Voi. 2 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. No. 477 PRESIDENT WILSON ASKS UNITED SUPPORT OF CONGRESS ON PEACE MISSION TO PARIS; GOES AS THE "SERVANT OF THE NATION" WILL KEEP "INCLOSE TOUCH" PLAN FOR THE ADJUSTMENT Counts Upon "Friendly Countenance and En- OF TERMINATED CONTRACTS couragement" at Peace Conference---Cables EXPLAINED INSTATEMENT Taken Over to Insure the Freest Communica- BY DIRECTOR OF MUNITIONS tion---Absence to be Brief as Possible---Fi- nances, Railroads, Employment, and Other CONTRACTORS FIRST Problems Discussed in Annual Address. TO MAKE INVENTORY At a joint session of the two Houses of Congress, convened to-day This, After Being Checked shortly after the third session of the Sixty-fifth Congress began, the by Accountants of the War President delivered the following address: Department, to Be Pre- GEN-TLEMEN OF THE CoNGEss: The year that has elapsed since I last stood before sented to District Boards. you to fulfill ray constitutional duty to give to the Congress from time to time in- formation on the state of the Union has been so crowded with great events, great Repayments, where Neces- processes, and great results that I cannot hope to give you an adequate picture of sary to Relieve Working its transactions or of the far-reaching changes which have been wrought in the life Capital to Enable Plants of our nation .and of the world. You have yourselves witnessed these things,. as I have. It is too soon to assess them; and we who stand in the midst of them and to Resume Commercial are part of them are less qualified than men of another generation will be to say Output, Pending F i n a 1 what they mean, or even what they have been. But some great outstanding facts are unmistakable and constitute, in a sense, part of the public business N ith which Settlement. it is our duty to deal. To state them is to set the stage for the legislative and The War Department authorizes the executive action which must grow out of them and which we have yet to shape following statement by Benedict Crowell, and determine. director of munitions, as to methods of Vast Army Transported Overseas in a Year. contract adjustment: The armistice has come when Ameri- A year ago we had sent 145,918 men overseas. Since then we have sent 1,950,513, can industry was reaching the peak of an average of 162,542 each month, the number in fact rising, in May last to 245,951, its production. There are, therefore, on in June to 278,760, in July to 307,182, and continuing to reach similar figures in thousands of contracts outtanding which commitments for raw material for August and September,-in August 289,570 and in September 257,438. No such the future have been made, on which movement of troops ever took place before, across three thousand miles of sea, fol- much raw material has been received, on lowed by adequate equipment and supplies, and corried safely through extraordinary which there is a large amount of work in dangers of attack,-dangers which were alike strange and infinitely difficult to guard various stages of completion on its way through the shops. against. In all this movement only seven hundred and fifty-eight men were lost by enemy attack;- six hundred and thirty of whom were upon a single English trans- Points for Determination. port which was sunk near the Orkney Islands. The department has first to determine as to each of these contracts whether it Profited by Experience of Other Nations. is to be carried through, whether the rate of amount of production is to be so re- I need not tell you what lay back of this great movement of men and material. duced that the manufacturer can gradu- It. is not invidious to say that back of it lay a supporting organization of the ally taper of and ret into his accustomed industifes of the country and of all its productive activities more complete, more civilian work, or whether the contract is thorough in method and effeethe in result, more spirited and unanimous in purpose to lie terminated at once. These ques- tions have to be decided with due regard and effort than any other great belligerent had been able to effect. We profited to the conditions of the particular In- greatly by the experience of the nations which had already been engaged for nearly dustry and the huportance of preserving three years in the exigent and exacting business, thcir every resource and every ex- the continuous employment of labor, (Continued on page 5.) (Continued on page 9.) 2 TIE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. LOSSES BY U. S. CITIZENS DUE WEARING OF UNIFORMS ORDNANCE COMMITTEES NAMED TO U-BOAT WARFARE SHOULD BE BY ARMY RESERVE OFFICERS TO PLAN WORK AT ARSENALS REPORTED DURING THIS MONTH The War Department authorizes the The War Department authorizes the following circular: following from the Ordnance Bureau: NOTICE BY DEPARTMENT OF STATE WEHRING OF UNiromrs BY RESERVE Further developing the plans for con- OFFICERS. sideration of arsenal facilities hereafter Information Concerning Losses of to be required for the work of manufac- The provision of section 125, national ture and repair which should be directly Cargoes or Other Property of defense act, approved June 3, 1916 (Bull. performed by the Ordnance Department, No. 16, W. D., 1916), which permits any Maj. Gen. C. C. Williams, Chief of Ord- Americans Should Be Submitted person who has been honorably dis- nance, has appointed three committees charged from the United States Army, charged with consideration of three Only When Uninsured or But Navy, or Marine Corps, Regular or Volun- branches of this work. These committees PartiallyInsured. teers, to wear his uniform from the place will report to the previously-appointed of discharge to his home, within three board of ordnance officers, of which . months after date of such discharge, is Gen. John T. Thompson is senior member. In order that American citizens and held to apply to reserve officers when concerns may be per.mitted to cooperate transferred from the active to the inactive Committees and Subjects. of State in the fully with the Department list. Reserve officers, therefore, will be The committees and and accurate ascertainment of the subjects as- complete permitted to wear their uniforms from signed their consideration are: the losses sustained by them as a result the place of last duty to their homes of German submarine warfare, both be- Col. John W. Joyes, Col. Charles T. within three months of the date on which Harris, jr., and Col. James H. Burnes. fore and after the United States entered they were transferred to the inactive list. has des- All plants engaged in the manufacture of the war, the Secretary of State By order of the Secretary of War. explosives and all loading days, dating from plants. ignated a period of 30 PEYTON C. MARCH, Col. Earle McFarland and December 1, 1918, in which such informa- Lieut. Col. General, Chief of Staff. J. S. Hatcher: Tihe establishment of a tion may be filed with the department. Government to losses of Official: plant for the manufacture Information with respect P. C. HAnts, of machine guns, pistols, and automatic cargoes or other personal property or The Adjutant General. rifles. should be effects owned by Americans Col. G. H. Stewart, Col. H. B. Hunt, submitted only where the same were un- and Lieut. Col. R. A. Bruce: Manufacture insured or only partially insured, and was REDUCED CHARGE FOR MEALS and development of ammunition. regardless of whether the property The arsenal vessels facklities and ordnance carried in American or foreign manufacture and where the loss oc- SERVED SOLDIERS ON TRAINS repair board, named and of the locality some days ago, after investigating and curred or of the destination of the vessel. Instructions have been issued by Di- considering the whole subject, covered by in- is to pre- In case of losses partially rector General of Railroads McAdoo to pare and submit a project showing the surance the total value and the amount furnish discharged soldiers and sailors distribution of the work, the capacity to should be given. To the of the in4urance traveling to their points of enlistment, be provided, and the manner and location original invoice or actual value of unin- with so-called military meals at the spe- of the arsenals proposed. sured property should be added all ex- cial rate of 75 cents as granted to men in penses incurred in connection therewith. the service under an arrangement made Board of Review. The name and address of the owner with the several military departments Gen. Williams has also announced the should be given in every instance. sometime ago. appointment of a board of officers to re- Statements by Insurance Companies. Special reduced fares accorded dis- view the general subject of ordnance American insurance companies who charged soldiers and sailors are on the proving grounds. This board, consisting have paid, or have pending for settle- basis of two-thirds of the normal coach of Col. C. B. Gatewood, Lieut. Col. C. J. ment, cargo and other personal property fare applying via route traveled, or 2 Browne, and Lieut. Col. B. W. Simpson, losses of Americans, in both American cents per mile, except that the rate per will make recommendations for postwir and foreign bottoms, may submit state- mile would, of course, be higher in those requirements along this line. ments giving totals of such payments or States where the basic fare is more than pending claims. 3 cents per mile. Between the reduction In submitting the foregoing information of the fare and the special meal rate SUGGESTION TO TELEGRAPHERS it is desired that it be given separately made, it is believed they have been amply under the name of each vessel. provided for, particularly in view of the RELATING TO WAGE APPEALS Every person submitting information fact that the additional passage charge for occupancy of space in parlor and sleep- should show whether lie be a native or a Director General of Railroads McAdoo naturalized citizen of tile United States. ing cars is canceled on December 1, so that such discharged soldiers and sailors has sent the following telegram to II. B. will have at their command at least a Perham, president of the Order of Rail- No Picture Films Mailed half cent per mile more than they actually road Telegraphers: C. 0. D. to Manufacturers need to cover their total expenses in " Telegrams received from individual reaching home. members of your organization indicate that they do not understand that when a OFFICE, THIRD AssIsTANT wage order affecting all employees of a POSTMASTER GENERAL, The PresidentRestores class is thought to be detrimental to cer- Washington, November 28, 1918. tain employees of this class a rule has Postmasters will not hereafter permit Civil Service Restriction been established whereb6 the representa- exhibitors to send parcels containing tive of that class are privileged to again moving-picture films to moving-picture EXECUTIVE ORDER. appear before the Board of Railroad film manufacturers, distributors, or ex- The Executive order of October 28, Wages and Working Conditions and pre- changes collect on delivery. 1918, authorizing the Civil Service Com- sent tho'claim of such individuals. Other Such parcels may be sent as insured mission as a war measure to certify for classes of employees have already availed mail, or, if sealed, by first-class registered appointment the names of persons who by themselves of this privilege. It would be mail. reason of having two or more members of unfortunate if you did not com unicate Parcels containing films presented for their family in the service would other- to tile men you represent that they have mailing collect on delivery by moving- wise be barred from consideration for this privilege and suggest to them that picture manufacturers, distributors, or such appointment is hereby rescinded. their claims should be submitted to the exchanges should be accepted as usual. Woonnow Wmr sox. Board of Railroad Wages and Working A. M. DocKRar, THE WHITE HousE, Conditions which will give them prompt Third Assistant Postmaster Gen al. November 30, 1918. consideration." THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 3 PROCEDURE FOR THE DISCHARGE Navy's Newest World's Biggest Seaplane OF "CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS" Carries 50 Passengers in Test Flight ISSUED BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT Secretary Daniels authorizes the fol- sidered. While it is entirely new and TO BE DESIGNATED INTHE RECORDS lowing: original in type, the NC-1 incorporates All records for the number of passen- proven essentials in aircraft construction gers carried in any type of airplane were and even before it was tested was re- This Is a Conscientious Objector broken on Wednesday, November 27, at garded in naval circles as a preinsured Who Has Done No Military Duty the Naval Air Station, Rockaway, when success rather than as an experient. the Navy's newest type seaplane, the This is the first American trinotored Whatever," to Be Written After giant NC-1, the largest seaplane in the seaplane, being propelled by three Liberty Names in Certain Groups. world, made a flight with 50 men on board. motors that develop a maximum of 1,200 The pilot was Lieut David H. McCul- horsepower, giving it a cruising speed of The War Department authorizes pub- lough, of the Naval Reserve Flying Corps, 80 miles an hour. The flying weight of lication of the following circular: and the flight was made to demonstrate the machine is 22,000 pounds, while the DISCHARGE OF CONSCIENTIOUs OBJECTORS. the enormous lifting power of the latest xveight of the seaplane itself, unloaded model of bomb carrying seaplanes. No and without a crew, is 13,000 pounds. 1. Conscientious objectors classified in special modifications were made for this groups 1A and 1C (those refusing non- test flight, most of the 50 men being ac- Wing Spread, 126 Feet. combatant duty). at present retained in conunodated in the large boat body. An idea of the size of the big seaplane camps, will be discharged. is shown by the fact that the wing spread 2. If there is any doubt as to the proper Seaplane of Special Type. is 120 feet, the breadth of wing 12 feet, classification of a conscientious objector The design and the construction of the and the gap between wings 12 feet. who has not appeared before the Board NC-1, with its triple motors, huge size, Recently the NC-1 made the trip from of Inquiry for examination, he will be re- and other distinctive features, was car- Rockaway to Washington, about 350 tained for such examination before he is ried out by the Navy in cooperation with miles, in 5 hours and 20 minutes. The discharged. After recommendation of the the Curtiss Engineering Corporation. It flight from Washington to Hampton board is made, and copy is supplied to the is not specifically a flying boat nor is it Roads, 150 miles, was covered in 2 hours commanding officer of the post, camp, or of the pontoon variety of seaplane, but and 15 minutes, and the trip from Ilamp- station, authority is hereby given to dis- combines the most valuable advantages ton Roads to New York, 300 miles, took charge the men classified in above groups, of both, its sizes and purpose being con- 4 hours and 20 minutes. without waiting for approval and further direction from the War Department. 3. For the present, all men on farm or on indefinite furlough or on furlough PRESS WRITERS TO BE GUESTS DISPOSAL OF DEPARTMENT with Friends Service Committee will be recalled only after consultation with the AT MOTOR TRANSPORT CAMPS SUPPLIES NOW INSURPLUS employer, to determine whether it is to the best interest of all concerned, and at Plre-s writers are invited by the War EXECrTIVE ORDER. the request of the soldier. After such Department to visit Camp Holabird, Md., Whereas to obtain information regarding various the present emergency has men are recalled, they will be discharged. created a condition whereby largo quanti- 4. Form No. 526, A. G. 0., will be used phases of the Motor Transport Corps as. guests of the War Department ties of material, supplies, and equipment for the discharge of Class 1A and 10 on now in the hands of the execauthle de- conscientious objectors. There will be Thursday, December 5. This matter partments will be of general interest and other establishments of the interpolated, after the authority is filled and very par- Government in Washington will fail iao in following the words " by reason of " ticular interest to men writing for the disuse because of the cessation of war in the fourth line, the followina remark: trade press. activities, or for other reasons, it i3 The Washington party will assemble at " This is a conscientious objector, wxho hereby ordered that all such materials, has done no military duty whatsoever the War Department News Bureau, room supplies. and equipment not require(l for and who refused to wear the uniform." 290, State, War and Navy Building, at use by the executive departments and By order of the Secretary of War: 9 a. in., December 5. Transportation will independent establisunents of the Gov- PEYTON C. MARCH, be by motor car to Camp Holabird. The ernment in Washington be transferred (cucral, Chief of Staff. trip will take about two hours. hereafter to the Secretary of the Tieas- Offi6ial: New, spaper inen from Baltimore or ury for reis-sne or sale on requiiioein to P. C. HARRIS, points nerth will be transported to the the Goverinent service, through th Gen- Thc Adjutant Geiceral. camp from Baltimore by automobile. eral Supply Committee, or for condemnda- Thel should assemble at the main en- tion and sale to highest bidders. xwhen trance to the Baltimore post office at 9.45 deemed expedient. a. in. and await the arrival ALLOTMENTS BY DISTRICTS of Army cars. The Secretary of the Treasury is here- All press representatives accepting this by authorized OF TREASURY. CERTIFICATES invitation should record their acceptance to make such rules and with the undersigned by 3 p. in., Wednes- regulations as are necessary to carry this Secretary McAdoo announces the final day, order into effect. December 4, by telephone to Main Wonnow amount of subscriptions allotted for 2370, Branch 363, or by telegraph to VWILseN. Treasury certificates, Series T, dated No- room 290, State, War, and Navy Building, The WrTE FlOt-SE, vember 7, 1918, and maturing March Washington. Korember 2U, 1918. 15, 1919. Subscriptions closed November Cameras will be admitted and every 27, 1918. The aggregate subscriptions al- facility given to photographers. The re- lotted were $794,172,500. turn trip will be made at the convenience The results byt'ederal re erve districts of guests. The program will include the CAPT. VICTOR BLUE TO BE CHIEF were as follows: following: OF THE BUREAU Federal reserve Rllseriplonq After meeting Col. Leisingrin and staff, OF NAVIGATION district. allottcd. Boston -- $5, 728, 000 the party will witness the march of the New York------350, 847, 500 men from the repair shop to mess, pre- Secretary Daniels announced to-day Philadelphia------29,283,500 ceeded by the band (a camp custom). that the President would appoint Capt. Cleveland------112,500000 Richnontjp------12, 458 000 Mess will be served guests at about 12.15. Victor Blue, now commanding the battle- Atlanta------11,487,000 Inspection of all camp activities will fol- ship Texras, to be chief of the Bureau of Chicago------103,S28,000 low. These include the reception of a Navigation, succeeding Rear Admiral SSt. Louis------17,100,500 Minneapolis------20, 500 convoy, the packing and crating of ve- Palmer. Kansas City------7,4, 500 hicles for overseas shipment, the repair He also announced that Rear Admiral Dallas------12,103 000 an Franisco ------38, 14, 000 work, including reconstruction; salvage David W. Taylor would be reappointed work. and the routine of the camp. Ac- as chief constructor and chief of the Bu- Total ------704,12 500 tivities are still at war-time intensity. reau of Construction and Repair. 4 THE OFFICIAL TT. S. BTLLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918.

Stal X *. IVullett COLLECTION OF INTERNAL TAX SOLDERS MAY RETAIN GIFTS Published Every Week Day, Except PRESENTING SERIO1US PROBLEM, FROM RED CROSS, SAYS ORDER Legal Holidays, Under Order of the President of the United States and by Authority of Congress. COMMISSIONER ROPER WARNS The War Department issues the follow- Office: Continental Trust Building, ing circular: Fourteenth and H Streets NW. Washington, D. C. Tel. Main 5600 LETTER TO SECRETARY OF TREASURY RED CROSS SWEATErs. Copies of Tam OrcIciAL U. S. BuLLETiN will The instructions contained in a letter be furnished without charge to every post office TumAssunY DEPARTmENT, from The Adjutant General of the Army, la the United States (to be posted daily, for the benefit of the public, under order of the Washington, D. C., November 30, 1918. dated March 11, 1918 (422, Misc. Div.), Postmaster General) ; to executive officers Hon. WILIAm G. McAnoo, to division and department commanders, of the United States Government, and to diplo- directing that all articles of wearing ap- matic representatives of all foreign Govern- Secretary of the Treasury. ments.-EDWARD S. Rocnasarn, Editor. My DEAR MaE. SECRETARY: I am i11- parel issued to organizations or individu- pelled by the imperative necessity of set- als by the American Red Cross be ac- RATES BY All. counted for on property returns is re- One year $5. OO ting in motion immediately the adminis- Six months------8. 00 trative machinery for the collection of in- scinded. Enlisted men will be permitted One year, postage prepaid to ternal revenue taxes for the current tax- to retain in their personal possession arti- es ------8.00 Sixforeign months, countr postage prepaid to able year to bring to your attention the cles issued to them by the Red Cross or serious dilemma that confronts us. other charitable organizations. Back numbiers and e x t r a By order of the Secretary of War: Icopies ------each--.. . 05 Only one month remains before the com- Make all checks, money orders, and drafts mencement of the period prescribed by PEYTON C. MARCH, payable to Tir OPFICIAL U. S. BULLETN. law for the filing of income and excess General, Chief of Staff. profits tax returns. Return forms, in- Officiul: structions, and regulations must be con- P. C. HARRIS, structed and millions of copies printed The Adjutant Gencral. American Communique and distributed through the country. Thousands of internal revenue officers and employees must be mobilized and in- the real intent and purpose of the war American Official Communique No. 205, tensively drilled so that they may go revenue act of October S, 1D17. My ef- December 1. forth properly equipped to disseminate forts have been directed toward two The Third American Army crossed among the tax-paying public correct in- definite objectives-(1) the assessment the German frontier to-day and formation as to tax procedure. The law and collection, with the least possible dis- reached the general line-Alfersteg- now in effect is unnecessarily complex turbance to business-and industry, of the Winterschoeid - Masthorn - Mulbach - and contains provisions which conflict amount of money the act was designed to Cordel-Treves-Kons-Saarburg-Taben. with other provisions or are otherwise in- produce during the fiscal year, and (2) capable of satisfactory administration. to assist in drafting a new revenue act Experience of Past Year. consistent with the broad and construc- tive principles of the administration and SAFETY FOR SHIPS CARRYING During the past year by the exercise of clear and unmistakable in its terms. a wide degree of administrative discre- RELIEF SUPPLIES TO BELGIUM tion it has been possible to bridge the gap Experts Collaborating. created by the inadequacy of the present From analysis of the experience gained The Commission for Relief in Belgium law, but it must be recognized that the in the administration of the last year we issues the following: satisfactory results of last year's admin- have developed and assembled con- Ships chartered by the Commission for istration were made possible in no small structive proposals for the improvement Relief in Belgium will no longer be re- way by the patriotic spirit of accommo- of the law. These were transmitted to quired to have safe-conducts in order to dation of the people. This attitude was the Ways and Means Committee of the assure freedom from attack. For the induced by war emergencies and by the House and the Finance Committee of the first time since the German Government same feeling of assurance I have pos- Senate. These committees have accorded established a submarine war zone in Eu- sessed that the act of October 3, 1917, to our experts full opportunity to collabo- ropean waters vessels carrying food and would not remain in force another year, rate in framing the provisions of the bill, clothing to the stricken peoples of Bel- but would be superseded by a new law which is now pending before the Senate gium will be allowed to travel umo- embodying adequate and intelligible tax- committee and have incorporated therein lested. ing provisions and authority for reason- practically all of the proposals submitted. The Swiss Legation has notified the ably flexible administration. Seven months have been consumed in Commission for Relief in Belgium that Toward this end I have endeavored bringing the bill to its present form. All the Swiss Government has been advised consistently to guide the tax administra- this effort will be of no avail unless the by the German Government that safe-con- tion of the last year. But now, with the bill is very speedily enacted into law. ducts will no longer be necessary. The time for taking action already at hand, I need not remind you of the salutary Swiss Legation has been handling Ger- I am appalled by the necessity of pro- effect which will be produced by a prompt man affairs in the United States and con- ceeding in accordance with the existing decision with respect to the taxation pro- sequently has been issuing safe-conducts revenue law. gram. Business men and all those who to Belgium relief ships. must participate in the solution of the These assurances given neutral Ves- " Horns of the Dilemma." grave economic problems incident to the sels and ships chartered by the Commis- The horns of my dilemuna are (1) period of reconstruction are beset in their sion for Relief in Belgium have at no whether to proceed with the administra- calculations by doubts and uncertainties. time applied within the submarine zones, tion of the present haw without regard Surely the Government should not fail but have been a guarantee against attack to pending legislation, but with the knowl- to dispose quickly of the important ques- when vessels were traversing sea lanes edge that a new law relating to the cur- tion of taxation, which vitally affects which had not been declared blockaded. rent taxable year may be enacted at any every business, and the determination of Since 1914 the flags and banners dis- time. completely disarranging the entire which awaits only the completion of the played by ships carrying food to Belgium administrative procedure and nullifying prescribed legislative procedure. and Northern France have been recog- the effect of the work accomplished up Despite the confusion, which it seems nized as the only emblems on the seas to the time of its enactment, or (2) at the moment will inevitably ensue, I which have offered safety and protection whether to ignore the plain mandate of feel that it is clearly our duty to shape from attack or capture. The insignia of the existing statutes and await the en- our course for the application tdkthe cur- the Commission for Relief in Belgium has aetment of pending lealslation before rent year of the law now on the statute in a sense bzen looked upon aS a denation- shaping our course for the collection of books unless the existing law is super- alized flag, passing with safety through taxes for the current year. seded by a new law before January 1, the lines of all belligerent nations. It is For more than a year, since September 1919. the only emblem to which the German 26, 1917, under your inpiring leadership, Sincerely, yours, Government has granted immunity. I have labored constantly to effectuate DANIL C. ROPER. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. PRESIDENT ASKS SUPPORT OF CONGRESS ON PEACE MISSION (Continued from page 1.) the men here in Washington only. They have but directed the ecutive proficiency taxed to the utmost. We were their pupils. vast achievement. Throughout innumerable factories, upon in- But we learned quickly and acted with a promptness and a numerable farms, in the depths of coal mines and iron mines readiness of cooperation that justify our great pride that we and copper mines, wherever the stuffs of industry were to be were able to serve the world with unparalleled energy and obtained and prepared, in the shipyards, on the railways, at the quick accomplishment. docks, on the sea, in every labour tiat vas needed to sustain the battle lines, men have vied with each other to do their part Tribute to American Valor. and do it well. They can look any man-at-arms in the face, and But it is not the physical scale and executive ellcienci of say, We also strove to win and gave the best that was in us to preparation, supply, equipment, and dispatch that I would dwell make our fleets and armies sure of their triumphI upon, but the mettle and quality of the oflicers and men we sent Women's Help Beyond Appraisal. over and of the sailors who kept the seas, and the spirit of the Nation that stood behind them. No soldiers or sailors ever And what shall we say of the women,-of their instant in- proved themselves more quickly ready for the test of battle or telligence, quickening every task that they touched; their acquitted themselves with more splendid courage and achieve- capacity for organization and cooperation, which gave their ment when put to the test. Those of us who played some part action discipline and enhanced the effectiveness of everything in directing the great processes bywhich the war was pushed they attempted; their aptitude at tasks to which they had never irresistibly forward to the final triumph may now forget all before set their hands; their utter self-sacrifice alike in what that and delight our thoughts with the story of what our men they did and in what they gave? Their contribution to the did. Their officers understood the grim and exacting task they great result is beyond appraisal. They have added a new lustre had undertaken and performed it with an audacity, efficiency, to the annals of American womanhood. and unhesitating courage that touch the story of convoy and The least tribute we can pay them is to make them tle equals battle with imperishable distinction at every turn, whether the of men in political rights as they have proved themselves their enterprise were great or suall,-from their great chiefs, equals in every field of practical work they have entered, Pershing and Sims, down to the youngest lieutenant; and their wvhether for themselves or for their country. These great days men were worthy of them,-such men as hardly need to be com- of completed achievement would be sadly marred were we to manded, and go to their terrible adventure blithely and with the omit that act of justice. Besides the immense practical serv- quick intelligence of those who know just what it is they n ould ices they have rendered, the women of the country have been accomplish. I am proud to be the fellow countryman of men of the moving spirits in the systematic economies by which our such stuff and valour. Those of us who stayed at home did our people have voluntarily assisted to supply the suffering peoples duty; the war could not have been won or the gallant menoiwho of the world and the armies upon every front with food and fought it given their opportunity to win it otherwise; but for everything else that we had that might serve the common cause. many a long day we shall think ourselves " accurs'd we were The details of such a story can never be fully written, but we not there, and hold our manhoods cheap while any speaks that carry them at our hearts and thank God thai we can say that fought " nith these at St. 1Mihiel or Thierry. The memory of ne are the kinsmen of such. those days of triumphant battle will go with these fortunate And now we are sure of the great triumph for which every men to their graves; and each will have his favorite memory. sacrifice N as made. It has come, come in its completeness, and " Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, but he'll renme'nber with the pride and inspiration of these days of achievement with advantages what feats he did that day! " quick n ithin us we turn to the tasks of peace again,-a peace Entered Battle at Critical Moment. secure against the violence of irresponsible monarchs and ambi- tious military coteries and made ready for a new order, for What we all thank God for with deepest gratitude is that our new foundations of justice and fair dealing. men went in force into the line of battle just at the critical mo- ment w hen the whole fate of the world seemed to hang in the Order and Organization to Peace. balance and threw their fresh strength into the ranks of freedom We are about to give order and organization to this peace not in time to turn the nwhole tide and sweep of the fateful strug- only for ourselves but for the other peoples of the world as gle,-turn it once for all, so that thenceforth it was back, back, well, so far as they will suffer us to serve them. It is inter- back for their enemies, always back, never again forward! After national justice that we seek, no"Ifomestic safety merely. Our that it was only a scant four months before the commanders of thoughts have dwelt of late upon Europe, upon Asia, upon the the Central Empires knew themselves beaten; and now their near and the far East, very little upon the acts of peace and very empires are in liquidation ! accommodation that wait to be performed at our own doors. And throughout it all how fine the spirit of the Nation was; While we are adjusting our relations with the rest of the world vyhat unity of purpose, what untiring zeal! What elevation of is it not of capital importance the we should clear away all purpose ran through all its splendid display of strength, its grounds of misunderstanding with our immediate neighbors and untiring accomptshmnent. I have said that those of us who give proof of the friendship we really feel? I hope that the stayed at home to do the work of organization and supply will members of the Senate will permit me to speak once more of aln ays wish that we had been with the men whom we sustained the unratified treaty of friendship and adjustment with the by our labour; but we can never be ashamed. It has been an Republic of Colombia. I very earnestly urge upon them an early inspiring thing to be here in the midst of fine men who had and favorable action upon that vital matter. I believe that turned aside 'from every private interest of their own and they Nill feel, with me, that the stage of affairs is now set for devoted the whole of their trained capacity to the tasks that such action as will be not only just but generous and In the supplied the sinews of the whole great undertaking! The spirit of the new age upon which we have so happily entered. patriotism, the unselfishness, the thoroughgoing devotion and distinguished capacity that marked their toilsome labours, day Economic and Industrial Readjustment. after day, month after month, have made them fit mates and So far as our domestic affairs are concerned the problem b comrades of the men in the trenches and on tie sea. And not our return to peace is a problem of economic and Industrial 71-18-2 6 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY; DECEMBER 2, 1918. PRESIDENT ASKS SUPPORT OF CONGRESS ON PEACE MISSION readjustment. That problem is less serious for us than it may may be offered. It will not be easy to direct it any better than turn out to be for the nations -which have suffered the disar- 'it will direct itself. The American business man is of quick rangements and the losses of war longer than we. Our people, initiative. moreover, do not wait to be coached and led. They know their Employment for Returned Soldiers. own business, are quick and resourceful at every readjustment, The ordinary and normal processes of private initiative will definite in purpose, and self-reliant in action. Any leading not, however, provide immediate employment for all of the men strings we might seek to put them in would speedily become of our returning armies. Those who are of trained capacity, hopelessly tangled because they would pay no attention to them those who are skilled workmen, those who- have acquired fo- and go their own way. All that we can do as their legislative miliarity with established businesses, those who are ready and and executive servants is to mediate the process of change here, willing to go to the forms, all those whose aptitude, are known there, and elsewhere as we may. I have heard much counsel as or will be sought out by employers will find no difficulty, it is to the plans that should be formed and personally conducted to safe to say. in finding place and employment. But there will a happy consummation, but from no quarter have I seen any be others who will be at a loss where to gain a livelihood unless general scheme of " reconstruction " emerge which I thought it pains are taken to guide them and put them in the way of work. likely we could force our spirited business men and self-reliant There will be a large floating residuum of labour which should laborers to accept with due pliancy and obedience. not be left wholly to shift for itself. It seems to me important, Relaxation of War Restrictions. therefore, that the development of public works of every sort should be promptly resumed, in order that opportunities should While the war lasted wo set up many agencies by hich to be created for unskilled labour in particular, and that plans direct tie industries of the country in the services it was neces- should be llade for such development s of our unused lands and sary for them to render, by which to make sure of an abundant our natural resources as we have hitherto lacketl stimulation to supply of the materials needed, by which to check undertakings undertake. that could for the time be dispensed with and stimulate those Plans for Reclaiming Lands. that were most serviceable in war, by which to gain for the purchasing departments of the Government a certain control I particularly direct your ittiention to the very practical plans over the prices of essential articles and materials, by which to which the Secretary of the Interior has developed in his annual restrain trade with alien enemies, make the most of the avail- report and before your Committees for the reclamation of arid, able shipping, and systematize financial transactions, both pub- swanp, and ent-over lands which might, if the States were will- lic and private, so that there would be no unnecessary conflict ing and able to cooperate, redeem some three hundred million or confusion. by which, in short, to put every material energy acres of land for cultixation. There are said to be fifteen or of the country in harness to draw the common load and make twenti' million acres of land in the West, at present arid, for of us one team in the accomplishment of a great task. But the whose reclamation nwater is available, if properly conserved. moment we knew the armistice to have been signed we took the There are about two hundred and thirty million acres from harness off. Raw materials upon which the Government had which the forests have been cut but which have never yet been kept its hand for fear there should not be enough for the in- cleared for ie plow and which lie waste and desolate. These dustries that supplied the armies have been released and put lie scattered all over the Union. And there are nearly eighty into the general market again. Great industrial plants whose million acres of land that lie under swamps or subject to whole output and machinery had been taken over for the uses periodical overflow or too wet for anything but grazing which of the Government have been set free to return to the uses to it is perfectly feasible to drain and protect and redeem. The which they were put before the war. It has not been possible Congress can at once direct thousands of the returning soldiers to remove so readily or so quickly the control of foodstuffs and to the reclamation of the arid lands which it has already under- of shipping, because the world has still to be fed from our taken, if it will but enlarge the plans and the appropriations graneries and the ships are still needed to send supplies to our which it has entrusted to the Department of the Interior. It is men oversea and to bring the men back as fast as the disturbed possible in dealing with our unused land to effect a great rural conditions on the other side of the water permit; but even there and- agricultural development which will afford the best sort of restraints are being relaxed as much as possible and more and opportunity to men who want to help themselves; and the Secre- more as the weeks go by. tary of the Interior has thought the possible methods out in a way which is worthy of your most friendly attention. Placed at Disposal of Business. Control Over Shipping and Exports. Never before have there been agencies in existence in this country which knew so much of the field of supply, of labour, I have snoken of the control xvhich must yet for a while, per- and of industry as the War Industries Board, the War Trade haps fbr a long while, be exercised over shipping because of the Board, the Labour Department, the Food Administration, and priority of service to which our forces overseas are entitled and the Fuel Administration have known since their labours became which should also be accorded the shipments which are to save thoroughly systematized; and they have not been isolated agen- recenly liberated peoples from starvation amd many devasted cies; they have been directed by men which represented the regions from permanent ruin. May I not say a special word. permanent Departments of the Government and so have been about the needs of Belgium and northern France? No sums of the centers of unified and cooperative action. It has been the money paid by way of indemnity will serve of themselves to save policy of the Executive, therefore, since the armistice was them from hopeless disadvantage for years to come. Something assured (which is in effect a complete submission of the enemy) more must be done than merely find the money. If they had to put the knowledge of these bodies at the disposal of the busi- money and raw materials in abundance to-morrow they could ness men of the country and to offer their intelligent mediation not resume their place In the industry of the world to-morrow- at every point and in every matter where it was desired. It is the very important place they .eld before the flame of war swept surprising how fast the process of return to a peace footing has across them. Many of their factories are razed to the ground. moved in the three weeks since the fighting stopped. It promises Much of their machinery is destroyed or has been taken away, to outrun any inquiry that may be instituted and any aid that Their people are scattered and many of their best workmen are THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 7 PRESIDENT ASKS SUPPORT OF CONGRESS ON PEACE MISSION dead. Their markets will be taken by others, if they are not in ply charted, are indispensable to the economic revival and rapid some special way assisted to rebuild their factories and replace Industrial development which may confidently be expected if their lost instruments of manufacture. They should not be left we act now and sweep all interrogation points away. to the vicissitudes of the sharp competition for materials and I take it for granted that the Congress will carry out the naval for Industrial facilities which is now to set in. I hope, therefore, programme which was undertaken before we entered the war. that the Congress will not be unwilling, if it should become neces- The Secretary of the Navy has submitted to your committees sary, to grant to some such agency as the War Trade Board the for authorization that part of the programme which covers the right to establish priorities of export and supply for the benefit of building plans of the next three years. These plans have been these people whom we have been so happy to assist In saving prepared along the lines and in accordance with the policy which from the German terror and whom we must not now thought- the Congress established, not under the exceptional conditions lessly leave to shift for themselves in a pitiless competitive of the war, but with the intention of adhering to a definite market. method of development for the Navy. I earnestly recommend the Readjustment of Taxes. uninterrupted pursuit of that policy. It would clearly be unwise for us to attempt to adjust our programmes to a future world For the steadying and facilitation of our own domestic busi- policy as yet undetermined. ness readjustments nothing is more important than the imme- diate determination of the taxes that are to be levied for 1918, Policy Toward the Railroads. 1919, and 1920. As much of the burden of taxation must be The question which causes me the greatest concern is the lifted from business as sound methods of financing the Govern- question of the policy to be adopted towards the railroads. I ment will permit, and those who conduct the great essential frankly turn to you for counsel upon it. I have no confident industries of the country must be told as exactly as possible judgment of my own. I do not see how any thoughtful man what obligations to the Government they will be expected to can have who knows anything of the complexity of the problem. meet in the years immediately ahead of them. It will be of It is a problem which must be studied, studied immediately, serious consequence to the country to delay removing all un- and studied without bias or prejudice. Nothing can be gained certainties in this matter a single day longer than the right by becoming partisans of any particular plan of settlement. processes of debate justify. It is idle to talk of successful and It was necessary that the administration of the railways confident business reconstruction before those uncertainties are should be taken over by the Government so long as the war resolved. lasted. It would have been impossible otherwise to establish If the war had continued it would have been necessary to and carry through under a single direction the neccssary priori- raise at least eight billion dollars by taxation payable in the ties of shipment. It would have been Impossible otherwise to year 1919; but the war has ended and I agree with the Secretary combine maximum production at the factories and mines and of the Treasury that it will be safe to reduce the amount to six farms with the maximum possible car supply to take the products billions. An immediate rapid decline in the expenses of the to the ports and markets; impossible to route troop shipments Government is not to be looked for. Contracts made for war and freight shipments without regard to the advantage or disad- supplies will, indeed, be rapidly canceled and liquidated, but vantage of the roads employed; impossible to subordinate, when their immediate liouidation will make heavy drains on the necessary, all questions of convenience to the public necessity; Treasury for the months just ahead of us. The maintenance impossible to give the necessary financial support to the roads of our forces on the other side of the sea is still necessary. A from the public treasury. But all these necessities have now considerable proportion of those forces must remain in Europe been served, and the question is, what is best for the railroads during the period of occupation, and those which are brought and for the public in the future. home will be transported and demobilized at heavy expense for months to come. The interest on our war debt must of Face to Face With the Question. course be paid and provision made for the retirement of the Exceptional circumstances and exceptional methods of ad- obligations of the Government which represent it. But these ministration were not needed to convince us that the railroads demands will of course fall much below what a continuation were not equal to the immense tasks of transportation imposed of military operations would have entailed and six billions upon them by the rapid and continuous development of the in- should suffice to supply a sound foundation for the financial dustries of the country. We knew that already. And we knew operations of the year. that they were unequal to it partly because their full coopera- tion was rendered impossible by law and their competition Treasury Recommendations Approved. made obligatory, so that it has been impossible to assign to them I entirely concur with the Secretary of the Treasury in recom- severally the traffic which could best be carried by their re- mending that the two billions needed in addition to the four spective lines in the interest of expedition and national economy. billions provided by existing law be obtained from the profits We may hope, I believe, for the formal conclusion of the war which have accrued and shall accrue from war contracts and by treaty by the time spring has come. The twenty-one months distinctively war business, but that these taxes be confined to to which the present control of the railways is limited after the war profits accruing in 1918, or in 1919 from business origi- formal proclamation of peace shall have been made will run at nating in war contracts. I urge your acceptance of his recom- the farthest, I take it for granted, only to the January of 1921. mendation that provision be made now, not subsequently, that The full equipment of the railways which the Federal adminis- the taxes to be paid in 1920 should be reduced from six to four tration had planned could not be completed within any such billions. Any arrangements less definite than these would add period. The present law does not permit the use of the revenues elements a doubt and confusion to the critical period of in- of the several roads for the execution of such plans except by dustrial readjustment through which the country must now im- formal contract with their directors, some of whom will consent mediately pass, and which no true friend of the Nation's essen- while some will not, and therefore does not afford sufficient tial business interests can afford to be responsible for creating authority to undertake improvements upon the scale upon which or prolonging. Clearly determined conditions, clearly 'and sim- it would be necessary to undertake them. Every approach to 8 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. PRESIDENT ASKS SUPPORT OF CONGRESS ON PEACE MISSION this difficult subject-matter of decision brings us face to face, as the Central Empires also have, and very reasonably desire therefore, with this unanswered question: What is it right that my personal counsel in their interpretation and application, and we should do with the railroads, in the interest of the public it is highly desirable that I should give it in order that the and in fairness to their owners? sincere desire of our Government to contribute without selfish purpose of any kind to settlement that will be of common benefit Duty to Find the Answer. to all the nations concerned may be made fully manifest. The Let me say at once that I have no answer ready. The only peace settlements which are -now to be agreed upon are of thing that is perfectly clear to me is that it is not fair either to transcendent importance both to us and to the rest of the world, the public or to the owners of the railroads to leave the ques- and I know of no business or interest which should take ,prece- tion unanswered and that it will presently become my duty to dence of them. The gallant men of our armed forces on land relinquish control of the roads, even before the expiration of the and sea have consciously fought for the ideals which they knew statutory period, unless there should appear some clear pros- to be the ideals of their country; I have sought to express those pect in the meantime of a legislative solution. Their release ideals; they have accepted my statements of them as the sub- would at least produce one element of a solution, namely, cer- stance of their own thought and purpose, as the associated gov- tainty and a quick stimulation of private initiative. ernments have accepted them; I owe it to them to see to it, so I believe that it will be serviceable for me to set forth as far as in me lies, that no false or mistaken interpretation is put explicitly as possible the alternative courses that lie open to upon them, and no possible effort omitted to realize them. It is our choice. We can simply release the roads and go back to the now my duty to play my full part in making good what they old conditions of private management, unrestricted competition, offered their life's blood to obtain. I can think of no call to and multiform regulation by both State and Federal authorities; service which could transcend this. or we can go to the opposite extreme and establish complete Government control, accompanied, if necessary, by actual Gov- In Close Touch With Congress. course of ernmient ownership; or we can adopt an intermediate I shall be in close touch with you and with afairs on this side modified private control, under a more unified and affirmative the water, and you will know all that I do. At my request, the public regulation and under such alterations of the law as will French and English govermnents have absolutely removed the permit wasteful competition to be avoided and a considerable censorship of cable news which until within a fortnight they had degree of unification of administration to be effected, as, for maintained, and there is now no censorship whatever exercised example, by regional corporations under which the railways of at this end except upon attempted trade communications with combined in single systems. definable areas would be in effect enemy countries. It has been necessary to keep an open wire constantly One Confident Conclusion. available between Paris and the Department of State and another between France and the Department of War. In The one coulusion that I am ready to state with confidence is order that this might be done with the least possible interference that it would be a disservice alike to the country and to the with the other uses of the cables, I have temporarily taken over owners of the railroads to return to the old conditions unmodi- the control of both cables in order that they may be used as a lied. Those are conditions of restraint without development. single systen. I did so at the advice of the most experienced There is nothing affirmative or helpful about them. What the cable officials. and I hope that the results will justify my hope country chiefly needs is that all its means of transportation that the news of the next few months may pass with the utmost should be developed, its railways, its waterways, its highways, freedom and with the least possible delay from each side of the and its countryside roads. Some new element of policy, there- sea to the other. fore, is absolutely necessary-necessary for the service of the public, necessary for the release of credit to those who are ad- Asks United Support of Congress. the railways, necessary for the protection of their ministering May I not hope, Gentlemen of the Congress, that in the deli- security holders. The old policy may be changed much or little, cate tasks I shall have to perform on the other side of the sea, but surely it can not wisely be left as it was. I hope that the in imy efforts truly and faithfully to interpret the Congress will have a complete and impartial study of the whole principles and problem instituted at once and prosecuted as rapidly as possible. purposes of the country we love, I may have the encouragement I stand ready and anxious to release the roads from the present and the added strength of your united support? I realize the control and I must do so at a very early date if by waiting until magnitude and difficulty of the duty I am undertaking; I am the statutory limit of time is reached I shall be merely prolong- poignantly aware of its grave responsibilities. I am the servant ing the period of doubt and uncertainty which is hurtful to every of the Nation. I can have no private thought or purpose of my interest concerned. own in performing such an errand. I go to give the best that is The Paris Peace Conference. in me to the common settlements which I must now assist in I welcome this occasion to announce to the Congress my pur- arriving at in conference with the other working heads of the pose to join in Paris the representatives of the Governments associated Governments. I shall count upon your friendly coun- with which we have been associated in the war against the tenance and encouragement. I shall not be inaccessible. The Central Empires for the purpose of discussing with them the cables and the wireless will render me available for any counsel main features of the treaty of peace. I realize the great incon- or service you may desire of me, and I shall be happy in the veniences that will attend my leaving the country, particularly thought that I am constantly in touch with the weighty matters at this time, but the conclusion that it was my paramount duty to go has been forced upon me by considerations which I hope of domestic policy with which we shall have to deat- I shall w-ill seem as conclusive to you'as they have seemed to me. make my absence as brief as possible and shall hope to return The allied governments have accepted the bases of peace with the happy assurance that it has been possible to translate which I outlined to the Congress on the eighth of January last, into action the great ideals for which America has striven. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 9 NO GENERAL DEMOBILIZATION PLAN FOR ADJUSTMENT OF CONTRACTS TERMINATED OF THE MARINE CORPS UNITS BY GOVERNMENT EXPLAINED BY MUNITIONS DIRECTOR Gradual Discharges in Certain (Continued from page 1.) a difference of opinion between the Individual Cases to Be Made When decided there remains a very seri- board and the contractor a statement ous problem of how to arrive at a just thereof may be made to the several claim on Application and prompt determination of what is boards in this line of work in Washington, due the contractor as a result of such who will consider the matter from the Numerous inquiries from individuals reduction or termination of the contract. data presented by the local boards and and organizations are being received at Promptness of this adjustment is exceed- endeavor to reach a settlement with the the Navy Department and at the head- ingly important. If all the steps for the contractor. Failing this, there has been quarters of the United States Marine determination of the amount due con- set up in the War Department a board of Corps relative to the policy adopted as to tractors under these widely scattered contract adjustment to assist the Secre- the discharge of marines who- contracts had to be centralized in Wash- tary of War. This board, as far as the 1. Enlisted for the duration of the war. ington, no matter how large and expert War Department is concerned, is the 2. Joined the Marine Corps by induc- the force, it would take undue time and final tribunal in such cases. Of course, tion through the machinery of the selec- on the contract- if the contractor is still dissatisfied with impose serious burdens the Court tive-service law. ors. To meet this situation, the War De- such decision he may appeal to 3. Marine Corps Reservists who volun- partment has outlined and adopted the of Claims. tarily enrolled for 4 years, but with the following procedure: It is hoped that by this set-up a very stipulation that they would not be held large proportion of the cases may be set- to service except during the war or na- Form of Procedure Adopted. tled by the local boards, and no appeals will be necessary. Since these local tional emergency. The contractor will make an inventory boards will be in touch with the local in- of the raw material on hand, work in Statement by Secretary. dustry, and they will have before them process, and finished articles ready for de- a fair and prompt The Secretary of the Navy has author- other items of costs, with the great importance of livery, and any the industries themselves will ized the following statement: figures on the various elements of cost settlement, not ended, and will not have confidence that they will receive " The war has which have entered into the getting ready the be officially ended until the peace treaty as new buildings fair treatment, and by decentralizing for production, such may be accom- has been signed and ratified. and machinery not otherwise taken care work a prompt settlement " The existing national emergency will of. This will be checked by accountants plished. not end officially until the President, of the War Department. These state- Repayments to Contractors. by proclammation, formally states that it ments in the majority of cases will then ceases to exist. The department recognizes that it is be presented to district boards organized make provision for " Until the national emergency is for- in many of the larger cities which are highly important to mally declared to have ceased to exist, cases where contractors have such a con- the centers of production, such as Bos- working capital the Navy Department will need the serv- New York, Rochester, siderable part of their ton, Bridgeport, for labor and ices of most of the marines now in serv- Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chi- tied up in expenditures ice, and there wili be no general demobili- other disbursements on unfinished work cago, Detroit, St. Louis, etc. repayment to the zation, but such discharges as can be ef- A board to deal with ordnance con- that without a speedy of at least a part of this sum fected gradually, without impairment of tracts at each of these places will he contractors the service. they can not make that prompt return of presided over by the district ordnance essential is a civilian and the plants to commercial work Will Entertain Requests. chief, who in every case continuous man of the com- to prevent a break in their a prominent business operation and employment of labor. In "Headquarters, United States Marine munity, frequently, prior to the war, hav- Corps, Washington, D. C., will entertain many such cases, while it is practicable ing been connected with industries along a minbum sum requests from individual marines for dis- in war to determine readily similar lines to those now engaged which will be within the figure of ultimate charge or orders to the inactive reserve work. Another member of the board will lists. settlement, it will frequently be difficult generally be the regional advisor of the exactness the ultimate sum " Such requests amust be signed by the advisors to fix with War Industries Board. Such without delay which will lose to the Gov- individual marine and forwarded through are prominent business men, often se- his commanding officer, and must give in ernment and the country the advantage lected for the position by the local chai- of a speedy return of such plants to com- full the reasons for the request supported, ber of commerce and in intimate touch wherever practicable, with ex idence as to mercial work. Where this situation ex- with the problem of adjustment present- ists and to meet it it will be the policy the validity of the reasons given. ed by reason of their experience with the " Commanding officers wil forward all of the department to stand ready to enter industries in -their localities in getting into supplementary contract with such requests without delay to the Major Gen- ready for war production. Another mem- eral Commandant. contractors by which a sum not to ex- ber will be of legal training, another a ceed 75 per cent of the amount which it Classes to Be Considered, cost accountant, and the fifth a man is certain will ultimately be paid by the versed in technical production. The lat- Government on the agreed basis of adjust- "Requests from men in the following ter three members are generally already ment will be paid immediately to the con- classes whose services can be spared will available on the staff of the ordnance dis- tractor upon his consent to a termination receive favorable consideration: triet chief. With a board so constituted edu- of the original contract and a release to " 1. Men desiring to complete their the public, the Government, and the in- the Governmemnt of its obligations there- cation. dustries will feel assured that a just and under, the department agreeing to pay " 2. Married men with dependent fami- prompt settlement may he arrived at subsequently such additional sum as it lies, where it is shoxwn that their financial Boards will also be established for the may determine will complete payment to condition will be materially bettered by settlement of contracts for more standard the contractor on the agreed basis of their discharge. articles of merchandise, such as clothing, adjustment. The mnachinery outlined "3. Men xxhose serx ices are needed in leather goods, etc. above will be availed of in arriving at the essential industries. terms of final settlemnent "4. Men who wish to return to their Settlement With Contractor. business which they gave up to enter the This plan will make it practicable for service." These boards will endeavor to reach a contractors to secure almost immediately settlement with the contractor along the a very substantial part of their working lines of the policy laid capital for use in switching back to com- LEXINGTON, KY., HOTEL CLOSED. down by the War Department in Washington. Wherever a mercial work, even where the circum- The Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Ky., the settlement can be reached between the stances are such that the final determina- leading hotel in central Kentucky, has contractor and a board, the board will tion of the compensation to be paid can been closed by the Food Administration make lit recommendation to Washington not be so speedily arrived at. for violating the bakery regulations and and the settlement will be finally ap- for disregarding regulations governing proved and the amount thereof will be Help your Government and yourself at the distribution of sugar. promptly paid in full. Wherever there is the same time-buy war-savings stamns& 710-18-3 10 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. List of Troop Units in France Named for Early StartHome Includes 83,000 Officers and Men, Gen. March Announces

INTERVIEW WITH GEN. PEYTON C. MARCH, 0111F OF STAF NOVEMBER 30, 1918. Organization. Officers. Men. Division. Organization. Officers. Men. Division. I have a cablegram from Gen. Persh- ing giving the total Headquarters 55th 1 16 39th. 301st Casual Com- 2 138 number of casualties Brigade. pany. up to and including November 26, as fol- 155th-Inf. Regi- 1 16 39th. 302d Casual Com- 2 134 lows: ment. pany. 156th Inf. Regi- 1 16 39th. 3034 Casual Com- 2 140 Killed in action ------28, 363 ment. pany. 140th M. G. Bat- 39th. 304th Caunal om- 2 131 Died of wounds ------12, 101 talion. pauy. Died of disease ------16, 034 141st M. G. Bat- 1 39th. Headquarters 312th 24 29 87th. Died of other causes -- 1, 980 talion. Engineers. 142d M. G. Bat- 1 3 39th. Headquarters Com- 2 156 87th. Missing in action ------14,260 talion,. pany, 312th Engi- 114th Tn. Hq. 1 2 39th. neers. Then follows the prisoners of war; but and If. P. Company A, 312th 3 221 87th. the number reported is incomplete, and Headquarters 76th 2 1 76th. Engmnees. I have asked to have the number resery- Division. Company B..-----.. 5 221 87th. 76th Division Head- 1 1 76th. Company C.--.- 5 217 87th. iced. It will be presumably something quarters Train. Headquarters De- 2 87th. like what we had before. 151st Brigade: tachment 312th Wounded, 189,955, of whom 54,751 are 301st Inf. Regi- 1 16 76th. Engineers. ment. Company D...---..-- 4 215 187th. reported as severely wounded, 43,168 de- 302d Inf. Regi- 1 16 76th. Company E ---...-- 8 237 87th. gree undetermined, and 92,036 slightly. ment. Company F --.-- 241 87th. 152d Brigade. 1 16 76th. 348th AmH.. Com- 136 87th. Gen. Pershing Expediting 1Names. 303d Inf. Regi- 14 76th. pany. mint. 1 346th F. Hosp. Com- 5 80 87th. When the last cablegram was received 304th Inf. Regi- 114 16 76th. pany. 347th F. Help. Com- indicating that the names of a number of ment. 3 4 78 87th. 301st M. G. Bat- 1 5 76th. pany. the killed, wounded, died of disease, etc., talion. 4th Ry. Ord. Repair 16 Ordnance. had not been reported by cable, I cabled 302d M. G. Bat- I 5 76th. Secion. to Gen. Pershing for him first to report all talion. 0th Ry. Ord. Repair 16 Ordnance. 303d M. G. Bat- 1 3 76th. Section. men who were killed or had died in ac- talion. 334th M4.G. Battalion 16 3t9 87th. tion and not yet reported by him, reserving 301st Tn. Hq. 1 2 76th. Det. 312th Sp. Tn. -- ...... for future cables the ones that were and M. P...... 312th F. Sig. Bat- 14 485 87th. 301st Sn. Tn. and 4 143 76th. talion. wounded slightly; and his reply, given 304th Amb. Headquartoss 30th 5 43 87th. out yesterday, was to the effect that he Company. Erigade, C. A. C. was getting them out as fast as he could. 30CthmF a ...... 82 76th. Headquarters 87th 30 205 87th. 5th A. A. f. G. Bat-. 7 176 C. A. C. Division and Head- I have here the troops by designation talion, 11th A. A. quarters Troop. which have been assigned in France to M. G. Battalion, 87th Division Ield 2 4 87th. and 12th A. A. M. Laboratory. early convoys: G. Battalion. 312th Tn. Headquar- 2 29 87th. 42d Art. Regiment, 44 1,121 C. A. C. ters. C. A. C. 312th M. P...... 5 236 87th. Organization. fficers. Men. Division. 43d Art. Regiment, 40 921 C. A. C. 312th Sn. Tn. Det. -_ 33 S7th. C. A. C. 312th Mob. Vet. See- 16 87th. 52d Art. Regiment, 35 1,221 C. A. C. tion. 2d A. A. Battalion.. 14 374 C. A. C. Headquartess 173d 5 19 87th. 335th F. A...... 1,300 87th. 53d Art. Regiment, 16 1,297 C. A. C. Inf. Brigade. 1 59th F. A. Brigade 10 50 Art. Corps. C. A. C. . Hteadquasters 171th 3 19 87th. Headquarters. 109th Am. Tn. (An. 12 534 34th. Int. Biigade. 337th F. A...--...---- 87 1,533 88th. drawn). Dental unit..---- 1 87th. 339th F. A...-.-.-..- ,2 1,616 88th. 309th Am. Tn...... 33 1,141 84th. Det. 312th p. Tn. 1 22 87th. 163d F. A. Brigade 12 53 88th. Headquarters 33d 9 53 C. A. C. Sn. Sqd. No. 68...... 25 87th. Headquarters. Brigade, C. A. C. .45th F. Hosp. Corps 6 80 87th. 71 345th Amb. Corps. - 125th F. A...... 1,435 34th. Headquarters 36th 9 35 C. A. C. 5 113 87th. 127th F. A...... 73 1,282 Art. Corps. Art. Brigade, C. Headquarters 38th 51 C. A. C. 144th F. A...... 71 1,582 40th. A. C. Art. Brigade, C. 73d C. A...... 54 1,464 Headquarters 37th 9 53 0. A. C. A. C. 74th C. A...... 1,094 Art. Biigade, C. 59th Am. Tn., C. 11 496 C. . C. 115th T. M. Battery. 5 168 40th. A. C. A. C.1 3d A. A. Battalion. - 18 495 Headquarters 109th 12 62 84th. 70th Art. Regiment, 54 1,228 C. A. C. 4th A. A. Battalion- 18 433 F. A. Brigade. 7 C. A. C. 5th A. A. Battalhon_ 18 474 325th F. A. Regi- 74 1,490 84th. 1st Ast. Regiment, 56 1,8?02, C. A. 0. 6th A. A. Battalion. - 18 467 ment. C. L. C. 7th A. A. Battalion.. 18 526 326thF.A.Regi- 77 1,4701 84th. ist Handley Page 25 535 14th A. A. Battery. - 2 53 ment. -Accept. Park. 15th A. A. Battery.. 2 55 327th F. A. Regi- 82 1,516 84th. 11th Aero Squadron. 4 156 16th A. A. Battery. - 2 58 ment. 882d Aero Squadron. 3 143 17th A. A. Battery.. 2 51 Headquarters 162d 3 40 87th. 306th Aero Squadron 4 186 F. A. Brigade. 126th F. A...... 53 1,198 Art. Corps. S. O. S. 514 (cab e- 109th Am. Train.. 38 1,200 84th. 312th T. M. Bat- 3 140 87th. gram.) 338th F. A.. 69 1,335 88th. tery. 343dArt. Regiment, 61 1,776 C. A. C. 161st F. A. Brigade, 244 5,162 86th. 46th Art. Regi- 57 1, 455 C. A. C. 331st F A-, 332d ment, C.A.C. C. A. C. F. A., 333d ,. A., 47th Art. Regi- 54 1, 627 C. A. C. 66th Art. Regiment, 61 1,765 C. A. C. and 311th Am. ment,C.A.C. C. A. C. Headquarters 67th Art. Regiment- 70 1,814 C. A. C. Train. 63d 330 4,838 38th. 72d Art. Regiment-.. 58 1,855 C. A. C. 56th F. A. Brigade, 208 4,037 31st, F. A. Brigade, 116th F. A., 117th 137th F. A. Regi- 18th A. A. Battery2 - 3 50 C. A. C. F. A., and 118th ment, 138th F. A. 19th A. A. Battery . 3 .54 C. A. C. F.A. Regiment, and 20th A. A. Battery. 1- 55 C. A. C. Headquarters 40th 13 59 -- -. 139th F. A. Regi- Headquarters 32d 9 63 C. A. C. Art. Brigade, Coast ment. Brigade. C. A. C. Artillery Corps. 113th Am. Tn. (less ...... 106th T. Ml.Battery 5 164 31st. Headquarters 65th 134 2,755 40th. Mtr. Bn.). 109th T. M. Battery. 5 119 3th. F. A. Brigade, 54thAm. Tn.,C. A. C. 13 517 C. A. C. 113th T. 1M.Battery 1 121 38th. 143d F. A. Regi- 13th A. A. Battery. - 3 53 C. A. C. 309th T. M. Battery. 5 156 84th. ment, and 145th 45th Art. Regiment, 61 1,766 G. A. C. 310th T. 1M.Battery - 5 183 8th. F. A. Regiment. C. A. C. 311th T. A. Battery. 4 175 86th. 109th Engineers------34th. 61st Art. Regiment, 76 1,849 C. A. C. 4th T. M. Battalion. 27 645 C. A. C. 136thAmtb. Company 4 77 34th. C. A. C. 5th T. MT.Battalion. 27 675 C. A. C. 1360tl F. H...... 4 36 34th. 62d Art. Regiment, 77 1,829 C. A. C 6th T. 1. Battahon.. 27 760 0. A. C. Headquarters 39th 2 39th. C. A. C. 7th T. Mi.Battalion. 27 746 C. A. C. Division. 68th Art. Regiment, 71 1,806 C. A. C. 39th Division-_ 1 39th. C. A. C. Total------3,451 79,663 Headquarters 69th Art. Regiment, 59 1,809 C. A. C. Train. C. A. C. 77th Brigade... Headquarters 34th 24 531 C. A. C. 1Ko unit of this designation overseas. 133 Inf. Regiment. 16 39th. Artillery Brigade, 292d Division las been ordered to prepare to entrain 154th Inf. Regiment. 16 . C. A. C. for base port. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 11 List of Troop Units in France Named for Early Start Home You will see that I am giving this out In connection with the peace confer- their ground. The division was then put In advance of the Actual sailings because ence in Paris, the following officers of in support of the counterattack of July of misapprehension on the part of rela- the Army have been ordered to report to 18. On July 28 it attacked, crossing the tives and friends at home concerning the Gen. Bliss: Maj. Gen. Francis T. Ker- Oureq, and advanced with the Third of the 27th and 30th Divisions, nan; Brig. Gen. M. Churchill, General (later the Thirty-second) on its right which have been in service with the Brit- Staff; Col. Ralph W. Van Deman, Col. and the Forty-second on its left; the ad- ish and have not been designated for R. H. Jordan, General Staff; Col. L. P. vance was bitterly resisted by the enemy. convoys home. Their designation will Ayres, General Staff; Maj. Hunter S. On July 31 it was approaching Nesles and take place after they get back to Gen. Marston, Adjutant General's Depart- August 6 reached the Vesle, where it re- Pershing. ment; Maj. Birch Helms, Infantry; Maj. lieved the Thirty-second. Until Septem- The sum total of officers and men which C. W. Furlong, United States Army; Maj. her 3 the division held a sector along the have been designated for early convoys F. M. Fling, United States Army; Capt. Vesle with constant raid and patrol numbers 3,451 officers and 79,663 men. J. C. Auchincloss, United States Army; activity. September 4 to 7 the division, In bringing back troops from France Capt. T. M. Childs, United States Army. crossing the Vesle in force, drove in rear the department expects to work up to per- The guards, messengers, etc., for the guards and kept close contact with re- haps 150,000 or 175,000 men in the month American section in Paris with our con- treating eneny. The Twenty-eighth was of December, and in doing so we will ferees will be under the charge of Brig. in line near Vauquois at the start of the utilize the Army transports, a large num- Gen. William W. Harts, formerly the Meuse-Argonne offensive on September 26, ber of naval vessels which will carry be- President's aide at the White House, and and continued in action until October 7, tween 20,000 and 30,000 men, and at the we have made arrangements in advance when it took Chatel-Chehery. On October same time transform cargo boats which for all that. 29 the division was reported on line in the were originally passenger boats back to I have also sent over in advance a num- Woevre, near La Chaussee Lake, with the their original use. ber of Army officers who are experienced Second Army and took part in the actions I gave an order during the week to alter in law, finance, languages, ethnology, etc., in that region, which were halted by the these troop ships, and the shipping people and who will be at the disposal of Gen. armistice on November 11. expect to work up to a carrying capacity Bliss at the peace conference. Gen. Q. Please state operations of the 79th of 300,000 men a month. Francis T. Kernan was a representative Division.-A. The 79th Division reached During the week it was ordered that at the Berne conference on the question France and began training about August classes at the Students' Army Training of German prisoners. This conference 1 at Prauthoy. It was in the first line of Corps be suspended and that the entire dealt on matters of American prisoners of the Argonne-Meuse offensive of Septem- draft system be closed up as soon as pos- war. He is a man of great legal ability, ber 26, but details of its action are not sible. experienced in military and international available. November 2 it was reported The troops which have so far been law. on line on the heights east of the Mause. designated for demobilization in the The War Department has awarded the November 9 it was advancing in this sec- United States amount to 649,000 men, as distinguished service medal to the fol- tor in the direction of Damnvillers. follows: lowing officers in France. Gen. Pershing them. Gen. Warships as Transports. Depot brigades, development bat- has been ordered to present talions replacements, and casuals 260 000 Tasker H. Bliss, Lient. Gen. Hunter Lig- Q. Gen. March, please tell us what class of Divisional troops------10, 000 gett, Lieut. Gen. Robert L. Bullard, Maj. naval vessels are to be used for transport Corps and Army troops ------42 000 Coast Artillery ------35 000 Gen. J. T. Dickman, Maj Gen. J. W. Mc- of troops home--A. There will be some Engineers. railway, and special units 38 000 Andrew, and Maj. Gen. J. G. Harbor. old battleships and quite a number of llical Corps ------2,000 During the week I have authorized the cruisers, with a traveling capacity of United States Guards------26, 000 Spruce production ------30 000 publication of the positions as last re- about 25,000 men in round numbers. Military aeronautics ------6 000 ported of all troops in France, and by Q. What is happening to American Tank Corps------7, 000 that publication I have answered many prisoners?--A. I have word from Gen. Per- Chemical Warfare Service ------7 000 Anthracite coal miners------6, 000 questions which have been coming to me shing that our prisoners are being turned Students' Army Training Corps 160, 000 for specific reply. I hope by this publi- over as fast as possible, and they are Central oicers' training schools 20, 000 cation to eliminate many inquiries which coming in in groups of 400 down to small 649, 000 have only individual interest. units. Q. Have you any reports on the mis- Discharges to Date. Questions and Answers. treatment of British soldiers held prison- The machinery for the discharge of I have a few questions here which I ers of war ?-A. No. these men is speeding up; starting from will answer: Q. Can you tell us when the internment nothing, it is now estimated that the Q. Will Gen. March give somewhat a of German prisoners here will be discon- resignations or discharges from the detailed description of the operations of tinied?-A. That is a matter that will United States Army since the signing of the Twenty-eighth Division?-A Twenty- be taken up at the peace conference. the armistice have totaled about 46,000 eighth Division, consisting of Pennsylva- Q. How about the return of the oficers and men. nia troops from Camp Hancock, was over- wounded?-A. We have a number of hos- These are not accurate figures, but they seas by June 1 and trained with the pital ships which are used for the seri- come in pretty close proximity to the fact. French until after July 1. Four com- ously wounded. Troop ships are also The numbers are Increasing daily and panies were put in south of the Marne available for use in cases of slightly will continue to increase as the machin- and east of Chateau Thierry to help stop wounded and convalescents. When they ery of the operation becomes more auto- the German offensive of July 15, and held come to the United States we have a numn- matic. ber of hospital trains prepared to move During the week the troop ship Zea- these men and, in addition to that, we Zandia has sailed for France with a cargo have placed orders with the Pullman Co. of 15,074 Christmas packages for the to convert a number of Pullman cars American Expeditionary Forces. Official U. S. Bulletin Index into hospital cars, so these men will soon An item has appeared in the papers in- be placed in hospitals fully adequate for dicating that there was an impression An index for the Official their care and physical rehabilitation. that the Army Appropriation bill for the U. S. Bulletin for the first Q. When will the 649,000 men who have net year carried a total estimate of $18,- six months of 1918 may been designated for demobilization in the 000,000. This is erroneous. In working United States be back into civil life?-A. up the estimates of the War Department be had on application to Just as fast as we can return them. The for an Army of 80 divisions in France this office at 5 cents per process will become very rapid as the and 18 divisions at home, the estimates copy. An index for each machinery of demobilization becomes totaled something like $19,000,000. When month is printed in an familiar and more or less mechanical to the armistice'was signed we immediately early issue of the Bulle- the demobilization officers. We hope soon withdrew these estimates, and cuts were to get up to the rate of 1,000 per day per made all along the line, so that now the tin after the close of that camp. Army appropriation bill estimates total month. Q. Among the men designated to re- something less than $3,000,000,000. turn are there any Marines?-A. No. 12 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF THE WAR LOANS OF ALL NATIONS INCLUDING THOSE NEUTRALS PUT TO EXPENSE OF MOBILIZATION

Internal War Loan Summerry Chart.' II Issue Amount I- Ap-- Optional su ipton allotted Numbner Ratio P Country. Title. terest prce, pruxa- Datedi redemption Due, S eriiod. against of sub- ubscrlbersp rate. s Pe.r yield. date. cask sub- saribers. i it. scriptions.

