MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945-1992. Series C: lnterreligious Activities. 1952-1992

Box 46, Folder 2, Stapleton, Ruth Carter, 1978.

3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 221-1875 phone, (513) 221-7812 fax . . . ~·. .. May .16,, 1978

Mrs. Ruth Carter Stapi'eton ;r.o.B. 53757 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28305

Dear .Hrs. Stapleton,

' . ' I take the llb~~Y of enclosing a copy of a newspaper story which appeared in The New York Post Qf May 15th. As you wil1 see, it reports that you have accepted to address a June 0th "crusade'' of B·,nai Yeshw;t, a group whose primary purpose is proselytizing among Jewish people, especially Jewish young people.

' -· My .purpose in writing ·to you is· to ask for- t he opportunity to mee.t wit.h. you as early'as possible prior to the June Bth date in order to discuss with. .you our concerns ·over your participation ln this pr-oselytizing conference.· ·· would you, therefore, kindly let me know by return mail or by telephone wba~ ~uld be a conv~ient time and place for us to meet?

I should like to discuss with you th~ theolog!cai isoues raised by what~ · in our judement, is a .. compietely ~nadequate and defective understanding .. of .so-~alled Hebrew-Christian t'lO'Vements, such as B'nai Yeshua, of the · val~dity of God's eternal cove~ant with Israel. In particUlar, r .·"fish to discuss wl th you i.n all candor and friendship what to us has been the moral offense of thelr methods involving ~he use of sacred Jewish con- . cepts, peligious traditions and practices. of living Judaism in an altogether . deceptive and, at times, "fraudulent manner in order to ensnare unsu~pe cting or ignor~nt young Jewish people. ·our files are filled with documentation of such "unfair practices" and "deceptive packaging" and I would \.-ant to share such evidence with you for your reflection.

May I look fo~~ard to hearing from you a~ you:- early convenience?


Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum HatlQnal Interr-eligious Affairs Dir~tox-


/ : .


..,.. ... Was she influenced at all by her brother? ,.,~ Carter sister aborts mission date, "Well , the last time I saw Jimmy wus ut Bil­ .... ly's daughter's wedding two weeks ago. He came up 10 me and asked me if I was aware of -4 1he Jewish reaction lo my appearance at Bnai ::i:: didn't know it was to convert Jews Yeshua. And I told him, quite honestly that I ;:;;"' hadn't." ~ Ry ANDY EDELSTEIN observers, lent a certain legitimacy to the He­ She smiled again, this time warmer and more iii ..This is my press conference," Ruch Carter brew Christians' practices which have been sincere than the President's Ultra-Brite grin . ::i:: Srapleton told the crowded room of reporters roundly condemned by both Jewish and Chris­ " 'Jimmy what must J do?' l asked him. And ~ ~ listening 10 her announcement that she will nor tian groups. he looked at me and he said ·~ut h, I've never :llC ;).. address this week's convention of Bnai Yeshua, Mrs. Stapleton, however, said that she was told you what to do and I'm not going to tell you a Long Is land "Hebrew <:;hrislian" missionary unaware of the precise nature of Bnai Yeshua. now. You must seek your own guidance - do ,.,~ ~ group. "No one else is sponsoring it." She told the press conference that her secretary what is right in your hean . • " Mrs. Stapleton, sisrer of President Caner and had made the appointment without consulting ~ visit z a prominent Evangelical Christian adjusred her her. It is the nature of her work, Mrs. Stapleton Will Holy Land bifocals and smoothed her peach-colored dress. maintained, that she speak to groups of all faiths "Amen," mumbled a member of Mrs. ~ Speaking softly, she continued: " I made the de­ to s hare her "psychological and spiritual in­ Stapleton's party sitting next to me. He ~ cision after many sleepless nights and much sights." absent-mindedly thumbed through a copy of the z prayer. I tried to pul myself in10 the mind of " I am a Christian and my faith stems from my . "'~ Christ. What would He do, I asked my­ perception of God' s love through Jesus Christ," Michael Stolowiezky, an Israeli who runs the self.·• she said, smiling in a manner reminiscent of her World Christian Travel Service in California, ~ Having made her decision, Mrs. Stapleton brother. "Yet I have never anempted in any way 'was brought up to the lectern. A balding, "'~ came to New York last Friday to hold a press to negate the faith and practices of any sect, goatced man in a white safari jacket. he 0 ·conference, which was held in a ninth-floor con­ however far they might be removed from my· explained that he was the booking agent for ... ference room at 342 Madison A venue. The loca­ own personal beliefs nor would I ever willingly Mrs. S1apleton's forthcoming trip to the Holy cz tion was chosen to emphasize the independence be used by any group to attack the faith of Land. " I've been with her constantly for the ... of Mrs. Stapleton's decision. The American othe rs. past two months and I've never heard her men­ ... Jewish Committee had sen1 a mailgram to the tion anything of the sort that she is trying to ... Not Influenced by brother conven Jews,•• said Stolowiezky. who added press announcing her appearance. '°00" In addition, Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, the " I would nor associate myself with any effort that he had lost members of his family in the AJC's director of inter-religious affairs, was that would seek to undermine the survival of the Holocaust. R~ Carter Stapleton present as a "consultant" 10 Mrs. Stapleton. He Jewish people as a distinctive religious-ethnic "Mrs. Stapleton, what would you do if one of said he had written and conversed several times Bnai Yeshua is a Texas based organization group." • your children decided to convert to Judai!'m°!" with Mrs. Stapleton about Bnai Yeshua. which last year purchased the Stony Brook Girls Mrs. Stapleton explained that her work as The question was posed by Frank Casey. a Nonetheless, it seems as if there is one Academy as a center from which they pro­ president of Behold, Inc., a non-profit, non­ Black reporter for WPIX-TV. member of the Carter family who is listening to seletyze their odd mixture of Jewish and Chris­ denominational religious organization, involves Mrs. Stapleton remained silent for forty-five Jewish leaders. tian customs. Their office hus recently issued a reconciliation and " inner healing" - a compli­ seconds. At that moment, the light in the room barrage of press releases (which are mailed in cated process in which te nsions and pressures pointed up the resemblance between her and her Long Island Jews dismayed envelopes whose postmark reads "shalom") are released through acceptance of Jesus. She other brother, Billy. Jewish community leaders on Long Island predicting that thousands of Hebrew Christians maintained that she has not now and never has "I wouldn't object to anything my c hild expressed dismay when ii was learned last would anend the June 8-10 gathering billed as been actively seeking to convert Jews. would do," she said finally. And then she added month that Mrs. Stapleton had accepted the invi- "Shechinah '78" (Glory of God). Having Mrs. "Conversion is Bnai Yeshua's calling. It is "Some of my best friends . . . " The laughter of 1a1ion to speak at the Bnai Yeshua gathering. Stapleton as keynote speaker, it seemed to most not mine," she said. the audience drowned out the last two word:-.. i Composite picture of Jewish New York _,~ It's being pieced together at Yivo Help is wanted! ... Send material to z to begin with things that we could do in the 2. By RICHARD YAFFE cheapest way and yet stick to the heart and soul the Yivo Institute O "Jewish" New York, the cradle of the largest of the project." The decision was to conduct a ~ ·\ concentralion of Jews in the world, has never workshop on research techniques, topics and This newspaper is happy to cooperate with ~ · really had its picture taken and its story told, and theories for the study of New York Jews. the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and now a couple of people, backed by that unique ..What we did in the workshop was to bring with its Research Program for the Study of underpublicized institution, YIVO, are going to together a group of mostly young scholars, but New York Jews, and their search for mate· ~ do it. Or, al least they are laying a solid not exclusively so. The young people were there rials and documents relating to the commun· z groundwork for having it done. because alot of research is being done by young ity. This included the story of the landsman­ And when you hear Barbara Dash Moore and people." shaften which played an important role in ...~ Marvin Herzog talk about it, you wonder why, The workshop wasn't well publicized, "be­ American Jewish life for 150 years. z oh why, it hasn't been done until now, and you cause we are inexperienced in this, I espe­ For the general Research Program all i5 begin to realize that only bits and pieces of the cially." Notices were sent out to the general kinds of archival materials are wanted related iiiil story are really known. mailing list of YIVO, but 150 people showed up to all aspects of Jewish life in the city - ~ Morris Laub, the chairman of YIVO, thought and "stayed all day." That was, to put it mildly, books, articles, pamphlets, pictures, pro­ 1'. :i..: we ought to know about it and got us together heartening. grams, monographs - anything and every­ t2l with Dr. Moore, who is assistant professor of "lt was a very good crowd," said Dr. Her· thing. For the la11dsmanshafte11 aspect of the ~ history at the Ma11 Weinreich Center for Ad­ zog, who seemed to prefer throughout our talk· program,the requirement, newsletters, au­ ~ vanced Jewish Studies at YIVO and at Vassar, to let Dr. Moore do most of the speaking. There tobiobraphies, memorial books, and photo· ~ and Dr. Herz.og, professor of linguistics and was a lot of "give and take," and more ques­ graphs taken in the Old Country and in - Yiddish studies at Columbia and acting dean of tions were raised then answers given. But "it America. ~ the Weinreich Institute. was a good way to start," said Dr. Moore, good To arrange for the transfer of materials, 1- The project, they told me, is the "Research enough for the Research Program to plan a please write: Program for the Study of New York Jews," and large-scale conference which will be held next YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, it grew out of a number of meetings beginning January on "Culture and Community Among 1048 Fifth Avenue, about a year ago among people of YIVO and the New York Jews." New York, N.Y. 10028 Institute. The meetings came about in response Or telephone (212) 535-6700. to queries posed by Judah Gribetz, counsel to To attract scholars the Governor, Hugh Carey, and a man much The conference, it is hoped, will "attract Jandsmanshaft meeting only the week before active in the Jewish community, YIVO in­ scholars with world-established reputations who where the president was an American-born al· cluded. Gribetz wanted to know what was being have thought along this topic or have thought in tomey only 30 years old whose father-in-law got done to preserve and encourage the study of areas relating to it,'' and who, it is hoped, will him interested in the organization although he, ~ New York Jewish life. "make the connection between the community himself, does not stem from the town of the Prof. Marvin Herzog and the culture it has produced.'' landsmen. Not just lmmlgrant story The group went to the New York State Coun­ "There were four generations present, and "He had come to YIVO and been very im· came "recognition that there was a lot that was cil for the Humanities which agreed to fund the there were 50 people there out of a total mem· pressed with its holdings of East European being studied about New York Jewish life, but it conference, and "hopefully out of it will come bership of 100," Mrs. Schwartz said. "Pretty Jewish life and all the research that was going on really wasn't systematized. People were ap­ some volume of procedures," Dr. Moore said. good, I would say." in f"l\ni11rtil\n with it -onrl oc- c-nrt nf o no.~• nno.c_ nrn~~hino ii rhmunh :1. wbnJ,. \lnri1>tu nf A;. ,.;,. At thn. __,,...... _,....,., : .. 1.... 1 . .. 1:1.... ~t.. .. • ... :• · s:i r- 1: . ~ c •. i' -~ v · • 1 Jews criticize carter's sister .;: · >f<:~-r,· 'l'S•n ·1 By EU .:;~~ ,, should demean herself by As an alternative the AJC :~ ¥ .·. • . · ·· , ," A Long Island Jewish participating ln the latest suggested, Mrs. Stapleton ~ ~ . ·, ' : · .· '\' group has assailed Ruth Car- effort to convert us from should direct her efforts .{r. ·~" ter Stapleton for allowing the faith of OUl' fathers,'' t:he toward "making better her relationship to the Pres!· letter declared. Christians out of those who dent to be "exploited" ln a Mrs. Stapleton an evange­ were born lnto your fait.h." carnpaing to convert Jews. list who has drawn national Dolores Herne, a member In a Jetter to President of B'nal Yeshua, said the or­ Carter's sister, the American attention with her conve1·slon of Hustler magazine publish· ganizaltlon was "distressed Jewish Congres Long Island but not surprised'' by the chapter has asked Mrs. Step· er , could not be reached for comment. AJC's stance. leton to withdraw as tlhe key­ She said she endorses the note speaker at the fifth The AJC letter, signed by AJC's statement calling for annual world conference of nine members Including Leo· religious freedom but added E'nat Yeshua, a "Jews for na Schwab executive director· that as "messianic Jews" Jesus" organization. of the Long Island division, the B'nal Yeshua {"brethren The conference Is sched· pointed out that Jews have of Jesus") must be per­ uled to open In Stmly Brook ·been "constantly subjected to mitted the same freedom. June 8. conversion efforts," lncludinJC The three-day convention ~7~!~ ~(· - , .. ,. .. ,. .. -· - J«,.. ,,.'$ • ·~~,fJ,,..7 .,;.:~ 'A "rt la regrettable that I\ a campaign durlng the Span· will take place at the group's BUTH STAPLETON woman and an ordained ish_ Inqulsltion w'hel'e death headquarters, 1226 N. Coun­ Keyrwte speaker. mlnister of your stature was used as a threat. try Rd. '-- .



