

I JOURNAL Volume 36 . NO.2 June, 1954

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(, TilE MA C A II O'N I J 0 URN A L 'fll~ MACAHO/il JOUHI>AL .1 , 7

. . ,'. ~ I ••• W tended. Flnl iUlle U : "" oWthe r,rC'SJ '1Ill",foder\t.J anna, AI JI.I Illn, H,• • Rut and "IIU)CB. .

J.~ " ~ A ~ lemll1)' rot In~ (lUI bUlinOll 5nsioq, wllllakrl Jllace.t 9:45 1 m.. ~d PrCll i. 11 dent ThomBI A) Cunr.o will give Iii, ' l...... -; 6 .. l 1.~tk: S.J'.' open in! Itlclress " , 10 ci'clo.ck'!; ~ \.".:'. ~ ~'1;,r ~ 1. i , I, ii,: f, .,y' , ,' • .>1· .. · • T< ' • ' ~ ' I Followin, inp ~ rrom ..,.".,~ I ' t.. .. I ';; ' ( ' .JloI dent Tho",'.118 .f.,. U~(). past , ~elldetus 'Uon. (or If:v.k,,~~ BilCull Company eonventionren will be SUell. of the of lhe, Nnl)flll ::l,1 M caronl ~1a~ flcttnfl r. ~' l., ~idcl" felptCled » • "c:nuader with Franeitcl Machine Corporation Aa~ lu tlOJi wIll c m~nl' ~fleOy on I~e ,", JUIi Itf! !n tbo"Bfound", He i. chainnan breakfast at 8 o'clock. prob"c~1I 1 u~11 IIceo p~lahme~lt. of th el,r ... of Ihe \:41lcm MefChandisin ' Commil. .drnmuil.ltlUlIs.Il ~ 1t! reorl\'O recuglll.( I r .J. .. I!..L.. ~ Man r!t r At the hu.ineu IeNlon National tion Dnd I Ct'laim nom the m e mberahil" ~ it o. ...., ,-M .:-lAd1 u urtn 0 caronl Institute public relation. • Y"~eru" ~ .. Theodore It Sill, will hll He,! ry. D. HOIfi, a ch.arler memller of :;.£olll'Witif Mr. JohnlOn'• addreu on u will Auociation tbe ~ n hD"n l r.~nroRi ManufatlUren IDI'h~andi'InS, . a panel mot'.erated by Green. There will be At!OClli llon ... i1J )l'eIIellt a pap~ r ' OD 'MfOeiati6n PIlIt Pruident Fred Mueller report. on , "Uow 10 M . III ~ ~1 IU~ Macaroni". will 't. •~ a C!ilCl;L'llon on Ilpeci6c mn. olher busineu matten. Luncheo!, fu~ ~)' eryone will be ~mld (: h,~& I " ?1 and mallipmeni problema In th mam dlnlhS roc;m, li nd In the ~'F IJ'E macaroQi. field . . Fred Hirkel, III the fun •., come. as In Ihe faclurer from Germn'.~i~n:k~I~N~d.~~IV:'\:the 11 I'J••• • KINO MIDAS aflernoon U Aolf luumamenl will be ht:ld ~e Wedneat:lay lu~c:heon 'wllI he 1f40.4' , •• turhulClll )'Urt. pII.42. KINO MIDAS will he Endenback bei StuUgart, will live FLOUR MilLS milll IIrsl facm , probleln~ _houlder 10 for Ihe cOI I\'cnliltnerJ. Handica" .....· iU Itll' ~ In the m~ln dlnlnl .room for Semolinl in Sepl. in il. newly Hili" • •• Plnn" . . . 81111.' observalions or the American scene. krl'r' DUD-'I.rk, COVIn Iff, Ihoulder with you, Ihe MlcJ' hI' tel i U dual!" will hue an ~q ual n Cl tyone. Immethalely folloM-lnslun ch. ~:;Ittd OlilY Mill in Supeo Pur Hubor ....me tymboll. ro ni Indullry. proud of our ch ltn l"t~ in Ihe I,by. Shawnre II nol el l u eon Cene!lIl Mill. wllltue the ~roul' on A Ipecilll buffet luncheon will be World War II. Peact In 194'. PIli Ind (OlInden! or our ru. ture .•• Io,ethu. I !;olfin g ~ ile . alld h~. )~n .the st"ene I hUll' trap Ihrllugh ~he beauuful ~o. the Green Terrace Thurtday noon of naliollal golf lournaRlentJl. 1 • • conol... IlJlteae,lo\·ely [utero mounlam. followed by I IJlC'Cial golf Ihow " . ' . ~·i . : pretent . beautiful "iatlll dOlled with uThfl Swing'l the Thing." Ihe tla"! lI oJl.al IIpaghelll buffet . C?f . malJ ijllaget and qualnlllhoJlI. The Board of the 1101150111 J.llhogra"h Corporation, A uarlll!cue dinner il being Illanned ganiulional .,D!'~; .. !~~.~::~d. olle of IILI' ~ ut l l a n.dill g Il!cial n'C!nls of lor WldneldllY nighl . . 1t will be held on noon, and Ihe all maL.tWIIi ~Iee llll g!, Will he held on an isf.nd ill the river and will be spon. will be the banquet . TuclIda)' C\·ClUltll. June 15. • . ~ IIO ~ joillll)' by the Ambrette Corpora. a lumilliou. dinner An Earl}" Ilird. nrclkfl.ll t will b'i .tion and Ihe Allociation. inl· helL! 01 H a. rn. Wednetday morn ins, Home talent .....jJI be featured 10110w. lloom retervation. are to be June Hi. This i. a traditional fUIIl:lion illt!: the' bl rhttue with a specill Penn. redly with "bnager R. E. FLOUR MILLS AlltIlIlIHetl h)· the durum milieu. 1),1\'8nia Dutch Ihealriea!llroduction be. Shlwtlee·on·d,l··llr'laware, P"nn.yl""~ l1l u illg egg The rning', hu ~i neu ~'!lIio l1 on producet! hy the distributor Bill Ad\'aJICCI COnW I! l!flll n~gi~ ration can Wetlnt'liday .... ill fu lure one of the coun· Oldleh. Dancing in Ihe Grm Room will :nalle throut;h Ih l: .I\,,!'cl'illtion office try', OUb ll1ntlill~ merchandi!{!r. J. follow the enterlo.inment. I'alaline, lIIilloi.. Further det..11t ~ Shlney JohnlOlI, tli rec::trn of tfiide rela· On the fin,,1 da y, Thurida,., June 17, available from thaI ollice. BETTER HANDS" " 1/ ~ \ 1 A C l , It I • •'. r J (I r I( ~ :\ I. " IIJ5-t TIIF 'lA' ·\ 1 ' 1 \ 1 J II 'j lt :--. \ 1 f '.". " ; ~ an\l' ' l iII" I,· t'r~ (1,1i. .r.ll hluld uf I-I}lIlul'l ill hI!" 1'1 ' 11 1111·,. .al " 'Hid. "'.... murlll·lui" ,1 .1 fI·•• • ~lI li o! l ! III IlltH . I Ioru~"11 m:l!'ulUni frhltl II.: lIIul k.':1. THE FIP,ST A.NNUAL MEETING . ' I ' .. ..;, I, 'ultl .A lhl· ri'·:l 11 \1 .1' (lr'"li IM,1I1II " F! R[T MACARONI . " _ t , " II'" I ~ e 11 11 1:11,1111'11'11 :' 1 , 1 , ~ I'I · k · T~i~ PLANT . ",;\- l ' U''' ' BII · . I I'r,~ , \.~ ~ll1l1 j _ . ! i '; ~ ~. ~ , ~ '. P Tlic Hotlonal MocGrolt' Manu,,,du,.,, At :o oc:laflo" " " " I. I'",,:, ~! "I "":Jlllu . lie tw. , . / • • } I I " G.'• • r ' iI, PIIf.burgh. April " ••d 20, 1904 dUli if ,i" "",dljl'! I'll:: \H'lllon m'l: Plcn' , !,UIl' ill g" ,tli'·II(..t 11, " 1 ' ( "~III11 " : ../ rite ~Jr" ~om4rc,al ~ : .u'odllrlng be l ' !UI al··,1 " 11\ ulldrr . I Afacal'onl .alld Nb.'-!Ics 111~. ,"'t~t WCl J " .' , .. \l:IIIllGU'!II IJ \ 1/ Z.r.g•• ·• F••• d'~ ,In sr., ,t 'Pf 8 I, 1I 11 ~ ~ i "f rHrU itl( ,Itl:l a lilt' IlI n l ll ~ . , 10110 i ,[tI;l' ~ II IC ' \ Inc '; .q .. 1' \ . ~U II .p\' "14 ... (mll!lill )'urninl' 1. : i\ haht nted II,' ! " :. .r 1'0~tr ~ jl h ~ .., r : : \ ' , n41'.. r ~ ipl' ;i ill ,tnd CO. U lllt"" IIi ~ '1"' ;1ti J.! "'E"il'lI ,.. ,1"11 '1.11 III 1111 ) 11 1.1.,1..11 ·.11 ~ . ·'1II1.:~) · lohmet ItI(1 ., ~ill .h. ' 10, 1. 1 ,Ir 1.. . l \ THOMAS H, TOO.. ", ~ f l'UlilIlllllli4 iI'" Ili llh' 111, ' ·kef "f the u '1 , II '&uoc:"lol , .... ~ ..t \·l!lI lioli. .\- ~ ' '' lI1l11ill t'I ' I,' er.ror. 'he ~ . ~ h \ ¥';"I'OIII)' 111I ~ n .. ~. AI1I' " Il , .u ;tlt ~ .j III 01 ,·1' 111I.dil 1/,,, ,, '.' manufacturerll WU II 1I1'IIHintell. It wa:- II j'RI "'r " :lj!:l'1'- 1'11., """n,,," '. 10111,1 ' ttf I011Jl, ',,11 ·In .1II IIU' t'r",1 ,,1 , \" movell. and l'urri",1 Ilal Iltl')' oll! : lII i~ ' of l Tuifn T' III' 1 ,c1 i1 ~ n·d Ih ul ,1 l'lI wiil: I' d ~l! " ,, ~ "II,lorll'" 10 1 , ,rl'" 1 .\ rllt' ~ II . n· lI ud \\' ~lIe "l lay. April 11111 Nalional Al lIOC ialioli Hr Mat uroll rnorr ulltr "las e woultl elL loil IN Ir uIII S,i ~ 1 tl l \ ' 1" , I'lt o: Itt \' •. 01 1. r.··! ·, 0 II) ulII l 2il , 190·1. a g'lhrrinl!: of reo and Noo clle )talllllnt!luren. A cO llllnil· e'C llf! n!e{ lU llufllclurerll tU1I1 t., "" o l ~el l " ' /1 Dr . \In;.., I:a rhol. I.. " ~I 1111: "nlulin' t:1111a ru ni und noul!!.' manu· If'" . '(15 (l1'llOinlttl 011 COllililuliUIi aUlI olIO frh l 11O,\: t: hnultl llllU ..... I ~ Ih,' luhll ' "f Iht ,Im um \.) 11 '11 ' II",. , ' I. Lwloul'rll ,,( ·!·rie3 IIItt I'iud",rgh A, in 11\·.lawl, 111'1 ""ei, J IIIper Lrotl l! hl 11111 IlI fl llp hl 10 \ lIlt'ri,'u rru'n It, •.o (lOr IIii' purpu' ...· 01 I/lnni.ng :I trade U~ · ·l1tc Iell of lite ,~o ruin 8 ..... a.I ' ~e \ oled \'er)' inlerll.. " nr. , s~ u y ion. A Fn1l 11 lit ,' ,·.,dl' , .,1 , r . 11 11\1 11,,·\ 11, -""h'l ioll 1\11 ..t't'li ulI" of Iltl! I ' ollnlr~ 1(1 Ihc Jlr~III(1liulI ",r 1}lJ.'CU 011 &lIb· was matle and I unietl Ihol a I' " .·u"pCIUIo' ,1 lilli, ' llilt'r !,il'lIt!I'ro j"l II .. WI' I I' u' '" "1'111 ',I cill ... r ill p. ' r ~ ol\ ot jel'llII fl I IlItr.r~ Iu. mtmu::,ct't ....r •• It1' be 'Plloinll'll I ~ Ilrafl i u l l.I l pn';:rel'! .· " I lilt II ,.lu "lh . I , ~ 111:1\: '\ ' rt:,hICd rt'I" esenl oli \"l'l' ~1II 1 ~Ir. O,wtlldl S.~midl or th.,\·~ I Ki rl , j.lliuliona upon II,ill I'ucko gl! """",,,,, , , ,I, 1111 ":. 11111-1 ",1 ,. :mel I'/lifilahle IlIr'CIUl;: Iowa 1 )~lI led a Ilnpcr up " : r~l . " "Cod C~Ulmi n ee" ""O A al.o Jl rt"flrdioll; ( ~I I.,· rella ~ II I jllicl' IIII' '.r:ll I'll' i.Il/I' ' I Ihl! .\Io[ i"I,11 A: .• illt ," " , 'fl. ",... II ' IU ~ Iwl,1. 10 I.uw I riLu: tlleir C.U!"" ~ Rerr.ttly", I'll. goo lls Ul IIIIIIIII.lded: (:i) full which "'. • " follo ... et! It I\'el), dillC UI' .,,,,,,)._,,,. "J Iht' 1I1antlullj (4) :11 \' '1'0111 1\1'\ \IJ , ,·It 1· ,,1 til !IIlU "I'" ,. III I'il · ' q I., Th,' ,1,1 dh' ... 1I!1I"' :III, 11'11 III Ihl! Un· "irlII. nIl' t'011l"e1l511111) , ~ ,tn wa_ ..thal Un Wedlll! lilfu)" April 20. 11 u\"li l n" I ~ : 15 ) rnllke 11 :1' t-/l"I),I; ill \ !, ri.. l 'IiI l. rra ~ ' .• ·.:! n. 1'11111 ! I III'~ . TIU ~- "II)' luornillV· Apri l I'). ;l::tt'lironi prlJlhwl s ~ h ,~ult l he or Ihe wal made alHl carried Ihol ull fal"ililiell; let) tlt~ rf e. ' 1 !'o lin .. ( ·\" IoI ' lIe. " ., - IIII' :\ ..., ,.Ii .\ ~ rur ,I'e:, ' Ir ~ 1 III1!clillJ!. a",1 we ll! 1,,, 111 ,.1 11"_1 'Iuality alld IInl 110111 r'lf nn)'lhing of Ihe ASllol'iuliun enroll I l' It ~ \ I" ' " 11" I'oll lell!. Til" )!I"II" I· . ,h . i I'::~::::::':~;:;~:~ front "jnrl' all,1 I" ""It'l h\' .:. I:. FIII I,ell, I,f eI"" I, II;l1I 1 I, .....: Ihan u fui r profil , und Ihal ull IlCrllUIl!! IIr firlll~ II I i l·ttliri"l11 Ullllllilllru~l; , '"' , Alll" i· I'. "I 'll f.'·:''''.I, J, .. I' , ' 1' ., 10 .1,,1 "Iil.lr I, r ' Ihe :\bl'(llIIlIi mul ;'\ ..." Ih 0 11 TI.I I'IIII II \· a fternoon Ihe cnnllitu. iI!gnificlllheir il1h~lIlitlll Itl I' tll1pro\"l't1 alul Iit'si lII >1rh illl!n ' : :11 ,,1 .\ 11 11111 i , '"rlll ':"'''' .Ilth' ' au \ ,." \lU li llfl tl llll t'l~ J I1 I11I1 I1 I. lit:. illll·il .. lioll and II)" 1;1\.. .. 11 Wt:rl' ~ uhmil1t!11. The beu be ellrolled. The I'mllmillec Iltil/lIlll. IIIHu'llul e IJfI ~ ill e3~ nwth. . 1111 1,·".lili"ll " f ,.,'1, i "~ 1,1 lilt" illll ,I." '. ~Iulcil Iltc "h J""I ~ of the 11 1t 'c!III U. . liI oI I'fll ioliluliull " ' II ~ reo,1 !l ilt! amelliled in r;o luliun! rCI 'III1101C llel'!11 )l1tt'kin)! ,9\ AJU!rli ll illj!: . "IILI!. 0"1i II f \I!tt,," lII lIl .: rt·1I1 j! lu,,, lo' . il'l llII h, II',1 JIIIIII A. SJJ":curdo lit F it~~ I !!1'\"'lu l ; 1I ~ 1u/1I ' 1'~" lifter which il wlla good!; in 20'Jlutlllfl huxt'l'I Ul! (ur UII ANTOINI Z!UGA " f \lIlvilit'. 'li!w," mhll..' illl ' II.I ~IIII.!I y lieul; 11 1-0 Ihlll I'Ut'kUgCii Ite \'ule of Ih u nk ~ WU II lemlcrell III Ihe hilI.:. IdIU \q·j,-nmt"C'He ~VUIt!~ . .J. '11'1'lce)} Thc J,y.IJ", . ',,·t'rc IlIken up ill ·l·~·~·~r , :,.. ,I! Ih., ItI!,n'I':'T. nlltir· 1l 1 1l 1 1_1~ 1 I I D. lI"hh uf 1111' Ch,:/.I"II ),'atnrlllll ~ " ' '' . r ~ : III1< lI1allllt!r nnd allopled. with Iv!1 weij!:hl. It wu ~ ""liu Il ul l Jlrl'pu 11',1 olul '. ~ ~ ~ .:~ 1" or IIII' \ III!' I grlll' Hlli"" Iduo II I ~ oil o rt·. J'IIlIlI'·ILI" ~Ir.l ' . " · "rdll~ "' r l n..llll l rl )! TIll! lIex' ',reler of LUllil1tl1a "' al Ihe I~ ol l e lII urk lit 1'111/111'111 /I e I (iul'eu. 01 111 III~u 10 1111 IIIIUlU' A' " ,:lr',.1·,II" I." '11, •·• ' IIUIIII'I,1 IIIUlIle Zt't" '~ , I.~ . "" (~ ,. ill ~" 'I '. ! IIU...I Il -I n . I'II\iI ' I ' : "Id r l'~'" " \.... , " c1cdiull of 11I'nnunr.n l officers of the us. mernl, t! rl! IIf Ihe A I'~ l lI'h, li llll, It \"illl; in I'ilh hufj!: fllr lilt' 1'1111 ' . "i ll/ u ~ e r ..... ho )l1.lIllled \\ jlll "tlt'll illl .. 'II II' r "';.:1" '11 " ,Iu'!tn "'l!I.lI l1_ .,11' CIlIIOI'11 1I11"I Ill!ltl IIHIlI:n:!lbl r I :"11 1. ~od ll l i "n . ~Ir , :)'hOIll,11I II. Tc.wlllc)· III m,n·c.1 lli lt l Ihc A~ ,; tI"I:J litilt !ilwui.i ~ IlIIwlI ullIl li lt"! lill1l' uI,,1 n5 .. I"'r hll.\ (.II.It. in lolA of IIl1t 1I:!i uoliuli IIncl I,uill 11(1 ,. tLlItII (~· II Ul I Ili ~ lI,f IIII' f.:.to( 1 ·I,.:! rt , ~ ~ ,\t · " "II H 'i "o III ,110" 1"' (:1 1' ) dl,llI mull utili J'lh'l .t. :"- .: ,'i,'} U ~o li k lr r . ~, ' Y . WII~ e1, ... lell 1.lrtliidcul ~l' t' lI l ill r llll'rloillllll'lIl. Thc IIIU ' ~U ll il , ,:rUltlllltlll:t lIud p etti l! rOllll ~ ,~ ~ ,I .1t·,1 ~ I hh " Ihal i ~ 111 111 11' III IIf II '111: '1 ' \\11';; .In ;'111 1,,,,.111111 !lOmtllCCii 95 .. tn tU b uf It' JI !'o IIi ulI 25. " ,.,.tl" ' li i a ll i lllcm ~ t }' d" I'11"I1 cr 1 1~' after II lhcr de· I " US mIllie ulI,1 car~il~ lllllal Ihe IIc", 1 hU\'e Ill't: lI 1I1 ,1t' lo rlll l ~lrud .• lI 'rdi li Ce~ ~ I" r~ "r ~tll ,. 11 ~I ' I ~ I rull ;.! OI ,,: :llli/ llli,," o. 1101' ulliN 1:11 111/11.,11:,. ·.vllh,lrLII II, hi t t ; I . ,~ cd ..' ~ lr . (h eu r M. Sjlfl~l;er uf. De· mmed 11t:11 IU llllu(aclurcr!f Itt'll' . Im't'liu¥ W(lultl he Iwlll ill 1'\.,w hill rlllllulution uf whit'h Ihe)' ''\III '" be t, Tlli'!< ,II "" 'llil,llH' I" " •. Itllt' If t',I' II 111'1' fu,ur. \lr. I'ict:" ' II" UUIII1Ul lI" Ctllt',11111Il It'lll \>t n o cll'tlcll II. firlll \' Ii ' e' lue ~ ul e nl ull"'r lIul ill Ih,' l'U!!t" of II lrik,·!! III llltiry 111 f.!t'II' - I.he ZI' rt·""I IIUllt'nl. c1i su·ler. UII lilt! ~ 1 ~ :(JJul TU l' ~ 41a~· ill )1 1t~ · , 1'lOull. II mis ht he J.hc l'l 'rtnQtl 1; , " ~ c l .,t j 1 " II I'U ~' uf .IIC c·ulI\·twliilli ,,',1:; fil l all It. 1I1II1 ."!. Erlle~lo lli ;Si of C!l~lle~ie ~ !I !l CI" famili,'" in 1111' .inJuil r)" cuel,1 Ihil Ihc' . . II h'~ .11 II fr i"mll) IIU li ll ~~ ' way. "': \· II I IO' ~ . 1111 ,1 \'ILI·,prcilulcnl. )lr.• " C. . o~hf'~ " will! 1II1I\'I'lllhlll u 1i!!1 (or ""'lli, 8)1011 II r reurl is greal" r. . ~. / : "''r. Wll_ rlrd ctl l'ent'lul\' h\" al·c!lInmttull. "ull"" li ull !' III' l·tl rrie·11 h\" 11 m AUlliine hllih Ili ~ "\\' 11 III,', 1 ; ~I t!r y. ;: . ,4 :"lIt', Fn·il'lIe..J.. 't tlr C!c\'clll lltl wu l,lL'd· liuli . )11. Frullk J.. Zert·~tI 1111' 11 lIi ll liOIl S, J"hu 111111 Ftlnk., 't. !·II,cAlI':fi- \ .• ": !!I1'dl',1 11 11'11\· Ihul Ih l! pru"c'!llillj!: 1I uf Ihe IIH.!eli liF et l l rcU ~ tl J "t . !\'''II1 : I /t'e ~ D ~ Iler l!t me 1'"leI winler ",ofliill).! o lkfmt' Itl ·r . IIf lite E\t "' lIlh~ ClJllllllillcc WCrt' pUI ill 1'"l11 phlel fllrnl u",1 .li ~ lrihul ,.J t cl UWII wllt'li IIII'\' !Ii'lIrricll tllI \\ 1I in"'l J, II, Huh), clt" 'II'11 for Ihrt ~ . · \· cat .~.l ..' . V. Ihe lItellll 'er!! tlf lite Slrl't:l. B rtlU J,.I~· il. doclfling Ille JIIIII" Funlu ll u IlIr h od \ ' I ~ nr~, II.' A. Tu\"l"r. Mr. Juhll A. S, Pirnlrll" Iil'tilS tlf Ii lli liuJ!. ~h il' ~ Irolll IIWIlY 1i 1 ~ 1I~. Julm A, S. l'iIT";II" ami c. F. "rg" I. papcr 0 11 "TiTl! )Iuclcrll 'I ,,,"'''''''' III hilt-It til' IIltd Ilrh., 111t~ I I"' ~ I ' whidl ~ ill/ l l ! r ",r IIIII' ) I'ur ".wh. (al;lurN". li e c~l' llIinl'll 1111"" 1'11111""11 lilt' IIllwhim'r}·. It \I'U" a ~I"cu l Tilt. ""\ I IlIpit· ('Ir "i~1 1I ~ ~ illll II'lIi'! (IUS lI ul')llier,. 1"",,,"11 In Ihe ,10)' IIIICII II ~ I CIIIl I "lIville \. , I ~ jlt ~ I III II',I . '"The .Frt· )!!: hl Il uic l)u'·olitJIl". Ilrcl"· III · Inllllllfodurer UI' 11 Ililwuhlc ftld"r I t',i 11\' ~J.. Cim rl" 11 ~Iaull II f St. I.uui ". Tim .,111 1,111111 ill II t11u ld~' 1I WIU' mutl. Iheit re;;)lt't:lil'c i llllu ~ lri e ~ . 01111 1111 1" ' I·tn in il:l I or, The l1t'w piaul ill Fui, . III' d'L'Clun'll Ihul IIII! II:U lIllfut"llItet& 1111\' 1II01lcrn mU"ur"ni IUUIlUfuI 'lutl'r IUI"". ~I ' \I ' J .'r~.·)'. \I ilh ill; huruJrcJ Ih o! freif! ll l. 11111 fi).!IIfaliH'ly, hili in reuf. 10 ellUI 'ole tile ,·uIIIIUml'r. ih·. He urll c" lllUl Ihe A " ~tlcill l it) 1I al· IIIIILI ~ ulIl l lill1l11re (t'I'1 IIf "rirk Hl J ,:IMI' A on " nl!nrfilll or H:lllpi 10 IUI\'e ItlUt 'uruu i dn~ :l irlt'tl Il ~ II A,."",." ~ ( ' I ill IWI'II\\' uneli u( law it ,,,,d Itt't'll h)' J. i!' ill ! ' ~ " Jlill~ wil h tlu' ~jl i ril "f Z,'n'J!U fllLlrlh d:t ~ . l·tllIIlIIlI.IiI)". jU ~ 1 lite "ulI1e relary. He uo. l·el·C'a lli . I l rOj!:r "~M. TIlt' firl'1 AlIllJinc I, a!' prlllttl ha \'e atTnit'll 10 olher I.r !. lilt' 11 111 1'1 1111 1 luh.. rc'l I" pr",lun It WII!! 1111"11 \'ull',1 Ih ll t TIll' .lIm·II"",; Ihe ""urk IIf u.!lSOetu:ioll ll. I .ItlJ ('!'mlt/l,· lIIHllllm'/jjf"fJ /llIIfllIIl I", j l ..... I'liu nds JIl'r tl lI~ . Till' J.! r ' "I, I ~., 1t "uflllli-A )!eltuce Iu Ptll'koJje I\":olli "IUI IIU ~ h IIIIHlllIs III ~t ,U I mu,,· ,1""ldr<'t! lilt' IIUidul IIr¥1l11 tlf Ihe IIrj!:u", II\' L. It I.urelll of ~hl"'· llUkce. tI,an IIl1e hUllll u ',llillll'.i Ilml mllll ll lli 1"' 1 FlED lIeln 1·lIl ioli. ~ i" . 111M ill IIL! "il how lIuI·h till)' IhruuVh II lIuIII.'rli "r"I!'11t " f On TtH,~.III~ "\'1'11:1/11 )lr. I I, V, FUI/ , IIi Sot, inj ufI'!! Ihe pad ' as!! """r huIltHiu,:. pn's"illJ!.. ,Ir) illJ!. .11 111 I",,·ku).! . JOHN '. IUIGA ___ I