United States! First Liberty loan .. 31 100 00 3.50 June li,1917 June 15,193= June 15,1947 May14-Junel..52,000, 000 4,500,000 Ito 23.3 819.0 Do.....Second Liberty loan1 4 100:00 4.00 -Nov. 13,1917 Nov. 15,1927 Nov. 15,1942 Oct.1 -Oct. 27.... ,08,766,110 9,60D,000 Ito 10.9 56.3 Do.1 . Third Liberty loan. 4' 100.00 4.23 May 9,1918 None. Sept 15,1928 Apr.6-May 4.... 4,170,019,650 17,000,000 Ito 6.2 99.7 To.%, War-savings sthmpsx ..... 82. 40 3.91 Jan. 2.1918 None. Jan. I,1923 Continuously 242,204,760 ...... --.. 2.3 from Dec. 3,1917. GreatBrittain First war louan 3... 95.00 4.00 Mar. 1,1911.1 Mar. 1.19231 Mar. 1,1928 Nov.17-Nov. 2-.FI,70,000,000 100,000 I to 453.7 37.5 Do. Second war*Loan..: 41 100.00 4.37 June 1.1915 Dee, 1,1925 Dec 1,1945 June21-July10. 2,883,001,000 1,100,000 1to 41.2 63.5 Dl...... Third war lo. 109.009 4 00 Apr. 1,19iT Oct. 15,1029 Oct. 15,1942 Jan.11 Feb. 16. 8.96 1.34 June 1,1917 1 June 1,1929 June 1,1947 .-- do. ...--.--. 4,811,000,000 5,289,000 I to 106.0 Do- No 4 100.00 4.00 Purchase date. None. Oct. 1,1927 Continuously from Oct. 2, 19171 Do ..-. ---.do_ 5 100. 5.33 ..- do ...... None. Oct. 1,1922 .do ...... 3573,417,000 7-1.4 ) DO -.. I..... do- _ _1-1 ---.5 10(h0W I 5.36 .- ...do_____1. None. Oct. 1,1924 ... do...... Do _ __. --- do , ...-----.- 5 104 00 5.30. ... do...I None. Oct. 1,1927 Do.5 ..... War-siling certli-.. 77.10 5.1 ---do - None. Five years. Continuously 712,942,000 --- .-- ..---..------15.7 eate. fram Feb., 1916.1 France. ...--. Fir't wallTOvx....----- 00 P5. 68 Nov. 16,191-5. Jan. 31,1931 Notlized. No v,-Dec.15_1,894,000,000 3,133,48 g to 12.6 Do.... Scondewarloan... 5 471:8 . 875 P 5. 63 Aug. 16,1916 Nov. 31,1931 ... do...... Oct.5--Oct. 2..9 1,981,000,000 3,100,000 1t12.8- 50.0 D. . Third war lon...... 4 6S.60 P 5. S3 Dee. 16,1917 Jan. 1,1913 ..... do... .. Nov. 25-Dee.16. 2,914,00&,000 ---.--..------73.6 Do . __vDo ' ....aidefee _13} 96.09. a 5.6 Furchasecdate Feb. 16,19 0 Feb. 16 1921 from t . 2 1911 - 1 M 0 [2utinuously 130,000 --..------.5 Do ...... do...... 5 100.00 5.58 None. Five yeas.. froem Mar. 1, 11917...... -- Russia ..-.. Fi t war loan ..... 5 94. 00 5.34 Sept. 14,1914 Mar. 14,192- Sept.14,196; -Nov.C-Na. 7 -... 237,000,000 ------1.4 Do . . Secondwal loan..- 5 94.00 5.35 Mar. 14.1915 ..- do...-.. Mar. 14.1965 Mar.5--Mar.15 . 257,000,000 1.4 Do .. ... Thild war loan..--- 5-5 99. 0 .711 IMay3 14,1915 May 14,1927 May 14,192 IS-May29. 515,000,000 ------{ '~1995. r 26 15 00 0 2.8 Do...... Fourth warloan.... 51 95.00 6.17 Nov. 14,1915 None. 3.-- Nov. 14,1925 "Nov. 18-Dee. 515,000,000 ...... 2.8 Do...... Ffthwarlon... 5 95.00 6.17 Feb. 14,1916 None. Feb. 14,1926 Mar. 1.-May25r.- 1,029,000,000 Do. - Ixthwar loan.. 95.00 :D------5.6 k 6. 17 Oct. 14,1916 None Oct. 14,1921 Nov. 2-Feb. 3--- 1,544,000,000 8.5 Do...... Soverithwarloan-- 5. 85. 00 5.93 AU, 2,1917 Mar, 29,1927 Mar. 29,1971 Apr. 191-Juno 14.. 2,058,000,000 I...... Italy ---.- Mobil 11.3 Ation loan..-- 41 97.00 4.71 Jan- 1,1913 Jan. 1,1921 Jan. 1,1940 Jan. 1-Jan. 11 .... 193,000, 000, I tor270. 513 Do. Firstwarloan. 93 00 1191. 00 J4uly 1,1915 .- do,- . do.... July IJuly18 ... 221,000,000 245I414 I to149.0 6.0 Do Secondwarloan .- 5 97.50 5.1 Jan. 1,1916 Jan. 1,1926 Jan. 1,1941 Jan.1 -e. 10-.. 473,000,000 4ggj _DO I to 7. 7 12.9 Do:.:.. Third war loan. .5 90.00 F5.55 Jan. 1,1917 Dec. 1,1931 Not fixed- Feb. 5-Feb.2&- 500,000,000 ------Do .----. Fourth warloanm. 13.7 .. 5 8.50 F 5.78 Jan. 1,1918 Dec. 31,131 Not fixed. Jan.11-Mar. IS_. 1, 15, 000,000 31 ' Cana. . Fir war loan.__ . .5 97. 50 5.49 Dec 1,0815. None. Dec. 1, '92 Nov. 22-No-v. 30. 100, OM,000 125- Do.. Recond war loan,.. 5 97.10 5.30 Oct. 1,1916 None. to. 1, N31 ept. 12-Sept.23 100,0 600 31, 8(12 1 to 37. 0 Do. --. Thirdwarroan --- - 91.00 5.40 Mar 1,1517 12.& None. ,. , 1,3 Mar.12-Mar.23 150, 000, 000 40 S0. 11, 19. G 18.4 D.o-. Fourthwarloan.. 51 100.00 5.81 Dec. I T1917 None Dee 1, 1922 N o 12 Dec. 40.0l Do...... do...... - Z. do ... 100.00 5.t8 ..... do ------None Dec. 1,1927 ... do0 ,009 820,000 Ito 9.9 49.2 Do...... -dod------31 100.0O 5.0 None. Dec. 1,1917 I.-f Do., . War-savings certift-.. 1 .00 5.08 ------None. Three year ...... -..... 12,226, 340 ...... rates. I3 Australia.. First war loan. . 4 100. 0& 4.70 June 15, 191 None. Dec. 15,19251 July 24-Aug. 31.. 65,000,600 13,748 10 262.0 13.3 Do. ... Second war loan. 4 , 100.00 4. 68 Dec. 15,1915 None .... d...... De.l Jan 31 . 103,000,000 28.94 1to 109.1 Do ...... Third war loan. 41 100.00 4. 07 21.4 June 15,1916 Non-. ..-- dou------Jime l-Aug. 1.- 115,00"',00 102,012 Ito 48.1 23.4 Do...... Fourth war loan.... 4k 100. 00 , 70 .ne None. do...... Dec. 23-Apr. 2 .. 104,000, 000 , to 73.2 21.2 Do...... Fifth war loan. -.. 41 100.00 4.67 June 151,1917 6 None. Dec. 15,1927 Sept. 15-Nov. 2- 99,000,000 216, 95 1 to. 2.6 20.2 Do...... Sixth war loan...... 41 100.00 4.69 Dec. 15,1917 None. .---do. Feb .ch16-. r ...... Do--..----- d...... --....- 5' 10t. D 5.19 .do. N one...... do...... - do ...... 185,000,000 ------37.7 Do...... War-savings certifi- ...-. 87.5I 4.50 Ptrchasedats. None. Three years. . -_------.- cates. New Zealand First war loan. 41 100.00 4.00 Sept. 1,1930 Sept. 1,1941- Aiugut,1916.--- 38,32, 000 -.....- Do...---.-Secondwarloan... 4j 100.00 4.50 Sept. 3.5 1,1916 None. Nov. 13,198 August and Sep-- 58,39,000 ------50.3 Noun.Fietecaer, Do...... War-saingy certif .. 80.00 4.50 PurchaseOSept. 25,1917 None_ Five 3 cars- . -..------1917.:...... ---. --- eates. datel India . Warloma.------..... 5 9.00 5.34 Aug. 15,19 Aug. 15,1947 Mar 1-June15 I -o.-....Warbonds...... 100.00 5.50 None. Aug.15,192015, .. d..... Do...... do.....------. 5 100.00 5.50 Paitdate None. Aug. 15,1922 do.... - Do. Post-officek ve-year I - 77.30 5.16 None. Fieve ars. Conti ul l - 171,000,000 ...... 0.7 certificates, from 4pr. 1, 1917. I- Germany. First war loan. .5 97. 59 S5.59 Oct. I, 1914' None. Serial to 1920. Sept.10-Sept.19.- 057,000 010 1,177, 23 Ito -6 Do - do 5- 97.50 5.32 -.-- do-.- -- Oct. 1,192-1 Not fixed, .- do-...-.- 600,- 0 Do..------Second war loat.... & 5.29 July 1,191. Kone. , Serialto 1922. Feb.27-Mar.19--- 2,694, Of3 1 to 25 32. 0 Do---...... do...------...... 5 98.70 5.20 I.1 --- . Oct 1,192-4 Notfixed. - -19,..--.-- 000,000 Do.----.Thirdwar loan..-- 5 9W.00 515 Apr. 1,191t .. I Nottired. 2,597,00,000 3,966,418 Ito 17 42. 7 Do------Fouthwarloan..... 4k 95.00 None Serial to 1932. 1 Mar. 4-Mar. 22 5,00000 , -9, Do.---...---do------...... Ito 13 918-6- 5.22 ..... do--- Oct. 1,1921 Notfixed. .do ..... J55 37.5 95.00 85a.14 Janl. 1,197I None. Serialto 132. Sept.4-Oct.- 4 3, SI696 11015 98,OR 5.31 ... do ------IOct. 1,1924 Not fixed. ------37. Do.--.. Sixth war loan-...- 41 98.00 4.56 July 1,1917 July 1,1927 Jul 1,1967 Mar. 15-Apr.19 7,0016,300 i1o09.5 Do ...... 5 98.00 5.33 .. do..---- Oct. 1,1924 4otfieod. .do. .042,000000 44.8 Do.... Seventh war loan.... 41 9&.00 4. 66 Jan. 1,1918 July 1,1927 July 1,1967 Sept. 19-Oct. I -. 13 055,000,000 5, 5A 003 1 to 13 44. 2 1. o ...... do...... -- 98.00 5.37 Apr. 1,1918 Oct, 1,1924 Not ixed. - do. -- 005-0-0,000 Do. .... Eighthwarloa . 4k5i 98.00 4.66 July 1,1918 July 1,1927 July 1,1967 Afar. 18-Apr Do...... -- -do------I1 .1,36110,27900 It0 0 51.9 5j 98.00 .38 .-do..------Oct. 1,1924 Notfixed. do- 3520, 0.0 0 Austria...-First war loam.. 5k51 97.50 6.02 Nov. 1,1914 Anytime. Apr. 1,190 No.112 No .2. 44,000,000 Do.--I Second war loan - 95,25 6.14 May 1,1915 Anytime. May 1,1925 May 8-May29.. 45,000000 ------15.3 Do. -... Thirdwarlow.. 5k 18.7 9160 6.16 Oct. 1,191a Anytime. ot. 1,1950 Oct.7DNov.6 .-- 852,000,000. Do.--I Fourth ar ioan----5k 95.50 6.30 June 1,1916 None. June 1,1923 Apr.17-Mayl5-.------29.2 Do -...... do -----. 54 I 93.00 I 5.96 ..-. do..-..--- Tune 1,1926June 1,1956 Ap-do-- .. ------. 910000 31.4

( rFrom I 6 5 National City Bank Monagraph on "War loans of belligerent con ntri's." Amount of subscriptions showi are not final. Casl includesho1-ter m ollgalions convorted. Seeexplanaion of c art. Avao t oDstanding aon Dac 31, 131 ,as cstimaltd by Minitstr of Fi'ance. -Sales to May 27, 1918, as computed by tho Car-Savins Conistee. oSalesio Dec 117. as offieol2y repored. ' S als to Ma -A,1918, as reported by tbs London Statist. 9Amoqnt of sdbscriptions to Feib. 2S, 19113,a3 ofbially bAmounat reali;eed 10aMay 4, 191S, ax reported by the London Stabt1st. reported. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 13 ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF THE WAR LOANS OF ALL NATIONS

Internal War Loan Summary Chart.-Continued.

Issue Ap- Issu Optional Ap-Amount allotted Number Ratio Per Country. Price, proxi- Dated. red tion Due. Subsp agi of su s ib er as hsub- s ribers. n o .per. mted. cent, yield. d ate. scriptions.2 oo t

Austria-.... Fifth war loan...... 5A 96.10 6.16 Dec. 1,1916 None. June 1,1923 Nov. 20-Jan. 11... $905,000,000 $31.0 Do-.--.---do...-...... 92.50 6.00 .-. do... 1922 1956 296134i Ito99 36.7 Do...... Sixth war loan...... 51 94.00 6:32 May 1,1917 Anytime. May 1,1927 May 10-June85... }1,073,000,000 92:50 6.00 Apr. 1 1917 1923 . 1957 40.3 .do..----..--. 5J )1,177,000,000 do, 93.00 6.19 ...... Any time. Aug. ,1926 Nov. 3-Dec. 2.... Hunglry - F .Oirswarlon-.. 56 91.00 6.08 1923 19 7 ,do --.- - D...... do...... 51 -. 6 1 Nov. 191 Any ti Not fixed. Nov. 16-Nov. 23. 238,000,0001 11.4 91.20 6.72 June 1,1915 Any time. Not axed. May 12-May 26... 229,000,000 nt. 6 98.00 6.41 May 1,1915 Any time. Not fixed. - .... do...... Doi.... Serd war loan.... 6 98.00 P6.12 1915 May 1,1921 Not fixed. Oct. 17-Nov. 17.. 402,000,00 19.2 D o Fourth war loan... - 51 91.90 6.62 1916 None. June, 1,1926 Apr. 20-May23.. 405,000 000 19.4 Do .. Fourth war loan... 6 67.20 P 6.17 1916 Nov. 1,1921 Not fixed. -----d o...... --- .--- DoF....i.. Tth war loan...... 51 96.25 5.77 ...... 1922-1942 Nov.-Dee, 1916 466,000,000 22.3 Do.-.-. Fifthwarloan...... 6 98.00 P 6.12 .. None. Not fixed. -. Do. Sixth war loan.... 6 96.00 P 6.25 1917 Aug. 1, 1922 Not fixed. May 12-June 2.. 506,000,000 24. a Do-. Seventh war loan.. 51 91.25 P 6.03 Dec. 1,1917 June 1,1925 Not fixed. Nov. 12-Dec.31..- 21.3 Do..... Seventhwar loan.- 6 96.10 P6.25 Feb. 1,1918 Aug. 1,1922 Not fixed...... do...... Switzerland.. First mobihzation 5 99.00 5.45 Aug. 26,1914 None. Feb. 26,1917 Aug.20...... 5,790,000 S to 233 1.5 loan. Do---.- Second mobilization 51 100.00 5.00 Dec. 1,1911 Dec. 1,1919 Dee. 1, 1934 Nov. 2-Nov.9..-- 9,650,000 23,21 1to 137 2.5 loan. Do...... Third mobilization 4) 96.50 4.70 Sept. 30,1915 Sept. 30,1926 Sept. 30,1053 July 16-July 23... 19,3010,00 . ------. -.. 5.0 loan. Do--.---. Fourth mobilization 97.50 5.07 Feb. 15,1916 None. Feb. 15,1921 Feb.1-Feb.9.... 19,300.000 24,496 1 to158 5.0 loan. 44 Do....- Fifth mobilization 97.00 4.88 July 15,1916 None. July 15,1926 June27-July 4... 19,100,000 21,293 1to182 5.0 loan. 11 Do.- --- Sixth mobilization 41 96.00 4.87 Jun' 30,1917 Dec. 31,1925 June 30,1932 Jan. 22-Jan. 30... 19,300,00 21,968 1to149 5.0 loan. Do -...... Seventh mobiliza- 96.00 4.85 June 30,1917 Dec. 31,1925 June 30,1934 June 26-July 4. 19,300,000 23,6811 to 164 5.0 tion loan. Do.-. Eighth mobilization 5 100.00 5.00 Jan. 31,1918 Jan. 31,1928 Jan. 31,1948 Jan. 7-Jan. 16.---- 28,910,000 31,601 1to l23 7.5 loan. Holland-.... First mobilization 5 100.00 5.00 Feb. 1.1913 Jan. 1, 1918 Dec. 31,1929 Jan. 2-Jan. 11.... 111,000,00 ...--.---- - ...... 17.2 loan. Do...... Second mobilization 4 100.00 4.50 May 1, 1916 Any time. May 1,1941 Mar, 27-Mar. 2a. 50,210,000 ------7.8 loan. Do....-. Third mobilization 97.00 4.15 Feb. 1,1917 Any time. Fob. 1,1944 Jan. 2-Jan. 4... 50,253,0030 ...... -- ...---.7- loan...... ------...- Do.---. Fourth mobilization 41 100.00 4.50 Feb. 1,1018 Any time. Feb. 1,1958 Ma....do3 19.. . 201,001,000 31.3 loan. Spain ----- Consolidatedloan. 5 90.00 5.60 May 15,1917 Drawings. May 15,1967 1Mar, 31,1917... 190,003,000 - 9-6 ------

to nake arrangements for furnishing the INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO., MOVEMENT OF WOOD PULP necessary ships for the transportation 5-9ct Yorko, Noimber 19, 1918. of this wood pulp. Subject: Movenent of pulpwood from FROM NEW BRUNSWICK PORT I have also taken note of your request New Brunswick. transmitted by Mr. Wright, and have C. R. GRAY. Esq., WAsHINTON,D. C.,Octobe .21, 1918. so advised Mr. Franklin that the Rail- Director Division of Operation, United Hon. E. N. HURLEY, road Administration desires to be pro- States Railroad Administration, Chairman, tected in its rate of $2 per ton from Cape Washington, D. C. U. S. Shipping Board, Breton to Boston. Washington, DEAR SJR: I take great pleasure in ex- D. C. Sincerely, yours, DEAR pressing to you my deep appreciation of MR. HURLEY: I understand it to EDWARD be imperative, in order to protect the N. HuRLEY, the prompt and satisfactory manner in supply of news-print paper during the Chairman. which some 50,000 cords of pulpwood comling winter that a movement of ap- have been moved from Dalhousie and proximately Chatham, N. B., to our paper mills on the 13,500 cords of pulp wood October 28, 1918. from Gaspe, New Brunswick, to Portland, Androscoggin Rtiver, in Maine, under the Me., be made by water. DEAR MR. HURLEY: Please accept plans worked out and zealously prose- If I am correctly informed that the thanks for your favor of October 25, cuted by your division. Shipping Board finds itself unable to pro- advising that you have wired Chairman It is reported to me by my assistant, vide ships for this movement, the Rail- Franklin, of the shipping control com- Mr. Haskell, who concluded the arrange- road Administration is willing that nine mittee to supply vessels for the transpor- ment to move this wood with your assist- of the vessels now moving its coal from tation of pulpwood from Gaspe, New ant director, Mr. Frank C. Wright, and Cape Breton to New England ports be Brunswick, to Portland, Me., for the In- Mr. Percy Todd. of the Bangor & Aroos- assigned for one trip each to accomplish ternational Paper Company's mills at took Raslway, that the whole plan has this movement. If, of course, in the mean- Livermore Falls, Me., as requested in my worked out without hitch or delay, both time, the Shipping*Board can provide a letter of October 21. to our satifaction and relief and to the portion of the bottoms necessary for the Arrangements have been made to sup- credit of the executive ability of your or- pulp wood movement, I shall be glad to ply cars at Portland, Me., promptly on galization. have it done. the arrival of each vessel for the move- The prompt aid afforded by the divi- ment to Livermore Cordially, yours, Falls. sion of operation at a time when trans- W. G. McAnoo. The diversion of these vessels from our portation was so uncertain has enabled coal movement from Cape Breton to New our Otis mill, at Livermore Falls, Me., to England ports wvill temporarily postpone continue its supply of news print to more October 25, 1918. the delivery of about 25,000 tons of rail- than 100 publishers, whose quota could DEAR MR. McADoo: Acting upon your road fuel. not have been replaced from any other letter of October 21, in regard to the We understand that you will protect source had this mill failed to receive its movement of wood pulp from Gaspe, rate of $2 per gross ton on this coal when- full supply of raw material. New Brunswick, to Portland, Me., for the ever vessels can be secured for its move- Thanking you for the excellent work International Paper Co., I have just ment. Please confirm. done by your division, I beg to remain, wired Mr. Franklin, the chairman of the Cordially, yours, Yours, very truly, shipping control committee, asking him W. G. McADoo. R. T. DoDGE, President. 710-18-4 14 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD'S List of Construction Projects on WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT Which Abandonment Orders Have Large increases in the holdings of war paper. offset in part by reductions in the amnounts of other discounts and Govern- Been Issued by the War Department mnet securities carried, are indicated by the Federal Reserve Board's weekly bank The War Department authorizes the following statement: statement issued as at close of business Abandonment orders have been issued by the Construction Division on the fol- on November 29, 1918. lowing projects: Inrcstments.-Of the total increase of The construction of a training school for officers and enlisted specialists at Fort 131.3 millions in the volume of war paper Monroe, Va. reported, 71.4 millions represents the in- crease at the New York bank, the other The project for the establishment of an officers' training school at Camp Eastern banks and the Atlanta bank like- Gordon, Ga. wise showing substantially larger figures The project for the establishment of an officers' training school at Camp than the week bdfore. Other discounts Hancock, Ga. decrevu-ed 25.5 millions, mainly at the All construction work at North Camp Jackson except the construction work New York, Chicago, and Minneapolis banks. A decrease of 55.5 millions in in connection with the tent camp to provide accommodations for two artillery Government short-term securities is due brigades. largely to the redemption of the tempo- The construction of a cantonment for the depot brigade, including detention camp, rary Treasury certificate held by the New barracks and mess buildings at Camp McClellan, Ala. York bank to cover last week's advance The enlargement of Camp MacArthur, Tex. lo the Government. Total earning assets show an increase of 56.8 millions. The construition of cantonment buildings at San Diego, Cal. The construction of cantouments at Galveston, Tex. Government Deposits. The rebuilding of old cantonment buildings for winter use at Portland, Me. Deposits.-Government deposits in- creased 94 millions, while members' re- The remodeling of the old cantonment buildings for winter use at Boston and the serve deposits show a more than corre- construction of mess buildings and 26-men barracks at Fort Strong and Post Ex- sponding decline of 115.1 millions. Net change, Fort Standish. deposits, because of the considerable re- The rebuilding of old cantonment buildings for winter u:se and the construction duction of the " float," increased 35.5 mil- lions. of a warehouse within the coast defenses of Portsmouth, N. H. Rescrres.-The week witnessed a The construction of a storehouse 29' by 120' for sanitary train at Camp Taylor, Ky. further gain of 5 millions in the gold re- The detention camp-No. 3-at Camp Funston, Kans. serves, while total cash reserves show an The construction of the Hoboken Shore Railroad storage yard. increase of 4.1 millions. The banks' re- serve percentage, largely because of the The construction of an extension to locomotive house, including electrical n ork, increase in net deposits, shows a decline and heating at the Raritan ordnance depot, Metuchen, N. J. from 50.5 to 50 per cent. The construction of 24-men delousing plant with utilities at Camp Eustis, Va. Note circulation.- Federal Reserve The construction of a storehouse at the Coast Defenses of Narraaansett Bay, agents report a net addition of 4.3 mil- Fort Adams, R. I. lions to the total of notes issfied to the Liberty theaters and extensions to existing theaters at the following points: banks. The latter show an actual Federal Reserve note circulatiofi of 2,568.7 mil- Camp Bragg, N. C.; North Camp Jackson, Camp Knox, Ky.; Camp Wheeler, Ga.; lions, an increase of 13.5 millions for the Camp Wadsworth, S. C.; Signal Corps Section at Camp Meade, Md.; Signal Corps week, besides an increase of 5.5 millions Section at Camp Taylor, Ky.; Camp Beauregard, La.; Camp Bowie, Texas; Camp in their aggregate liabilities on Federal Cody, N. Mex.; Camp McClellan, Ala.; Camp Logan, Tex.; Camp MacArthur. Tex., Reserve bank notes in circulation. Capital.-Increases in the capitalization and Camp Hancock, Ga. of meember banks and accessions to mem- bership account for an increase of $47,000 in the Federal Reserve banks' paid-in share of the central reserve cities. All work covered by contracts with the United capital, Philadelphia and Minneapolis re- other loans and investments fell off 103.4 States: Provided further, porting the largest portion of the increase. millions, the central reserve city banks That the wages of persons em- alone reporting a decrease under this head ployed upon such contracts shall Condition of Member Banks November 22. of 68.3 millions. be computed on a basic day rate of Large reductions in the holdings of Net withdrawals of Government de- eight hours' work, with overtime Treasury certificates, following the re- posits for the week totaled 270.5 millions, rates to be paid for at not less than demption of the July 23 issue of about 585 of which 150.9 millions represents with- time and one-half for all hours' work millions of these certificates, as against drawals from the central reserve city in excess of eight hours, substantial increases in the holdings of banks. Net demand deposits at the lat- Liberty bonds and war paper are indi- it is hereby ordered that during the ter banks increased 19.9 millions. present national emergency the provi- cated by the Federal Reserve Board's For all reporting banks the ratio of de- weekly statement of condition on Novem- sions of law limiting the hours of daily posits to investments shows a decline from service of mechanics and laborers to ber 22 of 752 member banks in leading 78.7 to 78.1 per cent. cities. eight hours in any one day on work un- United States bonds, other than circu- der contracts to which the United States lation bonds, on hand show a total in- Suspends 8-Hour Law is a party are suspended with respect to crease of 49.8 millions, though the banks contracts in connection with the miscel- in the central reserve cities report a de- On Barge-Office Work laneous changes at the barge oflice, New crease under this head of 3.7 millions. York City, to accommodate the customs Increases in these bond holdings are EXEUTIVE ORDER. intelligence bureau, under the act of Congress approved July 1, 1918, making shown for nearly all sections of the coun- Under authority contained in act of try outside of New York and Chicago. appropriations for repairs and preserva- Congress approved March 4, 1917 (39 tion of public buildings for the fiscal year Treasury certificates on hand show a de- Stat., 1192), wherein it is provided: cline of 270.S millions for all reporting 1919, wages and overtime rates to be banks and of 118.5 millions for the banks That in case of national emer- computed and paid in the manner pro- in the central reserve cities. Loans se- gency the President is authorized to vided by said act of March 4, 1917, supra. cured by United States war obligations suspend provisions of law prohibiting WoonRow WILsoN. (war paper) went up 68.2 millions, over more than eight hours' labor in any THE WHITE HousE, one-half of the increase falling to tIe one day of persons engaged upon Norciber 18, 1918. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 15 Preparation and Issue of Records for Final Separatien From Army of Officers, Enlisted Men and Organizations WAn DEPARTENT, Form No. 395-1, A. G. 0., now being 10. After the data contained on pay Trashigton,November 1,3, 1918. distributed, will, when received, be used cards have been used to complete the for the report of physical examination of CIrCILAR No. 73. final statements or final pay rolls the pay officers. Until it is available the report cards will be transmitted as hereinafter PREPARATION AND DISPOSITION OF iRECORDS will be prepared on 8" by 101" letter prescribed to The Adjutant. General of FOR TInAL SEPARATION Or OFFICERS, EN- paper. the Army. LISTED MEN, AND ORGAINIZATIONS FROM 6. An appendix to be used in connection 11. A notice of discharge, Treasury De- SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY. with status card of officers on file in the partment, B. W. R1. I., will be prepared office of The Adjutant General will be 1. When definite orders are received for in duplicate for each enlisted man sepa- prepared for transmittal on 3" by 8" let- rated fron the service. ITufil the form the separation of officers and enlisted ter paper containing heading showing men from service in The United States has been received the following matter Arny, either individually or by organiza- place and date; surnane, full Christian will be placed on a 5" x 8" sheet of stiff tion, name (no initials), rank and organiza- letter paper : Surname. first annie, and the following instructions will gov- tion; statement that the oflicer was sepa- ern : middle name in full (no initials nor ab- rated from service at the place and on the breviations) ; grade and organization at 2. Every officer and enlisted man will date; a brief statement of authority for be given a critical physical examination, the date of application for insurance, al- separation: record of service with Ameri- lotinents, and allowances, data to be ob- a record of -which will be forwarded for can Expeditionary Forces, if any, show- file in The Adjutant General's Office as tained from the soldier if not of record; hereinafter Ing the dates of sailing from United date of birth; date of enlistment; (late of prescribed. A carbon copy States, arrival overseas, departure from will be prepared for transmittal to the discharge; if no applications were made, overseas, port, vessel, and dat(s of arrival state " none "; brief statement of cause Bureau of War-Risk Insurance in case in United States; duration of ordinary the officer or of separation: under " insurance " will be enlisted man has a wound, leaves of absence while overseas; address entered the names of the beneficiaries, ob- injury, or disease that is likely to result reference, and acknowledgment in denth or disability. for future tained from soldier if not of record, the of receipt of notice of separation from amount of monthly premlium, and the last Individual records reqired. service. month for which premium was cheeked 3. In the case of officers the following 7. Officers' qualification cards. Form on pay roll; under " allounment and allow- are the individual records which must be COP 1101, will be completed to date of ance " the names of the allottees, ob- transmitted for file in the oflice of The setparation from service under the head- tained from the soldier if not of record, Adjutant General: ing " Military Experience." A final rat- and the last date on which allotment is a. Copy of anthority for discharge or ing will be given each officer just prior to charged against the pay of the soldier separation from active service. separation from the service and the quall- under " Class A" and " Class B "; amount b. Report of physical examination. fication card transmitted to The Adju- charged for allotment on final payment; c. Appendix to file record card. tant (eneral of the Army. future address. The original and dupli- d. Qualification eard. 8. The service record of each enlisted cate will be signed by tie company or de- 4. In the case of enlisted men the fol- nan separated from the service will be tachment coanunder and transmitted to lowing are the individual records which brought up to date; the paster and insert the caimp personnel adjutant, who will must be transmitted for file in the office for service record recently distributed at- mail both directly to the Bureau of War of The Adjutant General, or in the case of tached and the proper entries made Risk Insurance, TreasurS Department, d, to the Bureau of War-Risk Insurance, thereon. A final indorsement to The Disposition of records. Treasury Department. Adjutant General of the Army for service a. Service record. record will show place, date, and cause of 12. a. All individual records of officers b. Report of physical examination. discharge; the character given; that the and enlisted men separated from the srv- 0. Pay card. soldier was paid in full; that discharge ice will be transmitted to tihe caip or d. Notice of discharge (Treasury De- certificate was furnished; service with other station personnel adjutant, to he partment, B. W. I. I.). American Expeditionary Forces, if any: forwarded to The Adjutant General of soldier's signature, and future address. the Army. Descriptionof forms Vscd. A blank form for the final indorsement is D. When two or more eilisted men are 5. The report of physical examination now being distributed. separated from the service at the sane of officer must show the surname, Chris- If the service record of the enlisted man time, and the separation is not by organi- tian name, rank, and organization; occu- to be discharged is missing a temporary zation, an alphabetical list of the men pation prior to entry in the service; a cer- service record, marked " Temporary " in will be prepared to accompany the indi- tificate by the officer showing whether or red ink, will be prepared, using available vidual records. not at the present time he has a wound, data from all sources, including state- c. When an organization as ruch is injury, or disease, whether incurred in ments of the soldier. separated from the service a final roster the military service of the United States 9. The report of physical examination will be prepared and a copy forwarded or otherwise, and, if so, the nature and for enlisted men will contain the sur- with the Individual records. (See par. location; a certificate by an examining name, Christian name, Army serial nun- 16b.) surgeon showing that the officer is phys- her; grade, company, and regiment or 13. a. When organizations, or two or ically and mentally sound, or that he is arm or corps or department; occupation more enlisted men ,are separated from physically and mentally sound except that prior to entry in the service; a declara- the service at the same tile, the in- he has a defect, wound, injury, or disease, tion of the soldier witnessed by an officer dividual records will be wrapped by class the nature and location of which to be de- relating to his physical condition; a cer- in packages in such manner as to prevent scribed; that it i4 or is not likely to result tificate of immediate commanding officer injury in transmission and labeled and in death or disability, that it did or did as to the soldier's physical condition; a mnarked to show: (1) contents, (.2) or- not originate in the line of duty in the certificate of the examining surgeon gainization to which they pertain, and (3) military service, and that in view of showing data as given in paragraph 5; by whom sent. occupation, the per cent he is disabled. and if the declaration of the soldier and 7. The packages of service records, pay In case the certificate of the officer and the certificate of the examining surgeon cards, and reports of physical exaiminia- tile certificate .of the examining surgeon disagree the same procedure will be' fol- tion will be wrapped together in a pack- do not agree the case will be submitted to lowed as prescribed above for an officer. age 'with a list or roster, as the case may a board of review consisting of not less Form No. 135-3, A. G. 0., report of physt- be, and again labeled and marked to than two medical officers convened by au- cal examination of enlisted man, is being show: (1) contents, (2) organization to thority of the camp, post, or other station distributed as rapidly as possible. which they pertain, (3) by whom sent, commander, which will consider the case, In the case of men who were accepted and addressed to The Adjutant General examine the officer, and complete the re- for special or limited service the words of the Armly, Washington, D. C. port showing their findings with relation " Special or limited service " will be writ- c. The notices of discharge, B. W. R. I., to the matter covered in the certificate of ten or stamped across the top of the first will be wrapped in a package and labeled the examining surgeon. page of Form No. 135-3, A. G. 0. to show: (1) contents, (2) organization 16 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. Preparation and Issue of Records for Separation from Army to which they pertain, (3) by whom sent, The above records may be destroyed The individual records of an officer or and addressed to the Bureau of War Risk after verification by and under the super- an enlisted man must be completed in Insurance, Treasury Department, Wash- vision of a field officer designated by the every respect before lie is separated from ington, D. C. camp, station, or regimental commander the service. d. The above records in each package for this duty. Discharge certificates. will be arranged in the same order as d. The publications, manuals, and regu- 19. A discharge certificate will be fur- the names appear on the roster or alpha- lations in the possession of officers and nished to each enlisted man separated betical list accompanying them. noncommissioned officers may be retained by them. from service by discharge, as prescribed e. In the case of an individual sepa- in Army Regulations, and the class of rated from the service the records will e. The remaining publications, manuals, and regulations, and the files of orders, certificate will be as indicated in para- be transmitted to the personnel adjutant, graph 150, Army Regulations. to be forwarded by mail to The Adjutant bulletins, and circulars other than regi- General of the Army or to the Bureau of mental or company orders, will be turned Council books. War Risk Insurance, Treasury Depart- in to camp headquarte s for storage pend- 20. Council books relating to funds of ment, as the case may-be. No list, roster, ing further instructions from the War organizations separated from the service or letter of transmittal will be necessary Department. will be audited as prescribed to Army when the records of an individual are Returns, rosters, mornal reports, and Regulations for periodic audit, and the sent alone. reports of changes. certificates required for such audit will 14. Packages of individual records will be accomplished. 16. When an organization or headquar- The vouchers covered by such audit be sent by mail unless the weight exceeds the service, final in which ters is separated from may be retained in the possession of the that authorized by postal laws, returns of strength and final rosters will event they will be sent by express. accountable officer. finally be prepared as hereinafter indicated: 15. When an organization is a. Final return of strength, showing Information relating to War-Risk Insur- separated from the service the organiza- the condition of the command at date of G21cc. tion records will be prepared and dis- separation, will be prepared in accord- 21. Each officer or enlisted man will be posed of as hereinafter indicated: ance with existing instructions for the informed of his rights under the War- a. (1) Correspondence book and docu- preparation of monthly returns and for- Risk Insurance Act before separation ment file; (2) Morning reports-com- warded to The Adjutant General of the from the service. pany, headquarters company, headquar- Army. A memorandum of such information is ters, and consolidated; (3) Sick reports; b. Final rosters of troops and of officers being prepared for distribution at the (4) Guard reports; (5) Company orders; will be prepared for the period since the earliest practicable date. (6) Regimental orders; (7) Charge date of last roster in accordance with ex- Conduct of medical cxaination. sheets-original; (8) War diaries, oper- isting regulations, with the followiug ation orders, and historical data; (0) 22. The following instructions for con- modifications and exceptions: ducting the physical examination pre- Council books. (1) Final rosters of troops and of offi- The above records will be wrapped in scribed in paragraph 2 will govern: cers of staff corps and departments will a. The physical examination xvill ordi- packages by class of record and labeled be prepared in duplicate, the duplicate and marked to show contents; period narily be made in camps or stations in copy being forwarded to the chief of the the United States to which troops have covered; organization to which they per- A staff corps or department concerned. been ordered for demobilization, or at tain; and by whom sent. These packages single copy only of other rosters will be of records will be consolidated and which they may already be. Such physi- prepared. be. made and com- packed for shipment by freight, the con- " cal examination will (2) In the caption the word " Final pleted under the direction of the camp tainers to be labeled as to their contents will be inserted before the word " Roster " and addressed to The Adjutant General surgeon or other senior surgeon of the and the words " at midnight " omitted. the least practicable delay. of the Army. en- command with (3) If for any reason an officer or Except in doubtful or deferred cases, the b. (1) Retained muster rolls; (2) Re- listed man whose name is borne in the tained reports of changes of officers and examination of any individual officer or body of the roster is not discharged or soldier should be completed on one day enlisted men; (3) Retained monthly re- otherwise separated from service on the turns; (4) Retained rosters of troops by the examining surgeon or a special (late of final roster that fact will be noted examining board designated by the camp and of officers; (5) Qualification cards of after his name xwith statement of cause enlisted men; (6) Retained pay rolls; surgeon or other senior surgeon of the of retention in service. coimand. (7) Requisitions, abstracts, and individ- or (4) On the final roster of troops b. ual slips for clothing. roster of officers the personnel adjutant Except in cases of small commands, The above records, except qualification the camp surgeon or other senio surgeon will certify to the correctness of the of the command will appoint a medical cards, Form CCP-1, will be wrapped in roster and to the fact that all enlisted packages, labeled and marked as officer experienced in the duties of exam- in a, men and officers named thereon have been ining boards and in conducting physical and turned in to camp headquarters to discharged or otherwise separated from be stored until notification from The Ad- examinations, who shall be the Chief the service except as stated in the body Medical Examiner of that command. jutant General of the Army that the origi- of the roster opposite the names of such nals have been checked, or pending fur- c. The Chief Medical Examiner will excepi ed officers or men. the duties of and have general ther instructions from the War Depart- 17. Morning reports and reports of coordinate ment as to their final disposition. There -supervision over the examining board. changes will be prepared and submitted He will organize the personnel assigned will be entered on qualification card, to include the date an organization is Form CCP-1, in section headed " Re- separaited from service. to it into one or more Examining Teams, marks," the home address of the enlisted assigning the individual members thereof man and the (late of discharge. The Superrision and responsibility for prepa- to such duties as the public interest may qualification cards of discharged men will ration raid disposition of records. dictate. le will appoint a 1principal be plabed on file at camp headquarters 18. The post, camp. or station personnel medical examiner for each examining. for ready reference. adjutant, under the direction of the com- team. An inventory of the records so stored manding officer, will supervise the prepa- d. Each principal medical examiner of each organization will be prepared and ration and disposition of all records per- will supervise the operation of his exam- forwarded immediately to The Adjutant taining to separation from service of ining team and will be responsible to the General of the Army. officers, enlisted men, and organizations, Chief Medical Examiner for the condue- c. (1) Duty roster. (2) Individual and is responsible that all required rec- tion of the physical examinations made equipment record, after being closed. (3) oros are properly prepared, Yerified, and by the team and the proper preparation Charge sheet, company file. (4) Extract disposed of- of the necessary records. He will sign from service record. (5) Miscellaneous At large camps a general officer or field the certificate of examining surgeon on memoranda except those containing ma- officer muay be designated to supervise form for report of examination. terial hi formation relating to the services the preparation and disposition of records e. The examining board should consist of officers or enlisted men or to the history incident to the separation from service of sufficient medical officers, including all of the organization. (See (8) ^subpara- of officers, enlisted men, and organiza necessary specialists. Experience has graph a.) tions. (Continued on page 17.) THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 17 Table Showing the Total Note Circulation and Deposits, Gold and Silver Holdings of Principal Banks of Issue The Federal Reserve Board has compiled the following comparative table showing total note circulation, deposits, and gold and silver holdings of principal banks.of issue at the outbreak of the war and aboue August-September, 1918: [Rates of-conversion: 1 lire, franc, or peseta 19.3 cents; 1 mark- 23.8 cents; 1 pound= $4.8665; 1 ruble- 51.5 cents; 1 Austrian crown= 20.3 cents; 1 Dutch florin= 40.2 cents; 1 Scandinavian crown= 26.8 cents; 1 yen- 49.85 cents.) A. Allied Powers. [In thousands of dollars.]

At outbreak of the war. About August-September, 19I.

Ratio of Ratio of Total note Total Goldand sile to Total note Total Gold and gold ad circulation. deposits. hilgs. total note circulation. deposits. silver cirultin, epsis. holdings' and deposit *holdings. andmodaldeposit liabilities. lisbilities.

Per cent. Per cent. Frane...... 1,289,155 256,71 919,968 59.5 5,77.,018 612,052 71.. 8 . 11..2 Great Britain ...... 144,500 325,699g 181,567 19.4 289,060 818,002 11.041t. Japan ...... 212,342 61,3567 112,2961 41.0 395,878 454, 679 329'51 38.117 Italy I...... 1324,824 37,403 232,965 64.8 1 ,514,297 105,471 1721 26 1 9.4 Russia 2...... 841,174 5991,522 861,371 60.2 ...... ------...... 5 ...... Total ...... 1,971,587 682,185 1,450,796 54.7 7,994,253 2,190,2061 1561,467 15.3 United States ...... _ ...... 2,502,488 1, ,8 2 2,087,685 51.1

B. Central Powers.

Austria-Hungary ...... 412,141 59,42 1311,913 61.4 ...... * ...... Germany...... 1 89,4 299 30,7 38.7 vi, 417, 482 I ,7,1i 690,1----1 --- 10.7- Total...... 2...... 82,442 299,515 j 363,670 63.4 63,417,402 2,171,413 600,151 10.7

C. Central Powers.

Denmark ...... 39,525 496 24,410 54.2 10,5958 2,75 51,1131 47.0 Netherlands ...... 124, 796 1,904 68,477 54.0 387,412 14, 290 121 70 Norway...... 802,9 3,859 14,405 39.2 102,829 32 849 26.6 .pain ...... 370,372 96,104 245,747 32.7 580,454 224,659 548,705 68.2 Sweden...... 54,867 18,440 26,154 35.9 172, 537 20,284 70,528 368 Switerlnd...... 51,708 9,777 38,409 62.5 147,236 27,613 84,458 48.3 Total...... 673,627 135,580 417,602 51.6 1,496,426 320,199 1,078,170 59.4

I These figures refer to the Bank of Italy. On May 20, 1918, there were also in circulation notes of the Bank of Sicily, 371,462,650 lire; notes f the Bank of Naples, ,718,385 150 lire; also treasury notes (on May 31 1,017,000,80, a total of 3 655 647,800 lire, or $777 181,600, as against $197,053,400 on Jul 20, 1914. 2Latest avalable figuresfor Russia are those of Oct. 16and 1917, for which see Federal Reserve Bulletin, April, 1918, p. 269, 4 Exclusive of figures for Russia. Latest available figures for Austria-Hungary ale those of Dec. 7, 1917, for which see Federal Reserve Bulletin, April, 1918, p. 260. 5There were also outstanding the following issues: Million marks. Treasury notes (Aug. 31, 1918)...... 346 Loan bank certificates (Aug. 31, 1918)...... 8,216 Bank of Bavaria notes (Jcly 31, 1918)...... 68 Bank of Saxony notes (July31 1918)...... 42 Bank of Wirttemberg notes td7iy 31, 1918)...... 24 bank of Baden notes (July 31, 1918) ...... 26 Total...... 8,762 $2,085 million dollars, at the nominalrate of I mark-23.8 cents. oExclusive of figures for Austria-Rungary.

(Continued from page 16.) will be made with great care, with special h. The Board of Review will consist demonstrated that a well-balanced team reference to the defects which the man of not less than two medical officers, des- may be composed somewhat as follows: states that he had u'on entrance into the ignated by the camp surgeon or other Examine're. service. senior surgeon of the command. The (1) General examination, including skin, g. A report of each physical examina- board will be under the supervision of general surgery, hernia, hemor- rhoids, varicocele, varicose veins, tion will be rendered upon Form No. the senior medical examiner. After a etc ------a 395-1, A. G. 0., if for an officer, and upon thorough physical examination of the (2 Dental ------1 officer or soldier referred to it, together ()Orthopedic, Inludingf bones and Form No. 135-3, A. G. 0., if for an en- joints ------listed man (see pars. 5 and 9). Should with a careful investigation of all the circumstances in the case, it will (4) Iyes------1 the certificate of the officer or the decla- com- () Ears, nose, and throat------ration of the enlisted man be at variance plete Form No. 395-I, A. G. 0., or Form (6 Cardio-vascular ------No. (7) Tuberculosis ------6 with the finding of the medical examiner, 135-8, A. G. 0., as the case may be. 8 Neuro-psychiatric. ------5 the officer or enlisted man will be imme- [324,122, A. G. 0.] f. In the physical examination of spe- diately referred to a Board of Review By order of the Secretary of War: cial or limited service men, medical ex- convened by the camp, post, or regimental PRYTON MAnRI, commander, C. aminers will interrogate the soldier as A formal order convening General, hief of Staff. to the disability or defect which he had the board is not necessary and in large upon entrance into the service which camps or posts the power to convene the Official: placed him in the limited-service class. board will usually be delegated to the P. C. IIAltIs, The physical examination of such men camp or post surgeon. The Adjtant General. 71o_-1_8_-5 18 THE OFFICIAL _U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918.