Biographical Notes

Ruth Carter Stapleton, internationally known speaker

on spiritual therapy, serves as president of Behold, Inc.,

a nondenominational, non- profit religious organization.

Mrs. Stapleton has conducted healin g and teaching missions

in England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Portugal ,

Japan , and other countries. She will be leading a nondenominational

trip to Israel for ten days beginning September 2 , 1978.

A member of the first graduating class of Methodist College,

Fayetteville, she also did graduate work at the University of

North Carolina, Chapel Hill .

Mr. Stapleton is the author of two books: The Gift of

Inner Healing (Word Books , 1976); and Experiencing Inner Healing

(Word Books, 1977). The Gift of Inner Healing was also published

in paperback by Bantam Books in 1977.

Mrs. Stapleton and her husband, Robert, a veterinarian,

make their home in Fayetteville, N.C. They have four children. . ., .. """

TllE \\'Jl!TE HOL"SE W:\Stll.SGTO.S • May 12, 1977

To Reverend John F. Steinbruck

Several weeks ago, I conducted a Bible study class during which the subject of the role of the Jewish people in the of Christ was discussed. A number of ne~.vspaper reports have appeared about my comme~ts which have led to some questions about my views on this subject. I am glad to have this opportunity to set. forth my personal position and to clarify any mis­ understandings which may have resulted from these incomplete accounts of my convictions:

-The Christian religion, according to my understanding, holds that Jesus· of Nazareth, who was a Jew, gave His life to redeem the sins of humanity. The Gospels declare that His death was foreordained and without that death and the resurrection which followed it Christians would not be saved in Christ. Yet the • Crucifixion required human instruments.

Among these were Judas, who was a Christian disciple, Caiaphas: who was a Jewish priest appoil).ted by th.e Roman authorities, and Pilate, a gentile,. who actually condemned Jesus to death.

In ~ccorda.nce with the Gospels, I know that Jesus forgav~ the huma.n instruments of His death but I am · also aware that the Jewish people were for·many centuries falsely charged ·with collective responsibility for the death of Jesus, and '\Vere persecuted terribly fo~r that unjust ·accusation which has been exploited as a. basis and rationalization for anti-Semitism. -2- • I know _and am personally gratified by the fact that the highest authorities of the major Christian Churches, Protestant, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox, have totally and decisively rejected the charge that the Jewish people as a whole were then or are now responsible for the death of Christ. My own denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, adopted an official resolution on June 7, 1972, declaring "anti-Semitism as un-Christian11 and as being opposed to any and all forms of it. · Further,, the Baptist Churches have resolved that "we covenant to work positively to replace all anti-Semitic bias in the Christian attitude and practices with love for Jews, who along with all other men, are equally beloved of God." . To that, I can only say "amen" with all my heart•

Reverend John F. Steinbruck Luther Place Memorial Fourteenth and N Streets, N. W. Washington~ D. C. 20005

• RUTH CARTER STAPLETON P.O.B. 53757 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28305 CONTACT: Natalie Flatow 212-751-4000 x377 FOR RELEASE AFTER 11 A.M . rRIDAY , JUNE 2, 1978 NEW YORK, June 2 . .. Ruth Carter Stapleton announced today that she had cancelled the speaking engagement she had originally scheduled for ~une 8 at the opening of a three-day conference of e •nai Yeshua, a group whose primary goal is to prosel ytize the Jewish people. President Carter's sister, who is known for her spiritual healing activities, made her announcement at a news conference in response to widespread protests from l~ading Christians as well as Jews who have been objecting to the conversionary tactics employed by B'nai .Yeshua. The "Hebrew-Christian" group, these critics maintain, tries to lure

Jews away · from Judaism and the Jewish community by maintaining a v~riety of Jewish symbols and rituals while asserting that acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah makes a person a "fulfilled Jew." Mrs . Stapleton made her decision to cancel the speaking engagement, she said, because she "did not wish to become involved in any controversy that sets one group against another. " She added that she "would not associat·e myself with any effort that would seek to undermine the survival of the Jewish people as a distinctive religious- ethnic group." Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, National Director of Interreligious Affairs of / the American Jewish Committee, who also participated in the news conference ... ~ •\. . . \9~ ·· i~ a consultant capacity, termed Mrs . Stapleton's actions "an expression of m~ral courage, civility and decency," and added that it was "an important gesture of respect for the integrity of Judaism and for the Jewish people, and thereby contributes to strengthening the American t raditions of religious liberty and religious pluralism. " Explaining the reasoning that prompted her decision, Mrs . Stapleton stated: "I am a Christian , and my faith stems from my ·per.ception of God 's love through Jesus Christ. Yet I have never attempted in any way to negate the fai th and practices of a.ny group, however far they might be remo·ved from my own personal beliefs , nor would I ever willingly be used by any group to attack the faith of others."