10 THE MAC ,lIfO'" JOIJI1NAL \ , June,, Tlfl: MA CA IIO ~ 1 JO U RNA l. 11

f 'r. . ~ " THE STORY OF MACARONI ! ':!? ,• • . ( . \ I '\ ,,',, ' f ' \ l ' f., . ',''e A C.II.. II •• 01, Sforl.. '0.4't '. 1o, •• d. oi< Hldo,,- 01 " •• "0.1• ,. ' " '},o Thtr APP.ored A, ~d"~".r' .01 'k,I ~ /illdo. ~I ••, AIm, t't " I J. :,. .~.) .j , :- ;I .:~' ",v« ' .t.~..,.\ : 4· ?I .. . " !'le" ,..., ' ~! l ' ..~ ,v . ~ .. ~ \ ,, / ,. A le~ &,nd'h of. OI~~' . ": di 5(' O\' ~ ry hi Ihe .\~"O I , ' e,"'Jl' '1~I B h"O~~:'.:;~~"'fP. ~l!fUI )lew roOQI ~l."' '. d;;...,'.e,oI I hI ' Ifil l' UTl I!11I or (JplltllOll l IS' \'Clled n'!ln" ho IIleahhl y hod walcbtd I¥.f , " , If ~; ) ~ . ~P~ ~ ''fI/C Ill, fO n .... ~:~" itl Ihll lI1i ~ 1 1! !If Icgend: Ob. who deh' ~ ~ ('!olk, Ilrel!~red Ihe dish HllcfllrcC ~' ed ",·ha.t ,llUl i h~ I ' l' ell ' "I lb( clol,,,.;' .foJiU and to reduce the Sack nol only hu. !!.:l' ~ . of'-io~ f, :, " ~ ('11: Ihe rOIll I!!. llola,?n. hp l':1t8 10 hll e tile 1 Jlf i c~ J.opprtiunll tel)', Yet IIrangel)' 01 Sh,pe ,nd Form ideas to help you m lketrn~,~': : I!\'ulcncf or hl~ 10"1'1) on~ II ('a rt'll· ~" II~ . t en o u'~h lito flame given 10 Iltf'le unU ll u.1 Arcording to Weblter, macaroni Ga lll e rtllll l l!r ~ lrip~, ol dried, IluuJ'1t and j,r figurl 'l! 'ne\'er changed . Ihrough merchundisinl. fi~ Iln~ ~ & ' I DURUM SALES "a vaate. Ii ,.t made in haly, look Ihem 10 tl11iJ'" 'Fh~ ltiJI'jO cook .1;'1' J cor"P!"'" "what's cookinl\i olher l hi, chien" of 'II·heal Bour dried in I w~Y.s : fooJ; hoiled Ihern ill a Inolh, 110 was plcllltd . I ~ ... He's of /I,/i,n escenl and h~, a'· ( Gcllt'rallMill ~ 10 fin,ltitlll Ihe dish ·. ·.tii l!j:JJcfizillg allli ~ or long IIlellder tubes. and ulCd. ",htll i . natural-born a reciation or r ./ 1 ., ~U \ · I,rr· ' dried, a. an arlicle of food", Th, Loi,nd 01 th, Lo,I Ur. w drab a description or .uch , products. Hi s ravorite hobby is n­ 1'1"111 IIU' IIhil" " relu m 10 Itul )". "" oul ~ delightful dieh 1 Not content Ii mid) cactin, big batches of s"ajhctli and uf Ihe fldicious 1It~ \ \' cli.II

195-1 , ~1 'ACAIIOjl;l JIJ U IIN AL l:t 12 .• _ . TilE MACA II ON 1 J OURN AL f. Ju"., I Y~\ I f IlUr ~. tlrawll \ r. hiclc, The G.nivs of Ronl" IbiJ ~ ortull ct! of 5anitution iii, Ploth-, ,"i • , ....ur 1II11I'/ltuui", f OIl~ or the mOlt (IImaUI moc.font. (tel,', onllruelion and deeign of f

Junf!, THE MACIR ONI JOURNAL , 15 DENT 1,. • • t ~ i C.I.... I.' f/d.. a•• r. of ". ", ...,.,. ' .....·S.lmll.r • I,,"rv'e.ed Haffona' Mac.,..., ...... ,.,..,. AII.el."•• ; ',o"d." Tbum •• A. C .... aid Wrote ,,.. ,.IIow'" Sf.ry ... t., . ~ ,I , ... " 1 Sp.qhetti M.n 'UIY l TIle locelll)lInl dOH 8 good hUlilleu illn'l 10 important. Dul • good UJin9 Their Noodl" in Tna!! an New Mexico ...... here there l"OOks think it ill, and nohody dares F )'1m''''' IIf't!ll wundct. ho..) Ihing5 are larse 1)O)l1I111Iion. of Mtxictn cxlrllc· n:inale II. I nrc thc.e tillY, with th~i~nl .and lion. 'IluIy go for nrmtce. 'it ' ( 1 ~ ....uppose the hole thru the cenln .p:tghctti mQI1Ulacturer~l can teU you, Only DiU.rlne. I, '" the Sit. does enable, the sauce. IP., I '~net"le U. or .pagheJH. better." he aaU On the whole, t!y..pS!O' - ,tp~lty gooll. . And that IIrl1l81 up the qu~lion: macar~i "Th"t ~~e main Idea 'for tfte.hole." SOUl!! of Ihll hoya ran a 1L1t1~ ah.ml) 'VII.I i. lhe difference hetween maclt· die lauer ,tart of 1953.. I aD of them f ronl, Ipaghetti .ncl."rTi~kelli? t \Vell. ... ~ , P.,~,"!'..nd Rice I,,~r , 61 .., are ~ rmfident that if ~ey ~ork ha"rdt a~. P,rHI~nl. CUnt'D, exin ~ ned Ihal. . ~ . , coo.Potlll.. \ rertl ~ c and usc their Ilqodlts, ! they II Then!: Iii no difference excel't In .llze. lUlve a IIllgh t}, good Y.t",Mn 1M. ~ Macaroni. o. l'oU know. Ii the-Xnell. rO~)~~I~~~~'~~I'~~~; ;!~li:IO~ 111 ~ I , III P Laby ' ~jull ai/out Verinlt;elli il lie Imalleat. w ..' . 1 h\la~oes I!.!ld rice. ., " Ordinl'rily, Mr. Cuneo IBid. you Ihe ,ilualion. I' Ii (i'



. The ~i.\. \ It· ck period, June 15·Jul), :\1. \d ll hi l:l hli Shl the \'I'uali1il), of I\\'u 1'"1'1I1nr r' ~III I ~ - IUT1 '~d ",~c llroni I'rllIhll'lS- 1Il ~ Ull1njer m II. i.J .. "Snme !.Ike II 1101, me Like' h C"III," U SlIumolion jolg'\l)' ',)Olllort',1 I. )' ti lt! l" ul;'"HlI M8cu,o~ t ln !t llulc and tile '1'. lUI II cl

H.r • • ,.,}~t"p.. to Plea'T yona . t- • Ih~ ' iIHt il rt'aluring both food. in hot IHI,I ('old Ili~ht ~ harr bien dnclopt.' , It • eu)' III aWIIlLlr. hCllr' )­ ' i' RODUGTI~ND ~ALES .cON¥ALES CENT . .~",\." ,, ' IInlulllI, ull\lCtizin g 10I',o(:lhl',sto\'e dishc" r ,.·.,t; PERIODS . I...... ,' «1111 hakel cUS!oC rolh wHen )'0111" jlulllrl' ,.I;t. , ¢,l ,,~ .(4 li'II'U ill 1I11il'kr,, 4\\'ilh tb~ udupluhle , -t ~I or, ,~ fnnd,., Alltl 'lI's! o f ull,d h,',;e husic ill' , g rellil' lIh~ ".1 11 hc kCl'ti ri ghl 011 hulltl in yllu r c'lIJ1bUUfll lind II0n'1 tale up I'Trd. BE EC0t-l0MY.WISE UII" "pace ill yUill" rdrigerulor, Vt'ge· Cl!1.. cI Noocil. TUII. C4!".rol. ... laltll'l', (ruib. '1'il'n. l'ill-eae uml ,'ulIlI l-d f\ • , ' -\ i.' IWIII''' all I.'ud uril!I)' 10 this, lIIugical • RETURN YOUR DIEs'.lO US REGULARLY Icam, ' t " ~ , H )'lIlIr rllmil ~ are Ilie-luml! und in· FOR CHECKUP AND RECOtilDITIONING "i,,1 UII « h.. 1 11 11> .. 1 c\ cry duro lu!re', a ;," ~ ' "iml'le wa r III w hc )'Ollr I.rolth'm. :\\U).:.I' y Uill" UIII ' hili dish ul ,Iinner • SCIfNTIFIC ENGfNEn'HG> MAUS THE DIFFERENCE , - "ml,linll'nl , ~ellillll cus!!Cwlt! of luna 111111 l'illU' 1' lI1an mmi. li pushelli III egg 111111111",., '\ I'il'ill)! Itol t ' Il ~~ rolc ,.i11 bt­ a ",1,11'''''11' C'lIlIlro,-1 to ('hilled ~ : ,Iud l!, fl'!l~l)' J,1 ' II ! r U~I ~" ul1Il cotl lin ~ tl, '. ~ er1li, If "" IIII' .. Ihef Ilullil. )'uur kill belling In ~. }Jt1l141l,.i t, ~~If:doj. 1111' I'uld ' ''1'1'''1' ~r"lIp , )'011 ' 11 he ulole ttl Am.rlco', Larg." DI. Mol." I" 1'"lu\ llt tIll' tll,1 ur11 s lr ell uou ~ ,Ill\' 1I\'er ;1 ,. pt ' etlil ~ flXl'l1 lIIeul ,'olisilllint; ~" ai" 180 GRA . 0 STREET 1,, 'liLill;! Imlt'III"" i,11II1 1l ~ a l«tl ~ iliad... in 1 1 1t ~ I'H"I lI1urniu)! hulUs, NEW YORK 13. NEW YORK Ilul "I .'ulli. 1'\'Cf\'U1IC ",ill Io n IUIlI1 U.S.A. II illl IIIlU'anmi. "1>:'l;ill'l1i or l' ~g IIU ll tll ~ ,

IveU _ MANAGr:MENT CONTINUOUSLY RETAI NED IN SAME FAI-All r - 19S4 National Nataro.' W •• k Dat., S,t for October 21.30. 1954 ,TIIM "'; arolll Slid" ,SoI.1I . t \ : \ ' • II : ' \ I ! I t: '\ \ I " " .' I" " J " 1' .:,


" BUHLE~ CON1INUO"US PI(ODUCTION PRESSES Available I n St and H d or Vacuum. Models 1 '


: : : ':':.:: ; : : : : : : : : ~ : : : , ;: . ' ' : : . : : : . : . : :



J UIlt!. 1951 Till: M .HAIl II:oI 1 JIII' II N ,' 1 .'I 20 Till. \I A C A II (l.~ I J 0 I 11:'1 A J. , r' SOME LIKE IT HOT OME LIKE IT COLD , ~ Hallollo' Mocar'll hlflfute alld 1w,,0 ••••orell latilidofl.ft • ~ Teom·"Up for a JoInt S.,mmer Promotion .' .. ' Tuna Spaghetti Ton Tuna Rin9 with Mayonnaise Noodlltl (M"/U'J .:.6 Jt!rliin8sJ (Mflk!"J .,.6 JI~ rl'i"If " ). , 2 6:1kJlu~l : c CIlnA chunk'II),le IUIIJ 5 ,MablCipfiorill huller or murgo ri~e .•,, '."""'" package Iinlc.f l;~nl~1 . ,.... I ~t 2 m~j~ tn'li l;' 1 onioll A. ciltlPlleil 1' 1111 boiling vt'lll t' r J." ~~ 1 '~ Iove garlir, impah',1 on loolhl.irk CIIII pineapple juice '\ "" I J. .- I 111h1e&JlOon Nh 7'IILIIU:C ,'an IUlid·pack IUI1 ~: ;~ Iluarts hoiling water ,lraim',1 -t,,'-_ , ' u l l~ Ihllll)' IIliced ,'uullnl CfS H ounci II :'(loghelli ru p ,'hunk'51),le l.illl'lIlll.11' 1 e@!; "UII Ihlnly IIlh:td rdl'r)' Suh and III'PIH:r 10 IIUlle I ru ~ l' 0on Aa ll C"lI ll'd l'arl1lt'son t'hl.'ele InMt!lIJlOn1l !!alt IJr uin IU llo ulul r"scne 3 lahle'poOf I! :1 IIUUrl! boiling Wilier oil . In a f; kill.'I, hellt tuna uil and mtlt 8 OUIII·H _ ium tp:g 1l00IIlCll IlII ltt'r or marFari ne O\'et low hCIlt. Add ' a"out 'I ~ C UI' :') ! olliollS and ga rlic hntl .aule IIlllii onionl "UII mll )'OllhOiM' ore \'I'r)" lemler bU I 1I0t bro ...· ucd. Add in bnilin 8 walt'r; ad.l IUI,a lind l'Ui,k \J\ l'r Iv¥!' heal ulllil Ch ill ir- lI'fripl'rulnr Ihllroughl)" healed, He mn"" gar lic. 110;.,·\,,,,·,1.1 Brenk IUIi U ill' I Meallwhile. add 1 lahl CII l'vun IUIt 10 Alii! IUI1 I1 . 1'Ift'lIllI' rapidl)' boiling Whltl. c'lIulu nlly aIM 1""",',"" , friar :ulIl l,.t.! leu!llO ofi MI' 0ghclli 60 Ihal wr" ~ 1 mlinuel ~II llUi!. p , ' I ~IiIl ; mi~ li !;hll )' bill Cook unco\'ercd, 1!" lrlllg m:cnlllollllll y. IIlul lurl! inlo !lilt'.1 H·illt"h untillclHler. Drain :1I I'ullinder, Chill in rt'fri)lt!rulnr IInlil .~ Turn ~ r llg he lli illio a lartle bUill end Tune 10 I,icccli wilh II (ork : DIM eggll, Ittead Puur IlIlla.onilln mh-Iure un:t hot 5/'" Petty Cllnerol. c rurnI J~. milll'etl onion oml suit 10 hUllc. phclti. :\ lld (' 1f t; nnd to" 1i(;1I11)' lui Ulllil ten.ler. Druin in "lIlllllli"r. ltill",· 1\1 .1. l·fllllllltl lUIIII ~nl. .. 11l1I "111 1" 1 1 ,,1, Ihorough1r, Seullon III tOlte with ~a11 ,I mill :-- 11 1 rMuk" J 6 ,\I ' rl'ing ~1 Mix ,",ell and ~ h ll l'e Inlo 6 Jlllllir8; plo[e ~' ith eolt! waler ulIIl oll"i", «;llill. It'r :'fltI lill "" II "'r llith 1I"",lh' oti 101 1 or 1I0tJIJI,'''' Garnilh IIOllies wilh li nd PCl'pu. Spriukle "" ilh I'arme;;an C,.mbin.' I1l1u.lIl,:, 01111 IIIU~I I III WI ~t': mi, r UUln l II illl "t'i" , .11/1111 i! tI ' I ' I I~ • • 1 ,j'·' II.,.1 lu LIt'!'P"O Il !'all rhret;C round !!. a ,1t'!! iu',1. nllke in mod· I'lwet!c, S" n ·e IIl'rillkll'll wilh dtoJll'td 3 ' ll ltHhi huiling " ulcr ~ erllte Ult'U (:150° ) :W minulel!. porlllt)'. if ileA irM, !l 1I1I 1Il;et 1I1l'.litlnl egg noudl c;;. Mil'cor oni 'Summer Sol"d (01 ,,,"1 ., clI l'.' J .!I"l., " "' rl i,,~ ,., '\ l ill . I I ~ S I ' · ' '' 1l 8 bUllf'r ur margul ille 1.1, :1 C\lI'S IUlII.: I 1 " I ' lt ~ I " " It • •• 11 % CII I' di!ll,idd,· li1lu i,I :~ IIU :U I ~ 1,.. ilill i! " a i, r -'- 1I 1111111 ',',. , 1111111 IIHf ' ,d ll ll ' :! ' II I" , I, :. CIII' chill IIUlll.- :! (,. I ,.. UlI '" I' • :111" ,III lII k"l \ I. 11111 ", I 11:1' 1'0"" \V""t.'·li l c l ~ hin ' 'llIi'" I ~ 11.' ",pU"" lIull IlraT'It'.1 1:1 "UI' ~ "I ,11 .,-,. r " i ~ ill ' ) ', I III' "I'!'Pcll ,liII I'ickles 1':1 2 7'"1111< \l , 'U I" ~o l i ,I'JlDI ' k IUlla, '·UI' wuh",I· .l mill,·,1 I III1'''iulII·'';'' ,J 1/,,1 UI'l oI ,' . • ' II ,', 111111 ~ li ... ,cI 2 t',! !! ' 1,,'utC II 1 I l ll l' tltm dr ~ Ion'u d (,rtLlllhs I:! t·ul' ,11"1'1" '11"1,11 '1'1 I 1!llth" 1'1I0 11 luill ... ·,1 ouinn :-iu lt Uilli 1'/'1'1 '1'1' I .. la· 10 :O;u1l I" l.llIll.' ~b~!l lI lIlIi~, ' A,\,I ) lalolt 'I! I""'" ~, Ih In rUl'itll}' I,ui!. '\ l1d I 1.11.11 '"1''''''' ~,I h I.. HII';,III 1:,,;1 , inl! ,,'aler. Gnul llu ll y IIdll nomlb ~ O ill ;.! 1I,.!t·r, t ;rlll lu u lI ~ 11.1 ,1 lilli' .. . · ,111 "" Ihal wutN • "lIlil' lIo ':' , .. hoil. Cuuk 1111' I,.al Wlt ll', ' "111ill ll "~ hi 1,,, 11. I .,,,,L. lilt I' Ctl\'I'rI'11. .Ii rri. ,,! 1j",'u!'iullaUr, IIlI il • ,' \·1,,.,,1 . "Ii rri lt l' " "", I~ I " "ul h . utll il !I'uder, II, ' ; 11 11 ' l i J 1, h'r, Tilrll ili lo 1" II ,li'l . III , II i" ,., ' ' II '" , lIill' " II illt SfI'u,.e,1 \ , 1;:" 111 1' " "" " ~( 'I' ):' :, , .. j,1 .. •• '. "",I .11'1 11" l'!-" , .. 1:11111. ~1t ' lt l.ullI·r 01 lIIar J.' >Iriue 'ifill 1 "'1111 11" ,.1 ;' III I 1111 .. '.lfI"· pi ", ,.- \I ill. a in lI" ul : vnhluu, '\ ., 11 ,1 milk ,1I1t1 1'""k I •• k. III a 1.11 " I " "I...... I,ilw , hill ... 1 IIlllil Il l il ' ~"III ' 11 ./111 ' l, uull •. lilirring II,a'·II "'I" , 111 11 .. I . . •i ,, ·.. IIal" .,I ... ,/1'1,1 ,' "lIl1Slul1 l1r, :\.1, 1 I lic ~l c liquitl. dlili .Ii, ,.". 1,' 11'n .1I 1l 1 ~ ah .• rul 1" '1'1" ' 1 h' M ile,,, "\'OIt ' I '" l c.~ I ' ; I C " UIU'I'. If.! IC II' 1.1,,!t': Ill'" I ;":: hll~ 1,"1 1111 " '"1:: "1 1 . I I, i" . IipOO Ii I!lI lt 111111 liill l'ick1 et1; mix \II'dl J u~ll ... rufl· " I · llili ~ , ," 1.1 ""IlI'i I. II "I ~" " · ulLlI pour 1I\','r lIomlles, Urt'ak tUIIU ill ' uai'>t· I.. IIIi,i,," 'u: lIIi, l i vltll~ , ------'


