpt. core WANTED- ady teacher of Spanlah to give furnished light fO0 4 Tilín'. 63SS-- NICE room, hot wiler, light, Ph A BUW0ALOW WORTH terms; down; room a week lo iwo American housekeeping rooma. Phone or bsth. tai. WHILE. Koivd opinmir fwt women with mil iwire N Two tots. 5 room, hrlck, on 37U feet. Wl. havi' BOOVIINl. HE gi lesson in taught at apply 811 liorence 81 reel Red brick. eiperienre and pable of laklnit liarge Hill SNIPS lllllls mti.l CLEAN rooma; summer ratea, aofl Tecas. massed In porch. 15.50(1. rm, poa.aibly night, statn fee per lesion In first letter house, close of, Aeliciinn mei riiamiisi' and W. care M.1M. tlltlD( lie-- luarkel to buy faney ikmI. Lost and Found Address and S. 47V. Times. FURNISHED rooms. Court House Block. In on Hto Grande; lu good re Ion-,- , pair; 17.000 was price last luialery. till underwear, rlhbolln il room, MTtT TWO C0RMER LOTS ALTURA PARK. a hi MP UCEEN apllilual médium Flu NT close in. Phoae year. The upltMrs rooms and an i all detail ln-- T lletween pelea and E. P nu readings ny man. Chesp at $400. rent Mfll- -l S Mail, lllv.T. on air vgiai. lost for no month. Lawn la plant péneme, ele Ihl reply. Tllliel A S. W. Hy.. to cent THHEE large, cnol and nicely ftirnlihed LAHOE room. 17 N. ' walrli and chain Watch, Send bitthuate sad H Mills N. from El Paso. ad grasa, A . huiiaeki'i ping rooma, lower floor. NO Fire insurance. Notary Work. with flowers and Elkin. keysione raaei irnen I'lione 3001. Do not coawnwvr and guld Oregon. 4. H. SMITH A son's. trees. throw this ad or i k winded for adult I'eUuW irimmivil i.tiain eiiKraved aside you Irirman American I - I. AND Room and Board Offered Phone Ml. WO Ttrsss. because think this niit IV Liberal reward. 314 Hint nil. CI.AIHXOYAM l Mm ii. of fuiii lie i.lv ioioih: ulili PALMIST IWo ntri'ly furnished housekeeping an old house. Ask. In- In luruiali Ap- upaoa. 11760 tnl able leferenee. Advn e mi sales and love. ' All rooms, leeping porcn, azb. vol SUNNY CREST Highland Park, above tha I'. SL biilne.s, 1150 casta MS In- ply In iveraon only .' Munlaiia an mil. nu. Phone .in. smoke and rime; sleeping porches lo all and month. For Sale rooma; cluding interest, 4 room red i n Miscellaneous " southern eipnaure; running hot and tm nu si i MAIiAM MACK. Foil Ae.nt Housekeeping rooms and sleep i old home rooking : 110 a pressed brick cottage, on sDlrltual médium, rlalrvoy Ing tai,' water: week. Tha Ameriian tili wanted fm aetieral on - il w.i roll lop y am. on lamiiy porch, furniahed Wyoming. molt desirable location In El Paso for comer, frontage, nice Caul in pernon and roierMaM deK. rial Auvicc nusines airair. street and lawn, one lunik d I iiderwiiiiii typaw rtter, are. hlsti iriuiiiies. Live, etc. mm ,nesa. Graduate nurie In attendance. block MM vj"i in ,k, s to car line. No si. MSI and Iialr. bookcaae and oilier ornee Hpienaia view or tne city. Phone 4407. est 171 ACRES fine, slit land, about trouble to P V H G A T O L I 0 no how this to you. bookkeeper, aecesiHirle. lu'i in. Stanton t. I. ai alive and purgative ireuii'ui iweuiy uuiiuiei irom PHIS. miles up the valley: all level, grub- WAAii.n 4iriirhi with eaprii up, ii. young ana oía. mc bing ; faces on paved ape must rapid kl nrtig atores, or leveling lo do rosd. lie in riKiire SALE OH ROOM AMO BOARD Price only BSO per sere. Csn up In Mate fully and nalary eiticcled ion IIIAliL About .(am ,trs cut NEWMAN INVESTMENT eiierieiu men's and ludie' shoes for AMj Everytlüng New. smaller Homo terms can be bad oo j k care i ta - less il.au tract. "II II Ua. Mli-- I h. sold loday. Address Place for Your Car. inn. COMPANY Irani ur HOTEL PAJA K, R. lilHL wanted for an lie al bouaework. Ap Mesa pluuie .'in, C. BAILEY Bl'Y Mary Jane Bread, fus N. sianton St. 017 Magoffin Ave Phone 5A77. pi, villi rerereneea prepared lu f o unía Phone 5M. 100 San Antonio St. tAnrk. aoi Monuua tti. loll fiiimialii, a draft a raw or today's bahcajnh iuiM', very cneap lor rn, or will aell to HAIR MANIlEACTDhERS. 363 Myrtle Ave. CONVALESCENT HOME FOR TUBERCU- Fine business lite, east El Psso 14,100 toad party uu paymenta. W. 8. Miller. Hi LOSIS High class srcomtnoditlons. with Good picture show, good town 1.&00 M.ANICI'IIINO. Uc. ttaia Tetas Room 4 bo anltal atteuilon; ratea reasonable. Park Farm home, tl seres, close Roswell.. Snap na rransion an. rori niiei car lo door. 4 nice tots In Hlghlsnd Park BOO foil SMi i mulshing, of actinic For Rent Mrscellaneoua n I'Ujne losi. ft rooms, modera, near high school.. 4.500 Piiuieni; ail new. all a lo J, Apl. 30 I rooms, modem, Boulersrd 4.500 Nsatl Apaiimcnl. HOME ror convalriccnta: room, board and M ILL REN T aa THE FORT or new sleeping porchei; rates B. Mrs. F. H, 4 rooms! pebble dash, Tobln addition t7S0. WORTH RECORD i no part a atnrawe warehoue7 centrally cas cruces, n. m. offers a clientele of western "'i Ml il.ini vendor Inn tea located Cold storage apartments connected sirong, o rooma, rrame. o aj anoint i 1,000 chaiige ini ,uilt and a loia or guod ft rooms, In .000 northwestern and central Te luna' Elevator. nf 4 modern, close ... Herewith. Elsy arreil and FOH RENT I or rooms, with 4 n adera, wbo are open to a bust upi lent wuiuan look. Illl ..in. oui v i.iijr. for handling prudiirla. furniahed rooms good. Wyoming St 4.180 facilities Address or wnnoui ooira. prívale family, lita E. fine, nesl proposition every day In the . o. tvoi neo, i i or puone itam. rooms, Florence 5.500 Poll opi'Wlllel, vUlbls. non lev aru. room, up 11,000 week. Put your lands, csaie. 140. to date, Montana nogs BebulH Typewrtier Co.. 400 Aleas. a lots In Highlwid , too horses, aheep, or any other a74; El Park SUuatioru Wanted Male I Plume Offices hst class act'omnjodaiuni for coorM 4 room, close to 3.500 properly, goods or chanela be Stores and Is 4607. All! Vista school. racen sl reaaonahle pries. Pnoa room 700 fore them in the Record elassi any .Mil II I.N CRASH i Dor bouse, Orand Ave WaVRTftD illnalMBi by yoilM man on SEED. Júc 1.8 room adobe. Pera St a.000 ried columns. Rales 7c per line I. t D. AW. FoH KENT a housekeeping rooma. 71 N. I kind of m ran drive machine, I. Park. Boi El Pftao. Tes. ft El Paso 4.600 for run insertion. 4c per tine hit I i r i.ainpbeU. loll, East efaronre ktvuai. aa7 Muulaua Phohe 5 rooms, Highland Pk. 3.700 eirh consecutive insertion ibere ion Ml corn grinding mill rnr modern, terms. A MM nuta 1M5 model car to arter; figure words 10 tbe line tnal. of large capacity, wo. Phone aoM, For Rent ovariaad trad for Address classified Adv. Depi A I.I. ABiil Mi n wjlil- - p..- - n. ill.) or Fun worth Record, I. mini, machine,, a Fun Worth country h. tViTI. care Tlinea. at dlrcnuDt for TWO ROOM porch! Tasas. in nay-- na, i 113nllN. rotlkge. iwntng bath aulo m null, stanion Orand View. Phone 3114 p. in FrtH l r anr I pi W. P. GRAY. Phone Ms, BALI Lliderwmid, Iti'l.inll U0. Co.. Km Mm Pboiwi 1717. Hii.llMiiNU piano for sale; good comilitón With PARK BROS look i like new. llii.oo. Phone 1444. Hoi sckeeI'INO And bedrooms, in Myrtle. 115 Main Si. ajock North of Po 10 me. 30 BALE Situations Wanted Female m lh MID ANS. Furnished Houses For Rant II' il sEKKE.Pl.NO ROOMS 015 N. Campbell. FOR tit each Archer Bak THE BlUGESr BAHGAIN ery. 1313 San Auiiuiki 1'bone M Hinim autl board, gentlemen only. Phone IN THE YOI'il widow wlalie ynvernran or noun TWo housekeeping rooma. 1411 Boulevard aOUTRWEBT. krepinir i - puaitiou. widow itunte, 1015 toeatatt to Roswelf ft, 1AM, Hoi SEKKI.PINQ E. overland steam heated rm. aaj board an Prospect. miles southwest of any placet m, inn.. M Hops. 110 a room rrame. Esal El Psso; II seres orchard Ibal has now i IP, mi iiuiisekoeplug rooma. Ato Upaon. on lb about 30 WOMAN wania WUlk III Imapllal Of anil "i Msry Jane Bread, lot ft Staaiou si can of best varieties Mili., Room and Board Wanted or apples.irs3 cara peaches. sprtuklu ,,f num. .Linn work Wm INDi Hol'SEkKEPINO raosns. Ml E. " A 4771. earn in hlaukela for rale. :oi w. Missouri pears, apricot and cherries, alio some Tinea. Iimc Rant WANTED Room, sleeping two krtTbl Alia Wanted to porch, and M TL room house. H it SEKFKP1NU rooaai. M1 N. stanion a nay m ny Mala school. Will lake lot . ai ill Sliita all fMhasaut" Maw- ,- . - MasmUayamkmm meáis ieri pnvaie iMitne pay men ai Agents Wanted to Boy a young man Give romph-i- mfor as rsl . HOUKKKfc.PIN0 MA N. Orsgoa. business gjson ..mv 'if-- ftaiaimi will riow; no BlAtH aultas,, mailon in answering Rafsrenrea. Address no Mp. Days drive from El Paso by aulo.' a. i tin warned; aniel n lla in eeary WANTED Tei buy econd hand loa n care i iawi. I room red V. una H. Motar, home, kalary or uiiuuuaali.u Wnic i. Su S. Kl I'Sao it. Furnished Rooma For Rent It. L. JOHN Si IN. Oilberi. PL Wurta. Taaaa. Bol Ml. Lhra Stock For Sola Hope, N M. To Exchange Misisllaiiaooji 5 car line Ml. .vi il. M cbsrge or Mr Bad - lino. BUSINESS propsrtv m Sp atrial TfealiiMinl HOTEL Mow Fur e Horn.