DECEMBER 1, 1918. STEVENSON, John R. Miss Emma Steven- son, 33 Somerset Street, Somerville, N. J. The following casualties are reported SUMMARY OF CASUALTIES TO DATE. THOMAS, Joseph. Lake Side Land & Live Stock Co., R. F. D. 1, Laramie, Wyo. by the commanding general of the Ameri- Killed in WEBER, Stillwell E. Harry Weber, 1647 can Expeditionary Forces: action (including North Fifty-sixth Street, West Philadelphia, 486 at sea) ------20, 936 Pa. Killed in action ------717 Died of wounds ...------7, 886 coRPrOALS. Died of wounds ------289 Died of disease ------10, 648 ADAMS, Lyle E. Mrs. Etta Adams, 17 Wal- Died of accident and other Died of accident and other nut Street, Thompsonville, Conn. causes ------7 BATCHELOR, Louis W. Mrs. Olive Batchelor, causes ------1, 734 176 Fifth Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Died of airplane accident 5 Wounded in action ------48, 949 BRUBECK, Fred L. Mrs. Nannie S. Brubeck, Died of disease ------727 Missing in action (including R. F. D. 7, Staunton, Va. Wounded severely-"------54 COCKLE, Charles Morris. Charles T. Cockle, prisoners) ------11, 419 Bronson, Mich. Wounded ( d e g r e e undeter- COX, Raymond M. Mrs. Mary E. Cox, Mis- mined) ------102 Total to date ------101, 481 souri Valley, Iowa. Wounded slightly ------251 D'AMATO, Pasquale, Mrs. Bella D'Amato, 1837 Thompson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Missing in action ------877 DEAR, William F. Mrs. William Craig, New BAUDRY, Charles L. Mrs. Louise Baudry, Britain Avenue, Elmwood, Conn. Total------8,029 Biloxi, Miss. DOUTY, Harry C. Mrs. Mary Douty, 2510 DIESTE, William K. Frederick W. Dieste, Madison Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 851 Morton Street NW., Washington, D. C. EVANS, Chester A. Ed Evans, R. F. D. 1, Killed in Action. KAU, Apan. Mrs. Kong Shee Kau, 1040 South Monroe, Me. HILL, Hugh C. Hayden L. Wood, 82 Cabot CAPTAINS. Beretaniast, Honolulu, Hawaii. McKEEBY, Harry J. A. W. McKeeby, 7 Street, Portsmouth, N. H. . SCHOONMAK E R, Stephen T. Alfred S. East Shelby Street, Worcester, Mass. KAYTON, James Emery. Mrs. Jane Kayton, Schoonmaker, River Road, care of Hacken- ROBINSON, Willard. Miss Agnes Smith, 614 Octavia, Nebr. sack post office, N. J. East King Street, Lancaster, Ohio. KUGELMAN, William L. Mrs. Louise Kugel- KENDRICK, Hugh 0. Mrs.. Claudia A. Ken- AITKEN, Vincent. Mrs. C. W. Aitkin, 460 man, 2351 Farragut Avenue, Chicago, Ill. drick, box 624, Fort Worth, Tex. Hudson Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. McBRIDE, John. Mrs. Catherine McBride, LIEUTENANTS, DOWLING, Lawrence W, Mrs. Irene Loulse 3516 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, Dowling, Mass. BAXTER, Harold S. Mrs. Maude E. Baxter, R. F. D. 5, Dayton, Ohio. McCOLLUM, Robert. .Mrs. Emma McCollum, 312 Queen Annes Court, San Antonio, Tex. EARNEST, William F. Mrs. Hester C. Earn- est, 221 South Water Street, Champaign, Ill. 1921 Christian Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TURNER, James A. Mrs. James A. Turner, McCORMICK, Joe S. John B. McCormick, 1711 East Seventy-second Street, Chicago, GRAVES, Lenson C. Mrs. S. F. Ingram, R. F. D. 1, Frankewing, Tenn. Ill. Pageland, S. C. Raesler, 43 McGUIRE, John J. Mrs. Mary' McGuire, 57 CULLEN, Joseph V. Miss Mary Cullen, 210 RAESLER, Archie J. Joseph F. Luqnoer Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fifth Street NE., Washington, D. C. Park Avenue, Auburn, N. Y. MANNING, Thomas M. Mrs. Mary Manning, CURRY, Frank E. Mrs. F. E. Curry, Harvey, RUNDQUIST, Oscar Adolph. Mrs. 1af Rund- quist, 1017 Fourth Avenue, Big Rapids, 28 Rock Street, Lowell, Mass. N. Dak. NUGENT, Francis 0. Mrs. Edward J. Nu- HARTWIG, Gerhard F. Mrs. Florence H. Mich. BEVANS, George. gent, 1212 Almond Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Hartwig, care of Jens Larsen, Wadena, William Bevans, St. Mary's NOLAN, Cecil E. James Nolan, R. F. D. 4, Minn. Hospital, Rochester, N. Y. BURNS, Forest N. John Burns, Mecca, Ind. Celina, Ohio. KEELE, Orion Alonzo. I. R. Keele, Clyde, RAFERTY, Donald '. Daniel T. Raferty, Tex. SHOUP, Eldridge H. Harvey Shoup, Kings- ley, Sherburne, N. Y. LEAK, James V. Daniel A. Leak, Sabinal, Pa. RICKER, Thomas A. Miss Mary Ricker, Tex. SULLIVAN, Thomas A. David Sullivan, For- Lonnaconing, Md. NORCROSS, Terry D. Mrs. Emma A. Nor- restville, Wis. ROUTT, Thomas. Mrs. Elizabeth Routt, cross, Deshler, Ohio. TITUS, Walton 0., jr. Mrs. Rose W. Titus, Danville, Ky. O'CONNOR, Edward F. Miss Mary Corless, 90 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ROWLEY, John. Mrs. Mary Rowley, Waverly, 1217 State Street, Watertown, N. Y. BRESETTE, Wilfred F. Irving Bresette, 301 Hood County, W. Va. ORNSTEEN, Albert J. Mrs. Anna Ornsteen, Hegeman Street, Schnectady, N. Y. 404 SCHNEIDER, Harry N. Mrs. Berths Cosney, 37 Roosevelt Avenue, Poughkeepsie, N. Y, MeMILLAN, Melvin B. Neal McMillan, Morgan Hill, Cal. RUDKIN, Gilbert East Fifty-sixth Street South, Murray, P. Mrs. Lelia S. Rudkin, Utah. SELDEN, Kirby S. Samuel M. Selden, Farm- 1018 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. ville, Va. VAN VORIS, Howard H. Mrs. Gladys M. Van SODAN, Le Roy J. Mrs. Carrie Stoddard, Halistead, Pa. SMALLEY, Alfred P., jr, Mrs. Janet L. Vorts, 505 North M Street, Tacoma, Wash. Smalley, 43 South Eighteenth Street, Phila- WHITE, Richard John W. White, BEASLEY, Jerry S. Mrs. Isabelle D. Turnes, R. Starke, Hollywood, Va. delphia, Pa. Fla. SMITH, Vern M. Mrs. Myrtle M. Smith, YOUNG, Reginald S. Edward Young, 94 BOWES, John L. Joseph F. Bowes, 2732 Cosmopolis, Wash. South Hamilton Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. North Newkirk Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CUMBO, James S. Charles W. STEWART, Edward. Mrs, Minale Stewart, BURNETT, George H. Harry C. Burnett, Cumbo, Hale, 1222 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 650 East Twenty-eighth Street, Paterson, Mo. CZENKUSCH, Louis Frederick. THOMAS, Roy. Mrs. Roy Thomas, R. F. D. N. T. Mrs. Caro- Pa. DE SAUSSURE, Edward C. George R. De lina Czenkusch, 411 East Paris Street, 1, Mansfield, South Bend, Ind. UREQUEHART, Alexander. John Urequehart, Saussure, 1104 Oak Street, Jacksonville, Fla. 1096 East Main Street, Waterbury, Conn. WEBB, Harry L. Mrs. Mary M. Webb, Bel FRINGER, Edward F. Harry Fringer, 7306 Colfax Road, Cleveland, Ohio. UTTERBACK, Verdner E. Mrs. James A. Air, Md. Fairplay, Polk YEAGER, Carrick H. Mrs. R. H. Yeager, R. GREENE, John H. Henry Greene, Durant, Utterback, R. F. D. 1, Okla. County, Mo. P. D. 5, Highland Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. Maggie Wagner, BRUX, Cecil Dupont. Leon S. Brux, 12 King PARRY, Robert Owen. Oven Parry, Monroe, WAGNER, Henry W. Mrs. Street, Charleston, S. C. Nebr. Conrad, Iowa. TATE, Edmund B. Ora E. Tate, Elberton, Ga. ROSEWAG, Adam J. Mrs. Mary J. Rosewag, WEEKS, Youmans Z. Mrs. Mary Weeks, 1906 North Patterson Park Avenue, Balti- .Cedar Point, N. C. SERGEANTS. more, Md. YANTORNO, Joseph. Pete Yantorno, 206 CARLUCCI, James J. Mrs. Jennie Carlucci, STEINBORN, Emil W. Mrs. Louise Stein- High Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 53 Daymond Street, Trenton, N. J. born, 1418 Twenty-second Street, Mil- ZAK, Harry. Carp Zak, Westbury, N. Y. CARPER, Jacob B. James Carper, East Bad- waukee, Wis. ZELLER, Fred W. Mrs. Fred Zeller, R. F. D. ford, Va. UHUS. Mike. Mrs. Mary Uhus, Eleanor, Pa, 27, Ottawa, Ill. COOLIDGE, Carl L. Walter T. Coolidge, BAKER, Paul E. Mrs. Bernice M. Baker, CARTER, Martin L. Robert E. Carter, gen- Wellsboro, Pa 1725 Duffeld Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. eral delivery, Perry, Mo.u GREENWO6D, Harry L. Mrs. Leah Green- BELOUNGEA, William Alvin. Mrs. Sadle DUNIGAN, Luke B. Luke J. Dunigan, 627 wood, 2839 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, Beloungee Sly, Gould City, Mich. Union Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Pa. HINTON, Frank J. Mrs. Nannie Hinton, ECCLES, Homer Sherwood. Frank Eccles, HESS, Earl D. J. Harvey Hess, 201 Jack- Clearbrook, Va. R. F. D. 4, Sugar Grove, Pa. son Street, Berwick, Pa. KRUSENKLAUS, Walter T. William H. Kru- FAKE, Walter N. Mrs. J. E. Fake, 1849 KIRKPATRICK, Roscoe C. Mrs. Ella Boyer, senklaus, Dale, Ind. Francis Avenue, Troy, N. Y. Cutler, Ind. LEWIS, Charles W. Mrs. M. A. Lewis, 15 NEISEL, John. Mrs. Susan Nelsel, 107 West McCARTHY, George F. Mrs Gertrude Wythe Street, Petersburg, Va. Ninety-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Churchman, 695 Mehalen Avenue, Portland, MULROY, Michael. Mrs. Mary Murphy, 70 O'SHEA, Thomas E. Thomas E. O'Shea, 587 Third Street, Manchester, N. H. Springfield Avenue, Summit, N. J. SCANON, Robert F. Mrs. Grace Scanlon, RYAN, Thomas Francis. Thomas Ryan, B74 RED, James D. J. L. Red, Nederland, Tex. 1516 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. X. Bleecker Street, New York, N. Y. RIDGILL, Rufus W. John J. Ridgill, Labell, WARD, William D. W. J. Ward, Miller Ave- SCHOLL, Louis T. Louis T. Scholl, 132 Fla. nue, Chantel Court, Wheeling, W. Va. Welddon Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. SPENCER, Elmer. Mrs, Mary Brogden, 3B WRIGHT, Jack P. Mrs. Ollie Wright, 566 SMITH, Henry A. Capt. C. J. Smith, Com- East Thomas Street, Salisbury, N. C. East Seventeenth Street, Salt Lake City, pany F, One hundred and sixty-third In- GUGGISBERG, Edward. Mrs. Elizabeth Gug- Utah. fantry, American Expeditionary Forces. gisberg, R. F. D. 1, Burns, Kans. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 19 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN.- PERSHING BUTLER, Levi IT. James Mattison Butler, WAGONERS. HARSSELL, George J. Mrs. Ellen Harssell, Tryon, N. C. Dr GRAVE, Desire J. Joseph De Grave, R. F. 250 Railroad Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. DONOHUE, Arthur M. Miss Annie S. Dono- D. 2, Oconto, Wis. HECKATHORN, Harry. Mrs. Maud J. Hecka- 1hue, 34 Eighteenth Street, South Norfolk, DINGEE, Harry J. Mrs. Mary L. Dingee, thorn. Main Street. Wellsville, Ohio. Va. 206 North Washington, Street, Tarrytown, UILLMAN, Robert J. Mrs. Jennie Lewis, FLINN, James W. Mrs. Mary Flinn, Cowden, N.Y. Rupert, Idaho. Ill. MEEHAN, Daniel. Mrs. Louis Shea, Rumson, ANGELO, John Sant. Mrs. Maggie Sant An- FRANKHAUSER, Frank W. Mrs. Mary N. J. gelo, 223 East Rayen Avenue, Youngstown, Frankhauser, Bridgeport, Ohio. MYLAN, Frank Joseph. Mrs. Sarah Mylan, Ohio. HEPWORTH, John L. Joseph E. Hepworth, 2262 Seventh Avenue New York N. Y. BENNETT. Raymond. Mrs. Ida Bennett, 11 Blackfoot, Idaho. MAY, George B. Fred May, 25 Willow Railroad Street, Hoosick Falls, N, Y. LONG, Conrad. Antoine Long, box 44, Fort Street, Ethans, Pa. BENSON, Walter F. William Benson, 260 Kent, Me. Liberty Street, Evansville, Wis. McNALLY, Richard J. John J. McNally, 392 YORSESKOER. BERLIN, Isaac. Mrs. Fannie Bliss, 1748 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, N. Y. OWENS, Robert P. Mrs. Mary Owens, I,. F. Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. NORTON, Thomas G. Major A. Norton, Trio, BERNHARD, John W. Mrs. Elizabeth Bern- S. C. D. 1, Elkdale, Pa. bard, 1528 Pleasont Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. RODGERS, Clarence Otho. Floyd Wood, Pro- COOKS. BLANKENSHIP, Charlie P. Samuel Blank- tam, Mo. GUSTAFSON, Leon E. Mrs. Ellen Gustafson, enship, Boissevain, Va. STEEVES, Raymond Eugene. J. B. Steeves, Houturale, Pa. BLEVINS, William. Abe Blevins, Elve, Scott 148 Marys Avenue, Fond du Lac, Wis. LUND, John W. Mrs. Meta Ipson, 3237 Six- County, Tenn. COSTALES, Carlos R. Jose A. Costales, 423 teenth Street, San Francisco, Cal. BLOW, James L. Mrs. Clara E. Blow, 201 First Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SCHMELZ, Frederick W. William Sehmels, Jackson Avenue, Pinners Point, Va. CRAWFORD, Dowd W. William D. Crawford, 100 New York, Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. BOLZ, William J. Mrs. Theresa V. Bols, 171 Mifilin, Pa. East Seventyfourth Street, New York City, ENGLISH, Floyd H. Claude English, Kinsua, PRIVATES. N. Y. Pa. ADAMS, Louis Raymond. Paul .M. Adams, BOWLIN, Luther F. Mrs. Mary Bowliu, GRIFFIN, William. Mrs. Rose Grillin, Parks- 523 North Eutah Street, Baltimore, Md. Walcott, Ark. ley, Va. BASS, Morris. Alex Bass, 351 Hinsdale BOYER, Morris S. Dr. Arthur A. Boyer 11 HERMAN, Alvin. Mrs. Lizzie Lambert, R. F. Street, Brooklyn, N, Y. East Forty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. D. 6 Benfield, Allentown, Pa. BECK, Howard M. Mrs. Henry Beck, Gran- BRACK, Orville. Mrs. Mary L. Brack, 2415 LARS1N, Tilford L. Mrs. T. Dahl, 4117 Fort ville, N. Dak. Fulton Avenue, Evansville, Ind. Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BLUNGIE, Clyde. Mrs. Mary J. Blungle, 105 BRADY, James A. .Mrs. Catherine Brady, VOSS, Clarence. Mrs. Bertha Voss, 102 Nor- New York Avenue, Jamaica, N. Y. 1237 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ton Avenue, Jollet, Ill. BRENNAN, Thomas E. Mrs. Thomas Bren- BRENDING, Christof C. Mrs. Dora Brending, BELL, Newton. Mrs. Rebecca Bell, Hughes nan, 1117 East Bancroft Street, Toledo, R. F. D. 1, Devils Lake, N. Dak. Mill, Ky, Ohio. BRICKMAN, Nathan. IT. Brichman, 1429 DENNY Hoyt 1I. Columbus F. Denny, box BROWN, Lloyd E. Morris F. Brown, R. P. D. Edgemont Avenpe, Chicago, Ill. 323, Ylurham, N. C. 5, Fairmont, W. Va. BROOKS, William H. Arinon Brooks, FORD, Lan Miller. William Bennie Ford, BUCHANAN, Earl S. Howard Buchanan, Grandin, Mo. Hestand, Ky. Cumberland, Md. BROWN, George W. S. P. Brown, Tiger- GARDNER, Richard A. Alfred E. Gardner, BURROWS, Daniel S. Mrs. Maude B. Bur- Ville, S. C. Balmsville Road, Newburgh, N. Y. rows, Chester, N. Y. BTJLLYBOY, Roy L. Mrs. Lucy Bullyboy, 605 HALL, Frederick A. William P. Hall, Center CALVERT, George G. Clement L. V. Calvert, Martin Street, Greensboro, N. C. Street Gardner, Mass. Moundeville, W. Va. CHRISTENSON, Otto. Emil Christenson, HANSE , T Soren C. Carl Plow, Petaluma, CAREY, James F. Mrs. Emma T. Neepler, Oakland, Nohr. Cal. 8310 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, La. COFASSO, Pellegrine. James Cofasso, Lin- MCINTYRE, Roy S. Arch W. McIntyre, Alta- CARLEY, Edward E. Edward H. Carley, 466 coln, N. J. mahaw, N. C. Waltham Street, West Newton, Mass. COLLER, Harlow. John D. Coller, 1505 OWENS, William. Benjamin Owens, Monroe, CARR, Floyd E. Mrs. Ada M. Carr, Mineral Milton Avenue, "olvay, N Y. Wash. City. Ohio. BARR, Willie L. Mrs. Lois M. Barr, Padgett, SORMAN, Clifford. Charles H. Sorman, CARRIGAN. Thomas L. Mrs. Catherine Car- Tex. Derby, Conn. rigan, 3823 North Tenth Street, Philadel- BLISS, Horace G. Mrs. Charlotte Bliss, STANLEY, James F. Mrs. Louise Stanley, Phia, Pa. Baker, Nev. 3 James Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. CECCARINI, Alcibiade. Mrs. Corola Cecea- BRANTON, Ralph Leeroy. Mrs. Marie Lap- THOMAS, Arless. Kimmer K. Thomas, Elton, rini. 121 Water Street, Pawtucket, R. I. ton, 313 North St. Francis Street, Wichita, La. CLOWN, Moses. Amos Clown, Dupree, S. Dak. Ians WEISS. John Frederick. A. Herman Weiss, COGGINS, Edgar L. Mrs. Annie Coggins, BURKETT. Alexander. Frank Burkett, 263 Triadelphia, W. Va. Marion, N. C. Roh Street, Glenlyon, Pa. BURELBACK, Nicholas J. Mrs. Sophie Bu- COHAN, Henry Bertram. Leon Cohan, 553 CARR, Harold. Mrs. Emma Ralston, James- relback, Perham, Mien. Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. town, Pa. COBIETT, Robert G. Mrs. William Cobbett, COHEN, Eli. S. Anitman, 75 Brighton Street, 8 Elk Street, Cooperstown, N. Y. Boston, Mass. CARSON, Frank A. Wheland P. Creager, 339 DEARIE, Joseph P. Mrs. Henry Dearie, 702 COHRS, Fred John. Miss Mildred Louise Lincoln Street, Dayton, Ohio. Main Street, Forest City, Pa. Cobrs, 1822 Mayvlaw Avenue, Cleveland, CAVALIERE, Carmine. Mrs. Joseph Cava- DRESSELL, Everett. Fred A. DresseR, R. F. Ohio. liere, R. F. D. 1, Martinville, N. J. D. 4, South Haven, Mich. COLBURN, William. Walter Colburn, 90 CHANCE, George M. Mrs. Opal B. Chance, GIUNCHI, Orlindo. Fenede Glunchl, 114 Sac- Morgan Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Odel, Iowa. ramento Street, Nevada City, Cal. COTTRILL. Harry D. Charles R. Cottrill, COLLETTE, Raymond J. Thomas Collette, GRIGGS, William F. Mrs. Fannie G. Cas- 613 Center Street, Versailes, Pa. 135 Groce Street, Waltham, Mass. paris, Johnson City, Tex. COYLE, Charles J. Mrs. Serah A. Cole, COTE, Alfred J. Mrs. Alice Contois, Child HESS, Felix. Elthu Hess, Bloomington, W. 1643 Bridge Street, Frankford, Philadel- Street, Warren, N. .H. Va. phia, Pa. DEUTSCH, Joseph L. Leo Deutsch, 53 LORD, Walter B. Mrs. Anna Lord, 60 Do- CROW, Charles James. Samuel E. Crow, R. Brown Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. scher Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. F. D. 1, Flint, Tex. DIMICHELE, Ruggiero. Giose Tani, 582 Boulevard, Bayonne, N. J. McKENNA, William A. Mrs. Thomas Bar- DANNER, Frank C. Mrs. Eva P. Danner, nett, 189 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Everett, Wash. DINOVELLIS, Antonio. Peter Dinovellis, POWERS, Alvin D. Mrs. Mary E. Powers, DELSS, William E. 'Mrs. Bessle Delss, 1304 111 Wylis Street, Hartford, Conn. Laurens S C DINSMORE, Ivan E. Alford T. Dinsmore, South End Street, Baltimore, Md. R. F. D. 1, East Brook, Pa. PkATT, O)s. *P S. F. Pratt, R. F. D. 3, DENNIS, William H. William H. Dennis, Newburg, W. Va. Wicklilfe Ky. DOMPIER, Francis W. Mrs. William Dom- WANTLAND, Harry D. Mrs. Ellen Virginia DENSBY, George. Mrs. Clara! Densby, Day- pier, Grafton, Vt. Davis, 1600 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. ton, Ala. DONEGAN, John P. Mrs. Catherine Done- WARNER, Russel C. Henry H. Warner, 410 DICKERSON, Charlie 0. Mrs. Myra Dicker- gan, 13 Fitch Court, Wakefield, Mass. South Palmetto Avenue, Daytona, Fla. son, Huntley, Mont. ENGELHARDT, Oswald. Mrs. Hanna Engel- DIVER, Alva E. Mrs. Sarah Diver, 311 hardt, 1104 Noe Street, San Francisco, Cal. BUGLER. Grove Street, Logansport, Ind. EVANS, Lewis F. James Evans, general de- LARIVIERE, Lucien. Mrs. Hermona Mailhot, DOWTY, Chance P. Mrs. Nellie Dowty, livery. Bailey, Mich. 17 Division Street, Manville, H. I. route 1, Moreland, Kans. EVERETT, Thomas P. Mrs. Robert Patter- SALLEE, Carl W. Mrs. Virginia Sallee, R. DUKE, Herbert C. Mrs. Anna Duke, Yoakum, son, 12 Pleasant Street, Thompsonville, F. D. 2, Stockton, Mo. Tex. Conn. DININO, Frank *J. Charles Dlino, 106 EPLEY, Perry. Mrs. Frances Epley, R. F. D. FISH, William Thomas. Mrs. Jennie Fish, Peach Street, Reading, Pa. 1, Port Hope, Mich. Russellton, Pa. * STEWART, Chester B. Charles T. Stewart, FIRLOTTE, Francis. Joe Campbell, Heroult, GALLI, Mario. Mrs. Celena Gaull, 4 Summer Bardstown, Ky. Cal. Street, Westerly, R. I. FORD, Charles A. Alton Ford, R. F. D. 6, GEAGAN, John J. Mrs. Hannah Geagan, CRIEF MECHANIO. box 108, Birmingham, Ala. Ballardvale, Mass. IIARPELL, Enos A. George Harpell, 226 FOSTER, Henry W. Wallace Foster, R. F. D. GRASON, William G. Grant Grason, Port An- Park Avenue, Worcester, Mass. 2, box 49, Alpha, Min, geles, Wash. GARZA, Victorlano. V0toriano Garza, York- GENUK, Bronoslaw. Eranoalaw Ganuk, 51 MECHANICS. town. Tex. West Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. DAMSCRODER, Scott. George II. Dam- GRANDY, Laertis E. Elmer L. Grandy, 135 HANSON, Helmer. Andrew Andersen, B. F. D. schroder, R. F. D. 4, Glbsoaburg, Ohio. Lake Street, Geneva, N. Y. 1, box 51, Willow Lakes, S. Dak. GERDA, Fames. Mrs. Ana H. Durecut, 39 GREB, George A. Henry Greb, sr., 44 Chest- HARTZOG, Dielhert J. Mrs. Elizabeth Hart- Orient Street, Rio Piedras, P. R. nut Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. zog, Wilshire, Ohio. LAWRENCE, Omar. Mrs. Martha J. Carr, CRIST, Jesse Lee. John Allen, 410 Michigan HIUDQINS, Walter J. Mrs. Rebecca Hudgins, 63 Grand Avenue, Baldwin, N. T. Avenue, Detroit, Mich. route 2, Tennessee City, Tenn. SPLANE. Millard A. Maurice T. Splane, ITAGBERY, Randle A. John Hagbery, Tri- JONES, Lawrence E. Mrs. Sarah K. Jones, Sedro Wooley, Wash. angle, Idaho. R. F. D. 1, Sumner, Ill. 20 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING KROTIK, Thomas. Albert Frank, 124 Nine- SAVINO, Antonio. Joseph Ricliniton, 665 MECHANIC. teenth Avenue, Irvington, N. J. Hayes Street, Hazelton, Pa. WARD, John J. John Ward, Glenahilt, Bur- LIEBER, Osear J. Joe Lieber, Sansom, Tex. SCOTT, Harley L. Lucian M. Cooper, Egypt, tonport, Donegal, Ireland. McGUIRE, Charles J. Peter J. McGuire, Bel- Ark. ALLEN, Ilowaid. Mrs. John H. Allen, R. F. mond, Iowa. SEMEL, Harry. Mrs. Rachael Semel, 421 D. 4, Sauk Center, Minn. McKUNE, Homer V. Orlando McKune, R. F. Sherman Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario, Can- AMMON, John. Francis Ammon, Succasunna, D. 3, Niles, Mich. ada. N. J. ONEY, John W. Mrs. Edith L. Oney, Rox- SMALL, Leroy. Mrs. Martha Small, route 3, ARTHUR, Charles E. George T. Arthur, Flat, bury, Vt. Chevy Chase, Md. Mo. ORLECHE, Paul. Miss Tull Orlecho 5003 SPICKES, James A. Mrs. Sarah Dixon, De- BEESON, Harry C. Moses H. Beeson, En- Melrose Street, Philadelphia, Pa. vine, Tex. terprise, Oreg. PHILLIPS, Nevin 0. Aaron A. Phillips, 334 STEVENS, Clyde W. D. A. Stevens, Fort BIANCO, Frank. Mrs. Angela Bianco, 259 North Thirteenth Street, Allentown, Pa. Mill, S. C. Melrose Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. RICCUITI, Alfonso. Mrs. Felomena Vigna, SULLIVAN, John D. Timothy S. Sullivan, BLUNDELL, John. Mrs. Lillian Blundell, Aprigliano, Gropa, Italy. Spirit Lake, Iowa. 122 South Thirteenth Street, West Salt TORKKALA, Frank 0. Andrew Torkkala, R. TEETERS, Joseph C. Mrs. Mary Teeters, Lake City, Utah. F. D. Menahga Minn, Hopewell, Pa. BONKOWSKI, Eugene. Alec Bonkowski, 294 WALAS, John. tanley Liskota, 118 Yeoman TUENGEL, Herman E. Mrs. Ida Tuengel, Thirty-fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. Street, Hamtramck, Mich. R. F. D. 3, Snohomish, Wash. BRANDOW, George A. John Brandow, R. F. WARD, James K. Mrs. Etta Ward, Belle WHALEY, Robert A. Mrs. Ellen Carroll, 2543 D. 5, Harbor Beach, Mich. Plain, Iowa. South Juniper Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BRAY, David. Mrs. Martha Bray, 2362 BRYMMER, Wallace J., Mrs. Mary P. Flagg, WIDGER, William. Mrs. Elmina Widger, 117 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 676 Sumner Avenue, Somerville, Mass. Van Buren Street, Syracuse N Y BRIGGS, Archibald L. Sam R. Briggs, Mos- CHRISTENSEN, Royal C. Fred Christensen, WIK, Andrew. Andrew Havnik, R. F. D. 2, cow, Tenn. Redmond, Utah. East Stanwood, Wash. BROWN, George L. Mrs. Louise Brown, 1467 D'AURIA, John. Emilio D'Auria, 2508 AUSTIN, Roy I. Edwin N Austin 864 Wil- Huron Street, Toledo, Ohio. Hughes Avenue, New York, N. Y. mington Avenue, Salt Lake City, 'Utah. BRYDEN, Robert R. Mrs. Robert Bryden, EISEMAN, Sam. Moris Ruttenburg, 94 Can- BEDENBOUGH, Sammie 0. J. A. Beden- Roscoe, Pa. non Street, New York, N. Y. bough Leesville, S. C. CHARLES, Warren D. Buchanan Charles, EVART, John H. W. Frank E. Evart, R. F. BIVEN9, James B. Franklin Bivens, Sardis, Farmersville, N. Y. D. 2, Rochester, N. Y. Tenn. COLLINS, James H. James H. Collins, Alden, FARRELL, Michael F. Mrs. Ed Carey, 60 BRENNAN, Carl 0. John C. Brennan, box Iowa. Pall Street, Ashley, Pa. 108, Plummer, Minn. CONTE, Carlo. Antonio Conte, 1207 Blan- FREIHOFER, George J. Mrs. Matilda Frel- BUTLER, Tillman. Mrs. Florence Butler, R. dina Street, Utica, N. Y. hofer, 752 Gordon Street, Piqua, Ohio. F. D. 2, Rockwood, Tenn. CURTI, Emanuel. Emanuel Curti, 221 Weg- FRANKS, Harry. Jess Franks, Wooster, Ohio. CESARIN, Giusseppe. Belardino Cesarin, man Place, Jersey City, N. 1. FRYDENBERG, Bennie Al. Martin Fryden- Canistra Aquila, Italy. DITARANTO, Donato. Rocco Ditaranto, 1062 berg, Wesby, Wis. CURTISS, Will C. Homer V. Curtis, star Sixty-seventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. FULLEN, Thomas L. Miss Beulah Onstott, route, Petersburg, Tex. DOBMEIER, Joseph. Mrs. August Dobmeiler, Sanborn, N. Y. DEAN, John B. G. C. Glides, Mount Meigs, 283 Herman Street, Buffalo, N. Y. HAINACKI, Felix. Miss Wladyslaws Pros- Ala. FARLEY, James M. Abner J. Farley, R. F. D. nieska, 194 Pine Street, Wyandotte, Mich. DEPIANTI, Domenic. John Depiant, Rich- C, box 66, Griffin, Ga. HENDERSON, Cecil. Mrs. Mary Ellen Rend- mond Pullman, Cal. FEELY, William James. Simon Feely, 3960 erson, St. Anthony, Idaho. DIAMOND, Harry F. Mrs. Annie McK. Dia- Kalamoth Street, Denver, Colo. HIGH, Willie D. Mrs. Mary R. High, R. F. mond, 1402 Marlborough Street, Philadel- FIORITO, Crescenzo. Joseph Fiorito, 2306 D. 1, Crystal Hill, Va. phia, Pa. Charles Street, Seattle, Wash. HIGGINBOTITAM Allen Sullivan. Addison DUELL, Jesse Frank. Mrs. May A. Duell, FLEGAL, Ferman. William T. Flegal, Clear- Iligginbotham, Track Fork, W. Va. R. F. D. 4, Penn Yan, N. Y. field, Pa. HOEGER, Jack J. Phillip Hoeger, 300 Madi- EPSTEIN, Michael. Samuel Epstein, 39 Sims FOWLER, Lewis H. John W. Fowler, R. P. son Street Carlstadt N. J. Street, Hartford, Conn. D. 1, Cardenas, N. C. HUSTON, Leonard C. Vrs. Golda Huston, R. EWALD, Edward A. John Ewald, Brownton, FRY, Ruben C. Samuel M. Fry, R. F. D. F. D. 1, Galena, Wood County, Okla. Minn. 2, Lititz, Pa. IRONS, Oliver. William A. Irons, Moberly, GALLOWAY, James S. Albert Galloway, 338 Mo. FINAN, John J., jr. Miss Mary A. Finan, 202 West Sixtieth Street, New York, N. Y. Hudson Street, Union Hill, N. J. IVERS, James A. Mrs. Elizabeth Ivers, 626 FOLK, Bennie J. Thomas W. Folk, R. F. D. GASKIEN, Joe F. Mrs. Belle C. Gaskien, Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2, Newberry, S. C. Douglas, Ga. JACKSON, Noble C. Josiah G. Jackson, Me- FOLSOM, Tohn V. Hiram G. Folsom, Che- GEIS, Alfred J. John N. Geis, Lanesville, Grann, Pa. welab, Wash. Minn. KELLEY, Frank J. James Kelley, R. F. D. GOINGS, John. Mrs. Beckey Goings, Rose 2, Shabbona, Ill. FOSTER, Floyd F. Mrs. Lydia Foster, 1726 Hill, Va. KLINNERT, Charles E. Mrs. Annie Byrne, Evelyn Street Perry Iowa. GOLDEN, William H. John Golden, 2738 general delivery, Kansas City, Kans. FRY, James Wifliam. Nicholas F. Fry, Seven South Sixteenth Street, Philadclphia, P%. KNOX, Jasper B. Alford Knox, Salina, Oreg. Mile Ford, Va. GONCAVSKAS, Mikolas. Mrs. Dominzola LAURITSEN, James. Mrs. Margaret Laurit- FUREY, Andrew J. George H. Furey, 109 Yakserzena, 2720 Marvin Avenue, Scran- sen, 65 Fourth Street North Fargo, N. Dak. Beach Street, Atlantie ityN. J. ton, Pa. LESNOY. Joseph. Louis Lesnoy, 236 Mhdi. GAJER Frank. Jim Gajer, R. F. D. 2, Moul- GORDON, Murray. Mrs. Sarali Gordon, 237 son Street, New York, N. Y. ton, klex. West One hundred and eleventh Street, GASKINS, LESTER, Charles R. John Thomas Lester, Joseph Leonara. George T. Gas- New York, N. Y. R. F. D. 3, Redboiling Springs, Tenn. kins, 416 Charleston Avenue, Portsmouth, GRACE, Mike. Miss Mary Grace, 1625 Ho- LINAKA, John, jr. Mrs. John Linaka, 228 Va. dumont Street, St. Louis, Mo. East Dorset Street, Philadelphia, Pa. GNACINSKI, Frank A. Mrs. Mary Gnacinski, GRAZIANO, Stefano. Mrs. Marie Graziano, LOSQUADRO, Nicholas. Mike Lotquadro, 1349 Holt Street, Cdcag4, Ill. 1 Housatonic Street, Derby, Conn. GRAHAM, 200 East Eighty-first Street, New York, Joseph Miller. Mrs. Nancy Gra- ARENA, Christ. Mrs. Concetta Arena, 194 N.Y. ham, 125 South Second Street, Coshoeton, First Street Rochester N. Y. LUCAS, John H. Mrs. John H. Lucas, 229 Ohio. BEAVER, Sam. Mrs. Bam Beaver, Lyons, Orieng Street, Chico. Cal. HADLICK, Charles F. Mrs. Emma Hadlick, Okla. McGRAW, William J. Mrs. Mary E. McGraw, 706 South Moore Street Blue Earth, Minn. BOLLINGER, Allen. Mrs. Nancy C. Bollin- 74 North Swan Street, Albany, N. Y. HAGG, Carl T. Mrs. Hula S. Hagg, R. F. D. ger, Fredericktown, Mo. McKENNA, John. John McKenna, 312 Post 1, Algona, Iowa. HAND, Samuel T. Mrs. Nannie Hand, North Road Marcus Hook, Pa. HALL, Henry. Miss Ola Hall, Linewood, Emporia, Va. MANIATFES, Nicholas P. George P. Manlates, Ala. HARWELL, William H. Green W. Harwell, Rose Lake, Idaho. HANKINS, Dan P. Mrs. Nina Hankins, Pax- 2901 Avenue D, Polytechnic, Tex. MARCHMAN, Hiram H. Hiram M. March- ton, Nebr. McDONALD, James B. W. L. McDonald, New man, R. F. D. 8, Greenville. Ga. Albany, Miss. NORTON, Henry B. Dan M. Norton, R. F. D. HANLEY, Joseph P. Mrs. Margaret Han- McKEE, Henry E. William A. McKee, Eddy, 4, Waynesboro, Miss. ley, 481 Lansing Street, Auburn, N. Y. Tex. NOSKA, Charles. Frank Noska, Mount Ver- HANNON, William R. W. Hannon, Inca, MAHAFFEY, Benjamin H. Reilly Mahaffey, non, Iowa. Miss. route 1, Sclotolle, Ohio. NUDO, James. Raffaele Nudo, 8 North Nor- HANSON, Carl. Mrs. Mary Woods, Hopper, MAJOR, Irving D. Mrs. Mary E. Major, Ault- ton Street, Madison, N. J. Minn. man, Ariz. NUNES, Frank F. Manuel Nunes, Palo Alto, HARDIE, Joe H. Mrs. Mabel Hardie, Moose- MARSHALL, Alexander T Mrs. Mary 3. Cal. jaw, Saskatchewan, Capada. Marshall, 78 Montgomery Street, Chicopee O'BBIEN, Jeremiah F. Mrs. Mary O'Brien, HART, Wavel A. Mrs. Josephine Hart, 546 Falls, Mass. 12 Hamilton Avenue, South Norwalk, Conn Broadway, Schenectady, N. Y. MARSHALL, Ross J. Joe Marshall, Windsor, O'CONNOR, Arthur P. Thomas O'Connor, 50§ HAWKINS, Frank. James Hawkins, Beth- Mo. West One hundred and Thirty-ninth Street, any, Mo. SCARDIN, Sarfino. Frank Scardin, box 105, New York, N. Y. Rosedale, La. OLIVER. William F. Mrs. Rose Oliver, Wood- HEISERMAN, Elsworth D. Edwin Heiser- SMITH, Rhodes R. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, land, Cal. man, West Union, Iowa. 2300 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento, Cal. POUZENC, Charles James. George Pouzene, HILL Grady M. Mrs. Minnie Hill, R. F. D. WENGERT, Bernie. Charles Wengert, R. F. Third 1, liorence 13. C. D. 1, St. Marys, Mo. and Walker Streets, Cliffside, N. J. HULL, James A. Mrs. Letha Broadbent, R. PUGH, William W. George W. Pugh, Acorn, GRIFFITH, Elmer C, John E. Griffith, 621 Mo. F. D. 2, Atkinson, Ill. Menor, Winfield, Kans. QUEAR, Alexander. Mrs. Alice Quear, 684 IRONS, Edward R. E. L. Irons, Bay View, GUTH, Carl E. Emil H. Guth, 424 Mill Oakland Avenue, Charleroi, Pa. Wash. Street, Lockland, Ohio. MEEK, Verner B. Enoch E. Meek, Paulding, ISODIAN, Arggiros. Petron Isodian, Astro- HACKENBERG, William D. John D. Hack- Ohio. menitin, Nlcosia, Cyprus Greece. enberg, Swineford, Snyder County, Pa. SAMANIS, John Charles. Mrs. Margaret KALLAS, Bill. Andrew Gighas, care of Cop- HAND, John P. Mrs. Bell Hand, general Samanis, Minersville, Pa. verfield Mercantile Co., Bincham, Utah. delivery, Louisburg, Kans. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 21 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING HANSEN, Bns. Peter Hansen, 6428 South STEPHENS, Ernest. James Stephens, Reed 1LI NGLUFF, James N. rs. Juvia M. Keene, Pauina Street, Chicago IlI. Poin Mont. 1011 South Main Stree Meadville, Pa. HARRISON, Everett. Jofn Harrison, Irvin, SlIGCP Arcte D) lrrs. Mollie t Sugget, SMILOWICZ, Anthony. Mrs. Josephine Com- Ky. 9*6 Viijtotion Ave" . Sp 1ancsco, Ca, inskey, general delivery, Collinsville, Conn. HAUPT, William E. Mrs. Emma J. Haupt, SWANSON, Theodore August Swdnsor, SMITH, Dores D. Mrs. Florence E. Smith, 220 West Sunbury Street6 Shamokin, Pa. 1031 WIllington Avehe, Chicago, Ill. Albany, Ill. HEYMAN, Harry. Mrs. 1ga Heyman, 71 SWARTZ, Joseph A. Mrs. . 0. Leckman, SMITH, Jesse Stephen. Ernest E. Smith, Sixteenth Avenue, Newark, N. J. McKeesport, Pa. Steuben, Wis. JOHNQUIST, Henry T. Charles Johnquist, 8 RYEHOLM, Gunnay. Rick Ryeholm, 41 Mag- SMITH, John C. Frederick C. Smith, 1003 Hubird Road, Dorchester, Mass. nolia Street, Arlingtoai, Mass. East Lanvale Street, Baltimore, Md. JONES, Arthur S. Mrs. John I. Jones, Anna SWEPBERG, Walter G. Mrs. J. Swedberg, SMITH, Joseph. Mrs. Margaret O'Brien, 69 Maria Fla 3138 North Pauline Stteet, Chicago, Ill. Merchant Street, Newark, N. J. KENNEj)Y, Frank S. Mrs. Maud Brown, SWEENEY, James F. John Sweeney, 7 An- SNYDER, Henry E. Henry Snyder, Mount 1210 Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washing- dre Street, Providende P. I. Savage, Md. ton, D. C. TAYLOR, Lynn. Mrs. 'ulfa Taylor, Ouray, STA1YSIEWSKI, Czestaw. Mary Calewski, KENT, Rosser H. H. P. Kent, Mundy Point, Utah. box 6, Viclife, Ohio. Northumberland County, Va. TEEM, Willis C. Faslow L. Teem, R. F. D. SULLIVAN, Miehael T. Thomas Sullivan, KERBY, Arthur A. Frank Kerby, sr., Webb, 3, Ringgold, Ga. 109 Ivy Street, New Haven, Conn. Ariz. TERRILL, John M. Otis Terrill, Hancock, SWANN, Joseph F. Mrs. Margaret M. Shuler, KINDLE, Ralph W. Josh Kindle, Rockport, Minn. 5218 Reinhart Street, Philadelphia, Pa. IlI. TETTER, Campbell W. Wesly Tetter, Salem, TAGLIERI, Joseph. John Taglieri, 1447 KINNETT, Millard M. Mrs. Mattle Kinnett, Va. Spruce Street, Chicago, Ill. Porterdale, Ga. TRAVIS, Ezra. Mrs. Joseph W. Travis, TALIBERTI, Louis. Mrs. Carman McAviney, KOCKLAUN, Richard H. Mrs. Louise Kock- North Plank Road, Ne burgh, N. Y. 1719 North Gardner Avenue, Hollywood, laun, 2188 Fulton Road, Cleveland, Ohio. TURKAN, Albert A. Jab . Turkan, 2431 Cal. KOLB Frederick J. Mrs. Caroline kolh, 123 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TAYLOR, Roland J. Mrs. Rose E. Taylor, Souih Eighth Street, La Crosse, Wis. VIRTELL, Peter C. Tony Virtell, Maryland, Newfane, N. Y. KOLESAR, John. Mike Kolesar, 3455 West Otsego County, N, Y. TEMPLE, Jesse W. Mrs. Emma Temple, R. F. Sixty-fifth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. VOORITEES, Harry Ai William Voortees, D. 2, LyleA, Tenn. KOSAKOWSKI, John. Mrs. John B. Rosa- 106 Jlailton Street, New Brunswick, N. J. THOMPSON, Daniel L. Edward R. Thomp- kowski, 308 Ottawa Street, Leavenworth, WICK, Charlio. J6o Sbbesta, Crosby, Tex. gon, Uniontown, Ky. Kans. WOOD, Fred E, Mrs. Mary L. Wood, 2905 THOMPSON, Dave T. William Thompson, KUBIAT, Wiiam F. Mrs. Frances Kubiak, Shady Avenue, McKeesport, Pa. Delo, Miss. R. P. D. 2, box 194, Michigan City, Ind. WOODBURN, Hugh A. John Woodburn, sr., THORPE, Lattie R. Charlie Thorpe, R. F. D. LEKACOS, Louis. Mrs. Mary Leklos, 212 R: F. D. 2, Hillsdale, Ill, 2, Charlotte, N. C. Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. YOUNG, Fr~d. Elmer Young, Lancaster, Ky. TOLL, Leland W. James R. Toll, R. F. D. 1, LOUGKRY, Joseph. Edward Loughry, 117 ZABLOSITEX, John F. Mrs. Rose Zabloskey, Kooskia, Idaho. Court Street, Elizabeth, N. J. 1215 Oneida Street, Shamokin, Pa. USURIELLO, Mike. Jim Usuriello, 271 LUNDQUIST, August W. Carl Lundquist, RAGO, Frank H. James V. Rage, Vacaville, Washington Street, Haverhill, Mass. Enterprise, Oreg. Cal. HOLLEY, Walter Marion. John Holley, MCAVOY, Edward M. Mrs. Mary MeAvoy RAMSEY, James W. Mrs. Fannie Ramsey, R. P. D. 4, Winnsboro, Tex. (mother), 20 Smith Avenue, Brocton, Mais Western Grove, Ark. HOLZ, Frank. Mrs. Marie Shuh, 2341 Ave- McBRIDE, Charles B. Mrs. Melle McBride, RASMUSSEN, Max E. Albert Rasmussen, nue, Far Rockaway, N. Y. Hamilton, Mo. general deliver Clear Lake, Iowa. HUNTER, Luke Duly. Nathan Hunter, Hay- McCANN, Elmer J. Mrs. Sarah J. McCann, REHBEIN, Ienr A. C. William F. Reb- denburg, Tenn. 181 North Street, Bal1ston, N. Y. bein, R. F. D. , box 19 Palestine, Tex. JOHNSON, James H. Mrs. Tildie Johnson, MCGRATH, Anthony J. George McGrath, RISINGER, Ollie 0. Jeff hisinger, Glenfawn, Gaffney, S. C. Pleacentia, Newfoundland. Tex, JOHNSON, Peter. Paul Johnson Carp, Minn. McKENNA, Edward A. Miss Molly McKenna, ROBERTS, Claude H. Robert H. Roberts, R. JOHNSON, Robison C. Walker Ii. Johnson, 4339 Evans Avenue, Chicago, Ill. F. D. 1, Westdale, N. Y. Madison Heights, Va. ROCK, Clyde Richard. Mrs. Laura Rdck, 082 Base Ave- MANTHEY, Albert M. S. Michael Manthey, Texhama, Okla. JONES, Carl 0. Sam Jones, Gavlord, Minn. ROSENFELD, Louis. Mrs. A. Rosenfeld, 1146 nue, Kannaspolis, N. C. MASON, Lummy H. Mrs. Clara Criss, Gypsy, Tiffany Street, Bronx, New York, N. Y. JONES, John R. David R. Jones, 45 Ella W. Va. ROWLAND, John. Miss Martha Rowland, Street, Girard, Ohio. MORRISROE, Michael J. Thomas F. Mc- Lebanon, Mo. KINGTON, Joe H. Joe W. Kington, Sandy Greevy, 374 Columbus Avenue, New York, RUTTLER, Frank. James Ruttler, 1063 St. Ridge, N. C. N. Y. KREMITZKI, William C. William Kremitzki, Marks Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 717 North Seventeenth Street, Springfield, RINEHART, Willis Preston. John Rinehart, RUUD, Martin 0. Mrs. Marte Ruud, Fargo, Ill. Buekhannon, W. Va. N. Dak. La SANDERS, Edward. Mrs. Bert Sanders, RYDELL, Axel T. Mrs. Ingeborg Rydell, Isa- KROPP, John H. Mrs. Clifford Kropp, Brooks. Ky. nit, Minn. Valle, Wis. Salo, Van Buskirk, KRUTZKO, Leon. Ivan Anashkieriez, 178 SIMONSEN, Simon. Nels Simonsen, Skamo- SALO, Andrew. John Madison Street, New York, N. Y. kawa, Wash. Wis. LARRECQ, John P. Mrs. Anna Larreeq, SNYDER, Simon E. Isaac N. Snyder, Lib- SALOMONE. Gerlando. Guiseppa Salomone, York, N. Y. 1338 East Forty-first Street, Los Angeles, erty, Ind. 338 East Fortieth Street, New Cal. SOCHA, Rudolph Michael. Mrs. Agnes SALTER, George. Mrs. Ella Johnson, care of Floyd. Bert Lawson, Blue Haunschild, 425 Tenth Street, Milwaukee, Broadway Caf4, 13utte, Mont. LAWSON, Percy Hale. Mrs. Elizabeth V. Springs, Nebr. Wis. SAMPLES, Lee, Ducktown, SOMERS, Budd R. Mrs. Budd R. Somers, Samples, High Street, Salem, W. Va. LFE, Arthur. Mrs. Ida 560 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SANDRINI, Anthony. Arthur Bona, New Tenn. Conn. LEMMON, William. Mrs. Margaret Lemmon, STEWART, George C. Theodore Stewart, Milford, York, N. Y. Fifteenth Street, Moundsville, W. V4. SATTERBERG, Victor E. Elias Satterberg, 2257 Chatterton Avenue, New TAVAREK, Frank. Tony Tavarek, 2925 West Norway, Mich. LE ROY, Simon P. George P. Le Roy, R. F. D. Fifteenth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. SAUTER, Ralph A. Peter Sauter, Dunlo, Pa. 2, Amsterdam, N. Y. VANDERWAAL, Albert T. Mrs. Nettle Van- SCHAWE, Louis H. Henry Schawe, R. F. D. LEVY, Alcan H. Hyman Levy, 225 North derwaal, Erskine, Minn. 5, Reed City, Mich. Broadway, North Tarrytown, N. Y. VILLEREAL, Juan. Antonio Villereal, Ash- SCHIERLOH, Arthur C. John D. Schierloh, LINDSAY, John H. Mrs. lMt. A. Crawiard, erton, Tex. 2F0 Rutland Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Silver Springs, Md. WARNER, Lester L. George B. Warner, R. SCHINDLER, William C. Mrs. Jennie Wrig- LINEY, William Ml. Mrs. Agnes Linzey, P. D. 7, Mason, Mich. ley, 447 North Sixty-first Street, Philadel- Glenwood Avenue, Baltimore County, Raspe- WELLS, Morton K. Mrs. Oscar Mosher, 9 phia, Pa. burg, Md. Segamore Street. Glens Falls, N. Y. SCHNEIMART, Rudolph. George Schneikart, LOCKWOOD, Emery C. Frank C. Lock- WETZEL, Louis Sherman. Mrs. Mary Wet- 81 North Mill Street, Kansas City, 1aps. wood, general delivery, Duquoin, Kans. zel, SCHOCHET, Morris. Mrs. Martha Aber, 252 LOUISSI, James. Miss Jess Louis, North 43 Church Street, Jeddo, Pa. Fifth Street, Martins Ferry, Ohio. WHITTED, Robert R. Mrs. Ethel Robinson, Seneca Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Alleghany, Oreg. SCHOENROCK, Williami A. Mrs. Ella Tracy, LOWENSTEIN, Aaron M. Mrs. Mary Lowen. YINGLING. John C. Eli T. Yingling, R. F. D. Alpina, Wash. stein, 1426 East Chase Street, Baltimore, 4, Westminster, Md. SCHULTZ. Albert B. W. August Schultz, Md. ZWEIG, BepJamin Lewis. Mrs. Bertha Becht, Lewis, Wis. LYONS, Herbert A. Mrs. Mary Haskins, 17 117 North Linden Street, Buquoin, Ill. SEABOLT, Andrew C. Harry Seabolt, Lilly, Hancock Street, Dorchester, Mass. QUICK, Ansel R Lawrence Quick, R. F. 1). Pa. MCCOWN, Charlie G. Mrs. Alice McCown, 6, Bennetsville, S. C. SEEKERSKI, Felix. Ignatz Dobos, 1226 Fayetteville, Tenn. RAGAN, James W. Mrs. Tilda M. Ragan, R. Henry Street, Lansing, Mich. McLAUCHLIN, Charles A. Mrs. Emma Mc- F. D. 2, Bristol, Tenn. SEKERAS, Steve. Mrs. Mary Bakos, 2107 Lauchlin, Belfry, Mont. REFF, Isaac. Louis Tothstein, 121 Thames West Fifty-second Street, Chicago, Ill. MAHOOD, John Philo. Mrs. Sarah Mahood, Street Brooklyn, N. Y. SELF, Solon S. James W. Self, Molena, Ga. R. F. D. 2, Mount Carroll, Ill. SCHLESS, Samuel. Louis Schless, 234 SHADDOCK, Sanford D. Mrs. Della Shad- MARSCH, William J. Mrs. Emma Marsch, Pulaski Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. dock, Munson, Pa. Greentown, Pa. SCHWARTZ, Benjamin. Mrs. Bella Schwartz, SHELSE, Tom. Pasquale Shelse, box 1032, MASSEAU, Frank C. Mrs. Julia Masseau, 990 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Raymond. Wash. 518 South Sycamore Street, Lansing, Mich. SCHWARTZ, Israel. Mrs. Elizabeth Schwartz, SHIMANEK, Victor. Charles Shimanek, Ox- MATEL, John. Tomy Matel, 746 Earl Street, 15 Vyse Avenue. New York, N. Y. ford Tunetion, Iowa. Grand Rapids, Mich. SHAGONABA, Philip. John Shagonaba, R. F. SIMMONS, Arthur Wallace. H. A. Simmons, MATHEWS, Berton Jay. John Mathews, R. D. 1, Hart, Mich. R. F, D. 2, Faunville, Mich. F. D. 3, Caro, Mich. SPOLINI, Arturo. Joe Spolini, Valley Ford, SIMMONS, Curtis M. Drew R. Simmons, MONDAY, George T. Mrs. S. Munden, Ivan- Cal. R. F. D 1 Belton S. C. hoe, Va. STAFFORD, Glenn S. Alfred B. Stafford, 33 SKAZIKOWS, AlexAnder. Mrs. Aleks Wor- MURAWSKI, Charles. Mrs. Sophia Muraw- Michigan Street, Little Falls, N. Y. bonewcy, Iok 410, Forest, N. Y. ski, 6920 Rathburn Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 71*_ 18 6 22 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

MYERS, Raymond L. Robert H. Myers, 916 LONGHEAD, Thomas. John Longhead, Le SCHIlVE, Emi G. F. Albert Scheive, Fourth Street, Portsmouth, Va. Mars, Iowa. Amelia Aven, Lyons, 11L. NATKIN, Nathan. Mrs. Esther Natkin 1018 MCCREADY, James C. Carl F. McCready, SCHNEIDER, William, Dan G. McConnel, East One hundred and fifty-sixth Atreet, Crystal Falls, Tex. Genoa, Nebr. New York, N. Y. MCGRAW, Charles M. Robert A. McGraw, SCOTT David. Jim A. Scott, Henley, Mo. NAWROCKY, Frank L. Martin Nawrocky, Concord, N. C. SHULEI, William 0. Miss Incile Shuler, 75 Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y McKNIGHT, Cornelios. Robert H. McKnight, Sellers Avenue, Orangeburg, S. C. NAYLOR, James R. Ephriam G. Naylor, R. Mayeville, Ark. SINES, Benton, Airs. Furman Sines, Johns- F. D. 1, Finleyville, Pa. MARTIN, Charles L. Mrs. Susan B. Martin, town, Ohio. NEWSOME, Frederick W. Mrs. Frances New- R. F. D. 1, Calera, Ala. SMITH, Paul W. William F. Smith, 108 some, Winnett, Mont. MARVEL, Martin J. Martin L. Marvel, Eas- East Fritz Street, Ladysmith, Wis. ODONAHUE, Patrick V. Mrs. Patrick V. ton, Md. SOMERS, Roy F. Mrs. Junita Somers, 601 O'Donahue, 21 Walnut Street, Newton MASCITMAN, William H. John Masehman, West Illinois Street, Urbana, IlI. Lower Falls, Mass. New Haven, Mo. SONKSEN, Frederick W. Paul Sonksen, R. O'KEEFE, John J. Mrs. Dennis O'Keefe, 54 MATTAN, George. Mrs. George Mattan, 516 F D. 1, Stratford, Iowa. Bridge Street, East Cambridge, Mass. West Seventh Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. SOPER, Charles D. Mrs. Etta Soper, 249 OLDHAM, Edward G. Mrs. Glady Edwards, METLIN, Benjamin R. Mrs. Sadie Meti, Main Street, Hampden, Mass. Roseiclare, Ill. Sunset Avenue, Ellwood, Pa. SPARKS, William E. James Sparks, 112 East ONEIL, John T. Edward O'Neil, 131 Jef- MOORE, Scott. Mrs. Lydia Moore, 211 Wilber Market Street, Dyersburg, Tenn. ferson Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Avenue, Goshen, Ind. SPENCER, John C. Mrs. A. L. Lewis, Aite O'NEIL, William A. Pat O'Nell, Dushore, Pa. MOYNIHAN, John I. John Moynihan, Fair- City, La. OSSOWSKI, John Leo. John Ossowski, 2830 fax, Iowa. SPORTS, Eddy W. Joe E. Sports, Morris- North Hudson Street, buluth, Minn. MURPHY, John 7. Mrs. Ella Murphy, 60 villa, S. C. PARLI, Will R. Chris Parli, R. F. D. 5, Oregon Street, Providence, R. L STETJBER, Henry W. Mrs. Emily Stenber, Pawnee City, Nebr. MYERS, William P. Joseph R. Myers, R. F. 2600 Barber Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. PEGG, William J. Joseph Pegg, 1601 Brown D. 1. Townsend, Tean. STEVENS, Bert. Stener Stevens, Norman, Street, Philadelphia, Pa. NICKERSON, Howard B. Mrs. Clara A. Wash. PENTECOST, Robert L. Mrs. Wallace Mosen, Nickerson, Farnam, Nebr. STOCKWELL, George D. Mrs. Sarah Stall, Gid, Isard County, Ark. ORTP Horace. Rowless K. Ortt, Dixon, Ill. general delivery, Manton, Mich. PETITT, George H. Charles L. Petitt, Ash- PALMER, Leonard. John Palmer, 104 Ran- STOKER, John. John Stoker, 18 Stewart land Ill. sey Street, Dawson Springs, Ky. Street, Covington, Ky. PETR6POULOS, Athanaslos. George Petro- PERROTTI, Annibale, Agostino Perrotti, SWANSON, Carl F. Mrs. Carrie Swanson, poulos, 317 Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wis. 1255 West Sixty-ninth Street, Cleveland, 121 Front Street, Jamestown, N. Y. PORTER; Robert I. Mrs. Julia Porter, 235 Ohio. TAYLOR, Harold B. Clarence Richards, Davi- Fifty-third Street, New York, N. Y. PETERSON, Nels. Nels Hanson, R. F. D. son, Mich. PRESALOWIC, Anton. Joseph Presalowie, I Parker, S. Dak. TIMONEY, James F. Martin Coyne, 502 Antigo, Wis. PO, Charles S. Jermiah S. Poe, Marmet, Cane Street, Minooka, Pa. PRILL, Otto F. Mrs. Elwen Prill, R. F. D. W. Va. WALSH, Edward. Patrick Walsh, 609 Alder 3, box 28, Westfield, Wis. PRICE, Harry T. David R. Burchett, 4917 Street, Anaconda, Mont. PUCHTA, William J. Lorenz Puchta, 7335 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chiego, Ill. WEBSTER, Franklin. T. J. Webster, Mon- Kelly Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. PRUITT, Walter. Buck Prmuitt, Henderson, terey, Ky. QUINN, Thomas Harry. Mrs. Catherine N. C. WIGHT, Arthur Alexander. Mrs. Mamie Quinn, 79 Sherrill Street, Geneva, N. Y. RACHUI, Reinhold. Theodore Rachni, R. F. Wight, Solomonville,. Aria. RAAEN, John. Mrs. Mary Badell, Botineau, D. 1, Marlin, Tex. N. Dak. RAGSDALE, Jesse C. Mrs. Saffrona Rags- Died of Wounds. DAHM, Emil G. Lawrence Dahm, R. F. D. 4, dale, Salado, Tex. Belleville, Ill. RAPER, Horace Richmond. Riley Jayne MAJOR. DALY, Fred W, Mrs. Pernella Daly, IR, F. D, Raper, 7131 State Street, Girard, Ohio. SPERBECK, George E. Mrs. George E. Sper- 1, Forest Lake, Minn. REINIOLTZ, Louis H. Fred Reinholtz, 502 beck, Parker, S. Dak. DIETZ, Benjamin F. Mrs. Margaret Ceclia Berrington Avenue, Dundee, III. Dietz, 2111 East Adams Street, Philadel- ROIIRBAUGH, Melvin A. Edward M. Rohr- CAPTAINS, phia, Pa. baugh, R. F. D. 4, Spring Grove, Pa. KITTREDGE, Paul E. Mrs. F. E. Kittredge, DOWNS, Oliver H. Mrs. Emma Downs, Sears- ROONEY, Thomas Henry. Thomas Henry 95 Andover Street, Lowell, Mass. port, Me. Rooney, 518 North Thirteenth Street, La MEAD, Theodore F. Mrs. Theodore F. Mead, FELR3, Arthur R. Mrs. Mary Felke, 4817 Crosse, Wis. 207 Stewart Avenue, Ithaca, N. Y. St. Anthony Street, Chicago, Ill. ROSE, George W. Mrs. Annie Liza Rose, R. AUSTIN, James B. Mrs. James B. Austin, FIELDING, Lawrence W. Mrs. Ann Fielding, F. D. 2, Dyersburg, Tenn. care of E. E. Calvin, president Union Pa- 223 Andover Street, South Lawrence, Mass. RUSSELL, Orrin Muir. Mrs. Marguerite Rus- cific Railroad, Omaha, Nebr. FITCHETT, Arbon L. Mrs. Lula Fitchett, sell, Colfax, Wis. ROSSELL, Daves. Mrs. Beatrice S. Rossell, 236 North Dornean Street, Indianapolis, LEE, Joseph P. Mrs. May Hefferman, 10 586 Pennsylvania Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Ind. South Miller Street, Newburgh, N. Y. MAcLACHLAN, Ira D. Mrs. Helen MacLach- GALLE, Anthony A. Mrs. Laura Chiapetti, MeGINTY, John J. Mrs. Bridgett Needham, Ian, 313 East Spruce Street, Sault Ste. 178 Forsythe Street, New York, N. Y. 2133 Jackson Street, Scranton, Pa. Marie, Mich. GENTIL, Harry. John Gentil, Coalton, Jack- McJIMSEY, George M. Jess Mclimsey, Van LIEUTENANT,. son County, Ohio. Wert, Iowa. GLENNON, John T. Mrs. Sarah Neary, 112 MELLOY, Hazzard. Mrs. Mabel L. Shute, MRSTIK, Joe. Mrs. Rose Mrstik, R. F. D. 8326 Race Street, Philadelphia, Watson Avenue, West Orange, N. J. 3, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Pa. Cornelius A. Mrs. N. E. Good- LEWIS, Gilbert M. James M. Lewis, Kinsley, GOODMAN, NALEWAICK, Walter. Adolph Nalewaick, Kans. man, Lowry, Va. 101 Broad Street, Meriden, Con. Levi L. William A. Griffin, Asotin, OWEN, Nathaniel J. Mrs. P. 0. Arnold, 612 GRIFFIN, NAYLOR, Levi T. Airs. Elizabeth A. Naylor, South Willomet Street, Wash. Cockeysville, Md. Dallas, Tex. GROFF, Willard H. Franklin L. Groff, 1115 PRETZ, Earl R. Mrs. Gertrude Frets, 43 NEIDLINGER, Francis W. Lewis H. Neid- Beaumont Street, Dorchester, Prospect Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. linger. Zionsville, Ind, Mass. 234 GENTRY, Rowdy. J. A. Gentry, Greenville, GUARINI, Victor. Mrs. Sadie Guarini, NELSON, George. Mrs. Helen Nelson, An- Tenn. North Eleventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. gela, Mont GULLEY, Henry. Andrew J. Gulley, route 2, WILLIAMS, Harry Clay. Charles R. Wil- NICHOLS, Emil F. Charles Nichols, 79 Wal- liams, 1315 Roaneke Street, Roanoke, Va. Mount Pleasant, Tenn. nut Street, Wyandotte, Mich. HAAG Fred A. George Haag, Big Run, Pa. McDERMOTT, Morgan B. William M. Mc- OQUIST, Axele E. Mrs. Hanna C. Sundquist, Dermott, 236 Scott Street, Tucson, HAAS, Christian H. Mrs. Mary B. Haas. box 20, R. F. D. 1, Loveland, Colo. Aria. 1026 Pine Street, Pueblo, Colo. CRUME, Harry . Mrs. B. C. Harrison, 6001 OSELIUS, Hjalmar. Arthur Oselius, Dun- Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. HADLEY, John A. Louisa Bennett, 15 Brad- nell, Minn. ford Avenue, Flushing N. Y. DUNCAN, John Thomas. Mrs. Catheryn OTTE, George H. Henry Otte, Falls City, Loenson Duncan, MfARR, Harry C. Mrs. dlara Harr, Brewster, Greg. 801 South Maple Street, Ohio. LWebster Groves, Me. OTTO, Frank. Mrs. Louise Otto, 1168 Fulton JOHNSON, Richard H. Mrs. Richard H. HAYNES, Charlie S. Mrs. B. Dudley, New- Street, Brooklyn, N. Y Johnson, Mount Tabor, S. C. berry, S. C. PERRY, Erna G. Mrs. Jessie Perry, Albany, HAZELTON, Patrick. Nathan Hazelton, 526 Mo. lRIIANTS. Main Street, Eau Claire, Wis. DE BARBIERY, Joseph George. Mrs. HENNESSEY, James C. Mrs. May D. Hen- PERIN, Domenico. Antonio Dalava, San Louisa Mateo, Cal. De Barblery, 21 North Highland Avenue, nessey, Lane Avenue West, Caldwell, N. T Ossining, N. Y. HINTON, Robert. John Hinton, Spoke Nebr PFAHL, Richard. Airs. Amanda Pfahl, 1495 East Sixty-fifth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. DEVLIN,, Edward P. Joh J. Devlin, 132 IRWIN, Enns. John C. Irwin, Fort driffins, Salem Street, Lawrence, Mass. Tex. PLAYFORD, George Ivan. Mrs. Golda Play- ford, Wilsonville, Nebr. SETER, Maurice C. Thomas C. Jeter, Dee- JOHNSTON, Percy L. Mrs. Alice Johnston, POWELL, Ira. Tom Powell, Cornelia, Ga. son, Miss. Sylvarena, Miss. RAGAGLIA, Venerando. Peter Ragaglia, 247 LISTER, Edward L. Mrs. Minnie Russell, JUDD, John Theodore. Chester C. Judd, Island City, N. Y. Toole, Utah. III. Hoyt Avenue, Long Dahigren, RAYLE, James T. A. L. Rayle, H. F. D. 1, NORWAT, Arthur. Alfred Norwat, 417 South KALIVAY, George J. Mrs. Kathern L Kali- Point Peter, Ga. Fourth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. vay, 401 East Bell Avenue, Altoona, Pa. REIFSNYDER, Fred S. Calvin Reifanyder, POGUE, Claude W. Mrs. Mary J. Pegue, 416 KILBRIDE, Thomas E. Mrs. Melvinna Kil- Sinking Springs, Pa. Fifty-eighth Street NE.. Washington, D. C. bride, Portage Station, Prince Edwards JOHNSON, Henry. Mrs. Louise Johnson, 193 Station, Canada. ROLLERI, John. Ernest Roller, 18 East Montgomery Street, Jersey City, N. J. KNOWLTON, Raymond F. Ralph L. Knowl- Sylvan Street, Newark, N. J. NOVACK, Alex A. Mrs. Mary Novack, 2728 ton, 177 Hobart Street, Danvers, Mass. SANDERS, James E. James M. Sanders, South Hardin Avenue, Chicago, ill. KRIEDEMANN, Louis E. Frank Kriedemann, Maben, Miss. VANAERSCH , John V. Miss Leona Va- 445 Center Street, East Aurora, N. Y, SCHAETZEL, Walter L. Mrs. Mary S. naerschot, 1114 Fruit Avenue Farrell Pa LINSTRUM, Clemens. Mrs. Percy G. Betta, ehaetzel, 8414 Dunica Avenee, St. Louis, GILBERT, Charles. George W. Gilbert, 'alt: 182 Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Cal. Mo. ville, Va. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 23 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