Till: MA ~ '\HlIi\ 1 J OU RNAL 22 TilE MACARONI JOURNAL '. .' , "50one Like It Hot..... ~, Some Like It ~old" ~ l D , EEP (OL~OR EG'G' YOLK Tuna with J " 1 MACARONI SPAGHETTI t- EGG PACKED IN THE CORNfi SEL T 'hm tI' 1111' 1 ' ,, : u , l r l'~ l ra din ~ food 01· gU l1ituliulIS- 11 \1' 'FU!III IIr,;urrh F~llllll. , Ul1ul l 01111 lilt' ~ l lt1U lI ll l MaCArohi III­ {' , "lilulc.- lIrr n~uil1 leBminKJPl' 10 flimll­ I UII ~ KU It'j ulI.I inl:rCU 31: g~c,,' pfulil' 't,,' 011 ,'ulmet! IUI UI ulIIl l1luuroni Ilrodllctt-: I 1j l . The ,'ampui ):!,. "Sllme rJJ ke II HOI­ t SO"'I! l.ih II CuM". wld l' h , J a~ 1 )'ca r reo ,,,' 4~ : 11II1I" 1i in l'uh"lunli ul dollu'yolume gains {or Ihe 1I /lUhll" ::. ""i11 be ~Ik!al~~ur. InS 195.1. l'hiM lenr', prornoljon.:-.rlflcd at the h()n ll: lIl1l~cr. haa lwen M!t rll~ne ~ . " . ~ . I4-J"I )" :11. 'f • : i~ \ NC\o\'6pupc ra rnm, ' COlUt to CII~!ol ~.II I , he provi,lcil wilh II IM: li ~ ttl Il t on~ reo ,\ " ,;/ c il ~ and Ilhulogrtll,hAjto , h..'I l1he.J'uh. ~~ lic's 1I 111lelilc fllr Iheae 'two hlth Profit ".,.,.111. In .. all ...... dtkh." M Ra.-.d ( r ood~ , MUMllzin t'A. radio ~d teln'laion , ' ..111 p.PPlllr. oil. 1II1Iw-., .111' .. aM .. 1C."'pl."", ';, Ilati un " A )' I~d i r. B I ~1 lood cOlumni ~ tl and form journoll will be c ' cJn~~ with lpec­ DISTRIBUTID H TIOH4LLY lal m U l er i D I ~ nn Iht! promotion. f.oopt!r­ Bth'e D d\' erli ~ hlH and Iluhlicill' wilh Thii i. " meal to "Iealle the househoY til 'Y , Chick.ri Cacciatore leads ,and do honor to the cook, other rood urp'Dllizal iOIll ,,·iIl., &0 add ,The Poultry Parade iml le lu ~ to lilt! program. Tht! .195" clm· Chlden Cucl.tot • Writ. H. LDACH I'Digli ""ill point It l' Ihe tconomYl oPllUl ., . Creative rook. are ha\'inS a virtull 2'llOund chickell . 11ul Inlo piecet PHIL/,DILPfilA ZZ. PA. An d 811UI' IDbilil)' d. mal'a rpni. and luna ht!)'da, '·with chiclc.en recipes that - "o~ 14 CU,' flour (seuour.d with u ll I~ '110." Garfield 1.1700 Alllerlc ... & 'erkl Stili. from Californ ia, It is .Iso detigned 10 ~uhry I. III good 1oll11111y ami leliA n· I in c r rn~ illlcteAI In both hOI aOl) cold Ilt' p,Jer) r ~ l lIi h' e lhan u ~ ua 1. meul~ durin !; lilt! Summer 5eUOII, Y.a CU ll olive oil ~----~-----.------;'A d*ken t'oncoclion tI,at Cllllt he Crlle:t'lt ", ill he apl,rlied of ho,",' to 8 IlIIall white oulonl beat il chicken I:accialnre. TItil Italian. 1 mt'ilium , Ile Krun JM!11lJer. rurdU'r I'ltpiloliLc 011 Ihe luomotion "r Inspired dilh 1111.1 cOlmol.olllan ' "peal. inl l) Ilril.' "'l·inch wi e 1'1I11),ill@ relate,1 Ih'm aal~, since tlu~ Condentetl 10mlto 5Oul' puts color 2 CU/,5 lIked freah mUlhrooml The North Dakota Mill &. Elevator Laboratory I'ditminl materiul 1<'1'11 to tlliton will i'nd lIa\'"r 11110 Ihis ('hicken 1,)CCiahy. 1 4·0unl'e ('an, drained) tletW·tihc hUll' tOlte(ully tU lla'alaearolli The IllIty IOUjl I, tht hale for I tluee .mull clo\'e s.rtie. minced Assures Uniformity in Macaroni Products! )lro,IIlC'11 will. olit t! r food ~. ,lO in which the dlicken i•• immer ed olttr call (114 cUI.') condf!naed Among tl lI~ ~!l@gt' ~ I~ ('umbi nnlions browning. h ouzel with navor! IOUI' a ll ~ 1I.:,·illl .. for comhining :macD roni , Chit-ken cactialute il " ,teei. II )' ,nod Ih cup waler ti puj!I,I· tt i alltl/or "gf! lloodlel and luna when ~ rved o\'er 1IliKheni in trup, ha· 2 labl t" ~ 1 H10n. "inegar or lemon wilh fr l '~ h Dlu l t!\'uIHuated milk, dn.'t:&t. li an 11}'le. WI.ile the ehicktn i, simmtr. juil't· c'ullIIt'1i ,. ou,, ~. cOllllt'd fr ult!n 'uncl £r~h in!! in the Ikilltt. I'ook the ' 1Ilshetti in 1 1 a&b lt ~ llOOn Wott.'etltuhire 18UI't "cj!"'lohl,'s, In nOIll!! a (t'W o r Ihl' "O~I' hoiliuS ,,'Iller (ohulil 20 minutes). lh leu Jloon thyme pUl li nn 10011 I,rodlll'tl . :\ PI)tIile.wllle. chi cken cacciatore can DUlt dlicken with flour. Xe",' uud 1I1I1 fUI,,,itt! luna and 11101'11' he ... meal in il liClI. Howe\'er. to com· chlc'ken ill olive 011 in I lurge rOlli rel'illt."Ii 1 urrclIll)' llein! It.·tell l,r iuT plete Ihe meul nutritionally, ' relh green remo\'e eItiL-kell. Drown til ~n tliH R III I'\ el)' ruud editOT in Ihe lubd would be op"rol'riale, And if IJeJ 'llt!r, mUlhrooms and t:lluntr)' iI ... hllll' to".ed and lIlulcl,·d )'our f amil ~' il uccu810med 10 havins IIklllt!l ; blend in rem.ining ingn..!I,,,' " a l ild~. hul lIud 1'11 111 100n'elI und riug&. llt' ~ ~crt. "hoille 0 particularly light one Add chicken: cover Ind .immer 1 1t Hl~1 1II 1 n l ~~ r oll' a and tUI.,or·tlt!!'!"I\·" to follow 10 htarly a main course. A :\0 minulet! or until chit'ken II IIi ~ he l\ will I.e lltt"'l'nlccl bl't:auM! uf IheiT hit tI' f ~.h (ruh ('If a l,uddin8 .should do Stir tX.'C.. IOllOlly. Sen'e o\'er 8P II C!1l 1 Itl f il miJic~ II'lm require or prder Ihe trick. ."aghetti. :I generoUI ten'lng,,: hul mcnl" I'\'em in wlIrm weather. :\1" pfln:ill1uh'l ~ 511 lliHcrcll1 reciIH!~ for II/lilt unci m:lcoruni I'rodut:\1i wi I he reo ... Coreil,1 S.ledlon of Choice Durum Wheat Ica!oClllo thl' Pfl·3.' Dud radio I)('(orl' nnd King Mielas Flour Mill. * elch C4IIr of whe.t II binned .nd milled accordi ng to duriu!; II II' 1 IInt l lUi~ n . Appoints Advertising Agency qu.lity. IUlle"':I,,II'"'" ~ lIllCrrlllltket Ilnd dUl in * Macaroni and color di sCi mada of finis hed product li lilre 0l'c'rulutll IJ~ ~' c ll U ""hoILNl lcn Ki ng Millu" Flour MiIll announcel Chemical An.lysis uilil hru),.t!h urc ht,i nl-' ud"i 5t'11 10 follow the ~ I eclioll o. Vance Pidgeon &: Auo­ * tl.l tiales of MiTllleallOli1 to hlndle its ad· OWl mod.' 11 t ...h cl .. bor,I." 10 ,0.' '110""" .1 ...... ",.1, c ~ u~ .. ,. , II u duet' IlfIiull'rl' ~ rllm inlure 'heir ob· D... w", Pfochoch .~ i pp.d 1._ Ih lo ""II, all,"",b." •• ". 10. . .. 01 I,. Ih. loillittt! IiII' fullt'I' ,'al 1le frolll the lito· \'erlisins. entclh'e luly I, 19M. KlnS 1._, , ..4 ot , ... II,. .., dwrw", .hut I,. the ..... 101 1 Inl.tiull . Tlt r.N! 1 ~l iill& an': a l i~uale ad· Midu operates three milia and twelve \·t'rli .. ill!! li upporl: lie·in di 51'1IYs and Ill'" officet in various cities in Ihe North Dakota Mill &. Elevator llJotlucl P f r alllitl~ j llnd . ufficit!nl ItOCk. lnited Sialts, and pJochlcei family t. M. STANGlU. 6,ft. "',r .. Gr,IId f.,h . N. D.t of bOlh manltuui IlrOOucls and canned flour. hakery floun and dUTUm prod. IYAN J. 'HOMo'S. w" .. Dwwrn Dlw " In hi,. Wl( h, Aw• •, Ch in" . III. tUIl' , ~------,

2-1 TilE MACAIIOI'\I JOUHNAI. t TilE MA CA ltONI JOURI'iAI. 25 DO YOU ~ WANT TO 'BE A BETTER BOSS? ,. - Iy GLENN G. H~SKINS. G. G. Hooil.o Comp ••,. " ....fM .f ".", Op.,."•• ' For.", VI

ule. hut they ""ill Ileip )'OU rit.i,et Ihe Irulll" are forgotten. You are eX~ltI! schl'dule if )'OU know how 10 dirilct their~ 10 be honest because )'ou hne bm errOrl! "nd can get them to hd,. ~ou , . ~ven ' J'bl'0nsibllity Gn the theory IhlL : ThclM! limple iIIultralions emJlhD!lze )' u I ' ~n be trulted. U )·ou lay lonWo ho",: ),ou del'ellIl on olhen 10 get Ihin l!~ Ih, ng II' tnle and Y~u do not know it I ~ • dolfe, It ia a Nl lllllecll~ot )'ou know \'o11ut be ~ruet r~l;' have hcd. ~I 10 he done Dntl ate ,:ol'lIl1le of gel. 1 he~~ t.rt \only thrcc nll~wers Ih'l , tltl8 lite job done in one \'0\ 1)' tlr anolher, bo ..' \b.~\UtI: ::ld ve a lIuhOIlIUtate. Th~ , We Drc 'conc:erlltcl with ",I1I:llIer or nol are:~ ~~~No/' or "I do not ku m, ),ou get 'it dOIll ~ Ihe besl \\(1)', Are you but ' r~~ ,.tad oul and 81" )'oU lilt , " Helling the IIUt ~ 1 frolll tI. r.5e who helJl alll""·t{";.. ~ U··"ou flanl to krep Ihr. cO,n V )·ou wh~lhcr thcr he tll.l;} w or oho\'l~ fid cnce of )'our mf.n. ne,er ~odge un Lt' )·ou in orsalll"llon raltH H the an- Ille. They lItay .nol aBra wllh y~u, til t) ",,"'I:r to thil Ilue ~ lion il hyl"". thl ~ 1I )'OU lIta)' n~l c\·en like you tellt,,oranlr' In.. have eJtahli ~ hed a ,lriL-eleas relatloll!hip Ihey ",',n r ~ l)f'(t ),ou and Ih~)' wll h,lI"t haJed upon mutuul untlenallding, re" ('onfidenee III you, The dJsltke i, bou lld ... IIICC" cO llfid~II t.-e and ret:ojlllilioll of In fnde III rt' pCd aud con6dent.-e sroW, lOu nd LU li neu judgment! 'I1trse de- AlwlI)" remember th.t e\'cryone dependl "lent, of untleutanding. r ~ llcd , con. ?" ~ rnC«lne ~Ite , The u~lon leaders rip' fidl!nce and judgment art'.n IlIlIlall 81· Llailze on Ihll' II they ~I\ Bet Ihe JIIn tributn; thcufore, .1 we ine"itahly In ,lcl,~d. on them for art van,t.-e mentan4 GLENN G. HOIIINI must do ,,'e arrive at Ihe hUlllan relll- Ilffl: unty Inatcld 01 deprndlllS on Ihr liolllhiJl ' (If )'ou to your lullordinaln hO ~I, Iheir power ~ rowli ali ),our JlO\ltf ,\NY IIf ti l ft.-ellh ll Wt' kno,,' much lind or your Iuperion to you, fatlea, M u"OIlI I1IUII)' thingil IlIIt unlil Wll Without undefllnndins thete cannot AlII' ,the I~ !! I of, ~r four r1C!menb Cil arl! Jt'quiretl to tell ","hat ""., 1010"" 10 k aceompli,ltnltml , To do )'our job human rdallOn ft lu I' II judsment, olhcr Jlctlple, we do 1101 realize how riJ!,ht you lIIu81 know what )'oor hoes can ~. !, defi~e jUdglll t" llt u ia lUall }' gap" Ihere are in our knowledf:c, ."-lInll and he mURI know thai you are ~ere. I tlunk it lna), he ~i~ii:;';;h i, H )'UII WIIIII 10 find oul .. hnl ),ou fI : n ll~' .b:al'oble lof doing Ihe /' ob. Wl lI1 n )'ou th,at riemellt 01 hUIII.n n kllow IIIIII!JI U 8uhJet-I, Ir)" 10 write u ltello tnan to lit) . ometling, he I! un~ he whlC,h t' nubles a.",,,j,,",,.. '/K!f'l'" ,1 1111111 it, It h luken for granicil Ululc r:;lund, t'\al'll ), what ),OU want uhtaLh ~ ll 'rom I In l Iho (lli ft wer 10 ollr litlo qllestion. l aod you mtl81 eitlmr know Ihal he can educ4uIIII a,n,d analOll SUIO·IID­ "Do "'ILl \VulIl to he a Hetter nO&8'!" 'do the job Ita:ItUttC he hns done it well fa cl' t~ nrme al a AlemoilnefarinaProdYCt____ ..CIt is ","e,,", It h, furtilt'r UlulIlcd Ihal ),ou 1ll01C! or you must p.inat.\:· ... ly eO(. ~our Jt!llgment II .,._ -JrI, .... WIIln Ortl U "bll ~ ~" or thUI you tlspire to ht', )(fain what he il to do. Ue Jlo"" l call ILme .. "\ IItI s;e1a:1 ...... ~ _~..a.- .,-"..... __ In fo ci. whrn \H! Rl Il\·e a\O\" lI)' [rom Ihe him dumb, Mu)'he ),O U 1.0 nol know you Jud ~e hLn~ to ...... "111111111111 lul ,"r I;lrato of nur Indullrill l how 10 teach him, Let .,im know wh)' lIlull thl,1t ~eclde ellent _ _ _- !l1I!'i1i1 ~ IrUI ' lurc , ",'e find a 'oIhole &e ri-'s the jnh mu ~ 1 1M: done. Take lime to )' ~~ call I~U Lgn lOme or )'ouu'.. I .",,,. of III tll1 ,hu ..~ nlatiunlhips beginnin g uplnill how wh it t he does affects not bdlty to, hllll: The de,sree "'illt li lt: hc:.. ) jallilor and hili helper alill only himICH I,ul olhen. Let him feci Ins which II eltablt. hed C ).I C llll i ll~ Iluou lJ lt the I'residenl and tbat )'OU Ullllerlliund hll d~i re to do and you ,tlelN!nds on ),our , his Ilo ll rd III lJirt'rlors It, Mrs, Ctlll ll um· go,KI work and Ihul you are both willing hi, capaclt)' I? undenland ~arr) You'll m&ke extra dollars in the production of Macaroni Products er \\'ho hO "~'i! all vf UB, 0.,1 eager to hell' him _0 thal he tan 7,0ur JIIllructlon,. You mU lIl Jud ge lake chatbte of his o",'n Job. Make him .oyahy and. the ~eg ue of rClpect H egllll l1e ~ ~ 0' ~our po,ltiull in )'lIur Ir,'1 impurlanl bc..'C1l1l1Ie he il important confidenl'e III which he every time with Criterion Semo·Rina .•. a 'Semolina Farina prod. olgonil.Ulioll. j( ruu ore a " 1105S", ),ou ~gar~' 10 \'OU alUl to the whole plan of OIN!ra. that you can, f~l secure III hi', urc Jl url III mUIIIIKcl1lellt allll mafloge­ li";I, the coml!any s IIIterest by uct milled from a mixture of 50'}'. durum-50'}'. hard wheats. Be. IIIt'nt IHiI I,et'n si llll'ly defincil n& "I he u he be Ie\'e, r,0u deaeo-e to 1111 hI pl,tting Ihinss dOlle Ihrough Earning and keeping the rapect of TILe princip es of democrur. )' cause of its quality and uniformity, you can rely on Criterion Semo­ ~ H111 1 ' ~ uf I'COI,lt, wurking in cullllhura· )'tlur lIuhordinal Cl ill a full time job. denlood in our IHltiticallUe Ii.",', 1\1}' t:fforl will not he t"oslt'1l. U YOli ha,'e to be rlghl mOlt of the time Into our indultrial lire, There Rina to give you the best results and increase your consumer accept­ )'1' 11 U:l11t'lIIlter I"i~: r"ur I'olue IfJ Jo ur IIUI you have to be fair all or the time. 110 wage-,lneA. We mU Bt ha,'e "' ll fllt;: 1I1 ill" i~ mClUurt!d by )'mu sue­ All 0' u"' who hl\'e hAd management reo of independent Ipirit to keel) a~ce when you use this consistently high quality product. Make Cri. ( l'.I.I ;11 ,,:" fl inB ",hl't$ 10 do ",htll you ~ punlibllil)' know Ihat we blo .. UJl, Iratlilion thai free men ,Iroduce r"'mul du , IICllInd oR, Mame othen for our miatakea We all want lCCuritYt but with a terion Semo-Rina a MUST on your next order. Your IilUilaliul1s ure mUll)". Ph)' ~ ical' 8nd have days when we are too ornery of leCurilr mU ll BO op;polc,","jlyfo, \ I)' ),O U l'nullOt lift :13,000 poul1d ~ one 10 Ih'e with. and during th ~ perioda of nncemeut if we fOU l off tlf Ihe II lIl.Ir in lille millu llo Iml a "IIJloiled brul" temperamenl di'J1lar, we out of om ht::lpen, )'ou will be a Oll c ·htlr~e power molur cu n .10 ,I r\ol IIrt:: often ullfuir. When Ihi, happenll_ hI! ler ho ... )'ou muat recognize that del) man)' of )'1111 coulll ocr tl ra:d ), ... 1'(1)1 lind mlln enou gh to acknowledge ),our 1 H i ~, ucralic principles are .. neceuar)' if fill 720 l'IIt'k48etJ or long II l'agheHi all (uke 10 thc perlOn to whom you ha\'e industry II in So\'ernmenl and you ...· 1 Itour "UI lIIo ny "f yOlJr t;irl! can d" co, hl't! lI unfair and bOlh he and )'OU will make IhC!e Ilfincillies your guide: Comm-ander-Larabee A 1'1:1 of huoks 1.. "I't II,. IIIIIne of UII would fl'cl better. Of coone this can', L.ppen (a' The right of e\'cry man 10 be Utll· MILLIHG COMPANY l,rOOuet! 1110,,1 amoli ng results, Neither luo often if )'OU want to keqJ hi, respect. cd u a perlOn. the molo,. Ihe girl nor the bookkccl lr. r (n!pire cO{lfidence by deserrins it. (b) The right of eYe1J man to a ran 1111111 tumurrow", shipping r.c:hell, :J IIC i ~ I. remembered when a thousand (eOftWe". 0lIl ".,• • 34) O ..... "L o",e.s, .INN •••·~ · IIIS I. MINN'IOt. __ I



