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DOCUMENT mute ED 124 18 . 88 SE 019 612 TITLEN: Radioactivity .and Man iinicourse, Career Oriented Pre-Technical Physics* , INSTITUTI N Dallas Independent School District, Tex. SPONS AGE CY Bureauvof Ele*entary and Secondary tducat4.0n (D5 HEN/OE),-WashingtOn, D.C. -RUB DATE 7 For rilated 0, NOTE - 78p.; Drawings may not reproduce wel documens, see SE 018 322-333 and SE 019 605-616 , . 4 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus Postag4. DESCRIPTOR Instructional Materialsi Physics; *Program Guides; *Radiation Effects; *Science Activities; Science .41 Careers; Science Education; *Science Materials; Secondary Zdution;.*Secondary School Science; Technical Educe ion IDENTIFIrRS Elementary Seco dart' VIAlcation ACt Title III; ESEA Title' III 07. 1 ABSTRACT .1j This instructional guide, intended for student use, develops the subject of radioactivity and can through a series. of sequential activities.. `A technical development of the subject is pursued with examples stressing practical aspects'of the concepts. Included in the minicourse are:, (1) the rationale,(2) terminal behavioral objectives, (3) enabling behavioral objectives,(4) activities,(5) resource ,packages, and (6) evaluation materials. The' * benefits as well as the dangers of radiometivity to Ian are considered.,This unit is one of twelve intended for use in.the second year of tv9 year vocationally oriented .physics. program. 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FACAt ESEA Title7975 111 Project SENTSTATEDATLNGED_CATLDN CFFLVA). r,T DO our.ta7s,CF NOT Pcs,rici tiAlcONAL NECESSAWLY VIEW Cot ctiVNIUFE OR*ay.:* OPiN-0445EPRE. CF I tl dallas indepehdentto)school dtstrict CAREER,ORIENTED PRE-TECHNICATL FEYSICS RadioactivityMinicourse and-Man . ESEA Title III Project 1 1974 dallas independent sthool district EugeneBOARD S OFSmith. EDUCATIQN Jr.. Presdent Emmett J. Conrad. M.D7Bill C. Hunter. Vice-PresidentLawrence Herkime .0, , JamesNandi` Jennings Judy. Robert Medrano KathlynSarah Gilliam Haskins , . ADMINISTRATIVEGeneralNolan Superintendent Estes OFFICERS 0 DeputyH. S.Superintendent Griffin Associate SuperintendentRogett.I. BartonDeveopment..- 9. AssistantAdaptiveFrances SuperintendenP Education Allen AssIValyt--trpe.rsrleszcler-1H. 13,Elos:rrez.'s Pearson Assistant. SuperintendentAssistantOttoLarry M. Sup.grintenderrt FriOia-;__Jr.AscoughCommunications Ass:star!PersOnnelGeorgeJoe ,Strproirefidect M. Development ReidFitts AssistantProgramRubenlementary SuperintendentDevelopment Gallegos WperationS AssistantSecondaryJohnPersonnel SuperintendentJ. CtienatorisSantillo - nlAsistant- Carltonto the General C.- Moffett Superintendent .Assistant.SupenntenclentB. J. Stamps Bect-KiedeclenAttorney . AssistantinstructionalSupportWeldon Superintendent Services WellsServices. , dabs indeOendent school districtc October 8, 1974 Nz]ari This Minicourse is a tesult of hard work, dedication, and a com- theThestaff,prehensive regular"teachingMinicourse college program professors,contains of program testing classroom teachers, in and the activitiesimprovement Dallasand others. Independent designed by members for School ofuse the in ,-District.whofinedentlyIndependent had4,part example wit')Through School close ofin thedesigning, teacherDistrictminicourseactivities, excellent supervision istesting, effortsknown. andandforMay improvingstudentsaid. whichI commend Thisthe work this Dallasallwork-is indepen- Minicourse.of those a rTh I commend it to yourhe. Sincerely yours, NE:mag GeneraSuperintendent ..7 -CAREER-OnIENTID PRE-TECHNICAL PHYSICS RADIOACTIVITY-ANDblINICOURSE 3 ,RATIONALE (What this minicourse isabout): but as nuclear technology becomes morewidespread, needsman-madeRadioactivity to radiationlearn issomething naturally will become, about present themore basicsall and around moreof aradiat,tonus; partof ourtechnology, everyday itsenvironment. benefits, andTherefore,its hazards. everyone radioactiveIn this minicourse'you radiation; andwill you, develop as a amoretinformedcitizen,better undeistanding of can the pass hazards on to of, others radioactiveAn effortinforAation willmaterials beabout made and notradiation to be alarmistshazards and and precautions not tooveremphasizeto taken radiation-hazards, tohazards avoid ofunnecessary everyday but life.exposure. to placeOf course,the hazards a'llry of radio-17 real