HOFFMAN, Myron I. Miss Florence Hoff- WAGONERS. KNOX, William Joseph. Mrs. Martin Brophy, man, 4 Rue Du Frenoy, Paris, France. 58 South View Street, Waterbury, Con KEEFE, Frank J. Mrs. Thomas Keefe, 1839 KILLGROVE, Jake W. Henry Killgrove, KOCHER, Leo, Andrew Kocher, R. F. D. 2, Chase Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Percy, Ill. Mapleton, Kans. NARUSE, Joseph T. Matus Naruse, 6826 CURRY, Frank P. Mrs. Mary Curry, 54 NIHAUS, Fred. Adolph Vireling, Wite Pla Gertrude Street, Cleveland, Ohio. . Wardell Street, Astoria, N. Y. M, Cincinnati, Ohio. OPPENHEIM, Aaron J. Abe Oppenheim, 26 PRIVATES. PARKER, Arthur R. Mrs. Marion C. Cook, Elm lill Park, Roxbury, Mass. general delivery, Duguoin, Ill. ROWLEY. Edgar W. Mrs. George Rowley, 28 ACKERMAN, Lee De V. Mrs. Vernon Acker- PAVRLL Christ. George Hodge Efrtratin, East Hazelwood Avenue, Rahway, N. T. man. 1816 West Street, Homestead, Pa. 4 646 Bolivar Road, Cleveland, Ohio. STANLEY, Sherman. Miss Nellie Stanley, BALEK, William. William Balek, Wall PERRY, Thomas J. Mrs. Mary L. Perry, New River, Tenun. Street, East Islip, N. Y. R. F. D. 2, Belvidere, N. C. COLLINS, Herbert. Bruce Collins, 222 Crapo BEELER, Albert A. John Beeler, Big Bend, HARVEY, Clifton. Charles Phillips, 148 Park Street, Alpena, Mich. Ky. Street, Mansfield, Mass. DELIBANT, Leslie E. Mrs, Mary B. Dell- BRESETT, Clinton. Mrs. Mary Bresett, 87 SELLERS, Elmer 0. James J. Sellers, Hart- bant, 5820 Grace Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Labrosett Street, Detroit, Mich. wick, Mo. DEMMLER Fred A. Edward Demmler, 1522 BROTHERTON, Roy. Mrs. Eddie Borbeck, MEADOR, Ruel C. Ben C. Meador, Houston, Chataue Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 531 Jackson Street, Rochester, Pa. Mo. HATKE, Robert. William Hatke, 415 John- BRUCE, James F. Mrs. Catherine Bruce, 24 MENGEL, William P. Mrs. Martha Mengel, son Street, La Crosse, Wis. Mount Pleasant Avenue, Boston, Mass, Wyomissing, Pa. HORSEMAN, Herbert B. Albert J. Horse- CAPORUSSO, Luigi. Dominico Caporusso, MEYER, Joseph H. Ernest Meyer, 321 Norta man, Salt Lick, Ky. 153 Conover's Alley, Trenton, N. J. Union Street, Staunton, Ill. PRELL, Joseph L. Stephan Prell, 215 Pat- CHOATE, Freddie E. J. A. Tindel, Water- MICRA, James H. Mrs. Sarah Micha, Wind- terson Street, Syracuse, N. Y. man, Tex. sor Locks Con. RUEDISLLE, William Anthony. William DELLER, John J. Mrs. Elizabeth Deller, St. NEWTON, John V. Milton Newton, Hawley, Jacob Ruedialle, 900 Vandyke Avenue, De- Charles College, Catonsville, Md. Tex. troit Mich. DELOACH, Walter. John Deloach, Elizabeth- STOLZ', Erman, Mrs. Maude Street, 1027 ton, Tenn. NIETER, John B. Mrs. Grace M. Nieter, 453 South Wayne Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. DEMBROWSKI, Walter. Eugene Costanti, Market Street, Beaver, Pa. Oak Street, Trenton, N. J. NIEDERJOHN, Louis H. M. Henry G. Nie- CORPORALS. DE PAUL, John. Louis De Paul, 2515 Union derjohn, general delivery, Waverly, Mo. Street, Bellaire, Ohio. O'BRIEN, John J. Mrs. Julia O'Brien, 257 HOLBROOK, Robert L. David Holbrook, 843 DORAN, Charles P. Walter E. Armstrong, Twelfth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mill Street, Watertown, N. Y. Wilmot, N. H. O'DONNELL, John L. Mrs. Julia O'Donnell, JACKSON, Carl E. Mrs. Minnie Jackson, R. EYLENS, Charles E. Mrs. Jane Roberts, Sil- 247 Court Street, Brockton, Mass. F. D. 2, Narwood, Tex. ver Plume, Colo. OGIER, Leon M. Mrs. Margaret B. Ogier, MOORE, Elton H. Frank W. Moore, R. F. D. FARNER, Robert E. Thomas Farner, Cross 808 North Cedar Street, Nevada, Mo. 1, Cement City, Mich. Creek, Pa. OHREN, George E. George E. Ohren, 4411 STEEBY, Carl Henry. John S. Steeby, R. F. PINGERSON, John M. Mrs. Lillie M. Fin- Butler Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. D. 1, Altamont, Kans. gerson. R, F. D, 2, Mifflin, Wis. OTTO, Quest J. Fred R. Otto, Claire City, VUNCK, Malden E. Mrs. Mary P. Vannote, FLEMINGS, Frank B. Mrs Clara Flemings, S. Dak. Curtis Avenue, Manasquan N. J. 68 Fifth Street, Salem, N. J. PENNELL, Norman D. Mrs James Pennell, SMITH William M. Mrs. hmma B. Smith, FOSS, Saxon C. Mrs. Carrie Foss, 249 303 North Darlington Street, West Chester, Sea Isle City, N. Y. Highland Avenue, Somerville, Mass. Pa. ALDEN, Miles D. John Allen, South Beloit, FRANCHI, Eugene A. Miss Jennie Saccoccia, PRESSLER, William G. Louis H. Pressler, Wis. 1789 Cranston Street, Cranston, R. . Birdsvillo, Pa. LONGAKER, Lester D. Mrs, Phoebe 1. Long- FRAREY, Walter W. Mrs. Emma Frarey, PRUSKA, Michael F. Michael Pruska, sr., aker, 510 West Second Street, Anderson, Stanley, N. Y. 1114 Eighth Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Ind. FUGLE, Edward 0. Charles C. Fugle, 20 RAGAZULIS, Peter, John Ragazulis, 49 PECK, George H. Mrs. Gerogiabel Peck, 742 Carson Avenue, Metuchen, N. Y. Raymond Street, Luzerne, Pa. Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. GALLEGER, James D. Mrs. James D. Gal- BLAIR, Harry II. Carl Robins, RICHARDSON, Willie. G. T. Richardson, box 406, loger, 1916 San Jacinto Street, Dallas, Tex. Tome Creek, Va. Picher, Okl. GARDNER, Ralph. Mrs. Phoebe Gardner, RICHTER, Frank C. Mrs. Anna Taylor, 1549 LACY, John R. Jaseph Lacy, R. F. D. a, Dunkirk, Ohio. West Oakdale Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Neoga, Ill. GARTNER, Peter A. Chris Gartner, St. Ans- RIEMAN, Carl J. Clarence Rieman, 512 MADDEN, Harry. Miss Ella Madden, R. F. gar, Iowa. Stevens Street, West Hoboken, N. J. D. 3, Lebo, Kans. HAYNES, Alfred L. William N. Curtis, RODRIQUEZ, Juan M. Anastaceo Rodriquez, SCHROEDER, Elmer P. Herman Schroeder, R. F. P. A, box 172, Sanger, Cal. R. F. D. 7, Buena Vista, Tex. 1110 West Avenue South La Crosse, Wis, HICKEY, Paul P. John Hickey, 157 Engert WOLF, Dupont L. D. M. Wolf, Canton ROSE, Donald L. Fayette E. Rose, R. F. D. Lumber Co., Baltimore, Md. Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 5, box 48, Watsonville, Cal. HORR, Burton G. Miss Sadle Horr, 127 SHUTE, Nathan. Mrs. Nellie M. Shute, 960 BRENNEMAN, Edgar B. Mrs. Lillie Bren- Stone Street, Watertown, N. Y. Foulkrod Street, Philadelphia, Pa, neman, 49 Jenks Street, Brookville, Pa. HOUCK, Frank. Mrs. I. J. Houck, Attica, CARLILE, George W. Mrs. G. W. Caril, SIMPSON, William R. Mrs. Alice Simpson, Charleston, Utah. Ohio. R. F. D. 2, Bakersfield, Cal, HURWITZ, Max. Harry Hurwitz, 103 Bea- SHAGER, Stephen F. Anton Shager, 248 GEROWX, David. Remi Gerowx, box 531, con Street, Chelsea, Mass. Abmeek Street, Laurlum, Mich. Lake Linden, Mich. Lewis, HAIGHT, William. Mrs. Clara Haight, 97A LEWIS, Everett D. Mrs. Mollie SHARP, George. Mrs. Dora Sharp, New South Street, Jersey City, N. J. R. F. D. 1, Miller, Mo. Hope, N. C. HARRIS, Charley. Mrs. Felder Harris, Chap- McAULEY,, Milton A. Mrs. Mary McAuley, SHERIDAN, Willard Thomas. Mrs. Kathe- pell, S. C. 4837 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland, Cal. rine Sheridan, 465 Eastern Parkway, HUGHES, William B. Mrs. Minnie B. MAIBAUR, Hugo R. Mrs. Frieda Maibaner, Brooklyn, N, Y. Hughes, Abington, P. 0., Pa. 111 Deeker Avenue, Linolenmv1le, N. Y. SMITH, Harold V. S. H. Smith, 2004 Vinton REWBELBECK, John D. Henry D. Ken- MALLOY, Thomas B. Michael Malloy, 1351 Street, Omaha, Nebr. belbeck, St. Joseph, Minn. Jerome Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SPADAFORE, Nicola. James Spadafore, 115 LIVINGSTON, Jahue R. T. D. Livingston, MEACHAM, Rex A. Hiram E. Meacham, Cherry Street, New York, N. Y. Prosperity, S, C. box 83, Kalispell, Mont. STANEART, Charles M. John Staneart, MALONE, George S. George T. Malone, Al- MILES, Joseph I. Mrs. Gertrude Collins, R, F. D. 1, Uhrichsville, Ohio. len, Md. Lester Manor, Va. TRAPANI, Umberto. Mrs. Martha Trapani, TOBERMAN, Henry. Joseph Toberman, South MILLER, Walter J. Mrs. Margaret Miller, 506 West One hundred and fiftieth Street, Willington, Conn. 418 North Carpenter Street, Chicago, III, New York, N. Y. Lillian Frye, Ben- MERRIGAN, James F. Mrs. Lyons, 215 East WALLEY, Jacob. Mrs. Twenty-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. WEBER, Edgar J. Henry Weber, Columbus nington, Okla. Road, Mount Vernon, Ohio. WILSON, Samuel B. Samuel McC. Wilson, PAHLER, Walter. William Pabler, 2716 North Hamburger Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WESTFALL, Earl. James Westfall, Fenton, Raphine, Va. Mich. MORAN, John H. Mrs. Fannie Moran, 216 STYERS, Garland. George C. Styers, Clover, Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. S. C. WILSON, Elsworth W. Mrs. Sarah Gossman, PHELAN, John J. Mrs. Fannie Murray, 330 SZCZODROWSKI, Casmier. Mrs. Fransees Preston, Kans. Fourth Street, Troy, N. Y. Szczodrowski, 900 Elston Avenue, Chicago, WITOVER, Louis. Sam Witover, 1827 Pit- WEINBERG, Louis B. Mrs. Otto Weinberg, Ill. kin Avenue, Brooklyn, N, Y. Troy, Kans. VERDU, Antonio. Mrs, Anne Pierce, 2729 WOHLKEN, Norman William. William H. Manhattan Avenue, New York, N. Y. BUGLERS. Wohlken, 2006 Cooper Street, Camden, N. J. WINSLOW, John McKinley. E. M. Winslow, WOOD, Ralpb. Henry Wood. Kyle. N. C. BARRETT, Willie R. William E. Barrett, Brownsbille, Minn. WOZNIAK, Anthony. Mrs. Magdalena Woz- R. F. D. 2, Garysburg, N. C. WITT, Amos. Robert Witt, Sigman, W. Va. niak, 6613 Cazimir Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. McCANN, Edgar E. Mrs. Ida McCann, Mon- BABCOCK, Lester L. William W. Babcock, AMDUR, Charles. Saul Amdur, 85 Pine roe City, Mo. 1715 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. WATMUFF, Percy. Mrs. Sylva Watmuff, 17 BOGGS, Blaine B. John A. Boggs, Showell, Md. BEALE, Raymond M. Mrs. Agnes Beale, box Spruce Street, Marcus Hook, Pa. 188. River Avenue, Brackenridge, Pa. .MlECHANICIAN. ENGLAND, William E. Henry B. England, BENTLEY, William. Mrs. Eliza Bentley, R. F, D. 1, Lamasco, Tex. Courts Roads, Ky. SCHMITT, Charles. Jacob Schmitt, R. F. D. FOX, Thomas C. Joe F. Fox, 474 Mosby 4, Millvale, Pa. Street, Memphis, Tenn. BUFF, Ellis. Joseph H. Buff, Valdese, N. C. GREEN, Ebridge Burtis. Thomas S. Green, CHANCELLOR, Albert R. Mrs. Emma Still- MECHANICS. Cestos, Okla. well, Lamar, Kans. CARNEY, Everett. Albert W. Carney, R. F. HARDEN, Ellis I. Mrs. Barbara Harden, CHAVIS, George W. John W. Chavis, Ben- D. 2, Joelton, Tenn. Syracuse, Kans. nettsville, S. C. BRATTON, William R. William A. Bratton, HARRA, Chester L. Miss Carrie M. Duch- CONERY James A. Francis P. Conery, 717 709 North Brevard Street, Charlotte, N. C. anan, Hinsdale, Mass. Seventh Avenue North, Fargo, S. Dak. 24 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING CUCHIOFTIS, George. Frank Sayne, care of PARKS, William R. Mrs. Mae Ella Parks, NEELY, Elmer L. Mrs. Margaret Neely, Clio, Citizens' Savings Bank Building, Decorah, Gatesville, Tex. Mich. Iowa. POE, Melvin W. David Poe, Dawson Springs, OWEN, Wade R. John Owen, Winchester, ELY, Robert W. Mrs. Ella Ely, Kennewick, Ky. Kans. Wash. PRYOR, Will. Mrs. Mamie E. Pryor, 3 East PRITCHARD, William J. Mrs. Margaret FRATIS, Joseph C. Tony Fratis, 3 Devney Inn Avenue, Panama, Fla. Pritchard, 128 Linden Street, Brooklyn, Streel, Ashtabula, Ohio. RANKIN, Walter E. Mrs. Rachael Rankin, N. Y. GARRISON, Thomas J. Thomas E. Garrison, Cadiz, Ohio. PYRON, Fred. Mrs. Nealy C. Pyron, 424 It. F. D. 1, Union, Ky. SHAFER, Warner. Mrs. Emma Shafer, 23 East Furgeson Street, Tyler, Tex. GROVUIM, Louis T. Miss Gall Grovum, Kent, GIloden Avenue, Scranton, Pa. STEINGREBER, August J. John Steingre- Minn. BEYERS, Bernard. Joseph Beyers, R. F. D. her, 731 Alvoid Street, Syracuse, N. Y. HANSON, Roy A. John Hanson, R. F. D. 4, 3, Pa.a, Ill. THOMAS, Emil Herman. Mrs. Minnie Litchfield, Minn. BORSKI, Joseph. John Borski, Slupca Kalis, Thomas, 770 Twenty-fourth Street, Detroit, HINES, James L. Joseph J. Hines, Grain, Russian Poland. Mich. Mont. BROOKS, Alfred. Mrs. Lucy Brooks, Dia- JONES, Ernet. Samuel J. Jones, 345 Ogden mond, Ohio. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Street, Bridgeport, Conn. ALANZO, Raymond. Mrs. Carrie M. Brown, KELLY, William J. John W. Kelly, Black- R. 2, Oil City, Pa. LIEUTENANT. shear, Ga. BROWN, William Earl. Levi M. Brown, Tex. KRUG, Walter C. Mrs. Julia C. Krug, 7425 KOCII, Ralph. Mrs. Nell , Saratoga, R. 1, Knowles, Okla. South Grand Avenue, St. Louis, KOENIG, Harold L. Mrs. Ada A. Burns, Hood, CLARK, Harrison. Miss Madge Clark, La- Mo. S. Dak. vonia, N. Y. WAGONER. McCLOSKEY, Hugh C. fames McCloskey, 437 CONWAY, Cornelius J. Mary Brown, 170 UDDENBERG, Herman. A. Uddenberg, Gig West Fifty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Beard Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Habor, Wash. MONTAGUE, Earl J. Mrs. Ida M. Montague, DAVIS, Eli. Tom Miller, general delivery, Jeffersonville, Vt. Skull Valley Ariz. PRIVATES. OTTO, John A. 'Irs. Louise Otto, 1906 Penn- DEHART, Arthur. Mrs. Nettie Reed, Sugar- DEWILDE, John C. John Dewilde, R. F. D. sylvania Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. land, Tex. 1, New Hampton, Iowa. PORPORA, Frank. Mrs. Joseph Porpora, DESKIN, George P. Mrs. Mary Deskin, 265 EISEL, Matte, Mrs. Rose Elsel, R. F. D 2, Minlionico Potenza, Italy. Chatham Street, New Haven, Conn. Fort Ripley, Crow Wing County, Minn. PRICE, Herman E. Mrs. Cora Price, R. F. D. DEVITT, John H. Mrs. Anna Devitt, Glen- LARSEN, Earl W. Erick J, Lassen, 482 1, Bradenville, Pa. dive, Mont. Forty-ninth Street, Moline, III. REMUZ, John. Vincenta Remus, 687 Burritt DOXZON George. John Doxzon, 912 Cal- TUGGLE, Joe L. Mrs. Beulah Tuggle, Min- Street, New Britain, Conn. houn Street, Baltimore, Md. den, La. RITZHAUPT, Frank. Mrs. Catherine Ritz- EVANS, George. Mrs. Jane Evans, 260 East YOUNG, Robert Lee. Mrs. Mary T. Young, haupt, Fairbury, Nebr. Rayen Street, Youngstown, Ohio. Ryegate, Mont. ROBERTS, Howard. Mrs. Mary Roberts, FLEMING, William M. Mrs. Gertrude Flem- Bushnell, Nebr. Ing, Sanger, Tex. Died in Airplane Accident. SCHLESINGER, Herbert. Mrs. Fannie Schle- FOSTER, Horace K. George T. Foster, 235 singer, 1048 Forrest Avenue, New York, North St. Clair Avenue, Wichita, Kans. LIEUTENANTS. IN. Y. GLEINSER, George. Joe G, Gleinser, R. F. ALLEIN, Tex. Henry C. Mrs. Fannie C. Allein, SCHMITT, Thomas. Mrs. Joseph Finnegan, D 3, Yorkton, 1104 Harrison Street, Vicksburg, Miss. 173 Russell Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. GOLDEN, Clarence R. Mrs. Lela Hathaway, DODGE, Gordon. Mrs. Mary T. Dodge, Ap- 519 St Charles Street, Johnson City, N. Y. thorp Apartments, Seventy-ninth Street and SI2KIN, Frank. Will Slmkin, Salem, Henry GORDON, Homer. Joseph D. Gordon, Mount County, Iowa. Vernon, Ind. Broadway, New York, N. Y. SMITH, Arthur M. Mrs. Addle F. Smith, 116 GRABOWSKI, GREER, James F. Mrs, Virginia Greer, 1410 North Main Street, Rockland, Me. Gus K. John Grabowski, 32 South Fifth Street, Waco, Tex. Kline Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. PERKINS, Fryor R. Mrs. Carter Perkins, SMITH, Edward Bernhard. Mrs. Agnes Mi- GRUCIALA, Walter. Mrs. Edna Gruchala, o-, 447 Newell Street, Watertown, N. Y. 246 Detroit Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 111 Thirty-second Street, Newport News, SMITH. John W. Mrs. W. T. Smith, 356 HARRIS, David. Mrs. Katie L. Harris, R. Va. North Oliver Street, Elberton, Ga. F. D. 1, box 95, Wakulla, Fla. CORPORALS. SONIS, Henrich H. Mrs. Rixte Sonius, HAWK, George. Joen Hawk, Glenville, Tex. IIAGGERTY, Clarence H. Andrew R Hag- Spencer, Iowa. HESTERBERG Martin B Mrs. Mamie V. gerty, 217 North Franklin Street, Rochester, SORELL, Wilmer N. Napoleon Sorell, North- Hlesterberg, 3812 Old Frederick Road, Balti- Minn. ,ield, Vt. more, Md. Died of Disease. ST4 NLEY, James F. Jerry McCarthy, 654 KARBOLIC John James. Mrs. Elizabeth Har- Boliver Road, Cleveland, Ohio. belie, Buchanan, N. Y. MAJORS. STRAUSER, George D. Frank A. Strauser, HOLLAND, Edward J. Mrs. Helma Holland, PRUDDEN, Clyde E, Arthur E. Prudden, Pea Ridge Mo box 12, Brighton, Colo. 326 Thirteenth Avenue East, Duluth, Minn. TIiOMPI'ON, Henry. Mrs. Mary Thompson, HUDSON, John T. Henry Howard Manning, BEVERLEY Benjamin S. Capt. J. B. Bev- 507 West One hundred and fortieth Street, Tex. erly, New York, N. Y. The Plains, Va. ZORSO. Felix A. Joseph Zosso, Debow, Ark. JOHNSON, George B. James L. Johnson, CAPTAINS. ARCH-ULETA, Roanoke, Tex. Jose E. Juan B. Archuleta, KARLSON, August W. John , box ROWE, Charles P. Mrs. Hazel Rowe, 799 Roto,, N. Mex. 110. Georgetown, Conn. West Seventh Street. Pomona, Cal BALLARD, Gaston 0. John A. Ballard, SWINEY, John D. Mrs. John D. Swiney, Amite, La. KELLY, John. Mrs. Mary Jones, 609 Twelfth Street, Scranton, Pa. 1228 Fourteenth and a half Street, Rock BERGQUTST, Victor E. Eric Bergquist, Lac KOEHLER, Charles E. Jack H. Koebler, 71 Island, Ill. Du Beonnett, Manitoba, Canada. Pasadena Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. LOWNDES, Andrew J. Mrs. Anna Harris BLYNATIS, Adam. Mrs. Ella Yurkeivish, 41 LOCKE, Harrison P. Mrs. Lois Locke, 8233 Lowndes, 2286 Brookfield Avenue, Balti- qixth Avenue, Paterson, N. J. Bismark Street, Louisville, Ky. inore, Md. URASSY, Dominick. Rosareo Brassy, 2419 MANN, Clarence Ellsworth. Miss Lillie Pick- LIDUTENANTS. Doresey Street, Westchester, Bronx County, ett, 1020 Pottawatomie Street, Manhattan, CALLAWAY, Rufus C. Ralph Callaway, N. Y Kans Mapleeville, Ala. CLAFFIEY, Owen W. Mrs. Julia Claffey, 37 MANSFIELD, Roma Wellington. Sut Mans- CARTWRIGHT, Paul. Mrs. Abbie N. Cart- South Elm Street, Waterbury. Conn. field, R. F. D. 8, Defiance, Ohio. wright, 24 Park Street, Wakefield, Mass. CLAPSADDLE, Samuel D. William Clapsad- MARKLINE, Jacob. Jacob Markline, Ab- DUBS, Valentine E. Mrs. Anna E. Dubs, 1909 die R. P. D. 2, Orrtanna, Pa. botstown, Pa. South Norwood Street, Philadelpha, Pa. CRUTCHFIELD, Oswald M. Mrs. Mary A. MAXWELL, David T. Frank L. Maxwell, KELLY, Frank P. Patrick C. Kelly, 24 Con- Crutchlfeld, R. F. D. 1, Sanford, N. C. Ireland, Tex. grove Street, Roslindale, Mass. DIFURCO, Augusto Clementina Difurco, 281 COUSIN, Tess. Mrs. Dora C. Pettiford, R. F. COBLE, G. Frank. W. Frank Coble, 1200 Eltun Stseet, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. 5, Roxboro, N. C. Fifth Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. ELLIS, Heniry. Mrs. Mary J. Howard, R. F. DAVENPORT. Lewis E. Mrs. Fannie Daven- JOHNSTON, Thomas P. Mrs. Elizaceth John- D. 1, bok 118, Wilson, N. C. port, 413 East Franklin Street, Anderson, ston, North Main Street, Mount Gilead, ENGROM, Leon. Joe Engrom, Baton Rouge, S. C. Ohio. La. DEARDORFF, William I. George A. Dear- LARSON, Albert H. Otto Larson, Jasper, GOLLMER David. Mrs. Frederica Gollmer, dorff. Occoquan, Va. Minn. 173N3 Bodie Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DELEKTA, John. Mrs. Mary Majewski, 21 McCARTY, John. Mrs. John McCarty, 121 JOINSOX Shelby. Moses W. Johnson, R. F. Jefferson Street, Schenectady, N. Y. South Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md. D. 1, Statesville, Tenn. DENGLER, Harvey E. Mrs. Ellen Dengler, WARING, William Wilson. William W. War- LIERTUCCI, Michele. Mrs. Ingo Mata Poll Oberlin, Pa. ing. Franklinville, N. Y. . dino, . Jsse, Ohio. HYDE, Charles. Charles Hyde, Edgworth DETICKER, Henry W. Mrs. Elizabeth Lane, Sewickley, Pa. LINDSEY, Crawford. Jim A. Lindsey, Joe, Deucker, 1887 Hawkins Avenue, Cincinnati, N. C Ohio. MILLER, Stanley N. Mrs. Lida M. Taylor, LINN. Dewey. George W. Linn, St. Marys, Lafayette Street, lonia, Mich. Ohiw. EVANS, James H. James A. Evans, Douglas, ROSE, Owen M. George D. Rose, Kimbal, Wyo. S. Dak. METZ. Walter. John Mets, box 847, St. Paul, HOLDEN, Gust F. Mrs. Betsy Holden, Lowry, MAULE, Claude W. Mrs. Claude W. Maule, Minn. Vinn. 516 Paschal Street, San Antonio, Tex. MeCdARLEY, Benton I. Tom McCarley, Lu- KEINATH, Conrad J. Mrs. L. Kenith, 8556 PHILLIPS, Walter A. Mrs. Olive Phillips ling, Tex. Vine Street, Cincinnati Ohio. Milburn, Barbrook, La. McLAIN, Robert C. Mrs. Minnie McLain, LIDDLE, William E. Mrs. Jennie Liddle, THORNE, Howard 0. Howard E. Thorne, 1312 Wilcox Street, Baltimore, Md. Hazel Green, Wis. 194 Mountain Way, Rutherford, N. J. O'RIORDAN, Daniel. Mrs. Mary Lange, 613 McGOWAN, Harry. Alice Ransom, St. Ste- BRIGHT, Elijah A. C. E. Bright, Chester, Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. phen, S. C. Miss. PAGLIUCA, Frank. Miss Angela Inserra, MEURY, Frederick M. Mrs. Caroline Meury, HOLMAN, Joseph D. Mrs. Berenice L. Hol- Frankfort Street, East Boston, Mass. 458 Pulaski Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. man, 5804 Ocean View Drive, Oakland, Cal. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 25 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

BATTALION SERGEANT. THOMASON, D 4 vid G. Mrs. Louisa Thoma- ALLEN, Jesse R. Mrs. Jesse R. Allen, Bogue ORCHARD, Harry H. Miss Margaret V. son, Edward, N. C. Chitto, Miss. Orchard, 58 Wright Street, Newark, N. J. BROUGHTON, Henry W. Dr. H. W. Brough- ANABLE, Leo Benson. Mrs. Mary Anable, ton, 7 Lakeville Pjace Jamaica Plain, Mass. Leeds, N, Y. SERGEANT MAJOR, PREHLER, Frank J. Mrs. Emma Ny1ander, ANGELL, Ernest. Mrs. Malinda S. Angell, LOUGHMAN, Joseph P. Mrs. Alice C. Sul- 4234 North Avers Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Knoxville, Tioga County, Pa. livan, 19 Mayfield Street, Dorchester, Mass. WASS, Ambrose A. Mrs. Martha J. Wass, BIAUMIER, George W. August Beaumier, 1838 Addison Street, Berkeley, Cal. R. F. D. 1, Scott, Wis. NURSE. CROSS, Leroy W. George Cross, Valleyford, BEECHNER Roy E. Mrs. Hattie Beechner, DE, MERS, Evelyn Jane. Mrs. Ada L. De Wash. 225 West )?rospect Street, Cameron, Mo. 48 Alleghany Street, Roxbury, Mass. DENMARK, Gordon H, Mrs, Alma Denmark, BISHOP, William. Louis Bishop, Bloomfield, Mers, Lake City, Fla. Vt. SERGEANTS. OGLESBY, Carl R. Walker Oglesby, Raven- BORGER Dudley M. Jacob F. Borger, 132 KIMBALL, William S. Mrs. Charles D. Kim- wood, Mo. North Vine Street, Medina, Ohio. ball, 18 Albermarle Avenue, Hempstead, RAMEY, George R. Mrs. G. W. Ramey, Hol- BRADSHAW. Earnest E. Mrs. Mary Cooper, N. Y. ton, Kans. 104 South Walnut Street, Ottawa, Kans. LUJETT, Emil B. Henry G. Luett, R. F. D. 1, GRACE, Robert R. Mrs. John H. Patzig, BRAGG, George G. Wiley F. Bragg, Funston, Baldwin, Iowa. 5124 East Side Avenue, Dallas, Tex. Ga. McKEE, Rosco L. George M. McKee, Wal- SCHAUB, George. George Schaub, Bellevue, BRIDGEMAN, John. Mrs. Manie Bridgeman, halla, S. C. Iowa. box 65, Weldon, N. C. MORLEY, Newman Glenn. A. S. Morley, Ar- TANCREDO Patsy H. Mrs. Mary Tancredo, BUCHNER, Warren J. Mrs. Emma J. Buch- lington, Nebr. 51 West Street, Newark, N. J. ner, R. F. D. 4, Mora, Minn. ANDERSON, George A. Frank Anderson, 66 HERMANN, Paul M. Max P. Hermann, 5919 BURROWS, Harold H. A. W. Burrows, Con- Station Street, Ashtabula, Ohio. Thompson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tinental Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. BURTENSHAW, Edward Coke. Mrs. Alice JONES Earl M. Benjamin F. Jones, Smith- CRONE, Henry F. Mrs. Loretta J. Crone, Burtenshaw, 1506 Ressegue Street, Boise, ton, W. Va. box 28, Fruitland Iowa Idaho. PETERSON, LeRoy W. Mrs. Anna Peterson, CRONIN, Herbert W. Mrs. Mary Cronin, 634 GUSHEE, Thomas F. Albert C. Gushee, Ap- 1420 West Third Street Davenport, Iowa. Oakhili Avenue Youngstown, Ohio. pleton, Me. PRITZ, Raymond A. ReinLold K. Pritz, 264j CROSS, Claude 'R. Mrs. Katherine Cross, POLTIER, David. Mrs. Anna Poltier, Lafay- North Union Street, 0lean, N. Y. route box 30A, Fort Smith, Ark. ette, Colo. WEBB, William Wiley. William Franklin DENSON, Wesley. Mrs. Ada H. Denson, McWHIRTER, Asa. Mrs. Eliza McWhirter, Webb, Macclesfield, N. C. Brown, Ga. R. F. D. 1, Lancaster, S. C. HAGENSON, Oxcel Fred. Mrs. Augusta, DEWEY, George. Mrs. Lusetta Dewey, Carl- DONEGAN, John J. Mrs. Elizabeth L. Done- Hagenson, 325 Dewitt Street, Clinton, ton, Pa. gan, 652 West Fifty-fifth Street, Chicago, Iowa. DICKENS, Loftus V. Mrs. Mary F. Dickens, Ill. HANLEY, James R. Mrs. Ellen Hanley, 504 R F. D. 4, Littleton, N. C. McCRACKEN, Henry D Mrs. Mary A. Mc- West Fifth Street, Rochester, Minn. DANATELLI, Antonio. Antonio Tielli, 104 Cracken, general delivery, White Hall, Ill. KENNEDY, Harold L. Mrs. Elizabeth Ken- Willow Street, Dunmore, Pa. FIESS, Albert D. Mrs. Amelia Fiess, 723 nedy, 336 Main Street, Geneva, N. Y. DREWS, Herman W, Jr. Mrs. Louis Drews, South Third Street, Terre Haute, Ind. MILLER, Charles Miss Sarah Miller, 142 99 North Street, Jersey City, N. J. JONES, Cecil M. Mrs. Ada Jones, 88 Wash- Maujer Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. EASON, Lou. Troy Eason, R. F. D. 2, Four ington Street, Denver, Colo. MURPHY, Walter J. Leo Murphy, 150 Le- Oaks, N. C. McGOVERN, Roy J. Mrs. Nellie McGovern, Roy Street, Binghamton, N. Y. ELLETT, Reuben. Mrs. Henriette M. Ellett, 199 Florence Avenue, Pontiac, Mich. ROGERS, Charles H. Mrs. Katie Grimes, 720 North Seventeenth Street, Richmond, MORIARTY, Michael J. Miss Hanna Mor- 1603 Court Street, Vicksburg, Miss. Va. arto, 15 Winter Street, Holyoke, Mass. ROSE, Fred J. Mrs. Emma Rose, Grafton, EVANS, Oscar, Edmund M. Evans, R. P. D. 2, ABRAMS, Albert L. William T. Abrams, Wis, Oakman, Ala. 3333 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. RUNGE, John. Mrs. Elsie Duchrow, 1000 EVANS, Samuel 0. George Evans, Suther- BEAL, Edward W. Mrs. Beatrice V. Beal, Nineteenth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. land, Nebr. R. F. D. 2, Scottsville, Va. EVERSON, Hjalmer A. Mrs. Mary Everson, DUNN, Alexander J. Charles A. Dunn, 4031 BUGLERS. Nobleton, Wis. Patterson Avenue, Chicago, Ill. JONAS, Adolph P. Peter Jonas, R. F. D. 1, FEHR, Anton C. Jacob Fehr, St. Benedict, JONNA, Burton L. James L. Jonna, box 127, box 84, Goodhue, Minn. Iowa. Ashby, Mass. REYNOLDS, Willie E. Mrs. Priscilla Rey- Mills, WEIS, Conrad. Paul Reidel, 4 Delaware nolds, Alma, Ill. FIELDS, Eddie. N. Fields, Gallups Street, Phoebus, Va. Granby, Vt. BROWN, Archie B. C. S. Brown, Senacaville, WAGONERS. FLETCHER, Robert T. William B. Fletcher, Ohio. CLYBURN, George W. Mrs. Mattle Clyburn, McColl, S. C. CARTER, William E. Mrs. Robert Goosby, R. F. D. 8, Kershaw, S. C. FRILLMAN. William H. Julius Frillman, 138 Hanover, Mass. DENNIS, Fred B. Mrs. Elizabeth Dennis, North Twentieth Avenue, Melrose Park, Ill. COOK, Leroy H. Oscar H. Cook, 679 East Mechaniesville, Iowa. FULLER, Earl. Mrs. Mary Fuller, Jackson- One hundred and twenty-eighth Street, PATTON, Kenneth E. John S. Patton, ville, Tex. Cleveland Ohio. Clarksville, Mo. GEHMAN, Harvey S. Pierce Gehman, R. F. D. Provo, Fors- 2, Denver Pa. ROBBINS, William A. Arron Robbins, FORSGEN, Faunt L. Mrs. Corda D. GOLNICK, Willie F. Fred Golnick, box 45, Utah. gen, box 866, 112 South Fifth, West Brig- Myrtle, Miun. VON HOENE, Raymond N. Miss Mary A. ham City, Utah. GRAHAM, George. Mrs. Katie E. Graham, Von Hoene, 814 Greer Ayenue, Covington, KUEHNE, John Frederick. Mrs. Johanna 6891 Eleventh Avenue, Clinton, Iowa. Ky. Bubnick, Yarbo, Saskatchewan, Canada. HALE, Lloyd. Martin B. Hale, R. R. 1, box HATFIELD Luster M. John H. Hatfield, R. WINTERS, Jacob A. Mrs. Iva B. Winters, 71, Eugene, Mo. F. D. 5, &edar Hill, Tenn. Vale Summit, Md. HIGGINS, Matthew J., Jr. Mrs. Anna Hig- ANDERSON, Dale G. Mrs. Charlotte J. HALL, George W. Mrs. Kizzie S. Hall, gins, 2810 North Twenty-first Street, Phila- Anderson. R. F. D. 2, Good Hope, Ill. R. F. D. 3, Ashburn, Ga. dolphia Pa. NEELEY, Calvin G. Joseph S. Neeley, Holli- HANSON, Herman J. Jens Hanson, R. F. D. HOPKINk, Lewis H. Will Hopkins, R. F. D. daysburg, Pa. 5, Eleva, Wis. 1, Resca, Ga. WALL, Trossy G. James C. Wall, R. F. D. 3, HARDING, Frank 0. William F. Harding, PARRISH Leo L. Mrs. Josie Parrish, Mer- Walnut Cove, N. C. I. F. D. 1, Howe, Tex. rill, Oreg. DENNEY, Ennis C. Mrs. Ennis Denney, HAUCK, George F. Mrs. Sophie Guardino, STRAUSS, William S. Jack L. Loev, 12 Hudson, Colo. 828 Preceta Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. West Seventh Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. RAGNES, Andrew C. Ole G. Ragnes, R. F. STANGELAND, Nels 0. Mrs. Anna Stange- D. 2, box 6, Minooka, Ill. land, Madison S. Dak. CORPORALS. STONE, Lloyd E. Ezra Stone, Juniata, Nebr. MECHIANIC. STROMGREN Axel E. Abel G. Stromgren, PRIOR, Seth. Henry R. Prior, R. F. D. 4, PAYNE, Henry. Mrs. S. Roberts, North Constance, Mian. Fountain Inn, S. C. Creek, N. Y. THOMAS Rau. Mrs. Miller T. Bearden, WEISNER, Joseph F. Frank J. Weisner, gen- HORSESHOERS. Social ircle, Ga. eral delivery, Casco, Wis. - COOK, Earnest L. Mrs. Dora Cook, R. F. D. SCHROEDER, Alois T. Andrew Schroeder, THOMASSON, Elmore. Thomas Thomasson, 1, box 64, Havana, Ala. Richmond, Minn. R. F. D. 1, Goodview, Va. PFEFFERKORN, Norman. William Pfeffer- HEARN, Joseph H. Mrs. Mary J. Hearn, 319 WAGNER, John P. Peter Wagner, R. F. D. korn R F D. 5, Manitowoc, Wis. Sixteenth Street West, New York, N. Y. 2, Bernard, Iowa. ROLLS, Ben. Mrs. Orpha Woodard, West FARRIER. WALKER, John. William Walker, Hurdlow, Pike, Pa. Tenn. VAN DERHOOF William D. Milton L. Van RAE, HAROLD E. Mrs. Ivy Flanagan, 14 WARDWELL, Ira. Frank Wardwell, Morris, Derhoof, 110 lohnson Street, Schenectady, East Fourth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Wis. N. Y. COOKS. WELCH Emanuel. Mrs. Winnie Barber, 1327 MONAHAN, Michael M. Mrs. Ella H. Mona- CHARTER, Basil W. Mrs. William S. Char- East Nineteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. han. 904 Bohlender Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. ter, 245 Goodwin Street, Detroit, Mich. WILBURN, Jess. William Wilburn, R. F. D. PETERS, Joseph A. Mrs. Helen A. Barker, MEBIUIS, Alvin H. Mrs. Rose Moibins, 4160 1, Ottawa, Ohio. 8 Caroline Street, Monrgomery, Ala. North Darian Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WRIGHT, Charles F. Mrs. Joseph Clark, CARROLL, Rush. , Mrs. Edith Rush, R. F. D. POOLE, William H. Mrs. Dora Poole, Oak- Welsh Road Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Pa. 4, Collierville, Tenn. land. ill. HATCHETT, 'Russell. William R. Hatchett, SAYERS, Wash L. Charlie Sayers, R. F. D. POST, John C. Charles McCain, 238 Prospect Grayson, Ky. 2, Cratton, Va. Street, Pontiac, Mich. BIDWELL, Paul. Raymond Sidwell, 136 HAUGEN, Lars. Peter Bredderen, Alkabo, TIDWELL, Henry R. Francis W. Tidwell, N. Dak. South Lincoln Street, Chicago, Ill. Savannah, Tenn. SMITH, Hugh L. Hugh P. Smith, 323 Mar- HEATON, Eurit. Charles A. Heaton, R. F. shall Street, Phoenixville, Pa. PRIVATES. D. 6, -Jefferson, Ohio. SPINGOLA, Joseph V. Zachariah Spingola, ABDALLAH, James. John Salisn, 206 East HELSEL, Maurice B. Mrs. Florence M. 698 North Third Street, San Jose Cal. Linn Street, Marshalltown, Iowa. Helsel, Inka, Kane 26 THE OFFICIAL I. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING HENDRICKS, Fey R. John R. Hendricks, BIRMINGHAM, Allen G, Willie R. Birming- MAXWELL, Ernest B. Mrs. Louisia Jane R. F. D. 2, Barry, Ill. ham, route 1, Palestine, Tex. Maxwell, R. P. B. 4, McConnellsville, Ohio. KENDRICKSON, Eddie. Knute Hendrickson, BRENDEN, Henry 0. Ole 0. Brenden, Home- MORRISON, Henry. Mrs. Angeline Morrison, Decorah, Iowa. stead Mont. Hannah, Okla. HILBURN, William P. Mrs. Laura B. Hil- BURNS, Wallace. Joseph T. Burns, Martzen, NOPPEL, Harry Charles. Mrs. Elizabeth Nop- burn, R. F. D. 1, Berryville, Ark. Tex. pel, 28 Spruce Street, Jersey City, N. J. HOLLIDAY, Roy W. Mrs. Pansy R. Holli- CARTER, Alfred. Mrs. Ellen Carter, 52 O'DONNELL, Rogger M. Terry O'Donnell, day, 917 Locust Street, Litchield, III. Briggs Street, New Bedford, Mass. Danville, Ind. JONES, Charles H. Mrs. Jeffa Jones, R. F. CONNORS Edward W. Thomas F. Connors, ODRECHOWSKY, Mike G. Mrs. Stani Odre- D. 4, Granbury, Tex. Brooks, linn. chowsky, 708 Sixth Avenue, Ford City, Pa. KEEGAN, William Joseph. John J. Keegan, COWELL, Jay S. Sam Cowell, general de- OSTERMEYER, Paul R. Mrs. Mary Oster- 447 Fortieth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11ver7, Wolf Point, Mont. meyer, 6357 South Rockwell Street, Chicago, KELLY, Arl B. George Kelly, 211 Murphy CRANK, Waldow 1. George Crank, R. F. D. Ill. Ai enue, Knoxville, Tenn. 2, Dyer, Tenn. OSWALD, Raymond H. Samuel Oswald, 510 KENNEDY, Albert R. Charles J. Kennedy, DAVIS, Henry. John Riggin, Federalsburg, North Seventh Street, Allentown, Pa. 108 West Nineteenth Street, Wilmington, Md. OUTLAW, Kendrick V. Elin R. Outlaw, route Del. DYER, Floyd B. Wintford Dyer, Briggsdale, 1, box 15, Winnabow, N. C, KOECHEL, Aaron W. Silas B. Koechel, Car- Colo, PARKER, Noah Verdy. Logan J. Parker, rier, Okla. ELLIS, George A. Mrs. Mary Ellis, 30 Marble Falls, Tex. LINDBERG, Arthur. Mrs. Arthur Lindberg, Twenty-third Street, West New York,, N, J. PARSON, Edward W. Mrs. Cyntha Conley, j03 Wilson Avenue, St. Cloud, Minn. ENOS, Manuel, Mrs. Alice Enos, 79 Spring Douglas, Nobr. LIVINGSTON, Ralph L. William T. Living- Street, East Cambridge, Mass. PETERS, George J. Frank Peters, Vernal, ston, R. F. D. 2, Midway, Tenn. FLORA, James. Cornelius Flora, Point Utah. LLOYD, Louis A. Edward Lloyd, R. F. D. 1, Pleasant, W. Va. PETERS, Paul N. Mrs. Anna Peters, R. F. Columbia, Wis. FOX, Herachell H. William H. Fox, Trip- D. 3, Valley Falls, Kans. LONG, Joseph 0. Thomas J. Long, Doss- lett, Mo. KESTER, William E. John P. Johnson, ville, Miss. FREEMAN, Thomas 3. Thomas Freeman, Smallett, Mo. LUCIER, Joseph P. Anthoney Lucier, Walk- 1026 East Third Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. ADAMS, Perry C. Mrs. Lulu Adams, East erburn, Manitoba, Canada. GIBSON, James. Wiley Gibeon, B. F. D. Lynn Mo. LUMILEY Frank E Edward Lumley, Alex- 1, Norcross, Tenn. AlNTH'NE, Frank E. Mrs. Elizabeth Angle, ander Atreet, Carthage, N. Y. GRIFFITH, Joseph E. Mrs. Nettie Apgar, 6327 Norwood Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MANCIL, Bencie N. Isaac Manell, R. P. D. 57 West Main Street, Somerville, N, J. ANDERSON, Andrew. Mrs. Ellen Anderson, 1, Chireno, Tex, HARDWAY, Meddle, William Hardway, 113 R. F. D. 2, box 43, Binger, Okla. MEADOR, Robert R. Arthur F. Meador, Sta- Bank Street, New Albany, Ind. ANDERSON, Magnus C. Laurist Clemmensen, tion A, Kansas City Mo. HEADY, Virgil F. Mrs. Nancy Heady, 1120 R. F. D. 1, Battle Creek, Iowa. MORGAN, Glenn A. Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan, North Compton Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. ARMOUR, Edward B. Fohn Ferris Armour, R. F. D. 1, box 137, Williamsburg, Ohio. ARONSON, Hillard A. Mrs. Beda Aronson, 26 IHulbert Street, Albany N Y MUSITMECI, Glovann. Mrs. Sebastina Mu- Tower, Minn. BAKER, Cleveland H. irs. Mary Baker, sumeci, 225 South West Street, Easton, Pa. BEARY, Richard. Mrs. Mary Beary, 388 Van' R. F. D. 4, Jackson Mo NIMMO, Wert D. Mrs. Effie Nimme, R. F. D. Brunt Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BENDER, Roy. Mrs. Mary Bender, R. F. D. 1, Ritchey, Mo. BENNETT, John. Mrs. Ellen Bennett, R. 1, Dawson, Pa. OVREVIK, Lars 0. Mrs. Martha Thompson, F. D., 4, Winslow, Ind. BERGER, Fritz. No emergency address given. Glenburn, N. Dak. BERG, Peter Albert. Fred H. Berg, Arcadia. BERRY, Edward M. Mrs. Ida Berry, 1211 PENTECOST, Frank P. Mrs. Emma P. Pente- Wis. John Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. cost, 3304 Perrysville Avenue, North Side, BINGNER, Robert E. William H. Biugner, BILLER, Henry. Mrs. Thersia Biller, Car- Pittsburgh, Pa. Berlin, Pa, roll, Iowa. PERRY, Macy B. Mrs. Mattie Perry, R. F, D. BIRKNER, Anton F. Wolfgang Birkner, BLANKE, Frederick W. Mrs. Margaret 1, Ranford, N. C. Metamora, Ill. Blanke, Illiopolis, Ill. PERRY, Leo J. Mrs. Mary Perry, 114 Tyler BORLAND, Frank L. Mrp. Kate Borland, BOHN, William B. Mrs. Emma Bohn, Dar- Street, Topeka, Kans. Granville, Ill. win, Ill. PROCTER, Arthur H. Mrs. Bertha A. Proc- BOWEN, Robert L. George Bowen, McAden- BOOCK, John F. Cris A. Boock, West Side, ter, 69 Sagamore Street, Dorchester, Mass. ville, N. C. Iowa. PUETZ, John M. Mrs. Thelma Puets, R. F. D. 2, New Holstein, Wis. BROOKS, Willard, Joseph Brooks, 2002 Ho- BOWDEN, Jimmie W. Henry Bowden, 427 PULLIAM, Jesse M. Mrs. Mary R. Pulliam, voy Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Twelfth Street, Cairo, Ill. Edgerton, Mo. BROWN, Earl. Mrs. Wanda B. Neely, R. F. BROKAW, Fred H. Mrs. Cynthia Brokaw, RADCLIFF, Ovid H. George Radcliff, R. F. D. 2, Lexington, Ill, R. R. 3, La Plata, Mo. D. 1, Godfrey, Ill. BROWN, Virgil A. Ewell C. Brown, Canyon, BROWN, Decordia A. Mrs. Lizzie Clay, 686 RAY, OLIVER N. Frank M. Ray, Bentley, Tex. West Eastwood Street, Marshall, Mo. Okla. BURKE, Vincent B. Miss May Burke, 17 BROWN, George. Mrs. Mary J. Brown, R. F. RENSLA, CrIsten. Krist Rensla, Denbigh, N. Southern Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa. D. 5, box 63, Lanapah, Okla. Dak. BYRNES, John B. Mrs. Caroline Jagger, 54 BUNTLEY, Robert M. Charles Buntley, star ST. CLAIR, Fred M. Mrs. Susie St. Clair, Eagle Rock Avenup, West Orange, N. J. route, Putnam, Okla. Lily, Wis. BURCII, Russell A. Charles Burch, box 53, CAINE, Thomas J. Martin L. Caine, 284 Dayton, Ill. SCARBER, Thomas. Mrs. Cynthia Scarber, North Main Street, Naugatuck, Conn. BURKE, Simon N. Peter G. Burke, Braham, 3134 Twenty-ninth Street, Cairo, Ill. CALLAHAN, Earl T. Mrs. Mary A. Callahan, Minn. SCASTA, Emil Joe. John Secasta, Wheelock, 5304 West Harrison Street, Chicago, Ill. CATLIN, Forest *L. Mrs. Flora E. Sanborn, Tex. DALY, Edward J. Mrs. Margaret Reynolds, Winterport, Me. SCHET], Phillip W. Mrs. Bertha Scheu, 532 581. Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CLOCK, Victor I. Mrs. Gena. Clock, 1101 East Eighty-seventh Street, New York, N. Y. DANIEL, John W. John J. Daniel, Dawson, East Twenty-eighth Street, Minneapolis, SHINE, Howard R. Mrs. Anna Shine, 433 Ga. Minn. Greenbush Street, Milwaukee, Wis, EHMKE, Harry B. Mrs. Elizabeth Ehmke, CUNNINGHAM, John. Mrs. Lathian Cun- STRATTON, John B. Mrs. Mary Stratton, Milan. Ill. ningham, Van Vieet, Miss. 3217 West Sargeant Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FOWLER, Ernest E. Vincent C. Fowler, DEBERRY, Colonel. Mrs. Lexie Deberry, TAYLOR, Wiley A. John 1, Taylor, Gideon, Frankston, Tex. R. F. D. 4, Woodbury, Tenn. Okla. FOX. Jesse J. X. C. Fox. Circleville, Te, DEEL, Charlie W. Mrs. Polly J. Deel, Vicey, THOMPSON, Irvin T. Thomas Thompson, R. GIBSON, Clarence C. Mrs. Mabel Gibso Va. F. D. 2, box 63, Blair Wis. Hudson, Iowa. DEVAULT, Charlie 0. Oscar Devault, Glen- TIEDEKEN, Theodore V. Miss Rose M. Tle- GROVES,' Ellwood, Mrs. Bessie Groves, dive, Mont. deken, 1733 North Twenty-ninth Street, Wyoming, Del. DICKERSON, Isaac S. Mrs. Belle D. Shep- Philadelphia Pa. GURLEY. Lawrence T. Thomas W. Gurley, herd, box 232, Sullivan, Ill. YEITENHANS, Joseph F. Frank Veltenhans, R. F. D. 1, Juno, Tenn. DRISCOLL, John J. Matthew Driscoll, Athens, Wis. HAZELQUIST, William A. John Hazelguist, Twenty-sixth Street, East Moline, Ill. VOELZER, Carl. Mrs. Margaret Voelzer, 45 2719 Twelfth Avenue, South Minneapolis, EAlSLEY, Archie C. Cyrus P. Earsley, Her- Cummings Street, Rochester, N. Y. Mina. man, Minn. WILLIAMS, William M. Mrs. Mary Williams, HELLIS, Cliffe H. Mrs. Leona Hellis, 2523 EDWARDS, Charles C. John M. Edwards, 243 East One hundred and thirty-tourth Wyandotte Street, Denver, Colo. 1697 Vesey Street, Memphis, Tenn. Street, New York, N. Y. HIGGINS, John E. Frank Bishop, Fourth EILERS, George. Mrs. Mary Eilers, Sheffield, WILSON, Harry V. Mrs. Mollie C. Wilson, and Tower Avenues, Superior, Wis. Iowa. 406 North Main Street, Winfield, Kans. JINES. Abe. Mrs. Crawford Smith, Madison EISON, Hosie. Mrs. Elnora McKenney, route WOOD, James F. James T. Wood, R. F. D. Station. Miss. 2, Burlison, Tenn. 1, Halls, Tenn. WYCKOFF, Ralph R. Mrs. Lucille Wyckoff, JOFFEE, Morris M. Miss Agnes Sperling, 301 BLICK, Lewis 3. Wesley J. Elick, R. F. D. 1, 3105 Calumet Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Third Street, Jersey City, N. J. Benton, Iowa. ADAMS, Douglas, Mrs. Emma Cooper, Tip- JOHNSON, George C, Mrs. Oliver Johnson, EMMERT, Anthony J. Albert P. Emmert, R. R. F. D. 2, Luck, Wis. F. D. 7, Zanesville, Ohio. tonville, Tenn. FLAGEL, AHRENS, Harry C. Edward F. Ahrens, 457 JUSTICE, Roy A. Miss Jessie Justice, Hud- Charles. Mrs. Margaurete Flagel, son, N. C. 121 Wiley Street, Bucyrus, Ohio, South Queens Street, York, Pa. PODNESS, Theodore. Ole Fodness, R. F. D, ALLEN, Ira 0. Mrs. Benneter Allen, R. F, D. LAWLOR, Michael. Mrs. Mary Dune, 305 4, box 58, Menomonie, Wis. 2, Triplet, Mo. West One hundred and twenty-seventh FRASIER, Sam. Mrs. Sarah Frasier, Youngs ATTAWAY, George L. Daniel P. Attaway, Street, New York, N. Y. R1.F. D. 4, Dublin, Ga. MACK, Amos. Mrs. Retter M. Cummings, 108 Island, S. C. AUIMAN, James A. Clayton G. Auman, North Tenth Street, Palatka, Fla. FRYMOYER, Harry S. Charles K. Frymoyer, Wolfs Store, Pa. MARPLE, George B. Simon Marple. Aledo, Ill. 940 North Front Street, Reading. Pa. BAILEY, Frank H. E. J. Bailey, White Pine, MARTIN, John A. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Mar- GUGLIOTTA, Frank. Vincenzo Palumbo, 305 Tenn. tin, 6853 South State Street, Chicago, Ill. Avenue C, New York, N. Y. BAtCOM, William T. John Baucom, Naylor, MATTHEWS, Loften. Mrs. Lilly Matthews, HANCOX, Maurice D. Charles Henry Hau- Mo. Angler, N. C. cox, Titusville, Pa. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 27 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING HAPPE, Joseph F. Joseph Happe, 320 West KIRCHER, Edward. Mrs. Nellie Kircher, FENNELL, Grover C. Mrs. Annie B. Fennell, Second Street, Carroll, Iowa. 6359 South Halsted, Chicago, Ill. R. F. D. 1, Cobbville, Ga. HARTMHANN, Frank J. P. Alfred Hartmann, LATTIMORE, Roy J. John P. Toms, box 72, FINNEY, Robert. Mrs. Audrey Finney, Hazel 80 Waverly Street, Jersey City, N. J. Shelby, N. C. Dell, Ill. ADAMS, John W. Miss Catherine Rivers, LUCAS, Frank. Thomas Lucas, R. F. D. 3, FOSTER, Richard. George Hogan, Spragan, Dublin, Ga. Oroville, Cal. Ala. AGNEW, Sam. Howard Agnew, R. F. D. 2, McCUE, James F. Mrs. Mary McCue, 1312 FRANSEN, Herman J. Mrs. Christine R. Betheny. Miss. Josephine Street, Janesville, Wis. Fransen, Chicago, Ill. AGRAFULIS, Sam. George Agrafulls, 71 McDANIEL, Clyde. William T. McDaniel, FRAZIER, Clarence. Alex Frazier, R. F. D. Spruce Street, Manchester, N. H. Bertraud, Okla. 2A boa 25, Blight, Ga. BAKER, Arthur. Mrs. Alma Baker, R. F. D. McKINNEY, Vardie R. John H. McKinney, GOSS, Albert. Theresa Boyle, 1420 VStreet 1, Whitmire, S. C. R. F. D. 2, Fayetteville, Tenn. SE., Washington, D. C. BISHOP, La Fayette. Mrs. Jennie Bishop, MADISON, Claude C. Charles M. Davison, GREEN, Benjamin F. Mrs. Dila Green, R. F. I. F. D. 3, Somerville, Tenn. Olin, N. C. D. 1, Perry, Ark. BROS11EARS, Walter. Guy Broshears, R. F. MALLORY, Harrison. Mrs. Jennie Mallory, GRINER, Herman. Severn L. Griner, R. F. D. 4, Newburg, Ind. R. F D. 3, Louisiana, Mo. D. 1, Hilltonia, Ga. BULLOCK, Henry. Mrs. Louisa Bullock, MOW, J. William. Mrs. K. P. Mow, Barber- HADDOCK, Dolphie. Mrs. Dola Haddock, R. Bailey, N. C_ ville, Fla. F. D. 2, Rumer, Tenn. CARWIN, Lyell L. Mrs. Lara Carwin, R. F. MYRVIK, Gilbert 0. John Myrvik, R. F. D. HALL, Washington. Mrs. Nancy M. Hall, D, 4, box 40, Clarksville, Iowa. 1, Edmore. N. Dak. Ponce de Leon, Fla. CORLEY, Elliot D. Mrs. Leona Corley, Oko- PANTHER, Frank S. Isadore Panther, Essex HAMMOCK, Lee C. Dave Hammock, Rick- lona, Miss. Junction, Vt. man, Tenn. COVER, Alfred W. Mrs. Clara B. Hardy, POTTER, Henry B. Mrs. Francis Potter, Am- HATHCOCK, Robert. Mrs. Sarah B. Hath- R. F. D. 24, Windham, Ohio. sterdam, R. F. D. 6, Glenville, N. Y. cock, R. F. D. 1, Beechgrove, Tenn. CURLEY, Lee J. Mrs. Asirne Curley, R. F. PRESSELL, Harry C. Mrs. Louise Pressell, HICKS, Leroy C. Mrs. Sarah C. Caster, D. 1, box 30, Blackville, S. C. 177 Preston Street, Detroit, Mich. Miami, Tex. DAVIS, John J. William E. Davis, 430 West ROGERS, Alex. Mrs. Arteria L. Rogers, Wil- HICKS, Walter F. Alexander Hicks, R. F. D. Fifty-sixth Street, New York, N. Y. locoochee, Ga. 6, Nokomis, Ill. DELAiNEY, William J. Mrs. Alice Brennan, ROWE, Sherman I. Frederick Rowe, 111 HINMAN, Duane H. Mrs. Hazel Dutcher, 16 North Main Street Carbondale, Pa. West Independent. Selinsgrove. Pa. Dayton, Iowa. FRANCISCO, Clifford . Frank Francisco, SCOTT, Middleton H. Allen T. Scott, R. F. D. INNIS, Herbert G. Mrs. Isabella Innis, 41 529 North Seventh Street, Corvallis, Oreg. 1, box 48, Carterville, Mo. Forrester Street, Milford, Mass. FREEMAN, William T. Mrs. Della F. Trout, SEACAT, Fred. Porter Seacat, star route, IVEY, William L. Mrs. Nettie Ivey, Pierce Dyorsburg, Tenn. Ashland, Kans. Station, Tenn. GENTRY, Add W. William A. Gentry, Car- SHINGLER, Charles H. James I. Bowzer, JENSEN, Selmer G. Olavs Flikka, Shelly, bon, Tea. Ruffs Dale, Pa. Minn. GHILARDUCCI, Alfred. Mrs. Adele Ghilard- SMITH, John C. John C. Smith, Beedeville, JOHNSON, Isiah. Mrs. Lottie Johnson, 705 ucci, 5801 Winchester Avenue, Chicago, Il. Ark. Turkey Heights, St. Matthews, S. C. GIVANS, Herbert H. Joseph W. Carrol, SMITH, Lincoln A. Mrs. Stella A. Smith, KELLY, Ramon J. John J. Kelly, 437 Eighth Spring Liek, Ky. 633 North Main Street, Attleboro, Mass. Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. GREENWOOD, Clifford. Mrs. Fannie Green- SMITH, Oscar. Andy Smith, 47 Cypress KOLLN, Joseph. John Sluther, box 43, West wood, Paseagoula, Miss. Street, Proximity, N. C. Side, Iowa. IIARGROVES, Bob. Mrs. Osie Hargroves, SMITH. Peter Paul. Mrs. Nicholas Smith, ANGLE, Kent W. John T. Angle, R. F. D. 3, Perkins, Ga. 123 Hillsdale Street, Elyria, Ohio. Wirtz, Va. HELLMAN, William J. Joseph Hellman, R. SOUDERS, Fayette C. Mrs. John W. Clipp, AlY, Hubert L. Mrs. Kate Ary, R. F. D. 1, F. 1. 2, Fort Jennings, Ohio. sr., Ranson, Jefferson County, W. Va. Flatwoods, Ten. HOWE, Clifford D. Mrs. Gertrude McIntyre, TERRY, Clarence W. Mrs. Mary E. Terry, BARRETT, Cherry M. Mrs. Rena Bogle, Greenwich, N. Y. 915 Princeton Avenue, Trenton, N. J. R. F. D. 5, Woodbury, Tenn. HOYT, Richard J. Albert D. Hoyt, 23 Clark THOMPSON, Henry. Mrs. Florence Roberts BASTIN, Cecil L. Mrs. Helen Bastin, Etreot. Binghamton, N. Y. R. F. D. 3, Elkhart, Ind. R. F. D. 1, Cave City, Barren County, Ky. ISBELL, Richard C. Mrs. Mary Isbell, 438 TRUMAN, Wellington. Henry Truman, Oka, BATTE, Kelly E. Willie Spicer, box 81, Madison Street, McDonoghville, La. W. Va. Jacksonville, N. C. KIRK. Simon. Mrs. Delphie Kirk, Town WEBB, Lewis. Mrs. Ellen Bailey, R. F. D. BOOTH, William H. William G. Booth, Creek, Okla. 1, Suwance, Ga. R. F. D, 1, Goodlettsville, Tenn. LONG, John C. Mrs. Mary L. Long, box 42, AGENT, Christopher. Mrs. Della Agent, BOTZ, Leopold H. John Gritzmacher, R. F. D. Bliss, Idaho. R. F. D. 1, Waverly, Ga. I 3, box 5 Sauk Center, Minn. LOTHES John J. Adam Lothes, R. F. D. 3, ALSTROM, Andrew. Lass Thil, 1115 West BOWEN, Winston Davie. Jim M. Bowen, Lowell. Ohio. Seventy-ninth Street, Chicago, Ill. Harwood, Tex. A. M. Phillip Lubben, LUBBEN, Bernhard ANDERSON, William M. James B. Ander- BTHL, William J. Mrs. Amanda Buhl, 1138 403 Clark Street, Lemars, Iowa. son, Phoenix, Miss. Sargent Street, Baltimore, Md. LT)KIR, Walter M. Ed Lukir, Rush Lake, BACON, Arthur N. Frank Bacon, R. F. D. CARTER, Edwin J. Even M. Carter, R. F. D. Wis. 4, Riceville, Tenn. 3, Carthage, S. Dak. MCCABE, William L. Mrs. Emma McCabe, BANKS, Luther. Mrs. Mary E. Banks, 40 COLLINS, James. Mrs. Vinnie H. Jenkins, Whitehall, N. Y: Eighth Street, rverett, Pa. R. F. D. 1, Bowley, Okla. McCONKEY, Thurber. Claud McConkey, BARNHART, Corney J. James A. Barnhart, COLLINS, Jim E. Mrs. Callie Collins, Mount Vernon, Pa. Lamar, Colo. R. F. D. 1, Unionville, Tenn. MCNEILL, James. Mrs. Sarah MeNel, R. F. BASS, John. William C. Bass, R. F. D. 1, COOK, Baxter. George Cook, 205 Oak Street, D. 1, box 12, Pembroke, N. C. McRae, Ga. Jackson, Mich. MCSWAIN, Henry. 'Jack McSwain, R. F. D. BAZAR, Martin R. Add L. Bazar, Mont- COREY, Benjamin J. Mrs. Martha R. Corey, 3, Richton, Miss. gomery. Ala. Ayden, N. C. MARCY, Warren 0. Mrs. Sue Marcy, Seneca, BRITTON, Rolly B. Mrs. Petra Britton, Hay- COX, Charles V. L. Charles A. Cox; Arling- Nobr. ward, Wis. ton, Ga. BROWN, George C. James F. Brown, Girard, MARTINSON, George H. Martin Martinson, Kans. DENTON, John L. Row Denton, R. F. D. 2, R. F. D. 3, Colman, S. Dak. Haydenburg, Tenn. NASAW, Herman L. David Nasaw, 567 BUTTS, Bethel. Willie Butts, R. F. D. 2, DILWORTH, Roswell H. Chauncy L. Dil- Bergenlibe Avenue, West New York, N. J. Silver Point, Tenn. worth, R. F. D. 5, Montpelier, Ohio. NEWMAN, Gustaf A. Carl G. Newman, 354 CHAPMAN, Bruce. Mrs. Nellie King, For- DWYER, Roy I. Mrs. Elizabeth Dwyer, -La East Magnolia Street, St. Paul, Minn. tuna, Cal. Junta, Colo. NEILSON, Carl E. Mrs. Helga Bode, 887 CHAPPELL, Oliver J. Walter S. Chappell, ECKLUND, Alvin J. August Ecklnud, North Snelling Street, St. Paul, Minn. Winfall, N . C. R. F. D. 1, Kingston, Ill. NORBURN, Carl R. Mrs. Florence D. Nor- CHLADA, Anthony. Mrs. Kathleen Chlada, EDWARDS, Arthur. Mrs. Addie Edwards, burn, 162 Broad Street, Danville, Va. 4744 Eighteenth Street, Chicago, III. R. F. D. 1, box 54, Gaffney, S. C. NOWAKOSKY, Walenty. Jozef Kowalski, CLARK, James H. Mrs. Francesca Clark. GEORGE, Willie King. Mrs. Daizel Cava- 561 Market Street, Newark, N. J. Donaldson, Ind. naugh George, R. F. D. 1, box 11, Dry NOWATZKI, Joseph A. Joseph B. Nowataki, COATS, Linzy L. Thomas H. Coats, R. F. D. Branch, Ga. Mount Carmel, N. Dak. 1, box 14, Huntsdale, Mo. HAMLIN, Tom. Mrs. Katherine Hamlin, OVERTON, William R. James Overton, 7029 CHARLES, John Fred. Mrs. Cora Charles, Yale, Va. Upland Street, West Philadelphia, Pa. 704 Talmadge Street, Eau Claire, Wis. HARN Edward P. Mrs. Ellen Bading, R. H. PRJETT, James. Mrs. Martha C. Pruett, COLLINS, Frank B. Mrs. Henrietta ColIns, 3, Cogon, Iowa. Pennington, Ark. 314 South Nevado Street, Colorado Springs, HARRINGS, William G. Gerd Harrings, R. SMITH, John E. James Smith, R. F. D. 1, Colo. F. D. 4. Council Bluffs, Iowa. box 62, Erie, Ill. CRAGAN, Bernard T. Mrs. William Cragan, HATCH, Lance M. Milton C. Hatch, 801 STOCKMAN, George W. Mrs. Margarette 8 Chapel Street, Kingston, N. Y. West Jefferson Street, Creston, Iowa. Stockman, 1210 Willow Street, New Orleans, DAHL, Bennie C. Olaf E. Dahl, R. F. D.' 9, HINES, Patrick J. Mrs. Mary Hines, 34 La. Viroqua, Wis. North Main Street, Great Barrington, Mass. SWANSON, Paul E. Mrs. Lillian Swanson, DEE, David J. David Bowen, 831 Palisade ILLIG, Robert P. P. M. Illig, 48 West 1078 East Jessamine Street, St. Paul, Minn. Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Eighth Street. Jamestown, N. Y. WILLEY, Rex W. Wayland W. Willey, Lyons, DE LONG, Frank A. Mrs. Edna De Long, ISOM, Daniel M. Willie C. Isom, R. F. D. Nebr. general delivery, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 1 box 23, Milam, Tex. HEAD, Randolph. Eugene Head, Mohapac DI CESARE, Nicola. Alesantre Colociett, JATK, Jacob J. Mrs. Bertha Jack, Post Falls, N. Y. 81 Washington Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office box 257, Johnstown, Colo. HORTON, Winston. Mrs. Mary B. Horton, R, DIEFENBACH, Albert H1. Mrs. Carrie Diefen- JACKSON, Albert. Mrs. Jane Smith, 800 F. D. 1, Carterville, Mo. bach. 531 Belmont Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Railroad Street. Cartersville, Ga. HUEGEL, Andrew L. Mrs. Lydia Huegel, Jef- EDGREN, Carl R. John Edgren, R. F. D. 4, JAMES, Thomas J. Henry James, R. F. D. ferson Barracks, Mo. Oskaloosa, Iowa. 1, Leni Miss. JAMESON, Carl C. Mrs. Ollie Jameson, 816 ELLER, Charles S. George A. Catlett, Tag- JOHNSON, John A. Mrs. Millie Potter, Lati. South Eighth Street, Hamilton, Ohio. gart, Va. mer, Iowa. 28 THE OFFICIAL U, S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING KANPFER, Frank. Frederick Kanpfer, 947 SCHUJLDT, Frank C. Frank C. Karkhoff, Elk SMITH, Mayberry. Mrs. Mayberry Smith, Broadway Street, Rensselaer, N. Y. River 8, Burns. Minn. R. F. D. 2, McCall Creek, Miss. KINSELLA, Thomas F. Thomas Kinsella, STOCKS, jesse . Harry M. Stocks, Wil- SNYDER, Norwood H. Mrs. Ada M. Snyder, R. F. D. 3, Minooka, Ill. mington, Ark. Breckenridge, Ill. LINK, Virgil E. Samuel Link, R. F. D. 2, STOCKSDALE, Edward A., jr. Mrs, Katie STACY, Nathan J. Mrs. Mary Marsh, Patoka, Rocky Comfort, Mo. Stocksdale, Lauraville, Md. Ind. MCDONALD, John F. Mrs. Julia McDonald, TRIMBERGER, Edward J. Joseph Trim- STEEL, Willianii N. Mrs. Ruth Steel, Leb- 813 South Street, Elizabeth, N. J. berger, R. F. D. 2, Tomahawk, Wis. anon, Ky. McIVER, Earl. Kenneth J. Melver, 415 Be- WEBSTER, Charles A. Mrs. Lulu Russell, THOMPSON, Harry. Mrs. Emma Thompson, midfi Avenue, Bemidji, Minn. 40 Sixth Street, Lowell, Mass. Richland, Oreg. MAINS, Joseph R. Mrs. Iona Mains, R. F. WELCH, David G. Miss Alice Welch, Thief THOMSON, Albert. Mrs. Freida Handleman, D. 1, Butler, Minn. River Falls, Minn. 970 Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MAUER, Walter P. Joe Mauer, Slayton, WELKER, Jacob C. Charles Welker, 184 VALLONE, Domenic. Anthony Vallone, 226 Minn. South Ninth Street, Quakertown, Pa. Main Street, Frankfort, N. 1. MEES, John J. Mrs. Elizabeth Mees, 2821 WHITE, William M. Mrs, Mandy White, 205 WEST, William F. W. T. West, Wheeler, Gasconade Street, St. Louis Mo. Olvr Street, North Chattanooga, Tenn. Tex. MESSNER, Forest G. Mrs. Lizzie Messner, WHITE, William R. Mrs. Lilly B. White, WHITE, Henry C. Mrs. Mary R. Maysen- R. F. D. 3, Apple Creek, Oio. R. F. D. 1, Thurman, Ohio. helder, 517 Fredericks Street, San Fran- MILLER, James P. Mrs. Bertha Miller, box WOOD, Walter R. Mrs. Mary C. Speeds, cisco, Cal. 1330, Fresno, Cal. R. F D. 2, Montgomery City, Mo. WILSON, Jessie. Miss Missie Reed, More- MOORE, Gale L. Mrs. Nellie Moore, 4735 WORTHGE, George Bernard. Mrs. Stafford head, Miss. Fifty-eighth Street . SE., Portland, Oreg. Rappelyea, Main Street, Milltown, N. J. WOODWARD, John. Mrs. Nannie Woodward, MOORE, Charles C.' W. H. Moore, R. F. D. WRIGHT, Lige. Mrs. Elma Wright, 840 Car- R. F. D. 1, Cornwell, S. C. 1, Bullsgap, Tenn. lisle Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. WORNELL, Howard. Mrs. Lena Wornell, MULL, Earl Henry. Mrs. Cora Mull, 519 KRUSE, Matt. Chris Kruse, R. F. D. 1, Vir- Marines Harbor, Staten Island, N. Y. South Canter Street Pottaville, Pa. ginia, Ill. NELSON, Alfred. Olaf Nelson, 3231 Third MURRAIT, John V. John Murrah, Streator, Street, North Minneapolis, Minn. Tex. KUSEL, George C. William Kusel, R. F. D. 1, bleridan, Wyo. NELSON, Hans. Mrs. Annie Nelson, South NEGLEY, Arthur H. John H. Negley, Law- Stillwater, Minn. rence Ind. LANGEVIN, . John E. Conlin, 184 Steery Street, Pawtucket R. I. NESS, Eric N. Eric Ness, R. F. D. 1, Nelson, NEISLER, Samuel. Joseph M. Neisler, R. Wis. F. D. 1, Luray, Tenn. LAYDEN, Theadore E. Taae Layden, Cheney- ANDERSON, James. Mrs. Nancy Anderson, villa, Ill. NEWBAUER, Frank S. Robert Newbauer, Millard Mo. LEWIS, Eddie. Miss Elizabeth Lewis, 104 Daggett, Menominee County, Mich. HEINO, 11mari. Hilga Dower, 71 Witherber West Seventy-sixth Street, New York, N. Y. HOWELL, Cecil W. Llewellyn Howell, route Ai enue. Pelham Manor, N. Y. LIESMANN, Jacob A. Mrs. Helene Liesmann, 4, Kilbourn, Wis. HENINGER, James D. T. C. Heninger, Dixon, Mo. NEWPORT, Clifford. Mrs. Beckle Newport, Elena, Tex. Otto A. Fred A. Luecke, 1108 Mosedale Tenn. LUECKE, Edith F. Nor- HENSHAW, John C. Mrs. Freda Henshaw, South Thirteenth Street, Manitowoc, Wis. NORCROS9, Edgar I. Mrs. J. Mrs. Bridget Lyons, 120 cross, 145 Fleet Street, Portsmouth, N. H. B and Dyckman Streets, New York N. Y. LYONS, William box 272, But- IEREMANN, William A. August H'rermann, Lower Main, Catskill, N. Y. OTTO, Ernest. George Otto, Cottleville, Mo. McCABE, John M. Mrs. Catherine Conwell, ternut. Wis. 1662 East Warder Street, Springfield, Ohio. PATERKA, John A. Frank B. Paterka, 5217 HURLBURT. Duane B. Henry C. Hurlburt, Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Williston, Vt. McGEE, Henry. Doc McGee, R. F. D. 2. South Hermitage Starr, S. C. PEGUES, Jim. Mrs. Addle Pegues, New Al- JACKSON, Frank T. Mrs. Clara Jackson, bany, Miss. 2006 Mandeville Street, New Orleans, La. McGOVERN, Charlie. Mrs. Kate McGovern, West Liberty, Ohio. PENBERTHY, Arthur E. Mrs. Fannie 1. JACKSON, Harrison B. Richard Jackson, Penberthy, 1917 Estes Avenue, Chicago, 171. Coalfield, Tenn. MAILLEY, Edward. Miss Jane Mailley, 108 Grant Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. PENDER, John L. James T. Pender. R. F. D. JACKSON, Soloman. Mrs. Lizzle Jackson, 5, Wilson, N. C. Faithville, Fla. MATHIS, William A. Mrs. Ellen D. Mathis, R. F. D. 1, box 5, Erin, Tenn. PHELPS, Edward F. Mrs. Nellie Phelps, 603 JACKSON, Theodore R. Henry Jackson, R. South Liberty Street, Independence, Mo. F. D. 2, Whitehall Wis MILLER, les L. Thad Miller, R. R. 1, Seneca, S. C. PRINCE, James A. Mrs. Bertha Prince, R. F. JAMES, Perry E. William H. James, R. F. D. 7, box 1. Anderson, S. C. D. 1, Steelville, Mo. 1lINTON, Dock. Thomas G. Minton, Geneva, Tex. RATLIFF, Albert D. Henry Ratliff, Llano, JAMES, Revenue. Mrs. Minnie C. Tames, Me- Tex. dina, N. Y. MITCHELL, Maitland H. Preston C. Mitch- ell, Homer, Mich. REYNOLDS, Levi. Mrs. Ada Savage Rey- JENIFER, Richard. James W. Jenifer, 1301 Chamois, nolds, R. F. D. 1, Scotland Neck, N. C. Booth Street, Baltimore, Md. MOAD, Guy E. George E. Mead, Mo. RINGS, Bayne F. Frank Rings, Tolchester, JOHNSON, George H. John George Johnson, III. 691 Wells Street, St. Paul, Minn. MOZINGO, Ernest. Robert Mozingo, R. F. D. 5, La Follette, Tenn. ROBERTS, Walter S. Mrs. Hester Roberts, JOHNSON, Henry. Miss Anna Mae Johnson, Eden, Miss. 2207 East Walnut Street, Des Moines, OLANDER, Ernest J. Mrs. Josephine Olan- Iowa. der, 7 West Park, Providence, R. I. ROBSON, Willie. Mrs. Anna Robson, R. F. JOHNSON, Herbert G. Mrs. Rose Johnson, PARSON, Pinkney. Mrs. Rosna Parson, Da- D. 4, Brownsville, Tenn. Rensselaer, N, Y. vis Station, S. C. RODMAN, Oda. Mrs. lats Rodman, R. F. D. JOHNSON, Robert. Clyde Boyd, R. F. D, 3, PAULSON, Aelmar. Soren Paulson, R. F. D. 1, box 109, Sharon, Tenn. box 116, South Bend, Ind. 3, Dalton, Binn. REOBER, Lewis H. Mrs. Clara Wienning, KITTEL, Alvin R. Mrs. Sarah A. Kittel, PENT, Norman. Mrs. Mary Pent, Key West, Paonia, Colo. Fla. ST. LEGER, Joseph A. Mrs. Mary St. Leger, Weaubleau, Mo. 1209 Valley Street, Baltimore, Md. LITTERAL, Roy. Martin Vaullburn Litteral, PERKINS, Joseph. Miss Lottie Perkins, SHAW, Manuel. Mrs. Molly Foreman, Ca- Nellavale, Ky. 4447 DecoUrsey Avenue, Covington, Ky. toosa, Okla. MARSHALL, Joseph A. Andrew Marshall, PERRY, William J. Mrs. Nora Nicholas, 202 207 National Road Fulton, Wheeling, W. Va. North Broadway Street, Los Angeles, Cal. SNYDER, Harry R. Mrs. Maggie B. Snyder, METZGER, Edward. William Mettger, box 4, PETERSON, Peter. Ollie Peterson, R. F. D. Mount Oreb, Ohio. Willa, N. Dak. 1, Waubun, Minn. STENGER, Elmer H. Joseph Stenger, 312 MILLER, Norman N. James C. Miller, Sel- PINGLE, Roy A. Mrs. Sophronia Thomas, South Illinois Street, Belleville, Ill. bert, Colo. R. F. D. 1, Latty, Ohio. TWEEDIE, Walter I. Mrs. Walter I. Tweedie, Benjamin C, Pino, 81 Trum- Braymer, Mo. MORGAN, Clarence E. Mrs. Mary E. Morgan, PINO, John G. VAN BUREN, Francis E. Elbert N. Van R. F. D. 5, Buntin, Tenn. bull Road, Bridgeport, Conn. Buren, Schaghticoke, N. Y. MORROW, Walter W. Mrs. Edith Morrow, PROCHNOW, Reinhold. Reinhold Prochnow, WELBY, Harry N. dhrist Walby, R. F. D. R. F. D. 1, Willowbar, Okla. 702 Stewart Avenue, Wausau, Wis. Reese, 712 2, Clear Lake, Wis. NABORS, Lem B. Burr Nabors, R. F. D. 1, REESE, Boyd C. Mrs. Lillian WATKINS, Harry S. Cam M. Watkins, Cole- Hickman, Tenn. Holdridge Street, Elmira, N. Y. man, Pa. NELSON, Joseph E. Axel Nelson, 808 Maple- ROBERTSON, Calvin A. Albert C. Robert- WIEST, Earl 0. Mrs. Harriett E. Wiest, Gal- ton Avenue, Boulder, Colo. son, Hendrickson, Mo. latin, Mo. NELSON, Swan E. Mrs. Sara 1. Nelson, 1318 RODER, William A. Nels A. Jensen, 8318 Fourteenth Street, Rock Island Ill Beacon Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WILKES, Joseph F. James Wilkes, R. F. D. OLSON, Edwin. Mrs. Caroline Olson, ROMAN, John S. John Roman, 70 Collier, 1, Patrick, S. C. R. F. D. 8, box 16, Viroqua, Wis Fairchanee, Pa. WOODMANSEE Lloyd A. Mrs. Lottie Wood- PERRY, Manuel Q. Mrs. Rose Q. Perry, 174 SCHMITT, John S. Henry Schmitt, R. F, D. mansee, Granville, Mich. Alexandria Street Gilroy, Cal. 1, Athens, Wis. PIPPERT, Fred G. Mrs. Annie Wetsetelne, PETERS, Albert 1. Willa.rd R. Peters, R. F. D. 4, Dysart, Iowa. SCHOLL, Charles. Mrs. Clara Scholl, 111 PRITCHETT, Lee. Rob Routh, 2010 Broad- R. F. D. 1, Mountainburg, Ark. Street, Hoboken, N. J. POTTER, Jess I. Mrs. Annie S. Davis, Madison way Street, Beaumont, Tex. SCHULSTAD, Einar. Elias H. Schuistad, PURCELL, Joseph H. Miss Lillian Purcell, R. F. ). 4, Snohomish, Wash. Lenwood Place, St. Paul, Miss. ROTH, Francis E. Benjamin Roth, 538 972 421 Twelfth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SCOVEL, Ray. Mrs. Hester A. Scovel, Lib- RHODES, Harold W. Mrs. Ida Rhodes, Main North Fifteenth Street, Allentown, Pa. ertyville, Iowa. ROZENDAAL, Anthony G. William Rozen- Street, Nicholville, N. Y. daal, R. P. D. 1, Lynnville, Iowa. SHANK, Clyde M. Miss Beradine Shank, 142 RICHTER, John A. Fred H. Richter, lock SAW1ER, John D. Mrs. Lexa M. Sawyer, North Third Street, West Helena, Ark. box 74, Cartiss, Wis. 714 North Oak Street, San Angelo, Tex. SHEETS, Carl M. David M. Sheets, Lewis- RICKLEFS, John H. Harm Ricklefs, Gil- SQHAFER, Jacob J. Mrs. Jacob E. Schafer, town, Ill, more City, Iowa. 11 Morritt Place, New Hartford, N. Y. SHOTWELL, Delbert W. Mrs. Hester Sisco, RIDLON, Guy. Willard Garrison, R. F. D. 3. SCHOENHOLZ Michael G. Mrs. Marie 1204 Second Street, Rock Island, Ill. Carthage, Mo. Schoenholz, 112 East Fifteenth Street, New SHREWSBURY, Arvel D. G. S. Calfee, SANDERS, Elvis H. David H. Sanders, R. York, N. Y. Princeton, W. Va. F. D. 1, Bold Springs, Tenn. SCMfUETZ, Albert. Mrs. Johanna Schuets, SMALL, Isham D. Perry Arnett, Albemarle, SANTA MARIA, Nicolas. Joseph Santa 275 Walnut Street, Newark, N. J. N. C. maria, South Fork, Pa. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 29 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