Till: MA C ~1I0!\1 JUUII~AI. :l'1 TilE MAC .~nONI JOURNAL • • I TECHNIQUES FOR EMPLOYEE EFFICIENCY , GOOD , ~t.,ANT tMORA1E IS NO ACCIDENT " to 'Y THOMAS J. V"'ANO, D...... I •• '.od. C.""'y, 'Y H. G. STAMWAY, U, ••• , "'.,.'a.'.,'., Co .."".y, , ,...... ,.., ., ,, •• , 0,.,." •• , '.r... VI 're••• fed at "".t Op.rat,••• '0'''''' VI . ~ .. : ... think of our employea. neca ~ ury to obtain our employees' re' am lure )'OU Ire all agr«tl with ~ he tru.illl'll 1i)'0.'. 1I1"' ." ~ 1 ul u Jilll ,,, \ 'WE 1111 "now f~lIl1"' § who H!eminl!lr tblnk of our neighhon, It: gel ullllie hrcttks, IInei WI' cllllthl!lII '!1eC1. We kno",' if we ..... anl our tm· grnenl feeling in manuladurinJ: 1'00lib of IlidJiclt· .- ), I" III" 111 "11111.:1".1, luck)', 011 Ilw olher haml. we bow ,omc I' 0)'1!t'1' trult, we must offet them lefur· human interal In their, ,"~~;~~I~ill efficiency through increased 01ll)lut Ih~t . II manltoni "Iullt iii IIln'llIlr lti~I,I ~ don't have to become 0 fcllllwl whll lIl'tm 10 lit' ~nluc"y. 1\0 lIy. They mUBt be aeeure in the knowl· lower COlli. taking on marked tfll~ ' II , " ~ rh ' r touring. IIII' "lulIl. edge Ihat they ho\'c .teady employmtlli. the extent that we break down doubt, a we o"ulyzcd hoth kinde of dIlWeo.·(·I , ar"'r II Iluic lillie. cI"" kili ~ Tht!)' mull know thot' 111cI1 they ran dignity and dllCipline, bUI we '. ; -. ,~!~I':.l;n!,.~;~:.:·::;:::,i'n thil men, 81111litllllll'ir hobit f. c~arIHer. and do nol wap,t to become Ihe U"",".C.""~ 01111 lI'alc'lrill8 Iltillfl ~' )'IIU'" I.t: lUlI'III!,1 lIoei,,1 life, wr. \\'ould find an luewer to lllan, .aiad remember .fter all thlB I. al IlIIw ditl,:rel1l !Ill' bdli IIf II ... l Ui , hOlh the !lowl luck of one frl1l1w, ond RlOjt imlKHlant, their home life, ..... hich conncd IlIIlt'lIlIlIl "llInd Ullt. illdudes conlrllcting for the lIet'e&11ities ..for h , ,~ en'hu the btl,1 lurk of til" olhl'r. So it i. wilh dlol;k~.' ·l, ... ~UO~!,1\~~1.'11;~~~": ~ I lIolec! " few lI1illUlc!! 111.\0 ill li l.!i IH plnnt morulc. If ""C analyze (110111 and .ome luxuries of life: loreh. U&'L 8C\'elllll,uliries "II Ihe IIIllnU~I ' II1I '11 1 "11\.· Illiniions, we II'ili find Ihnt ball t ' .;Jr . -il they know they have IItead)' em' Our IUIH!T't'ilOfI are in a 11011111011 10 II ~ Ihe hll ~ i~ IU T illl' '''Il :;t:11 1.,lil'il·I ., )'. it didn't jusl !frow like Illoymenti fillli on ,\hc li~- u. result flf dlh~,:)",. n~~ . I' ml.'oil·" help UI achie\'e Ihtl relatlonlhip that "" war ),ears, the imllttu. _II they kno",' that nt· lupervlsor·. want, or to tear dowlI. IOmetimes '"'.dud;,, efficienc), with co,t ".~;; "' Produ;tion Mothods" I.aniality or fnoritilm will concern jUlt a few thoufhtleu. ~~:~~~i;:h~r)ji~h;::: Labor Ihorlage wa. II 1 he ' III I UIII Ihinkillg ulJIIllt I' their wellarei we hl\'e hoped to • EXlttll SC in operatiqn Bcllin! ' U? le'l)' Ilt ~ filtl : tl IIIld lIIiUlllt' -II they can loole around thrm and tee want ollr eml,lo)'eet to nol luhjecle(1 to eI_ ~tlUly ~~ I - ~ ¥tilJlI . This t'U!llib tilll' emlllo)'ees ,,·ith lervlce record. hom "'ork, we Ihould be very in 'I~ IIIJ! ea lirc. I.oth Imlltun 111111 ten to twent)·.four yean, Jlointing .upervilOry personnel. A nWl IIlI'dlall ~' i . " "linij '1IlOlitili,'s IIf 11 m· may he a Itedy, efficient worker, bill It'rioll; /tilt .. 11·.lIliIt1l8, 1111,1 1I '! I1It ~; -/1 thcy ~ efficienl and Impro\'ed bu.i· if he doe.n', have the ability 0/0111 li ~ ling rutHI-iIi .tilile IUIII tluw" Ii, •..! l1Iltt neu activity exerted hy managemtnt i 'o,d Il'ith flMple. hi! Jue.n·' belun, in fJ JU~ ~lte n :USOIllf . and ,'\'j'lI fll lllclirm . " 111 " k· /1 11It!J I:lloW when Ihey Sel 100 old en ';,ary poJilio". If he hu in hi. mob, 1118 Ihc :iluh'mellh I1IlIIle I", IIII' 111.11111 ' (J) E""Jo)'t't! bcnefJ'. i a.ide Irom 10 woJ/t, Iher wiU have no' only Iheir up pArtiality or i. lullen, or II he taka fllchm 'l- ollhci f:'ltl ipllll'lIl ' wage. .": ~ Social Securily. bUl a more 4eneroIU him r.elr too Itriou,I)'. In other wordt­ J~ 1'11,jrt - gell'ill!; III kl;u\I' \111,,1 lilt! thinkll he', a hlg "hOi, he il the ,,'oril H. stANWAY (2) Sf'I""jl), (bfllh' prtJenJ and Juture) JJtnJlon Irom Iheir com~y to .up­ o. CfJIIII'"I1'lIt \\.:18 ~fI~,lto till in , ' ullli'uri~,,1t IJlerMlil 'heir MJvin&. OM aJJure in, pouiMe man we can ho\'c for a IUJIU to willli if lit dUlllg. lind h·.lfUil!" Ihe (.1) lI'ln1on Undf'f.tandin, ~ ~ de,.,~t,. c", in old ",e, vllor. 1' 111 lure' we 1'1111 "gree luat while nUIIi' rcu!lu~l ~ ror I!I~ nwiJult1 pl : rf l! rnll'~1. It I ~ lIur/,1I1I1II1/ ~1I 11U'lillll ! " 11'1 111 1 n Ul lei's luke tllI~ ~ three l tell ~ to our pion I know a man ill • IU,,,,,."." power 111111 I1Il1rilille IKlwcr, urt:~ nol Ihe ~t e do al",,'er these five "irll" In the he ICIIl'lled hum Ihis i"lunnllliu)! :" 11 1111 Dnd 11itM.:1I118 col'll one 8('11&1l1lcly. city who I, personally a IIIl1jllr CC'~ 1 fa clorl in our bminellll, Iltcy aRinnatlve at Delmonico. and that in ellch !I( tht· \' arillll~ pru" '~' " 1. EmJ,IO \'t'e Benefil~ Afi ide from a and knnw. hll iob, but I I C\' c rlhcll' ~' Clrc il1ll'llrll1l1l cu:.l rudlltll tbe tnain deacrihet how we have hondl· I'an,', 1,l1an,* by and onci worlit), of close cO ll li ideruliull All IItllnl"" Iwo 1111 Ihi 8 1i ~ 1. I 1IIlI,·d· Uvillg \\ "l!.':, and wilhout a li\·ing wage, ed Ihe No, 2 ~ I e l). "Security". in our 'finding fault, Thi. l1Ian h,. till' IIIl1l1oflellll'lIl uud e\er)' ~ul,cr· "Impro .... d Schedull:- g d1d we lIIight o ~ well lorgel the "'hole pion. plan of plant morale. Wll lit lJdrnonico arc confronted _·itlt how to gct along with \l!!or. Production Contlol" • • ,,_ ... _ a lew on the emlllo\'er and Ihe t'III11C ',nancial Jfroblern ~ as oilier 3. Humall Ulllientandillg. Well, ",e he doea, He talb In inlrntluC'ing or moinlaining un}' j'" relationllide, we ('an 'lI ay: Tlti !! !luhjl" I i, "lie wlti · II I,. 1,1, 1IU'lIlhcr. III uur indu~try. We know we hove !n id thnt emJllo),etI·. henefil. bring ployeeA, l,ut mOlt I'r08rlllll whic:h is ,Ie. igned Itl beth'r thc let,tl)' ,lear I1l1ulll rl'qllirc U"II' Ii ".,' : .. Iju"ura". empl~)'ee8 to redut:e 1'011'1 !it'l a I'JL'f! for the worltlto follow tespet't, tcCurlt)' hringl tru ill. and now lOme crilidllm of or how mal1 l1 ~ efficient·)· in the hUMillt'6!1. II major (Ill' , Illy lilli,' \IIIII"! "'BAte. 'rc~1I1 Ihull ullulh',1 a! lll,,1 Ittlmirt: in Ito·calll... 1 "fringe" bene· \\'e 18)', without all)' rlt5trvation. that hu, menl i. dlli ng IOmethins. He ,hinlo At lor thlll lIIu ~ 1 1IC11 be U\'erltlilketl i,; lle l! · l IIW IlI're. 1I.lwcu·r. I lIIi }: I,1 ~l" .I:l., fil ii . 1I 11 I'ie\·rr. if we are to retain the man IIlIdentaliding will bring UI 10)'0.1· luu 10 be/illie maM,emtlll In order Ilc\'elol' emlllo)'L'e ,ul'llorl in in­ ill8 yuur eIllJlloYL'eI'. So/Ill! laJO\\lclft!" Ihnt if ..... t' ~IIU'" wlull ti" , l·. !ui;" " ,·"L tream effon. rl.~ l't! c l til lIur emplo),eea. we mUil fol· t)'. It' ll t!tttr,.Ihillg In Jllant morale, he "one lit Ihe fellowl", Thi. 01 hUIIIOI1 I",hovior iii as illll'orlllnt II I'crlOlltlel allil ~Ioraf!" "I'll' ,. II.n·, a ~ .1 low tlu: palll'llI of mOlt rel~lI si ble com· Without 11'9l'an ulHlentandillg, you jUlt "'ould be I,euer oR if tl1al mon S:Jfet)' and houBekeelling 10 retlm'c I'rerequillilll 10 gootl IIUI' ~ n :"ioll an,l puienliul. 111 111 Ill' I;UII ,·li lul ,ti... h in t. III" IHUli Cll , and I'tovillt~ hOBpitaliUltiOIl, life con't have good 1,10111 morale, Thil im· on dleir payroll. ullneceuory lolt time. g~ mUl1o~!I'II1t'lIt n~ Oll~' other 'Iun!i · II( uuill • .1 till It·:! or ~ hi"I ' !II 1! I.. " .';t., illiurani c, \':ICatlllll" IIntl pension!. In llnrtallt port of our plan for employee 11 we Jet a dlvilion of girll. or IIctfuce idle time through cuollC!ruli\'c fico.llon. liver II 11t'1,, 111,,1 110.)' H IIIOll lh. !'\' 1I1 1; 'j. , odd ilion 10 theac henelil!l. "'e Jl 0\'e a relulionlbi" includes a multitude of cd "clan." in department. il III tir:lI: ~ IIll1letlltanding. It ha. bt~' n Illy gencral "'l:locriclln' linl !Ie IC'~ II I!nJ! IIllt! \.rtlllll"liIlU· "IIIIIT; ,1 h01l1l1 (ur ollr eml,lu)'ee:! each )'ear pre· "du'll" .",1 "don't," . 11 i. not something st0l' and cllet:1e up on the ,ulleni,)r iii On the management 8ide, WI' can lay: Ihal there ill much Ihlll can I'e IICI'UII1 ' mclhud8. It 111 11IJ ~!l 111 I ' 10 Ullllill c ' lo ~ " 1 .tit-tiled tin IllI! I,rllfll for that ~ellr'!I op· to lie dUlle and di 51ltnsed with. but that department. Fll'oriti.m or parl i,). AnolYlil of production melhodll. IIUlhed Ihrough Ihe proper IIl 'proach ill I" I,rodw tin' p"le"li.11 11 ,,111 it I'\ I'T erolion. TI,ill 'UIlUI il paicl early ill roilier something 10 8IUd)'. guard care· ity can wreak havoc: in any deJlarlntl'lt · Il1lprond IChrduling and production dcoling with Ihe peT/llllllle!. Knowiu },' Illig II hc ull:,illcll iI)' IlII plHlzllr,1 ,du',I, Ik'l'cmher !!" Ihlll our cmplo)·t'tiS can uSoe fully, and live ever)' day. We Iry to tee If 0. IUJler.·ilOr. through "orllalil!, rO lltrol. an~ ulllleflltnll~ling the jllh \,rllhlcma 111111 ulillfC In illlih i,llIul UlliI'TII. T!II' n· ... 1I11. Illme (ur Chrilltmll~ "lwl'l,ing, ACluoll)', dOInS lmmeliling obolll 1)I'IIl hili, in IIII·U ... OUI emplo),ees, not al packen, main· favoriti.m, or el'en extra attcntion . ~ · Iml,rO\'ed sUIM!n·illioll. which ill IlIi l' t:lISC ill tlrt·11 U1 d"I , we Ihillk wc proviltc IhCle four l,cllefit. ten once men, truck dril'er .. loaden, hut man)' calle hi1ltories. pro\'i,lcd Ihe lulu­ Illrl 1l11l1,,' CIII.;, i", liktol ~ In he 11 "'III ~ i,I , "buddyin," t'reated Iwo faction. In hi! , The joh rale. 011 II nwn: lillerol l'll llill than mOlt com' 81 IleOple JUlt like our nelghbon. A. department, )'OU can be lure one tion 10 Increulltd efficicnc~· . cruhic ,Iwp ill t .' u ~ t til "jll·llIli .. IIS, )luniC!;. Withoul r~ lIilll! Into delail, we · I're\'enlnlh'e maintellal1l.'e, 0.11 examl1le, we go home at night and II going to reacn!., dilregrnd. Ueing JlTIIl'etly orgllnill ~ 11 in Icrma of NC~I 1111 Illy li ft l ill, will jllit I\II~' dUll we ,III ha\'e theM: fllur lulle over tlte fence to Charley. our nut· pute any and everything that . ate jUlt a few of till: "rograml r~lIctionl ill .180 on illll'ortullt (nctof. "Improvlld Supervillon" hCllcfill1 fur eml'lu)'et·;;. and regard Ihem duor nelp;hbor. Gee. he', a wonderful hal to ..y ahoul Ihe good I,e inillituled, or if the pro. Good organlzolion results ill good co· III Ihi.; cult·gut)·. I 1111\ c alr":III), IIIIII ·h, all all illll'llrtlll1l I,ort of our "Iunt (cllow. Wrll. actuallr be i. a clerk for pan)' or anything else, are n?w In practice., Ihe)' can be ordin.tion or deparlmcllts, 0.1111 fluod co' morolc, o railroad office, but ne\'er think aboul cd ~III ~llc (1I 1' lur ur p...... urJ!lIl1illlliulI, We could dilCU31 "do· ... and pro.,. ...."I .. With the objective being 1m· ordinolion call pro\' i~l! a nlUximulII of It IS 11I11'"rlllllt 10 1•. I\·e IIII' prul"'1 2. We called lIur No.2 step "Setur· Ihat. I jUlt think 01 what. !ood egg ,·melenl olteralion. The Im'k of good Charley i8. Stili. he II sotnrOne ellt" for IUl'eniaor, an day long. bUI . umolllli .. ( t: 1I1'1'T\'iIiOn IIt·r !luUlII'I. III ' itl"" lIow man)' lill1Cf1 ho.\'e )'OU hf'u rd tend. 10 prove one thinf: The \ngunizatiull CIIII mell ll cOllfullioll und adt:flllUle -UIIt·r\'i... illll j, cflllUIl\' (I" ( ' u~I , o u LUlik l'lIl1cd "Securil)' Trusl and In' em)llo)'cc. I wonder if hi. Lou knows portanl qualification 0 a this iu.' oslly. though il Rlight he illlul1g' I): !II IIJII: ruli"I~'" 11:01 i" Ilitl I1l1i"ll ,.u,,,,r· \'(! ... tnlenl Company' or "St.-curil)' 'I'ro!t wbat a fin e rellow Otarley teally i8. 'UI'I"";"" the allility to get alons ihle in lermll III clollaTiS nnd ,·clIls. \:ISIIIII; ~ 1I1'1 ' n' I~"ry IlI'rlll1llltd \I'!t" lillli lIank", or &()mc ~u ch similar nome? YL'!terda.y I law Otarley, and allked him Ihat include. aU 11f!01.1e, One 01 litc odditiell of thi ll jmlu t;tr)' hylle ImlC I.. r '~I" ' TI1lill J! 1II"H,t'lhu'c IIlIlIl,-, Tho ilC t"'·o wfHlls. "Security" and how hil r.roject wa. progreMing. You del)artment. We can't emphulle thaI hall been a 1114nd,oul III Dill ill thai Iiil!. ulul "llIlIlIIng 0.1111 dll'llillg ill Ilwir "Tru6'''. Ilil tugelher like "ancakes and Ke, Dlar ey i. huilding a boat; he 10l'1tI It lIurfac:e \·jcw there is an al'llCarIlIlL'e 10 lith, but I het hi. bola doesn't even fact too much. tll'llIlrlrnclll s lire 0 \ ' cr~ ' "II ~ II)' IlIljlUU'1 In hlulo.SiIefi. Wilhout one )'uu can't hue that lillie can be done 10 (urllrt' r the ef· It i. true we are sometimes l 'x llClI~ 01 fll'crllliulIlI, the other. Now ",'e said we thought L'er· klloW that. ficien cy. · nlOI il 10 "y. that onc who i, -".,II'I,UIlII· lime for Inlining 111111 WIIIt 'h. lain lo-called 'fringe' benelill were Do you get the point' We try to 1fC.mia_ ... ,.,. - ._' ------_._,



DEMACO SPREADER FOI LONG GOODS I WITH NEW .ATENTED STICK .ICK U' ITH VACUUM MIUI a.d TIANS ..1 H•• tl •• D.sI, ••d HumIdify , l, .1 US-lOOO lb. 'rod•• tI •• ..d remp.,.,.", Colt'ro'l ~M.d.1 SAS- 500 lb. 'r.du.tI••

DEMACO DEMACO·HOSKINS Continuous Automatic Press LONG GOODS DRYERS FOI SHOIT CUTS WITH VACUUM MIXII wlft GI ••• G. HOItln. D•• I, •• d Mod.1 SC'-1000 lb. 'rodoetl •• HumIdify ••d r.mplrofur. Con'roll M.d.1 SC.- 500 lb. 'rod•• tI ••

DEMACO·HOSKINS DEMACO Short Cut Continuous ~ SHEET FORMER DRYERS I FOR _ • Sa.lt.ry Co.ductloJl "Taste Tempting Noodles" • GI ••• G. Ho.kln. DllicJ".d WITH VACUUM Mlxn Humidity a.d H.at C•• tr.l. • CO.II ....t FI.al Mollhlr.