- wsaaa ad asraa. Nice home 00 comer pric wiih isrma sai little t exirsordloary. a. U, 51 IIIADI. LOTS urn At III chasa for esas. Proalo plwaBir. 04 1.. - Will In aa Oral pay ft Tbom. i r local. put rnsai ava rww, itraa. wai. ii.iillu.il III Jllll. In, Into r lialhtng facültasa Kaarsac on Ovsrisad SL esa IM. uroi 01 líos- m btteaetow-WHIT- .IV OWNEa-utl- Apart iiiaeMi For Rent Ua-- n nesr LI Paso sv PADCN REALTY 00.. SALE BY fui lou. (Over Allium a) cojarart thoroughiarrd PboM M01 aao Bldg El kl sperial PracUee I f lia latiu NORNANblK HOoMS- Hot and cold running Auto and Accesaorioa u wi. all i, ide rooma. comfortably ar my Real m ranged, comer Ssn Anuíalo atad Campb-- ll Want to Eatote KAMiMN m allglHly used IMI Oakland A aaoakara mining ear. aao ytmder, by ElEiiAMI.Y Inniished room In SINGLE COMB While LagtaorD Inby r tucks. WANTED Direct frota owaer. El Paso val ii. .. ili rn owuer lo be sold uo sceouni of It VALLEY LAND TO TRAM far city ,,-,- ,. ..iu,uiajs 111,1 tkv. palieM in, Issvtag tiinsslow. rounecling balh. break aal. leliri acur. Ib rlM cily A Hand Aulo sah deal red: couple preferred Phi II MM I lllle ly will aaaaaai ap so sejes. . 4BM. ear Times ai sai sMeabr tswanrarp. 4tfl Myrtlerl Ave. FOR LEASE Ai aipariMculima Al yaar' irlan Pka snfurniataaxi aparinwai NEWLY fiirnislved routai. with alceping BAHRKO ROCKS Setocltad balchlng egga. WANTED in BUY ai once. 1 tola walking la ir latlnilar aMfaavi) hrirral Jtari wio. ail. ..r broken fraona alralghutH-- I aaMnih, Upaos lairrh "all. a.1 ! launa 1 hk.i inn II It so for II. Pbosj 4707 J tlio ArisoeV elfffiYIU ft distance, nauai be avara at n f, , .JT arlual praillir la kurupr.. uul.craJIlca and welded guarantee d hi own Welding fcTta anlVtn la ike diy.A. orar y aeiiucnvrn ivoiy sau i ol AMANTKED frtafe sggs. )l li Ham nn. u7 Isrte rouasa. baib arad delivered I I lo p. a ; kakkéay I su toa MIMED fwi gmlca whu a I perina misen, at rwsa ami. i loR D Jt ItaaklBartoa vlaible n. nl lo MMIOMB M M DOWN ata kOr a weak will buy you . Trwa-- aekvuilt Typewriter aus Porry-Kirk- p If .! Hollywood TokSsO .i., lio Co., mm trick lictaakfa! ailed hit M tMaatlfBl Uulghta Pbua POa BALK OR Tl 5l ty at liaalie 1747. mB rtnnal ainiMlaa ta i.n, HI n HiMiMS- -A baurA BHÓN Realty Co. n SKK s u you ha bom to aell or W tail -J passeuger sai. a CS AI fo BKPAIH .s Hop OH i asad Phoi ODDortuiiktaa-- office. opvoMM warn a cAtafMi aaaartgsg or col- I Myrtle. alii Phon MAT. tola aa raaav PáWST a mm y MMA ikaos awAt ferd i"unug ar Ml N. Fairmont ho ru asa saieab H ZjQTBtkWFim aaas'aa'saara NIc rleaa mom. trsilUBI sud pcrna jMAtai i o. ni JA 4 WATTa. I'l AMI I AI'AMIMI NTS. 1411 Sail AavutUu ÑTÍT yoopf UeVlea, rata) MM S4 rear sad Utk. hot amf mal sob. InvMilgau i laico, I ftaXtU tila HiW tMJ SOtMi MaiMIs I Mk. I 4 easa- MS finan aS - aiCYCLA tale a Kl I'im at wslar. fui matted. If d.atrstl PSjuae M W. bMUllatak. Lvasa Aai'a. Ill Mtfrvial AVASs MWitanaa 19. 1915. EL PA3Q MORNTNG TTME3

Notice tí T'. . R, FALLS BUSINESS HOUSES FROM TO true ceary of "lata tteltt trs shw a Nu taxi. EL PASO A Z It posted aa tar at aWBEJMt Marconi beH st the Mft Aaietief aVarOOND-HAN- Internan.. nal Fdtirauenal Poh AwLBJUtiElaVJtlw. MKJatjajTTxXli AaKEOIKA taoctPE EAMj. slsnir.i oa. as. k of the a over r.i niincRflrr rtshmr LOCAL MERCANTILE AOKNCY. wet throw gway your oM fara Western Mates Lira Ins we are poalttve.y ría highest BUinnna site AND COIlSTRUCTIPt'J La Cabrita Mining SI ite attend furniture sad bate m II .MIOS AM PER MA Bowman Bank a Co. AVAtDINU MACHIN I eieer ei psao ntw mm see 'of" Trust pnone m w IMPROVEMENTS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL Si Two República Life son am s. El Peer. BLU OIRO OT THE CITY OT EL PAJO, TMSINM MEA CM MiSBsA POM TEE FlttaT BURROUfJJta Adding Mills BUg TBXAA Bt Paso Hotel Co Wanted All tinte or furniture, Wt pay TIME TN MANY MONTEE BECAIEM CtlRTIgft- - anayee. MANNINfi D Addtne Matktset, Mint more for your goods than any firm la tte rrtclaMOM ef Mi BNOWFALI. alTun tit sl uarmo. an s. Kl VHERRAS. IU W IV of April, A. city oars, city or ra raso. Tea. OT TEE BEAVT aM Bead oeaksm, city Paao. Western Faraliara Ce. p. I Ml. tte clqr titetj. Of the 'U of fi Jimm. sValleaal Beak Bias . AVOVERTIEINta MOVING--! Moving! Csll OdOBl'i Trsnsfsr Co. El Pasa, Tetan. WAirrto Ta secorm Eg efaaWei Ctrrtwy I rridg. hay asno teott by the unanirteea rot of the aidternen ras rnsta at Ttatte lafeat MAI LI NO Lista Ippman't. EE Trust guBs. H. Kl - Tms. n. M April IT. A llgnt Mobr. tot Pea picseot. itera ktlflf lour xddermte prel- jaiMirT ase Or CKiiideroft. B '.i. finally sBopted ji ahowar fall la Ctouderon Toaaday It was ETTOxWrKTE. WALTER DAVIS PI abo teacher, St par patasdgsn. certain TteSá. A Phone SHS ordinance ottering Bad utnorialng MM is- P. J. mM fair warm WMnendty. but tt sun- month. Voire, asneara ef uw sua nd RUFUS B. DANIEL, LAWTER suance of eoupoo MMl of Mid e'ty for down began to rain tats continued n xe. CITY R. noon Maaaj nwa is tt aM of Orearan, who had oaueed the eelsure MB Mtlia Building Phone ttt J i N corrmeton. vtolinltt. Buckler BIOS CO.. StMtoo. i'hooe tttt. the purpoaa of borrowing money tte ml tha ssssts ml lmw Tlanxaa. several hours, turning lato snow before of U MM City. I for MM a asi aa as PASO credit M Ud saatetea a la morning. About two inches of snow fall of Wletrand'a atock and the closing of BANES. NBW And SECOND HAND CiXFTH BR EL SION CO.. 414 Mete. Phone tttt. 1 followtna purpose!, fir hundred aste nwa ssaa 111 I a I . mm Mass (l il last at telMn mf tessite;wru during flat algnt his saloon In arald conducted by AN thousand doliera latatu uw BP IBM UESRONR ' lop purpoaa of tea tew aod pay-i- mm omn n IB Fart) Hobba. governor's secretary. tte - part tas at St Pass,it'SiHtee stetea paste, w an O. C. 8c trio, of Auunogoiwo, arrived tha for publl- atbool kulMttt altea, a ate ka ww an CONVERSATIONAL method Palmara collega of aria m tas smi h te'afjtfinal (Thwidtion far a abort visit January . and and for, the erecting obstructing at asta astea nu outt ssrilai teta. Jf BnoBK.nl NBW AND EaCOOND HAND GOODS . city public aebool buildings, and for say aw asas, as sr Mian wm was an. . v. Al Roberts, of the cioudcrofter force, re The reeult ta this caae. It waa an SPANISH lesson l Phone Mlt-W- and erecting ponnaneot issprove- - IMS, saM awst snart. Ms tte ts turnad Wednesday from Htgb Eolia, where d cheap. bs teAaa st tha asan heats at tsM sstate. ja nounced, would cause the Ism batel of 108k M. A. HORCA9ITA8 City real ettate. WK want to bay. We sell Pbooe TANKS. puour scinroi aianwp oi sy ha has been taking vacation. apaeiai-rirs- t test, tot N. Sfanton SV te atty ST B Pasa, oa Uto M h ttaj, I. P. t suits brought n gainst the for- Bra. Paso. Teaaai I I, asa tsts win at Mrs. Oscar and their similar Nat. Bank ALL It to senes honda ti sietaai a ssaateate Mr. and sbennald - kinds Ask for catalogue. Phone I4M. la proposed issue of stasanSvaa sg tata uat. Elisabeth, left Wednesday mer governor by two other Copper- PAXE TING AND HAI'KRINO. HUla. Sulton k While Mrg. Co. In the turn faal aforaaald tor tte purpoaa Wtelll S & MrOlatack. Cite ef tha C IWU little daughter. Cauft at XI Tasas. Kl Pato for a short visit. field saloonkeepers, whoee places Y I last aforaaald, white aald ordlnanc Pass. for HLILDKRS AND CX)NTRACTX)RH El. TON PAINT CO.. KM N. Stanton. P. tit 1 AA UlERM 1 Tt. dotted aroreaald la aa foliowa: Oten anaar aw Mad aad assl at said atari, Bl u entinad ssy arrtaa. uw ett at UUa lata H S. Fslrbanxa, irainmaaUr for tte war eloeed alao. Aft OROINArfCK AUTHORIZING THE - at at B Psta. EL1.AN BROS. TOO. 900 I as at asan. o. Paao A Southwestern, sad F. M. Clough. i.xn EafttaariN harm Contractor and PACKING. Mcl Phone risco. 