SAVAGE, Alpheus P. Joseph Savage, R. F MiOWERY, Carl C. Harley E. Mowery, R. F. GOLDEN, Louis. Mrs. Fannie Golden, 1110 D 1, Port Byron, Ill. D. 3, Circieville, Ohio. South Paulina Street, Chicago, Ill. SCHMIDT, John C. Mrs. Hazel Schmidt, 214 NOE, Sebastin A. Mrs. Kate Noe, R. F. D. 2, GREEN, Alvin E. Mrs. L. B. Boudrich, 1923 Maple Street, South Fork, Pa. Oshkosh, Wis. Aldrich Avenue, South Minneapolis, Minn. SCULLY, Richard A. Thomas J. Scully. 189 O'GUINN, Daniel H. Mrs. Harriet Glasson, GREEN, Henry. Miss Margaret Holden, 11 West Eighty-third Street, New York, N Y. Manila, Ark. Atlantic Street, Hartford, Conn SLIGER, Terry Charles M. Stone, It. F D. OWEN, Charlie F. Mrs. Charles P. Owen, HAMTIL, John F. John V. Hamtil, 3322 5, Cookeville, Tenn. Haynesville, La. Pennsylvania Avenue St. Louis, Mo. SMITH, Joseph W. Dave E. Smith, Tempe, PASSARELLI, Adolfo. Eugene Passerelli, 52 HARRINGTON, John W. Mrs. Annie Har- Ariz. East State Street, Albion, Ark. rington, R. F. D. 6, box 114 Dallas Tex. SODDERS, Paul H. George Cramapton, R. F. PHILLIPS, Robert R. Mrs. Bettle Peeler, HARRIS, William A., Jr. William A. Ilarris, D. 5, Dayton, Ohio. Walnut Ridge, Ark. Richmond College Va STONE, Edgar W. Mrs. Mary Baker, R. F. PRINCE, Rufus. Mrs. Dolly Prince, R. F. D. JOHNSON, James d. Will S. Johnson, New D., Trough Creek, Pa. 1, Lamar, S. C. Boston, Tex. STORMS, Frank H. Edward G. Storms, 2944 REID, Walker. Mrs. W. P. Reid, 736 South JONES, David C. T. S. Jones, Venedocea, Fulton Street, Chicago, Ill. Florence Street, Springfield, Mo. Ohio. hTRATTON, William C. Mrs. Anna Carey, ROBERSON, Scott. Mrs. Hattie R. Roberson, LANE, Edward Eugene. Martin Lee, Shelton, Ouray, Colo. R. F. D. 3, Midville, Ga. Nebr. STUCKEY, Ed. George Stuckey, R. F. D. 8, ROONEY, Allen. Mrs. M. Rooney, 315 Wad- LARSON, Julias D. Matt. Larson, Chase- Eastman, Ga. deli Street, Miami, Fla. burg, Wis. bUNDERMIER, Frederick. Mrs. Madelon SAPP, Laurence J. Reddin R. Sapp, Sur- LORAINE, Toward N., Jr. Mrs. W. Rebecca Sundermier, 62 Lenox Avenue, Maspeth, rency Ga. Loraine, Chesapegke City, Md. N. Y. SARVI9 Roy B. Mrs. Carrie Biennan, 324 McKNIGHT, George. George W. McKnight, THURSTON John J. Mrs. Mary Homan, 25 Washington Street, Newburgh, N. Y. 1916 North Dorien Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nicholas kvenue, Freeport, N. Y. SHAFER, Frank V. C. F. Shafer, Weaner, McNALLY, Philip James. Mrs. Ellen Mc- TONNESON Theodor B. John M. Aanderud, Iowa. Nally, 452 Fifty-eighth Street, Brooklyn, R. F. D. i, Maddock, N. Dak. SHEPHERD, Harvey L. Jesse Shepherd, R. N. Y. VOEGE, Williams. Mrs. Margaret B. Voege, F. D. 3, Sycamore, Ga. ROWLAND, John L. Bert Redding, R. F. D. 1, West Side, Iowa. SHEPPARD, Lonnie. John Sheppard, Burton, Tisho- Tex. mingo, Okla, WATSON, William R. Mrs. Sarah Mason, TRAVERSA, Ernest. Peter Allessanio, Cas- 241 Grape Street, Vineland, N. J. SIMMONS, Anthony B. Jacob A. Simmons, sino, Allesandria, Easley S. C. Italy. WHITMER, Raymond C. Emanuel Whitmer, ALDRIDGE, EIra. Truman Tompkins, Boene, Clark, Colo. SIMP8Oi, Devereaux P. Mrs, Mamie J. Ind. WILCOX, Thomas E. Mrs. Adda Wilcox, Ma- Simpson, Toccoa, Ga. teer Pa. SKAGGS, CeciL Andrew Skaggs, Greenup, ALLBRIGHT, Franklin. William F. All- WILDER, Bearomon. Mrs. Ida Wilder, Pur- Ky. bright, Crockett, Tex. lington, Miss. SPEIZER, Philip M. A. A. Speizer, 1970 BUCK, Wilbur W. Walter Buck, Howard, Pa. WISNE, Charles Lewis. Mrs. M. Wisner, Denner Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. CACIA, Louis. Antonio Cacia, 36 North 136 West Sixty-seventh Street, Now York, ANDERSON, William H. Daniel W. Ander- Third Street, Reading, Pa. N. Y. son, Bosworth, Mo. CLOUD, George. Mrs. Elizabeth Cloud, Sis. ARNDT, Hubert J. Mrs. William Arndt, seton, S. Dak. WREDE Nicholas. Mrs. Margaret Wrede, CURCIO, Joseph 588 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brighton, Iowa. J. Mrs. James J. Curcio, 92 BRICE, Richmond U. Mrs. Mary Jackson, Broadway, Astoria, N. Y. YANCEY, Arthur L. George A. Yancey, 2025 CUSTER, Lan C. M:s. Ninth Avenue, Spokane, Wash. 418 Fourth Avenue, Ford City, Pa. Viola Custer, 1119 BROWN Alex. Mrs. Corlelle R. Brown, Lake- West Seventh Street, Davenport, Iowa. HAIUGELAND, Henry . Hillik Haugeland, FARRELL, R. F. D. 2, Baldwin, Wis. land, Fla. Frank. Mrs. Frank Farrell, 1116 BROWN James Albert. Mrs. Elsie M. Brown, Woodycrest Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. HEATER, Samuel. Mrs. Emma Heater, 1436 FUGARINI, Minoegua Street, Indianapolis, Ind. 926 bouth Twelfth Street, Kansas City, Edward. Mrs. Annie Fugarini, Kans. 516 East Nineteenth Street New York, N. Y. HEEGARD, Herman. Marinus Heegard, Os- HIGGINS, age, Minn. BRTJNDAGE, Edward J. Frank Brundage, 51 Leon R. Miss 1 arrison L. Hig- HEIL, Luverne L. Frank Heil, Boscobel, Troop Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. gins, 361 Crescent Street, Brockton, Mass. BYRD, Ernest. Homer Stout. Company 56, JENKINS, Everett H. Mrs. Emily F. Jen- Wis. kins, HILLEN, Adolph E. Henry Hillen, Wilson, Fifth Infantry Replacement Regiment, 19 Rexford Street, Mattapan, Mass. Tex. Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. LOVE, George J. Mrs. Virginia Love, 334 DAVIS, Lawrence. Mrs. Lavenna Davis, Rovertson Street, Marine City, Mich. HOEFT, Lofton E. Julius Hoeft, Thompson Montclair, S. C. MCGLONE, Owen. Miss Mollie McGlone, 201 Station, Tenn. FITZGERALD, Walker S. Mrs. Maudle Y. West Ninety-second Street New York, N. Y. HUDLIN, Lonso J. Mrs. Ola Kousak, 530 McCORMICK, Henry. William Tex. Fitzgerald, Silver Creek, Tenn. H. Mcor- Herring Street, Beaumont, GOETZ, George Garfeld. George G. Goets, mick, Buckholts, Tex. HURD, Victor E. Mrs. Mar E. Hurd, 730 MOOR, Henry. Miss Florence Cramer, East Canadq. Fulton Street, Hollis, N. Y. King Street, Regina, HARMON Albert H. Charles P. Harmon, St. Stroudsburg, Pa. JACOBS. Edward W. John S. Jacobs, R. F. Marie, ill. NARCOTTA Bartholomew. Miss Rose Nar- 1). 4, Waynesburg, Pa. cotta, 13 Hibbard Avenue, East Cambridge, JOBE, Lewis M. Mrs. Ethel Jobe, Myrtle, Mass. Mo. Wounded Severely. NELSON, Grant A. Mrs. Mattle M. Nelson, JOHNSON, Frank. Mrs. Martha Johnson, LIEUTENANTS. Marysville, Kans. R. P. D. 1, Byron, Minn. SHUFFIELD, Linza A. Mrs. Josephine Shuf- JOLLY, Pelzer Elifah. Mrs. Mamie Jolly, 61 CURRY, John C. Mrs. A. M. Curry, Union field, R. F. D. 1, Lamasco, Tex. Whaley Street, Orangeburg, S. C. Springs Ala. SMITH, John. Brookie Smith, Ehrhardt, JONES, Lawrence 1. Mrs. Sarah Jones, VAN HK ERT, Constant. Miss Phillipine S. C. 3ummerville, S. C. Van Hapert, general delivery, New York, KARSTETTER, Roland R. A. L. Kaystetter, N. Y. SMITH, John H. Mrs. Beulah Smith, Lafay- 1217 East Tenth Street, Kansas City, Mo. SERGEANTS. ette, Ky. KINSERLOW, William. Mrs. Nellie Thomp- SMITH, Thomas B. Miss Helen Smith, 98 son, New Raymer, Colo. KAHLKE, John J. Mrs. Margaret Kahlke, Tyler Street,, Boston, Mass. KOELLER, Grover H. Henry F. Koeller, !3 1628 Eighth Street, Rock Island, Ill. WHALEN, James R. Mrs. James R. Whalen, Maple Avenue, Freeport, Ill. MeMORROW, Frank. Mrs. J. McNiff, 216 11 West Bacon Street, Hillsdale, Mich. KOONCE, Theo. Mrs. Doney Koonce, R. F. D. East Sixty-seventh Street, New York, N. Y. WHITTEN, Charley E. Mrs. Emma Whitten, 4, Fayetteville, Tenn. WJHTTLE, Lewis S. James M. Whittle, Talco, Tex. KROLL, John K. Mrs. Anna Kroll, 1158 Batesburg, S. C. West Thirty-fourth Place, Chicago, Ill. GLIDDEN Aubury H. George A. Glidden, Wounded (Degree Undetermined). LIPNICK, Clarence. Mrs. Joseph Lipnick, 64 357 Man Street, Hartford, Conn. East Ninety-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. CORPORALS. LIEUTENANTS. McCURDY, William Joseph. Mrs. Minnie McCurdy, 53 Leroy Street, Newark, Ohio. PITCH, Joseph' Wilbert. Fraternal Order of CROWE, Paisley S. John A. Crowe, Pine McKAY, Joe J. Sam F. McKay, Troup, Tex. Redmen, Berwind, Colo. Street, South Braintree, Mass. McKAY, Wilbur H. Miss Plume Daily, Fow- GALLO, Tony. Mrs. Marion Gallo, Glad- HESS, Harry M. J. F. Hess, 2336 East ler, Ind. . stone, N. J, Seventy -first Street, Chicago, Ill. Finley King, St. John, McLEAN, Paul J. James F. McLean, R. F. D. KING, Emery J. MANLY, John F. Mrs. Caroline L. Manly, N. Dak. 2421 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn N. Y. 1, Toronto, Ohio. JACOBS, Hary. Alexander Jacobs, 54 Winter McMANUS, Paul E. Mrs. Adelide E. Mc- BAILEY, Thomas. Mrs. Thomas Bailey, 5325 N. Y. Street, Quincy, Mass. Lena Street, Germantown, Manus, 66 Wilson Street, Hartedale, McCOMAS, Virgil. Burl J. Mcomas, Glen, Pa. MACKIE, Willie. Mrs. Mosella Berry, Dar- W. Va. SERGEANTS. lington, La. MOIIGAN, Walter G. Mrs. Ellen Morgan, MASON, Joseph G. Mrs. Mary C. Mason, 10 Ivor Cottages, Cefupenan Mountain, Ash, HILLIARD, Samuel R. Mrs. Emma L. Hil- Prospect, Tenn. South Wales, England. liard, Rosebud, Tex. MATHIS, Arthur. Mrs. Ester S. Mathis, CARRIGAN, William G. Mrs. Mary Carrigan, Cocoa, Fla. COOK. 27 Grandfield Street, Dedham, Mass. MAURERI, John A. John A. Maurer, sr., FRAROE, Henry. Mrs. Anna Frarce, 143 Eugene, Oreg.. GRIFFIN, Edward W. Mitchell Griffin, 1121 Hamburg Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MAXWELL, -Lee. Mrs. Florence Maxwell, Armstrong Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. FRENCH, Deemarion. Edgar E. French, R. Gould, Ark. PRIVATES. F. D. 3, Lincoln, Ill. MEREDITH, Ervin D. Mrs. Barbara M. DUDLEY, 1arry C. Henry Dudley, Peru, KAPLAN, Harold. Samuel Kaplan, 44 Bay Meredith, Monrovia, Ind. Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MOORE, Wallace G. Mrs. Jennie Moore, R. F. N. Y. Thirty-second DUFFY, Christopher. Lillian Duffy, 1462 MANNS, John W. Mrs. Agnes Manus, 29 D. 6, box 140, Tulsa, Okla. J. MORRIS, Clinton. Miss Lula Adams, 624 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. West .Street, Newark, N. North Twenty-second Street, Terre Haute, .GARVER, Harry E. Mrs. Rebecca Garver, PURSEY, Carl J. Charles Pursey, R. F. D. 3, Ind. R. F. D. 1, Roscoe, Mo. Carlinville, Ill. Wo THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING CorPORALS. FYNES, James A. Mrs. Mary Fynes, 1840 TAYLOR, James o. Mrs. J. 0. Taylor, Jakin, South Thirty -first Street, Philadelpphia, Pa. Ga. GIBBI, Biaglo. Jack Ertsiffi, 98 Elizabeth GARRISON, Andrew A. Mrs. Samatha Gar- LEIGHTON, Robert Leroy. Mrs. R. L. Leigh- Street, Arnell, N. Y. rison, general delivery, Creede, Colo. ton. Manasquan, N. J. MEREDITH, KERSHAW, Lemael,t jr. Lemuel Kershaw, Sr., GAYEFSKI, Joseph F. Mrs. Catherine Gayef- Raymond G. Dr. W. B. Mere- 2511 Fairmon Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. ski, 824 West Arch Street, Shamokin, Pa. dith. 729 Park Avenue, Norfolk, Va. MONTGOMERY, Roy. Samuel Howard Ogle, GOLDSTEIN, Harris. Samuel Goldstein, 52 PARTEE, Al. L. Mrs. Addle Henderson Par- Pitt Street, New York, N. Y. tee, 304 North Spring Street, Murfreesboro, 209 Tyler Street, Danville, Ill. Tenn. FLEMING, John E. Mrs. Mary Fleming, 530 HATCHELL, Harmon. Thomas Hatehell, R. North Zia Street, Columbia, Pa. F. D. 1, care of C. B. Culpepper, Harts- SERGEANTS. HAYES, Edward. Mrs. Margaret Hayes, 154 i1le, Darengton County, S. C. Powell Street, Lowell, Mass. HEBEISEN, Fred. Godfried Hebeisen, 2808 FAST, Major Evan. Arthur C. Fast, 189 HUMES, Russell. Jess Riues, Watson, Ill. Cambridge Street, Philadelphia, Pa. North Jefferson Street, Huntington City, BAXTER, Parley A. sMrs. George Hamell, HULGAN, Roy. Sam Hulgan, R. F. D. 1, Ind. 3 Sargent Court, Worcester, Mass. Goodrich, Kans. BOONE, Reuben H. Miss Lillian Boone, 208 SAYERS, James T. Mrs. Letitia Sayers, Er- HUNTER Louis C. William Hunter, 115 Texas Street, Shreveport, La. rarovey, Falcarragh, County Donegal, Ire- Elizahath Street, Elyria, Ohio. WEBRE, Frank. Willis Webre, Edgard, La. land. ISLER, Henry. Harry L. Stephens, Divide, ZEIGLER, George Lawrence. Mrs. Jennie Zeigler, 525 West One hundred and sixty- JOINSON, Murray Edwin. Mrs. Lottle ninth Street, New York, N. Y. SQUIRES, Byron A. Mrs. Sarah Walker, 136 Johnson, 205 East Harrison Street, Fal- HANRATTY, William T. Mrs. William J. Elm Street, Holysoe, Mass. coner, N. Y. Hanratty, 1124 Sewall Avenue, Asbury KAKOYEANOS, Panos. Mrs. Ana Kako- Park, N. J. WAGONERS. yeanos, Krekeskion, Eleas County, Greece. HILL, Frank J. Mrs. Katie MeMannus, 177 KIRBY, David J. Miss Gertrude Kirby, 248 West One hundred and GEORGE Joseph. Mrs. Mary George, 648 forty-fifth Street, Utica. N. Y. East Twenty-third Street, New York, N. Y. Highbridge, New York, N. Y. Catherine Street, KIRIACOU, James HOUSTON, Joseph A. Mrs. Patrick HIGGINS, Thomas F. Mrs. Mary Higgins, A. Alexander Kiriacou, Houston, T.- box 562, Williams, Ariz. 651 South Valley Avenue, Olyphant, Pa. Muilica, Hutl, N. KLEIN, Sidney Sandstrom. Mrs. Alida KEIM, Eric F. Mrs. Harry Keim, 530 Pros- HILL. Oscar irs. Alice Hill, 849 Maple Mo. Klein, 362 Davey Street, Buffalo, N. Y. pect Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. Avenue, Kansas City, KLUEZYNSKI, Joseph. Mrs. Katy Klue- KINSEY, Daniel Webster. Jacob H. Kinsey, zynski, 524 South Second Street, Philadel- 461 Swatara Street, Middletown, Pa. Ol- phia, Pa. McNUTT, Walter. Mrs. Nellie Redman, 62 OLSON, Gustave A. Mrs. Charlotte Ruth KOERNER, Elmer E. Herman Koerner, 1034 East Dalson Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio, son, 71 Greenwood Avenue, Waterbury, Albion, Appieton, Wis. MAGUIRE, James W. Mrs. Catherine Ma- Conn. LARSON, Carl W. Lars P. Larson, Miller, guire. 3418 G Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nebr. MOONEY, Solomon. Mrs. Melva Lent, 1515A O'Connor, 712 LEBIODA, Joseph P. Paul Lebloda, 402 Sewall Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. O'CONNOR, John. Dennis Spring Street, Glenlyon, Pa. Columbus Avenue, New York, N. Y. NETZEL, Joseph M. Mrs. Mary Netzel, 2831 LETORNEY Michael J. Mrs. Mary Letor- Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. PRIVATES. ney, 210 harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. ANDERSO0N, Rudolph A. Andrew B. Ander- McCABE, James R. Mrs. George Ferguson, CORPORALS. West Prospat Street, Baea, 2184 Lafontaine Street, New York, N. Y. , McNICHOL, BRUNELLI, Silvio.- Mrs. Margaret Brunall, Daniel. Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- 523 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York, AUSTIN, Joseph John Henry. Mrs. Julia Nichol, 2406 South Warnock Street, Phila- Seheeffer, 18 Vary Street, Buffalo, N. Y. delphia. Pa. Lester C. Mrs. Bessie Blair, Camas, MAHONEY, John. Mrs. Mary Clancy, 112 BUSH, Clarence E. Mrs. Bessie E. Bush, BLA IR, West Sixty-third Street, New York, N. Y. Cuyler. N. Y. Wash. Hazel Daughen- BURK, Anthony F. Anthony Burke, Ceme- MASSICOTTE, Ernest A. Mrs. Dina Massi- CAMPBELL, Robert. Mrs. Avoca, Pa. cotte, 775 Main Street, Springfield, Mass. baugh, Rinard, Ill. tery Street West, West CROUCH, William C. James Jesse Crouch, CHAMBERS, Clifton H. Mrs. Alma B. MYERS, Paul E. William Myers, Langs- Chambers, Aspen Hill, Tenn. town, Ala. 78 Ardmore Street, Rochester, N. Y. COLVILLE, William B. J. B. Colville, R. F. PETERS, George C. Mrs. Margaret Peters, FRAIN, Herbert L. Mrs. A. B. Prain, R. F. 408 Linden Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. 5, Pontiac, Mich. D. 1, Wichits, Hang. DAILY Charles D. MArs, Maud Peterson, PHELPS, Elmer L. Mrs. Eva V. Phelps, ROGUE, Linus B. Albert H. Hogue, East Curtis, Nebr. Gresham, Oreg. Whitman, Mass. DAVEY, John J. Miss Winifred Davey, 18 RAYMOND, Everitt. Mrs. Lena Raymond, HUMPHRES, James T. Miss Ida Humphres, Robin Street, Providence, R. 1. It. F. D. 1, Holley, N. Y, Kosse, Tex. LeClaire De- ROSELAND, Alvie. Ed. L. Roseland, R. F. D. DEMOLLE, Henry. Mrs. Mary KING, Hugh T. Capt. Hugh James, 4336 Elm Au Pont, Hainant, Bel- 1, Ettriek, Wis. molle-Marthienne SCHNEIDER, John F. Rudolpi J. Schneider, Street, Calumet. Mich. gium. Tremont, KRUSI, Otto. 1Mrs. Emma Krusi, 819 East BERMAN, Joseph L. Mrs. Sarah Berman, Schuylkill County, Pa. N. Y. SHUSTER, Glen. Mrs. C. Shuster, Washing- One hundred and sixty-second Street, New 1188 Vyse Avenue, New York, York, N. Y. BISHOP, Walter E. Mrs. D. Bishop, 56 Win- ton, Iowa. ter Street, Hudson, Mass. WHYTE, John I. Mrs. Sarah I. Whyte, 518 LAMMY, Samuel Lowell. Mrs. Emma Lammy, BRYANT Sam A. Sam A. Bryant, H. F. D. West One hundred and forty-fifth Street, Twining, Mich. 8, Feriam, Va. New York, N. Y. t LOCKARD, Carl A. Ralph L. Pitts, Willard, COHEN, He'rman. Mrs. Ida Mary Cohen, WOOD, Robert Y. R. L. Wood, Na chez, Miss. Kans. 1440 East Lyon Street, Des Moines, Iowa. WYANT, Charles R. Samuel Scott, 2207 McGOVERN, James J. Mrs. Susan O'Connor, COLLIER, Clarence E. John Collier, Mar- Vega Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 468 Wayne Street, Jersey City, N. J. tinsville, Ind. YOUNG, Irvin T. J. E. Young, Rex Hotel, MAcLEOD, George R. Mrs. George R. Mac- COX, William H. Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, Minot, N. Dak. Leod, 1 Gilbert Street, Providence, R. I. Orestes, Ind. CHAPMAN, Harvard F. Mason Chapman, NETH, Joseph, jr. Mrs. Mary Neth, 419 FRAMASCRI, Vinceezo. Mrs. Antonio De Ville Platte, La. Ninety-ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mattia, Province of Seze, Rome, Italy. DALTON, Frederick. William Dalton, Dalton, RARRIGH, James Boyd. Miss Veda Rarrigh, GLENN, Charles B. Mrs. Bessie W. Jackson, Wis. 718 Mount Elliott Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Black Mountain, N. C. DUFFY, Edward Joseph. David Dufy, 168 SCHMIDT, Harry A. Mrs. Amelia Schmidt, HUNLEY, Joseph E. Ed. Hunley, Ward, W. East End Avenue, New York, N. Y. 641 Lyroming ktreet, Philadelphia, Pa. Va. FERGUSON, Neil. Daniel Ferguson, 140 SMITH, Charles E. Mrs. Annie E. Smith, 154 MALONEY, James. Mrs. Mary Maloney, 17 Main Street, St. Ninians, Sterling, Scot- Smithies Fort, Fall River, Mass. Nichols Street, Dublin, Ireland. land. SPRUILL, Richard E. R. A. Sprull, Eliza- NICHOL, Joseph. Dany Nichol, Nosorrose, GARRETT. Will, Henry Garrett, route 1, beth City, N. C. Italy. box 59, Tanner, Ala. VITIELLO, Vincent. Charles Vittello, 14 Han- NORTON Alto C. Mrs. Aquilla B. Norton, N. J. R. F. D. 2, Garden Valley, Tex. LORBIRCKI, Romant Johii Lorhieckf, 777 cock Avenue, Nutley, Lincoln OrE, Ab- Third Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. WEBB, Elma D. Mrs. M. A. Webb, Dilley, ORFF, Raymond S. Mrs. PENEGAR, Robert B. Mrs. Nellie Penegar, Tex. bott Village, Me. 136 Mallory Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SCHIMMEL, Otis. Mr. Charles W. Schim- WHITE, Elliott Sylvester. P. C. White, Mid- Street, Chicago, Ill. PRTIITT, Perry L. John H. Pruitt, Center- diesex, N. C. mel, 3117 Fulton ville, Tex. SILLETTI, Vito N. Mrs. Porsiella Silletti, WOODALL, David L., jr. Davil L. Woodnl, Torito, Provincia Bai, Italy. SCOTT, Ralph C. Rev. Henry Scott, Fogo, 232 West Tremont Avenue, New York, N. Y. SPETEA, Pasquale. Salvadore Spetes, care Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. ROUTSONG, Alvin Benjamin. Mrs. Frank of Augusto Macrina, 1255 Federal Street, SLEIGHT, Alfred C. George N. Sleight, St. Burd, Kalamazoo and Shephard Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Petersburg, Fla. Lansing, Mich. STOUDT, Charles C. Mrs. Leah Stoudt, 315 SOLOMAN, Elmer. Mrs. Martha Soloman, FALCO, Joseph. Mrs. Rosa Falco, 626 Grove Cherry Street, Reading, Pa. 287 Anderson Avenue, New York, N. Y. Street, Jersey City. N. J. SULLIVAN, Bartholomew B. Mr. Thomas A. JOHNSON, John. Mrs. M. E. Odom, 115 Lane, 543 West Fifty-first Street, New York, Wounded Slightly. Wheeler Street, Griffin, Ga. N. Y. SFATT, Joseph. Mrs. Rose Spatt, 1617 South TURNER, Ray. Mrs. Ruth Turner, Roches. CAPTAIN. Fourteenth Street, Sheboygan, Wis. ter, Minn. FLEET, George T. Mrs. George T. Fleet, box WEBBER, William H. Mrs. Mary Webber, 5 XENAKIS, Pete A. Mr. Alexander Xenakis, 147, Tularosa, N. Max. South Park Street, Canastota, N. Y. Telonia, Greece. BUSH, John W. Mrs. Roy Butterfield, Port DUNNUM, Alfred J. Ole P. Dunnum, Leith, LIEUTENANTS. Henry, N. Y. N. Dak. ROHR, Edward C. Fred Rohr, 205 Climax FINK, James 1. William Fink, 415 Mack GARRETT, Hasty L. Mrs. Agnes R. Garrett, Street, Allentown, Pa. 1710 Division Street, Nashville, Tenn. Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RAMSEY, John Robert. Judson G. Ramsey, WORTHINGTON, John M. John Worthing- FITZGERALD Thomas. Thomas J. Fitzger- ton, lanfyllin, Wales, England. aid, 3500 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. Huntington, W. Va. THE OFFICIAL UT. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 31 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

BUGLERS. BELROSE, Thomas L. David Belrose, 24 POLSOM, Simpson W. Soul Folsom, Coalgate, South Rankin Street, St. Louis, Mo. Okla. GILLOTTI, Arthur. Mrs. Dominic Gillotti, BOWLING, William. Mrs. Jane Bowling, FOMS, Joseph. Mrs. Gussie Bajawsky, 170 128 Oat Street, Kane, Pa. Grayson, *Ky. New York Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. SCHMIDT. Barney F. Mrs. A. F. Belling, BROOKS, George I. Joseph J. Brooks, Chase FREEMAN, Truman H. 0. L. Freeman, R. F. Eagle, Wis. Street, Methneo. Mass. D. 2, Marmaduke, Ark. ECHANICS. BTJCCI, Etters. Mariano Cipilioni, Ronce, Pa. FRY, Chris, John B. Fry, R. F. D. 1, Ogilvie, CROSS, John S. Mrs. Bessie Cross, Oriskany Minn. KRUEGER, Fred W. Mrs. Lena Krueger, Falls, N. Y. GALLIGAN, George T. Miss Florence Galli- Somerville, N. J. DUN-CAN, Jolan W, Mrs. Agnes Duneau, gan, 110 West Eighty-ninth Street, New REUTER, Charles. Mrs. E. Thiele, 494 Ebensburg, Pa. York, N. Y. Chauncey Street, Brooklyn, N. T. GOFF, Raymond L. Benjamin F. Goff, F., F. GIBSON, Anderson. Harvey Green, Twin WARTHEN, Bruce Franklin. Miss Florence D. 3, Fountain, N. C. Branch, W. Va. Geneve Warthen, 352 Waverly Place, St. GRAUEL, William B. Miss Marie Granel, GOLDMAN, Maurice. Sam Goldman, 25 Pop- Paul, Minn, 5048 Haverford Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. lar Street, Boston, Mass. McDONAGH, Patrick. Thomas McDonagh, GEaP, Albert. Mrs. Catherine Grapp, 627 GONZALES, Michael. Tinichi Gonzales, Vio- Bellinfoyle, Galway, Ireland. East Sixth Street, New York, N' Y. let, La. KING, Leonard Saper. Mrs. Mildred Iola GOODMAN, Joseph M. Mrs. Harriet Good- WAGONERS. King, R. F. D. 4, Uniontown, Pa. man, Seneca Castle, N. Y. R. Kulseth, Apple- BRACKETT, James J. C. A. Mebhlen, 50 KULSETH, Richard. Peter GRAVES, Carl T. Mrs. Lucy G. Smith, BoyIston Street, Cambridge, Mass. ton, Minn. Thornburg. Ark. PHELPS, Dewey. William Phelps, Davis McLEAN, Clarence V. Donald McLean, Grand HAWKER, Homer. Alonzo Williams, Miami, Street, Jennings, La. Rapids, Minn. Okla. SCHAFFER, William. Mrs. Elizabeth Schaf- RATCLIFFE, George. Mrs. Colksta Ratcliffe, HAWKINS, Glenn H. L. A. Hawkins, Ari- fer, 3563 Allen Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Crum, W. Va. ton, Ala. SERMANIA, Vincent. Mrs Josephine Ser- RENNIE, Edward G. William 11. Rennie, HEWITT, Elton. Mrs. Luiney Hewitt, Salem, maniaa, Corronia, Province of Messina, Somerset, Va. ,reg. Italy. ROSS, August J. Lewis Ross, 1010 Fifteenth HERRICK, Lloyd S. J. N. Herrick, 258 Cen- COOKS. Avenue, East Moline, Ill. ter Street, Brewer, Me. SCHATZ, Jacob. Mrs. Sophie Davis, 284 HICKEN, Fred. Ben Chapman, Foand du Lae, ERAUSA, Theodore. Mrs. Frances Krausa, Henry Street, New York, N. Y. Wis. Millegan Avenue, Port Perry, Pa. SCHIESSER, George C. Gabriel Schiesser, HOLT, Oscar. Martin Holt, 372 West Tenth RENNER, Osecal L. Mrs. Margaret Renner, 15 Seneca Street, New Brighton, N. Y. Street, Superior, Wis. 108 Elieabeth Street, Hagerstown, Nd, SIBAL, John 3. John Sibal, Sr., Arthur, HOMEYER, Charles E. Mrs. Mary Homeyer, Nebr. 1836 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. PRITATTIS. WARDEN, Paul. John Warden, R. F. P. 5, HUNT, Louis B. Britt Hunt, Ohoopeo, Ga. SCHENCK, John H. Philip Scheach, Ewig, Green Bay, Wis. BURWITZ, Morris. Abraham Hurwitz, 872 Me WEAVER, Charles H. Mrs. Vesta Weaver, Snediker Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. - ALEXANDER, Solomon. Leon Bate, 293 Qunkertown, Pa. THORN, Harold. Mrs. Frank E. Thorn, 302 Stockton Street, Brooklyn, 'N. Y. AUSTIN, Waldo G. Mrs. John S. Austin, Townsend Avenue, Detroit, Mich. BROWN, Albert. Mrs. F. W. Brown, R. F. Heavener, Okla. TOCCO, Salvatoei. Mrs. Dora Tocco, 302 D., Warsaw, N. Y. BARN, Hypalite. Mrs. Margaret Bal, Lo- Clinton Street, Detroit, Mich. CAROLUS, George Thomas. Mrs. Emma ranger, La. TYLER, John F. Mrs. George Tyler, 1481 Blanch Carolus, Mill Street, Lewiston, Pa. BALHITIS, Mike. Stanley Balhitis, box 445, Columbus Avenue, Roxbury, Mass. COCHRAN, Robert C. John C. Cochran, Claridge, Pa. WAGNER, Gustar J. Mrs. Sarah E. Wagner, ReidsVille, N. C. BAUMGARDNER, Charles U. Mrs. Helen 847 East Twenty-fifth Street, Erie, Pa. CRUMP, Elmer L. Matt Harmeson, R. F. P. Harris, 130 John Street, Springfield, 1I1. WAGNER, Howard. Mrs. Mary Ethel Wag Lexington, Ill. BRAUN, Clarence F. Frank Braun, 79 Sein- ner, Clifton Heights, Delaware County, Pa. RENAULT, Wilfred P. David Renault, 226 tein Avenue, Detroit, Mich. WAGNER, Roy. Mrs. Nellie Wagner, 428 Third Avenue, Woonsocket, N. Y. BROTMAN, Samuel A. Abraham Brotman, Clinton Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. HUGGINS, William D. Sidney E. Huggins, 281 Plum Street, Vineland, N. J. WALKER, Charles 'A. Mrs. Catherine Cushing, Tex. BROWN, Alexander. Mrs. Mary Brown, 1236 Walker, 107 Bolton Street, South Boston, KLINGER, Lawrence. A. M. Klinger, 6427 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass. Frankstown Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. BROWN, John Newton. Willis Brown, Slip- WALLACE, Samul E. Mrs. Maud Bell, 247 MISALE, Joe. Carmele Misale, Provincla pery Rock, Pa. Arch Street, Akron, Ohio. Reggio, Calebria, Varapodia, Italy. BRUTON, Mike. Mrs. Kittie Bruton, Burkes- WASSENBURG, Jake Ml. John Wasseburg, PATRICK, Charlie William. NathanB . Pat- Ville. Ky. Valley Spring, S. Dak. rick, Mew, Va. BURKE, William. Peter Burke, 87 North 'WEBSTER, Charles B. Daniel J. Webster, VANDERGRIFF, Ozzle M. Will Beard, Padu- Torsdale Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. Deal Island, Md. cah, Ky. BURRIS, Raymond. Mrs. Mary Burris, B. F. WELLS. Charlie. Wach Wells, Bedford, Ala, D. 1, Laurel, Del. WEYANDT, George Mrs. Jane Weyandt, BOYLE, Hugh P. Mrs. Annie Boyle, 214 Raymond, Albert Cassa- Washington Street, Chester, Pa. CASSAVAUGH, Claysburg, Pa. FILIC ant. Mrs. Juan Filice, Cosanza vaugh, Ponecoat. N. H. WHITING, William Albert. Mrs. Olga Whit- Via Porto Riano 4, Italy, CASSIDY, Edmund. Walter Donavan, Adams, ing, 71 Sixteenth Avenue, North Tona- KEISTER, Coyle, Mrs. George F, Kelater, Mass. wanda, N. Y. Goldfield, Iowa. CAVAZZA, Guglielme. Mrs. Mary Gobelle, 1 WIKSTROM, Rudolph F. Mrs. Grace Wik- LYNCH, Frank P. Mrs. Mary Lynch, 2502 Cemetery Street, Milford, Mass. strom, 200 Thurers Avenue, Providence, Christian Street, Phli1adelphia, Ya. CALDWEILL. Sam H. Robert D. Caldwell, R. L MACRIPO, Costmo. Mrs. Taciplea Sabberta, R. F. D. 1, Princeton, Tex. WILKlAM, Lewis Lewis Willam, Phil, Ky. Fragagnano, Province di Lecco, Italy. CALLAGHAN, John Joseph. Mrs, Julia Cal- WILLIAMS, Robert. Mrs. T. B. Abney, La- STEWART, John A. Joseph S. Ford, Leon- laghan, 361 Benham Avenue, Bridgeport, nett, Ala. ardtown, Pa. Cona. WILLOUGHBY, Jef T. Tom Willoughby, R. CLARK, Gladstone. Dr. John Clark, 1516 CAMP, Kenneth F. George B. Camp, 7 Noyer P. D. 3, Elmore City, Okla. John Avenue, Superior, Wis. Street, Utica, N. Y. WILSON, DOWE D. Mrs. Etta Hill, Texico, ROMO, Gilomo. Mrs. Vineeina Gi113mo, CAMP, Douthitt. Mrs. Julia C. Camp, 1816 X. Mex. Groto, Province di Nicastro, Italy. Avenue I, Birmingham, Ala. WILSON, Prentis. Alonzo Wilson, Eagle FAUCETT, Porter L. Ulyses VD. Fancett, CEDARHOLM, Louis M. Mrs. Matilda Cedar- Springs, N. C. 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, Fairmont, W. Va. helm, R. P. ), 1, Cedar, Winat WIMMER, George, Jr. Mrs. Mary Wimmer, GREEN, Joseph. Mrs. Carrie HeYwaod, 1201 CHAMBERLAIN, Lawrence, John Chamber- 1141 Thirtyeighth Street, Brooklyn N. Y. Burroughs Street, Savannah, Ga. lair, Minneapois, Minn. WOODS, Donald J. Mrs. Efie Woods, 5 GRIMES, Michael. Mrs. Bridget jGrimes, COBB, Robert Mrs. Emma Cobb, Madison- Cherry Street, Greensburg, Pa. Langford, County Druulich, Ireland. ville, Tex. WRIGHT, Clyde M. B. L. Wright, 8 Fourth HOWELL, Lafayette, Charles Howell, 1431 COLLETTE, Edmund J. Mrs. Olivine Smith, Avenue, Warren. Pa. Atwater Street, Saginaw, Mich. Thompso, N, Dak. WRIGHT, William P. Sam Wright, R. F. D. JENSEN, Otto C. Anders C. Jensen, B. F. I)., COLONE, Pascal. Mrs. Mary Colone, (04 4, Jackboro, Teen. Copenhagen, Denmark. Second Aveasse, West, Ashland, Wis. HYATT, Roy. Mrs. Liza Lemons Hyatt, KIRBY, Joseph P. Frank P. Kirby, New COLVIN, Enoch C. Mrs. Jennie X. Colvin, Whitton Street, Binghamton, Shelby County, Brunswick, N. J. 420 Carson Street, Monongabela, PA. Ten. McLAUGHLIN, Charles Joseph. Mrs. Sarah COPONIGEO, Alberto. John Coponigeo, 654 ISRAEL. Ben W. Mrs. H. Israel, 748 Devis- McLaughlin, 2131 Pine Street. Philadelphia, West Rest Street, Chicago, Ill. COVELLO Paul. Pasquale Govello, 515 adew Street, San Francisco, CaL Pa. North Morgan Street, Chicago, Iii, JACKSON, Hiram. Miss Edna Garrison, R. MACEDO, Diogenes P. Mrs. Mary Macedo, P. D. 3, Prospect, Ohio. DE BEL, PauL Mrs. Gertrude Do Bell, 61 Jacobson, 203 Phillips Avenme, New .Bedford, Mass. Clinton Avenue, Clifton, N. J. JACOBSO. Ivan H. Mrs. Alfred MORGAN, Bans E. Hans C. 30rgan, Arin, DOAN, Byron H. Mrs. Emma O'Linger, 402 R. F. D. 70, Falconer, N. Y. Mich. JOHNSON, Erwin 0, Ever Johnson, R. F. D. eat Henry Street, Mount Pleasant, Iowa. 3, Mapleton, Mina. RILEY, Russell J. Mrs. Lottie Riley, 2614 DOAN, Walter Fred. Mrs. Sue Doan, Trevose, Huntington, Baltimore, Me. Pai. KALIZSESKI, Paul. Stanley Kalizseskl, SCHMITZ, Albert. ,Mrs. Caroline Schbmitz, Warsaw, Poland, Russia. Chaska, Mina. DONAHUE, Andrew A. Mrs. Catherine -Mor- KESSLER, James Francis E. F. Kessler, SHOEMAKER, Russell, Peter J. Shoemaker, rissey, 7813 B Avenue, Newark, N. J. 1140 Prairie Street, Elkhart, Ind. 1180 Washington Street, Freeland, Pa. DONNELLY, Robert. Thomas Donnelly, 4 KINDER, Merle. Mrs. Anna Kinder, 1034 WEIS, Frank G. George Weis, 819 Fourth Broad Street, Gilbertville, Mass. West Twenty-seventh Street, Indianapolis, Street, Stargeon Bay Win ELLARD, Leon Earl. Mrs. Rose Potter, Mo- Ind. WERTS, Wiliam Lelon. George Washington line Street, Schooleraft, Mich. KING Harold. Mary Perry, lock box 7, Werts, Elmer, Ola, FLJCKINGER, Edmond J. B, Mrs. Ellen Rochdale, Mass. AKERS, Johnle R. Mrs. Phoebe Akers, Hace- Fiicking. 7N East Broad Street, Mill- KING, Joseph V. Mrs. Mary King, 2132 Lee Ville, Ala. Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 32 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING KING, Laurence V. Mrs. Rose King, 519 St. Missing in Action. MORRIS, Fred L. Frank L. Morris, 1528 Joseph Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Arapahoe Street, Los Angeles, Cal. KINGSLEY, Edward A. Jacob Kingsley, 121 LIEUTENANTS. MULLIGAN, Fred. Mrs. Joseph Mlalligan, Gold Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 752 Logan Street, Janesville, Wis. KIRKBRIDE Emmons W. Mrs. Dora Kirk- BROTHERTON, William E. C. J. Brotherton, MURPHY, Dennis B Mrs. Lillie Mailander, Guthrie, Ill. general delivery, Waco, Tex. bride, R. Ii. D. 1, Cunningham, Kans. TURNER, Henry E., jr. H. E. Turner, 815 KLAPPROTT, William C. Charles Klapprott, MURRAY, Charles M. Mrs. W. A. Nercress, 1030 State Street, Quincy, III. Western Avenue, Seattle, Wash. R. F. D., North Adams, Mass. FOY, John M. Mrs. John M. Foy, 1728 Arch NILES, Leroy. Mrs. Leroy Niles, 3500 East KOCUREK, Peter. Mrs. Anna Kocurek, El- Street, Berkeley, Cal. linger, Tex. Twenty-sixth Street, Kansas City, Mo. RUNE, Levis R. C. 0. Bune, Spring Valley, PUTRAKIS, George. James Pasyhos, 132 KROM, Byron Tellman. Clem Krom, Flelsch- Wis. West Twenty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. mans, N. Y. GJDE, Oscar J., Jr. Oscar J. Gude, 50 Central RAY, Walter. Mrs. Anna Ray, West Poft, KROTZ, Frank. Mrs. Elizabeth Hansen, 615 Park West New York, N. Y. Ind. West Eleventh Street, Davenport, Iowa. BROOMFIELD, Hugh. T. F. Broomfield, KRZYSWOSZ, Anthony. Mrs. Marcyanna Gladstone, Oreg. SORENSON, George. Edward Sorenson, Ver- Krsyswosz, 1818 Baily Avenue, Buffalo, COMPTON, Letcher C. Mrs. Cornella Comp- dena, Saskatchewan, Canada. N. Y. ton, 405 East Adams Street, Kirkwood, Mo. SPONY, Emil. Mrs. Elsie Spony, 1005 Gates HOOPER, Thornton D. Harrison Yelverton, Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. LAKSH. James Joseph. Mrs. Bessie Laksh, American Consular Service, 8 Cavendish TARATUS, EARL. Mrs. M. H. Taratus, Mid- 1332 Pearl Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Square, London, England. dleburg, Fla LIIRI, Maurts. Mrs. Eaalear Liiri, Lilrimaki, WENTZEL, Carl W. W. M. Wentzel, 7209 VANDECAR, George W. Mrs. Elizabeth Mil- Finland. Whipple Street, Swissvale, Pa. ler, 2018 Ellsworth Court, Cleveland, Ohio. LISHANSKY, David. Miss Lena Lishausky, WESTON, Edwin. William Weston, 211 Scot- 240 Arlington Place, Norfolk, Va. BATTALION SERGEANT MAJOR. land Street, Orange, N. J. LOTT, Frank. Mrs. Margaret Dennis, 1012 DRUMMOND, Robert C. Milton F. Drum- WOOD, Eugene B. Mrs. Mariam Wood, North Liberty Street, New Orleans, La. mond, 342 Pine Bluff Street, Paris, Tex. Springdale, Mont. McCLORY,, William T. Miss Mary McClory, HEMMINGER, Harper W. Mrs. Mary Hem- 61 Warren Avenue, Woliston, Mass. SERGEANTS,. minger, 64 North First Street, Duquesne, MCGEE, Joseph L. Mr. McGee, North Graf- FABER, Lawrence V. Mrs. Catherine Faber, Pa. ton, Mass. 1303 Cedar Street, Keokuk, Towa. JACKSON, Ernest J. Mrs. Mahala Jackson, MANSFIELD, John H. Mrs. Hattie Mans- HALE, Charles A. L. Mrs. Jennie Boyles, 2502 East Glenwood Avenue, Knoxville, field, Canton, Okla. Chester, Wash. Tenn. MAYES, Edward B. Mrs. Thomas E. Mayes, OSTRANDER, Ernest H. Mrs. Cornelia H. KNISELY, Carl D. Mrs. Charles Knisely, Carpenter, Ala. Ostrander, 1841 South Main Street, Wichita, 1308 Prospect Street, Toledo, Ohio. Kans. KUNZ William Ambrose. Mrs. Rose Kunz, MARINELLI, Domenico. Luigi Marinelli, KELLER, John C. Mrs. Stifania Keller, 340 395 Russel Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Civitella, Delcronton, Italy. East Fourteenth Street, Oakland, Cal. O'CONNOR, John F. Mrs. Mary O'Connor, MEYROWITZ, Benjamin. Miss Pauline Mey- RODGERS, Cornelius Joseph. Mrs. Annie 283 California Road, Manchester, N. H. rowits, 610 West One hundred and forty- Rodgers, 2316 Tenth Street, Niagara Falls, STENSON, Melvin Elbqrt. Steen Stenson, first Street, New York, N. Y. N. Y. MOONEY, Patrick E. James Mooney, 335 general delivery, Glenwood, Minn. KEIMIG, Alfred .. Edward Keimig, 955 Wil- WESLEY. James. Mrs. Josephine . Wesley, Abbott Street, Detroit, Mich. liams Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Coal City, Ill. MILLER, William F. Charles Miller, R. F. D. MCGOLDRICK, Robert, Jr. Mrs. Robert Me- WIENS, Gary. Mrs. G. 0. Wiens, 163 West 2, box 20, Stillwater, Minn. Goldrick, jr., R. F. D., care of Mrs. Melvin Fifty-fourth Street, Los Angeles, Cal. NICHOLAS, Steuhen. Mrs. Anna Nicholas, Maxson, Atlantic Highlands, N. J. AMBRICO, Louis E. Mrs. Theresa Settembre, Cerchla, Albania. HOLT, Olaf. John 0. Holt, R. F. D. 4, 201 East Eleventh Street, New York, N. Y. ORDAHL, Osmund. Olans Ordahl, Thief Mount Vernon, Wash. CHAPPLE, Nelson. Mrs. Della Chappel, R. F. River Falls, Minn. MEREDITH, Jasper N. Mrs. Jasper N, Mere- D. 1, box 24, South Forts, Pa. O'ROURKE. Christ. Christ O'Rourke, Wells, dith, box 445, Conroe, Tex. COLE, Marvin L. John H. Cole, Brick Minn. McWHORTER, Hal Benjamin. Mrs. Zillah Church, Tenn. PALMER, William E. Mrs. Goldier Palmer, Bell McWhorter, Union Point, Ga. COLEMAN, Charlie W. Anderson Coleman, Flushing, Ohio. MAXWELL, Thomas. William Keller, Stella- 175 Marshall Street, Mount Airy, N. C. PATTERSON. Ellwood H. Mrs. Elizabeth coon, Wash. CUMMINS, Earl B. Mrs. Anna E. Cummins, Patterson, 709 Bangs Avenue, Asbury Park, NELSON, Oscar B. Mrs. Josephine Hollett, 208 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. J. 330 Fay Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. DICKERSON, Carl L. Oscar P. Dickerson, BOSWELL, John Courtney. Mrs. Mary E. Smithfield, PATTERSON, Frank Leslie. Mrs. May Southard, 2356 Gladstone Avenue, Cincin- N. C. Boenig, 123 Mills Street, Coraopolis, Pa. GILSON, John J. Mrs, Julia A. Cenden, nati. Ohio. 8tarrucca, Pa. PIEHL, August L. M. Mulda Carlson, 1915 JONKER, Alvin. Fred Jonker, 513 Colum- Roscoe Street, Chicago, Ill. bus Street, Grand Haven, Mich. HARTMAN, Leland Osborn. Arthur Hart- PORETTI, Joseph. Mrs. Luncid Poretti, 5 man Stanwood, Mich. LAUDER, Alfred W. Mrs. Cora Lauder, 4834 HIGGINS Elmer J. W. W. Higgins, New West End Avenue, Lawrence, N. Y. Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Ill. C. QUINN, William J. Mrs. Winfred Quinn, 317 MANMILLER, Frank G. Mrs. Mary Hoyer Bern N East Street, Millville, N. J. Manmiller, Birdsboro, Pa. KUENEL, Walter W. Mrs. Emily Kuensel, REDDEN, Lexie M. Mrs. Ruthey Redden, MANZIANO, Louis. Carmeno Manziano, 593 55 South Western Avenue Chicago Ill. Lockbridge, W. Va. LEONARD, Ernest E. Mrs. 19ellie B. Leonard, Communipaw Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 496 Ohio Street, Akron, Ohio. RENGSTORFF, James E. William Reng- MORROW, John E. James W. Morrow, 1000 LEVIN, Paul. David Levin, 208 New Bruns- storff, 529 South Sixth Street, Quincy, Ill. Third Street, Beaver, Pa. PETERS, Adam C. Mrs. Jonnie Peters, R. F. wick Avenue, Perth Amboy, N. J. REYNOLDS, Edwin E. Edwin B. Reynolds RUSTON, James M. Mrs. James M. Ruston, 800 Bullington Avenue, Memphis, Tenn D. 3, box 23, Ada, Okla. SKARDA, Fort Worth, Tex. RICHTER, Charles A. Ellsworth Richter, Alois J. Frank Skarda, box 185, SANDERSON, Clifford M. Miss Elizabeth 5007 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. Bloomington, Tex. Sanderson, Noble, Ill. RING, William H. Mrs. Mary A. Ring, 157 STEARNS, James F. Mrs. A. L. Longfellow, 15 Spring Street, Hallowell, Me. YARBROUGH, Glenn Garrett. Mrs Emma Hawkins Street, Derby, Conn. Yarbrough, 1221 Church Street, Winfield, RITCHEY, Lloyd L. Mrs. Bessie Rosen- CORPORALS. Kans. burger, Apollo, Pa. DAIGLE, Jason A. Dominick Daigle, Patter- ALBIN, Mausey B. Mrs. Flora Albin, Baise- son, La. ROMAN. Charles L. John Roman, 2137 town, Ky. North Oakley Avenue, Chicago, III. GALLAGHER, Thomas P. Mrs. Patrick Gal- BOWEN, William. Mrs. Mary Schultz, 7239 F. D. 7, Schenectady, N. Y. RUIZ, Bldal. Mrs. Ramona Ruiz, 227 West Ridgeland Avenue, Chicago, Ill. lagher, R. Santa Ana Street, Anaheim, Cal. HENSON, Claude. James C. Henson, Shelbyi BROCK, Walter H. Mrs. Mary E. Thomas, Iowa. RUSSO, Leonard. John Russo, 2423 Day 3107 West Taylor Street, Richmond, Va. Street, Seattle, Wash. CAPUTO, Antonio. Louis Caputo, 33 Wal- TILFORD, Paul. Mrs. Margaret Mayo, 1210 RUSZCZYK, Wiadyslaw P. Charles Rus- nut Street, Peens Grove, N. J. Kealing Avenue, Indianapolis, nd. zesyk, 232 Curtis Street, New Britain, CARAMICIO, Stefen. Kota Caramicio, 1338 JOHNSON, Jens, jr. Jens Johnson, sr., I. Conn. West Fifty-eighth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. F. D. 30, Beloit, Wis. RYAN, Myles J. Thomas C. Ryan, 553 Fifty- CLEMMONS, Calmer T. Boreguard Clem- KRAATZ, George A. Charles Kraatz, Green- eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. mons, Supply, N. C. wood, Wis. SANDERS, Fred L. Mrs. Eva Sanders, 1 CONNELLY, Otis Frank, jr. Mrs. Annie LOICCA, Joseph. Mrs. Mary Loicca, 11724 Mound Street, Kokomo, Ind. Mary Connelly, 115 West High Street, Car- Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Ill. SCHARNACKER, Otta 0. Mrs. Augusta Blse, Pa. MILLER, Lynne W. Mrs. Belle L. Miller, 0 Brandenberger, 1141 Locus Street, Musko- ERRINGTON, William. Mrs. Sarah Erring- Walnut Street, Woodsville, N. H1. gee, Okla. Ohio. MORRIS, Charles T. Mrs. Josephine Morris, ton, Stillwater, 3932 Boundary Street, San Diego, Cal. SCHREPFER, Fred. Mrs. D. Thrun, 102 FITZMAURICE, Lawrence M. Mrs. Bessie A. Fitzmaurice, 1519 Retreat Street, Balti- MYNATT, Robert B. Mrs. Mammie Wilson, Winter Street, Manchester, N. H. 812 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. SCHMID, Stephen R. Stephen K. Schmid, more, Md. GWINNER, William J. Joseph R. Gwinner, NORTON, Herbert B. Alvin K. Norton, 2228 Genesee Street, Trenton, N. J. Ulysses, Pa. SHAY, Harry C. Mrs. Dennis Shay, 623 Elkhaorn, Mont. HAYES, Patrick F. Mrs. Mary Hayes, 1935 BLOUNT, Howard P. Mrs. Jessie M. Blount, Minersville Street, Pottsville, Pa. Lacona, N. Y. SPRINGS, Bailey Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Jim H. Andrew Springs, R. F. D. JOHNSON, Thomas C. Thomas W. Johnson, HURST, James C. John F. Hurst, Weather- 6, Seguin, Tex. Smithfield, N. C. ford, Tex. SMITH, Harry C. Spencer Smith, Waukee, KAPACIS Ignatius S. John Kapacius, MAGRANE, Francis J. Mrs. Mary Magrane, Iowa. 12120 S th Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill. 26 Market Square, Lynn, Mass. SULLIVAN, Grover C. George O'Leary, Elm KENDRICK, Alson G. Miss Bytha I. Ken- MEROLA, Joseph Lang. Mrs. Maria Merolai Street, Norwood, N. Y. drick, R. F. D. 3, De Leon, Tex. 28 Madison Street, Mamaroneck, N. Y. SYLVESTER, Ray. Pledro Sylvester, Pacin- KLINKO, George H. Mrs. Mary Klinke, MERTZ, Alvin 1$. Stephen J. Mertz, 825 Gor- tro Paquila, Italy. R. F. D., 1, box 27, Appleton, is. don Street, Allentown, Pa. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 33 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

