MS-603: Rabbi Marc H
MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945-1992. Series C: lnterreligious Activities. 1952-1992 Box 46, Folder 2, Stapleton, Ruth Carter, 1978. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 221-1875 phone, (513) 221-7812 fax . ~·. .. May .16,, 1978 Mrs. Ruth Carter Stapi'eton ;r.o.B. 53757 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28305 Dear .Hrs. Stapleton, ' . ' I take the llb~~Y of enclosing a copy of a newspaper story which appeared in The New York Post Qf May 15th. As you wil1 see, it reports that you have accepted to address a June 0th "crusade'' of B·,nai Yeshw;t, a group whose primary purpose is proselytizing among Jewish people, especially Jewish young people. ' -· My .purpose in writing ·to you is· to ask for- t he opportunity to mee.t wit.h. you as early'as possible prior to the June Bth date in order to discuss with. .you our concerns ·over your participation ln this pr-oselytizing conference.· ·· would you, therefore, kindly let me know by return mail or by telephone wba~ ~uld be a conv~ient time and place for us to meet? I should like to discuss with you th~ theolog!cai isoues raised by what~ · in our judement, is a .. compietely ~nadequate and defective understanding .. of .so-~alled Hebrew-Christian t'lO'Vements, such as B'nai Yeshua, of the · val~dity of God's eternal cove~ant with Israel. In particUlar, r .·"fish to discuss wl th you i.n all candor and friendship what to us has been the moral offense of thelr methods involving ~he use of sacred Jewish con- .
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