., . ~ ~ - 2 -

"In the seventeen years that I have been conducting what I call a ministry of inner healing," she added, "I have tried to be a force of reconciliati on among various Christian denominations, and between Christian and non-Christian faiths. In speaking before a great variety of Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and other groups, I have stressed the universality of God's concern for all of us, His children, and the possibility that all of us may draw up9n inner spiritual resources provided to us through His wisdom and His love . " Discussing further the wide variety of groups before which she haa appeared as a speaker, Mrs. Stapleton declared: "It should go without saying that I did not pass judgment nor necessarily endorse the beliefs of those who invited me . In .accepting the invitation to speak before the B'nai Yeshua organizat ion, I.was simply responding to an opportunity to share with another religious group·. some of The psychological and spiritual insights that have come to me over the years concerning how individuals can be made more nearly whole and healthy i n their totality as human beings. "However, the controversy surrounding the conflict between various Jewish organizations and B' nai Yeshua is not something in which I would willingly become embroiled. In terms of what I would ha ve said about individual inner healing , it would have been the same ki nd of message to all groups, the same message I would give to both of those opposing groups, separately or together." Rabbi Tanenbaum, commenting on the controversy that had engendered today's news conference, noted that a number of leading Christians, as well as Jewish organizations, had spoken out against Mrs . Stapleton's announced appearance at the B'nai Yeshua meeting. Among those who had r egistered protests, he said, were "such respected Christian bodies as the Long Island Council of Churches , the National Council of Churches, and numerous Roman Catholic , Protestant, and Evangelical Christian theologians and religious authorities," as well as such Jewish organizations as the American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. Speaki ng for his own organization, Rabbi Tanenbaum stated: "The American Jewish Committee defends the right of every group to testify to its truth as it sees it. But that right must be compatible with tne duty in a democratic society not to defame nor misrepresent the cherished beliefs and religious practices of another group. "B'nai Yeshua, together with other so- called Hebrew- Christian fringe groups, has consistently offended the Jewish people by characterizing our sacred religion of Judaism a s ' inadequate ' or ' unfulfil led,' thereby invoking the worst anti-Jewish itereotypes of medieval . They have also abused the religious traditions of Judaism, manipulating a nd distorting such fundamental Jewish observances as the Sabbath, the Passover, the Jewish Torah scrolls and prayer shawls in order to mislead young Jews into believing that B'nai Yeshua is simply another Jewish sect." Pointing to what he c a lled " an .extensive series of dialogues with major Evangelical Christian leaders and ·ins t i tut ions i n t he United States" now being conducted by the American Jewish Committee, Rabbi Tanenbaum declared:

"Those dialogues are based on r~lationships of honesty and full disclosure of our respective theological similarities and differences . Our opposition to the so- called Hebrew- Christian movements such as B' nai Yeshua, therefore, is not based on any anti- Evangelicals bias . On the contrary, B' nai Yeshua would have much to learn from the responsible. ma jor E~ang~lical leaders on how to relate to Judaism and t he Jewish people in a spirit of mutual respect." 6/i/78 -, 78- 960-70"-, A , COL, ~p, EJ.P-;-P,P , REL, NPL .J ~ ~· JT A Community News Reporter -2- June 23, 1978

keeping job; Zuckerman said., She was .repres.ent­ . · described as on alternative to institutionalization; ed by Leo Kimmel, a COLPA volunteer attorney / Others ore the 'Jewish and Hospital ·out­ and Dennis Ropps, COLPA executive director; patient mental health clinics and the JCC South Beach Acti~ities Center, which each ·month provides MIAMI FEDERATION STARTS some 2200 elderly residents with o variety of edu­ TRANSPORT SERVICES FOR ELDERLY cational and social programs. MIAMI (JTA)--A coordinat~ transportation The need for such services is dramatized by service for elderly residents of south Miami Beach, the population dato. The Jewish population of using nine vehicles, was officially dedicated this Greater Miami is estimated at 225,000, af which week at the Greater Miami .Jewisli F~erotion l>y about one-third ~re 60 yeo11 ~~ older. The notional Morton Silberman, Federation president. overage is slightly under 22 percent. About 25,000 Project VISTA, for Vehicles in Service for of Greater Miami's estimated 75,000 Jewish elderly the Aged, is funded by the Federation and through men and women have no local family. Article VII of.the federal Older Americans Act. Silberman noted that in the past, it hos been 11 .. It is being coord.inated and operated by the Jewish the fo mi ly which was 0 significant and supportive resource" in times of need and crisis.but '.'unfortu:­ Community Centers of South Miami, a Federation 1 affiliate. nately, many of our ~ommunity s og·ed - fi~d thei·~ Project Vista is designed to provide door-to­ world bounded by low income, poor housing, high door transportation for any resident of sooth Miami· rents, foiling health, inadequate transportation and Beach aged 60 and over. A cPntral' tele,lhone num­ isolation." . · ber and o dispatcher on coll from 8 o.m. to 5 p.m. He added that as the older people age, "these · Nordoy through Friday ore· elements of the projec. problems tend to multiply and intensify, making it Trained staff workers occompony riders on each ve­ necessary for the Federation to act as the surrogate 11 hicle which hove o total seating capacity of 176. family in many coses. - Some of the vans hove special focil ities for easy boarding by wheelchair users, Silberman said. FIRST CHABAD HOUSE IN SUFFOLK The service was developed to transport the COUNTY OPENED NEAR STONYBROOK elderly to and from medical appointments, visits. NEW YORK°(JTA)--The Lubovitch Youth Orga­ to Federation social service agencies, shopping, nization has announced that o full-time Chabod­ nursing home visits, recreational outings and Lubovitch House, the first in Suffolk county, is emergencies. Silberman said there is no fee for' functioning in Centerreoch, about five miles from the service but voluntary contributions ore accep­ the campus of the State University of New York at table. Stonybrook. The program was created ofter a year-long Rabbi Shmuel Butman, director of the Lul;xivitch study by the Federation committee on services to youth group, said one of the reasons for opening the elderly. The study indicated that existing the Lubovitch House lost September at Centerreoch, transportation services, particularly for the handi­ was be~use' ~he campus hos become o target for capped elderly on south Beach, were "grossly in- missionaries. He said the Chabod House is directed adequate " to the need • · · by Rabbi and Mn. Tuvio Teldon. He soid there The report, submitte~ by Joyce Sumberg, are 10,000 Jewish students at the state university. committee chairman, declared that "when the The Teldons, who began their work in Suffolk lock of mobility of the aged, particularly the county last :July with the opening of o summer day . handicapped aged, is coupled with inadequate camp at the 'Hebrew Academy of Suffolk County at financial resources, the loss of family and friends, Smithtown, naw concentrate their activities on o and the complexity of securing the seciol services full schedule of campus activities, Rabbi Butman said. they require, o situation is created which hastens Rabbi· Teldon spends the Sabbath, both Friday their deterioration, dependence and eventual in­ night and Soturaay on the campus. There is a stitutionalization." Friday nigh(meol for which he must bring all the Three of the vans hove genera.I routes in food since there is no kosher kitchen on the campus. the area. The other six wi 11 hove specialized He also gives lectures after classes at th'e university. routes, such as carrying residents to the out-pa­ The Teldons also work with adult Havurah tient clinics at Nount Sinai Medical Center 9nd groups. · T~ere ore 10 in Suffolk county a~ 15 in to the Jewish Vocational Sel'Vice hot meal pro- · Nassau. The lotter.are handled through the Brooklyn gram site, as well as delivering meals to the home headquarters ·of the Hosidi c movement. The Havurah bound. consists of 10 couples, which meet with Rabbi Teldan A van for frail odults wi II transport _users of weekly in the homes of havurah members. Many the South Beach activities cenler to recreational' synagogues ili'.. ite the Teldons for on evening. Robbi and cu lturol outings • . A.!19.ther. Y9J'l will .car.ry. res-. Teldon wos'ifistrumental in the establishment of the idents or'the rent-subsidize'd Rebecca Towers tc;> . county's first Jewish coffee house, a project of medical appointments and shopping trips. Another the Suffolk county community planning council. The van will carry users of the day care facilities at coffee house is located in Stonybrook International lhe Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged. Mall, a shopping center, Robbi Butman said. . The project is one of the many Federotion The Chabad .House sponsors on out-reach program services to .elderly residents of Miami Beach, Sil­ on Sunday mornings, Robbi' Butman said. The Lubo-­ berman said. The services are planned and.coor­ vitch headquarters sends.a Mitzvah Nobile van to 1 dinated through the Federotion s.committee on the area, with Lubcivitch youth ir:ivitin9 passing services to the elderly. The .s.ervices re~eive Jews to don phy!octeries, o.nd distribute Sabbath funds from the annual Fed~rohon. campaign. condle·s. • :The.van visits ore mode on ari irregular . 'Am0ng the major programs ne1N in operation, basis. The'Teldons also visit Jews in schools1 hos- _ with the aid of federal grants, ore the JVS nutri­ pitals and pri5ans. . · t.ion program, providing 1400 hot meals daily at Their OP,erating bose is o private home presented seven different sites as well as delivering meals to the Hosidic group on very favorable rent terms, to the homebound. Another is the Jewish comm­ for a~ indefinite. period, · · · u·nity center day care program for the frail elderly . ~ \ -.. . . \ \ :l Dlr©~®J~Tu~~.Qllil~@~~~ Published by Jewish Telegraphic Agency / 165 West 46th Street I New York, New York 10036