8i ANdl port PURPOSE a ivis reasonable or bonds fix superintendent of tba B. A B. department, LAEOE CATTLE SHIPMENT. builder, figure your work; OK PHOvfblNU PliNDS POm PURCHASINU CteMy rates quality, peona tsar. packed by Oetger belt the globe RAN SUATORS. CI were In Oouderoft Wednesday Wiley first hoods I TY IOIBL1Í SCHOOL BUIL ANDA, El Pasa aaa Fart Transfer, storage, repairing. Ph. A Ml CONSTRUCTING CITY PU Smith, section foreman, and tte foreman or Bteer and Met Seat la BIILDINOa AND PERMANENT IMPROVE- - the bridge gang were hare alto. Worth Market. BURGEON MENTS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL BlULDINOS sta- o. PHYSICIAN AND Br N. a. oooo. baya. Tha train Wednesday want to Bótala Eg Speofel Meco yLfS2SLcmfES'!f builder BAIHB. OK THE CITY OP EL I'ASO. TEXAS." so. rieses Jobbtog. ES tLRKME or tion ror tte rirst time inca January Hint, Texas. April 1A O. H Wheeler has DR. FREKDMAN. 4 M1U Bldg. Ph. 107. arh aald aanna of laauea of bond M s N. OREOtiN. proposed to be leaned la to bear data on tte tra. Heavy snows bate prevented tte train shipped a carload of bogs to the El Pato KKNOVATaNia. tot Louie, prop'i aturra which was CWja day of delivery to purrhaaar or aa near from getting itere. Tte engine market. nxjCE cuhed. tXPEWRiTlwHE. recently derailed about mile pott NO. St DO SANO A WELLBORN. Phone 10. Tares) carloads of extra fine yearling tlOO REWARD for any uncomplicated case was hauled here also a ear or wood which taken to (I per cent.) par annum, payable steer wart received here sad CHINA PAINTINO. ol pues we tail to aura wiiooui ta anua, ror had been toaded several "weeke. on or carbolic acid tujae- - lory meciianlci. Supplies all makes of and U 10 become abaolulely du the Rotería ranch tte met. ligatura, cautery tow this amy T. I. Perktnson. Elt Moser. J. 0. Hough. OUNTOW'S Apta. MCA machines. Rebuilt Typewriter Co., Masa. and payable in forty yeara. aubject to re- bsra Pour oars of fat ateert wereWioped to STUDIOt t Lueerte P. ttoua. Phone (747. however, at option of aald W. ft. Clark and Oeorge F. Olden have re- INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS, demption, tte tsM ixssats is fa Psaa hat market from this station city, or twenty yeara itu h from Alamogordo. where they had tte Fort worth CLtcURVOTANT Corner Texaa and Mesa. El Paao. Tst TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. after tte exultation sad 4 a. nr., aaU at yahtla aala to turned weak. Clint la rest becoming a rtom date, and aald usases far sash aM ess riant, tola, intar been called Jury aervlee. last All makes sold, rented and repaired, tte ordinance for and bogs. free: SHITTexaa'st tit Diuviaioo ror levying ana collecting of dará Hast, E. A. Csote aasatti M. Wednesday shipping point for csttle rdlBBs PLUMBERS. Mills St. Ph. Kit. Agent Corons typewriter. Tawsts Captoa. la aha Judge i. Post returned etnmNT nually a sufficient tax to pay tba interest aUM KhrarS El he teen School hat closed for the term. Misa on to raw nit atasnssn isaas raama sana from Pato, where hat severs! VMNt. AM) PHJCEBINU. PAY CASH and aavo money on your Clumb You will find whsi you are looking ror and redeem at maturity the bondi ateidsd tntaraat and part tahjtet lo hie Josle teacher, has opened a lU ny Ana waekt. He ten Thursday morning for silva, vie lng work. All work guaranteed. I'hone on tbe Classified page. issued virtue inereor. un wo tha Ufa latea tf Ma WaOSar, Martsrat A. CSBJte, private school. AND DRY CLEANING CO. We Alt fct city at ranch near Weed. OHIO STEAM torn, Paao Plumbing Co., tía south ordinance also provides that it aban tata turtna har lira), alraatsd or tn tba a Dm peen tn Paao p.. F. Sal Several society ladral were guests are ti cheapest and best rleanora Virginia. errari ana in torce wnan it naa raí El I'aao El eoeatr. Tuaa. rta: Supervisor this tea returned ua. pnone tried by a majority vow at the legally The aaat M faat at lot 4 ana an at nt a u field trip. Mrs. J. X. Bowaa Monday, when Mrs. city, try toss. CsmphaU-- addition frotn TRY the City i'lumning Co. Seller plumhing property of tit blaak ItS Cloud-cro- Bowen severs! down and mi alined uz ptylng voters 5S ft. Davis and John Wtidrip were In sent tutomobiles US your clothes to presa, truly ao pnone cernppou III. ny qualified to vol at an the asst rast at It and ab of let tt tf UHiMi ror lea, nioa. tit ru at. VETERINARY Bl EONS who are legally Staas aa. sw aa hewn aa Mills m of ashl Thursday. took the party tt Kl Paao to lb concert cents a sun. raoreneaa, too tailor, aus n. 'lection held to determine whether or Dot :., alty. fraahi saeta Ran Antonia strati, ane Tbe late arrivals at the Texas were: 0. H given by the V. D. at tba christian Oregon 81. Phone xaw. the bonds proposed thereby aban be is- on asst as fast W n la Mast 4 ss atoan guests sued, voting at an electron bald to deter- - aliar an lbs tut; taad St Mabood. El Paso, Texts; 0. C. Sclplo. Ala- church. Tha were: Mtadamet Uto aaat R. Murphy, M N. Webb. Homer mine whether or not aucb bonds shall be tod os aat. Also mogordo. 0. Wells, 'RONTO pl.l'MBKHs, tot texts. Phone lora. T. BROWN, veterinary. Phone 4M7. Hos- ) a of Mid half of lots II. II sad IS In blot tst tf I. Htacrield. M. Junglobann. Jackson, A. T. 600 issued and that unless majority addition aald Atoo of lot 14 tad Tom Charles, member or tte mero county aiRRUtíATKD trun and steel Dallas and Work guaranteed. pital for horses, Texas. Phone tbe ts du. sit Blddle, H. A. Elbbey. Co tl. so legally qualified voters, voting at north half at 1st JS btors i ot asnorwo wsa In Clouderoft Thursday on Halliban, S. B. Junes. Myrtle, mils. Sutton A White Mr. or is road board, BUSH PLUMBING M. MASER. Phone Oclsvls A S. Antonio. aald election, ahull vote in favor the twaa ta alt cttr. Alas the nottewast pan business. C. E. Kellogr. Howard Coffin, Ouy Ptelda. 11. proposition for tte Issuance, than the aald Meek II ss aaotm on Milk map of said dry Joe Fields, K. 0. Sohalrer, Stewart Scbalrer. UICAU t'AITLdK con- lOSkto ffW aomar af aald hlook. asatetlr with Erg. Rosa floren la tick at her home here. fu-- CAEDB. I Nit.. l.oiida shall not be issued, but on tte st A. M. Loomia, Rslph Loomls I WHO for issuance una a Ban Antonia auaat. tt tart aauUtorhr Charlea Boren was a visitor Thursday. sod Miss dead ctl'.lA boraet nd mules trary, ir tte proposition tte Broadway faat. than.. or said bonda reapecllvely shall be sus- parallal wiUi atraat. tt charles Bonnell. of tte Myers company, Richardson. hauled away free, rnone it. immeoiaiety YOUR picture on post csrd, 1 for Made legally wsatanr parsllal wrrn nan sntonis airaat. iwi Orchards are out or bloom and by an All work guaranteed Lat- tained by a majority of aald so to aleaat; nsrthtrlj lo oojmoins. made a trip to Tularosa and I.a about artist. (iiiaitrioti paying voting Btosdva business vslley Art Studio, ItlVk 8. Kl Paso St. Tiooerty tax voters, aa fas r'aplaa latas amos nuil'lina- Aiao a pan Lux Wednesday. He was accompanied by unless there Is Isto frost this will est at tut aald election, then tte aald bonds of asid bloat U. haslsntnt mi aw eonat of parte producá tbe largest cropp or apples and with Brosdwss 0. tv Harktleee. Lull be issued. last ahowa iteaerlttod. thtors aouthorlr pears in its history. DR. A. BURTON, ttt Mills Bldg. Phone 107 PUBLIC BTENOCRAPHERB You will find you are loosing ror NOW, THEME FORE, notice Is hereby auaat tt fast. taSDSs aatarVj parsltol wHh San R. F. Pollock, accompanied by his wife, whst fast, than ra part parallel Men from the Boyd sad Booker on tbe classified page. given that an election in all things held sntoula atrsat ft harts arrived In r.loudnrolt Wednesday to opea ranch DETECTIVE AOENCIEB. PUBLIC stenographer depL Drtughon'a Bus- the City with Hroadwa to MB corear of tsht psreal. thauoa report a very heavy ralo, which fell tn that College, 110 Trust Bldg. Phone lifts. accordtn to law will be held In waautb to bastantes. Alas the amiuwsst part af his photograph shop on Msln street for the iness or Kl voting map. locality Tuesday night. J. C. 8TAN9KL 4: SON DETECTIVE AOENfTV Paso, and in each and all Mor St aa abown upan aattf Mill. front summer months. nso Hank Bldg. phone day SO fart FIRST National ?. precincts thereof on Tuesday, the nth tag fast on Ban Antonia atraat. frontina U sold home tn or May, A. IMS, tbe purpose of sub- on Mata aramia, known ss tha Captas ra.ll amas Prank c. Hitchcock has his SERIEN ROBBERIES. corporsllons or lníivldiils In any das of Independent Essay Oftloe 0., for tn or sHOPts. mitting to tte tax paying votara qualified building. Alao bloat 13 sad lots ta I tnrlualra Cloudrrort to D. E. Chalk. Mr. Hitchcock legitimate Investigations. Civil or criminal ILEPAIlt B saneaLiante isaa. bloat 15 and lota t to It Inetnalr In black It. all cases by expert investigators m the ejEjk. P. W. Batraaanrr. BJE. as atoreaatn, tne proposiuou wnetner or Akto and ramlly have moved near Weed. Burglars Loot Three Places la Peces Two handlud r In, In Hlshland Park addition ta asid elUr. A piled and Mexico. Room 501. Two WANTED To buy second hand tool and anfanaBV aawtat fV ppwo Immm ataa a nnt in- sforcsald honda shall be Issued. 