COUNCIL ON AGING STAFF “Successful Aging Director: THE CENTER AT MEDFIELD Through Senior Roberta Lynch 359-3665 X202 The CENTER at Medfield Wellness” FAX 508-359-4810 PRSRT STD U.S. ONE ICE HOUSE ROAD Council on Aging
[email protected] Postage Paid MEDFIELD, MA 02052 SERVICES One Ice House Road Outreach Worker: Medfield MON.-THURS. 9:00 A.M.- 4:00 P.M. WED. 9:00 A.M.-*7:00 P.M. Information Medfield, MA 02052 Outreach Lisa Donovan Permit No. 1 FRIDAY 9:00-1:00 P.M. Nutrition 508-359-3665 X201 *WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE VARIES Transportation
[email protected] Advocacy 508-359-3665 Health Clinics Volunteer Coordinator: Picture by Seymour Levy July 2008 Monthly Newsletter Susan Bernstein Picture by Mike Lennon September 2009 Daily Activities 508-359-3665 X203 NOVEMBER 2019 Garden by Jill Vollmuth Computers
[email protected] Exercise Classes Yoga Transportation: X200 On April 24, 2006 the Town of Medfield voted to authorize transfer of care, custody, management and control of a parcel Tai Chi Peter Burke of Town owned land to the Council on Aging to construct and operate an Adult Community Center. The Center opened Card Games
[email protected] January 6, 2008 and continues to support the Council on Aging mission to foster an atmosphere of wellness by Craft classes addressing the emotional, social, physical and often, spiritual needs of older individuals and their families during the Tax Work-Off Program The Club Staff: Kathy Powers, Coordinator X206 aging process. The Council on Aging’s goal is to enhance the quality of lifePicture and promoteby Seymour independence Levy by July providing 2008 Equipment Loans programs, social events, services and referrals to support community members through their life journey.