Vol. XVII June 23, 1978 No. 23

HONORS AND APPOINTMENTS LOUISVILLE (JTA)--Frank Lipschutz hos been elected president of the Jewish Community Federotion. · NEW YORK (JTA)-:-David P. Tulin has been elected executive vice-president of the Americans for Progressive Israel. TAMPA, Flo. (JTA)--Gory S. Alter has been appointed executive director of the Tampci Jewish . F~_er:oti~n. NEW YORK (JTA).:.-susan G~ssrnan . has been apP<>inted editor-in-chief of the Je~ish Student Press Service. · · · DAYTON (JTA)--flr.Jce J, Yudewitz has been nam~ as.sistont dire~torof the Jewish Community Cc>uncil of Dayton. ·. · BUFFALO (JTA)-·-Marris Rombro has been appointed· executive director of the United Jewish Federation of Buffalo, succeeding Lester Levin, who was named regional consultant of the Council of Jewish Federations in Denver.

CONSTRUCTION STARTED IN PEORIA work from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. ON B'NAI B'RITH HOUSING UNITS Because there was occasional Saturday work, PEORIA, Ill. (JTA)--Ground-breoking cere the interviewer told Mn. Auman he would have to monies hove been held here for Covenant House, check further on whether she could be hired and a $4.9 million, 12-story, 201-oportment complex, that he would contact her later. She said she neve'r another low-cost housing project for senior citi­ heard subsequently from any postal official about zens sponsored by B'noi B'rith. the job. . Sam Stone, president of B'noi B'rith Cove­ Mrs. Auman the_n filed a complaint with the nant House, said the project, scheduled for occu­ Equal Employment Opportunity office of the Postal pancy iri inid-1979 ; ·will hove 190 one-bedroom -Service, charging bias because of her religion. · · units and II two-bedrooms. Federal low requires that employers make "reasona­ Stone said that Covenant House oportments, ble accommodation" to an employe's religious needs like all B'noi B'rith oportments, will be available unless this would create "undue hardship" for the to persons 62 or older on a non-sectarian basis and employer. wi II hove features designed sj>ecial ly for the com- .Zuckerman said the complaint was dismissed fort and safety of the elderly. . . . for '.'untimely" filing, though records of the Postal Plans also include public rooms to serve Service clearly proved otherwise. He said on senior citizens in the community, as well as ten­ appeal to the Appeals Review board of the federal ants. There·will be a large social hall, a library, Civil Service commission led to a reversal of the game ~oom, a classroom, beauty shop, pharmacy, dismissal of Mrs;. Aumon's complaint and its rein- delicc;itessen·and a gre~ri~l!~e with_spoce for small statement. · gardens of tenants. A fully equipped kitchen and ·. .Zucker~-" said an in~estigation of Mrs • .... laundry rooms will be included. Auman's complaint and unsuccessful attempts at in­ Construction,· as well as tenants' rent, will formal resolution of the issue followed. The matter be·: finan~ed under guarantees of the federal Hous­ was then set. for odministrotive trial before the ing and Urban Development deportment. federal Civil Service Commission on Septe;,,ber, 19n. Including Peoria~ B'nai B'rith housing totals Zuckerman sciid that, at the hearing, the Postal 2523 units volued at $128 million. Aportments Service conceded Mrs. Auman was not hired because ore functioning in Wilkes-Borre and Harrisburg, of her unavilability on Saturday. The Postal Ser­ Pa.; Albany, N. Y.; St. Louis and Baltimore. In vice argued that becduse of occasional Saturday various stages of construction are projects in work, one of the necessities qf the job was thot the Houston, Silver Spring, Md-. ond in Reading and ~orker be available on Saturdays. Allentown, Po. , . The Postal Service also argued that because of. its contract with its employes' union, i t could not · ORTHODOX WOMAN WINS ssooo · accommodate Mrs. Auman l;>y arranging for her not IN POST OFFl.CE JOB BIAS SUIT to .work .on Saturday. ·NEW YORK (JTA)--An OrthodOx .Jewish.. ·· Zuckerman 5:0id bi:>th.cloims were held to be woman hos been paid $5000 by the. United States unsubstantiated and the Civi I Service Commi$sion Postal Service in.settlemen.t o.f her ,cloim.of job . ruled in Mrs. Auman's favor. The Postol Service discriminotion,·acOQrding· t!) Howard ZUckerman, was ordered to. o.ffer Mrs. A~lllC!~ a '.con:iporable po­ president of the National Jewish Commission ·an sition, with her religious needs to be occomniodoted, low ond Public Aff"Oirs (C.OLPA). and to poy her the .difference between what she . Zuckerman said ~n~t 0!'1 Ju~e 9, 1975, M'S. would have earned with the Postal Service if she had n.ot been discriminated.against, and the salary· Rito A11mon was interviewe~ for a position OS a payroll change clerk at the Postal Data Center·in she was earning as a bookkeeper. Manhattan. She informed the inter.iiewer that, Mrs. Auman.declined the postal jc;>b, accepting as a Sabbath observer, she could not come to the $5000 settlement and remaining on her book-

i . From a public statement by the Rev. Lawrence McCooffibe, chairman, Com­ mission on Christian-Jewish Relations, Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, New Yor~. (The statement has the full support of the Rt. Rev. Jonathan G. Sherman, Bishop of Long Isl and.) .. * * * * * * We are beginm:ng· to be able to acknowledge and respect each other's re­ ligious traditions as representing positive ways of Z'ife. Christians are realiz­ ing that Judaism "11as its cn.m integr~ty and ·nee'ds no Christiarz. correction. Toget'her we are beginn·irig to see that we can behave as equals, that we do not need to make each other's beZief ~ystems ''uJrong." We are siblings, each possessing his own validity, vitality and wholeness. Ch.1->istian~ no longer pray for the conversion of the Jews. It is aZZ right 11.ow UJith most Chr>istians for J(J.U)s to be JeUJs and Chris.:.. tians Chr>istians. This cZimate of gr'O'l.Jing respect and understanding is now threatened by the recent growth of something called -- for want of a better name -- "JebJis1z­ Christiani ty." The zeatous p1•oponents of "Jewish- Christianit"!f" aim their pro­ selytizing activities specifically at Jeµis. They maintain tha.t real fulfillment for a JeUJ consists in aca~pting Jesus (they caZZ him Yeshua) as messiah. Their message is grounded in the notion that to aecept Jesus "is the most natural won­ derful, and, above aZZ, spiritual thing that can happen to a JeiJish person." _.-Qnce again the . ~'inconrp_Zeteness" of Jewish faith is being preached.

J The current rise qf "JeiJJish- C11r>i8-.t:ian" missiorui.ry activity in Long Island is distressing to both Jews and Cliristians. It is upsetting to JetiJs be­ bause it impugns the integrity of Jewish belief. It is ata:rming to Christians because it misrepresents . It is disturbing to both Je~s and Chris­ tians because. it uncer'!Trines the basis of mutual respect which it has taker. so long for ·us to establish.

