Nuclear Science, an Introductory Course. By- Sulcoskii John W

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Nuclear Science, an Introductory Course. By- Sulcoskii John W REPORT RESUMES ED 018 401 SE 004 590 NUCLEAR SCIENCE, AN INTRODUCTORY COURSE. BY- SULCOSKII JOHN W. WILKES...BARRE CITY SCHOOLS, PA. PUB DATE $7 GRANT OEG.4...7.40349747413 EDRS PRICE MF -$0.50 HC -$3.31 SIP. DESCRIPTORS- *ATOMIC THEORY, *CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, *CHEMISTRY' *CURRICULUM GUIDES, *LABORATORYSAFETY, *NUCLEAR PHYSICS, *PHYSICAL SCIENCES, *PHYSICS, *TEACHING GUIDES, AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, BIOLOGY, CURRICULUM,FILMS, SCIENCE EQUIPMENT, SCIENCE MATERIALS, SCIENCE ACTIVITIES, SCIENCE FACILITIES, WILKES...BARRE CITY SCHOOLS, THIS CURRICULUM GUIDE DESCRIBES A TWELFTH -GRADE INTERDISCIPLINARY' INTRODUCTORY NUCLEAR SCIENCE COURSE. ITIS BELIEVED TO FILL THE NEED FOR AN ADVANCED COURSE THATIS TIMELY, CHALLENGING, AND APPROPRIATE AS ASEQUENTIAL ADDITION TO THE BIOLOGYCHEMISTRY.PHYSICS SEQUENCE. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION COVERS SUCH MATTERS AS (I) RADIOISOTOPE WORK AREAS,(2) NUCLEAR SCIENCE LABORATORY,(3) PURCHASING EQUIPMENT, (4) CONSTRUCTION AND MODIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT, (5) LICENSING AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS, (B) STANDARDSFOR PROTECTION AGAINST RADIATION, AND (7) THE SAFEUSE OF RADIOISOTOPES. THE SECOND PART OF THE DOCUMENT PRESENTSA SUGGESTED SYLLABUS FOR A ONE- SEMESTER COURSE IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE, AND INCLUDES (1.) CONTENT OUTLINE, (2) LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS, (3) TEXTPTFERENCES, AND (4) AUDIOVISUAL AIDS (ANNOTATED FILM LISTS). SUPPLEMENTARY SECTIONS INCLUDE (I) NUCLEAR SCIENCEREFERENCE MATERIALS, (I) ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (AEC)PUBLICATIONS, (3) FILMSTRIPS PREPARED BY THE RADIATION SCIENCESEMINAR STAFF, (4) AEC FILM SERIES, (5) SIMPLE EXPERIMENTS FORHIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS USING THE CIVIL DEFENSE V -TOO GEIGER COUNTER, (B) AUTORADIOGRAPHY PROCESSING FORMULAS, (7) NUCLEAR EDUCATION EQUIPMENT, AND (S) NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES. (OH) THIS DOCUMENT HAS IfEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE NUCLEASCIENCE anintroductoryPOSITIONSTATEDPERSON DOOR ON ORGANIZATIONr. POLICYidECESSARILY course ORIGINATING REPRESENT IT OITICIAlPOINTS OFFICE Of VIEW Of EDUCATION OR OPINIONS PREPARED BY THE STAFF VO RadiationWilkes-BarreTitle III ScienceCity ESEA Schools, ProjectSeminarGrantee V)*1.N9 I. 111.1=1. 1 $ I IP IsS a I s NUCLEARan introductory SCIENCE course RadiationJOHNPREPARED W. SULCOSKI,Science BY THE STAFF SeminarDirector TheWelfare.Grant work from Grant presented the U. No. S. OEGOffice or reported of 3-7-703497-3783Education, herein wasDept. performed ofProject Health, No. pursuantEducation 67-03497-0 toand a /WILKES-BARREWALTER C. WOOD, CITY SCHOOLS, Superintendent Grantee ROBERT FRENCH, Coordinator of Federal Programs 1 RADIATIONSCIENCE CONSULTANTSDr. Ralph T. Overman SEMINARStaff Dr.Chairman,Former Grafton Director, D.Department Chase Oakof Nuclear Ridgeof Radiochemistry Institute Studies Mr.Science JohnHighWilkes-Barre, Sulcoski, SchoolCoordinator, Director Pa. Coughlin Dr.PhiladelphiaDuquesneChairman, Mitchell University Department Borke College of BionucleonicsPharmacy & Science Mr.Science StephenSchoolBethlehem, Supervisor, District Rituper, Pa. SeniorBethlehem Lecturer Area LABORATORYMr.Coughlin Joseph INSTRUCTORS MoranHigh School, WilkesBarre, Pa. Mr.Science TamaquaH.Tamaqua, Bruce Supervisor Geiger,Area Pa. School Lecturer District, Mr.SisterSt. Thomas NicholasM. Cletus, G. Murray High S.C.C. School, WilkesBarre, Pa. Mr.(Phys. FrankScienceMeyers Sciences)Wilkes-Barre, Wempa, Coordiriaitor, High LaboratorySchool, Pa. Director Mr.MeyersScranton Frank HighJ. Public Rash School, Schools, WilkesBarre, Scranton, Pa.Pa. Mr.