Th ere .IS no c hange on tho "tr.do .pprovod" DEMACO SINGLE MIXER PRINCIPLE.• Air I. dr, .. moved from the mil from the very fint blending of I8molina and water: no edra mll.r. no • • Writo fo. your copy of tho report on tho DeMo co Vacuum Mi.er • . . . • report prep.red by food scrow, .nd no .hrodding .ftor miring. Con bo .d.ptod to .ny mllor. Jlcobs-.... in.. on Lobor.torio., Inc. ----..::: ---'

:t:\ • Till: ~I A C A 1I11 '" I J 1I U II N A I. Tltl. MACAIIONI JOURNAL June, 1951 ing new l ' tr~OIlIIel. ,,~ l'o eil IIll rep-lIlar lliriclir 0 11 Ihe rea.oning Ihat it has Good Morale- perllonllcl. ('an I,e a ,'ost r,·llleu . When l18\'rr I'een dOlle. or Ihol It would be a ((: '.n. i"u~J Irolft pGI~ 21) Ihe lI upen itKlr VI'I! 141 the ' lille tJ;aat it i. I".inll'n Oil Ihe methank. Yd, if you ,'u:'Iin '01 him IIr hl'r 10 tlo tiletj6b and t hr.t·k Ihe metal induatrifi, you wilt find pied with \'ariu .. , problems. and u "" r It'" it tlol1l~ . dUIII 10 lake lime 10 "have" illu It .. an accel,led praclice or chorl5illS so throufth Ihe planl, our failure to .IY it ,lOllI!, Ihi. !. to!'ins: rour ~mp.ny un· lime flilisen'I)'. "iii, Joe , or "Hi, Charley''c gives our Uf. lIet't S5 1UY (lPn_ling 1'~J ... nMl~ eml.lo),1!eI the wronlll impresalon of WitilOul .uch ra;orJa. managemelll We try 10 guard asalnlt luch ruetlOIII. Ne.:! 011 II"Hill is., II .. no real raetl to determine Ihe I)ro) le r }'Th. Jub Rate" WI' han in our plant careterl., rret lIol utioli to IITt:akdown prnhleml' Src· coHee, availahle every momlnlll befon Tu 1II1Jf<1 ,'m"IIJ}'t'NI the luke.lmme par undly. with a realOnable record or mllllllt'lIance of licecilic equillmenl. it is working houn, This II an oprortunt ill one ul 1I\1 ~ IIIllst, if nol the mOlt, im. lime and a logical ,llare to villt ocel· /lOrl lllll fut 'h.t IIf illlerc.1 in the joll. difficult to Illan prennlallve Tepaln. lionall)", or chili wllh varioul emploYffi rhol ill 1.11 fir,.!. JlUI lalrr. Ihl' intern! To iIIulll'o11e Ihi. polnl. lei me lell YULI O\'er a CUI' of coffee, We try to lIuangl' !\ \Icll !! III ht, "Ullcernc,1 llhoUI not only of an org8uilation, which althousll not thHe lillie ('hit·chatl with dillereni hiil OWl! jllh rule, hul al.o ~' hat dUl relnted 10 thil induslry. ha. Ihe SlIme group&, ~U8e ,here again. we dO I,'1 ulher jnh pur ~, Tim linl qUe!lliun Ihul l)roLlem. TIlls l'uml'any hllil loun o( wllnt to," IIOme employees thlnkltl, Uri l!t'9 in IIII' "mpl,,~' ee" mine! il - IOme'I200.000 per year on a I:UJOO.OOO t!lat we ,~ lll1rti81. or fihowillS favori · "\vh~ ' tll f! tlitTt'n'llI'c'? Caa 'hit que:.;;. ,'ulume. When called in to IIlIIi ~ t in /,ro. 111m. ... liun he 1I11 ~ \\' NI',1 fullv ond icOIl\'incing. \'iding • IOlutloll. 1111 hl\'Clli@oliotl a Ihe Iy? rl.':Corda .howed that maintenance on itl We hne a I,icnic e\'ery )'ur, a real Lola III tiflll'l! it I'on nOI. IO ~1 limes 200 unill of rolling Ilock ""111 rUIUling old·ra.hioned pirnic lor employen onl)·. there ill lIul onlilaille defini. :{H~b of Ihe lolet dollaR. "rum 10ll g There 'o\'c hQ,'e a dumce, and thil h tioll III ea!!h jll"- No or Ihe slanding rllclor., Ihia figure \II'UII hlllrt! "'it)' it i. ju ~ t for emplo)'ees, to reAlI,· ,Iullell or rellui title. than double the nera8e percenillge I 1;1:1 down to tarth, 1110)' buehan, !)okl!r. Anti, it ill nllt dil- had come to know for ' Ihat indulIlr)'. alltl hlln a I,err, und join the emp oym lilu;llon of jolt 'With thia Information and with furtller ill all the day's feath·ities. We a"".)'. IJiguolI!. ddail, on the jol, analysl .. WI! de\·dollf."d gh'e Ilriles at our l)irJlica, and try to The line IWi l of II aYllem or che.:kt and r('l'lIlr. halled on Ilan one ror e\'eryone. These priles art job dO ~!l ifi, : uliolJ, periods relath't'I to tht! Eludled exped· lomething the eml))o)'eet really cail Ult'. Jllelel y Ilefillcll job d~!o~Jltiwf:~ for aneles. In the ,,'urd ll of Ihe compllnY'1l but u ~u al1y ure not able 10 find Ihl' jok Superinlendent of Maintenance. Ille liro. money 10 !JUl'. Ju ~ t imagine a woman Now. if )'0\1 ' go.'IUlrIJ"" grllm saved Ihe comllllllY 1125.000 per huing an elet:tric 101llier on her brrak· !lo lilll)' )'ollr oalo year in~ maintenance ex pen ~. fall lable thai Will gh'en 10 her on I "I"ilu"'" Ihe r.lel tire, . Now, po thil prim'iple into our in· ('ompouy "ienic. For B long lime Ihe o rcloli\'c nlhlell "lone jnb 10 olher. aUilry ~ Op,iatlons. 1II II Ie8d or running will think or her cO I11I' l1n y e\'ery morn· )'(111 ru n Ulh'UIlCI' YOllr lI ytlrm of joll malnlen. Call fky.high, with o\· ~ rlim,. ins when ahe U5t't that tO lllter. dU !lllifil"llliull 10 include job r:\'aIUalion. e.lpenlle, 1iICault' mosl major rrJlalr. are We hn\'e a free Thr.nl.lslvlng dinner bUlied 1111 u more IInbiucd 5yIIlem of over the "lrftof.'tIIia, and during the in· the day Ll'fore TIlonkigiving in our cafe· c\'llilluling Ihe \"4riOIlIl laclors In the terim of boiling fir toping Jlirce8 togelh. teri ....nd a re,1 Chriltm.1 party. Our JOh-flllcil 1111 ~ kill, judgment, \II'ork can. er to try to kt'Cp rUlllllng, the record Chrillma .. party .Iarll at 10;00 In tht Ililioll ll, trainiliF-, etc. . may readily suhllantiale a clI/)ilal im'Clt· morning. usually two or three day, Ice­ Today's dollur·conscious Cnod .. hup. The '1ll1'lI tilJll III ..... hether this lauer ment that would pn)' rQr lilt' f In a Iruly (are Chrlltmna, We hne a fine dinnu. 1I)'slew til o.!\'alll'ed 5Cienlil1c manase· Ihort time. music, dancing, present. for aU, and per is mighty cagey aboul hllw hht> 1I1t'1I1 1t.', ; llIIiq ~le ill eucntlal in our I". t am u.Jare tllat introducing anYlhing there again the manasement hili Ihe o,to Now-ENRICHMENT IS MORE ECONOMICAL WITH spends iI. And. more thun ll Vt'r, .. hll's ""~Irr , I I,ehl'\'e I. olle ~I answered lhat Is III'W il 81""11)'11 difficult. Uut, let'l portunity 10 he "one of the boys". nutrition conllCio UB , too. No WI !Iller al tlll ~ iru!i \'idllol I"o mplllly 1.,,·.. 1. l' race the fllcl .. if )·ou don't, lomeonc d ee There are a number of Iiltle In(':(' that cnr;l'hed pruducts, in Slt'll wilh Il ,e Tlll'u' ;.; nn qlletltioll in m\' mind il will. alltl 1111 the oM 18)'inl5 goea-it is penlh'e Ihin!!. lhat we can do ror I'tn· modem fuod trend, find her mu {' h 111' 11 C wlIul.1 It!' a 11f:111 in worldri~ IB""ud olllYllOsliillle to fool lOme or Ihe JlCOple I'loytU that ~ how Ihem "'e are conlidt·r· grc .. ll'r 1 ' lII pl, \~" 'e I'llicienc)'; hnwe\'cr, I atune of the lime, al lea llt thi l il my ex· ate or Iheir feelin gl. As an enmille. willing tn p[\ rt with thut dullar. II-'. )r UIII a l ~ u "t1@lIilunl III the many other l.eriencc. Sooner or lal er Ihe manllge· we hne Mu.ac, which il • rorm of pip­ instance, tht' fnslcst moving ilelll in I-E-'-5In. -'1+_1 ..... _~ I.WtloI ' ficldIJ of t'lUlt'u\'or ""hid, miJlht ml,re: mimI will become a,,'are of the fOCi thllt ed·in music. inllialled in our J,lanl wilh I!rocery slon':-; is rnrich.u b,,'ad !. Ymtr remlil}" pmvhl.· • l!l nsiMe pi"lure of Ihe,.· lire many. mallr opporlunitit'"ll for FOR THE lATCH MUHDO FOR CONTINUOUS PRESS loud 'llll!aker~ in each department. nih mncaroni pruducts move olf grtl· "oil l It,dlll'lion fur tl lC mOllcr Im e.h',1 or Im!'t'I\'ed eRicieney. mUlie 1)la,'s intermittently and hreakf will (·).l"·nded loward III HI ohjeclh·c. I'(H'S' sheJves fasler when they met'!. t,hc Sullie 41 years ago, lUi induslrial cn· the monotony of lediou. work. II if Enrich Macaroni Products to Conlform-.--J qlt! Im'l ilt'1Il on III)' Ij ~ 1 is, gine.'r Ilre&I'lIlet.I a 'Illper 10 the Society Aurpri8ing ho ..... Ihe employees allJlrecllllr 11uyers demond ror enrichL'f1foods . I{toep "Preventativi MaintenancI" of ~Iechanit-al EUj!Inet!fI. The title of just Ihese little thingl. with Federal Standards of Identity P;Ice with enrichment. Give your prod· ~lllinh ' lI alll ' e ""OIlulI equil)mellt tlur. hill ~ u!Jjtd. wal "ShOJI Managemenl". Ul'l thie :1dcled Bides appt.·a l. uf Once a monlh we hD\'e a meeting al· in~ Ihe Pfll,hll'lion IIII1lfS i. a \'f.'r)" ex. This is Hid 10 be Ihe birth sclenlific manugemenl. tended by one lI"okeman from ellch de­ pl ' ll~he ilt ~ m . It iii 11111 Imu ll uol Ihlll a Ilartmenl, cholen by the olher em' ACCURATE, ECONOMICAL (',.1I/1U1t Stuwin'/i /' 'l.'ht,;'·"I1.\,." ••i,Il'f1 "',III'IIf'"'' III 110110 Jlil't'I' or .'Iluiprneul \II'ilk!. nl'tlill tllI~ al. urder [OUrUIe Ihi. term with ployeet. Thi. Ipokesman cannot be • utll .'11 lor Imldin.1 111'1/1 ;11 lI/urlll'N .l~/Ur j·/lri,·h· tmltlllt .. ·c IIf II me, ·hnnj,· ilc\'ernl lime! a 1t..,; 1 tuLe tedmlquet. may 1 clarify the lupen'llOr. At Ihis meeting, thlnSf mrllt proN""1I wi/h /I·/:.'· '/,·S "r Vf.'X'I'ItAM. clll)' ill\· tl l\"l' ~ ~'1h houri flf labor time Imint by d)'ing Ihal Ihe term '·I!.·ientilic beneficial 10 hOlh the employees and 10lil. for 15 miltlflrt of reJluir time. monagemenl" il merely "orderl,v Invnt· the eom,.any are suggetted and acted EASY ENRICHMENT! I 1t!f'lIgllizl' "on liillerahle rf'lli.tanct' ill iFation, obat'rnllon, and ucculnulation ullOn. The fint meeting. were not too nllr itlllu~lr)' 10 rl~ ' urd kl'Cl'in, in gt ~ n · 01 ructulIl informlltion on olJerating "roducth·e., hUI the employees lOOn (elt ('rill. Ilut pu rlie 'ularl" IU) in mahll e nnlln~ practiccIJ" all1l dearly defined to form at eue and now teem to be andou. 10 lillit'. ' thl! buill ror lountl and lub.tantialed lugseat ".riou. changes, bolh ror tm· s~e~,~ It lIte ' lII ~ lu lilt' tlc:LI H tnllllagerncnt i~ t"/lMming in good .hop mllnagement. "Ioye!! comfort and con,·enlence. and lor hMW'-'"., ....lLooa O"" .. l. I ' ull~illl ' rill g ill\Htmcnt ill equillmenl. order of our time. generall)' and changes in plant operation. 10il il IUO IIO"OW"Y. N" YO •• II. NIW YOU t1l1're iii glcat \"IltUt' ill lun'ing dal ll a\·ail· i our illdullr)' is milk· what you might call a nrb.I'suSgettion ~1W"M.i'iN 6t~ ahlc Ihut ..... iII li hllW j ll ~ 1 huw mUI:h main· box' ~t1ns. We ha\'e had leveral prae- ' t'Hort toward It'llallt"e "usl thert i~ .111 Ihe I'mellt unit. IIi'~:'I:~~;~:~'[~:~:~h~i~~:~:1 grealer ef. lictl, money'''''ing Ide.. advanced for The mi6l81we of mainlenance )Ieople to mechanical 0p' the company and a number or chanSC't record lime lI)le"t Oil equipment ia buN (COfItUtlUJ Oft ".., 14) ~ - --' - ~----

Till: MACARONI JOURNAL THE MAI. AIlIII\! Jot' IlNAL mutatioll' ure euttly lie,,' lechnlquet 10 lIiolo,y. AI! earl)' II 1923 • Profeuor G. C. de 1It'\'l!&y ueed r.diolelh'c lead 10 trice the dillrib~ion of thai dement In THE PERFECT CO~OR hean 1,llnll. Ana for at leut 25 yf'1rI INSURE FrH're.. Kielll!!ll. hnc known th.1 radiation would caule mutation. But It wu 111M IN YOUR PRODUCT unlilihe .dnnl of ahe Atomic AK" th.1 1:Wru either Iral'er ilOtopet or fldi.,hlll N wll'!lh ~ ourl't!l were avail.ble In quantity rOT -"SIlI".r . rl"!JI II.I'I ~ " th ,1 1 dUllbte ,:rol' WITH MIRROR-FINISHED BUSHINGS IN YOUR DIES experiment" \'icld- lru:rcl.ing Ihe ...·orld·. food 'Ulility II ~dL'udh m'"' • hClllicul1i 10 l'ulilrol the one or the most Important Ilroillem. fae. illl!t:f'I «;ul flln~lI ~ PC K!II (I ml Jlmgt! ugri. ing mankind. More than h.1f of lilt I!uhut ll In IIII' lillie of IIh billion dollors world', hm Lillion ,.eople do 1101 now U )'Cllf' • get enoush to eat. and the Imputation I, __II " h lllJ~lt'r" fl!cd thut mir l1(' ulou ~ I)' illcrea~~i-. at the rate of 20 million I ill' .: rmlt c ~ U I' U\I"II milk "rodudiun- )'car. :'.... · orld·. (.rmcn lleed all 1M Thclil' Prtl ju ~ 1 a few III the ,tiUcring helll Iher an gel from Ihl" atom . prornI1'4: 5 - ~ lin IIIflJi lly in IhCI: luhoralory smJ!ll- - lhul uillmill en!:rJ!)' hClIII ~ out 10 the ' Aiut:rit,tll1 farm er. Good Morale­ '" a ,'ariel)' IIf rCM!I;rrh proj'-ds lCul· (Continuffl /,om pale 32) lined hom Florida to Wbf:umin, nu· d ellr M!icllli!ll.l U~ PintOle.".Ilhow. mOitly at nn c051, maki"l.1 Ihlns' i»e1ln ledge Ihol ",.i11 Mlmc d.), fa' ~ (' WIllet ror employees. of the farmcr b)' Ih'jn' tal lietter The I,"*eman at these meelinp I. cereal CrelIIS, rnnrc efflei 'illien, nnl personally involved in any com' and hurdier alld healll'ier f III •. ~ Illaini. U he voius • comillalnt, It " At Ilroolha\'en Natioll.1 Laratar)' considered Ih., he Is lpeaklns for bit 4 on LUllg 1 ~ IQnd, • roung hioloSisl department, and we are dOler in IOuch "cooks" 0111 ~(Is ror ei pl thou" in wilh all our eml'loyres' thlnkinl' whea Ihe alulllic rl ~ uclor Ind come,'\ UI' wilh Ihey know Ihey can voice • problem Q new Mlraill or oula tlLIII I. ,esislallt to without any thought or cen.ure hora rusi. management. At tll8 Uuh'euity of Tenneaee's ex· ThON! are lO,ne or the things we do at perimcntal furn! al Oak Rld ~e, Iltofel' ()elmonico, and we believe we hut SOrB r t't ~ d '111 artificial thyroid extract to been lucceaaful In creating good plant II Jer~y 1:0101' alltl mlrvd .t Ihe way her morale. Good Illanl morale II no ac· milk prodlll:lillll illcn: a ~l. cident-neither .s it easy to accoml'lid .. At the Agriculture Drllartment's but It is c:ertalnly profitahle. Behl'\'iIlc, Mur)'land ex/terimenl.1 ala· linn. 1t~8t'urdl "dt'nlili li eed radioactive fertililer 10 pOlllloe1l, com. heanl and Be a Belter BOil - 1;0111111, fulluwillM lin: ta@ £l-d atonu (fMlfiliIlN /'Dm pGft 24) "10 MUCH DI'.NDI ON 10 LlnLl" thruul!h Ihe 1,10111 with GeISt't counten. ! Alomic' rl '~e afl'h ill asril'ullure rol, in hi ~ own affairs. which inclutlet ~ low!' Iwo haJoil' method ll. hi. ri J: hl 10 Lontribute, to the bet! RESULTS FOR MANY PROGRESSIVE USERS Dill' IIl1'thull use!! nuliollclhe 11U1011eS or hi ~ abilil)" in the solution 01 robll'lTII common 10 him and hi. • • • prove the unequalled performance in (Iwir familiar role or "Irllcer~" 10 r, stUl l,. Il hlllt I! roWlh. utilizulion of fert· IOU .. nd hi .. company. (c) The rit hl of t!very man 10 adequate ilizel ':;, 11 ' latiulI !l hiJl~ hetwl.1!n hult 1, lallts LET ME PROVE TO YOU Ulld lIar:l·ill,' fllTlF. i lind l ' fTa:lkent!~s or recugnition or Ihe value of his cun' i"M" ,tieldl's. ' tribulinn to the common good. •.. that I can produce the qualities in your product. Tracer" an' ab., "eill!; ellll ,lo},I '(1 in (d) The right or every man to develop !l,l' c· flurl 10 I rack Ihe ritldle uf XUlurl" 1 und mnke UAC or hiM highetll ell'" n u ~ 1 clU"i\I' an,1 \'aluuble IWI:rel - t!.e cities. (e) And a\Jo\'e an, the riJ!hl of eVt ~ ff l'IOc'eM- "r I'hoto '~ \'nlhet!i!l , hr \o'hi"h plllllil l'IIII\"'rl walt'r und (~ urllOn dimti(lc lIlan to fairnes. ond jUlltlce in .n illill tilt' '\I'rM'. fllil,1 lIul'pl)'. his rclatiflhs with his feilowl And • PERFECT COLOR 1'lIlIlIl' huII' fcrlili lCTI! IlIi\'I~ 1>Ce1l h:slcd IUperiOrt. 011 25 Irpl'j IIr "fOp "lun t8 ill ~ fJurl ~ to C,1l it the worker'. "bill of rlghtt" it • UNRIVALLED SMOOTHNESS finll 0111 IIhen Ulut Imw th,·)' CUll he you will, but remember it alwaYI. Thil Indullry looks to you for Itader. 1II11 ~ 1 "fTel'li\cly us(·II , • RINGLESS PRODUCT The Al!til;.jfiure Depurlment ,;;:;Yi !thip. Most of you look rorward 10 man, ilion' hU IJ 1 1('e 1~""tll ru ed ahuul suil·plnnt )'eara or hapl»)' Imrticillalion in In ec­ I'hu~Jlhllruu . relulion!!ohipa in Ihe I:I!!I onomically lOund and progretli\'e in· • IDEAL COOKING QUALITIES fOUT l' l.'u r ~ It)' lI~illg tUI!J!.ed i80tul'e5 duatn-. If I hue Itlrted you think, Ihull Ilitilig 11m I'le\'ioIlS 50 ycan. ing alons lines Ihat will make you I bt:t· "11tI1II'T~, who 1I1lelld '750,000.000 a ler bo ... I hne done a ,ood thlnl!!' Jull yeur un l'hulIl'hult' rertilizen ....· ilI wei· ~membC!f thai the quality of leldership which )'ou dn'elop II you reach the lop ('orne Ihl' new knll .... · lellf!t~. 3252·54 W. 5th Avo., Chi·:. • "o 24, III. TIlt! &tCo nd 1)'1'" or "atomic tt':lM!arch" i. lour of8,niution will be paued on ill aJ!.ticulture ill\'uh'e' exposing plants au shared by thOle who look to JOU for T,I'pho., NEv.d, 2-0919 and th"ir str.ds 10 all Idnds or radia. le.denhip. Will you be proud 01 thalleadonhlpl tion. ". • • ---' ~G""------