Perhaps the greatest danger in this "JeUJis~- Clzr>istian" missionary ac­ tivity is that the ~eUJish community may dralJ) back from interfaith-dialogue, con­ vinced that the ,,Jewish- Chr>istian" movement is simply a highZy visibZe manifesta­ tion of the otherwise tacit intent of aU Christians to convert Jews to Chris­ ~~ty. . . - . '8 · We UJish, therefore, to r.zake it cleru~ that as Christians we acknowledge . and affirm the integrity of Judaism and disavow completely the message and the ,_.-, / methods of these "Jewish-Christian" groups. ·

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mind, see thingsltfa new ana diffe • . en( way? Are Jewsn01·rrce' n I ~· . a s 1 c o er rec n 1v1 ua s. --...- . . in its tragic almenSTOil7tfie rJU4· Yet Mrs. Stt\plcton> a iundamcn- .. bi'sremark ·strikes at the hcar.t gj talist Protei;lant, who knowi: all . : :tbrjstlanjtv. AfLer all.. 1fie . ~1'$i. about ti1e t<'Y-t of scripture, and ' · .,_Chr~ians were converted J~.;.;'!'.-s...... about the c:iuty to evangelize, caved . I 1 In to these cultural pressures. "I urn ·.~ It is· extremely interesting that · a Christian," she said, '~a11d my faith some ; prominent Protestants : have I stems fror11 ~Y. pc~re;eptioil of Godjs .''. ' been publicly disavowing. any mis- ; love through Jesus Christ. Y0t ! have sion to the Jews. Thus, in the midst : never attempted In any Way to ne! · of the Stapleton controversy,. she · gOJte the faith am.! practices cf an~! .. · was indirectly attacked by the Rev. other group, however for they n1ay Why did she cancel? Answer: · Sh~•.''of the· American Jewish Committee, William L. Weiler of the National be removed from my own pr!rsm1al - . .was bulhdd~ cullu(~lly an~ ..~•l!}l'. ·: .Cha•g

Dr. · Clb.rence Solberg, Seattle, pr esident of the lbrth Pacific District, he had made repented efforts during the past yeo.r to counsel With Central Church. However, he both the Central Church Council c.nd the congregation a.s a whole have refused to meet with him.

Mt. Rcdo.l he d::.ubtcd his congregati::.n wou1a·· n.ny changes. 11 It 1 s .cked deck against us, 11 he said, adding tho.t the. f,LC Dis-_-­ trict wo.:i ·11 not dealing with the real issue. It's a. theol::.gical prob- '. lem, not o. -political ::me . 11 The congregation and Luthcrc.ns Alert criticized the ALC for not teaching tho.t the Bible is totally without error.


ADER OF B 1NAI YESHUA REPORTS PRAYERS 'FOR THOSE WHO OPPOSE US' By Religious News Service (6- 5-78) STONY BROOK, N. Y. (RNS) :.;. _-·Mike Evc.ns, p;t'es ident" of B 1 nai Yeshua., snid here that his group is 11pro.ying for those who oppose us 11 and also for Ruth Carter Staplcton, -who cancelled o. spco.l~ing engagement with the group af ter ·receiving pressur es and threats . - -. - Ms. Stapleton annou:r;>cea··o.t e. press conference tha.t she had . cancellc~ ~ hcr cngagemen.t . to o.clclrcss n rally of the Hebrew Christian gr oup 11 bcco.use I do no't wish-.·to become involved in ·c.ny contr that sets one group against cnothcr. 11 s-~veral Jewish groups and Christic.n· leaders had urged-her not to speak to the group, and she acknowl~dged tho.t she ho.d rc~eiv~d threats • . - . . . Mr. Evo.ns sai d that his.. group understood "what tremendous pressures she must be under c.s sister of the Pr esidcht. 11 He t:'.)ld Reli gious News Service thc.t B'nc.i Yeshua sent Ms. Stc.pleton a tele­ gram after .. learni ng of her co.ncclla.t-1on saying, 11Wc dccpl.y, regret the great you have suffered because of the pressure.' -· . Denying charges that bceh made against B'nc.i Yeshua by sever al Jewish groups, Mr. Eva.ns said, "We haven 1 t c.bused, manipulated or distorted anything. On the contrn.ry, those accusing us often dis­ tort our position and seem intent on undercutting our constitutionc.l right to spread our faith freely. But I think the pL1blic can see through these tactics. 11 The B 'no.i Ye shun lca.dcr··c.ddcd, 11We are praying for those who oppose us·.· We beli eve the rc.:i.s~;n for the accusations is that they know we something attr.:-.ctivc · to off.'er in the form of personal relationship with Jesus the Messiah. No matter how 'fierce the ~ opposition, we intend to keep proclaiming our message with love. 11

Mr. Ev.'.:!.I1s announced th~t Jemie Buckingham, a charismatic o.nd author ·of s::;me 25 books,; will tb.lce Ms . Stapleton's p' at the Shekino.h 178 roll~, to be hel d at Stony Brook, N ~ Y., June 8-10.

The B 1nai Yashua l eader told RNS that his group 1s n charismatic orgo.niz~tion, Md that i ts members engage in s~eaking in tongues o.nd ::;ther ch~rismatic practi ces. He·a.sserted that 'the m~jority o~ Jewish · believers in the Uni ted States arc charismatic,"

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; 4?.-r. ~-J·7r /). ..vz..-, r · Y .. . ': . Another: mem~r '<>f the·· Carle~ family, Ruth Carter Stipleton; :~e P~es.ident's evangelist si~er, · annou.rtced in New·i .York· City ·. y~erday that she has. canc;eled-a tal~ next week ~~f9re a grolip dedi· · cated t9 ~oriverting Jews to Cb~tianity. "I ·do··not wish to· beeume involved in any· controversy that sets one grou·p .against·another;''. -· she. said. Stapleton ~ad agN~d .oo~SPensored ~f · ~ ·. 'gro~p kpowil. as B'nai Yeshua ·- · Sons of Jestis:· S.iid.- Stapleton: "I "'· . would ~ot . associ<:t~ m.Yself with any effort that . ·would seek to und~rmine the survivarof the Jewish people a8 a ·distinctive religious· group;" She ap. pea:ed at the press conference with Rabbi Mare · Tanenb·aum,· director· ·of inter-religious affairs· f~ . · the.American Jewish Committee• ." · · · ' .. . . - ~ ...... \ : .. ' • ( '"'\/" ....,,-,;-,, ...... ~ · \r..-.-"" ... _,..._ •j THE NEW YORK TIMES, SA TURDAY. JUNE J, 1978

Carter's Sister to Shun flebrew Christian Meeting ~-;.;~---- i"'ti~~·~~"~~ · ~·"· ~~,, ; ~•--'('<""f!;!l'·=~dl · Ruth c!e~Es~~~~~~c~;vPre si dent's :·::~-<. :7.·:. ;;)}'.~~ :~· f~~ &:.~:<' ·:· ·.. · ..· ...... :.: '.. ;~<·~1~~ sister, has canceled her scheduled appear- ~- · · · '-,J- . <·) r1-~: tian healing service, had been criticized i .. ~ I· .. ./ft f:>J.' 4·,<· .. ,.. ·':•·:•'·•·· • · "'~'' · " .-.. ~1<· . by some Jewish and Christian leaders for · · :. · · · · .. :. · ·' ~ .l 1t{(. :·h>;;·'.-h~·'._".f'.(~:Y< :·:~~·: :,<-P(f ~-''. :_;,: · ·..• ;>?,;.·:.-. :.,~1 !1 crccepting a bid to be the keynote speaker r . :-. · t• •.. • .. , · "' ,., ) :·~· ~<:'~~.. ~."' -~ ~ :r· ~~ ,....,~·..,..;.; . '."if'.-'•' ~-. ·'· /"~ ·~i,.,:t:'',_'.:;..... ,.. ..,.,.-,f;·. -~- ..... ~ I f or the group, B'nai Yeshua. of Stony ~ ,,., · ~·' · ~~~ii:~/ : r: :.. _,,.,.;;J;,.J..-/;. . . ~- ·-~· .~··.~· · ;q, Brook, next Thursday. ~;. · $ ,,.i'~: :...- . ,·· ·. }~?'f~~~~i:.::.11:: ·· 1f-.'"'c:'.· . ~~·~.;.:~--~· . news conference 1·n Manhattan · ,,. .v- -~ .... • ~~{ .. . ~ .,.. _"Ir r"~ ~~-- -,.>· ·a: ~. ,... , · -~ ... r~ I At • : ~. ''t~ ~-,., ,,...,., ~. ,,. . ..-:~~· •' . . .,v,.>: . ., ..::i·.., T-i 1 '. ~E!:~:*: ~~:~ii~~~0h~;~ii~!~rPrr~~ ~ {:·1f~Y.\ ~ ~- ..;~\ "-<~.. ::.~~--~,-~~~ -~ ~ L. · ~;t .· .· ;f '>~f:-~ the President on herd ~cision, she added. i 1.:.- fi ·.. ·. ~ ~C~<":r~'. \ ~ :: /. ~~ . • ~ ·, •' :' . '.,{'.~ .., ::; ~ ·. B'nai Yeshua, which says 1't reaches 1 .. · · °t!!':;· 1·~ · ,, • ' ',~,.·- .,.. . :r/.,· .•'., ,~·~, · •1 · :1 . ;~. ., ·.it>~ ':":: Ithousands of converted Jew~. has been ' .,... · ~- · · " ~,,,.., • ... '· "· • .. / ·•; > · · ·• · '"2'" l 1