THOMAS, William A. D. G. Thomas, Griffin, CONNER, Thomas M. Mrs. Emma E. Conner, CLAYPOOL, Roy 0. Vernie H. Claypool, R. Ga. R. P. D. 8, Fairmont, W. Va. F. D. 1, North English, Iowa. BROWN, George H. William S. Brown, Fair COPELAND, Clyde. Martin Copeland, Linton, CLYNES, John J. Mrs. Anna McCormick, Haven, N. Y. Ind. 527j Monmouth Street, Jersey City, N. J. DANA, Alonzo P. Mrs. Manuela Dana, Nipo- COSNER, Lewis J. Mrs. Cornelia Cosner, 119 COLE, Abner L. Mrs. Frances Cole, Oberlin, mo, Cal. North Thirty-seventh Street, Camden, N. J. La. DIGBY, Victor E. Thomas J. Digby, New- COTTRELL, Harry L. Mrs. Anna Edwards, COLSON, Arthur D. Andrew J. Colson, berry, S. C. Blue Mound, Ill. Hampden Highlands, Me. EAST, Arthur R. Mrs. Clara East, Worden, CREED, Charles Allen. Edity Aubine Burn- CONLEY, Mark. Matt Conley, Cookeville, Ill. ham, 479 Park Avenue, Worcester, Mass. Tenn. GERARD, Alva Clinton. Clyde C. Gerard, DAVIDSON, John. John Davidson, Carra- CONNORS, Timothy K. Mrs. Ellen Connors, 316 West Pleasant Street, Cynthiana, Ky. veagh, Masside, County Antrim, Ireland. 316 River Street, Eau Claire, Wis. MOSER, Edward Louis. Mrs. Louis Moser, DOL, Onas C. D. B. Dolk, R. F. D. 4, COOKMAN, Andrew H. Mrs. Charlotte L. Darien, Wis. Blankshear, Ga. Cookman, 1225 W Street SE., Washington, PECK, Roy S. Mrs. E. C. Peck, 1025 West DESMOND, Timothy C. Fred S. Desmond, D. C. Tenth Street, Los Angeles, Cal. 3348 Twenty-sixth Street, San Francisco, CORNELIUS, Lorenzo M. Mrs. Margaret Le- SPEAIRS, Houghton W. Harry A. Speairs, Cal. veathan, Crescent, Pa. Sembold Hotel, Fort Worth, Tex. FROZZO, Louis. Tony Frozzo, Sandonato, CORRIVEAU. Joseph G. Gideon . Corri- VEITENHEIATER, Steve. Matt Veitenheimer, Ninia, Italy. veau, 48 Concord Avenue, St. Johnsbury, Sacred Heart, Okla. GARCIA, Benito. Mrs. Gegoedita Garcia, Fort Vt. BROWN, Clifton. Miss Ethel Brown, general Steel, Wyo. I CRAWFORD, Herby E. Mrs. Ethel Craw- delivery, Rolla, Mo. GATES, John A. irs. John Gates, R. F. D. ford, Whaley, N. C. CHAMBERS, Fred L. Mrs. W. B. Chambers, 8, Amherst, Ohio. CROUIBLEY, Walter J. George Croumbley, box 356. Jefferson, Ohio. GOFF, Elmer W. Mrs. Isabel Goff, Reser- 523 North Thirty-sixth Street, Philadel- GOWAN, Henry T. Mrs. Mary Dacey, 1721 voir Avenue, Rehoboth, Mass. phia, Pa. East Fourth Street, Duluth, Minn. GRAF, John L. Mrs. Mary E. Graf, 16 One CROY, Albert L. C. II. Croy, Henryetta, PAULUS, Flord W. Jacob II. Paulus, R. F. hundred and eighth Street, Richmond Hill, Okla. D. 5, Elkhart, Ind. N. Y. CRUMPACKER, Alton T.. Mrs. Alton T. SCHMITT, August Peter. Louis Schmitt, 473 GRAHAM, Robert IV. Mrs. Nettle Graham, Grand Avenue, Astoria, N. Y. Crumpacker, Pomeroy, Wash. 315 Sacramento Street, Redding, Cal. DANIELS, Charles E. Mrs. Augusta Dan- BUGLERS. GRASSO, Aley G. Sabastian Grasso, lt iels, Indian Point, Me. ,Tones Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. ANDERSON, Harry Snyder. Deck J. Ander- DELISSE, James. Mrs. Lena Delisse, 2Z47 GUTH, Fred E. Mrs. Berdie Guth, Hunters- East Fourteenth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. son, Paola, Kans. Ville, W. Va. SZYDLOWSKI, Walter. Mrs. Anna Szydlow- DUNN, Charles P. Mrs. Mary Dunn, 309 HARRIS, John J. Mrs. Mary W. Harris, East One hundred and thirty-fifth Street, ski, 2611 West Twenty-second Street, Chi- Gillis Bugle, Cornwall, England. cago, Ill. New York, N. Y. HEARD, Ross H. Montreville Heard, Logan, DUNN, Ira G. Mrs. Anna Dunn, 252 St. GAVIN, Walter M. Mrs. Margaret Gavin, Ill. Salt Lake City, Utah. George Avenue, Woodbridge, N. J. HERERLE, Lawrence E. Edward Heberle, DYKES, William. Mitchell Dykes, Iron TEDDY, Lewis. George Teddy, box 663, 2717 Sixth Avenue, Rock Island, Ill. IlHelene, Mont. Mountain, Mich. HEFFRON, Daniel J. irs. Agnes D. Heff- EDGERLY, Robert E. Mrs. Grisila Edgerly, GRADY, Frank A. Mrs. Mary Grady, 700 Ad- ron, Bridge Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. lcr Street, Anaconda, Mont. 4202 1K. F. D. 4, Savicka, Minn. HIGGINS, Randall. Umphu Higgins, Water- EDWARDS, William F. Franklin C. Ed- MUSICIAN. lo, Ala. wards, R. P. D. 3, Ripley, Tenn. EVANS, Roy T. Frederick W. Evens, 275 HOLLOWAY, Myles. Mrs. Vera Y. Holloway, ELDRETT, Warren E. Mrs. Clara Eldrett, North Myrtle Street, Pomona, Cal. Gothenberg, Nebr. 107 West Fall Street, Ithaca, N. Y. JACKSON, George L. David L. Jackson, ELIOT, Leland S. Mrs. Annie Eliot, Wood- 1ECIHANICS. Marion, Mich. land, Cal. KICINSKI, Charles. Stanley Kiciaski, 160 JENSEN, Hilmer W. Ole W. Jensen, R. F. EVANS, David M. Mrs. Maria S. Evans, Jefferson Street, Trenton, N. J. D. 1. box 154A, Sebastapol, Cal. Huntsville, Utah. NICHOLS, Alfred. Mrs. Eliza Nichols, 141 JOHNSON, Carl S. Nathaniel A. Johnson, FALANSI, Guido. Alfred Falanski, Black Derehan Road, Norwich, Norfold, England. Laramie, Wyo. Avenue, Racine, Wis. WHITE, Frank E., jr. Mrs. Frank B. White, JOHNSON, Marvin W. L. A. Johnson, 2603 FRANK, Earl. J. A. Frank, Montezuma, 10 Mechanic Street, Attleboro, Mass. Vickery Boulevard, Fort Worth, Tex. Ohio. ELDRIDGE, Burton G. Fred Eldridge, Car- JOYCE, George E. Mrs. Elizabeth Joyce, 11 GALLAN, Dave. John D. Gallan, Tanford, thage, N. Y. Wright Street, San Francisco. Cal. Cal. SLATER, Benjamin. Mrs. Mary Cavanau, 500 JOYCE, Thomas J. Martin Joyce, 32 Rawson GALVIN, Timothy. Patrick Galvin, 15 Cam- Palmer Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Street, Dorchester, Mass. eron Street, Brooklyn, Mass. CAMERON, Thomas. Mrs. May Cameron, JRICK, John J. John Jurick, 50 Second GAMBOUNIS, Emmanuel. Adrio Gambounis, Manhattan Apartments, Seattle, Wash. Street, La Salle, Ill. 104 Superior Street, Alberne, Mich. MANES, Ienry M. Mrs. Gladys Manes, 317 KANNE, William. Mrs. Fannie Kaune, 649 GANDER. Waiter. Mrs. Mary Gander, 3586 Porter Avnue, Warren, Ohio. O'Brien Street, Chicago, Ill. East Sixty-firs.t Street, Cleveland, Ohio. MUSTO, Antonio. Mrs. Antonielle Husto, KEEFE, Bernard X. Mrs. Margaret Keefe, ARNET, Pilip G. George B. Arnet, Hous- Nov Villia La Cerno, Italy. 24 Keefe Street, Waterbury, Conn. ton, Minn. SPARKS. Thomas V. Mrs. Mary J. Sparks, KELLY, Leo F. Edward M. Kelly, Palacios, AVERY, George P. Charles II. Avery, Spauld- 340 Williamson Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Tex. ing, Nebr. ELLINGWOOD, Wilmer R. Mrs. Lettice El- KERR, Dale 0. Mrs. Emile Louise Kerr, 1409 BAILEY, William P. Mrs. Hannah Bailey, lingwood, Groveton, N. H. Washington Street, Lafayette, Ind. Coyle, Wash. WAGONER. KINCAID, Arthur R. George W. Kincaid, 501 BALLAS, Gus. Georgios Ballomeano. Ver- Len-is Street, South, Monroe, Wash. tors, Psahna, Halkitha, Italy. ALDRIDGE, Charles E. William E. Aldridge, KINNEY, R. F. D. 3, Henderson, Ky. Percy G. Mrs. Nora Myrtle Kinney, BLUT, Ike. Mrs. Rose Feldman, 210 West 219 Blake Street, Helena, Moat. One hundred and nineteenth Street, New PRIVATES. KIRBY, John Joseph. Mrs. Mara Griffin, York, N. Y. 1916, Parrish, Philadelphia, Pa. 10S ABLES, Jesse 0. Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Boli- KLEIN, Reuben. Edward Klein, McLaugh- BUKOVSKI, Steve. John Bukovski, var, Mo. lin, S Dak. Tenth Street, Windber, Pa. ACHESON, William R. J. C. Acheson, Che- BURCHETT, Hiram H. Will Burchett, KLONOWSKI, Joseph, Frank Klonowski, welah, Wash. 1378 Campbell Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Creelsboro, Ky. ADAMIO, Vincenzo. Pietre Adamo, Blair, Pa. CAMERON, Wilbur. John Cameron, 712 Ber- ANDERSON. Harold. Mrs. Mary Anderson, PRIVATES. wick Street, Easton, Pa. 463 West Forty-third Street, New York, CAPALDI, Tony. Suatino Capaldi, 512 Chris- N. Y. ABEL. Joseph B. Obed Abel, Lewiston, Cache County, Utah. tian Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ANGELUCCI, Domenico. Liberatore Ange- CARLSON, Thomas. Carl Carlson, 416 South luni, Bridgeboro, N. T. AMUNiSON, Ebert N. Nels Amundson, Prai- rie Elm, Mont. Seventeenth Street, Tacoma, Wash. ALLEN, Harmon W. Charles F. Allen, H. F. Raymond. William Christman, 13. 8, Yardley, Wash. ARCHBELL, Cossie L. Mrs. Bessie Archbell, CHRISTMAN, 3904 Waverly Avenue, East St. Louis, Ill. 17 South Seventh Street, Allentown, Pa. BADGETT, Rufus. Louisa Badgett, Rom- COPUS, Eugene C. Mrs. Martha Copus, Slick bauer, Mo. ARNOLD. Glenn McKinley. Elmer N. Arnold, BAILEY, Wilber G. Mrs. Hannah Bailey, 410 Perry, Mich. Rock, Ky. Duncan Street, Sad Francisco, Cal. BARILLA, Antonio. Frank Barilla, 57 East COREA, Nicola. Mrs. Rosario B. Corea, Sel- BAKER, Nealy R. Louis E. Baker, Leaven- Houston Street. New York, N. Y. la Malarino, Province Catnzaro, Italy. worth, Ilad. BEAL, David. Mrs. Mildred Jacobs Beal, 11 CURRY, Howard P. W. D. Curry, McDowell, BAKERi, William . Mrs. Catherine Baker, Olive Street. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Va. 1312 South Wayne Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. BEDWELL, Isaac L. irs. Sarah A. Bedwell, DANIS, Arthur L. Mrs. Mary J. Danis, 649 BALKE. Hans C. Christ Balke, Climax, Minn. 927 Walnut Street, Chester, Pa. East Forty-ninth Street, Chicago, Ill. AMBROSTXO, James. Any Ambrosino, 1209 BLACKWELL, William. C. F. Blackwell, R. DINERD, Frank H. Mrs. Anna Dinerd, 2602 West Harrison Street, Chicago, Ill. F. D. 2, Tyertown, Miss. Mission Street, South, Pittsburgh, Pa. BELL, Jerry E. Mathew D. Bell, Bailey, BROWN, Riley P. Frank Brown, Springfield, DI PIETRO, Augusto. Emidio Di Pietro, Okla. W. Va. Aielli, Province Aquila, Italy. CARDISCO, Frank. Pietro Cardisco, Aquila, BRUNSON, John K. Edward J. Willis, DOBBINS, Frederick D. Mrs. II. R. Dobbins, Pietransierl,' Italy. Hickory, Miss. .30 Valley Brook Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. J. CARRAI, Oreste. Pete Carral, Pisa, Sapiero, BUNCH, Calvin F. Mrs. Liun L. Bunch, DUCiiECK, Matthias A. Matthias A. Duch- Italy. Amory. Miss. eck, sr:, 3122 Pennsylvania Avenue, St. CARTAS, Gust W. Viasios Karantzas, Der- BURCHFIELD, Clande. Jim Burchfield, New Louis, Mo. venion, Koriathias, Greece. Tazewell, Tenn. CATLETT. John N. George L. Catlett, Boyds CALLOWAY, Jasper K. J. R. Kemp, Hard- ENOS, John. Mrs. Olinda Enos, 31 Conant Croek. Tenn. wick, Ga. Street, Provincetown, Mass. CERTAIN, Louis. Mrs. Rose Certain, Hotel CHANEY, George C. Sirs. Marie Chancy, EVANS, Casper. Mrs. Rhoda Evans, New- Blingham, Philadelphia, Pa. Alaska, Mineral County, W. Va. port, Tenn. 84 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING EVANS, David L. Mrs. Florilla E. Robinson, HUTTMAN, Maurice J. Miss Lena Schuat, GOKEY, Arthur. Mrs. Louise Gokey, 4 Ham- Lehi. Wash. 612 Morgan Oak Street, Cape Girardeau, ton Street, Indian Orchard, Mass. FLANNERY, Daniel Francis. Mrs. Daniel Mo. GRIFFITH, Ralph William. Mrs. Alta Grif- Flannery, 249 Mahoney Street, Tamaqua, JANSEN, Carl A. Mrs. Josephine N. Jansen, fith, 502 West Twelfth Street, Coffeyville, Pa. Forben Oxe Alle 24, Copenhagen, Denmark. Kans. GARRINGER, Charles LeRoy. Mrs. Etta JOHNSON, Maurice. Bud Johnson, Vance- GRIPPI, Vincenzo. Miss Melina Fablo, 526 Ow.en, Arbld, Nebr. burg, Ky. George Street, Old Forge, Borough, Pa. HINSON, Carl W. Dave L. Hinson, Shubert, JONES, Clarence E. Mrs. Carry Jones, 35 ANDERSON, John P. Mrs. James Anderson, Tenn. Armett Street, Port Chester, N. Y. 256 State Street, Hackensack, N. J. HITCHCOCK, Craig W. Mrs. Ida Hitchcock, JUMP, Eden W. Samuel Curtis, Lewistown, BIRCH, WXilliam W. Mrs. Cora E. Birch, R. Belfast, N. Y, Mont. F. D. 5. Chardon, Ohio. HOLLAND, David. Miss May L. Holland, 10 KAPERAK, Steve. Peter Kaperak, Lowell BLANKET, Henry M. Mrs. Sarah Blanket, North Delaware Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Road, Struthers, Ohio. Norris, S. Dak. JAEGER, Joseph. Frank Jaeger, 8055 Mil- KENDRICK, Joseph F. Mrs. Marguerite VONDON, Dean. Mrs. Bratina Almroth Bon- lard Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Kendrick, 26 Bassit Street, Albany, N. Y. ser, 106 North Ninth Street, Fredonia, JONES, Joe W. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, Bristol, KETCHAM, William M. Mrs. Mary Ketcham, Kans. Tenn. 22 Cedar Street, Amityville, N. Y. CANONICO, Frank J. John Canonico, 4 KING, Bert L. Mrs. Rosie King, Essex KELLY, John Joseph. Marie Kelly, 75 Bleaker Center, Vt James Street, New York, N. Y. Street, Newark, N. J. CLARK, John M. James Clark, Church KREPS, Leslie William. Mrs. Kate Kreps, KIRSCHNER, Fred W. Mrs. Louise Kirsch- Street, Lonaconing, Md. 234 South College Street, Salina, Kans. nor, 284 Lopere Street, Buffalo, N. Y. COOPER, Fred R. John R. Cooper, Mar- LELAND, Robert C. Mrs. Winona B. Leland, ABRAHAM, Fred A. II. Mrs. Florence Abra- cellus, N. Y. Forest City, Iowa. ham, 2334 Sacramento Street, San Fran- CRONAN, Henry J. Miss Anna Cronan, 114 LOJEK, Stanislaw. Wiadstow Piotrowski, 699 cisco, Cal. Bowdoin Street, Providence, R. I. Meiroqe Avenue, Ambridge, Pa. ADAIR, James B. Grafton Morgan, R. F. D. CULKOWSKI, John. Mrs. Antonina Cul- MATOTT, Amsey T. Amos Matott, 37 Branch 4, Sandusky, Mich. kowski, 79 Townsend Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Street, Barre, Vt. ADLER, William W. Mrs. Anna Adler, 4682 CURTIN, James J. Daniel Curtin. 859 York MELIK, James. Mike Melik, 910 Maxwell West End Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Street, Jersey City, N. J. Street, Chicago, Ill. ALBRECHT, Guss. Ernest Albrecht, 709 .Ot- DEWITT, William E. Mrs. Grace Dewitt, MURPHY , Edward F. Mrs. Dora sego Street, Lansing, Mich. 1009 Oak Street, Springfield, Clark County, Murphy, ALEXANDERt, Harold T. Mrs. M. Alexander, Ohio. 183 St. Paul Street, Blackstone, Mass. 524 MUTO, Francesco. James Scolo, 117 High- River Street, Mattapan, Mass. DILLON; Henry F. Thomas P. Dillon, 1412 land Avenue, Kenosha, Wis. ALTAFFER, John H. Mrs. Hattie Altaffer, 101 East Madison Street, Montpelier, Ohio. West Harrison Street, Chicago, Ill. PTACK, John P. Mrs. Gertrude Ptack, 3641 ALLEN, Emery Ml. Mrs. Ethel Allen, DUBY, Joseph J. Mrs. Elizabeth Duby, 1218 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Hacketstown, N. . First Street, Monroe, Mich. TRABING, George. Mrs. Martha Trabing, EATON, Lecrew. Mrs. Lyda Eaton, 2142 917 Binney Street, Baltimore, Md. BAUER, Charles. Mrs. Katie Bauer, 35 Abbey Street, Kingston, N. Y. Fifth Street, Bellaire, Ohio. VAN KIRK, Ervin Arthur. Mrs. Mary Tay- BESSOLO, Maurice. Frank Maga, Newhall, EGAN, Thomas. Sister Mary Rose, Sanford lor, 501 South Harrison Street, Shenandoah, Cal. Avenue, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. Iowa. FAIRCHILD, Edmon C. Mrs. Clemmie Fair- BRISGAL, William K. John Brisgal, 314 VANLANDUYT, Rene. Julius Vanlanduyt, child, Russell, Mont. 5-7 Belvidere Avenue, Detroit, Mich. North Eighth Street, Dover, Ohio. HASHECK, Frank J. Frank Hasheck, sr., ALMAAS, Henry C. Hans 0. Almaas, R. F. BROWN. John H. James Brown, Railroad 2310 Adams Street, Two Rivers, Wis. D. 5, Lakota N. Dak. Avenue, Johnsonburg, Pa. HOFFNER, Charles. Mrs. Mary Hoffuer, BARRETT, Arthur B. Mrs. Florence Parrett, BRUCE, James H. Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce, 557 3233 Birney Avenue. Greenwood, Pa. Kunkle, Ohio. Main Street, Paterson, N. J. INGLIS, Robert T. Mrs. Emma Inglis. 1530 BARTLEMAY, Howard H. Mrs. Sarah H. BURDICK, Franklin A. Benjamin Burdick, Lindale Avenue, Helena, Mont. Bartlemay, R. F. D. 3, Oblong, Ill. Oshtemo, Mich. JOHN, Leonard. Mrs. Libby Seirier, 219 CALVIN, George D. James F. Calvin, Green BYRD, Otho C. Call H. Byrd, R. F. D. 1, Division Street, Coldwater, Mich. Ridge, Mo. Lexington, Miss. KROMIDAKIS, James. Miss Irene M. Willoz, CAREY, William M. Mrs. Mary A. Carey, 10 1726 Stiner Street, San Francisco, Cal. CAMOINE, Pasquale. Frank Camoine, Con- Ulster Street, Waverly, N. Y. McAULEY, Elmer A. Mrs. Miry McAuley, troniene, Terano, Italy. CARTER, Burton R. John R. Carter, War- Francis. Mrs. Mary Baker 2029 East Sergeant Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CAMPBELL, saw, Mo. O'NEILL, George A. Mrs. Ella V. O'Neill, Campbell, La Cygne, Kans. CARTER, Matthew E. Harry Carter, Haver- Braddock, Pa. COMAS, Kostas. Georges Comas, 1835 Third ford, Pa. Avenue, New York, N. Y. OPDYKE, Floyd G. Mrs. Jacob Opdyke, Conti, Cifone, Sa- CATELLE, Joseph. Mrs. Alice Catelle, Port Colden, N. J. CONTI, Mariano. Genardo Nashua, Mont. ORE, Carl A. Mrs. Ethel Orr, 108 South lerno, Italy. Sixth Street, COOPER, Bedford F. Mrs. Beula Cooper, CHAMBERS, Dan. Mrs. Anna Bellisle, 919 Newark, Licking County, Greenville, Okla. Charlotte Street Kansas City, Mo. Ohio. COURTER, Walter. George H. Courter, CHAMBERLAIN, 'Leo. Mrs. Belle Chamber- OSBERG, Gust A. Mrs. Anna Bergstrom, Bloomingdale, N. J. lain, North Hampden Street, Chardon, Ohio. 1020 Eighteenth Avenue, Rockford, Ill. CRAWFORD, John F. Miss Willia N. Craw- CHASE, Karl K. M. A. Chase, 148 College OSTROWSKI, Joseph. Mrs. Sarah Gabrielo- ford, Goosecreek, Tex. Street Burlington, Vt. chie Ostrowski, 4000 East Sixty-fourth CROUCH. Harvey W. Dock E. Crouch, Clarks- CHAVEZ, Luperto. Mrs. Colojio Chavez, Street, Cleveland, Ohio. ville. Tex. Magdalena, N. Mex. PALSKI, Joseph. Miss Estella Palski, 3220 DAUB, Harry J. William H. Daub, 1102 CLINTON, Jacob. William Clinton, Ava, Ill. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hickory Street, St. Louis, Mo. CISSEO, Joseph. Mrs. Rosa Cisseo, 2185 PARROTT, Will E. John R. Parrott, R. F. DEL BENE, John. Joseph Del Bene, 3484 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. D. 18, Sevierville, Tenn. Mission Street, San Francisco, Cal. DAPRUZZO, Gerardo. Mrs. Gloseppa Dap- PEACH, Robert J. George A. Peach, 22 DI MAIO, Frank. Mrs. Rose Gacovanzelo, ruzzo, Forchia, Province Benevento, Italy. McAuley Avenue, Jamaica, N. Y. Veozargano, Italy. DE YOUNG, John. Mrs. Jennie De Young, PHARIS, Will. J. H. Pharis, Dardanell, Ark. Sindle Avenue, Little Falls, N. J. PINARD, Antonio J. Everset Pinard, 62 DONNELLY, Arthur. Bridget Donnelly, 1102 DUMPHY, Henry L. Mrs. Margaret Dumphy, South Street, Littleton, N. H. Kunkle Street, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Kensington, Prince Edward Island, Canada. PITCHER, Edward H., jr. Mrs. Edward EVANS, Thomas W. John R. Evans, Vron DUNLAP, Chester E. Mrs. Bertha Dunlap, Pitcher, Brookfield, Conn. Gook, Caergwrle, England. 1711 Fifth Street, Altoona, Pa. POND, Daniel L. Mrs. Della Hartford, 224 GAULT, Raymond. Gist F. Gault, Electra, ELSON, E%.. Mrs. Jennie Elson, 507 Union Chestnut Street, Athens, Pa. Tex. Street, Wferen, Ohio. RODRIGUEZ, Pablo. Ars. Yazves Hernan- GAZZOLA, Marcello. John Gazzola, R. F. D. EMMONS, John T. Mrs. Sarah Motley Em- des, Port Davis, Tex. 1, box 105, Hillsdale, Oreg. mons, R. F. D., Brighton, Ill. ROSE, Carl. Mrs. Agnes M. Rose, Thorn- GREEN, Fred. Mrs. Lottie Lavaron, 1255 EKERS, Harvey T. Mrs. Emma P. Ekers, . wood, W. Va. Polk Street, San Francisco, Cal. 13713 Beechwood Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. RUOFF, Frederick W. Mrs. Mary Ruoff, 2488 HAWTREY, Frederick C. Mrs. Rose L. Haw- ENGLE, Carl H. Gottlieb Engel, - Edon, Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal trey, 344 North Dillon Street, Los Angeles, Ohio. RYAN, Edward T. Mrs. Thresa Ryan, R. F. Cal. ERICKSON, Albert J. Mrs. Carolin Erick- D. 2, Cazenovia, N. Y. HELD, Frank. Mrs. Frank Held, R. F. D. son, 1029 Newport Avenue, Chicago, Ill. SCALP, Ervin. John B. Scalf, Wonder, Ky. 2, Shepard, Ohio. ETCHEMENDY, Laurent. Miss Dominicia SCHWARTZ, Seymour L. Mrs. Sarah Schwartz, 3732 South State Street, Chicago, HIBBARD, Albert L. Mrs. Mary Hibbard, Etchemendy, Buffalo, Wyo. Ill. 905 Fourth Street, Beloit, Wis. EVANS, William M. Mrs. Clara Evans, HODGSON, Frank F. Mrs. Edna Deets, 820 Ukaih, Cal. SCHWISTER, George. Anton Schwister, R. Vermont Avenue, Glassport, Pa. FAROCHIE, Anthony. Peter Farochie, Bayou F. D. 33, Black Creek, Wis. HOLLAND, Walter E. Mrs. Thursday Hol- Goula, La. TAYLOR, Ray B. Mrs. Sophia Taylor, Julia- land, Yantis, Tex. FIELDS. George. Mrs. Alice Yaw, box 217, etta. Idaho. HOOKER, John Franklin. Mrs. Julia Whit- Randolph, N. Y. ZIMMERMAN. Elzie L. James T. Zimmer- ten, R. F. D. 3, Pine Bluff, Ark. FULLER, Roy. Miss Louise ZenI, 116 West man, Winnsboro, Tex. HOPKINS, Stanley V. Mrs. Lily Hopkins, Eighteenth Street, West New York, N. Y. KROPIDLOWSKI, Peter W. John Kropid- 2120 Eunice Avenue, Fresno, Cal. GALLUCCI, Rocco. Gaetano Gallucci, Two lowski, R. F. D. 1, box 14, Amherst June- HOUCK, Homer D. Jacob H. Houck, 430 hundred and eighty-first Street, Portland, tion, Wis. Werner Street, Youngstown, Ohio. Oreg. LA ROSS, David H. Mrs. Annie La Ross, HOWELL, Ollie. D. Folks, Amory, Miss. Wescosville, Pa. HUNTER. Walter. Jim B. Hunter, R. F. D. GENTRY, John M. Mrs. Laura Gentry, Ver- LLOYD, Edward F. Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, 171 3, Round Rock, Tex. soy, Tex. Lane Street, Melrose, Mass. HURLBURT, Newton A. Louis Huriburt, I. GERGER, Henry F. Jake Gerger, 11 Spruce LOTT, Elbert E. M. J. A. Lott, R. F. D. 1, F. D. 2, Bristol, Vt. Street, Dansville, N. Y. Saluda, S. C. HUSIE, Arthur M. John Husie, Penn, N. GIBSON, Gail. Mrs. Martha Gibson, New LUTEY, Frederick-. Miss Clara Lutey, 9 Be- Dak. Goshen, Ind. sorne Street, St. Just, Cornwell, England. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 35 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING LYNCH, Thomas V. Miss Agnes Lynch, 253 HOGAN, John J. Miss Julia Hogan, Trales, McKINNON, George W. George McKinnon, East Sixty-second Street, New York, N. Y. County Kerry, 11 Abbey Street, Ireland. Lindsay, Okla. HOLMES, Iver. Lillian Henderson, 2 Rob- McMANUS, Russell E. Mrs. Emiline Mc- MELLINGER, Robert F. Mrs. Eva C. Mel- Cal. linger, 1100 Mission Road, Los Angeles, Cal. erts Avenue, Danbury, Conn. Gowen, 713 L Street, Bakersfield, MERCER, Charles l. Myron Mercer, R. F. HONIG, Jacbb. Aron Honig, 313 East Fourth GAY, Colon. Perry F, Gay, R. F. D. 2, Clay- D, 1, Hlasford, Fla. Street, New York, N. Y. ton, N. C. MERNOFSKI, Anthony. Joseph Nicheleski, HOST, Carl J. Mrs. Anna Host, 843 Fourth GEHRING, George J. Sam Gehring, 445 21 Hauriac Avenue, Bayside, N. Y. Street NW., Grand Rapids, Mich. Scholet Street, Elizabeth, N. J. MII LER, Charles G. Charles J. Miller, HOWARD, Roy E. John T. Howard, 1518 GELOW, Otto. Mrs. Ernest Donz, 1103 North Payne, Ohio. North Church Street, Decatur, Ill. Carsat Street, La Salle, Ill. MILLER, Joseph. Mrs. Stella Leakfka, 104 HRNCIR, Emil F. Frank Hrncir, R. F. D. 5, GENTRY, Clarence W. William C. Gentry, Reiber Street, New Castle, Pa. Schulenburg, Tex. 5607 South Burlingham, Tacoma, Wash. MILLS, Ezekiel L. Mrs. Olivia L. Mills, Tus- HUGHES, Russell. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hughes, GERLER, Otto G. John Gerler, Altenburg, cola, Tex. Huntley, Mont. Mo. MITROVITCH, Tullins. Mrs. Lucia Mitre- JACKSON Erwin. Harry H. Jackson, 172 GIAQUINTO, Banny. Joe Giaquinto, 1354 vitch, 215 West Eightieth Street, New York, Ferry Street, Everett, Mass. Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, la. N. Y. JACKSON, Walter W. Mrs. Emma Jackson, GIDNEY, Harry. irs. Louise Johnson, Troy, MURPHY, George W. Cabe Murphy, route 1, Owasso, Okla. N. Y. Mills Spray, N. C. JACKSON, Isaac. Mrs. Ida Jackson, Finley, GILLILAND, Frank E. Reuben W. Gilliland, MURPHEY, Jeff D. J. W. Murphey, Wor- Tenn. Tumwater, Wash. tham, Tex. JAESCHKE, William. Mrs. Martha Jaeschke, GINTY, Phillip. Patrick Ginty. 308 Third MURFHY, Thomas Philip. Mrs. Annastastia 618 East Natonia Street, San Francisco, Avenue, New York, N. Y. Murphy, 1222 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Cal. GLAZEBROOK, Harley. Mrs. Harley Glaze- Mass. JAMES, Frank. Mrs. Alice Niedfer, Amagon, brook, 348 Franklin Avenue, Salem, Ohio. QUIGLEY, Francis D. Mrs. Sarah M. Quig- Ark. GLEASON, George V. Mrs. G. W. Gleason, ley, 270 Brookline Avenue, suite 15, Bos- JENNISON, Milford A. Mrs. Laura L. Jen- 538 North Byron Street, Camden, N. J. to, Mass. nison, St. Clair Street, Euclid, Ohio. GOFF, Liston D. Duke Goff, Martins Ferry, R't V.Frank Edward. Mrs. Helen Rath- JOHNSON, Samuel T. William G. Johnson, Ohio. bun, 1090 East Eighty-first Street, Cleve- box 630, Stockton, Cal. Gomer, R. F. land. Ohio. JOHNSON, Ralph Christ. Mrs. John Nelson, GOMER, William J. James J. REBEL, August A. Mrs. J. Rebel, 1240 Su- 1111 Cummings Avenue, Superior, Wis. D. 2, Norfolk, Va. perior Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHNSON, Earl D. Mrs. Sarah Johnson, GOOCH, James G. Mrs. Mary E. Gooch, 225 REESE, Rufde. Mrs. Florence Reese, Dekoven, Lingle, Wyo. South E Street, Muskogee, Okla. Ky. JONE, David B. R. C. Jones, Pennasboro, GOODMAN, Jake. Mrs. Aaron Feldman, 1023 W. Va. Kelly Street, New York, N. Y. SAIDA, Stanley. Mac Konat, Seventh Street, GOODRICH, Harry L. Mrs. Vaida Goodrich, Glassport, Pa. KAATZ, Stephen. John Kaats, R. F. D. 1, 517 West Queen Street, Englewood, Cal. SCHAEFER, George. Miss Helen Schaefer, Ancorville, Mich. GRAZIO, Antonio. Mrs. Pasquale Digrezzlo, 719 North Ninety-second Street, Cleveland, KANE, Thomas J. Mrs. Rose Scullion, 827 557 East Lafayette, Morristown, Pa. Ohio. Judson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HANCOCK, William Nathan. E. P. Hancock, SCHARDT, Joseph. Miss Clara Schardt, KASSIK, Francis J. Frank J. Kassik, 630 Cane lValley, Ky. Nepperham Avenue, Haverstraw, N. Y. IARDER, Grover. Dee Harder, Provo, Ark. North Minnesota Street, New Ulm, Minn. Mrs. Annie Kaveney, 921 SCHULTZ, Benjamin. Tobias Schultz, Avon, KAVENEY, Alfred. HARLINGER, Glenn Vest. William Edward S. Dak. Riverview Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Harlinger, R. F. D. 1, Frankford, Mo. SCHULTZ, Charley E. Albert Ott, 3606 KEENER, William P. Abraham W. Keener, HARRELSON, Horace F. Mrs. Pauline F. Aldrich Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. R1. F. D. 1, Rabun Gap, Ga. Harrelson, Clinton, Okla. SCOTT, James A. V. W. Scott, Wimer, Okla. KELDGARD, Carl. Peter Keldgard, Silke- HARRINGTON, Andrew. Dennis Harrington, berg, Denmark. Berkeley, Cal. SIDARIS, Nicholas. James Sidaris, 2251 George Killebrew, 1221 Main Avenue, West Adams Street, Chicago, Ill. KILLEBREW, Floyd S. HARTER, Louis W. Mrs. Josephine Harter, Austin, Tex. Pa. SIMEMORA Dominick. Joseph Simmora, Italy. 1515 3522 Simen Street, Pittsburgh, SMIITH, Hienry C. William Smith, 324 East KELLER, Joseph P. Mrs. Leonia Fair, HAWS, Ira L. Edward Ilaws, Philomont, Va. West Fourth Street, Wilmington, Del. T. Mrs. Corn A. Hibbard, Walnut Street, Allentown, Pa. J. Mrs. Sarah Kelly, 210 HIBBARD, Curtis SNELLGROVE, Cary Eugene. Lawrence KELLY, Herbert 98 Gelston Street, Buffalo, N. Y. North Fifth Street. Harrison, N. J. HOFFMAN, Suellgrove, route 1, Red Springs N C KENELY, William. John Kenely, 6 Muzzy Harry A. Mrs. Cora K. Hoffman, SOBUL, Herman H. Mrs. Anna A. Sobul, 47 South Third Street, Hamburg, Pa. Street, Lexington, Mass. A. Miss Vivian Atkinson, North Mapel Street, Akron, Ohio. KILMER Edward J Mrs. Catherine Kilmer, HOLLOCK, Jacob SOLHEID, Peter J. Charlie Solheid, R. F. D. 321 Schenectady Road Albany, N. Y. Merlin, Oreg. 1, New Prague, Minn. KILLELEA. Ralph M. Irs. Catherine Kille- JAUNICCI, Casimo. Domonic Jaunicci, 400 SOTO, James. Mrs. Josie Juares, 767 Kil- lea, 352 Mill Street, Leominster, Mass. Johnson Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. larney Street, San Jose, Cal. KINDUR, Joseph S. Eitonis Makavitz, 509 JOHNSON, Hjalmar 0. Mrs. Anna Cullen, SPRAWL, Wilson. Levi C. Sprawl, Vernon, Blackman Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 857 North Crawford, Chicago, Ill. Ky. KIRKPATRICK, Ray. John W. Kirkpatrick, KELLEN, George J. Mrs. Robert J. Kellen, STANLEY, H6ward. Charles A, Schindler, Lester Prairie, Minn. 252 Clark Street, Eureka, Cal. Sixth and I Streets, San Diego, Cal. KLASSEN, Peter. Frederick Klassen, 364 KRAFT, Harry G. Mrs. Linda Roth, 812 STEELE, Joseph M. Mrs. Mannie Steele, R. Forest Avenue. Fon du Lac, Wis. Grand View Avenue, McKeesport, Pa. F. D. 4, Canton, Ga. KOHR, Roscoe Elmer. Mrs. Nina Kohr, New KRUSE, Chris H. Charles H. Kruse, Silver STEELE, Leo M. Mrs. Nettle R. Steele, 1811 Cambra., Kans. City, Iowa. North Thirty-fourth Street, Omaha, Nebr. KONIECZKA, Dominic. Mrs. Mary B. Ko- LEROY, David Clyde. Mrs. Bruce M. Leroy, STRINGER, Ewel E. George W. Stringer, niceska, 888 Caniff Street, Hamtramck, Parkvillo, N. J. Farris, Okla. Mich. LESPERANCE. Pierre. Mrs. Rosalie Les- STUBBS, Roscoe H. Mrs. Kate Stubbs, R. F. KRAUSE, Fred. Emma C. Reitmeier, 1029 perance. 586 North Main Street, Woon- D. 5, Iledrick, Iowa. Eleventh Avenue, Spokane Wash socket, R. 1. SULLIVAN, Ralph W. Mrs. Jennie Sullivan, KRUEGER, Gustav W. herman Krueger, LONG, Paul W. Theodore Long, 14f Broad 5878 Twenty-third Street, San Francisco, Hutchinson, Minn. Street, Bridgeton, N. J. Cal. KRYCELMIRE, Robert E. Mrs. Margaret LYNAM, Horace. John Welby Lynam, 6020 SUTHERLAND, Cecil W. Mrs. Emily Suther- Kyselmire, 605 South Fourteenth Street, Kershaw Street, West Philadelphia, Pa. land, Edson, Alberta, Canada. Clarinda, Iowa. LYONS, Johnnie. Mrs. Artie Lyons, Lock- SEOSTEK, Peter. Mrs. Julia Kolossensake, LA FLEUR, Joseph F. Johnie La Fleur, port, Ky. 6310 Hlosmer Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Hampton, La. McCARTHY, Francis Henry. Mrs. Nellie Mc- SZYMANSKI, Ignacy. Michael Szymansky, LAMB, Ralph. Mrs. Elizabeth Lamb, Sea- Carthy, 76 County Street, New Bedford, 77 Brombach Street, Hamtramck, Mich. forth, Minn. Mass. TURCO, Ralph. Mrs. Teresa Turco, 1005 LAMBERT, Frank. Mrs. Elizabeth Lambert, McGRATH, Julian E. Mrs. Jennie E. Mc- South Trafton Street. Taeoma, Wash. general delivery, Long Beach, Cal. Grath, 618 Concert Street, Corry, Pa. TURPIE, Charles. James Turple, R. F. D. 1, LAMAIKIN, Paul D. Mrs. Joe H. Lamkin, Le- McGUIRE, Francis, jr John Ryan, 158 Lex- Washougal, Wash. cor'pte, La, ington Avenue, Passaic, N. J. TERRENS, Samuel. Lewis Terrens, 1012 LAMMERT, Will J. Mrs. Sophie Lammert, MAHONEY, John J. Miss Helen Mahoney, South Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Roite 1, Almena, Wis. 222 Thirteenth Street, Jersey City, N. J. VANIUYLENBROUCK, Remi A. Rene H. LANCE, George F. Francis C. Lance, R. F. MANLEY, Lloyd L. Joseph Manley, R. F. D. Vanhuylenbrouck, Douglas. Alaska. D. 1, Waleska, Ga. 2, Montgomery, Pa. WENSTEL, - Mrs. Susanna Wenstel, LANGLE, Cyrus M. Mrs. Anne E. Langle, MANNING, James J. Mrs. Mary Hogan, Levision Avenue, South River. N. J. Wiseman, Ark. Chelmsford Street Hospital, Lowell, Mass. WHITE, Charles L. Mrs. Al. S. White, 656 LANGLEY, Robert F. Mrs. Emma Langley, MARCUM, Philip. Mrs. Edith Marcum, East West Lexington Avenue, Elkhart, Ind. 45 Maxfield Street, New Bedford, Mass. Hamilton, Ohio. WHITE, George. Mrs. Mary White, box 492, LANGLOTZ, John C. Mrs. Elizabeth Kregle MASTARRODE, Andrew. William McCarthy, Jacksonville, Tex. Langlots, 3034 West Forty-sixth Street, 851 Drew Street, Kenosha, Wis. WILSON, Robert. John Wilson, Osaka, Va. Cleveland, Ohio. MILLER, Frederick. Mrs. Pheoba Miller, R. WOLFE, IsraeL- David Wolfe, 358 North LAWRINCE, William, Mrs. Ida Seabrook, 45 F. D. 24, South Akron, Ohio. Street, Boston, Mass. Albert Street, Nering Herto, London, Eng- MIXON, George F. W. H. Mixon, Fairfax, WOODWARD, William Fay. George Wood- land. S. C. ward, Yates Center, Kans. HENRY, Carl. Mrs. Florence Henry, box LAWSON, Paul H. Henry Lawson, Johnson MOORE, Larson M. Mrs. Francis Moore, 3 345 Spearfish. S. Dak. City, Tenn. Lowry Street, Henderson, N. C. HERMAN, Phillip. Mrs. Eva Press, 1119 LAURENZ, Frank. August Laurenz, Eagle MORICLE, Ace HI. Mrs. Mary Moricle, Reids- Arctic Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Butte, S. Dak. villd, N. C. HEYENGN, Lubbert L. Lubbert L. Heyengn, LEWIS, William 0. Miss Alpha Miller, R. F. MAIER, George. Mrs. Thersia Maier, Leyell Rilott, Ill. D. 3, box 63, Sedalia. Mo. Road, Gates, N. Y. HOFFMAN, Eddie J. Edward Hoffman, Cas- LLOYD, William F. Thomas B. Lloyd, 5511 MATORANO, Giulio. Bortol Malorano, 64 tell, Okla. York Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Burnett Road, Madison, N. J. $ THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING MAREIO, Rock. John Corsaro, 1520 D Street, MILLER, John A. Miss Marie M. Miller, CHAPMAN, Wilber G. Mrs. Mary A. Chap- Fresno, Cal. Lomira. Wis. man. Lomita, Cal. MILLIGAN, Howard W. James Milligan, El MINTER, Gordon G. C. B. Minter, Bodias, CLARK, Henry. William C. Clark, Hampton, Centro, Cal. Tex. Tenn. NEELY, Charley. Glen Duckworth, Lawton, MOON, James A. Mrs. Susie M.' Moon, Albe- CONNERY, Theodore Wells. Mrs. Lillis Con- Okla. rine, Va. nerv, Harmony, Nebr. NOSKER, Cuba S. Mrs. Eva Nosker, Denser, MOORE, George W. Mrs. Catherine Moore, CRORBT, Lke S. Mrs. Luke J. Crosby, 248 Oreg. Mountain Island, Minn. East Gay Street, West Chester, Pa. OLSON, Carl V. Fred Patterson, 2217 Tenth MOORE, Noble L. Charles E. Moore, Bloom- DANKLE, Raymond C. George Dankle, Glid- field, Mont. den, Iowa. Street, Rockford, Ill. MORABITO, Alfred. Miss Ellen Morabito, PAPPARlALLIS, Vaselos S. Miss Georges, 2830 Lorillard Street, New York. N. Y. DARNELL, Charles. Mrs. Martha C. Dar- PapparaIlis, Teacopeton Aegeallias, Greece. nell. Slant, Scott County, Va. Pautalone Parente, Na- MORGAN, John L. Mrs. Jane A. Morgan, PARENTE, tiuseppe. 242 Seventeenth Street, DAVIDSON, James A. J. Z. Davidson, Rosie, Dino, Province di Caipti. Italy. San Pedro, Cal Ark. _DERSON,Marius. Theodore Pederson, MORRISEY, Charles J. Mrs. Mary S. Mor- Pifth Street Duluth, Minn. risey, 2207 South Juniper Street, Philadel- DELZINGARE, Antonio. Donato Delzingare, 1010 West phia, Pa. Iiecia. Province Compobsso, Italy. PENDRY, Willie. Mrs. Minnie Pendry, Pine- DENNY, ville, W. Va. MOREAU. Henry. Mrs. Rose Apostolo, 25 Reynolds. Mrcs. Bettle Denny, Union PERAKIS, John Ni looas Perakis, Pethen- George Street, Pawtucket, R. I. City, Ky. non Keram, Greece. MORGAN. Albert. Mrs. Katherine Morgan, DENZEL, Edward P. Robert Denzel, 333 Park PULLER, Thomas 11L Moses D. Pullaim, 106 Mill Street, Pittston, Pa. Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. R. F. D. 2, Pelham, G. MOSKOWITZ. Michael. Mrs. Anna Mosko- DIAZ, Philip. Mrs. Anna Diaz, Second Ave- PITIRDEY, Guy Emory. Emory Purdey, witz, 40 Bristol Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. nue, Ashland, N. J. R. F. D. 1, Onawy, Mich. MOSS, Julius II. Mrs. Mary Moss, general DUANE, John J. Thomas Duane, 188 Seventh REID, Lee R. John W. Reid, Guon, Tex. delivery, Utica, Mich. Street, Jersey City, N. . RENICK, George. Daniel H. Renic , Laeta, MORGAN, Grover C. Mrs. Gertrude Morgan, EICIIHORN, Frank E. irs. Isabel Eichhorn, Ky. 0300 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago. Ill. 71f South Erie Street, Toledo, Lucas REPKA, Cyril. Msrs. Margaret Repka, 10 MORRISON, James. Mrs. Mary E. Morrison, County, Ohio. Huntington Avenue, Shelton, Conn. Parkersburg, W. Va. ESPOSITO, Donato. Stefano Esposito, Casale REYNOLDS, John J. Bernard Reynolds, 669 MOHLER, Harvey H. George W. Mohler, Incontranda, Chieti, Italy. Ninth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 8201 Eighth Avenue, Sacramento, Cal. FAY, Ernest J. Mrs. Ilanna Fay, 8201 Thayer RICE, Peter P. Mrs. Martha Rice, Hanna- MUSCILLO, Pasquale. Rafael Muscillo, 572 Street, Rhinelander, Wis. ford, N. Dak. Union Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. FEINSOT Joseph. Morris Feinsot, 222 ROSEN, Isidor. Morris Rosen, 1031 College MUSICK, Powell. Mrs. Maelissy J. Musick, Broome Street, New York. Avenue, New York, N. Y. lloneker, Va. . FOWLER, Robert. Mrs. Emma Fowler, Simp- RYAN, William L. Robert J. Ryan, 8147 MUSGRAVE, John C. Mrs. Nellie Musgrave, sonville, S. C. 180 Hancock Street. San Francisco, Cal. West One hundred and fourth Street, Cleve- FROMAL, Lewis. Mrs. Caroline land, Ohio. MUSSER, John W. Monroe Musser, Atkins, Fromal, Va. 1227 Central Avenue, Chester, Pa. SANTANGELO, Michael. Matthew Santan- GEDDES, Charles. Mrs. Thomas L. Joy, gelo, 528 Moor Street, Norristown, Pa. NATION, James. Thomas J. Nation, Duncan, Ellenturg Center, N.- Y. SASSO, Aniello. Joseph Villapuno, 110 At- Ariz, GIIBREATII, Walter P. James S. Gilbreath, kins Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. HAVRATIL, Steve. John Havratil, 24Z3 Portersville, Ala. SHtAW, Thomas J. William A. Shaw, Wake Western Avenue, Chicago, Ill. GOLDSTFIN, Samuel. Mrs. Kate Goldstein, Forest. N. C. NELSON, Lawrence. Mrs. Mark T. Nelson, T17West One hundred and fourteenth Street, SILBETOVITCH, Tony. Branek Barkowski, 809 Third Aavenue, South Moorlead, tn. New York, N. Y. 168 l Morgan Street, Jersey City, N. J. NELSON, Ellis. Mrs. Mary Nelson, Wakonda, William GOMES, Antonio. Goao D. Gomes, Capello SINGLETON, George Washington. S. Dak. Faval, Portugal. Singleton, R. F. D. 2, Lone Mountain, Tenn, NELSON, Oscar E. Mary Nelson, Patterson, STELLWAGEN, Wallace T. Joseph Stall- N. C. GRAVIES, Clifford T. Mrs. Lillian Graves, wagen. P40 Orange Street, Rochester. N. Y. Rtation 13, Long Branch, N. T. NENNIA, Antonio. Carlo Nennia, Ancona, GREGORY, Russell. Mrs. Russell Gregory, STEVENS, Omar. Mrs. Omar Stevens, 1623 Italy. Jefferson Street, Tampa, Fla. Topton, N. C. STULTZ, Rex B. James E. Steltz. 3531 NORMAN, Ernest V. Fred Norman, West GUTIERREZ, Paul J. Mrs. Alice Frank, Thirty second Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Point, Ky. 1511 N Street, Fresno, Cal. TYRELL, Harold H. Mrs. Josephine Tyrell, NURKEWICZ, Peter P. AMrs. Josephine Nor- GUTIJAIIR, John J. Jacob Gutjahr, Ilosmer, Madera, Cal. kewics, 1312 Hamilton Street, Toledo, Ohio. S. Dak. VANDERMOLEN, John. Mrs. Hazel Vander- O'BRIEN, Albert Joseph, Timothy O'Brien, HAAS, Alvin A: Anthony lins, 803 South molon, box 73, Martin, Mich. 13602 Caine Avenue, Claeland, Ohio. 'errv Street, Dayton, Ohio. WOESTEHOFF, Arthur C. William Woeste- O'CONNOR, Michael J. Harry Potter, 445 IAUSER, Ernest. Mrs. Whila Hauser, R. F. hoff, 911 Sarah Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. West Sixty-ninth Street, Chicago, IlL. D. 18. North Tonawanda. N. Y. McCLARY Luke W. Jsaac A. McClary, O'NEAL, Henry L. Mrs. Sallie Rachel HAYES, Argel. Mrs. Charles Hayes, R. F. D. Ocall, Tenn. O'Nel, It. F. D. 4. Kosse, Tex. 3, box S. Bristol. Tenn. McNEELEY, Jessie. Leonard McNIeeley, OSTERLOI, Conrad. Mirs. Gussi Osterlol, 2411 Grove Street, Oakland, Cal. HEALEY, Michael J. John Henley, 7 Leland Hampton, Iowa. Place, McKERAIAN, Robert. Henry McKerahan, OSTROE. Angelo. James Molfese, 2018 South Framingham, Mass. Bellevue, Pa. First Avenue, New York, N. Y. HEFFINGTON. Elmer. Mirs. Elizabeth Hef- BALI. Earncst T. John L. Ball, R. F. D. fington, Bowling Green, Ky. MAGNUSON, Ernest W. Charles E. Peterson, 2, Milton, W. Va. HEIFNEX, Stephen. George A. Helenek, 46 11 Peterson Street, Jamestown, N. Y. BARTLETT, Shirely Carnette. Henry Fiske Avenue, Inspeth, N. Y. MAGGIOLA, Joseph. Mrs. Antoinette Mag- L. HEITZEL, Virgil G. giola, 1304 Clay Avenue, New York. N. Y. Bartlett, Stonewall, Tenn. La Fayette fleitsel, BAYHEA, Camden Avenue, Monogah, W. Va. MAHONEY, Clarence J. Mrs. Patrick L. Ma- Ovede. Mrs. Samantha Bayhem, HENDRICKS, Alfred Y. John R. Hendricks, honey, 4342 Gano Street, St. Louis, Mo. Natal Bay, La. BELL, Luci. Miss Sally Plunk, R. F. D. 1668 North Fifty-fifth Street, Philadelphia, MALLINEN. Abraham. Mrs. Mary Mallinen, Pa. box 31, Thomson, Minn. 1, Tokio, Ark, MALONY, Otho F. Henry L. Malony, Eden, BETTEZ, Armond. Arsene Bettez, Phoenix, HENNON, Clyde E. Mrs. Margaret BleC. Idaho. R. I. Hennon, 447 Laclede Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. MAMBOURG, Frank J. Mrs. Bertha Mam- BLACK, Howard. Wesley J. Black, R. P. D. bourg, 10306 Avenue M, Chicago, 111. 1, Mosheim, Tenn. GUNDELACH, Ban W. Mrs. Mary M. Cunde- MANDBLSTEIN, Samuel Arthur. Mrs. Edith BLANEY, Robert M. Mrs. Magdalena Bla- Inch, 1006 East Seventy-fourth Street, Stein. 234 Main Street, South Fork, Pa. ney, 2407 Clark Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. MANGELLIA, Onofrio. Igunarzio Mangellia, BOLDEN, Arlie. Chris C. Bolden, Shirley, GURNER, John I. Miss Marjory Gurnce, Molf< tt, Bar Province, Italy. Ark. Newport, Oreg. MANNING, Lauren Theodore. Mrs. Mary BOYD, Laurel F. Fraklyn Royd, Wallowa, ILTI£RICK, Floyd. Andrew L. Hamrick, Ver- Manning, 252 North Third Street, Salina, Oreg. Kans. nal, Utah. BRADLEY, James Nelson. William Bradley, HARDING, Charles A, Bridge Harding, Gal- MANSMAN, Anthony. Mrs. Joseph Do Bor- 384 Pennell Street, Chester, Pa. lup, X. Mex. ger, 257 Himrod Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BRIGHAM, Albert Egbert. Albert E. Brig- MARES. Henry. Martin Mares, 0909 Kins- ham, 308 North Francis Street, Madison, HATFIELD, John. Mrs. Rose B. Hatfield, man Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Wis. 1321 Wisconsin Street, Joplin, Mo. MARINO, Nicola. Francesco Marino, Gallina IEILLEY, James J. Michael Healey, 116 Calabria. Italy. BROOKS, Tesse. David Brooks, Tippocanoe Clinton Street, Hoboken, N. J. MARTIN. Joseph C. Mrs. Etta Janee Martin, City, Ohio. HUNDERSON. Vern I. Mrs. Hattie Iender- 111 First Street, Warren, Ohio. BUCK. Frederick. Mrs. Josephine Buck, 408 son. 1041 Otto Avenue. St. Paul, 3inn. MASNEY, Albert B. Charles B. Sadon, 1103 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. HERMAN, Abe. Mrs. Lilly Nadel, 184 South East Twelfth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. BUDROW, Joseph. Mrs. Ellen Budrow, 552 Second Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MAYIEW, Andrew Paul. Mrs. Laura May- New Point Road, Elizabeth, N. J. HOOD, John H. James D. Hood, Ellenwood, Vt. BERGESS, James F. Mrs. Agnes Burgess, hew, 30 Fourth Street, Fair Haven, Mesquite, Nov. Ga. MENARDI, Frank II. Mrs. Mary Menardi, HULLIHTEN, Bruce. Charles C. Hullihen, Philadelphia, Pa. CALLAHAN, Charlie P. William Callahan, 211 Lamnonte Street, Paris, Ark. Lucernemines. Pa. MERRITT. Frank Winfield. Airs. Mary Mer- JOHNSON, Cody B. Mrs. Nettle Johnson, ritt, 1301 South Third Street, Atchison, CAMIBELL, George. jr. George Campbell, Alinneola. Tex. Kans. sr., 12310 Wade Park Avenue, Cleveland, JOHNSON, John F. Mrs. Caroline Nilson, MEYERS, Edward JT. C. Charles A. Meyers, Ohio. Sunne, Sweden. R. F. P. 14, box 118, La Salle. N. Y. CARLSON, Peres. Mrs. Ida Carlson, Aligone- JOHNSON, Frank E. Frank E. Fero, 324 MICHELSON. Raymond. Mrs. Annie Michel- berg, Lamhult, Sweden. West Nineteenth Street, Omaha, Nebr. son, 1054 Ingerson Avenue, San Francisco, CASE, Fred Thomas, Thomas Bratton, Grand JOHNSON, Harry. Frank Johnson, 433 South Cal. Rapids, Wis. Street, Greenfield, Ohio, 37 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING ernl~stacelOhio.Grlille, 185 PETERSON, Edwin TILL5 Austin stAmAs Avenue, enutnt Miu.t Vrerno, KEMBLEI, Charles. Mrs, Pearl Phillips, West Wilims StreMciaL. Au t PetersonCity, lad109 Frink Boule d Seatrle, Wash. Matthew Ward, Bakers Gap, Sul- PETERSON, Elmer L. James A. Peterson, WARD,Tea. Selmer. I{EELIN Shelton H. Mirs. Ida Keelin, fi. F. D. 5, box 34, Sleepy Eye, Mina. phur Aprings, Tax. Lee S. Watkins, R. F. D. John T. Mrs. J. G. Peterson, WATKINS,Pisgah, JohnAla. P. KIPPENIIAN August A. John Kippenhan, PETERSON, Comertown, Mont. 1, -Wis. general delivery, It. F. D. 2, box 96, Greenwood, Irene B. Regan, WEBSTER, Fred L. Hattie Mahon, Alvin, LEVINE, Rabin. Mrs. Etty Levine. 284 Mad- REGAN, Raymond T. Mrs. Tax. York, N. Y. 2345 McClellan Street Philadelphia, Pa. WHITTEN, Douglas M. Mrs. Mollie Mary Ison Street, New REITAN, Arthur M. Louis Reitan, 1808 East Whitten, LYPHoART, Arthur P. Axen M. Lyphardt, 100 Houser Street, Chattanooga, Tacoma, Wash. Thirty-fith Street, inneapolis, Minn. Tenn. 2120 Wilkeson Street, RORRL, Frank C. John Robrl, 55 Howell MANDARINO, Francesco. Michael Hardy, Va- Richard W. Mrs. Gay Wright, New York, N. Y. Street, Patterson, ElM Grove, W. WRIGHT,Allisonfa, Va. 184 Lincoln Avenue, SKINNER, Wilimer al. Mrs. Hattie Ainner, MATTHEWS, Joseph F Eldridge Matthews, Ark. YAW, Frank C. Mrs. Benjamin D. Yaw, 815 B. F. D, 2, Angier, N. C. Hateheti MVIayStreet, Akron, Ohio. 3, SMITH, efarvey M. H. E. Smith, Renton, YOUNG, Arcie G. Gilbert Young, Cumber- MATSON, Albert. Erik Newman, R. F, D. Ohio. Oregon City, Oreg. land, Wis. Matus, RB F. D. 2, SOMMERS, James P. Mrs. Helen Sullivan, Jacob Ziegler, Vaxa- MATUS, Emil. Frank Great Rend, Pa. ZIEGLER,tasxney, Pa.Warren J. Abbott. Tax. STANClIE FITCHT, George. Atomsa Stancie- MAYSIK, Alexander 1. Joe Matysik, R1. F. vith, 214 Pare Avenue, essport Avenue, Fred . aldred Patchen, R. F. D. 3, Athens, Wig. PATCHN,D., Sugar Grove, Pa. MAU, Frederick E. Mrs. Martha Mau, 1505 Long Island, N. Y. Hyman Chikowsky, 8 Nas- D. Ierre Sullivan, Fort PAULlIN, Joseph. Union Street, Oakland, Cal. SULLIVAN, Earl sau Street, Rochester, N. Y. MAYCHOFF, Francis Marion. Leon J. May- Benton, Mont. Samuel 1. Marion S. Paysour, Pa. THIBODEAUX, Ignace W. Jules Thibodeaux, PAYSOUR, choff, R. F. D. 3, Waynesburg, St. Morliusville, La. R. F. D. 5, Lincolnton, N. C. Robert. G. B. Mayfield, Bell- Floyd W. Mrs. Blanch Pem- MAYFIELD, Charles. Mrs. Jennie E. Coleby, PEMBERTON,barton, general delivery, Aigoniac, Mich. THOMPSON, Long Island, LAXWELL, James II. Harry Maxwell, Cherry Avenue, Springfield, Romaldo. Mrs. Lucia Peralta, Greenuield, Md. N. Y. PERALTA,Idria, Cal. Ernest. Mrs. Sophie Vanaugh, Spring CKNIG HF, Harry J. , Howard McKnight, VANAUGH, PETRIE, Charles. Mrs. Alice Petrie,N. Y 3 South Hutchinson Street, Philadel- gneral delivery. Youngstown, Ohio. Forest Avenue, Binghamton, 2a,37 WEST, William F. T. F. West; Harlingen, PIERCE, Max 0. Oliver P. Pierce, R. F. D. 2, Tax. NAZTTO, P hlip. Salvatore Tripodo, 2129 Borden, Kans. Ohio. WESTERGARD, Robert S. Mrs. A. K. West- Teatro, Murray Hill, Cleveland, Cando, N. flak. PIRA, Frank. John Pira, Viva Doe NEEDHAM, Edward P. Patrick J. Needham, ergard, Doglialli, Italy. Arthur. Spires Kyritsis, Kar- Dickinson , N. lakr. KYRITSIS, JEWSKI, Alexander. John Polejewski, David D. Josh Oden, Hubbard, Tex. ditsa Thesalia, Greece. POL ODEN, A. MI Mary Lapore, 943 Orleans, Minn OLSON, George W. Mrs. Jack P. Olson, LAPORE Arthur Coraopolis, Pa. Lucien. Mrs. Mildred Poynter, lbatertwn Minn. Third Avenue, POYNER,SavoyardI Ky. Earle. Mrs. . H. Linebarier, ORLANDO, alvatoro. Michael Cefete, Ret- LINEBAFIER, Ark. Leonard.- Elijah Prater, Desde- eel, N. V. R. F. D. 5, Camden, PRATER,Moos, Tex. Edward J.e Mrs. Annie Lucas, 473 OSTRUM, Frank F. Mrs. Leah Ostrum, LUCAS, Cal. PROFFITT, Riley. Mrs. Ruth Proffitt, R. F. 1R F. D. 4, Harvard, Ill. Twenty-third Avenue, San Francisco, D. 1, boxr 123, Mineral, Va. LYONS, Leslie C. Louis C. Lyons, White ORRID, Imbert A. Lasse Crundeland, 8034 Claude J. Mrs. Rhoda R. Jackson, Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Bluff, Tenn. PUTT, Wrightwood No address given. Porter, Okla OZANITZ. Henry. Mrs. Mary Ozanits, Mount MANDRE, Salvador. Mrs. Katie McDonald, Victor Pulon, 6306 South Olive, Ill. McDONALD, Allen. PULONE,Hoover Street,Joseph. Los Angeles, Cal. R. F. D. 3, Grandview, N. C. PATTERSON, Dennis, Mrs. Ange R. Patter- Mrs. Minnie Quinn, Lathorpe, Fidrid, Ill. Felix 11e William T. McLemore, QUINN,Mo. Paul. s.n, MLIMORE,Justin, Tex. PASONS, Olen. Mrs. Lillian Parsons, Dry- Clifton D. Amos Radcliffe, lVa. Forrest E. Mrs. Elma McClure, RADCLIFFE,Wolsey, S. flak. den, McCLURE,Easterly, Tex. PARR, Everett. William F. Parr, Whiting, Thursday Roper, Blue Ernest S. James S. Moore, Energy, REMoun'ptains, AVES, Homer. MISs. Mrs. Iowa. MOORE,Fex. PEUSTER, Louis F. W. Fred Peuster, sr., Mrs. Ella Richards, gen- Streetd,Quincy, 1r. Alfredo. Mrs. Merced Moya, Tome, RICHARDS,eral delivery, Carl West R . Liberty, Ill. 708 South Fifteenth MOYAN. Ax. PIERCE, Charles A. Mrs. Mary Mickel, 415 P. Mrs. Richard Quick, Street, Beardstown, 1II. MURPHY, Emmitt T. Mrs. Josil Murphy, RICHARDS,1In Conaway George Street, Grass Valley, Cal. East Seventh 162a College Avenue, Springlield, Mo,. PLUMMER, Harry e Mrs. Maggie Plummer, Lizzy Owens, Ark. William e. Ars. Mate Myrick, RICHARDS.Joseph, Utah. Isaac M. Mrs. R. F. D. 4, Hope, MYRICK,Winafleld, La. POTTIER, Olnesime, Mrs. Linle Pottler, box Ellen M. Nelson, Mrs. Eva Ritter, 221 N. H1. LO, ustaf B. Mrs. RITTERSouth FifthHarvey Street, W. Emaus, Pa. 1013, Hookset, 113; Grand Avenue, Astoria, Oreg. PERK Edward A. Mrs. Frances Perk, 4422 James Robinson, 2117 Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. NISBET, Alexander C. Alexander Nisbet, ROBINSON,West One hundredErnest. anl fourth Street, Cleve- East Clark Evanston. WVIyo. RYAN, Burton Ray. John Ryan, Cambria, NORDIN, Edward C. Mrs. Arms Nordin, Iowa. land, Ohio. Avenue, Minneapolis, Mian. ROBINSON, Wesley Leland.Pa. Mrs. Catherine SIIROSKY, Joseph. Tony Grutaky, Jersey 2947 Fremont Mrs. Eneline Norman, Robinson. Newtown, N. IT. NORMAN, Maurice. City, Indianapolis, RG, Daiel S. Mrs. AnnaLouis, S. Mo.oden- SHARP, Charles P. Charles P. Sharp, Sandy, 209 South Warman Avenue, RODENberg, 2742 F omas Street, St. Utah. Ind. John G. Nyberg, gen- ROHRER, Jacob E. Edwin D. Rohrer, 1919 SIMEONE, Gaetano- Tullo Simeone, 176 NYBERG, David A. Sweden. 0to.. Street, New York, N. F. eral delivery, Xrona-bergslain, Sherrick Road SE., Canton, Hester Oaks, Shell Creek, ROtSTAD, Iver G. Mrs. Amelia Canny, 4020 STRIK, Joseph C. Mike Sneider, R. F. D. 4, OAKS, Finley- John Seattle, Wash. Thorpe, Wis. Tenn. FourteenthNoel. NueMrs. NE.,Clistil Booker, 520 Ed- O'CONNOR, William. Lawrence O'Connor, ROOKER, SUTTEH, John, Jr. Miss Minnie Satter, 550 235 East Seventy-seventh Street, New York, Cont. Avenue, EIisaheth, N. T. wards Street Fort Collins, Elizabeth IN.Y. Joseph L. Mrs. Clara . Rose, 1325 SUTTLT3, Layton. Mrs. Josie Suttles,F. F. ROSE, Cal. S. C. Denis. Daniel ODonohle. 212 Alviso Street, Santa FrankClara, Ilosplock, 1729 r5, Seneca, ODONOIIJ, York, N. . ROSPLOCK, John. TOUGHILL, Hugh- Mrs. Elizabeth Seluman- West P leventh Street, New Newark, N. .. Carl L. Mrs. Anna Soderherg, box Franklin Street, Racine, Wis. der, 73 Williams Street, OHRN,6, Osco, Ill. John. Mrs. James F. Ryan, WALKER, Harry A. Miss Ju1lan Dolins, 256 RYAN, Charles William Okule, 843 1556 Veron Street. Harrisburg, PaT Third Street, Flynn, Ohio. OUAAS Alexander. Miss May Scanlan, Otto. Mrs. Anna Kostelak, 445 Tegr Street, Now Britain, Con. SCANLAN, William F. KOSTELAK, Ms. Mary Perrault, Hill Street, Paterson, N. n East Seventy-seventh Street, New York, PERRAULT, William 124 A. Schmitt, 10oMmngewoed Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. SCHMITT, Alfred H. Mrs. Anna N. Y. rogolo, aIrket Street, Oakland. Cal. 970 KIELOW, Arthur C. William J. Kreklow, PLACIDE, Curton . Curtai. Carlo, SCHOENTHAL,1611 Louis. Isaac Schoenthal, 1). 4, Fort Atkinson, Wis. SondrLZ Italy. D R,. F. POHLMANN, Francis. B. Pohlmann, Brus- Dumont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. COCKRUMf, David E. James H. Cockrum, Charles. John Scrader, D. 5, Sheller, HI1. seis, Ohio. SCHRADE, George F. F. Delta, 75 West Main Street, Shorrsville, N. . ITEN. Bertm L. Alfred Iten, R. F. D. 2, IDING, Josrph F. Alfred 11. Riding, Antonio Scimo- Minn. Utah. SCIvONELLO, Calaggero.Akron, Ohio. St. Cloud, 802 Snello.'Furnace Street, Gilbert, MOSEY. Roy. Mabry Mosby, route 5, Timp- ROANE2 Sam C. Mrts. Matilda Koehlcr, SCOTT, Orville I1. -Mrs. Ida' Scott, Fery Street, Houston,' Tax. Ohio. son, Tex. Saraceno, Cor- Forrest E. Mrs. William M. SARiACENO, Antonio. John Roy J. John L. Shake, R. F. D. 6, OVORBY, tale, Di (latanzaro, Italy. SHAKE. Overby, Roadhease, III. Schafke, Morrisonville, ill. Piaccie, 741 Rus- SCIIAFRE, Albert. Mrs. Mary Shiffor, PALMER, Tony. Emidio Mlich. SIIIFFER, Rev Elmer. Mrs. Della sell Street, Detroit, Mich. Poen. Street, Hlutchinson, Kans. 5222 A. Harry Miller, 2448 1324 East B PECYNA, Joseph. Stephen Fanshlewics, SCHWAB, Edward SHORT, Rolland H. P. Joseph P . Short, 92- South Loomis Street, Chicago, III. Homan Avenue, Chicago, Ill Street, Decatur, Ill. Jack- Joseph L. Shinberger, North Alain PEDERSEtN, Alfred. Chris Rasmussen, SHINFERGEF, Earl. SILVA,' ntone M. Mirs. Constance Siva, son, Mlont. Arbela, Mo. 5424 Holland Street, Oakland, Cal. PERRY, Richard L. Mrs. Laura Perry, R. F. SMITH, Clay. William T. Smith, Creal SKIRT. Albert. John Skjei. Madison, Minn. D. I, Lennon, Mich. SpringIl 511.1Ff Salmer T. John Skjei, R. F. D. 5, Erhard Lambert. Axel Persson, Joihn Di. -Mrs. Mary D.3 Staltz, 97 Aladison, Minn PEISSON. Park, STCTZ,' Ohio. K