(Bio. WilliamChairmanScranton Sciences)Scranton, Murray, of Preparatory Science Pa. Lab. Department Director School, 2 Dr.Evaluation WilliamAdministrativeWm.Allentown, AllenSharkan, And HighWriting Assistant Pa. School, Coordinator TABLE OF CONTENTS NUCLEARPREFACE SCIENCE=01111MNIMINDIMMIMMIN=14N~INN.M.INIMMIMNIONPIMI=1111N. AND THE CURRICULUM -------------- 54 RADIATION1. LaboratorySAFETY techniques 15 NUCLEAR1. SCIENCERadioisotope IN THE workLABORATORY areas --- 6 2.3. DecontaminationWaste disposal 2.3. AdaptingDesigning existingnuclear laboratorieslaboratories NUCLEARSUGGESTED SCIENCE NUCLEAR TEXTS SCIENCE AND SYLLABUSLABORATORY----------- MANUALS -6719 5.4. PurchasingConstruction equipment and modification of equipment AUDIO-VISUALREFERENCE TEXTS AIDS------------------------------=WINMIN01m1MOMMINNNMNINIMM=N41100.N.OM6967 LICENSING AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 11 AUTORADIOGRAPHYSIMPLE EXPERIMENTS PROCESSING FOR HIGH FORMULASSCHOOL------------- -- ---- --7671 2.1. Specific-LicenseGeneral-License quantitiesquantities NUCLEAREQUIPMENTEDUCATION SUPPLIERSEQUIPMENT----------------------------------7978 3 PREFACE theSince New Mexicothe first desert atomic in 1945,explosion the atomshattered has never the stillnessbeen more overin the madepubliccations life eye. than easier theSince forunfortunates then, the worldthe radioisotope whopopulace lost their through has lives saved its in peacefulmore its livesmilitaryappli- and applications.In those twenty years, the applications of radioactivity nowFrom the electricaltouchtests, our few daily phenomenapower lives to thehave in radiation-gauged anyielded unheralded man so yet much.newsprint massiveYet manner. tothe the term thyroid "radio- soundotheractive" term.of stillthe word. Thestrikes misinformedThe terror most inandappalling the uninformed minds and of disappointing almostmen as quakeprobably atfact theno of program,Duringall is thethat the instructional thetemerity majority in handlingphaseof science of theradioactive teachers "Radiation fall materials Science into this wasSeminar" category.far greatercurriculumThe staffamong guide ofthe "Radiation willteachers help thanScienceerase the this Seminar"student fearful hopesparticipants. attitude that thisand promote 4 the educational use of radioisotopes in our schools. NuclearWithin Science the andpast the decade, Curriculum a noticeable trend metthatcourses when the ratherheneeds is exposedofthan the a studentspecializedto a wide will variety track, be far especiallyof greater survey Thischemistryschoolscoursein the sequence sequencenations'schoolsbiology at the leaves isdown10th, taught aone andscienceis grade, atthatphysics the elective of so9th movingatthat gradethe openin the11th. level,some inusual the havesoinception. early pursued in his this educational policy successfully career. Thesins' colleges their hasasChemistry,12th Biologybeen grade filled II,forAdvanced Chemistrythewith science-prone Chemistry,an assortmentII, Physics Science student. of II, courses,Seminar,OrganicThis suchgap ently Sciencedo (a)three coursesTeach basic basic tasks:on theconcepts high school level appar- amenabilityothersGreat Ideasdependent ofin theScience, solely local onAstronomy,administration. teacher interestPhysiology, and andthe (c)(b) MotivateTeach basic skills quence:for theA closercollege-preparatory7th grade look -at Introduction the typicalstudent to scienceshows Science this track se- studiesalmostfar lessEducational everyshow successful thattext psychology thein than introductoryfirst the studies twothird factors education factor.quoted are in Ainand recent reality other 8th grade - Earth(General Science Science) bearingoutshowedstudyfared a high-schoolquoted about thaton success successequallyin the preparation. in "Journalin college collegehigh schoolof chemistry; chemistryChemicalThe chemistryapproach Education"withstudent ofhador the with-little 11th10th9th grade - BiologyPhysicsChemistry nationalhighthe extremeschool alphabet scienceimportance programs courses. of thealso motivation serves to factorpoint upin 12th grade - Electiveistry