: ~~~·j~;~~E~E:~ir~:~l~~r.~ !.I: ·. •.· .. - ~~~4t/~~Ei~ ..:h;h~-J f'~~~ symbols. .•. . ,._ . . · ;;,,~ - ~ ., , =~~- M·-.;: .·r,. :,"1·~! J.-={f;... ·· ,.,. ·· ·. -·~ -~~ Spent 'Many Steepless.Nights' ~..,_ ··. . · f2_~ ;!t~:J·~~i{;t~;.;;.'J.::'.~;f.'."v ·:~':J:'-'>':' -:>·~,>··'· ·: _,:: .., ~ "The controversy is not something in ~ ', -~~~~~ ,;»_.,,,.. .· ·." ~:~~~~7,I~)~;.;r_J~_J'?°'..'. :'-.,'·~;~_... ,. -~

,• her action "is on expression of moral courage, civility and decency. It is above all an important ' ; gesture of respect for the integrity of Jud.aism and ..;:'.~~.·t. ..,...... for the Jewish people, and thereby contributes to ;•.,..,.. strengthening the American traditions of religious .. i·· ...... · ' liberty and religious pluralism, the keystones of . American democracy." The American Jewish Congress also expressed gratification at Mrs. Stapleton's decision to cancel her appearance ct the B'noi Yeshuo conference. "Her action we believe, will be welcomed by Jews and Ar:iericans of every faith, who recognize that respect for the rights and beliefs of others lie at the heart of the American social compact," Richard Cohen, AJCc;;ngress associa.te executive director, said. ------~ ·-- ---·------·' -- · i!¢~~f1~: Sister Urged to Sh~ ·.. ~Group Aimed at Converting Jews • . By th - f . · ~,. ..··Ma£'o•n"e ·~ Hy'7·e~r,, . . consider .. e Jews .L4U"~-·- game or con· , ; · : . 'Wu1Wicto12. Pon staff writer "'1 Z . version. : : Evangelist R'UUi tarter Stapleton, R3bbi Marc Tanenbaum, interreli· : sister of the president, is under fire gious affairs director of the American ~both Jewish ~d Christian groups for Jewish Cominittee, has wrtttell"iSK?ng . : agreeing· to" address an organization Stapleton-=-to"'can~et· her appearance, •c'onunitted . to converting Jews to charging that B'nai Yeshua's· evangeli·. · ;Christianity. · cal campaJgn "constitutes aq ultimate . ~ ; C::tapl~ton is the scheduled keynote threat to the spiritual liquidation of "-< • al th . f the Jews." . . ;speaker f9r a nation · ga enng 0 He accused B'nai Yeshua of using :B'nai Yeshua-Hebrew for Sons of Je- the concepts, traditions and practices ~S US nex~ month at the group's bead· Of Judaism "in an altogether decep­ :quarters on Long in. New York. tive and at times fraudulent manner ~ B'nai Yeshua is ari aggressively · in order to ensnare unsuspecting or ~evangelistic movement of Jewish con· ignorant Jewish young people." · verts to Christianity who lean heavily An even stronger letter from the .on their Jewish heritage in their ef· American Jewish Congress told Sta­ forts to · convert other Jews. Tradi· pleton that B'nai Yeshua was trying tional Jewish leaders as well as most" to "exploit the name of the sister of liberal Christ~an bodies irepudiate mis· the president of the United States •.• sionary efforts

'·· 4 c' c .. ·~ . : ! ·:· c ..« ~4 -. « .. 4

Siste11G Burth a~tii rt@ '.~ . · ~onvert. . ' . J@U;~. .. . . (,' RUTH CARTER STAPLETON, President by Rabbi ?tlarc Tanenbaum, tho· Influential Ycshua sp~kcswonmn D~l~r~s Ji~rno says she .. - -Carter's cvongcllst-prcncher sister, crollltcd - Jcwlsh Jondor, when .110· warned tho nunual - :ii;swnes ..- l\lr!J. . Stnplcton•s - .orat,lon .,_..,at,."l:;I · with the "born·ngaln,. conversion of Hustler meeting of tho American Jewish Committee .. Shechlnah ''78 (Shechfoah menns tho Glory of · , 11ubllsher LBrry Flynt, has a new mlsslon: to ag11lnst certain "wcll·fw1ded... Hcbrew·Chrls· God In Hebrew) "wlll be in reference to God's .. convert Jews. Ruth (who wowed •em over the tlam" ovnngcUcnl groups which were asldng will among the Jewish people". and that she wccltend In Gian~ Stadium In New Jersey) Jews " to become a· 'better' Jew by accepting ''will be tillklng to us lmowln&: we are mcssl- . wlll make her first public pitch on behalf of Jesus." Ot course tho sins ot the sister should anlc Jews." Herne won't give· a figure, J>ut . 1 ¢' this latest crusade on June 8 Jn Stonybrook, not bo vJslted upon tho brother, but lt \yas suys we can be .sure Mrs. Stapleton (who's -', ".1 · L. I., where she's been booked as the keynote durlug this ve1'Y snme speech that Tnnenbnum . made ~ bundle since Brother Jimmy moved . · spealter at tho opening or B'nBI Yeshua's fifth praised JJmrny Carter tor his strong stand Into tho Wl1I te House) wlll bo p11ld for her np• · . ; annual three-day world confm·cncc. B'nul ac-nlnst untl·Semltllim and for voicing tho be· pcarance. "There's a scripture that says the Yeshuo, which means Sons of Jesus, was Uef thnt "Jews... nre cqu11lly beloved by God.'' worlonBn Is worthy of bis hire," says Ucmo - . · among. the groups cited exactly on~ year ago . . - . . As for Ruthie's thoughts on the subject, n•nal · and we're sure Sister Ruth would agree. · iii!. " • I ' • • • : ~ : • L- • ------'---' ------•·-- ~~~---~_:_;======-==="'""'====='':=!======,,.,..,,----...... ~~~ ~~--~ .. -

•• • - • • i': .., • • • • • • ~ • " ,., • • ""- ...... • • " • • .. ~ r • - •• • ' ::i ""' ft. 'C --~~':"ce'" .. ·- ~ . ·- ...... , ~ _,,~ n. -: -•. ' 1 ..., -,- ~ ">" ----;.· ..... Al ·1 . • , ... ,,- ·.-.- A. 9 , !'_ , ..,, • •'lf""i: - . 1 · , • . . • r..,~ ,... ~, ·fa l 1 T - . '"·~:{/~~':}~. };r~~ f _ • ,,,...... ~.'\l , :,"" .._,. "' ~- l'-- '. ; ~ · · JJ ;:,~i>v4 lf r:..,. / .-z;..-- · By Mitchell Freedman· sion. Mrs. Stapleton could not be reached faith groups ha ve challenged t.hat state­ j Stony Brook-President Carter's sister for comment. ment, saying it is impossible to believe in ·' . ,. evangelist Ruth Carter Stapleton, h!lS de'. Organizations that have written to Mrs. Ch~ist ar:d still be Jewish. J ewish groups · i .. '.·1 cided against being the keynote speaker Stapleton in the past few weeks urging her have said the idea that Jews Ne somehow next week at a. national Hebrew Christian .not t-0 attend Shechinah '78 included the "inc.omplet.a" could provide the rationale for religious persecution. 'fhcy also have ::··· -<·:·~:-: ,... :: ::. corilerence here, officials of the American American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee said yesterday. J~wish Committee, the Long _Island Co~· called B'nai Yeshua a thinly disguised : ;- -. ·.... . ·. ~ pro$elytizing organ for Christianity. Offi­ ,,...... Mra. Stapleton's impending appearance c1l of Churches, and the Nnt1onal Council ': .~, . :,.. . -, _ cillle of the group have denied that charge. . -~·.::' ,;•t '. ..- had been protested by local and national _of Churches. , . ...~ ~...: organizationa, both Jewish and non-Jew· _ Mrs . .Stupleton s pr~ss confe1·.ence was ~­ ~ Wh.en B'nai Yeshua moved its national ish, for severa! weeks. She wt>..a expected to ranged b~ ;_he A~er1~an Jew1~h Co~m 1t· headquarters from Texas to Stony Brook in· . ~, hold a press conference t.hia morning to an· t~e. Rabbi ~1forc f~~enbaum,, its n~tional the fall of 1976, it drew criticism from ~.~ nounca her decision not t-o appear at Thurs- d11:·ector of rnterr<.>:hgi.ous affairs, said that many groups, including the Long Island ·~ day's onening of B'nai Yeshua's "She- tlue ht\d been mmandments to Ruth {::arter Stapleton she was lL'laware of Mrs. Staple.ton's deci· again Jews." Nurne.rous Jewish and inter- Moses on Mt. Sinai. - :