JOHNSTON, Collie. Mrs. Rody Johnston, MAGNUSON, Gustave E. Mrs. Alfred Mag- JOHNSON, Julius. Ole Berglund, R. F. D. 1, 644 Main Avenue, San Antonio, Tex. nuson, 840 East Berrien Street, Galesburg, box 49, Bagley, Minn. JONES, Jack. Mrs. Nancy J. Jones, Fifth Ill. JOHNSON, Victor S. Stewart Johnson, R. F. Avenue and Twenty-third Street, Tampa, MARIGNAY, Dan. Mrs. Ida Marignay, R. F. D. 1, Dunlap, Tenn. Fla. D. 2, box 34, Tignal, Ga. JONES, Paul. Mrs. Agnes Jones, R. F. D. KELLY, George G. Mrs. Mary Kelly, 112 MARINO, John. James Marino, Port Wash- 3, Brownsville, Tenn. Church Read, Winnetka, Ill. ington, N. Y. JUNGKIND Otto D. Mrs. Francis "Jungkind, HELENCAMP, Albert 0. Mrs. Sarah Helen- MARTIN, John B. Frank P. Marron, 1023 1503 Woodburn Avenue, Covington, Ky. camp, R. F. D., Baldwin, Mo. Marion Street, Seattle, Wash. KELLY, George E. Frank Kelly, 919 Wash- IINDI.RSON, Clida L. Mrs. Clara Hen- MAYFIELD, Willis. Will Perry, Dripping ington Street Manitowoc, Wis. derson, R. F. D. 6, Shelbyville, Ind. Springs, Tex. KENT, Frank . Mrs. Mary Kent, 157 Clare- IIOELTZEL, Wilbur R. Mrs. Laura E. Hoelt- MAYRAND, Leonard W. Mrs. Emma May- mont Avenue, Montclair, N. J. zel, 1719 North Twenty-sixth Street, Phila- rand 14 Clive Street, Hudson Falls, N. Y. KIESTLER, Robert L. Mrs. Bathana V. delphin, Pa. MILE, Claude L. Mrs. Mollie Miles, 503 Kiestler, Toone, Tenn. HOLDER, Joseph L. Mrs. Charles Simons, North Giand Street, Pittsburg, Kans. KIRKEGAARD, Lauge Gerhard. Rev. An- S6evrn, N. C. MILLER, Andrew F. Mrs. Carrie Miller, R. dreas Kirkegnard, box 2, Laurel, N. HI. HORNICK, John I. William T. Zimmerman, F. D.. Ilotchkiss, Colo. KLOOSTRA, William H. Mrs. Margaret Pairfield, Ill. MILLER, Lell. Mrs. Effie Miller, Millers- Kloostra, Elgin, Oreg. HU GHES, John W. William Hughes, R. F. town, Ky. KOCH, Eugene L. irs. Louise Koch, 903 D. 2, Starbuck, Minn MILLER, Thomas H. Mrs. Olive Miller, 2205 Naches Street, Austin, Tex. IDLE, Lewis II. Henry Idle, R. F. D. 1, Oline Street, Kansas City, Mo. KOSLOWSKI, Konstanty. Mrs. Alexandra Rlosewood, Ohio. MILLS, Charles. M. Mrs. Ida Mills, Evans- Wasielenska, 1317 Sixth Avenue, Milwau- JOTNSON, Beanoil. William D. Johnson, ton, W o. kee, Wis. Degne, Va. MOONAN, James F. Richard Afoonan, 914 LANKFORD, Clayton 4. High T. Lankford, JOSEY, Walter A. Mrs. Berta C. Josey, 114 South Fifty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pa. R. F. D. 1, Jingo, Tenn. Heard Street, Macon, Ga. MURRAY, John M. James M. Murray, 3610 LARSON, Fred J. Ole Larson, R. F. D. 6, KANE, William A. Mrs. Mary Kane, 146 Ash- Downing Street, Denver, Colo. Faribault Minn, burton Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. MYLOR, Jesse J. Mrs. Mabel Mylor, Sanders, LEUENBERGER, Ernest A. Harold Leuen- RIILLOGG, Leslie G. Mrs. C. Reives, 284 Ky. berger, Wadena, Iowa. MCARDLE, Sherman Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. OSTERREICIIER, Leonard F. Alfred Mumm, James G. John J. McArdle, 702 KEYSER, Walter. Mrs. Mary Walker, 1810 R. F. D. 2, Stockton, Iowa. Boyd Avenue, Woodhaven, N. Y. Twentieth Street, Huntington, W. Va. PARKER, Harry A. Mrs. Bessie M. Parker, McDERMOTT, Don R. Thomas W. McDer- KILLEN, John G. William G. Killen, Row, 2625 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. mott, 145 Blake Street, Now Philadelphia, Va. PINSKY, Joseph. Laurine Ohio. Pinsky, 69 Ortney MEIRE, Julius. KING, Jim A. Dave L. King, Bluffdale, Tex. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Herman M'eier, Garber, Okia. POTVIN, MITZ, John M. Mrs. Edward P. Griesq, KOOS, William C. Jurgin Ioos, R. F. D. 1, Morris P. Mrs. Florence Potvin, Wadesville, Walnut, Iowa. Farmington, N. h. Ohio PURVIS, MOHN, Earl C. Roy G. Mohn, R. F. D. 5, KRAMER, Joseph H. Harry Meyer, R. F, D. Thomas L. Mrs. Crecy B. Purvis, Delaware, Ohio. 7, Continental, Ohio. R. F. D. "A," Alamo, Ga. REICHLE, Fred. NELSON, Oscar. Ray Gibson, general deliv- KI'iIN SKE, John. Titus Kuklinske, 536 Mrs. Elizabeth Retchle, Mont. North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago. Ill. 427 Walnut Street, Newark, N. J. erty, Lothair, REILLY, John J. Mrs. Catherine Reilly, NETTLETON, Robert E. Mrs. R. E. Nettle- KUEBLER, Charles G. Mrs. Rose Kuebler, 10 ton. box 110 Herman Street, Buffalo, N. Y. West Fifteenth Street, Bayonne, N. J. 217, R. F. D. 31, Houston, Tex. RICHARDSON, Clarence. Mrs. Allio Rich. OSBORN, John William. Mrs. Riney Osborn, LEE, G(ard. Mrs. Ollie Lee, Walnut, Kans. Field Creek, MARTIN, Charles E. Mrs. Lela Murray, Bur- ardson, Ilindsville, Ark. Tex. RICHTMEYER, Henry OWENS, Joe C. Mrs. Milender Owens, R. F. lesion, Tex. Fred. G. Richtmeyer, D. 1. Eads, Tenn. A3SON, Clarence A. Mrs. Helen M. Cun- R. V. D. 3, New Haven, Mo. RINa3ERLY,, Carl F. F. Mrs. PORTZ, Bernard A. John B. Ports, R. F. D. ningham, Hartford, W. Va. Alice Rinderly, Spragueville, Iowa. MA'TTUSCIEK Grover C. Mrs. Alma Mat- R. F. D. Rockville,,, Mo. 1, RONZONI, Johm. Mrs. Cosira Maggish, 80 POURCH, Isaac P. William W. Poureb, ta chek, 267 B3nrrell Street, Milwaukee, Wis Granite Falls, N. C. MOORE, John. Mrs. Lucy Moore, R. F. D. Woodhull Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SAVAGE, Arthur. Mrs. Lottle Savage, RINKEL, Carl A. Philip Block, R. F. D 2, 1, Cheraw, S. C. 500 South Raven, Minan. MORGAN, Thornton. Lewis Morgan, Mount North Court Street, Florence, S. C. SCHLOESSER, Laurence ROACH, Jesse. George Roach, Rocksdale, lHebron, Ala. M. Adam M, W. Va. NILGE8, *Frank. William Nilges, Loose Schlosser, Frenier, La. (reek, Mo. SHARP, Walter. George M. Sharp, Wauseon, ROACII, Preston R. John H. Roach, 648 Or- Ohio. NIX, Frederick J. Mrs. Mary Nix, 180 Wash. chard Avenue, Bridgeville, Pa. SIMMONS, Floyd. ROBB, Edward L. George W. Robb, Afton, igton Street, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. Mrs. Eliza B. Simmons, Wis. NOLAN, Thomas A. Mrs. Mary Nolan, 192A 1219 Hickory Street, St. Louis, Mo. Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. SLAATTE, Jacob T. Iver T. Slaatte, 816 ROSS, Harry J. Mrs. Jennie M. Ross. Thorn- ROBERSON, Granville H. Mrs. Katy Rober- Clark Street, Evanston, Ill. ton, Wyo. son, 2315 Bryan Street, Dallas, SMITH, Clarence W. George W. Smith, RUDOLPH, Arlie L. Mrs. Emma Purdue, Tex. R. F. D. 3, Forest City, Iowa. Wauneta, Kans. ROBINSON, Isaac. Mary McQuister, Bostick, Ga. SMITH, Jonnie. Mrs. Clara: Smith, Baileys SAUNDERS, Edwin I. Otho A. Saunders, Station, Tenn. Butylo, Va, ROGERS, Thomas S. Helvey A. Rogers, SPANGLER, Harry A. Mrs. Mary Bailey, SHIPP, William R. Robert Shipp, Lackings, lione Grove, Tex. Fairbury, Ill. Mo. ROWLE, Grover. Mrs. Gertrude Rowle, R. F. STEWART, William E. William Stewart, SMITH, Edmond. Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mos- 1) 4, box 18, Fort Mill, S. C. Two Harbors, Minn. cow, Ark. SANDERS, lughdee. Eugene P. Sanders, SMITH, Foster. William Riley Smith, 1107 Dalic Street, STICKELMEYER, Frank X. Mrs. Grace R. F. Ennis, Tex. Tremnil Stickelmeyer, 965 South Wall D. 1, Stanford, Ky. S'ICHNEIDER, Paul H1. Henry Schneider, Street. Columbus, Ohio. SMITH, Gustav. Mrs. Caroline Smith, Glen- R. P D. 2, Yorktown, Tex. lent, S. Dak. SOUTIIBIRD, Albert. Steve Southbird, R. F. fTHOMPSON, Levi. Mrs. Mary Thompson, box 35, R. F. D. 2, Good Springs, Tenn. SPIRES, Theodore. Mrs. Sarah ,J. Spires, D). 2, Williamsburg, Mich. THOMAS, SPARE, Edwin D. Mrs. Viola A. Spare, 2157 Percila W. Mrs. Mattle Thomas, ' Neeces, S..C. North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Watkinsville, Ga. STAFFORD. Glenn R. Mrs. Minnie L. Staf- THRANUM, Luvern B. Edward Thranum, SPARlKS, George N. Mrs. Orphie Sparks, R. F. D. 3, Menno, S. Dak. ford, Elkton, S. Dak. Sidney, Nebr. TIEDEMANN, STALLSMITH, Chauncey I. Mrs. Sarah I. STANKIEWICZ, Adam. Miss Mary Stankie- Victor E. Andrew P. Tiede- Stallsmith, Flourtown, Pa. wi z. 7001 Krakow Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. mann, Winthrop, Minn. STEGALL, Henry N. John H. Stegall, Draper, WARD, John H. Thomas Ward, Bemidji, N.C. STECKER, Levi J. Mrs. Barbara Stecker, Minn. Colby, Wis. TAYLOR. Frank H. Mrs. W. Ellen Taylor, STEVENS, George Tom. Mrs. Josephine Ste- WARWICK, Frank. John Warwick 547 Belton, Miss. Hudson Avenue, oils, Keller Station, Accomac County, Va. West New York, N. 5. TAYLOR, James E. Mrs. Ellen Taylor, Cot- SUESMTILCH, Arroll R, Charles Suesmilch, WEST, Byron H. Mrs. May West, Kintyre, tonwood Falls, Kans. N. Dak. Winner, S. Dak. TURNER, James C. Charlie Turner, Marion, TOOTIEY, Matthew L. Mrs. Mary Miles WEYBRECHT, Edgar C. Mrs. Elizabeth Wey- Ky. Toohay. Lewiston, N. Y. brecht, 126 East Main Street, Alliance, Ohio. VAN HEUSEN, Francis L. Leslie Van Heu- WHITE, Melvin E. Mrs. Ida White, R. F. D. VON MUENSTER, William. Henry Von son, 15 Lower Oak Street, Hudson Falls, 1, Santa Fe, Tenn. Muenster, Clarence, Iowa. WILLIAMS, Dennis WEINER, Louis. Isaac Weiner, 53 Ander- Y. Y. J. Noah Proffit Williams, son Street, Boston, Mass. John. Mrs. Jennie Roemer, 10 R. F. D. 4. box 86, Grifton, N. C. VERMEESCH, WILSON, Samuel A. Mrs. M. Wilson, WHITE, William B. Mrs. May Ellen Smith, Elsa Street, Detroit, Mich. Scot- 2007 G Street, Bellingham, Wash- WENO, John, land Neck, N. C. jr. John H. Weno, R. F. D. 9, WOOD, Elba N. Zach D. Wood, R. F. D. 3, KELLY, William N. Mrs. Nora Kelly, box Iowa City, Iowa. 162, Mertzen, Tex. WILSON, Reidus l. Albert Wilson, Marshall, Mo. R. F. D. WRIGHT, Raymond H. Mrs. Mary E. Cor- KENNEDY, William L. John Kennedy, Grand 2. Stroud. Okla. bett, Ivanhoe, N. C. View, Ind LIPSKY, Abraham. Mrs. Katherine Lipsky, 450 Washington Street, Haverhill, Mass. JANSMA, William A. Arthur Jansma, R. F. KIRBY, Fred S. Mrs. Ette Kirby, R. F. D. D. 3, Morristown, Ill. 3, Sparta, Tenn. LOUGIIRAN, Joseph A. Mrs. Mary Lough- JEFFAS, William J. Mrs. Hannah Jeffas, KLANDRUD, August ran, 166 South Wyoming Street, Hazelton, 391 B. Mrs. Ida Klandrud, Pa. Henderson Street, Jersey City, N. J. OlaskWs JEFFRIES, Lawrence L. Mrs, Gracy M. Jef- KNUTSON, Charles B. Mrs, Lyda Dillevig, McCARTHY, Daniel J. Mrs. Cornelius Mc- fries, Midway, Fla. Hebron, Ill. Carthy, 305 West Main Street, Watertown, JENNINGS, Leo P. Michael T. Jennings KOCH, Robert L. Mrs. Augusta Koch, 500 Wis. Massena, Iowa. Delaware Street, Tonawanda, N. Y. MCPARLAND, Jess. Mrs. Mary McFarland, JOHNSON, Gerhard T. Jacob Johnson, Lo- LANE, Edward W. Anderson F. Lane, Bear- Albion, Nebr. cust, Iowa. den, Tenn. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 43 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHIAG

LILLY, Elmer P. George W. Lilly, Hinton, RYAN, Charles C. Mrs. Charles C. Ryan, FRAHM, Oscar Albert. Carl Frahm, Liberty, W. Va. Smithfield, Fayette County, Pa. Nebr. LUTZ, George M. Mrs. May Texas Lutz, ALBRITTON, Ford D. George W. Albritton, HATZES, George A. Anthony Iatzes, 436 South Columbus Street, Lancaster, Ohio. 1217 West Twelfth Avenue, Corsicana, Tex. Willow Street, Manchester, N. 11. MCKINSTRY, Charles A. Marshall McKin- EDMONDS, George L. Andrew E. Edmonds, HULTMAN, Carl Leo. Mrs. Charles Hult- stry. 439 Blaine Avenue, Marion, Ohio. Greeley and Dewey Avenues, West Etna, Pa. man, 418 Parke Avenue, Kane, Pa. MCIMULLEN, Edwin J. Mrs. Lonella McMul- GARIN, Rene G. Mrs. Marie Moyen, 490 Bea- KEANE, James P. Mrs. Luke Keane, 156 len. Mraben, Miss. con Street. Boston, Mass. Ainslie Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MADDOX, Tommie Watson. Mrs. Lena Man- HATCH, Jay Warren. Mrs. Blanche Hatch KIRWAN, Lawrence J. Mrs. Elizabeth grum, Arlington, Tenn. 266 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Edling, 201 West Market Street, Lewiston, MADEIRA, Addison D. Addison D. Madeira, NIXSON, James W. Mrs. James M. Nixson Pa. 6180 Brookside Boulevard, Kansas City, 211 West Seventh Street, Beardstown, Ill. LAIRKIN, Bartley. Mrs. Mary Gladman, 68S Mo. Hawthorne Street, St. Paul, Minn. MOMYR, Alfred. Severt Momyr, R. F. D. 1, BATTALION SERGEANT MAJOR. LAYTON, Joseph M. William C. Layton, R. Oslo, Minn. COLEMAN, Otis T. Samuel B. Coleman, F. D. A, box 118, Logan, Okla. MORRIR, Manley. Mrs. Manley Morris, Lakenan, PAULU, Leonard T. Anton Paulu, Vining, Beaverton, Mich. Mo. Iowa. MURRAI. Clarence Ervin. Mrs. Libbie Dell SERGEANTS. SLOVICK, John. Mrs. Annie Slovick, Dor- Murrab, R. F. D. 1, box 45, Lufkin, Tex. othy, N. J. MURRAY, DAVISON, Russell M. James C. Davison, Cly- James L. Mrs. Anna E. Murray, mer, SMITH, Charles. Mrs. Fannie Smith, 95 Audubon, N. J. Pa. Bayview Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. MUSTY, Peter W. Nicholas Musty, R. F. D. DIETRICH, Luther L. Andrew Dietrich, STEVENS, George T. Mrs. Martha B. Stev- 1, Goodhue. Minn. Minerva, Ohio. ens, 1003 Wakefield Avenue, St. Paul. Minn. GREEN, George T. George W. Green, At- MYERS, Paul C. Mrs. Charley R. Myers, box lanta,' Ga. BACON, Leonard. William H. Bacon, Waynes- 493, Redfiold, S. Dak. MCCRE burg, Pa. ODOM, Arcy It. C. George Odom, Bolton, LRY, Emory L. Miss Edith McGo- BAKER, Frank James. Charles Henry Baker, N. C. nell, New Cumberland, Pa. Durham. Okla. OLSON, Jonas. Ollie Jorgenson, Zumbrota, STUL, James L. Simeon T. Stull, Brandon, CAROTHERS, Carl 0. Irs. Samuel Caroth- Minn. Miss. ers, 15 North Earle Street, Shippensburg, OSWALD, Julius. Mrs. Theresa Oswald, 258 BENNETT, Joseph P. Elijah N. Bennett, 205 Pa. Hughes Street, Queens, N. Y. West Burrell Street, Blairsville, Pa. CROSS. Walter B. Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, PARTLAM, Roscoe. Mrs. Inez Thompson Par- BRADNIER, Melvin Ira. Charles Enos Brad- 2255 Park Avenue, Chicago, Ill. hai, R. F. D. 4, Fort Gaines, Ga. ncr, Powers, Mich. DOVER. William L. Mrs. Nora Allen, Saull- PATRICK, Norman H. lirs. Mary Patrick, BURNHAM, Andrew C. Mrs. D. M. Burnham, saw, Okla. i. F. D. 2, box 06, Oktoka, Okla. Ashland, Mo. FRANCIS, Louis A. Mrs. Ada B. Francis, PETTEWAY, Will, Mrs. Lizzie E. Petteway, GARRISON, Russell L. George W. Garrison, 7 Cross Street, Gloucester, Mass. Brooksville, Fla. 1533 Clirk Street, Goodland, Kans. HAHN, Mathew J. Mathew E. Hahn, Amiret, PILES. HOSKIN, Roland B. Mrs. Emma A. Hoskin, Claud. Dock C. Piles, Slackford, Ky. Alloues, Minn. iIVONKA, Frank E. Mrs. Lillian Pivonka, Mich. HEIMANN, Albert. Mrs. Bertha Ieimann, Tisch Mills, Wis. LOVELL, Edward T. George W. Lovell, 812 North 3706 Mifflin Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. PRESTON, William L. Mrs. Elizabeth J. McKinley, Shawnee, Okla. JOHNSON, Oscar E. Charles Johnson, 505 Preston, 143 Barber Avenue, West Marietta, Moll1GII, George F. Mrs. Anna Mclugh, Landan North Avenue, Joliet, Ill. Ohio. 2730 Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, KALMAN, Stanley. Miss Josephine Kalman, REICHERT, Edward. Jacob Reichert, R. F. P1a. 1413 Seventeenth Street SW., Canton, D. 4, St. francis, Kans. MANTEY, August F. Mrs. Kate Mantoy, 4160 Ohio. REIF, Houry W. Henry R. Reif, 623 Colum- Flad Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. KELLY, Raymond A. Mrs. Nora G. Kelly, bus Avenue, Alexandria, Va. MERRITT, Mose. Mrs. Rose Merritt, Wash- 148 South Main Street, West End, Pitts- BOONA, Arthus. Edward Ruona, Fladmoc, ington Court House, Ohio. burgh. Pa. S. Dak. SEARS. Henry Western. Russell Soars, Phil- KOLODZIEJEWSKI, Joseph. Stephen Kolod- RUSSELL, Eugene S. Sirs. Mary Russell, 36 mont, N. Y. SHIELDS, zieewski, 1317 Tenth Street, Camden, N. J. Railroad Street, Bangor, Mle. Claude. Samuel Hosea Shields, LOFTUS, John P. Mrs. Mary Loitus, 130 SCIIULTE, Joseph I. Mrs. Rosa Placke, 512 9706 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Ellen Street. Fall River, Mass. Ft. Paul Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. WASHINGTON. Walter H. Stark Washing- LICKENBAUGH, Charles IL Morris Lucken- SE1MONS, William. Mrs. Belle Williams, ton, 1700 Sabine Street, Austin, Tex. BIELFELT, baugh, 2618 Eighth Avenue,M Altoona, Pa. Ilannaberry, Ark. Henry. Mrs. Laura Biolfelt, R. LYNCH, Franci, J. Mrs. innie Llnch, 1511 SHELTON, Houston. Sam Shelton, Twenty- F. D. 5, box 20, Boone, Iowa. DRADAN. Howard Street, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. fourth and Tuder Streets, Paris, Tex. Carl D). Frank Bradan, 1510 Ar- MelNTIRE, William. General Poke MeIntire, SHORT. Wilber Petcr A. Short, R. .P . 3, row Avenue, Anderson, Ind. G. DUFFY, 1421 Southeast Street. Lebanon, Ind. Blairmille, Pa. William F. Mrs. William Sheehan, MORTON, Robert L. William M. Morton, Frank E. W. H. Skinnell, 25 King Street, New York, N. Y. SKINNELL, MILLER, George 2056 Garfield Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. It. F. D. 3, Bedford, Va E. Mrs. Lucy Miller, Hales- MURPHY, Charles E. Mrs. Rebecca McCabe, OSIiTII, Charles. Shelby general de- thorpe, Baltimore County, Md. Smith, STRANG, box 464. Scottdale, Pa. livery. Temple, Tex. Arthur C. Cbarles G. Strang, 301 SALSBERY, James. Wiley Salsllery, Ports- SMITI, Harry Mrs. Flora Smith, 1028 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. G. TUHOWSKI. mouth, Ohio. Hudson Street, Hoboken, N. Y. George. Miss Catherine Tuhow- SMITH, Stuart E. Lott W. Smith, I. F. D. SNYDEIR, Lenerd II.- Mrs. Minnie M. Este, ski, 8208 Houston Avenue, South Chicago, Ill. 3, Rogers, Ark. R. P. D. 1, Constantia, Oswego County, N. Y. CARSWELL, Frank H. Albert Nvans, SPICER, Robert E. James Spicer, Kerrville, BURKE, William Henry. Thomas Burke, 69 3-1) Hudson Central Avenue, Brooklyn, N. T. Tex Street, Newark, N. J. COWIE, Francis S. G. G. Cowie, State Board SPi'] ZER, Preston A. Mrs. Elizabeth Spitzer, LAKE. John. Mrs. Hilda Lake, R. F. D. box 2, of Control, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minn. i. P. D. 2. Bullsgap, Tenn. 21, Govan, Wash. GECKLER, Henry. Cris Geekler, R. F. D. STOLE, Alfred. Jacob Stole, R. F. D. 1, MORSE, Lee B. Taylor D. More, 117 Mon- Cement, Okla. Good Hope, Minn. roe Avone, Memphis, Tenn. 2, O'NEILL, PIRMEZ, Leon. Mrs. M-ary Pirmez, box 799, STRACHAN, Alberta. . Charles Graham, 57 Richard W. irs. Ella O'Neill, McDonald, Pa. West One hundred and fortieth Street, New Westwood. N. J. TENNANT, Angus M. York. N. Y. PACKER, Edward W. John W. Packer, 1228 David R. Tennant, North Fifty-fifth Street, box 50, Hubbell, Mich. STRUVE, Paul L. Mrs. Emma Struve, Bou- Philadelphia, Pa. WILSON, Guy B. Mrs. Ernest A. Hunter, ton, Iowa. 86 P Street, South Boston, Mass. SWEDE, Robert E. Mrs. Mathilda S. Swede, CORPORALS. R. F. ). 2, Kiron, Iowa. BALDWIN, Floyd Glade. Charles A. Bald- BUGLER. TALBERT, Lawrence. Mrs. Virginia Talbert, win, 12 Miller Street, Bradford, Pa. SCHIEPELBEIN, William H1. Emil Schiefel- R. F. D 1 Pulaski, Va. BIRGE, Levi W. Mrs. Belle W. B. Spriggs, VALLERY, John Jacob. Mrs. Hattie Val- Oriskany, N. Y. beln, 1003 West Conant Street, Portage, Wis. lary, it. F D. 2, Arensville, Ill. DOOLADY, George J. Louis Hutt, 3741 PROVINS, Orville K. Mrs. Inez Provins, 110 WILKINS, John E. John M. Wlikins, Forest Avenue, Chicago, III. Mill Street, Uniontown, Pa. R. F. D. 5, Athens, Tenn. FLINT, Val W. Mrs. Ellen Flint, 237 Arun- AIECIIANICS. WILSON, Everett. Pompey Wilson, Taylor, del Street, St. Paul, Minn. Tex. GABY, William S. Mrs. Catherine Gaby, BOLLER, Walter C. Mrs. Marie Boller, R. F. WRIGHT, James Y. Mrs. Margaret J. Wright. Main Street, Kutztown, Pa. D. 1, Newton, Kans. R. F. D. 3, box 7, Kingston, Tenn. HANLEY, Michael G. Mrs. Elizabeth Han- NELSON, John C. Mrs. Laura Nelson, 106 YEAGER, Ulysses. Mrs. Ela Yeager, Cull- lay, Fort Leyden, N. Y. Sherman Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. man, Ala. MARINO, Joseph. Mrs. Josephine Marino, GEORGE, Giles C. G. A. George, R. F. D. 1, 407 East Twenty-ninth Street New York, Crider, Ky. Wouinded Severely. N. Y. WAGONERS. VIENNA, Frank J. Mrs. Abram CAPTAINS. Vienna, R. BRODERSEN, Christopher. Mrs. Petra Brod- F. D. 2, Shortsville, N. Y. erson, 1001 Castle Hill Avenue, New York, LA FETRA, Harry Leach. Mrs. Charles E. WARD, Howard. Mrs. Phoebe Ward, 519 N. Y. La Fetra, 308 West Eighty-second Street, Smith Street, Millville, N. J. GROSS, Earl. Miss Myrtle Gross, Birchwood, New York, N. Y. WYATT, Edmund B. S. C. Wyatt, Bowdon, Tenn. CAIN, Robert S. Mrs. Robert S. Cain, 4063 W. Va. COOKS. Pennsylvania Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. SHOCKLEY, Harry W. Charles M. Shockley, 1502 Locust Street, Des Moines, Iowa. CASSETTY, Claude J. Miss Florence Cas- LIEUTENANTS. BAER. Louis. Mrs. Esther Baer, 15 Broad- setty, Dycus, Ten MORK, Ralph M. Mrs. Rachel Mork, 5 Cum- way Extended, Boston Mass. ROSS, Henry J. Mrs. Bell Ross, R. F. D. 1, berland Apartments, Avondale, Cincinnati, BENNETT, Raymond L. Mrs. Annie M. Rush, My. Ohio. Thomas, Dublin, Ga. PRIVATES. NEWLIN, Earl M. William V. Newlin, 1009 BESSEL, Lester R. Mrs. Bessel, 75 Meyer AGGUE, Earl H. Amos Aggue, 1911 Foust East College Street, Rochester, Minn. Street, Hackensack, N. J. Road, Kenmore, Ohio. 44 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING ALEREN, Kail A. Martin Alfsen, 284 South ALLEN, Walter Francis. Mrs. Evelyn Clara CIIRISTENSON, Htarry Martin. Mrs. Julia Fourth Avenue, Ilon, N. Y. Allen, R. F. D., Palisades, Colo. Christenson, 2540 Raleigh Street, Denver, ANTONOWICS, Antoni. Mrs. Camilin Bon- BANGERT, Louis. Mrs. Clara Bangert, 627 Colo. dorenok, 507 Broadway, Farrell, Pa. North McLain Street, Lincoln, IlL CLEN NER, Earley W. A. K. Cleaner, Coop- BAILEY, Earnest J. Mrs. George Bailey, 240 BIRES, Joseph. Mrs. Agnes Bires, 209 Clinton ers, Ala. Third Street, Hollister, CaL Street, Binghamton, N. Y. CONLEY, Joseph I. Mrs. Mary Conley, 77 BAKER, Robert Alva. Mrs. Sarah Baker, BULLOCK. Charles E. Charles F. Bullock, Perkins Street, GIoncester, Mass. 1863 South Seventh Street, Columbus, Ohio. Main Street, Honesdale, Pa. COX, John F. Mrs. Elisha Cox, 1711 First BARTOLET, Phaon Edward. Edward A. CONNER, Franklin. Mrs. Elsie Bray, 537 Asenue, New York, X. . artolett, 911 East Center Street, Mats- North Yander Street, Franklin, Ind. CRAFTON, Raymond. Thomas Crafton, R. F. noy City, Pa. COSTON, Lester. John W. Coston, Wewoka, D. 1, Bath, Ill. B kTTAILE, George Seymour. Mrs. John Bat- Okla. CULEY, Joseph B. Mrs. Catherine Culey, aile, 417 Harrison Street, Petersburg, Va. COUTURE, Russell. Mrs. Alexander Couture, Castlewood, S. Dak. BATTY, James W. George Batty, sr., 182 Ontonagon, Mich. DORSEY, Harvey Elmer. William M. Dorsey, Washington Avenue, Belleville, N. J. COX, Carl A. Aaron H. Cox, Scottsville, Gideon, Mo. BILODEAI, Frank. Mrsfl Zelia Bilodeau, 122 Kans. EDWARDS, Clarence I. Mrs. Anton Taylor, Reed Street, Somerset, Mass. CZAJKOWSKI, Walter J. Mrs. Elizabeth Helena, Ala. DINDER, Alex. Louis Binder, 419 East Czajkowski, 037 Bream Street, Milwaukee, EDWlARDS, Norman Joseph. Mrs. Catherine One hundred and seventy-third Street, New Wis. Beauvals, Orwell, N. Y. York, N. Y. EDWARDS, Paul B. Thomas R. Edwards, R. BOWMAN, William F. Mrs. Hattie C. Bow- DUINKE, Noel E. Mrs. Emma Duhnke, 910 F. D. 7, Newark, Ohio. man, Winchester, Va. South Seventh Street, Manitowoc, Wis. EHLERS, Carl H. George Ehlers, box 35, rANDON, George A. Robert Brandon, R. F. FEDELE, Guiseppe. John Fedele, President Ireton, Iowa. D. 1, Jonesville, S. C. Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ELLIOTT, Matthew, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth El- B1REITENSTEIN, Ralph. Miss Viola Brett- FROST, Clarence L. William R. Frost, R. F. liott, Spring Valley, N. Y. eastein, SOS Clarendon Avenue SW., Can- D. 1, box 7, Elberta, Mich. ENSMINGERI, Edward. Gottfred B. Unsmin- ton, Ohio. GORDON, Arthur Allen. Mrs. Rhoda Gordon, ger, Monango, N. Dak. 44 West Street, Clinton, Mass. EVERETTS, BRESNAT, George C. Mrs. M. Bresnan, Mad- HAMBELTON, Norvel M. Sirs. Dallie Ham- William E. Mrs. Clara Dveremtts, ison Lake, Minn. belton, Morrisville, Mo. box 33, Andrew, Iowa. BROADWELL, William. William M. Broad- HIPPLE. John Henry. Mrs. L. Weber, 4157 FANELLI, Frank. Viconzo Fanelli, 75 Thomp- well. Bangor, Mich. Mantun Avenue, son Street, New York, N. Y. BROWN. James I. Mrs. Mared Brown, box Philadelphia, Pa. FEIBISI, Max. Mrs. B. Feibish, 385 Ala- 189, Washington Street, Carpentersville, Ill. HUGHES, William. Mrs. Catherine Goga, bama Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4427 McGregor Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 101tI, AGOSTINELLI, Gregorio. Nick Aceazio, box HUNTLEY, Donald Carroll. Fred Huntley, Vincent. Lorenza Piori, 221 111 3.'23, Winston, W. Va. Black River, N. Avenue, Endicott, N. Y. BACIGALUPI, Frank J. Mrs. F. N. Baciga- Y. FLYNN, Thomas. Mrs. anne Smith, 243 lupi, 143 Winter Street, Reno, Nov. JOHNSON, Bradley T. Irs. Josephine John- Fifty-sixth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BANASKY, Paul G. George Banasky, Hazen, son, Govans Avenue, Baltimore, Md. FOlISciAGE, Sidney It. Mrs. Mary Poashage, Ark. KANE, Hubert E. Samuel Lavezzi, 116 Ful- aount Horeb, Wis. BEFLK, Daniel ton Street, Chicago, III, FRENCH, William. E. Mrs. Mary M. Belk, Salado, KEMP, Edward H. William H. Kemp, R. F. D. Ernest Keasling, Newark Tex. 4f, Aecorth, Ga. Valley, N. Y. BERNHARD, Randall. Mrs. William C. Bern- FUHREI, John A. -Ulrich Fuhrer, 540 Car- hard, East Texas, Pa. KENNEDY, Allen H. A. A. Kennedy, R. F. D. den Street, Kenosha, Wis. BODACK, Anthony. Miss 1. Londonderry, N. TI. Julia Bodack, 269 LOCKWOOD, Dean B. Sirs. Easky Lockwood, HATGITTWOUT, Carl L. Mrs. Jessie Hiaught- rast Tenth Street, New York, N. Y. wout, 322 Ilillside Terrace, Great Kills, BOliiREAU7X. Henry J. Mrs. Henry Ben- R. . D, 2, Franklin, N. I. Staten Island, N. Y. dreaux, Bell Rose, La. IcALLISTER, William G. Sirs. W. G. Mo- HAY MAN, Charles E. Joseph G. Hayman, BOYER, Jacob. Mrs. Elizabeth Boyer, 204 Allister, R. F. D. 1, Marysville, Ohio. Neelyille, Mo. Washington Street, West Pittston, Pa. MAY, Earnest McC. S. II. May, Winchester, HINZ, Walter W. Mrs. Anne Iinz, 279 Hill- BROOKS. Patrick. Martin Brooks, 2457 Ky. side Avenue, Torrington, Conn. EL.hti Avenue. New York, N. Y. MYERS, William Ray. Mrs. Jenny Myers, HOGIE, Ralph R. Rosa Desso, 50 Standish BUNDICK, Robert L. O. E. Bundick, 405 R. F. D. 3, Shippensburig, Pa. Street, Plattsburg, N. Y. Carol ra Street, Los Angeles, Cal. OWENS, John F. Mrs. Rose L Owens, 2108 HOIIMAN, Jacob C. Mrs. Martha Getts, 230 CALAR RSO, Dominic. Mrs. Della Calarusso, Master Street, Philadelphia, Pa. North Main Street, Auburn, Ind. Dodve Felt Co., Oxford, Mass. RUBOTTOMI, Vernon S. W. P. Rubottom, Mc- HOLGATE, Janes A. Mrs. Sarah Holgat, CHADD, Been Cook. John II. Chadd, Ilarli- Crory, Ark. 20 Mary Street, Pawtucket, It. I. ton, Tex. SAVERN, Peter. Mrs. Carrie Barberis, 613 HIUGIES, Bal Shackleford. Mrs. SM. D. COOK, Earl Orian. Dan Z. Cook, Hudson, East Fourteenth Street, New York, N. Y. Hughes, 1213 Salem Avenue, Paducah, Ky. Colo. SCARBOROUGH, Enos A. Sirs. Minnie Scar- 1HULSE, Clarence W. William H. Hulse, 349 COOLTEY, Charlie M. J. W. Cooley, R. F. D. borough. R. F. D. 5, Sumter, S. C. Cleveland Avenue, Trenton, N. J. 1, box 70, Morris, Ala. SOUTIiWOOD, James. Mrs. James South- IIUND, Paul D. Miss Anna Hund, Wads- COWART, Orady D. Earl F. Cowart, Hunt- wood, Dibble, Okla. worth, Ill. ington, Tex. STUBBS, Jessie J. James C. Stubbs, 7017 IACONE, Dominick. Sarah Milo 431 East DAVIS. Clifford. Mrs. Carrie Davis, R. F. D. Bruno Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Fifteenth Street, New York City, N. Y. 3. Shoals. Ind. SULLIVAN, Joseph J. Mrs. Anna Sullivan, JACKSON, Earl W. Mrs. Jcenie Jackson, DENNY, Leroy. W. L. Denny, Bridgeport, 50 North Street, Le Rol, N. Y. 003 West Water Street, Elmira, N. Y. Ind. TACKETT, Louie. D. R. Tackett, Decatur, JAKOUREK, Leopold. Paraslay Jakoubek, EATON, William B. John W. Eaton, 828 Ala. 1573 First Avenue, New York, N. Y. Prospect Street, Lansing, Mich. VINES, Robert. Mrs. Margert Vines, Besse- JAKUBOWSKI, Mike. Frank Jakubowski, ENGLISH, Harry R. Norman English, mer, Ala. 1403 Sixth Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Toluca, Stafford County, Va. ABBOTT, Walter D. Mrs. Muriel Scott, Fern- JOHNSON, Donald W. Mrs. MI.W. Johnson, LIRLINGER, Herbert C. Joseph Erlinger, lay, Nev. Beloit, Kans. Freeburg, Ill. ALLISON, Earl Richard. Mrs. Lottie Alli- JOHNSON, Oscar W. Mrs. Mary Johnson, FLUMIDNBAUM, Hyman. Fanny Flumen- son, 21 South Ninth Street, Quakertown, 995 Case Street, St.Paul, Minn. baum, 835Allen Street, New York, N. Y. r'a. KAAS, Thomas Patrick. Mrs. Catherine FRATUS, George R, Mrs. Mary Fratus, 74 ALLSUP, Solomon P. Mrs. Mattie Allsup, Kaas, 213 West Street, Pottstown, Pa. Wickendon Street, Providence, R. I. Nixon, Tex. KABOLOFSKY, Nathan. Miss Jennie Telle- FRENCII, Ulis E. Mrs. Maud Shelton, R. F. ATKESON, Harry Lee. Lee Atkeson, Dela- baum, 564 Black Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ware, Okla. KAXE-L, Henry Carl. Sirs. August Pfeiffer, 1). 1, Bradyville, Tenn. R F. D. 2, Minn. FRYE, Clare John. Mrs. Elizabeth Allison, BAGINSKI, Stanley F. Mrs. Mary Baginski, Stanville, 31eyeytown, Pa. 217 Brady Street, Ranshaw, Pa. KANTOR, Jack. Mrs. Timothy Kantor, 3T GALLAGHER, William F. Edward Gal- BINKLEY, William M. Bertie L. Binkley, Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 1216 Hawkins Street, Nashville, Tean. KEESEE, Gus. Thomas Keesee, Gretna, Va. lagher, 4810 Umbria Street, Philadelphia, KELLY, la. BLISS, John. Bernhard Bliss, 264 East Thomas F. Mrs. Annie Kelly, 978 IITNKLE, Leland. Ira Hinkle, Watonga, One hundred and sixty-fifth Street, New Parker Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass. York, N. Y. KELLY, William. Mrs. Mary Kelly, 211 East Okla. Forty-third Street, New York, N. Y. HOFFMAN. William H. Mrs. Clara Hoff- BOWLES, Jesse R. Mrs. Alice L. Bowles, 702 KENT, Clay. Mrs. May Kent, River Falls, mean, 1313 West Clearfield Street, Phila- North Twnenty-sixth Street, Richmond, Va. Wis. delphla, Ia. BRADY, Edward J. Mrs. Catherine Brady, HOWARD, Oscar. Jarvis J. Howard, Meta, 134 Carlisle Street, Uniontown, Pa. KERR, Benjamin S. Mrs. Mary Kerr, 1919 Ho. BRANDRETH, Sydney Samuel. Joseph Pine Street, Murphysboro, Ill. HiNTER, Alonzo. Mrs. Mattie Hunter, Brandreth, 0 Providence Street, Providence, KESSLER, Jacob. Mrs. Chonlotte, 192 Pies- Brandenburg, Ky. R. I. cott Street, Worchester, Mass. JONES, Edward. Mrs. Margaret Findlay, KILIBARDA, Steve Pole. Pavie M. Kesele- Martins Ferry, Ohio. BRASWELL, Mark N. Mark N. Braswell, De vich, 309 Seventeenth Street, Galveston, IALKHOVEN, John P. George Brown, gen- Kalb, Tex. Tex. eral delivery, New York, N. Y. BRISTER, Louis K. Carl R. Brister, 44J KORMANN, August. Mrs. Amelia Yankee, KANETSK-Y, Arhnold C. Mrs. Freda Kanet- Franklin Street. Auburn, N. Y. 553 West Fiftieth Street New York, N. Y. sky, 1420 Gorden Street, Austin, Tex. BROWN, Roy Hosmer. Mrs. George D. KRUSKA, Frank J. Jacob Kruska, box 92, KXRPEL, Jacob C. Adolph Karpel, 1376 Brown, 113 North First Street, Marshall- Bronson, Mich. Drook Avenue, New York, N. Y. town, Iowa. LANG, Harold John. Mrs. Mary Lang, 177 LOKINSKI, Joseph. Mrs. Mary Lokinski, BUCKLEY, Ernest D. Robert J. Buckley, 40 Central Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. R. F. D. 2, Saginaw, Mich. Lincoln Street, Charlestown. Mass. LATOURETTE, -Frank. James Latourette, LOVELACE, DAVID. Mrs. John P. Lovelace, BURCII, Andrew 0. Mrs. Carl B. Garner, Henry, Ill. Gretna, Va. St. Marys, Mo. LAWLESS, John Christopher. Miss Julia LYCAS, John C. Mrs. Susie Lucas, Castle BURLESON, Henry M. John A. Burleson, Lawless, 1614 Geary Street, San Francisco, Woods, Va. Marques, Tex. Cal. MeNASBY, John J. Mrs. Katherine Mc- CARROLL. Joseph J. Henry Carroll, James- LOUDANCE, George. Mrs. Agnes Loudance, Nasby, 147 Morris Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ville, N. Y. 3819 Alter Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 45 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING LOWERY, Guy H. Mrs. Mary A. Lowery, SALVAIL, Ernest. Will Salvail, 1253 Main FAUS, Harold T. Mrs. Martha Faus, 861 Carmi, Ill. Street, Worcester, Mass. Hural Avcnue, Williamsport, Pa. McBRIDE, Robert A. Miss Rebecca McBride, SCHLICHER, Howard F. Frederick Schlic- FERRY, James V. Michael Ferry, Tioga 2919 Gas Street, McKeesport, Pa. her, 697 Gtion Avenue, Richmond Hill, Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. McCLAIN, Anderson. Charley McCan; Cook- N. V. FIELDS, Henry. Mrs. Dora Fields, Trosper, son, Okla. STACKHOUSE, Alden. Mrs. Bertha Chatley, Ky. McCLELLAN, Hugh. Mrs. Mary Ann Mc- 2241 South Felton Street, Philadelphia, FIRMAN. John Andrew. John Lewis Firman, Clellan, 107 Congress Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Pa. Messick. York County, Va. McCLURE, Oren L. Mrs. Samuel Andrew STALEY, Frank J. Mrs. Josie Staley, 1439 FITZSIhMMONS. James P. Mrs. Elizabeth Mc(lure, Crescent, Iowa. Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fitzsimmons, 2601 Bainbridge Avenue, New McDONOUGH, Thomas J. Mrs. Annie Stacey, STEVENS, Herbert H. Fred Stevens, Brad- York, N. Y. 595 Bennington Street, East Boston, Mass, ford, N. H. FLOOD, Hugh. lirs. Mary L. Flood, 307 East McGOWAN, Robert E. Mrs. Margaret Mc- STONER, Lewidith L. Mrs. Myrtle Swalls Ninety-third Street, New York, N. Y. Gowan, 2495 Washington Street, Roxbury, Stoner, R. F. D., box 111, Terre Haute, Ind. FLYNN, Michael Joseph. Mrs John Connors, Mass. STOUT, Orvil V. Mrs. Lizzie Stout, 430 Vir- 0129 Stenton Avenue, Germantown, Phila- MADINA, Santiago. Margos Madina, Las ginia Avenue, St. Joseph, Mo. delphia, Pa. Cruces, N. Mex. SYFOR, Fred. Frederick Syfor, Main Street, FORSYTH, Newton C. Milton M. Forsyth, MAGEN, Samuel. Mrs. Lilly Magen, 920 Wharton, N. J. Cecil, Ark. Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. THEESE, William G. John Theese, R. F. D. FORTIIORNE, Joseph E. Mrs. Julia For- MAHLER, Fiank. Mrs. Anna Mahler, R. F. 1, Barronett, Wis. thorne, Salem, W. Va. D. 2, Mishawaka, Ind. TRAYNOR, Peter. Mrs. Elizabeth Traynor, FRASIER, William 0. Mrs. Ella Frasier, R. MEENEHAN, Patrick J. Mrs. Mary Hynes, 447 Somerville Avenue, Somerville, Mass. F. D. 3, Ray City, Ga. 706 Poplar Street, Wilmington, Del. VIOLA, Bernardino. Fulvio Viola, 321 Elmer GREIDETTE, William G. Mrs. Josephine Gre- MEIELES, Jamie. James Lordas, 1525 Ad- Street, Trenton, N. J. dette, 190 East Dwight Street, Holyoke, ams Street, Gary, Ind. VOGEL, William. Mrs. Anna M. Vogel, 326 Mass. Waverly Avenue. Newark, N. J. MILLER, George. Jerry Miller, Cementon, Pa. GOLDEN, John J. Mrs. J. O'Connell, 503 MULLIGAN, Eugene J. Mrs. Louisa Mulli- VOLCART, John E. William Volcart, Mont- gomery Street, Ossining, N. Y. West Eighteenth Street, New York, N. Y. gan, 108 Winter Avenue, New Brighton, GREEERG, Samuel. Mrs. Pearl Green- N. Y. VOSS, Max M. Mrs. Ernestine Voss, 1149 Third Street, Milwaukee, Wis. berg, 120 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MULLIN, Edward T. Mrs. Winifred Mullin, GRIFFIN, Gerald J. Mrs. Sarah Griffin, 527 WALKER, Willard M. Nemie Walker, R, F. South Main Street, Washington, 16 Southwick Street- Dorchester, Mass. D. 1, Lowry City, Mo. Pa. MURPHY, Walter C. Mrs. Walter C. Murphy, WALSH, Thomas F. Mrs. Mary Walsh, 24 GROTE, Walter J. William Grote, 144 Cleve- 1140 Rhodes Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Ames Street, Canton, Mass. land Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. NEWSUM James Keller. David K. Newsum, WIEHE, Benjamin A. Henry Wiehe, Still- GRUBAUGH, John. lirs. Eliza A. Grubaugh, 325 East Neuva Street, San Antonio, Tex. Round Lake, Minn. water, Okla. GUSTIN, NOVOTNY, Joseph. Mrs. Mamie Novotny, WORKMAN, John C. Mrs. Jennie Fry, R. F. Benjamin F. Mrs. Sarah Rogers, 1310 First Avenue, New York, N. Y. Gold Ridge, New Brunswick, Canada. D. 1, Otego, Kans. GUZY, O'BRIEN, John J. Mrs. Lillian O'Brien, 70 ZEHLER, Edward P. M. F. Zeler, R. F. D., Nicholas. Mrs. Jennie Gusy, 368 Wal- Anisterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. Strykeraville, N. Y. nut Street, Yonkers, N. Y. O'CONNOR, William. Mrs. Alice O'Connor, ZIRINSKY, Louis. Jacob Zirisky, 641 Wil- HABERSKI, Benjamin V. Mrs. Mary Haber- South Mill Street, St. Clair, Pa. ski, 78 North Eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. loughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WHEELER, ORRIE, Frans A. Mrs. Carrie Orrie, R. F. D. BRUCE, Arthur N. James D. Bruce, 1012 Everett. lirs. Pada Wheeler, 1. Ogilvie, Minn. Waynoka, Okla. Fitzgerald Street, Bay City, Mich. POWELL. PARSLEY, Julius A. Mrs. Anna Parsley, 158 BUBLITZ, George C. Herman W. Bublitz, Marshall F. Nick Powell, Elming- Dupont Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dana, Tax. ton, Va. PATE, William A. Mrs. Margaret Fraser, R. RAYBORNE, Elmore. J. A. Rayborne, Route F. D. 2, Chickasha, Okla. BUCHANAN, Charles I. Mike Buchanan, 1, Thomasville, Ala. PIERCE, Kelly. Mrs. B. M. Monroe, Rosine, Polk, Tenn. RIVKIN, David. Mrs. Minnie Rivkin, 177 Ky. BUSCHBAUM, George. George Buschbaum, East One hundredth Street, New York, N. Y. POLTHANSKI, John. Mrs. Kate Polihanski, Crescent Street and Webster Avenue, Long ROBERTSON, Thomas J. James P. Robert- box 143, Sobiski, Wis. Island City, N. Y. son, 39 Eighteenth Street. Buffalo, N. Y. FURDELL, Joseph. Frank Furdell, Bennett BZDOK, Frank Frank Bzdok, Little Falls, ROMANO. Micke. Antonio Romano, 339 Road, Dunkirk, N. Y. Minn. I Brady Street, Detroit, Mich. GIBBIE, Abram. Mrs. Mary Gibble, R. F. D. CARAMANACA, Patrick. John Caramanaca, RYAN, Timothy J. Miss Catherine E. Ryan, 3, Stanton, Mich. 1623 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bemap Street, Concord, Mass. GREAVES, Earl C. Mrs. Margaret Greaves, CHAPMAN, James B. Miss Ella Chapman, SANDERS, Artle W. Mrs. Walter Sanders, East Palisine, Ohio. Taylorsville, N. C. R. F. D. 37, Deepwater, Mo. HALL, Thomas D. Robert Hall, 210 Magee CIESLAW, Stanislan. Walter Cieslak, 1633 SARBER, Harry E. Mrs. Cordelia Sarber, Avenne. Rochester, N. Y. Delaware Street, Gary, Ind. box 08, Webster, Pa. HARDING, Robert. Mrs. Anna Harding, Elk CLOSTER, Frank. Mrs. Louise Closter, 95 SCHARF, William T. Fred L. Scharf, 1523 Lick, Pa. South Twelfth Avenue, Mount Vernon, N.Y. Allman Court. Cleveland. Ohio. HOLMAN, Jesse F. Harrison R. Holman, CODY, Richard A. Mrs. Henrietta Cody, 2308 SCHECKTER, Nathan. Philip Kling, 704 1007 Mulberry Court, Waterloo, Iowa. Cass Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Tinton Avenue, New York, N. Y. JEFFS, Elmer A. John W. Jeffs, R. F. D. 1, COLLINS, Willis. John Candy Collins, R. F. SCHIEFEN, Lawrence R. Charles Schiefen, Henryville, Ind. D. 8, Limestone, Tenn. 313 Webber Place, Elmira, N. Y. JOIINSON, Cline C. Wilbur J. Johnson, SCHMEIDER, John. William Schmeider, 132 COMELLA, Matthew V. Joseph Comella, 1510 Stag Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lockhart, Tex. North Tripp Street, Chicago, Ill. SMITH, Arthur G. A. G. Smith, 33 Paine KELLER, George. Mrs. Mary E. Keller, Mil- CRAIG, Hugh L. Mrs. Virginia Robie, 3988 Street, Worcester, ford. Ind. El1is Avenue, Chicago, III. Mass. J. John J. Larson, Mabel, SMITH, Fred H. Henry Smith, Hawkins- LARSON, Edward CROSS, Joe Burns. Charles Edward Cross, ville, N. Y. Minn. Garnett, Kans. SOKACI, John. Mrs. Mary Sokach, Bloom- LORENZ, Joseph. Frank Lorenz, R. F. D. 13, CROWE, Charles W. Mrs. Hannah B. Crowe, ington Street, Streator, Ill. Dayton, Ohio. 2635 Vance Street, Warwood, W. Va. STE VENS, Wilbur. Mrs. Grace Moody, 1055 LYNCH, James. Miss Katherine Lynch, 152 CUCULI, George. Mrs. Minnie Cuculi, Chan- Jefferson Ai enue East, Detroit, Mich. East One hundredth Street, New York, N. Y., ning, Mich. STUBBS, William Jewell. Casper Stubbs, LYNCH, Joseph P. Patrick Lynch, 80 Mer- CUNNIFF, James F. Miss Mary Cnnniff. 46 Platt City, lMo. chant Street, Newark, N. J. Rossmore Road, Jamaica Plains, Mass. SULIK. Domineek. Walter Himeleski, 106 MINELLI, Nicholas J. Joseph Minelli, 51 CURLEY, John W. Joseph M. Curley, 147 Sweet Axenue, Jackson, Mich. Mott Street, New York, N. Y. Garfield Avenue, Chelsea, Mass. SWAIN, John. Mrs. Patrick Swain, 53 Swain MOORE. Robert G. Frank A. Moore, Roches- CURTIS, Albert E. Mrs. Mary Curtis, 344 Avenue. Meriden, Conn. ter Mills, Pa. East One hundred and forty-sixth Street, TEPE, Frederick. Mrs. Charles Lindeni.erg, MORGAN, John. Robert Morgan, Emmalena, New York, N. Y. 38 East Ferry Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Ky. DAY, William N. Mrs. Louisa Day, Florence, TI TTLE, Pank F. -Mrs. Jeunie Tuttle. 1417 MORROW, Clarence A. Mrs. Cummie B. Mor- Ariz. Twelfth Street, Racine, Wis. row. Groom, Tex. DEANE, Reuben. Mrs. Ida Deane, Alanches- WARD, Walter F. Mrs. Rosa Ward, 820 MUCH. Otto C. Fred Much, R. F. D. 1, box ter, N. Y. West Fifth Street. Dubuque. Iowa. 10, Fremont, Wis. DECKER. Robert E. Mrs. G. S. Decker, 76 WATTERSON. William, jr. William Watter- MYERS, Clarence E. Mrs. Sarah Myers, Em- Lenox Avenue, East Stroudsburg, Pa. son, sr.. 118 South Ninth Avenue, May- mitsburg, Md. DERFLINGER, Daniel. Owen N. Derfinger, wood, Ill. Roqwell, Pa. NARO, Alfred. Antonio Naro, 315 East One WEISS, hundred and seventh Street, New York, DI'PIETRO, James. Gandolfa Di'Pietro, Abraham. Mrs. Sarah Weiss, 239 N. Y. Jamesburg, N. J. East One hundred and ninth Street, New DUDLEY, Henry W. B. Mrs. Gertrude Fai- York. N. Y. NATALINO, Emanuel. Benny Caruso, 1134 WERNING, Henry. George McFarland. 206 First Street, New York, N. Y. son, James City. N- Dak. Pine O'JEDA, Antonio. Mrs. Estobana O'Jeda, DUPREE, Robert W. Clifford C. Dupree, 321 Street, Anaconda, Mont. Potter Street, Bainbridge, Ga. WEST, William L. Arthur Hall, Litchfield, 1435 Santa Rosa Street, San Francisco, Cal. Me. OLIVER, Aubrey L.- Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver, DWYER, John. Mrs Anne Cnifrey, 227 East Holcomb Rock, Va. Ferry Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. WILLIAMS, Chat E. Richerd P. Williams, PEARSON, Harold C. Mrs. Lillian Pearson, EDWARDS, Alex W. Mrs. Lerah Edwards, R. R F. D. No. 1, Pocas's t, Okla Pine Crest Plat, Riverside, R. I. F. D. 8, box 151, Raleigh, N. C. WILLIAMS, E170 0. Mrs. B. O. Williams, PRIANTY, Movety. Ceste Prianty, general ELLERSTON, Lep P. Edward Ellerston, R. 817 Eighth Avenue, Cedar Rapids, 1on a. delivery, New York, N. Y. F. D. 3, box 36, Starbuck, Minn. WILSON. Clyde. lirs. Blanche Wegrich, 417 PROPHET. William J. Pleasant G. Prophet, ERNSTING, Frank G. Mrs. Caroline Ern- North Thirteenth Street, Terre Haute, Ind. Waukomis, Okla. sting, 159 Rumbold Avenue, North Tona- WOOD, Leo E. Mrs. Mary A. Wood, 371 'RAGAWAY, Philip. Mrs. Mary Silverman, wanda. N. Y. East Main Street, Uniontown, Pa. 95 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. PAIDLEY, Charles Q. Albert B. Faidley, 365 YOUNG, Clair L. Thomas Young, Cotton- RAY, Olton. John J. Ray, Chiloquin, Oreg. Sherman Street, Akron, Ohio. wood, Mont. RUSSO. Nunzie. Orazlo Russo, 19 Sixteenth FARRELL, Harry. Christopher Farrell, 332 MARESCA, Paul V. Mrs. Rose Maresca, 662 Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. East Twenty-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. Seventy-seventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 46 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