'1'111: ~IAt:AKO:"1 JOURNAL TilE MACAIIU~I :\7 Professor Parker SEED SELECTION IMPORTANT Plugs Protejns I, tLlI GlUIEl, Gra.d Forb H.rald Both I'xtremes pi the food p,.bl.m­ II hortngcs and litem ulillual H'lmrt. Wher.· two \'urie. ~ rn:ItE .}19S:' :1I ~ t dnmu~I' IheJ!e wouM di llDl'llCar lOon if "- cI(l~\I, 'the 1111111111 picture fur Ih i~ lies .. lulI8 with Stewart 221 are u:!ed. hellcr UM! 0 high quality yenr. hul uut IIf liar spllte s tlUWt!H the)' ... hlluld be planted ull dean ~ ' ol1d The opinioll was . ."p,"'''! CUIIU':! hidi"lLliol1 Ihul 1951 will !;t~ . II cro)l luncl. When .. rer durum cumes Miltun E, rarker. lorec 11!'n'II).' I' elf 111U1 J:lain I,lllllted altt·, 81ol1~. \llunlin g tan he re~umed on ~ um· engintering department al all . Muil! (UI 'lnt" 1'IU'()uragil1g cuntinu- Iller fa low. or preaent "'tidies Vet. Technolug}', Chicago. in an Ullt'r. IIf CIUI'III11 iit Ille IJet of heal')' ru~1 IIIlm olTerl grov.'er. the ~I SAmlllt'. II April 14 iSllue of The Journal of Ap dIiIlUIJ!I ~ pll ~~i bil iliell arf: (II the 1'0111- is .liMllnet!y early-four or fh'e Ilu)'. cultural and "ood Chemlltry. purlllin ~ ly (ulllruhlc ,"i~ for d,uum; corlier than Mindum and Stewart- ond (2) illl 1I1luplubili,y 1o Ihe 11IIrih cenlrul It doel1 hove Ilight lolerance to leace "There I. increallng evidence Ih.t acl'liull uf i\:urlh DukolU. 1511. hi weak Ilraw rnok" II a poor world food sliorlagetl are. In Through IWo Ic\'erl' rullt e"idcmici cral' for lummedaHow. In 195:\ teell Ihorlil8~ of I,rolein with Ihe gfOwcn hurc learned ~ ome tllingl thot 01 .angdon Vernum yleMrd 29.5 IHllh. Iriliona); qua itietl," Pllrker might minimize their toues ~hou'd the els of 6O'I,ound wheat., cOOlJlored with lie .110 laid that Item rust hit IlIml In 19M. They w)ll Mindum. yield of 20.3 bu!hel. of 53· ~rw has bl'en Illnnl 1II0illl), Vcruurn and MilllluDl, go.. pound wheat and Stew.rt'. 18.3 buahela drates, fatll, oils, "'iI.,min., IRS along with Vemam lall faf,.ta the of 51.pound wheat. Ld. 356 yidded the food industry ICed SUPIII)' will llo ~Vidor Slu[l,.gson 38,3 huahela of 62.potmd ,,'heal to lead 10 refine, JI ~o ,' er, .... f LOlIglloli. 11I1_in 1 cnl'.. qJ the aU ,'arietiea in the 1953 IClII. Test plot distribule rood brunch e~IH!'iment t.11I1 ' re~;iaid. yielda .hoWfd thlfP. lnertillea where .liminillioll of Iheir The&e plonling. wilr 4 *noll1y on fertilizer i. _1'111Ied and dlat normolly lit'll," goml !ICC'lIml crop larid. Where · 1I.ntlll field yield Incre'leI can be expected. The hi!h quality I,rotein. are lend to Ill' I:h fl nerj lhln _ ,cn ~ umrqerfal. However. on tu.t Muled Stewart 111011 Ilroduced. ~u ch .a filh. mel'" low wh(' 1t 1U 0. 1 dUfum h~ been grown. liule difference appear.'" the ferti ized eggs, ¥I'hile \'ep:e1ables produce Thililler Ii t IU. "~ . uiTer contilarati\'e,Z leq plot yielded 16.3 bUAhel. and Ihe'" dlC(:k I)' I.oorer quality food protein. he n' rust damuge than the heavier Ilan ,ob. plol 15. Atpmont~ pholl phaw hiS plaineel. ' tained on fallow. ....own benet rr!lluha than .Irllighl IlIlJCr He , uG!ellted th at Ihe food The main lhing lor thh IlUIOIi il to phosp~~t. at Lan8don ror .ome time, impro,·e nutritional eRicieney tr)' and keel' Ihe durum crop Iloing, Sturl,u8'9n ~ ..ld. IlrollCr ('ombinalion of food de~pile rust, for prnltably beginninR in :....~----- . uc t all tholle in cereal 1955 a lIIore resl.lu!!t durum va riel), D&lIIitft 'Pllnting Under Way I.romnting more di,.lrlb~II.A ",iIIllppcor in the fielt!. '\ SeldIng ollCralionl have beg u n high (lualil)'llrotein, The firl l olille new durum_ Ld. 356 it hl Ihe durum area according to Burt E. "W len nutritionally 1I0t immune to race 158 Iml It i. quite proom; durum grower and cholnnan of duclioll i8 encouraged earl)' und h81 a definite tolerance to the Board of Olrecton of the Grealer " 'I' I'fllhahly will find many of tllr Ih ead AC ourge that makes it a J'U. North Daltola Auoclalion. April 15. present,dar nUlritlonat .hortaget gOllabl), IDle gamLle if planted jeatly. Mr. Groom reports plenty of moillure dilllppt'ar. ' p.rker Hid. Tilt' lillie experlmtnl lIalion IeIlt 25 in Ihe durum area tor a e:ood Ilari. bUI He also Mid th.t larmen hne bu ~ hcl ); of Ihi R vllriety 10 California lhal growerlll wou1d ftel much more IOh'ed Ihe problem of producing fot witller planling lind ekl!1'C" to,/get r.ecure iftlley could~ave one more@ood rich In protein as economically u buek uhout 1.200 bu ~ hel_ of .eed urty fan llf wet ,IROW or I in. There hal been hne Ihe crop. ba.ic 10 production in MII\' fot distriLulion in sniaJl 101. 10 little );noW durillg' e put winter and many nfintd food,. M't'11 j!iuwru in the IItale, By 1955, with no rueaaJ\'e moillure lut fall. so lIub. "The lime i. rallidly nurmnl JUI'k. d,,:re IIhould be a fair soil Q1l)illture I. Ilefinitely deficiellt. ",hen food protein will I"ove qUllnli!)' of Iidl IiCed 8\'ailnble. Mr. Groom ,,'rites, "Whalenr and lrolling ceOI omle conatituent of - Whnl is the rU 1I1 I.icturt" for 195-1.? ",'herner I hue had a ('hance I have fooda, nle ~t Chure of Ilol'ulatioli .. SlurllllglOlI said : "When rust becomes tried 10 vet a lint" on farmer.' Intenliflnll will force it, ' ile claimed. ~ 11I ! r.1 u. il was IWil yenr, lind as tlllt.'ed durum thiA Iprlng. In the North· Because I,rokin quality and ii,.Op M ~ attll, Wt· can expect its recur. \I('stern ~ec lion of the IIlate I ha\'e con­ ia 10 imporlanl 10 health. It al80 nnCtl UI a mailer of courw utlll'lII duded Ihere will he lOme increWie in be made an ilnllOrtanl criterion \\I'ailler Is high!)' unfa,'orahle. as lung lineage. hut nol o,'er 10% of normul Huenclng .upply and demand. he a. It h ll~ :-usceptible hO Rt \'urielics, weding. or courAe. the le,;i lliation PUI' Aboul 5 per cent of the rellistunl \'urielies Impplanl tbe cII by umgrclill giying authority 10 "'\'111'11 bulk .hould be in i .""."liAII," " !'&CHt ""filum. Slt'warl, J\1indum and furmer tlurum grower. 10 hlCtealt! acre­ I'arker. TIlill, he 1IIml \lILI'lIb. the rUl:C will grallually age allotmentll IIhould help. leresting contrlll with I more Ilisup\"'Ut us "pores will have Ilulhing high pcrcentoge of seed heinp: "A ized "itaminll, which ulu,IIly are em w lidl lu fl't.,,1 :lUd de\'clop, Ilul it II l1Cd i. lillht wei8irl, running 48 to 52 only in fractional quanlities. I'HuM OI\lIlYlI re.dc\'clop if lIuSCl'lllible Iioundli. Germination leli. Ihow Ihil \'llfidl ... Idurnel!." lighl "' ei~hl stulT il germinating lIur· ExpertJ in the food field, Parker ..it Ikhilul the 1iJ!11I fur Ifurum lun'h'al I'ri~ing1y ,,'ell, with mO lt lesls running mU llt establillh Ihe chemical, ph),t1~ is!uml l! till' net'11 for IIIi 8 I,roducl Lr the ahout 8O ~;'. and commercial uluea or food prolei!­ I1l1I clltuni inltu ~tr }' whieh u ~.. ~ \'irtually "III rending the Co,'alier County Re· "The dairr indulltry, for example. ia' nil IIf thc tlurulR Jlrodu~ , The ex· publican in Langdon thil week f Allril ready wreslling wilh the problem of t!' In'mc li hurlagt tlf durum tili, )'1'''' ill 15) 1 wallluJ),rillCd to nole the number ing it. product,' evalualion. to .ome '" fOl ci n!; Ihe ind,,-'r)' 10 lubslitute IIthrr of growen Ihat ha,'e durum aeed for of Iitotein bile," ¥I'lIl'a!. I'ate. TI,e Ill'mand for aced at Ihe high Parker predicled that "when "We must renJpllill! thai Mindum and liricea it ha. ~n commanding hal ttr· I,rices are quoled on our maior Stewart ure ' ri ~ k)" for ~in" on lum. bl.'r!lI • fa ctor In getting acruse. markets, mOlt of our preterit lood n erfallo¥!' lIi nce th c ~' ate highl YaulICepl. ' it i. getting lale to .ell much Illua problem. \Io'm be in Ihe proeel' ible to 151l," Sturlaugson decla~ in hia being resolved." "