27 Hi wast A. J. Posey family wore m Clouderoft Negro Suspect Stttrs andlrldtd half of lota to IlKluatta and and Ring, pnone gun. H. Mohr, 300 S. El Psso SL and thereby enabling aald legally qualified I tnohaa of lots It la block B. of maraña addition Wednesday. Eg Stutter Ptre to the Tin Republics Lire 3i7. to ratify or re- to asid cttr Alas alt Uto right, title and totarsat Pecos. Texas. Aorll Id - Pecos waa treated property tax paying voters Posey was la clouderoft Thursdsy. REM DETECTIVE 6AVINOE BANES. pudiate tbe action or tbe city council tn of said dafandsat tn and to uto H V. Plahet nine rrinay nrgnt io inc excitement of a Ditr THE WILLIAMS AGENCY. , ay. aoa ea. aurrar No. 111. at MS acra. In El Psta county. W. E. Jcrgtns returned from Alamogordo Investigation made In civil and criminal m ete. tbe or Mid bonds. Tte ordering issuance Tasas, north from aald rltj Alao all Oto risk' casea. 1st Nat. Bank fildg. i'hone 1406. DON'T be penny-wis- and pound month. polls shall be opened and tba election held Wednesdsy. they are UUa and tnlaraat of aald attendant In and to company Deposit your etrnlngs while in the several voting d recineta. aa follows: tartas naatetsd Its sad Ut as toad tn tha John Jergtns and Joe Smith returned from Read Mercantile and Miller's EDUCATION Ala. youra. You an with us by mall. Precinct No. stables, lis Waal aubdtrtaloa of uta San Küasrts truit an tha hlsnd Alamogordo Tuesday. d-hand store. Prom the first establish Commercial National Bank, 107 Texas. county, eouUtorly from ment Bet cash, two or a Overland street. Win. C. Bulger, presiding In Kl Paso stoat St all in pairs siioos and Corrlngion. Buckler B. Badger, asid rlty handbag were taken. Front Head's t7 from Mrs. expression. B.. ts. Judge and f. Gas a. Babteft. SALOON MEN A R REM TED SANATORIUM!. Riot, as seaocrsie juuaea. nata ranos gaearaur mown aa tna lanas at inn rasn register was stolen. A gintsr and victor jr., Uto aatst of klohard Capiat, deosaaed. Thoaa two taken from FACIAL MASSAGE. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Precinct No. ItT East Second street map Pones 4s watches were tbe second- t ahown on aald Mill In tha leen Allege They Were Violation hand store. The waa sold by a negro Tin. Tatla Ma. 12. Lit.-- II si a. ar. O. W. Emerson, presiding judge and Jesus trant and thoaa tn aald faniphall sddlnan psrts Officers Ite guitar Facial massage, scalp treatment, hair dree aras I. aeao- Saturday morning or late Friday night ItIL Blancas. W. W. click, John lord, as of tsaw trant Thoaa at tina ahila addlttta a part Suaday Closing Law by Selllag Liquor. early lng A manicuring, f Buckler Bid. Ph. sen. tMountaln Tiroa only ) Judges. of Hart asrrar No. 1 Tbsst la Htorans addi- gp to an old Mexican. Two negroes were ar- BKWINQ kUCMINEaV a a. w eatsav, ciaie Forcing entrance through a barber Toyalt t. r tion s part of aald Hart turrar. rested at Saturday afternoon. They CAauLlME. tba Krecinot Ho. s Central fire Station. J. WUnaaa ray Ulto April 1MB. shop sd Joining the Santa Fe saloon on Sev- Tree, rroat Nana and lis - band It, were brought back on the evening train SEWINO machines for rent singer t Catlf aralsa L. McAfee, nrealdtag judge and C. P. Bratt- PBIfUN J. guwARDB. enth street, officers Henderson and and lodged in the Reeves county Mhitn snrt Hismisrd. Mschlrres repaired El Paso County. Jail. FIVE gal B. gasollnu Tte oil etc Phone tM. I Ooltea Stata Limitad tx ata. sirom, Ed Hollmlg, Louis Jean, as associate Sheriff. ei, repairs guaranteed. Needles for all Tttcumran I'aao Local t St-- N. B. OOOO. Daputy. Duchen yesterday afternoon arrested All tl tipas. judges. Aiiastaclo Rami rea and Braulio Vaaquet. HA1H fsSJING. matea or mac tunes, nogera rur ui. ru. its. Stum ms aat Antas. Ho. a sly soutn Virginia sweet. Dltl I Otear aty Bpsclsl t IS t ra. Precinct - who were in building, on a charge of I 46 p m. w h Austin nresldtna- Indue and the AUTO STAGE LINES., 1iio- eHxSira4SAiJ! violating prohibiting MAIRDRES81N0, manicuring and "Mtraeflo' will aave you -- Btesett, James X. EroWft. .U W. ChrlsUey an roanty tte sute ordinance rtoperts dollars. Br etrttaa af aaaeutlon tatuad eat at the sale or on Sunday. who ÜMI itoariguex. t CnlUvlBlsa as associate Judges. court of Kl Paso rounty. Teiaa. on Sfh day of liquor Ramtret. KÍÍKÍt"mtU aiW 4 Ouliiao Blata lamltad litatepía. No. Tsys J. B. April. Ill on s rendered In aald nsart proprietor of tbe saloon, was later UORM.VG1 TIMES bHEIlT MATAU PHODCOIB. I Tucuoioarl-X- Pato Lata. Precinct afreet. radtwant It the Planear plaaa. front of Ratal gt tidal, nresldlnir luda and 0. Alderete on 3rd day ot Juna. lata. Is osas Na. jets In on a while Vasqtiet. etUME DtvAlelCKH. ror tna Wall iilimi. t. fare of W. at si., sgslatt K A. released bond of dally and Sunday st lit a. a. ACME SHEET METAL WnRES-Oen- SUM Lludtsd Manuel EscaJeda. Ben Lacajeis, aa associate J. t'alhrart Patay rasa to Canuiiuo. fOohlan CsptoT for tTtl SS, Internal and easts. I nata Oria who la a barkeeper, willt.te transferred to at ttt; Anthony, tl.to sheet IIWISI coll Cits Special t pin. kiractulta. tl.M; Mtollla Pari, I'ASO AND ItOS Han Judges. dar loriad on sad will an Mar tth, ltll, st oran the county Jail today, when a complaint Bartno, tl.lt: it fl EL IRON METAL 00., Texas SI. Phone No. 4 City hall. J. M. Ooggla houes door of astd county In dty of El Paso be- Ess Cresas, ttte. Bis areata, Pasa A Basta ra Precinct him unlawfully selling toaran Las Crucaa ti and T. W. Ardofa, J. m. tween 10 a m and 4 p in. aall st pnbUc aala charging with liquor Beturnlna. tato Org, ataca. Loa copper, bones, Phoné aten. reame ra presiding judge p. m. brass, ate WHOLESALE and retalL Tanka. culverta, V A. Colea, as judges. to hlshast bidder for rash all the right. UUe, win be sworn out in tbe Justice or peace's Cruras, at graa tba Nona Antra. Bedford, P. associate Small eiprata puklpti asrrtod ratea irrigation pipe, silos, etc Ask lor cstalog No. 7 Eaat El Paso station Interatt and ciaba of datmdant. K A. Capira. office. si aetnlusl THE ALAMEDA JUNE CO. pay hlghetl price It Mat toa ..ipraaa It Mam. precinct fire Mata mmuUnsi tas atoju oataaa si Tuaat Branca Hills, Sutton a. White Mrg. Co. Phone UK. Kl Psss Pttaanaw ... . C. H. EoJle. presidias, aamsUaMS alao callad Edward Thonus Capiat, Hen- for an kloda or , Alameda. Ili lupa Texas street judge tn Oto (asme Prior-t- raiding tha saloon. Ofrtcera No. t. IBS Tataa atraat. tut tbj North Z. Ben sad to followtna described Isads VOtu. let and Vlnceule Alvarado. I. Avliim bstnd aa aadlrtdsd tn tartar and Part derson, Hill and Ooniex arrested Jetus rhone aa Judges, PASO PARENS AUTO LINK. Uucaao tsar alaU. . Teoeyuque, associate majan to tos Ufa asteas af bar mother, Martsrat Moreno eight or whiskey EL t asa precinct No. a 30061 Alameda arenua (ad A. rapan, daring har life). AU alluatad mho MOB USO TUIM DEUVEBT. N PASO sleel. The A Win. Legbtnara). Joe Dunne. la cttr af El Pus In Bl Pase county Texas, rtr and three galtonaof wine tn bis possession Loara. Plonaar plans, trout Hotel ahaldoa. dally MADE EL Oslvsnlted saratatsa. MarrlaSu't tea Asasele Ballwar. jacent to m 45 a. m. and Myrtle. HIUs, Padfle Judge Joa Aliara, Wm. Tba aaat 24 faer of lot 