C--c, ··, 71

..< ~ . fJ1 ,/ ~·~~ I I I "~hechinah '78." He said they had planned to de~on­ P1~eside1it's · Sister _strate against Mrs. Stapleton. Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, national .director of inter­ religious affairs for the American Jewish Committee, ·Caricels LI P lan~s which had arranged. the pre...~ conference, said Mrs. Evangelis$ Ruth Stapleton, the President's Stapleton's announcement was "an expreasfon of mor­ .sister, said yesterday that divine.guidance had led her ~l courage, civility and decency." -Arna~~-a Harrie !ii · to withdraw from a speaking engagement at a nation­ '-: al Hebrew-Christian conference at Stony J3rook next · <'> week. ·. · ~ · "I have been in prayer. I spent several sleepless ~ nights." Mrs. Staplc:ton a press conference in > Manhattan. ".. . So what I tried t-0 do is get into the ~ mind of Jesus Chl'ist and see what he would do ... · ~ Several days ago, I rei:eived what I would call guid- !;( ance." · · ~ ~ . ,.,. ·. As had beer, expected, Mrs. Stapleton announced ?t she would not be thi: keynote s1;eaker at the opening g of B'nai Yeshua's "Shechinah '78" conference Thurs- ~ day night. . , ·z Members ofB'nai Yesh1ia, which moved its nation· . " al headquai from Texas to Stony Brook in 1975, consider themselv~s to be Jews who believe in Jesus Christ. 'l'he orga11i%ation is part of the ''Jews for Je­ sus" movement that hru; been attacked by traditional Jews, who say it is im·possible to believe in Christ and remain Jewish. "I would not associate myself with any effort that would seek to undermine the survival of the Jewish .. people as a di~tiuctive religious group," Staple- ton said. · - · . .- During the past few weeks several prominent Jew- . ish organi:tations wrote to Mrs. Stapleton, urging her · ( to withdraw from the conference. She said she also had received several calls from Jews threatening vio· lence. , · A spokeswon~ao for the conference said. B'nai Ye­ shua officials are studying Mrs. Stapleron's remarks and would not comment on her decision. A spokesman ·.. for "Hakotel," a Long Island Jewish student activist o group that opposes B'nai Yeshua, said members of the .,.. organization would hold a counter·conference outside

.,it RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE -23- TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1978 Hit Evangelical Campaign Among Jews EVANGELIST'S APPEARANCE AT CONFERENCE PROTESTED .BY CHRISTIANS, JEWS . . By Religious News Service (5-23-78) NEW YORK '(RNS) - - Some Jewish· and Christ1an leaders opposed the scheduled appearance of the-evangelist Ruth Carter Stapleton at an international Hebrew- Christian conference at Stony Brook, N.Y. in June. Mrs . Stapleton is s cheduled to open the June 8-10 conference at the B'nai Yeshua (Sons of Jesus) center, one of the-·most active of Messianic Jewish groups. These-·groups accept Jesus as Messiah but retain many Jewish t r aditions and forms of worship. . -· Letters to Mrs. Stapleton, asking her to cancel"ncr engageme·nt ·· with B'nai Ycsh·ua, have been sent by Rabbi Marc H. Tancnb~um, nat.ionai­ interreligious affairs director of the Amer ican Jewish Conmittee ·and Dr. William L. Weiler, director of the office on .Christian-Jewish relations,. . National Council of .Churches. RabbI. Tahenbaum said his opposition to Mrs. Stapleton's proposed appearance is based on· his overall concern with the evangelical campaign directed spqcifically at the Jewish community. He saia-·this campaign "constirtutes an uxt·imate thrcat·-to the spiritual liquidation 01: the Jews." "Mrs. Ruth Carter Stapleton must be helped to understand the seriousness of her· acceptance· to promote that Ltiiacceptable objective through. her appearance at the B'nai Yeshua conference," Rabbi Tanenbaum said. Whit;:: House staff members, he added; have 1'communicated to me their concern wi th Mrs. Stapleton' s appearance, understanding the potential negative consequences to President Carter, whether Mrs . Stapleton intends it or not." Raobi Tanenbaum said he was informed by an associate of Mrs. Stapleton that she was not immediately avail able, but would reply to him as soon a.s possible. In his letter to Mrs . -·staplcton, Rabbi TanenbaLun said he was especially critical of B'nai Ycshua's "moral. offense" 'in using sacred Jewish concepts, religious traditions' and practices "in an al together deceptive and, at times, fraudulent manner in order to ensnare unsuspecting or ignorant young Jewish people." The charges have been denied by B'nai Ycshua. Dr . William Weiler said in his letter to · Mrs, Stapleton that his main objection to B''nai Yeshua was "hot that they· evangelize" • but that they u~e "deceptive, dishonest.and unChristian methods" . to lure puople. He said that 11we as Christians are committed to proclaiming the good new-? to ·everyone," b;.it not to using "deceptive literature and worship services." . (more) PAGE -23- RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE -24- TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1978 Malcolm Hocnlcin, executive director of the Jcwizh Community Relations Council, a coordlnatL11g agency for 24 Jewish groups, said many or··thc · J ewish· organizations have joined in protesting Mrs. Stapleton's appearance at the B'nai Ycshua conference; The Long Island American Jewish Congress chapter has asked Mrs. Stapleton to withdraw. The Long ·Island Council of Churches has long opposed activities of B'nai Ycshua and last Summer issued a statement expressing concern about 11 dishonc·st conversionary tactics 11 used by such groups as Jews for Jesus, B1 nai Yeshua and Unification Church. -. . · B'nai· Ycshua's scheduled c::mrcrence, "Shecinah (glory of' God) 11 · 1 78, is expected to draw more than 1,000 people from across the U.S. and other ~ountries, according to Dolores_Herne, press. liaison.

She said 11our invitation-·to Mrs·. Stapleton to speak is based on our awareness of her deep and total commitment to-·thc Messiah in whom we believe. We see no conflict and we regret that the Am~rican Jewish· ·congress has chosen to tal~e issue with our freedom to express and share our faith." "As Jews we carry the same burden of history ·(as other Jews), 11 she said. "Yet because· of our beliefs in the Messiah we arc subjected to· continuing criticsm, rejection and ostracism by the rest of the Jewish commLmity. 11 There arc about 40 to 50 members affiliated with the Stony Brook B' nai Ycshua group. -0-

They'll Be Mailed To Majority of Seniors BOYS WHO SKIPPED CLASSES BARRED DIPLOMAS AT .SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT By Religious News Service (5-23-78) . MILWAUKEE (RNS) - - A private graduation ceremony was held for ea.bout twcf. .:thirds of a senior class at a Roman · Catholic boys school here -- all had been· barred from receiving diplomas at the regular commencement as o. pcnoJ.ty f~r s~d~ping classes. Brother Joseph Grieshaber, principal of Thomas More High School, said 107 of the 154 seniors skipped classes to attend a picnic despite his warning not to do so. As punishment, the boys were initially barred fr:lm· ·attending the regular commencement exercises altogether. But following protests f'rom the students and their parents, Br.other Joseph-·eased the penalty. He allowed the boys to maz-ch·"i:n-·the processional wearing caps and gowns, but not receiving diplomas or awards at the ccrcmo~y. - ~ ' -. - The punished scrnios received· their diplomas at a· private . ceremony·· at a hall in suburban Cudahy, Dressed in caps and gowns, they marched· across the stage a.'1.d-·rcccived an empty diplma jacket from one of the parents. Their diplomas and awards will be sent by mail. - 0- PAGE -24- _J-qne 5, 1978

~ American Jewish Ccrnmittee ~ 165 E56 _.-'!"J-...------•Ne,w._._x~o~r-k~._....,_,NY~lQQ4~- ---'-~~~~....,...,...... ,...,...~_~( .~~-~~~~~:....;...... ~- ~-,.__....,..~------======::::;:im... ! ... :., ·• ... ' · E Gentlemen: ;; 0 ! · We wel:'.e ~a-oely distresseq over the assiitµ.lation ·of misinfonration i _ rega;rding B'na..-j. Yeshua, our -goals a!id puzjx:>ses. · .We are. keeilly aware of the· - ?Jsiti6n Mis. · stapletbn wa5 -placed. in representing two families. · We also· - represent two families a.s Jewish Christians. otir crincenis are delicate· · ones. OUr deep concern is particularly about this extremely diabolical attack ufOn us as Jewish Christians,· and we· fear that this may ·produce a seed of anti-sernitism· in the .hearts of the· public towards .. our people.· · It goes without saying that B'nai Yeshua is_acceptedby the Evangelical a:mnuru.ty. If thC!-t Were not the' case, I -woW.d not have beeri. asked to speak at the Giant Stadium Rally of 50,000, or the. Kansas City Rally of 45,000, nor would we be-oonstantly invited internationally thrbugh · television, radio, and conferenees to express our view5. · ·

Enclosed is a ticket to the Shechinah Conference. Hopefully you will attend in order to better tmderstand what we believe and teaCh. You are also invited to our rally in s~rt of Is:t:ael·, and enclosed is a statement (prepared rronths in advance) · whicll is going to be signed ' by Christians and JeNS throughout America and sent 'to the President.