II, (BiologyPhysics II)II, Chem- veysequence.threethe and12th Iffactors inter-disciplinary.a gradecourseThe without nuclearas in an nuclear elective,repeating science scienceThere courseitany would is partswere nowould fulfill moreofferedof bethe study sur- allin aanfoursomewhat specialized inter-disciplinary coursesNote based that areoffering. uponof survey the order surveysix courses, The ofsteps courseimportance inwhile thesequenceand the sequence,theand first lastlevel is is fundamental than the study of the nucleus. of difficulty -- one builds upon the other.We hold 5 RADIOISOTOPEAdaptingThe workExisting WORK areas AREASLaboratories in which radioisotopes will mindbeenteringconcernfledgling used fear sometimes probably theworkersof theportals radioisotope hasinare thisof itsof nuclear extremebasisfield. by inexperiments. workersconcern Thisthe back-of-theextreme justto astheout1131, precautionstheIf shoytschool Gaa, half-life P32) yeargiven areand to used inradioactivecommon-place tracer intermittently quantities, materials chemicals through- (suchthen withspecial(such Whenmicrocurie as work H2SO4,short area half-lifeKNO3,quantities or cautionetc.) and ofwill signs longthe be above half-lifewillsufficient. necessary radio-No taminationThisthoughtisotopes extra should are affectingthought used be givenconstantlyis the solely tobackground the becauseover choice the count of ofschool possible theof theworkyear, instru-con- area. more This student is preparing asample mentationinspilledordinarylocalize an experiment all andchemistrather over minimize thanisthedoes only lab, anycontamination.not 300 radiationsoindiscriminately cpma radioisotope and hazard. theIf backgroundthe leaveworker Justcount mercury as shouldratecount an THE IDEAL NUCLEARwith uranyl SCIENCE nitrate. LABORATORY areais 200 Ideally,should cpm, begood the in datatwocounting differentshould area not roomsand be sampleexpected. to minimizepreparation possible
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    DOCUMENT RESUME ED 071 911 SE 015 548 TITLE Project Physics Teacher Guide 6, The Nucleus. INSTITUTION Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Project Physics. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW) Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. BUREAU NO BR-5-1038 PUB DATE 68 CONTRACT OEC-5-10-058 NOTE 235p.; Authorized Interim Version EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-S9.87 DESCRIPTORS Instructional Materials; *Multimedia Instruction; *Nuclear Physics; Physics; *Radiation; Science Activities; Secondary Grades; *Secondary School Science; *Teaching Glides; Teaching Procedures IDENTIFIERS Harvard Project Physics ABSTRACT Teaching procedures of Project Physics Unit 6are presented to help teachers make effectiveuse of learning materials. Unit contents are discussed in connection withteaching aid lists, multi-media schedules, schedule blocks, andresource charts. Brief summaries are made for transparencies, 16mm films, and reader articles. Included is information about the backgroundand development of each unit chapter, procedures in demonstrations, apparatus operations, notes on the student handbook, andan explanation of film loops. Additional articlesare concerned with objects dated by radiocarbon, radiation safety, propertiesof radiations, radioactive sources, radioactivity determinationby electroscopes, and radiation detecting devices.Scalers, counters, Geiger tubes, and cadmium selenide photocellsare analyzed; and a bibliography of references is given, Solutionsto the study guide are provided in detail, and answers to test itemsare suggested. The sixth unit of the text, with marginal commentson each section, is also compiled in the manual. The work of Harvard ProjectPhysics has . been financially supported by: the Carnegie Corporation ofNew York, the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation,the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the United States office of Education,and Harvard University.
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