4 and all of lot 3 In lo a pool at and santa Pe streets, and Bunaay. at t s. strretna Fsbaat beat made. Dallas taouiaara lulas.) presiding and Campbell's hall Tilth via north road ta T alatli than ra south road to ILLINOIS BOTTLE AND JUNE CÓ.. A While Mfg. Co. Proa) na kaat Arrr.a. B. aa Judge, block 113 of addition to ted rlty Also Moreno, Sutton 0. Brattatrom, associate tha U faat of lot and all of 31 tn block which adjoins a saloon. who rabana. Uaná I a. to. Oa CUM, Baa BUaarto tOM E Overland St. Phono IMI. t Sunaat Esstaa I Oarage 1606 B assl ft m. precinct No. ft rear of No. IVt ss thows on MtU. map of aald city, frsnra owned the saloon, which has only a license Tilata srrtelna at rasa it ra a. raras ai ra STOBAQE VVAtUtMOtiSAA rtl Saaaal Lbnl.ad leats. Boulevard, Jobn H. Harper, presiding an Han Antonio atraat Alao tha aaat SS faat of ta Yikrts. Cunt. tic. rasara, ate. Baa Ellaar te rute. to fell beer, thai be did not know tte: JEVTELEIW . A. Anderson, at. Anderson, lot 51 in Mock abown aald Mule stated Llxht at I Maa judge and H. t. t at as sua): atte tie. H. '. STEWAR I FURNITURE . aa. as Judges. aa tha asst; land of Loa Hammer, daoaaaad. en now the liquor came to be tn bit posses- ralas. Mata I Jtp I red W. Baier, associate Depart atont ttn.oon TO LOAN on dltmonds ai o per rent. WE buy. sell and llore, pack, snip aad .It at n. ax, No. to HI Kill ami Dark fire ala wast. Also lbs aaat naif of lote ti, II sad II tn sion. He was placed in the city jail and curuuuoa uw Precinct block of Caatpbah'a addluon to aald dty. raovu bouaeltold tat tin rum J E. Biscbol. presiding and tit will to county Jail today. l AHH1ZOZ1 MAIL LINE. 1U Bunaat Limited ... judge Asm an af lot 4 and north half of lot SS In be trsnsferred tbe U.uiWriJ.-- ut. Bit a. Stanton SL ..as Kipraaa Wyeih Doake. C. W. Brett, W. J. Bule, as Mask I af aattarwhlu addtaon to aald Antonio. Wigwam Bldg. It Bunaet MM p.sk du mmTSSUiTlTi m?Z teplltef - Fat uw Waat Oapart. associate judges. Atoa Uia north watt put af bloek 24 aa shown on JSSi EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New wars- VERDICT rOE rORMEE OOVEENOE. EZaaTTtneola. Tari atan ton. CapUaa ate Nnsal (alltornls . t 44 a m. Precinct No. it Southeast comer Mis- MBit man at laid dry naatontnt at WW corner KEY FITTING no use. sarest iocbiiou; irusmrei luwosi and Brown street. R. E. Ttemaaon, rf aald Mask, aaatarly with a tins to dsn Antonio paf 0S& ratea. Phone tOSL nf tXLW ESES '". souri atraat, teat aoarherly parsllal wttb Brnadway Oregon .saloon Keeper Gets No Damage SteST presiding ludge and Dr. 8. T. Turner, w. L. tt for Jr A. A 100 San Antonio. Keys t wastwly mm KERN. fitted, l feat: lies ra asrslid with Cloalna of His Place. " ateWtxZ AUTO SbJfAMT. STOVE REPAIRING Taaaa A Ualnes, 0. a Coles, M associate judges. Han Antonia atraer, faat to Broadway atrwt locks repaired. Phone tan. No. 606 Octavie street. Jos. tt By fAa Ataot luferf Per ay From Uia as Anita. Precinct it northtrly to bottnntns Known SS the Capiat tarar STOVE REPAIR! NO New parts made and raat swaat . U. and Sol 1. Also 14. IT. t Sweeney, presiding judge office bulldlnf s part at .aid block Baker City, Or.. April After OLOBB TO PHOtSMX or sroves. i. I Cannon Ball E. Bowan, W. J. Harria, as kaatnnlng st HW earner of parcel last earned ror an mates j. Berg. J. abort aeven hours' .deliberation, a verdict tor car toara, uiaaa satis. Peeler, with D. H. Iron Works, corner Far tin Xaat-- 14 Oapart. dwrrtbatt I banc eoplberly. with Broadway atrsat. k Limited .10 to . m. judges. was tonight Mska raaarratUMia at Uoastnlua K. S. Florence Sts. Phone 311. New Orleans 13 IS leal, thance easterly parallel Ith Han Antonio the defendant returned V altor will find what you are looking for Fifth end 4 Kiptwa . I Precinct No. Mesa flra station, corner SS northerly parallel Uotat Oloba Oils sato atase Una You Fti Mia H. E. atraat. feat; utenea with Board by the Jury that tried a damatre suit page. Virginia and Rio Orante. Cornwall, way to 8K corner of asid parral: lltance nealarly on tbe Claaaifted taken down, furniture, repslrrd. to brought by William Wlegand. former- MONAHANS-ORAN- FALLS AUTO LINE STi'VES MsUaaal presiding Judge and Geo, Beaudette, A. W. tattsatat Ate Uto lowlkeait part sr htefe Iti housAoold packed by E. M. Lopes, BalrasntfJIauan, E. Clifford, aa upon ly saloon keeper ut Copperfleld, W. R. taaty. Prop, BinickVT. associate judges. ss ltll asid MUU rasa, frontina ta fast so a alb Myrtle Ave, with Schaffer Furn. Etc. . . tt a al rearas precinct No- la sOa North Kansas street. Ban Antonio arrest, frontina tí feet on Uwto a'enua against Oswald West, former governor nouns trip dally (ax. Sunday), one way. tt J. M. Wystt. presiding judge and I. B Known aa Uto Capíes .mall office butldtna. Abo Blnkley, N. U. Buenos, B. P. Derbyshire, as bloat II sad lots l to s Inclualra In block 19 and tots a to It InrlualTC In block IS sll In Hlshland aaaoctate judgea. to N. Park sddttloe aald dty Also undleVled half Precinct Nc. li rraaer Brothers, i of Mas tf ta tt IntSastis sad waat 4 Indus of Oregon street F. J. v. "lllama, presiding lot 32 In Mock B of HI eraos addition tn aald do judge and Chas. Da Orofr, R. M. Dudley, E. JiEY'Rb WEARING THEIR HAIR TO S. Heller aa assoclale Judgea. i precinct No. to EI Paso Oas Company, pre- city. Also sll tha right, litis and Intataat of aald IK N. Oregon street. S. Frudenthal. defandaat by and to aterrara numbered N. B. Its sad SHORT--By Goldberg. siding Judge and R. Davis. Clarence ttt ss suds In Uw auAdlrtaton of las BBS kttsarla MATCH THEIR HUSBANDS' INCOMES VERY imson. Sam Hosenwaaaer, as asaociato trant on .the talajad In Kl Paao. rounty shout tt (JoIfTberg. Judges. outsorts Test aald rlty. Copyright, I0IS, bjrR.lt. Prwlnct No. 17 Nerf SUlea Co.. cornet M. R. Oman, 1 Thoaa at Main aod Santa Pa streets on asM Mills man In tba Ponan Í Bvrr presiding Judge and Lee H. Orndorff. V. ame Those atrial "Hftrr-- t trant la Balm AuSr.' n-- l CrWi KJOtAl TT(.L B. Andreas. Win. Mattel, as as socials ef B nan eurrey No. s These in Btwaai addi- a tion a pari af aald Hart aunar rz judges. prop- ray asno uta April tsts. TvtoOBllj.lC-b'C- Tba voters desiring to sustain tte is. t I osition to Issue ror purpose of PEYTON I EDWABIMI. A bonds tte LI Hoy GGT IS COniNjG OOUOMS skBJaBkJ-- Bj providing runds ror purchasing city publK BAti J:nLsf aJBai i By N. S. GOOD, tteutr. i &s a a iK a. tK. wm mmm ) Ar TVws Soc ' school building altea and constructing city fRDM VóUrí. i Atnc wesibevrr public school buildings and permanent im- Wt5 OPt. As CoLURoAS to public school buildings of COOSIMS, ARjE ii provements uitJro upon J the City or El Paso. Texaa. shell have their bailóla aubetaatlalty tte rollowlug EL PASO CATTLE DEALERS words i AItB 7 "UPON PROPOSITION TO IBSI E BONDS AND COMMISSION FIRMS. i'OR THE PURPOSE OF PIlovltiINU FUNDS HiH PUHUHASINIi CITY PUBLIC SCWJOL 3He mtSHT CITY HI II.MNIt SITES AND CONSTRUCTINÜ cTAJsVOi -- HI IC sCHO-- BUILDINOS AND PEHMA Tlte M NT IMPROVEMENTS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL H.UINOS OP THE CITY OP EL PASO, lit OISJ HEW. TEXAS." COMPLETE EXCAVATION. HUSfJBVKlO "FOB ISSUANCE OF BONDS" "Id KAJK45 And those opnoaed to the uauance or bonds vMK i,.r itM mirante of nravtdlne funda tor asaa Wat te Ukt Waal Bite Canal Being Rusted wMc Mse; hastng clfy public school building sitas la Caatplaltaa ; Highway Betas Uaorevad. b(Ajri6b"Tn- f- sad constructing city public school buna-mg- S ftelse fascial CarreauanoV nl - r M i - and permanent improvements to pub- Cluuntertno. N. . April It Bxravtlloo lic school bulldinga of tte City or El Peso, work M tte wast aide canal has now bean lesas, shall have upon their bellota sub- completed stantially tba following words: or PROPOSITION TO ISSUE aWfPt OraraSag th stale bMrbway on tte KOK THE !HJhPOK Or PROVIDINO FOItM wctl atria It wttlvio a milt or batng com H ptihijiAsiNc city scjlooi. pleletl Tte gravel Is packing nicely. HULDINO Srn ANO aiNlTRUCTÍÑU A. B. Wood, of CBamtertoo, hag re AND Just N SCHOOL BUILTHNOS eel ted new car. IMIMANEIÍT I PUSUC lord MPBOVTUsslNTSy Mr. and Mrs. W ( war El Paao AlVvNrtA CHOtrt. BUILUINOS C At A rowter Í LlvVZuZ I'ASO. teXab." vial tort PYtaVty. AI.AJNST 1BSUAHCE OT BONDa." Mrs. Pay Sparry spent several days at 'It'' Kod esc a voter abajl strtlui out from Mi Las Cruras tte past wast allot ate words, "For Isjstenca of tente" lava is pack rrotn reara according Prod Carrtsoao. of hoods," te apM several weeks on bis ealUje ranch. at M or ageuiet tte said na otearte Sata PoneMaua atU te te Ms alfalfa lana Bate mi a few day. and maty slay bora luiansteHi tu a dairy Dinktsii In ' El Paao wuii li lar Just látate sot tea .rfTt tasa bare sac id as.ll be dlared ta te ar trea .riote-- s tntV Ite tete of iter if ditch and hare iZTZZml. as nas he telarostesj by tte lor tte first tliuu alar rvjaaloS at ttelr .smlxt utttctes Bait IBBSiat