and weightyactivecavity wastesenvironmentalin a realisticand'reactor;fuels concern perspective is for the withthe yet numerous otherunsolvedpower problem reactorsof handling planned and for long-term use in theStoring immediate- ofradio- ure. a radiation'technology are'so greatisat our presentcivilization wouldTheradioisotopes benefits not endurewithout for to discovermankind this derivedthe technology.nature from of aparticularLet's glance illness at a (diagnosticfew of7these tool) benefits.the useThe ofuse radioisotopes of to ture e particular illness (therapeutic tool), the use oi radioactive tracers to better, understand ilizetothe findfunctio food, ways and to`reduceof-plents._aAd the use wearof radioactive into enginesthereby materialsandincrease machine worldto parts;make food atomic the production, use batteries of radioactive the are usa,of only radiation:to radioactivea very few appiica-isotopesster- Intions this taken'from minicourse a youlist will: of.thousands(a) study of technologicalthe relgtionship applications. of radioactivity to nuclear energy, (b) exam- whichine(c) someinvestigate radioactivematerials of the severalgeneral meansproperties pose 'of for detecting of the-human naturally radioactivity. body; occurring and at and Youthe man-made willsame also time, radioactive study a whole some elements, sectionof'the -dangewill be Anused understanding to show how radioactivityof radioactivity, benefits its properties,man. its hazards, and its detection constitute:ajounda- 'tionincludes, for entering_into-aradiation research large physicians, variety of specialists related technical in medical ffelds. radioisotopesFor example,X-ray, the technicians, field of medicine and the like. Also, t,ti.s minicourse will be useful to students who may become otechnicians in a cancer clinic, assistants to,==a&rmatologist,-4r-- health4 physics technicians for /specialized'''' I;manufacturerst whose o'processesThese kinds requireof job prospectsradioactive are materials, good; and nuclear there haspoier been plant an increasetehnicians, in demandor physics forpore'technical or science teachers: helpq in most of these fields in recent 34ars. -2- 1 )IY)ouinvestigations.are expected (experiments), to keep anotebook.0 answers, during to questions, this minicourse. and newspaperThe notebookand magazine will articlescontain accountsrelated to-of, In radioactivityaddition to RATIONALE, and its application this minicOursq to everyday contains living. the following, sections: 4% ,.2)1) TERMINALENABLING BEHAVIORAL'BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES (Learning(Specific-things usteps".Khich you are willexpected enable to youlearm to fromeventually this minicourse) reach the 3).ACTIVITIES' te inal behavioral (Specific objectives)things to do to help you learn) 4) RESOURCEcedures; references,PACKAGES (Specific laboratory instructions.for,performing materials, etc,') the learnineActi:vities, such aspro-4 ..5)/EVALUATIONa)the Self-test(s)terminal (Teats behaviOral with to helpanswers objectives) you tolearn help and you to learn determine mor whether or not you )6satisfactorily reach TERMINALI BEHAVIORALb) Final OBJECTIVEStests; to measure your overall achievement. t. Upon the completion of this.minicourse, you will be able to: . 2)1) explain andthe illustrate.general relationship the general of differencesnatural andartificial between alpha transmutation particles, betato radioactivity. particles, and 3).denonstrate, gammacounter, rays. and. the the use spinthariscope of such ins. inhents detection as the electroscope, of radioactive the radiation,' cloud chamber,. the Geiger -3- 4) explaininternally. some of the dangers of radiation- to the Litman body, when exposed externally or, 6)5) pingsexplainwrite otdown howwriteups andradloactivity explain from currentat isleast affecting newspaper ten (10) e'veryday_lMe or-magazinedifferent benefits, basedof radioactivity on at least'four to.mapkpd." (4) clip' ENABLING BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE #1: ACTIVITYRead-Resource 1,-1 Package 11=1, per- "Radioactivity"FESOURCEN. PACKAGE 1-1 byradioactivityExplajmthe use electroscope,.detection of the such gene andofinstruments alradioactivity demonstratecloud nature chamber, asof AnsweranswersPa6cage-1-2;foithing questions byall using investigations.then inResource check Resourct your Package "Self-testRESOURCE