MIX, John G. John E. Mix, Jacksonburg, PRIVATES. ALTOBELLO, John. MAirs. Agnes Altobello, W. Va. 165 Foster Street, Meriden, Conn. MOON, Charles C. Mrs. Georgia A. Moon, CASSIDY, John J. John J. Cassidy, 113 ANDERSON, Ralph Harry. Toby Anderson, R. F. 1). 3, Powder Springs, Ga. Eighth Street, Long Island City, N. Y. Mullen, Nebr. NELRON, Frank. Mrs. Bertha Solt, Man-, ELLIOTT, Charles M. Thomas Elliott, AUSTIN, John A. Mrs. Ellen Austin, 102 Anttan. Kans. R. F. D. 2, Collins, Iowa. Holworthy Street, Cambridge, Mass. NOVEMBER, Morris. Max November, 89 FAHRENBACH, Harold Charles. Charles BALCH, Benjamin. Benjamin Balch, Scot- Grant Street Extended, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fahrenbach, East Broad Way Street, Med- field, Alberta, Canada. PAPPAS, George. Mrs. Mabel Pappas, 412 ford, Wis. BIRCH, John G. John Birch, 76 Springfield Adrian Street, Toledo, Ohio. FIELDS, Frank. Mrs. Martha Fields, Elm Street, Lawrence, Mass. PERRY, Aucustus L. Ella P. Gould, care of City, N. C. BOLTON, Samuel B. Mrs. S. F. Bolton, 116 James MeCreery Department Store, West FORD, Thomas. John Ford, 19 Ann Street, East Liberty, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Thirty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. West Pittston, Pa. BOX, Lawrence A. A. F. Box, 1032 Tenth POMEIRANKE, Frank L. Mrs. Wilhemnina GARRITY, Thomas J. Mrs. J. Garrity, 2602 Street, Alexandria, La. Pomoranke general delivery, Dane, Wis. East Somerset Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BROWN, Ernest R. Arch Brown, Morning REED, Marvin V. Mrs. Minnie Reed, io GILL, John W. Mrs. Lizzie Gill, West Sun, loa. Graham, Va. CARVER, Oscar. Mrs. Mary South Bell Street, Columbus, Ohio. GOLDSTEIN, Samuel. Airs. Esther Goldstein, E. Lakin, ROWLEY, Frank I. Mrs. Walker Slaving, 1102 Hock R. F. D. 1, Prichard, W. Va. 91 Elm Street, Danbury, Conn. Avene, Asbury Park, N. J. CLARK, John, John Clark, Flora, La. SANDLER, Joseph. Mrs. Ida Rosen, 1013 HALL, Artie A. W. F. Hall, Durant, Miss. CRAIG, Roy. L. E. Craig, Fort Smith, Ark. HATFIELD, Anse. Mrs. Nancy J. Hatfield, DAVIS, Maurice. North Western Avene, Chicago, Ill. Okeeffe, W. Va. Mrs. Ada Davis, 63 Rail- SCHULZE, Winford Hi. Mrs. Emily Schulze, HATKE, road Avenue, Patchogue, N. Y. Florence, Nebr. William Carl. William Hatke, 415 DE JOY, Patsy. Mrs. Providence Mungella, Johnson Street, La Crosse, Wis. 97 Liberty Street, SEITZ. August W. Mrs. Katie Seitz, 6318 HEINRICH, Chris. Mrs. Lizzie Heinrich, box Middletown, Conn. Pasihall Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 144, Nelson, Nebr. Wounded (Degree Undetermined). SILVER, Stmuel. Harry Silver, 18 Mandith HENNEGER, Ambrose J. Oliver Henneger, Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ulen, Minn. CAPTAIN. SHAPIRO, Louis. Miss Dora Lakin, 336 HUGULEY, James W. 3. M. Huguley, Dolo- GRIFFIN, Robert A. Mrs. Phyllis C. Griffin, Rochaway Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Edenvale (near San Jose), Cal. SHEFFERIT, Charles Charles Sheffert, mite, Ala. G. JAMISON, James 0. Mrs. Helen Jamison, LIEUTINANTS. Oxford Depot, N. Y. ACKERMAN, SMITH, Alvin Loroy. Mrs. Carrie E. Smith, 421 West Pearl Street, Lebanon, Ind. James H. Marion S. Acker- Unatilla, Fla. KARNS, William C. John G. Karns, 414 man, 131 Crescent Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. SMITH. Etell C. Jerome N. Smith, Mid- East Pittsburg Street, Greenburg, Pa. REED, Vincent M. Mrs. Edna M. Reed, dieton, Tenn. KENNEDY, Carl. Alex Kennedy, Bertley- Little York, Ill. Ville Pa BENOIT, Samuel J. Airs. Merilda Benoit, SMITH, George J. Miss Margaret Smith, 287 109 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. KERNg, James F. Airs. Catharine M. Pine Street, Gardner, Mass. Kerns, Western Port, Md. DOANE, Irvin E. Mrs. Flora Ames Doane, SMITH, Harry. Tony Smith, 3 Washing- KLEIN, Adolph R. Airs. Anna Klein, 503 R. F. D. 2, Bangor, Me. ton Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Arlington Avenue, Mount SPEIER, Jerome. Mrs. Julia Speter, 5537 Oliver, Pa. SCHUG, Carl Adelbert. Mrs. Clara Schug, Berlin Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. KOEPP, Walter A. Albert Koepp, R. F. D. 7, Hughesville, Pa. Seguin, Tex. ROBINSON, Charles Louis. Mrs. Bess Rob- STACY, William Ashley. Mrs. Cynthia inson, Stacy, Russeliville, Okla. KUPP, Enos. Nathan S. Kupp, Masterson- 120 South. Seventh Street, Grand STOCKER, Earl. Mrs. Mary Stocker, Twin yule Pa. Haven, Mich. McKEOWN, Robert J. Mrs. Rachel McKeown, VILLARET, Gus. Mrs. M. A. Villaret, 500 Bridges. Mont. 453 Main East STUBBLEFIELD, John W. Mrs. Fannie Street, Charlestown, Mass. Main Street, Meriden, Conn. Stubblefield, Columbus City, Ala. MARTIN, Mark S. Mrs. Alice Martin, Juni- SERGUANTS. TIERNEY, Edward Joseph. Mrs. Agnes ata, Nebr. BROWN, Daniel W. Mrs. Charles Brown, 25 Tierndy, 1011 North Avers Street, Chicago, MONAHAN, Patrick J. Miss Mary Monahan, Willow Street, New Bedford, Mass. Ill, 388 Warren Street, Brookline, Mass. BURRIL, William 0. Edward S. Burril, Four- VARGAS, Silbrano. Victor Vargas, La Ma- MORFORD, Leland. Fred Morford, Onaway, teenth Street and Twenty-sixth Avenue, dora, N. Mex. Mich. Gulfport, Miss. VINCENT, Clarence. Edward Vincent, 412 MORROW, Willie Lee. David Morrow, Eu- CARR, Benjamin William. Charles W. Carr, East Second Street, Beardstown, Ill. porn, Miss. R. F. D. 1, Angels, Wayne County, Pa. WAGGONER. Oliver. Mrs. Marie Plassen- MORTENSEN, Weaver James. Mrs. Johanna FOSTER, Elmer Anderson. Mrs. Sarah Fos- thal, 224 PIerce Street, Dayton, Ohio. Mortensen, Valparaiso, Nebr. ter, 2107 East Cambria Street, Philadel- WARD, Lawrence L. Crockett N. Ward, NOLAN, Daniel. Mrs. Mary Nolan, 210 Jef- phia, Pa. Lakeview, Tex. ferson Street, East Liverpool, Ohio. GORDON, William E. James Gordon, 136 WILLIAMS, Abraham. Mrs. Dora Williams, OLSEN, Clarence Gilman. Mrs. Holver Lalin Street, Chicago, Ill. tW2 Huedeker Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. Thompson, Ellendale, Minn. RAPP, George E. Airs. Lee Rapp 824 West WINTERS, Marion P. Mark R. Winters, OLSON, William. Nells Olson, R. F. D. 3, Reno Avenue, Oklahoma City, Okla.- Strimgtown, Okla. Hawley, Minn. KELLY, John Francis. Mrs. Mary Leahy, YOUNG, Arch. Leonard T. Young, R. F. D. PAKULIS, William. Victor Pakulis, 24 West Oakmont, Pa. 1. bo 7S, San Angelo, Tex. Fifty-ninth Street, New Xork, N. Y. MOSSER, Clarence Hatt. Henry G. Mosser, ZYTRWICK, John Stephen. Zahary Zyte- HERDER, Everett. irs. Dora Reeder, R. F. 233 South Twelfth Street Reading, Pa. wick, 581 Perry Street, Buffalo, N. Y. D. 0, Greenville, Ohio. HYLAND, John S. Mrs. Hannah Hyland, 15 REMPE, George A. Mrs. Elizabeth Rempe, Stapleton Street, New Bedford, Mass. Wounded Slightly. 1202 Curtis Avenue, Middletown, Ohio. BARR, Joseph Thomas. Emma Fabber, 734 LIEUTENANTS. REMUS, Edward. Alex Remus, 1426 Monroe Summer Avenue, Newark, N. J. ALLEN, Edward S. Charles M. Allen, 1201 Avenue, South Milwaukee, Wis. BICKFORD, Charles E. Charles H1. Bickford, RIORDAN, Daniel D. Mrs. B. Riordan, 147 48 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, Me. North Thirty-first Street, Birmingham, Ala. Fellsway West, Medford, Mass. VARDAMAN, John W. Mrs. Mollie Tearney, BOND, William R. Mrs. W. H. Bond, Wise, Biss, Okla. RIUTER, William T. Mrs. Esther Brouwer, Va. WARREN, RaIph L. E. A. Warren, Marietta, Greenwood, Ind. BREAULT, Joseph A. Mrs. Angeline Bre- Okla. RUNDQUIST, Albert. Albert G. Rundquist, ault, 32 Wendell Avenue, Springfield, Mass. SERGEANTS. Minden, Nebr. COFFING, B. R. John N. Coding, 809 Jack- SCHNELL, William H. William Schnell, son Street, Vicksburg, Miss. BUCK, William W. G. W. Buck, Kent, Conn. Tyler, Minn. JONES, Aaron E. Mrs. Aaron E. Jones, En- JABLONSKI, Ladislaus. Alex Jablonski, 789 SCHONFELD, William. Mrs. Katy Schonfeld, terptise, Kans. Becher Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Biernwood. Wis. KESSLER, William k. Mrs. Louise Kessler, KENNEDY, Alfred R. Patrick Callahan, 257 SCHWARZBAUM, Elvin J. Mrs, J. L. 147 Grant Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. West Tenth Street, New York, N. Y. Schwarzbaum, 29 East One hundred and MILTON, John W. Mrs. A. W. Lane, R. F. D. CORPORALS. twenty-fourth Street, New York N. Y. 39, Waterville, Me. ARBY, John A. Mrs. Macy Aeby, Ransom, SCOGGINS, Charles F. Alfred AM.Scoggins, NEUMANN, Paul. Airs. Henrietta Neuman, Kans. R.' F. D. 5, Cleveland, Tenn. 1605 Mentor Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. BENEDICT, Frank W. Elsworth Benedict, SINGER, Leroy G. J. F. Burrs, La Harpe, WOOTTEN, Joseph HI. Mrs. Joseph H1. Woot- Gridley. IlI. Kans. ten, 1257 Greylock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BRATCHER, Lee Roy. James Bratcher, Kear- SMITH, Norbert T. Mrs. Mary Smith, Tren- CORPORALS. ney, Mo. ton Street, Toronto, Ohio. ANDERSON, Thomas H. John H. Andelson, BUNTING, Jacob B. Mrs. John J. Bunting, STUDLEY, Robinson James. Wilbert Andrew R. F. D. 1, Fort Worth, Tex. Wayne, Mich. Studley, 330 Second Street, Grand Rapids, CARBAUGH, Clair Monroe. Mrs. William ,. DOUTHITT, James D. Mrs. Dora Douthitt, Mich. Carbaugh, Kellettxille, la. Flynn. Tex. SWOGGER, Leo C. John S. Swogger, 205 DAVIS, Fred I. Mrs. Laura Davis, Scobey, JACKSON, William F. Mrs. Lora Coughlin, Winfield Street, Topeka, Kans. Mont. 137 South High Street, Lexington. Ky. THRUMBEL, Henry. John Thrumbel, 2318 DE BRUINE, Harry D. Dennis De Bruine, HUGHES. Charles Edwin. Preston D. Hughes, South Oakley Aenue, Chicago, Ill. Cedar Grove, Wis. Union City, Mich. TRIPP, Lester. Mrs. Emma Tripp, 151 Ash DIPPOLD, Wilfred Martin. Mrs. Sadie Dip- JESTES, Andrew J. William M. Jestes, R. F. Street, Detroit, Mich. pold, Windfall Road, St. MarIs, Pa. D. 3, Oliver Springs, Tenn. VACCARO, Franceco. Charlie Yaccaro, 1629 FOLK Frank L. Harry A. Folk, 1316 Ken- MOON, Frank C. Mrs. Isabelle Moon, East Tustin Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. neth Avenue, New Kensington, Pa. Syracuse, N. Y. VISCO, Giuseppe. Giuseppe Volpi, 212 Third AABERG, Walter M. Lars K. Aaberg, Bcl- SERPER, David. Mrs. Mary Serper, 1384 Avenue, New York, N. Y. denville, Wis. Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. WALSH, Peter F. Mrs. Mary E. Walsh, 7859 BUSH, James S. Airs. Rose Cantillo, 345 nORSESHOER. Cottage Grove, Chicago, Ill. East Lafayette Street, Norristown, Pa. WILKINSON, Orlando E. Mrs. Sara J. Wil- WOLZ, Alexander W. Mrs. Anna Wols, 7408 CLAPHAN, Charles. Mrs. J. Claphan, 76 kinson, Vera, Okla. Lohameyer Avenue, Maplewood, Mo. Putnam Street, Granitville, R. I. ZANZALARI, Charles E. Mrs. Clara Zan- FERRELL, Charlie R. Alex Ferrell, R. F. D. COOK. zalari, 397 State Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. 1, Oglesby, Tex. KNAPP, Paul II. Mrs. Emma Knapp, 142 ALTAMORE, John. Mrs. Julia Altamore, FICKETT, Ralph L. Mrs. Ora Fickett, Mill- West Main Street, Norristown, Pa. box 030, Elder, Pueblo, Colo. bridge. Me. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. 47 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING FITZPATRICK, David J. Mrs. Michael Fits- ETHEREON, Ted D. Mrs. Grace Devins, HINTON, Paul. Columbus Hinton, Port patrik, 20 Charles Sureet, Newport, R. 1. Stonebluff, Okla. Townsend, Wash. LIEBSCHER, Max C. Mrs. Louise M. Lieb- FIELD, Willett, Jr. Mrs. Mary Field, 82 HISER, Floyd E. C. J. Illser, Bradner, Ohio. scer, 07 Crocker Street, San Francisco, Charlotte Street, Jamaica, N. Y. HOSPES, Joseph. Walter Hospes, R. F. D. Cal. FIELDER, Perry. Mrs. Mary Fielder, 524 1, Stanley, N. Y. PRO FITT, James V. Mrs. Edna Proffit, 805 North Eleventh Street, Fort Dodge, Iowa. INGOLD, Albert S. Mrs. A. S. Ingold, Im- South Fifteenth Street, Waco, Tex. FLORO, Lawrence A. Bruno Floro, Van perial, Nebr. VA NDlERMARK, Jonas. Clara Turkenton, Meter, Pa. PRIVATES. 430 Harrison Avenue, Lancaster, Ohio. GALLAGHER. Anthony. Miss Grace Galla- BRENNAN, Warren E. Mrs. E. L. Brennan, gher, 2241 Federal Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ALLEN, Hamilton. Mrs. Emillina Allen, 190 West Euclid Avenue, Detroit, Mich. GIES, Walter A. Lewis Gies, 36 Burleigh 1325 Inward Avenue, New York, N. Y. HOGAN, William H. James Hogan, 124 Hale Street, R. F. D. 5, box 92, North Milwaukee, ARCHBOLD, George L. J. N. Archbold, R. F. Stret, Lowell, Mass. Wis. D. No. 1, Junction City, Kans. JOHNSON. Ward M. Charles Johnson, 70 GRAFF, Nick J. Frank Graff, Hospers. Iowa. ARNOLD, Samuel, Jr. Samuel Arnold, 6213 Fulton Street, Medford, Mass. GRAHAM, Edward. Mrs. Arzetta Graham, Elmwood Avenue, West Philadelphia, Pa. WISSNEIR, Harry L. Mrs. Eliza Wissner, 1220 Jefferson Avenue, Wichita, Kans. ASPERA, Thomas. Rosina Aspera, R. F. D. 345 Daiington Avenue, Beaver Falls, Pa. GRAY, Daniel D. Davis Gray, Blairsville In- 2, Indiana, Pa. BOXLEY, Virgil J. Jess Boxley, Kaw City, tersection, Ph. BARDSLEY, William. Mrs. Anna Bardsley, Okla. HALCOMB, Clint. Jesse Halcomb, Carbon 1225 East Davenport Street, Iowa City, BTTLERI, Maurice. Mrs. Margaret Butler, Hill, Ala. Iowa. 639 Ninth Avenue, New York, N. Y. HANZIE, Alexander M. Miss Elizabeth Han- BARRESE. Vincent. Anthon Barrese, 379 GALL. Charles V. Mrs. Jessie Burdwick, zie, 1008 Ash Street, Eric, Pa. Vienna Street, Los Angeles, Cal. bo 214, Byron, Cal. HOLLIS, Ernest R. J. Mrs. H. C. Hollis, 118 BORMAN, John. Mrs. Anna Borman, Cor- FOGERTY. Joseph T. Mrs. Francis Fogerty, Potter Avenue, Providence, R. L sica, S. Dak. 82S Rutland Avenue, Baltimore, Md. HUGHES. James G. Mrs. Ellen Hughes, 448 BOWE, Alfred B. Mrs. Rose Parnell, Port GORTON, Harold L. Byron J. Gorton, R. F. West Fifty-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. Carbon Pa. B. 5, Fulton, N. Y. HUNTER, William M. Mrs. Thomas Speedy, BREITBARTH. Charles Paul. Mrs. Ann Gob- IL MMOND, Bradley. Mrs. Ella Moore, 546 5183 Fifth Avenue, McKeesport, Pa. hardt, 3748 Texas Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. JACKLITCH, Peter A. Miss Gertrude Jack- BRISCOE, P. D. Mrs. Bertha Briscoe, Wal- Hudson Street, New York N Y. ter, HILL, Calvin 0. Mrs. C. H. Hill, Maitland, litch, 808 East B SBreet, Pueblo, Colo. Okla. JOHNSON, Branf. The Eagle Lodge, West BURNS, John H. Mrs. Margaret Burns, 2624 Fla. South LONG, Charles C. Mrs. Clara Louise Long, Hammond, Ind. Rosewood Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ALEXANDER, Earl. Mrs. Ora Alexander, BURNS, John J. Mike Burns, Tamaqua, Pa. Pilot Grove, Mo. BURNS, MIIHELCIC, :Joseph Thomas. Frank Mihelcic, Vienna, Va. Perry 0. Mrs. Perry Burns, 050 ANDERSON, Alfred. Sam Anderson, general Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. Trimountain, Mich. BURNS, Robert. Mrs. M. V. MOSLEY, Jack S. Mrs. Nellie Bright Mosley, delivery, Waldron, Mo. Rogee, Cold ANDERSON, Gordon. Mrs. Josie Anderson, Springs, N. Y. Avxvasse, Mo. BURROWS, Leonard A. Mrs. Clara NEWSOME, Albert. Mrs. Elizabeth New- 216 Cochrane Street, Eau Claire, Wis. Read, BACH, Herman J. Theodore Bach, R. F. D. Goodell, Iowa. some. It. F. D. No. 1, Thomaston, Conn. BUSSE, Samuel E. Henry W. Busse, R. F. D. SITEILD. Keith Taylor. Mrs. Walter B. 2, Riverton, Nebr. BACKLAR, Samuel B. Samuel Steinman, 4, Amboy, Minn. Sheild, 1 1 West Cary Street, Richmond, Va. CARPENTIER. Francis J. Mrs. Anna Calla- Bertha Swaim, 317 East Eighteenth Street, New York, N. Y. SWAIX, Charles H. Mrs. BAKER, James. William Baker, New Haven, han, 1947 Ritner Street, Philadelphia, Pr. Porum. Okla. CHEVRIE, Harold Gordon. Charlie Chevrie, SYBELDON, Anton George. Mrs. Joseph Ill. BOHNER, Calvin. Mrs. Samuel Bohner, 6103 Galien, Mich. Kluck, Jr., Hatley, Wis. Woodland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. CLARK, Fred R. David E. Clark, Cairo, WANDS, James L. Miss A. Wands, 220 Clin- W. Va. ton Avonue, Albany, N. Y. BUGHMAN. Harry M. Josiah W. Kline, Law WARNEKE, Henry. Mrs. Augusta L. War- Library, Harrisburg, Pa. CLARK, Frederick W. J. C. Clark, 209 Third ne. Aiken, S. C. BUSH, Carlo. Phil G. Lompard, Greeley, Avenue, Red Oak, Iowa. WELSH, James. -Mrs. Hilda Welsh, 1211 Nebr. DANIELS, Arthur D. Monroe Daniels, M(1 West Heventb Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. BROCK, Garrard T. Ragan Brock, Lesbas, Rochester Street, Fulton, N. Y. WOOD, larrv E. Mrs. Jessie Wood, R. F. D. Ky. DONNELLY, Peter J. Mrs. M. Donnelly, 2 7, Fruit Valley. Oswego, N. Y. BRYDEN, Fred H. Mrs. William Bryden, Woodbury Street, New Rochelle, N. Y. McCULLOUGH, Robert M. Mrs. Nannie J. Stockdale, Pa. DUFFY, John J. James Duffy, 287 Hamilton iccullough, 6310 Grant Street, Akron, Ohio. BRTJBAKER, Fred A. Mrs. Frances Bru- Street, New Haven, Conn. baker, Morris, Okla. ENGSTROM, Charles P. Mrs. Catherine Eug- MUSICIAN. BUNDRA, Andrew. Andrew Bundra, 409 strom, 526 Atlantic Street, Peoria. Ill. MUSSILMAN, Asa A. Mrs. Irenne Mussel- Grant Street, Dupont, Pittston, Pa. FAITZ, William. Mrs. Annie M. FAitz, 215 man, Bartlesville, Okla. BURNS, Charles W. Siomeon Burns, Mid- North Belword Avenue, Baltimore. Md. land, Stanley County, S. Dak. FERGUSON, Jurdon. Mrs. Hattie Ferguson, BUGLER. CAMPBELL, 3ames. Mrs. Mary McGonagle, Stone, Ky. FIELDS, Sam L. Claude Fields, Muse, Okla. 173 Endicott Street, Boston, Mass. FISCK, Gregory. John Fisek, 64 Essex Street, CARROLL, Albert- Albert Carroll, 89 Leach Springfield, Mass. M5(CHANICS. Street, Salem, Mass. PISTIMAN, Harry Kenard. Miss Edith Fish- KRA FT, Denjamin. George Kraft, McDonald, CASSLER, George H. Mrs. F. Cassler, 426 man, 22 North Fifth Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Pa. West Coburn Street, Syracuse, N. Y. FLANAGAN, Seymour. William S. Flanagan, BARTL, Lorence. Mike Bart1, 500 North CAVANAUGH, Alex G. Mrs. Anna Cava- Marietta, Okla. Contral Avenue, Marshfield, Wis. naugh, 530 Fulton Street, Buffalo, N. Y. FLEMING, Harold S. Mrs. Archie Fleming, ZSELUCZKY, Emil F. Jacob J. Zseleezky. CODER, Frederick C. Mrs. Effio Coder, R. F. Friday Harbor, Wash. Watson Avenue, Linoleumville, Staten D. 5. Wamego, Kans. FLEMING, William P. Robert Jos. Fleming, Island, N. Y. COSGROVE, Michael. David Cosgrove, 248 1432 Catherine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WAGONER. Mills Street, Waverley Mass. FOSTER, James H. Rev. J. W. Foster, Ro- DAIL, Offie. Offle Dail, it. F. D. 6, Hill, chelle, Ga. DENNIN. Frank J. Thomas F. Dennin, 120 Mrs. Beatrice Frazier, A1- North Fifty-sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. C. FRAZIER, Rufus. DE HOFF, Silas. Mrs. Mary De Hoff, R. F. thony, Kans. COOK. D., Mendon, Mich. FUCHS, Edward. John Fuchs, Shawnee, Ohio. STAFFORD Myrtle Nathanial. Charles Staf- DODGE, William H. George Stephen Dodge, GERAUGHTY, James. Thomas Geraughty, ford, IR. F. D. 5, Phoenix, Ariz. Briarwood Road, Belmar, N. Y. Lexington, Mo. DORMAN, Percy. Frank Dorman, Hamden, GILLES, Frank, Mrs. Carrie Gilles, Arkansas, PRIVATES. Conn. Wis. ARCERI, Joe. James Arcerl, Waynesburg, GOTWALT, Warren Preston. Mrs. Warren P. DOUGLASS, Leslie. Mrs. Alice Douglass, 5 Gotwalt, New Paris, Ohio. Pa. I. BARBANES John E. Mrs. Catherine J. Bar- Livingston Street, Lawnsdale, R. GROSS, James B. Robert Gross, Morrilton, ELDER, Lyle B. Mrs. Ethel McLeod, St. Ark. banes, 1560 Purdy Street, New York, N. Y. Ignace, Mich. BARONE, Michele. Mrs. Concetta Barone, ELDRIDGE, Verne L. Mrs. Etta Carson, HARRIS, Edgar E. Ephrian Roper, Roff, 223 East One hundred and eleventh Street, Dover, Me. Okla. New York, N. Y. ELLMAN, Benjamin. Meyer Elman, 120 HINKA, James F. Roy Davis, 835 West BIERLY, Clair. Miss Helen Kelley. 417 Piedmont Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. Water Street. Sidney, Ohio. , Larch Street, Scranton, Pa. ERIKSON, Oscar R. Earnest Erikson, 1409 HOLDER, Claud E. Mrs. May J. Holder, BOWERS Le Roy Monroe. Mrs. Kate Bow- South Fourth Street, Minneapolis, Minn. 1817 Sixteenth Street, Wichita Falls, Tex. ers, 12H9 Windsor Street, Reading, Pa. FEY, Frank. Henry Fey, R. F. D., Wheat- HOROWITZ, David. Esther Horowitz, 401 BROGREN, Einar H. Olaf Brogren. 702 land, Iowa. East Eighth Street, New York, N. Y. Seventh Street, Willmar, Minn. B. Mrs. Ella Cahill, 38 HUBER, John Edward. Bertha Huber, 222 BUCCOLO, Domenick. Tony Groean, 216 CAHILL, Daniel North Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Canal Street, New York, N. Y. Thorndyke Street, Everett, Mass. J. F. Albert Gau- HYNES, William H. Mrs. Mary Cairns, 272 BUSH, Eugene F. Mrs. Catherine Bush, 629 GAUTHREAUX, Murphy North Street, New Bedford, Mass. Twentieth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. threaux, Atchafalaya, La. 435 JANTZ, John. Mrs. Amelia Smith, 924 Metro- CATALANO, Philip. Joseph Catalano, 1827 GEIBEL, Charles. Mrs. Sophia Geibel, politan Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilkens Avenue, Ne* York, N. Y. Main Street, Bridgeport, Conn. 148 Portage Road, KEDROWSKI, Vincent J. Mrs. Agnes Prokup CLARK, Paul M. Mrs. Maria Clark, 47 Lin- GILL, Frank. Martin Gill, Kedrowski, Lucan, Minn. den Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Blake, R. F. J. John F. Grady, 6822 KELLERMAN, John. Mrs. C. 0. CONROY, Herbert J. Mrs. Anna Patter, 816 GRADY, William D. 1, Honesdale, Pa. ' Sheller Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Cornell Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Leroy Homer. Mrs. Charles COX, William C. Mrs. Sarah Wilkins, R. F. CROSS, John Adam. Mrs. Ida Cross, 320 KINGSLAND, Detroit, Mich. Kingsland; 12 Alcorn Street, Oil City, Pa. D. 2. Detroit, Tex. Gilbert Street, KLEINSCHMIDT. Charles F. Mrs. Aenes DEERE, James F. Mrs. Hollie Deere, 6036 HARLEY. Howard W. Miss Molly Unger, Catherine Street, Apartment B, Philadel- 540 West One hundred and thirty-sixth Bernaty, 1514 Springfield Avenue, Chicago, phia, Pa. Street, New York, N. Y. Ill. DEFILAM3. Francis S. Robert F. Denham, HILTON Horace W. Mrs. Lydia Hilton, KNAPP, Clarence J. Mrs. Rose Knapp, 314 235 La Porte Avenue, Whiting, Ind. Olanta, Pa. South Jackson Street, Batavia, N. Y. 48 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

KOELBOm, Erhardt 0. Jacob Koelseh, 223 Murphy, 5 Auburn Square, Charlestown, MNAMEE, William V. R. J. McNamee, 357 Hamilton Street, Hartford, Conn. Mass. East One hundred and ninety-third Street, LAPOINTE, Webb J. Nelson Lapointe, 754 NEVIN, William. Mrs. Francis Nevin, 163 New York, N. Y. Spooner Street, Sheboygan, Mich. Academy Street, Long Island City, N. Y. MADDEN. Roy 0. Mrs. Hellen D. Madden, LIEDLA, Clarence D. Jacob F. Liebla, Barry. PELLETIER, Zenon. Mrs. Clara Pelletier, 603 East Fairchild Aenue, Danville, ll. "ille, N. Y. 193 Prospect Street, Norwood, Mass. MITES, Henry C. Mrs. Barbore Mies, 4338 MACIEROWSKI Frank. Sylvester Macie- NICHOLAS. George. Mrs. Eliza Audens, Langley Longtory Avenue, Chicago, Ill. rowki, 23 Koons Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. 1514 Fifth Avenue, Jacksonville, Fla. NICHOLSON, Charles L. James D. Nichol- IAGINO, Phillip. Nardo Magino, box 984, PETTYPOOLE, Charles E. Mrs. Grace Petty- son. 314 East Fourth Street, Newton, Kans. California, Pa. poole, Belle Rive, Ill. O.CONNOR, Michael. Thomas O'Connor, 1187 MAIII.R, Joseph. Joseph J. Maher, sr., 604 POWELL, Rufus. J. Hugh Powell, Temper- Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. East Eighty-third Street, New York, N. Y. anceville, Ohio O'HARA, James M. Mrs. Bridget O'Hara, MANNING, George Lafayette. Mrs. Cynthia PRESTRIDGE, Charles F. Mrs. Ethel Prest- 1112 Mifflin Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mainning, box 812. Sulphur, Okla. ridge, Seymour, Okla. OLSEN, Oscar. Oscar Olsen, 739 Fiftieth MANNING, John C. John Manning, 1315 RAPHAEL, Max. Mrs. Henrietta Raphael, Stret, Brooklyn, N. Y. North Eighth Street, Boise. Idaho. 773 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. OLSON, Hjalmar. Alfred J. Olson, Jenkins, M1NIC(TI, Nicholas. Julius Minich, 1331 RESSO, John. John Epoldi, 3233 West Minn. South Irving Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Thirty-third Street, Cleveland, Ohio. OPPERMAN, Frank M., jr. Mrs. Katherine MINSKY, Lewis. Harry Minsky, 204 Renwick RILEY, Thomas J. Mrs. Mary C. Riley, Opperman, 127 Thompson Street, Salem, Avenue, Syracuse N. Y. Katemcey, Mason County, Tex. N. J. MIRAULT, Joseph D. Albert Mirault, sr., 108 ROBINSON, John J. Mrs. Mary J. Robinson, PROVENCHER, Arthur E. Gideon Pro- Sargeant Street, Holyoke, Mass. Neodesha, Kans. vencher, 22 Whittier Avenue, Amesbury, MITCHELL, Michael. Miss Mary Mitchell, ROSANSKY, Paul. Mrs. Mary Rosansky, Mass. 34 Broadway, Lowell, Mass. 1200 Stanton Avenue, New Kensington, Pa. PUTT, Clayton H. Mrs. Elizabeth Putt, 203 MONTAIGNE, James B. Mrs. Margaret Mon- ROSS, Sam, Mrs. Henrietta Ross, Rosanky, Walnut Avenue, Lebanon, la. taigne. 708 Richard Street, Knoxville, Tena. Tex. ROSENBERG, Israel. Mrs. M. Rosenberg, 941 O'CONNOR, R. J. Mrs. P. J. O'Connor, 499 RUEDIGER, Emil. Fred Ruediger, 1007 Simpon Street, New York, N. Y. Welber Court, New York, N. Y. Sculard Street, St. Louis Mo. ROSS, Ercell B. Mrs. Perie Miller, 19 Green PATZVALD, Frank A. Julius Patzwald, Mor- SAFIRAN, Leo. Mrs. Pauline Safdran, 4828 Avenue, Washington, Pa. ton, Minn. Northeate Avenue, East Chicago. Ind. ROGALSKI Koustanty. Miss Ellen Rogalski, POWELL, Stacy. Mrs. Lilla Powell, 53 Water SCHMIDLEIN, Bernard H. Mrs. Theresa R. Edgemont Street, Piladelphia, Pa. Street. Mount Holly, N. J. Schmidlein. 339 fighty-fifth Street, New SCARBOROUGH, Floris. Mrs. Floris Scar- POWERS, Joseph Michael. Mrs. Margaret York, N. Y. borough, 90 Saranac Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Powers, 3416 North Dillman Street, Phila- SILORT, Samuel W. Mrs. Louella Short, SCHETTIG, Frederick. ,Mrs. Caroline Schet- delphia, Pa. Cleveland, Ark. tig, Piermont, N. Y. PUSTEOSKA, James. Frank Pusteoska, Vin- SIIURER, Anthony. Joseph Sharer, R. F. SERAFINSKI, John Joseph. Miss Frances ing. Iowa. D. 1, Nesbit, Lycoming County, Pa. Seaflinski. 18 Mohawk Avenue, Schenee- RAYNOR, William 1. Mrs. Nellie Munson, SMALL, William A. Mrs. Gerdie Stringer, fady, N. Y. general delivery, Sayville, N. Y, 810 Brazorn Street, Houston, Tex. SEXTON, John C. Mrs. Lucinda Sexton, REESE, Henry. Mrs. Amie Reese, Villa Ridge, SMITH, Seconly B. A. L. Smith, Melher, Ky. Olympia, Ky. Ill. SNELL, Arthur J. J. S. Snell, Opp, Ala. SHAFFER, Louis E. Nicholas J. Shaffer, REESE, Sanford U, Mrs. Mary Reese, 618 STACEY, William. R. L. Stacey, Mount Fenelton, Pa. Exeter Street, West Pittson, Pa. Sterling, Ky. SHARP, Sephus S. Charles W. Sharp, gen- REYNOLDS, Roy. Mrs. Martha E. Reynolds, STREEBY. Robert Earl. John Streeby, 417 eral delivery, Mill Spring, Mo. Comanche, Okla. Southwest Temple Street, Salt Lake City, SHELLEY, Max J. Lew Shelley, 716 F Street, ROBY, OCIE T. Mrs. Erma Roby. R. F. D. Utah. Pairbury, Nebr, 2, Clarkton, Va. hUbLLIVAN, Ralph MI. Mrs. Edith Sullivan, SHEPPARD, Troy. Miss Polly Sheppard, ROGERS, Charles W. Mrs. William Rogers, Main Street, Houlton, Me. Prestonsburg, Ky. 320 Vandervoort Street, North Tonawanda, SUNDEM, Emil 0. Oscar Sundem, R. F. D. SILVERFOOT. Albert S. Mrs. Lucy Silver- N. Y. No. 1, Colfax, Wis. foot, Point Reyes, Cal. ROLL, Richard S. N. N. Roll, Stanton, Iowa. SWEET, Alfred. H. W. Sweet, 349 East For- SIZER, Edwin. Mr. William Sizer, Holland RYAN, Charles J. Mrs. Anna Ryan, 211 East ty-first Street, New York, N. Y. Patent, N. Y. High Street, Circleville, Ohio. SYMONS, Carl Fredrick. Charles Symons, SKLUT, Nathan. Mrs. Leah Sklut, 102 West SALISBURY, Roy. Mrs. R. A. Baldwin, R. 302 South Third Street, Reading, Pa. Second Street, Wilmington. Del. F. D. 6. Atchinson, Kans. TABER, Frank Ml. MrAs Estelle Taber, Orient, SMITH, Benjamin H. Mrs. Marcia E. Smith, SHAW, Charles J. Mrs. Mary Shaw, Joadao, N. Y. Cadott, Wis. Ark. THIEDICH, Carl H. Candus Thiedich, Bloom- STERN, Pete J. Mrs. Mary Stern, R. F. D. field, SLOCUM, John. Mrs. Stirling Slacum, 604 Nebr. 4, Brooten, Mian. TRACY, Paul Louis. Mrs. Thomas Tovining, STONE, John Y. Mrs. Amanda Stone, R. F. East Market Street, Scranton, Pa. Walkeraville, SOMERS, Treon B. Clifford M. Jones, Cohas- Mich. D. 22, Ransonville, N. Y. set, Mian. TRECARTIN, Earl B. John H. Trerartin, TURNER, Frank B. John W. Turner, 104 Water Street, North Saugs, Mass. East Hatch Street, Sttrgis, Mich. SPARKS, Alfred Franklin. William Sparks, TUCKER, Velle Green, Colo. Leo. Walter L. Tucker, Woodville, VAN HE, Jacob. Marinus Van Hlee, On- STATON, Jesse B. Jund Bond, Addington, Ter. tario, N. Y. Okla. WALDEN, Alexander. Mrs. Henrietta Wal- VICK, Joseph. Ole 0. Vick, Mekinoch, N. STOCKWELL, Allan T. Mrs- Ella Stockwell, den, Clyde, Ohio. Dak. 8 Ashley Place, Lockport. N. Y. WALKER, Samuel H. Samuel H. Walker, sr., VIGIL, Augustin. Juan Vigil, Magdalena, N. TINERVIA, Salvatore. aSaplenza Salvatore, 2131 Albright Street, Philadelphia, Pa Mex. 328 East Twenty-second Street, New York, WALSH, Michael T. Mrs. Anna S. Walsh, WILKIE, Ray F. Clyde Wilkie, Converse, N. Y. Larehwood, Iowa. S. C. John 0. Mrs. John Under- WATSON, Lonnie. John Watson, Hobart, UNDERWOOD, Okla. WILSON, Barron Lewis. Mrs. J. W. Wilson, wood, Tishomingo, Miss. King Mountain, Ky. Be- WINITZKY, VETTER, John Claments. Moritz Vetter, Rubin. Miss Pannie Winitzky, WITTE, Herbert A. Mrs. Adeline Witte, 1013 loit, Kans. 313 South Fifth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thorne Street, St. Paul, Minn. WADE, Clarence A. William A. Wade, WRIGHT, Clarence. Mrs. Annie Wright, 1026 Omega, Okla. East Mason Street, Springfield. Ill. CIIERRYIIOLMES, Morris A. Alonzo Cherry- William B. Ran- YANCHULIES, Martin. Demonic Yanchulies, holmes, 712 East Twenty-second Street, WESTERKAM, William T. Marion, som, 347 Forty-sixth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1201 East Falls Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ind. WIGGS, William. Robert Wiggs, Judsonia, ZEIGLER, Augustus C. Harry B. Zeigler, NOLTE, Edward Henry. Mrs. Katherine Limerick. Ila. Not, 29 Manhattan Avenne, Jersey City, ZERKOWSKI, Adam. Mrs. Jennie Zerkowshi, N. J. WILKOFSKY, Max. Harry Sokolck, 1616 13) Loepere Street. Buffalo, N. Y. Washington Street, St. Louis, Mo. JACKSON., Frank. Mrs. Fronie Jackson, Rob- BARSNECK, Arthur J. Mrs. Mary Barsneck, H ILLIA3MS, Willie. Mrs. Louvenia Turner, ert Mills Road, Ilixson, Tenn. IT South Colony Street, Mleridan, Conn. 58 Owen Street, Mobile, Ala. BERGMAN, Gotfred E. Nels Bergman, It. F. Lovie Jones, 1003 JOIISON, Claude. Mrs. Ollie B. Johnson, .TONES, Claude. Mrs. Bastrop, Tex. D. 1, Ortonville, Minn. Wright Street, Chicago, ill. BROWN, James William. Mrs. Jacob H. KLEMM, John E. Mrs. Minnie Becker, Fair KLINE, George. Mrs. Eliza Cahill, 1317 Mar- Brown, Colesburg. Ionwa. Avenue, Hanover, Pa. gurite Avenue, Canton, Ohio. BURCH, LTLIMISHIN, Alexander P. Sam Klimishin, KNECKER, Dan W. Henry Croon, Le Mars, Jack T. William W. Burch, Jordon 3038 Sheridan Avenue, Minneapolis, 2Minn. Iowa. Mines, Va. KRUGER, William G. Mrs. C. Kruger, 379 LANARDO. Paul. Joe Farraro, 014 Madi- BUtRNS, Harry. Robert E. Burns, Kiowa, Berriman Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. son Street. Hoboken, N. J. Kens. LAVERTY, John Thomas. Mrs. Margaret LARAMEY, COPLEY, Garland. Thomas L. Copley, R. F. Laverty, Dover, N. J. Clarence. Miss Delphi E. Lara- ney. Hermosa Beach, CaL D. 2, Fort Gay, W. Va. LIVINGSTON, John W. George Livingston, DRIVER, Wilfred H. Miss Beatrice A. Wynne Wood, Okla. LITTLETON, Albert A. Mrs. Sussie Little- ton, Havana, Ark. Drixer, 29 Locust Street, Providence, H. I. LOEFFLER, John S. Otto Loeffler, 5918 FRONCKOWFKP, Antonia. Pete Fronckow- Stewart Avenue, Chicago, Ill. McDERMOTT, James Robert. Mrs. Blanche M. McDermott, 221 Franklin Avenue, ske, 7,0 South Bethel Street, Baltimore, LOUGEE. Louis L. Mrs. Elvira A1. Lougee, Md. 473 Williams Strebt, New London, Conn. Sioux Falls, S. flak. MAGBY, Luther M. John M. Magby, Pickens, McDONALD, Edward II. Mrs. A. L. Me- GONYA. Charles C. George W. Gonya, 487 Okla. Donald, 957 South Dearborn Street, Mobile, Third Street, Albany, N. Y. MILLINGTON. William George. Miss Mar- Ala. HOLOCHOKE. Jacob. Joseph Holochoke, 316 garet Millington, 5 Waldron Avenue, Hoo- McKENZIE. Thomas J. Thomas R. McKen- West Sixth Street, Chester, Pa. sick Falls, N. Y. zie, 008 South Scioto Street, Circleville, HOLY, Frank. Joseph W. Irwinsky, general MURPHY, John William. Mrs. John W. Ohio. delivery, Temple, Tex.