I. .11 I,. - 3 H. Cut RtvUMOHRHtdwsxs, If A Paint tutd GUm. sVateTanteapanaa- - of tte CHy fiaban!, H. yff r to EL PASO MORNING TIMES Monday. April 19.

tie of sjactt hi Itlx Mr Turner was with " Day rhe csrrasse troop tbe west meet 'Inspection Features Ttyesdar. Read Tomorrow's Ad' fascination of on ROBERTS STARTS mum P. of mum V Autretaa and lineman i of A oilman A ftorrnan. pre.. er. have seen active service on TODAY SOUHERS OF FORTUNC TD THE BORDER newspapers nf the FOR PRISON raged throughout ligl fh Meslcan revolutions like Ihe other alista an nf Ms Adventurer dab. ihey ee atlraeted to BBS horder by the tm for CONVICT MAYO. Of TttatnT MAITSj Club. Recently Organized, Consists a a. Aiittrmn. a nallv or Molden M" t TO SBXrtBT, BBNtt IgllsMW "CAa of War ihe rar west when a mere boy He AIIBeJ or CASK. Store of Service" united in the battle between the ei tier In eastern Colorado In Filibuster, end Army Officer Who ' at the "Boston wsr Bp fte A ted Pi with Wilson's etnedltlon In I 7 Irtdlanspolt. Isd April n Mayor Donn Have Been Under Fire on the Field of Battle ; Many in einionuon 01 me tirano eaayon. trier Today pending month a tn srts. Judg Ell H. Redman add it We Offer trapper and hunter The In court are Globe Trotter Who Have Croeeed the See. "the open" he earn to El Past and cam- convicted federal paigned throughout tbe Madera, Orniro. In the election conspiracy c and CSi villa and carrenaa campaigns ta a pr fenced in penltsasjary. photographer and was on tbe tiring line in start tar petar tomorrow in a special ear. many of the more important hattle fss made etToris R. P. Dormán, jimi.tr member of tbe firm, This scsBousaesTient after By B. B. CAJIDI.E. when Uta Madero revolatlon broke out be an obtain bond tar Mayor Robert aad the Glove Values too sa wa bora at oak Harbor. Ohio, and came 10 I.Ike rbaptsrs ham dime novel read the field as t war corraepondeni for the border everat year ago. Ha Joined others bad falisal. Roben, against whom of si efesrttr nprobers of tfee Ad- fvral newspapera and nerved the Madenata tn tar revolt again! Por- the council bad to bring impeach itrain ihroiighniit the Madero abd revolt, voted venturers' ciub of El Paao. which WSJ 'ir Onsen firio Diet, participating m ihe battle or ment proceedlogs, wss hopeful until the both a newspaper man and soldier. He enga lam week at tbe office of Aultman look part in many a.a lírande. and other minor thai he would not have 10 make the Of The Season of the more deperaie ments. He served na a pre photograp gat last Present a Dormán the local sentencV yeara tn Tat "Barro chapter," bait lea. Ihe Villa trip. HI waa for tit of throughout entire ranipln branch of tbe International organlutton In recognition of Ma deed of bravery again. t Huerta and during the Villa and prison and lbs payment ef ttori rtne. 50c $2.00 Adventured, rocinal or war co Carranxa split. Thc mea were sentenced last Monday, enu. niibntters tad army officer The Other Three. but were permitted so remain here pending bses.sssb asm lea OS tbe field of The other three charter member are Phil their, erfort to give bonds, which federal Application baa been riled by tbe local McLaughlin. Lawrence and B. B. Jfldtre each 11 Reilly received the crmgrelonal medal shadbolt Anderson fixed at tiooo for Gloves Gloves chapter lo tac parent chapter at New York of caddie Mrl aughlin served throughout lb year tbe mee were serte need to prison. honor ror re.euing a companion on in O rosco a or tar a charter, whleb la eiper.ted to be field of revolution a representative tbe battle. Thl American army decora- Associated Prss and the New York Herald lews Leelsletnre Adears. rranted wttbui aba asst few dsya- Otber tion l rarer Hun any similar intlsats or Lawrence shadbolt served as a war corre- Mw atesaste; JrVeei world-wid- any in J $1.39 rhapiert of thla organtut Ion country lbs world. Ita wearer being spondent durlnt the hattle or Can anea. So- Dat Moines, Iowa. April I The Tralrly-lxf- 39c Is. are located at San rranrtsoo. Lon- considerably lass number than winners nora; the battle Naco, Sonora, and the general assembly die 50c length cham-oieett- e $2 wrist length white Catesso. or the Legion of Honor, ihe Iron of adjourned sine wrist Cross or mutiny at Juaret. I don. Parla, Sydney and Shan glial To be the Victoria Croat, It la given only by sa shortly betare o'clock this (Sunday come a of say 0f the chapteca of or congress. Boer oraeral a Member arter working strenuously tar It gloves in all pique kid gloves with member art Another member of ihe chap-ta- morning, the Adventurer' club tbe applicant mut 10 of tbe many black Wsaaas Always aa Adventurer. It oeneral Benjamin J. viljoen of La hours clear the calendars white and white with stitched backs. nave either aeon aartleo on tbe bsttierield Prom Mesa. N. M. Oeneral Viljoen is a veteran remaining hill. The omnibus appropria- tb time of hi boyhood days i. or black stitched backs. Famous Chateau make. s a war correapoaoeat. aoldlor of rortnne H. (Jack) rtoonan. tbe third of tltis trio of Ihe Boer war, previous to which be act- tion and the taxation measures were the or army officer. Explorer wbo hare had famous adventurers, has loved to roam ed a adjutant 10 Prealdenl Kniger. In mo. important bills upon which tetina waa Extra spe- Extra " are also eligible to through strange lands In or nghiing against the English. Viljoen be- uniiaual adventures search adven came ooe or comman taken. A O membertbtp. ture. Bom In Troy. W. Y.. be came west the most tuccesa'ul cial special. s comparatively young rasa. When der and wa Doled ror his daring attack. qlaOV Soldier ef Fnrtame. the Yukon gold He came to the United Stales after lite NOTES PROM RAM SIMON. 39c 'Ta- stsmpede started in law Although Ihe El Paao chapter is be Noon an Joined tbe rush and went to the wsr. seining in the Rio Orsnde valley. In ran!" one of tela International orranliatloa. froten lands or the north, where for more ihe flrsl of the recent revolutions In By Titee Specie! CorrrtponHrnt It inember have perhap etperleneed than a year be followed the the viljoen became Madero s chirr military San Simon. Arlx.. April 17 Mr. and Mrs. fortunes of adviser, serving In the of more tbrUtbar adventure iban thoae or any mining campa rich today and broke to- first battle C. T. Woralek have returned 10 take up morrow. During hi alay tn the Klondike Juarei. Later viljoen undertook tbe dan- on homestead spend- other "Borro chapter" eonataM of men many gerous and Important commission of Pres- residence their after Glove Values Merit he haJ adventure, sa did all tbone ing five months in CI Paao. Other of who have been baptlaed tb the battla of ident Madero of pactrytng tbe Yaqul In- who followed the stampede lo tbe north Thompson many wars on both continent; have seen and. Pltht with claim Jumper and na dian uprising in Sonora. Mrs. Will and children dert tn foreign during tlvea brought Noonan Other newspaper men, rihbusters and Thursday 'o Join Mr. Thompson, wbo It New Creations Received .ervire namernti armies rirat blto prominence army Just Yukon ; as a "rtgbting nun." men who have seen service in Mexico wocklng in Phoenix. revolutions; were In tbe who have been elected to membership In NEW KID GLOVES covered tbe news of atrtke riots, rode on Returning to ihe state, ha Joined the Roben c Trimble, fireman on a helper NEW SILK GLOVES AT $1.00 AT $1.00 foreign legion the club Include Edmond Behr, James F. mft In flood lo loam loe conditions of during the attack or Iran Hrddlng, Trarey Richardson, D. J Msiioiiey. engine, hat been tranirerred lo El Paao. Fownes' wrist length Milanese silk Fownes. Meyer's and Chateau wrist cisco Madero on the city of Juarer He Fireman J. W. Hayes, whose borne In El cute eat off from communication, and won Oabriei conrad. Homer Scott, Oeorte P. It dlRUnctlon for hi bravery tn the at- Weeks', Felu SommeiTeldt, oeorgo Cle- Piso, relieved Fireman Trimble. 