the \i.uliar cir$um ..ances of World War l. Durin g Ihot period demlnd,," FARM P~ICES - WHAT SUPPORT? 10 hi gh . lId conltanl Ihal .upport/rlre. did nol mean an"ttihinl' P':wClln farm See what sight can do to increase your impulse sales! 1 A,S,,,,,, tn,. I•• C...... , income were UJl '~Ien beeaule of dclUIIIIJ j'~ '1".tI. Tbere'. nothin,like " ,ood IooA at a rood product Cuh in on the sales appeAl ofrnodem trBl1.'l parent .1 C..... I •• U.II.., Ind nDt ht:eaule I floor existed untlu 'ill' re • • t Sf.,., -fresh and invitin, un the diaplay counter-to pack8KinK •.. Rct in lou('h with your Du Punt ~ t " , prices. '::.'~' I ' :,I ' Demand jl It ill the key 10 lbe firm aive "happen. menu Idu, That'l why packalinl representativc 0," your CtU1\"cr1cr of Du Pant pack. l"olllell1, and Ihe qllellion of conlump. your noodlea and macaroni In .parkUn, Du Pont B,inK Alma-today! K I. du Pont de Nem, 'UI'1l& CO, Cellophane .win,. more impulM ..leI your way. (Inc.), Film Department, Wihnin,ton ~ '\ . Del. N.: of the Ulttlil irr.porhnl Iu uea "thme/I I ha\'e to rf!gulate and control lioll Ind how belt 10 , timulale more 01 it hu hecoil'le I major poinl In farm O hcfnre CUl1l:!fC!AII l \1d.y ia f.rm the ,Iail)' hu.in~.. operaUon. o( Ihe the Ilrice ' 1II Jlm 'I Ii , Jarmul to make rlSld ~igh price aUII ' aupporl .price argumenl. Praent high Their Il'!ll tinv on the high national IJOr" effective? 100; I Up~ rt pr iccil di ecourage IncrUied con. tlelll, fond l,ril'l:lI, hugt I!\lvernment lur· . (4) How do artifid.u,.mal nlaim:d lumptiun 1,1 1 IILe hl.ic crop. while en. plu!lot!l /111 \\,1 ,11 III the n.lion· ~ oBrieul· I)ficet, keyed lu pa.t rebilolllhipi UII' couraging Iheir e~ceui"e prDductlon, A r«enl drOll in price lupl'url, for dairy lutul Wt'UIlTl' h Ull mode lhem ever)'· det Ihe definiti on of parlly. aflect the 1"~l1 c t g will suon Ihow if Iht rauhanl 11(11) 't' hU li ill c~_. ,. , b.~.nce within ~lrJculiure? 00 hiSh drop in 1I1l~ ir price, ""ill brllli .n up. The put.lic inlcrest II! ,lilfC:II)" rel ated J1rl~ l upporll Illmulale I~? much Ino- .wlnl in conluml'lion and hl'lll wlllCl oul 10 Iht. p~ : ktlllllllki of Ihe IlxJlII)"er Ind duct.lon of lO me commociulel while ,dl. lOme Dr Ihl'le! gDve rnment·he d IUrJlluI' Ihe hO L:l!cwi lr" Unlter pretrlll go\,tm. vertlllg from, p,roducllon olhe,.. which ea, or al h~al! l hah rurlher hcovy Ir. lU eul IlIIlid,'!, ~ url'lu. I"IIm D1ud i l i~ Ire . are more reah.III'. lIy nelded "Ic onium, I' limulutionl. IliliuS high alltl quile f!IUIIlILlr ,,"ill CD~ ~ en and ,markm,? 1~.ulC! the lIexiLle II UI'IIOt1 prices .1, Ihe lax/'I)'ru, '"ad IUIAI of illC)', And, "' GrowlI1g pubhc conoe~ o\' e r lhe ('0"11. ready are Ilfoyitled in Ilw\ t.fler 19M, while arm lu i! 'rJ h.we W du","" Cle. I), farm pn~ , IUP,roll ttrolrarn I'OSef\ II llile 1!'0'"frlllIltlJl .Ioclplli " ~ IIfIC. " 'I U .nolher conllderatlonl Itow I~n g ClllI Chairman Aikcn' lI hill II~td In the bLOCIi 'U I ('uHNl pondln& J. 'n lood Ihe lo"~rnmenl 10 on PI.ylnl high lilll.· Senale did nol illI'lude I'" .parity lilt· "ricci fur Iht hOlllewife. pori IlrlCft and. &bu .. bUilding UI' Ireat rhaniu retommemled hy ihe Pmlldtnl. . t UrJJiU ICt., before lhe clty.dwellers re- It co\'ered thc~ msjor I "p l c~ tl n! III the aj;rlculturat aft:a" ltie fllnnen "011 Ig.inlt .. he "'bole Idt'a of farm price It'ulurea, are t'lllIg hl in a ~uf't~e. There has ~ lIpportA? (I) Pro,"ille lor IItllin«•' I.iell '205 llren ~ markell ,~ tt hn e III Ihe 1t.\-cI 01 Relare thai Imlnl I,' reached, Ihe f!Q'" hillion ""ordl of ""I't'al, ulllind collon" larm lIU'flnm dunng Ihe I,UI IWD yea rli rrnmclIl m·u.. (IIo"e In Ihe dira:lion of co ll o ll~ oil and duiry I"oducl' from Rememb.r ••• Imt Ihe, I:mll lu Ih~ f ~ r~r-c:o~ 1 1i of nlD re nexlble pricing h)' adopting a I!:0,'ernml'nt fl lock. purt:hu ed under tM l"o~Udl' lII uud fur lUll l!\"Inp ~oocl li und fo rm ula p f IUPI)Q t1A r.ngi,, !! from 75('.1 prekILt rarm price bU lllmrt prolflm, 7 oul of 10 are .'or. "e r"l cc~ - hu ,"fl rt'maincil hl !! h. 10 9O~ r ily on alliloli ic cUl nmo ,(;~ Thifl 1t'1,0Jide would tlot he counled u d.cI.lon, Pre ~ i.I~I1 .1 EIM~ nhowtr ,wt'11 thai the li~ , tf.lahlll"rO, In addiliull. Ille carry-mer in Ihe ca lculal ion of IUIII", "rellChl rl glIl 00 /1, of l'Ut,l ty lormulu the AdminiBlraVon woul.1 IHlrmii "lI1uclC!rl1' I'ril.-e IU Plmrt le,"els for thOle item •. ~u\"l : n~lIIt' lIl h ilS ,Iulfn U ~ lJIl 11,1 pr~I' ul' ized" IlIlrily, for \jheul, I:urn , collull arul These tur Jlh.l ~ would be "lILl ulalrd" IIII' J' twe,. III I'IIIIIC rllrm f" omn"lodlhei I,e peanuls, beginl1 il1£ JOlI lJury 1. 195(1. froll1 th., commercial markel and uKd I"osc nt·" gfluluully. (I 'n rit)" 'I • (orm· TIli. " rnoderttl r:.,tI,j ~ J1lrity "'''5 institutell lor Iucll Jlroj;rumJ 01 IChoot lundlet. 111 ~ d, '"Ij.!lIcll ttl au.ure 10 tile farmers In the Agricuhurul Acl of 111 ,18 and I" aI, dilaMter reliel, lIid lu 1ItOI'Ie of other f:"r 1I'lu1I15 lor their Juodut"!. In relo, read)" opplled Dn II lltcr cUlnmoditie8. 1111 ,"uunlriea and II lockpiled rC'lef\'H . 1 111111 lu lilt' ' :11111. ,ur Ihe thing' Ihe)' mu.t effecl i. 10 peg I'rke rc:lllion.hi,'H he. home. lillY, t Tile Prelllllenl'I plan wU\lld )>er· tween .Iifferent IUIII1 commoditiea Itl Ihe (2) HCt lui re Ihe Sttul.r)' of Aj.!,j· mit 11 lIeAihle lI,nd Ilf!ntrally lower sched· Ie\"el of IhOle rcl :tlionlhiJlI exilling in culture 10 !.:roeJ. acreage ,,'hich il dl vrr1· (Ju (J (~" ule uf 101111 IlrICI' II lIlll'll ri' 11,1 lake effa;t Ihe mosl recenl ItI rei" rllther thlln the nll er the 1951 crul". b 'd 01 191()'J,I. ' ed Irom nol" under IItDducilon ron' lroll from heillg fllaliled 10 a. to crl',llt A r ~' IIIII"lIb lilt and o ga ill ~ 1 Ihi! all' 1liJ!1t price ," 1I1'1'l:lrtl will inc,"ilnM)' ,urJllutei tlJat would dillrcu I.ricet of 'wIII It are /lOW 1'l'i l1 f ItrfialtC'l1 In I.'ud 10 Iltl' cumplt'ltl rC't!" imC'l1 lation of l olher commudiliH. The PrHi dent u~rd () C'7 ,Cl clI glh)' III:ari 'lg. lH'lm , tile 1I0u5t. alld till' farmer. To ft3"C' off II com.. e rt ~ 1 thlt llvedal meo!lura he laken to detl Senale Aj! ri f"ll iture Comm ille, "!. 01111 il drift !Iv !'ome farm Ilale nu~ mhe r ll 10 "'ith the use of acTf'S dinrted fr olD iii illtl'url unt 111111 II ...: b' H ~I be onolned reluil1 ihe pre&e lll program. Congre&! crop. undl'r .1I0tmenl and laid It.tf COf'~ I)' unll set furlh dearl)', ' ","ill Il('ed "lrong puillic fUIIl'urt. mU fl l he reluled 10 Ihe IJDl ie Dltjedh'C' 01 A,,,n,, Iht, mO ~ 1 imporlanl of Iht'se .. " " "IiIiCi and elet:tioll al01l8 with the lOiI ("o nlen"ollon. hhU1'!lj> ltr,.' 11m foll u\Ij'iuf/: ,. rennl.lump in fi rm iucome and ItriLU " ~J. '11", effetl ur ,lriJil rn ril)",hi gh .1111 ' I'Ut ullcmpluymenl enler il110 the (3) Provide for I trDnflitionlo " mud" ernlze" p.. rit ), I. a bO llil lor Ihe II t lt rurnl ,,!"in' ' " 1'110 Il l! UI> farm IIlllrkel!!, del,ale, Groupi on hOlh Ild e8 claim 10 u IUllport IltoRram on hallic commodit itf Why Du POllt Ii ~ackalllnil The flul 'sli ll ill wlll'lht't thtre III a lIlar· 11I1\"t~ Ihe ri@hl an' '''er lor Ihe lormer all DU PONT IWI - olI"'r Ihull ,lUlllllill g In the f;u,"ern· well 011 Ihe generaltu l'a,'er. The gruIIJI aller the 1955 crop year. Thill would fll~ h.adquar~.r. lItelll's IUI" - ("r ullllU ~ i. · I!ommodilicl! 01 Inr rigid hi 8" "uPI Kl rh, cDntent! Iht/, carry out the "relidellt'l r~' ommend. " 'X)~' ; of I'u til)' jI,iI"clI. CU l1 grclII III III L-ed ure needed 10 maintain 01 leO M! a au­ lion thlli ll uch ••hilt he mlcle at the ralt 1. WID. VAilm 0' 'ACKAOINO rtLMIlCleh HflC"'Jly tailored PACKAGING FILMS witll Iht, !" "II/em 01 Idu:lher thl' muin- '"cnt a@riculture and tu I're'"t!ll t the of 5% of old parity l>er year. to meet th. nerd. of varied product.. and p.ekaletl, CILLOPHANI It'IWIlI'' ' of f H r~lti ce !i 01 urlilically.lti gh "lunIll in furm l"i '~1 and income from The I'ruideltl recommended ,'igorouf t. nCMNIC ... U8itlanCli to help YDU p~n the mo.t plntle,,1 POLYITHYLENI • ACITATE 1t " ' I ' I ~ Ihmu!!h I'ie \!e ul hi gh 1I11f1I'"rlll j!oing deeIH" " IIle"fI to find new foreign mlrkell for and IfIldent cot\ltzuct1on of your packale, hU I! 11 01 Itt' f lllCnll~ relluill'd in I,rit:i ll g The Admiui lilraliDn (orce. cllim the Americln agricultural produeu.. includ, I .....CMANDUIN. halp throu,h contlnuln. n.Uon.wid. furm 1'",,1111 l~ nUl ur Ihe murket. hOlh at I'rC'1leni 'YI"'1It hal been tried and fOll nd ing aending ' 1leC ial agricultural mi uion. IUI'V'YI ofbuyln, hablta, to keep yqur puble up to dale. C[UPO® hUllh' ulul ullruatl" \, .. anling in il l! lin l Idequate Itlt under abrold 10 hel'l di lCO,'er Ind dC\t lap , , ... 4. NAnONA&. ADYDTIIINe to conlinuaUy ...... nrthen con...... I:.!) III lil t' I1ltiulIUI iltterest, whal ItDllemugent:)· conditionll. When fint l ueh marketl, 'nUNOS '01 LIVINO i ~ 8WIMIr pnfenace lor your paebleel product.. ..nu IInll II... ~n ulld Ulltl irredttdble minimum "Ial'fd Dn Ihr flil iule boob in 1938 the The Prftidcnl cmphuiud th.1 re­ • •• HOUGH CNf,wsJl' IlI'l o~ ,,'hit"b II IUIIIII'r ,1et:!line in farm idea wal to I,ul a Aoor under farm pricea teareb Ind education are bule fun ..tionl L--._-:--______, __ _ pril"l'!i wOIIIII Itn,",' a Ilul!liible "Irigger. ""jlh a .)'stem of Aexible .uppo .... which of the Departmenl of Agrieuhure .nd in@" rfled 011 1ll'1' llt'lI illg a nalionwide So u,. ""hen fl ullply Ilunllted and drop are "indilpenllhle'" if the farmers lart: ret't'!II!ioli 'f ","hen fl UPI,I)' inl.; ...~. The law utah- 10 impro,'c their productivity and en' \:i ) To ","h.1 degl't'e ","o uld tlte go,". Ii!hing 90% ,.,aril)· w.. adopled 10 mceI larse their markell. '" Till )1" C ·\1111 \I J 1I " 11 1'i A I. JUllr. I % 1 T ill. \1 ,\ 1: ·\1111'1 Jill 11\ ;\ 1. Granulation Te.t on " "I,. n ll ah~i· II f nth 1IH1 It ·rinl. 111111 ,,' 1·111'.1 ')lUl" '- III II llI k,' ~IHI ' ,hat Semolina-Farina Blend. IIII' .lIlIlI uul IIr rUrI ·jlll! lIl ull-riul in II LI' IlIIi. lw.1 prnlllll"l ~ I' lI rul1,·' 1111' II mlllllll 1,' " lI _ I. \\ ill ~ I " " . Dill":I,, r IIf II.·· I II d,.. farin ,,' ,' jllIlI I li a ll'ri ll l ~ . TI, i... •, .,,,1,. \ .•Ii ,.nul ~I.., :1 1'0111 ~1 . lIIlIflll'llll · ,,'ill ,! i\l' ~ 1111 " ,.""i/lll'u" ;111/1'\ . ,.. . \ •. , .. 1.ll i"I' hn- Illf ,·l lIIf.1 1111'1111 ",,· I.' 1,"Ul'li ... i, \1 ,1 n l;l i .. ,,\It'l'IlIillUIIlI :-"1"\ i. ", 1111 :I 1111' 1 . llI it "' · l lIm~ " · r t: 1 " 1' ~ 1" llIill'" ill \\I'!,l h "' 1II"llllIh- I.n·i· ill 1II 1.lil i" lI II ••· IIIIIillllll'II1 "r IIII' -I" ilil'. li,,";; f"l I .. " I'I'l"1I lillll' ,I",;,· I, ~ " I1II,lu~ ,.,.... " f ' \1.1 ' " ""i 1.,,,.1 ,,. I· ",a I the ·'·lIIulill:.· II ... ' ''1111' 11 11 ,.. 1.'1' I .• /./.,,, ./ ... /1/'"" ",.1 ' III '" ~ I/lflt/ .'/1 , 11/ ,-1/,·,-/iI., .\II"ilflli,." , "";:. " "" 11 ,11 11'''' f. I to-"·lllh . .1 1I1I1II1 .·r o f 111111111: 11" ;:IIarllllll '" I'IHl1pliulI"I! \dlh ,hi' 1'(" luill" 11, ." 1_ h.iI '· I.,·,·" 1"'lllI li /' 11I\l i ;: 10 till' IIIt'lIl- IIf IIII' 1"11,,,1 IlIH I IIw:.: ·\dl1lilli·· 1.·.·.'·111 .· .. I III .. '" Ilmll ;V fllll lI lralillll. \1 .11111 1• •, I" " " , whl' ""el,1 ;:\I\·,·rll· 1I 1I' 1I1 '~ l,i ,l· .h""I,1 11111\. " cl'n,lill Ilwl Ii.,. hu illU' ""11' iUJl II'tlill1l i~ ,uI(:1)':rd 1 / ""lI/ d ;lI ~ '" ,h ,' ",m"/I/I'/ RfI .T'11' '1',.1,·, f:., .lIIlIllIli"" 1, '.1 10 ill·ulI· I'" Ull' li!! I1''' il E " LE .UIf: ~ll)lfSI' . "h;"", Ilith II ••· 1"'/"1" '1111'111 11. T \\il1 ~tmp lif r I'HlI't·,lurt·... ill illt' I,m· IHlIl pUlilUl uf rlllul i' IUlul unl ... . 11.'1i li l"./I · 1I")wrolill J! \' .... 01 and II, II ).! ·\ . l lIIi ll i ~ . It) , 1~1t' Fo(lIl. Ihul!: 111111 CUlitlll'li,' 11':., il1 l1 :II lh il i,'- ill SU' il ••l i"I! . •I m ill)!, '''rI-'' I.aw :0'1'1'111,.. III lI'l' :Xc"",, YOlk ~ ' de liar ri ll' 111,,"11, "I Jallilarl' 1"51. Ilfl \··,h As..~ ;w i : llin n arlll tt!4 'ched II", :l1I\ljl lJ rl \ " f I'll ,111 ~lti l ortll ' ''I ~ 1",,, 1· '" -t·i,t·.J" : 1'0111 IIf ull itulll ~ lr il'~ ulld IIII' ~\II. I lI lhl I holr ).! '·" 11111 1 IIII ' ~' ,iolul, ,I till" I , · \Ic ~ ' :1 1 Ilru.~ A.llllill ililrclinu. • r",,,I. llru }! ... ,, 1 C IJ ~m ~ Ik ,\ .. 1. Thry Tr~de M~rk Rp.gistr~tion 1\I'n' ,,,u,,j.I,·,,·,1 II l1lil I"r hUIII !!1I t'OIl' t.. Th'i ~' IJ I1II '11I 11I1I'1I1 )\ ill '·!1.,,, ·,lih· fu, .. 1 ,,1I1II1,lill". :\ lar).! .· I'mli"l1 ui Ihl '~" -hi I" -1 1I1I.lanl" l, wll·,lure,. I. ~ · 1,lill.i nnlilll' t lUI Irllll'·, mad. ,,·u·il·t· in "'a "Jlill ~ ' 1II1' " Ii! '·IIII"i.I, ·.1 .. ( nuu r AIIII " 'Icnt. lummi Ilt' u riu F ~ UII PrIIl '''''''ll or U" itnl 1"11 . It. C. li·l- 11 11' Iullll ..... inS l'IImpllll ir. lI' I. i..l. 1,,"1 /"" '11 ~ 1" rr'l l II illl"ul 1"" 1,,, · ' foUlI ~ IUllIlunl ~ 1111 !LlC' I I'rtlpH-•• I ~ 11 111 1 IIIItI illtli, i.III:lI" \1 Ii" llloluillc.l t1 ' lli~ lru , ti"" h"m r,,,I"IIt.. 0 lllil18 Ih .. m,,"II, I.rodsillil lt w),it'h nrc lI ul .'oul n " ' ·f!i. i.11. lilll!" f" r 1U.tt'U I'IIUi. IIHlltllc!, ~ jlUI!III ! lI i "I FI · I ' "IUI ~ 1%1. rllrr ~ · li\'l · !! hil,n ll' lIl ~ 1I,, \\,I·\'I'r. lUl~ ' illll'tesied I' nrl~ 'UI:' ,It! 111111 " ll lO'r Ill iTIII 'nl ar} I'rlllhlt;1!i in I f) ~i l . "I '"",1· \\1' ''' "I'ill'd I" 11 m rUA UII Ihl' dUY!I lu Jile o "j l ~i' l l ulI ~ III uny 1 ,(" d ~i 'lII .\1\ "I \\iLi.·I, TIIu ~ 1 III' fj 'lI cwcll ill 19 .'l I I .u ~ i " "I I"'ill]! 0'/1 111 .",,'; /11111'" ". i,h fif, h; u( IIII' l.rol. I)~f'1 1 fl:lmhtrtl Utltl ""lul '~ 1 /I if ill lI~l· . C,,"11111 111" jUllrnnl fur lUI ' iU" 'I'1 rtllli ".,1"111. pul.lie hearillg whidl will he ""ufinc\1 tI,,'r ill furrn;cli nll: 10 Ihe oon"o\' c r ~ illl j~ !! lI e " , All I·url· En '" 1IIIIIIIIf", lurer .1,uul.I luke ('n· n. Filil'l'ullc S I :.. .. 1m'. 1:1111 I";" Hul ium ill I .. IIlI lcgultt.1 reflu·,1 will bn\'c (ull uppurlllilily fu r II unl.'r FIIIIIIIIIU FUII.I I'r(ljllll'l ~ CII. h. · fi "H 1I 11tlp, ."luCI fr" lIl \'i"lnliug li,t· fuir Il cn rin !;, h UI 1111 11111' "ill h ,nl' 1111' -1 .·,.I,lI i" ,. n 'jluin'lIIenlll nf IIII! FDA. A 1I ~ llIc ~8 eX I"'II ~I ' "I I' rO\ ill).' rill'" 11 1111 1:,·II.·tnl 1lIIllIlrlillj.! CIIIIII,unr ~ UJlpullillJl' ·ul ~ "'I · r~ · 1I •.lII lI f. ... I,ln·1 ~ 1 1t' 1l1i1 m:,kc Itrlain Ih ltt prnl ... nl"'111 ,. hi, '" }\'·IIII ... ky \Iut'unllii COlIIlUlli r in IIM'I"'III"III lit' i~ r,,\. .. will j.! ~t1ml /, II/11ml',l'ial I)fOl " nne i ~ full .\ L I\nlllllll S S,," \lU('url1l1i C"III' NEW Sales Power ~ . . Lower packagin~ , ," "u o·· tiT i! 01 Ihe f"lIu ..... i,, ~: Thj ~ Ioill \\'i1IlllI'ldufi' 1""\'i.I,· (,, '111111 ' 1·:L ny 1" 'rlOl ,l i,' ·.milar)· I'hml in' I' t.'£ lion h ~ Ill\' all' I llIorc dlll·i\·1I1 " 1I' 11 1U1 1 ~ ,.f 1·.IUt.. 'Iil\\ .• uhe '11II 'uruui t :UllljlUII)' I!) II ·allil.lli ••t1 "" I!liUlllinl . U;hiul! fUOfI ~I.IIIt I . II. l s . costs with KVP Super Ka/alto,e !Juri, I PCllllt'r Grlll'I'rr Cu. I.. A. I'udfir 'toco runi t:o. ;.T, :~" ... ~. -e:..,,:> ~ '!-; This is irnpurtant news in MilC,lflll1 i lU urketing lUila l r"prodUl'liilll III till' products. l I t Ihl' tempt· \lolh.·,'s "m'urulli Compoll)' ,- -rite ki nd en.'r)· producer likes 10 heM. It is I1I1W ' inj.: ,Ii !O hl'S elmt '';111 be m.III,· (rum thclil . Tltl' ',I\' jnl-: ' I'urlt't St'lI rpdli '11I t:llroni (urn' pm ~ ible -using new KVP high.fidelil)· pril1lin~ Cl lffil' frum climilla tinlo: till.: inlH:l \\'rilp. Ihl' I ' rintin ~ I':tny l·qu iprnen1 on Supcr Kalakote - to udJ grelHL'r on the !>hclI. or an l'xpl' nsi \'c II Uter wral'. hili J. II. CU IIl'PU Cll lllp U II~' sa les arreal 10 IHUll'l'lilln "J,:ain', muisture •• l1uultl. sl.llenl·'s, Hnd II . t. hurt macarnni pmc.lul'1S infl'!O ta1 iun i~ prill idL"d by ehl' til'h1 sl'i1 1 and 111 " i!> · I;ulden ..o\ ge CorllUruli oli packuges Il nJ re· curl"\'aJ,",t re~i !l" lIIl' l' n( SUJwr KalakUll'. duce overllll pal.'k . \'!;'nuld ~"U likl' III 'icc slIlIIples 1)( this Il· mark· 1\1I11 ~U~ Cily ~Io l'o rulli & 1IlIIlUr lil1 f aKinK COSts. (The able nl''' wrap f lit )'1111 r prulha'I!>. with \1I,t.:l-:c~tin ll ' Co. t..·({lIlomies arc pos­ fur its usc un }nut I';td.:af.:l'\! \'.;'ritl' 11.\ (pr fu lt , I. ~ ulld I ~e CompulI,' sible lor all whn infurl11:1tillll. Flurol Cro\Olo'1I r 01ll1 t:orporuliull use mure than un UUl'ger Urnlhen "nllhU'1 1i CII!H' ordi",u)' shell to KALAMAZOO VEGETABLE PARCHMENT COMPANY pUll), packlll'e their It Haulli prodUl·CS.1 Greuel'r sa il'S ar· IU,..CH A' DE VON . 'A "SSOCIATfD CO..... ''',..,fS. lY' [ 0 0 1 If lA~ . S, Vh'iolill peal cumes (rom HOU~'ON , IUA' - HA.vn "','(1 "ODUCTS co.. ITu_GIS ...... eH­ KV' co. liD,. U'ANOI" . ONI, _"'''lHOID ""'(1 " ODU CU lID . \·illln. Pruthlt'll' CumpallY • he perfect pic. HA",nION. ONT., /lIONTlUl. QUE . Ilulion· .... uwril'lill I'II ~I .. Co. \'. (.u HII:'u & Sll ll ~ \' ('~u\ io & l'il'dnlUlll 1',:,, 11: Co. in FOOD PAPERS For Protection and Sales Appeal A. t'arindlu & C9- CHEF C ... RDINI .. o,ld I,moll' kGO·1V d.,. I. plc:I""cI ,b.WI .Ith "clto."I •• I.totl. "'ttn , I" J'''t C. ohllll, . • ho .. ,. hi, ,,,'II "con"y Oil hi! S... FYInc:bc. ,.I.cod. t:ulumhiu \lul'll tflni 'IUllu'udurill)! C.lonn, ,.ohd . ,' Il vo d" d l '~p""I" i l"cI m.. , .. ,II_lln , 11;0""1 1,..'''0111 II'I",h C.. . 10 Ih, ,m",,,m,nl ,1 Cord'lIl ,,,d hi, q""t,. mi\lio" d,U, .i, .. .,t. Ael climllocl .ith C'lCti". pl" ln, h', ,,,iI., ,,,cI 'WO ,I,,, ,i",i",. Phol" .. , lI;,y cI'''''',Oll 'fiull.... ulu \luntrolli Cmnpan,' Till ~IAt:AIIII:'i1 JII U IIl" .H 1:1 TilE \I ·I C ·IIIII .\I JIII ' II~ II. , . DuPont Featur •• Packaging Ideas \ !iI'I I r.~ "I " ,I:" I'I"lIIe II IIII plll~' · 'II'\!" II!' 1" " ~UIl I' ~ 1 1I Ull t l:l li u : ~ lilt' hllt: ~1 1,.\ , I 'P I' II'111' i ll • "n \','u letllt·. ftlll'l i"II ' ,.1. • !l t l,'I ) . 11 U1 I,I.",n. Il1I n,llilili' OIlul " ',I" u,lIl i. I"" kllllil l1! "" n! f'·lIll1n·,1 I ,~ II... 11 11 1'11 111 uhil,il ,I I II ,,' \ uli,," :. 1 I'u. klll!ill 1! l'i,u!li lio ,u, .\ " III'" ;I"'U" ,1i ' 1 ,lu ~ illl'lI., II'II; 'lilt' I... " " 0111 11 ' "111'11 l'ij! :!1 "lIe Jm, l · lIll'" 1. ,.. lnl ". lilt' " I ir ~ lIIujol ulhuu,',' i'l II!!,""'''' 1',,, I" IlI,,,, II HI I " IUI'''; " llil'l "I II ... 1to.11 111111 ', 1I1L , (Will IILI 1'11111 ",·11 "1,1,,, ,,1'. 'fin ulll,, 11t , " " I~' fI", ""'I , . ~ II I .. , , It" or the ~ I II ' kll )! ' foil 111111 1"II"plllltll' ,,\ I·tWr:J I''' C)i)" .. IIIV II ... ,ij!IIrI'IIr.. '1'1" , "'~nllp u I ~' n " It·.IUI'· ;t1 ~ 1l lII 'h. UII ' U 11 "1,,-,,,.· 11" ,i,"'" I"i l,' " il 1'. 111 Ite fulllt'.1 lou , ~ ill )lIn .. ·. 7,' ,:,,: ,-\ lurpl' l ' : I ~ IIIJ! pfll.ll" pUt L ~ I'II ill U .. '" 4' , . 1',, 1~' l'Ih~I, · ," , I.";!,, aI,,1 . "ilulolo· Int Iwo ," . Ma'ca,on; P"ckages Win Folding 80. Awards -"nill}! l" , II" , ipf' IIII ~ V ' ·! lj",, - . I'IMUI il l' · 'llil~ . 1I111 11" i l'!! tV" 1 .Irr '11 1 ~ ,,".1. 11.,, ' Tlu~ f;~Mil1 ~ IIu1wr Uox A ~"'Hli;.' : "B ~ 1':1t 1m" ":'1'11111 '.1 11 .\· 1"1' r,,"d 1'I 11t ' ~"1\ lal ,,·1, r . "I ."lIIl'ric'. opeIU~ ( ilit ulllU ml IIIl'1'lill}! :11111,,1 \\illr il ~ "IIIiI' ·,1 II 1\\I1,, ',,10t I ,ll IIIII' It IlH,lIulillg iti' 1II \\a ~ J ""in· III Chi ~' 8st wilh awutd8 !lui",,' ill Iht· !t'" lur "\tli T,,',,'= 1t'.1 " u):~" Thi ~ I '~ l,illllli "l1 1',,1t l :lv" 'of - .ut;h('ui. 11IlIl'n'. fnl.lill Jl '''",on '·OIl\II('lilillll. Tlti- p 'a r"~ tr y \,U· '·II lIl"i.l"II'.1 I,y IIII' jlltl!! t,:, ,,, I ~ rlllli. 1' 1111 " ""1111 '1", j'u,"h ~l:I . utr l ' I~ I'u,'k., '"ItII tl' l iliu l~J ll i l • III'\\' 11t 'lIl "f t'\I'I'}' "' " ', .. 1,1 ~h ' l' !I " :I ~ lrumll ... l ' IIII\I"lIli" I1 ~ 1 It·IIl',·, F.llltr,.,f 'UIIIII I, 'rilll! fl.2l1B IlIw.·. (",1 1t'.1 ,'ulllIlI- " II LI ,,· 1IH1IL"t IlIlhn' Ity ; H,2 ~ i ' U\'t! r III ~ I )'l'ut"l" 1111 11 1 .. 1 I. fl lI,. lIi.li'lI'li,," 1"Ih"rill ~ 1'111 ", tl llt l" lUlidili 1-' ,I, -\1'1'tt)\illl~!-Cl)' 5B ~ f "f IlfI' A I'~ , ,, ' iulj,' I "~ ~i}! u l 'tII\ i,I.· II ~II"II,' UI'l'ltI:... h Utili JJ t1Il'l1I l!1 ' r ~ IIII) ' IlU rli"jl'lIl1·, 1 ill Ihe 11);),1 p"ill 1,\ tilt' " II ~ l tllI" · r. TIll' U"'-' .. I 11 · """/11. .,' ~ L1tl1" . 11' ~ j J! 1I !till ,l ill.'I'·III f'ol .. r ~ k III die jllll!!iu!!. II ... fir,,1 ~ tllllll ­ \ari"lIl" I~I' I " " til h"u \! iH ,~ the f'utlll l! " "rl·,'hlli eRI SUI",tiotTiI Y IIf l'rinlill J.! ·­ "' Iurn il~' ''' "PI','atalll',,, , t:arllJ lI ~ IUt· ,h· \11 .. _ ,lh'ltkJ illlll ,II "11" .. 1 l.' · lII'fI'TI' ~~ l,hl~I ' , 1 \>illt Irlll1l :' lIud ~i, I l' 1! ultt'rIl,'ItI ( allli nI'XOP.I UI,h i, ' prilllill J!'" 11 11,1 111 I .. t 1I\,,,ill1l1l11 I'rr 1I1'1"'ul 11 1111 1.lIil'll "H" ,I C,rO\' LIfI' ulI,1 {)lf ~ "1 J.illl11Vrul,/i it­ '"'·lIliII''UIIIlIl.''' Itrillli.,,,,", '1h. " .,', 1111,1 ""11111' 11 ,1_ -\\IU I.II" IIf lIu"til \>"111 III :\lItnlti l jlulvl·,1 HII U It ' I ~ i ~ "I "T,', luti" 11 1 ~1I1'1 't, l'alnu"l" COll1pU/ly ullll IILI' I.onl HJitl iotih "f CUI1 -l l llI'lilll'''. Lit.· Ihi tt l 1111 II\lItt' I' ,, "_~ fllr tile "UUIII'UIi lIirll" ~ " lhil "llt':1 l'utt':I' i:11 Sew \ '" hllll" 1'1"" IIIr ~PII}!III' I' , II:u'ku}!e" t ; rUIIITI', t I'Upl'fllUllttl", a".1 tilt' IUllllh Ilr",,1' hatl ,IJ! I'. I i" I" iuh·.1 l'cll"l'hUrt" hagll" .-\11 l.ilhtl)!n' l,IIY loIillllefli illl'h"ll·d IILI' " i, 15 ~ l1 ll1lh' ir ," "" II"" " 1" "liud:<. IItlitillh:d 11 11 II IillffelH'( \ hili,," IlII t, ttf mll f'll tlllli ullil "11!I J! hrll ' 1111\ SUII .. I lire \ \ 'il'iull" tllu l UTIl I', ~ IIl'HI" 11I " il ll ,I I,cuol ., ( luloel. ,Ire ill U dur ulol~· '1'1 ... Amh t' l'ul' .: r CII" "I 1,,,I , "lh. I,',,,· " . I ~. 'Ihe IJ1,,·' c'urti,·­ ""11,' i",-'u" ''' 1 III I' 1'1" '111\11 \'UlIl'",'ulin' \1 .11I1I11.I" I'lrillJ! CII . lilt:. l"".n,l , I '''I J:I I~ " I,ri.,' "11111 . ullIl "II ... t I". ,I! ;II!! 111 10111111 1;1111 , F,,,,,,,.. ("",I I'lwl.,r;; I.ill I,e i" I" r l· ~ I · 1,.1 ift U, 111 1:1 - 1111 "''1' \' U" l"se u" 1'lIllI lo i"u· 11111 I'U ~Jl I'" TII " 1' illlli\'i,l" al ' "II lUll:' - \ ""ill.1 i ••, • reum, ~ I it "II Iilrll\\I .. -rril·", --- ~ ",I lulU j;11" rl.,'u l'·I" - ulI· Cl\1'r~1 1 'I ~ PI ' 11 11\ 'l'\','I-e I' rllll",1 'TlillpIUtrll', bit II I" " 11 111 j,; d lu~ I1 .' h', 1 \dlll " 1IIII" '"I"r IIT' " ~,,,lu , tit.1t . 111 .11 111' 111 ill tlt i_ "",,\, i,I, ·.I" " ·,'Ii",, 1\ , _ II 1".It 'II ",,1 , 1"' 1111' 11"1 i, "" 1"1 "I'll,,· 1" ' ti" I I :\ I'n, ~nJ!l" .1'·III"" -"lIlel' h" ,. n - 1 ' .. r",. '''1-1 '''I",.till): ' ItIl Itt· ,11I 1.. lIIn l il " iI~' ill~l , rt , ' d illt" 1111' IUIJ.! " III" II IIp' I Me 1' • • 11", 1. II... II " 1"1111 ,\hilo il I' ltjn ll ~ ,1 "II I 11.111 1" ·, 1 IIIUI~ ' Ihe ;1II It Ull lli'l'r:,un ,,[ lhe '''1111'11111 ,I _ ;\ lIlI'ri,'U"- li"'1 ,i"" P'_ li,' • I 11"1,1111111 ' 1'1'1111 "",,(. Thil" "\"111 \\ u,. , ' I , ,, ,"I~ ("U" ,,,·,I ! ~ Uu 1',,"1\ 11t'1" I"I" 111·,,,1 .. I 1I ,· , i ~ ILII ' · I'rt'l) ' ,,·II"l'huIII' ill 1"17, II . lit:'1 "I II ... I'IIIIII ,.IIIY·" ,",­ lo 'n-il ,' lilli' "I , "-1" "10 '1' 1':lI'k"'j! illJ! ","r' " ",., TIll' ,1 "1 , 1" 1,/11"1 ,1 til IIti,. I II'\\' I~ 1'" ",Il"pltalil' .,1-" 1I1.111}!lIru h",1 U I'a,·a. " a J! ill~ 1"I"I"li"lI. :" ,,1 "IWIlt·,IIII· \> lIIarl,;· ,'11" III II ... '''11.1 il lOllI-lr~' , ------'