We are praying for you. Sincerely, ~~~ Mike Evans President & Folmder B'nai Yeshua

daa Enclosures:· ·_ statem:nt & ticket cc: Attomey Hernan Tranow

------P.O. ~ox No Stony Brook, N.Y.11790 o (516)689-9383 689-9384------

1:,__•. - Dear President Carter:

I, the undersi gned, affirm my bel ief in the right of Israel to exist as a f r ee and independent nation within its Biblical boundaries. In. this light I am voicing my grave apprehension concerning the recent dir ection of American foreign policy concerning the Middle East.


I believe the rebirth of Israel a·s a nation and the return of the Jewish people to their land is clearly foretold in the Bible and this fulfillment in our time is one of the most momentous events in all of human history. As six million Jews were exterminated in Europe a generation ago the world saw the need for Jewish people to have their own homeland. Zionist settlers transformed malaria-infested swamps into a productive land. This too is a fulfillment of the Biblical promise of Isaiah 35: 1, "The desert shall blossom as a rose."

I understand the Jewish homeland to include , the West Bank, the Gaza strip and the Golan Heights as recorded i n Genesis 15:18. The government of Israel has not initiated warfare to secure these lands but have possessed them as a result of defending themselves against the perpetual attacks of their neighbors.

Many nations have condemned Israel when they have def ended themselves against guerilla raids while they have made peace with the people responsible for these t errorist actions.

I am concerned for America, a nation founded on justice and co11U11itted to human rights, that we are leaning more toward joining ranks with those who unjustly oppress the nation and people of Israel. I would remind our leaders of another promise that God made to Abraham 'in Genesis 12: 3, "I will bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee." This promise has been proven true throughout world history. God has sovereignly blessed those nations that have been kind to the Jewish people and has cursed those who have cursed them. I believe that one reason why the United States has been so abundantly blessed is that they have been kind to the Jewish people in the past. I urge you not to waver in this commitment and by givi ng into the demands of oppressors.

I believe that Israels future should not be determined by political intrigue, fluctuating world opinion or the imposition of world powers. Rather, we put our trust in the words of the Amos.

"And I will plant them upon the land and t hey shall no more be pulled up out of the land which I have given them, saith the Lord, thy God."

I therefore urge the leaders of our nation to strengthen their support toward these goals on a Biblical and on a moral basis. Then I believe that we shall be continually blessed and sustained by the hand of the Almighty. Sincerely yours,

· ------·*·------~ URGENT

It is urgent that you mail these immediately because these are going to be combined with statements from people that are coming to Shechinah which will be sent to President Carter on behalfof the State of Israel. You can mail these in our return envelope. We love you and appreciate you. Don't worry about this little note. We will cut this off of your letter when it is returned, before it is mailed to Washington. 1 APPLICATION FORM Vj 'ti)\'?.i)D Ruth Carter Stapleton ,/,·· {~\ o~~\Gl11 .•. - (') (/) (/) z c -0 '%!':- - ·,,.,1.\f';i\· f ~ f c:;- ~ ~ (J> ~ .. 0.. >;" ~m.~~; f;' t g. i ::.; c;;- 8 3 >/, . : ~ ~ g .,.,. 8 ~ 1ti ::- a~· ~ ~ t~-~y ~ ;:?'" ~ ~ . \.~ - -:-~, ~ .. OD ~ ~, i ~ \ . -> ~ ~ :s '..!) ...... ~Sil !:::! " 5· ~ ~ - \ ~1~. ~d- "O g-a51 :E .., C' ;:::. r- " ~ \ Cl~ 0~ g~ ~ - ~ ~ :::0 G') ::0 ::0 3 - .. c: :::0 3: :>: c Q . Hosts ~ )> c "' " -! - '"' ------c :; Cl "' .,, (/l _: :c $ "' Dear Friend, ~ a "'...... ~~- -0 "' ::c (") G') Pilgrimage to The Holyland ii:! c 0 (); 8 :J )>- !'Tl I> :i:: ::0 . 0 Ocl One of the most unique and exciting experiences a 'l6 :::0 -! Christian can have is to retrace the steps of Jesus and to !-z• ;;_. Cl :i! ~ 0 ~ m ~ Z I ' ~ rn ~ r;l ~ 0 rekindle the spirit of Jesus in the lcmd where His ministry :c ~ !" ') '8 ~ 0 og. • :::0 -· took place. I hove experienced this and I want to share it ~ :1 ::ti (/l ::..:. OJ rr1 r. Q [ gi :r 5! with you. g~~ 0 Q'@-::o ~ ~ ~ 3 -<: m S! I !.p I am happy to inform you tho/ / hove the opportunity to n (')z z g;;ii~ "O :c 0 u;· 3 r O host o t&ur to the Haly Land. I om not able to take [ c .. m r everyone, but I would like for you to go. DEPART: SEPT. 2, 1978 j (/l fl:' -! -< I am asking hundreds of you to join meon this special ten RETURN: SEPT. 11, 1978 ! ~ "' ",.. O2 r;i;. day tour. Please let us know immediately if you ,are i;_ 2 :;. 0 - interested, so that others may have the opportunity, you -:0 0 if .E (Xl cannot go. From New York $1,295.00 ~ (Plus US $3.00 Dep. Tox) 'O"' T know it will be a life·chonging experience for each of 'O For Other Cities Refer to Inside. Q you. g· ""' Sincerely, 0 ~ 3 3. f~0si1ed in TRUST ACCOUNT w i1h Uni1ed California Bank, 9841 Airporl subjee1 10 minimurn of 10par1icipants.1raveling logether at and 1axH 1111 1he hotels. sigh1see1ng and el(cursions. Tips 10 guides. drivers. hotel personel no1 any other moans. and as sucn, are nol responsible for any damage. expe remains of the second century synagogue. Proceed to Tabgah, Lazarus and the sile of the resurreciinn nf La>.arus. Pass the Inn of inconYernence caused by la1e lfatn_ p1ane or ship arrival or departur~. Of Included. AIRPORT TAXES not included (appro>umatelv US & 10.00 per person) site of the multiplication of loaves and fish. Continue to 1he lhe Good Samaritan and conlinue lhrough the 'Wilderness of change ol schedule (If 01her concht1on, nor the lo:.s of or damage 1obagg BAGGAGE: Maximum lrH b8ggege allowance per person 44 lbs. {airline MOUNT OF BEATITUDES to visit the ch urch. Visit the upper Judea to !he DEAD SEA, the lowest place on earth, 1292 feet anvarhcle belo119in9 to 1ne passenger, nor anvloss. injury ordamaoe to or re9ult1tions}. Porterage for 1wo[2} pieces or luggage per person included. Asm•ll person or property rrom any cauu wluuwvver. Tht 1po11~ing org~n Galilee area including the famous GOLAN HEIGHTS. Return to below sea level, and visit the ruins of QUMRAN where the Dead overnigh1 case or hgh1 bag carried bylhepassenger is recorrunendcd. MaJtirnum resetves the right towi1hdr:.w tho 1our 10 refuse to acceptor rctainanvper hotel for dinner and ovemighl. Sea Scrolls were discovered. Continue lo the mountain fortress of care 10 safeguard yoor luggage will be taken. bul th~ tour operatotS accep1 no a rnembe1 of tho tour at anv 1rme. or to make criangas In the published iii respons1bili1y for loss or dama~e. Bei99a9e insL.1reonce torms will tie sent to vou MASADA, built by Herod the Great, overlooking the Dead Sea. whenever in 1hc1r sole judgment condilion$ waH11n1. or 1f they deem ii nee DAY 05 TIBERIAS/JERUSALEM upon receipl of youf d8posit, please read •I carelvllv before cfeehning. lor the comton. convenience or seht1yol 1he tour. All prices &re Dasedon r On this mountain 960 Jewish zealots held out for three years exc1sting on the printing dale of 1he brochure and while every effort wiltbt Israeli breakfast at hotel. DEPOSIT: A d&pesit ol US $200 00 per person is required to secvrc against lhe Roman legionaires until fina lly in theyear73A.D.,they reserYalions. balance to be paid in full tony. five (45> days prior to depar11.ue. 10 h old them tirm. 1hev are subJ8CI to change. The airlines concerned art Start our day with a boatride across the Sea of Galilee then on to be held responsible lor anv act omisston or evenl during the l ime pa5s• c hose mass suicide rather than slavery. Return to Jerusalem for CANCELLATION: C3ncellatior1-s lor 1Jnforeseen and v