4 gloves in white and black with con length kid gloves in black and white performed other feat of daring tack on the federal garrison He served ht members of this ment. Berge MrFall. Frank Thayer, Gerald Mr. and Mr. W. D. Kidder, or Parker, ' stitching, There are nine charter throughout tbe orozeo and constitutional!! T. H. trasting stitching. Double tips. with contrasting all black. now Brandon. J. Osrtlde. Mayor W. D.. visited Mr. and Mrt. C. B. organisation aad the membership revolt In Ihe country to the south, partid Llewellyn (a Rough U. s' Currier In or Hlderi, j Adam. Famous White all white, tan and rsache persons of adventuresome aplrtL paling many the more mentor able Harry MrDonald. Lieutenant w. M. tar a few days on their wsy lo Los Angeles contains conrilct, and aleo acting one of the di- C. sad the exposition at San Francisco. Mouse values at . navy. Price, the pr . Tbe application of each member rector of operation. and Lieutenant F. Mlcbaetls of $LOO $1.00 hit etpertenee on which to rest hts rlatm the niied Slates army. Lieutenant Mrs. C. B. Currier left Friday for Los to being as adventurer, paat and present Associated Press Correspondent saw service dnting the evacuation Anudes and san Francisco. o. or ojtnaga, when he was stationed at Pre- Lynn Hearn left Friday tar Safford, LONG SILK GLOVES AT $1.50 LONG KID GLOVES AT $1.95 lilies, one of these appHcailona Is on file Timothy Turner, whs rank rourth in I where or sidio, and leutenant Mlchaelis saw active Full 6 button length kid gloves in at the local chapter and the otber la filed the Hit chtrter member at an adven- secvlce throughout Ihe Philippine cam be It employed. Fownes' and Kayser's 16 and 20 with the parent chapter in New York. turer, was born at Independence, Mo., July pal pis. Dr. T. B. Richard eon waa Joined Fridav white only. Made of soft selected n. Educated In England, he came to Captain Ben s Boer, was by his wife and ramtly rrrnn Tbe Charlar Mea her. the ta. year ago Maris, elected Childress, button length Milanese silk gloves border several and engaged tb membership last week. He served with Texas. skins. Two clasps. We know of The nine rbarter member or Ihe organi- In the newspaper "game." He wat detailed mot to chapter" a distinction throughout the Boer war In The embargo on week being ralead by the with guaranteed double finger tips. long white glove sation wbo launch "Burro a war corresponden! when ihe Madera South Arries. The day after he wat elect- no better kid at H A. Aultman. R. P. revolution broke out. and Ihe paat rour sanitary board between Arlxona, New Met are J. Nooasa, 0. years for ed to membership newt of hit death was Shown in all white and white with the price. Will give good service. E. 8. B. B. Caddie. T. 0. hat saw service In Ihe Held He received here. He went down on an Eng- ico and Texas enabled lbs Prank Adams Ram P. A. McLaufhlln and "covered" the rirt battle of Juarez, in ion. lish liner torpedoed coast of Eng- show to move Into Mew Mexico after com- stitching. Turner. Drebeb. the battle of Bauche. of the ame year; the off the black M. land en route 10 South Africa. plying with the different sanitary regula L. Shedbolt Villa attack at Torreón in 1014 and the bat- - Price, the pair. Application blanks have been mailed to tlont. f I $1.50 5 $1.95 many otber adventuresome men of the southwest wbo are eligible to membership, ( hinsirhui Is Arrestad. 1 and It Is expected that before tbe first of Pardon for bam Lenintwell. Docketed on a charge of aaaaull with In- "Uhc Glove Store of Paso" the month there will be nearly a hair hun- ALMOST CRAZY ' v Ike Amorinlrd Prrf tent to kill, Frank Kee Young, a chinaman, dred members of the organisation Regular Washington, April It. President Wilson waa arrested by City Detective Claude T. monthly dinners will be held and each has granted y pardon to Samuel I erring Smith yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock member I compelled to notify the secre- well, convicted at San Diego. Cal., of con and placed In the city Jail. According to tary of htf whereabouts at least once a WITH ITCHING spiring lo aid in the landing or Chinese Detective Smith he wt passing down Ore- Plaza Phone 45&0" month, if possible. laborers and sentenced March 3 to alt gon street, across from tbe American "Little garage, and Ban Young a or and Meat Adventuresome month In Jail. LelTlntwell has been drew revolver Three aimed at Chinaman. Factional The most member service to the government and Is to be uted it another three adventuresome as differences are believed to be responsible ihe approaching convention, saying thai II of tbe org tattoo, or tbe AND BURNING further a witness. PICKED UP IN THE Jil al least three tar the assault by officials at tbe station. u ill bi' attended by fully 1 delegates, men who bare experienced tbe most ad- HOTEL LOBBIES every nno live wire. President ft. B. SPANISH SPEAKING ventures during their past careers, are Sara Seattle, Wash., Jan. as, ItU: "My rare orndorff, of the Chambei of Commerce, Dreben. Edward 8. O'Reilly and i. H. and body were a solid mass or little sores W. 1. Wilson. hardware merchant Ik a former vice president of the lloiel Noon an. The mentioned have sean three which Itched and roe so OLUS COAT-CU- T or lint lnrr in Mexico i lly, colima Men's association and a m inner of the service with the united Halles army In the bunted badly IS ami H Ora, I. a business visitor in Ihe directors and the executive committee of VOTERS DOMINATE Philippines, China and Ihe states; Mexico. that I almost went craay. They started lo J Opens all the way down rlly ami a lOSSl at the llniil ansa del the association. He la al work on the Nicaragua. Venesuela, Cuba, Honduras. the form or little pimples which opened Itkf. (Tram - the MUS. iin for enle detains- the convention Guatemala and the 'canal rone. I and tanned sores, could not sleep at Coat-c- ut and the mil be announced In a abort Prom their boyhood days tbeae three men aMiMtrti mmtj to hidt night at I in fin guests al ih" American Foreigners while. have been adventurers. Although compara- and work if became overheated put on and take oft. lull in. hi. o in the 'ni..- - building. Inrlmlr MWIMUS HIMI'IIH) IN M.H Mr.VllO tively young man yet, I bey have been In It would Itch something terrible. I used qOLUS is the simplest W H. Wilson. minina man sf Carral. According In John O. Fitzpatrlek. a hltal-te- alomst all tbe principal countries of tbe all kinds of soaps, salves and preecriptloijs Mexico; Jiilm Watson, or Torreón. Mexico, man of Miami, Arta., who la stopping THOUSAND. now union suit but one tnick- - globe. They are residents of El Paso. that did me no tood. I had this akin trou- ami Dan J. fcvan, of Mapanl, Total. i"i a few day In Kl I'aso. copper mining There are perhaps mora adventurers In the any- - m Hi.- new a ble year ness of material slate has shown .mu marked City than any city of a for a or more before I used advance m Hie pasi few months thst Dila- Bu Timrm ftjwotel Corrttpouient Pass today otber where. OJajrea B. Wslkei special sise tn the world. They are at- Retino!. At toon is I started using Resino! rreatatSHvt tors is unable to keep pare with mlnlnir. Santa te. It. M., April 18. Statistic com- similar cut-co- of the Texas llolrl ftcw. published al In Miami, where are Ihe Miami Copper com- tracted lo the border by ihe fascination or Ointment and Reslnol soap tbe C You wear a shift. piled by Adoir P. Hill, In or Itching and Halla, lio lian been engaged fur w wml pesar, ihe Inspiration Copper rompany and clerk the office the Mexican conflicts and the environment Try OLUS coat-cu- t everal oilier the secretary of wbo burning stopped at once, and in five weeks if the Hprk securing ilala for Ihi1 purpose nf properties, he slates normal aute, laal year reeled by the constant coming and going vl Ifl toree, are in worked, III my face and body issuing a "Kl I'ami edition" of hl nit and (ilob. the Spanish Amnrirana a a candi- or fellow to the gateway of the were aa clear and soft Isii adventurcra where water in Hie lower levels of Ihe old as couldj be. used only two Jara or í coat-cu- paper, account of Hie llnlsl Men' BIOS recently date for corporation commissioner on Hie southwest. 