1·1 TilE MACAII" " I JIJ U II N .. II. New Goodmon P.c~oge CUl,italizilig ,m.ult)' 111'00 Ih~ r urrenl In'IIII t',wnnl fOOlI p'I ' ~lIIr ii wilh end u,,!' /,ic ' I " r i ll l ~ whidl "' ll et; tlU! appetite IIf )lrll, ,\mcrie:• • ,.: GOodmnn mid SII IIIi, 111(', II I Lool lhl.,nd Cily, N.Y. IU1\'ll ,:ulUIIU'm 'eci I iltrihulioll of their IJIIl I'otllni, ~ 1 ,u H hl !t li un,1 veJ!l' lallle soup r' mix in n r "' IJn c kll~t! 1 ... hieb umounl 10 ulmo"t "01111' ,'Ie IrulI 81"rmalltlll of lor. GREAT SAVINGS ON IIlt'r "41110 11 . Tht' highl)' altTJl'l ive new lull I:lIl lI f I' JlI'knl!.'·1I lire the " ~!U h of reo 0., 'or,. II •• 0' ",t;; ;g ll ulII l , I'rmlud\OII j Ir.. l(o,1.l()lIi ....pl.f.ly r.blilf Lilllll)!rllph (.url'ura 01 uf' ~ lIrlh nero Sim. N. J. j ~' t I "t I aid f.lly ,Iar.",.. d: While lIluintuiriing)l hnl i,It'lItil,. in DOUCJH IREA S the ori pillul form AI il 08 ultlJII the (ormer, I'lIl'kIlAC'; Ih, l i~hler l.lue bark YIRTICAL HYDIAULIC 'RES~n I!roullllj give gaul.r I.RbI r~ lI et ' lunce .' u"d Ih,. 1It'\'O frolll ' @1U1 1~I ! k Ilicioriala : ' .J r KNEADERS MIXUS f;lJlIlmnUt : tll'finite aPl Je lit~II.2I Jea l. The '~ ., , ~ :; NOODLE MACHINES Noolllrll PlII hn . '!t'eri re i ,,11111 wi,th )'('lIts a80 ~, u ae or ~ of lh; new illl/lrlll'ell rcl ll l:lJllShlpto . ' d IIl1 d I!II,." houling projecll" on N_ York'.' calil Milprint Appoi,ntmti"t , DII ~AfHnS kU !"rinl,!l, Thll lIew ,r,p 8 ' =:aYe til. , 10 lI id ~, Ih~ cotnpn,y KlOC1ed A IOC :lltioli in , Arthur Koni~, Jr. cr. ~ m•• y \ ' ....1 ulenllf), 011 li U,)fnl.'h'lhe'rf'l. f T~ "Lons 1.lpd ' Ci~ , huUdlnl! • c(lml'leteJ)' for ftulI'oroni oud . poprlll a~8Ket r,~ modern ~nt wilh' u\'er tOO.lMlf) "Iuare flew lII anllJ!er or Ihe ECONOMICAL , I ' lur e l u l!ltl l eA I C t~ ret'iprs icn .u~doub fef't of n(l Ori~ (I. ~. _ Rohe rt C,nwt'll. vice- jal. Sell'it'll Dh'l.illn of 11· Milwllukee. WiM:onlin. f!, lI y Will ,lrO\'llle fur.lher Klintf 10 .Ilresidl'l1t or the orsanizalion Ull t! Iheir '. '/ I' uIHtrm"rkt!l c./lh re,lIle,.. bftlUM! of,. engineer Jpr manufacturing. Achiued "ire'flretlidenl and director SPEED l>RYING ~ I nuullcrd rf'C1' nll)'. IIII'l fo Ol '," IIf rdlll~ ~a l ,! ('heer.t. VCb't.',.· .Ilnlfic.,.t_.} ~p,o''ement in Frodu l: li.)u la '." 1~ 111elc, tellUlred 10 Ilrepare l,htiCI hy If.~fn~ UluTllllle URII. of Iheir Former sales mallager for the Ora!", 11'111/1 11 alll.l efllllomical meall . .i~':, I IIAtka ~Rtllnery. Hal Co rporation II f New York. dr, J\NK LAZZARO ' DRYING MACHINES . "" . (;olltlmllllllt )1111' \ ' ~n ~ famou. lor , G • ' .~ ,;rUdUl:II tell htnvil). in Kon ig headl"d Ihat companY'1 uniqlll E,ecuti.e OHico, ....: 1'1 ••* and i ~lJlldl r.!l Jr;pIISJatUi and matlol , _hIL'e the mew ~rk, City and airing the Atlantic and &uL"CeS.rul men,handi.h1g prograll­ .. Serv/~ I : hlln wall 1 t) lIl1 lh~1 1 by Au gu' I " ~ Good· JHlIl.oaW_"'J,et",Cf!U nOlloll alltl nllhi, While in Ihl. callacily he had exlensiu 9101-09 Third A.o" North Berge". N, J. ., Union lII an ill IWIS, C:1l1n 1 ~ lI ed ; l o m"ve ~ few more. [rich CO IIII il president of the eXl'erienct' In promotion and IluMlc 'f' 7·0597 Jlltion ~ a. well U HIes work, Mr. Keltti, llon CYJl1i y. hal abu been employtd wllh the Knol .J • Hat CIl(l'oration of New York. aflll thr POllt r I'reu of W.lth.m, l\IaMo rh... sell .. , , t 'Keystone Changes Name I the la,' Iilockholder'l met'li ng of lhe Ke)'lI lom: \1acaroll l Manuf.cturing CO m l'olt~' it \,'UI tesoln d to amend Ihe Artkle, of InC(HIK) rlltilln uf the laid r.(ltl ,urulion Itl II'ad a. rtlllowlj "The 1I:.I lIlI' ul ttae Ke)' ~lo ne Mac 'aron i Mallu, fl.,'turi"F CompailY be knowlI hrreafler . , ,; . \ ~ ' ;IOIIGIII MACAIIONI. INC." The l'llle in fal'II t or tile am'lulment II ::,. unallirnous alUl fi n. 1 "J1I1 ,ol'al "'.. n'l'tnliy lI'ech''' 11 fmm the ()tplltlmenl CJf Slate of Ihe Commonwealth of Penn, Ii~ h'ania. Thi. amendment will in no "A GUIDE TO IEnER FLOOR flNISHI NEO" IHI)' effect the "t l'~ nl mllllll Elc mellt or cI,lc,iDn Ih~ Mlll tI, Cleu Flo'III" 'n I",ill' oher the financial Ilructure of Ihe l aid b~1 111 11. 4.~llIc lt n ,dbN,1I d"let .hlch cutlloralinn. II • {rudy ,d... fll el 01 ulu.t.I. IA'o'II'I.lIon CENTRAL O ~ how ,0 h .., .... rlow, '1PII of 000'50 D. .... lo p.iJ lind copy.,lt. d by Mlll/i,CI"n ' . o dllc~ lu., of St, 'lilli, MlftA',otll, th, Fl. FIBRE ,d . f"lu,,, III ,011ll'in9 d l. !. . hlc h .h.n r

TilE MACAII(l~1 47 THE ~iACAIIONI JOURNAl. JUUIINAI. \ , , DETERMINING IGG YOLK COST PEl POUND ., .IANII L JOHNSON,.. C'.i\-ir )o! Performance 'f; """~ It. ' --: G l' or~f! Ir'l'I/er til ..tA l' !lcolo" n"ily HE an.chell lable mal be uled .1 •gui de in " fi 8uri~ ~~ r com m~cI.1 ti l • # .. " New. Iorr.i« 11 Sr.rf;'" "'r. a 'p"l(ht!lIi T)'olk It ...umet that the ptltle pct dOIm abdl egS" price per pound e~ g ",,·hilt .... ~.,.,. . ,.' Mat'.,,,, "'wurd tht S. S. I ndf!~ntff'n('e and con\'enion cOlt Ire known, The rom'enlon COlt U!IN in Ihi li t.bl. I, '5.00 pcl 'STAR "' .U.'G , fwd u t ,~e tAil J u llnitl;'.~ ,to,)' un hundred I)ouru!. of ell' .. IHI nd";r/!: "1.ilt il J l i~", ()IIe neh ilJ Yolk COIl. may he Clltul.~ , .. follow.: If, for example, thr COil per dOlen ,hdl Thirl':' eBB' i. 31t, cOIl pilr P,oun~,. -:hlle I, 16_ !~ClOnveTiion ctlsl 11 ·1.S¢ IHlt pound: •\ c:ouue In Shell 'uC,l~-:::';1'/d". (30 doita '. • 9.:10 Amt·ric:an . :. . "'.l. .. Yield ~~ 38 pO'und, ' ., crcn lh'c I ' 10 'the ." •. '. ( , COl' opOl) 1 (J'}M + ;18 X·.., ) ~ . 24.-17 lio'l 111111111' " A~riOn " . ~ ~,.~ .Gfn\'e. fllon 6it , .5t/ib. .J.;..,. i u -1.50 linN. J~ ' I ~ 1i , :\.J\ I Ie urder. • Co., of.; l ~I"' ••· hol. esg ", '28.97 ~ Iood nle Ill.· ' Uti sa -l.A. willie. @ 16f1 9.28 IIK)OfI' " . lI,h· • 119.69 !o;!,'h.,l;J .. n.{M"",So 46.8B

"'I'''''''.''' of Ihe while i. left with the yolk. I If thit )'otk "T.!ltd be 51.0% 101id. The commercial "yolk" IOlid ~~t.~~L:bY the _moullt of while rem.ining with the yolk .ftn .. II the ~rllralion II luch Ih.t oul or the uer'r 100 pound. Ire 'yolk." and 58 pound. lue whltet, the' )'olb" the experimental dlt. from the U.s.D.A. it eiln be Ic«pted thai .* ratio of 42:58 a. belween yolkJ and white. wm gh'e. 45% lolid

'.~ ,lIl!IiC!i1" •.•uhlllanlille I figure for convenlon COIl, .in~ the ••cton lnvoh'N 1 nnly lIy the egg hreaker. themlClves. However, what lVall.h~ UI hullcalet thai '4.50 - '5.00 I. not too '.r out \If line. numerou. calculation ••imil.r 10 Ihe .bove, it I. helpful to J C."vignar = c· • 01 e'8 yolk'flb. , mac~jnjd/J S = t ill of ,h,iI egp/do•. , I"" .'\ W = Coot of e~g whil ..flb. , . • C = Cotl d' Con\'enion/l00 lin. h, dl·rh·.tion, Y = 1.H8S - 1.38 + Cj.12 Hat(ison, N. J. .' U. S, A. Tn cnmpiling Ihe accompanying table, Ihe conveuion c«* lie" wu .uutnfd I. lie 15.00. The furmull would then rrduce 10: I. . , Y = 1.B8S - \.38W + .1\9 ) S",cillty of E,.mpl If S = '.43 and W = J30 .. ,..' 4 1.88 X 1.43 = .808 Macaroni Machiner,Y - 1.38 X UO = .414 I' l' .39,1 Sinc'· 1881 ' • + .1\9 ~ U STI~GY make Y = '.5\3 Pr ..... z:pol-lhelti. Marlu i The lut-Ie may he lI ~d for \·.. rlOUI connuion cOllI II '0110"'1: Kn ..dart "Wal rod Wat !': r jF, 1"\"'r)'11I g! The Let V Vlriation Jrom Ihe ,r:,.OO rom'enlon co.t u~ ~ J .a~11':111 ,1rinkA "I' waler. How cun olle = Mil.. (or Ihe lahle. gi\'!': it ,.nll .n~ "fll)' il water? In IIII'D Cuttt'" fr.Grt ~ c:io will hue II bachtlor' ~ cle. Then, take Iht cOlt IlC!r lb. ),0111.. at found uling the tlhle Br.k .. (5tl'c. tnd Jtill ht dUl'l'l lIut reali,E!' Ihr. und add or Iuhhad V/42, al Ihe connnion COll i i. mo~ or leu thin 15.00, relJJeClively. Moldel ClN"en l!lh ,1 of ·,.pughf'ui!" • 1.4 .... AI I ,._roll,lI! cuisine, Mario il ohen rumple: SUPI)()IC! Ihe cannuion COlli il 1-1.50. Thtn V '= .SO and lI~kt'cI 'or u tUI! ad"h;e 11)' Ir.nlen. V/42 = .0119. H .hell e!@./dol .• ~.t 3l¢ .nd white./lb. "Till': une Ihinl! e\'C' r ~ rommet l1lu ~ 1 Ire 161. then the I.ble gin', yolk ••1 ' .481/lb. (Connulon ALL 11111 UP TO THI LA~CifSr ' IN un n\'C1i d , ' ~ ~~:ar :u "\tllli tlc,i, • jll IIpl@;htlli • c'oll 15.00) 255-57 _n~ ~." In l.\lew. UBI N. Y. Office and Shop N,w NW'U. lOt. "NNtVlIIAIT WlmN • - .0119 .IUNI 11.' ...., 1'14 .. - 1.4691 = Co.c yolb/lh. @ t'onnrtion cosl of M.so , , ,


Volume 36 No.2

June, 1954

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THr. .IIAr.A IlII N I .II1UIlNAI nil: MA CA llII N I J OI' IlNAL Today's Trend lo to N . teel \Sanitary Equipmen't JACOBS"WINSTON I I LABORATORIES, Inc, , / 1.110 I '" -'.0'·.... .COST ,'Ell [)OlEN SHELL LGGS SIS- ---''''' 6~ .'176 il"5 514 .533 'C<. 1.3<1 $.:15 U6~!I.~37~,~.~~_~~_ ~:ji-": ~~-';';;~~~~ , 1. 1, .16 "'62 AJI ;00 .519 ,531 'I .570 .589 .608 . ." , I .. .17 •· ~18 A,,7 .1116 .505 .523 :lI., .!..;t. .575 .59-1 .~ ) 3 Canlu'tlll' Gild AII.lytleo' Ch.,nis h •• p.dflU'h ,~' "....' . HI A;lr. Mi4 ~ In .492 .5JO ,529 -,!h """\.I .... 1;8il ,1jy9 I. all maHe,. invo'vlng fl. fI 'r'iiloflan, prGdue. s: .19 .·121 ~U J .1,9 .-178 ."96' .515 .5.'\4 .553 ~. .51;6 flail and 'a.boll", of Atocaron Hoodlo anti Egg .. .~ln .,107 • r,26 ..,,5 •.464 .<182 .SOI • .520 .5J!1 .5>'.8 '~j ,,; Product •. .21 .393 ~12 ..I'll . .<150 .468 .·187· .. .506 .52, .514l , c:" .1" ,. .,109 598 .m .'13(, .45·' .473 ."!12 .511 .L3!f .. '"Q .2' .,161, 3 ~ 1 ..,,,,, .422 .440 ,459 . "i~ .497 .'16 ' !§ .~ I .: 15l [ .170 . .31' 9 )108 :426 .445 ' .461 . · 18~ .,;' r .. l-Vltamll" and MIII,ra'. En,ichnteftt AuaVI . .2, ,3311 ,\57' .iiir, \ .. 395 .<113 ,4.12 .1151 .. 4711 1~ .J :t .2(, .:12.' .~ 13 .:lI.2 .381 .39) .418 • .'137 .456 ) . z...-ICJ9 lJolld. alld Color Sea' .. ill Eqg ,. y ~ Ih 0: ,27 310 .12') .alU ',.367 .'185 .404 .·123 442 and EI]9 Noodl.s. <-... .211 .297 .'16 .3:15 .35,1 .3 12 .391 !~ .,,7 .29 .2113. , .1(02 . .321 ~I ' I O .35R .377 .3 Iii .:l(\ 0 .269 .288 .:I0Il .12'-' .!lH .363 . : ~" u .Jl .225 271 .29'.' 112 .3'11\ .349 .:111 .32 .241 .2(,o e .z 198 .316 ,S-;S·, .3· .227 .2·1(, J.\ " 4' .284. ~ .302 .321 '" .34 .".:11" .214 . ~33 .,"2 .271 .289 .300 .:,1' .:15 .200 .219 . ~ .257 275 ~I .r I I~ - , t • / RUSTS FACI CKIMICA.:5 ~:~;\: r LUNG II U'" 81jJI \Ill' tll ke'Lre(I:nIt,· "'.1I:~11 ~ A III M in11llluia nh' ~ f'lil )' ~'lnn ill. ,lib . uf,~ Ill unl l'4 ! il ' lIl i~ I :; Ilrojl'! '1 or deveioj1i u8 like olher" ~:1! \\'U)" II) liJ.!hl wilh d ll' lIIi ~u l tlcatll}' leal,,-, Ii W? 11'111 ('IUilly fl,hlerulc dl~ ! t'i' ~(Sf :.i n ~ A . h f'l"e~\ \'ollt!11 rtl ~ llI . fl ti ' 51elt i ~ * e IKJClin e-. II )' ~ " 1:rJ ClO, OD~E IC'lu1i 1l8 1,luIII ~chmlhll anti cbimi,tJ; ._l '. 'r'l'!:{ MACHINERY Ihn'Cl nUlitllts, or a.\' u illl ~ l e inform" ivtt ~"t 1 ;CSPECIA'~ ILE IN EQUIPMENT FOR ,'II rest'3rl It Jlrojel"II ' and pl un ~ :or ' .. THE MAN(k~.CTURE OF CHINESE l cicltl l fil' ... hl)· in ,hi" neVI' . fiehl. C'1'"I".. '.' TIll' Ihlce 11Utiolt14 arc Ihe (ll1 ilM ~Ia ks, C..lltl. ,I .' ~rE NO,?DLES ~h ' ~i l ' u nntl CUI. \.111, t l lako ' l' ' Lgh ·Brak., -- Ilry t !:locii •. Cu tt." The J,uulill 15 of infurmation i. oj l. r:t".: ~uSlr ~' .... Har 11I 1I 'reil lu I mner. lIIl,1 F,-i il! and iii'. Noodle CI:rhw - tvr vors -Kneaders ill!; in.IIIl' lriN ill the TIl hI 'Cities IUlII !fun. t . M a ch'~~ { y for tl. r Manufac..ture !l ltrr o ulilli ri ~ II here ~ r:l ill nUll:flirierui ll::'. r.. .J hove sl'fea" Ihe nl oill ItUI·at. Lalli year, I', \ gh elli,. :Mlcl,oni, Noodle" etc. fur CUIIII' • It bll.·1i, . trln ft.51 etlilit:mr" l.t ...... _ • dt~ru)' rd II IIOU I two-thirdi of tht. II .. I:UJ... ". .AI,lkh • ",AUN'IG PII'ESSES .Iio ...' trup "I dlJrum wheal, all ,rnwl1 lloili ].15.242 1 73.393 Hydrot. '.t a o li ~'9 PI O ~ S.S for Bolirq t in ilrCt ~ No Ih,,' r ~ 1 ! Intt'!!, • DOlll ini can Itt'public :1\5.5110 :157.11.12 I, " " Nethe rlaml! Antilles 62.742 All Cle:t., Df Motedal, ' Ilr. [ , t)'pkmull ""orkin l! Iht· C. 53.l1li1 r.. ~, Venezuela 165.699 2\l2,715 Ilt'p8r1mclll 01 Aericuhur" and li,e IJulh·i. l.lYlNa 1HI Huck"fdlt'r f'uulltluiioll dtllCrihed I) ru", 3.525 24,098 HY·DRAULlC · Iklgium &: l.uxembourg 20.510 14,124 WACAlONI lem" hll:il1 f the IIPlilJllli and U.ei r ,dell!­ rranCG 13,83-1 9,317 AND HOODLI . " I ~ lit II \lUI'Iti .,.·here .wo·lhird. uf Ihe EXTRUSION PRESSES I'ortugat UJ.OOO SO,200 INDUITlY POI Iw .•pl c tm ' 1'"lll:!ry utili mUll)' I lon'ins Lehanon 25.001 lu ul \\ 11l'rt: ~f1 me IKl IUil tl1iu1I14 are ri !! ing 46.479 " flAil O ver Forty YMrs Ell peri unco in tho Df) \'I ':1n inq Saudi Arllhia 271 .976 80.285 end MMurectUf'l of AU Types tit II fri !;hll!tling '''Ic, Sinm (Tluliland) •. 16.680 33.912 or Hydra ulic f:qu :I'-1" "r.t A grenl objet'lin' 11 0 W il 10 , upple. Philippines 499,465 563.697 IIlt'HI plunl.hreetling VI'urk wit h Ihe new Hong Kong !>1,816 27.619 plOjed of using chemicali Ihut will kill Japan 109,091 215.440 N. J. CAVAGNARO & SONS ur c!1t"k 1'IIIII t disea:e ... . A !I",dal fidd "rench Paci fic h l. nd. 88.964 78.679 III int"ft.,,1 i! :he II !': ('o j whal lire called Angola 237.£>1 1 139,228 "~ )' il lcmi c" I '; 1;1' lII{'altin ~ Ihe UK Ikl gi an Congo 138.570 140,695 MACHINE CORP. of cbeml ca l ~ .. lu :!\ Ihal ur-e carried Kuwail , 1\.10 400 Third .A.VON rI,rour " I':;: I'I.!; . I · irnll'~01)· !'y, lem. (1Il1e r countries 170,120 176.030 B,oo~yn 15. N. Y.. \.I. Tlt e!lc lUll, remoiu ill it durin!: 4 peri od ------,MACHINERY CO. of (lan Ke r (rom Ihe llifoease 10 Ihal one To,a11 4.7SO,018 lb •. 6,149,560 Ibi. JOLin, ILLINOIS