Westray Story a Predictable Path to Disaster
3 . // ^V7 / C‘H- The Westray Story A Predictable Path to Disaster Report of the Westray Mine Public Inquiry Justice K. Peter Richard, Commissioner Volume One November 1997 LIBRARY DEPARTfvtEr,T Or NATURAL RESOURCES. \ HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA \ ^V 2,2,4- VJ. I Published on the authority of the Lieutenant Governor in Council c, by the Westray Mine Public Inquiry. © Province of Nova Scotia 1997 ISBN 0-88871-465-3 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Westray Mine Public Inquiry (N.S.) The Westray story: a predictable path to disaster Includes bibliographical references. Partial contents: v.[3] Reference - v.[4] Executive summary. ISBN 0-88871-465-3 (v.l) - 0-88871-466-1 (v.2) - 0-88871-467-X ([v.3])-0-88871-468-8 ([v.4]) 1. Westray Mine Disaster, Plymouth, Pictou, N.S., 1992. 2. Coal mine accidents—Nova Scotia—Plymouth (Pictou Co.) I. Richard, K. Peter, 1932- II. Title. TN806C22N6 1997 363.11’9622334'0971613 C97-966011-4 Cover: Sketch of Westray mine by Elizabeth Owen Permission is hereby given by the copyright holder for any person to reproduce this report or any part thereof. “The most important thing to come out of a mine is the miner.” Frederic Le Play (1806-1882) French sociologist and inspector general of mines of France » At 5:20 am on 9 May 1992 the Westray mine exploded taking the lives of the following 26 miners. John Thomas Bates, 56 Trevor Martin Jahn, 36 Larry Arthur Bell, 25 Laurence Elwyn James, 34 Bennie Joseph Benoit, 42 Eugene W. Johnson, 33 Wayne Michael Conway, 38 Stephen Paul Lilley, 40 Ferris Todd Dewan, 35 Michael Frederick MacKay, 38 Adonis J.
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