5 OLUS t 'tru Kami Impaired working lb Hcsinol Ointment and JlujH U hi' Im IiI here during the fliHid three cakes of convention flrsl I. flopped, and the mine is u un.int Democratic Ucket. show that the Dreben Given Medels. llesinul Soap. construction is week uf June, completed lata, labor lull crew work. i.ter at the laat aUte election sam Dreben. at present a commission If it In "A mend of mine bad a bad case or patented. isn't and lert in return his home the i railed broker In Kl Paao, has perhaps seen more outnumbered American, or skin trouble. His face coat-cu- t, Mr. Walker speaks In ciithuslssllr terms of KID 18 IN JUABEZ. active than any wat broken out so it isn't nil mi. (Adv.l nt'Mi .peaking, cltlaens. Spanish Amer-- service aad adventures badly he was ashamed to go oitn-- of tbe local chapter. He was out on ton OLUST sub, .ms numbered iM.Ma and Americana 10.150. member street but a United Atales his told him to use Reslnol oint- klving a majority of Mil for the Spanish decorated by Ike for ment and Reslnol soap stitute. Americana. The Philippine and Chinese service. He served and in four weeks statlatlr are the reull of he was all wall and one a careful examination of poll of tbe with much fh these two cam- could not tell Ins. distinction be ever ad a pimple or sore ' SM'vffsfr. g more than n election preclnru of the paigns his he on bit race aad During Philippine service (Signed) August E. Mills, eles r atatr. and inc people was a of Oaneral Swan' a expedi- tM Elliot Ave. M stnWa asklMeats eg member Every at, propose to use Ihe figures In an effort to druggist tells Reslnol ointment and Uo. ÍI so 4 secure a more equal tion and wss under fire in many or the W ef to Buy "Juat division of ihe ornees Realool Soap. Por trial rree, write lo use as or hn ii the Americana memorial rougbi on the Islands in now bold tbe battles Dept. 16 H. Reslnol. Baltimore, Md linn's aliara. tset. He was sent to china during the For Mes and W unmi IIAYMON KRUPP A CO., Wholesale Distributors, BI Psas, Tex. The statement sIkiws no Spanish Ameri- Boxer upntlns tn tauo and woo a modal for Goods" can voleo In either Hnoaeveli or Curry his bravery aad service In tbe far east. R Get What Dreben served throughout tbe Nlcaraguan revolution under Oeneral Kstrada against Santos Zelaya as a machine, gun operator. Marriage Licenses. He look pert in all the principal battles You Ask For TERRASA M UH1LLO Ir ancuco and left tbe service with the rank of an lo Refugio Morillo. officer. morada TEL, LO Oeronuuo Morada to Atuscted by tbe call of adventure. Dreben Porflrle Tello. went lo Honduras sad served throughout You can effectually pro- with A their name or trade RnTR 1A HCIIRERA I'edro Estrada to the revolution there as an officer lb Oen. tect yourself against im- mark. Knowing their prod- Luciana Hererra. Chrlaunaj' army. He bad charge of tbe machine gun platoon ami was al tbe proal position by buying stand- ucts are made right and of Aulenoblle Liresaea. in all the battle fought In the south Aiuer- - 3M Robert C. Durnherior, l Mill, He ii n country during that revolution, ard articles backed by the high grade, paaavuger. they want the Lroitef, rive reujht la Mexico Good UH LuU Taste reputation of the manufac- public .to know they are iiiui.lt. Juarea. Meilco. Kroui the countries or central America, Vuitureite Baby reed sir Dreben drifted to Mexico, and when rran- - turer. responsible for them. urn Walter S. smith, tit Dsn . riaro Madero look up anus against use Dias rial roadaler. adminístranos be touted tbe revolutionary MUS-- W k Man. Auilin 4 Marr Co., movement. Mo had chars ot tbe expedi Manufacturers who have font rive pagaenter. tion tros British Honduras Into aouthera Remember, the guaran- Zork Moye. Han In Selection k lot Mexico, throng. Guatemala He Joined the ... later spent much time and large tee o f your protection lain is. Cadillac iriuk lien. Pascual Oroero In notbern Mexico dur- ing the early day of lie operated a N Csaasaay iwti. sums of money to establish against inferior goods is atexiru Cbartorsd. In tbe of Rel- Hv Tim Mawetal iorreiesawsl marhiue tun battles Parral. a favorable reputation and the maker's name or trade santa Ke, ft. M., April It Artlrlea ot in lano, Villa Lope, Atoloollcu, La Loma and were riled In ihe of tbe everal minor battle. Of eonxiratlon orrire sev Furniture demand for their products mark. Bear this in mind tale eouuniaalon Saturday by Drabaa aarved la aa official rauacltv years canal suae to misrepre- the Whitney Hardware company or Albii ere! ato la lea aad later cannot afford when you buy clothing, uuerijue. N. M . rsplMI MOJOS, all paid III engaged In buslaaaa there. He returned en y llic.rpoiai.ns M v II. .inn..) John the Stales and has autre engaged In the im rapidly sent to the public, or to hats, shoes? automobile I. M Um becoming the rule rather than the exception. .orn.it and s. Packard. lau Uiirr romnuloa brokerage buuneaa at New Or- allow their products to fall supplies, tires, automobiles, navmi earn leans and this ally. Ha It a aauve or Hussta aud traveled through the countries of Eng Many below the high standard of talking machines, furniture, land aad rranee setae east tag is la manufacturers of medium priced lines are now quality they have establish- carpets, pianos, watches, nii.nl sutes, or watch country be has long employing the beat designers obtainable UOH! A DOSE OF aim ed for them. Goods upon breakfast foods, chewing -- leNext to Drabta. Edward S. (Tex) O'Reilly which they have placed gum, canned goods, grape ranks aa the leading adventurer hi tb We are constantly receiving goods which we are able their name or trade mark juice, soda NASTY CALOMEL Burro chapter." Ha, toe. has seen aervtea fountain drinks, in usaay foreign laada. Bora al Dealaaa. to offer you at a price which surprises us as it will you. smsst swe purrhaisri coat-- i package medicines, face Texa, A ugvi la, ISM. "Tax." aa be as kuowu to iu many aeanjauiiaiice. spent tu For example, look at the Bedroom Set in our East win- IT SALIVATU! IT MUUU nrrr. uniform tabs! ac- creams, hair tonics, tooth boyhoee m east Taxes, where he reeefeod site vaii w ree dow this week. We have many more pieces equally as tion or the demand for paste or powder, hard- call of ad BAY'S wosm. venture, sf which spirit he was bora, he attractive. them will cease Mad their ware, etc. in B ooeapaay or the fourth ta- llaltad Slats artsy, and was seat tí'. - . . blltoua. it greatest asset b destroyed You're .luaatan. aastsjlli audi to Cuba le during ihe Spanish Amen-aa- a baltevc you need vita, I its, tanraei asHsjil war He aarved with much ditum ikm In purchasing goods in- 10 atart your liver and cteea ymtr SvwWa. I Neni a Sty guáranla Ask roar OrassUt Those Manufacturera sist on the maker's name oí is fkaas ef rar 1 a coat boiua outaoa'g Ust T ue with a del trade-mar- and apoueal toatgiu 11 l.i who prodoce QUALITY or k brand. Ac- uke t ir roes case "Tea" renewed tar fertaaea tart your liver aad straight! yo liaSn buyer asta as Uta Co. act cept no substitutes. up Hoy swt the belter tata cuntan aad grtjigtt withoat with U as- tFurniture or at Sat run seat I want you to se mm sures to ta alora year watch sad loses Mats ha frteaaaUy of 109-1- 1 -- Tate novel UMlaytt tiul you ea tks stales at 1 113 San Francisco tuiuorruw sad ofttcwr Bar his Street Get You Ask For9 Ut feel weak tad sick aud utetiaj Sanaa What assssasad of at tasty. Lets asa tas Mien be daweal Woo l lote a days work Take a SSI1SS ti, tut uf autrruleaa, ka Utaas and est tksasjBSS aa a r IBM vslael taudaua'a Liver te Teat toaigbi iui wak up raetata ai its anal bar aauaitta Later h was sattaasaa. au give rL an taapartnr tt jbs fbaas is sraty. ieticuy a saar L trae say Usa 11 . asi estiva, a 'tmiHrnH t taTBsw. ianiv asaat a tt litres vat snyiawg .lurw.ro.. short ttssa st alt feasts at Sea Asatela, tee)